Basic A Mej v2

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  • 7/29/2019 Basic A Mej v2


    ESCUELAUPERIOROLITECNICAELLITORALCentrode LenguasExtranjerasCELEX ESPOLBasicAMejoramiento Examv2

    I. Reading Section (20marks)Read he article and do the activities.

    Put the four paragraph headings (titles) into the text. (2marks)a. WFIY DOESSHE CLIMB?b. HER FUTUREc. HOW DID SHE BEGIN?d. HER BESTCLIMBAre the following statements rue or false? 8marks)5. The article isn't about rock music.6. Catherine ikes playing the guitar and reading.7.She's amousbecausesheclimbs in many countries.8. The older climbers in the Alpine Club didn't climb better than her.9. The climb up the Dru took four days.L0. Climbers followed Catherine'snew route last year.11.Catherine doesn't feel nervous on mountains; she eels relaxed.12.leff Lowe hates mountains.Source: Headway Elerrentary Studenfs Book/ Uz and lohn Soars/OUP/1994/ page86


    CotherineDestivelleso rockstor.She oves ock,but shecon't singor ploy he guitor!She so rockclimberond o big stor n Fronceond ltoly.She sprobobly he most omouswomon climber n the worldbecousesheoften climbswithout opes.Sheclimbs n monycountries, ut mostoften n the FrenchAlpsneorChomonix. hereshe ives.IShestortedclimbingneor her home n Poris henshewos ive.Thenof fourteen, he oined he FrenchAlpineClub o leornmore,but immediotely heclimbedbetterond morequickly hon the oldermembers f the club.Shewon her irst ompetition n ltoly n 1985.2.Three eorsogo she oundo new routeup the Drumountoinneor Chomonix. heclimb ookelevendoysond for ourdoys he snowwos so heovy hot shecouldnot move.Shesleptond ote in o bivouocon thesideof the mountoin. ost eorotherclimbersried o follow he new Destivelle oute, ut they oiled.Theyore going o tryogoin this eor.Peopleolwoysoskher hisquestion. hesoys l climbbecouse 'm in ovewith mountoins. ike ouchingthe rockond reoding he foce of the rock. ike t o lot. feelcomfortobleond of homeon the sideof omountoin. preporewellbefore go, so 'm neverworried."4.Cotherine hooses ew mountoinsrombooks likebuying romo shopping otologuel l seeo nicemountoinond I go to climb t!" Hernextmounioin s n Pokiston. he sgoing herenext month. lt'smuchbigger hon the Dru, o t'sgoing o toke onger o climb.An Americon limber, ef fLowe, scomingwithme to helo."


  • 7/29/2019 Basic A Mej v2


    Match the words (11-15) rom the article with the definitions (a-e).Write the conect letter next to eachnumber. (3marks)13. oin a. arnagazinewith things for sale1.4. oute b. a lot15.heavy c. putyourhands on1,6. atl d. becomea memberofL7. ouch e. way18.catalogue f. not completesomething

    Readthe newspaper article and do the activities.

    LONDON hurOct 3 (Reuters) The42-yeor-oldinger. hoseU2'seod singerBono s he most reolnome sPoulHewson, sespowerfulmon in musicond not his ome to meet with hejustbecouseof his inging, oys world's oliticol eoders nd hoso pollof iop musicbusiness even met the Pope.Thesingerpeople. isnot onlysuccessfulf tolkingwith eoders bout politicollrishmon ono snumberone on issuesut hisbond olsostillthe listn British usicmogozine enjoysworldwidehits25yeors"Q"becousehe speoks ublicly ofter t storted.obout his iewson politicolissuesuchosThirdWorlddebt. VocobulorvGbl-oerooAtide @2002 ReutersLimited. [email protected]. Choose he best title for this article. (1mark)a. Singersare Always Powerful People c. Talking with Political Leadersb. The Most Powerful Man in Music d.U2is Mv Favorite BandAnswer the questions. (6 marks)20. Atrhat op $oup doesBono sing with?21..4lhere s he from?22.How old is he?23.\Nhy is Bonoso powerful?24. Atrhohinks that Bono s powerful?25. Vhat s"Q"?

  • 7/29/2019 Basic A Mej v2


    II. Use of English Section (50 marks)Complete the sentences n this composition bySam. Use pronouns, be and possessives. 9marks)My name (26)-Sanl.. en-from Spain.(28)-twenty-two. @)-a student. Myfamily lives in Zaragoza. (3o)_father is anarchitect. (31)-forty-two yearsold. 1az_mother (33)- a housewife. (s4)-fortyyearsold.Complete he following expressions.Use hecorect form of a verb. (8 marks)have gotcook be

    kavel goExample: Paul getsup at7 am.35. Susan and William often atMcDonalds36. Mark _TV after he his homework.37. -Sarah a new mobile phone?38. My sister- rururing every day.39. -there any cheese n the fridge?40. I always - by public transport to work.41. Henry a meal for his parentseverySunday.Complete the following paragraph using thecorrect form of the verbs in the list. Use eachverb only once.(10marks)

    eat outdowatch

    dance arrive behave meet invite

    to Miami on

    Compare the following nouns/people. Use theadiective in parentheses. 5 marks)Example: A mouse/ an elephant (small)A mouse is smaller than an elephant.52. English / Spanish (difficult)53.A taxi / a scooter(fast)54.Freddy / Simon (friendly)55. Guayaquil / Quito (hot)56. Ferraris/ Chevrolets (expensive)Complete the TV interview. Use the presentcontinuous or presentsimple. (5 marks)Reporter: Goodmorning. Today I (s4_(walk) around in the old port looking at the thingsthat are happening.Here'ssomeone atingahotdoe. rssl lthink)he'sa tourist. Let'saskhim if thehot dos's sood. Sir? \Vhv sst(eat)a hot dog at L0 am? sn't it a ttle early for hotdogs?Man: Hey, this is my breakfast. (60) (like)hot dogs and I'm on holiday. I always(61)(eat)hot dogs when I 'm on holiday.Reporter: Are you here alone?Man: No,I'm herewithmy family. We 1oz(love)your city.Reporter:Where's he restof your family?Man: Well, my daughter is over there. She(63) (buy) tickets or the Imaxcinema.Myson s at the sportinggoodsstoreover there.Herc4\ lrent) a bike. He rosl lwant) togo rycling and this is the perfect place for that.Therereno cars,so t's safe.My wife(66\ (shop)at that boutique over there.Reporter:Well, enjoy our city!Choose he correctword (4 marks)Example: have unch in/at12.30 at6T.rNhattime do you havedirnerat/inlheevening?68.We get home ate n/at night.69.Do they go outeoery/on riday evenings?70. They go to the cinema n/eaeryweek.71.What time do your classes tart at/onMonday?72. I vislt my family in/at tJrre eekends.73.Idon'tgo out n/meryweek.74.Westartwork on/atnine o'clock.Source:Face2Facelementary eacher's ook/Chlis Redston& RachelClark/CW/2005/Progress Testspage213

    boy flygetup goLast year, I 1azholiday with some friends. It was the first timethat I had been to the United States.We(43)- with American Airlines fromGuayaquil and 1a+ very earlv in themorning. I 1as- tired, but very excited.On the first day, we (46)- some otherSouth Americans, who were staying in the samehotel. That afternoorr, we decided to go shopping.I @n-some new shoes. n the evening,our new friends (48)- us to a party and we(Ae)--all night. The next day,I(so)-very late and(s1)- some toast for breakfast.

  • 7/29/2019 Basic A Mej v2


    Write the opposites of theseadjectives. (3marks)Example: old modern75.clean76.noisy77. crowded

    78.dangerous79. nteresting80. expensiveSource:Face2FceElementary eacher's ook Chris Redston& Rachel Clark CUP 2OO5/ProgressTests page Zl9Read this conversation in a newsagent's.Fill inthe gaps. (6marks)A Hello, carrlhelp you?B Yes1sr you got (82) maps ofLondon?A Yes, hey're over there,by the magazines.B Oh, yes.(83) have this one, please.A Anything else?B Yes,how (s4) are thosebig bottles ofwater?A They're ,1,.20.B OK (ss) I have two, please?A Thafs f7.10.B (86) vou are.A Thanks. And here's your change.Bye.B Goodbye.Source:Face2FceElementary eacher's ook Chris Redston& RachelClark/CUP/ 2O05/Progress ests page215III. Listening practice (20 marks)87-90.Listen o the recording of a conversationin a restaurant. Write the things the customerorders. (4marks)Antonio'sRestaurntFoodNeapolitan puzaMargherita pizzaBurger and chipsChicken saladMixed saladDrinks


    Glassof wine (red or white) f2.95Bottle of beer f,2.50Bottle of still mineral water fL.75Bottleof sparkling mineral water f1..75Coffee 1.5091. How much is the bill?

    Listen to the recording about Pakicia's newflat. Are these sentences rue (T) or false (F)?(7marks)Example:Patriciawas on holiday last week. F92.Patricia'snew flat is in Green Street.93. Thereare four rools in her flat.94. There are some armchairs,but there isn t asofa.95. Patricia hasn't got a double bed.96.Martin has got an old table he doesn't want.97.Marfirt can't take the table to Patricia's lat.98.Martin's phone number is 556043.Listen to the recording about David's birthday.Choose he correctanswers. 8marks)Example: It was David's birthday yesterdnylastloeek. lastzueek99.His birthday was on April7':',/17th100.On his birthday, he went to London/Brightonwith his family.101.He's got ftoosons/a sonanda daughter.102.They went fo thebeach/shopryngn themorning.L03.They had lunch in a Chinese/Italianrestaurant.L04.The restaurantname was Parms/Palms.105.The restaurant s near the staon/beach.106.Juliawants herboyfriend/husbando take herto the restaurant.Source:Face2FceElementary eacher's ook Chris Redston& RachelClark/CUP/ 2005/ProgressTests page216

    IV. Writing Section (L0 marks)Question One: What did you do yesterday?(5 marks)Question Two: Describe your favourite place.What is there? (5 marks)
