ADVERTISIGN RATES. oe 3 3 to i 3 prjBLlliHKS s 2. Brer Thursday .Horning. lin 2 00! 2 25 S 00! 3 75 5 001 !0G 2 ins 3 25 13 75 4 501 5 60 8 00 12 50 ;xt - - - Editor. 3 ins 4 601 5 00 5 75j 6 751 8 60 14 20 4 ins 5 50) 6 25 7 fO 8 00 10 7016 63 TEEMS OF 8UBSCRIPTIOK. 5 ins 0 25! 7 00i 8 00 9 00 12 00jl7 M aaslea..Merlber. per annum, S3 90. 6 ins 7 60! 8 25! 9 60:1- .- M15 00:25 00 atimoBtbi H i. 12 ins 12 0013 0015 00 18 00 24 00 40 00 monOn. 50cta. ruM 24 inr;20 00-2- 00 25 0028 50:40 00,75 00 months, 1 SO will be If not paid within six subscribers. New Series-V- ol. 16. No. 10 Local Notices. IS eta. per line 1 Week; all yearly tsj of a MARCH 23,3870- - OHIO, IV CHRONICLE BUILDING. Established in 1813 ST. CLAIRSVILLE, d&uo Legal aaea Adverttseuienta suoMKiueat $2 Insertion. persq. utlnaenxa Vaoo East of the National Hotel I MR. PENDLETON'S SHARE IN Telling the Truth. The 14th of April next, the anniver DIRECTORY, 1874. moral perceptions on flat irons and spikes and of the assassination of President MASONIC Business Cards. than the merciless conduct of Congressman THE WAR CLAIM. We extract the following from sary No. M,F A A. M. meeU BELMONT CHRONICLE. Blackburn in stamping on a woman who is bumb-bell- Lincoln and of the emancipation of Bain cm l Lodge, Washington special to the Enquirer, ol slaves in the District of Column is Wednaadaj night on or preceding the fall said to be his own cousin, a woman who was Mr. Pendleton. He Appears in a Singular Light— a, to iioon. H. R. BUMGAKNEK, W. H. SHERMAN HOUSE, George Pendleton appears in the $80,000 Fee for Doing What He yesterday. It fully confirms what has be a general holiday for all Govern- ment and . . H. FutsnL, Sec'y. BK1UOKPOKT. OHIO. his schoolmate and grew up at his side, of Lord Mohun. George Pendleton is a fasci- nating was Bound to do Without. often been said by others : j employees there, in order to en St. CUlrevil'e Chapter. No. 17 Royal Arch ST. CL.AIRSVIMJ3. OHIO. who has more human respect at this moment able them to participate in the dedica- tion seasons, meets Sd Friday night each month at WBL, PANCOAST, Proprietor voluptuous man, superior and freer in Neal of Ohio says : "We are owned clairsville and the 1st Friday ea-- h month than is felt for him by woman or man. Black- burn's Washington, March 14 The histo throe here.' An Indi- ana of the monument of Abraham by two or men a Bridgeport. JaMES CLAKK. II. P. I hear that his manners than western politicians; good rauroaa Lincoln, erected in Lincoln Park by THURSDAY. MARCH 23, 1S76. father was a horse jockey. ry of the celt brated Kentucky man says: "Southern men are T. Belmont H. Fuxeix, Couuf-tl- , Sec'y. No. 54 Royal Select and Montgomery Blair, also a Kentuckyian, says looking, moderately rich, cordial, but unscru- pulous claim, rejected by Secretary Stanton running the Democratic party just as the colored people ol the country. Excellent Master, nieeta on the Second aide of Main in politics, and deserving the name of and paid bv Secretary Belknap, as told par 8outu Street, there never was a Blackburn a gentleman they did before the war." Black thinks it will take raeaday nlgl.t of every month. Jtdoe something much II." Pendleton and Senator Ste- venson Gentleman George quite as as George by Geo. A School of Shepherds. C. W. CAKROLL, T. I. O. M. Barnesville, Ohio, would care to know. This ia- - a significant admission. than the Belknap scandal to float the very more called in to the Committee on Expendi- tures ' V D. Bailt. Ree. r"., who was "the first gentleman A school of shepherds is established MapeCommandf-r- No. 26 of Knights Temp- - Marx Albert, Proprietor. Democrats into power. When asked by a Next on the list of men who, like Blackburn Europe." Pendleton's brother-in-la- was the in the War Department to day, "Southern men are running the Demo-eroti- c at the national sheep farm of Bamboui-let- ,. Com correspondent of the Philadelphia Times if and Bobbins, are the developers in committee who died is a very interesting one. While no party just as Viey did before the France. In this school young sseatb. r. D. BAIUtT. Rec A. I. BAtKiS, marl Em 1721 R S. & A. P. LACEY, he did not think the exposure would give the of Belknap's offences, is Heister Clymer. He insinuating Philip Barton Key, in to evidence of corruption in connection tear." Before the war, Southern men men, over fifteen years of age, are in 1TTORNEY8 AT LAW, Domocrats the country, he replied: "No, not has been accused by Charles Nordhoff of be- ing the Rogers mansion, where Bolkuap went with its uavment has thus far been ran the Democratic party into the re- bellion. structed in all the arts of sheep hus Solicitor of of I think In order an accomplice of George H. Pendleton in keeping house on his arrival in Washington. found, and while all those who hv Now the same men . have re- turned bandry during a term of two years. to itself, hardly so. car- ry Business Cards. Ffeteats and Claims election excitement it is passing a railroad claim for army transporta- tion I remember the latter once saying tome: "The positively deny that any mon- ey to Congress with their whips, After passing creditably through this an by necessary to the War old house is had luck to everybody who lives was paid to Belknap, Mrs. Bower, which they flourish and crack in the term aud a final examination, the Practice la tbeRupreme Court and Court ol keep the fever-he- motive power." When through Department by enlisting one else, it illustrate? very lor-cib- ly D. 1. T. COWEX, up in it. Everybody who has resided there has or any style.and Northern Dem- ocrats graduates receive a certificate of cai a- - Attorntgat Lair, St. ClairniUe, OJiio. Prompt la'ma dom and and intMir satisfaction beforeall given the Departments. in all busi asked if he did not believe there was material the sympatU-- of Mrs. Belknap. He has de- nied lost wife, sonietmg." Mr. the impolicy of the practice, rare- ly we will not say Northern men city, and the must capable are reward- ed either died, or a or on nort h aide of Main Street, a few ness entrastea 10 treni. tnrnpiuutfijwr w for helping up the fever heat, he said: "Well, it, and his previous character allows him indulged in by heads of depart- ments, crouch, with their tail between their with a prize of $75; tha second best Street. llclted. 5 Seventh Street, opposite Post umce the benfit of the doubt. But Mr. Pendleton Pendleton is fond of wine, coquetry, and fnd always considered irregu-la- s, oora eaat of Marietta Uepartmvnt. WASH1P J'.u aepzcii. now, yon see by what a mere aecident this legs, at the feet of their masters, as receive $5. They then become appren- tices, TVM. H. TALLMAN, has come out, and how. hastily they are has not yet shown his faoe, though they say he society, and has also shrewd business wit, of reopening old cases which have they did prior to 1861.' The reason is and can either go to keeping at law. DENTISTRY. is en route. Clymer let Marsh escape, I think, particularly on schemes bordering between been adjudicated by their predecessors, plain : An average Democratic sheep for themselves or seek employ counselor the debris of the al- ready. and gag covering explosion attorrney up claims when of the and Whether it will lie paying many will sacrifice his for want of wit, not of virtue. Like all im- - politics and business. even man- hood ment from owners of nocks.- Am. Bellaike, Ohio. It was nothing but a quarrel between circumstances originally surrounding II. C. MORRISON, his shown that this bill before the Secretary of for power. The Southern briga- diers Agriculturist. from John Randolph down, two women Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Belknap peachers, Belt them, and governing action upon constitute a large majority of the bT. CLA1RKELLY, DENTIST. which brought out this thing; a quarrel while vanity ran away with him, and, thinking he War had any reference to meeting Mr. them, have been forgotten. The sto- ry, Democratic side of the House, Without Scientists are not agreed as to Attorney at Late, St. Clairtrillf, Ohio. and Residence, South-ea- st corner knap's affianced in Europe, or that the meeting out in the testimony, is had evidence the as brought to grand OFFICE and Fair Ground Streets, opposite they were in Europe, possibly having its oc- casion enough perform that vote, the Democrats would be whether it was a shower of butchered 49 Office first door east of the Court Hooee. Davis's Wagon Shop. All work warranted. in scandaL" flourish, he addressed the House, paced up to was incidental and bill logical, I do not know, as follows: powerUtfs. Southern States can come sows or frogs they were favored with Alfred II. Mitchell, Toap l.'T p'd some deeper the Senate arm-in-ar- with his But he invited Mrs. Bowers to join his party Soon after the beginning of the war within fifty electoral votes of electing in Keneucky last week. A facetious Paris and to Rome, and she was a a conference was held between the of- ficers the next President. The Northern journalist suggests that the fiesh-fa- ll at proceed Ohio. The Attorney at Lair. St. Clairicille, resignation of Gratiot Washburn, son acted the solemn ceremony there, and retired of the .Office In Collina' Block, opposite St. Clair FIRST NATIONAL BAN! of Minister Washburn, and Secretary of Le on nothing whatever. Now they all stand good deal elated at the incident, gave some of countrv of the and the leading representatives railroads of the wing kite, would and be that a mere kite tail would to the not South- ern suffer fooling was from so a nock much of with spirits materializing who got Hotel. OF gation at St. Petersburgh, is understood to with their .fingers in their mouths, hoping to her friends a hasty "shake," and set off. Pre Government, at which a schedule of the tail to wag it. II a Democratic that they couldn't get all of themselves J. XV. Shannon, have been presented in obedience to an impe catch another chance, and that I think to be viously she and Mrs. Marsh had fellcn out and rates tor the transportation of troops President should be elected, his ad- ministration back into the spirit state before their Attorney at Lav, St. ClairetilU, Ohio. ST CLAIRSVILLE OHIO. rative parental request. Minister Washburn a mean performance. For they impeached really hated each other. That quarrel was not and supplies was agreed upon. At the would be controlled by toes and fingers fell off. Or might heard nothing of his son's connection with the the man on what they had, and now they are made up. Mrs. Pendleton was with the party same time, according to Mr. Pendle the men who sought to destroy the there have been, he asks, a prize fight George IL. I'mstead. CAPITAL 100,000. business of the circus, for which he adver waiting in the hope that the gods will accuse some of the time, but not all the time after ton, an exception was made in favor of Union, as the administration of Polk, in the moon and some fellow got A teornev fc Counnelor at Lair, St. ClairniUe, 0. roads extending tnrougn country lia- ble Pierce, and Buchanan were centrolled, knocked clean over the side of the lu- minary tised while at home, till the reached him. It is like the wolf in the they reached Rome. There are Americans reports fable, wanting the Confederate collections to be occupied by to Particular attention glveu WBank open from . M. nntll S p. M. Dis- count and for a similar purpose, and as the and come down like sausage and toe settlement 01 daysTueadays, at lu a. . Money rex-e- l ved Paris in American papers. Minister Wash- burn to pick a quarrel with the lamb. "Sirah," here who saw Mr. Pendleton aud Mrs. Bowers army and to have its business inter- rupted Democratic party in Congress is now meat? ALEXIS C OPE, on deposit. promptly. Col lections Exchange made bought and proceeds and sold re- mitted umleitook immediately to find out the said the wolf, "you are muddying the water on promenade frequently together. She made or its projierty destroyed by controlled. Then Toombs would be in al Law. Notary Tabllc and t'lali DitrHort Xnard Troll, David Brown, Joseph facts. The proprietor of the American Cir of the brook that I drink." The lamb hur-ridl- y the usual mistakes of a new dynasty in suppos- ing military operations during such occu- pation." his glory. He would trample under The Old Red Cent. Attorney Aaent. Woodman see, George Brown. cus denied everything, but the tell-tal- e adver- tisement replied that it couldn't be so, for "Look," that there was some sochil superiority in These roads were to be allow- ed foot the Constitutional amendments, The hfetory of the old red cents in D. I. T. CO WEN. President contracts with the make FFICF up stairs, rn the comer, opposite the decayed regime. to special and by bribery and intimidation, rule such common use before the war, i-- s at- tracting o H. O "Vklday. Cashier. sufficiently testified to the young said he, "you are and what I drink and to receive greater ine bu uiatr ana .uuuiu uu,.-..-- . Government, the couutry from the standpoint oft a much attention at this time. Ohio. J 1.11 IS, T6. man's act. Accordingly Mr. Washburn tele- graphed does not flow to This rendered than Vllle; muddy you." services up remunertion for The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Southern rebel. The election of a Dem- ocratic TheTionor of the invention of this spe- cies his son at Berlin, while the latter made the impeaching wolf mad. "Never has jiresfnted to the Mary- land those not subject to such dangers. The President in 1876 would lead to ot coin is given to Robert Morris, J . F' ATUXJUNKY at XA W, was on his way to St- - Pctersbugh, a sharp de- mand mind, sirah," he howled, your father was, Company Kentucky Central road claimed a place another civil war. Southern men may the great financier of the Revolution. BEi.LAIRK. OHIO for resignation, which was complied ant-ho- an Infernal rascal:" and he ate the Legislature a memorial, of which in this class, but its claim was not ad- mitted control and run the cowardly Demo- crats These coins were first issued from the eaieeMaaln Street. In BCTa's Building, op House and Sign with. Mr. Washburn was satisfied from his lamb up. The moral is, according to JEsop, we find the text in the Baltimore San, by the Government until the al sent to Congresssfroin the North- ern mint about the year 1702, and the are eal e National uotei. inquiries that Gratiot had been asking for refund of SS9,5.C5 paid summer of 1864. after which it was States, but they can not control and now vecy rare. Since the dawning of thoughtless that when one is aetermined to pick a quarrel tariff lowed 90 cent of its regular per run the Northern people. The sooner the Centennial two of them have be- tween year the for the difference . T V ,1 T.l.lf Jvilie. AW. Painter and Glazier. rather than intentionally wrong. he is nnt nice where the evidence comes from by company rates. Prior to that time tne company this fact is clearly understood, the bet made their appearance, and it was the Notary The Accomplices Turning Informers. gold and United States currency, was paid for the transportation of troops ter for all concerned. The people of fortune of the writer to see one. The P. TALLMAN & SON, ' AND Washington Chroniele says: The House Meantime Mr. Knott has proved himself no as advanced by the company far pay- ment and supplies, in accordance with the this country should oe lorwarneu. peculiar coin in question is the proper- ty Committee on Patents have refused to Dermit lawyer. The resolution to recover Marsh is of interest on the State's sterling rates fixed by the general conference tfci. Gaz. of Mr. S. D. Sholes, of the Alleghe- ny at Practical Paper Hanger, the further perpetuation of the great sewing of railroad managers. Attorneys Law, Council. On the obverse or front, an eioptt faeto law, forbidden by that dear bebtin London. The 'company urges claim machine swindle. For some years the poor- er The Company then preferred a A Big Engine. it has an impression of the Sun and XT. eXAlRTILI.E, OHIO. Constitution Knott respects. I have heard in this behalf that as it was compelled the Government for the differ- ence Office, North-we- st Cor. Main A MarlettvsL, classes have been the victims of extortion against From the Philadelphia Inquirer.] Dial, under which are written the the opinion expressed from the highest law to receive United States for between the amount, which had Oraininc. Glazing. Painting- and Papering upon the part of the- - combination of sewing currency The grand motor of the mechanical words, 'Mind your Business,' and on St.C!airtrille,OIiio done on snort notice. All branches of the machine authority in the land that the other law to give freight and passenger traffic it should already been received, from 1861 to the sides , 'Fugio' and M7y7. On the manufacturers. Controlline the Dat- - oi the Exhibition is slowly rising been that which wo'd have paid part trade will receive prompt attti.twD. wholesale immunity to accomplices who will not be obliged to in gold, at high 1864.& reverse side a circle of thirteen rings, oamjrders solicited. apl-o- it ents for the "four motion feed;"" they kept pay had the classification of tho road Leen to view in the centr of Machinery Hall. which is stamped 'United States,' turn is bid for and on informer, a treachery a JOHN HGKCJE. the price up to sixty dollars for a machine There 20 distillers premium, its obligations to the State. originally admitted a claimed. This It is a Corliss engine of 1,600 horse- power, and in the centre, 'We are One.' It that cost about premium on villiany. were The memorial alleges that a summary was rejected by Secretary "Stanton on ten dollars for Beapeetrallv announces to the citlrena or Bt. seo. vr. aooB, BKICJ. R. COWEX manufacture. which is capable of doing the has always been, understood to have Clalrsvilleand vicinity, that he is now prepar- ed XTTBIAS SHUTS, ANTHONY SUKET'l, Immense fortunes have been made at the ex in St. Louis, all pleading guilty, though en- riched of the transactions of the State and the the recommendation of Quartermaster-Gener- al been designed by Dr. Franklin. Such to Manufacture Hulls to Order, gotten up In a. BT. 8RKKTS. by their crimes, in order to have con- victed Meigs, who, on several subse- quent work of 2,500 hoises at need. suit guaranteed to nt. pense of sewing women and the wives of me- chanics, railroad company shows the State to Is a correct description of the first cent. the Latest Style. Every HOCK, SHERT8 aV CO., three poorly paid Government officers. occasions, when a request to re- open This Titanic engine is coming on in done ou short notice. All work In this Centenial era correctness in Transen Cutting who compelled do from the frim its were to their have received road, own the case was made, and always, sections, by rail, from Providence, R. warranltd. Shop Two doors eouth ol Presby- terian BANEBBS, President Grant and the Attorney-Gener- matters of history is important. Church. Marietta street. feM,75-l- y ' sewing. And these monopolists have had the inception, a clear net gain of $8,577.-316,8- 8. stood by his original opinion. Several I. It weighs altogether some 700 tons BELLAIRE. OHIO. cheek to come before Congress and ask for s properly gave notice that to double one's This large revenue has come attorneys were at different times em- ployed 1,400,000 pounds. ' Sixty-fiv- e cars are The following were among the curi- ous DEAL IN and EXCHANGE, Government and Bonds. buy Coin, renewal of their privileges. The committee crime should not work out pardon. Marsh from the two hundred and forty-fiv- e by the Company to collect this required to transport, and some of its relics on exhibition at the Martha located at FLUSHING, Ohio, where he Denoslta in monev received, interest paid on have administered a proper rebuke, and next escaped, precisely like Irwin, by the stupidity miles of road within the State of Mary claim, and a contract was made with sections are so heavy that the cars on Washington Centennial Tea Party at 18 will now continue in the practice of Drawera aoial deoosita. of ferelgn bills of exchange. year the best sewing machine will be some- thing of the committee, who. are a set of mutton-head- s. land, including all branches, while in a Mr. Ransom, by the terms of which which they are placed have to be of the Academy of Music in New York, the Distri.-- t of Columbia, Virginia, he wa3 to receive 25 cent of any great strength. For many weeks pick- ax DENTISTRY. o a general sanaiugouaineas jytg that the By the way, how mack tobacco-juic-e pr for the benefit of the floating hospital Also having purchased the DKUO STORE ot poorest laborer can buy without has Proctor Knott spit on the carpet of the West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, money which ha collected. Three-fifth- s men and masons were employed of St. John's Guild: The chair used by Dr. Webster, I have constantly on hands all feeling the cost, Indiana and Illinois the road owns and of the road was during the war upon its deep cemented foundations. George Washington at his inaugura- tion; kinds of A. BRANUM & SONS, House of Representatives? A gentleman told works twelve hundred and fifty miles owned by Mr. Bowler, who, according The strong frame of timbers by which lock of George Washington's DRUGS and MEDICINES, Tns Democrats are trying hard to make me yesterday that he saw him make the rich of track, thereby contributing from to Senator Stevenson, remarked previ- ous its several parts are hoisting with pul- leys hair; Washington's coat and vest but- tons; ul everything to be found In Feb a Orst-ela- st 1874. people believe that Preaident Grant frighten- ed tapestry around his seat float in nasty saliva. these great arterie9 incalculable treas- ure to his death that he would sell his into place now swarms with work- men Washington's queue tie; Mrs. Drug Btore. 8, Marsh, the witness in the Belknap case, A good law should come out of a pure moists. to the commercial interests of Balti- more interest in the claim in question for nearly to theceiling. The engine Washington's scarf; part of dress worn Wholesale away, when the fact is Clymer, the chairman An Umbrella. and, generally, to Maryland. five cents on a dollar, an J none of will furnish "power" to all the ma by Mrs. Washington the day after her . NOBLE CARTER, of the We have bad a fight already. A repot itr Allusion is alo made to the road's those interested ever expected that it chinery in the building. Piles of shaft- ing wedding; Washington's wine coolers: committee, had discharged Marsh, and misrepresented a contractor after an affable in- terview, terminal facilities at Baltimore for ship- ment woul.l be paid. Senator Stevenson will lead from it down the long table used by Washington at Hacken-sac- k; COUNTY SURVEYOR, went so far as to help him collect his fee in of Western grain by means of the testified that they all considered what aisles from end to end. There will be shoe buckles worn by Washing- ton; IB now and prepared wishes to all atteud persons to addressing bis official him du- ties, Grocers, order that he might get off on the first train; and the contractor pulled his nose for stupendous grain elevators of the com- pany they got as clear gain. eight main lines four on each side of Lafayette's camp bedstead; three to furnish Township and Section where aur and that he actually did get off before the wanting to shake hands over the bloody chasm. at Locust Point, and the thereby In 1S70, Mr. Pendleton, having in the central transept wnere me engine chairs used by Charles Carroll, of Car-rollto- n; way is to be made. Fees Belmont 5 00 per county, day. O. President knew what the charges against Bel- knap" They struck out and went to the police station. addition to the State's commercial im- portance. the meantime become executor of the stands extending lengtnwise. seven official copy of the trial of Ma- jor Address St. Clairsville. in estate of Mr. Bowler and president of will have speed of 120 revolutions. aprlOTilt' were, or that Marsh had testified before Weapons are request. I have bought a a Andre; commission issued by Gov. BANK STREET, the committee. It new cmbrellafand hope I shan't have to open it. The memorial also alludes briefly to the road, made a contract with those and one will have a speed of 240 revo- lutions Hancock, 1789; two letters from Aaron is also a fact that the the fnct that Baltimore is owned the road to nndertake the minute. Conner shafts will city proprie- tor who a The best to fight is with dung-fork-s, as Burr, 1798: the rifle used by Patrick J. STO NEBU AKEB, President or Attorner General issued no order way of the company's stock to the collection of this claim for a contingent be introduced into the aisles at any Henry, 1774; musket found on the battle-- field Ohio. Parson Brownlow and whoever Bridgeport, whatever in the ease of Belknap. The truth suggested, amount ot $3,250,000, from which there fee of 50 per cent. The contract, which point. of Bunker Hill; sword used by Barber Hair is, Clymer, for reasons that may hereafter tosses his antagonist out of the cow-yar- d is to has been for many years an annual was a very peculiar one, considering a British officer at Bunker Hili; letter and Dresser, was anxious to get Marsh out of the be the victor. dividend of $325,000. It is also suggest- ed Mr. Pendleton's relations to the own- ers A Mountain of Gold. of Secretary of War Kuox, 1791; Penn- sylvania How Belknap Became Secretary. that the chief source of revenue lor of the claim, has caused a great commission of the Kansas Times. country, and he succeeded. 1 he result is a From City scrip, 1775; an One door west Treasurer's Office. Secretary Belknap was not a discovery of the Johns Hopkins University is its deal of remark since he made its terms officer in the Royal Artillery, signed Latest GDufls of tie Season flat failure, so far, in the prosecution of the from stock in the known in his testimony to-da- y. In Miners from the great San Juan revenue Curls, Braids, Switches President Grant. He had been a man of po- litical accruing mines of Northwestern Colorado Marlborough, Duke; watch owned by The Committee have say Judiciary Bow- ler - Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, the first place, as executor of the of two letters Gov. Fitch, Connecticut; in Keokuk activity before the and that marvellous ties has and Wigs, . the articles of impeachment ready, but no ev- idence war, as bequeathed by Mr. Hopkins fot that otate, he represents a three-fifth- s gold in quani written in of the Revolutionary letters camp are extant to show that in the great been discovered in tbesangre de Chris- Prepared In the Latest Styles and on short to place before the Senate. Cin, Gaz. great benevolence that revenue being interest in the claim, and in his capa- city which lie the Army: part of bed-enrtai- n presented of .notice. HAIR prepared at SOc per Ounce. Senatorial contest between Lincoln and Doug- las, now to the ' amount of $150,000 per as executor was of course legally to range mountains, on by Lafayette to Mrs. Washington. ' It is common to say the greenback notes eigteen years ago he was a hilarious sup- porter annum. and morally bound to do everything eastern border ot tne can ijouis i'arsi For Sping and Summer Wear. are secured by the whole wealth of the Na- tion. of Douglas. As he distinguished him- self The memorial also asks the Legisla- ture in his power to secure its paymeut. As The and about first discovery 75 miles west made from on this Puebla range How to Carry and Ox Market. In what in the to relieve the company from pay- ment president of the road, also, he repre- sented Brass Band Music. way are they secured by it? war the leading men of Keokuk in since which. of one-fift- h of receipts from pas the entire interest in the claim; was November, 1874, This from a correspondent at Rivere They are not redeemable at particular him neighborly from the time Hidden. any gave every support tramc on tne wasningion and in consideration of his salary of the Cambria, Treasure, du Loup, Canada. time, and the Government may consequsntly interest he readily awakened, and among these senger bound Little Giant, Jackson, Centennial and - When the Grand Trunk Railway of rpHE ST CLAIRSVILiiE COKWH.-- r BAND, Branch from the uate wnen tne com- pany $(5,000 a year was again legally L (Twelve Members,) with a variety of Music postpone their payment indefinitely, no mat- ter were Justice Samuel Miller, of the Supreme reduced its fare on said branch, to protect and promote the interests of Revenge gold lodes have proved them Canada was completed in 1860, many lis now mrepared . to furnish good Musle at rea- - how able to are not lien Court of the United States, and Gen. Court of Baltimore ne couia. selves of ereat value. ' Returns from farmers had never heard of, much less i i t I nn .hnrt. rt it iff 1r Affrtcul- - P. pay.. They a or a Wilson, after the Superior the Company in everytnmg LOUIS HOFFHER'S Sui-da- y School and other celebra- - decided that the one-fift- h exaction these two positions, he made three of these mines tested in Swansea seen, a railway, but it soon got report- ed luril Fairs, mortgage on property, and even if they were, the capturer of Jeff. Davis, who was ordered city Holding . showed from $40 to $360 gold ton, Id per around that travel ut.v.v....uu passengers con ttlona. ncnic8,riiuiuiuuuo, there is no chance for foreclosure. They are to Keokuk after the war. Wilson had written of fare from passengers was illegal. a contract with himself to collect the silver in each. The and cattle. backwoods- man, ,rBU"C showing some by it, even A Pre. which he was bound to try to E. HUOHES. OF claim, CHAS SPLENDID STOCK JOHN HAGUE. Cor. Sec'y. not as well secured, in fact, as the French a book, in conjunction with Charles A. Dana, Defalcation of the Treasurer of collect without a fee, and the condition Jackson lode, since the above test was who was indebted te a country which were "based on real estate, near- ly eulogistic of General Grant. It is known as Ottawa County, Ohio. of the contract was that he should have made, has given oies that assay from merchant was pushed by the latter for W ESTABLISHMENT 1 READY-MAD- E CLOTHING I a quarter of the entire property of the na. Drna's life. Wilson did not ask any office for Toledo, March 14. Under a strong 50 per cent of all he collected. None $5,000 to $40,000 gold per ton. A stamp payment of the amount due, and the mill of ten ton daily capacity has been of tion being pledged for that purpose. The the job on his own account, but supported suspicion that John H. Magee, Treasu- rer of the partners mr.de any objection to only means liquidating the debt was and will be been erected at this mine a rat ox to the Quebec mar- ket. became absolutely worthless, and so Belknap, and telegraphed to Judge Miller, of Ottawa county, had been guilty this arrangement, and this fact shows Manh next. Over 200 by taking in operation by For this he tied his KAISER, Cassimeres, would our but for the efforts after the death of John A. that of extensive speculation with county how much they valued the claim. The purpose ox . JACOB greenbacks Rawlins, ac- tive work of the tons of this gold quartz ore is now on to the back of his cart, and drove to the which have been made and to of friends would funds, J. B. Alright, of Port Clinton, preliminary preparing pa- pers the mines the San-er- e are making Bclkknap's the dump, from on railway station, a distance of nine Cloths and examiner, and ordered in the case had already been done appointed maintain the national credit. It is not the take him to the War office. Judge Miller, was Mr. Mr. Pendleton de Christo, which will be reduced miles. On surveying the train and DitttoKaMolMer to examine into the condition of the by Ransom, who, Vestings and amount of property there is in the country who is both' able and affectionate, headed the treasury by the State Auditoj, and on says, had spent several years in Wash- ington next season. This gold belt, as far as seeing an iron railing around the plat Baa opened a new establishment on Marietta that regulates the value of the Nation's prom- ises, list, and it was signed by about twelve of the the 16th ult. Wright attempted to take attempting to secure its pay- ment. prospected, extends from Mosco Pass form ot the bind car, ne concluded mat the Presbyterian Cbuich, twenty miles north. that the to tie bis which opposite place " Street, but the faith it keeps in making those leading people of Keokuk. As President possession of the treasury under a war- rant Mr. Pendleton's service consis- ted was ox, St. Clairsville. Oliio, Gent's Furnishing Goods 1 of in- ducing South from Del Norte thirty miles, he accordingly did; taking a place in a in the Secretary War, and seeing resisted but was forcibly ejec- ted. Credit is Grant's promises good. therefore every- thing attention and acquaintance had been lie the ?old district of Alamoza. Sum second-clas- s car himself forward. Pres- ently Has for sale all kinds of FL'KNITURE. then made him to submit the case once The examiner a in public finance, and to improve, re- store before that time directed to Belknap, he re- ceived pre- liminary mit, Telluric and Decatur. Perhaps the train began to move off slow COFFISS AKO CASKETS Hats, Caps and Valises! and maintain credit are the first consider- ations a summons to Washington. His allowed examination, to see the and books, was subse- quently when and more after to the he had Quartermrster reported adversely General, South Mountain, in Summit district, ly. 1 he speed increased; quicKer and specialty, and furnished at reasonable rates-4-R- of financial in is character He affords the best yield of gold in that quicker it went. The poor man got ' policy. Credit, fact, was hight. was recognized at he ascertained a defalcation of over $2,-00- 0 upon it again, to wrWe two or three ar- guments pairing done to order. mar28'7-l- y Just. Received. of value than all national in its favor. vicinity. A correspondent of a Den very fidgety, tne speea sun increasing, more possessions, home as a good writer and speaker, a success- ful existed. He applied to the Probate that it is one solid mass until of sweat became visi- ble ver paper says large drops and is the of the financial arch. lor warraut' for the arrest of Finally it was turned over to the As- sistant Nearly opposite St. Clair Ho I, keystone soldier, and an educated man ; and al- though Court a this the and of gold quartz. Mr. Harry Ansit, one on his brow. By time T. CLAISVICLE. O H70 O. S. Journal. it has been wantonly published that he Magee, which was refused, and then he Judge Advocate General, ef the returned miners, who has pros conductor had reached his car to collect before Justice of the on his favorable report was approyed misapplied funds intrusted to him for invest- ment, was arraigned a pected iu the San Juan country for the his tickets. Nearly out of breath the Peace at Genoa, on a warrant for resist- ing by Secretary Belknap and paid. Three A BAD LOT. there was nothing more than the fact drafts issued tho Treasury fast throe years, corroborates thisstate-men- t. man ran to him, exclaiming: Misses Martin & Carter, the examiner and for embezzle- ment. were by is Opposite Pt-On1r- r, the panic of 1857 had tightened Belknap's The examination took place Department, each in its liquidation, Ho says that South Mountain 'My dear conductor, my ox will nev St. Clairsville, Ohio. Those Investigators. affairs and his parser helped him out. The yesterday, and Magee was bound over one for about $68,533, one for $50,000, about two miles long, and that there all is er be able to keep up to this pace; it is and has ceased be but one true fissure vein in it; yet was repaid, never to partner not possible.' and for $30,000. By an arrange- ment to the Common Pleas Court in $5,000 one Ladies' and Children's Garments T.C.FAWCETT [Gath in the Graphic.] General Belknap's friend. on each charge. It is asserted that the which Mr. Pendleton made with olit, the whole mass, produces gold 'iour ox! Keep up to this pace: Made to Order. Congress is in bad blood? You see it in The Woman in the Case. investigation will show a very rotten Mr. Ransom, the latter received $15,-00- 0 more or less rich. It is upon this What do you mean? I don't under Work done neatly, fashionably and the faces of the members. The pot thought When he returned from the war Belknap state of affairs in the Ottawa county for his services, this sum being par- tially mountain that the famous Little of which An- nie stand you. Have you au ox on board?' Rales ressonable. -- We endeavoe Dealer In the to call the kettle black, and receive no damage was a widower, and he married Miss Tomlin-so- n, treasury paid by the railrord company out lode is located, one-ha- lf New 'Not on board, of course. 1 tied mm Dlaase.a Indies are iuvlird t give as ' Mr.Pen- - was recently sold to parties in the of the hind car.' o of Keokuk, who had come there from of its half, and partially out of to railing kettle ft. ma-lr- a in return, and the retorted with vigor. York for $300,000. This mine, avera- ged, If to throw dleton's share. Mr. renaieton nimsen 'You tied your ox to the railing ot Philadelphia was Kentucky to settle near her married sister, open The Democratic party is being investigated on her hotels and boarding houses, free of received $80,000. He denied having will run about $40 per ton. the hind car? Who told you to do so?' the of personal character, and the Mrs. Worthington. ner other sister had al- ready Silverton is one hundred miles west Is the al that we score very charge, to all, possibly many people ever paid any portion of the proceeds 'No one; but way ARLINGTON committee which has proceeded with such married Mr. Bowers, so there is no would be gratified, but unfortunately of the claim to Secretary Belknap, any from Del Norte Juan county, and about ways do in the country. precipitation against Belknap is itself riddled foundation for the story that the Secretary had this is hardly practicable, yet it would member of his family, or any one else, fifty or sixty miles south from suver-to- n Of course the conductor could not AND with exposure. courted Mrs. Bowers before he had addressed seem to be the wish of certain newspa or that he had performed any act in are the La Plata gold mines, situa- ted stop his train before reaching the next Wall Paper, Investigating the Investigators. second wife. The Tomlinson family, to pers and their correspondents, who connection with it which was not le on the La Plata river. There is of a station, when, needless to say, on look after about what the gally N. Y. Tribune special. gold bar running along the margin ing for the ox, they round attached to Bobbins, one member of this committee, re which the sisters belonged, never was noted day day grumble proper. that about five miles or which Shades, Mats, will have to for stream, the rope a pair of horns, with a small visitors Widow Centennial ceived a bribe of $30 while a State Senator of for sense. Neither of these women were in- tellectual, pay has been taken up, and last season a of the neck. board and lodging in this city. These Relics of Washington Going to portion Rugs and Table Covers. and censured for it and their who has blunder- ed considerable amount of placer minng North brother, Carolina, was by a Mr. Bergh could scarcely call this j things will be charged for as they are Philadelphia. Cook Goods, Stoves ! direct vote ot tiiat ooay. tie says it is con- doned into the recent mess by seeking with his everywhere, and always, according to Dr. A. W. Washington, grand-nephe- w was done. A system and of next ditches season has cruelty to animals, as it was not inten- ded. House Furnishing ' by his subsequent election to important indifferent wish to extricate his sister, is no the quality. We have iu Philadelphia of Gen. George Washington, been constructed, mining at larger stock and greater variety than can bt TIN, COPPER, trusts ; but this merely shows the insenate exception to the rule. But the second Mrs. hotels of every grade, and to suit all the nearest Iivinz relative to the father this promises some lively placer . The humane conductor made a col found In any other establishment in this elty churacter of his constituents, yet this man is a Belknap, now deceased, loved her husband Dockets. The prices are and will be of his country, and a resident of Deni-so- n, But point. it Is to the quartz lodes that the lection amoung the passengers amount on than the larger and at prices lower than offered for many Sheet Iron demagogue of the hour, and is one of Clymer's with her whole nature. When Belknap lost just . prices, . and r . nothing .. . f more 1 1.1.1.., can be Texas, ships a box con miner looks for permanent, reliable spot, the realizing nave a at maraet, ox orougm would, years. Persons going to housekeeping can "Ware, committee which exposed the Belknap ladies. her he lost his tnisty friend and most wise maue out oi tne matter. iiiuiueipuia taining the following articles ior exnt-bitio- n returns, after all, and here we have the which he presented to the crest-falle- n money oy giving us a can. Press. at the Centennial : Gen. Wash- ington's save He was bribed for a low figure less money counselor. She had not been habituated to Comstock mine, discovered by Captain farmer, who immediately returned HARBOUR & DITTMAN, WOODEN PUMPS, than a negro legislator would consent to re- ceive political society, but was raised in the villages It was John Adams who wrote: to court be the suit suit of in brown which silk, he sup- posed was John Moss, an old California miner, home, vowing he would never have which is the richest gold mine but he rises in Congress and says the of the west, quietly and modesty, and her "But let us take warning, and give it inaugurated. Ivory seal, set in gold, perhaps oxen taken to market by railway again. 143 MAIN STREET. CASITNQS, SC;. to our children. Whenever vanity and on the continent. One hundred pounds He has kept his word, and to tnis aay of his real health and of La- fayette. exposure character will not intimi- date poor probability a short life prwented to Washington by Gen. taken from this mine gayety, a love of and dress, fur- niture, of gold quarts ore he leads his ox to market behind his WH EE LI TGrW. VA. him from doing his duty. Bobbins is made her domestic and affectionate. Mrs. pomp Sword presented to Washing- ton in October last netted $1,500, while ore Special attention given to equigage, buildings, great com- pany, own cart. Harper's Magazine. taa27tf like the condemned felon who is pardonded to Bowers, the widow, had nicther the stability expensive diversions and elegant by Gen: Darks, the famous Indian taken out in the following month ran tho Revolution. Kne before Tin & Sheet Iron fill the office of hangman. A hangman let nor the conscientiousness of her sister, and she entertainments get the better of the fighter, $120,000 per ton. and, most valuable whose microscopic Roofing- - and shoe buckles, mines being work- ed Professor Eaton, him be; for of all men in the investigating was a widow in Washington life much flatter- ed, principles and judgments of all men of nil, twelve autograph letters from About in the twenty San Juan country are this sea revelations aided materially In the business he is best qualified for the work. for three or four years before she married aad women, there is no knowing where Gen. Washington to his brother Sam- uel, and their winter products is vari conviction of Rubenstein, has sent in a will into what evils, son, SPOUTING, . Blackburn's character is understood the Belknap. house husband they stop, nor 1772 and for the by Having no or to natural, moral or political, they will dated between 17S3, ome ously estimated at from $000,000 to bill for $450 making analysis. AND whole country, but it has also appeared that manage and no advocation or children, she lead us." from Mount Vernon and some from the $1,000,000. Prin Leopold of England, like the ri The) vDiaining oldest and a Business best appointed- Education .Tnstitntlo he is relative of that infamous Blackburn who fell into reception ways and hotel society, field, and all giving Washington's pri- vate Prince of Wales, has gone into Mason- ry. For circulars address P. DUFF A SONS, GENERAL JOB WORK, sent clothing impergnated with yellow fever where she lacked the wit to be dist inguished A convention of railroad ofilcers of Galveston views of News. the war tht-- n waging. Maryland could not see her way to He has just been made Master of Plttaburgh4a. into the cities of the North. The evidence in or the moral resentment to repel temptation. the principal railroads of Canada and giving more than $15,000 to the Cen- tennial Apollo University Lodge, at Oxford. administrators1 JYotice. ST. CLAIRSVILLE. OKIO. this case was presented during the trial of the Like too many American women she must the United States was held at Cincin- nati, show. Entertainments are given in tho for of New York, has com- muted Wednesday of last week, the Gov. Tilden, conspirators the life of President Lin- coln. needs to Europe, there to rub off the Southern States, the proceeds of which ''HE undersigned baa been appointed and against go re- mainder of arranging sched- ules. the sentence to death of Michael The eminent Swedish paleontologist. j I olio qualified ration, as late Administrator or Belmont of theleatale dee'd. ol territory Wanted, at Ageats once tor Canvassers The Life and shonM Paalie secure Trunks of the infected clothing were of her compunctions, and she went purpose Last summer's schedule was Murnhv. convicted for the murder of Professor Nils Peter Angelin, died at are to go to build a home for the daugh Iated tbta 21al day of February, county, 1S76. Koru rms address Wilaea, the by Rev. Ellas Nason. stored in Washington City. This crime under the patronage of Mrs. Marsh, the indu-ate- d adopted, with a few unimportant modi- fications, lrs. llugus, at Nannet, April 19, to Stockholm on the 13th of February, in ter or "Stonewall" jaexson ai iuca-mon- d, Publisher, Jt B. Kua- - Va. 2- -l- ALEXIS COPE. uu,.wvwuiiiU flwwii, Aiasa, against civilation was scarcely more atrocious hardware man's wife a man with fine to take effect April 6. Imprisonment loriiie. his 71at year.

Belmont chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio : 1855). (St ......Pendleton's brother-in-la-was the in the War Department to day, "Southern men are running the Demo-eroti-c at the national

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Page 1: Belmont chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio : 1855). (St ......Pendleton's brother-in-la-was the in the War Department to day, "Southern men are running the Demo-eroti-c at the national


3 3 toi 3prjBLlliHKS s 2.

Brer Thursday .Horning.lin 2 00! 2 25 S 00! 3 75 5 001 !0G2 ins 3 2513 75 4 501 5 60 8 00 12 50;xt - - - Editor. 3 ins 4 601 5 00 5 75j 6 751 8 60 14 204 ins 5 50) 6 25 7 fO 8 00 10 7016 63

TEEMS OF 8UBSCRIPTIOK. 5 ins 0 25! 7 00i 8 00 9 00 12 00jl7 Maaslea..Merlber. per annum, S3 90. 6 ins 7 60! 8 25! 9 60:1-

.- M15 00:25 00atimoBtbi H i. 12 ins 12 0013 0015 00 18 00 24 00 40 00monOn. 50cta.ruM 24 inr;20 00-2- 00 25 0028 50:40 00,75 00months, 1 SO will beIf not paid within six

subscribers. New Series-V- ol. 16. No. 10 Local Notices. IS eta. per line 1 Week;all yearlytsj ofa MARCH 23,3870- -OHIO,IV CHRONICLE BUILDING. Established in 1813 ST. CLAIRSVILLE, d&uoLegal



persq. utlnaenxaVaoo East of the National Hotel

I MR. PENDLETON'S SHARE IN Telling the Truth. The 14th of April next, the anniverDIRECTORY, 1874. moral perceptions on flat irons and spikes and of the assassination of PresidentMASONIC Business Cards. than the merciless conduct of Congressman THE WAR CLAIM. We extract the following from sary

No. M,F A A. M. meeU BELMONT CHRONICLE. Blackburn in stamping on a woman who is bumb-bell- Lincoln and of the emancipation ofBaincm l Lodge, Washington special to the Enquirer, ol slaves in the District of Column isWednaadaj night on or preceding the fall said to be his own cousin, a woman who was Mr. Pendleton. He Appears in a Singular Light— a, to

iioon. H. R. BUMGAKNEK, W. H. SHERMAN HOUSE, George Pendleton appears in the $80,000 Fee for Doing What He yesterday. It fully confirms what has be a general holiday for all Govern-mentand. . H. FutsnL, Sec'y. BK1UOKPOKT. OHIO. his schoolmate and grew up at his side,

of Lord Mohun. George Pendleton is a fasci-

natingwas Bound to do Without. often been said by others : j employees there, in order to en

St. CUlrevil'e Chapter. No. 17 Royal Arch ST. CL.AIRSVIMJ3. OHIO. who has more human respect at this moment able them to participate in the dedica-tion

seasons, meets Sd Friday night each month at WBL, PANCOAST, Proprietor voluptuous man, superior and freer in Neal of Ohio says : "We are ownedclairsville and the 1st Friday ea-- h month than is felt for him by woman or man. Black-

burn'sWashington, March 14 The histo throe here.' An Indi-

anaof the monument of Abrahamby two or men

a Bridgeport. JaMES CLAKK. II. P. I hear that his manners than western politicians; good rauroaa Lincoln, erected in Lincoln Park byTHURSDAY. MARCH 23, 1S76. father was a horse jockey. ry of the celt brated Kentucky man says: "Southern men areT.Belmont

H. Fuxeix,Couuf-tl- ,

Sec'y.No. 54 Royal Select and Montgomery Blair, also a Kentuckyian, says looking, moderately rich, cordial, but unscru-

pulousclaim, rejected by Secretary Stanton running the Democratic party just as the colored people ol the country.

Excellent Master, nieeta on the Second aide of Main in politics, and deserving the name of and paid bv Secretary Belknap, as toldpar 8outu Street, there never was a Blackburn a gentleman they did before the war."Black thinks it will takeraeaday nlgl.t of every month. Jtdoe something much II." Pendleton and Senator Ste-venson

Gentleman George quite as as George by Geo. A School ofShepherds.C. W. CAKROLL, T. I. O. M. Barnesville, Ohio, would care to know. This ia-- a significant admission.than the Belknap scandal to float the verymore called in to the Committee on Expendi-tures

' V D. Bailt. Ree. r"., who was "the first gentleman A school of shepherds is establishedMapeCommandf-r- No. 26 of Knights Temp-- Marx Albert, Proprietor. Democrats into power. When asked by a Next on the list of men who, like Blackburn

Europe." Pendleton's brother-in-la- was the in the War Department to day, "Southern men are running the Demo-eroti- c at the national sheep farm of Bamboui-let- ,.

Com correspondent of the Philadelphia Times if and Bobbins, are the developers in committeewho died is a very interesting one. While no party just as Viey did before the France. In this school youngsseatb.r. D. BAIUtT. Rec

A. I. BAtKiS,marlEm

1721 R S. & A. P. LACEY, he did not think the exposure would give the of Belknap's offences, is Heister Clymer. He insinuating Philip Barton Key, into evidence of corruption in connection tear." Before the war, Southern men men, over fifteen years of age, are in

1TTORNEY8 AT LAW, Domocrats the country, he replied: "No, not has been accused by Charles Nordhoff of be-


the Rogers mansion, where Bolkuap went with its uavment has thus far been ran the Democratic party into the re-

bellion.structed in all the arts of sheep hus

Solicitor of of I think In order an accomplice of George H. Pendleton in keeping house on his arrival in Washington. found, and while all those who hv Now the same men . have re-

turnedbandry during a term of two years.toitself, hardly so. car-

ryBusiness Cards. Ffeteats and Claims election excitement it is passing a railroad claim for army transporta-tion

I remember the latter once saying tome: "The positively deny that any mon-ey

to Congress with their whips, After passing creditably through thisan by necessary tothe War old house is had luck to everybody who lives was paid to Belknap, Mrs. Bower, which they flourish and crack in the term aud a final examination, the

Practice la tbeRupreme Court and Court ol keep the fever-he- motive power." When through Department by enlisting one else, it illustrate? very lor-cib- lyD. 1. T. COWEX, upin it. Everybody who has resided there has or any style.and Northern Dem-

ocratsgraduates receive a certificate of cai a- -

Attorntgat Lair, St. ClairniUe, OJiio. Promptla'ma




giventhe Departments.

in all busi asked if he did not believe there was material the sympatU-- of Mrs. Belknap. He has de-

nied lost wife, sonietmg." Mr. the impolicy of the practice, rare-ly

we will not say Northern men city, and the must capable are reward-ed

either died, or a oron nort h aide of Main Street, a few ness entrastea 10 treni. tnrnpiuutfijwr w for helping up the fever heat, he said: "Well, it, and his previous character allows him indulged in by heads of depart-

ments,crouch, with their tail between their with a prize of $75; tha second best

Street. llclted. 5 Seventh Street, opposite Post umce the benfit of the doubt. But Mr. Pendleton Pendleton is fond of wine, coquetry, and fnd always considered irregu-la- s,oora eaat of Marietta Uepartmvnt. WASH1P J'.u aepzcii. now, yon see by what a mere aecident this legs, at the feet of their masters, as receive $5. They then become appren-

tices,TVM. H. TALLMAN, has come out, and how. hastily they are has not yet shown his faoe, though they say he society, and has also shrewd business wit, of reopening old cases which have they did prior to 1861.' The reason is and can either go to keepingat law. DENTISTRY. is en route. Clymer let Marsh escape, I think, particularly on schemes bordering between been adjudicated by their predecessors, plain : An average Democratic sheep for themselves or seek employcounselor the debris of the al-

ready.and gag covering explosionattorrney up claims when of theandWhether it will lie paying many will sacrifice hisfor want of wit, not of virtue. Like all im-- politics and business. even man-

hoodment from owners of nocks.- Am.Bellaike, Ohio. It was nothing but a quarrel between circumstances originally surroundingII. C. MORRISON, his shown that this bill before the Secretary of for power. The Southern briga-

diersAgriculturist.from John Randolph down,two women Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Belknap peachers,

Belt them, and governing action upon constitute a large majority of thebT. CLA1RKELLY, DENTIST. which brought out this thing; a quarrel while vanity ran away with him, and, thinking he War had any reference to meeting Mr. them, have been forgotten. The sto-

ry,Democratic side of the House, Without Scientists are not agreed as to

Attorney at Late, St. Clairtrillf, Ohio. and Residence, South-ea- st corner knap's affianced in Europe, or that the meeting out in the testimony, ishad evidence the as broughtto grandOFFICE and Fair Ground Streets, opposite they were in Europe, possibly having its oc-


enough perform that vote, the Democrats would be whether it was a shower of butchered49 Office first door east of the Court Hooee.

Davis's Wagon Shop. All work warranted. in scandaL" flourish, he addressed the House, paced up to was incidental and bill logical, I do not know, as follows: powerUtfs. Southern States can come sows or frogs they were favored withAlfred II. Mitchell, Toap l.'T p'd some deeper

the Senate arm-in-ar- with his But he invited Mrs. Bowers to join his party Soon after the beginning of the war within fifty electoral votes of electing in Keneucky last week. A facetiousParis and to Rome, and she was a a conference was held between the of-

ficersthe next President. The Northern journalist suggests that the fiesh-fa- llat proceedOhio. TheAttorney at Lair. St. Clairicille, resignation of Gratiot Washburn, son acted the solemn ceremony there, and retired of the

.Office In Collina' Block, opposite St. Clair FIRST NATIONAL BAN! of Minister Washburn, and Secretary of Le on nothing whatever. Now they all stand good deal elated at the incident, gave some of countrvof the

and theleading


of thewing



a merekite


to thenot

South-ern suffer fooling

was fromso

a nockmuch



who gotHotel.

OFgation at St. Petersburgh, is understood to with their .fingers in their mouths, hoping to her friends a hasty "shake," and set off. Pre Government, at which a schedule of the tail to wag it. II a Democratic that they couldn't get all of themselves

J. XV. Shannon, have been presented in obedience to an impe catch another chance, and that I think to be viously she and Mrs. Marsh had fellcn out and rates tor the transportation of troops President should be elected, his ad-ministration

back into the spirit state before theirAttorney at Lav, St. ClairetilU, Ohio. ST CLAIRSVILLE OHIO. rative parental request. Minister Washburn a mean performance. For they impeached really hated each other. That quarrel was not and supplies was agreed upon. At the would be controlled by toes and fingers fell off. Or might

heard nothing of his son's connection with the the man on what they had, and now they are made up. Mrs. Pendleton was with the party same time, according to Mr. Pendle the men who sought to destroy the there have been, he asks, a prize fightGeorge IL. I'mstead. CAPITAL 100,000. business of the circus, for which he adver waiting in the hope that the gods will accuse some of the time, but not all the time after ton, an exception was made in favor of Union, as the administration of Polk, in the moon and some fellow got

A teornev fc Counnelor at Lair, St. ClairniUe, 0. roads extending tnrougn country lia-ble

Pierce, and Buchanan were centrolled, knocked clean over the side of the lu-minarytised while at home, till the reached him. It is like the wolf in the they reached Rome. There are Americansreports fable, wanting the Confederatecollections to be occupied bytoParticular attention glveu WBank open from . M. nntll S p. M. Dis-

countand for a similar purpose, and as the and come down like sausage

and toe settlement 01 daysTueadays, at lu a. . Money rex-e- l ved Paris in American papers. Minister Wash-burn

to pick a quarrel with the lamb. "Sirah," here who saw Mr. Pendleton aud Mrs. Bowers army and to have its business inter-rupted

Democratic party in Congress is now meat?ALEXIS C OPE,

on deposit.promptly.

Col lectionsExchange

madeboughtand proceeds

and soldre-

mittedumleitook immediately to find out the said the wolf, "you are muddying the water on promenade frequently together. She made or its projierty destroyed by controlled. Then Toombs would be in

al Law. Notary Tabllc and t'lali DitrHort Xnard Troll, David Brown, Joseph facts. The proprietor of the American Cir of the brook that I drink." The lamb hur-ridl- y the usual mistakes of a new dynasty in suppos-

ingmilitary operations during such occu-pation." his glory. He would trample under The Old Red Cent.Attorney

Aaent. Woodman see, George Brown. cus denied everything, but the tell-tal- e adver-tisement

replied that it couldn't be so, for "Look," that there was some sochil superiority in These roads were to be allow-ed

foot the Constitutional amendments, The hfetory of the old red cents inD. I. T. CO WEN. President contracts with themakeFFICF up stairs, rn the comer, opposite the decayed regime. to special and by bribery and intimidation, rule such common use before the war, i-- s at-tractingo H. O "Vklday. Cashier. sufficiently testified to the young said he, "you are and what I drink and to receive greaterine bu uiatr ana .uuuiu uu,.-..--. Government, the couutry from the standpoint oft a much attention at this time.Ohio. J 1.11 IS, T6. man's act. Accordingly Mr. Washburn tele-

grapheddoes not flow to This rendered thanVllle; muddy you." servicesup remunertion forThe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Southern rebel. The election of a Dem-

ocraticTheTionor of the invention of this spe-cieshis son at Berlin, while the latter made the impeaching wolf mad. "Never

has jiresfnted to the Mary-


those not subject to such dangers. The President in 1876 would lead to ot coin is given to Robert Morris,J . F' ATUXJUNKY at XA W, was on his way to St-- Pctersbugh, a sharp de-

mandmind, sirah," he howled, your father was, Company Kentucky Central road claimed a place another civil war. Southern men may the great financier of the Revolution.

BEi.LAIRK. OHIO for resignation, which was complied ant-ho- an Infernal rascal:" and he ate the Legislature a memorial, of which in this class, but its claim was not ad-

mittedcontrol and run the cowardly Demo-crats

These coins were first issued from theeaieeMaaln Street. In BCTa's Building, op House and Sign with. Mr. Washburn was satisfied from his lamb up. The moral is, according to JEsop, we find the text in the Baltimore San, by the Government until the

alsent to Congresssfroin the North-

ernmint about the year 1702, and the are

eal e National uotei. inquiries that Gratiot had been asking for refund of SS9,5.C5 paid summer of 1864. after which it was States, but they can not control and now vecy rare. Since the dawning ofthoughtless that when one is aetermined to pick a quarrel tarifflowed 90 cent of its regularper run the Northern people. The sooner the Centennial two of them havebe-


yearthe for the difference. T V ,1 T.l.lfJvilie.

AW. Painter and Glazier. rather than intentionally wrong. he is nnt nice where the evidence comes from by company rates. Prior to that time tne company this fact is clearly understood, the bet made their appearance, and it was theNotaryThe Accomplices Turning Informers. gold and United States currency, was paid for the transportation of troops ter for all concerned. The people of fortune of the writer to see one. TheP. TALLMAN & SON, ' AND Washington Chroniele says: The House Meantime Mr. Knott has proved himself no as advanced by the company far pay-

mentand supplies, in accordance with the this country should oe lorwarneu. peculiar coin in question is the proper-

tyCommittee on Patents have refused to Dermit lawyer. The resolution to recover Marsh is of interest on the State's sterling rates fixed by the general conference tfci. Gaz. of Mr. S. D. Sholes, of the Alleghe-nyat Practical Paper Hanger, the further perpetuation of the great sewing of railroad managers.Attorneys Law, Council. On the obverse or front,an eioptt faeto law, forbidden by that dear bebtin London. The 'company urges claimmachine swindle. For some years the poor-

erThe Company then preferred a A Big Engine. it has an impression of the Sun andXT. eXAlRTILI.E, OHIO. Constitution Knott respects. I have heard in this behalf that as it was compelled the Government for the differ-

enceOffice, North-we- st Cor. Main A MarlettvsL, classes have been the victims of extortion against From the Philadelphia Inquirer.] Dial, under which are written thethe opinion expressed from the highest law to receive United States for between the amount, which hadOraininc. Glazing. Painting- and Papering upon the part of the- - combination of sewingcurrency

The grand motor of the mechanical words, 'Mind your Business,' and onSt.C!airtrille,OIiio done on snort notice. All branches of the machine authority in the land that the other law to give freight and passenger traffic it should already been received, from 1861 to the sides , 'Fugio' and M7y7. On themanufacturers. Controlline the Dat- - oi the Exhibition is slowly risingbeenthat which wo'd have paid parttrade will receive prompt attti.twD. wholesale immunity to accomplices who will not be obliged to in gold, at high 1864.& reverse side a circle of thirteen rings,

oamjrders solicited. apl-o- it ents for the "four motion feed;"" they kept pay had the classification of tho road Leen to view in the centr of Machinery Hall. which is stamped 'United States,'turn is bid for and oninformer, a treachery aJOHN HGKCJE. the price up to sixty dollars for a machineThere 20 distillers

premium, its obligations to the State. originally admitted a claimed. This It is a Corliss engine of 1,600 horse-power,

and in the centre, 'We are One.' Itthat cost about premium on villiany. were The memorial alleges that a summary was rejected by Secretary "Stanton onten dollars forBeapeetrallv announces to the citlrena or Bt. seo. vr. aooB, BKICJ. R. COWEX manufacture. which is capable of doing the has always been, understood to haveClalrsvilleand vicinity, that he is now prepar-ed

XTTBIAS SHUTS, ANTHONY SUKET'l, Immense fortunes have been made at the exin St. Louis, all pleading guilty, though en-

richedof the transactions of the State and the the recommendation of Quartermaster-Gener- al been designed by Dr. Franklin. Such

to Manufacture Hulls to Order, gotten up In a. BT. 8RKKTS. by their crimes, in order to have con-

victedMeigs, who, on several subse-

quentwork of 2,500 hoises at need.

suit guaranteed to nt. pense of sewing women and the wives of me-

chanics,railroad company shows the State to Is a correct description of the first cent.the Latest Style. Every HOCK, SHERT8 aV CO., three poorly paid Government officers. occasions, when a request to re-

openThis Titanic engine is coming on indone ou short notice. All work In this Centenial era correctness inTransen Cutting who compelled do from the frim itswere to their have received road,own the case was made, and always, sections, by rail, from Providence, R.warranltd. Shop Two doors eouth ol Presby-

terian BANEBBS, President Grant and the Attorney-Gener- matters of history is important.Church. Marietta street. feM,75-l- y

' sewing. And these monopolists have had the inception, a clear net gain of $8,577.-316,8- 8. stood by his original opinion. Several I. It weighs altogether some 700 tonsBELLAIRE. OHIO. cheek to come before Congress and ask for s properly gave notice that to double one's This large revenue has come attorneys were at different times em-

ployed1,400,000 pounds. ' Sixty-fiv- e cars are The following were among the curi-

ousDEAL INand



buy Coin, renewal of their privileges. The committeecrime should not work out pardon. Marsh from the two hundred and forty-fiv- e by the Company to collect this required to transport, and some of its relics on exhibition at the Martha

located at FLUSHING, Ohio, where he Denoslta in monev received, interest paid on have administered a proper rebuke, and nextescaped, precisely like Irwin, by the stupidity miles of road within the State of Mary claim, and a contract was made with sections are so heavy that the cars on Washington Centennial Tea Party at


continue in the practice of Draweraaoial deoosita.

of ferelgn bills of exchange. year the best sewing machine will be some-


of the committee, who. are a set of mutton-head- s. land, including all branches, while in a Mr. Ransom, by the terms of which which they are placed have to be of the Academy of Music in New York,the Distri.-- t of Columbia, Virginia, he wa3 to receive 25 cent of any great strength. For many weeks pick-

axDENTISTRY. o a general sanaiugouaineas jytg that the By the way, how mack tobacco-juic-e pr for the benefit of the floating hospital

Also having purchased the DKUO STORE otpoorest laborer can buy without

has Proctor Knott spit on the carpet of the West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, money which ha collected. Three-fifth-s men and masons were employed of St. John's Guild: The chair used byDr. Webster, I have constantly on hands all feeling the cost, Indiana and Illinois the road owns and of the road was during the war upon its deep cemented foundations. George Washington at his inaugura-

tion;kinds of A. BRANUM & SONS,House of Representatives? A gentleman told works twelve hundred and fifty miles owned by Mr. Bowler, who, according The strong frame of timbers by which lock of George Washington'sDRUGS and MEDICINES, Tns Democrats are trying hard to make me yesterday that he saw him make the rich of track, thereby contributing from to Senator Stevenson, remarked previ-

ousits several parts are hoisting with pul-leys

hair; Washington's coat and vest but-tons;ul everything to be found In

Feba Orst-ela- st

1874.people believe that Preaident Grant frighten-ed

tapestry around his seat float in nasty saliva. these great arterie9 incalculable treas-ure

to his death that he would sell his into place now swarms with work-men

Washington's queue tie; Mrs.Drug Btore. 8,Marsh, the witness in the Belknap case, A good law should come out of a pure moists. to the commercial interests of Balti-

moreinterest in the claim in question for nearly to theceiling. The engine Washington's scarf; part of dress wornWholesale away, when the fact is Clymer, the chairman An Umbrella. and, generally, to Maryland. five cents on a dollar, an J none of will furnish "power" to all the ma by Mrs. Washington the day after her .NOBLE CARTER, of the We have bad a fight already. A repotitr Allusion is alo made to the road's those interested ever expected that it chinery in the building. Piles of shaft-

ingwedding; Washington's wine coolers:committee, had discharged Marsh, and

misrepresented a contractor after an affable in-


terminal facilities at Baltimore for ship-ment

woul.l be paid. Senator Stevenson will lead from it down the long table used by Washington at Hacken-sac- k;COUNTY SURVEYOR, went so far as to help him collect his fee in of Western grain by means of the testified that they all considered what aisles from end to end. There will be shoe buckles worn by Washing-ton;IB now




toaddressingbis official


ties, Grocers, order that he might get off on the first train; and the contractor pulled his nose for stupendous grain elevators of the com-pany

they got as clear gain. eight main lines four on each side of Lafayette's camp bedstead; threeto furnish Township and Section where aur and that he actually did get off before the wanting to shake hands over the bloody chasm. at Locust Point, and the thereby In 1S70, Mr. Pendleton, having in the central transept wnere me engine chairs used by Charles Carroll, of Car-rollto- n;

way is to be made. FeesBelmont

5 00 percounty,day.

O. President knew what the charges against Bel-knap"

They struck out and went to the police station. addition to the State's commercial im-portance.

the meantime become executor of the stands extending lengtnwise. seven official copy of the trial of Ma-jorAddress St. Clairsville. in estate of Mr. Bowler and president of will have speed of 120 revolutions.aprlOTilt' were, or that Marsh had testified before Weapons are request. I have bought a a Andre; commission issued by Gov.BANK STREET,

the committee. It new cmbrellafand hope I shan't have to open it. The memorial also alludes briefly to the road, made a contract with those and one will have a speed of 240 revo-lutions

Hancock, 1789; two letters from Aaronis also a fact that the the fnct that Baltimore is owned the road to nndertake the minute. Conner shafts willcity proprie-tor

who aThe best to fight is with dung-fork-s, as Burr, 1798: the rifle used by PatrickJ. STO NEBU AKEB, President or Attorner General issued no order wayof the company's stock to the collection of this claim for a contingent be introduced into the aisles at any Henry, 1774; musket found on the battle--

fieldOhio. Parson Brownlow and whoeverBridgeport, whatever in the ease of Belknap. The truth suggested, amount ot $3,250,000, from which there fee of 50 per cent. The contract, which point. of Bunker Hill; sword used by

Barber Hair is, Clymer, for reasons that may hereafter tosses his antagonist out of the cow-yar- d is to has been for many years an annual was a very peculiar one, considering a British officer at Bunker Hili; letterand Dresser, was anxious to get Marsh out of the be the victor. dividend of $325,000. It is also suggest-

edMr. Pendleton's relations to the own-ers

A Mountain of Gold. of Secretary of War Kuox, 1791; Penn-sylvaniaHow Belknap Became Secretary. that the chief source of revenue lor of the claim, has caused a great commission ofthe Kansas Times.country, and he succeeded. 1 he result is a From City scrip, 1775; an

One door west Treasurer's Office. Secretary Belknap was not a discovery of the Johns Hopkins University is its deal of remark since he made its terms officer in the Royal Artillery, signedLatest GDufls of tie Season flat failure, so far, in the prosecution of the from stock in the known in his testimony to-da- y. In Miners from the great San JuanrevenueCurls, Braids, Switches President Grant. He had been a man of po-

liticalaccruing mines of Northwestern Colorado Marlborough, Duke; watch owned byThe Committee have sayJudiciary Bow-

ler- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, the first place, as executor of the of two lettersGov. Fitch, Connecticut;in Keokukactivity before the and that marvellous ties hasand Wigs, . the articles of impeachment ready, but no ev-


war, as bequeathed by Mr. Hopkins fot that otate, he represents a three-fifth- s gold in quaniwritten in of the Revolutionaryletters campare extant to show that in the great been discovered in tbesangre de Chris-

Prepared In the Latest Styles and on short to place before the Senate. Cin, Gaz. great benevolence that revenue being interest in the claim, and in his capa-city which lie the Army: part of bed-enrtai- n presentedof.notice. HAIR prepared at SOc per Ounce. Senatorial contest between Lincoln and Doug-

las,now to the ' amount of $150,000 per as executor was of course legally to range mountains, on

by Lafayette to Mrs. Washington.' It is common to say the greenback notes eigteen years ago he was a hilarious sup-porter

annum. and morally bound to do everything eastern border ot tne can ijouis i'arsiFor Sping and Summer Wear. are secured by the whole wealth of the Na-

tion.of Douglas. As he distinguished him-

selfThe memorial also asks the Legisla-

turein his power to secure its paymeut. As

Theand about

first discovery75 miles west

madefromon this

Pueblarange How to Carry and Ox Market.In what in the to relieve the company from pay-

mentpresident of the road, also, he repre-sentedBrass Band Music. way are they secured by it? war the leading men of Keokuk in since which.of one-fift- h of receipts from pas the entire interest in the claim; was November, 1874, This from a correspondent at Rivere

They are not redeemable at particular him neighborly from the time Hidden.any gave every support tramc on tne wasningion and in consideration of his salary of the Cambria, Treasure, du Loup, Canada.time, and the Government may consequsntly interest he readily awakened, and among these

sengerbound Little Giant, Jackson, Centennial and - When the Grand Trunk Railway ofrpHE ST CLAIRSVILiiE COKWH.-- r BAND, Branch from the uate wnen tne com-

pany$(5,000 a year was again legally

L (Twelve Members,) with a variety of Music postpone their payment indefinitely, no mat-

terwere Justice Samuel Miller, of the Supreme reduced its fare on said branch, to protect and promote the interests of Revenge gold lodes have proved them Canada was completed in 1860, many

lis now mrepared.

to furnish good Musle at rea- -how able to are not lien Court of the United States, and Gen. Court of Baltimore ne couia. selves of ereat value. ' Returns from farmers had never heard of, much less

i i t I nn .hnrt. rt it iff 1r Affrtcul- - P. pay.. They a or a Wilson, after the Superior the Company in everytnmgLOUIS HOFFHER'SSui-da- y School and other celebra- - decided that the one-fift- h exaction these two positions, he made three of these mines tested in Swansea seen, a railway, but it soon got report-

edluril Fairs, mortgage on property, and even if they were, the capturer of Jeff. Davis, who was ordered city Holding. showed from $40 to $360 gold ton, Idper around that travelut.v.v....uu passengers conttlona. ncnic8,riiuiuiuuuo, there is no chance for foreclosure. They are to Keokuk after the war. Wilson had written of fare from passengers was illegal. a contract with himself to collect the silver in each. The and cattle. backwoods-man,

,rBU"C showing some by it, even APre. which he was bound to try toE. HUOHES. OF claim,CHAS SPLENDID STOCKJOHN HAGUE. Cor. Sec'y. not as well secured, in fact, as the French a book, in conjunction with Charles A. Dana, Defalcation of the Treasurer of collect without a fee, and the condition Jackson lode, since the above test was who was indebted te acountry

which were "based on real estate, near-ly

eulogistic of General Grant. It is known as Ottawa County, Ohio. of the contract was that he should have made, has given oies that assay from merchant was pushed by the latter for


a quarter of the entire property of the na. Drna's life. Wilson did not ask any office for Toledo, March 14. Under a strong 50 per cent of all he collected. None $5,000 to $40,000 gold per ton. A stamp payment of the amount due, and themill of ten ton daily capacity has been oftion being pledged for that purpose. The the job on his own account, but supported suspicion that John H. Magee, Treasu-

rerof the partners mr.de any objection to only means liquidating the debt was

and will bebeen erected at this mine a rat ox to the Quebec mar-ket.became absolutely worthless, and so Belknap, and telegraphed to Judge Miller, of Ottawa county, had been guilty this arrangement, and this fact shows Manh next. Over 200by taking

in operation by For this he tied hisKAISER, Cassimeres, would our but for the efforts after the death of John A. that of extensive speculation with county how much they valued the claim. The purpose ox. JACOB greenbacks Rawlins, ac-

tive work of the tons of this gold quartz ore is now on to the back of his cart, and drove to thewhich have been made and to of friends would funds, J. B. Alright, of Port Clinton, preliminary preparing pa-

pers the mines the San-er- eare making Bclkknap's the dump, from on railway station, a distance of nineCloths and examiner, and ordered in the case had already been doneappointedmaintain the national credit. It is not the take him to the War office. Judge Miller, wasMr. Mr. Pendleton de Christo, which will be reduced miles. On surveying the train andDitttoKaMolMer to examine into the condition of the by Ransom, who,

Vestings and amount of property there is in the country who is both' able and affectionate, headed the treasury by the State Auditoj, and on says, had spent several years in Wash-ington

next season. This gold belt, as far as seeing an iron railing around the platBaa opened a new establishment on Marietta that regulates the value of the Nation's prom-

ises,list, and it was signed by about twelve of the the 16th ult. Wright attempted to take attempting to secure its pay-

ment.prospected, extends from Mosco Pass form ot the bind car, ne concluded mat

the Presbyterian Cbuich, twenty miles north. that the to tie bis whichopposite place" Street, but the faith it keeps in making those leading people of Keokuk. As President possession of the treasury under a war-rant

Mr. Pendleton's service consis-ted

was ox,St. Clairsville. Oliio, Gent's Furnishing Goods 1 of in-

ducingSouth from Del Norte thirty miles, he accordingly did; taking a place in ain the Secretary War,and seeingresistedbut was forcibly ejec-

ted.Credit is Grant'spromises good. therefore every-

thingattention and acquaintance had been lie the ?old district of Alamoza. Sum second-clas- s car himself forward. Pres-

entlyHas for sale all kinds of FL'KNITURE. then made him to submit the case onceThe examiner ain public finance, and to improve, re-

storebefore that time directed to Belknap, he re-


pre-liminary mit, Telluric and Decatur. Perhaps the train began to move off slow

COFFISS AKO CASKETS Hats, Caps and Valises! and maintain credit are the first consider-ations

a summons to Washington. His allowedexamination,

to see theand

books,was subse-

quently when andmore

afterto the

he hadQuartermrster

reported adverselyGeneral,

South Mountain, in Summit district, ly. 1 he speed increased; quicKer andspecialty, and furnished at reasonable rates-4-R- of financial in is character He affords the best yield of gold in that quicker it went. The poor man got' policy. Credit, fact, was hight. was recognized at he ascertained a defalcation of over $2,-00- 0 upon it again, to wrWe two or three ar-

gumentspairing done to order. mar28'7-l- y Just. Received. of value than all national in its favor. vicinity. A correspondent of a Den very fidgety, tne speea sun increasing,more possessions, home as a good writer and speaker, a success-

fulexisted. He applied to the Probate that it is one solid mass until of sweat became visi-

blever paper says large dropsand is the of the financial arch. lor warraut' for the arrest of Finally it was turned over to the As-

sistantNearly opposite St. Clair Ho I, keystone soldier, and an educated man ; and al-

thoughCourt a this theand of gold quartz. Mr. Harry Ansit, one on his brow. By time

T. CLAISVICLE. O H70 O. S. Journal. it has been wantonly published that he Magee, which was refused, and then he Judge Advocate General,ef the returned miners, who has pros conductor had reached his car to collectbefore Justice of the on his favorable report was approyedmisapplied funds intrusted to him for invest-


was arraigned a pected iu the San Juan country for the his tickets. Nearly out of breath thePeace at Genoa, on a warrant for resist-ing

by Secretary Belknap and paid. ThreeA BAD LOT. there was nothing more than the fact drafts issued tho Treasury fast throe years, corroborates thisstate-men- t. man ran to him, exclaiming:

Misses Martin & Carter, the examiner and for embezzle-ment.

were by isOpposite Pt-On1r- r, the panic of 1857 had tightened Belknap's The examination took place Department, each in its liquidation, Ho says that South Mountain 'My dear conductor, my ox will nev

St. Clairsville, Ohio. Those Investigators. affairs and his parser helped him out. The yesterday, and Magee was bound over one for about $68,533, one for $50,000, about two miles long, and that thereall

is er be able to keep up to this pace; it isand has ceased be but one true fissure vein in it; yetwas repaid, never topartner not possible.'and for $30,000. By an arrange-

mentto the Common Pleas Court in $5,000 one

Ladies' and Children's Garments T.C.FAWCETT [Gath in the Graphic.] General Belknap's friend. on each charge. It is asserted that the which Mr. Pendleton made with olit, the whole mass, produces gold 'iour ox! Keep up to this pace:

Made to Order. Congress is in bad blood? You see it in The Woman in the Case. investigation will show a very rotten Mr. Ransom, the latter received $15,-00- 0 more or less rich. It is upon this What do you mean? I don't underWork done neatly, fashionably and the faces of the members. The pot thought When he returned from the war Belknap state of affairs in the Ottawa county for his services, this sum being par-

tiallymountain that the famous Little

of whichAn-

niestand you. Have you au ox on board?'

Rales ressonable. -- We endeavoe Dealer In the to call the kettle black, and receive no damage was a widower, and he married Miss Tomlin-so- n, treasury paid by the railrord company out lode is located, one-ha- lf

New 'Not on board, of course. 1 tied mmDlaase.a Indies are iuvlird t give as ' Mr.Pen-- was recently sold to parties in the of the hind car.'o of Keokuk, who had come there from of its half, and partially out of to railingkettleft. ma-lr- a in return, and the retorted with vigor. York for $300,000. This mine, avera-

ged,If to throw dleton's share. Mr. renaieton nimsen 'You tied your ox to the railing otPhiladelphia wasKentucky to settle near her married sister, openThe Democratic party is being investigated onher hotels and boarding houses, free of received $80,000. He denied having will run about $40 per ton. the hind car? Who told you to do so?'

the of personal character, and the Mrs. Worthington. ner other sister had al-

readySilverton is one hundred miles west Is the althat wescore very charge, to all, possibly many people ever paid any portion of the proceeds 'No one; but wayARLINGTON committee which has proceeded with such married Mr. Bowers, so there is no would be gratified, but unfortunately of the claim to Secretary Belknap, any from Del Norte Juan county, and about ways do in the country.

precipitation against Belknap is itself riddled foundation for the story that the Secretary had this is hardly practicable, yet it would member of his family, or any one else, fifty or sixty miles south from suver-to- n Of course the conductor could notAND with exposure. courted Mrs. Bowers before he had addressed seem to be the wish of certain newspa or that he had performed any act in are the La Plata gold mines, situa-

tedstop his train before reaching the nextWall Paper, Investigating the Investigators. second wife. The Tomlinson family, to pers and their correspondents, who connection with it which was not le on the La Plata river. There is

ofa station, when, needless to say, on look

after about what the gally N. Y. Tribune special. gold bar running along the margin ing for the ox, they round attached toBobbins, one member of this committee, re which the sisters belonged, never was noted day day grumble proper.that about five miles or whichShades, Mats, will have to for stream, the rope a pair of horns, with a smallvisitorsWidow Centennialceived a bribe of $30 while a State Senator of for sense. Neither of these women were in-


pay has been taken up, and last season a of the neck.board and lodging in this city. These Relics of Washington Going to portionRugs and Table Covers. and censured for it and their who has blunder-ed

considerable amount of placer minngNorth brother,Carolina, was by a Mr. Bergh could scarcely call thisj things will be charged for as they are Philadelphia.CookGoods, Stoves ! direct vote ot tiiat ooay. tie says it is con-

donedinto the recent mess by seeking with his everywhere, and always, according to Dr. A. W. Washington, grand-nephe- w

was done. A systemand



has cruelty to animals, as it was not inten-ded.House Furnishing ' by his subsequent election to important indifferent wish to extricate his sister, is no the quality. We have iu Philadelphia of Gen. George Washington, been constructed,

mining atlarger stock and greater variety than can bt TIN, COPPER, trusts ; but this merely shows the insenate exception to the rule. But the second Mrs. hotels of every grade, and to suit all the nearest Iivinz relative to the father this

promises some lively placer. The humane conductor made a col

found In any other establishment in this elty churacter of his constituents, yet this man is a Belknap, now deceased, loved her husband Dockets. The prices are and will be of his country, and a resident of Deni-so- n, Butpoint.

it Is to the quartz lodes that the lection amoung the passengersamount



and at prices lower than offered for many Sheet Iron demagogue of the hour, and is one of Clymer's with her whole nature. When Belknap lost just.prices,. and

r .nothing. . . f

more1 1.1.1..,

can be Texas, ships a box con miner looks for permanent, reliable spot,the


at maraet,ox orougmwould,years. Persons going to housekeeping can "Ware, committee which exposed the Belknap ladies. her he lost his tnisty friend and most wise maue out oi tne matter. iiiuiueipuia taining the following articles ior exnt-bitio- n returns, after all, and here we have the which he presented to the crest-falle- nmoney oy giving us a can. Press. at the Centennial : Gen. Wash-ington's

save He was bribed for a low figure less money counselor. She had not been habituated to Comstock mine, discovered by Captain farmer, who immediately returnedHARBOUR & DITTMAN, WOODEN PUMPS, than a negro legislator would consent to re-

ceivepolitical society, but was raised in the villages It was John Adams who wrote: to

courtbe the





sup-posed was John Moss, an old California miner, home, vowing he would never have

which is the richest gold minebut he rises in Congress and says the of the west, quietly and modesty, and her "But let us take warning, and give it inaugurated. Ivory seal, set in gold, perhaps oxen taken to market by railway again.143 MAIN STREET. CASITNQS, SC;. to our children. Whenever vanity and on the continent. One hundred pounds He has kept his word, and to tnis aayof his real health and of La-

fayette.exposure character will not intimi-

datepoor probability a short life prwented to Washington by Gen. taken from this minegayety, a love of and dress, fur-

niture,of gold quarts ore he leads his ox to market behind hisWH EE LI TGrW. VA. him from doing his duty. Bobbins is made her domestic and affectionate. Mrs.

pomp Sword presented to Washing-ton

in October last netted $1,500, while oreSpecial attention given to equigage, buildings, great com-pany,

own cart. Harper's Magazine.taa27tf like the condemned felon who is pardonded to Bowers, the widow, had nicther the stability expensive diversions and elegant by Gen: Darks, the famous Indian taken out in the following month rantho Revolution. Knebefore

Tin & Sheet Iron fill the office of hangman. A hangman let nor the conscientiousness of her sister, and she entertainments get the better of the fighter, $120,000 per ton.and, most valuable whose microscopicRoofing- - and shoe buckles, mines being work-ed

Professor Eaton,him be; for of all men in the investigating was a widow in Washington life much flatter-

ed,principles and judgments of all men of nil, twelve autograph letters from About

in thetwenty

San Juan countryare

this sea revelations aided materially In thebusiness he is best qualified for the work. for three or four years before she married aad women, there is no knowing where Gen. Washington to his brother Sam-

uel,and their winter products is vari conviction of Rubenstein, has sent in a

will into what evils, son,SPOUTING, . Blackburn's character is understood the Belknap. house husband they stop, nor 1772 and for theby Having no or to natural, moral or political, they will dated between 17S3, ome ously estimated at from $000,000 to bill for $450 making analysis.AND whole country, but it has also appeared that manage and no advocation or children, she lead us." from Mount Vernon and some from the $1,000,000. Prin Leopold of England, like the


vDiainingoldest and

a Businessbest appointed-

Education.Tnstitntlo he is relative of that infamous Blackburn who fell into reception ways and hotel society, field, and all giving Washington's pri-

vate Prince of Wales, has gone into Mason-ry.For circulars address P. DUFF A SONS, GENERAL JOB WORK, sent clothing impergnated with yellow fever where she lacked the wit to be dist inguished A convention of railroad ofilcers of Galveston

views ofNews.the war tht--n waging.

Maryland could not see her way to He has just been made Master ofPlttaburgh4a. into the cities of the North. The evidence in or the moral resentment to repel temptation. the principal railroads of Canada and giving more than $15,000 to the Cen-

tennialApollo University Lodge, at Oxford.

administrators1 JYotice.ST. CLAIRSVILLE. OKIO.

this case was presented during the trial of the Like too many American women she must the United States was held at Cincin-nati,

show. Entertainments are given in thofor of New York, has com-

mutedWednesday of last week, the Gov. Tilden,conspirators the life of President Lin-

coln.needs to Europe, there to rub off the Southern States, the proceeds of which''HE undersigned baa been appointed and against go re-

mainderof arranging sched-

ules.the sentence to death of Michael The eminent Swedish paleontologist.




Administratoror Belmont

of theleataledee'd.

ol territoryWanted,

atAgeatsonce tor

CanvassersThe Life and


secure Trunks of the infected clothing were of her compunctions, and she wentpurpose

Last summer's schedule was Murnhv. convicted for the murder of Professor Nils Peter Angelin, died at are to go to build a home for the daugh

Iated tbta 21al day of February,county,

1S76. Koru rms addressWilaea,

theby Rev. Ellas Nason. stored in Washington City. This crime under the patronage of Mrs. Marsh, the indu-ate-d adopted, with a few unimportant modi-

fications,lrs. llugus, at Nannet, April 19, to Stockholm on the 13th ofFebruary, in ter or "Stonewall" jaexson ai iuca-mon- d,

Publisher, Jt B. Kua- - Va.2- -l- ALEXIS COPE. uu,.wvwuiiiU flwwii, Aiasa, against civilation was scarcely more atrocious hardware man's wife a man with fine to take effect April 6. Imprisonment loriiie. his 71at year.