BES-t Practices Training Phase 3 Vision, Mission and Goals

BES-t Practices Training Phase 3 Vision, Mission and Goals

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BES-t Practices Training

Phase 3Vision, Mission

and Goals

Page 2: BES-t Practices Training Phase 3 Vision, Mission and Goals

"Dissatisfaction and discouragement are not caused by the absence of things but the absence of vision."— Anonymous

“Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice. Not something to wish for, but to attain.”— William Jennings Bryan

"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."— Robert Fritz

"You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction."— Alvin Toffler

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."— Michelangelo


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Vision• Vision is a mental picture of the way things are, the way they could be and the way things should


• Vision often begins with a burden or a sense of conviction for that which is contrary to the worlds best interest. There is something to be fixed, and someone needs to do it.

• A true vision should always be about making a difference. Any worthwhile vision should focus on others outside of yourself or it will quickly die. Typically when we lack vision it is because it is difficult to see the needs of others.

“Visioneering is the course one follows to make dreams a reality. It is the process whereby ideas and convictions take on substance.”

Andy Stanley - Visioneering

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Long Term (Big things)

Mid Term

Short Term

Now (Small things)

"You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction."— Alvin Toffler

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There are two approaches toward life:

The passive approach that allows other people, environment, culture or time and chance determine your direction and destiny. People who go through life in a passive way rarely accomplish anything more than the minimum amount of their goals, because they seldom have goals.


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There are two approaches toward life:

…The intentional approach. You take it upon yourself to grab the horns, take control and follow it through to completion, greatly influencing the results. Intentional people start with the end in mind and work to backwards determining what steps are necessary to reach the goal. Then they do it!

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Passivity & Intentionality• Passivity - unresisting and receptive to external

forces; submissive; not active or not participating perceptibly in an activity. Lacking foundational stability.This approach represents people who are along for the bus ride.

• Intentionality is a philosophical concept defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy as "the power of minds to be about, to represent, or to stand for, things, properties and states of affairs.“ This approach represents those who are driving the bus.

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• Apathy – The outcome doesn’t really matter (don’t care)

• Ignorance – Not sure what to do, so you do nothing• Fear – Paralyzed by the unknown, afraid to fail• Random outcomes controlled by external factors

Leaders need to care about the cause, take the steps to find out options and have courage to take control of the results even when it is uncomfortable. Therefore we must develop a vision for the future to succeed in anything.

So what does Passivity and lack of Vision lead to?

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People who try to avoid mistakes usually make things much worse by their passivity. Mistakes tend to be larger and more costly due to missed opportunities, missed deadlines and escalation.

Intentional people will make more mistakes but they tend to be smaller and more manageable and are offset by greater and more frequent solutions.

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MissionA Mission is when you decide to move deliberately with intention toward your vision

of solving a problem, or building something that should be.

BES-t Mission Statement: BES-t Investments exists to impact our community by providing quality leadership to those who wish to reach their potential first in life, second, in the service industry. Great team members lead to great service.

Our Company Core Values:- We believe that everyone should have a great organization to work for, great supervisors to learn from and a great culture to excel in.- Quality leaders are established through quality principles. - Quality principles come from facing the truth about our responsibility to each other.

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SMART Goals• A SMART goal is:

• Specific (and strategic): Linked to position summary, departmental goals/mission, and/or overall School of Medicine goals and strategic plans. Answers the question—Who? and What?

• Measurable: The success toward meeting the goal can be measured. Answers the question—How?

• Attainable: Goals are realistic and can be achieved in a specific amount of time and are reasonable.

• Relevant (results oriented): The goals are aligned with current tasks and projects and focus in one defined area; include the expected result.

• Time framed: Goals have a clearly defined time-frame including a target or deadline date.

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Reached Goals lead to CredibilityTo make a goal is to commit to the results first, then figure out how and why?

• “How many cheesybreads are we going to sell tonight?” Possible answer – 30%. The goal is set, now we figure out how to accomplish it. When we do, we gain credibility.

• Ask, what measurable standards do I need to hit in order to be ‘credible’ in the eyes of my superior? Set goal, figure out how…

• What character standards do I need to measure up to in order to be ‘credible’ in the eyes of my team? Set goal, figure out how…

Credibility – Trustworthiness based on established, reliability and consistent, favorable results. Your Credibility is never determined according to your terms, rather on the one who is determining your credibility.

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Credibility is the radiance that people either see in you or cannot see in you. It has little to do with them and everything to do with you.

Set your goals to be credible in your character, your intentions, your capabilities and your results and you will be seen as a person with great Credibility.

A person with great Credibility will always be presented with a multitude of opportunities.

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Strategic Planning