HOMBB. Plalnfleld's borne ' member of the Registration Questions to Be Answered wh*hirui.*- r v; incloB. „«. \imit set- p,Biio aim a Enlistments tlw list of tuide draft till I Rssfl r«*f»»y tio tt re y fte question* ra In TO 1 " t 1 MsJ " your n ill be asked I,: Brown prepare the way. or If •HI lie a In the order i^pMr on tbls paper twss *r* *et out belo r with detailed lnform«tloo to help tou It Physicians at the Hospital to Join Unit Captaln Chartw v Peterfron. Commanding Ofncer Coi K. Second iBf., X. G. $i My dear Captain: \ECORD baa |l l>asKf$ RKfOIt) i. .•.] bhe the iirt-n Plain n •rfbtvl 1 LIST. eld Reca tN(l. g ialiofc- rd.olj' r Subscription—.Single Copies, 5 Cents; $3.0Cf- * Ye; Co.K "Vets" St Mary's T. ALft £ Wi7/ (/rge Members In Readiness St. Mniy rr« For 45th Anniversary wit?, |»rovi« rcpistfr*»( tui.t.-i u-.il N,. nD b*comfe between 21 ami ;«), i-v.iy niMic inhatiitntit in) tin- county within the ssivf repHen will be re.^iv.-,] and no power ip JI- from refriitration wheii the day is set. I the M i r e w triv.-n are contained in k pamphlet •san.! r.-iriilHlioriM wtik-h must be nhwrvrd by the in .-lmr(te i>f lh.- dm ft ami were received ves- f City Cl.Tk Jobs J. Carroll. They are ««'fot- ,t. 'Company K. jo i ent Society. otnnnUeii Iterans in thtsj ia> IK;J> ^ nd to4av enjo) tof beinK Something will be In: larlea A., iuli In celt th* >br itial organlzatio aiy. wlfi o he forty-nt Second :y on • i-it •h9d • town | tomorrow i nanles| Plain- * like Miirr.-, of the le- • line headed by Ca Peterson iand Sergeant <*_ holdler • Apgar, thp latter at present having, |tQlnted fo , nom they are M* proud • Hiarse of the recrullfriR office at 322 busy- for several weeks conn are establishing;:a rec- • wWtfrroJt street. The Independent the"details.-which are to in discipline ntnng the • Fir* and prum Con, wlU furnish mu- nttim% «errtcM in St Mary it the conclusion of the pa- a D ( 1 8 -birthday" Banquet I; ijpeak on 'Enlistment 1 at ,treet Monday nlRh't of to 1 . W. Cur . Morrl on tre 0 l i rw D Grx-ey Dr and Dr W Wll thow, wto will be ilcaeo. Cook county. te r two will not have completed their,* more highly than they defei U, give number and terms as ho mm physicians until July • I fee] that yon should be n which tbej Disregard additional months or day* Thee? ques- Be prepared to say "19." or "25.' t "IS yrs. 3 mo*.." or the like, rerlng 2. Home •driram. This means the place where yoi Do Mt wrlle on. mark, or other- have your permanent home, not the Thomas ' TW4 aiBtllate t»e»e lifctructlons. Do place where you work. Be prepared son Slscte: Mt r»mo»e them. "They should be fo give the addreiut In this wi nrwutly read, so that you will have Main street, Ohici j w answer ready when you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name of Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State. affairs with a ^tew of being naiitnUn card In Ink by the regls- * . l>ate of birth. leave whenever* necessary trar. wbo ihoald be iarefol to speD Start to answer as yon would If Many of the jcradnate nun* correctly and to write legr-*omp one asked you your birthday, the city have either already active service o> are about to do so. Many of them ^re enroJW a« mem- ber* of the ,yner1rnn Red Cross. >thers hire expressed a wlll- >nro]I. Three locaj wom- r Europe with K Elizabeth Maclay. r or M- anil Mrs. Arthur Ma- clay, of West Elarhth street, and Miss Helen Mav Canione. daughter of the ' late Stephen Ca^ioon*, left ax mem- * May pfi. 1917. retetved and its contents noted.- * Tn ; reply to your question touching upon . the condprt of * the men of your command now * located at thtai Post, It * Kreat rpleaaure to convey to yon the fact, that without any •tfon. their conduct hm been A-l. They have condaeted them- * selves', like xOod soldier* and gentlemen, and I mint aajt that ignor Patrick Cody, irlest of St James' parish, Dal pledge to the nineteen chaster members of St. Mary's T. A. B. So- •ictj.iri 1872. The anniversary cc •iii-ii.-ui . itself upon his t Us invitation' as It is that he gof« away from t Newafk beraune of his advanced age. Cody's address wtll be on ;; 'The Value of Temper-"' ifflrial and or Invited. :The ices a most repi itt of orators atifh as has never nineteen .tiiered ID T. A. B. Hall befr~- pected that fully 250 pere I will be In attendance. The anniversary program ppem 1st. Mary's church SBnday morninj the 7:30 Mans, when the T. A. B. So-,t'nre >Th ;<lety and St. Mary's Holy Name Bo- enlarged I •lety members will receive Holy the pBBSe: rvlci ighter things Mondi Ing an elaborate ba lodioua rlubhouse i mplet- :hat »? ring In 137S when men pledged I^hem- .bstaln from the use [iiorf The building Ily the worshipping place 's parish and until refeent- inpretentious frame atruc- years ago It was greatly completely equipped, at :lme being one or the' ; their ' about having In. your an efHi~l«nt bodv N N wtlle Patriotic S^rnce on Sunday as Godspeed to Volunteers Z,""1,?." tlonsl Guard. Yourp »ery tmlf. .HARRY H. CL-AYTON". Chier or Pfcllre i secured' as they make the beet Commnalon in a body. [moet liivitlng club homes'rn the city. Idlers arid bestd** '00.000 Bon-; i n the evening at 8 o'clock the T. it MUL* flttlng that the society mmlSHtoaed officers are to be A. B.'B win again assemble In the'should; have such a building to wel- awn "from the National Guard church Tor a solemn vesper service, j come those attending the rorty-flftb "• nks to take eharec of the con»crip-j which is announced as the principal lannlvegvary. >n of privates. ' annfveraary devotlonnls. The society j Josebh T. McCue, who han been The slowness or Plja inn elders in'members will be joined by iloleea- precldAit of the T. A. B.'s for tbe lilting Btsnde in barl contrast la linns representing Watchung Coun-(nast tiree year* and who was re- • - . i»e Westfleld men. Out of a popula-MI. Knights or Colnmbn«: Division elected! at the annual meeting last Mon of S.OOo more thjao 150 volun- No. A. Ancient Order of Hlberlans. ,1°' been , «'aoon to depart for i A service that will jive ions la the servk memories of local cill»OB »*o a n sent I fortiiost* enough to!be pre«nt am vire • the ocrvAtoa win be field Is tbe Crea- leal corps. Tboee who have enrolled cent Aveaue Prmbyteirian thorcJ) at for ftrmworit. a part or the prepared- Patriotic Orde\ Convened Here'*™*? 1 pern have offered their services.' and St. Mary's Holy TTame Society, Thbi number Is doi|ble the quota all of this city: the Elizabeth T. A. that Is Required from tbe. to»n B. Society and the Holy Name Socle- through (-inscription^ One of the, ties of South Plafnfleld. Duneilen volunteers from We^tfteld is George and North Plalnfleld. At these ves- W. Oaborn. »ho has Joined Company |Pers, the leading speaker will be the K In this city and wh<j> furnishes an I example of a real patriot. Mr. Os- born. who |B forty-three years old. a splendid executive position Part fli ondai : banquet committee. splendid array or after-dinner ad- ble William U Soun- the foll speakers dresse9g U er-, chairman of the Naval Co fObntlnned on Page Four.) > other, lisve also been ashed t ilaatrtotk spesd to tfioae from PlalnAeld ««M u»w Tolnntsered to do their part In Otis gnat war or who I b a n declared tloi their lEtmtioQ to onllst In some member* of rhe bnac* of the service fn the near fu- the headquarters i ton. n « services wlllj be conducted and wll] marfh I t>Tlk« nrtor. Rev. John Sberidanj church. where ; Ztiit, aad beaide «n intensely pa- cJiurch will be %f trlotk wmoa will inclide a musical meats hare been program appropriate to the occasion, ithofte for whom the Tbe SMSIOB of tb* cb in, of the unit if-nf hy the N>« York re»byterlan rfoapltal. Miss Ca- x»ne for B nuriber of years waa dl- •ctrew of nnrs*s at the Presbyterl- i Hospltsl andfboth are well known •oop D h«W accepted the Invita- M j w (iOn)w , - and will attend In a body. The M BBItman of f utnan 1 left thh. w^k to a m * Preubvterifln Hointfal i delphia. t will mobllii avenue, •mber of the nft of PTili: HU family had already gi^ its abare for service, ai one brotti The annual convention or tae New three nephews and two sister* w< Jersey (MUirtnerm o{ 1811 wa« h«|d already enlinted. The brother Is IPv- j yesterday In the Fsck. Club, on Wash- Ing Osborn, : who in in Company K.I \\-itA Ington avenue, and waa attended by|Third Regiment. The others ««: L ellll , llHUJ on* hundred delegatae from all over George Osborn. loth Regiment: C. h M boen do , ng her share dl f j the State; The session started bff R *H«w<™J"" M ror 1^**; R " T '!pa».t few weeks to prepare I a* 11 o'clock with a business aeBHlon ' WIlcox. wafting orders to go itll late in the [after- France as ammunition truck dri Many Plainfield Men in Service of I Their Country '""f allonai Guard regi existence. Ptalnflel< t takes Ita Share i the I mrmKy l o n r j thtwe « ho bare U|««r -illbiKMi. to lay] down "tin. Miss Timpson •orch. desJrlDg held together ami any person who! |T of the com-' wubsi to secore a teat In that po of the church will do s UBher.. a Spiring Bride m ebUlnable all those M M r m l to. Mther st college orf I I tedd "•*• •oIKad m any bra f thla city. I tended to be an opportunity fo ranrji of the to show their patriotism "Pop 9 " Raymond Is Three Score and Ten Today Historian* who c mmor relative Ruth Waring Mr. Kill lay Star and Mm. ilde avenue In Grace ley W. Bnr nfc * ke. anil p*on is a as a friends. MLts daughter r>: Timpfton. of iarrlf>d yester- 1 church to of Charles C Borke. of Ravine road. The cere- mony was performed at 4 o'clock by K Vicars . rector mpile c othiUg ^ p f v * » 1 hiparta.ee o II ot u , ye,,. i n bit tl»t Is betawe date mark* f excep-' United States Senator. All these on May, things would have been a poeaibility <entury but hlii own personal lonn was Plain- not ei-i field's gain and there are hundreds of it. To-Vftiiens who are mlghtq glad he * s<-ven- came back. "Pop" Raymond has ——7 vi IIHT fiirui of Al-' been a resident here for the past ^__'- 8*yisoBd, on« njf the most seventeen years, a brief period in a ' 1. whole-souled a[nd likeable life of three score and ten, yet It has of Plalnflnld. *tid if the fel-! been long enongH for the genial old of (imp tHllngchap to make ss many friends as Is " Ptalnfielders locally. Slnre this city he has devoted ste a lot of (imp tHllngchap to make ss man *™» l «*»• trirtbdays ni\ somebody poniwmaed by lot« of •J™ B. C. reflected the « nhm of the, born and brought on ™«»»nlty they would substitute Al- coming t »•* T R f " T. Raymond _jbody ever!"Paymond"s Pectoral Plast. •bout. Junf the same.; production that carries the sympathy ifleiders Ifcnow how and personal help of the producer to * U an.) eongs-atu-, physical sufferem all over the world. •»—.• "'"-; nourliig In since A personal visit from "Pop" Ray- '"'•/T 1 " the) East Her- mond IH one of the best panaceas a ' _ - j ( ' a brother o: weddl nporiait th!* dai •J|*sia»nni, J^?.°T th * pntlr> - ff|t*. Mernbersas hhi tlma> Is the cbu: Miss Timpson: «ore a gow: white ulln irimmeil wltb point lace and also wore her mother's wedding veil and lace. Her bouquet was lilacs and llltes-of-the-valley. She wan attended by her sister. Miss Marv Hamilton Ttinpson. as maid of honor, who wore a gown of Bcru lace and carried spring flowers. May Waring Humphrejj, daughter of Ma- Jor and Mr*. Cbiuncey Humphrey, and George Phelpk Mellick. son of Mr. and Mrs. J.j Hartley Mellick, cousins of the bride, were Dower girl and page. George M. Murra.. ot this city waa the best mnn and the ushen were Henry Eugenfe Coe. Jr.. of New York- Stuart H. {Climent. or Buf- W. Meek. Jr.. of RJcJt vlth a social prdKram. « d t wo Maters, actively engaged (n] 5((0 m e n f r o ] eas meeUng thej-esr-R** Cross Work, one or them . at | Uon , g Mrv , ce , leared up and f o m a , Present In France. n M Jn nead 0 •he poilMona an libra- 1 Durfne the past week four mem- fjnpd Its rank: rer and second and btm of Company K were discharged jh a a a wa.iung the ensuing ' from service under the "dependent nve During officers ily" Shortly after the business sie*slon \ Edward Weaver. Jame* Toniaon started on* of the delegates proposed | Pt>«<P Mlllwater snd RBbert Lalng that a Preach baby,'made parejitleaB A" the members -or the compf by the greek war. be adopted aad U ^ e r * Inoculated the paat week Idea was unanimously sponsored, it guard against smallpox and typl to appropriate suffi- inoculation win take place withlr tbe purchasing of a day or two. Uentenant A. R. Phil- ips, of the company, is doing detach- ed recruiting service for the bat- talion at Eltiabeth. Sergeant George L. Apgar ha* eleven applicants fer service at the present time and ttieM | local Ing • win be approximately i this city In the na- Whlle Company K Is [ recruits. Troop D has i to peace strength and IIHt of abo.ut seventy- tbe past' week man> ing men have left for traln- mps and a number more hav placed In; tt alley Forfe. > be used as a prize each year the student Rutgers Colleft who writes: the beat historical . a dslnty lunch* served In the dlntag roon dub. the decorations and fa' all patriotic in nature. There e fourteen honor guests present, of whom made impromptu aWer- dinner speeches. The principal ad- dresit * H made by Rev. H. St. a. Burrtll. reebor of Holy Cross, 5who staUom listed: Excluding the rosters ol nil it In companies, tbe Record has omplled a list as nearly aa possible correct of local men wbo are under irma. Including those who Joined re- 'ently or have been in for some time. The names of others who enroll will e added to the list as they are ob- Ltned: The list follows: Officers' Reservi made earnest appeal that ) the •Liberty Loin" be universally J lorted. He'descrlbedlts mean ;iei ures and how the loan should I bscribed to. Others who gave shoi Officers.' Reeerve; Induction Service for Dr. Skettenger Special service* have' been arrang- ed for the regular weekly prayer which Ume Rey. D. W. Skellenger, laa been in charge or the Otto Moore. Frederick: Bntl Lorenzo Brower. ^ Naval James Tanbam, Naval Reserves: rion 8. Ackerman, Jr., Naval serves; Warren Ackerman, N Reserve*; James Ackerman. N Reserves; Louis Dny, Naval serves; Hoy Woodhtili, Naval serves; A. . Slauson. Naval Reset Wllliam P. Tayloi Officers' Re- serre; CapUln P. B. Rhoadee. Eniri- neers' Corps; John W. ^ereca, OB1- cera' Reserve; Edison Wood bull Offl- H-VB; Harvey Rothberg. Of- iiprvp; Herman Levlne, Of' lifers' Beserve; Upman S. Gerver, Officers'- Reserve; Everett Tracy. Of- ficers' Reserve: A. E. Crane. U. S. Reserve' Engineers; James Herman, U. S. Aflation Corps; jack Hull, V. ' S. Aviation Corps; Carroll Taylor, C S. Englnjeerlng Corps; George II. Morray.i Naval Reserves: Stanley m nrke, Marine Corps; Frank. Bchwed.' Officers' ^Reserve; Aviation; Corps: R L Leon a Moran. Janke, Naval Reserves; Le.wra.nce Heely. Naval Reservesi Harry Brower, U. S. Navy; F-redericfe Vogel. N. T. N. G.; RUB-, nell Brenjian. Officers' Reserve; Mar- - tin Mcrjonough. Naval Reserves; Warren Towntey. C. S. Nary; AJe*- ider B^tzly. Officers' Reserve: Ed- ward Bufretl. Offleers' Reserve; Don- old Fullerton, Offleers' Reserve; Syd- ny Wackfy. Officers' Reeea re; John le, WBcera* Re#err«; Charles ' >verton. JDfflcera' Reserve; Perton tchenck, Offlcers* Reserve; OUT Sny- Ransome. Officers' Reeerre: Albert fes. V. 8.- Navy; Gerald Unke. apolls; Oodfrey Clay, ABBJIPOIIB: Percy Bnlner, V. B. Nary; Burnett Will! ask fo ilted a Raymond ...lo-'plaster is the ne»t best thing. » of I WTien "Pop" Raymond Joined itlon. | Plalnfleld Lodge of Rlkn. the presld- •t th«|ing exalted ruler pi<-hed him out for n>c him all I chairman of the sick and relief row- mlttee. II was plain to be scen( that he had all the qualifications *o fit all hl» acqnatnt-[the 'Job and appearance were not d»- i bom aticelvlng. Every siicceedlnK hej»d of HIT. Mil-j the lodge has kept "Pop" Raymond f Boston I in the same chairmanship anc! Raymbnd bene-jin never a n g church organist, Following the N. played by the LK alt tended ar friends. ? left for a Prlncioi,. pre ,M,nt o< tlH. Col^.1.1 UMc ^,u^ tor . Th. .w«c«. will | prenldent < Elizabeth: of the Mt* Streu<k; of Jereej City. Ptwl-'"" t , dent or the Daughters of the Revplu-!B Her mind Karet "WHUamB. It» Orlsln Bind Development." lamented her talk with :ed by: Rev. John Sherldi elle, as presiding officer, and others ho will take part Include Rev. [Howard E. Clarkje, of the First Con- ireta. and Dr. Charles the First Presbyterian I '>" church. I"" , A committee composed of members mi '{° 7 'lot the congregation and headed by fe- •J ar "i George T. Lelgha' has had charge o(,Ra *t 8 ! tjhe arrangementa for a special mil-'da ^ v e alcal program, which wilt be render- th' F l aK i«d by the cholr.i The church has an j*, [been decorated fol" th Plainfield Man Possesses Document Written in 1751 nt what he al'oui •xt Mond ub" wan! othe the fai naval . bRxcs for training m the rJpommen dation of "and Chai 1 1 dered vli aeeS. Miss Waller, ifrfbated several vn •f. Todd. of Dtmei: In selections. i for ^* F rollowlnR the FS" wl " to hrid ln th K i: -room of the church. s f? OH Ttr, Skellenper ha, r f n ':or affairs atfc>Pejc Stephen To«naend. of Clinton a>-e le, this city, has In his poaseaBion i ist unique and Interesting docu- •nt trhlch came Into his hands ( - days ago. It is an old style le- conveyance of land and bears the e of July 10. 1751, together with assumed autograph of John Ail i, the second president of th ted States, as one of the wil President Hadlej. tenant's rommismionL Mrs Bu . the jrranddaughter it O. T. W j of Park avenue, for [many yean . nected with the Standard Oil nklajho j ^ " n M In Urn fant It" »h-| ; bark again. i that "PoPj" Ravraond it*>d rhalrman of the sick committee every year. T JOIHB In wishing hi ,m* of his natal di i of Bcoren of frier i his altruistic pie i d (J I irlson TENNIS SEASON AT THE ulcer- COUNTRY CLUB TO OPEN Ian-1 'Arrangements are being made by „}, re-'the trnnls commtttep of the Plain- . %,-<- «rfd Country flub f<* the holding of hannv'a patriotic tournament that will take ,-• thP the place of the annual open rha nd be fo the * I'nlo esidents erset cou Middlesex and.Som ^Ithnuffh definite announ ment has not yet been made. It pected that the tournament will held from June 30 to July 7. I rls. Mrs. A. W. Shot well and been In <• apel for r. rom Rich L Hill. L. I. He tnok thi place lei tee of the Jo- ty . r , lp|rf by H( , v prpflerle Gi / R RX" who refliened HeliBB heen an t ^^ " wnrlcpr durlnp the.time he hafl -V-L n ' -.'rl^ I 1 *™ a n d h 8 B Hir ^ dv donp a " parish. lesseft. Experts who have examined Sunday-school the document assert that It has ceptional ralne as an hiBtoriral .1 of pre-rpvolutlonary days. Stu< nd ; will recall that ID. , JYest Jersey cai le. and Carteret i vP Djuke of Yoi •at', t the twelve ot lal land "•proprie- all parrels of land Th «I Y.^W. H Bell flowers t of the .Tei redeem the. M who nil! Mfsnen Sadie R 1 CHITJ>RKVS MnllF, PROGRAM. 1 method of d< i fund beldg! Rose Davidson, Ethel . and Panllne Nathanpoi In. Rose Gould. Sadif- Kpsteti). a Meyerovltz. Dorothy Augeri- Fannle Rosenthaj. riara Reese!. Rosenbantn and Esther 1 be given at Proo- Saturday. June 2, . | which will be especially for children, nd of p a l e * - ^ e , perl ment was planned for fol- K a recent conference held be- if thi send has measures 2 feet 6 inches by 3 feet, is;engroB»ed on sb.eep-ak.ln, and bears ihe arms of Great Britain and the Drjler of the Garter. It con- veys by vli^ue of a deed of trust un- der certalnj bankruptcy proceedings in tne Umdof George II, property tn East Jersey to James Alexander, of ' ie City of New York, and Robert unter MdVris. then of Ix>adon John Ashlc&, of Northampton. V.nv- ate grantor. James Alex- ander waej the leading New York lawyer or t^e time and also practiced i New .lot-spy. He was a large vner of r|al estate In the Rarttai »y section} As stated before, the mveyancegls dated July 10. I7B1. >d beside | the signature of John ..'. dams bearj another, that of "'Sam'" Harris. It Vonveyn "One twenty- fourth part|f lands fn East New Jer- sey with one equal one-bait part ot quit rent anH arrearages." Tbe place rd l| Indistinct but It was .. i Pefth AmbO7 tor Bast Nev >r iliirltnelon for West New ing . Moth PI ~ture hoi atfon Plainfield t-Teariier Association. HONBT TO LOAN. Real Bstate asd Tnsnranee. Manning- A Curtis. t«< Depot av««e.—!Ad. It I* ly«" mday to attend of the Jews of rsey. An elec- tion of officers will be held, several Plain fielders being named as candi- dates. Those making the trip wtll Y. W. H. A.) Louis Shirr. Congrega- tion Children of Ismel; M. J. Men- delsohn. Plalnfleld Hebrew School: gregated Seeiers of Justice. ran thM hom** ! Record ta | PI.I.H.M'. IK. , T*Lp, r It. eeltimne -a"y »... r<IurM< **, f V member of the I Plainfield Record I *. RW'ORFI ON A-1 MET. Thj* American Pre** Association* baa Rla< od bile Plainfield Record, o* Ha*l6t of A-l svnpapwa. It hmk pawif tb* praacrlbed tssts. i X-N® 30 PLAINFIELD. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY MAY 18. Registration Questions to Be Answered Physicians at the Hospital to Join Unit Subscription—Ring], Copies. 5 Cent,; $2.00-» Yi USK 1*01,it o'lMKXlKi co. i, (it'll tlw li»l of •luratiuns wit), |>i -.uJTwill ,r<f •» H rulilo It. .-verve.Dr who him I l rnri.100. of lltf drxfl bill wSirll ll |. e«|.,rle. jj,, ((. .i[,i- , nlrrHtly nnmineetl. mrlulbxc. *®l*r '' V .'' r - V limn -t The onel.1, or the M.M.nlwr, Jlo.pl *1 l>—a j„,t eompletM maklnx I chance* In tb, m.a.x.m.nt of th.. rcjjiatrrwl under »Vat»r r J ,m„ .. .11 .Kin h—ontr .'nit. ocrc.ir.iSui, Inc the I'nlted 8U1-. ween 21 mi.I :IU. armies In Rurhpe AHhonxti the new ...elr inhabitant ill Ihc county within the """ '•nenl, allow- for a la rue niim- repli.-n Will hr rr. civeil nn.l no power m 01 n-.rrm. a. well the dor. tl repintration when the day in net. *°r» lo I' It—easdry ___ ll th- atiww.-n. given are -•ntninml in a nnrnplilet a®® forth tba nth- t"' 1 r.-vuhin..iiv Which mtiat In- ..Ucrve.l hv the -n," 'S! 1 . * f «•*» - ' " charge ..f th. draft and were re.-.p.-i vea- h.?. “' !l u .w 1 T^"* 1 " a l-enwinuel at the preeent time fol of about thirty doctor,, thlrtv-llve and thirty-live or The pupil la a letter received >>y Captain Charle. *. of Company K. or ihj, city. Cblar of Police Harry Clayton. of Red Hank. an nCatlnUd rompllmen. to th, PtataB-ld '*•>» on their a.oer.1 Conduct whlie attached to th, KM Bank Port! of coaat patrol. TRe cpji- muulrdt ton tain* after }a tajk * bH w©en Captain Pcten r hi*f Clayton follow Inc r «i mlnronduct Id this h# frkr* of guardsmen to o4t of town con Adders w|]| he n IlKb&d to hour of th* __ datlon placed upon the bold I*r bora of whom they ar* so proud * on th* » and >ho ar* raUMlshlng a r*c- probably ord tor discipline along th* : Co. K “Vets” \ Will Urge Enlistments 3 St. Mary’s T. A. B. S. Members In Readiness For 45th Anniversary Wilh th. Idea of atlmul.IInx In g, Total! khatluaur, llenev- Kav.l Monalanor Patrick Cody. lh» tereet In enll.tment. company K. .,1c, Society, or.snlie.l on May .eneSablo print of St. Jama. part»h. Second Rcigment. veteran. In thla , a ,,; 2 lod ,, enjoylna the New wk, who edtnlnlatered Jhe orttO-' reel parade ‘bout diellnctlon of belay „ne of the uioal Dal tledxe to the nineteen chaster omethlnx Influential organisation. of the kind : inen^era of 81. Mary'a T. A. n So- il! be tn the county. wl(l on Sunday next detyLn 1872. The anniversary com- celebrate the forty-fifth anniversary mltt<T congratulate lta*|f upon hia trrda, at 1** •tndenta hK of t’ity <1«*rk John .1. t'nrroll •craduate nur I. Xan.e hi fall tae tn jearw. forty tralnln Th|a mean* your name aa you or- nuraea would O to o' •‘f ° m ' r L”' V “<* "'”'0 •hr'"' y~r. lt, you xo to tnltlala. a. 8. 1.. Brown, xlve that hoHdtal. and, rhe xr.du.t. am aa your name. If you aim San.ilel Inrl.ide thoae from all oxer the Brown." aiva your name In -that that are- .ubje*t ,o duly If necoaa, lawrm.e Brown." xlve Routine «train, have now been to ranked that a staff „f ,b„„, „„ , m < .. fy twenty nu o. til. yepetj T 1 INTORMAl ION Ha. *e <•—•» Qefe“""' <»* Raad reiefelty , —ratration table ' - -| will be naked Prepare the that way '—rr- will he e*hed tor you to State your are todnv In year. only, tor, snd till, umr tn tba order In which they mererard additional month, or daya conld rotm w: Be prepared to any "t» " or "23." Five doct, the hor« front NaTMlnk Hlrfiland. to Barnexat Bay Chief Clavton’e letley a. riven In full In Be fol low*.. I - . Captain Chari— A P.torton. Pommandlnr Ofllc*r Co; K. Second iof. X O. N J My dear Captain: Topr favor under dat* of May 1«. 1*17. received and It* content* noted In reply to your queetlon touchlnr upon the conduct of of your command no* Ity ill! hold tow n i temor iow nlahi like thirty of th* lull* line needed by CapUIn Charle* I’etereon -end Sergeant Oorue I- of n 8 formation, a committee ai>- acceptance of Us invitation as it Is A P K*r. th*- latter at pre*ent having f6r the purpose has been very seldom that he gor« away from liargh of |tn* recrultln* office at .122 bo , y for several weeks completln* all Neaafk becauee of his advanced aae \. -et Trent atree, The Indr,. relent th ^ detalla. which me to Include re- Monahtnor Cody'a addrera will be on Flic end IJrUn-. Cor|> will lurnlxh mu- || e |„„, aervlir. In jit Mary'a church the eibJo. t: The Value ol Temper-' ale At the com li.Kon of th. pa- . b | rI | ld ay" Sanquet In Uie m>- nac, radn Aesejultlyrann *lllla*t N. Run- cMj .„ „, lh hou - „„ »>., p ourl h »-||h the church -r.lcc ,on,pl«- C.ilirttnetit .1 Mr ^, Monday nlrtlt. To thla latter ed. t*. memllera of the-rmlei, will . Uadlahn ayenue and .Front .tree!. ,g,i r . urge nnniber of local -and turn llxhter thlnx. Monday even- » Compan) K. ahi<-M la now (IoIiir out of town men. prominent In re-. In* b* giving an elaborate banquet In icoast patrol duty, la short eighteen llgloua. official and btialnea* Belda. the cdnunodloua clubhouse on’West men of Its full complement It aeeks have twen Invited. The list of speak- Fourtf street, the scene of that desirable men betwcea the agee of «r» embraces a most representative memorable gathering in l*7i when Mghreiin and forty Bv* years, ai bod* of orators auoh as has never nineteen ynnng men pledged tkem- thougb thq conscription are limit t* lH ^n gathered in T A n Hall before .elves,to totally ahetain from the us* from twentv-one to thirty-one years U I* expected that fully 250 persons of Intoxicating liquor. The tMilldlng was originally the worshipping place By an net of Congress passed yester-} day the pay of all soldiers has been .Increased, privates re. elvin* <30 i be In attendance. Th* anniversary prog-am opens at of Rt ,|,b thk . Unati.t thiwP-Z Ki. m. ''rl~tc. rcclvln. a Mary, church S.nda. momlnr at |y w. " _ . •“. * pn,t - n mr month and noncommlaaloncd oltlcwra the 7:30 Mat, when the T A B So-! tor. aid tkin"I'nlcn't'o'n "to thTl'acI^^’thil'wiuMt'aVv b '°' r mon " I-v°Bonlon ,|ctv and St. Mary'a Holy Name Bo- anl.r *‘ r T’ " it la blrhly dwatrabl, that voluntcwr, Hcly mcmbwra will reertve Holy th. i am.ar.aat «t balwk Wltb dat.llad not I. ,r. 3 turn , or th. Ilka r..d, annun.. ._. r , n . t Iw „„ wlulo t r „. - bfwwatma to baly t. an—wrtn, i How- mVtrv— lota »ma mrdtr.l unit |„ socman -tlon. thalr conduct h~ bean A-l. hr nrn.^-0 Ibaat . Tl "* “••"* p, * r ' ,h ' r ' ' nn w Currla. Hr r.cnrr, n Onpcv. Dr.,- Thar bay. rowductad tham- D. Ml writ. on. mark or otnm- bay. yo.r parm.nant homa. not tha Thom., m Mom. and Dr W *n. aalvw. Ilk. raod wtldl.r, and M, ..mat. bftwctlOM Do Pl«. -bar. yon -or, Be prepared ao, SMwnmn $„ tho- who will h. nntlwnrn. and -I moat aa* that although tha tat- I roold not n>mpllm«nt tham tham. Thav abould ba fo rlva tha addrawa In thla wav: "232 tha Drat to t MbMly raad. ao tba| you will have Mala at real, Oilcarn rook coont.v. tar two wll (M.aawav ready whan you no ba- llllnola " that la. rlva number and term, aa h lM tha radatrar nama ol atraat flrwt. than town, than I. other, AU iinw, will ba wrlttao o, tbw ronnty aw,, font- affair, will rndatriUM t»rd lo ink by tba rafta- S. Data of birth laava -h trar aba abaald ba tarafal to apaD Start to anawar « you aould If Many of tha all carractly and lo wrlla la*J- -oma on. aakrd you your birthday, tha ally hare My. 1 trontlnuad on Pnxa Fonr.l nctlva acrvlra Many of than bam of tha Whlla othara h»va a,p r aaaad _ , . .. . Ibrnaaa to an roll Thraa local worn. os Godspeed to Volunteers rVZZr;.:::* danrhrar of Mr and Mm Arthur Ma- rina of Warn Eighth atraat. and Ml*. Ilalan M..- Cahaona da.tchtr- of tha Patriotic Service on Sunday draw , c|ety members w|ll receive Holy f the they make the beet Communion in a body. mo « beside. 200.000 non In the evening at 3 o’clock the T.|u officers are to be A B ’* will again assemble National Ouard.chnrrh for a solemn vesper try’s parish and until re^ewt- unpretentloiis frame ptrur- re* years ago It waa grwatly and eompletely equipped, at n* helug on* of the ivlting club homes fn the city, fitting that the society the should* have sneb a building to wel- rvlce. eome fhote attandlng tb* forty-flftb have completed th Hr Physiclana until July arranging their lew of being able to, inrses about idy gone on are abont to do so enrolled a. menv ri. an Red Crose. will- - * ranka to take charae of the - onscrip- j which l. announced as the principal 'Ho** of prlvatea anniversary devoUonnls. The society | los^b T McToe. who ha. been i reel mat you miouiq o* cob- | Th€ , mlo¥lu9mm of pisinfteldera in members wl!| be Joined by delega president of the T A B.’s for the grata Inted command much an efficient bod^ as a unit of New Jmofy Na tlonal Guard Yoam very «ral^. HARRY H n-AYTlO.V. rblef of Pplhe A service that all! ||v* long ta tha aervlca. Invitations bsv* also been memories of local r«lseas o*o are sent to Lhoee soon to depart for ser- ... Q , . __ _ v I.n.aau ammttb tn ba t—rt vtc. a. ..m, «- doctor. I. an, mad- Che ociasJoa will be held la the Cres- leal corpa. Tboee who have enrolled l Araase presbyteries eborch at for farmwork, a part of the preps red- Raaday morals* aad wlU nom campaJga nearly as important as ba la the aatara of i b*ni of the unit | Pr oebyterian boon* for i patrtatlc Ood- an. S|»r. kart alrt tmaw aakrt to b. IT'^.ltll’nd l her* MIm |/in|te if hy the \>w York Pltal Mbs Ca- *f yeara waa di- al the Presbvteri- Patriotic Order h.vinw In rotir Th * of Hluintleldcra in members wiij be Joined by delega president of the T. A. B.*s for the vLJ. '• listing stands In bad contrast to tlons representing Watcbung Counpast t^ree years and who waa re- n ooov ^ thw wasiOeld men Out of a popala c|| Knight* of Columbus; Wvtslon elected^ at the annual meeting last .jtloB of S.OBO more than 150 to1ob-.No. 4. Ancient Order of HUmtUbi. : Mondaf night Is chairman of th# . teers have offered their service*, and Bt Nary's Holy Name Society, banquet committee. Ha announce* . Thl* nnmber is doghle the quota all of thl* rHy: the Rllrabeth T A the following *ple*dld array of . that U required from tb* town B. Soclet* and the Holy Name Socle- speaker* for the after-dinner ad- . through conscription One of the tie* of South rialnfleld. Dunellen dre*>e«j Honorable William U Baun- volunteers from West Be Id Is Georg* and North Plainfield. At these ve«- der*. rjslrman of tha Kara I Consult- W Osborn, who ha* joined Comjiany per*, the leading speaker will be the 1 ffpnttnncd on Page Pour..) K In thl* city and «h# furnishes an example of a real patriot Mr Os- C^fiTIUPUPfl gave up * splendid axedotive position Many Plainfield Men ift LUfll/CKCll 1JCIC on , h( imclDc coast to anawer the Service ofl Their Country ivantlon ol tka .Saw »raa napkaw, Ot 1812 w* hdld already anllMcC •ark club, on Wmab- tar Oaborn. wl kavr valaHtaarad lo do tk.tr part la Troop D ban accoptad tha Inrlta- tkk (fait »»r ar oho bar, darlarad (ton and will attend In a body Tba bar, of mo unit will atoblllaa bt , , h . k !?: *• h :^V!jr fra m* U t here VcTlll atOA from there to the portion of the, ^ Tb* ami i.i convent Jersey Daughter* yesterday la the park iDgtoa avenue, aad wa* attended by | Third Regiment on* hundred delegate from all over Oeorge Ouborn. ^ , the Stole. The aomloa st*rt**d Off !L.. WI1 ' II o’clock with a bus! on the Pacific coast to answer call. Hia familv had already given Its share foe service, as one brother. Wa and two slater* were Tha brother la Irv- bo la In Company K. «th KegH Slated for service ag orders The othara p « ! nlen two National Guard regt- neera' its already In existence Plainfield braam of (he service la the tmu TBs service* will be conducted and will kf th* nr tor Rev. Jo ha Sherldaa | cfcarch. when* pa- church will be set aside »“ thoTefter- Fra8r * ? •‘ '•nitlon truck driver. , of raeB lhe H, O, Atn.'• FXUI pr«r«a. •»'> C]** »> or rm.i A| maeUog th# year s ^* rk on ^ of 9ham ** 1 Uon’s aarvlc Arrange- ral menta have been made to seat all If* cm those for whom th* service la b*lng IfllSS I ffllDSOtI ng held together and any peraon who » a Spring Bride I will laclad, , nnatral arapra •parapvlata to tb. occaalon Tka In In at tba rtarrb. M » “F— Ik. taaltat «t tb. coin- wtabm to wwar. n taat In th.l KanKy toward tbo~ aho kara abown tlon of tha vb.inq. will do ao by tall- 1 ** ‘*T[* >, ° thalr |„, o0 . of ,n, 0 .bat, A cordial In 1 yltatlon baa baan aatandad to tha —- nr. ' WI ® 10 ®“* B ® -**' <• ta- Sk Mu, at colint, oa in thla rRy. trtdrt ta ba aa opportunity for ,11 »' ," 1 *" tan Ml Mad u aay brmarb of tb, to ahaw thalr pat riot tarn **" ,h Pspsior “Pop” Raymond Is Three Score and Ten Today of a large gather- and friends. Mbs ipaon. daughte Is G Timpeon a* married yaater- *cop*l char«h ta son of Charles C. Mr and Mra \A lllllalde avenue, day la Grace Ri Htaaley W. Bark Burke, of Raving ri mooy waa performed at 4 o’clock by Rev B. Vicar* Stevenson, rector of the chnrrh ^ ha* boen doing her share during the J | past few week* to prepare tha roun- ,n try and after the draft tekea It* share will be approximately from thla city in the na- Ice. While Company K Is affairs »®r* cleared np and woineta , **"" *“* ,n rmttee at |ll In need of recralts. Troop D has lehooon to HI tlb. po-MIona aa libra- Dortnr tba paat waak four man- B || M | U nnk, lo pnaca .tranxlh and nan. color-baarar bad aacond and bar, at rompan., K war. dlarharmd bu , w.ltlax Hat of about aaaanty. third viva praoldrtta tar tho ,a-uln. from aarrt. andar tb. "d-paadant Surtax tba paat yaar All tba olbar oOlrara bold family" rlanaa of tba t'nltad Stata. !or>l yonBg m »n baa, laft for train- orar Army rarnlatlon. Thao, man rt u, ramp, and a numbar toora bar. Shortly attar tha bnidnaaa afaalon Ed-krt Waarar, Jama* Tnataon too . rarrnltlax .tattoo, and an- atartod on of tb. dalontn protortd Fblllp MIHwatav and Ratmrt twin. ||, M that a Franch boby.-mada paraptlaaa All tha mrttbar, of tha rompanv e,, by tb. ttraot war. ba adopt ad and tba war. tnocul.tod tba poat woak to Idrt -aa rtaalmon.ly apoartrrt It aaalnat amallpox aK rnb.. was also rated lo appropriate sufl- Inoeolstion »1ii take place within a rt.pt moony for tba pnrrbrtin* of a day or two. tJ~trt.nl A, R. PbtV broo.a ana. .. a tnatnorlai to ba *pa. of tba company, la data* datarh- plarad In, tba Waablaxtoa ebanal, ad tocrnltln* aarvlrt for tb. bat- Vallay For*. Tb. .o» ot |>S «*'«•« at KlUhbrth. "arartnt Ortrrt xtvaa to ba naad aa a prlae aacb yaar L. Apffar baa alavan appHcanU far for Ota atodant at Ratltara Colla*a rtralca at tba preartt Um. and tbrt. t who rompll, rb.ooolon-ihap, a railroad maxnat or avao a 1 '•^da apatflfy nothin* of axcap- t'nltad Statrt Ban.tot All tbart , twcnrrfna on May thla*. -on.d baa- b®^_. rt-U-Ry . Dd , or . h rt mothar'a wrtdta, .. > tbay ia«a not Bald', xaln and that, ara hundrada of „„ x. .. .. IWatam lo any Extant To- v ltlxan. -bo .ra mlxbtq xl.d ba l "*'* *“d lllta.pf-tt,a-v.llay. ! wrap tama back "Pop" Raymond ' d “f yaar la tba daut cantnrr but hi* own parw»nal tat (kat I. baciaaa tbay lava not a«- Bald's x.ln and thara *“* ttamnlaa. u, .nr i.lant To- . Itlian. who ara mli . t*»f and data m.rki the navan- cama back. "Pop" rutavoa -t of of tb. fclrS of ai- baan a raaidam bar. for Ut. tut J^'nf*n^la^ T kayntond. on- qr ,ha moat rt.antoan Jrtr,. a briar parlod In a iTH rtbla Ufa of thru. Moya and tan, y.t I, ha. d .nrt,a7of Ma' atundrd bar alatar. MIm foortaan hooor *naatn all of who* m.da Impromptu dlnnar .paaeba. Tha prlnrlpa dra.. wa. made by Rax Burrtll. rrwtor of Holy Croaa. mada an aarnaat appaal that •t.lbarty IX**" ba nalvaraally ported 11a daarrlbad It. . uraa and bow tba loan ahon and (iaor*a Pbalpa Malll-k. aoo ot |.ntawr,ba« to. 0«b~a who «... » C. r-Mtrt "th. ;,.b7a of ,hi bora aad bVon.M ot. locally Wnr * /‘‘JJi'doi'a’r'lHH i'* IV " ^ U»»-, Ior ln . p.,, oatc—.y tba, wnnld .Utmtllat. Al- comlox lo thl. city h. ha. d.-otad ' th * brkl *' ' * lr, lPrlocton wrtldant of .. paator. Tha .acrtca. -til nat.| av.nt for hlm.air to tb. m.n»lwl.rt.y .f u .... | n *"'~ of J r. r ^':_. M ...._;'ba rondactad by Rrr John Sheridan plantar. who*e-«oul*<1 and IlkiwDif me uuwi wwi» -uu •»“, ;** * “— n..D.rJtr.J ef Plainfield and if the fel- been long enooff* for the genial old * 1?“*^/i U mwrv Humphrey •«. a lot nf lima tallln, chap to m.k. a. many frtaml. a. I. *“d Mr. Cb o.ra, Ilompbray. somebody po******d hy lo«a of Plalofielder* !^ T **rmoad s nsfal event for himself to the manufacturing of .. Mlll ^ a nf , h ,_ _i lv I 71 * 1 ",'. . # .. „._•_ r.. t ,Kd of!"* ,vu «“ ,,c v w. 1 «"ti ^•••Sa Id row.ll> nxtbody a.ar Pa.mopd'a Pactor.1 Plrtt.r. a " mrt and tb^ nrtar- K ^ ni~U.nl Z *"*' o«~f. *"d otb.r. L “~artar^ .hunt Jo«Mha aama. produettap tha, ~rrl~ tba rttnrttby ^ *" d ,h ' EH«bath: Mr« May.dl pr~l<abt who „v. p. rt Inclnd. R.v I^Ddaof Pta,„n.,dar, know bo- and pan~>~l halp of tb. prod,war lo ”” L°^- J . r ' *' »' th. Womrt . Clabfl ol Trantrt OWBrd * Cl.rka. of tb. Flrat Ton La. T - Harm I raromllion of tha Inr ax.ltad rttlar picked him odt for ordlty him all!chairman of tha tick and rallaf com mmw I* ,. v a e xi rolfil lvf-a i . V Raymond, or! na ba I. ba bad all the qaatlllcatlona to Bt .' J”®" to all hia arqnalnl- Iba loh and appaaran.-a warn not da_ , . ,L . >" Raymond wia horn at ralvln, Erary atirraadlnx head of .. .. .. . WtaMrt „„ Ml.- tb- lod*n bn, kapt Pop" Rafta-nd ^' rp . 0 '.'7 '•‘tat?,.’,,'"' m " P' nn on ln “• "* ra * ''3'* lr, a*"- l ' l, and thara ^ b lfa> tf.nnd ban.- la n.rar a mralln. but **•*>«'* „„ . „„lov at ttaHrt* L' 0 *- " r "'Vr""' '* "taklDX a raimrt about dlMMad y>1# ^ on ^ j.dnn W,,^y° l * r »* ">* T"b " wa. hroth.ra or thalr frtilllaa P P , ud |„ p rrc r|,pd , llco- Rtaal Fnxl.nd.ra lla laarn Raymond haa a haart aa bl* aa » r mn ,|^| 0 n Mra. Rttrka la •M 8,'“"""" * w a"h-t„b and hll,_«an.ro.lt.r radial'- (|| ^ , T . tf.rlnx. f ' ,,ow »»»* how In every direction. Uttl* ofParkar*n'i*.fprmanvy*ar*rin- keep friends At fl *' ' * k,_ Aihs.^ 1 h,B State to tag*; when h* leave* mr |.w« "-*••••"-- rv|in y - TaHnawaFl.- rv. I-1-— w k.Mt.. V there is «b- | ' 7 who write* th* brat hi^rtca. araar.|he will take to Kllsabeth tonight for At noon a dainty luncheon waa ( fln«> examination erred In the dlnleg room *f the club, the dgroratlons and favors be- ; io. ^i p.tifiotb-1. natar,. mm Jndactton Srrvice for Dr. Skellenger Special service* have been ermng- ©d for the reffular weekly prayer “' meeting at Hope chapel tonight, at which Uma Rev. D. W. 8kelleng*r. •ho haa bran In charge of the perUh for tha past yrar. will be officially Excluding the rosters of the twi militia companies, tbs Record has compiled a list as nearly a# poralblo correct of local men who ar* under arms, including those who Joined re- cently or have been In for some line Th* name* of other* who enroll wUl be added to the llat aa they are ob- tained: The list follows: Otto Moore. Jr.. Officers’ Reserve; Frederick Butler. Officers’ Rrarave; Lorenio Brower. Naval Reserves; James Tan ham. Naval Reserves; Ma- rlon B. Ackerman. Jr.. Naval Re- serves; Warren Ackerman. Naval James Ackerman. Naval Gouts Day. Naval Re- Roy Woodhull. Naval Re- A. Slanson. Naval Reserves; William P. Taylor. Officers’ Re- serve: CapUIn P. E Rhoades. Eirgl- cera* RAeerve Harvey Roth berg. Of- OcerV tyeeerve; Herman Ixorine. Of- ficers’ Reserve; Gipman 8- Oerrer, Officers . Reserve; Everett Tracy. Of- ficers’ Reserve: A. K. Crane. U. S. Reserve Engineers; Jam** Herman. U. 8 Aflatlon Corps. Jack Hall, 0. 8. AvUt|on Corps; Carroll Taylor. U. 8. Engineering Corps; George M. Murray , Naval Reserves; Stanley 4 Burke, ferine Corps; Frank Schwed. Ofllcera'. Reserve; Geon a Moran. Aviation^ Corpa; Fel ex Janke, Naval ReeervesQ Gawrance lleely. Naval Raaerveet Harry Brower. U. fl. Nary; Frederte^ Vogel. N. Y. N. O.; Rua- well Brennan. Officer* 1 Reserve; Mar- Qoeoagh. Naval Reserves ; Warren Town ley. XL S. Navy; Alex- ander Bsjtxly. Officers’ Reaerre; Ed- ward Burrell. Officers’ Reserve; Don- old FaMafton. Officer.’ Reserve. Byd- ny Markwy. Officer*' Reserve. John Mickle. Officers’ Rraarve; Charles 1 Schcnck. Dffieers* Rraerve; Ouy Bny^ der. Officers’ Reserve, e. f. Steven son. Officers’ Reserve; Warren A. Reserve; Albert laPorte. J>fflrerw’ Reserve Wardner Carpenter^ Officera' Reserve; John J. Swan. Officers’ Reserve; Enalgn Bur- tla. D. 8^ Navy; Oerald Links. An- napolis; Godfrey Clay. Annapolis; Percy Burner. U. 8. Navy; BurnHt Brodiiak. ,N Y. N. O. Assesses Plainfield Man Pc Document Written in 1751 of the Women ... Mr* Streurk. of Jersey City. T-W*l- ^^tloasi chnrt*. end Dr Charle*; - (evoiu E Herring, of the First PreebyterUn I ak.rtl, tlon waa bald at tba bonut of tba . It, orilttn ard OaralDpriant." In ha lam that br taa’a pat""*. wt*ah ... attandad ...pplamantad bar talk wltb to aa n t. ... n,ar frlvnda. 0 f tha Amaritan Bar taft for a vartoa. atBKaa. Mlrt IValtar. of f ,-tnar I. a m,t,- ,hath. rontrlbutad ^yar,! vorml Staphan Townaend. of Clinton axa- thl. city. htu. lo bla poa.ra.lot, a chnrrh. rou unlqua and Intaraatlnx docti- A commlttaa compos'd of mambera man, wbtrh enma Into Ma banda n IT 'lof tba rooxraxatlon and haadad by taw day. a*o. II 1a an old alyla la- fiaorca T Ixtlxh. baa bad charxa ot DM conyaynne* of laod and bonra tha tba arranKamaout for n apaclal mo- data of July 10. J751. tnxaUtar ,1th Mr,l proqr.m which will ho rundar- th- M-nmad auloitraph of J«hn Ad- ad by tha cholr.i Tha tdturch >u am., tha aarond prrtldant of tha baan daroratad for tha ocraalon. and llnltatl Stataa. aa oba of tha wlt- aand haa Mauuran 3 fact Inch a. by I feat, tai'bcroaaad on altaap-akln. and bear, tba arm. of Grant Britain and the Odjlor of the Garter. It eon- reya by vl^or of a dead of trunt nn- dar rartnlra bankruptcy prooaadlcxa In tha tint* ol Gaorgn II. property ln East Jaraoi to Jamaa Alciander. of tho nty of Now York, and Robert Hunter Mtjrls. tbon of Ixtadon Shot Wall Uttl' majxlooma" flee at hia approach *" d „.c,ad with th. Standard Oil Com- k.; whan ha l-ar-r the placo -hero they enxfnaarlnc In Oklaltoma. ho havo boon holdln* forth thara ta nb- •ol,Italy no rh.nr. of 'h'lt-'-r x" 8 eA80N AT THE tin* back a min That a one COUNTRY CLUB TO OPEN "at'd -'ll Bn—r. why Plalnflald txvdfla makrt !t car arr 1—lnv made t>v th, banaflt of tha Jewish fund tain that "Pop" Racmond la fonp- tpn raMn n , lt , r plain- raised to redeem tho land of Pntei rt - "tampp taw t-arnP b K ’~* n But- and It mad- him w, -r *att!nx awav whan tka wrl Ha I. /y of relative prompted l.-rtlT""' *" a°U* °» ,D - •aM? K''' T ' r ~ 1 ' '""’X Itay- Oktabort bw,B1 * * f-V-orlf- rtn of <t|a^!*, b « be waved them atrtda . *-*«! I* ! hm,cM **«‘F 'K d_/. , ,h ' V....chn«a<,. lad the fa«l developing <V .?*> ba mltfhf have be- .taanlthy ran-h owner, par , ,,. T followlnr tha rotymonv a roraptlnn nmwo,. Export, who have r.amlnod John Anhlrt. or Ndrthnmpton. Enx- llax In jlta w|]| ^ h , ld m the Stinday-whool the document naaart tbit it ba.tav land, waa t|ia xmnlor. Jamas Aloa- mw nf tha -hurt*. c-ptlonal rain- aa an hlatorlral relic andar waa J the laadln* New York »w-yer of t^e time and also practiced larg* Raritan Bay Boction; A* nUted before, the conveyance Jla dated Julv 10. 17B1. and beside the signature of John Adam* beart another, that of "Sam'’ TTarrla. It conveys "one twenly- [**” room of the churr*« - - ^ , |- Dr Bkallengcr kas been In charge *r pr- revolutionary d; State* Marine nd rhar)^ Todd, of DunHlen. rfn- flf #t Hop ^ *hap«l for nearly Student* of >rt for duty at yfoHn B *l«-tlons. i , mr, coming hch’ rrom Richmond w "l recall that wa for training Arrangements for th* convention ih. ix.fi XVef*t Jeraev ca Arrangements for th* convention H|)1 f tnn ^ rhA pl>r# , Aft n . jyeH Jersey cam* through Berkeley were mad* hr a committee of the |o- br Rav Frederic Greene. »nd Carteret on grant* from the cal society composed of the foll^ w ^ n H# ), ai4 hw>n an art |v^ I*uke of York. It afterward pawed In* women Mrs Charle* R Rents. wbrker dar | nfr th «, time he ha* been «« the twelve original land ••proprle- chslrmanr Mrs J Philip nird. Mf- b#p#l aBd hmm a1rebdr donf . . grvmt tors" of the State of whom William Fred Waldron. Mr*. RalOh B M^r- of work f0r thp bf„ pr ment of I’vnn was one. and all panels of land th* pariah thereafter were made by "metes and TO KKI.F. Ft/)WFW«. The local Y Sunder ff CHll.HItHN-K pro boanda." the old method of dracrlp IK I'lWMill-AM. Uqn. which told bow th* graund local moving | would met* at a certain corner ism tennis commlttcf of tn* piain- jTa'f"^":^ rttivi: :zzz7o, Z7,zrx .Jssrz V|,h of wen, of frlahda that ha ha ploftrt'p .tKl ba parmlttad to remain with i at lanat _ _ for th- rrtld-nta of 1'nloii! MIddla—x and somamet -enti- tle, Allhnotch d-BBlta annonnae- ,, far aa tha on- hund—dth n--'m~t haa not yet b—tt made. II !• Mona In hi. altrulntl-. plmunre-hrfnx parted th«t tho tonrtmntent will In* life. bald from Jon. 3B td July 7. paft Include; The Mfe«e« Sadie berg. Bora Davidson. Ethel Dav Addis and Pauline Nathsnson. Ensteln. Rosa Gould. Sadl^ Bp*t* Bertha M*y*rovltx. Dorotlfy Au bllck. Fannie Roranthal. Clara R* be Hose Rosenbaum and Esther iRoi dial picture circles will bb given at Proc-|w<s hounded by certain tracts, tor’* Theatre on Saturday. June 2.j The document which Mr Tow whlnh will he eapncially for ehlldran. The experiment was planned for fol- lowing a recent conference held be- tween the uyic**ii^ imm os ninny it>- l f re housed the Plainfield ° a| J«wi*h organliations will go to N'T Brunswick on Sunday to attend a district convention ot the Jews of jth# State of Naw Jersey. An *l*c- jtion ot Officers will be bald, aeveral u .. u ,t 1 Flalnfi*ldara being named as randl- ItM Depot anm«*—«Ad 11 <4 !»••• <*•«*« Those making the trip will fourth part f lands In Bait New Jar rey with one equal one-half part of quit rent *ri)1 arrearage#.** Th* place of record Indistinct but It was either In Pofth Amboy for Bast New lersey or Burlington for West New Jersey. be: Henry Rosenbaum. Johuda Hal- : William Augsnblick. Mia* Minnie Solomon. Gouta Bhlff. Congrega- tion childre of Israel; M. J. Men- delsohn. Plainfield Hebrew School; Louis Rossn$ial. Plainfield Congress Commute*, apd Nathan Meyers. Con- gragwtsd Reefers of justice

Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State

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Page 1: Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State


Plalnfleld's borne

' member of the

RegistrationQuestions to

Be Answeredwh*hirui.*-rv;

incloB.„«. \imit set-p,Biio aim a


tlw list oftuidedraft till I

Rssfl r«*f»»yt io tt

re y

fte question*

ra In TO1" t 1

MsJ " your nill be asked I,: Brownprepare the way. or If

•HI lie aIn the order

i pMr on tbls papertwss *r* *et out belo r with detailedlnform«tloo to help tou


Physicians atthe Hospital

to Join Unit

Captaln Chartw v Peterfron.Commanding Ofncer Coi K.

Second iBf., X. G. $iMy dear Captain:

\ECORD baa | l



i. .•.] bhe

the iirt-n

Plain n



eld Reca

tN(l .


rSubscription—.Single Copies, 5 Cents; $3.0Cf- * Ye;

Co.K "Vets" St Mary's T. ALft £Wi7/ (/rge Members In Readiness

St. Mniy rr«

For 45th Anniversary

wit?, |»rovi«rcpistfr*»( tui.t.-iu-.il N,.nD b*comfe

between 21 ami ;«),i-v.iy niMic inhatiitntit in) tin- county within thessivf repHen will be re.^iv.-,] and no power ipJI- from refriitration wheii the day is set.I the M i r e w triv.-n are contained in k pamphlet

•san.! r.-iriilHlioriM wtik-h must be nhwrvrd by the|« in .-lmr(te i>f lh.- dm ft ami were received ves-f City Cl.Tk Jobs J. Carroll. They are ««'fot-

,t. 'Company K. j o i e n t Society. otnnnUeiiIterans in th t s j i a > I K ; J > ^ n d t o 4 a v e n j o )

tof beinKSomethingwill be In:

larlea A.,



itial organlzatioaiy. wlfi ohe forty-nt

Second:y on • i-it•h9d • town | tomorrow i

nanles| Plain- * like Miirr.-, of thele- • line headed by Ca

Peterson iand Sergeant <*_holdler • Apgar, thp latter at present having, | t Q l n t e d f o ,

nom they are M* proud • Hiarse of the recrullfriR office at 322 busy- for several weeks connare establishing;:a rec- • wWtfrroJt street. The Independent the"details.-which are to indiscipline ntnng the • Fir* and prum Con , wlU furnish mu- n t t i m % «errtcM in St Mary

it the conclusion of the pa- a D ( 1 8 -birthday" Banquet I;

ijpeak on 'Enlistment1 at ,treet Monday nlRh't

of to1

. W. Cur. Morrlon tre

0 l i

r w D Grx-ey Drand Dr W Wll

thow, wto will be

ilcaeo. Cook county. t e r two will not have completed their,* more highly than they defeiU, give number and terms as ho mm physicians until July • I fee] that yon should be

n which tbej Disregard additional months or day*Thee? ques- Be prepared to say "19." or "25.'

t "IS yrs. 3 mo*.." or the like,rerlng 2. Home •driram.

This means the place where yoiDo Mt wrlle on. mark, or other- have your permanent home, not the Thomas '

TW4 aiBtllate t»e»e lifctructlons. Do place where you work. Be prepared son Slscte:Mt r»mo»e them. "They should be fo give the addreiut In this winrwutly read, so that you will have Main street, Ohicij w answer ready when you go be- Illinois." thatfore the reicl»tr«r i name of Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth.

All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State. affairs with a ^tew of beingnaiitnUn card In Ink by the regls- * . l>ate of birth. leave whenever* necessarytrar. wbo ihoald be iarefol to speD Start to answer as yon would If Many of the jcradnate nun*

correctly and to write legr-*omp one asked you your birthday, the city have either alreadyactive service o> are about to do so.

• Many of them ^re enroJW a« mem-ber* of the ,yner1rnn Red Cross.

>thers h i re expressed a wlll-• >nro]I. Three locaj wom-

r Europe withK Elizabeth Maclay.

r or M- anil Mrs. Arthur Ma-clay, of West Elarhth street, and MissHelen Mav Canione. daughter of the

' late Stephen Ca^ioon*, left ax mem-

* May pfi. 1917. retetved and its• contents noted.-* Tn ; reply to your question• touching upon . the condprt of* the men of your command now* located at thtai Post, It* Kreat rpleaaure to convey to yon• the fact, that without any•tfon. their conduct hm been A-l.• They have condaeted them-* selves', like xOod soldier* and• gentlemen, and I mint aajt that

ignor Patrick Cody,irlest of St James' parish,

Dal pledge to the nineteen chastermembers of St. Mary's T. A. B. So-•ictj.iri 1872. The anniversary cc

•iii-ii.-ui . itself upon hist Us invitation' as It isthat he gof« away from

t Newafk beraune of his advanced age.Cody's address wtll be on

;; 'The Value of Temper-"'

ifflrial and orInvited. :The

ices a most repiitt of orators atifh as has never nineteen

.tiiered ID T. A. B. Hall befr~-pected that fully 250 pere

I will be In attendance.The anniversary program ppem

1st. Mary's church SBnday morninjthe 7:30 Mans, when the T. A. B. So-,t'nre >Th

;<lety and St. Mary's Holy Name Bo- enlarged I•lety members will receive Holy the pBBSe:


ighter things MondiIng an elaborate balodioua rlubhouse i


:hat »?ring In 137S whenmen pledged I hem-.bstaln from the use[iiorf The building

Ily the worshipping place's parish and until refeent-inpretentious frame atruc-

years ago It was greatlycompletely equipped, at:lme being one or the'

; their '


having In. youran efHi~l«nt bodvN N

wtllePatriotic S^rnce on Sundayas Godspeed to Volunteers Z,""1,?."

tlonsl Guard.Yourp »ery tmlf. •

.HARRY H. CL-AYTON".Chier or Pfcllre

i secured' as they make the beet Commnalon in a body. [moet liivitlng club homes'rn the city.Idlers arid bestd** '00.000 Bon-; i n the evening at 8 o'clock the T. it MUL* flttlng that the societymmlSHtoaed officers are to be A. B.'B win again assemble In the'should; have such a building to wel-awn "from the National Guard church Tor a solemn vesper service, j come those attending the rorty-flftb "•nks to take eharec of the con»crip-j which is announced as the principal lannlvegvary.>n of privates. ' annfveraary devotlonnls. The society j Josebh T. McCue, who han beenThe slowness or Plja inn elders in'members will be joined by iloleea- precldAit of the T. A. B.'s for tbelilting Btsnde in barl contrast la linns representing Watchung Coun-(nast tiree year* and who was re- •

- . i»e Westfleld men. Out of a popula-MI. Knights or Colnmbn«: Division elected! at the annual meeting lastMon of S.OOo more thjao 150 volun- No. A. Ancient Order of Hlberlans.,1°'

been ,«'aoon to depart for i

A service that will jive ions la the servkmemories of local cill»OB »*o a n sent Ifortiiost* enough to!be pre«nt am vire •the ocrvAtoa win be field Is tbe Crea- leal corps. Tboee who have enrolledcent Aveaue Prmbyteirian thorcJ) at for ftrmworit. a part or the prepared-

Patriotic Orde\

Convened Here'*™*?

1 pern have offered their services.' and St. Mary's Holy TTame Society,Thbi number Is doi|ble the quota all of this city: the Elizabeth T. A.that Is Required from tbe. to»n B. Society and the Holy Name Socle-through (-inscription^ One of the, ties of South Plafnfleld. Duneilenvolunteers from We^tfteld is George and North Plalnfleld. At these ves-W. Oaborn. »ho has Joined Company |Pers, the leading speaker will be theK In this city and wh<j> furnishes an Iexample of a real patriot. Mr. Os-born. who |B forty-three years old.

a splendid executive positionPart fli

ondai :banquet committee.

splendid array orafter-dinner ad-

ble William U Soun-

the follspeakersdresse9g U

er-, chairman of the Naval CofObntlnned on Page Four.)

> other, lisve also been ashed tilaatrtotkspesd to tfioae from PlalnAeld ««Mu»w Tolnntsered to do their part InOtis gnat war or who I b a n declared tloitheir lEtmtioQ to onllst In some member* of rhebnac* of the service fn the near fu- the headquarters iton. n « services wlllj be conducted and wll] marfh It>T lk« nrtor. Rev. John Sberidanj church. where ;Ztiit, aad beaide «n intensely pa- cJiurch will be %ftrlotk wmoa will inclide a musical meats hare beenprogram appropriate to the occasion, ithofte for whom the

Tbe SMSIOB of tb* cb

in, of the unit if-nf hy the N>« Yorkre»byterlan rfoapltal. Miss Ca-x»ne for B nuriber of years waa dl-•ctrew of nnrs*s at the Presbyterl-i Hospltsl andfboth are well known

•oop D h«W accepted the Invita- M j w ( i O n ) w , -and will attend In a body. The M B B I t m a n o f futnan

1 left thh. w^k to a m* Preubvterifln Hointfal i• delphia.

t will mobllii avenue,•mber of thenft of PTili:

HU family had already giits abare for service, ai one brotti

The annual convention or tae New three nephews and two sister* w<Jersey (MUirtnerm o{ 1811 wa« h«|d already enlinted. The brother Is IPv- jyesterday In the Fsck. Club, on Wash- Ing Osborn,:who in in Company K.I \\-itA

Ington avenue, and waa attended by|Third Regiment. The others « « : L e l l l l , l l H U J

on* hundred delegatae from all over George Osborn. loth Regiment: C. h M boen d o , n g h e r s h a r e d l

f j the State; The session started bff R *H«w<™J""M r o r 1 ^ * * ; R " T'!pa».t few weeks to prepare Ia* 11 o'clock with a business aeBHlon ' WIlcox. wafting orders to go

itll late in the [after- France as ammunition truck dri

Many Plainfield Men in

Service of I Their Country


allonai Guard regiexistence. Ptalnflel<

t takes Ita Share

i the ImrmKy lonr j thtwe « ho bareU|««r -illbiKMi. to lay] down

"tin. Miss Timpson•orch. desJrlDg held together ami any person who! | T

of the com-' wubsi to secore a teat In that poof the church will do s

UBher..a Spiring Bride

m ebUlnable all those M M r m l

t o . Mther st college orf I I t e d d"•*• •oIKad m any bra

f thla city. I tended to be an opportunity fo

ranrji of the to show their patriotism

"Pop9" Raymond IsThree Score and Ten Today

Historian* who c

mmor relativeRuth WaringMr.



and Mm.ilde avenueIn Graceley W. Bnr




is aas a

friends. MLtsdaughter r>:Timpfton. of

iarrlf>d yester-1 church toof Charles C

Borke. of Ravine road. The cere-mony was performed at 4 o'clock by

K Vicars . rector

mpile cothiUg^ p f v

*»1 hiparta.ee oII ot u , ye,,. in

bit tl»t Is betawe

date mark*

f excep-' United States Senator. All theseon May, things would have been a poeaibility<entury but hlii own personal lonn was Plain-not ei-i field's gain and there are hundreds of

it. To-Vftiiens who are mlghtq glad he* s<-ven- came back. "Pop" Raymond has

— — 7 vi IIHT fiirui of Al-' been a resident here for the past^ _ _ ' - 8*yisoBd, on« njf the most seventeen years, a brief period in a

' 1. whole-souled a[nd likeable life of three score and ten, yet It has• of Plalnflnld. *tid if the fel-! been long enongH for the genial old

of (imp tHllngchap to make ss many friends as Is" Ptalnfielderslocally. Slnre

this city he has devoted

ste a lot of (imp tHllngchap to make ss man*™»l «*»• trirtbdays ni\ somebody poniwmaed by lot« of•J™ B. C. reflected the « nhm of the, born and brought on™«»»nlty they would substitute Al- coming t»•* T R f "T. Raymond

_jbody ever!"Paymond"s Pectoral Plast.•bout. Junf the same.; production that carries the sympathy

ifleiders Ifcnow how and personal help of the producer to* U an.) eongs-atu-, physical sufferem all over the world. ••»—.• "'"-;

nourliig In since A personal visit from "Pop" Ray- ' " ' • / T 1 "the) East Her- mond IH one of the best panaceas a ' _ - j ( '

a brother o:weddl

nporiait th!* dai

• J |*s ia»nni ,

J^?.°T th* pnt l r>- ff|t*. Mernbersas hhi tlma> Is

the cbu:Miss Timpson: «ore a gow:

white ulln irimmeil wltb point laceand also wore her mother's weddingveil and lace. Her bouquet waslilacs and llltes-of-the-valley. Shewan attended by her sister. MissMarv Hamilton Ttinpson. as maid ofhonor, who wore a gown of Bcru laceand carried spring flowers. MayWaring Humphrejj, daughter of Ma-Jor and Mr*. Cbiuncey Humphrey,and George Phelpk Mellick. son ofMr. and Mrs. J . j Hartley Mellick,cousins of the bride, were Dower girland page.

George M. Murra.. ot this citywaa the best mnn and the ushenwere Henry Eugenfe Coe. Jr.. of NewYork- Stuart H. {Climent. or Buf-

W. Meek. Jr.. of RJcJt

vlth a social prdKram. « d t wo Maters, actively engaged (n] 5 ( ( 0 m e n f r o ]

eas meeUng the j -esr -R** Cross Work, one or them . at | U o n , g M r v , c e ,leared up and f o m a , Present In France. n M J n n e a d 0

•he poilMona an libra-1 Durfne the past week four mem- fjnpd Its rank:rer and second and btm of Company K were discharged j h a a a wa.iung

the ensuing ' from service under the "dependent n v e Duringofficers ily"

Shortly after the business sie*slon \ Edward Weaver. Jame* Toniaonstarted on* of the delegates proposed | Pt>«<P Mlllwater snd RBbert Lalngthat a Preach baby,'made parejitleaB A" the members -or the compfby the greek war. be adopted aad U ^ e r * Inoculated the paat weekIdea was unanimously sponsored, it guard against smallpox and typl

to appropriate suffi- inoculation win take place withlrtbe purchasing of a day or two. Uentenant A. R. Phil-

ips, of the company, is doing detach-ed recruiting service for the bat-talion at Eltiabeth. Sergeant GeorgeL. Apgar ha* eleven applicants ferservice at the present time and ttieM

• | localIng •

win be approximatelyi this city In the na-

Whlle Company K Is[ recruits. Troop D hasi to peace strength andIIHt of abo.ut seventy-tbe past' week man>

ing men have left for traln-mps and a number more hav

placed In; ttalley Forfe.

> be used as a prize each yearthe student Rutgers Colleft

who writes: the beat historical .a dslnty lunch*

served In the dlntag roondub. the decorations and fa'

all patriotic in nature. Theree fourteen honor guests present,of whom made impromptu aWer-

dinner speeches. The principal ad-dresit * H made by Rev. H. St. a.Burrtll. reebor of Holy Cross, 5who


Excluding the rosters olnil it In companies, tbe Record hasomplled a list as nearly aa possiblecorrect of local men wbo are underirma. Including those who Joined re-'ently or have been in for some time.

The names of others who enroll wille added to the list as they are ob-Ltned:The list follows:

Officers' Reservi

made earnest appeal that ) the•Liberty Loin" be universally Jlorted. He'descrlbedlts mean ;ieiures and how the loan should I

bscribed to. Others who gave shoi

Officers.' Reeerve;

Induction Servicefor Dr. Skettenger

Special service* have' been arrang-ed for the regular weekly prayer

which Ume Rey. D. W. Skellenger,laa been in charge or the

Otto Moore.Frederick: BntlLorenzo Brower. ^ NavalJames Tanbam, Naval Reserves:rion 8. Ackerman, Jr., Navalserves; Warren Ackerman, NReserve*; James Ackerman. NReserves; Louis Dny, Navalserves; Hoy Woodhtili, Navalserves; A. . Slauson. Naval Reset

Wllliam P. Tayloi Officers' Re-serre; CapUln P. B. Rhoadee. Eniri-

neers' Corps; John W. ^ereca, OB1-cera' Reserve; Edison Wood bull Offl-

H-VB; Harvey Rothberg. Of-iiprvp; Herman Levlne, Of'

lifers' Beserve; Upman S. Gerver,Officers'- Reserve; Everett Tracy. Of-ficers' Reserve: A. E. Crane. U. S.Reserve' Engineers; James Herman,U. S. Aflation Corps; jack Hull, V. 'S. Aviation Corps; Carroll Taylor, CS. Englnjeerlng Corps; George II.Morray.i Naval Reserves: Stanley m

nrke, Marine Corps; Frank. Bchwed.'Officers' ^Reserve;Aviation; Corps:R L

Leon a Moran.Janke, Naval

Reserves; Le.wra.nce Heely. NavalReservesi Harry Brower, U. S. Navy;F-redericfe Vogel. N. T. N. G.; RUB-,nell Brenjian. Officers' Reserve; Mar- -tin Mcrjonough. Naval Reserves;Warren Towntey. C. S. Nary; AJe*-

ider B^tzly. Officers' Reserve: Ed-ward Bufretl. Offleers' Reserve; Don-old Fullerton, Offleers' Reserve; Syd-ny Wackfy. Officers' Reeea re; John

le, WBcera* Re#err«; Charles '>verton. JDfflcera' Reserve; Pertontchenck, Offlcers* Reserve; OUT Sny-

Ransome. Officers' Reeerre: Albert

fes. V. 8.- Navy; Gerald Unke.apolls; Oodfrey Clay, ABBJIPOIIB:

Percy Bnlner, V. B. Nary; Burnett


ask foilted a Raymond

...lo-'plaster is the ne»t best thing.» of I WTien "Pop" Raymond Joineditlon. | Plalnfleld Lodge of Rlkn. the presld-•t th«|ing exalted ruler pi<-hed him out for

n>c him all I chairman of the sick and relief row-mlttee. II was plain to be scen( thathe had all the qualifications *o fit

all hl» acqnatnt-[the 'Job and appearance were not d»-i bom aticelvlng. Every siicceedlnK hej»d ofHIT. Mil-j the lodge has kept "Pop" Raymondf Boston I in the same chairmanship anc!

Raymbnd bene-jin never a n

gchurch organist,

Following the


played by the

LK alt tendedar friends.? left for a

Prlncioi,. p r e ,M,nt o< tlH. Col^.1.1 U M c ^ , u ^ t o r . Th. .w«c« . will |

prenldent <Elizabeth:of theMt* Streu<k; of Jereej City. P t w l - ' " " t ,dent or the Daughters of the Revplu-!B H e r


Karet "WHUamB.

It» Orlsln Bind Development."lamented her talk with

:ed by: Rev. John Sherldielle, as presiding officer, and othersho will take part Include Rev.

[Howard E. Clarkje, of the First Con-ireta. and Dr. Charlesthe First Presbyterian I '>"

church. I"", A committee composed of members mi

'{°7'lot the congregation and headed by fe-•Jar"i George T. Lelgha' has had charge o(,Ra*t 8 ! tjhe arrangementa for a special mil-'da^ v e alcal program, which wilt be render- th'FlaKi«d by the cholr.i The church has anj * , [been decorated fol" th

Plainfield Man PossessesDocument Written in 1751

nt what he

al'oui•xt Mond

ub" wan! othe t h e • fai

naval . bRxcs for training

m the rJpom men dation of

"and Chai11 dered vli

aeeS. Miss Waller,ifrfbated several vn•f. Todd. of Dtmei:In selections.

i for

^ * F rollowlnR theF S " wl" to hrid ln thKi: -room of the church.sf?OH Ttr, Skellenper ha,rfn ' :or affairs at fc>Pej c

Stephen To«naend. of Clinton a>-ele, this city, has In his poaseaBion iist unique and Interesting docu-•nt trhlch came Into his hands (

- days ago. It is an old style le-conveyance of land and bears the

e of July 10. 1751, together withassumed autograph of John Ail

i, the second president of thted States, as one of the wil

President Hadlej.tenant's rommismionL Mrs Bu

. the jrranddaughter it O. T. Wj of Park avenue, for [many yean. nected with the Standard Oil


j ^ " n M In Urn fant

• It" »h-|

; bark again.

i that "PoPj" Ravraondit*>d rhalrman of the sickcommittee every year. TJOIHB In wishing hi,m* of his natal dii of Bcoren of frier

i his altruistic pie

i d (J I


• Ian-1 'Arrangements are being made by„}, re-'the trnnls commtttep of the Plain-. %,-<- «rfd Country flub f<* the holding ofhannv'a patriotic tournament that will take,-• t h P the place of the annual open rha

nd be fo t h e

* I'nloesidentserset couMiddlesex and.Som

^Ithnuffh definite announment has not yet been made. It i«pected that the tournament willheld from June 30 to July 7.


rls. Mrs. A. W. Shot well and

been In <•apel for r.rom Rich

L Hill. L. I. He tnok thi place leitee of the Jo- t y . r , l p | r f b y H ( , v prpflerle Gi

/ R R X " w h o r e f l i e n e d HeliBB heen an t^ ^ " wnrlcpr durlnp the.time he hafl

-V-L n ' -.'rl^ I1*™ a n d h 8 B H i r ^ d v d o n p a "


lesseft. Experts who have examinedSunday-school the document assert that It has

ceptional ralne as an hiBtoriral .1of pre-rpvolutlonary days.

Stu<nd ; will recall thatID. , JYest Jersey caile. and Carteret ivP Djuke of Yoi

•at', t

the twelve ot lal land "•proprie-

all parrels of land


«I Y.^W. HBell flowerst of the .Teiredeem the.M who nil!

Mfsnen Sadie R


1 method of d<

i fund beldg!

Rose Davidson, Ethel. and Panllne NathanpoiIn. Rose Gould. Sadif- Kpsteti).a Meyerovltz. Dorothy Augeri-Fannle Rosenthaj. riara Reese!.Rosenbantn and Esther

1 be given at Proo-Saturday. June 2,

. | which will be especially for children,nd of p a l e * - ^ e , p e r l ment was planned for fol-

K a recent conference held be-if thi

send has measures 2 feet 6 inches by3 feet, is;engroB»ed on sb.eep-ak.ln,and bears ihe arms of Great Britainand the Drjler of the Garter. It con-veys by vli^ue of a deed of trust un-der certalnj bankruptcy proceedingsin tne Umdof George II, property tnEast Jersey to James Alexander, of '

ie City of New York, and Robertunter MdVris. then of Ix>adon

John Ashlc&, of Northampton. V.nv-ate grantor. James Alex-

ander waej the leading New Yorklawyer or t^e time and also practiced

i New .lot-spy. He was a largevner of r |al estate In the Rarttai»y section} As stated before, themveyancegls dated July 10. I7B1.>d beside | the signature of John ..'.dams bearj another, that of "'Sam'"

Harris. It Vonveyn "One twenty- •fourth pa r t | f lands fn East New Jer-sey with one equal one-bait part otquit rent anH arrearages." Tbe place

rd l | Indistinct but It was ..i Pefth AmbO7 tor Bast Nev>r iliirltnelon for West New

ing .Moth PI

~ture hoiatfon


t-Teariier Association.

HONBT TO LOAN. Real Bstateasd Tnsnranee. Manning- A Curtis.t«< Depot av««e.—!Ad. I t I* l y « "

mday to attendof the Jews ofrsey. An elec-

tion of officers will be held, severalPlain fielders being named as candi-dates. Those making the trip wtll

Y. W. H. A.) Louis Shirr. Congrega-tion Children of Ismel; M. J. Men-delsohn. Plalnfleld Hebrew School:

gregated Seeiers of Justice.

ran thM hom** ! Record ta | PI.I.H.M'. IK.™, T*Lp,r It. eeltimne -a"y »... r<IurM< **,fV member of the I

Plainfield Record

I *. RW'ORFI ON A-1 MET. Thj* American Pre** Association* baa Rla< od bile Plainfield Record, o* Ha*l6t of A-l svnpapwa. It hmk pawif tb* praacrlbed tssts. i X-N® 30 PLAINFIELD. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY MAY 18.


Questions to

Be Answered

Physicians at

the Hospital

to Join Unit

Subscription—Ring], Copies. 5 Cent,; $2.00-» Yi USK 1*01,it ■o'lMKXlKi co.

i, (it'll tlw li»l of •luratiuns wit), |>i -.uJTwill ,r<f •» H rulilo It. .-verve.Dr who him I l rnri.100. of lltf drxfl bill wSirll ll |. e«|.,rle. jj,, ((. .i[,i- ■, nlrrHtly ■nnmineetl. mrlulbxc. *®l*r ''V.''r-V

limn -t The “

onel.1, or the M.M.nlwr, Jlo.pl *1 l>—a j„,t eompletM maklnx I chance* In tb, m.a.x.m.nt of th.. rcjjiatrrwl under »Vat»r r J ,m„ .. .11 .Kin h—ontr .'nit. ocrc.ir.iSui, Inc the I'nlted 8U1-. ween 21 mi.I :IU. armies In Rurhpe AHhonxti the new ...elr inhabitant ill Ihc county within the ■"""■'•nenl, allow- for a la rue niim- repli.-n Will hr rr. civeil nn.l no power m 01 n-.rrm. a. well the dor.

tl repintration when the day in net. *°r» lo X® I' It—easdry ___ ll th- atiww.-n. given are -•ntninml in a nnrnplilet a®® forth tba nth- t"'1 r.-vuhin..iiv Which mtiat In- ..Ucrve.l hv the -n," 'S!1 . * f*» «•*»■

- ' " charge ..f th. draft and were re.-.p.-i vea- h.?. “' !l u .w 1 T^"*1 • " a l-enwinuel at the preeent time fol of about thirty doctor,, thlrtv-llve

and thirty-live or The pupil

’ la a letter received • >>y Captain Charle. *. • of Company K. or ihj, city. ■ Cblar of Police Harry Clayton. ■ of Red Hank. an nCatlnUd • rompllmen. to th, PtataB-ld • '*•>» on their a.oer.1 Conduct • • whlie attached to th, KM Bank • • Port! of coaat patrol. TRe cpji- • • muulrdt ton tain* after }a tajk * bH w©en Captain Pcten rhi*f Clayton follow Inc r«i mlnronduct Id this • h# frkr* of guardsmen to o4t of town con Adders w|]| he n IlKb&d to hour of th* __ datlon placed upon the bold I*r bora of whom they ar* so proud • * on th* » and >ho ar* raUMlshlng a r*c- • probably • ord tor discipline along th* •

: Co. K “Vets”

\ Will Urge


3 St. Mary’s T. A. B. S.

Members In Readiness

For 45th Anniversary

Wilh th. Idea of atlmul.IInx In g, Total! khatluaur, llenev- Kav.l Monalanor Patrick Cody. lh» tereet In enll.tment. company K. .,1c, Society, or.snlie.l on May .eneSablo print of St. Jama. part»h. Second Rcigment. veteran. In thla ,a ,,;2 lod,, enjoylna the New wk, who edtnlnlatered Jhe orttO-' reel parade ‘bout diellnctlon of belay „ne of the uioal Dal tledxe to the nineteen chaster omethlnx Influential organisation. of the kind : inen^era of 81. Mary'a T. A. n So- il! be tn the county. wl(l on Sunday next detyLn 1872. The anniversary com- celebrate the forty-fifth anniversary mltt<T congratulate lta*|f upon hia

trrda, at 1** •tndenta

hK of t’ity <1«*rk John .1. t'nrroll •craduate nur I. Xan.e hi fall tae tn jearw. forty tralnln Th|a mean* your name aa you or- nuraea would

O to o' •‘f °m'r L”'V “<* "'”'0 •hr'"' y~r. lt, you xo to tnltlala. a. 8. 1.. Brown, xlve that hoHdtal. and, rhe xr.du.t. am aa your name. If you aim San.ilel Inrl.ide thoae from all oxer the Brown." aiva your name In -that that are- .ubje*t ,o duly If necoaa, lawrm.e Brown." xlve Routine «train, have now been to ranked that a staff „f ,b„„, „„ , m < .. fy twenty nu

o. til. yepetj T

1 INTORMAl ION Ha. *e <•—•» Qefe“""' <»* Raad reiefelty , —ratration table ' - -| will be naked Prepare the that way

'—rr- will he e*hed tor you to State your are todnv In year. only, tor, snd till, umr tn tba order In which they mererard additional month, or daya conld rotm w: — Be prepared to any "t» " or "23." Five doct,


hor« front NaTMlnk Hlrfiland. to Barnexat Bay Chief Clavton’e letley a. riven In full In Be fol low*.. I - . Captain Chari— A P.torton. Pommandlnr Ofllc*r Co; K. Second iof. X O. N J My dear Captain: Topr favor under dat* of May 1«. 1*17. received and It* content* noted In reply to your queetlon touchlnr upon the conduct of of your command no*

Ity ill! hold tow n i temor iow nlahi like thirty of th* ‘ lull* line needed by CapUIn Charle* I’etereon -end Sergeant Oorue I- of n8 formation, a committee ai>- acceptance of Us invitation ’ as it Is APK*r. th*- latter at pre*ent having f6r the purpose has been very seldom that he gor« away from • liargh of |tn* recrultln* office at .122 bo,y for several weeks completln* all Neaafk becauee of his advanced aae \. -et Trent atree, The Indr,. relent th^ detalla. which me to Include re- Monahtnor Cody'a addrera will be on Flic end IJrUn-. Cor|> will lurnlxh mu- ||e|„„, aervlir. In jit Mary'a church the eibJo. t: The Value ol Temper-' ale At the com li.Kon of th. pa- . b|rI|lday" Sanquet In Uie m>- nac, • radn Aesejultlyrann *lllla*t N. Run- cMj.„ „,lh hou- „„ »>., pourlh »-||h the church -r.lcc ,on,pl«- C.ilirttnetit .1 Mr^, Monday nlrtlt. To thla latter ed. t*. memllera of the-rm lei, will . Uadlahn ayenue and .Front .tree!. ,g,ir . urge nnniber of local -and turn llxhter thlnx. Monday even- » Compan) K. ahi<-M la now (IoIiir out of town men. prominent In re-. In* b* giving an elaborate banquet In icoast patrol duty, la short eighteen llgloua. official and btialnea* Belda. the cdnunodloua clubhouse on’West men of Its full complement It aeeks have twen Invited. The list of speak- Fourtf street, the scene of that desirable men betwcea the agee of «r» embraces a most representative memorable gathering in l*7i when Mghreiin and forty Bv* years, ai bod* of orators auoh as has never nineteen ynnng men pledged tkem- thougb thq conscription are limit t* lH^n gathered in T A n Hall before .elves,to totally ahetain from the us* from twentv-one to thirty-one years U I* expected that fully 250 persons of Intoxicating liquor. The tMilldlng was originally the worshipping place By an net of Congress passed yester-} day the pay of all soldiers has been .Increased, privates re. elvin* <30

i be In attendance. Th* anniversary prog-am opens at of Rt ,|,b thk . Unati.t thiwP-Z Ki. m. ''rl~tc. rcclvln. a „ Mary, church S.nda. momlnr at |y w. " _ . •“. * pn,t- n “ mr month and noncommlaaloncd oltlcwra the 7:30 Mat, when the T A B So-! tor. aid tkin"I'nlcn't'o'n "to • thTl'acI^^’thil'wiuMt'aVv b'°'r mon" I-v°Bonlon ,|ctv and St. Mary'a Holy Name Bo- anl.r *‘rT’ " it la blrhly dwatrabl, that voluntcwr, Hcly mcmbwra will reertve Holy th. i am.ar.aat «t balwk Wltb dat.llad not I. ,r. 3 turn , or th. Ilka r..d, annun.. ._.r ,n . t„ Iw „„ wlulo„t „r„. - bfwwatma to baly f« t. an—wrtn, i How- mVtrv— lota »ma mrdtr.l unit |„ socman -tlon. thalr conduct h~ bean A-l. • hr nrn.^-0 Ibaat . Tl"* “••"* p,*r' ’,h'r' 'nn w Currla. Hr r.cnrr, n Onpcv. Dr.,- Thar bay. rowductad tham- • D. Ml writ. on. mark or otnm- bay. yo.r parm.nant homa. not tha Thom., m Mom. and Dr W *n. • aalvw. Ilk. raod wtldl.r, and • M, ..mat. bftwctlOM Do Pl«. -bar. yon -or, Be prepared ao, SMwnmn $„ tho- who will h. • nntlwnrn. and -I moat aa* that

although tha tat- • I roold not n>mpllm«nt tham tham. Thav abould ba fo rlva tha addrawa In thla wav: "232 tha Drat to t MbMly raad. ao tba| you will have Mala at real, Oilcarn rook coont.v. tar two wll (M.aawav ready whan you no ba- llllnola " that la. rlva number and term, aa h lM tha radatrar nama ol atraat flrwt. than town, than I. other, AU iinw, will ba wrlttao o, tbw ronnty aw,, font- affair, will rndatriUM t»rd lo ink by tba rafta- S. Data of birth laava -h trar aba abaald ba tarafal to apaD Start to anawar «■ you aould If Many of tha all carractly and lo wrlla la*J- -oma on. aakrd you your birthday, tha ally hare My. 1 trontlnuad on Pnxa Fonr.l nctlva acrvlra Many of than “ bam of tha Whlla othara h»va a,praaaad _ , . .. . Ibrnaaa to an roll Thraa local worn.

os Godspeed to Volunteers rVZZr;.:::* danrhrar of Mr and Mm Arthur Ma- rina of Warn Eighth atraat. and Ml*. Ilalan M..- Cahaona da.tchtr- of tha

Patriotic Service on Sunday


, c|ety members w|ll receive Holy f the they make the beet Communion in a body. mo« beside. 200.000 non In the evening at 3 o’clock the T.|u officers are to be A B ’* will again assemble National Ouard.chnrrh for a solemn vesper

try’s parish and until re^ewt- unpretentloiis frame ptrur- re* years ago It waa grwatly and eompletely equipped, at n* helug on* of the ivlting club homes fn the city, fitting that the society the should* have sneb a building to wel- rvlce. eome fhote attandlng tb* forty-flftb ’ have completed th Hr Physiclana until July arranging their lew of being able to,

inrses about idy gone on are abont to do so enrolled a. menv ri. an Red Crose. will-

- * ranka to take charae of the - onscrip- j which l. announced as the principal 'Ho** of prlvatea anniversary devoUonnls. The society | los^b T McToe. who ha. been i reel mat you miouiq o* cob- | Th€, mlo¥lu9mm of pisinfteldera in members wl!| be Joined by delega president of the T A B.’s for the grata Inted command much an efficient bod^ as a unit of New Jmofy Na tlonal Guard Yoam very «ral^. HARRY H n-AYTlO.V. rblef of Pplhe

A service that all! ||v* long ta tha aervlca. Invitations bsv* also been memories of local r«lseas o*o are sent to Lhoee soon to depart for ser- ... Q, . __ _ v I.n.aau ammttb tn ba t—rt vtc. a. ..m, «- doctor. I. an, mad- Che ociasJoa will be held la the Cres- leal corpa. Tboee who have enrolled l Araase presbyteries eborch at for farm work, a part of the preps red- Raaday morals* aad wlU nom campaJga nearly as important as ba la the aatara of i

b*ni of the unit | Pr oebyterian boon* for i patrtatlc Ood- an. S|»r. kart alrt tmaw aakrt to b. IT'^.ltll’nd l

her* MIm |/in|te

if hy the \>w York Pltal Mbs Ca- *f yeara waa di- al the Presbvteri-

Patriotic Order

h.vinw In rotir • Th* of Hluintleldcra in members wiij be Joined by delega president of the T. A. B.*s for the ■ vLJ. • '•■listing stands In bad contrast to tlons representing Watcbung Counpast t^ree years and who waa re- n ooov ^ thw wasiOeld men Out of a popala c|| Knight* of Columbus; Wvtslon elected^ at the annual meeting last .jtloB of S.OBO more than 150 to1ob-.No. 4. Ancient Order of HUmtUbi. : Mondaf night Is chairman of th# • . teers have offered their service*, and Bt Nary's Holy Name Society, banquet committee. Ha announce* . Thl* nnmber is doghle the quota all of thl* rHy: the Rllrabeth T A the following *ple*dld array of . that U required from tb* town B. Soclet* and the Holy Name Socle- speaker* for the after-dinner ad- . through conscription One of the tie* of South rialnfleld. Dunellen dre*>e«j Honorable William U Baun- volunteers from West Be Id Is Georg* and North Plainfield. At these ve«- der*. rjslrman of tha Kara I Consult- W Osborn, who ha* joined Comjiany per*, the leading speaker will be the1 ffpnttnncd on Page Pour..) K In thl* city and «h# furnishes an example of a real patriot Mr Os-

C^fiTIUPUPfl gave up * splendid axedotive position Many Plainfield Men ift LUfll/CKCll 1JCIC on ,h( imclDc coast to anawer the ‘ Service ofl Their Country ivantlon ol tka .Saw »raa napkaw, Ot 1812 w* hdld already anllMcC •ark club, on Wmab- tar Oaborn. wl

kavr valaHtaarad lo do tk.tr part la Troop D ban accoptad tha Inrlta- tkk (fait »»r ar oho bar, darlarad (ton and will attend In a body Tba bar, of mo unit will atoblllaa bt ,™„ ,h. k !?: *• h:^V!jr fra m*Ut here VcTlll atOA from there to the portion of the, ^

Tb* ami i.i convent Jersey Daughter* yesterday la the park iDgtoa avenue, aad wa* attended by | Third Regiment on* hundred delegate from all over Oeorge Ouborn. ^ , the Stole. The aomloa st*rt**d Off !L..WI1' a« II o’clock with a bus!

on the Pacific coast to answer call. Hia familv had already given Its share foe service, as one brother. Wa and two slater* were Tha brother la Irv- bo la In Company K. «th KegH Slated for service ag orders

The othara ■p«!nlen two National Guard regt- neera' its already In existence Plainfield

braam of (he service la the tmu TBs service* will be conducted and will kf th* nr tor Rev. Jo ha Sherldaa | cfcarch. when* pa- church will be set aside

»“ thoTefter- Fra8r* ■? ■•‘■'•nitlon truck driver. ,of raeB lhe H, O, Atn.'• FXUI pr«r«a. •»'> C]** »> or rm.i A| maeUog th# year s ^*rk on^ of 9ham • **1 Uon’s aarvlc Arrange- ral menta have been made to seat all If* cm those for whom th* service la b*lng IfllSS I ffllDSOtI ng held together and any peraon who »

a Spring Bride

I will laclad, , nnatral arapra •parapvlata to tb. occaalon Tka In In at tba rtarrb. M » “F— Ik. taaltat «t tb. coin- wtabm to wwar. n taat In th.l KanKy toward tbo~ aho kara abown tlon of tha vb.inq. will do ao by tall- 1 ** ‘*T[*>,° thalr |„, o0. of ,n, 0.bat, A cordial In 1 yltatlon baa baan aatandad to tha —- nr. ' P«WI® 10 ®“*B® -**' <• ta- Sk Mu, at colint, oa in thla rRy. trtdrt ta ba aa opportunity for ,11 »' ,"1*" tan Ml Mad u aay brmarb of tb, to ahaw thalr pat riot tarn **",h

Pspsior “Pop” Raymond Is Three Score and Ten Today

of a large gather- and friends. Mbs ipaon. daughte Is G Tim peon a* married yaater- *cop*l char«h ta son of Charles C. Mr and Mra \A lllllalde avenue, day la Grace Ri Htaaley W. Bark Burke, of Raving ri mooy waa performed at 4 o’clock by Rev B. Vicar* Stevenson, rector of the chnrrh

^ ha* boen doing her share during the J | past few week* to prepare tha roun- ,n try and after the draft tekea It* share will be approximately from thla city in the na- — Ice. While Company K Is affairs »®r* cleared np and woineta , **""■*“* ,n rmttee at|ll In need of recralts. Troop D has lehooon to HI tlb. po-M Iona aa libra- Dortnr tba paat waak four man- B||M |U nnk, lo pnaca .tranxlh and nan. color-baarar bad aacond and bar, at rompan., K war. dlarharmd bu , w.ltlax Hat of about aaaanty. third viva praoldrtta tar tho ,a-uln. from aarrt. andar tb. "d-paadant Surtax tba paat yaar All tba olbar oOlrara bold family" rlanaa of tba t'nltad Stata. !or>l yonBg m»n baa, laft for train- orar Army rarnlatlon. Thao, man rt u, ramp, and a numbar toora bar. Shortly attar tha bnidnaaa afaalon Ed-krt Waarar, Jama* Tnataon too. rarrnltlax .tattoo, and an- atartod on of tb. dalontn protortd Fblllp MIHwatav and Ratmrt twin. ||,M that a Franch boby.-mada paraptlaaa All tha mrttbar, of tha rompanv e,, by tb. ttraot war. ba adopt ad and tba war. tnocul.tod tba poat woak to Idrt -aa rtaalmon.ly apoartrrt It aaalnat amallpox aK rnb.. was also rated lo appropriate sufl- Inoeolstion »1ii take place within a rt.pt moony for tba pnrrbrtin* of a day or two. tJ~trt.nl A, R. PbtV broo.a ana. .. a tnatnorlai to ba *pa. of tba company, la data* datarh- plarad In, tba Waablaxtoa ebanal, ad tocrnltln* aarvlrt for tb. bat- Vallay For*. Tb. .o» ot |>S — «*'«•« at KlUhbrth. "arartnt Ortrrt xtvaa to ba naad aa a prlae aacb yaar L. Apffar baa alavan appHcanU far for Ota atodant at Ratltara Colla*a rtralca at tba preartt Um. and tbrt.

t who rompll, rb.ooolon-ihap, a railroad maxnat or avao a 1'•^da apatflfy nothin* of axcap- t'nltad Statrt Ban.tot All tbart , twcnrrfna on May thla*. -on.d baa- b®^_. rt-U-Ry .Dd ,or. hrt mothar'a wrtdta, .. > tbay ia«a not Bald', xaln and that, ara hundrada of „„ x. .. .. IWatam lo any Extant To- v ltlxan. -bo .ra mlxbtq xl.d ba l"*'* *“d lllta.pf-tt,a-v.llay. ! wrap tama back "Pop" Raymond

' d “f yaar la tba daut cantnrr but hi* own parw»nal tat (kat I. baciaaa tbay lava not a«- Bald's x.ln and thara *“* ttamnlaa. u, .nr i.lant To- . Itlian. who ara mli . • t*»f and data m.rki the navan- cama back. "Pop" rutavoa -t of of tb. fclrS of ai- baan a raaidam bar. for Ut. tut J^'nf*n^la^ T kayntond. on- qr ,ha moat rt.antoan Jrtr,. a briar parlod In a iTH rtbla Ufa of thru. Moya and tan, y.t I, ha. d.nrt,a7of Ma'

atundrd bar alatar. MIm foortaan hooor *naatn all of who* m.da Impromptu dlnnar .paaeba. Tha prlnrlpa dra.. wa. made by Rax Burrtll. rrwtor of Holy Croaa. mada an aarnaat appaal that •t.lbarty IX**" ba nalvaraally ported 11a daarrlbad It. . uraa and bow tba loan ahon and (iaor*a Pbalpa Malll-k. aoo ot |.ntawr,ba« to. 0«b~a who «...

» C. r-Mtrt "th. ;,.b7a of ,hi bora aad bVon.M ot. locally Wnr* /‘‘JJi'doi'a’r'lHH i'*IV" ^ U»»-, Ior ln. p.,, oatc—.y tba, wnnld .Utmtllat. Al- comlox lo thl. city h. ha. d.-otad 'th* brkl*' ' *lr,lPrlocton wrtldant of .. paator. Tha .acrtca. -til nat.| av.nt for hlm.air to tb. m.n»lwl.rt.y .f u .... |n*"'~ of Jr.r^':_.M ....„ _;'ba rondactad by Rrr John Sheridan plantar.

who*e-«oul*<1 and IlkiwDif me u» uuwi wwi» -uu •»“, ;** ■* “— n..D.rJtr.J ef Plainfield and if the fel- been long enooff* for the genial old * 1?“*^/i Umwrv Humphrey •«. a lot nf lima tallln, chap to m.k. a. many frtaml. a. I. *“d Mr. Cb o.ra, Ilompbray. somebody po******d hy lo«a of Plalofielder* !^ T **rmoad s nsfal event for himself to the manufacturing of .. Mlll^a nf ,h,_ _ilv I71*1",'. . # .. „._•_ r..t,Kd of!"* ,vu«“,,cv w. *«■ —1«"ti ^•••Sa Id row.ll> nxtbody a.ar Pa.mopd'a Pactor.1 Plrtt.r. a " mrt and tb^ nrtar- K ^ ni~U.nl Z*"*' “ o«~f. *"d otb.r.

L“~artar^ .hunt Jo«Mha aama. produettap tha, ~rrl~ tba rttnrttby ^ *"d ,h' EH«bath: Mr« May.dl pr~l<abt who „v. p.rt Inclnd. R.v I^Ddaof Pta,„n.,dar, know bo- and pan~>~l halp of tb. prod,war lo ”” L°^-J.r' *' »' th. Womrt . Clabfl ol Trantrt „OWBrd * Cl.rka. of tb. Flrat Ton

La. ” T- Harm

I raromllion of tha Inr ax.ltad rttlar picked him odt for ordlty him all!chairman of tha tick and rallaf com mmw I* ,.v a e xi rolfil lvf-a i . V Raymond, or! na ba I. ba bad all the qaatlllcatlona to Bt .' J”®" to all hia arqnalnl- Iba loh and appaaran.-a warn not da_ , . ,L . >" Raymond wia horn at ralvln, Erary atirraadlnx head of .. .. .. . WtaMrt „„ Ml.- tb- lod*n bn, kapt Pop" Rafta-nd ^'rp.0'.'7

'•‘tat?,.’,,'"' m" P' nn”on ln “• "*ra* ''3'*lr,a*"-l'l,‘ and thara ^ b lfa> tf.nnd ban.- la n.rar a mralln. but **•*>«'* „„ . „„lov at ■ttaHrt* L'0*- "r "'Vr""'™'* "taklDX a raimrt about dlMMad y>1# ^ on ^ j.dnn W,,^y°l*r »* ">* T"b " wa. hroth.ra or thalr frtilllaa P P ,ud|„p rrcr|,pd , llco- Rtaal Fnxl.nd.ra lla laarn Raymond haa a haart aa bl* aa » r„mn,|^|0n Mra. Rttrka la •M 8,'“"""" * wa"h-t„b and hll,_«an.ro.lt.r radial'- (||^ , „ T. tf.rlnx. f',,ow »»»* how In every direction. Uttl* ofParkar*n'i*.fprmanvy*ar*rin- keep friends At fl *' ' * k,_ Aihs.^1 h,B State to tag*; when h* leave* mr |.w« "-*••••"-- rv|iny - TaHnawaFl.- rv. I-1-— w k.Mt.. V there is «b- | ' 7

who write* th* brat hi^rtca. araar.|he will take to Kllsabeth tonight for At noon a dainty luncheon waa(fln«> examination ■erred In the dlnleg room *f the club, the dgroratlons and favors be- ; io. ^i p.tifiotb-1. natar,. mm Jndactton Srrvice for Dr. Skellenger

Special service* have been ermng- ©d for the reffular weekly prayer ‘ “' meeting at Hope chapel tonight, at which Uma Rev. D. W. 8kelleng*r. •ho haa bran In charge of the perUh for tha past yrar. will be officially

Excluding the rosters of the twi militia companies, tbs Record has compiled a list as nearly a# poralblo correct of local men who ar* under arms, including those who Joined re- cently or have been In for some line Th* name* of other* who enroll wUl be added to the llat aa they are ob- tained: The list follows: Otto Moore. Jr.. Officers’ Reserve; Frederick Butler. Officers’ Rrarave; Lorenio Brower. Naval Reserves; James Tan ham. Naval Reserves; Ma- rlon B. Ackerman. Jr.. Naval Re- serves; Warren Ackerman. Naval James Ackerman. Naval Gouts Day. Naval Re- Roy Woodhull. Naval Re- A. Slanson. Naval Reserves; William P. Taylor. Officers’ Re- serve: CapUIn P. E Rhoades. Eirgl-

cera* RAeerve Harvey Roth berg. Of- OcerV tyeeerve; Herman Ixorine. Of- ficers’ Reserve; Gipman 8- Oerrer, Officers . Reserve; Everett Tracy. Of- ficers’ Reserve: A. K. Crane. U. S. Reserve Engineers; Jam** Herman. U. 8 Aflatlon Corps. Jack Hall, 0. 8. AvUt|on Corps; Carroll Taylor. U. 8. Engineering Corps; George M. Murray , Naval Reserves; Stanley 4 Burke, ferine Corps; Frank Schwed. Ofllcera'. Reserve; Geon a Moran. Aviation^ Corpa; Fel ex Janke, Naval ReeervesQ Gawrance lleely. Naval Raaerveet Harry Brower. U. fl. Nary; Frederte^ Vogel. N. Y. N. O.; Rua- well Brennan. Officer*1 Reserve; Mar- ‘ Qoeoagh. Naval Reserves ; Warren Town ley. XL S. Navy; Alex- ander Bsjtxly. Officers’ Reaerre; Ed- ward Burrell. Officers’ Reserve; Don- old FaMafton. Officer.’ Reserve. Byd- ny Markwy. Officer*' Reserve. John Mickle. Officers’ Rraarve; Charles 1

Schcnck. Dffieers* Rraerve; Ouy Bny^ der. Officers’ Reserve, e. f. Steven son. Officers’ Reserve; Warren A. Reserve; Albert laPorte. J>fflrerw’ Reserve Wardner Carpenter^ Officera' Reserve; John J. Swan. Officers’ Reserve; Enalgn Bur- tla. D. 8^ Navy; Oerald Links. An- napolis; Godfrey Clay. Annapolis; Percy Burner. U. 8. Navy; BurnHt Brodiiak. ,N Y. N. O.

Assesses Plainfield Man Pc Document Written in 1751

of the Women ... Mr* Streurk. of Jersey City. T-W*l- ^^tloasi chnrt*. end Dr Charle*; • - (evoiu E Herring, of the First PreebyterUn I ak.rtl,

tlon waa bald at tba bonut of tba . It, orilttn ard OaralDpriant." In ha lam that brtaa’a pat""*. wt*ah ... attandad ...pplamantad bar talk wltb to t» aa n t. ... n,ar frlvnda. ■ 0f tha Amaritan Bar

taft for a vartoa. atBKaa. Mlrt IValtar. of f ,-tnar I. a m,t,- ,hath. rontrlbutad ^yar,! vorml

Staphan Townaend. of Clinton axa- thl. city. htu. lo bla poa.ra.lot, a chnrrh. rou unlqua and Intaraatlnx docti- A commlttaa compos'd of mambera man, wbtrh enma Into Ma banda n IT'lof tba rooxraxatlon and haadad by taw day. a*o. II 1a an old alyla la- fiaorca T Ixtlxh. baa bad charxa ot DM conyaynne* of laod and bonra tha tba arranKamaout for n apaclal mo- data of July 10. J751. tnxaUtar ,1th Mr,l proqr.m which will ho rundar- th- M-nmad auloitraph of J«hn Ad- ad by tha cholr.i Tha tdturch >u am., tha aarond prrtldant of tha baan daroratad for tha ocraalon. and llnltatl Stataa. aa oba of tha wlt-

aand haa Mauuran 3 fact ■ Inch a. by I feat, tai'bcroaaad on altaap-akln. and bear, tba arm. of Grant Britain and the Odjlor of the Garter. It eon- reya by vl^or of a dead of trunt nn- dar rartnlra bankruptcy prooaadlcxa In tha tint* ol Gaorgn II. property ln East Jaraoi to Jamaa Alciander. of • tho nty of Now York, and Robert Hunter Mtjrls. tbon of Ixtadon

Shot Wall Uttl' majxlooma" flee at hia approach *"d „.c,ad with th. Standard Oil Com- k.; whan ha l-ar-r the placo -hero they enxfnaarlnc In Oklaltoma. ho havo boon holdln* forth thara ta nb- •ol,Italy no rh.nr. of 'h'lt-'-r x" 8eA80N AT THE tin* back a min That a one COUNTRY CLUB TO OPEN "at'd -'ll Bn—r. why Plalnflald txvdfla makrt !t car arr 1—lnv made t>v th, banaflt of tha Jewish fund tain that "Pop" Racmond la fonp- tpn” raMn n, lt,r plain- raised to redeem tho land of Pntei

rt - "tampp taw — t-arnP b K’~*n But- and It mad- him w, -r *att!nx awav whan tka wrl Ha I. /y of • relative prompted l.-rtlT""' *" a°U* °» ,D- •aM? K'''T'r~1 '■'""’X Itay- Oktabort bw,B1* * f-V-orlf- rtn of <t|a^!*,b« be waved them atrtda . *-*«! I* !hm,cM — **«‘F 'K d_/. , ,h' V....chn«a<,. lad the fa«l developing <V .?*> ba mltfhf have be- .taanlthy ran-h owner, par

, ,,.T followlnr tha rotymonv a roraptlnn nmwo,. Export, who have r.amlnod John Anhlrt. or Ndrthnmpton. Enx- llax In jlta w|]| ^ h,ld m the Stinday-whool the document naaart tbit it ba.tav land, waa t|ia xmnlor. Jamas Aloa- mw nf tha -hurt*. c-ptlonal rain- aa an hlatorlral relic andar waa J the laadln* New York »w-yer of t^e time and also practiced larg* Raritan Bay Boction; A* nUted before, the conveyance Jla dated Julv 10. 17B1. and beside the signature of John Adam* beart another, that of "Sam'’ TTarrla. It conveys "one twenly-

[**” room of the churr*« - - ^ , |- „ Dr Bkallengcr kas been In charge *r pr- revolutionary d; State* Marine „nd rhar)^ Todd, of DunHlen. rfn- flf #t Hop^ *hap«l for nearly Student* of >rt for duty at yfoHn B*l«-tlons. i , mr, coming hch’ rrom Richmond w"l recall that wa for training Arrangements for th* convention ih. ix.fi XVef*t Jeraev ca Arrangements for th* convention H|)1 f tnn^ rhA pl>r# ,Aft „n. jyeH Jersey cam* through Berkeley were mad* hr a committee of the |o- br Rav Frederic Greene. »nd Carteret on grant* from the cal society composed of the foll^ w^n H# ),ai4 hw>n an art|v^ I*uke of York. It afterward pawed In* women Mrs Charle* R Rents. wbrker dar|nfr th«, time he ha* been «« the twelve original land ••proprle- chslrmanr Mrs J Philip nird. Mf- b#p#l aBd hmm a1rebdr donf. . grvmt tors" of the State of whom William Fred Waldron. Mr*. RalOh B M^r- of work f0r thp bf„prment of I’vnn was one. and all panels of land th* pariah thereafter were made by "metes and TO KKI.F. Ft/)WFW«. The local Y Sunder ff

CHll.HItHN-K pro boanda." the old method of dracrlp IK I'lWMill-AM. Uqn. which told bow th* graund local moving | would met* at a certain corner

ism tennis commlttcf of tn* piain- jTa'f"^":^ rttivi: :zzz7o,™Z7,zrx .Jssrz

V|,h of wen, of frlahda that ha ha ploftrt'p .tKl ba parmlttad to remain with i at lanat _ _ for th- rrtld-nta of

1'nloii! MIddla—x and somamet -enti- tle, Allhnotch d-BBlta annonnae- ,, far aa tha on- hund—dth ™n--'m~t haa not yet b—tt made. II !• Mona In hi. altrulntl-. plmunre-hrfnx parted th«t tho tonrtmntent will In* life. bald from Jon. 3B td July 7.

paft Include; The Mfe«e« Sadie berg. Bora Davidson. Ethel Dav Addis and Pauline Nathsnson. Ensteln. Rosa Gould. Sadl^ Bp*t* Bertha M*y*rovltx. Dorotlfy Au bllck. Fannie Roranthal. Clara R* be Hose Rosenbaum and Esther iRoi dial

picture circles will bb given at Proc-|w<s hounded by certain tracts, tor’* Theatre on Saturday. June 2.j The document which Mr Tow whlnh will he eapncially for ehlldran. The experiment was planned for fol- lowing a recent conference held be- tween the • „ uyic**ii^ imm os ninny it>- l f re housed the Plainfield °a| J«wi*h organliations will go to N'T Brunswick on Sunday to attend a district convention ot the Jews of jth# State of Naw Jersey. An *l*c- jtion ot Officers will be bald, aeveral

u .. u,t1 Flalnfi*ldara being named as randl- ItM Depot anm«*—«Ad 11 <4 !»••• <*•«*« Those making the trip will

fourth part f lands In Bait New Jar rey with one equal one-half part of quit rent *ri)1 arrearage#.** Th* place of record Indistinct but It was either In Pofth Amboy for Bast New lersey or Burlington for West New Jersey. be: Henry Rosenbaum. Johuda Hal- : William Augsnblick. Mia* Minnie Solomon. Gouta Bhlff. Congrega- tion childre of Israel; M. J. Men- delsohn. Plainfield Hebrew School; Louis Rossn$ial. Plainfield Congress Commute*, apd Nathan Meyers. Con- gragwtsd Reefers of justice

Page 2: Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State


WOMEN'S ACTIVITIESmany of Hie loi-al woman's ort&nizatiupNmtil fall and diilinp llur month to e<ti|e

e example. Hot weirtlier will enuie a cess i-ivities with the .-xwption of relieflwork aiwith greater teat tha i before. Prominehat will <«iitiniie righl t&roagh tli« summAid Society aud the Belgian (IWtof So.-iet

Both |]*vi- set a pnlrnlf.it among similar bodies all over tttethat It is practically hfljMTativi- the work lie kept ftp.



ine will M enjoyednWhed by Van Kin

Ilest of Care.and 'tllx* to Hire.

lipping of All Kinds.(ie» For All <*ra*l«ns.SOO West SecondTelephone 2075.



, B. GORKIN4.1 Honrnet St. 'Phone .144


Of PLAINFIKLDi n d Ysaye. considered, one of th

nf n»:iriurn's artf*!*. will make bis Comfiany*nrst ap[«aranceln. this cit*. when family t*

the program, and) Mat-hadby his aon. C

Alin Dealan in Second-handFurnltur*—Bought and Sold.

1320 West Front Street (Upstair*).Over Gavett's Store.

Telephone 2196.'Phone 977and Get It

P. H. 8. who has crpitd Inpt-idies and atnl

FOR HIRESix Cylinder7-Passenger

HudsonTouring (parBY n i t : iffx i:. i i;n- < n : i m .

'Phone 2332

Queen CityGarage

209 East Fifth St. I OSWALD'S l-£

Lawrence MeadNow a Benedict

Miss Eleanor \V'hitnian ^Moc hado,dausbter of Mr. a>-J Mrs. Joae Ma-t'tlado of Ottawa. Ontario, and Law-rdm-e Myers ]ftead/son of Mrs. Fred-erick Goodhue Mdal. Of Bast Frontstreet, were married In the West Bnd

i Presbyterian church, New York,Wednesday afterno.on. The Ceremonywfca performed in ithe presence of a

tmti.v taj-ge Katherlng of; friends and rela-by Rev. Drj Henry E. Cobb,of the church, assisted by He'

Nuggets of CAurdA News

PARK AVK. UAPTIST.Kev. Dr. Alleo will act as supply

or Dr. Blrncy Hudson .at the Parkivenue Bai'tiBt church d^irinp the re-uainder of May. A meeting: will heeld by the < onuresatioq -

alt will be. Atlee

mil;. ^fathering', of

sesliin.urti'ii vn.vif.uo t ft^ bridegroom !

TO PRESENT CONCERT. M t o i Ma.tmdo .las"rle Benson.

several hundredi held last nlqhte chn|-rh. A ehuryed. followed by a

WATCHINGA meettnR of the MenV

the cbur<fli will be held wwhich Mm|» H. C. Krebs, BOL

iraet countynak« aonciyde wit

i Women'sy ls-holrtln

1 j»;ii-lorK Ih

h. let


fier thrpe sisters, i ' ,i. Cecelia and Theo-i •r b t t a w a . and also!™

l.: Misa FT*-*lerlta MeadhrifteRrortm. arid Missurthy, "or Chicago.

S|icerB. i t Mon

parlors of thtof May 25.

3 has been form

:lW, a«r *

.lutomobllc Itepafrlnf.

and MglH Service.

nilns l.eSl r.inn 3ncl the ushd™ were s r J ] o n , < )ne f m r n t h e Y o u n K paoplea'


Deliveries On Time.


The Leading AutoPaint


ton: Tfie we<l*lln^ tmar -ti•d jby the 'church ftrpini

hotr irendetPd ai

, ;. Mead Has beeent of Ptainnejn.bsent from the ' '

valn. He wan jnd'iScbod at PoHBI

vlous to entering rrlnceto'sftyi. completlBK hi* Mtrdl

191 i. Afterward he wasat linlon TheolORl<aE Semir

'milk fundi timq. ' . 'Helsian Re^ in 1913 he went to China.-wiierej,ny benenu( for1 three years he jnras en»rafed In The Joythe benefit| y ..vt. C. A. work at [Ian& Chow. He! n r s t | | . E . chv

:lme been with the T. | x o w yOrk last

tlii5 week Vorwhere he b. to Uttr the General PriMbdelegate from the »

In f i i , r R Sk in Pe-|rtav

hte bride I wr

In this

h went In a body UIght, where the ser-

conducted by Billy SunItended.ood'a Sunday-wJbool c., cake sale at Xeumare tomorrow.

• iirlr

IOLYwomen of the dmnj1 (lie parinb faou* ]m

. H

W nat Otta


FIRST PRESnVTERIAX.v. Charlea TD. Herrlngr wille pulptt at the evening s«rvl<

r 'nn Sunday and will preach • specialer! sermon. Trinity Oommandery.

y is KnlcrMs Templar, has accepted tbeInterested. In the rhria-j Invitation to attend In a body.

services at ijoly Cross cburcA on SaB-day at the | following noun- TieHoly .f< mini 11 nlun: 9-30, B1W(school: 16:80. litany; 11:00. atora.ina ••« r i i 'c . tknd 7:45. eTenln r ptvwwith short dMdreae.

Tbe woiDtin of the churoh arc v-ranKinE for » social event to be k*HIn Hi'1 parish house of the cbtr*next Thursday, the prograra IKwhich bae n | t yet Deen completed.

FIRST JoNORKGATlOlfAL.Rev. Howard K. Clarke will be ii

oharge of thfe usual aenrlcea U tinFirst ConKrejEatlonal ohnroh M SH.

At the^mornlng serrloe b* ^01•t of hii N T M .ur Lost Ood." 1

will ba

-s take «s the|aubI "The Problem orwfli be the Jiecond of a series Ot

, other topics > follow baln»: May*,ni-1 "Our Fklth—aood In History:" JIMice a. "Called td th« Service of God;"

is( Ju

<-ad Is n-,P. R. HnntanI of tbe local lodge, ts Inthe detallB for the service


nimanderiiharse of

Dr. Her-ire of the

i 10, ep«^lal cblldren'eJune | 17~. "loyalty to On

: ' June j24, "The Ugt t of iDark: World :•• July 1. "The BrWof Ufa.*' |

M. MANGOSewer Contractor

—w* 1 ' 1 n

^ • • n ' ^ i i i i i ; tJT t h e P a r e n t -

We will take care of your auto-, Teaoher Association of the Erer-

I mobile troubles if you will b r f n g i ^ ^ ^ te" r 'n

e0 (^

c ba^1 J j " h " M U ^ ^ "

liyour car to u». We will do y o u r ' l w t a of the year were made and

.repairing ami do it Right. Meet in ci will he dlscontinuedrdurl:

8ewer Pipe for n i l .

ConpoolB Built.

Men furnished hy day or

Yard an d BeaHww,

" 8S0 Richmond St 'PhOM1


Repairing in all

Aatomobile Supplies.

AJaminum Soldering'

I the summer.1 iCHIUtRF.VK IH'MF \SS(i

The Children's Hom$ Aof Plalnfleld ban elected *'T

PT4.IIofficet. Mr

FLOORHardwood and



Excelsior Garage108 Somerset St

Cor Manning: Avenue,(Opp. Fire Honae, North Plfd.)


TUed., I-«i»lry «n<l Kltcbca

Work a «p«rl«ltj.THOMAS If ROSS, Tb« Ttirr

•urn Watdiaac AT*. 'Pb

yjtatt. Mrs. fl. E ParvfiP. Steven^: secretary

MartliMrs. P. E. Myjratt. Mand MiMM. Frank W. HowlInc secretary. Mrs. H.| G. PhllipB;treasurer. Minn Ella SeiTMl. and as-nlBtant treasurer, Mrw.. \ Edward J.Patterson.

BEMOAN RF.IJRPTt haa been decided by the Bel-

lan Relief Society tha^ the collec-ion of paper scheduled f*r tomorrowtll be poatponed until sometimeext month, when It In etnected thatbetter price will be omatned from

he concern* to Whom It will he ttold.

societ d every on •

FIRST M. R.est in the comlngf *ffalr and doing, M C M « _ « — « . f***-.. J R"v Charles E. Anderson, tho pu-all he < «n to (Mure 1U snecess. t J \ DUmJn€T K,QUlU i tor. will be m charge of the morningTickets may be obtained from Mfaal . . • !service In the church on Sunday,Alice Corey, 930 Hillside aveni

meetimdof the Hen's ClBh «church wife held last n l r t t in *i h w h i c h time ph*

B holrline of thil aumm|r featfva]. The M

has been act »H Saturday, JDM II.and the usodat lon U kt preuit »iperatlnc witj U)6 other

.,,,,,.... _, ["The Ohurcnen' Place In Such a Time

be in'

Fridayof thePhilad

5 rental on fit Ofi auditorium In cors>ry of Music, j work

t this

nctioa with

r a d recital \ andwill receive tbe dlplo

the Thlrty-s* alof the (e held

e i held,- j rayi

r- has beee Mi.>

jbasketry ae proceeds

nthumbers a

:hibll or theasaea wbicti closesluliatnR tonight, ad pbttery le beingto 50 toward de-Already tbe pli

A. Has Doneand Is Dolnc For the Soldiers of Eu-rope and the United States."

Next Wednesday night BrigadierCowan, who in prominent in Salva-tion Army circles and cfhaplatn ofN'ew York prison!", will make an ad-dress In tbe church.

iasticallyd in r^rtalntory which

•adetny of MiFollowing 1B her program:. Thene j T h e site picked .e They (The Holy City). Gaulf OjU «t a spot on tdmba rUmbetla. Q Rocca Ddloroea, | where a hunicalow 1

Sfbetia: I»ve and! Music (Towo). | A nnmberrinl; Romance.] ; Debussy; Leai to be made pbcut the

Papfllons. ChausROnB: Otivrn tes'tjiat there will be acex bleue. Maanen«t; Prelude, Down! for twelve Rirla It U ithe Forest. Love* r Have Wonie-rerytJilne wIU be -read:

(Cycle of I-(fe). Ronald: Uabes- tlai opening oa Jun« IS. Ilrflhrw: Allorseelen. Sfrauas: '. The camp will be 'pidelnsamkelt, Reger: The Cry of week-eni'«<•!. Salter.

:Ived by. l » a

the pulpit for the past year, will beI . 1 the pulpacated. o f f l H B , ,yB " cial prop

[ mark the

Hy foi

8EVENH-1>AThe llnal meeting

of fhe

WPTIST.of the Men's

haperonedk•'.•-> the place In (,

order, but froin the first opening It'la; expected thai a feu-girls will be, ,there all the :tloie A large house1

(party will probably be arrangedt t h e P ' a l n n *f^ I n * r I ( t h o grand opening of the cam

imrch for the paon, at whlph there will be ro|ll. will be field in the parlors of

church Sunday afternoon and;ht. A mipner wilt be served dui}-

the meeting.Kitchen nand, of the Seventn-

Raptlst church, will givB a" ciIn the Washington School

night of May 31-e usual services will be heldhtircih tomorrow morning.

at, wm b»^ aftemoo* at t:IE la

cfgool room* at tiw Trta-^'chnrcOi. i imrw at-

tendance u urged and e««rroae Masked to wea,r3a small Annnett twR«'V .John T. ?roek and several W»-- --ill niwak; and there will V u

beld tomorrthe Siinday-aity Reforme


TTimiAS-Dr Job'a S^nrMan Znlle wtl t«-

Iiirt the nuai grayer roerthtg ta Ot-hnrcb next Wednesday. Ukln* thfflfth chapter of the book, "Thellea»-nc of Prayer.f aa bis topic.

Announcement was made thtoweek of several bequest* made la tt«

if Miss $ i n n •>. Nogns, **•died about a year airo. T*ey InclnmSZOO to the Women's Home Htwloo-

y Society of; Hie ehnrefc, »nd t*«me htnoiiDt (o tbe Women's FW-era MWIonarf Society. The

field tfcAll WJwInr$100.

thlt? bunlness meeting «the Rpworth TSeagae of tnp CBBI*was held In tb* Epworth Honse 1M<night. Foilowfng the bnalnsss s»-

>n a social lijnr was enjoyed.Rev. J. W. flynn wfll oeeMVJ »•ilMt at both #•*• mornlni- and svW-S services Sunday.

The last nMusical ClubTuesday afternooMrs. George MeKrnue. The prottrahaB not yet' W nwill be tbe lipsi of the eiand include rendition, bjlirofeflslooai talent. Thediscontinue meetlncs unt



d the world will A M J SOITA' (TIl'RCH.lne, declared) For ttie i»thjert of hfs morniniL. Buton, of service at Al! Souls' rfnirch on Suni;rmon at the day, RPT. .Tohn Baltaly will takechurch, New;"TT>e Judgment of the Saints."aa "Arm or. Mr. Baltily leaves ttie forepart

coming week -on a vacation 1m4n behind the [on Sunday. May 27. his pfcee will

a*nd he should taken by Rev. Howard R. Willia ,.6 his bit. Glve.nf Concord. N. B<1 llr

flowers now.Rose*, Violets, Or U- e

a specialty. A\XA CASK TO SING* Anna Case, former lo.and \i tin has sang bere on nu8 occasions since attrariln;it ten t ion In the m nsi**al. fieldsnder a portion of the pr(wanleneflt concert to be gl^en Ii

?en[Palace Hall Newark.The proceeds will be rnt the Newark' chapter of Ihe American lied C


All Suits made to your


Workmanship and Fit




day will not

Granite and MarblWorks

. If you want your work

right, at prices that are


week Sheriff OeorRe C". Otto an.lerks of every municipality I

fy attended a nheetfng in thWORK OF AMERICANIZATION


f the dayjEdco's pEvery cltjyanl^-atlon Comm

Schra'ol la nt weekffice waa r^nnved

part they elthrhefr flrnt or Kf

itdest: Frnnlilfti.Pin infield, t h ened bv the lntr4TH AND RICHMOND STS.

'Phone 140. 11 1 TAlllOR116 EAST SECOND ST.

Next Door to Plainfleld

had. iis its object, prepara-

itabie state holidav. BayRd activities through 1work. Several previous 1hern made fo brine ahou

they failed thronph vs ikedand to makei the celehra-essful. I Parades, public

petlncs and patHstlc «xerclx«« «1T11 the forms which. th9 obai

day will take. :

• > • ; • • ; • • ; • • > • ; • • : • • : • • • • • •


Now a Nuggets of Churdh News SATURDAY


WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES Benedict Six Cylinder 7-Passenger


Touring Car

mor Whitman Ma-'hmlo. Mr. .n-1 Hr. Jo»« M»- Uawa. Ontario, and La* - Kload. non of Mra. l-Yod HM Mdal. of Kant Front niarrlad In tha th’e-t Kntl , church,

WATCH If FAKK AVK. IHITINT Rev I>r. Alice "III *' «» auap'r lludaon at the l-ark 35^ which tlnj H. C. Kl»ha. anStaL? onl or the Somerset countr will mukd an addresa. ^ —?• will conclude *lth the fresh in.-m,* rw TH* Women's Home yitlnm,. Society In* holding a meeting i0TT church imtlors thin ariernooa K*t*. Joseph O M^Kelvey ^ '»• week for

Id PUblonil Of Cream Drop*, Tb. bo*-. .Saco CiflBVh. m Mixed Candy. ft. mi. Jersey MUk Kl*

for Dr IlirnCh Avenue Baptist church during the re- mainder of May. A meeting will he held by the congregation In «he near future at which lime a. call will he Issued for a nc» pastor. IK. Allot? will also conduct the Weekly 'prayer, tpeetlnga. The annual family gathering . of the church, which w.is attended by| several hundred members of the of the ohi church. was held last night In the las. T-xai parlors of the church. A church sup- convnntloi ,rr enjoyed, folioserf by a social Assembly

_ . . York. tli«* mu in m r Wednesday afternoon. The Ceremony lief Nocit’l *. wits performed in the prewtnee «»f a I lie count fly larco gathering of tlvr*. by Kev. Dri pastor of the ohurrl rto Thomas Speer*. a 4 bridegroom. CONCERT Mis* Ma< hado 1 . ME* Marjorie Bed th« b.,., 9 ' of | ' lwjdc*ninld»r were | fool Ural ip . Ml.„, A„ge„. I .. .udllnclu , (|or, ,taPh,d0. nr Slhool *11 rjprtrjide Beni

“ r Mlm tM bridegroom. an >|<4-arthy. of Chiral William Speers. 1

Peanut Brittle. !t». Cocoa nut Kisses; fh Collette Fudge. Ib. Marshmallow Scot.oh Phone 2332

.>■ .ttanded by ion. of Flushing, honor, w^hlle her ier threw sister*, •“cells and Thoo- Dftawa. and also ion. of flushing, a Mead, sister of d Miss Charlotte

Plans for the sumiji National 8pedal Al | made during the pas for even more thsn 1 pllahed during the pa of the moat Imports be In connection wit branch or the society posed of young girls will meet on Frida the parish hoose of 1 church and Will soil reef ton of members Ths membership has that the headquarte.- too small junior branches

home made l4e e convinced th*t

it * Inter. On* t changes will 1 the Junior I wib-b Is com-1 Hereafter they afternoons In! rare Episcopal] under the dl- »f the sorlet v. J ;rown so large . ... was growing both senior and

i.-eeds of the affilr will he fqrned c»y» to the Volunteer Auxiliary to be use In [helping the local soldiers an ;their families. I *r. Braider hae arranged lor I i>r<arraru of exeelWnt worth and ha secured a number -of talenuvl nrtint for’rt»r cession. Tho chorps will 1* compoKed of -twenty voice* ns.Isle j by Miss Aubrey Eaton, planl-t. am Miss Dorothy <*»«hen. violinist Fol lowlnfe the rendition of the program a period Of darning will be enjoyed muilc being furnished by Van Ki-a orchestra. \

tilBUT H'lSObpAL The lan» meeting Of th« Club of th^ churnh until fs|| « held on Mf- ?« In the Park Cl Rev. E yi'nr Stevenson, red tlrace church will conduct ths service* In i the church on 8* preaching at the morplag ul | 1 song wriica.

OSWALD’S E«pe*1 Automobile K*i Hiring

I my and Mgbt Aw lcs. 191 HAST FRONT STREET Woodbw11 « Martin Building.

J*ur Mb* hado. Jr. of Ottawa; Arnold Knhuth. of ,Now Yotk John 1. Molt, of Afonlelajfec John,1 P Meyers, of Plaittbburg Perry Dunlap Smith, of rbfraeo. anil John Ila.'M. ..I ITInre- ton; The wedding irnareh was play- ed by the rhnrch Organist and the chiirh choir rendered an appropri- ate program. ] Mr. Mead has bk-n a lire long resident of plntnAsAd. although be- ing al»sent from thej ■ Ity at CMquent intervals He wa* (graduated from lull's Bcbojot and | inter from the Hill's School nl Potjatown. I*a. pre- vious to entering Pf Incton I'nl var- sity . eoniplattog hii atadles nt the iat>4r InKtKutlon Ik tlie class of 1*11. Afterward hk was a student at linloa Tboologl* at Seminary for a

D. H. K EIDER LINO HTY LIVERY AND * T IM>A 111)1 NO ST \III.EH llor«ei» Boar*led by Day or Month Best of Care. Horses and 'Rigs to l^lre. < lipping of All Kinds, t^aelifw For All Occasions. Office. 200 West Second Street. Telephone 2076.


DellveriM On Tima. WORK OUARANTMD.

The Leading Auto Paint Shop,

VBOOH A J0HM80S. Prop*. 180 E. Front St PhoB* 2239

TI1IMTV RKF»RMKO. \ . The annual meeting of the Dutch Arms Hand will M held on Monday The nlcht in the parlors of the church liravoa Dr Frank Moore, superintendent of night, the Rah wav Reformatory, will give a talk *»n "From Stripes to Sucreon." It will be the last meeting of the or- ganisation for the prusent summer. A sale and social will be held un- der th# auspice* of the Royal Band of the church on May 14. The Christian Endeavor Society _ patriotic social In the parlor* next Friday night.

Kov. II G. Burrlll will coodaa ervlroa at 1 oly cross church on ga> lay at the following hoars; 7;M. loly .Con nunion: »:j#. chool. 10: 0. litany; 11:0k. merv ig service, nd 7.45. evening prayer rlth short Nddreos. The womCn of tho church arc ar- sngiog for ^ social event to be kag 11 the iiarl^h house of CAe ckaM •xt Thursday, the prograa kr

e under the Ah plana for the ireeftal Id be h**l< leksnn. Miss on June 2 at the hotne of Mta. Plarti •e MacClav Mall, of Bast h*r<*t street, fnaterlal llltary drill. |zo every Indication |M»lnt* towar- Irwt aid and the auneea of the affnlr add a re- taught and sultant swelling of tho "milk fund k will be re- j being raised by the local Belgian Re |lief Society. Of the many benefit*, [that have (wen held for tb* benefit Jof ,Jtp .ar >trlrk.-n p«.|il» of Enroiw. t. prorr—'■ 1, pronil^-. Io b** the ninat anl^u. DO. or mor. M|„ u a tide Van Bnakrrrk la arrans- -Ir wbrtola „rocnim. * •« »<»rt- t»« oo« oHWtandlng foalato o( tho hare hr far ,„,,r ^ tnM |i.|rt,„. ,m ! allhoakh iributo lararely to the prokrmtn rdenlng and — - — —• -—■ —» ng great In-

will hold rhtirrh tlM j . In 1913 he wem t„ china, where foe three yeara he w-n« engaged In The Y M r A. work at Hang Chow. He pin,! y has for tome time been w ith the Y. I Sew Yt M. C. A. at Hartford. Conn . In fur- j T|r«m ther preparation for la work In Pe-'day we king. China, where he and hbi bride ura. wfp go next fall. Miss Machado baa v||[ h„ resided with her imr^tna In this city grocery about fourteen years; Her father Is the head of tfie American Bank Vote PB»T V*RHBBYTKRfA75. , Company’s branch at -Ottawa and the Rev. Charles E Herring will occu- fnmlly Is prominent socially. Miss py the pnlplt at the evening service Machado was a student of Vasaar on Sunday and will preach a special College leaving there last June after sermon. Trinity Oommandery. 1 completing her Junior year «he Is Knights Templar, has accepted the very much Interested In the Chris- Invitation to attend In n body R tlan work In orhlrh Mr Mead Is en- P. R. Huntsman, eminent commander ! gnged. of the local lodge, la In charge of —-— the details for the service. Dr. Her- ,r vvr ^ . n, ring will also be In charge of the Y W ( A Kl/lflC morning eervica.

n RKT <« WO REG 4 TIO!|41^ Rev. Howird E Clarke will bt U Charge of ttie usual eerrtcea at ths First Congregational ohnrob as Bsa- day At the, morning service U vfl Uke as the .subject of hD ntm "The Prohletk of Onr Ia»t Ood.'* K win be the pecobd of a asrls*. tfc other topics to follow being; May K "Oar Faith—*Ood in Hlatory^ Jw ». "Called to the Service of GeiM

Jane !♦. spoylal children's day •*- rice; Jnno 17. "Loyalty to Osr God;" June £4. "The Ught of l Dark World* July 1. "Tha Brail of Life." f

of Belgium's artist*, will make his first appearance in this city, when he can tribute* to the program, and j will be assisted by hi* Son. fia- 1 brlelle. who Is rapidly gaining his Place In the mualrkl world. Ysays' Is coming here and giving hla aar-1 I vice* for the success of the recital. Other features for the concert are b*-j ling arranre*! and will be announced I shortly Tea will ift* served Mr Mall, who la Belgian consul at New York, has taken a big inter e*t In tha coming affair and doing all he can to tnnure tta success. Tickets may be obtained from Mix Alice Corey, 930 Hillside avenue MISM HKI.KN K. WH1T1FV ■* »'« '■"* °< K»*IIJ’ •< oavk ptyEAMiNo RBnm. hr »« l,M- v°ub« Worn- __^_ ^n's Christian Association w aa an-j Friends of Mlse Helen E Whitney. (oUnfled yesUr.lsy afternoon, whan daughter of Mr. snd Mr* 8tuart H. t b»*hme knosn that the amao* Utlon MTiltaey. of this city will doubtless 1* »«* malntalp a camp on tha WA»eh- b- intere-ted Io learn that she gave bug Mountains this 'wir for tha bena- a most Interesting pong recital on fit °f niembora of tho organization Friday, May 11. In the auditorium In conjunction with an exhibit of the of the Combe Conservatory of \lua|c. bork of various rlaeae* which closes Philadelphia This recital waa her «t the association building tonight, a ' graduation rorltni and on Miv n ail® of l>asketr> and pottery is being she will receive the diploma In voice held, the proceeds to go toward do- st the Thirty-second annual com fraying expenaes. Already the plan mearsm*>Dt exercises of the t'onser- tas been enthtlrtaatlcally received by vatory which will be held in the the members and la certain to be a Academy or Music. Janrcesa. Following is her program Thee The site picked out for the tamp . Are They (The Holy City). Gaul; Ojla «t a spot on the first mountain

Oners a teed HelWfecgios. Also Dealers la Second-hand Furniture—Bought and Bold. 320 West Front Street (UpgUirt).

PLAINFIELD CDU. CM B. Only a few more meetings of the Plainfield College C|ntv will be held I this season. a« with thb approarn of aommer and the cornu*u^nt closing j !of the srhoola a large number of! memben will be leaving the city for! several months The club Is prepar- 1 Ing to again give a silver loving cap to the girl la the gradating class at P H. S. who has creAtod the beet record In studies and athletic*

Over Okrett 1 Btore. Telapbon* 2SM rtnii.r rwt. of the Ifee'a drt « • held lut Blcht tala ! *' -bleb tloaa pUm tr «. holdloa of * (r faatlaml Tha laa a. Halardar. Jaaa S |atloo la at preaaal io > the other ornate torch Io arra.alaa te ooral foatoraa for »

Notice ! FI BBT M. R. were made P ! Rev. Charles E. Anderwon. the pas-1annual nmmi j tor. wl|| he in charge or the morning hae beea net service in the church on Sunday, and tha aasoc taking a* the aubjact of his sermon.! operating wit The Churches’ place in Socb a Time Hons of ttoe cl I A# This." The evening service will «ra| new and bo to mark the twenty-eighth anal- event, versary Of the Epworth league of the church William D. Murray, of West JI SIOR Ninth Street, will make an addresa on A rally me The Work the Y. M C. A. Has Done longue 8oclet and fa Doing For the Soldiers of Eu- bold tomormi rope and the Culled States." the Sunday-art N'**xt Wednesday night Brigadier lt> Reformed Cowan, who Is prominent In Salva- tendanra la u tlon Army circles and dhaplaln of asked to wear New York prloons. will make an ad- ReV. John Y. dress In the Church. era will npeali

P.-T. A.HMMIATMIN. The annual meeting of the Parent- Tender Association of the Ever- green Avenue School was held yee- I terday afiemoon. nt w^lrh time re- lorta of the year wage made and plan* dlaniaaed for tb© ensuing year .Meeting* will l»e discontinued during ' the summer

of your auto- ou Hill bring

your car to us We will do your repairing and do it Right.

| We will take car mobile troubles if

M. MANGO Sewer Contractor

Motorcycle Repairing branches. ('HIIJ)RKN'H HOME V*M4N The Children's Horn As of Plainfield has elected fbes for the coming year: Pr^sld, Martin \. Cooley, vice pt Mra. F. E Mygatt. Mrs. I j and Mrs J. P. Steven ; a Mr* Frank W Rowley; coi lag secretary. Mra. H. O. treasurer. Miss Ella Serylll.

Sewer Pip« for aala. Cesspools Built.

Men furnished by day or week

Automobile Supplier Aluminum Soldering

Blbella; Love and Pucrlal; Romance. Pa N Hon*. Chau aeon Ycux Mena. Massenet; REVKNH-DAY H.APTIHT. will of Miss «V>«sn ■ Nngna. ’ The final meeting of the Men's died about a raar ago. ’Hiey lnrt Club of tho church for the present to the W^nea'* Home MM season, at which there will be roll ary Society of, the chnrek. sad 1 call, win be held In the parlor* of same amount |o the Women's I the church Sundsv afternoon and clem MlWlonarf Society. Ths Ph night. A supper will be served dur- field McAJl Mission «t** Ing the meeting. , *100. The Kit* hen nand. of the Seventh- %.. — Day Baptist church, will give a con- Mi»'R*»K A Victim, cert In the Washington School on The monthl* bnriSMi meeting the night of May 11. ' the Epsrorth ijeague of the fh« The usual services will be held Ip was held In fhj Epworth TTona* the church tomorrow morning nlrht Fnllovring tha bnalneei i 1 (slon a social tiiur w*a enjoyed AM, flOHA* Rev. J. W Wynn will oerspy For the *nhjecr of hi* morning pulpit at both t|w morning and si service at All Souls' church on Sun- inr service*, Sndday. dnv. Rev John Baltgly will take ^ The Judgment of the Saints ” RT. jOBErtTfl. Mr. Raltzly leave* the forepart of The Women^ T-eagu* of SL the coming week on a vacation and seph'g church ^*1d a ramiaags « on Sunday. May 27. his place will bo In one of thn stores? t» tha PI taken hv Rev Howard R. Williams, block yesterday^ and • r«*,!

of Concord. N. H.' rived a considerable M®


Rowers Rowers

Made To Order


Violets, specialty.

United Flonst Co. 108 West Front St. FIRST BQOA]

| INCREASE °B ,,lr "rm‘ ”r"a WILL 0BERVE Pr. E.IOB MlnlM '111 that If n«r- REGISTRATION DAT ’,°hT »"»«*» ..«i.ir.iioo „ot har .l-trurtlnn of -I.lpi.lrp- «|ih .,,'h- ‘n

"naif- .h. .Ill ->h.„.t ,h. ulnirrtl ™* 0tef«B <• O In -nl-.yn. nl Ihn f.«. nation, b-forr ?* f'"** ", she In T»eaten ,h° r°,,n,>’ ®ttended a meeting in the •A «rrM rnL-l a. Tb-lclnm hi* «>: whlrh ,"i»B, for Proper h*nn r.ilr.l hr |l- Pr MHq»|. MO.. d»r, I. ro„.n„.« or, would h* w»r,B ih.B 11,11 f ,n Cl<'"'™r hrnrl.IB.H0B. J 7 [ were made Every rtiy, town nnd. hamlet will he given tbo chance to partlrtpate In the general rejoicing] that t’nlon countv is about to “do her bit’’ for the Nation! T’ntll the apeclfic day! I* *<*t, noth- ing doilnlto can l>n ilorte. but the meeting had. a* It* object, prepara- tions for rocoanlring registration.day n* a veritable State hbllday. Roy 8/>cnt organizations, itome Guard troop*, school children, patriotic so- , n.m .....Uli ‘letie* and Individual* Fill be asked first time that local «" ® kand to mnko tho celehra- ave had a chance to ,,nn* successful i Parades, public meeting* and patriotic exercises will —— .he the forms which tho observation Adva. in Bweord of tie day wilt take.

Granite and Marble Works


h«l bp hop* rpuncii si SUITS $15 and WalnfieH Council Tho combined lrer*hlp In Pr making It fhi resentatlon It bershlp Is nt i four councils: Somerset. * Ich oldest; Franklfh. Ib-nev i#.nt Plainfield. The comblnath i a? I ned by the latter two wl! tie the cost or maintenance b t * •low ereatecopportunirie* f r !r ed aetlvitle* through rt opt work. Peveral previous #1 orti been made to bring about a r« d at Ion of two or more co« nr|| Lfhey failed through v»r ous idisagreemanta.

If you right, at coma and JOHN J. BROWN

«TH AND RICHMOND STS ’Phono 140. 11 17 U

Tho foreign population of 1 tyr* r|fv‘ displayed considerably Interest in fh, oMnlnc of Ih, hn.lniinrl.r, ,f thw Amerlranl'.atlon Commltipe in tbe I.lrmol* School last week aijd un- til the ; office wan mttrsd on ; Mon- day many Italians load- Inq4fries.1 For the most part I hey either 4,flhed to take out their flint or re- oitd pa- rsers and were Intensely patriotic. The committee on -ned quarters In I be Wellington fV-hoo! on Monday night and win rontldue until, next Monday. Applications will he rt*relv- «1 each night snd Sunday aftejjnoon Interpreters *111 b« piUsent and any Information wanted upl be suikilled. t Is expected that the (larger r*rt of the applicants Will be jlcws and Ru»-


TAILOR 116 EAST SECOND ST. Nat Door to Plainfield Theatre.

Page 3: Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State

Mono Storage



WarehouseT i

rth Avenue

nite Freight House


East Front Street


I n n for Therm" Q*a Water Hcatara. RefrUkratiltud In FluitACoraret., Skrtighu, Sheet M.ial Work. MeUl Oi linfi, Sewer anil Water Oonnei'tiona, (tas Kita)K and 'i Water Syatew.


Styles IB With The Latest Modes\>w If at* In il.r I^Iext Style*. We

•n«nr>lm-1iii-f anil al**> rrtniHlcl oMHal*. B«nudellBK and I*)-**!**- bothmake the Hale like new. We (war-• "!•-- dye"; 22 colon to ctiooaa from.

l>o not throw away your old hatawhen tt I- poaKftite to h.r* them re-BMKleJrd to aaiy of the U t e t styles•o perfertly Chat BO nae «H 1*11 IIfrom a «*ew hat. llrtug your oM hat

wtll tel] yon If It la worthto make tt «a good

of Ha•P*n<tt>x money toM arw, rr«*nn«iahape,

Hmey Hat Mf g.& Renovating Co.' *

If you seed a nev Storage Battery fw T««r car. rtop In and let••Hit ' SXIDE • we will allow you a fair orife on >our Old batterya "*««> In M i l •

KAtlBC tftdTbe <"**<] II la< company haM used "EXlDE" Stora(

IUB1V.IT fv«T ttm-e T^iere muni be a rea*on>fMVKTjM., "KXTIlK" HKKVH K 9TATTOS

City ScholasticTitle at Stake

The IMMIIMA team, of. puiqileldand North Pillnflald Hl*h S. Poolswilt meet on llyde Field tomorrow•Tteraonn to tflay the first Rame ofhe annual 8erleP In decide the acho-

t nwin sifirtowds on

fYarsjh sn

yt S;3fl and withhand from both

1i a* in the olden

Journeymen BarbersWill Probably Strike

Ue otart. of

idjectlve deaciloldier ani ha;•anw who hav«

Coal SituationStays Same Here PERSONAL


EuropeanIU • aaB become anve of the;- Frenchen used bjr Am#ri-- idea of what the

an fa. Platdftelders may haveto know it* deflnllion in the

uture, however, unles^ the lo-1 nation Is cleared up and theshops kept oppn. Th* French

t ^ o f - M l ' . " 1- - a * hajry i^"ind could fittingly he appended o r\\ citizens after two vteelts of bi.>erle«B town.]

onference between a commit- | j (iresentinE the journeymen b*r-

[tie word that bert 'ns 'in both the ]etall foal markets '

i Therjesa F. Zoil.avenue, whd has beenPlainfMd for the pa-st yeithin week to (Brooklyn, w-hmake her hoaiie in the lut

Mitts Frances Hurley, i)

itloni J settle

ei bosses »asuited in eellent than on<

The Jourm


herd o

irreased hay for anthracite | Hufih.anfl Hie threatened increase j Friends It fciten east of Pittsburgh.]pl* nnnouncf

maittrm to ' mandavtl' f 16 wage anfl the'.rloithe st-aeon.! or the nliops at certain hoiirr '

oroiiEh hitfh ! bosnea contend tfiat they', carrent success grant the request* tnrt maintains frequently JRame prices for hajrciits and^shthe city boyf


and \,i»* norejce Lot,lse, Hratn. or •jiewtonville. Masw. The

noriy wap performed on May 5.

nftiillc^Statwith h|n eyes anleal treatment

' O f

) 8 t <

Snyder .


KTt field

• < i td i er

• T i n .

the i trthem

they -ohtalr.

i l l • m drive

theirO i

f. ! rr



ie dealer-five redhad lie.

si and mreal. E:WPrf !)V (

saidts n n

thai i

m listed hle of[cept

thirdfor tltat VK

. St»t-

dltioiMcDonoUBh the midst of a decision

whether or not to raiseScarborough haircuts and shaven or

I ht Reid lion and anon their ;opln\!i. m fate of the word ''poll

Plalnfleld Is concerned.

otmN pmiHAcacKcrjThe A. C. Belknap Co. bag bpen^d '

p headquarters on Bast Fourth •treet us nole local distributors of

the Ford automobile. Hla salesman-1

Martin. E C. Scott and H. E. Gel-'tr. and these! three bare Already jake several sale*.:

Sherpherilv-an.-e of fol"d resided llpr a long tlm)and epE street and represented several type-i whole- writing machine companies In Newcents on York. He if) how Boston repreBen-

Itls statement taMve of thd MultlRraph Company,sell May- °f Cleveland. [Ohio, and ha> been re-

IX. no Indlca- "Idlne at Nentonvllle. Thin is IllsIncrease were second marriage, his first wire being

Ma* May SeHrlng. of this city, whodealers will died a few years aKO.

than a ton at' Martin Flatley, or West Fiftha; time, while some frankly admit street, returned,home the forepart ofthey naven't pot enough to fill orders, the week after a ten days' pleasureThe dUtemetit of fh-e Federal Com- trip to Lake Georfip. Glens Palls andi- ' ••!.''! '•in' coal is plentiful if ac- other pofntB Df interei't In northernct-pteif by the, dealers, but they blame New York State.


i Craln.

order* for

C the

Tn the llnefc or smail-si^e coal, suchts nut! and pea. there ham been a «e~'ere shortaKle for more than twoi-eeks: One dealer hsd not receivediny of this size for all of two weeks.*-hlle another ordered *lxteen cars'or April delivery, but rerefved

ty after R vi-ii with hla.parents,ind Mrs., J. W, Van Sickle, ofThird street.. and Mrs. John Hammond Fer-f Montclalr. liave announced the

TS engagement of their daughter Missly Marlon Fertlsf. to William Van Duyn

We DoWelding

yuld hav

, ihejn

said1 Ite futurth« h

as well u all other kinds of AutoRepair. Work. H»Te all the tmeOl- P ( "ti.-s nereaeary; all the expert skill.too. If yooi okr !• Mot In first (!«•» ' _Jcondition better have u» put It so a.t | MCT-ffrRK AT THE PARK Ci.in.once. Tb, .on er you put ofl r ^ i ; M ^ S J J J »£*& ^ Jthe rreater the risk and the graatar, w i I , b(, rtTM. in t f lP P a r t a , l b „ « ' «

May =1. by Holland

Dunellen Acetylene Welding & Machine WorksTHO-tK 2KMI. IM XKI.DKV, H. J.

May price of (7.f.n Hill Jewett. qf Central avenue. N'tdate for the *weddin* has been setMiss Fertlg is a graduate of theOKontz Scnooll Ogonti. Pa., while MrJewett WOR eraduated from Prince

, last year. He- has recently bee'

buy ateaBe of forty-fivewonld.be necessaryprices.

e coal shippers. th«eadlnjr C«al A Iron

nced yesterday thatthe uncial reduction

C. A.the Abefh,

Higgns. ban been a |>atient Intn Brothers Hospital. l;;li/tF-l»sf three nWfcn fullowinK.

fa]ark |.vieekd! stay at I-akeivood and -1

tic Ci|}-. .Ler4i S. Moran. son of Mr.

Mr«. j * . U Moran, n( Met


l furloi

j Patrick Nugent,i to

raV Aero-troubleding med.

if West

rtlyfl!' stroke,suffered two weeks ago.

nd Mrs. John Culver, of Westtreft. have been enterUlnlaK

Mrs. Henry McDonald, of

i Qj*eenp. of Fast Jieventhas secured a position In thedepartment at the Richmondeight station.nd Mrs. Edward MrK"'an. ,Third street, will leave next

week f|>r A lien town, pa., where Mr.McKeefa'n han taken a position with

nan fracturing concern.Pre6| Vanlloesen. of Mercer ave-BJ ha]a retnriied from a short tripSyracuse. N. Y. - -

rhaitn.-oy F. Stout, circulation 7nag«r of the Courler-NewB,' nas'TI confined to his nome on Rast

Front iftreet tor tihe past ten . davs •Ith art attack of typhoid fe»er.Mrs ^Leslie Matthews, " o f Leeace. who ha* been seriously 111 forme t|nip. shows 'no- slim of Im- '

Harold Edward*.' oreet. las gone t6 Wai

where Tip has secured a

West Front'rbury. Conn... excellent po- .

Inted md Heui o f

II be. Riven-.noay nlghi

RtafTont Dawso:rly associate

A Powerful Motorfor powerful work or a m(or small work. We haveall makes, all prfceR. Kit)or alternating wi ml Ings. I>over and look over >mWe'll show you how to d.

stor of the Ply-mouth f'hur^h* that city. The lecturewill he under the auspices of the

~ Park Club's dew orBcere and Is openI to the |iubllc. Those who wish to

know more of the wonders and beati-, tint of tbe 'Leaner Antilles ehoaldmake It a point to be In attendance

ir, The park Club Is a strictly family or-, (tanliatlon and Its efforts to provide

Instruct I re recreation for

U. S. Marine CorPB with ireport for duty on May 25.

Miss Tullla1 Grace Alrorn. daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Alcorpiof East Front street, and EdwardMobus. son of former Sheriff and

k Mobus. of Watchutig ave-horoiiKh. were united inlast Friday nlgfat.' Theu-aa Tierformed by Rev.

poll at buj


ide /wila Dewey Sym.

lt l

T h

y ynd Walter Clark, of this

IBK from a wedding trip Mr. and MiMobus will make their bome at 326East Front street. The bridegroom

ind Mrs. Rnhralm Compto

r r i i ; iy-

r «'™«jt],e.iMUIK M i

plans. |BeHit ele.


l ar region sc


Read The Plainfreld Record

Ryder t Graves Electric Co

Mr. Corapton •»»« recently diwharc-

Mhw a Mary fKinnolfy. of West

it West New York.Ceorgp ft. Cose, of Sohenectady, N.

>".'. onp^of the traveling staff or theGeneral;Electric To., has been spend-ing i ii,.,:,.< week at the borne of hissister. Hrn. Tames Penny of Waten-ung avehue.

Miss i*n.i fl Von Tobel. dnnerhter If Mr. (in,i Mrs. Jacob Von Totml.r Ho!!\» Park, and Elmer K. Cayls.on of Hr. and Mm. IT. E, Gayle. of

,i. Vine street, were quietly married attbe Eighteenth Street M. E cbunfli,

Yo|k. on May 1. The ceremonypeHonned by Rer. Dr. B. C-en.| Mr. and Mra. Oayle are

making Ithelr home on Vine street,e boropgh.Mtss TiuHPi Hepner, of Lee'place,auffprtnc from a badly nprsloed

Ue reselTed ID tbe jostle of theDwtf wjbMh greeted General JoffreNew Tork last week. An orer-

ealouB patriot stepl>ed i

t i in ia iaw to f127 WWT SBOOITO BTRBR-

TO I U M T .The Cupid basketball team will

hold an Invitation dance In Debele*sHall Wednesday evening. Hay 13.Professor Edward Mark's Jazz BandwfQ furnteh the music. The rommil-tee In charge la composed of: Elmer

'.I nil mm. chairman: Leo A Wilson.I Will (am H Tramor, Jamea T. Tray-nor. Albert M. ColTey. P»t«r J. Mar-


Hand, of CreaU returned after aand adjacent cities

on Miss ^Tepner's foot, injuring Her•o painfifllr that she bad to be rivenasalataficl home, wttera she m af-terward > on fined for tiro days. She•till fee.t the effects of true Htjnry

li »rj^ to (to to buidnem.


' * Work • Special!]

Rrtimatro fnM-ly

43 Mountain•Phone 1807,


•• Connection.

Farmers' HotelJACOB BLIMM. J r , Prop.

37-39 Somerset St.,PLAINFIELD, 1». J.


n « t jo!,.

*I5W. Second St."Plwme 2S4-W :

phone Connection

West EndStorage Warehouse



Moraller & Sons^ ud Jwrettn

r c l^a Of 7O.r.-n ix r Brtm It

l-*" r«>*lr .na p»t It<°r r»« W. k

aid Sold


he Lifetime CarIn *M Mitchell, the «tandard for every

part i* 100 per cent over-strength. Thatmeans that in three yean we have doubledour margin* of safety.

Over 440 part are of toughened steeLAll aafeiy parts are oversize. We u»e aweallr. 61 Ch(ome-Vanadium steel.

We.^im at 200,000miles of service, andtwo M.ichells alreadyhave pifaved they can

Costly ExtrasThe Jvjilchcll includes

31 f e a t u r e s whi*:>inearly fill cars omit.And in tbis years modelswe add J24 per cent toIhe costi of finish, up-holstery and trimming-So the Mitchells ate themost complete cars, anathe harnfeomest cars intheir class.

On this year's output,these « t » 3 cost us about $4,000,000.

How We Do ItYou will marvel at the extra value*

which Mitchell can include. But theyare all due. to factory saving* made byJohn W. Bate.

Mitchell can—both bodies and chassis•*,—axe built:in a rnammoth model plant.

Mr. Bate has spent millions to fit thisplant to build Mitchell care economically:

In no o t h e r p l a n tcould cars; l i k e theMitchells be built at theMitchell cost.


Mitchell Junior—a 40-h. p.Six. 130-inch Wheelhase

$1460 T*47 - Passenger — 4S-h. p. —:

127-inch Wheelbase

The reault shows inall these extra values —in extra features, extrastrength and. beauty.

Come see these extras.You are bound to

want them' in the caryou buy to keep.

Two SizesNow

There aie.. now twosizes in the Mitchell

Six, also eight body styles. So all fine-car buyers can now find here, the typeand price they want. See this unique

MITCHELL MOTORS COMPANY, Inc., njacine, Wis., dr. S. A.


Gty's Share ot'Conscript Army

* Since the declaration of war withGermany thousands of young met)from all orer the United States havbeen flocking to the colors In readlneaa to preserve the nation. As IDthe Civil War, Plainfield has thus far

noMy. One mlHhas already gone o

active duty and the clty'B other copany. Troop D. has been recruitedwar strentrth and is ready for the c

, who for iB general secretary of tbe lo-•% of the T. M. C. A., bdt

[(arced to resign last monthj> of ill health, has become

•nlifird kith association work inrim \moriijiin Navy. His first work

c.lared but w,,, ,„ | . o n n e c t i o n w i t i n t n # p , , , ^, N'.|H.. Navy Yard, w.bere he

i welfare of f

ml. Vi^ . Delaware. Marj'nd thp District onlsh the Fifth divl

eion. of »hlrh thlf. State will fnrnisli about a third. Rich division will bicomposed of nine irefrlmenta of InTantry. three repiments of fteM artillerynn'-1 repiment or cdvalry. one of en&lnpers. one division hoepltai and foni

Bestde the sixteen dtvietonH. ther*"•!! !'<- ?lMr-wi rftrtmotifs of heavyartillery, an aero sqnadran. etsht bal-

two bafcer.es. six felepho'ne bntt.il-I lonea. sixteen pack ronuianlen. st»ammunition trains and six supplytrains] Earti State! will be repfesent-

led In these various, departments.

DAT. ••

ed by Pros- •enrollment •

and renter ration of troops for *the war! with Germany to set •aside Wai* New Jersey holiday. *to be so! observed all over tbe *State. In£ a proclamation Imued •this weeS by Governor Bdga. •

OoverSor Edge made plain In "hia messj^o thnt It would be a *patriotic5duty for every citizen •to reghtgr at the polls, and that •conftrrlptjon was only an Insult •to those *-ho refused to appear. *

He ftls0 laid Btress on the fact •that Newi Jersey had responded •splesQIdll tn previous wars and •should stein do BO In Che pre#- •

I r

City Scholastic Journeymen Barbers Will Probably Strike

Coal Situation

Stays Same Here Slnr« (he atari tnarua of flntnneld war the word "poll “Wd lll«b Schools | adjective doarrlptl Field tomorrow | soldier and ban b« ■y Ihe first game of|<an» mho hare no

* »o decide the *cho- meaning la. plahl «»>e- city The - 3 • •' r* *l 3 " •nd m Ith | near future, howefer. unlei on hand from both «a| situation in clfercd up h"*h as In the olden Garber shin** kept bpcn. Tt My en*ue meaning, of *'i»ollu** in t inosinu ii favdrii» In *»ne" and could fittingly be ernci there la Uttle to local citizens after t«o In* M» With any def|. a harherlt MIkonatt th. Ninth A ronifi n ba* probablv aur-]tee roprest both teama have lost »*ers In tb<

MIs* Beatrice Maxwell, of this city. ha« bepn entertaining her sls^, ter. Miss Lillian Maxwell, of Middle Valley Miss Tlietjesa F. Soli. if Madison avenue, whit has been living In :.l for the past year, returned ,iy, this week toflrooHlyn. where she will —-l- *--J— In the future. Mis* Franjes Hurley, diughter of r and Mrs^ Jatne* Hurley of Bel- onl avenue, la Ferovering after ■ “rjous operation performed upon few days vo, by Dr. I’errault. of New York: assisted by pr. F. J. llURhes. Friends In I’tfclnflcld have recelx- of the marriage of Jinien a Stafford. • firmer local The resident, nn.j Miss Florence lionise Oraln. of ewionvllle. Mas*. The • eremony was performed on May 5. at the horn- of the bride’s brother. Sh«pUerd MalUson Crain. Mt fttat-' •« of ford resided tt>r a long time on Grove .. „„ and egg >nd re:ireaenlod several type- coni hsd been listed hy the whole- «'r“,"K machine companies In New salors. and one of thirty-five cent- on York. He Is now Boston represen- pea.VoaL Bx.ept for this statement. of the Mnltlgraph Company, fhllkwtvf hy one that would sell Mav- of Cleveland. Ohio, and has been re- ordered coal at about »». no Iwllra- ‘Mine at Nowtonvlll©. Thl* la Hi* tlona of an Immediate Increase were «,,*ond marriage. h!« first wile belnr. given Ml** May Behring. of this efty. who Several of the local dealers will died a few ydars •*». not fin order* for more than a ton at Martin Flat lev. of \V*st Fifth n time, while mm- frankly admit street, returned home the forepart of they haven’t got enough to fill orders the week after a ten days’ pleasure The etafemefit of the Federal Com- trip to Lake George. Glens Falla and mission Mist, coal la plentiful Is ac- other points of interest in northern <•(**<* by the dealers, but they blame New York State. the wholesaler* and not the retailers Clarence Van Sickle, of Brldge- for bleeding Ihe public. port. Conn., has returned tq the lat- la the line* of small-elxe coal, such ***r rlly •flw a visit with his parents, as nut and pea there has been a *e- Mr. *nd Mrs J. W Van Sickle, of vere shortage for more than two,E*"t Third street.

lirry" Leonard. of West Fourth *ei who Is employed by J. J.‘ * A.I lllggns. ha* been a pslkil In Ajexlan Brothers Hospital. £11x4- h.lhe |>Nst threw weeks following oia-ratlon for hernia II* Missouri F. Martin, of Mndl- atenue. la si tending three weeks th* home of . redan*** in l*ort


North Avenue

-UfiMUMI" k the Lord that beet deorrlbee . oluUtUiu, In both the vftblaulo and retail roal market* here lode), a.rordln* to neveral of this morning hat the , jy have to know It* definitlna In {he

*■“* - —mdths lo- P and the ‘he French thb hairy • appended * Weeks of a town. enco between a commu- ning the journeymen bar- ahops throughout *hc city '*■*» -ns held last night

tho largest ( dealer* this morning avenue, w The rondlilpns cannot be .ailed ab- Flalnfield normal, except in cohiimrlson normal times, for the dealers ant Id make hej- 'pate no great In.rcfl m prices a rl»f of pcrhniw fifty rent* f..r • «>wl ordered In May le snlidpated shortly, hut dealers ran give no prlcca or pr.a»l»ei y aw. to .rune »nrt duly rondi- h**r tlons TliC Increased pav for anthracite aoffigrs. and Hie threatened increase - . of freight rates east of llttsburgh. H snnouncet|ie» are factors that must be considered in estimating future .ondltlons. . lacit or May or June quotations from th*. wholesale com panics make* it Imnnaslble for local de.l. thbh- prtres.. One dealer said thai for^ fire cents on stoi

NNTierler. of J and Atlan- I'ark l-akei proai>e«*ts of d

in. «on of Mr. and ran. of Mercer »ve* a furlough from tha . V. 8 Naval Aero- !e has been troubled 1 Is undergoing nied-

street Inst In: 1ered the nifl •everat p|g>« Opposite Freight House .0. 1$ bnmn c •nns^cola. F: mil. 'Station

Mrs Patrick Nugent of West Third street, continues to improvn , from the severe partlyCh atrokw, which he auffnred two w**ek» ago. Mr nd Mrs John Culver, of West Front treet. hare been entertaining Mr. add Mrs. Henry MrDonnld. of Daytor Joac h (Jyeonc. of East 8*r*t»tf* afreet, has Recured a position In the elertea department at the Richmond street relght station Mr. nd Mrs. Edward McRregan. of We* Third street, will leave next week Allentown. |*n.. where Mr. McKee an has taken a position with a manufacturing concern. Fre* Vanlfoesen. of Mercer ave- nue. has returned from a abort trip



ipened fourth >r» of nrey F Stout, circulation r of the Courter-Newe.' has nflned to bla home on Fktst itrect for the past len^ day* | attack of typhoid fever. | Leslie Matthew*.* of !*e* »ho has been seriously 111 tor

h^rtatop pitcher Hutcbrropt

AfenU for Thermo Gaa Water Heatara, Kefn^rratiag aad lea Ph*t» Corniee*. SkjliKhU. Sheet- MeUl Work. Metal Ceil inf*. Sewer a«>‘l Water Connectiona. <iaa Kit^g and Water System* 1*0 WATOHXJNO AVENUE PHONE «1*

We Do Welding

llarojd Edward*, of West Front street, las gone to Waterbury. Conn.. where He has vcured an ezcallanr po- sition. * MHm , Mary Donnelly, of West Fourth <wtreel, was ■ recent visitor at Waal New York. Georie B. Cos*, of Schenectady. N. Yf. one of tho traveling staff of the General;Electric Co., has been spend- ing the Fast week at the bom* of his sister. Or* lames Penny, of Watch-

11 as all other kinds of Work. Han* all th* f

sceesary; all the expert If roni c*r la not lo first loa belter ham na put It The longer you put off re eater the risk and the gr Mis* Lena E Von To be I. daughter I of Mr and Mrs Jacob Von Tenet, or Holly Park, and Elmer E. Gayle, son of Mr. and Mm. H. E. Gayle, of Vine «i/eo». rrere quietly married at Ihe Klirifeenth Rtreet M. R ehnr»<h. New Yosk. on May 1. The ceremony wa* petformed by Rev. Of B. (?. Warren l Mr and Mr* Gayle are making fhelr home on Vine afreet, the bonmgh. MW Muriel Hepner. of Lee’piece, fa suffering from a badly sprained ankls ragelred la the jostle of the crowd greeted General Joffre In New York lent week An over- * salons patriot stepped squarely up- on Mlee 3Tepeer’s foot, in faring her so painfully that ghe bad to be glren asalatance home, wtiere "be vm af- terward confined for two days. She ■till feel* the effect* of the Injury

Welding& Machine Works

A Powerful Motor for powerful work or a small motor for small work. We have all Binds, all makes, all prices. Either direct or alternating windings l*t ua talk over and look ov*t your Alans We'll ahow you he«( U) do K ;elec- trtrally.

Mr and Mrs Ephraim Compton and daughter, of East Third street, have returned home after a ebon visit with relatives at High Bridge Mr. Compton waa reeently discharg- ed from Muhlsuberg Hospital arter undergoing treatment. Charles H. Hand, of Crescent ave- ■ ue. has returned after * visit to ' Boston and adjacent cltlee.

Hmey Hat Mfg.& Renovating Co.

Ryder & Graves Electric Co

City's Share of'

Conscript Army

HTUR«<iK BATTKRIE" n no o bov (Mormco Bollory for roor r.r Mop In a no lot ' KXIDE - Wo Will allow you a fair nrlro on your oM boltory IWBaboi lo I»lt O'- rodlllo- Motor Co broocht out tho Drat •a* tar lo fbo world urine aa r-cular o^olpol.nt a oi—trip .tartlnc. WHIM IraHlon' ayatotn Tho -EXIDB' gforaco flattory mode a» a—tbt. Th- (tod I liar root pony baa aaod -BXIDK" Sto-ac- ■WW ao-Jaal«.ty .'nr alnro Ttiw moot b. a r.aaon. »im -Kxiittr- rkkvk-k m»nin


which Mitchell can include. But they ire all due to factory saving* made by John W. Bate

Mitchell cars—both bodie* and chaeaie —axe built in a mammoth model plant.

Mr. Bate has spent millions to fit thia plant to build Mitchell car* economically. In no other plant ■ ■ ■- could cars like thg J - — g Mitchells be built at the a rn # - Mitchell co*t.

In thd Mitchell, the standard for part ia 100 per cent over strength means lk«l in thire year, we have d< our margin, of oafety.

Over 440 part are of toughened AH safety pans ate oeersiie. We wealth of Chtome-Vanadium steel.

We .nun at 200.000 miles o| service, and two Mitchells alseady have proved they can give >». ) B Costly Extras The N itchell includes

Read The Plainfield Record representation of nearly 200 men | who are fighting tor the ronntry.

: Preferlng lo enter the regular army or narv rather than the militia, many j local young men have enlisted and j bring the total number now In fuel* Sara* service up to at |ea*t 250. Although every man Is compelled | to register tinder the reeently passed . Draft Bill, the flrsl call la offly for r.fift.non men. According to plan* worked out by the War Depart-,, .ment. New ler«fjr will hare to fur-'] nlah one man for every 200 popula-', flon. a-hlch would make f^aInfield's L niiota approximately 1R0 men. ThB 'j does not Include those who bare en- listed since war was declared but . residents In prlrgt* life. I( The War ivnarfmcnf haa already , completed plan* for the organizing f Of the new army fp be raised by draft There will be In ill sixteen full dlvl- f alone, and different recflon* of the , ronntry will be grouped In one dl- rlclon New .Ter«*>- Delaware. Man- , land. Virginia and the District of , Columbia wl!| furbish the Fifth dlvl- , sloo. of which thl* State will fnmlah , about a third. R*rh division will he t composed of nine regiments of Infan- , try. three regiments of field artillery. | one regiment of ckralrr. one of eng I- , neers. one division hospital and fonr , camp Infirmaries Beside the sixteen division*, there , will be sixteen regiment* of heavy t artillery, an aero squadron, eight bel- , loon companies, ten field hospitals. t ten ambulance remoanlea. twenty- , two bakerlee. six feTephone battal- a , Ions*, slxtaeri pack companies. «It m ammunition trains and alx supply m trains. Each Wate will be re present- 9 ed In these various department*.

Accomsnoriati e Tonnectjon.

Firai Clai Telephf

Farmers’ Hotel JACOB BLIMBI. Jr., Prop

■•njMRO CONTRACTOR J* Work g Sp-eigJty **“»»•<■« freely givn Alfred Kste*. who for several years aaa general secretary of th* lo- cal branch of the T. M. G. A., bdt who waa reed to resign last month on acroun of 111 health, baa become Identified *lth association work In tho Amort an Navy. His first work win be In onnectlon wit* the Ports- mouth, N. If . Navy Yard, where he sill look o the welfare of *e*eral thousand . tckle*

The reeull shows in all theae extra value* — in extra featurea. extra strength and beauty.

Come *ee these extraa You are bound to

want them in the car you buy to keep.

SIXES fountain Phone 1507

low Racine Mitchell Junior—■ 4*-h. p. Six. 120-inch Wheelbase JP. G. Allen.

R»ting ’Phono ConntwUoo West End

Storage Warehouse 312 LEX PLACE. JOHN WIKZENWXD, Prop.


Socond Hand Fnntitor* Bought


- 6(fur- oo <hal n-xt job

Two Sizes Now The- fl Idont W ■rollmoat Etration of troope for with Gormaoy la vet a New Jersey holiday, observed all over the a proclamation Issued by Governor Bdga. Governor Edge made plain In his mesasge tfiat ft would be a patriotic duty for .every dthsa to reglalor at the polla. and that comrrlptjon waa only an Insult to those rho returned to appear He ala4 laid stress on the fact that Neva Jersey had responded splendldl In prevloue ware and should af|aln do so In the pres- ent crltfs

■o There are. now two sizes in the Mitchell

ight body styles. So all fine- dan now find here the type they want See this unique

is year‘a output. ties cos* ua about $4,000,000. How We Do It

Mill marvel at the extra vah





r p ERSOilAL

Page 4: Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State

f AGE Krt'K.

St Mary's T. A. B. Anniversary(Continued from PAgeoje.)

Registration Questione to be Answerede doin(r;very well whenfor cnrtage andPLAINFIELD RECORD


193 North Avenue.ALHKKT F. LA HOCK, Fres. HII-1 Ifeta. Ufr.

• 'Phone 1983'

as ' August oliirtliitay Hii>

.— r— yraj ow." The^ retsistraiordine[wil | then fill iin the year of birthr lofrtl ' ManJ" people do not carry in mind

the year they (were bor'h. TTite nfaybe obtained by the r e n t m by aat>-tractinjs the age fn years on r i- L -year's birthday from 1917.

4. Are jrou *' > * notaral .born .iii-ben: jli) a amSuntHxnmi alien: (4) or bate ><munit- Intention [In In1* mm- aiMlMTlfy which.)

I Hpents iM ,.,] States." indludlnK Alaska addi r j i i g to Hawaii. y o

Is of doIlH

o f commer

i l t j» ' \ Plalnfleld C

Subscription Rate.—*2!(H). iSiyalil* in A . , , . .

"* bad ,

loireiM RiRIter uectrora-r - Iwonlai,.fi,hl. N •*.. m , W .1 . - L v



iliimiiiou of the rt«•0 that they held prk-ej* up.

Ix-Kan to cut r«mpetition. Aftppan-ntly. filthoimhj

lie luinl to prove.on the matter, and now tl

N. th.' turn- of ih

B. M. Began, rhaptaln and Mary"s pn»i-=h and remodelM tttaal director Of Ihe aoriety. and Hlderable fcxpense It ha» alw*,B J°^ldent Joseph- T- McCue. The sraLffyln^ to the officer* in J!r?Clasnittr.1 mis. rharged

Hntcml iis second-dlffl«, at the i>oMom.-.- a1 IAct of MaWfh -i. 187JI.

musical portfon Of thInclude solos by Miesand *Al!iert F. Lal^ock.

Standing out prominently Inbig gathering \; ill jbe John Walsh

The two "deans" [have not beenlotted set subjects Tor an add4lit It (s a certainty they wfll he

sneak. ] 'are that brier remarks will beby Michael D. O'KeH* John J. 1

the citizenparent*. ^i If you" were (born in Porto Riop.

mnwr. artd a« v(1" HJ* a <*""•- o r t h e ? j H s "un les s yon were, horn of a l ien i>ai

IV be reblen- a-Re> Tr y o u u ^ r f l h o r n ^ r o a d .believes that are still a citizen or the Uhited St; cheaper """ ""**" " " " '

PLAINFIELD, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY IS. 1917itors have agreed<lays -A week all s


The Jnnua] valuation of t'laiafietd proper!.- las leviw are apportioned, willMomUy. «t wtiijh time tlie Board of A»-iu j

i Trad•r. l.nt i

til local peoplthat the; ysical T*lue 0(

The member* «-of theilways taken inj year a gold m«u, ktiarofhia] school u d fathletln siwrtB ths T t.

M ilieir round. [Flus bring- to mind the s l l T l l l . r s vW yLy in -nrh.ad lots. TliCKlioil ()f eqaraUK UHMMttBma *dd noth-U^Mnmfewion-hU pointed Uie way. I,- apropos than Uif words of Governor, | M ( W s l ( ) ^ . . . i ^ , , h e mnftiae i s s t ,

Tax Board confer-Tin' cxi-i-utive said:

nca of the, society u £%ial Club o !>:t.n ahle to lead ithe

that tlie valuation of his propertyIt i&.uot likely that many fcJmniuwith a board of assessors whose lii i i i - i i l i a r,T" T l i - ' l l i a l i t v

t has continued to- t)oalealablc Hitmunt of good liaaiitnunity, JIM young men with QiBttiI be^it by th»* temptntions of drin

and is ne<vs-| t,r(>inrnt under i>roj>.>r influence at Ih.- tot such and »nph ft State). Mill-

eers of I'nlted Statps,- or "Regit-lJ:Army (Xavy> ojjt'itlted States." Z

2. I>o you rlalm rxempUttn from J?0r*Tt? s i - - try

Because you claim exemptdraft, it by no means foil.

rpmpt. For' the infqf the War Department yo

It. Some uerHonp

b faouae. where tie ««i-]cv> iriLT amesHinenfs m a strictly equitable

ere is. of <-<iurstt. only one plan that fan h<>

to take PIM*. li* an the needi of uTgetlc

h M bowpool table, dfcnce hall,•ourt, card r&omi. stag«.oom, shower: baOia, «nd a well ap-

had a splendid cluhnd participate in the-bealthf

i mind and bodiea BO tim

Itl wonld be beat, with Met doing quietly for nearly half u eeting of the M-ciety last Monday nigkt the follow-ing offlrers wifere elected: Pre«td«at,

' plan, helps to sustain his will-by frequent attendance at Ihe

t of Holy Communion. Thevalue of this pledge reverts to theespecial good of the member and theGeneral betterment of the entlm ™m-

of lo

lit nnd all ' ^ J ^ : . " " P r » B M "about St. T W1lmt ^ y<tar | i r w r t l

the right runatlon, or nttlmTin Walsh T h i q d o w B Q t " * * h *

pledge of [fitted to do. It antw what jmUr joh'ybuf, fo 11* rle+it now, State brl«n y,

"" -Miner." ;"Stndenf 'La- ehv\

atitotnofalle. -»—. , -- . , ™ « ™ o , l e B , , , . 1 , , f . o r JDUI<-IBI OI-•• "J " " " filer of the State or Nation. Dami

rtmr office and say whether ft in ailffire of the State or Nation. If ><>'iri! ID the military or naval Betrrtrt

'o. la I" the military or t&e naval servirpl OI(J rtii. j R your groupd, almply, say . . . : , .acrrice of the Unltted 1

Joseph T. McC^ie: ri.-^ prenldent. R»fus I^arew: I recordlnK eecrctair.it m-y have relatives <!<>•

in them for support. Your

tnportant in eupportlnK tha claimfjou now Intend to make in youlr an-

'er to Uie pres«ntre. therefore, t

.re M qonformit, with j T

11.000 was raisea nriwalBh. Michao| D O'K««fft and Je-With this amount. ao|seph Roach. l | is a DDtu»orchy tttt

flaK. an Irish flag and a [that Trustee WCalflh has b«en a n « tere purchased. Theao ftagsicer In the soc&ty during

T the society's I forty-five y#arsjof the society"* eiW-

rrtce Sunday i i i r t t Tie Ibot the valuo of the wort of

ilitary registration that la

your KTornnd carfoll.physical dls-'erall Go

•ary in levyinimanner.

There iifairly and h>aaaeflsroentshould be assessed oivoritism should be ahout doiitit. to aAgem all p

The Newark C all reaches ai fair conclusion whefl L r temporate -it saya the difGiulty that arises in securinR a fai|r'f.a| offi(-iHiH w j

1! by fanfa? spenkera.' A rt

. . . . rill b,« the (niests of honor atand equitable assessment of property lies in the t l (. given by the soeiety next Monday nimethod by which boards of assessment are chosen.',,,„ gtill(i t\}\ne!( t j , ( , s p e a i iers can * aajAM long, it declares, as the tedure of office of these \ i a r y s T A B J w i I , b e c(1,ninendation"iiofBcials outside ihe larger cities of the State &• fdire«tion. Con irra tula (ions are alwi due jpend- npon their retaining the;good-will of the vnt-|. in i I J ) a v i d Barrjr, the two remaining cWera there will be no equality in assessments. The !,,.„ w h o ,m V ( 1 ^m, , ; , , ^ faithful to themethod of selecting assessors yiust he changed be-;j forty-five yearn rt«o. and who have meanfore the best results may be h»d. Moreover, there Id,,, younger elmust be larger co-operation between county and ) 8 t e r days.State bodies and community bouies. The Pierce tax. ! • • . . .law has done much to correct the law in thia latter JUSTIFIABLE REVOLT INparticular, (>nt more remains to he done before a HOME DEFENSE BANKS.fairly satisfactory conclasio nis reached. In past | #,<• action of the I'lainfi'ld-Cniog Wrfyears Plainfield'" assessors ha^a made every effort! dine harping the paid uratchinen at tli

and by fixing assessments close i11(|,. p u r n p i n ( r H , a t j o n 1 , , ,^ ,^ n o m ( . I)ef snk.f has paid a large amount of, n r e dtlinz t h , . w o r | t jf, n , , ( o n p , h a t w j , j ^

the State and county tax. Some people who h*»e LymuUthy or support of thmade a study of the matter insist that this city's;proportion ia above that of other municipalities injhttve lw'n giving ini tincomparison and there ia where the inequality comesin. If Elizabeth. Railway, Summit, Weatneld andother places hold the same standard of valuation

to do the right thinvaluation the <

s done in Plainneld the State and county appor-tionment is distributed more evenly. We trust this

people. In fa!to open revclt on the part of thitw'n givin« up their timo andnndergr

ental conditions to jiroteet the wellpri.'iny aliens. Four watchmen in th<

bei'n on duty day nnd n

fact will be kept inwho also begin their

mind by neighboring assesHwork next. Monday.

rk representinj;r month. The Plainfit-ld-U



The Record reproduce! herewith an open letter >,from Leslie R. Fort, former managing editor of the I

ywan Rtifficient protection and.fwhaleveraddition was a matter of opinion on theolunteer floldiery. The Home i>efcnsers

4 .lone in

.-us done iiart of thelake no complaint about what they hav(^ i)on<lie way of guarding, yet they feel that if jheir soiii's lied not been volunft-pred the four 4at("hm<

.ronld still he on the pay-roll. They had? no id*Daily Press, written in reply to a published queryjthnt their [.utrioiism or desire to insure nifety f<

inP ihe city water supply would put anyone put of at I v ji>!> iind for 1 lint rascm the action of the fompj

*- omi' in for kefere criticism. They aiotwern niakefl enough money out of l^cal 'rs to at least exhibit coaeern a.s to

inpe and the $400 or more would malt,lifjerenee in the ann.ua! dividends.1 One o f t

from fteorge IT. Ooddard regarding the prevsprice of poal in Plainfield. Mr., Fort Has evidtak«n great pains to thoronghljr acquaint himnelfwith factB in the matter and. for jthat reason his per-|t(l(,tinent epistle is given in full, leaving the, reader to ' , ( , n l

make his own dediictiona: . lin*tEditor. Plainfield Record :

;In hia letter pulbliahpd in a local paper nn Toes- ,„.,,.„„,, m o n ,day nigh!, Mr. George II. rtoddard called attention i m,nr(l duty tio an inexcusable condjtiojn w^ich exists in^ this' rnf.ntH (0 tak«ity. The present pric* of coal ii nvt of all keeping ,j(>r.>d at if iwith that in plnces nearby,: andi shows a tendency 7,,.( t n e JJ,on the part of the local dealprg to bleed the publi 'as has probably never been, done Hefore. I have been

mission not to buy. my coal at the present Plainfieldprice ns it is ^sorbitant] It is possible tbntl legalaetian may be taken Ib break up wh.it is undoubted-. w j t n tltc startlingly a combine to force ur unnecessarily th<- price of a inf ,>n,fim> it VimDensity ot life. | • ,11 l i , , a l l v «.,,;,|llp!,, , ,

ee for iimst JIS ranch Ii, - reignt ina.-him- *nn.I e

rate to Plainfiftld from the Pennsylvania fields, I,wni lj (l t,c Tm Jihave been informed at the

As Sir- Ontfdard pointed ont.jthe Mnychpstnut coal al the rtiiriow is $3.93|a:t<m. ,T'

l , h ,I pnnr


us alr<rb he was onif work, ant:•tliers follow

•tefnsed iof the fir


it is not tojlsuit in a f w da

, , d ,a part

that )i;ji hav

ntinue tin* nrdmken anil also let the W .


L d f i "ton, » net cost-on the trestle: hare ->f $5,381 a ton. ,,r, M , ,And the public is asked to pay &.50, Irss 25 c-nls t\,].y h

for p rompt 'payment! In other wards the local donl- ..T1,i jn 'st l /s ' . / 'bi j t in

the burden.

p f r

It ilthr

"Inn'. !iris.

1R dacliH wolfornn>

' futurrrd are


t-rp 5t

lid pur wrn


yem n


I'lcncinc xthe ireCFl

t little! HomeBOB hisdi-tarh-

Assessors Commence

Work Next Monday

l-|;mj/iH,| , board of ,isM.«..,,r, ,.-,[]ally out !-• .i Mond^v morn iW to

b d « and!paruttaj; was 131,000.000HKiii'es. The average Increase ever)twelve moot Sis ia about' 10 per cent.,bu t ' the belief exlsta fiat It will oem o ^ than that tbe present time. Is"• ihort

Elkstake ';p\arc at th« Watoa-

" "ihoune riBrt Tbin-in Uie rorm'Mt »conunlttoe m«k-

C o n s r M s l m e tti>e arrangement* naa already de-ll now be-l^ded upon Fpver-*1 noTM fsaCnren tnd

ere delivered to Citj- Clerk j f t I o r * 1 «re b«iB(r forked ont. T»i« p«They came from the Fed- t r ' ° " c '< 'oa w ' "rnment of Washington and n ttie decoratlv^scriem*, th» preMnt

m -the outside were printed Instruc- i Prevalence of the national spirit ot-fond that their content should not be- f*" r l t" sn-<-at pos^fbliltfes for the ip-uadle public until after Congren ac ta l p r < > p r l " t e hlendlite of red, white U>A

" itlng. flies. Elk color. Mdllrfils. Edward Mark's J m

the drafthe city, clerk put the sack

aking i

b u l g i n g R e m i t s were granted, by In- i t h ° >VR*8lratton ttlRO were received byHfeiMor I>oane in IStSJ the largest IMT- ^a r ro t l . These tel] the officials

m-niII I table 1

of natlonalj&im pmhodrtnthind or Bteyxi for dancing." of th- /

It, tha dance "wHl he etrlctlr In'mal: the \;,,UP* ™jin not have to a


nm-.Ink year; can he figure^ out.The ajHsesaflrs. for } the vaih

wards are ah foil owe: • First 4Thomas J/ ' UuRhes: Second %tfi

last 'Harry C^Tiunyon; Third ward j._. T.. MrLo-n^hlln: Fourtli;

Lifflte/' i" I * Mote tha^i ordinary :i•ac-'to tie taken tills \-mT tff

n ] . W<\ eqnltahlm every nertlon of the ijlty

KW/ltem' ropimftt.cro n w Mayor P<-Tr;file thn assoBhoi

urea, t h e ijirrea5(I<1 In keeping do«

, - rate, aiilioirfh it 1I quad regain now tnat tbere L

of thirteen br fou

mid be I


y !i. Stewart tnJ.-M.l ' "" ! i l

nrrlvhi|r at sa t l far . r « ' "tiisn-it^l valaatlons. *""•" ' Ip:'again. iBe- ) t l P '

< form^ nf tax- " »*• cfbmit shortly I lH 'r"'

'•i,-lstr;itioi.0001 men from'21 to 30 jfeWT|lle this number woiH

- rocistered. It would not Ube drafted for the 1

iv will be suhjeot tid In addition this

ill dnly have to furnfsli [ftn pn" ' total draft. •

Gov- •,Plainfleloximstol

^ ^ i i ibefore Judge! rortnoily and 's<

es for trial. IJte.l. '• Thi-re are le

ber rij l->ral pa^B to|b<. h m u ^ t n

i Jury. j


r| Tn connoftlon tffth the elabora"of St. : .ir.'s T. A. B. 80-^-ftftli annlve-reary ne«

' T. A. i, Fife. Dnimhold Its flftn '

livt,- ballr knk tnko ,.._. ...

1 West Ponfrtti 1 eet, next FrW»f—KM. May 25, anig tlie committee Ircharjic Is already j ssiircd of a laW«

Drum corp«j at P.l[7.a(iPth, I

Jwoet. theButtle Co

of th.

**AO* nun.

PLAINFIELD RECORD Published Friday by


AI.HKKT H. I.A KfH K. Proa. and Urn. Mirr. 'Phone 1933.

Subscription Rate. On. year *2.110. lival.lr in Ailvnnrc

• !\ll a<lr. copy muni In. nt office no! Icier ll p in. \V evince, lav

tTaaaifii-il ails charge.) nt one erlll a uor.l. Knterc.l aa neeond-elmo, matter lh-'-etiil"

1916, at the |H«t0*ee ai piainfleld. N -I . tin-h- Art of March :l. 1879

coal dealer, fed that they are doing very troll when they can net 50 cent, a ton for cart protit bIh.vo that of ill, which seems tilturr for any reasonable dealer t» would make the prjyi no oltei W ould hat e Ul asked. Itut when another #1.25 to to terms of payment, is added it

I people to protest - « I’laoiriilder. have suffered in I

rCCatlnnnd from Pm«r One.) ijre and a proas ike a very fair expect. That

,hi. eity ft.88 a ton. -"d , r^!‘^l-“^ li cHiiae to cojnplnin vnrt yr»; old The, ruKl*tr«r 1.50. nrronliiik' '•HI «ben Oil In th« )Wr ot lilrih.

for local not *rr* ,n n,|n" |.«M»

nil ot a i-omloiiMtion of tin* coal iH-hUt*. not hail ii hrvak mu I Im-kmii to ful rate* there wan it* a I emuputition. After

. toffi*tper ay*in. appan-ntly. althoiiirli liUMV

PLAINFIELD. N J.. FRIDAY. MAY 16. 1917 of flint

Iter, ami 'one.* tin* puMir to ttu nmuflly. I

Tin* «-on| o|M‘ratorN have aijrrcd inincH workiuir *jx dayn a wwk all

| a remit atocka which an ialied. The fnlersl Trade (’ommiaaioi f Plainfield property. up-|r,m| wi|j

Registration Qaestione to be Answered St Mary’s T. A. B. (Continued from P*«e O

i Anniversary

the year tta*\ ,*rre borto. Tbto mhy be obtained by the mrlttrar by atb r»*- [traetlnie the aft* In jreer# on (Jilt rnn year'a birthday from 1»|7. ( ^ , . . 4. Are »«.u (I ) a naiaral iH.rn .til. lonir H|fo that they hftld pnrt^i up. and then |XMl. (2) a „»lur.n,„i ritiicn ■til for a whilr

H»K Hoard. Hon. Marie A. Sullivan, i little bah Iker ot the State or Federal Govern- Jlp||p, u( IheCourlof Common I more ment. say whelllcr rour office I. in- of coullI}.; John j.,b} ,|„ ■nem. Mr *“<’•-« - - — fleas, of Hudson county; John J..by the oreani/ation r*k*J

der IS. lotted 8lates the Bute, the „Iwr.ld. ^,eUrv of the Chamber among X „,e,„u„ J4** count., or a municipality. In anr.er CoD,m„r.i pattrK>.. x. j.; ,, . l_. ..".*'**1 to the question aa lo where you err h-ra,lchl j prea|delit o( il„. J«u. T oaiployed. alve the town, coontp. | pialnfield Common Connell; William able In i I. Smalley, mayor of NorUi Plain-1 that the tnembcr»h|i> loitu»uL"■6*» Arid. Uev. Peter J- OTalla«han. of but 91 agd the dues only it •• WaehlnKton. I). C . former president month fc'he < |Ub house n of the C- T. A. t». of A.: Rev. Mon- Fourth sfc-oot I. rh* tor -upiMan (specify „ „. ... w._,!T . Norl«lyg ,

"®ek and death "•< W i war whan It i. ,

while tl.ev ml lalewtb.n I. ivonltl In- Imni to prove. unlrsN Feilc^ral njrcnts *r**t M| states, intiludlnc Alaslia

the town. aad State where you aork Have in* a fathec. motMr. ,.,M ued.v ta. oe w^b.^n/rcr fmnrn—dem mon.V "^0“'“ -U. *-l-w.tepi oI Ih< (. T A A Rev. Mon- fourth .feet „ *«, . . _ ,u'"" "“P,“ (speetfr ai^tor P .tHek Co..,- , of Newark; h.rlu' been p’r^'* «»*• («) d.wlmrd wVtehIT Rer. II. M. Ilna.n ehaplalu and Mar,', pj-l.h and 1 tweonm . ",,*T I ’ "7"; rX'Mr.l..i <* slderablelx.M'nae « «*

, , , .. i, mse.H .Vr.'V .i' ewe s '^e President Joseph T. MrCue. The ersljf.tnj roo Were barn In the Colt- mouth that yon? own which von u .. -


The annual valuation on Which tie- tax levies are apportioned, will com- iMllinfi,.|,| lmii| nil.inrjun.1 tell the raenre next Monday, at wl.ieh time the Hosrd of ,|,pV ,x|,„.| „ l.ett,-r pride or the eon- ■eaaors lu pin their round Tliia hrimrs to mind the win UlI .-arloml lots The Iederal Trade 2

eternal question of eqiiilahlp uBa samenls and notli pointed the wav. It i» up to Plain-

arc frvirur lo Hawaii, you arp a naturwl-bom ■ r' a a. arm. no matter what mar have n the rltlxenahlp pr nationality of y a j ! Inuwac* to krep ilhcir' If r»« ware bom in j^orto Rln inmer. ami aa ^

*hort vilkbr rc^len- iyf> |f TOU w*r* born Abroad, yotalalone .it belle vp* that a re *tll| a rltlsen of the Phltod Statoa bility but it will not |k» « lieaj»er in


rioiv to feed <»o not lot -u",‘ al P«fHon of the ITOEram »III that tho,-l h duty to feed, do not let toe|,,d# b>. M,„ Mar> Donnelly the oonmfmlty In lone have vour military ardor Interfare with d , F .„ . .h. wish of the Nation to reduea 1. "T'. nilserji lo . minimum On the I*t«er hand.i nnl«*« the per>.nn yon * K^therina !«a»c In mind i* *»lrlv d»peadent ns ro4. do not bide behind- petthoata of '"idr'° i iV.Ted '.ue.

In their work >u lal avslsiani.e was rcadu, it prominently In the by men of all dcni.niln.tloas i^ 111 be John Walsh anil ever requAted. The oSIcm, ,ij/^ n ran It* lain romitlalair ..wa.I.II • . . a . ■* flnan

John Barry, the only two remaining e«t»orUII> nmniber* of the orlslnal nineteen Bern. The two "dean*" have not been al- vice L. 11. 1 "•*« vuujcii for an addreaa. teen eecKce l T lk"' “ •» ■ they will b. e.ll- the socle father »a« a rltlien of thf> lo. M«irr|c«| or «lnicli- (Wblrh)? 1'Hlted State* at the tlm* you M^ltwV C|M*.lf) whirls)? Tht* iln», not e*k «rh«*the» you Onraclf. * | were onre iyerr|<><]

-rd lloean for hi* klmnTTr and (Crutldtam e durln* the ou year^ hi* ha* rbaaUla *

list the Itouiriuu is Stopped. Very truly yound

LESLIE R hDlir intr ia more apropos than I he wnnla of Governor p,.|,|, r. Ed tee in his addrvsa nt the State Tax Hoard i-onf'-r- enee in Trenton a few daya n«o. The executive said ■‘We hav, .iliiio-d n. nmnv -tvles of tax assessment' ..... in tliia State as there are styles of women’s hats." ^ SOCIETY WITH

The.Isnvern.11 meant l.ylthe statement that each AN ENVIABLE RECORD individual community asscsa»»s properly areordiotf tO) ’ Well ,|e«dr>-.-,l ronRnitulations a rule of its own Valuation, are kept down in com-’ MliryT|ltl|| Al^tit..-n.-.- Henr.olrnt Id niunities will, the idea in mind of their just shatdjof , om[jHiall „t f„r, v.firth .

cfl uiMin *0 *pc*k rho prohiibllltlc* Durlnit aro that hrlof remark* *111 bo made vonr* of by Mlrhaol r» n‘Krrt,\ John J Iflno*. fwrR ha Vh^tW you A|rrP'1 K I**""r,o and auroral other atronc l Vo., are a ...arsllsml elUae*’ara|married'’no. In a.smer to the , mo" tr'"r *orktr'‘ *»» lol.l .Ml row.ple.nl ...dr natur.lf [ quwtloa as to ,o,i- care, stale hrlef- rl*''- •'-"''•■'O" "» 'ho tribute mu

ehaplsj, , corlety, fOIt,w' . L..i _l . ^

(hat ll if you hive "lake! If i-hathar

the burdm pnrponea.

at ion levied for counly or Slate Siirli a rfeord held I»y tlii* jHipul r and ern-r- ifelic WK'ietr ia' not by ; Governor Kd*c miuht tinslly have ad.i.-d that nf kjn,, jn p|„infi.|d Start nit in 1872.

nnm i>ai>er*." But yon .are not rltlien If you have onh- drrlare. your Intention to bwoms a eltlsei * that I*. If you hive only 2'taken on flr»f |>*|M*na"». In the latter ra*e yoi are only a ,'d«v-l*rant " You are al*o a naturalized rltlxer if. aJthoiiKh foreloi w»rn. your fathe St. or sarrlrlnj parevt tier«n»e filly nat th«- nrallsed while you wore under 21 vear* of a*e. and 1f vou came* to the >M Matas under 21. fH YOii are a derUrant ■ oriranizil though a eitisea ihjaet ofsnmi abntinenee .

with natur I

within the differenl communities differences in ns-p-„,|„.r .v*,,„f wmamenta are likely to he made lo satisfy individual . ,pr,H,| „„ r mntry it In. property-owners. The individual who has political[ni)1 roster of mfluenee i. often able to lead th. aase—.r. to decide fot.lr.Bvp years it has continued to flourish slid that tlie valuation of Ilia property should lie lowered tinealenlai.le amount of Re-sl lias I It ia,. not likely that many < omniunitie* are blcwicd wilh a board of assessors whose honesty and ju.lc hv ,h',. temptation, of drink ment is of I the quality of Plainfield’s snd is daeea- |ln)u„hl ,,ro|H,r influenee st the aary in levying asspswurnl* in a atrirtly equitable mann"- f ' They have had a splendid elnh hon r» There is. of course. only on* plait that can h*:;^ „ilf|„|v „n,l pprtieipate in the h-alih'. f.irly and honorably piinmd in levying property th„ d0M |hrir mind ,nd l)odj,. m nta fur pur^mes of taxation All property ,n„k, „r ,h,„, ,k.. ri|rht „,r, uf rlllz,.,„ should be a*aem«-<l haai. of equality. No t. T(ltll| vh.tinenee Benevolent I ociety ha. rv It irAttlrl lw> It.-at with, t s'* .. • ....

nlry. you have deelare«1 oath before a nat'irallnMon jvour Intention to heroine a jettison of rrown from the fnlt.vl .qtate* . Reeelpt fro In the c,prlt or lh® wrt Of the certified copy of *ueh deelaratlon la often call- ed "taklBK out flrwt papers.** You e for llte are not a dec larant ir your flmt paper

tentlenev *“*. uk*° »»«* after September 2« , . tans, and I* more than 7 year* old . '•> You are an alleu If you do not Tit lea I ino- fall within one of the throe Haaae« |la I of aueh and aiielt a State ),*• "Vol- , above mentioned hntoer* of Vnttad St«te* . „ "here were yoa hon*? * I «r*t name of the town then the reerentK»n IStata, then the country. a*/'Colum (food andj^**) Ohio:” "Vlonna. Austria What St

i that voritiam ah mild be shown. It would be brat, with-; d„fnk, ,|U„,t|v for nfar|y h,lr H , oot doubt, to asacaa all property at fnll value. which i. advocated by f.nfaroninir revivi I. and oth-

The Newark Call reach*, a fair conclusion when r „mpora„ ,pr,krni.. A repn-aentali J ■ it »T. the difficulty that arises jn securing a fair;, wlM of hnn„r and equitable aaaessmenl of property lies in the |le given by the society next Mondsv n method by which hoards of assessment are chosen thing, the speakers can an A. long, it declares, a. the tenure of office of these. Mar>.., T A wj|| commendation official, outside the larger eirira of the State de Idireetion. fongratnlation. pends upon their retaining the good-will of the vot-(and (,avjd [ljlrrv ,|„. era there will be nd equality in assessments. Th- |„VI. remained faithful to t|„ method of selecting assessors must be changed he- forty Sv, v„ani „ml „ho haV(. m,ant fore the best results may be hail. Moreover, there ,|,e younger element as it earn.- within must be larger co-operation between connty and later davs State bodies and community bodies. The Pierce tax ..... law has done much to correct the law in this latter JUSTIFIABLE REVOLT IN particular, hut more remaina to he done la-fore a HOME DEFEN8E RANKS fairly satisfactory eoneluaio ms reached. In paat Th„ „.Iioil lqainB,.|d.l nion year. Plainfield', amemor, has* made *r«y effort .discharging the paid wut,.|,m-n at the

pumping station b>-e«us-- Home IJef. • that will

• support of the people in fa t. it tlie pnrt of the cit

Paris. Fra ace - Sons. Bulgaria." n. IIMi elflara. of what cou: n ace JOM a cHIu, or sahjort? This need be answered only by liens snd declarants Remember j r i * ”8erlarant" la not yst a rltt- gsxl.v of lo- nr m, fnlted State. If an alien dinner to nr declarant. .1st. the name of your

ht nnd nil «,nn*rr. aa Trane*." ‘■Japan t 8t. rhlaa *• T, What Is yowr |rn. nl rrsile. ■ the right - upotloo. or enter.*

also due -It>hn Walsh ™* doe. not net what you or did. nor what you hare done most

tens who llren giving up their time andnndrrgn|ngseverr In the transmission ot th

to do the right thing and by fixing asarssmenta close trVHal valuation the eity has paid a large amount of were doing th- work is mu the State and county tax. Some people who have; .ympath made a atudy of the matter insist that this city’si|„.d oprn proportion ia above that of other municipalitir* comparison ud there i. where the inequality come, '.jemental eondiiiM,^ ,o^prrdeut' ihe'w--ll» in. If Elisabeth. Rahway. Summit. Wemfield and aiw, rnemy alien.. Four watchmen other place, hold the tame standard of valuation rompanv have he n on dutv dav “ ■ don'’ in V'atnficld th. State and county appor-. uork Hn expffiditnra of « tionment ia diaUnhuted more evenly. We tram thi.](,,r Illonth T,„. P|.lnfMd.Union official. f«t will be kept in mind hy neighboring rw-Mc,,,, this Was snffieienl protection nnd who also begin the.r work next Monday. I wae done in addition wa. a matter of op in it: WO woos. monnonsn ’p1"1 ®f »h» volunteer soldiery. The Home rORJ, ,""k’’ »■* complaint about what they hn TH*'l^°t1' "T0*1!f" X X , ,h' w"y nf vef^ittg. yet they feel that if ..... w Th. Record ..produce, hrreth a,.open letter viri., h|ld ,.een volnnleerad the four , a.ehm from Goalie R. Fort, forme, managing odrtor of the .till l„. the payroll The.- ha, Daily Press, written in reply to a published query ,|m, ,h(.ir |ialrj„,~ or ,^alr,. in,.lrr . from George H. Goddard regarding the prevailing1 fi14, „;•« .... i , , V * • n, • A ,, r. „ .• r .. . ,,,p 1 HV water *up|>ly would out anvone tut of pr.ee of coal m Pla.nfield Mr For, ha. evident y Hlld f„r ,llM rd„„,„ a..tinn o( ompanv taken great p.,„, to thoroughly aequ.tn, h.maelf f„r K,.v,.re rr,tiri.m T),„ nr n, w.th fact, in the matter and for that reason hn, per- lh„ ,.„„rrn mak„ ,„nlll.h m„npv „f

sinners to nt least Cxliihit concern ns to its -nnlinu anee and flu- 81<V or more wool.! mak difference in the annual div idends One of t c Iliiine!'10" ,or 1

"Malay. Han." "Negro, glad.” j II. Ulist military seevi*-e hare yon hml'.’ IUnk? IlnuMh Nation nr Hlatr? V<» mattrr what «*ountr> you kerv- *sl ton mu*t. «l»f ’romplatr informa- tion in an*aarlnk th«Mr quwlun*, flr*t nnm** your rank. u«lng

Monro- foo,,ni: It enjoya at the pfe*«*nt time. | nr |n* Th* doeoratlne rommltt*** ha* beon affair*. buay for the r*a*t Week with fhe re- given to i ult fhat th»* hall I* a *ymphonr In ih*> n**|«l *, r.-d white and Mdi| and other <*o!or* ]% n havo alvlne a patriotic and artlutle efrert haxeball Th«* annlver*ary mminlttee tmlntod to take entire rharre nf the arooun two d«v*’ procram I* rotapoaed of Joeeph T MrCnr. rhalrmnn. Alfred

Ivlty but . 'n»«* aloa« ki Of the [>hy*lra| t*!^ ^ Th« member, of their *ucc«a to tw - ay. taken In y*-*r a aold medaj to parcx-hlal nrhool. aad to thletlr aj>orta tha t. a “ eeli r> preaootod to ha.k.<tball Thom *P- »e«m* hamlalwar* renderad . Mvoiint of tbemaelve* and are — la«tl< ally Reported Thom, who rw

„ _ all the mqmorabl^ eity lea cm ia the folio* Ins wordf.: "rommlaaloned ® ^7™ £ C* ^ °f ,90^ wI,» that i odirer." Nonrnmttotnaloned n«rer.** ^h‘- »>, O’Keefe Mtchael Mary-. T. A’ B. lino wa. well ££ ’ Private." Next, idate I,ran-h la L I , , ,nre •"*”'"1 ihourand. lo «rwq * shlrh yon served In one of the fol- ° * ' T"om‘* U*"1®1 of It. COlteeU A fife and drum ram, lo* Inc words- "Infantry." "Carslry " ^ „ compowm si# I rely or T > P a— Xrtlllery." Med>r,|.-• signal." . I Zy."' ^.’Jl. ’ b*r" *“ b**m -««onee for ■ Xvtstlon." -Kup.ly." "Marine." '“rnb,b” « her of yr.r< and |, often h.n „ N.ry ’ N>,r stale ,n. number of f”?.'* n -f Pl.laB«ld and km T e.rg w-rvlra. not rnuntlng I'm* V i s-J^’. J1® humble be- raded l„ ere^r large rlt, tn the Ruts

vp„ served under ,h- fnltrd 8U,« l.? *.« ^,.17! State*, name y«,ar •ervlce |„ „n„ „f '"t™0*** b> •otertalnma^ lh«- following term* "Vatlona! Guard of *neh and auch a Stalel." Mill-

l.Nary) of I'nlted Statea.- UL IR> you rial mi rinaptlon from ffr«ft? Kprrlfy m'unrt*.

n, the Sl.tra of ,h. t-nlted Blahop Matthew* In Ireland more half a century aao and Indured youna men ot the pariah to take

-R —* matter up. Tbo result wa* U • formation of St .Mary g T. A. B. a« aorlety. Igealnntna with nineteen PI m ■ nimbera and malntalnlna a steady Bianra^u Halm ...motion trom *T°"r‘,h '°d*7 " h“ * iratt. It by no mean, follow, that 225 J",un« ““ "h< you gr. exempt. For th. luform.Uon J* ”, "’* h"»- •f the War Dwarln.rnt you should **,r IO *”° u" *h*tlnr«r. from llq- aiakr a rl.lm now V you Intaod to “or '^lowing nat I!leh6p M.t- groaecute It Some peraon. will b. ll1*" 10 ,u,uln h*- *H- Cxrmpied oa ^.x| pf th.lr oeru i po"r by '"“turn, attrnd.nee .1 The ifatloae or nfll. se. w,„. oa arcouat ot Holy Cotomanloa. Th. the fact that they hjr. relatives dr '*'U'. of lhl* rrr.ru to th. latndrnl upon them for support Your *""> »' **>• «»br sad tha answer touching then, things will be balterment ot tb. entire corn- important In supporting the claim

•V® such as (airs, dances eudhres ut theatricals. The club %ouae. where the sasr yorsary banquet le to Uke plica, b equlpi—d to i^eet all the needs of aa active and ^nergeUo gathering * young men :It has ho a I lag altera Pool table, dance hall, baakethsfi court card fieni, stage, drasstag room, ehower baths and a well ip. pointed kltehgn. at the annkal me-tlag of the ■» clrty last Mnfday-eight the roHme Ing Ofllrers wgrr elected; President. Joseph T Morale; rl.-o president IU- tarew; ; recording semtgrr. Timothy J. f.iong; flaanctgj am tarv, rhariee afhuck: treasure! Joke Htnee. and |Uwgeant-at arms, nea- >»u now lotead to make la your an- „ “e "rat year of the T A I let Oalaee. The trueteee are Joke ewer to the present qoootloog. Re ,V‘l ,'°*° *“ r,l*®d »7 WnUh. Mlrhad) D O’Keefe and Jg


l rts.r laa.xaa. " * ' IBimi '1rt«-r m<m- ,rt. „m, not w#al ,on ^ pi edge of fitted to do It asks whst t-ar much to *- eight now. State brlealy, as "Farmer." "Miner." "Sttudent borer Ion farm, la rolling mill. In automobile wagon or other flr- toryl," "Marhlnlst In automobile fac- tory." etc |f yo„ hold an ofilre un- der Stale nr Federal Oorefnment name the office you hold. If yon are In the military or the naval service

North arc. of I’nlted fttate*. state "Army of 'he t utted States" dr "Navy of th* guards Sutra " If you are In one nt receive the the following nlliree er employment* on* of I ha name* h*r«1naft*r rr^, farb|d* lr. mfmtoert tinned: j ! pa|«> In war in any forrto. *1 ustnmhous* alark." • employed ihi aart lr you ara atiployad

. . , mall a." or inw,«inl.*|on of Ih- Unltod Rut~ rom POB- '■»nploy*d In an arn»ry. ar*on*l. or n,^,. or „ an ^ workman -f ■-*-M” -7 tht. their or merchant within the Veiled

tout iM«0)s,*"»-'i mid they


•bra. therefore, (hughe ground* you WIU| lhl* amount, an eeph Roarh l| Is a netoxrorthy fart American flag, an Irish flag , and a, that Trnetee WJalsh has been aa •» banner were purohaaed. These flag*|cer In the socfrly daring the sstM ybur —si* >u queeiious , sen - . . . —— i— — —— — s-r — — ■ ■—s - — e la elating ground* van claim as ex- , . *“oni ”* "r lb* •ovtety.|rorty-fly* yearalof the society. . empties yoa. ue* oe. ot th. follow- :'lb, ra.T b",dln‘; ?" tug terms If you rlalm to Do an , **’ ,0r *■4 ">«■ Rev Father (x. M. Bogan altmdel executive, legi.iatlre. or ludlrlat of- ' . the meeting aa chaplain aad mad* as naur ot the State or Nation, name „ T ' p"'"’„.r,'”n '•"'•r of eddrees daring? which he urod all Igir nfllre and say whether It Is an r „ n,B- 'w stihung sremi* to*mb*re to be yroeont at l*s rsgwr office ot the SU« or Nation. If you . N,r" n»"r** MrCnxksr. of .errire Runday eight Rsdowb • ra in th. military of naval amrrtr* Hajckmsn .'r—t-raa. th. Hr*I pre.l- nhoat the raluS of the .oA 0, the rtd thu la your ground .Imply aay .th* ^ H* r*m*ln'd *'vl«ty In the Sommualty. ixdue- Military aerrirr of the United hu ,ow hi» death a ; pllmented the Arm here oe their yd- titen” or "Naval -errire . of the , * '■'*r* "" *ni’ "*■ tnetrumeetat -mtarv reatnlntj and prarUce of wgx 1 oiled SUtra " ,f you rlalm tn he a " ""‘'h 01 ,b* 'lrlv of Ih*. power ) am bar of ralltlona aart whoae

WliFrr of the United Rtatee ok If you ore l mariner employed In the sea service 'mraebant within i

Boly'ntm" Federal Details >y#d In ,th* of Registration

Two aack* contalnin* blaaka to h*

WTiat promti kmataat anrla lexica of Rtk* yearn will taka un* areana ci liar n!«ht

Vfrni done i heir *01

tinent epistle in triv. n in full, leavlns? the. reader Jo make hi* own dedaction*: Editor. FUinfield Record:

;Tn hi* letter pUldiihcd in a lpenl paper •bow

a.y nigh,. Mr. George If Go-id,*,I railed attellTon ^*”^"^0" " h r°n m"'' hi“ ,n an inceurahic cndjtio*, which exist, in. this ra lx- ^ T“ .°[ ,,W fl"

estate sad perenna! pryulriy rarThe *m°Un' *,,r Fecordod I It little j purpose or iixlng ih, „s,j-i valua- f’J T"» “^Uwm were fo, f», - l-tra nteaag the ln- narlilnrry. and u,*n toocu lui-luc-fl c»r n'«Hl

niwion not to buy pric« action !y a romldne to force op necetaity of life.

An Mr. Goddard pointed out. the .Mnv pr-rr f.,r chcamuf coal at the mines is *3.9.1 n ton. The freight rate lo Plainfield from the Pennsylvania fields. T hnic been informed at the freight office, is 81.15 ;1 ton. g net coat on th« trestle Imre .if 85.38 „ t,,n And the public ia asked to pay fcsff, Iras 25 cents ,(l!.'v for prompt'pnyment! In other words the local deni- ,,„d • ers are making on choatnut. the (lighcat price eoal (D,-hr.

| ®°*1 *• th« present Plainfield token tfl-Lak'UP what''l^iind'm,Id-1' w‘"’k‘‘ hnvl- 'W •" 1 head within a dnxj or two H-lx.'.ghlln; Fourth ward. Ilcnry n to break up what ia ""doubted- wj,h the startling ink-llig,.,,,.,. Ko1 * , '•••"■" '"'"“"on ot t|oa.

unneecsaarily the price of a in,. ,.nifin . , , ’ p ,m| , Mot" than ordlasrr it-raraoiiop 1 1 * -t- ' nt ngin,.at I ire llq ulquartera „ -lr-,, nrj,i p„ tw, Wllr„ , l‘Nperis declare it will oat a1- -qultuhte ussrarmCt ot propert-

chi^ilt it !,. would pur,-has a new I" 9*T- The n n if ,l„- forms* .. , ropimlrteo. „pp„|„,ed by n ( ll.c former w.-r- do, - there me, Ms,or Perry „ X|„d

rjutf,. or future dependrne The lh' In arriving at sstldTa, Fir.- Hoard are xvrcktling Will, the ,02f ™ di.p.tori yalustirr

•eon „IV? '1°, f,,Ty ’h" t" 11 ir iintod*. Tax paver* arc en(mblimr a,lon ,h*1 tom* 4bo«t shortly M.V AO. I.iit inlthi* CA*C blame c«nPot] Iw- nt- _^.h. ,h* Vr.*,t"at,'!n the nn.^n

they -11. . gross profit of 58 por cent., and more ihitTh', -''yw^Jedi'^

firthlcss Qiich to “nnd pv

Id be rrtblem of Avhn


la the fonatot » commlttas »»*• ta haa already oval raatarea aad S worked oat W* P*- 1 .. . They came from the Fed-1 triol,f* will be In the forecAaad *?*•■ or emplrymral for hrlpfly ir To,. claim physical die- oral Government or XVsxhlngton and ln th" deeoratlrrfscheme, the cresset yo rsejf. so mate If you are an of- ablltty. mete Ih.t briefly ..n the outside were printed lnatrur. Preralence of th^ national spirit of- ; Ilona that their context should not be- f'rln' poeathllltlra for th* *P-

Assessors Commence 1’ro*w,t’ “« Fear, bdlh real and "■«<*» l-ub"- until after Congr-ra.rt.,,’roTrl**" blendlijr of red. white aad

’ hay dftl*__«L _ _ ,« United State*, so State. If you u'w* ,or ‘nlll'*rT reels,ration that U,[,*'r|o,lr dine* vhatever lr _ w, . . . .. *r« a relon or otherwise morally i- *" •" •*••■> soon after Congrem,;1"' "** arrange If >ou are working Tor ad Indl- -flan. nd d--.,_ ln r,s,,„ ,.x_mnl,,,n "***«• 'he conscription bill now be-lcWed upon sere „p ,h„ vldnal. Arm. corporstloo. „r .,^s i.-, *M dralre lo rldlm exemption rore ' ^ q,,,."*,, c,„ c,.Vk ""re see being lefrns-r, IO"- «*'""• " ,n bus,.era. "" "■*< 7-»' tuound rarrolL „m, rrom th- FM1Idea -III

j l-crspaal. naa |3I,OOU,?UO tn round nBI,llT draft meuure. Ac-;bI"* bunting, liras. Elk colors end II/ > ar .. . Ingot-es. The average ikrroaxe ernrj '""Unxly the city clerk put the sacks ^electric lights tds-nrd Mark’s Jam Work Next Djondav ,wrl'r month. I. .bout IO per ™ hre.klng the seals on . "*nd P/orl* a sulUM* pro- y bui the belter exist* tttet tt will them. .gram of nationalities embodying th* . , , ... . , akin* the , but the belter exists unxt tt wilt be them, uinris than that the present time A t’tk ulnra Instrurfln

that ■ « * 1 — —►«» suthorl- rx will '"r •l-uoo.ullu worth ef "«• — to the details tor rondunlng Idc ■„ bu'ktlng l-ermll. were granted by la- ,h' CKlslratlon also wore recelve.1 by ,?r '?.*f®dtor Ihisn.- In I h 16 ' - -,'r ,h„ axxlegalo amount ever Zl, i™*" Two of them M.7 THTix* by' "•'r -hh h 1. ‘ot xt lanu.’ m

PlaInA«9ld‘i Ik«i:1b rhclr -

hoard of ;t Monday morniQir

1>.* won

the he Rln ln-|ra*. Mon. but •* Uil» date Jnl|* SuiuIbv posIpoBCmcat for onn Won.*M n~e**ary. By diligent *.ork .T” • ho m<*rahnr» of th* board 1 Plrt* ttirlr rounds wlthl

srroll. The*^ tel] the official* tfmat* on ths probable re#c- lon. calculaHns that the ratio •c one per cent- of the total pop- *n for each rear of the aces i on . , r * . by lh* drart bm- T^"* M the residential Etructure* in addltloa b® 21 to 30 voam. In- ork °f f,rnl11" com* to *s provided |n the bill nos .. rom- . r,y lh*‘°"®h tho Pro*P®rlty at the <'®*Krcas. It wll] call for

for danclnf.- nmlttoo drwrrtba* be rtrtetly Infor- 111 not havo to aUy havo ao * % commlttao will rrmy affair. W* Raatar o*r*<« •ut Just an fWOBla*

rlkht hind of A* one of th* B. tho danro “ir "*•>: th»* ladloo hom* hocauoo ro’wn* lo w*ar frown upon an danr* i* not to on Fifth avenue, of •octahtllty •• Th* committee rammaont I..B I. Vhj" *«“."or ten'p«rent‘orf Ihe li"’"'0"" '‘h",rm*n: ”n,*lr* "“*• task ,rt.r si.i.q, ,h, r.ra"rar"th'.°om- b*v^ " "“danr. lo enlarge fhe aai ""Pnlatlon According to the Ooy- ""f" K'ln,''

Com Ing yeaersn tic figured nut «»«pcnt figure* The Ip. res.* will ernment percents,-, the Plalnn-ld ’ ” *■ Th.. sesevsare for the y«rl„„, '""'T1""!- sld In keeping down thd ccglstratlnn would be approximately arda ar* a* foiio-n First ward. ro"*5*‘r ,ft11 r«*®. althoiifh It *o.*ma "ft"n rrom 21 to .10 yoara old. DEUM CORPS COMING TO Thomn* .j Hnnhca fWond ward. now that them will b.- "y}* th‘’' wo0id havo fo T. A* B.‘8 ANNUAL BALL nt for tjio past Harry r^Ttunynn; Tlilrtl ward. John ’,n ir,,rr:,’'ft °f thlrtcno r)r fmiriron _ rflclstorcd, it would not follow lra.lv. “ of SI

lofnld • ildTno. Fourl

•hat All emotion, an will rtnlr hn •Ion of tho total draft Mr Farroli ha* o»u0d ationtion

roiiow j tho army In ronnortlon 5tth the olaborata *rt to ox- ohiv>rvan*o of .«;• U*ry'a T A. B-


III tw» drnffod for i be subject ’ . . In addition this rltyjclotvo forty-tifth S snnivfraary a®*1

•o fumfwh It* propor- wp«k. thr T. A- a Fife. nni» •nd BurIo Corpit will Jhrdd It* "HU *"* I mllitnrv and jlvb- ball Th« af- *-t that every mnlo InhaMtanl fa,r K**1 *nk<' P|ftr

tho draft atro* fixed by Ton-

1.00ft lcnv>n. throuch tho rommiltPO of the PonAnon Co I--i|.-vra tllftt abeollltc JS.llrr .h.w.M every retdent. malqnc their 1»*« for men nnsldns.to g nal halnrxllretlnn pepere and than that on the other sixes, when a purchaser takes

thirty daya for payment. Tn a nearby community, much like Plainfield

character, the retail price, I am told, is $7.00 a ton, on. thin_ i. Md in April i, wa. $675 in New York eit, M.ny,nMd* /nd ^

cnmpnny has g"!,.- out of ljjiisincaa ami the on.^-thing »"» dra,riC ,„trac,7n„ ,m >r CU in f°r c Councilman!? rrinmittoe do iaho full »» .! "'.lT*' 1’1“»df evening. he,,„„ln, M.y j,,," fton °Ul0,x.,he h°,P Wi"' P0»>bU. Rill 'j" Th* IdGInc'oV'rM,0 problem t'e ifcjUS Y’,'f £ * '» 1 nne ,hln‘t '» certain, a rclial.lc miraoing relic. I. *h*‘ '"d tn th. desi.n.iioe q, Ih- .-del. !b,lr

Rail 6IIWOJI I1Y limn KVA rand Jury has adjourn,-,) „r Tncduy. On Hint dav. eftcr, ll Is expert,sl Ihm ihc men!* for th" Ml,v ferm „f p,, , nr Quarter 8e"«lnn.!wf|| Iw. "f"". knilet register on the day tn be "Ixht May 25. ‘ hnlnre Judge r-,rsnnll, ;i„d i’"’' »"|d" >-v President AVIleon, wheth- chaT" Is nlrcndy i lie, fe, trial fixed. • There ere rr ?r ',o1 h" "*•"** he Is exempt. Ml "f ntlcnd nf local rg*es to he brought ma e fc^'d-nts wtthtn the prescribed “l F.iirabeth. Rahw • Grand Jury. ages, whether ettlrene. ntlen* or alien "the, parts nf the state have pro®; 4—-J I enemies, must register In the pulling !»ed t" pend hi It M.IZATION rmiMrm-l- dll"r"f“ ,n ',lllr'’ llvn and tall |,v re-perl Ire ... for me. . "fe to1 do en le nnnlehahte hy Imprls- el«I feature will b( ment. To Impress this necessity baton swinging th" foreign-epeaklng people here "»«•" „ „ >'r. Carrol] will prnhshly have rlrru The committee Iff charge of the »r 1am printed in various languages and ' rangements la conqtoved eft Uenlw dleirlblilod to every dwelling In the (Kr"enr. J I. O’K eity I nolly. William Mob J. Lyons

Agest Eoufrih , r-et next FridST nmtttee I" raurcl of a Isn" Dram corps hcxdrd

nnatcians. A «*■ an cxhlblttoa o' expert* In

tetr. Ifenk Do”; ncy and Ttmothf and Brockbolet fillller. | -Rrad the Aden tn tha Record.' —Read the Record

Page 5: Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State


W w h e r e we hear people talk Preparttbtem. Are You prepared for

i attack of ttie worst enemy of the au<mn«-r*»t|ason—General Ply apd his

gt armr of disease BpVeadersI Don't wait uitil lie is upon you. j-et us*

quote yoi prices on AVimlow and Door Screens! Then too, we make ^ a p j

of I'orch Screens. Don't Wait, but c»m£ in and place vour on e r l J


Phone 1776 Plaiftfield, N. J.

Captured the Nationin Thirty Days

TV Multi-I'owered Gar haa l*-*-n haile.i as a revolution in light tar performance.After onr firrt anoouneement a spontaneous call came for it from all section* of She country.Hotwith»t*ndinK, our enlarged faotorie* are making immediate deliveries. .

What we offer is the new power sensation of l£l7. It takea its place withjthe notable»elu«Temeiit» in motor car performance of past years, i Motorists have beea quic£ to realizuwKiTaatage of thia new kind of power for all cooditijona of travel and for all pP«ted of i motor car.

Crowns Success of 9-Year ChiThe 9-Year ChaasU on which is mounted The Mplti-Powered Cai

Kmin E. Crow,POT almost the entire life'

nteomg Crow-EUahart Cars iito b«M of the silklike power of the Multi-Powered (Jar.

_ C•** Wecpted s t a n d a r d , »JIICUCB»I • c i j « ^ >*>*• ———- ~—

*»fti »nd camshaft*—valve cover plates—helical cut gears—large size valves-tfetachableTHndCT heads—piston oil ports preventing smoking, and other important advancements.* * « Crow-Elkhflrt Cars are full of new ideas-created by great 150,000 to 200,000 mile

time of the industry ha haa worked on thia one crjai.ua whiletheir millionii ••! miloa of aervice. And thil chaaiis is today

n of the ailklike power of the Multi-Powered Oar-In the 9-Yeat Chaaaii ia developed what i n prohably the flrat " I . " head njotor—nowe'epted MaodaYd Succeanively he introd«i«r auch featurea aa larger bearitiga, crank

l i l J d t a h a b l e

| Price $845 F. O. B.

Plaihfield Motor Shop, inc.

H. M. Canoune Gives Explanation ofNetkerwood Plan for Bird Sanctuary

So i


ueh inII Neehei

t has beenood Residents' ASSO-

effortB to establish a bird(•ancillary in the southeastern sectionof the city: that a representative ofthe Record- yesterdav nought; an in-terview with H. M. Canonne. of Den-

iad, 'chairman of the commit-

unMradevotably f


tee (rertiarse of: the

Ins over Ulswood reside(20 aa a IHJ


• appropriated

« 'earnest co-

indH ol them


it their rere unt

Ho wedHen

hags were ttirned In upon the <and dying birds to devour them.D. W. Shufeldt. FeBow of the <Ailean ornithologists'; L'nion. writethe American Forestry MagazineApril. 1917: lAt 1*4* Canaan, Cc

tnessed the t re

For CountryOr City

Where'er yoa go in Country,,Lane or City Streets, you need •to wear oar shoes.

U you are a suburbanite or afarmer's wife, your Queen Quai- ''•'ity Shoes are always fine and JjJfit. Brash up your old pair and !<-aiiwear them with the assurance •*ll':i'that they "look r ight ." » l^r*a

To wear the beet is the best Jn,econmy. Don't t ry to ' u v t P T

"Although bird «aremote from the meadefenw and! protect!'•ni;a«inf- attention

big/blu pigeo

Slid?!the tall,

. JabneaoqnttH

Jenkin1 bared tl

pigeons. In tlie flights In N<scribed their alighting by

res of ptib'i'' Hands upon thousand1? on thei which are part of M

teacfoer, reme

of these

. toe

nirht. to yse is the ;fact, that the birdrely our -bent soldier, butdly war which the Insect asea constantly upon man'sr only, soldlor. No feiid r

t h e

fn N'ai•skirts ft 1

rk, .Harlea n d

York city I

an the Issue between man and tinsect creation and that Is true notthstandin^ that there are a fev

<• beautiful anil harmless fireflfes.]enifthful crickets, katydids, etc.: ^ ia there are good fungi which » e L ,

•ntlrety. the Insert t h ,

•tha1—dlei there, early In Sep-»-r. l'ji'i So today is tlie dayis.**-..rides and sprays to kill thistit and that. Meanwhile th*

rnon sense, flourishes and hellrgM itself and opens its mouth

i baai the light and ro:me In. So we ha'


.'leadilesanctuary as the prod

lease of wild life and the seenopifa will Of conservation In the work of BI

_„ -ind restoring what rental]And 99;simllarly K j 8 the product of bad

i conwrvatio 1B the

A.K.WJLLETT107 Park Ave.

Even 1( si-rayi were not ejcpeniand the labor of spraying more c

Kate the State of New Jersey with)| cardpn hose 6x handle the Insert at-

ind augmenting the gameIng It up to a point whtstand the shooting of the

ark i > the iwith

s foliaspray.•utnmer'i

"But the unrliiv one andanswer to «LP insect cankerbird. How nnlendldly one niiHe (ills itne bill! Chesterft well kno»ti ornithologist,

2i;000" bushels of Insects

The sanctuary whioh conaervationis claim la the greatest singU

e. the a g e n e y whlch their movement possouses In the work of bringing bach

BHentjthe wild bird lite so recklessly decl-•H the) mated. U any sufficiently large tract.it say, | nay 3 to 5 thousand acres of suitableReed. t,,r,i cover wberelhe wild species

, and can therefore breedthat ZliOOO" bushels of Insects arejfreely. It Is emphatically not a pri-

L J _ t _ , l X Y Z - I J - - * (required: to feed, the bird* of Mtsaa-vate game preserlve. Nobody carn O l C l W d l Q O r i Irhnsettsfor one day Imagine what Lhoot or hunt ID a sanctnary. Even

East Froat f t m tKrueger't Beer ou Draufht

Imported Wines, Liquorsand Cigar*.


wrihnietu woii. AM what HIis beanteous Rarth and what a:

be lEke without!the oent he ts|froni hie

Steengrafe'sSomerset Garage

"Service With a System.')

pledges hlm*elfhunting rights. Only timanagement has contr

(.ntortatnind companion! So the|Of the work of ridding the tractbird Is one or the vital defenaee of,bird eopmles sucb «a cats and a nmi' tpnin io spite of some stealing few wiid species of bird deetroyeiif sa4»d and raiding ol grain fleld« The subject of natural feuds betweisnd PTVOMT trees and In spite of the t n e bird tribes themselves Is beat lettf«pt that orioles and tanlgen wonld for nalure to work out in her o«be more ttatfrab]*' In your Btreet than way. The function of a synctuaintarllngs ahd aparrows. the bird Is u chat of a reservoir t-o to speak ol

i'» frfexTatid man will 'at h 1s

"And man tia s aba this friendd md the peril ba\ drawn

jment robien It). InWicated HOipeak, with the seemihely boundie

hi wl end Isolat


Plainfield, N. J.D. PEED CABPEHTISR.

Our Specialty ia greasing, ;ing, naahing and imlisliiug <-arn.Special rates for monthly storage.

Day and Night Service. ;

Automobiles to hire,' day or night.

Phone 1015


J vinlagen. both imported and &•Lt « . toat re.s»a.W price..

Ballantine's Newark Ales

Rekd the Plainfield Record

Boy-Likeand Boy-Liked

Are TheM Sturdy, Prac-

tioal, tong-Weartaf

"BoyScouf ShoesThe •'Sport" Shoe—thatappeals to every , red-blooded boy in America, I (They're tough,; wiry, \

<roomy, comfortable—justwhat your boy needs and Iwants to ph*y in/

Tan, black, chroine tan- ;

ned uppers wita elk BoleB ;and low heela—

$2.50, 3.00, 3.50

Van Arsdalei

127 E. Front St.The Centre of the Business j


presources of this vwl end Isolated


ate the itbe hunter fn tits proper seasonenjoy better aport than formerly—better because more plentiful ambecause accompanied by a betteronaclence. Knowing that waat he i:tahlng with one hand, he haH proTided and safeguarded with

titn-[otfher. Thus the sanctuary I» a para^dox. beln^ the Instrument both of the


peoplied their economic assit>er. coal, oil. wild gs

i beauty of their Iann gone down with• lapt to or 50 yearsve berome- extinct. The Orea^ik was completely wiped out on Its

tireedtnR grounds being used bymd* for fat and Rifting bait,-eda of our water birds are

without protection. doomed to thefate, not to speak of an equal —

nnmber of land birds. The beaotl- the Lehlg\ tracksful Labrador or Pl«d Dnrfc utterly on the northeast to the Fanwood

toward the latter part road- including Shackatn&xon, onot rtie laat Mntury: and tn8 Pas«en- tb* «ontihwe8t\to the Rarltan road,

Plgeoi). which In the days of An- Including the ^Plalnfleld Country

ind the conserraUontst, theib and the Audubon Socli

Tt claims and Is entitled to there support of both.Tlie tract available for sanctuary

Work In PlalnBeid lies between th.Railway and Terrtll roads from th<Central Railroad to Cooper street oi

taps In the futuretrged so aa to extend to

a southeast:


Ct t iJ and join the city alone theVoo^land road, it Is an Ideal tractn extent. In the character of Its cor-•rts %nd its supply of water and birdoods£ let lt not be overlooked that

One city of PlalnSeld itmlt Is a birdsanctjjary or mailmum possibilities.Shooting for obv)ou» reasons la oat

:n« i) ;tn>n. The water and food •j ' l * b ot t

i f ' • i


ind the pleasure ,oni]i&nlt>ni<hlp and study can'pit on the largest po^lcie\\\ that H needed Is to co-and standardlie methods of-and protertlon especfaity In

breeding seasons tm

betic rff-hoi

AsEodattons. thelocal bird ohaptere.

"Th* Netherwood Bird San'celv^d its first Impulse .fro

publlcjjsplrlt of sarite fracta iands. JimonE

BJ r

ofbove mentioned

are W. P. Smithk, of Belvldere

the Arena Estate and Adolfof Rah way road: Henryof Cushinir road: O. 'W.

f Prescott Hill; Arthur L.K. Hyde and A. CMn-r. president or the

ood ResldentB' Amaclatlon.nd In-

gen-rs. th atter was

he last regular meetinfrwood Reftdents' ABBO-

a cnmmlttee WOK JT[i-i ^um^f monoy appro-ganlze and lay out the[ post It before the open

mber.c o jk the Banctui

ilttpp i-pii*- most niion the jympi-hy andj co-operation t of the peopleDf Plalgfield. who are its beneflcl-irles: hoping that they will deal withthe blr<§ In a spirit of ]1TB and letI v " 5



\VOlll,i>"-i itlGCKBT (HUTS AND


Annou'riretiient Is made that Ring-ing Brothers' circus will Kive'after-jon anj night performance at New-•k, WeiinosKlav, Mar 23; Jersey

"fly. Thiirsdar. May 24, and Ptier-Friiiay. May 2o'le fMnoiin showmen are*this aea-pres^ntlng an all new Aid won-

derful program. *TMie tremendousfairyland!spectacle. "Clndsrsl^." will"ippeal r rJ both young and old. Morehan i.ofco persons take part In It.t IB ea|fly the biggest spectacletingling.; Brothers have ever staged *ind Its felorlous "Ballet of UM

FalrleB,"! with 300 dancing gJrla, Isitself .Worth going nuny mUee'toi. KnlldWinE "Cnnderelta.". 400 '

program. The Rlng'llngs havered "•ores of ctrcutt performsrsr !>fforp seen in America'. Ane trilned animal show t u beene a |a r t of the malo tent pro-l thjfi season. 'The menageriennmcen 1.009 wild animals.«I«pqaiitB. Including "Big Bln-the •earth's 'largeM pachyderm,been Increased to i 1 and almost

800 horn** are carried. There willbe 60 churns and a big free three-mile street parade show day morning.


> all Ihe friends who M kindlyextended %helr help and offered

irds of iympathy tn oar recent be-ivfirfipn^ t-iroui^i tue Toas of our

brother, ftj»"«rd J. Snlilnn, we pre-sent our sincere thanks. We feel es-pecially grateful to Plalnfleld Lodg«of Elks aid the friends Of Bd'ward

es ofthe -many beauUfnl pl</ers. ,


-Rwdl t l i* AdTB. In UM ReeonL


50 VALUABLE LOTSSATURDAY, MAY 26, 1917, at if. M.


LELAND PARK, Netherwoid \Tbef undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest; bidder, 0 Valuable Lots,

•Ii.having a frontage of from 50 to 80 feef, located on Diiie l.ini- Osborn Avenne,Lorainc AVcnne and Berkeley Avenue. *j


' . Htd minutes from Ifailroad Station an.j Trolley.; A spli'ndid opportunity for any one desiring a Jiome, or a playing i: Irfit* will he sold separately. Title perlVit. Warranty De^d.

Tirins: 10 per «ent. cash, and 5 per cefcrt. monthly.i i Partft-ulara will be clieeruflly given by- DsTffl Hand', 8J7 IJertele* Avenue; James

C. Manning, Plainfidld, N. J . ; or Codingtoa & State, Attorneys, 152 Park i^enue.


Mutual Land Improvement Co. of fPlainfield

H. Af. Canoane Gives Explanation of Netherwood Plan for Bird Sanctuary

Club, abd join the city along tha Woodland road. It In an ld*»l tract In extent, in the character of ita cor- erta %nd Ita supply of water and bird food*5 let It not be overlooked that the rjty of Plainfield Itaelf la a bird sanctuary of maximum possibilities. AhooUne for obvious reason's Is out of tha -question. The water and food supply Is of the best and the pleasure of blitl companionship and study caa be enoyed on the largest possible aralc ? All lhal Is needed la to co- ordinate and standardize methods of* fc-dln*; and protection enpeclally In • Inb'i and In the breeding season and ntaantro a simple course of pub- lic Instruction Ifils can be done tbroiiah the public *hoola. the Par- ent-Teacher Associations. the Boy Scouts and local bird chapters. "The Netherwood Bird Sanctuary roreiTbd its first Impulse from the public | spirit of BPTi>ral owner* of erg* frarts In the shore mentioned and*. *raong whom arc W P Smith and S.s A. Crulk*hank, of llelvidere avenue; the Arens Estate and Adolf llaeaddrn. of Rahway road: Henry E. Bufler. of Cushing road: O. ‘W. Smirh.Jof Prescott Hill: Arthur L. Otter«cii. Loula K. Hyde and A. CMn- ton W'jlmerdlns. president of the Netberwood Residents* Association. Throdthe enoounmment and In- clllgerft ro-operatlon of these k*o- Icmun land others, the matter was aken i*p at the last regular meeting of the fcCftherwood Residents* Asso- ciation < when a committee was Ap- pointed j and a ntmv'f money appro- priated^ organlxe and lay out the sanctuary and post ft before the open season Jn November. "In fla work the sanctuary roraJ m It tee (jelles most upon the sympe- hy am$ co-operatton of the people of plaljjfieid. who are Its beneftd- arlea: heplne that thej will deal with the htr«| In a spirit of lire and let

the Record yeaterdar sought sn In- thousands of them, -ere allow, •a l-rvi.. with H. M. Canonna. or non- rot „n the groaad. Orion her “*rk road. ohalrman o( the commit- ho*, .or. torn.d In op.™ it.. / 1 I *“ fro“ lh,i na"®.ration to taKe and dyla* bird, to deroar Ih.m

' // <h* ."d^tnklna Mr n w. Shufeldt. fellow of the t /V <«"oone he. toad. . special .tody i,no OrnlUtoInghna-: I'nlon writ ll ®r conservation of bird Ilf. and the Ainertrait Forestry Mahatln lie elurldated numerous detail, ol April. 1917: At Now Canaan. c th. mo..o.ent Which la no. *■>■<*«- In 1H72. I wltneav* Ihe tremer In* over th. eonnlry. The Nether High, ol the,. bl« bine Pi*eon wood rrwldenu hero approprtiled short only .omp.r.tle.1, few „| i ** * jrt—W* '.""d ,u" -Ml. hundred, o( runner. Per Ihe plan and Ihe .arneel co- .hootln* th.™ for the me., .po

A »-r....n of .11 lor.I .Itlten, L- oM rW mill 10 make Ihe propoelllon a ene- „^d,rn„. j„„.» jenlrttw. ^ .... lo part. Mr. Caaoune .poke mill Ion, of Milana: Plireon,. In the nleh), In New •

* Although hlpd tan.loarl., ,.om lie described their slighting by remole from the mea.ure, of public; .end. upon thousand, on the t derenae end preleetlon wbl.h are pan Ol Manhattan Inland, and ."Kanin* attention at. the preaanf 'home. In Newark. Harlem an moment II dw.n l reoulre mn.h;the ooUklrtn or New York dir thought lo kea that overtly Ihe re. Ilrnokl.n A nomlow of Hi... rente in the met. that the bird la not I were kepi a few y»r« am. al m.roly our bo.1 soldier, but In the 7_ooloKl.nl Garden, of Clnol[ deadly war which the Invert .rtmtloo | Ohio and the very laat P,.«. wacea constantly upon man', world, | Pigeon In the world, a fenu intrj, our only arddl.r No feud ran he Martha' died therm twirly In need more bluer. «o hostility more Intense I tenth.,-. 1915 So tedae la Ihe than the lanbe belween man and the „f ,Bd .pr,r, to kni in.ect creation and Ihnl la trne nol- bllrhi and ihnt Meanwbll. with.landing that there are n few chief bllifht. namely th. hi I eh or a uood Insert aperle, turh na bee. an.l[r„mmon aenae. (lonrlahea and

Qnal- the beaullfnl and brrmlea. nr^!lea. ,ni,r^ faselr ,„d open. Ita m . "r- mirthful rrlrkela. katydid,. etc.: without meaaure. nut some ol Juat aa there are a nod ruq*l whlrh we people hare aeon the light and . P hlkd call mushrooms. The fart remain, \ uerratlon haa come In. So »e wear them with tha aararance that taten la Ita entirety, the Mae.!,,h. Mn.tunry aa the prndurt that they "look rlwht " » wealled I. m.n'a dJadlleet enemy .,,[«*, of wild life and tile aa | Anyone who known the I rapt., will I of eonnerralion In the work of . _, , . , Mil yon «*»* “4 •■> northerner 11„, ,„d rratorln* whet rem To wear the beat 1* tha beat win admit it lo aummer And » similarly It la tha produri „f econmy. Don't try lo 'aiTe per rent, of thla enemy, deadline,, huntin* habit, ind the a (ten. money nnwliely—bny the beat. "** lo l'1* l"*cc-**lblll,T ■0l1 man', conaeryation la the work of .1 7 7 7 utter helpleaanaa. to rope with him ,nd .a«mentM* the cam. ,od h ‘ Bren If eprnya were nr* eapenalve jnK |[ up to , point where It \ and the labor ol apraylne more wyal- „Bnd ,a, ahootM* of Ibe open \ lr still, one might aa wall try to Irrt- „ . rate 111* State of New Inner with Ta. ..actuary whlea roaaerva V K \A/II I C' | | “r,,'n *’ heed I* Me laaert at- „„ c,.lm ,be create.! a mIV VT II al *r* 1 I lack open the aummer', folia... the which their morement ■ummer'e crop, with a .prey fa, th. work of brlnKlu*


j Everywhere Mr hear |>e<>|'le talk IVeparetlneMt. Are ' the uiiat^k ot the woralienemy of the aumuirr-adaaon—(itjner na! army of diwaap sprraderat Don't Mail until lie u> uj quote yo|i price* on Window and Door Screen* Then loo. rtally of i’oreh Screen*. Don't Wait, hut .otne in and pla

For Country

Or City Wherever you go Lane or City 8 tree to wear oar shoes.



WOKIiMH IllOGRHT CHUTTR AND KI'Wh’ACLR “C’l VDKRKI.IaA*' ANNOj \<*»a» FOR K.AKI.V DATE nnoi^ircinenl la mads Chat Ring- Brothers' rirena will gira'aftar- t and night performance at New- Wapnasdsr. May* S3. Jersey . Thlirsdsr. May 14. and Pmtar- TtilkJ. Ray 16? h* rasnoua showman are* thl« m- prea^ntlng an nil n al grogmnv 'Th® Captured the Nation tramaodons fairyland spectacle. Tlnderell^," will appeal tq both young and old. More than l.oDo persons lake part In It. It I* easily the biggest spectacle Klngllng. Brother* have aver staged and Its ictorlou* 'Ballet of tha F'alrlea.'i with 300 dancing girls. Is In Itself taorth going many mil as to are. Felloe log ' Cinderella" 400 arenlc aetlata appear In tha main' lent program The Rlngllngs hare secured •'ore* of rlrroa performers never before naan in America. An entire trained animal show has been I made a hart of tha main tent pro- gram thfc season. ’Tha menagerie now numbers 1.009 wild animals. The elephants. Including "Big Bin- go.” th® ’earth’s ‘largest pachyderm. haT* beeR Increased to 41 and almost SOO hore*» are carried. There will be «0 Cleans and a bi« fre® three- mil® street parad® show day morning.

Hotel Waldorf

ou Draught raa. I.iqoore

:rformancc. he countr>--

revoluti The Multi I’ow.*rvd C ar has been hailed a* liter our fir«l announcement • spentaneoua call came for it from all adeti Nocwithaundiog, our enlarged factories arc making injmediate ddiverioa.

What we offer is the new power sensation of 1917. It take* ita place m’ith.the notable Ackicvcmcnts in motor car performance of past yearn. Motorists have been quick to realize Sf adnata*, of Ibia new kind of power for all ronditiona of travel and for all Service ex- Nd*d of a motor car.

Our Sprrialfy ia urea,inn, oil- ing. tvaahing and polishing ear*. Sprrial ratoa for monthly atorage.

Day and Night Service. Automobiles to hire, day or night.

Phona lllJB. 42-46 SOMERSET ST.

kladlr offered

Crowns Success of 9-Year Chassis The 9-Year Chaaaia on which ia mounted The Multi Powered Car. is the lie wo ■“tin B. Crow. 'I ’ For almost the entire lifetime of the industry he haa worked ou this one ctotem,

•twlung Crow hlkhart Cara in their million* of mile* of service. And thu ehanqia i* I *r buia of the silklike power of the Multi-Powered Car.

In the 9-Year Chaaaia ia developed what wa« probably Ihe firat "L" hetd n|otor- ** keeepted standard. Successively he introd*ee,r such feature* a, larger hcaripg*. <

and camshaft*—valve cover plate*—helical cut gears—large sire valves detse Tlmder head*—pinion oil port* prevrnting smoking, and other important adv«ncen •• that Crow-Elkhvt Car* are full of new idea»-cmated by great 180,000 to MO,000 Wividnal aervice record*




SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1917, at 2 P. M. ON THE PREMISE8

LELAND PARK, Netherwood \

Plainfield, N, D PBED CARPENTER.

149 E. FOURTH ST. WM H POPE The "Sport” Shoe -that

appeals to ovary red- blooded boy in America. They’re tough, wiry,

rroomy, comfortable—just what your boy needs and wants to play in. ; The undersigned will well at public auction to the highest bidder, r

each: liaviog a frontage of from !V) to 80 feet, located on Diaie Lane Ixjraino Avenue anti Berkeley Avenue. -

LOTS ARE RESTRICTED. NO , STORES OR FACTORIES PERMITTED. PURELY RESIDENTIAL SECTION'. Al.r, 8TI1KBTS AND AVENUES UltAllED, MACADAMIZED ANI Thi^ property i* delight fullg aituated in the highe,t part of the Citi Kivu minute* from Railroad Station and Trolley. A apltndid opportunity for any one desiring a home, or a j-ayinp in , Lota will he hold separately. Title perfect. Warranty Deed. Terms: 10 per cent, cash, and 5 per cent, monthly. Particular* will be ohoeruflly given by Daviil Hand, 8:!7 llerkelcj

0 Valuable Lota, Osborn Avenue,

Tan. blaok, chrome tan- ned uppers with oik aolea and low heals— Choice vintages, noth Imported and domestic,

at Ihe toon* roa.nnahle price,. Ballantine’s Newark Ales

and Stout l imoo. lor Quality. Strength and No yrder loo .mall lor oor caralul allentlon.

, I fl.MNUKUf lt». I'ltoMIT IHEUVKBIM.



Van Arsdale

Mutual Land Improvement Co. of Plainfield

Read the Plainfield Record

Page 6: Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State

Entertaining BUI at

Local Playhouse

Under Sea Picture

Booked at Proctor's

Man a* ex S'lannogive patron a of the

• beat therethe few remalr

nlnedeld The*

itidelille durl

i boi-alake Mr

Ing inted

son. has secured anothi r excelbit! for the Second stree1 playhou;the last part of the weeIng and dancing art h paddHarks 1 Co. la the headl

The Tour other nuprogram are aclntte the folio

tii!.-<l I

and in-t & Bfs*LamU

Co. comedians: the Mlllmaielty oOerlnte; I.anlcan S Fostecomedians, and Ivy A Ity. trtngeiand dancers- First run ptioto-plays.',

utuali -oiua] bill.

meetlcs are ad

"Her Unborn Ch Id"

at Local Theatre


been dlsappo!

had lie lived to see his book. ,LoacitP, I n.t-r (Tip Sea." put

Into moving; pictures. Nothing likethis picture haw ever been shown on

i«rr> amaxInK and the whole Him Is jOne of unusual beauty and Interest. !IThlsi iiroduitl&n appears At Proctor's ilocal ttieatrp on Monday and Tiies-rtay. May 21st and 22nd. coming'

ly from the BroadwayPieatre. New York, whfre ft (Tasted-




For Men and Boys

Men Shoes $ 3 . 5 O and UpSHOES AT


Ladies' White Shoesat

Almost Cos!

L. STEIN452 Watchung Ave.

Ir-tiMMt Htntemeot .if (VintlMon of

THE PLAINFIELD TRUSTt o Hie H.'iiikiiti; l h | i i r l ! i i ' ' i i l of t h e S I J

Mai 1st, IH17

.Nl,:ttt^,T:!:t.'l>"> t ' u p l t u l HUH-I


Kiillrmul IUIII olhor(Market value)

Initnl S(M(«H :t'7i

i ii lii-i r e a l <wtute\< < i m i l I n t ^ n w tr.i-h .mil i in

»f divided priiril.-. .

K|*Wlttl F""><Tvi' kk<'4'l 111 lh{ . , |ltiviii<-in!-. unpaid \ •

f I


i«.HI,r.i»;{,(!;{;[. II)


. T. W*rinK. I'rcidt.ntMKuHtnM V. He«ly. Vic»-President

Hernvrt < W . V "

ii.Wiu lliihhfli,P. li-vM.y Uidsh. . \ f - l .%ilrle II. Ktrby. AwilxtMit

At the Plainfletd Theatre,

day*, beginning Tb.iri>da>., May " - ' e ined . by Willwith matinees for ladles obly «U(ly.lBfcBk a 6 i v i n s bRu r a . „„<•will be. an excellent iompai}y In nun- f g v e o f ( h e „«,„ t h m o v

port of Hlrhanl Buhler In "Her t'n- operators inside 'The xborn Child.- a drama dealing with a e t l l n i flehtB between mena common happening In «jvery di? , and In one part of tfce pl<-tl i f 8 - [is Known battling with a

This latest dramatic ^en sat I on. I p u B N n „ , , „ wj|] be re>"Her Unborn Child.- it k capital t h g , r e ^ i , ^ a contintroi]

nry In wijloh neither an oferpower- 8 r j w , ,„„, f r o m 2 until 1

Advertise in The Plainfield Record


wtacle 1 tin

, it dtorns wlt« an

nl|y by the


so It doe!or losnlt the Intellltruth's about sex retaticaodaolty that Is equalledaction of the play. It Ii 1In the cerane refinement ofpsty, and Its appeal In direr1

slant to tne best and most iinstinct* of genuine love.

The qualities of this renitarkaMeplay are reflected and carried out bythe unnattai'raM wtiloh the producersTiaTe given It. Richard Butler, be ofth« kingly countenance, the] mobilefeatures, the tboujrhtrui e^es. andthe mighty physique, has ncier done

pany will be found MIm Ann Sntl.ecland, late with •'Cheating Ol eater*" I:

company, at fhe Eitlnee Tbc^tre all | 'laxt S U M S . I^e'lnua Shannomand Carpenter Margueritety. Uttie Ida Maye. R. Thoiden. and M»x Von MtUel.

Is permitted to dnlt the keen edge "TWILIGHT SLEEP" FILM

rLIfiaton '?r*«J" molt* tremendous TO BE SHOWN AT PROCTORS

—iry day life, but in doing; L , , , . . . . , .--UTHM.! the sensibilities B y 8 p e c l a l »"*•>«•«*«» * « * t h P

loffal board of cpnwrs anc„ Modern Motherhood Lei

management of Procter

tloh plctnre. -TwIUcht Sleep." at therhoiise on Thursday, FVIday

10 a. m. These pprform-« , for women 'only. ThisTies of pictures Appeared al

• 71 K**t Front St., PUlnAald, H. J.WootBiall « Martin )tulidi»K-

TKLEf'IIONt 18T1Ofllea Hnora: » t o I I 1. «., I t» 7

F L O R I S Tlarge assortment o ' Cut Flower*,

h en ry day. Order now f*rr East«r flowers.

-MS. SMITHITS F. F r m t s i .

>, :uv} 8omer«et St.

Straw Hat SeasonIS ON




Prices to Suit AJJ


"Spring and S Drive«"

*oa »atu

"JB'.AU of State's 'Resources Ready

the Shubert Theatr

Is a wonderful ph

The military prepar^lheag plans of [F'iainfield and other ctflea and town*1

' i n the State have been gathered to-j

' port, ,-^ich has beeni forwarded to:. the War Department, j

L IT h e ssential diffeiL.,, bet-follows in fbl. State a

e Is Chat In NSpw Jersey t


1 Tvo haAooall gamefl that pronito be warmly contested arc on tapth« Cltv Ijeague tomorrow. St.seph'8 will lineup against }\<Chapel and rhe Aeroplane team -

. iosteaii of *-r

Every In


The Truth Abont BIRTH CONTROL The Naked Truth

RICHARD BUHLER vaA % mMt actable cut , including

ANM SUTHERLAND, late Star " d i e t i n g CbeaUn'1 Co.




Qaestion of the Boor on Every Woman ' • Mind

Vital to Every Woman

HERUNBORN CHILDMother*, Bring Yoor Grown-up Daughters.

Everyone Over ?8 •years of Age Admitted.


Decaitne of the Sacredjneafl of Motherhood and Out of

Courtesy to the l.;-uli<-s, AH Matinte Performances Are

Rew-rved Exclusively fir Women.

EVENINGS AT«}15—25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1,00.

|th« State formjK a part r,r this macbli1 eryr from tbe t>tate KOV^rnnn1!)! nowto the emallext towaah^i or norougl-

| At the same time committees of < ii::ienn are given every opportunity twork and aid In the m^vemant.

Suggeationn and offeri or aarvtce oall private citizens and ^orgaalzAtlonare being utilized to tl)fl utmost extent possible. Bvery practical augKe«tlon comlcg to the Governor fron

is Immediately ianued to Dae h^ad oevery municipality throughployment by the Governor of the ad

,'jutant Keneral'a office m a distribut-ing agent. In thla way-every singleunit of the State receives the benefit>f every useful nugxe»llon•fT©r of aaaiataace. Sucli i«fore b«lng promulgated u s dla-usssd by the Governor uid the adju-

lant Eenerai and U considered of suf-ficient Importance are forwarded toMayora. to be passed alo«g to aub-di-vlstOM of tdie defense brcanlzatlonwithin the aiunlcjp*litfe«*

•All home (uaj-da are gtven." aafdGovernor Sdge. "Ute fullent ancour-agement tHrough Cbe E**cutf»e b«*dof the municipality wh«re they areorganized. I am glad t tm the planpsrmfta u" to do this, for I realizethe importance of thene home guardorganizations They would admirablytill the bill for the ROldler* of the i « -ond or third line of defense In casethe war be prolonged am) the neces-sity present itself."

The only exception to pie rule ofrarrylotj out all the defense plansthrough the municipal Executives isfound in the proposition tn mobilize





Direct from the Broadway Theatre, New York

The Most Amazing Film Achievement of the Age

The First & Only Submarine Photo-Drama Ever Prodaced

Sights and Scenes Never Before Witnessed by MankindBaltles

[n-.lo Fi


i Octopu


, . v u i 2 to 11 P. M.


• 3 - AFTERNOONS—25c AND 35c

I r i C e S : SVKSmOS—25c and 60c



the problem of Farm I&bof and there-Increase the ajrrlcuui|ral outputhi* Instance, the co-deration oland county superintendents ol

>OIR has been urged sfid directedoy t'lid roni m 1 sw 1 f>ner o* PO ivcatloiworklne dlrpotly with th^ Governorrath»r than thf municipal .Kxprutlves

Tho fff<Htlveneps of thp New .Ter-ney plan ban been demonstrated al-reaily hy the fact that eirih munlcl-pftlity In the State VP

ration throii(?h miGovernor Edce has thieratlon of the State crane*, the StalDfpartmpnt of Agriculture, the De-partment of lAbor and tjie Depart-ment of Conservation anil Develop-

HKI.PINO SPlalnfleld has rw.pondtd

lently to the ••Liberty Loaji" andI ir 11 r . T.L' '1 T l n f V i n f i n i L n : 1. ..^- >.

t hnrlbed l o i

UBTh- New York hinkn. but thee Trust Companv, folloftlilK'B tpl-

efrram from Secretary MrAdoo. rais-ed (50.000 and Is now busy collect-

K a. like amount.


To Ladies Only


ONLT I A T 1 0 A . J « . MAY

TTie Motherhood League

^Twilight12 Weeks At Shubert TKeAtre, Few York.




Lecture by Mrs. Dr. PraleighIT WIW, TKACJI YOU NJOBE IN ONE HOVH




Amateurs and ProfessionaU CoachedAll Branches of Dramatic Art

.ii.•'.1 attontion eiven tn aelertion of;p1ay«. and details of production.

I*dW and gentlemen over nixteeri deslrlog to join an Amateur J>r».

SlIW. JAMK» GAJltlfKR KnSvSM WTelephone S«OH PlaJnlleltl. Itill \rlln^l..ii Ave.'. rioinflelil.


AstersBegoniasHardy Chrysanttie-

Mignonette,Sweet AlyssunVlnckaaMarlgoldaAseratumSnup Dragon

("f'Tjnnn ivyZlnnlaaLarkspurPetliniu


t'onie to Greenhonae. make your o i n selection at a bl^ discount <V.ri5™ ?nd,f"\ "™m l l i m« r»r cartaVe. Purchaw, of tl.00 deliver.

1 within rltv limit.. Oreenhou«». South Avenue, at Net»er»ood TrcTerrolnuB. 'Phone 331. Open Irom ^ a. th. to .7 p. m.



f our Liability Pdi.

To the Interest of the Buying Publicewith the |>.Iowing tele-

Kord Moton Company:

"If the retail price ui<>nt,ui4d is in

•ased liefori> delivery of tar «fr

L- purcrhaser may at his or h | r opt

pay such increase of have dejpomt

turned and order cancelled." |



Also Agents for

Stearns-Knight, 4 and 8

- I

Cabbageraul mowerLettucePeppersKtsg Plants


Telephone 1913

New Stat« Island Dry Cleubg Co.FANCY DYEING. CU&f.]


110 WATCHUNfl t

.Plalnfleid. N. j .


Good Gooda and Good Company Always on Hand.


Entertaining BiU at Local Playhouse

Under Sea Picture Booked at Proctor’s

IMtacI Wlrmral Of a*«loo of

PLAINFIELD TRUST COMPANY Jules Verne died a disappointed man beaus* people of hla time re- fused to take him seriously. l«*it he in I* fit not have been disappointed j had h# lived to see hbUpropbe. lea fill | filled or had he lived to see hla book.

Manager Shannon determined «<> *1ve patrons of the Hlainfleld Theatre the beat there Is In vaudeville during the few remaining weeks of the sea- son. has secured another excellent bill for the Second street playhouse the last part of the woe*. A sing log and dancing act hf Paddon. Marks tt Co. Is the headliner. The four other numbers on the program are all good one* and In- clude the following Lambert A 01*- ! co. comedians, the MfllmAn*. a nov-J elty offering: 1-anlran A Foster, comedians, and Ivy A Icy. singers and dancers. First run photo-plays. . Including lloaral-Psrhe Sews and Mutual remedies are added to the usual hfcll

iking I h‘1 urt men I of the Male of Jbw Jersey

JAIUpTIIW 4.HSKTS t nptua »uvk NuCldun bimI undivktrtl S|h* ini reserve sc count Dividend-, unpaid Itesrrve for Uu* li’iunl Interest lN<fH.>ll« . . . . ;

ishcr IhusIs Itallroad (Market value) In lie. | Mates :i'r tmlllrsli llmids iis.1 mortar. IteiiuuMl loan*, time ptuns |Hirrli«wd I tanking Inme.' . IMhiT real estate . ■turned Interest

BOYS SHOES PRICES arc amaxlng and the whole film la I one of uonaiial beauty and Inlareat. This production appears at Proctor’s 'local theatre on Monday and Tues- day. May 2lat and 22nd. coming i here directly from the Broadway Peatre. New Vofk. where It created furore and enjoted an extremely Sucre*-ful run. The patrons will be .held sjmllbound by views of life un-, 'der the «ea. where. fl«hc* of atrange idiaiws. sharks, live coral and other ; aquatic creatures flash before the e»e | In rapid succession The "bed of the •wean I* shown during one i»art of i these pictures snd the scene* srs so j 11*^111(1^1 that thf^r are beyond de- i script Ion These under-water plc- f ires were taken by a procem pat- ented by Williamson Brothers, who slink a diving bell far under the aur five of the sea with moving picture

HN.OtNMMI io.n.*M).:tl

Almost Cost omim

lleUltt Hiitihell. SerrUr, K. IrMng Walsli. A«ut. Ho k.lele II. Klrtiy. I SB If t L. STEIN 412 Watchung Ave. 'Her Unborn Child”

at Local Theatre Spring and Summer Drive*”

.very AI T0M0B1U 1 of our I .lability tat or rocky road.’aS* -and Crash—Diaaater.

Straw Hat Season The Plainfield Record Advertise in u OK


And PANAMAS Prices to Suit All

A broken Kteeritijr wht-el. a Ioo.se nut. a rut| • nr. hirv«*l«*. Iinrnt* and. wagon, a tree, a poat You need vur PI{OTK< TION now. DR. HARRY STEIN RENTA I/OA.VH REAL K8TATE J. R. BLAIR



All of State's

Resources Ready SPECIAL


w||| present the much disrupted mo- tion picture -Twilight 6|«fep.** at the loOil playhouae on Thursday. Friday and Saturday mornings. May 2«. 2S. 126th. at I® a. m. These perform- •»» ar* for .»»•> ool. Thl. The military prep»r«dh.«. plan, of I unique eerie* of picture. appeared al I'l.lnnoM and other ,U in« Sftnbert Theatre. Now TorK HU.'la Ihr Slain hara boot for a ran of three monlhn and »»• eelher by Governor 1-31 Iwltneeaed by Ibonnandn of 'port. ,-,lrh (.an born. II In a wonderful photoplay .ntory ,ho w.r lieparrmenl nbo» Ina the modern method of pain- Th, aitTrn **'•“ followed in I Twilight Sleep Tn connsctlon wlthl—u ,n N

fallen of fknaa Plrture. ar. a. n.nal r-OUIr„ .. mand. Inntnnd of »-n-r rm u-ii.i R msTwrs. of rlti,.„. Ev.„ m T.O banoball name, that promtae ,h. form. . Q |fo bn warmly rooteotod nrn trJ Irom ,B, the fill iMru. lomorrnw. St -le-. to the araalleal townabl

-1" '"""P AC It. am. Iln. mn. fhnpnl nnd the Aeroplane tfem wl'l ... „„v „ try bonds,Iona with th« Firm Bai> .orb aod aid In lb. mr *1*1 ***”**ll°" Soaaeatlon. and

To the Interest of the Buying Public To Ladies Only NY.- In-* to <|uiUr herewith the 1 ffriitn received from the Ford Motoi "If the retail

•Ilowing t«le- Companf . price mentioiy .l m •r.aswHl Ik-fore delivery of car chi

r option Hunt re- M OR NINOS ONLY n-u imwTKn i.w*n An muatntted lecture wli en on Monday night at t Club, to which the public la lav! ted.

future and (before if Ford <’ar we would a order at once. Motherhood Leagu< rice of >rganlz*tlona _ . . I utmost ex- tent possible Every practical sug- gestion coming to the Governor from •Itixan or organisation the head of ith Ikn em »r of Urn ad- | a dlatrlbut- •vwry .main a lh« boarHI p or plan or

1'haania Kunahont Tmirine 1’ar 1'ouprlel Plainfield Theatre

any private la Immediately leaned t 'every municipality thro ployment by the Goven Jutant general's office a ing agant In this wa> unit of the State rwcelr j of every useful suggeatl ; offar of aamlatanre Buck auggesUona before being promulgated are dla- ! cuaaed by the Governor and the ad jo- ! taut general and if compared of anf- Qcient Importance are forwarded to j Mayors, to be paaeed alogg to aub-dl- j vision* of the defense prganttatlon | within the manidpalltlM( | "All home guards are given.’ aeld 'Governor Edge, "the fullest encour- agement through die Executive heed | of the municipality where they are organised. I am glad dial the plan ! permits u* to do this. fOr I realise i the Importance of these borne guard ; organizations They woulg admirably All the bill for the soldier* of the aec- i ond or third line of defense In case ^he war be prolonged an4 the necee- alty present Itself *' j Tke only exception to jthc rule of carrying out all the defense plana through the municipal EfcecnMvea la found In the proposition to mobiles l ardinolboya to a*af*t farmbrw to solve »he problem of farm labor and there- -»>y Increase the agricultural output, tin this instance the co-or^radon of . city and rountr auperlntf*ndents of jar+innla has been urged and directed iby the commissioner of education working directly wirti th* Governor, rather than the municipal .Executive*. , The effmtlvrncea of th|* New Jer- sey plan has been demo4«trated al- ready by the fact that e4ch munlH- jpallty In the State 1* wotting alone concentrated lines In efcartly the same way and for Identical purpose- that every other munfrlrallty la working. In addition to the plan of operation through municipal unit". Governor Edge has the active co-op- eration of the Stats grange the State Department of Acrfeoltoik the De- partment of Labor and the Depart- ment of Conservation ann Develop-

T wilight


Swilan >• O. « Detroit

A. G. BELKNAP, 417 BTOAMORX ST. 'Phone JOT. Abon, birth CONTROL

Mother. Brlnjj Your Grown-up Daughter! Rvaryone Over 18 Yaura of Age Admitted

DAILY MATTNEE8 COR WOMEN ONLY. 25c and 50c Uroauee of the Kacreifaieae of Mutiierliood nod Out of Courte*7 to the Imilien, All Matinee Perfurmnaces Are Keeerved Exeluaively fir Women.

EVEN IN 08 AT*(l5-75«. 35c. BOe. 75e, $1.00.

Lecture by Mrs. Dr. Praleigh The man who buy* a Mercer neeit never ex- plain. Tn comfort, all that inaaaivrf euahtoaa, Heaible aprintm end perfect balance) can make it. In beauty a (ieinaborough. The touring eer ■ omes to yon in gun-metal (egg-ihill bnufi) green, bine, maroon, gray, or golden brows with Spanish leathern. A limited number ready for immediate delivery. ; Telephone 957

The Miller-Jackson Co. 333-335 W. Front St. PI.A 1NFTELD, N. J. A

ssion to )S^iv2


Amateurs and Professionals Coached All Branches of Dramatic Art rarefwi allration given to selection or playt. and detail! of productlo ladle, nnd SMltlnniea a-.r al.leel) dealrlng to Join ,n Amalrwr i.ialle Aortely addrew for particulars

MlW. JAMKA OARntKH KONKMAX Trie,,hone tfitURI I'lalnllrl.l. I(VII Arlington Aval ■■InlnlMd.


Stearns-Knight, 4 and 8 t XK AXV i* TIIE VVI.UlWIMi

Salptcroeete Asters Rogonlva Hardy Chryaa muma • Niukur:lum r.crtrixn Ivy ZlDbUl Tjirkapur PlUllM 'j l.nplna 1.<KK> IUKK I’UNTS IN

<*on»c (o Groonhouaa. male your o* usual price* and get premium* Tor «arf« free within city limits Orcenhouaea. fi* ley Termlnua. 'Phone 131. Open from

<\%N YOt Geraniums ('anna* Wall flowers Scabtoaa Heliotrope Verbeaaa Mignonette Sweet Alyaaum VInckaa Marigolds Agoratam Rnup Dragon

VAIUKTIE8: .\I'IM.IC\T|0\8 FOR PENSIONS. Judge James J Tonnoffy ha* net Isolde next Monday morions begin- ning at TO o'clock for tie hearing of applications fpr wldnw^' penslonn In Onion county. FranrjA J Rlatz. jof this city, county att«k-ncy. will represent the Roard of freeholders during the aesslon.

RnJba Tube rosea Dakllga Cannaa . Gladiolus Vegetable PI. Tomatoes Cabbage Cauliflower lettuce Pepper* VXk Plante r VARIKTIPI •lection at a big disco Purchase* of fi.00 do

Telephone 1913 { N«w Staten Islud Dry neunf Ca.

FANCY IlYRIXt]. (I.KAXfXd A Nil PRKHHI.XO 110 WATOHVNO tVF. , I’telnlteCd. X. J. name swei.i. m>an. I Plnlnfleld h«« rerponded e.rel- lently to the "Mherty I.o«h" and ai- med. upward of aiOO.nuni he. been • nhnerlhed. A number ofuiKnl re.t- Ident. bore «ub«rrlbed to the lean jtbrooilh New York banka, but the State Trott Compear, follovlnt a tel- err.m from Sarrerary MrAdeo ral*- ed |50,OPO and la now bney rolleet- [Inga like amount


THE IlKHT IHNNKIl IN l’L1INKIKU';» Good Goods and Good Company Always on * 119 NORTH AVE.




UNDER THE SEA” Direct from the Broadway Theatre. New York

The Most Amazing Film Achievement of the Age The First ti Only Submarine Photo-Drama Ever Produced Sights and Scene. Never Before Witnessed by Mankind Sro the Ovrnn Garden*

Euting Shark*- To . .Sinki

Ituttb . w |»do Fired B Huge V«

ill Octopus and Man From S.ilmlnriin rn. 1 j


NO SEATS RESERVED pj . ArTERNOONS 25c AND 35c r nces: EVENINOS—25c and 50c


Page 7: Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State

J t Show Sure

to be a Hummer

.— William N. Runyon. director

tain to get him a i,ctain calls, and "Bdgotten a tenor song I

11B. the composer, i

I I T M .

" Harding haso sing: that vaa

lifts WilliaCuttine-i>l..i-s. the nheen given


tt wilt ha'

I of which haveJildse Rsnyon

iut tbe topical *ng by "•Tom" MOf those i-atchy i

has B I W | which made the .1 «»)«•« •1T*iinEBthe pant Different Now,- " i n the Sweet

hare been}and Bye." "Everybody Is HopingB. each of,a Cha&Ke." "Jf the Mayor Wo,e.-irly one j Only Olve Ills Job to Me.- and otThey have j jingllnE tune9 the standard for k

ng all pre-j verse will be an absolute hit- onnK will be | timely subject, while the Judee

t this part)

playhouse due to the wrlth-n*t convulsive listeners. •BUmmle1

has on? of Fran* Lther's masterPlace, bearing the title. -Hold thetandle. Mother, While I Shave theChfcken'B Up." A ^leVt audteucapermitted to hear him try it out haanot finished laughing>et.

In the olio following the first partihe program will inWudb four bigroainre acts now heln'jr arranged bv

(the committee. The hnaie will he a| "•rip-roaring;" patriotic tableau with,a red fire finish calculated to rou>«-

ever Joined in alnKlns a natlonat an"i them. The full nrorepd* rrom ttipI show are to be ptaceJ in a fund for

idi dependents of P]aln!tal<1

OBITUARY• i • • ; ;

Personal Mention of Plaintelders and Others Who

Have Heeded the Summons of Death

During the Past Week.

"Perhaps" Bob Fitzsimmons

Is Getting $l,00p "Per" We

Tiring of the evangelist!,palgn Hiiic-h lie entered only ;itime ago and or which he waiIng a great success,-Robert J

and Noi

alled t h euld

nd thi

U i Tho who haand: his topicallavepiafnfleld Theatre on June i fiw*n ] pared for somelhine ahnoluteiy ihad (Hiiiuniifn'illy jnnd. , .»«•, No Elka- show would be com pitlif withntit "Tlantj" Bennett and Ham- | BHmm holding, down nn end pent £


will b.tly" fs i str

the rootlljrhtB


psth«re ] will btn the^ second

UIFI.B CM'II MEKTINfi.; A meeting of the Plainfleld Rifle

DJ O. Atwood, the president of the; organization, and will be held In the.Company. K armory on West Front| street. Several matters pertainlnc• tii the act Hit fen of i.he club will be| taken ur>. including the selecting ofthe Bite for a ranee, the rjhoo&rn»f ofn neadquartern and tbe elerttni; of asecretary. A mil attendance is ask-

>WARD J. SJ I.LIVAN; oi Casey & Son.rving an Illness ot W l j - avenues, mtarai.....;aru, death came earl^ Sun- Mary*, cemeteryninK to EdWard J. Sujllvan,^ Mr. Gflaijlty was the son of Peterof John J. Sullivan, pj-oprte- Cearity "or Somerville and came tohe Motel Kensington, Vher,. i-Iainfleld with hts r.arentu when heis* occurred, While ft was was a young inan. The family livedML Mr. Soljvau-a condition f,,r . l o n g t l m e a t W e s t s m h a n d

was serious, the Immediate enii «;ia Liberty streets until about ten yearsunexpected and reacted rathef aud-. aKo. affr wH[Ich the deceased wentu<nl,v atter only ftfi days' c<a.flne-ilo Maine H I . onir -umvimr m . -ment to his bed. ; Throughout Ills tive, i8 Mrs. Mary Reed, of NewarkInns; invalldiHiji .end deceased^ bore :

three :


ny «.J Uiat heii R res

- '"'"'•<• " " " ' l e n

« «

nt or this city, died la

W.llvan »„, born iJLw- ™T " ","d In IS'(»; but ranie to lowfnK * lanff-

me-\ Kansas City and showing only In tbfi>rt: Westernfstates. It never comes fur-ik-.ther Ea|t than Michigan, therefor*tz-!<1BobV|plalnfleld Mends will bo del

der and nled UJ* l>rlvllej;e of seeing bltn in1

former champion heavyweight pugil- his new Undertaking. This is regret-let of the world is boon to become ' ted by mkny of his admirers who Ma . i-iii! Tavorlte. Dispatches rrom tend tha|- the freckled Cornfsbman 4Kansas City a few days ago announc- still as handy with his lists as over,ed that ''Lanky Bob:" and his son. and if cljon only half a chance couldRobert, Jr., have be<M signed up by ,'Ut Jess§WIIlard over the ropes,the management of .t)n- Sells-Flo to Bob- m tried numerous schemes'Shows for an arena act at the mas- to keep feofnfr since the New Tork;nlflcent salary of JljOOO per week, i Boxing flammi^nian denied him thejThe Insertion of "pef week" In the right to |»ke part in any more bouts!

, telegrams Is taken 1>V local friends In the Rs}ij>ire State, but all of themto me£n thai "perbapfi" Rob, will get failed ofjuiccPBg until the popularity[he one thousand, and "perhaps" tie j acquired ?by Billy Sunday and Dr.wil] not. btit nevertheless, the belief Belderwojf save him a new Idea.

! exists that some of thte amount men- Enrlv la'st winter the old king of theHoned will be In real; money. prize rlnK coached himself up on

j Just what the pugilist and bis Biblical ]|ie and branched out as an1' young lioi'f fill are to ilo fa not made evangelist one of the kind who had a,known by I:-,<• Kansas City inform.T;; past and y as not afraid to tell aboutIt Is quite probable.) however, that It. He orjuned up hta circuit at Cam-

lefe he made thousands weep


Absolute Executor's Public Sale. ' i W r CLOSE TIIK STATE OF HELEN BROWN (Deccosfd)



Saturday, May 26, 1917I B O'CUXSI ON THE PROPERTY,

Greenbrook Road and Mountain ParkwayFORMEULY THE "RICE PROPERTY"


27 Kiln (ran New York on the ft R. B. • ! N. J., luljoiiimg (he City of PlsigSeld, Bur.routed bj beautiful homes. Mini th« picturesque. Watchung MouDtaiiia.PEOP1ETT WHi BE SOLO ABSOLUTELY. EASY TERMS ARRANGED

PAET1CULABS, MAPS, DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLETS, apply the officea of;C«rrick 4Wortendjke, Atttorney.. IS E»chanee Place, Jereey C. N . J . ; .S. Rowland Agent.1741 GrantStreet, Jeney City, N. J., or From Offices oi' Auctioneer.

this country wiy, hiS parent!, when' J ^ ' ^ 6 ' ronV w^,"fehfb0

B ** l * e " d e" Ifa™ will be" a sparing matth on by his etdjles of the ".horrible effect*1m was three year^ old. The f.mily' ' • 1-he renter Rtflfie hotwfjen th^ first and of rum," .nd exhortations for young],,.aird at Jameabiir?. Moniioutli " a s 0 < l n f l l l p" t o h l a b e ( i on1>" a f c w second rinss under tlie Broaplne: [men in lejd a better life. From Cam-'ountry. and remained. In that sec- , y s ' ^ nitera] w a s held at the Display So, 6--An apsrenatlon of i den Bob inade a visit to numerous• Ion of lh. state u nlU a te« T«»rs ''""'T "' "' »""»'"• " ' , ••"• « " • 111. »orMs Breal«st and most andeut rlties thr ju«houl t»e Middle Allan-aco. Mr. Sdlllv.j . . . In 14. J.»n- J l a f f l ^ t i K r t S mJril*iT«'»a 1"b"t""o"» "•""»»« *:

m,o''nP'°rn*iror» to «n°t°.r "anttJe! ' " ' " I?.8 '- . Ml"""™'" $!""''• ,'*"' tM.mfts) d.tot o7jot

ratine the Hec^ule!•esh. fromi Rarleycf

and tbe hypnotizing ot all followOf. Billy Sunday's oarbon copies.

(«>d and Point Plettsant. Coming> Plainflclfl about three years a«o,!r Sulthaii made friends rabidlynd at the time ot hisfdi•Tuafntat.ee* wundred. lie was a ready talker^Is fund ^^ MOD mouth county M C *otes <urnl«bed many'-hours' ait^iw-lent for bis eager listeners. To all1

••*, Sullivan's end came




1 To|)l

U 1.1.alde big brother, John Sulllv

t that he was -'knockln"their seats" up aroundi desertion of tbe evan-ifi a mystery to hla Intl-

... on ft (It at the rGVival .platform gave him noI i e r- demonsiratm* how he-knocked the! opportunity to prove his assertion

Isrdeatb his ioral |™ J T' J i ""'""*• WBH HV " "" d m e "*" *ut of whiskey. The Seils-Floco | that he n«ver waa or never will bej . . " . proprietor or a, care on Somerset c j r c

•a. 11ad been living ln ,Th4 deceased had tilntance and news of tbe

Ijeath was received with deep regret. |Beside hip parents. Mr. Herold Is «ur-[vived by two sinters. Mrs. Henry jWindham, wife of the proprietor tyt \

while MM

making Iti h««dqnarte

ni- BoBt

i -unnly art 'Ol t

"House Wreckers"

For Hotel Costing $300,000

« f

SPECIAL SALE;We have Purchased a lot of Silk Dresses that sell regular-

Irtf $c5.00, $20.00 and$25.00.Our Sale Price $10.00

Also Wash Dresses and Graduation Dresses froai

$3.5O and up.We are selling Suits, Coats and Skirts in every description


Our entire stock must be sold before moving to o|r l

new store on West Front Street.

S. HIRSCH403 Watchung Ave., Plainfield, N. J.

Ladies' Tailor and Manufacturer of Cloaks and Suits

slncton; three nieces and a nephew,the latter being William Rreen, ofthe howl. The nin-ra! wan helj in9t. Mary'B rfhurrti Tuaaday morningwith relatives and frlsnda In attend-ance. Rev. '• Father rtenneawy taldthe mass an3 a special offertory Jolowaa sung by! Albert F. LaRock. Thelarge numbflr of flora] tributes" In-dudpd set pieces from PiatufleldI-odge of EHtrt. of which John J. ijul-Ilvan 1H a m»mber; permanent Ka*ttmnf the Hotel Kenslneton and EdwardSullivan's closest cotefle of frleaile.Burial wn tit the family plot In St.James' cemetery. JanietburB. •fh»'I>all-bearera were: J. Howard Dyft«.,Don Cralpie, Thomaa Healy. 30-seph Frcfrt. Knight I. Fauwtt ! •Custav FTederickB.

MICHAEL OFABITV.Michael Gaarlty. . ; former w4ll-

knowo resident of this city, ni.fdSiinday at his home In Augusta, Me.

le body was l.T-ou-'it to Plainfleidid tbe funeral was held yeoterdaT

MRS. ^ IHtiCV H. MAR8H. |Mrs. Marion Frances Marsh, wife

of Warren H. Marsh, of Union street,died Friday night in HuhlenbergHospital, followlnp! an operation per-formed a we**' previous. The fun-pral service « u held at her lawhome Monday afternoon and was- pri-vate. Rev. Dr, J. a. Zelle. pastorOf the Crescent Avenue Presbyterianenure*, was t ie officiating clergy-man, interment was la Hillsideoemetery.

Mrs. rtarah was a native of Nat-che*. Miss.; but had resided In Plain-fleld practically Kit the time since hermarriage.to Kr. Manh twenty-aerenyears ago! She Was a member of ttl«Church ot the Holy Cross, where ahewas active in tbe religion* work ofthe womerp'a departments for a longtime. Beetde her husband Mrs.Marsh Is BnrTtved by one daughter.Mrs. Robert Bellows, of this city; onebrother. James ,«• Packard, or San1

Francisco, and (•>, sister-in-law. Mra.j

Representatires ot several New

oonipanlea have looked over theNetherwood Hotel during the pastweek and several Offers for the build-in sr have been made to tbe associa-tion of resldenta which recently, pur-chased the entire property In orderto get the structure away from thflneighborhood. The beat propositionmade came from one of the concern*which agrees to pay the new owner)$7,000 cash and take away every bitof material In the big building. Thinoffer will undoubtedly be acceptedand with the amount secured fromthe sale of the land will more thancover tbe figure Of 139.500 paid theestates of Charles Hyde, J. T. Lud-

and Henry L. Lattlmer, whichheld the building for many years.

One of tbe difficulties met by flipeieurtors of the three estates In dte-J

posing of the property Intie of tearing the old

hulldlng <to« n. It la built very hiehand will require extra precautionsfor the protection of workmen. Be-alde this t | e coat or ordinary laborhaa Increased to auoh an extent that•It will mesgi a large outlay for thl»alone. Th« association of buyersassumed aU the chances when theybought the'property In and tbe offerfrom the Wonee wrecking companywill now rdleve them of everything.It Is estimated by several local con-tractors tb i t It will cost fully $3,-000 to do (ho razing, but that attertbe expense^ are all paid the wreck-Ing concern: stand* In * petition tomake ahouf 15.000 from the aale ofmaterials. Mi"h as bricka. lead-pipe,copper and "*ronKe flituros and lum-ber. W-ien; the hotel was built la18T7 It cosUall told about (300.000. *

STREET1 IMPROVEMENTS. ,=Recause wdrk on tlm permanentvfoc Is to'be startefl within thet few days, the BtrMt departmentthe city oatlfled all property own-on tbe various street? affected 1o


The summer activities at the Hyde-1

Saturday, May 26, and will, coruntil afte^ I j a t > o r Da>-- Weeklypetition for tHc Hrdewood and

CIV1I/ SERVICE HKARINO.The Stale Civil Service Coraruls-

on will hold a hearing-at Trentonnext Tuesday to discuss the petitionsof fifteen members of the State In-heritance Tax Department askingtbat tlhey be retained In office. Oneof them Is from John P. Owens taxcollector for this district. A law

me. as the thoi •hfai Decoration Day, Fourth of Julyr holldaya special cards will

ins under civil service regulations.us putting the present Incumbentsit of office. -

DR. CAt|MAN TO LBIJTUKE.West Held (has taken a keen Inter-',

est In Its Rfd Cross Society and haashown It in-ono way by nhe way inwhich ticket* are being purchased forthe lecture f'o be given In tbe West'Held High School on Hay 14 by Dr.S. Parkes CEfdman, Brooklyn preach-er and lecturer. Dr. Cftdman will

on the H"exlwn border. He has lec-tured here <Bi several occasions and•- -ell knowji.

Seals Above The Ground

I*, f „ X «,N I r,t BMaKV,,,,,. » now U - - ^ « J f « ^ ^ T % l

1 p«r furtti,,r infnmtatlAn ,-nnsult vtiur undertaker. Afll'W infi.nnalion consult J-our undertaker.

THE NORWALK VAULTPlainfield, New Jersey

Edison Phonographs(80.00, $100.00. $160.00, $200.00, J250.00

up to $6,000.00.


50392— •Smik-fl a n d Kiascs

] [ , ; „ I K . t i Mnlii l i i r l

60397— I jI M t Lak a Role ..Waters of Venice

Get This Guarantee

Vogel & Briggsm.lMoMt if]8C HTrmo

310 WEST FRONT STREET. Opp. 1st M. E. Church.TJIIBII 1'laiiiHcld 26M0.

,The| makers of Quaker Tires do morehhan make "thefinest lir« made"—they guarantee them So be. at least.1500 milk better than the tire, you likelj DM.

Tempering ihe rubber add* "the " (knotting touch" "totires that are as sturdily built a; your car ihclf. Temperedrubber is marveiously tough, jt does not cu^ easily nor willit crack, chip or pick out.

Certainly you are no! fair to yourselffii you continueto use tires adjusted on a. 3500-mile !>.>-.; when you canget the Quaker adjustment of 5000 miles]

One puaker Tire on your car will sell lou three more.


Laing Machine Auto Repair Co.PLAINFIELD, N. J. J

n | “lo to gel him a half a dnren cor-1

jure ut" *n‘i «i*rdiB* h«» Kotton • tenor >0011 lo alng that «» , recommended (o him b» Irvin* Bor. ummer 110 “• co,,"iMor- wh° *ir-i Ulflfffd v,nde,||i» more then J»- ;

hlU. William Tallamy and Rimer fottln* are also down for tenor ■yon. director -olora, the namm of which hare not tl produrtlon; been given ont Judge Hen>i.n In •f KIka la to buay work In e out the topical *onK 1, the Volun- which .111 be „i,lg by ' Tom ’ Muir, it the Hein* II will hare one of those oatrhv airs 4. has mod" a-hlr.h made the .Indite “‘mines Are ilf the paal IMffrrsnt Now," “ln the Swept Bye la hare been and Bye," ' Ererybodr la Hoping Tor each of a Change." “If the Mayor Would ' nearly one Only GIr# Hie Joh to Me " and other I They hare j jingling tune, |he standard for loral hy aong .ho- mm pool tlnna nnd. of courae, each Ming nil lire- verse will he sn ahaolnte hit on a Uflng will be ttynely .object. while the Judge l» . days before making no premia, at this purlieu-! lar moment Thou, who hare heard hla city, and hla tnplrala before can eome to the Wen. hare Plalnlleld Tbeetre on June I pre. ' x&z usurer •***« *"a

M^i of the l a"l, u"‘M ConilwnJ:K armory on Weat Front , ^„ n . d*'J1 <M" year | street. Several matter, pertaining *. W . "•"!* n,>w »'r'<aallng wllh the In Ihe arllri'lea of tha Club will be ™ ■"’* ?"• ”<* J®1*" »P. Inn the aeleetln. of I

. that make, elin. J Y'" a*°.** *° ,h" f"r * ">• -l.oo.mg of 1 , rn v ,n *“• » » headquarters and the nlarfln. of a Smith bn. a orer the footllght. there will he —reiary A full attend.n.e |, „k !

■der way per- many n bua»ed chair In the Seeond ed

atreet'playhouad due to the t Of convulsive llat.nora “| haa one of Fr.ni LahnV Pieces bearing the tuie "I Mother, While I 8

A select 'Perhaps” Bob Fitzsimmons

Is Getting $1000 “Per” Week Candle. Mothe >01) dlailnrt Chleken'a Up

P*-rrnlttrv[ to hear not It n I abed laughing yet. In the olio following the Brat part, the program wUI InJudb four big feature art. n0. being arranged hr the committee Tha hnale wilt he a "rlp-roaftng" patriotic tableau with

Personal Men tit Plainfielders and Others Who 1 the Sammons of Death X the Past Week.


Absolute Executor’s Public S Mr”!* mad!. “SniP" acquaintance* were numbered by tb® ' onnoNlte French'* mill bnt In

tssmrgs: fcs&'zzsz as m of these Rd Sullivan a and «*•* „„ Mr. H-rnld I. .or- ! « v. ; vlved hy two sleters. Mr*. Henry' Rcalda hi* brother, John Sullivan. .... .w... . . . „f .ho I. ...wwi.MH K. VI. "indhnm. wife of the proprietor or _bL h‘ 1 ,h* Hotel Waldorf, and Miss Clara mother, apd one elstar. Mr*. Julia r,_-rtvtvw Breen, who re.Id. nt the Hotel 11 n"-’W’r" alngton; thrpe nleeea and a nephew,' the latter being William Breen, oft MIW. YAHRRX H. MARSH. the betel The ruoeral was held In Mrs. Marion France, Marsh, wife SI Mary's dhureh Tuesday morning of Warren H. Marah, of Talon street, with relative, sad frlaod. In attend- died Friday night in Muhlenberg ance. Rot. Father H'nneaeer Said Hospital, following an operation per- the maaa and a special offertory solo formed a week' previous Tha fan- warn aong by Albert F. IJ Rock The oral service waa held at her let. large number of floral tributes'In- home Monday afternoon and was prl-; rinded vet piece, from Plalnfleld rale Re». Dr. J. a Zelle. paalor , l-odge of Elk*, of which John J gul-'of the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian ■Iran I. a member: permanent gueeta,church, was the officiating elorgr-; of tho Hotel. Keoslngton and Edward, man. Interment was to llttlelde

Sullivan a eloeeet coterie of friends, j cemetery. Burial waa In the family plot In St.1 »n Marah waa a astir, of Nat- |Jame•■ cemetery. Jameahurg. the','h*' ■ b“'p',ln' pall-h.ar.ra were: J. Howard Dy»e. ,*•« practically all tho time elnee her; Don Crallla. Thomas Healy. Jo- marriage to Mr. Manh twentyeevan eeph Freed. Knlrtt l Faueeti knd 'mr. ago. she was a member of the ' Gustav Fredericks Chorrt of tha Holy Promt, where aha

I.1ISK TIIK STATE OK HELEN BROWN (Deccaae.1) 36 Commuters Farms


For Hotel Costing $300,000

nsK R ESI -

iM O CVOCA ON THE PROPERTY, Greenbrook Road and Mountain Parkway


fl Rilra Irom New York on the C. K. K. of N J, n.ljt.iniog the City of PlaiaSeld, nur- mended by beautiful homes, and the picturea.|ue Watuhung Mountman. PROPERTY WILL BE SOLO ABSOLUTELY EASY TERMS ARRANGED

PARTICULARS, MAI'S. DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLETS, apply the office, of CarVick It Wortendyke, AlUornejs. l.j Exchange Place. Jeraey C. N J., S. Rowland Agent. 741 Grant .Street, Jemrj (5Aj, N. J, or From Offlcee of Auctionetr.

Represenutlrce of several New poelng of k York *nd (MeuD "hoaii** wreck I ok " «erlaln mm fxirapanle* h*»* looked over Ihe bulldlnR <l»f NVUierwood llotal durine the pa*i and will H week and nwnl offer* tor tho build for the *rci Imr have 0**«n made to tbo ***ocl» aid* thl* II tloo of reoldanta which reconlly i*tir- haa InrroaiJ •biased the entire property to order 4t will m«Mj to ret tho vtructura away from th* alone. Tbi neighborhood. The be*t propoaltlon 1 assumed at mad® came from on® of the concern* bought the^ which agrcea to pay the new owner* from the $7,000 cash and tako away every bit will now r« of material In the big building. Thl* It la eetlma offer will undoubtedly be accepted tractors thl and with the amount eecared from 000 to do I I the sale of the land will more than the expens« cover the fleuro of $2».$00 paid the in* concert ; estates of Charles Hydo. J. T. Lud- make about lum. and Henry L. Lattlmer. Wbloh material*. « held the bulldlnr $or many year*. copper and On# of the dlfflcultlea met hy the her. Wfcer ezeuctom of the thr^i estate* In dl^ 18^7 It coal

he property was the ub- •n*o of tearing the old an. It 1* built very high moire extra precaution* ectlon of workmen. I3e- e coat of ordinary labor td to suoh *n extent that n a large outlay for this association of buyers i the chances when they property In and the offer pose wrecking company lleve them of everything. Bed by aeveral local con- It It wll] cost fully $3.- [he rasing, but that after b sre all paid the wrech- l etanda In <« ponltJon to


We have Purchased a lot of S «t $15.00, $20.00 and'$25.00.

Also Wash Dresses and Graduation

$3.50 and up. arranged.

in every description * HALF PRICE.

ALI. THE LATEST MODELS *80 00. *100.00, *160.00, *200.00, *260. up to *6,000.00. Our entire stock must be sold before moving

store on West Front Street.

to our new

80388—’ Listen to Thin .... Old Virginia 60392— • , Smili*n ana Kiwi . Hapa Jloola Hnla I 80397- Might j- Lnk a Ro»< Waters of Venire . 50409— A BrtJten Doll .. 1 Go Gei ’Em 80426— Flora Brlln . Mo Ann i 30427— Hcnealh a Balcony Hilda Fox Trot .. 80428— )

S.HIRSCH .. Walts Hawaiian 403 Watchung Ave., Plainfield, N. J.

Ladies’ Tailor and Manufacturer of Cloaks and Su Wxltx Walt*

I-ondon Tap, . . One Step ••• * * *•'

Seals Above The Ground j-

.» . #j. . Ope Step Ifawaiiuo Wdtx

Get This Guarantee Thv m.ltetv ol Quakci Titrv do mote tb.n make "tKc fmv*t tire* made"—they guarantee them *to be. at leavt,

I >00 milbs better than Ihe tirev you (iVrij uve. Tempering the rubber .ddv "ibe finuhin* touch"‘to lire, that are a. vlurdily built a. your car i^elf. Tempered

rubber a marveioudy lougb. it doe. not ct^ eaiily nor will it crack, chip or pick out. Certainly you are not (air to jounclfJil you co'nlinue

to u.e lirrs adjusted on a. 3300-mtle bati* when you can get the Quaker adiu.tment ol 5000 m !r-! One Quaker T ire on your car will veil Vou three more. Come in 4nd me ua.

itlerlly Waltx Miasouri Walt* 50437— ; Have 14 Ileurt, Have it Hetrt 80438-

Home ‘gain tr ed nnd

airjg bnii- c«I States.

niur undertaker. Laing Machine Auto Rt PLAINFIELD. N. J.

■ rise sTi ino E NORWALK VAULT CO. Plainfield. New Jer»ey


E Ohurch. liuM PhiklMil 2*HQ.

Page 8: Be Answeredjw answer ready whe n you go be- Illinois." that fore the reicl»tr«r i name o f Mree( first, then town, then 1. Oth. All aa«»ers will be written on the rooaty and State

Liberty Loanaey Central offlc,Monday.



David Denlinger. of Westervelt• who JiHs b^en confined to hisfor the past five weeks because

•t partial paralysis, was able to beWednesday for the first. He will

:le» at the N< '


in sey' City

FOR SALE-^everal naed cam. alltn good condition; 5 passenger andtruck bodies; one seven pasaenger.all el*ctric Ughta and electric start-er Come In and look them over.Everyone a real bargain. PlalnfieldMotor Shop, inc., 11» East Fourthstreet; 'Phone 2390 5 4 tf

Barnard BakeryHome-made Breads


Our Bolls, Buns and Coffee Cakes are hard

At Voiir firuci-r, or Kales Di-partiijt-n


HIGH GRADE cleaning and piIng; tailoring to order. Specialspring prices. Orders called for anddelivered A., Brandt, 14 Somersetstreet; -Phone 1999. 3 23 tf

c y

EXPBRT blcyi-le : repairing work>ne promptly: also a full line or bi-rcle supplies: new and second ha mi

blcyclea. Come In and let me showsome real bargains. Babjy carriagewheels re-tired. H. M. V951 South Second street.

*o^s0^W "eY" " S'D*t**iIssues Jf ' Buffalo "nlcklls^'jS',.coin pennies." AU:> certain tn.U. 3. postage jtamp,, 3 e n d "large ltJuBtratod 1JI7 c ^ 1 *C a t a l o g contalnm* dewrtpth,and guaranteed price, paid , . ";

ofps «late,I before mi,* J



Hemstitching Picot EdgingButtons Covered


Latest Style Side, Box and Accordeon Pleating


404 W&tchung Avenue Pl&infleld, N. J.

7orget Yourrleadaches


To Aliens Witkin the City ofPUimiield:Aa Mayor of the City of Plainfie.d, 1 do hereby give, pub-

lic notice that the Police Department of the City baa been di-rected by T. W. Gregory, Attorney General of the UnitedSUtea, to notify all alien enemies within thin locality to bringto Police Headquarters and surrender the following article*which, under the Proclamation of the President, dated April(>. 1917, it is unlawful for alien enemies to have in their pos-Bearion:

Any firearm, weapon, or implement of war, orcomponent part thereof, ammunition, maxim or othersilencer, bomb, or explosive, or material used -In themanufacture of explosives; any aircraft or wirelessapparatus, or any form of signaling device, or anyform of cipher code, or any paper, document, or bookwritten or printed in cipher or in which there maybe invisible writing.A detailed receipt will be given for all articles so sur-

rendered, and at the close,of the war such articles will bereturned.

Any alien enemy who fails to surrender such articles with-in twenty-four hoars after this public notice will be subjectto summary arrest if such articles are found in his possession;and the articles will be seized and forfeited to tbe use of theUnited States. > ,

April 13, 1917, 9 o'clock P. M.


We respectfully solicit yourmage when in need of glasses,e already tave a large follow In1 satisfied patient^ In Plafnfieldiir registered optometrist In cicompetent, and qualified to thor

iKhly and scientifically examtoiw for the fitting of glasses thiv.- the belt vision results posslblOar store Is the only one In Plain

eld an* vicinity where an exduslvttlcal business Is carried on.

Queen Gty Optical StoreMM Watt-hang Ave., 1'UInneJ.i. N. J

Next to Hall's p rn( Store

Save Your Dimesfora KODAK. The new Kodak B««k

System will show you how

PAUL R. COLLIER, Film Specialist•Phone 81 184-158 E. Front St.

A Harley-DavidsonOuting Every Day

YOU can give your wife and baby two or threehours of real pleasifre every day if you have a

Harley- Davidson and sidecar.You don't have to be told whatthis will mean to them.Come in aftd give us an opportunityto teil you what a Harley-Davidsonwill do for you, and how little itcosts to own and operate one.If you don't want to pay cash wecan arrange terms to suit your con-venience.

Come in now—there will be abso-lutely nOjpbligaiioti to buy.

OBOSGB I'. BIMOB179 North Are. Oup. ]>.-i-.i.

Difficult KefiairlDK u Spn-ialty-

Where To DineQueen City Hotel

Ew-ry jrder i-atefiiUV pifeMreOWitt tlie' .llarketsHf-st firade Foods. '

Service A La Carte.

Tables Reserved for pinner and Aatomobile Parties.CUISINE UNSURPASSED


QUEEN CITY HOTELJohn A. Staats Prop.


WANTED—To buy for cash, scrapIron, scrap metals, old automobiles,rubber, TUBS, paper Btock. and oldbrass. If you ihav« anything In thisline to sell "P*nne 420 and our truck

iwlll call. John S. H»»kard. 308 Mc-Dowell street. ! I 1! tl

.y mAn big profits to yon } r ,3 23 tf coin c | , Dept. H77. P a t ^ . J

HKfil' W'ASm

WANTE1>NorUi * n :

field M)..h MeKOVernni»nt po» JACOBSON-. tinsmith, jKOVcrnm^nt nositlona at WtrtiaJ**

et Iron and metal worker; write, for free particular* to j j !

. . _ . _ • . • . i _ H j . • . . i i L i . i t n i i r L '- L.' . t n n j u 1>I A * n r . _—»

T& Losfler'e Oy«(er House T ryBters eervod iln an>- ityle; freshystem dally for sale. Light lu

i l t Bill' O t ^ H

amlner>j" Kenoi

I's Oyater^ House Howard W. BoUe. US Nortk «*- T near Park avanue. PlaliuUd

CiEORGE W. CI*ARK. brick amportable furnaces, ranees, MOTCMetc.; jobbing In copper, tin and she*iron work. Shop, 110 Ctinrcb street'Phone fi!4-J. J 30 tl

Flowers for .All


FitlU \ l , AETIBTftlegrapb Connectlans With Alleadlng Florints in CiUet. of V. 9

Chas L. Stanley1S9 H.«8T FROXT STBKKT.

Now Openfoa:

Businesstegular Dinner 35c


Mac Donald's129 East Front St



COLE & HIGH8uoc«aMotw to o««n)i W. Cole


M. T. offlcem, JO B*M lid KTel., Gramarey 109*

PHrat* Funpr»j fTiaprlAuto COI-UMM' when dastawd

O«>rge W. Cole's MfTlcea willa rMderad wh«n raqowtad.


The miiHter M..r.,r. ,, I.-. 4 _ei-n, unit power plant, multiple discclulrh In oil, :t opecdt, l"

C«U anil look one mw. 1 ;,-!,titm, l.ajmpnt.

D. & D. SUPPLY CO121 wumiM, A'


Mattress R?novat-ihg WorksT. U GJUFFITHS, prop.


IK>NE AT THE Hoi si;Try Va For Good deimlng.

1O61 ROSE STItKKT.Phone 811.

sway to,|he rhythm witHo^ effort, and .

left from our stupendous fl&le.X

2,OOO of ThemMany Castle House creation*, all hand played by

the >i>'st modern dance piaotsts. while they last,(at

22cAJBO wveral Hundred "Classic" rolN

•Htrhy popular numbers at


and a f«



608 Broad St., Newark 177 Market St.,,Pater8on

WANTED—500 families fornext move to 'Pbone «4I-J. Furni-ture and planoa parked and m<with care. We moid anything any-wbere. any tine. Henry Wlerethe movinc man. 521 East Fifthstreet. IS 13 tl

CARPENTER and builder: gintrartor; jobbing a upeclaltr-le Rive you an estimate on you

I Job. Work promptly done. No Job' rge, no Job'too fmall

abop. 302 park•Phone 21S1-J. ; « IS tl

REI.IABLB Reglswry — MurrReliable ReKfslry Office (or help. 3S6Went Front street, near Crove. wtierewe endeavor to furnish only respon-

•aHonable 'Phoi

WANTED—Men to boy clolft.e«.Whr not buy a Sample Suit and savefrom I" to f 10 on vour purchase?Sample Dotbln^ Store. Sio Wat<«-nng avenue, opposite new Pontofflce.

3.30 tf

Always The


Fine Clothing

l lo . Wom & CWld™.

GenerousGredit Terms

a WE raoiej- by bny.n( yoar suit

a full line ot new clothes, also pawn-brokers' clothing, equal to new aults.16.50 up trousers. II .00 up: suitsmad« to order, »l€.R0 u». Cleaningpreoalnlt and romodetinjr. CentralTailoring Oompanjr. 218 Watrtii

SITlTAi'IOH W.MPTSa>—M.ll*BITDATION8 wanted fw bM

• •ho really need work aTUr mkZhoun. Address Boys Scott HZTquarCsra. 1U Bast Proot a w•Phone 3116. 1Mb


WANTBD—To buy. for CMVM.id hand- furniture and tiam, «u>n. otd antomobilea, acraa Wm y |sUIa. IjT yoa bav* anythka- la Ku,

line to s«ll drop me a antst tKline. ^4?, West Third wtrWL Hill

WANTED—OM false tutter ff vbroken. I pay t i l* h

f 10.00 per.net. Send by parcel mand recelT^ check by re-ora mall. I,Maxer. 2007 & Fifth Street. Ftua-delpfcia. Pa. s 11 u

AWM.VfiR.ARE ytiki prpfiair-l far ta« tuIne? If' not. nee me al oaes *lees on iwninBs. -ipbol.terBH,«Indow sliladefl. Estimates tmt

given. -Pbjpne and I will call. Plw746. FrsnH O. Wlkoff. 71! fM

1 ai

HOLSES- for sale andon«T to loan on ftrit 1

10 MI1VUTB SERVHpaired while yon wait. We make

r old shoe* look Ilka new Onlythe beat leathetf aaed. Sfaoas calledfor and delivered the Bans day. Atrial will convince you of our aupe--lor work. National fthoe RepairingCo.. io« park AT«.. Phone *SI6.

HAVK Ct>IENT9 tar boas* k til« M! parts ot the city. Wlut Un m

that yt>9 want renlod- W. T. Wtson. R«.i instate, 121$ Wast l*fft»t«*t; Phoi* !50»-J 1 I I I


r Tork t i M r i30x3. H.M; M

•!'.*. fS.7S. lAU larger dsw at Mlow prices * 1.000 tubas M •»*from, all Mi?**. I1.50 each. OSSHU

Ml(;n-fiHAr>F! Uilored suits HISXIB •n<I "»*» theln. Ton dos't tan »


ordei 11.'..00 and up. Pit andworkmanship guaranteed. • Alsorlenninu. prpsulnte and remodellne.^ome In and select your summer

buy. Philips Kacfcanlk, t i l Wtai'Front street; 'Phone SE9 t It tf

— —, I AGBNT foi Knldit'TlM, B**-IM.rMIlINn and hfHtin«: jobbing «<">o Tin-,*, t ie p«rf»ft traeUM **•

iromptlv attended to estlmalea! *K 'd tr«B<1 aad Sliver Kuw taM>«.y «,.„. O.J., KrauM. , „ w«, : SSL.'" ".lES ..KSSTlLS

. _.jra«i- TM • -tf! rase that doetj thlnca rtcbt. Jo" B

— Cilne. 138-140 Kmit Secoaa **

129 E. Front St. PlainBeld, N. J.

: ;

WANTEDMEN between the «CI>s pf ]sto work in the Production Depu..-

^nt of larne and well established

wy . We pay .12'^r per hour forskilled labor nrat few weeks whilrirnlnK trade, then $i*to *,-, per s .ur day.Deman d already Seated for ourJductB warrants steady emplov-nt. physlea, examination' requlr-

U'llENare 30 high .attentions to farmtnir Thereboth money a|d h«altm InAt the present time It Istoo. We harit sevorftl go

Rate you in anf way to talwfth me. j . 3Nalhanaon.tate. t18 North.

DONT WAfi* a week to *•*•"£!}[?nniB racket rpBtrung. W* » * Jo It for yovi Sn^ bare yoar rae»^ie next day afg»r leavlp- »ulnE In sportinp Roods.

SuppltoB We «1I tbe *bicycle. DeWift'a.me. Tel. liSl.%

°"°°"ir* I

ruunnui msuimu* DKKLINGKII OCT AGAIN. Dcnllogcr at w«nt*rnlt ■nd

trurk bodio: oof •*»«" r'«n»cogcr. i able to bo;111 olfftrlc llghu and electric Mart- rat Ilf will | or. Come Id and look them orar. ho Noe Jar- Kreryone a real bargala PUInfleld Jcmej' City Motor Shop. Inc, 1»» Foot Fourth, .trea(: 6 ‘ «

Clasfltfieb gUtoerttsements

Liberty Loan

Barnard Bakery Dollars Two Billion Home-made Breads

RYE ENTIRE WHEAT RoUi. Buna and Codec Cake* are hard to

,\t Vojir I«nicer or Salta Department WOODHULL * MARTIN

WANTED—To bu* for caah, wrap Iron scrap metala, old automobile, i rubber, raaa. paper Mock, and old braaa If you hare anything In thin llnp to sell, -phone 42« and our track •111 rail. John B. Ilaskatd. 308 Mc- Dosell street. S 33 tf Where To Dine Queen City Hotel

Kwry inter •••tvfully prepared*with the firkit 'i lk>t Onde Koodi Service A La OarU Tables Reserved for Dinner and Automobile Parties.

OULBINE UNSURPABflED W1I>;kK the business men meet.

M#.n and »oi nt positions at free parilealaj I former Oon Kenols Bldg CON It AD JACOBSON, tinsmith.|i roofer, abort Iron and metal worker; j furnace, wit and repaired; «|ovea and ranees repaired. ’Phone 19S5; 441 < West Third street * 30 tf

Oyaler House for j i any style; fresh tale Light lunrhea! a Oyster House. I reel and Wslrbung J 30 tf

oysters nerved In oyster* dally for w a specialty. Hill corner Fifth eir avenue

TYPEWRITERS eold. rwcl repaired Engraver and srtw Howard W Bolae. I•< NonkavZ near Park avenue. PLIafleM jf Phone M9*-PlainHeld QUEEN CITY HOTEL

John A. Staats Prop.


7* Aliens Within the City of Plamheld: As Mayor of the City of Plainfield, I do hereby give, pub-

lie notice that the Police Department of the City has been di- rected by T. W. Gregory, Attorney General of the United State*, to notify all alien enemies within this locality to bring to Police Headquarters and surrender the following article* which, under the Proclamation of the President, dated April 0, 1917, it is unlawful for alien enemies to have in their poo

Queen Gty Optical St< SOA Watrhaa* An Nest to Hall* West Front street, n i »• endeavor to furi elhle male and rental jare very reasonable.

shine* prlres o window ulven. Any firearm, weapon, or implement of war, or component part thereof, ammunition, maxim or other silencer, bomb, or explosive, or material nsed An the manufacture of explosives; any aircraft or wireless apparatus, or any form of signaling device, or any form of cipher code, or any paper, document, or book written or printed in cipher or in which there may be invisible writing. A detailed receipt will be given for all articles so sur-

rendered, and at the close of the war such article* will be returned.

Any alien enemy who fails to surrender such articles with in twenty-four hours after this public notice will be subject to summary arrest if such articles sre found in his possession; and ths articles will be seized snd forfeited to the use of the United States. { ' « .

April 13, 1917, 9 o’clock P. M. LEIGHTON CALKINS, Mayor.

PATRICK S. KIELY, Chief of Police.

KliORAI, I)RR|(;NA BY FLORA I. ABT18TK Telegraph Connections With At Leading Florists In Cities ot IT. 3

Fourth street WANTED -Men to buy flortie. Why not buy a Sample Salt aad save 1 from 95 to f 10 on your purchase? Sample Clothing Store. Sin WatrOi- nng avenue, opposite new Poatofflce 3.30 tf

*PW-laity I?T \*rf III HOUSES for money to 'loan Halford, North a

SAVE money by burins or overcoat at our store, a full line of new clothes, a ,brokers' clothing, equal to i f«.S0 up Iron sera. SI 00 made to order. flf.RO up pressing and remodeling. Tailoring Company. 319 i

One-kteps filled with |^»p. Kox trpta Mway'Vo^be rhythm without effort. snd c left from our stupendous sale.V. {

4 that make you dreamy waltzes

Now Open

2,000 of Them Id MINUTE SERVICE—Bkoa, re- paired while too welt We raek. TOOr old Mioee look Ilk# new Only •he beM leetber oeed. Shoe, colled, for ood del leered lb. on, day A i , trial will convince too of oor eope- -lor work NoUoool Shoe R.p-lnn. Co.. 101 pork Are.. Phone nil.

1 It If i

Many CeMIe IIoum* .re.lion., all hand lh.- beat modern diner pianiou. while they lot


Save Your Dimes for a KODAK. The new Kodak Bask

System will show you how PAUL R. COLLIER, Film Specialist

ThonkBl 1S41 BSE. Front St.

ho several Hundred popular numbers at MacDonald’s

129 Eul From Sc OK* FLIGHT OF HIGH-GRADE tailored eolla made lo order, lis.eo and op PH .od workmaoeblp coaraofead Aleo rleenlng. prraelng nod remodeling Come In and wlwt your .umroer soil now M J Prank * CompaoT. tai- lor,. 343 Weal Proof Bt 4 30 tf


STEIN WAY IfKI-RKSF.NTATlVES SOB Broad St, Newark 177 Market St

A Harley-Davidson

Outing Every Day -

W ALTER C CHANDLER. plui log. Meam and ' gae filling, tlnn end Jobbing promptly ollended e-llmaf. on your nekt | Offlre. 88 Manning armor Tti, *«»• J JO

PI.CMRING end bralln, promptly attended fo freely given, Ohaai Kranns .Fourth Mreet: 'Phone fini YOU can give your wife and baby two or three

hours of real pleasure every day if you have a Harley-Davids/in and sidecar. You don’t have to be told what ~ ] this will mean to them. . • j Com. MIUJNRRr Aiways The ond give us en opportunity to tell you what ■ Hurley-Davidson will do for you, *nd bow little it costs to own and operate one. If you don’t want to pay cash we can arrange terms to suit your con- venience. Come in now—there will be abso- lutely no obligation to buy. liMtlUit. I- MIM«»\ ITtt North \«e. Opp. I»n—• IMfOcult Repairing a Specialty.



Tim master MetoffVycli. 4 cylla- ». unit power plant. malUple dW jclutrli In oil. .1 i«tle»(. dean, i Call an.l look time payment. D. & D. SUPPLY CO

•21 WATCH! NO Ai'KNlK. Ilendamon lU.ler* get In touch wllli u« nl once.

•peed.. iibmUoelf «K nr.Pi make hndlea t 'on* repaired, this line J Somerset *trw


Clothing WHEN prlr. ore .o high re attentions to both moth a At the proaen loo. we hsr for sale on rm for rlty prop* gate you In ar • Ith me J. 1*1*. 118 KorU

WANTED Plaififi«|d Cai MEN lM.te.en til.- nxm* of 18 end IS to work In the Production Denari, monl of large and well established lluhber ronrorn Kkpnrlenc, not net -aaary We pay .12 Hr per hour for nneklllrd labor brat low week, wfilln learning trad.-, than n't© »<; n-r s. hour Hnv Mattrrss R«novahhg Works


Front St Plainfield, N.

HBI 1* WANTKlt—>W7j^— WAN room. •Ef> Waltissa In i.i NorUi 2rMus.

OKOROB W. CLARK, brick and situation WAirmkJut| ~ etr.: jobbing In copper, tin and sheet Iron work Shop. 110 CVinrrh street; •Phone 914-J. 3 30 If

SITUATIONS wanted for L. --bo really need work a/Ur hours. Address Boys asoot w^a rr~1,r« next move to Phone 94I>J. Furnl- H VfTr.i^ kiwr.i^mooi with care. We move anything any- where. say time Hesry Wlerentc.. the moving man, 521 Boat Fifth street. 3 33 tf

WANTED- To buy Tor ond hand furniture sod «Uvm> M Iron, old automobiles. er*f kes ta| metals. If you have isrAkl Is *k CURPF.VTRn and builder; general Kiln., S4Sff« Third MrM. 1 31 u

me give you an estimate on your next Job. Work promptly done. No Job too large, no job too mall. Geo. D. Wilson, shop. 302 Park avenue. •Phone 21&1-J. 4 1C tf

WANTKIJ OM false tmtk tiosl matter If .broken I pay 91.94 k $10.00 t>cr *e« Send by peroel ns and rerelw rherk by retara mad. L Mater. 2097 & Fifth Street, F*4 delpbls, Ps 1 II M RKLURIJf Registry Murrays i AWNINGS-