Basic Closure Plans

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  • 8/13/2019 Basic Closure Plans


    Elm Ridge Exploration LLC DBA Beeline Gas Systems

    San Juan Basin

    Facility Closure Plan

    Te !ollo"ing in!ormation descri#es te closure re$uirements !or a !acility on Elm Ridge

    Exploration LLC DBA Beeline Gas Systems %BGS& locations' Tis is BGS(s standardprocedure !or closing !acilities' A separate plan "ill #e su#mitted !or any !acility tat

    does not con!orm to tis plan'

    General Plan)

    *' BGS sall close a Facility "it in reasona#le time period a!ter te cease o!


    ,' BGS sall remo-e li$uids and sludge !rom any storage tan. prior to implementing

    a closure metod and sall dispose o! te li$uids and te sludge in a di-ision

    appro-ed !acility'

    /' BGS sall remo-e te unused e$uipment and dispose o! it in a di-ision appro-ed!acility or recycle0 or reuse it in a manner tat te appropriate di-ision district

    o!!ice appro-es'

    1' BGS "ill sur-ey te location !or any signs o! discarge 2! contamination iscon!irmed #y !ield sampling' BGS "ill !ollo" guidelines !or remediation o! lea.s0

    spills0 and releases 345CD August *66, "en remediating contaminatesidenti!ied'

    7' 2! te site sur-ey demonstrates tat a release as not occurred0 ten BGS sall#ac.!ill te exca-ation as needed "it compacted0 non "aste containing0 eart

    material8 construct a di-ision prescri#ed soil co-er re9contour and re9-egetate te


    :' 3otice o! Closure "ill #e gi-en to te A;tec Di-ision o!!ice #et"een :+ ours and

    one "ee. o! closure -ia email0 or -er#ally' Te noti!ication o! closure "ill include

    te !ollo"ing)

    5perators 3ame

    Location #y

  • 8/13/2019 Basic Closure Plans


    =' Re9contouring o! location "ill matc !it0 sape0 line0 !orm and texture o! te

    surrounding' Re9saping "ill include drainage control0 pre-ent ponding0 and

    pre-ent erosion' 3atural drainages "ill #e unimpeded and "ater #ars and>or silttraps "ill #e placed in areas "ere needed to pre-ent erosion on a large scale'

    Final re9contour sall a-e a uni!orm appearance "it smoot sur!ace0 !itting te

    natural landscape'

    6' BGS sall seed te distur#ed areas te !irst gro"ing season a!ter te operator

    closes te !acility' Seeding "ill #e accomplised -ia drilling on te contour"ene-er practical or #y oter di-ision appro-ed metods' BL4 or Forest

    Ser-ice stipulated seed mix "ill #e used on !ederal lands' ?egetati-e co-er "ill

    e$ual :@ o! nati-e perennial -egetati-e co-er % un9impacted& consisting o! at

    least tree nati-e plant species0 including at least on grass0 #ut no includingnoxious "eeds0 and maintain tat co-er troug t"o successi-e gro"ing seasons'

    Repeat seeding or planting "ill #e continued until success!ul -egetati-e gro"t


    *@' A minimum o! !our !eet co-er sall #e acie-ed and te co-er sall include one

    suita#le material to esta#lis -egetation at te site0 or te #ac.ground tic.ness o!topsoil0 "ice-er is greater'