Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority Listing The FY 2018 CoC Consolidated Application requires TWO submissions. Both this Project Priority Listing AND the CoC Application MUST be submitted prior to the CoC Program Competition deadline as required by the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. The FY 2018 CoC Priority Listing includes the following: - Reallocation forms – must be fully completed if the CoC is reallocating eligible renewal projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing – lists all new project applications created through reallocation, the bonus, and DV Bonus that have been approved and ranked or rejected by the CoC. - Renewal Project Listing – lists all eligible renewal project applications that have been approved and ranked or rejected by the CoC. - UFA Costs Project Listing – applicable and only visible for Collaborative Applicants that were designated as a Unified Funding Agency (UFA) during the FY 2018 CoC Program Registration process. Only 1 UFA Costs project application is permitted and can only be submitted by the Collaborative Applicant. - CoC Planning Project Listing – Only 1 CoC planning project is permitted per CoC and can only be submitted by the Collaborative Applicant. - HUD-2991, Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan – Collaborative Applicants must attach an accurately completed, signed, and dated HUD-2991. Things to Remember: - All new and renewal projects must be approved and ranked or rejected on the Project Listings. - Collaborative Applicants are responsible for ensuring all project applications are accurately appearing on the Project Listings and there are no project applications missing from one or more Project Listings. - If a project application(s) is rejected by the CoC, the Collaborative Applicant must notify the affected project applicant(s) no later than 15 days before the CoC Program Competition application deadline outside of e-snaps and include the reason for rejection. - For each project application rejected by the CoC the Collaborative Applicant must select the reason for the rejection from the dropdown provided. - If the Collaborative Applicant needs to amend a project application for any reason after ranking has been completed, the ranking of other projects will not be affected: however, the Collaborative Applicant MUST ensure the amended project is returned to the applicable Project Listing AND re-rank the project application BEFORE submitting the CoC Priority Listing to HUD in e-snaps. Additional training resources are available online on the CoC Training page of the HUD Exchange at: https://www.hudexchange.info/e-snaps/guides/coc-program-competition- resources/ Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501 Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607 Project Priority List FY2018 Page 1 09/15/2018

Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

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Page 1: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoCPriority Listing

The FY 2018 CoC Consolidated Application requires TWO submissions.Both this Project Priority Listing AND the CoC Application MUST besubmitted prior to the CoC Program Competition deadline as required bythe FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA.

The FY 2018 CoC Priority Listing includes the following:

- Reallocation forms – must be fully completed if the CoC is reallocating eligible renewalprojects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA.- New Project Listing – lists all new project applications created through reallocation, the bonus,and DV Bonus that have been approved and ranked or rejected by the CoC. - Renewal Project Listing – lists all eligible renewal project applications that have been approvedand ranked or rejected by the CoC. - UFA Costs Project Listing – applicable and only visible for Collaborative Applicants that weredesignated as a Unified Funding Agency (UFA) during the FY 2018 CoC Program Registrationprocess. Only 1 UFA Costs project application is permitted and can only be submitted by theCollaborative Applicant. - CoC Planning Project Listing – Only 1 CoC planning project is permitted per CoC and can onlybe submitted by the Collaborative Applicant. - HUD-2991, Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan – Collaborative Applicantsmust attach an accurately completed, signed, and dated HUD-2991.

Things to Remember:

- All new and renewal projects must be approved and ranked or rejected on the Project Listings. - Collaborative Applicants are responsible for ensuring all project applications are accuratelyappearing on the Project Listings and there are no project applications missing from one or moreProject Listings. - If a project application(s) is rejected by the CoC, the Collaborative Applicant must notify theaffected project applicant(s) no later than 15 days before the CoC Program Competitionapplication deadline outside of e-snaps and include the reason for rejection. - For each project application rejected by the CoC the Collaborative Applicant must select thereason for the rejection from the dropdown provided. - If the Collaborative Applicant needs to amend a project application for any reason after rankinghas been completed, the ranking of other projects will not be affected: however, theCollaborative Applicant MUST ensure the amended project is returned to the applicable ProjectListing AND re-rank the project application BEFORE submitting the CoC Priority Listing to HUDin e-snaps.

Additional training resources are available online on the CoC Training page of the HUDExchange at: https://www.hudexchange.info/e-snaps/guides/coc-program-competition-resources/

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

Project Priority List FY2018 Page 1 09/15/2018

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1A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Identification

Instructions:The fields on this screen are read only and reference the information entered during the CoCRegistration process. Updates cannot be made at this time. If the information on this screen isnot correct, contact the HUD Exchange Ask A Question (AAQ) athttps://www.hudexchange.info/ask-a-question/.

Collaborative Applicant Name: Georgia Department of Community Affairs

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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2. Reallocation

Instructions:For guidance on completing this form, please reference the FY 2018 CoC Priority ListingDetailed Instructions. Submit technical question to the e-snaps HUD Exchange Ask A Question(AAQ) at https://www.hudexchange.info/get-assistance/.

2-1. 2-1. Is the CoC reallocating funds fromone or more eligible renewal grant(s) that willexpire in calendar year 2019 into one or more

new projects?


Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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3. Reallocation - Grant(s) Eliminated

CoCs that are reallocating eligible renewal project funds to create a newproject application – as detailed in the FY 2018 CoC Program CompetitionNOFA – may do so by eliminating one or more expiring eligible renewalprojects. CoCs that are eliminating eligible renewal projects entirely mustidentify those projects on this form.

Amount Available for New Project:(Sum of All Eliminated Projects)


Eliminated ProjectName

Grant NumberEliminated

Component Type AnnualRenewalAmount

Type of Reallocation

This list contains no items

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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4. Reallocation - Grant(s) Reduced

CoCs that are reallocating eligible renewal project funds to create a newproject application – as detailed in the FY 2018 CoC Program CompetitionNOFA – may do so by reducing one or more expiring eligible renewalprojects. CoCs that are reducing eligible renewal projects entirely mustidentify those projects on this form.

Amount Available for New Project(Sum of All Reduced Projects)


Reduced ProjectName

Reduced GrantNumber



Amount availablefor new project

Reallocation Type

This list contains no items

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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5. Reallocation - New Project(s)

Collaborative Applicants must complete each field on this form thatidentifies the new project(s) the CoC created through the reallocationprocess.

Sum of All New Reallocated Project Requests(Must be less than or equal to total amount(s) eliminated and/or reduced)


Current Priority # New ProjectName


Transferred Amount Reallocation Type

This list contains no items

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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Continuum of Care (CoC) New Project Listing

Instructions:Prior to starting the New Project Listing, Collaborative Applicants should carefully review the"CoC Priority Listing Detailed Instructions" and the "CoC Project Listing Instructional Guide",both of which are availble at: https://www.hudexchange.info/e-snaps/guides/coc-program-competition-resources.

To upload all new project applications that have been submitted to this CoC Project Listing, clickon the "Update List" button. This process may take a few minutes based upon the number ofnew projects submitted that need to be located in the e-snaps system. The CollaborativeApplicant may update each of the Project Listings simultaneously. The Collaborative Applicantcan wait for the Project Listings to be updated or can log out of e-snaps and come back later toview the updated list(s). To review a project on the New Project Listing, click on the magnifyingglass next to each project to view project details. To view the actual project application, click onthe orange folder. If there are errors identified by the Collaborative Applicant, the project can beamended back to the project applicant to make the necessary changes by clicking on the amendicon. The Collaborative Applicant has the sole responsibility for ensuring all amended projectsare resubmitted and appear on this project listing BEFORE submitting the CoC Priority Listing ine-snaps.

EX1_Project_List_Status_field List Updated Successfully




Applicant Name



Rank PH/Realloc





Joint TH& PH-RRH


$165,984 1 Year X Reallocation



PH PartnershipAgain...

$543,848 1 Year 81 RRH



PH Advocates forBar...

$316,800 1 Year 77 PHBonus




PH Mary HallFreedom...

$285,000 1 Year 79 PHBonus




PH FamilyPromiseof...

$172,128 1 Year 80 PHBonus




PH Community Action...

$301,900 1 Year 78 PHBonus


Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

Project Priority List FY2018 Page 7 09/15/2018

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Continuum of Care (CoC) Renewal Project Listing

Instructions:Prior to starting the New Project Listing, Collaborative Applicants should carefully review the"CoC Priority Listing Detailed Instructions" and the "CoC Project Listing Instructional Guide",both of which are available at: https://www.hudexchange.info/e-snaps/guides/coc-program-competition-resources.

To upload all renewal project applications that have been submitted to this Renewal ProjectListing, click on the "Update List" button. This process may take a few minutes based upon thenumber of renewal projects that need to be located in the e-snaps system. The CollaborativeApplicant may update each of the Project Listings simultaneously. The Collaborative Applicantcan wait for the Project Listings to be updated or can log out of e-snaps and come back later toview the updated list(s). To review a project on the Renewal Project Listing, click on themagnifying glass next to each project to view project details. To view the actual projectapplication, click on the orange folder. If there are errors identified by the CollaborativeApplicant, the project can be amended back to the project applicant to make the necessarychanges by clicking on the amend icon. The Collaborative Applicant has the sole responsibilityfor ensuring all amended projects are resubmitted and appear on this project listing BEFOREsubmitting the CoC Priority Listing in e-snaps.

The Collaborative Applicant certifies thatthere is a demonstrated

need for all renewal permanent supportivehousing and rapid

re-housing projects listed on the RenewalProject Listing.


The Collaborative Applicant does not haveany renewal permanent

supportive housing or rapid re-housingrenewal projects.

EX1_Project_List_Status_field List Updated Successfully






Rank PSH/RRH CompType

Consolidation Type

DaltonWhitfield ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$90,987 45 PSH PH

ViewpointHealth ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$208,118 4 PSH PH Individual



1 Year ActionMinistries...

$128,112 65 RRH PH Individual

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$70,781 56 PSH PH

AvitaCommunity P...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$109,342 19 PSH PH Individual

ViewpointHealth ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$109,848 40 PSH PH Individual

ViewpointHealth ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$190,046 17 PSH PH Individual



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$603,697 61 PSH PH

HighlandRIvers S...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$234,923 32 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$297,970 54 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$648,225 30 PSH PH

Balance ofState ...


1 Year ActionMinistries...

$507,706 67 RRH PH Individual

HighlandRivers C...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$119,603 35 PSH PH

CaringWorks Housi...


1 Year CaringWorks Inc.

$235,884 69 RRH PH

McIntoshTrail CS...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$265,209 52 PSH PH

AlbanyArea CSBS+CR


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$155,696 34 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$168,441 5 PSH PH Individual

McIntoshTrail CS...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$175,756 46 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$138,889 50 PSH PH Individual

TravelersAid of ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$194,052 29 PSH PH

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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TravelersAid of ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$187,824 42 PSH PH

MiddleFlint BHS...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$164,204 58 PSH PH

BoS CoCCoordinat...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$189,176 37 SSO



1 Year City ofHinesville

$117,416 66 RRH PH

PCCIRapid Re-Hou...


1 Year ProjectCommunity...

$228,850 59 RRH PH

Rapid Re-Housing ...


1 Year CitizensAgainst ...

$285,226 64 RRH PH



1 Year DouglasCountyCo...

$96,419 13 PSH PH

PCCIRapid Re-Hou...


1 Year ProjectCommunity...

$525,042 72 RRH PH

GwinnettRRH 2018


1 Year TravelersAid of ...

$266,492 73 RRH PH Individual

DouglasRRH 2018


1 Year TravelersAid of ...

$119,744 60 RRH PH

GwinnettPSH 2018


1 Year TravelersAid of ...

$172,789 21 PSH PH

GwinnettRRH II2018


1 Year TravelersAid of ...

$266,492 74 RRH PH Individual



1 Year AIDSAthens

$67,167 49 PSH PH



1 Year Macon-BibbEconom...

$266,654 70 RRH PH

Red HillAdaptive...


1 Year NewHorizonsComm...

$51,784 39 PSH PH

HUD RuralRehousing


1 Year NewHorizonsComm...

$97,227 62 RRH PH

S.H.A.R.E.House ...


1 Year S.H.A.R.E.House,...

$151,709 57 RRH PH

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

Project Priority List FY2018 Page 10 09/15/2018

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AARCRapid Re-Hou...


1 Year AsianAmericanRe...

$166,478 76 RRH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$212,353 16 PSH PH

NewHorizonsCSB ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$71,128 51 PSH PH

McIntoshTrail CS...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$342,996 53 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$157,956 8 PSH PH

NewHorizonsCSB ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$217,729 55 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$182,862 26 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$185,213 3 PSH PH

DaltonWhitfield ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$99,951 22 PSH PH



1 Year GatewayBehaviora...

$397,545 48 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$84,702 15 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$150,408 9 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$371,171 27 PSH PH

ViewpointHealth ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$485,658 11 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$640,288 14 PSH PH

AvitaCommunity P...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$138,228 6 PSH PH Individual

AVITACommunity P...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$136,391 25 PSH PH Individual

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

Project Priority List FY2018 Page 11 09/15/2018

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HighlandRivers C...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$111,630 18 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$124,366 2 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$252,172 20 PSH PH

DaltonWhitfield ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$87,623 1 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$232,792 12 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$377,011 43 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$349,061 10 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$150,610 31 PSH PH

RenewalProject ...


1 Year LowndesAssociate...

$146,774 68 RRH PH

GCADVRapid Re-ho...


1 Year GeorgiaCoalition...

$513,666 63 RRH PH

CSB ofMiddleGeo...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$36,511 41 PSH PH

CherokeeCounty P...


1 Year MUSTMinistries

$71,904 7 PSH PH



1 Year MUSTMinistries

$110,232 75 RRH PH

Balance ofState ...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$100,003 38 HMIS



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$663,400 36 HMIS

River EdgeCSBS+CR3


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$696,560 44 PSH PH Individual

River EdgeS+CR4


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$85,611 24 PSH PH Individual

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

Project Priority List FY2018 Page 12 09/15/2018

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River EdgeCSBS+CR5


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$305,441 28 PSH PH Individual

River EdgeCSBS+CR


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$720,258 47 PSH PH Individual

PH SPCCaseManager


1 Year Dalton-Whitfield ...

$31,679 33 PSH PH

ACA PSHfor Clayt...


1 Year AnotherChanceof...

$126,400 71 PSH PH

ACA PSHforGwinn...


1 Year AnotherChanceof...

$171,856 23 PSH PH



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$508,012 C4 PSH PH FullyConsolidated



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$307,330 C5 PSH PH FullyConsolidated

Consolidated Bala...


1 Year ActionMinistries...

$635,818 C67 RRH PH FullyConsolidated



1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$247,570 C19 PSH PH FullyConsolidated

River EdgeCSB S+...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...

$782,171 C44 PSH PH FullyConsolidated

River EdgeCSB S+...


1 Year GeorgiaHousing&...


C47 PSH PH FullyConsolidated

GwinnettRRH 2018


1 Year TravelersAid of ...

$532,984 C73 RRH PH FullyConsolidated

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

Project Priority List FY2018 Page 13 09/15/2018

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Continuum of Care (CoC) Planning Project Listing

Instructions:Prior to starting the CoC Planning Project Listing, Collaborative Applicants should carefullyreview the "CoC Priority Listing Detailed Instructions" and the "CoC Project Listing InstructionalGuide," both of which are available at: https://www.hudexchange.info/e-snaps/guides/coc-program-competition-resources.

To upload the CoC planning project application that has been submitted to this CoC PlanningProject Listing, click on the "Update List" button. This process may take a few minutes as theproject will need to be located in the e-snaps system. The Collaborative Applicant may updateeach of the Project Listings simultaneously. The Collaborative Applicant can wait for the ProjectListings to be updated or can log out of e-snaps and come back later to view the updated list(s).To review the CoC Planning Project Listing, click on the magnifying glass next to view the projectdetails. To view the actual project application, click on the orange folder. If there are errorsidentified by the Collaborative Applicant, the project can be amended back to the projectapplicant to make the necessary changes by clicking on the amend icon.

Only one CoC Planning project application can be submitted by a Collaborative Applicant andmust match the Collaborative Applicant information on the CoC Applicant Profile. Any additionalCoC Planning project applications must be rejected.

EX1_Project_List_Status_field List Updated Successfully

Project Name Date Submitted Grant Term Applicant Name Budget Amount Comp Type

GA-501 CoCPlanni...


1 Year GeorgiaDepartmen...

$592,579 CoC PlanningProj...

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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Funding Summary

InstructionsFor additional information, carefully review the "CoC Priority Listing Detailed Instructions" andthe "CoC Priority Listing Instructional Guide", both of which are available at:https://www.hudexchange.info/e-snaps/guides/coc-program-competition-resources.

This page contains the total budget summaries for each of the project listings for which theCollaborative Applicant approved and ranked or rejected project applications. The CollaborativeApplicant must review this page to ensure the totals for each of the categories is accurate. The"Total CoC Request" indicates the total funding request amount the Collaborative Applicant willsubmit to HUD for funding consideration. As stated previously, only 1 UFA Cost projectapplication (for UFA designated Collaborative Applicants only) and only 1 CoC Planning projectapplication can be submitted and only the Collaborative Applicant designated by the CoC iseligible to request these funds.

Title Total Amount

Renewal Amount $17,414,117

Consolidated Amount $4,039,584

New Amount $1,619,676

CoC Planning Amount $592,579

Rejected Amount $165,984

TOTAL CoC REQUEST $19,626,372

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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Document Type Required? Document Description Date Attached

Certification of Consistency withthe Consolidated Plan

Yes GA BoS Certificat... 09/13/2018

FY 2017 Rank (from ProjectListing)


Other No

Other No

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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Attachment Details

Document Description: GA BoS Certifications of Consistency Con Plan

Attachment Details

Document Description:

Attachment Details

Document Description:

Attachment Details

Document Description:

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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Submission Summary

WARNING: The FY2017 CoC Consolidated Application requires 2submissions. Both this Project Priority Listing AND the CoC Consolidated

Application MUST be submitted.

WARNING: The FY2017 CoC Consolidated Application requires 2submissions. Both this Project Priority Listing AND the CoC Consolidated

Application MUST be submitted.

Page Last Updated

Before Starting No Input Required

1A. Identification 09/12/2018

2. Reallocation 09/12/2018

3. Grant(s) Eliminated No Input Required

4. Grant(s) Reduced No Input Required

5. New Project(s) No Input Required

7A. CoC New Project Listing 09/12/2018

7B. CoC Renewal Project Listing 09/14/2018

7D. CoC Planning Project Listing 09/12/2018

Funding Summary No Input Required

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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Attachments 09/13/2018

Submission Summary No Input Required

Applicant: Georgia Balance of State CoC GA07-501Project: GA-501 CoC Registration FY2018 COC_REG_2018_159607

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Page 21: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –
Page 22: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

PH (RRH & PSH)/HMIS/Coordinated Assessment Renewals

Action Ministries, Inc.

Balance of State Raid Re-housing

Baldwin, Barrow, Bartow, Columbia, Dawson, Fannin, Floyd (excluding Rome), Forsyth, Gordon, McDuffie, Morgan, Murray, Newton, Pickens, Polk, Putnam, & Whitfield, (excluding Dalton) Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Action Ministries, Inc.

Mountain Initiative Rapid Re-housing

Bartow, Fannin, Floyd (excluding Rome), Pickens, and Whitfield (excluding Dalton) Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

AIDS Athens, Inc.


Barrow, Elbert, & Jackson Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Caring Works, Inc.

CaringWorks Housing Solutions BOS

Newton & Rockdale Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Citizens Against Violence, Inc.

DV-CoC Rapid Re-Housing

Bulloch County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

City of Hinesville

Hinesville Homeless Prevention RRH

Liberty (excluding Hinesville) County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Dalton-Whitfield Community Development Corporation

PH SPC Case Manager

Whitfield (excluding Dalton) County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Douglas County Community Service Board

Douglas County SHP

Douglas County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Gateway Behavioral Health Services

Brunswick Homeless Non-custodial Disabled Men's Project

Glynn (excluding Brunswick) County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc.

GCADV RRH for Victims of Domestic Violence

Ben Hill, Elbert, Franklin, Hart, Irwin, Rabun, Tift, Turner, and Worth Counties. Habersham, Jackson, Madison, Oglethorpe, Stephens, & White Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

BoS CoC Coordinated Assessment FY 2018


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal SSO Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Agency (GHFA)

Statewide HMIS Renewal FY2018


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal HMIS Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Agency (GHFA)

Balance of State HMIS Grant FY2018


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal HMIS Application

Lowndes Associated Ministries to People (LAMP)

Rapid Rehousing

Lowndes (excluding Valdosta) County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

MUST Ministries, Inc.


Bartow, Douglas, Paulding, & Pickens Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

New Horizons Community Service Board

HUD Rural Family Rapid Re-Housing Program FY 2018

Chattahoochee, Clay, Harris, Quitman, Randolph, Stewart, & Talbot Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Page 23: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

New Horizons Community Service Board

Red Hill AGR FY 2018

Stewart County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Project Community Connections, Inc.

PCCI Rapid Re-Housing BoS

Douglas County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Project Community Connections, Inc.

PCCI Rapid Re-Housing BoS II

Douglas & Rockdale Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

S.H.A.R.E. House, Inc.

S.H.A.R.E. House Rapid Re-Housing Program

Douglas County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.

Douglas RRH 2018

Douglas County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Rental Assistance Renewals (f/k/a S+C)

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Action Ministries BOS S+CR2

Troup County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Advantage BHS BOS S+CR

Barrow, Jackson, Madison, Oconee, and Walton Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Advantage BHS BOS S+CR2

Barrow, Jackson, Madison, Oconee, and Walton Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Advantage BHS BOS S+CR4

Barrow, Jackson, Madison, Oconee, and Walton Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Albany CSB S+CR

Dougherty (excluding Albany), Miller, Terrell, & Worth Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Albany CSB S+CR2

Baker, Calhoun, Dougherty (excluding Albany), Early, Lee, Miller, Terrell, & Worth Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Avita Community Partners S+CR

Hall County (excluding Gainesville)

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Avita Community Partners S+CR2

Hall County (excluding Gainesville)

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Avita Community Partners S+CR3

Habersham & Hall (excluding Gainesville) Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Carrollton Housing Authority S+CR

Carroll County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Comprehensive AIDS Resource Encounter S+CR

Bulloch & Wayne Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

CSB of Middle GA S+CR

Laurens County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Dalton-Whitfield CDC S+CR

Whitfield (excluding Dalton) County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Dalton-Whitfield CDC S+CR2

Whitfield (excluding Dalton) County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Dalton-Whitfield CDC S+CR3

Whitfield (excluding Dalton) County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Douglas County CSB S+CR2

Douglas County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Douglas County CSB S+CR4

Douglas County HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

GA Mountains Women’s Center S+CR

Habersham, Stephens, & White Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Gateway CSB S+CR

Effingham, Glynn (excluding Brunswick), Liberty (excluding Hinesville), & McIntosh Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Highland Rivers CSB S+CR

Floyd County (excluding Rome)

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Highland Rivers CSB S+CR2

Bartow County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Highland Rivers CSB S+CR3

Floyd County (excluding Rome)

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Lookout Mountain S+CR

Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade, & Walker Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

McIntosh Trail CSB S+CR1

Lamar, & Spalding Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

McIntosh Trail CSB S+CR2

Lamar, & Spalding Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

McIntosh Trail CSB S+CR3

Lamar, & Spalding Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Middle Flint BHS S+CR

Sumter County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

New Horizons CSB BoS S+CR

Harris County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

New Horizons CSB BoS S+CR2

Harris County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Oconee CSB S+CR

Baldwin, Hancock, Jasper, Putnam, Washington, & Wilkinson Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Oconee CSB S+CR2

Baldwin, Hancock, Jasper, Putnam, Washington, & Wilkinson Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Pineland CSB S+CR

Bulloch County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

River Edge CSB S+CR1

Baldwin, Monroe, & Twiggs Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

River Edge CSB S+CR3

Baldwin, Monroe, & Twiggs Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

River Edge CSB S+CR4

Baldwin, Monroe, & Twiggs Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

River Edge CSB S+CR5

Baldwin, Monroe, & Twiggs Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)


Berrien, Brooks, Lanier, Lowndes (excluding Valdosta), & Tift Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

South GA CSB S+CR2

Lowndes (excluding Valdosta), & Tift Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Unison BHS S+CR

Coffee & Ware Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Viewpoint Health S+CR

Rockdale & Newton Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Viewpoint Health S+CR2

Rockdale & Newton Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Viewpoint Health S+CR3

Rockdale & Newton Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Viewpoint Health S+CR4

Rockdale & Newton Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

2018 NEW CoC Project Applications

Advocates for Bartow’s Children, Inc.

RRH Youth Project

Bartow, Douglas, Floyd (excluding Rome), Gordon, and Paulding Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – NEW RRH Application

Community Action for Improvement, Inc.

CAFI Housing Stability Program (RRH)

Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Meriwether, and Troup Counties

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – NEW RRH Application

Georgia Department of Community Affairs

CoC Planning Project App FY 2018


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – NEW Application

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Page 27: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Albany Area CSB S+CR (d/b/a Aspire BH DD)

City of Albany

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Albany Area CSB S+CR2 (d/b/a Aspire BH DD)

City of Albany

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 29: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Gateway Behavioral Health Services

Brunswick Homeless Non-custodial Disabled Men's Project

City of Brunswick

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Gateway BHS S+CR

City of Brunswick

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 31: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Action Ministries, Inc.

Balance of State Rapid Re- housing

Cherokee County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Advocates for Bartow’s Children

RRH Youth Project

Cherokee County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - New Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

MUST Ministries BOS S+CR

Cherokee County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

MUST Ministries, Inc.

Cherokee County PSH-PH Case Management

Cherokee County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

MUST Ministries, Inc.

MUST Ministries BoS CoC RRH

Cherokee County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 33: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Action Ministries, Inc.

Balance of State Rapid Re- housing

Clayton County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Another Chance of Atlanta, Inc.

ACA PSH for Clayton County

Clayton County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Urban Residential Development Corporation BoS S+CR

Clayton County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Project Community Connections, Inc.

PCCI Rapid Re-Housing BoS

Clayton County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 35: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Action Ministries, Inc.

Balance of State Rapid Re-housing

City of Dalton

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Action Ministries, Inc.

Mountain Initiative Rapid Re-housing

City of Dalton

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Dalton-Whitfield Community Development Corporation

PH SPC Case Manager

City of Dalton

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Dalton Whitfield CDC S+CR

City of Dalton

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Dalton Whitfield CDC S+CR2

City of Dalton

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Dalton Whitfield CDC S+CR3

City of Dalton

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 37: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Avita Community Partners S+CR


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Avita Community Partners S+CR2


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Avita Community Partners S+CR3


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 39: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Action Ministries, Inc.

Balance of State Rapid Re-Housing

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Action Ministries, Inc.

Mountain Initiative Rapid Re-Housing

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Another Chance of Atlanta, Inc.

ACA PSH Program - Gwinnett

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Asian American Resource Center, Inc.

AARC Rapid Re-Housing Program 2017

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Family Promise of Gwinnett County, Inc.

Family Promise Continuum Housing Program (RRH)

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – NEW Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA).

Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Atlanta S+CR1

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Atlanta S+CR2

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Viewpoint Health S+CR

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Viewpoint Health S+CR2

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Viewpoint Health S+CR3

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Viewpoint Health BHS S+CR4

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Mary Hall Freedom House

Living Well Gwinnett (PSH)

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - NEW Application

Partnership Against Domestic Violence, Inc.

PADV Rapid Rehousing Project – Gwinnett County

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – NEW Application

Project Community Connection, Inc.

PCCI Rapid Re-Housing BoS

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Project Community Connection, Inc.

PCCI Rapid Re-Housing BoS 2

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.

Gwinnett PSH 2017

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.

Hope Atlanta – Gwinnett RRH 1

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.

Hope Atlanta – Gwinnett RRH 2

Gwinnett County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – Renewal Application

Page 40: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –
Page 41: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Action Ministries, Inc.

Balance of State Rapid Re- housing

Henry County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

McIntosh Trail CSB S+CR1

Henry County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

McIntosh Trail CSB S+CR2

Henry County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

McIntosh Trail CSB S+CR3

Henry County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Caring Works, Inc.

Caring Works Housing Solutions BOS

Henry County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Project Community Connections, Inc.

PCCI Rapid Re-Housing BoS 2

Henry County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 43: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

City of Hinesville

Hinesville Homeless Prevention Program RRH

City of Hinesville

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Gateway BHS S+CR

City of Hinesville

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 45: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

5A-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Macon Bibb Economic Opportunity Council

Macon Bibb EOC CoC Rapid Re-Housing Program

Macon-Bibb County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

River Edge CSB S+CR

Macon-Bibb County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

River Edge CSB S+CR3

Macon-Bibb County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

River Edge CSB S+CR4

Macon-Bibb County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

River Edge CSB S+CR5

Macon-Bibb County

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

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Page 47: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Action Ministries, Inc.

Balance of State Rapid Re-housing


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Action Ministries, Inc.

Mountain Initiative Rapid Re-housing


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Advocates for Bartow’s Children

RRH Youth Project


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program – New Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Highland Rivers CSB S+CR


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

Highland Rivers CSB S+CR3


HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Page 48: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –
Page 49: Before Starting the Project Listings for the CoC Priority ... · projects to create new projects as described in the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA. - New Project Listing –

GA-501 Georgia Balance of State CoC 2018 Continuum of Care Application Attachment to form HUD-2991 (3/98)

Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (attachment)

Applicant Name Project Name Location of the Project

Name of Federal Program to which applicant is applying

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

South Georgia CSB S+CR

City of Valdosta

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHFA)

South Georgia CSB S+CR2

City of Valdosta

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application

Lowndes Associated Ministries to People, Inc.

Rapid Rehousing

City of Valdosta

HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program - Renewal Application