2 I .J.r} . '!(- REQUEST AUTHORITYIi~.r -!N ~ TO DISPO OF RECORDS ..: ~ '-'" "- (See Instructions on Rererse ) ()l- .... ~{ ~ TO: GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDSSERVICE,WASHINGTON, D.C. 20408 1. FROM (AGENCY OR ESTABLISHMENT) In accordance with the provisions of 44 U.S. C. 33030 the d!s- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE USAF posol request, inc luding amendments, is approved except for Items that may be stamped "disposal not approved" or "with- 2. MAJOR SUBDIVISION drawn" in column 10. Directorate of Administration 3. MINOR SUBDIVISION Documentation S ternsDivision 4. NAME OF PERSON WITH WHOM TO CONFER 5. TEl. EXT. Mr. K.J. Bilek 11/29209 1-/~-13 ----------------------------------------~--~------~ 6. CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE: Date I hteby certify that I am authorized to act for this agency in matters pertaining to the disposal of the agency's records, that the records proposed for disposal in this Request of __ poge(s) are not now needed for the business of this agency or will not be needed after the retention periods specified. H£RB.H1T G Gt:Il'!':'R Cl' ft__ ...... l: 11"f IIVIOUmentathm S ' .. 8irO(;t ystcms Division 26 JUN 1973 - orate sf AdmUlistrauf)fI (Date) (Signature of Agency Represen~tive) (Title) 9. 7. 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM 10. SAMPLE OR ITEM NO. (With Inclusive Dates or Retention Periods) ACTION TAKEN JOB NO. BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT the disposition of property control documenta- 167-1 .. tion under an automatic data processing system and applies to all medical supply accounts that are supported by a B3500 computer. The mechaniz~d procedures govern the requisition, purchase, receipt, storage, issue, shipment, disposition, stock control, identification and accounting for medical material at Air Force activities. STANDARD FORM 115 Revised November 1970 Prescribed by General Services Administration FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.4 lIS-IDS

Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT

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Page 1: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT

2 I Jr

bull (-


- -(See Instructions on Rererse ) ()l-~ ~


1 FROM (AGENCY OR ESTABLISHMENT) In accordance with the provisions of 44 US C 33030 the ds-DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE USAF posol request inc luding amendments is approved except for Items that may be stamped disposal not approved or with-2 MAJOR SUBDIVISION drawn in column 10Directorate of Administration


Documentation S ternsDivision 4 NAME OF PERSON WITH WHOM TO CONFER 5 TEl EXT

Mr KJ Bilek 1129209 1-~-13----------------------------------------~--~------~ 6 CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE Date

I hteby certify that I am authorized to act for this agency in matters pertaining to the disposal of the agencys records that the records proposed for disposal in this Request of __ poge(s) are not now needed for the business of this agency or will not be needed after the retention periods specified

HpoundRBH1T G GtIlR Clft__ l 11fIIVIOUmentathm S

8irO(t ystcms Division26 JUN 1973 - orate sf AdmUlistrauf)fI

(Date) (Signature of Agency Represen~tive) (Title)

97 8 DESCRIPTION OF ITEM 10SAMPLE ORITEM NO (With Inclusive Dates or Retention Periods) ACTION TAKENJOB NO

BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1)(Applicable Air Force-Wide)

1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT the disposition of property control documenta- 167-1 tion under an automatic data processing system and applies to all medical supply accounts that are supported by a B3500 computer The mechaniz~d procedures govern the requisition purchasereceipt storage issue shipment dispositionstock control identification and accounting for medical material at Air Force activities

STANDARD FORM 115 Revised November 1970 Prescribed by General Services

Administration FPMR (41 CFR) 101-114 lIS-IDS

- -1-_1__ 10--------------------------------------4 -

middot 1middotr------------------------------------------------~----------------------------~I------------------------------------------------------------------------- --i~ A 3 C I J - L I +------+--1----+--I ----- j ~ Ii dccunent s are or pertain r

to cors i s t mg 0 1jhic~ are t rer I I -------------------------------+--------------------------------------~--~------------------------------------~---------------------------------------~ JI i ~i

ltI lt redical materiel edit list mechanically prepared listing of errors records of transactions that vez e I destroy on aS5Ura1Ce of correct gt~

~ detected during computer processing cycle processed with i1validdata that computer processing or after all l will requ ire review analysis and I analytical and nanagement purposes ~ correccive action I are served abullbull~records of trasactions that ereI rechanically detcc~ined to beI invalid and were not processed and will re~uire review and correctiveI actio1prior to processing


transacton card cou~t mecha1ically prepared listing a recocd of total input trarsac- destroy after all analytical and11 I tLon s valid arid ivalid transac- management purposes are served 1 actios for a dailyperiodic

processing cycle

I~--------------------------------~ l4I tae control l~stig a record showing creation date of destroy 30 days after as of date ~

I last updated raster file lastI history file a1dlast ope1irgImiddot rraster file to be used in nextI processing cycle


5 _ ned i 21 2 te iel rcJe- a record of potential requisitioncl destroy after verification that all I

l-re~s list requirements have been recorded as jdue-in or cancelled I







I A B C D If


IF If documen ts are or pertain -0

1 i J d~e-nd~e-out s~sense list l~eChaniCallY prepared listing a record by docunen t nunber of all I destroy 30 days after asI

I current due-insdtlte-outs I - -I i ~

~l -fodaily docu- i accou~table register prescribed in AFM pr epaz-ed by base operating under I de st roy 1 year after close of tle I I iie~t regis-er 67-1 AFii 167-240 and AFP 167-2 PCAlB263B3502 or other standard i FY to which they pertain

I 71 I property _ creflecting specific transac- ~echanized ~edical rrateriE1 ~ysmiddotensI t t

I ~I tionsiI i I

~ I redcal ra te ri e I daily tra1S- -mechan Lca Lly prepared accountable I destroy upon receipt of the ronttlY-~IatO1 regiz~Er registers prescr iced in AFIi 67-1 AFM t ransac t ion register a- at8r the l67-2~0 and AF 167-2 chat reflect II accrracy and cornp l e t en es s cf the

I specific property transactions I ron th Ly transaction register he-so I

i I been verified

I rort n Ly -jase nec rca l spp1y transaction reister art I con- I destroy 2 years after close of


9 i t=a~sac~io~ =egister tainirg a record of drugs or other FY to which they pertain substances designated by the

Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous j Drugs Lepsr tmen t of Jlstice aE

I controlled suost~nces under the

Co~prehensive Drug Abuse Yreven-tion and Control Act or 1970

i i~ 1 10I I transaction register Parts II III~I destroy 1 year af-erclose

~J I TV and V 1 FY to which they pertain ~ f

i 1-_~ ~~--~X~O~T~E~--=R-a7l-e-=7-r-e-p~la~c-e-s~R~u~1~e~5~~Ta~b~1-e-~67~~-~P-u1=e~8deg-r-e-p~1~a-c~e~s~R~u~1-e~9~~Ta~b~1-e-~6~7--4~--------------------------~--------------------------------~~~1~t~~ j

Rol 9 replas RuLes 2 3middotmiddotnd 11 TabLe 67-4

t- ~ - - --

j ~ I

FI t~ I


111 I i I

2 i i I


i I



3 -I



i I-j l~li


--J II

I 15middotl I



I Ii



l~I middot1

--~~-i -~-i --




If ~-C--2 t s are or ~-=-~ ccrsist~g of

cost center naster list mechanically preparedvalid Llsing activities

listing of all I r I

pr ccur-e nen t and ac t Lv Lty filII echaricaJlyprepared Li st Lng s of fill rampte efective~ess reports percentages to cost ceJters aJd on-time

I f11percentag6s fr-on pr ocur enen t sources i

teriel s ta tus listirgs item =eC~t ra s ter records reflecting asset data ~ejcal -a stock -echaJically prepared of

I requirenent da-ca consurapt Lon and inventory data on whcnfutJre require-nerrt s programs raybe based





- t


hc are

a record of all valid activities

quarterly Part I reports

semiannual Part II andor Part III report

as reqUired Part IV reports



I ~


I destroy on receipt 9f an UFda-~ I listingI

I I --

destroy I year after close of the FY to which they pertain




destroy after next reporting cycle I


I I I ~

I I -destroy after 1 yearI II

I destroy retained copies when no I longer needed for referenceI I I I

I ~


t 1 - t-

- - =

- -

_ bull r -I I -


jl -_middot_~~_-__ ~- __ I FASS ~iErIICAL srocx RECORD ACCOUrT Ui----------~--------~----------~--------------~------------~~P ABC ti i- ~ ~doc _-~S az-e or

F6Qnto consisting of rlhich are t~~~ t

--~------------------------------~~------------------------------------~r---------------------------------~----------------------------~--~~$ bull bull t

f -v t f t --0 stock objective ana Lys is mechanically prepared lis~i1gs reflections 0 optimum collar destroy on receipt of new lista i i stocka~~ objective for each or when all analytical and man~ i i reorder point within each require- ment purposes are served (i merrt code

j ---t----~-----------I 17j Lnventory s t ra t ifLcaon I i reports of dollar inventory strati-I destroy after 1year

fication of on-haLd and due-in I assecs bull I



i f------IJ

rgh dollar Ls su e lists report of cumulative issues in I descending dollar sequence

1 -1II r------------------------------------- report of issues of co~rrercial itersto be considered for stock-listing action --~------------------------~--------------------------------~----------------------------~--------------------~~~



t 2 ~ ~e~cal ~zteriel reference speci~cation supply catalogs publica- destroy when superseded or obsolete 1 I rECo=cs tion lrdexes e~uipment g~ides

i J

Paee -2- of -12-Pages

Ilf F)E imiddotsC L S~OC~ ZCO~D ACCOU7 ~ ~-------------------------- - _

k A B c D bullv

i7 ~------------------------------~------------------------------------------4_------------------------------------+---------------------------------------I If documents are or pertainI~ to consistrg of which are

~edical Pecords

ustcdian rteceipt listinbs and c~stodia~ requestsreceipts trat reflect authorized equLpmerrt in use for each custodian accourt

custodian copies destroy SJperseded listirbs and custodian re~uestsrecepts when~HE~jO exchanges them for cJrr-entupdated original listings

----t-----~ suspense copies destroy

served when purpose has been




bull -1

- - s ~ ~ It- ~_

- =1 r-x ~~c


- ~~---~---

- ~~-Page 6 --

so~rce dOCUilients issueturn-it documents shipping jreceivirg documents inventory adjustment Idocunents USAF excess and surplus lrope~ty ttrn-in qocuments- reports of ISLrvey s ta temen t of change s ca sh

collection v oucher s DOD single line releasereceiPt documerrts notice of

lcst or missing docunent s which pertain to accoun+ab l e crpe transactions andIcontain valid documenLnunbers dated Iitam con cr ol lists dated it en reconcilia- Itio~ ca ta Log crange actions due-in ~ue-out deleced record list and any lother cccunent reeded to support each ertry or cransaction on document registers

--L1---------- l---------------4------------+-1 15middot1 red icaI e~~ilertraage- Mchne listings supply support I I~f~~~~~men t reports ~~de~~~~~~~~l~~~l~=~~~s

control identification changesj accc~nting redis~ributiont mone~ary

lobligations etc



i J

Lden t ifLed in AFM 67-1 AFl1 167-240 and AFP 167-2 to be retained

documents not identified for -retention in AFM 67-1 AFM 167-240 and AFP 167-2

destroy 1 year after close of the ~A

FY to which they pertain Wt



destroy after recording in document II transaction register and comp~eVon l-of quality control

t I 1



I -----------jI destroy when purpose ra s been

~~~~~ o~~r~~e l~~e~h~~ ~rra~ 1 ~


I ~ ~ i middoti~

I lt

~~ ~r-~ ~-l()-i---~-ul-e-i-5-r-e-p-la-C-e-S-R-u-l-e-1-3-i-T-a-b-l-e-6-7---1-1- --------------+--~---------------+----------------~-~tSlt- ~t~ ~~()0 - ~~~~--~~ ~f~~~~=__




r~ ~t~- -n

~ bull ~ middot __ L r 0 V________________ -L ---_-- - _--

t~ i A B C Ii

imiddotmiddot v r ----f -If dccument s are or pertain to - 13 I t0 consistine of lihc-- are - I Ir I Ii


-~ middotmiddotmiddot-1 - t - I I

-j I 6 i s-acard edical mater~el nechan lc a Ll y prepared inventory adjust- used to adjust item detail records destroy 1 year after close of the

1 j Iraagerent inventories ments or accotntable adjustment docu- balance FY to which they pertain i

1II ments



I 27 l-ivotory connt oard warhon not used for inventory adjustments destroy when 10 longer reeded or

1 I loc~tion validations item balance af~er cyclicspEcial inventory I reglsterI 1 --j

I i -l ~ 25

i manua l torrs and cares associated with I destroy 1 year after cOunt date

i SUPyi1ve~toyy ooher than standard I I red i ca I na re r ie L management system I


j I~ ]f

I 2~ ~erial invertoyof mechanically prepared listing or manuaL used to certify inventory stock Ii destroy 2 years after count date 11 cortrolled sbs tance s I foz ms osition of drugs or other I

~ubstances oesignated by the BureaJ of Narcotics and Danger-ous Drugs I Depar tment of Justice as Schedule II III IV or V controlled substances under the ComprehensiveDrug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

~~--~----------------------------r--------------------------------------+------------------------------ __~---------------------------- __--~--middotf~ -lt 1 18- -~t

~pound jl 4-- It-G

ltIi -j 0 jr-limiddot) tmiddot



D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 2: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT

- -1-_1__ 10--------------------------------------4 -

middot 1middotr------------------------------------------------~----------------------------~I------------------------------------------------------------------------- --i~ A 3 C I J - L I +------+--1----+--I ----- j ~ Ii dccunent s are or pertain r

to cors i s t mg 0 1jhic~ are t rer I I -------------------------------+--------------------------------------~--~------------------------------------~---------------------------------------~ JI i ~i

ltI lt redical materiel edit list mechanically prepared listing of errors records of transactions that vez e I destroy on aS5Ura1Ce of correct gt~

~ detected during computer processing cycle processed with i1validdata that computer processing or after all l will requ ire review analysis and I analytical and nanagement purposes ~ correccive action I are served abullbull~records of trasactions that ereI rechanically detcc~ined to beI invalid and were not processed and will re~uire review and correctiveI actio1prior to processing


transacton card cou~t mecha1ically prepared listing a recocd of total input trarsac- destroy after all analytical and11 I tLon s valid arid ivalid transac- management purposes are served 1 actios for a dailyperiodic

processing cycle

I~--------------------------------~ l4I tae control l~stig a record showing creation date of destroy 30 days after as of date ~

I last updated raster file lastI history file a1dlast ope1irgImiddot rraster file to be used in nextI processing cycle


5 _ ned i 21 2 te iel rcJe- a record of potential requisitioncl destroy after verification that all I

l-re~s list requirements have been recorded as jdue-in or cancelled I







I A B C D If


IF If documen ts are or pertain -0

1 i J d~e-nd~e-out s~sense list l~eChaniCallY prepared listing a record by docunen t nunber of all I destroy 30 days after asI

I current due-insdtlte-outs I - -I i ~

~l -fodaily docu- i accou~table register prescribed in AFM pr epaz-ed by base operating under I de st roy 1 year after close of tle I I iie~t regis-er 67-1 AFii 167-240 and AFP 167-2 PCAlB263B3502 or other standard i FY to which they pertain

I 71 I property _ creflecting specific transac- ~echanized ~edical rrateriE1 ~ysmiddotensI t t

I ~I tionsiI i I

~ I redcal ra te ri e I daily tra1S- -mechan Lca Lly prepared accountable I destroy upon receipt of the ronttlY-~IatO1 regiz~Er registers prescr iced in AFIi 67-1 AFM t ransac t ion register a- at8r the l67-2~0 and AF 167-2 chat reflect II accrracy and cornp l e t en es s cf the

I specific property transactions I ron th Ly transaction register he-so I

i I been verified

I rort n Ly -jase nec rca l spp1y transaction reister art I con- I destroy 2 years after close of


9 i t=a~sac~io~ =egister tainirg a record of drugs or other FY to which they pertain substances designated by the

Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous j Drugs Lepsr tmen t of Jlstice aE

I controlled suost~nces under the

Co~prehensive Drug Abuse Yreven-tion and Control Act or 1970

i i~ 1 10I I transaction register Parts II III~I destroy 1 year af-erclose

~J I TV and V 1 FY to which they pertain ~ f

i 1-_~ ~~--~X~O~T~E~--=R-a7l-e-=7-r-e-p~la~c-e-s~R~u~1~e~5~~Ta~b~1-e-~67~~-~P-u1=e~8deg-r-e-p~1~a-c~e~s~R~u~1-e~9~~Ta~b~1-e-~6~7--4~--------------------------~--------------------------------~~~1~t~~ j

Rol 9 replas RuLes 2 3middotmiddotnd 11 TabLe 67-4

t- ~ - - --

j ~ I

FI t~ I


111 I i I

2 i i I


i I



3 -I



i I-j l~li


--J II

I 15middotl I



I Ii



l~I middot1

--~~-i -~-i --




If ~-C--2 t s are or ~-=-~ ccrsist~g of

cost center naster list mechanically preparedvalid Llsing activities

listing of all I r I

pr ccur-e nen t and ac t Lv Lty filII echaricaJlyprepared Li st Lng s of fill rampte efective~ess reports percentages to cost ceJters aJd on-time

I f11percentag6s fr-on pr ocur enen t sources i

teriel s ta tus listirgs item =eC~t ra s ter records reflecting asset data ~ejcal -a stock -echaJically prepared of

I requirenent da-ca consurapt Lon and inventory data on whcnfutJre require-nerrt s programs raybe based





- t


hc are

a record of all valid activities

quarterly Part I reports

semiannual Part II andor Part III report

as reqUired Part IV reports



I ~


I destroy on receipt 9f an UFda-~ I listingI

I I --

destroy I year after close of the FY to which they pertain




destroy after next reporting cycle I


I I I ~

I I -destroy after 1 yearI II

I destroy retained copies when no I longer needed for referenceI I I I

I ~


t 1 - t-

- - =

- -

_ bull r -I I -


jl -_middot_~~_-__ ~- __ I FASS ~iErIICAL srocx RECORD ACCOUrT Ui----------~--------~----------~--------------~------------~~P ABC ti i- ~ ~doc _-~S az-e or

F6Qnto consisting of rlhich are t~~~ t

--~------------------------------~~------------------------------------~r---------------------------------~----------------------------~--~~$ bull bull t

f -v t f t --0 stock objective ana Lys is mechanically prepared lis~i1gs reflections 0 optimum collar destroy on receipt of new lista i i stocka~~ objective for each or when all analytical and man~ i i reorder point within each require- ment purposes are served (i merrt code

j ---t----~-----------I 17j Lnventory s t ra t ifLcaon I i reports of dollar inventory strati-I destroy after 1year

fication of on-haLd and due-in I assecs bull I



i f------IJ

rgh dollar Ls su e lists report of cumulative issues in I descending dollar sequence

1 -1II r------------------------------------- report of issues of co~rrercial itersto be considered for stock-listing action --~------------------------~--------------------------------~----------------------------~--------------------~~~



t 2 ~ ~e~cal ~zteriel reference speci~cation supply catalogs publica- destroy when superseded or obsolete 1 I rECo=cs tion lrdexes e~uipment g~ides

i J

Paee -2- of -12-Pages

Ilf F)E imiddotsC L S~OC~ ZCO~D ACCOU7 ~ ~-------------------------- - _

k A B c D bullv

i7 ~------------------------------~------------------------------------------4_------------------------------------+---------------------------------------I If documents are or pertainI~ to consistrg of which are

~edical Pecords

ustcdian rteceipt listinbs and c~stodia~ requestsreceipts trat reflect authorized equLpmerrt in use for each custodian accourt

custodian copies destroy SJperseded listirbs and custodian re~uestsrecepts when~HE~jO exchanges them for cJrr-entupdated original listings

----t-----~ suspense copies destroy

served when purpose has been




bull -1

- - s ~ ~ It- ~_

- =1 r-x ~~c


- ~~---~---

- ~~-Page 6 --

so~rce dOCUilients issueturn-it documents shipping jreceivirg documents inventory adjustment Idocunents USAF excess and surplus lrope~ty ttrn-in qocuments- reports of ISLrvey s ta temen t of change s ca sh

collection v oucher s DOD single line releasereceiPt documerrts notice of

lcst or missing docunent s which pertain to accoun+ab l e crpe transactions andIcontain valid documenLnunbers dated Iitam con cr ol lists dated it en reconcilia- Itio~ ca ta Log crange actions due-in ~ue-out deleced record list and any lother cccunent reeded to support each ertry or cransaction on document registers

--L1---------- l---------------4------------+-1 15middot1 red icaI e~~ilertraage- Mchne listings supply support I I~f~~~~~men t reports ~~de~~~~~~~~l~~~l~=~~~s

control identification changesj accc~nting redis~ributiont mone~ary

lobligations etc



i J

Lden t ifLed in AFM 67-1 AFl1 167-240 and AFP 167-2 to be retained

documents not identified for -retention in AFM 67-1 AFM 167-240 and AFP 167-2

destroy 1 year after close of the ~A

FY to which they pertain Wt



destroy after recording in document II transaction register and comp~eVon l-of quality control

t I 1



I -----------jI destroy when purpose ra s been

~~~~~ o~~r~~e l~~e~h~~ ~rra~ 1 ~


I ~ ~ i middoti~

I lt

~~ ~r-~ ~-l()-i---~-ul-e-i-5-r-e-p-la-C-e-S-R-u-l-e-1-3-i-T-a-b-l-e-6-7---1-1- --------------+--~---------------+----------------~-~tSlt- ~t~ ~~()0 - ~~~~--~~ ~f~~~~=__




r~ ~t~- -n

~ bull ~ middot __ L r 0 V________________ -L ---_-- - _--

t~ i A B C Ii

imiddotmiddot v r ----f -If dccument s are or pertain to - 13 I t0 consistine of lihc-- are - I Ir I Ii


-~ middotmiddotmiddot-1 - t - I I

-j I 6 i s-acard edical mater~el nechan lc a Ll y prepared inventory adjust- used to adjust item detail records destroy 1 year after close of the

1 j Iraagerent inventories ments or accotntable adjustment docu- balance FY to which they pertain i

1II ments



I 27 l-ivotory connt oard warhon not used for inventory adjustments destroy when 10 longer reeded or

1 I loc~tion validations item balance af~er cyclicspEcial inventory I reglsterI 1 --j

I i -l ~ 25

i manua l torrs and cares associated with I destroy 1 year after cOunt date

i SUPyi1ve~toyy ooher than standard I I red i ca I na re r ie L management system I


j I~ ]f

I 2~ ~erial invertoyof mechanically prepared listing or manuaL used to certify inventory stock Ii destroy 2 years after count date 11 cortrolled sbs tance s I foz ms osition of drugs or other I

~ubstances oesignated by the BureaJ of Narcotics and Danger-ous Drugs I Depar tment of Justice as Schedule II III IV or V controlled substances under the ComprehensiveDrug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

~~--~----------------------------r--------------------------------------+------------------------------ __~---------------------------- __--~--middotf~ -lt 1 18- -~t

~pound jl 4-- It-G

ltIi -j 0 jr-limiddot) tmiddot



D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 3: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT





I A B C D If


IF If documen ts are or pertain -0

1 i J d~e-nd~e-out s~sense list l~eChaniCallY prepared listing a record by docunen t nunber of all I destroy 30 days after asI

I current due-insdtlte-outs I - -I i ~

~l -fodaily docu- i accou~table register prescribed in AFM pr epaz-ed by base operating under I de st roy 1 year after close of tle I I iie~t regis-er 67-1 AFii 167-240 and AFP 167-2 PCAlB263B3502 or other standard i FY to which they pertain

I 71 I property _ creflecting specific transac- ~echanized ~edical rrateriE1 ~ysmiddotensI t t

I ~I tionsiI i I

~ I redcal ra te ri e I daily tra1S- -mechan Lca Lly prepared accountable I destroy upon receipt of the ronttlY-~IatO1 regiz~Er registers prescr iced in AFIi 67-1 AFM t ransac t ion register a- at8r the l67-2~0 and AF 167-2 chat reflect II accrracy and cornp l e t en es s cf the

I specific property transactions I ron th Ly transaction register he-so I

i I been verified

I rort n Ly -jase nec rca l spp1y transaction reister art I con- I destroy 2 years after close of


9 i t=a~sac~io~ =egister tainirg a record of drugs or other FY to which they pertain substances designated by the

Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous j Drugs Lepsr tmen t of Jlstice aE

I controlled suost~nces under the

Co~prehensive Drug Abuse Yreven-tion and Control Act or 1970

i i~ 1 10I I transaction register Parts II III~I destroy 1 year af-erclose

~J I TV and V 1 FY to which they pertain ~ f

i 1-_~ ~~--~X~O~T~E~--=R-a7l-e-=7-r-e-p~la~c-e-s~R~u~1~e~5~~Ta~b~1-e-~67~~-~P-u1=e~8deg-r-e-p~1~a-c~e~s~R~u~1-e~9~~Ta~b~1-e-~6~7--4~--------------------------~--------------------------------~~~1~t~~ j

Rol 9 replas RuLes 2 3middotmiddotnd 11 TabLe 67-4

t- ~ - - --

j ~ I

FI t~ I


111 I i I

2 i i I


i I



3 -I



i I-j l~li


--J II

I 15middotl I



I Ii



l~I middot1

--~~-i -~-i --




If ~-C--2 t s are or ~-=-~ ccrsist~g of

cost center naster list mechanically preparedvalid Llsing activities

listing of all I r I

pr ccur-e nen t and ac t Lv Lty filII echaricaJlyprepared Li st Lng s of fill rampte efective~ess reports percentages to cost ceJters aJd on-time

I f11percentag6s fr-on pr ocur enen t sources i

teriel s ta tus listirgs item =eC~t ra s ter records reflecting asset data ~ejcal -a stock -echaJically prepared of

I requirenent da-ca consurapt Lon and inventory data on whcnfutJre require-nerrt s programs raybe based





- t


hc are

a record of all valid activities

quarterly Part I reports

semiannual Part II andor Part III report

as reqUired Part IV reports



I ~


I destroy on receipt 9f an UFda-~ I listingI

I I --

destroy I year after close of the FY to which they pertain




destroy after next reporting cycle I


I I I ~

I I -destroy after 1 yearI II

I destroy retained copies when no I longer needed for referenceI I I I

I ~


t 1 - t-

- - =

- -

_ bull r -I I -


jl -_middot_~~_-__ ~- __ I FASS ~iErIICAL srocx RECORD ACCOUrT Ui----------~--------~----------~--------------~------------~~P ABC ti i- ~ ~doc _-~S az-e or

F6Qnto consisting of rlhich are t~~~ t

--~------------------------------~~------------------------------------~r---------------------------------~----------------------------~--~~$ bull bull t

f -v t f t --0 stock objective ana Lys is mechanically prepared lis~i1gs reflections 0 optimum collar destroy on receipt of new lista i i stocka~~ objective for each or when all analytical and man~ i i reorder point within each require- ment purposes are served (i merrt code

j ---t----~-----------I 17j Lnventory s t ra t ifLcaon I i reports of dollar inventory strati-I destroy after 1year

fication of on-haLd and due-in I assecs bull I



i f------IJ

rgh dollar Ls su e lists report of cumulative issues in I descending dollar sequence

1 -1II r------------------------------------- report of issues of co~rrercial itersto be considered for stock-listing action --~------------------------~--------------------------------~----------------------------~--------------------~~~



t 2 ~ ~e~cal ~zteriel reference speci~cation supply catalogs publica- destroy when superseded or obsolete 1 I rECo=cs tion lrdexes e~uipment g~ides

i J

Paee -2- of -12-Pages

Ilf F)E imiddotsC L S~OC~ ZCO~D ACCOU7 ~ ~-------------------------- - _

k A B c D bullv

i7 ~------------------------------~------------------------------------------4_------------------------------------+---------------------------------------I If documents are or pertainI~ to consistrg of which are

~edical Pecords

ustcdian rteceipt listinbs and c~stodia~ requestsreceipts trat reflect authorized equLpmerrt in use for each custodian accourt

custodian copies destroy SJperseded listirbs and custodian re~uestsrecepts when~HE~jO exchanges them for cJrr-entupdated original listings

----t-----~ suspense copies destroy

served when purpose has been




bull -1

- - s ~ ~ It- ~_

- =1 r-x ~~c


- ~~---~---

- ~~-Page 6 --

so~rce dOCUilients issueturn-it documents shipping jreceivirg documents inventory adjustment Idocunents USAF excess and surplus lrope~ty ttrn-in qocuments- reports of ISLrvey s ta temen t of change s ca sh

collection v oucher s DOD single line releasereceiPt documerrts notice of

lcst or missing docunent s which pertain to accoun+ab l e crpe transactions andIcontain valid documenLnunbers dated Iitam con cr ol lists dated it en reconcilia- Itio~ ca ta Log crange actions due-in ~ue-out deleced record list and any lother cccunent reeded to support each ertry or cransaction on document registers

--L1---------- l---------------4------------+-1 15middot1 red icaI e~~ilertraage- Mchne listings supply support I I~f~~~~~men t reports ~~de~~~~~~~~l~~~l~=~~~s

control identification changesj accc~nting redis~ributiont mone~ary

lobligations etc



i J

Lden t ifLed in AFM 67-1 AFl1 167-240 and AFP 167-2 to be retained

documents not identified for -retention in AFM 67-1 AFM 167-240 and AFP 167-2

destroy 1 year after close of the ~A

FY to which they pertain Wt



destroy after recording in document II transaction register and comp~eVon l-of quality control

t I 1



I -----------jI destroy when purpose ra s been

~~~~~ o~~r~~e l~~e~h~~ ~rra~ 1 ~


I ~ ~ i middoti~

I lt

~~ ~r-~ ~-l()-i---~-ul-e-i-5-r-e-p-la-C-e-S-R-u-l-e-1-3-i-T-a-b-l-e-6-7---1-1- --------------+--~---------------+----------------~-~tSlt- ~t~ ~~()0 - ~~~~--~~ ~f~~~~=__




r~ ~t~- -n

~ bull ~ middot __ L r 0 V________________ -L ---_-- - _--

t~ i A B C Ii

imiddotmiddot v r ----f -If dccument s are or pertain to - 13 I t0 consistine of lihc-- are - I Ir I Ii


-~ middotmiddotmiddot-1 - t - I I

-j I 6 i s-acard edical mater~el nechan lc a Ll y prepared inventory adjust- used to adjust item detail records destroy 1 year after close of the

1 j Iraagerent inventories ments or accotntable adjustment docu- balance FY to which they pertain i

1II ments



I 27 l-ivotory connt oard warhon not used for inventory adjustments destroy when 10 longer reeded or

1 I loc~tion validations item balance af~er cyclicspEcial inventory I reglsterI 1 --j

I i -l ~ 25

i manua l torrs and cares associated with I destroy 1 year after cOunt date

i SUPyi1ve~toyy ooher than standard I I red i ca I na re r ie L management system I


j I~ ]f

I 2~ ~erial invertoyof mechanically prepared listing or manuaL used to certify inventory stock Ii destroy 2 years after count date 11 cortrolled sbs tance s I foz ms osition of drugs or other I

~ubstances oesignated by the BureaJ of Narcotics and Danger-ous Drugs I Depar tment of Justice as Schedule II III IV or V controlled substances under the ComprehensiveDrug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

~~--~----------------------------r--------------------------------------+------------------------------ __~---------------------------- __--~--middotf~ -lt 1 18- -~t

~pound jl 4-- It-G

ltIi -j 0 jr-limiddot) tmiddot



D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 4: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT

j ~ I

FI t~ I


111 I i I

2 i i I


i I



3 -I



i I-j l~li


--J II

I 15middotl I



I Ii



l~I middot1

--~~-i -~-i --




If ~-C--2 t s are or ~-=-~ ccrsist~g of

cost center naster list mechanically preparedvalid Llsing activities

listing of all I r I

pr ccur-e nen t and ac t Lv Lty filII echaricaJlyprepared Li st Lng s of fill rampte efective~ess reports percentages to cost ceJters aJd on-time

I f11percentag6s fr-on pr ocur enen t sources i

teriel s ta tus listirgs item =eC~t ra s ter records reflecting asset data ~ejcal -a stock -echaJically prepared of

I requirenent da-ca consurapt Lon and inventory data on whcnfutJre require-nerrt s programs raybe based





- t


hc are

a record of all valid activities

quarterly Part I reports

semiannual Part II andor Part III report

as reqUired Part IV reports



I ~


I destroy on receipt 9f an UFda-~ I listingI

I I --

destroy I year after close of the FY to which they pertain




destroy after next reporting cycle I


I I I ~

I I -destroy after 1 yearI II

I destroy retained copies when no I longer needed for referenceI I I I

I ~


t 1 - t-

- - =

- -

_ bull r -I I -


jl -_middot_~~_-__ ~- __ I FASS ~iErIICAL srocx RECORD ACCOUrT Ui----------~--------~----------~--------------~------------~~P ABC ti i- ~ ~doc _-~S az-e or

F6Qnto consisting of rlhich are t~~~ t

--~------------------------------~~------------------------------------~r---------------------------------~----------------------------~--~~$ bull bull t

f -v t f t --0 stock objective ana Lys is mechanically prepared lis~i1gs reflections 0 optimum collar destroy on receipt of new lista i i stocka~~ objective for each or when all analytical and man~ i i reorder point within each require- ment purposes are served (i merrt code

j ---t----~-----------I 17j Lnventory s t ra t ifLcaon I i reports of dollar inventory strati-I destroy after 1year

fication of on-haLd and due-in I assecs bull I



i f------IJ

rgh dollar Ls su e lists report of cumulative issues in I descending dollar sequence

1 -1II r------------------------------------- report of issues of co~rrercial itersto be considered for stock-listing action --~------------------------~--------------------------------~----------------------------~--------------------~~~



t 2 ~ ~e~cal ~zteriel reference speci~cation supply catalogs publica- destroy when superseded or obsolete 1 I rECo=cs tion lrdexes e~uipment g~ides

i J

Paee -2- of -12-Pages

Ilf F)E imiddotsC L S~OC~ ZCO~D ACCOU7 ~ ~-------------------------- - _

k A B c D bullv

i7 ~------------------------------~------------------------------------------4_------------------------------------+---------------------------------------I If documents are or pertainI~ to consistrg of which are

~edical Pecords

ustcdian rteceipt listinbs and c~stodia~ requestsreceipts trat reflect authorized equLpmerrt in use for each custodian accourt

custodian copies destroy SJperseded listirbs and custodian re~uestsrecepts when~HE~jO exchanges them for cJrr-entupdated original listings

----t-----~ suspense copies destroy

served when purpose has been




bull -1

- - s ~ ~ It- ~_

- =1 r-x ~~c


- ~~---~---

- ~~-Page 6 --

so~rce dOCUilients issueturn-it documents shipping jreceivirg documents inventory adjustment Idocunents USAF excess and surplus lrope~ty ttrn-in qocuments- reports of ISLrvey s ta temen t of change s ca sh

collection v oucher s DOD single line releasereceiPt documerrts notice of

lcst or missing docunent s which pertain to accoun+ab l e crpe transactions andIcontain valid documenLnunbers dated Iitam con cr ol lists dated it en reconcilia- Itio~ ca ta Log crange actions due-in ~ue-out deleced record list and any lother cccunent reeded to support each ertry or cransaction on document registers

--L1---------- l---------------4------------+-1 15middot1 red icaI e~~ilertraage- Mchne listings supply support I I~f~~~~~men t reports ~~de~~~~~~~~l~~~l~=~~~s

control identification changesj accc~nting redis~ributiont mone~ary

lobligations etc



i J

Lden t ifLed in AFM 67-1 AFl1 167-240 and AFP 167-2 to be retained

documents not identified for -retention in AFM 67-1 AFM 167-240 and AFP 167-2

destroy 1 year after close of the ~A

FY to which they pertain Wt



destroy after recording in document II transaction register and comp~eVon l-of quality control

t I 1



I -----------jI destroy when purpose ra s been

~~~~~ o~~r~~e l~~e~h~~ ~rra~ 1 ~


I ~ ~ i middoti~

I lt

~~ ~r-~ ~-l()-i---~-ul-e-i-5-r-e-p-la-C-e-S-R-u-l-e-1-3-i-T-a-b-l-e-6-7---1-1- --------------+--~---------------+----------------~-~tSlt- ~t~ ~~()0 - ~~~~--~~ ~f~~~~=__




r~ ~t~- -n

~ bull ~ middot __ L r 0 V________________ -L ---_-- - _--

t~ i A B C Ii

imiddotmiddot v r ----f -If dccument s are or pertain to - 13 I t0 consistine of lihc-- are - I Ir I Ii


-~ middotmiddotmiddot-1 - t - I I

-j I 6 i s-acard edical mater~el nechan lc a Ll y prepared inventory adjust- used to adjust item detail records destroy 1 year after close of the

1 j Iraagerent inventories ments or accotntable adjustment docu- balance FY to which they pertain i

1II ments



I 27 l-ivotory connt oard warhon not used for inventory adjustments destroy when 10 longer reeded or

1 I loc~tion validations item balance af~er cyclicspEcial inventory I reglsterI 1 --j

I i -l ~ 25

i manua l torrs and cares associated with I destroy 1 year after cOunt date

i SUPyi1ve~toyy ooher than standard I I red i ca I na re r ie L management system I


j I~ ]f

I 2~ ~erial invertoyof mechanically prepared listing or manuaL used to certify inventory stock Ii destroy 2 years after count date 11 cortrolled sbs tance s I foz ms osition of drugs or other I

~ubstances oesignated by the BureaJ of Narcotics and Danger-ous Drugs I Depar tment of Justice as Schedule II III IV or V controlled substances under the ComprehensiveDrug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

~~--~----------------------------r--------------------------------------+------------------------------ __~---------------------------- __--~--middotf~ -lt 1 18- -~t

~pound jl 4-- It-G

ltIi -j 0 jr-limiddot) tmiddot



D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 5: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT


jl -_middot_~~_-__ ~- __ I FASS ~iErIICAL srocx RECORD ACCOUrT Ui----------~--------~----------~--------------~------------~~P ABC ti i- ~ ~doc _-~S az-e or

F6Qnto consisting of rlhich are t~~~ t

--~------------------------------~~------------------------------------~r---------------------------------~----------------------------~--~~$ bull bull t

f -v t f t --0 stock objective ana Lys is mechanically prepared lis~i1gs reflections 0 optimum collar destroy on receipt of new lista i i stocka~~ objective for each or when all analytical and man~ i i reorder point within each require- ment purposes are served (i merrt code

j ---t----~-----------I 17j Lnventory s t ra t ifLcaon I i reports of dollar inventory strati-I destroy after 1year

fication of on-haLd and due-in I assecs bull I



i f------IJ

rgh dollar Ls su e lists report of cumulative issues in I descending dollar sequence

1 -1II r------------------------------------- report of issues of co~rrercial itersto be considered for stock-listing action --~------------------------~--------------------------------~----------------------------~--------------------~~~



t 2 ~ ~e~cal ~zteriel reference speci~cation supply catalogs publica- destroy when superseded or obsolete 1 I rECo=cs tion lrdexes e~uipment g~ides

i J

Paee -2- of -12-Pages

Ilf F)E imiddotsC L S~OC~ ZCO~D ACCOU7 ~ ~-------------------------- - _

k A B c D bullv

i7 ~------------------------------~------------------------------------------4_------------------------------------+---------------------------------------I If documents are or pertainI~ to consistrg of which are

~edical Pecords

ustcdian rteceipt listinbs and c~stodia~ requestsreceipts trat reflect authorized equLpmerrt in use for each custodian accourt

custodian copies destroy SJperseded listirbs and custodian re~uestsrecepts when~HE~jO exchanges them for cJrr-entupdated original listings

----t-----~ suspense copies destroy

served when purpose has been




bull -1

- - s ~ ~ It- ~_

- =1 r-x ~~c


- ~~---~---

- ~~-Page 6 --

so~rce dOCUilients issueturn-it documents shipping jreceivirg documents inventory adjustment Idocunents USAF excess and surplus lrope~ty ttrn-in qocuments- reports of ISLrvey s ta temen t of change s ca sh

collection v oucher s DOD single line releasereceiPt documerrts notice of

lcst or missing docunent s which pertain to accoun+ab l e crpe transactions andIcontain valid documenLnunbers dated Iitam con cr ol lists dated it en reconcilia- Itio~ ca ta Log crange actions due-in ~ue-out deleced record list and any lother cccunent reeded to support each ertry or cransaction on document registers

--L1---------- l---------------4------------+-1 15middot1 red icaI e~~ilertraage- Mchne listings supply support I I~f~~~~~men t reports ~~de~~~~~~~~l~~~l~=~~~s

control identification changesj accc~nting redis~ributiont mone~ary

lobligations etc



i J

Lden t ifLed in AFM 67-1 AFl1 167-240 and AFP 167-2 to be retained

documents not identified for -retention in AFM 67-1 AFM 167-240 and AFP 167-2

destroy 1 year after close of the ~A

FY to which they pertain Wt



destroy after recording in document II transaction register and comp~eVon l-of quality control

t I 1



I -----------jI destroy when purpose ra s been

~~~~~ o~~r~~e l~~e~h~~ ~rra~ 1 ~


I ~ ~ i middoti~

I lt

~~ ~r-~ ~-l()-i---~-ul-e-i-5-r-e-p-la-C-e-S-R-u-l-e-1-3-i-T-a-b-l-e-6-7---1-1- --------------+--~---------------+----------------~-~tSlt- ~t~ ~~()0 - ~~~~--~~ ~f~~~~=__




r~ ~t~- -n

~ bull ~ middot __ L r 0 V________________ -L ---_-- - _--

t~ i A B C Ii

imiddotmiddot v r ----f -If dccument s are or pertain to - 13 I t0 consistine of lihc-- are - I Ir I Ii


-~ middotmiddotmiddot-1 - t - I I

-j I 6 i s-acard edical mater~el nechan lc a Ll y prepared inventory adjust- used to adjust item detail records destroy 1 year after close of the

1 j Iraagerent inventories ments or accotntable adjustment docu- balance FY to which they pertain i

1II ments



I 27 l-ivotory connt oard warhon not used for inventory adjustments destroy when 10 longer reeded or

1 I loc~tion validations item balance af~er cyclicspEcial inventory I reglsterI 1 --j

I i -l ~ 25

i manua l torrs and cares associated with I destroy 1 year after cOunt date

i SUPyi1ve~toyy ooher than standard I I red i ca I na re r ie L management system I


j I~ ]f

I 2~ ~erial invertoyof mechanically prepared listing or manuaL used to certify inventory stock Ii destroy 2 years after count date 11 cortrolled sbs tance s I foz ms osition of drugs or other I

~ubstances oesignated by the BureaJ of Narcotics and Danger-ous Drugs I Depar tment of Justice as Schedule II III IV or V controlled substances under the ComprehensiveDrug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

~~--~----------------------------r--------------------------------------+------------------------------ __~---------------------------- __--~--middotf~ -lt 1 18- -~t

~pound jl 4-- It-G

ltIi -j 0 jr-limiddot) tmiddot



D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 6: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT

Paee -2- of -12-Pages

Ilf F)E imiddotsC L S~OC~ ZCO~D ACCOU7 ~ ~-------------------------- - _

k A B c D bullv

i7 ~------------------------------~------------------------------------------4_------------------------------------+---------------------------------------I If documents are or pertainI~ to consistrg of which are

~edical Pecords

ustcdian rteceipt listinbs and c~stodia~ requestsreceipts trat reflect authorized equLpmerrt in use for each custodian accourt

custodian copies destroy SJperseded listirbs and custodian re~uestsrecepts when~HE~jO exchanges them for cJrr-entupdated original listings

----t-----~ suspense copies destroy

served when purpose has been




bull -1

- - s ~ ~ It- ~_

- =1 r-x ~~c


- ~~---~---

- ~~-Page 6 --

so~rce dOCUilients issueturn-it documents shipping jreceivirg documents inventory adjustment Idocunents USAF excess and surplus lrope~ty ttrn-in qocuments- reports of ISLrvey s ta temen t of change s ca sh

collection v oucher s DOD single line releasereceiPt documerrts notice of

lcst or missing docunent s which pertain to accoun+ab l e crpe transactions andIcontain valid documenLnunbers dated Iitam con cr ol lists dated it en reconcilia- Itio~ ca ta Log crange actions due-in ~ue-out deleced record list and any lother cccunent reeded to support each ertry or cransaction on document registers

--L1---------- l---------------4------------+-1 15middot1 red icaI e~~ilertraage- Mchne listings supply support I I~f~~~~~men t reports ~~de~~~~~~~~l~~~l~=~~~s

control identification changesj accc~nting redis~ributiont mone~ary

lobligations etc



i J

Lden t ifLed in AFM 67-1 AFl1 167-240 and AFP 167-2 to be retained

documents not identified for -retention in AFM 67-1 AFM 167-240 and AFP 167-2

destroy 1 year after close of the ~A

FY to which they pertain Wt



destroy after recording in document II transaction register and comp~eVon l-of quality control

t I 1



I -----------jI destroy when purpose ra s been

~~~~~ o~~r~~e l~~e~h~~ ~rra~ 1 ~


I ~ ~ i middoti~

I lt

~~ ~r-~ ~-l()-i---~-ul-e-i-5-r-e-p-la-C-e-S-R-u-l-e-1-3-i-T-a-b-l-e-6-7---1-1- --------------+--~---------------+----------------~-~tSlt- ~t~ ~~()0 - ~~~~--~~ ~f~~~~=__




r~ ~t~- -n

~ bull ~ middot __ L r 0 V________________ -L ---_-- - _--

t~ i A B C Ii

imiddotmiddot v r ----f -If dccument s are or pertain to - 13 I t0 consistine of lihc-- are - I Ir I Ii


-~ middotmiddotmiddot-1 - t - I I

-j I 6 i s-acard edical mater~el nechan lc a Ll y prepared inventory adjust- used to adjust item detail records destroy 1 year after close of the

1 j Iraagerent inventories ments or accotntable adjustment docu- balance FY to which they pertain i

1II ments



I 27 l-ivotory connt oard warhon not used for inventory adjustments destroy when 10 longer reeded or

1 I loc~tion validations item balance af~er cyclicspEcial inventory I reglsterI 1 --j

I i -l ~ 25

i manua l torrs and cares associated with I destroy 1 year after cOunt date

i SUPyi1ve~toyy ooher than standard I I red i ca I na re r ie L management system I


j I~ ]f

I 2~ ~erial invertoyof mechanically prepared listing or manuaL used to certify inventory stock Ii destroy 2 years after count date 11 cortrolled sbs tance s I foz ms osition of drugs or other I

~ubstances oesignated by the BureaJ of Narcotics and Danger-ous Drugs I Depar tment of Justice as Schedule II III IV or V controlled substances under the ComprehensiveDrug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

~~--~----------------------------r--------------------------------------+------------------------------ __~---------------------------- __--~--middotf~ -lt 1 18- -~t

~pound jl 4-- It-G

ltIi -j 0 jr-limiddot) tmiddot



D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 7: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT


- ~~---~---

- ~~-Page 6 --

so~rce dOCUilients issueturn-it documents shipping jreceivirg documents inventory adjustment Idocunents USAF excess and surplus lrope~ty ttrn-in qocuments- reports of ISLrvey s ta temen t of change s ca sh

collection v oucher s DOD single line releasereceiPt documerrts notice of

lcst or missing docunent s which pertain to accoun+ab l e crpe transactions andIcontain valid documenLnunbers dated Iitam con cr ol lists dated it en reconcilia- Itio~ ca ta Log crange actions due-in ~ue-out deleced record list and any lother cccunent reeded to support each ertry or cransaction on document registers

--L1---------- l---------------4------------+-1 15middot1 red icaI e~~ilertraage- Mchne listings supply support I I~f~~~~~men t reports ~~de~~~~~~~~l~~~l~=~~~s

control identification changesj accc~nting redis~ributiont mone~ary

lobligations etc



i J

Lden t ifLed in AFM 67-1 AFl1 167-240 and AFP 167-2 to be retained

documents not identified for -retention in AFM 67-1 AFM 167-240 and AFP 167-2

destroy 1 year after close of the ~A

FY to which they pertain Wt



destroy after recording in document II transaction register and comp~eVon l-of quality control

t I 1



I -----------jI destroy when purpose ra s been

~~~~~ o~~r~~e l~~e~h~~ ~rra~ 1 ~


I ~ ~ i middoti~

I lt

~~ ~r-~ ~-l()-i---~-ul-e-i-5-r-e-p-la-C-e-S-R-u-l-e-1-3-i-T-a-b-l-e-6-7---1-1- --------------+--~---------------+----------------~-~tSlt- ~t~ ~~()0 - ~~~~--~~ ~f~~~~=__




r~ ~t~- -n

~ bull ~ middot __ L r 0 V________________ -L ---_-- - _--

t~ i A B C Ii

imiddotmiddot v r ----f -If dccument s are or pertain to - 13 I t0 consistine of lihc-- are - I Ir I Ii


-~ middotmiddotmiddot-1 - t - I I

-j I 6 i s-acard edical mater~el nechan lc a Ll y prepared inventory adjust- used to adjust item detail records destroy 1 year after close of the

1 j Iraagerent inventories ments or accotntable adjustment docu- balance FY to which they pertain i

1II ments



I 27 l-ivotory connt oard warhon not used for inventory adjustments destroy when 10 longer reeded or

1 I loc~tion validations item balance af~er cyclicspEcial inventory I reglsterI 1 --j

I i -l ~ 25

i manua l torrs and cares associated with I destroy 1 year after cOunt date

i SUPyi1ve~toyy ooher than standard I I red i ca I na re r ie L management system I


j I~ ]f

I 2~ ~erial invertoyof mechanically prepared listing or manuaL used to certify inventory stock Ii destroy 2 years after count date 11 cortrolled sbs tance s I foz ms osition of drugs or other I

~ubstances oesignated by the BureaJ of Narcotics and Danger-ous Drugs I Depar tment of Justice as Schedule II III IV or V controlled substances under the ComprehensiveDrug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

~~--~----------------------------r--------------------------------------+------------------------------ __~---------------------------- __--~--middotf~ -lt 1 18- -~t

~pound jl 4-- It-G

ltIi -j 0 jr-limiddot) tmiddot



D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 8: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT




r~ ~t~- -n

~ bull ~ middot __ L r 0 V________________ -L ---_-- - _--

t~ i A B C Ii

imiddotmiddot v r ----f -If dccument s are or pertain to - 13 I t0 consistine of lihc-- are - I Ir I Ii


-~ middotmiddotmiddot-1 - t - I I

-j I 6 i s-acard edical mater~el nechan lc a Ll y prepared inventory adjust- used to adjust item detail records destroy 1 year after close of the

1 j Iraagerent inventories ments or accotntable adjustment docu- balance FY to which they pertain i

1II ments



I 27 l-ivotory connt oard warhon not used for inventory adjustments destroy when 10 longer reeded or

1 I loc~tion validations item balance af~er cyclicspEcial inventory I reglsterI 1 --j

I i -l ~ 25

i manua l torrs and cares associated with I destroy 1 year after cOunt date

i SUPyi1ve~toyy ooher than standard I I red i ca I na re r ie L management system I


j I~ ]f

I 2~ ~erial invertoyof mechanically prepared listing or manuaL used to certify inventory stock Ii destroy 2 years after count date 11 cortrolled sbs tance s I foz ms osition of drugs or other I

~ubstances oesignated by the BureaJ of Narcotics and Danger-ous Drugs I Depar tment of Justice as Schedule II III IV or V controlled substances under the ComprehensiveDrug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

~~--~----------------------------r--------------------------------------+------------------------------ __~---------------------------- __--~--middotf~ -lt 1 18- -~t

~pound jl 4-- It-G

ltIi -j 0 jr-limiddot) tmiddot



D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 9: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT


D 1

I~ A

Iv IT-I-

-=r OJ

-i -+_~ __ ~_~ __ +_-~-----+_--------- I ~~ e1

I usirgac t ivlty cost) center registers and files LncLud Lng cu st ody destroy after 1 year -cJ property records yeceipts property issue and turn-in I Ii docume nt s invertory adjustment vouchers i~ I and o-cher records reflecting transac- 1


r--i tions during the month - l I

r ~

~ J 1 I - I torary ioou roito I used as temporary custody receipts destroy or return to individual

on return of property I I l- I

2 ~ l6dc31 iL2 terel sya t ers fcr~s and correspondence mairtained on d~stroy after 1 yeari ~rv~blereports an aln~al basis

I --~--------------------------------~-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I i

bullI I i



IiII -~ rccrrirg litings ~rd on of listingsi descroy receipt newbull or reports or after all analyticali ~~~~~t~~n~~i~o~~~I else- and rranagement purposes are served ~L 1 or as required in AFt 67-1 AFM 167- J 1 240 and AFP 167-2 whichever is e r~~i 1 later i-t~ t v --1middot~Je

bull AI ~~F- -




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 10: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT




L -0 -l

i----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------------------~ - j A B C I I l i - ~------------------------------~----------------------~------------------f-----------~------------------------t---------------------------------~----~L I ~ If documents are or

bulll~ I t s consis~ing of which are 1 bull ~ r~--~i--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------+-------------------------------------t--------------------------------------r

)4~ ITedical equip~ent rraintenarce work order registers ~ bull


I i I records J-I i----------------r-------------+- ~~--~i I _ ~II 1 ~~ work orders destroy after all analytical and I --i management purposes are served jIII i - ~ i

)61 spare parts management machine listings of bench stock destroy on receipt of new listing

I I I balances for a valid da l l ymonth Iy processing

I i I I cycle II J7i equipment historical maintenance files destroy on receipt of new report I i i~ i I~middot-~il- for items transferred or donated I forwiird with related item DestroyI

I retained copies after J mont-hs bullI 11 I e I1 ----------------~---------~-----------~

I 39 contractor locator list I destroy after allanalytical and I management purposes are served

~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~------------------+I----------------~bull Ofgt Rule J through 39 lace Rule 5 Table 66-3 IJ middot )

- -j



) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 11: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT

) t

bull bull LI----------------~----------------I I ~ middotJIClL SlOC RCO~L ACCOU-rT

i 41 J custodian account files current and ~orcurrent speciffien individual files of personnel destroy 1 year after becoming

1 signatures name grade and cost authorized to receipt for property superseded or obsOlete center of custodian and waivers granted and suppliesI 1 for use of stamps when n~merous reuetitive signatures are required


ibullI I(

I 1 I f II


I 1I J I bullI




--- - -r i _~ - t


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 12: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT


I fC nR A 8 0 -U - - Icon8isting of which are then nL If document are or 1E pertain to j

1 stock record aeeount records cards or equivalent forms pre- records of accountable prop- destroy after 1 year 1 scribed in AFM 67-1 erty transactions relating to a jspecific stock record ac- ~

couQt -

2 medical stock record ac- cards and equivalent forms records of accountable prop-count records prescribed in AFM 67-1 and erty transactions -elating to a

AFP 167-2 specific medical stock rec-REPLACED BY PRO- ord accountPOSED RULE 9I---

3 mechanized medical supply a record of drugs su bject to destroy after 3 years accounts-monthly trans- the Drug Abuse ControlREPLACE) BY PRO-action registers nonrnecha- Amendments of 1965 to thePOSED RULE 9 nized medical supply ac- Federal Food Drug and Cos-counts-stock record cards metic Act as implemented by

records of initial inventories part 166 Title 21 Code of of drugs Federal Regulations1 -

31 item manager (1M) radiorsotope see table 16~5 records required by part 30 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations

4 daily document registers accountable registers pre- prepared by bases operating destroy after 1 year provided

scribed in AFM 67-1 AFP under the standard base level no irregularities exist 167-2 and AFM 167-240 re- supply syBtem-(UNIVAC

fleeting specific property 1050-II) r- transactions5 REPLACED BY PRO- pJPared by bases operating

POSED RULE 7 under the PCAMB263 I I83500 or other supply system

6 supply document register prepared by bases operating a manual base supply system

o-7 document control cards cards created during prepa- used by bases operating un- destroy after all necessary

ration of daily document der the standard base level action is completed register supply system (UNIVAC

1050- II) to prepare delin- quent document listings assure that documents re-quiring review lfillng are

)-~~~~-gt- J ~~ ~ d l ~I~f

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 13: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT

-- -


9 daily transaction register







consolidated transaction register

monthly base or medical sup-ply transaction register

source documents


accountable registers pre-scribed in AFM 67-1 and AFP 167-2 that reflect spe-cific property transactions


issueturn-in documents shippingreceiving documents inventory adjustment docu-ments USAF excess and surplus property turn-in doc-uments not used as support-ing documents (see rule 14) and notice of lost or missing documents which pertain to accountable-type transac-tions and contain valid docu-ment numbers

received in the document control section and to aid in quality control

used by bases operating un-der the PCAMB263 or other supply system to pre-pare a document register prepare listings covering over-age documents for followup purposes and to prepare mechanized supply activity reports

prepared by bases operating under the standard base level supply system (UNIVAC 1050-11) PCAMB263 or other supply system

prepared by bases operating under the PCAMB263 or other supply system

identified in AFM 67-1 to be retained

all except documents to be retained as prescribed in AFM 67-1


destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist or when replaced by a consoli-dated transaction register and accuracy and complete-ness of consolidated trans-action register has been verified

destroy after 1 year provided no irregularities exist

destroy after 1 year

destroy after recording in documenttransaction regis-ters and completion of quality control

o n

0-IT (D






tool-i o


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 14: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT


TABLE 67-11 (Continued) I



If documents pertain to


are or


consisting of


which are



SupersedesAFM 181-5 1 Dec 66 paragraph

-to) I UI o

9 created under the standard BEMa retains fOj 1 year for - base level supply system

(UNIVAC 1050-11) management and audit poses and destroys

pur- emiddot r-

IO records described in rules 7 used to clear the property destroy all property records 271406b and 8 zero balance registers account when an activity is on inactivation of an activity and authorization documents inactivated or when directed by the

commander -

11 authorization documents verification that the prop- destroy 2 years after in- new erty account has been cleared activation or 2 years after

the reports lIave been destroyed

12 audit trail records document control registers removed from the BEMa for destroy 1 year after com- 271407 suspense document files com- updating and showing the pletion of action pieted document files and audit trail stamp


applicable adjustment documents


13 MEMO files master files including equip- used to update files destroy 1 year after all 271419a


ment authorization inven-tory data (EAID) EAID custody receipt card and

corrections and reconcilia-tions have been made to the active files


EAID due-in card

14 base tool issue records standard base level supply used to prepare the tool destroy when deleted from 271417a(l) system (UNIVAC 1050-11) too kit custody receipt listings the tool kit authorization kit custody receipt master cards and other forms used

- for the same purpose

15 standard base level supply sys- used to prepare listings of destroy on transfer or dis- 271417a(2) tem (UN IV AC 1050-11) mas- personnel authorized tool kit charge of affected personnel


ter name cards and other forms used for the same purpose

service stock balance record


destroy when item is deleted from equipment component


o n-o C D

I --


__________________~dlL- ~Ib __)



I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~

Page 15: Base Medical Stock Record Accounts - National Archives · BASE ~DlCAL STOCK RECORD ACCOUNT (167-1) (Applicable Air Force-Wide) 1 See attached NEW table 167-1 which provides for DLT


I -CURRENT TABIETABLE 66-3 (Continut d) ~

n A B C U --r If docurncnts are or conRisting of which are E pertain 10

office appliance maintenance office appliance maintenance used to provide a historical records records comparable forms maintenance record (or each

and related records individual office machine

5 medical equipment main- mldiral equipment main-tenanee recorda tenanee records and com par-

able forms that documentREPIACED BY PRo the maintenance history of roo ED RlJ LES 54 55 medical technical equipment56 57 58 amp 59

6 ground weapons historical inspe cnon maintenance for weapons transferred data and frring data on ground donated or sold per

hand and shoulder weapons applicable AF directive



made part of surplus property account




for weapons otherwise dropped from property account ie destroyed abandoned reclaimed salvaged lost or missing

launch site historical documentation re- used for research and data fleeting variances and verification of alignment adjustments to be con- for each missile we a-

sidered when aligning pons system installed the weapons system in during launch site silo to assure combat occupancy readiness configuration

Not e Turn-in film eligible for disposal to redistribution and marketing activity on a quarterly



destroy whcn equip-me nt is dropped from AI inventory

destroy on replacement of Iquipment item or when item is otherwise disposed of (Eruption When equipment item is transferred to another AF medical activity records are forwarded with the equipment)

forward with related weapon Destroy re-tamed copies after 3 months

see table 68 - 2

destroy 3 months abandonment of search or physical disposition


destroy on deactivation of launch site facility when replaced by a new missile

or series o


basis for recovery of silver


1 ~ bull

i ~)w~