BASF Identity Design

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  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design





    SQMMN[\ OB



    Lssua >, Nugust ;::9

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design



    Whathar you nra n KNSB ampdoyaa lfvodvai lf commlssloflfg or

    iavadoplfg promotlofnd mntarlnds, or nf axtarfnd iaslgfar, crantlva

    ngafcy, proiuctlof housa or prlftar, thls iocumaft ls lftafiai to

    support your crantlva nfi proiuctlof wore bor KNSB.

    Zdansa fota thnt lt ls n summnry ob tha eay iaslgf nfi dnyout rudas

    thnt must ka tneaf lfto cofsliarntlof whaf proiuclfg mnreatlfg nfi

    corpornta commuflcntlofs mntarlnds.

    Yha bud d corpornta iaslgf pod lcy ls pukd lshai lf tha KNSB Krnfiwak

    http0// (nccass ofdy through KNSB Group Lftrnfat).

    Yhls iocumaft mny ka ilstrlkutai to axtarfnd suppd lars, kut lt shoudi fot

    ka vlawai ns n comprahafslva lfbormntlof sourca or ns n rapdncamaft bor

    tha budd corpornta iaslgf podlcy lf tha Krnfiwak.

    Bor KNSB ampdoyaas who proiuca or oriar commuflcntlofs mailn,

    pdansa fota thnt you nra blfnddy raspofslkda nfi nccouftnkda bor afsurlfg

    thnt tha budd corpornta iaslgf rudas nra mat.

    Axtarfnd pnrtfars nra provliai wlth KNSB dogo mnstar bldas nfi typabncas

    ofdy bor tha budblddmaft ob coftrncts pdncai ky KNSB Netlafgasaddschnbt, or

    othar compnflas lf tha KNSB Group thnt oparnta ufiar tha KNSB fnma

    nfi dogo. Qsa ky thlri pnrtlas ls ofdy parmlttai suk`act to tha wrlttaf

    nuthorlzntlof ob KNSB Netlafgasaddschnbt, nfi lf nccorinfca wlth tha

    parmlttai rudas.

    Knsai of KNSBs Krnfi Nrchltactura soma group compnflas, avafthough thay io fot nppanr wlth KNSBs fnma nfi dogo, must usa

    n KNSB Group afiorsamaft togathar wlth tha knslc corpornta iaslgf

    adamafts. Yo blfi out l b thls nppdlas to tha group compnfy you nra worelfg

    bor, pdansa rabar to tha radavnft Krnfi Chnmplof (Dlst nvnldnkda lf tha


    KNSB ls n raglstarai trniamnre ob KNSB Netlafgasaddschnbt.


  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design


    Yha KNSB Krnfi 9

    Corpornta Iaslgf Knslc Adamafts 1Yha KNSB Dogo nfi Cdnlm 2

    Yha Corpornta Codors 7

    Qslfg tha KNSB Dogo of Codorai Kncegroufis >:

    Yha Knffar Dnyout >>

    Corpornta Yypabncas >3

    Zrlft Mailn >1

    Krochuras, mngnzlfas, danbdats, kooes,

    splrnd-koufi kooes, vliao covars >2

    Splfas ob kooes, vliaos, CIs >2

    Hnfiouts, bdyars, prass radansas, nivartlslfg dattars, fawsdattars >7

    Nivartlsamafts >7

    Zostars >7

    Yrnia Bnlrs nfi Axhlkltlofs >8

    Zromotlofnd Glbts ;:

    Zrasaftntlof Grnphlcs ;3

    Lftarfat nfi Lftrnfat ;93


  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Whaf iavadoplfg crantlva cofcapts bor promotlofnd mntarlnds,

    lt ls lmportnft to afsura thnt tha massnga, coftaft, lmngary nfi

    prasaftntlof ob tha ltams blt wlth tha KNSB corpornta strntagy

    nfi posltloflfg.

    How wa wnft to ka saaf

    Zosltloflfg Stntamaft

    Ns tha wordis daniar lf tha chamlcnd lfiustry, KNSB opafs up potaftlnd

    bor succass togathar wlth lts pnrtfars.

    Yo thls afi, KNSB iavadops nfi mnlftnlfs pnrtfarshlps thnt nra

    chnrnctarlzai ky mutund trust nfi raspact.

    KNSB hadps shnpa tha butura succassbuddy nfi sustnlfnkdy ky manfs

    ob lftaddlgaft sodutlofs.

    Who wa nra nfi whnt wa stnfi bor.

    KNSB ls Yha Chamlcnd Compnfy. Wa nra n compnfy thnt0

    ls succassbud nfi crantas vndua lf n powarbud tanm togathar wlth

    customars, lfvastors, falghkors nfi soclaty5

    usas lftaddlgaft, lffovntlva sodutlofs to hadp sacura compatltlva

    nivnftnga nfi shnpa n succassbud butura5

    thlfes nfi ncts lf tha dofg tarm, ls radlnkda nfi trustworthy, nfi tneas

    lts raspofslkldlty bor butura gafarntlofs sarlousdy5ncts lf n splrlt ob pnrtfarshlp wlth ndd lts ilract nfi lfilract stnea-

    hodiars ampdoyaas, customars, shnrahodiars, mamkars ob soclaty

    nfi tha paopda lf our docnd commufltlas.


    KNSB ls0

    iyfnmlc nfi irlvaslssuas borwnri




    KNSB ls fot0











  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    KNSLC ADAMAFYSGafarnd rudas

    Yha knslc adamafts ob tha KNSB corpornta iaslgf nra

    tha KNSB dogo nfi cdnlm

    tha corpornta codors

    tha knffar dnyout

    tha corpornta typabnca

    Ndd compnflas thnt nppanr wlth KNSBs fnma nfi dogo must usa n dd

    tha knslc corpornta iaslgf adamafts lf thalr commuflcntlofs mailn.

    Avary commuflcntlofs mailum must show tha KNSB dogo. Yha othar

    corpornta iaslgf adamafts mny fot ka usai wlthout tha dogo.

    Rnflty symkods nfi compnfy nkkravlntlofs

    Ofdy tha KNSB dogo nfi tha othar knslc corpornta iaslgf adamafts

    nra to ka usai bor liaftlblcntlof purposas. Yha fnmas ob uflts nfi

    compnflas must ofdy ka prasaftai lf taxt borm nfi nra to ka pdncai

    outslia tha spnca nddocntai to tha KNSB dogo.

    Symkods, slgfs or grnphlcnd adamafts (vnflty symkods) thnt liaftlby n

    spaclblc kuslfass uflt, iapnrtmaft or group compnfy woudi waneaf

    tha abbact ob tha KNSB trniamnre nfi nra tharabora fot parmlttai.

    Nkkravlntlofs ob tha compnfy trniamnre lf compnfy fnmas, such ns

    KLS lfstani ob KNSB LY Sarvlcas K.R. nra fot parmlttai.

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Yha KNSB dogo

    Yha KNSB dogo ls tha vlsund axprasslof ob our krnfi poslt loflfg. Lt

    cofslsts ob two compofafts tha squnras nfi tha bour dattars KNSB.

    Yha cdnlm

    Ns n knslc ru da, tha KNSB dogo ls ndwnys nccompnflai ky tha c dnlm

    Yha Chamlcnd Compnfy.

    Yha massnga nssarts our cdnlm to ka tha wordis danilfg chamlcnd

    compnfy nfi suppdamafts tha KNSB dogo.

    [aproiuctlof ob tha dogo nfi cdnlm

    Yha dogo compofafts nfi c dnlm must fot ka rairnwf or racrantai

    brom sapnrnta grnphlc nfi typa adamafts. Yha corract raproiuctlof

    ob tha dogo nfi cdnlm cnf ofdy ka nchlavai ky uslfg tha obblclnd mnstar

    nrtwore bldas (nvnldnkda lf vactor nfi kltmnp bormnts).

    Yha obblcnd mnstar nrtwore bldas bor tha KNSB dogo nfi cdnlm cnf ka

    iowfdoniai brom tha boddowlfg Lftarfat niirass (ufrastrlctai nccass)0


    Yha KNSB dogo must nppanr nt danst ofca of ndd commuflcntlof mailn.

    Yha cdnlm n dwnys nppanrs kafanth tha KNSB dogo lf tha ilmafslofs nfi

    boft showf kadow. Yha grnphlc iaslgf ob tha dogo compofafts nfi tha

    cdnlm, nfi tha radntlofshlp katwaaf tham, must ka eapt tha snma lf ndd


    Yha cdnlm mny ofdy ka omlttai of rnra occnslofs whaf l ts daglkld ltycnffot ka gunrnftaai iua to slza or raproiuctlof tachflquas, or whaf

    ltams must ka daglkda ovar axtramady dofg ilstnfcas.

    Yha cdnlm hns n draniy kaaf succassbud dy prlftai nt vary smnd d slzas of

    pafs, torchas atc. Yharabora, kabora omlttlfg tha cdnlm, othar proiuctlof

    tachflquas or tha posslkldlty ob lfcranslfg tha dogo slza shoudi blrst ka


    Chnfgas to tha dogo nfi cdnlm iaslgf nra fot nddowai (a.g. grnphlc

    abbacts, shniows or othar grnphlc adamafts). Yha dogo nfi cdnlm mny

    fot ka raproiucai ns nf lddustrntlof.

    Ns n knslc ru da, tha dogo nfi c dnlm must ka usai hor lzoftnddy. Yhay mny

    ofdy ka rotntai through

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Slx brash codors axprass KNSBs ilvarslty nfi iyfnmlsm.

    Lf coftrnst to compnflas wlth ofdy n slfgda corpornta codor, tha slx

    corpornta codors nra nvnldnkda bor usa of nf aqund knsls throughout

    KNSBs commuflcntlofs mailn.

    Ofa ob tha corpornta codors shoudi ka lfcorporntai lfto avary

    commuflcntlofs mailum whara codor cnf ka usai ns n iaslgf tood,

    kut savarnd corpornta codors shoudi fot ka posltlofai cdosady togathar

    of lfilvliund ltams.

    Whaf n corpornta codor ls usai, lt must ndwnys ka usai ns n kncegroufi

    codor bor tha KNSB dogo.

    Yha corpornta codors cnf ka usai lf two ilbbaraft wnys0

    lf tha knffar dnyout whlch ls usai bor ndd mnreatlfg nfi corpornta


    ns n sodli codor occupylfg tha whoda kncegroufi nran bor axnmpda

    of bdngs

    Codor coilfg nfi corpornta codors

    Yha vnrlaty ob ilbbaraft codors axprassas tha lffovntlof nfi b daxlkl dlty

    thnt tha KNSB krnfi raprasafts lfnddspharas ob our nctlvlty.

    Yharabora, tha codors shoudi fot ka nsslgfai spaclblc manflfgs or

    usai bor tha codor-coilfg ob kuslfass uflts or ilvlslofs. Ndd KNSB ufltsnfi compnflas mny usa nfy ob tha corpornta codors.

    Yhara ls fo blxai nddocnt lof ob corpornta codors. Yhay mny ka usai to

    ilbbaraftlnta ilbbaraft toplcs or proiuct groups.

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    CM\E Budd tofa Squnras lf dogo

    Ornfga :/97/>::/: 91% ornfga

    [ai :/>::/8:/;: 9:% rai

    Dlght kdua 87/;9/:/: 91% dlght kdua

    Inre kdua >::/71/:/1 9:% inre kdua

    Dlght graaf 7:/:/>::/1 91% dlght graaf

    Inre graaf >::/://;8 9:% inre graaf

    Iablfltlofs bor bour-codor prlftlfg

    Zarcaftngas C/M/\/E (Cynf, Mngaftn, \addow, Kdnce) iablfltlofs

    Iablfltlofs bor spot/spaclnd codor prlftlfgLf tha avaft thnt spot codors nra to ka usai, tha kast npproxlmntlofs

    brom tha Znftofa codor mntchlfg systam nra iablfai lf tha boddowlfg


    Yha bod dowlfg iablflt lofs nra bor pr lft lfg of contai pnpar. Zdansa fota thnt

    lb Znftofa iablfltlofs nra usai bor ufcontai pnpar or bor ltams thnt nra

    fot prlftai of pnpar, l.a. pdnstlcs, carnmlcs, taxtldas, tha suppdlar must

    afsura thnt tha lfe codors whlch wldd ka usai lf tha prlftlfg procass, nra

    nf nccurnta mntch to tha KNSB corpornta codors.

    Znftofa Mntchlfg Systam Budd tofa Squnras lf dogo

    Ornfga >99C 91% >99C or >12C

    [ai >87C 9:% >87C or 982C

    Dlght kdua ;

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design



    [ai [>7:/K>9;

    Dlght kdua [33/G>2:/K;>: [>29/G;:8/K;31

    Inre kdua [:/G79/K>1: [>2;/G>7:/K;>3

    Dlght graaf [>:>/G>7;/K3: [>87/G;>99

    Inre graaf [:/G>;>/K18 [>1:/G>97

    Iablfltlofs bor scraaf codors

    Yha bod dowlfg tnkda shows [GK vnduas thnt cnf ka usai bor mnfy

    nppdlcntlof progrnms. Yha sacofi tnkda shows tha snma codors lf tha

    coilfg bor wak pngas.


    Scraaf codors Budd tofa

    Haxcoia bor Lftarfat Ornfga #B3N:I;

    Inre kdua #::9NA

    Inre graaf #::7::7 Inbboild yaddow

    [ai 3:3> Orlaft rai

    Dlght kdua 1:>; Dlght kdua

    Inre kdua 1::; Qdtrnmnrlfa kdua

    Dlght graaf 2:>8 \addow-graaf

    Inre graaf 2:3; Slgfnd graaf

    Iablfltlofs bor [ND codors bor contlfgs

    [ND 7::9 ls usai bor raproiuclfg tha grny dogo squnras of whlta or of

    kdnce surbncas.

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    OF CODO[AI KNCEG[OQFISYha KNSB dogo ls assaftlnddy fot n codorai dogo. Lt ls al thar whlta or kdnce

    iapafilfg of tha kncegroufi codor.

    Howavar, tha squnras compofaft ls lftafiai to ka saml-trnfspnraft,

    dlea brostai gdnss, nddowlfg tha kncegroufi codor to shlfa through.

    Yhus, tha abbact ob codor comas b rom tha comklfntlof ob tha dogo wlth

    n kncegroufi codor, nfi fot brom tha dogo ltsadb.

    Lf ndd cnsas, tha codor ob tha smndd squnras shoudi nppanr to ka n hndb/hndb*

    mlxtura ob kncegroufi codor nfi tha codor ob tha KNSB dattars.

    Whntavar tha codor, tha kncegroufi of whlch tha dogo ls pdncai must

    ndwnys ka n slfgda sodli codor surbnca wlthout ufiardylfg structura,

    pnttarf, orfnmaftntlof or lmngas.

    Yha cdnlm ls ndwnys raproiucai lf tha snma codor (whlta or kdnce) ns thaKNSB dattars.

    Corpornta codorai kncegroufis

    Ns n gafarnd prlfclpda, tha KNSB dogo nfi cdnlm shoudi ka raproiucai lf

    whlta ngnlfst n kncegroufi ob ofa ob tha slx KNSB corpornta codors.

    Lf thls cnsa, tha brostai gdnss abbact cnusas tha smndd squnras to nppanr

    lf n pndar shnia ob tha kncegroufi codor.

    Kdnce, whlta nfi grny kncegroufis

    Lb tha dogo ls usai of kdnce, gray or whlta kncegroufis, tha brostaigdnss abbact cnusas tha squnras to nppanr lf grny.

    Fof-corpornta codorai kncegroufis

    Lb, iua to tha ilspdny tachfodogy or ransofs ob cost-abbactlvafass, lt ls

    fot posslkda to usa ofa ob tha KNSB corpornta codors ns n kncegroufi

    codor, bor axnmpda of vahlcdas, hadmats, kuldilfgs atc., thaf othar knce-

    groufi codors mny ka usai. Lf thasa clrcumstnfcas, tha snma brostaigdnss prlfclpda nppdlas5 tha dogo codor althar kdnce or whlta ls chosaf

    so thnt tha grantast posslkda coftrnst ls nchlavai. Yha codor ob squnras

    compofaft must thaf ka sadactai to nchlava tha nppanrnfca ob n hndb/hndb

    mlxtura ob tha kncegroufi codor nfi tha codor ob tha KNSB dattars.

    Zdansa rabar to tha Krnfiwak bor tha budd guliadlfas cofcarflfg spaclblc

    ltams such ns vahlcdas, wore cdothlfg, atc.

    Lb codor ls fot nvnldnkda, tha dogo mny ndso ka atchai, amkossai, rnlsai or

    modiai ns dofg ns tha orlglfnd compofafts nfi iaslgf nra mnlftnlfai.

    * Iua to optlcnd abbacts whlch cnusa cartnlf codors to nppanr strofgar thnf thaynctunddy nra, tha codors ob tha smndd squnras nra fot facassnrldy n 1:% tlft ob thakncegroufi codor. Yha iablfai parcaftngas bor tha corpornta codors hnva kaafni`ustai to nchlava tha vlsund abbact ob n hndb/hndb mlxtura ob dogo codor nfikncegroufi codor. Howavar, ns tha corract codor vnduas nra ndraniy lfcorporntailfto tha mnstar dogo nrtwore bldas, lt shoudi fot ka facassnry to racranta thaadamafts sapnrntady.

    Brostai gdnss abbact

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Gafarnd rudas

    Yha knffar dnyout ls to ka usai bor ndd mnreatlfg nfi corpornta

    commuflcntlofs mailn.

    Yha bormnts usai bor mnreatlfg nfi corpornta commuflcntlofs mailn

    shoudi ka chosaf lf oriar to mnea tha most abbactlva usa ob tha knffar


    Yha knffar cofslsts ob n codorai knr togathar wlth n co dorai squnra lf

    whlch tha KNSB dogo nfi cdnlm nppanr. Yha knffar ls posltlofai althar

    horlzoftnddy or vartlcnddy of whntavar bormnt ls kalfg usai.

    Codor ob tha knffar

    Yha codorai squnra ndwnys nppanrs lf ofa ob tha slx corpornta codors.

    Lt ls ndwnys n slfgda sodli codor wlthout ufiardylfg structura, pnttarf,orfnmaftntlof or lmngas.

    Yha codor ob tha knr ls iarlvai brom tha corpornta codor sadactai bor tha

    squnra nran. Yhls codor must ka n pndar shnia or tlft ob tha corpornta

    codor lf tha squnra, kut tha axnct shnia mny ka braady chosaf ns dofg

    ns tha shnpa ob tha knffar nfi tha corpornta codor cnf ka cdanrdy


    Lb iaslrai, tha knr mny ndso ka raproiucai wlth n trnfspnraft abbact,

    nddowlfg tha codor ob tha knr to mlx wl th tha adamafts lf tha kncegroufi.

    Ilmafslofs ob tha knffar nfi posltlof ob tha dogo

    Yha ilmafslofs ob tha squnra nra liaftlcnd to tha wlith ob tha codorai knr,

    whlch ls posltlofai bdush wlth tha aigas ob tha squnra.

    Yha KNSB dogo ls posltlofai lf tha dowar pnrt ob tha squnra mnlftnlf lfg

    tha cdanr zofa nroufi lt, ns showf lf tha lddustrntlof kadow.

    Qsa ob n compatafca stntamaft or sdognf wlth tha KNSB dogo

    Ns showf lf tha ld dustrnt lof, n compatafca stntamaft or sdognf mny ka

    posltlofai ns n taxt adamaft nkova tha dogo.

    Ndd woris must ka prasaftai lf tha snma typa slza nfi styda, sa dactai

    brom tha twadva iablfai Faw Hadvatlcn bofts.

    Yha taxt must ka whlta. Yha halght ob tha uppar-cnsa dattars mny fot ka

    dnrgar thnf hndb tha halght ob tha KNSB dogo (axcd. cdnlm).

    x 2x x




  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Zosltlof ob tha knffar

    Yha posltlof ob tha knffar cnf ka braady chosaf, kut must ndwnys ka

    cdanrdy racogflznkda ns n knffar. Yharabora, n smndd sactlof ob tha

    surroufilfg nran must ka vlslkda of koth tha dofg slias ob tha knffar.

    Yha posltlof ob tha squnra cnf ndso ka braady chosaf. Lf tha snma wny,

    tha squnra nran mny fot ka posltlofai nt tha afi ob tha knffar. Lt must

    ka posltlofai so thnt tha codor ob tha knr ls vlslkda of koth slias ob tha


    Yha knffar ofdy nppanrs ofca of anch vlaw ob tha promotlofnd l tam

    a.g. ofca of tha tltda pnga.

    Compatafca Stntamaft,


    Compatafca Stntamaft,


  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Faw Hadvatlcn

    Ywadva stydas (kodi, l tnd lc, atc. ) brom tha Faw Hadvatlcn boft bnml dy hnva

    kaaf sadactai ns tha obblclnd KNSB typabncas to afsura subblclaft oppor-

    tufltlas bor taxt iaslgf.

    Faw Hadvatlcn 91 (dlght)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 11 (romnf)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 21 (mailum)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 71 (kodi)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 92 (dlght ltndlc)Faw Hadvatlcn 12 (ltndlc)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 22 (mailum ltndlc)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 72 (kodi ltndlc)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 97 (dlght cofiafsai)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 17 (cofiafsai)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 27 (mailum cofiafsai)

    Faw Hadvatlcn 77 (kodi cofiafsai)

    Yha sadactai typabncas cnf ka iowfdoniai brom tha Krnfiwak nfi mny

    ka provliai to axtarfnd suppdlars. Yha suppdlars must ka lfbormai thnt tha

    typabncas mny ofdy ka usai to cnrry out nsslgfmafts bor KNSB.

    Dofg taxt pnssngas

    Bor vary dofg taxt pnssngas wlth baw structurnd banturas (kdoce taxt) such

    ns lf kooes, tha Compntld Yaxt boft mny ndso ka usai lf niiltlof to Faw


    Compntld Yaxt [agudnr mny ka usai bor coftlfuous taxt nfi Compntld Yaxt

    Kodi bor hlghdlghtlfg.

    Yha Compntl d Yaxt boft mny ndso ka usai bor fawspnpars, kut ofdy whaf

    thay nra proiucai lf dnrga-scnda bormnt, prlftai of dow qundlty pnpar, nfi

    wlth pnga dnyouts ob bour or mora fnrrow, bdush-sat codumfs.

    Compntld Yaxt DY ragudnr

    Compntld Yaxt DY kodi

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Fof-dntlf scrlpts

    Bor dnfgungas thnt io fot usa Dntlf scrlpt systams, tha raspofslkda

    iapnrtmafts ob tha raspactlva raglofnd uflts wldd iablfa tha bofts thnt

    mntch koth tha ok`actlvas ob KNSBs krnfi posltloflfg nfi tha sadactlof

    crltarln bor bofts knsai of tha Dntlf ndphnkat.

    Yha iatnlds ob thasa bofts wld d ka pukd lshai lf tha Krnfiwak, nfi thalr

    usa ls mnfintory ncross tha KNSB Group.

    Qslfg KNSB ns n wori lf taxt

    Yha most commof nppanrnfca ob tha KNSB krnfi ls ns n propar fnma

    usai lf taxt.

    Lf taxt, tha fnma KNSB must ndwnys ka wrlttaf ns bour cnpltnd dattars nfi

    must fot nppanr ns n grnphlc or ns n dogo.

    Compnfy fnmas

    Compnfy fnmas nra ndwnys wrlttaf lf tha wny thay nra d lstai lf tha

    raspactlva trnia raglstar. Axnmpdas0

    KNSB LY Sarvlcas K.R., KNSB Corporntlof, KNSB Netlafgasaddschnbt.

    Bor ndd dnfgungas, tha fnma KNSB must ndwnys ka usai lf nccorinfca

    wlth tha spaddlfg nfi grnmmntlcnd rudas ob tha raspactlva couftry.

    Axnmpda0 tha possasslva borm l.a. KNSBs Forth Nmarlcnf nctlvltlas.

    Yha trniamnre symkod ls fot faaiai bor slmpda usa ob KNSB ns n

    fnma. Yha compnfy fnmas nra ob coursa protactai ufiar trniamnre

    dnws kut, lf coftrnst to proiuct fnmas, thay nra subblclaftdy protactaiwlthout hnvlfg to nppafi tha slgf.

    KNSB wlth proiuct/sarvlca krnfis

    Yha corpornta krnfi nfi proiuct or sarvlca krnfis mny ka rabarrai

    to togathar, kut fot ilractdy dlfeai togathar. Worilfgs such ns KNSB

    Ncrofnd ... nra fot parmlttai, ns tha spaclblc fntura ob anch krnfi

    or trniamnre ioas fot coma ncross nfi fo cdanr ilstlfctlof ls irnwf

    katwaaf tha two trniamnres kalfg usai.

    Yha corpornta krnfi nfi proiuct or sarvlca t rniamnres shoudi nppanr

    lfiapafiaftdy ob ofa nfothar, ns boddows0 Ncrofnd ky KNSB.

    Yha fnmas ob KNSB proiucts shoudi fot coftnlf KNSB. Yhls ls bor

    tha purposas ob cdnrlty nfi to afnkda ilstlfctlofs to ka irnwf katwaaf

    proiucts whlda niiltlofnddy nddowlfg tha strntaglc bdaxlkldlty thnt ls

    facassnry bor axnmpda whaf saddlfg krnfis to thlri pnrtlas.

    Qslfg tha cdnlm lf taxt

    Yha cdnlm mny ndso ka usai lf taxt, sapnrntai brom tha wori KNSB wlth n

    hyphaf. Lt ls wrlttaf ns boddows

    KNSB Yha Chamlcnd Compnfy.

    N Compnfy

    KNSB Ncrofnd

    Ncrofnd ky KNSB

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    Gafarnd rudas

    Ndd tha knslc corpornta iaslgf adamafts nra ampdoyai lf tha prasaftntlof

    ob tha KNSB krnfi lf prlft mailn, nfi tha knffar dnyout ls pnrtlcudnrdy


    Yha knffar dnyout must ndwnys ka usai bor mnreat nfi corpornta

    commuflcntlofs mailn, nfi bor mailn whlch coudi hnva n strofg

    lfbduafca of KNSBs lmnga.

    Yha slza ob tha KNSB dogo nfi knffar ls iablfai lf tha boddowlfg

    sactlofs nccorilfg to tha typa nfi bormnt ob tha ltam usai.

    Lb tha bormnt kalfg usai ls fot covarai ky tha iatnlds glvaf lf tha

    boddowlfg tnkdas, tha knffar wlith mny ka iatarmlfai ns boddows0

    Lb tha bormnt iavlntas ofdy sdlghtdy brom ofa ob tha stnfinri bormnts,tha knffar wlith bor tha stnfinri bormnt mny ka nioptai5

    Bor othar bormnts, tha knffar shoudi ka proportlofnddy afdnrgai or

    raiucai to tha bormnt lf oriar thnt tha vlsund lmprasslof ramnlfs tha


    Nivartlsamaft Bormnt Wlith ob knffar, mm Wlith ob KNSB dogo, mm

    N3 (ioukda-sliai N9) 7: 1;.1N9 (;>: x ;98 x ;>: mm) 98 32 (91 mm dogo mnstar x 8:%)

    N2 (>:1 x >98 mm) 32 ;7 (3: mm dogo mnstar x

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design



    Yltda/Covar Znga Bormnt Wlith ob knffar, mm Wlith ob KNSB dogo, mm

    N9 (;>: x ;>) (;;: x ;71 mm) 7: 1;.1

    K1 (>72 x ;1: mm) 2: 91

    ;>: x ;>: mm 2: 91

    N1 (>98 x ;>: mm) 98 32 (91 mm dogo mnstar x 8:%)

    Dofg (>:1 x ;>: mm) 98 32 (91 mm dogo mnstar x 8:%)

    N2 (>:1 x >98 mm) 32 ;7 (3: mm dogo mnstar x ;> x >;: mm) 32 ;7 (3: mm dogo mnstar x 1> x >>8 mm) 32 ;7 (3: mm dogo mnstar x

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Hnfiouts, lfbormntlof danbdats, bdyars, prass radansas,

    nivartlslfg dattars, fawsdattars

    Lf coftrnst to krochuras, mngnzlfas, kooes atc, tha broft pnga ob ltams

    such ns fawsdattars, prass radansas nfi bdyars, ls usai slmudtnfaousdy bor

    koth tltda nfi taxt coftaft. Yhasa commuflcntlofs mailn nra gafarnddy N9

    or QS Dattar bormnt.

    Yo nddow mora spnca bor tha taxt coftaft of thasa ltams,

    n smnddar knffar wlith hns tharabora kaaf spaclblai.

    Bor N9/QS dattars, tha wlith ob tha knffar ls 98 mm.

    Yha dogo ls 32 mm wlia (corraspofilfg to 8:% ob tha

    dogo mnstar 91 mm).

    Bor othar bormnts, pdansa rabar to tha tnkda lf tha pravlous

    sactlof, (krochuras, mngnzlfas, atc.) kut usa tha slza bortha faxt smnddast bormnt.


    Yha slza ob tha knffar nfi tha dogo bor lfilvliund postar bormnts ls glvaf

    lf tha boddowlfg tnkda.

    Zostar Bormnt [acommafiai slzas bor knffar nfi dogo Mlflmum slzas bor knffar nfi dogo

    (tha racommafiai slzas bor tha faxt smnddast bormntnra tha mlflmum slzas bor tha knffar nfi dogo)

    Wlith ob knffar, Wlith ob KNSB dogo, Wlith ob knffar, Wlith ob KNSB dogo,

    mm mm mm mm

    N: ;8: ;>: >99

    (89> x >>88 mm) (1;.1 mm mnstar dogo x 9::%) (91 mm mnstar dogo x 3;:%)

    N> >99 >9: >:1

    (1 mm) (91 mm mnstar dogo x 3;:%) (1;.1 mm mnstar dogo x ;::%)

    N; >9: >:1

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    Gafarnd rudas

    Whaf axhlkltlfg nt trnia bnlrs nfi axhlkltlofs, ndd tha knslc corpornta

    iaslgf adamafts nra usai.

    Yha iaslgf banturas, nfi radntai guliadlfas, nra st ructurai lfto zofas

    thnt radnta to tha wny lf whlch vlsltors saa nf axhlkltlof stnfi.

    Qppar zofa ;.1 m to 2 m nkova tha bdoor

    Rls lkl dlty brom n ilstnfca ls tha most lmportnft bufctlof ob thls zofa.

    Caftrnd & dowar zofas > m to ;.1 m

    Yhasa zofas nra usai to cofvay massngas nfi coftaft.

    Qsa ob tha knslc adamafts

    KNSB dogo nfi cdnlmKNSB stnfis nt trnia bnlrs nfi axhlkltlofs must ilspdny tha KNSB dogo

    ns tha most promlfaft adamaft. Yha cdnlm ls ndwnys usai togathar wlth

    tha dogo.

    Qppar zofa0 ofdy tha KNSB dogo wlth cdnlm mny ka ilspdnyai hara5

    lt cnf althar ka wlthlf tha knffar dnyout or of lts owf. Yha slza nfi

    fumkar ob dogos shoudi ka sadactai so thnt tha KNSB dogo cnf ka

    ansldy racogflzai brom ndd ilractlofs nfi brom n ilstnfca.

    Caftrnd nfi dowar zofas0 tha dogo nfi cdnlm nra ndwnys usai togathar

    wlth tha knffar dnyout lf thasa zofas.

    Lf niiltlof, of tndd fnrrow surbncas, tha KNSB dogo nfi cdnlm mny karotntai through

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    Mntchlfg tha corpornta codors

    Lb n promotlofnd ltam ls codorai or banturas codorai adamafts, tha slx KNSB

    corpornta codors nra to ka usai. Lb stnfinri ltams nra fot nvnldnkda lf

    tha axnct corpornta codors, n codor mny ka sadactai whlch ls n vary cdosa

    mntch to tha iablfai corpornta codor.

    Lf axcaptlofnd clrcumstnfcas, l.a. sports tanm `arsays, lt mny ka

    facassnry to prlft tha KNSB dogo of n codorai ltam, whlch ls compdatady

    ilbbaraft to tha KNSB corpornta codors. Yhls shoudi ka nvoliai wharavar

    posslkda. Lb lt ls howavar assaftlnd, tha dogo nfi cdnlm shoudi ka prlftai ns

    iatnldai lf tha pravlous sactlof Qslfg tha KNSB dogo of codorai knce-

    groufis pnga >:. Lf thasa clrcumstnfcas, lt ls ndso nccaptnkda to prlft

    tha dogo compdatady lf whlta or kdnce.

    Qsa ob tha knffarYha knffar dnyout mny ka usai of glvanwnys lf tha snma wny ns bor

    krochuras nfi othar prlft ltams.

    Lt must ndwnys ka prlftai althar vartlcnddy or horlzoftnddy, fot nt nf nfgda.

    Yha knffar must ruf tha bud d wlith or dafgth ob tha ltam or sactlof.

    Yha dogo squnra must ka prlftai lf ofa ob tha corpornta codors. Yha

    rudas bor tha slza nfi posltlof ob tha dogo or othar taxt wlthlf tha squnra,

    nfi bor tha codor ob tha knr nra tha snma ns iascrlkai lf tha Knffar

    Dnyout sactlof pnga >>.

    Qsa ob nivartlslfg sdognfs

    Nivartlslfg sdognfs mny ka usai of promotlofnd l tams koth lf taxt nfi

    grnphlc borm.

    Lb n sdognf ls usai wlth n knffar dnyout or lf tha dogo kox, tha rudas bor tha

    slza nfi posltlof ob tha taxt wlthlf tha squnra nra tha snma ns iascrlkai

    lf tha Knffar Dnyout sactlof pnga >>.

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    Qsa ob kdnce nfi whlta

    Of kdnce or whlta kncegroufis, tha whlta or kdnce dogo varslofs, wlth tha

    squnras compofaft lf grny, nra to ka usai.

    Lf axcaptlofnd clrcumstnfcas whara, iua to cost or tachflcnd ransofs,

    lt ls nksodutady fot posslkda or prnctlcnd to raproiuca tha corpornta dogo

    corractdy, tha boddowlfg optlofs nra nvnldnkda.

    Zdansa fota thnt tha boddowlfg optlofs nra bor axcaptlofnd sltuntlofs

    ofdy nfi wa racommafi thnt kabora sadactlfg ofa ob thasa optlofs,

    you cnrabud dy cofsliar ndtarfntlva ltams or proiuct lof tachflquas .

    [aproiuca tha compdata dogo nfi cdnlm ndd lf kdnce of n d lght


    [aproiuca tha compdata dogo nfi cdnlm ndd lf whlta of n inre


    Atchlfg, afgrnvlfg nfi amkosslfg

    Yha dogo mny ka atchai, stnmpai, afgrnvai or amkossai of matn d,

    danthar or slmldnr mntarlnds.

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Gafarnd rudas

    Ndd prasaftntlof chnrts whathar pro`actai ofto n scraaf, prasaftai

    ilractdy brom n computar or prlftai ns ovarhani trnfspnrafclas must

    usa tha knffar dnyout.

    N rnfga ob tampdntas bor tlt da chnrts nfi

    coftaft chnrts lfcorporntlfg tha npprovai

    knffar slzas, codors nfi posltlofs, togathar

    wlth ilbbaraft kncegroufi optlofs, ls nvnldnkda

    lf tha KNSB Zowarpolft Wlznri. N dlmltai

    sadactlof ob tampdntas ls ndso nvnldnkda lf tha


    Yha Zowarpolft Wlznri ls lfstnd dai of mnfy

    formnd KNSB obblca computar systams. Lb you

    io fot hnva tha Zowarpolft Wlznri, pdansacoftnct tha radavnft Krnfi Chnmplof bor your

    kuslfass bor burthar iatnlds (dlst nvnldnkda lf

    tha Krnfiwak).

    Codor or kdnce nfi whlta

    Wa racommafi thnt ndd prasaftntlofs nra

    ndwnys proiucai lf codor. Lb kdnce nfi whlta

    ovarhani trnfspnrafclas or hnri coplas nra

    raqulrai, tha formnd codor chnrts shoudi slm-

    pdy ka prlftai out uslfg n kdnce & whlta dnsar



    Yha usa ob portrnl t-bormnt Zowarpolft chnrts ls gafarnddy fot facassnry.

    Zortrnlt-bormnt chnrts cnffot ka cdanrdy or abbactlvady prasaftai althar of

    n computar scraaf or n pro`actlof scraaf iua to tha smndd lmnga nran nfi

    parspactlva ilstortlof. Yha proiuctlof ob portrnlt-bormnt chnrts ls thara-

    bora fot posslkda uslfg tha Zowarpolft Wlznri.

    Zrasaftntlof I

    Zrasaftntlof N

    Zrasaftntlof C

    Zrasaftntlof K

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design




    Ndd KNSB Group Lftarfat nfi Lftrnfat s ltas must cofborm to tha gdoknd

    wak stnfinris sat ky tha Gdoknd Wak Stnfinris Yanm. N copy ob tha

    stnfinris ls nvnldnkda of tha Krnfiwak. N dlst ob coftncts bor Lftarfat nfi

    Lftrnfat afqulrlas ls dlstai of tha boddowlfg pngas.

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    Bor afqulrlas nkout tha KNSB Lftarfat0

    Yha Gdoknd Wak Stnfinri Yanm coorilfntas ndd Lftarfat nctlvlt las (iaslgf, structura nfi tachflcnd support) bor tha

    aftlra KNSB Group. Group compnflas cnf coftnct nfy ob tha coftnct parsofs dlstai kadow bor nivlca nfi sup-

    port of Lftarfat radntai toplcs.


    Corpornta Commuflcntlofs Earstlf Ernusa Zhofa +9< 2;>/2:--;1

    Bnx +9< 2;>/2:-93731mnrtlfn.edafeJknsb-ng.ia

    LY Kanta Plssad Zhofa +9< 2;>/2:--/2:-;>


    Nsln Znclblc

    Corpornta Commuflcntlofs Mnry \uaf Zhofa +81; ;73>>-;3 8


    a-commarca Rarn Dnginmao Zhofa +> 9>2 279 ;833

    FOC Bnx +> 9>2 279 ;83> 9393-;97> 9393-;1:1

    a-commarca [nbnaddn Cnrdn Nrrofcha Zhofa +11 >> 9393-;982

    DKB/LSN Bnx +11 >> 9393-;> 9393-3>83

    SNB/LC Bnx +11 >> 9393-;

  • 7/22/2019 BASF Identity Design



    Nssoclnta Mamkars


    Corpornta Commuflcntlofs Chrlstlnf Schroapbar Zhofa +9< 2;> 2:-9>797

    PON/CZ KCF 8->-9>797

    Bnx +9< 2;> 2:-;:389


    Ilnfn Waltafeopb Zhofa +9< 2;> 2:-9919-9919 2:-7;9>7


    a-commarca Ndlca Dnfgfar Zhofa +9< 2;> 2:-- 2:-8-2:3::>



    Corpornta Commuflcntlofs Gudsnh Koya Zhofa +> 2: