Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources Beamer AL A T E X class for making presentations Miklos Z. Racz UC Berkeley Berkeley, January 28, 2011. Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Beamer - A LaTeX class for making presentationsluis/seminar/BeamerPres...Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources Beamer A LATEX class for making presentations Miklos Z. Racz UC Berkeley

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Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

BeamerA LATEX class for making presentations

Miklos Z. Racz

UC Berkeley

Berkeley, January 28, 2011.

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Main message

◮ Beamer looks nice

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Main message

◮ Beamer looks nice,especially if you have lots of math in your presentation

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Main message

◮ Beamer looks nice,especially if you have lots of math in your presentation

◮ Beamer provides great structure automatically

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Main message

◮ Beamer looks nice,especially if you have lots of math in your presentation

◮ Beamer provides great structure automatically,but also gives great flexibility

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Main message

◮ Beamer looks nice,especially if you have lots of math in your presentation

◮ Beamer provides great structure automatically,but also gives great flexibility

◮ Beamer is easy to learn◮ Just sit down and play with it◮ Lots of resources online

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources



Math, lists, columns, etc.

GraphicsImporting GraphicsUsing BeamerAnimations


Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources



Math, lists, columns, etc.

GraphicsImporting GraphicsUsing BeamerAnimations


Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Basic setup




Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


There are many style templates; Sebastian Pipping created theBeamer Theme Matrix:

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


There are many style templates; Sebastian Pipping created theBeamer Theme Matrix:

And you can also specify anything you want yourself!

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Title page

\documentclass{beamer}...\usetheme{Berkeley}...\title{Beamer}\author{Miklos Z. Racz}\subtitle{{\small A \LaTeX\ class for making presentation s}}\date{Berkeley, January 28, 2011.}\institute{UC Berkeley}...\begin{document}




Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Table of contents




\section{Intro}...\section{Model}\subsection{2 particles}...\subsection{3 particles}...\section{Results}...\end{document}

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


Frames are the basic “building blocks” of presentations.

You can do basically anything (and more) in frames that youcan do in a simple LATEX document.

eiπ + 1 = 0

Frames are the basic ‘‘building blocks’’ of presentations.


You can do basically anything (and more) in frames that youcan do in a simple \LaTeX\ document.\begin{equation * }eˆ{i\pi} + 1 = 0\end{equation * }

Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Simple example of flexibility


Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Simple example of flexibility

To delete these:

\setbeamertemplate {navigation symbols }{}\setbeamertemplate {footline }{}


Miklos Z. Racz Beamer

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources



Math, lists, columns, etc.

GraphicsImporting GraphicsUsing BeamerAnimations


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

MathYou can do everything here that you can in LATEX. Inline math:d (x , y) ≤ d (x , z) + d (z, y). One of Ramanajun’s famousidentities:





(4k)! (1103 + 26390k)

(k !)4 3964k.

Math environments work just the same:

DefinitionA prime number is a natural number that has exactly twodistinct natural number divisors: 1 and itself.

\begin{definition}A \emph{prime number} is a natural number thathas exactly two distinct natural number divisors:1 and itself.\end{definition}

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Theorems, proofsTheoremThe value of the Gaussian integral is




e−x2dx =


Proof.Square the Gaussian integral and switch to polar coordinates:
















e−r2rdrdθ = 2π



re−r2dr = π.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


It’s easy to make lists:◮ Apple◮ Orange◮ Banana

It’s also possible to pause:

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


It’s easy to make lists:◮ Apple◮ Orange◮ Banana

It’s also possible to pause:

◮ Apple

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


It’s easy to make lists:◮ Apple◮ Orange◮ Banana

It’s also possible to pause:

◮ Apple◮ Orange

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


It’s easy to make lists:◮ Apple◮ Orange◮ Banana

It’s also possible to pause:

◮ Apple◮ Orange◮ Banana

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


\begin{itemize}\item {\color{red} Apple}\item {\color{orange} Orange}\item {\color{yellow} Banana}\end{itemize}

\begin{itemize}\item {\color{red} Apple}\pause\item {\color{orange} Orange}\pause\item {\color{yellow} Banana}\end{itemize}

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


You can do it in an even different way:

◮ Apple

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


You can do it in an even different way:

◮ Apple◮ Orange

◮ Blueberry

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


You can do it in an even different way:

◮ Apple◮ Orange◮ Banana◮ Blueberry

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


You can do it in an even different way:

◮ Apple◮ Orange

◮ Blueberry◮ Blackberry

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


\begin{itemize}\item<1-> {\color{red} Apple}\item<2-> {\color{orange} Orange}\item<3> {\color{yellow} Banana}\item<2-> {\color{blue} Blueberry}\item<4-> Blackberry\end{itemize}

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


...left column...

...left column...

...left column...

...right column...

...right column...

...right column...

This is in the middle at the bottom.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources



...left column...\\

...left column...\\

...left column...\end{center}


...right column...\\

...right column...\\

...right column...\end{center}



\begin{center}This is in the middle at the bottom.\end{center}

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations



Math, lists, columns, etc.

GraphicsImporting GraphicsUsing BeamerAnimations


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations



Math, lists, columns, etc.

GraphicsImporting GraphicsUsing BeamerAnimations


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Pictures from campus

You can see Evans Hallto the right...

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Pictures from campus

You can see Evans Hallto the right...

...and the Campanileto the left...

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Including image files

It’s easy to include image files:


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Including image files

It’s easy to include image files:


Note: be careful with file formats.If you compile with latex, you can only use .eps.If you compile with pdflatex, then you can use .jpg, .png, .pdf(but cannot use .eps).

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Including image files

It’s easy to include image files:


Note: be careful with file formats.If you compile with latex, you can only use .eps.If you compile with pdflatex, then you can use .jpg, .png, .pdf(but cannot use .eps).

(But these are not big issues.)

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations



Math, lists, columns, etc.

GraphicsImporting GraphicsUsing BeamerAnimations


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Making figures in LATEX/Beamer

There are many ways to make figures inside LATEX. My favoriteis using


which is a set of macros that allows you to draw your ownPostScript-based drawing directly inside LATEX.

(Add \usepackage {pstricks } to the preamble of your LATEXfile.)

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

A simple example



Figure: You can create captions too.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

The code is not horrible at all

\def\ManLeft{%%% Little man going left\psline[linewidth=1pt](0,0)(0.3,0.5) % left leg\psline[linewidth=1pt](0.6,0)(0.3,0.5) % right leg\psline[linewidth=1pt](0.3,0.5)(0.3,1.2) % body\psline[linewidth=1pt](0.3,1)(0,0.7) % arm\pscircle[linewidth=1pt](0.3,1.4){0.2} % head}\def\ManRight{%%% Little man going right\psline[linewidth=1pt](2.2,2.2)(1.4,1.4) % right arm\psline[linewidth=1pt](1.4,1.4)(1.52,1.76) % upper bod y\psline[linewidth=1pt](1.4,1.4)(1.04,1.16) % left arm\psline[linewidth=1pt](1.4,1.4)(1.16,0.92) % lower bod y\psline[linewidth=1pt](1.16,0.92)(0.86,0.5) % right le g\psline[linewidth=1pt](1.16,0.92)(0.62,0.74) % left le g\pscircle[linewidth=1pt](1.58,1.94){0.1897} % head}

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

The code is not horrible at all

\begin{figure}[ht]\centering\begin{pspicture}(12,6)%% Rope\psline[linewidth=2pt]{->}(1,5)(12,5)\uput * {0.3}[90]{0}(11.5,5){\huge{$v$}}\uput * {0.3}[90]{0}(2,5){\large{rope}}%% People going right\uput * {0.2}[270]{0}(1,3){\ManRight}\uput * {0.2}[270]{0}(2,3){\ManRight}\uput * {0.2}[270]{0}(5,3){\ManRight}\uput * {0.2}[270]{0}(8,3){\ManRight}%% Walkway\psline[linewidth=2pt]{<-}(1,1)(12,1)\uput * {0.3}[90]{0}(1.5,1){\huge{$c$}}\uput * {0.3}[90]{0}(10,0){\large{walkway}}%% People going left\uput * {0.15}[90]{0}(2.2,1){\ManLeft}\uput * {0.15}[90]{0}(3,1){\ManLeft}\uput * {0.15}[90]{0}(3.8,1){\ManLeft}\uput * {0.15}[90]{0}(5,1){\ManLeft}\uput * {0.15}[90]{0}(8,1){\ManLeft}\uput * {0.15}[90]{0}(10,1){\ManLeft}\end{pspicture}\caption{You can create captions too.}\end{figure}

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

A more complicated figure using PSTricks

(0,0,0) (1,-2,1)



(-2,1,1) (-1,-1,2)




(-4,2,2) (-2,-2,4)



























w(−4) w(1) w(−3) w(2)


w(1) w(0)








w(0) w(−2)


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations



Math, lists, columns, etc.

GraphicsImporting GraphicsUsing BeamerAnimations


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations


You can make nice animations in PSTricks as well.

The following two slides were made by Marton Balazs. Atutorial of how they were made (plus LATEX source code) can befound on his homepage:

http://www.math.bme.hu/ ˜ balazs/aniexl.html

The slides were originally part of a popularizing talk he gave onmodeling traffic flow.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

We notice the slowly moving cars à have to brake hard.

The end of the traffic jam is sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Emergence of traffic jams

We notice the slowly moving cars à have to brake hard.

The end of the traffic jam is sharp.

This is part of the reason freeways are dangerous.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources From files Using Beamer Animations

Dissolution of traffic jams

Long and slow acceleration for cars in the back

Dissolution of the jam is not sharp.

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources



Math, lists, columns, etc.

GraphicsImporting GraphicsUsing BeamerAnimations


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources


The internet is full of resources; perhaps the two best startingpoints are:

◮ Beamer Wikipedia pageand the links and references found here

◮ Beamer user guide

[Just click]

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

Resources (cont’d)

This presentation is not meant to be a tutorial; it’s goal is toshowcase that Beamer exists and that it is very useful.

However, many people have created short tutorials. Here are afew that are not linked from the Beamer Wiki page:

◮ by Charles T. Batts◮ by Amber M. Smith◮ by Steven G. Wicker

[Just click]

Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

General LATEX resources

◮ LATEX Wikibooks—very useful!!

◮ The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List

◮ Detexify: LATEX symbol classifier – perfect when you can’tremember the code for a character and it would take toolong to look it up in symbols-a4.pdf

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Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

PSTricks resources

◮ PSTricks user’s guide

◮ Marton Balazs’ intro to animations using PSTricks

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Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources

LATEX DeCal course

Math 98/198: LATEX for Math/Science

Evans M 5-7p


Basics Math, etc. Graphics Resources