1 revile v. swear at, abuse; slander; vilify 2 syllogism 3 rampart n, v defensive mound of earth 4 cursory 5 euphemism n. phe(=say) 6 whimsical a. capricious; fanciful; quaint 7 allegory n. 8 termagant n. shrew; scolding, brawling woman 9 anagram 10 flippant a. 11 metamorphose v. 12 analogous similar or parallel; comparable 13 suffuse v. spread over 14 homeostasis n. 15 cataclysm 16 chauvinist n. blindly devoted patriot n. log(=speech) minor premise and a conclusion; logical formula utilizing a major premise, a minor premise and a conc a. curs(=run) +ory(=relating to) quick; hurried; done without attention to details; casual; hastily done use of other mild, vague and indirect words or phrases in place of what is required by truth or accuracy; mild expression in place of an unpleasant one story in which characters are used as symbols; fable n. gram(=write) word made by changing the order of the letters in another word having a light, pert, trifling disposition change completely the nature of something a. log(=speech) tendency of a system to maintain relative stability n. clysm(=wash) sudden and violent change; deluge; upheaval

Barron 1215 Unsorted

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Page 1: Barron 1215 Unsorted

1 revile v. swear at, abuse; slander; vilify

2 syllogism n. log(=speech)

3 rampart n, v defensive mound of earth

4 cursory

5 euphemism n. phe(=say)

6 whimsical a. capricious; fanciful; quaint

7 allegory n.

8 termagant n. shrew; scolding, brawling woman

9 anagram n. gram(=write)

10 flippant a. having a light, pert, trifling disposition

11 metamorphose v.

12 analogous a. log(=speech) similar or parallel; comparable

13 suffuse v. spread over

14 homeostasis n.

15 cataclysm n. clysm(=wash)

16 chauvinist n. blindly devoted patriot

a formal argument with a major and minor premise and a conclusion; logical formula utilizing a major premise, a minor premise and a conc

a. curs(=run)+ory(=relating to)

quick; hurried; done without attention to details; casual; hastily done

use of other mild, vague and indirect words or phrases in place of what is required by truth or accuracy; mild expression in place of an unpleasant one

story in which characters are used as symbols; fable

word made by changing the order of the letters in another word

change completely the nature of something

tendency of a system to maintain relative stability

sudden and violent change; deluge; upheaval

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17 obviate

18 hedonism

19 autonomous a. nom(=law) self-governing; free

20 redolent a,v

21 caliber n. ability; capacity

22 distill v. purify; refine; concentrate

23 divulge make known something secret; reveal

24 irreparable

25 servile

26 detached a.

27 rancid a. having the odor of stale fat

28 redoubtable a.

29 hierarchy

30 desiccate v. dry up

v. ob(=away)+vi<via(=carry, way)

get rid of; clear away; prevent by effective measures; make unnecessary;

n. hedon(=pleasure)

belief that pleasure is the chief good; belief that pleasure is the sole aim in life

having a strong smell; reminiscent; fragrant; odorous; suggestive of an odor

v. di<dis(=apart, away)+vulg(=people)

a. ir<in(=not)+re(=again)+par(=arrange)

that cannot be repaired, mended, remedied, restored, etc.; not able to be corrected or repaired

a. serv(=serve)+ile(=capable of)

of or like a slave; lacking in the spirit of independence; obsequious; slavish; cringing

emotionally removed; calm and objective; indifferent

to be feared; formidable; formidable; causing fear

n. hier(=holy)+arch(=govern, rule)+y(=that which)

organization with grades of authority from lowest to highest; group of persons in authority; group of bishops of a country; body divided into ranks

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31 debauch v. corrupt; make intemperate

32 gaffe n. social blunder

33 foster v. rear; encourage

34 platonic a.

35 vulnerable a. susceptible to wounds

36 lament v. to express sorrow

37 clandestine a. secret

38 neophyte n. phyt(=to plant)

39 haggard a. wasted away; gaunt

40 sojourn n. temporary stay

41 placid a. peaceful; calm

42 pellucid a. transparent; limpid; easy to understand

43 intractable

44 connoisseur

45 diversion n. act of turning aside; pastime

46 scapegoat n. someone who bears the blame for others

47 disarray n. a disorderly or untidy state

purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual desire

person who has newly been converted to some belief or religion; beginner; recent convert; beginner

a. in(=not)+tract(=draw)

unruly or stubborn; not easily controlled or dealt with; unruly; refractory

n. con(=thoroughly)+n<gn<gno(=know)

person with good judgement on matters in which taste is needed; expert; person competent to act as a judge of art, etc; a lover of an art

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48 germinate v. cause to sprout; sprout

49 trenchant

50 quiescent a. at rest; dormant

51 respite n.

52 effluvium n. noxious smell

53 denigrate v. blacken

54 corroborate

55 collaborate

56 alloy n. a mixture as of metals

57 enfranchise v.

58 derivative a. unoriginal; derived from another source

59 edify v. instruct; correct morally

60 fidelity

61 deference

a. trench(=cut)+ant(=having the quality of)

sharp; keen, penetrating, incisive; clear-cut, distinct; cutting; keen

time of relief or rest from toil, suffering, anything unpleasant; ; reprieve; delay in punishment; interval of relief; rest

v. cor<con(=intensive)+robor(=strength)

give support or certainty to a statement, belief, theory, etc.; confirm

v. col<con(=with)+labor(=work)

work in partnership, especially in literature and art; work treasonably especially with enemy forces occupying one's country; work together

to admit to the rights of citizenship(especially the right to vote)

n. fid(=trust)+el(=s.e.)+ity(=act)

faithful devotion to duty or to one's obligations or vows, loyalty, faithfulness; accuracy, exactness

n. de(=down)+fer(=carry)

the act of obeying the judgement or opinion of another; great respect; courteous regard for another's wish

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62 peremptory

63 defunct

64 exemplary

65 intrinsically e. essentially; inherently; naturally; intrinsic

66 volition

67 disabuse

68 equivocate

69 libertine n. debauched person; roue

70 substantive a. essential; pertaining to the substance

71 levity

72 sporadic a. occurring irregularly

73 anonymous

74 doggerel n. poor verse

75 acquiesce

a. per(=intensive)+empt(=take)

not to be disobeyed or questioned; dogmatic; insisting upon obedience; imperious; demanding and leaving no choice

a. de(=off, from)+funct(=perform)

dead; extinct; dead; no longer in use or existence

a. ex(=out)+em<empt(=take)

serving as an example or a warning; serving as a model; outstanding

n. vol(=will)+i(=s.e.)+tion(=that which)

the act of exercising one's will, the power of willing; act of making a conscious choice

v. dis(=not)+ab(=away)+us(=use)

free someone from false ideas and mistakes; correct a false impression; undeceive

v. equ(=equal, same)+i(=s.e.)+voc(=call, voice)+ate(=make)

use vague expressions; lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth

n. lev(=light, lift)+ity(=act)

tendnecy to treat serious matters without respect; lack of seriousness; lightness

a. an(=not, without)+onym(=name, word)

without a name, or with a name that is not made known; having no name

v. ac<ad(=to, intensive)+qui(=quiet)+esc(=becoming)

give consent silently; assent; agree passively

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76 infer

77 exposition

78 lucid a. luc(=light) clear; lucent; bright; easily understood

79 officious

80 prerogative

81 appease

82 impair

83 catharsis n. hars(=pure)

84 arrogate

85 arbiter n.

86 implacable

87 emulate v. rival; imitate

88 embellish

v. in(=in)+fer(=carry)

reach an opinion from facts or reasoning; deduce; conclude

n. ex(=out)+pos(=put)

an exhibition of art, industrial products,etc; explaining something in detail

a. of<ob(=in the way)+fic(=do, make)

very fond of giving unwelcome services or advice; meddlesome; excessively trying to please

n. pre(=before)+rog(=ask)

a right or previlege that belongs to a person, class, etc. according to rank or position; privilege; unquestionable right

v. ap<ad(=to)+peas<pac(=peace)

quiet an angry person, etc.; satisfy in appetite; yield to the demands of someone; pacify; soothe

v. im<in(=not)+pair<par(=equal)

damage; make worse or less, weaker; worsen; diminish in value

outlet for strong emotion; emptying of the bowels; purging or cleansing of any passage of the body

v. ar<ad(=to, add)+rog(=ask)

claim or seize without right; attribute unjustly; claim without reasonable grounds

a person with power to decide a dispute; judge

a. im<in(=not)+plac(=soothe, peace, please)

that cannot be appeased; relentless; incapable of being pacified

v. em<en(=make)+bel (=beautiful)

make beautiful; decorate; make a story, etc. more interesting; adorn

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89 levee n.

90 riveting a.

91 rant v, n rave; speak bombastically

92 consensus

93 consecrate

94 quaff v. drink with relish

95 saunter v. stroll slowly

96 pathological a. pertaining to disease

97 gloat v.

98 converge

99 vociferous noisy,yelling; clamorous

100 paradox

101 welter n.v. wallow; turmoil; bewildering jumble

102 audacious a. daring; bold103 azure a. sky blue

104 egress n. exit

earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding

capable of arousing and holding the attention

n. con(=with)+sens(=feel)

general agreement of opinion, feeling, etc.; collective opinion

v. con(=together)+secr<sacr(=holy)

make sacred; devote something to a special purpose; dedicate; sanctify

express evil satisfaction; view malevolently

v. con(=together)+verg(=turn, bend)

come towards each other and meet at a point; come together

a. voc(=call, voice)+i(=s.e.)+fer(=carry)+ous(=having the quality of)

n. para(=beside, apart from)+dox(=opinion)

statement that seems to say something opposite to common sense or the truth, but which may contain a truth; statement that looks false but is actually correct

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105 extrapolation n. projection; conjecture

106 adversary n. opponent; enemy

107 apprehensive

108 discerning

109 charlatan n. quack; pretender to knowledge110 indubitably a. beyond a doubt

111 pallid a. pale; wan

112 malign v. speak evil of; defame

113 aesthetic a.

114 boorish a. of or like a boor; rude; clownish

115 rescind v.

116 exhume v.

117 compliant ready or disposed to comply; yielding

118 liaison

119 axiom n. self-evident truth requiring no proof

120 plumb a. checking perpendicularity; vertical

a. ap<ad(=to, near)+prehens(=take)

fearful about something that might happen; quick to understand; perceptive; fearful; discerning

a. dis (=apart)+cern(certain) distinguish between

mentally quick and observant; having insight

artistic; dealing with or capable off appreciation of the beautiful

repeal, annul, or cancel a law, contract, etc.

dig out of the ground; remove from a grave

a. com<con(=thoroughly)+pli(=fill)

n. li<lig(=bind)+ai(=s.e.)+son<sion(=act)

connection, linkage between two separate groups; illicit sexual relationship; officer who acts as go-between for two armies

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121 itinerary n. plan of a trip

122 inchoate a. recently begun; rudimentary; elementary

123 inculcate

124 tether v. tie with a rope

125 dilapidated

126 malediction

127 resigned a. unresisting; patiently submissive

128 indomitable

129 quirk n. startling twist; caprice

130 judicious

131 debase

132 dint n., v means; effort

133 contravene v. ven(=come)

v. in(=in, on)+culc<calc(=tread)

impress upon the mind by frequent repetition or persistent urging; teach

a. di<dis(=apart)+lapid(=stone)

falling to pieces; ruined; shabby; ruined because of neglect

n. male<mal(=bad)+dict(=say)

curse; prayer to God that someone or somthing may be destroyed, hurt, etc

a. in(=not)+domit(=tame)+able(=capable of)

unyielding; that cannot be subdued or conquered; unconquerable

a. jud(=judge)+ici(=s.e.)+ous(=having the quality of)

showing or having good sense; wise; determined by sound judgment

v. de(=down, intensive)+bas(=bottom, lower)

make lower or poorer in value, quality, character, etc.; reduce to lower state

go against a law, a custom, etc.; attack a statement, a principle, etc.; contradict; infringe on

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134 hypothetical

135 ingenuous

136 reciprocate v.

137 ignominious

138 prodigious

139 macerate v. waste away140 nemesis n. revenging agent

141 veneer n. thin layer; cover

142 motility n. ability to move spontaneously

143 magnanimous having generosity; generous

144 interdict v. prohibit; forbid

145 recumbent a.

146 capitulate surrender on stated condition

147 vigilance n. vigil/lively watchfulness, keeping watch

a. hypo(=under)+thet(=put)+ical(=nature of)

having the nature of a hypothesis or a based on hypothesis; based on assumptions or hypotheses

a. in(=in)+gen(=birth, creation)

frank; open; innocent; natural; naive; young; unsophisticated

give and recieve, each to and from each; cause to move backwards and forwards in a straight line; repay in kind

a. i<in(=not)+gno(=know)

bringing contempt, disgrace, shame; dishonorable; disgraceful

a. prod<pro(=before)+ig<ag(=saying)

enormous; surprisingly great; beyond what is ordinary; wonderful; marvelous; enormous

a. magn(=great)+anim(=mind)+ous(=having the quality of)

lying down; idle; reclining; lying down completely or in part

v. cap(=head)+itul(=s.e.)+ate(=make)

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148 consequential a. pompous; self-important

149 ductility n.

150 accolade

151 expedient

152 cynic n.

153 enigma n. puzzle

154 antagonism n. active resistance

155 dauntless a. bold

156 blandishment n. flattery

157 intrepid fearless; bold

158 effigy

159 bereft a. deprived; deprived of; lacking

160 decry v. disparage

161 saturnine a. gloomy

162 precipitate a.v. throw headlong; hasten; headlong; rash

malleability; flexibility; ability to be drawn out

n. ac<ad(=to, near)+col(=neck)

bestowed of a knighthood by a tap on the shoulder with the flat of a sword; praise; approval; award of merit

n.a. ex(=out)+ped(=foot)

an expedient thing; likely to be useful or helpful for a purpose; advantageous though contrary to principle; auitable; practical; politic

one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives

a. in(=not)+trep<trem(=fear)

n. ef<ex(=out)+fig(=form)

representation of a person in wood, stone, etc.; dummy

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163 dogmatic a. positive; arbitrary164 demur v. delay; object

165 rationalize v. reason; justify an improper act

166 temerity n. boldness; rashness

167 adulterate

168 compatible

169 recluse n.a.

170 palliate v. ease pain; make less guilty of offensive

171 deterrent n. something that discourages; hindrance

172 recalcitrant a. obstinately stubborn

173 obsequious

174 cognizance n. knowledge

175 diatribe n. bitter scolding; invective

176 conundrum n. riddle; difficult problem

177 tepid a. lukewarm

v. ad(=to, add)+ulter<alter(=other)

make something poorer in quality by adding something improper; make impure by mixing with baser substances

a. com<con(=together)+pat(=feel, suffer)

in accord with; able to live together in harmony; suited to; harmonious; in harmony with

person who lives alone and avoids other people; shut away from the world; hermit

a. ob(=in the way)+sequ(=follow)

too eager to obey or advantage; showing excessive respect from hope of reward or advantage; slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic

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178 sedentary

179 mentor n. teacher

180 eclectic

181 coagulate v. thicken; congeal; clot

182 volatile a.

183 ebullient

184 probity

185 pundit n.

186 allocate v. assign

187 grovel v.

188 hiatus n. gap; pause

189 precursor

190 ostensible

a. sed(=sit)+ent(=quality)+ary(=relating to)

done sitting down at a desk, etc.; spending much of thier time seated; requiring sitting

a. ec<ex(=out)+lect(=choose)

selecting from various systems, doctrines, or sources; composed of material gathered from various sources, systems, etc.; a person who uses eclectic methods in philosophy, science, or art; selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources

evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial

a. e<ex(=out, up)+bul (=bubble, seal)

bubbling, boiling; overflowing with enthusiaism,high spirits, etc.; exuberant; showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm

n. prob(=test, good, proper)+ity(=nature)

uprightness of character, integrity, sincerity; uprightness; incorruptibility

learned Hindu; any learned man; authority on a subject

crawl or creep on gound; remain prostrate

n. pre(=before)+curs(=run)

harbringer; forerunner; sign; a predecessor as in office

a. os<ob(=over, against)+tens(=stretch)

put forward in an attempt to hide the real reason; apparent; pretended; apparent; professed; pretended

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191 extol praise highly; praise; glorify

192 ignoble

193 impromptu

194 precocious

195 impasse

196 effrontery impudence; shameless boldness

197 indigenous native or beloning naturally

198 infamous

199 protocol n. col(=glue)

200 transgression n. violation of a law; sin

201 wane v. grow gradually smaller

202 mendicant n. beggar

203 iconoclastic a. attacking cherished traditions

v. ex(=out, up)+tol(=raise, support)

a. i<in(=not)+gno(=know)

of low character; mean; of low birth; of lowly origin; unworthy

n.a. im<in(=not)+pro(=before)+mpt<empt(=take)

improvisation; an promptu speech,performance,etc.; without preparation or advance thought; without previous preparation

a. pre(=before)+coc(=to mature, cook)

having developed certain faculties earlier than is normal; developed ahead of time

n. im<in(=not)+pas (=stride, step)

blind alley; place or position from which there is no way out; deadlock; predicament from which there is no escape

n. ef<ex(=out)+front(=forehead)

a. indi(=within)+gen(=birth)+ous(=having the quality of)

a. in(=not)+fam<fa(=say)

disgraceful; having a bad reputation; wicked; notoriously bad

first ro original draft of an agreement, signed by these making it; code of behavior, etiquette as practiced on diplomatic occasions; diplomatic etiquette

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204 immaculate

205 aberrant a. abnormal or deviant

206 problematic a. perplexing; unsettled; questionable

207 permeable a. porous; allowing passage through

208 mite n. very small object or creature; small coin

209 malleable a. capable of being shaped by pounding

210 voracious

211 exotic

212 stigmatize

213 abjure v. renounce upon oath214 kith n. familiar friends

215 antiseptic n.a. sept(=rotten)

216 apostate n. st<a>(=stand)

217 inarticulate a. speechless; producing indistinct speech

218 berate v. scold sharply; scold strongly

219 beseech v. ask earnestly or urgently

220 oaf n. stupid, awkward person

221 comport v. bear one's self; behave

a. im<in(=not)+macul(=stain, spot)

pure; faultless; without a spot or stain; perfectly clean; right in every detail; pure; spotless

a. vor(=eat)+aci(=s.e.)+ous(=many, full)

devouring or eager to devour large puantities of food; very greedy or eager in some desire or persuit; insatiable; ravenous

a. exo(=outside)+t(=s.e.)+ic(=nature of)

introduced from another country; foreign or unusual style; striking or pleasing because colorful or unusual; not native; strange

v. stig(=to prick, to mark)

describe somebody scornfully; brand; mark as wicked

chemical substance preventing infection; preventing infection; substance that prevents infection

one who abandons his faith; one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs

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222 conjure v.

223 calumny n. malicious misrepresentation; slander

224 pedagogue n. teacher; dull and formal teacher

225 pittance n. a small allowance or wage

226 suppliant a. entreating; beseeching

227 devoid completely without; lacking

228 alacrity n. cheerful promptness

229 mundane a. mund(=world)230 broach v. open up

231 captious

232 thwart v. baffle; frustrate233 deign v. condescend

234 misanthropy n. anthrop(=man) hatred of mankind

235 troth n.

236 penchant n. strong inclination; liking

237 ornate

summon a devil; practice magic; inagine; invent

a. de(=intensive)+void(=empty)

worldly; dull, ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritual

a. capt(=take)+i(=s.e.)+ous(=having the quality of)

finding fault or making protests especially about unimportant points; faultfinding

pledge of good faith especially in betrothal

a. orn(=decorate)+ate(=having the quality of)

richly ornamented; full of flowery language; not simple in style or vocabulary; excessively decorated; highly decorated

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238 incorrigible

239 empirical

240 dubious a. doubtful

241 awry a. distorted; crooked

242 unwonted a. unaccustomed

243 inveigh v. denounce; utter censure or invective

244 lecherous a.

245 fatuous a. foolish; inane246 glib a. fluent

247 sagacious a. keen; shrewd; having insight

248 guileless a. without deceit

249 notorious

250 detraction n. slandering; aspersion

251 suave a. smooth; bland

a. in(=not)+cor<con(=together)+rig<rect(=straight)

that cannt be corrected, improved, or reformed beacause firmly established as a bad habit; uncorrectable

a. em<en(=in)+pir<per(=try out)

relying on observation and experiment, not on theory; relying or based on practical experience; based on experience

impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste

a. not(=know)+ori(=s.e.)+ous(=many, full)

widly known for something bad; outstandingly bad; unfavorably known

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252 amiable

253 jaded a. fatigued; surfeited254 deposition n. testimony under oath

255 vehement a. impetuous; with marked vigor

256 indolence n. laziness

257 stint n.258 gullible a. easily deeived

259 palatial a. magnificent

260 recondite a. abstruse; profound; secret

261 rote n. repetition

262 aloof a.e. remote in manner; apart; reserved

263 ribald a. wanton; profane

264 skulk v. move furtively and secretly

265 correlation n. mutual relationship266 fluency n. smoothness of speech267 humility n. humbleness of spirit268 adulation n. flattery; admiration

269 abstruse270 eschew v. avoid271 facilitate v. make less difficult272 lucrative a. profitable

273 pseudonym n. onym(=name)274 mnemonic a. pertaining to memory275 hirsute a. hairy

a. am(=love, friendly)+i(=s.e.)+able(=capable of)

good-tempered; kind-hearted; easy and pleasant to talk to; agreeable; lovable

supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work

a. abs<ab(=intensive, away)+trus(=thrust)

deep in meaning; difficult to understand; obscure; profound; difficult to understand

name taken, especially by author, instead of his real name; pen name

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276 mendacious a. lying; false

277 droll a. queer and amusing

278 rabid a. like a fanatic; furious

279 adamant a. hard; inflexible

280 minion n. a servile dependent281 reverie n. daydream; musing

282 imbroglio n.

283 censure n.v. blame; criticize

284 parry v. ward off a blow285 perdition n. damnation; complete ruin

286 brindled a. tawny or grayish with streaks or spots

287 endue v. provide with some quality; endow

288 exculpate v. clear from blame

289 felicitous a. apt; suitably expressed; well chosen

290 immune a. exempt

291 euphoria n. phor(=carry)

292 goad v. urge on

293 impale v. pierce294 indefatigable a. tireless

a complicated situation; perplexity; entanglement

sense of well-being; elation; feeling of exaggerated (or unfounded) well-being

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295 meticulous a. excessively careful

296 dilettante n.

297 mercurial a. fickle; changing

298 anomalous a. abnormal; irregular299 conclave n. private meeting

300 progeny n. children; offspring

301 abstemious

302 profligate

303 nefarious a. very wicked

304 descant v. discuss fully

305 augment v. aug(=increase) make or become greater, increase306 tawdry a. cheap and gaudy

307 amass v. collect, pile or heap up

308 virtuoso n. highly skilled artist

309 arduous a. hard; strenuous

310 belie v.311 lacerate v. mangle; tear

aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler

a. abs<ab(=away, from)+tem<tom(=cut)

not eating and drinking too much; frugal; temperate; sparing in dringk, etc.

n.a. pro(=forward)+flig(=drive)+ate(=make)

profligate person; shamelessly immoral; reckless, extravagant; dissipated; wasteful; licentious

give a wrong or untrue idea of; fail to justify or be equal to what is hoped for or promised; contradict; give a false impression

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312 disperse

313 chaste a. pure

314 staid a. sober; sedate

315 craven a. cowardly

316 diaphanous

317 polemic n.

318 fervid a. ardent

319 lithe a. flexible; supple

320 forbearance n. patience, self-control

321 irascible a. irritable; easily angered322 meretricious a. flashy; tawdry

323 lustrous a. shining

324 vivacious lively,high-spirited,gay; animated; gay

v. di<dis(=away, apart)+spers(=strew)

scatter <something> in all directioms; rout

a. phan(=show,appear); dia(=through)+phan(=show, appear)+ous(=having the quality of)

transparent, translucent; sheer; transparent

controversy; argument in support of point of view

a. viv(=live, life)+aci(=s.e.)+ous(=having the quality of)

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325 apathy

326 peculate v. steal; embezzle327 chagrin n. vexation; disappointment

328 reminiscence n. recollection

329 languid a. weary; sluggish; listless

330 voluble

331 apocalyptic a. prophetic; pertaining to revelations

332 convoluted a. coiled around; involved; intricate

333 abysmal a. bottomless

334 austere a. strict; stern

335 bellicose a. warlike

336 eulogy n. log(=speech) tribute; high praise

337 bumptious a. self-assertive

338 conventional a. ordinary; typical339 rudimentary a. not developed; elementary

340 decadence

341 paraphernalia n. equipment; odds and ends

n. a<an(=not, without)+path(=feel, suffer)

absence of sympathy or interest; indifference; lack of caring; indifference

a. volu(=roll)+ble<able(=capable of)

loquacious; able to talk very quickly and easily; fluent; rotating; fluent; glib

n. de(=down)+cad(=fall)

falling to a lower level in morals, art, literature, etc. especially after a period at a high level; decay

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342 disavowal n. denial; disclaiming

343 earthy a. unrefined; coarse

344 elusive a. evasive; baffling; hard to grasp

345 manifest a.v. understandable; clear

346 livid a. lead-colored; black and blue; enraged

347 incessant

348 choleric a. hot-tempered

349 frenetic a. frenzied; frantic

350 bereavement n.

351 fulsome a. disgustingly excessive352 grandiose a. imposing; impressive353 haphazard a. random; by chance

354 quixotic a. idealistic but impractical

355 inherent a. firmly established by nature or habit

356 perfidious faithless; treacherous; basely false

357 luminous

358 genre n.

a. in(=not)+ces (=go)

continuous; not stopping; often repeated; uninterrupted

state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved

a. per(=through, falsely)+fid(=trust)

a. lumin(=light)+ous(=full, many)

giving out light; bright; clear; easily understood; shining; issuing light

style of art illustrating scenes of common life

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359 impervious

360 parsimonious a. stingy; excessively frugal

361 puerile a. childish362 raucous a. harsh and shrill

363 disjointed a. disconnected364 risible a. inclined to laugh; ludicrous

365 resonant a.366 reverent a. respectful367 flaccid a. flabby

368 epitome n. tom(=cut)

369 homily n. sermon; serious warning

370 exuberant a. abundant; effusive; lavish

371 strut n. pompous walk; supporting bar372 timorous a. fearful; demonstrating fear

373 imperious

374 ulterior a.

375 vacillation n. fluctuation; wavering

376 imbue v. saturate; fill

a. im<in(=not)+per(=through)+vi<via(=road, way)

not allowing water, etc. to pass through; not moved or influenced by; not penetrable; not permitting passage through

echoing; resounding; possessing resonance

summary, digest; something which shows, on a small scale, the characteristics of something much larger; summary; concise abstract

a. im<in(=in, intensive)+per<par(=arrange)

commanding; haughty; arrogant; urgent; domineering

beyond what is first seen or said; situated beyond; situated beyond; unstated

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377 lachrymose a. producing tears

378 effeminate a. having womanly traits

379 wanton a. unruly; unchaste; excessive

380 ingratiate

381 abscond

382 tantalize

383 travail n. painful labor

384 terse a. concise; abrupt; pithy

385 objurgate v. scold; rebuke severely

386 wreak v. inflict

387 roseate a. rosy; optimistic

388 insipid a. tasteless; dull

389 accrue390 pariah n. social outcast

391 intransigent

v. in(=in)+grat(=thank, pleasing, favor)

bring oneself into favor,especially in order to gain an adventage; flatter; become popular with

v. abs<ab(=from , away)+cond(=hide)

go away suddenly and hide; depart secretly and hide

v. tantal(=<King> Tantalus)

keep just out of reach something that somebody desires; raise hopes that cannot be realized; tease; torture with disappointment

v. ac<ad(=to, add)+cru<cre(=grow, increase)

come as a natural growth or development; come as a natural increase especially of money; come about by addition

n.a. in(=not)+trans(=across)+ig(=drive)

a person who is intransigent; uncompromising, especially in politics; refusing any compromise

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392 proviso n. stipulation

393 accomplice

394 propagate v. multiply; spread

395 elucidate

396 obliterate

397 scrupulous a. conscientious; extremely thorough

398 veracious a. truthful

399 fiat n. command

400 ken n. range of knowledge

401 iniquitous a. unjust; wicked

402 reprobate n.

403 delineate

404 virile a. manly

405 stigma n. token of disgrace; brand

n. ac<ad(=near)+com(=together)+plic(=fold)

a person who helps another in a wrong act; partner in crime

v. e<ex(=out)+luc(=light)

explain; make clear; throw light on a problem, or difficulty; explain; enlighten

v. ob(=against)+liter(=letter)

rub, or blot out; remove all signs of; destroy; destroy completely

person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency

v. de(=intensive)+lin(=line)

show by drawing or by describing; portray delineation

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406 condone

407 bolster v. support; prop up

408 maudlin a. effusively sentimental

409 prosaic a. commonplace; dull

410 soporific n. sleep producer

411 reprehensible deserving to be blamed; deserving blame

412 stamina n. strength; staying power

413 tumid a. swollen; pompous; bombastic414 nexus n. connection

415 preponderate v. be superior in power; outweigh

416 fathom v. comprehend; investigate

417 odious a. hateful

418 parity n. equality; close resemblance

419 opprobrious a. disgraceful420 tenacious a. holding fast

421 surfeit

v. con(=intensive, completely)+don(=give)

overlook or forgive an offence; overlook; forgive

a. re(=back, against)+prehens(=take)

n.v. sur(=over, excessive)+feit<fect(=do, make)

too much of anything, especially food and drink; [cause to]take too much of anything; cloy; overfeed

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422 precept

423 substantiate v. verify; support

424 obloquy

425 supplant

426 adjure v. request solemnly

427 disparity428 pecuniary a. pertaining to money

429 mordant biting; sarcastic; biting; sarcastic; stinging

430 surmise guess; conjecture

431 blatant a. loudly offensive

432 nettle v.

433 hypocritical a. pretending to be virtuous; deceiving

434 innuendo n. hint; insinuation

435 cavil v. make frivolous objections

436 impolitic a. not wise

n. pre(=before)+cept(=take)

moral instruction; practical rule guiding conduct

n. ob(=against)+loqu(=say)

bad words spoken of a person or thing; ill repute; disgrade; slander; disgrace; infamy

v. sup<sub(=under, in place of)+plant(=plant)

take the place of ; take the place of someone, especially after getting him out of office; replace; usurp

n. dis(=not)+par(=equal)

inequality; difference; difference; condition of inequality

a. mord<mors(=bite)+ant(=having the quality of)

n.v. sur(=over)+mis(=send)

sting oneself with nettles; make rather angry; annoy; annoy; vex

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437 precarious a. uncertain; risky

438 savor v. have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality

439 inscrutable a.

440 candid a. straightforward

441 rivet n.v.

442 cajole v. coax; wheedle443 contemn v. regard with contempt; disregard

444 relinquish v. abandon

445 waive v. give up temporarily; yield

446 abhor hate something very much; detest

447 caustic

448 implication n. that which is hinted at or suggested

449 efface

450 stipulate

mysterious; that cannot be understood or known; incomprehensible; not to be discovered

circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt); focus one's attention on something; fasten with a rivet or rivets

v. ab(=away, from , intensive)+hor(=shudder)

a. caust(=burn)+ic(=nature of)

able to burn or destroy by chemical action; acrid; sarcastic; burning; sarcastically biting

v. ef<ex(=out)+fac(=face)

rub or wipe out; obliterate; make indistinct; rub out

v. stip(=press together)+ul(=s.e.)+ate(=make)

state or put forward as a necessary condition; insist upon as part of an agreement; make express conditions; specify

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451 prognosis n. forecasted course of a disease; prediction

452 indict v. charge

453 relegate v.

454 expunge v. cancel; remove

455 despoil v. plunder

456 discomfit

457 contrite

458 peruse read carefully

459 gregarious

460 surreptitious

461 condescend462 bereave v. rob; leave sad by taking away463 venerate v. revere

464 inequity n. unfairness

send someone to a lower position or grade; hand over a matter for decision or carrying out; banish; consign to inferior position

v. dis(=not)+com<con(=thoroughly)+fit(=make, do)

frustrate the plans or expectations of; make someone uneasy or confused; put to rout; defeat; disconcert

a. con(=intensive, together)+trit(=rub)

filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing; penitent

v. per(=intensive)+us(=use)

a. greg(=flock, mob)+ari(=s.e.)+ous(=full, many)

living in groups or societies; liking the company of others; sociable

a. sur<sub(=under)+rep<rap(=take)

done,got made, etc.in a secret,stealthy way,clandestine

v. con(=together)+de(=down)+scend(=climb)

do something that one's rank, merits, abilities, etc. do not require one to do; lower oneself; behave graciously, but in a way that shows one's feeling of superiority; bestow courtesies with a superior air

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465 derelict

466 castigate

467 forensic a. suitable to debate or courts of law

468 burlesque n. v. give an imitation that ridicules

469 provident a.

470 jettison v. throw overboard

471 cohesion n. force which keeps parts together

472 resolution n.473 cadaver n. corpse

474 obdurate stubborn, obstinate, inflexible

475 transpire

476 prolific

477 modulate

478 concise

n.a. de(=intensive)+re(=back)+lict(=leave)

ship abandoned at sea; worthless person; person who neglects his duty; abandoned; deserted and left to fall into ruin; failing in one's duty

v. cast(=pure)+ig(=drive)+ate(=make)

punish severely with blows or by criticizing

displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies

fixed determination; formal expression of opinion by a legislative body or a public meeting; solution of a doubt, question, discord, etc.; process of separating into constituents

a. ob(=intensive)+dur(=last)

v. tran<trans(=through)+spir(=breathe)

give off moisture or pass off vapor; become public or come to be known; exhale; become known; happen

a. pro(=forth)+l<al(=nourish)

producing many young or much fruit; turning out many products of the mind; fruitfl; abounding; abundantly fruitful

v. mod(=fit)+ul(=s.e.)+ate(=make)

regulate; change the voice; vary the frequency, amplitude or phase of a waves

a. con(=intensive)+cis(=cut)

brief; giving much information in few words; brief and compact

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479 conglomeration n. mass of material sticking together480 recusant n. person who refuses to comply

481 callow a. unfledged; youthful482 guise n. appearance; costume

483 incisive

484 burgeon v. grow forth; send out buds

485 purloin v. steal486 incommodious a. not spacious

487 frugality n. thrift

488 proselytize v. convert to a religion or belief489 skeptic n. doubter

490 banal

491 gamut n. entire range

492 mandatory

493 behoove v. suited to; incumbent upon

494 halcyon a. calm; peaceful

495 implement

a. in(=in, into)+cis(=cut)

sharp and cutting; acute; clear-cut; cutting; sharp

a. ban(=prohibition, control)+al(=nature of)

commonplace; trite; hackneyed; commonplace; trite

n.a. mand(=order)+at(=s.e.)+ory(=relating to)

person or state to whom a mandate has been given; of a command; compulsory, obligatory

n.v. im<in(=in)+ple(=fill)

tool or instrument for working with; carry an undertaking, agreement, promise into effect; suppy what is needed; furnish with tools

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496 incubate v. hatch; scheme497 harangue n. noisy speech

498 sophistry n.

499 invective

500 panegyric

501 replica n.

502 ethnic a. relating to races

503 erratic a. odd; unpredictable

504 salvage

505 slovenly a.

506 improvident

507 pinnacle n. pin(=dom)

508 canard n. unfounded rumor; exaggerated report509 finite a. limited

seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning

n. in(=in, into, to, against)+vect<veh(=carry)

abuse language; curses; violent expressions

n. pan(=all)+egyr(=bring together)+ic(=nature of)

a formal speech or writing praising a person or event; high or hyperbolic praise,laudation; formal praise

a reproduction or copy of a work of art, especially a copy by the maker of the original; facsimile

n.v. salv(=safe)+age(=act)

the rescue of a ship and cargo at sea from peril such as fire, shipwreck, etc.; cargo, property, or ship saved; payment given to those who save property; <saving of> waste material that can be used again after being processed; save from loss, fire, wreck,

of or like a sloven; untidy; careless in work habits

a. im<in(=not)+pro(=before, forth)+vid(=look)

not looking to future needs; wasteful; thriftless

tall, pointed ornament built on to a roof or buttress; high, slender mountain peak; highest point

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510 meander v. to wind or turn in its course

511 disparate a. basically different; unrelated

512 squalid a. dirty; neglected; poor

513 tenacity n. firmness; persistency; adhesiveness

514 zealot n. fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal

515 stanch v. check flow of blood516 implicit a. understood but not stated

517 imprudent a. lacking caution; injudicious

518 oscillate v. vibrate pendulumlike; waver

519 ironic a.

520 impugn

521 subjugate v. conquer; bring under control

522 traduce

523 hermetic a. obcure and mysterious; occult

524 lethal a. deadly

525 latent

526 abase

resulting in an unexpected and contray manner

v. im<in(=on, against)+pugn(=fight)

attack by argument or criticism,express doubt about a statement,act,quality,etc.; doubt; challenge; gainsay

v. tra<trans(=over, across)+duc(=lead)

say untrue or malicious things about; slander; expose to slander

a. lat(=carry, bear)+ent(=having the quality of)

present but not yet active, developed or visible; dormant; hidden

v. a<ad(=to)+bas(=lower)

make someone lower in rank, position, character, etc.; lower; humiliate

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527 parallelism

528 presumptuous a. arrogant; taking liberties

529 hyperbole n. bol(=throw)

530 prodigal531 bruit v. tell or spread rumors

532 vogue n. popular fashion

533 genial

534 engender bring about; cause; produce

535 indulgent

536 avarice n. greediness for wealth537 bane n. cause of ruin

538 defamation

539 feign v. pretend

540 dally v. triffle with; procrastinate

541 igneous a. produced by fire; volcanic

n. par<para(=beside, side by side)+al (=other)

the state of never meeting because always at the same distance from each other; similarity; state of being parallel; similarity

exaggerated statement made for effect and not intended to be taken literally; exaggeration; overstatement

a. prod<pro(=forth)+ig(=drive)

wasteful; too free in giving or spending; abundant; wasteful; reckless with money

a. gen(=birth)+i(=s.e.)+al(=nature of)

favorable to growth; mild; warm; kindly,sympathetic; sociable

v. en(=make)+gen(=birth, creation)

a. in(=to)+dulg(=yield)+ent(=having the quality of)

inclined to indulge; lenient or kind, often to excess; humoring; yielding; lenient

n. de(=down)+fam<fa(=say)

harm that is given to one's reputation; slander; harming a person's reputation

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542 proscribe

543 versatile

544 rancor = rancour n. bitterness; hatred

545 prate v. speak foolishly; boast idly

546 schism n. division; split

547 ineluctable

548 fledgling n.a.

549 cognizant having knowledge or being fully aware of

550 piety n. devoutness; reverence for God

551 ephemeral

552 erudite

553 equivocal a. doubtful; ambiguous

v. pro(=before)+scrib(=write)

forbid someone to do something; put outside the protection of the law; force someone to go away; ostracize; banish; outlaw

a. vers(=turn)+at(=s.e.)+ile(=capable of)

interested in and clever at many different things; having various uses; having many talents; capable of working in many fields

a. in(=not)+e<ex(=out)+luct(=struggle)

that cannot be escaped from; irresistible; not to be escaped

young bird just able to fly; young inexperienced person

a. co<con(=thoroughly)+gn<gno(=know)+iz(=s.e.) +ant(=having the quality of)

a. ep<epi(=upon)+hemer(=day)+al(=nature of)

living for a very short time; trasitory; short-lived; fleeting

a. e<ex(=out)+rud(=crude)

having or showing a wide knowledge gained from reading; learned; learned;scholarly

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554 passive a. not active; acted upon

555 catalyst n. lys(=to loose)

556 doughty a. courageous

557 garrulous a. loquacious; wordy

558 dross n. waste matter; worthless impurities

559 laconic a. brief and to the point

560 vicarious a. acting as a substitute; done by a deputy

561 salubrious a. healthful

562 serendipity n.

563 rigor n. severity

564 ameliorate v. improve

565 apocryphal a. cryph<crypt

566 graduated a.

567 winsome a.

568 atrophy569 viscous a. sticky; gluey

570 hybrid n. mongrel; mixed breed

571 prodigy n. highly gifted child; marvel

a combination which starts a reaction; agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unchanged

gift for finding valuable things not searched for

relating to the apocryphal; not genuine; not genuine; sham

arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.)

attractive; pleasing, bright; agreeable; gracious; engaging

n.v. a<an(=not, without)+troph(=nourishment)

wasting away of the body or of a moral quality; cause atrophy in or waste away

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572 flamboyant a. ornate

573 abominate v. loathe; hate

574 arbitrary

575 elicit draw out; evoke; draw out by discussion

576 digress turn or wander away from the main point

577 vindicate

578 paragon

579 munificent

580 sundry a. various; several581 myriad n. very large number582 enamored a. in love

583 indigence n. poverty, indigent584 taciturn a. habitually silent; talking little

585 abnegation n. repudiation; self-sacrifice

586 epilogue n. log(=speech)

587 abrogate abolish laws, customs, etc.

a. ar(=to)+bit<bat(=go)+r(=s.e.)+ary(=relating to)

based on opinion or impulse only, not on reason; dictatorial; using despotic power; fixed or decided; despotic

v. e<ex(=out)+lic(=entice, permit)

v. di<dis(=apart)+gres (=go, step)

v. vin(=force)+dic(=say)+ate(=make)

prove the justice, truth, validity, etc. of; clear of charges

n. para(=beside)+gon(=compare, test, angle)

a model or pattern of perfection or excellence; model of perfection

a. mun(=gift, service)+i(=s.e.)+fic(=make, do) +ent(=having the quality of)

extremely generous; large in amount or splendid in quality; very generous

peroration, <opp.> prologue; last part of a literary work; short speech at conclusion of dramatic work

v. ab(=away)+rog(=ask)

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588 nostrum n. questionable medicine

589 parallel a.

590 quintessence n. purest and highest embodiment

591 sunder v. separate; part

592 effusive

593 sloth n.

594 resolve n.v. determination

595 n. inner excitement; exuberance

596 mitigate v. appease

597 torpor n. lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy

598 sanction v. approve; ratify

599 gauntlet n. leather glove

600 palpable601 gossamer a. sheer; like cobwebs

602 mercenary

603 partisan a.

to cause to correspond or lie in the same direction and equidistant in all parts

a. ef<ex(=out)+fus(=pour)

expressing excessive emotion in an unrestrained manner; pouring out; overflowing; pouring forth; gushing

laziness; slow-moving tree dwelling mammal

effervescence Cach viêt khac : effervescency

a. palp(=touch)+able(=capable of)

that can be felt or touched; clear to the mind; tangible; easily perceptible

n.a. merc(=trade)+en(=s.e.)+ary(=relating to)

soldier hired for pay to serve in a foreign army; working only for money or other reward; inspired by love of money; interested in money or gain

one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party

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604 compendium

605 elegy n. poem or song expressing lamentation

606 nullify v. to make invalid

607 beget v. father; produce; give rise to

608 idiosyncrasy n. peculiarity; eccentricity

609 countenance

610 disdain

611 reprieve n.v.

612 exigency

613 innate

614 kinship n.615 savant n. scholar

616 inertia n. state of being inert or indisposed to move

617 quagmire n. bog; marsh618 moot a. debatable

619 paradigm n. model; example; pattern

n. com<con(=with)+pend(=hang, weigh)

concise and comprehensive account; summary; brief comprehensive summary

n.v. coun<con(=together)+ten(=hold)

face, including its appearance and expression; support; give support, approval, or encouragement to; approve; tolerate

n.v. dis(=not)+dain<dign(=worthy)

contempt; scorn; look on with contempt; think it dishonorable to do something; be too proud; treat with scorn or contempt

postponement or remission of punishment, especially by death; delay or respite; postpone or delay punishment; give relief for a short time from danger, trouble, etc.; temporary stay

n. ex(=out)+ig(=drive)

a situation demanding urgent action or attention; urgent situation

a. in(=in)+nat(=to be born)

existing naturally rather than acquired; existing as an inherent attribute; inborn

a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature

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620 splenetic a. spiteful; irritable; peevish

621 disseminate

622 perfunctory

623 ligneous a. like wood

624 beneficent doing good; kind; kindly; doning good

625 pathology n. path(=disease) science of diseases

626 obfuscate

627 superfluous a. excessive; overabundant; unnecessary

628 vex v. annoy; distress

629 charisma n.

630 perpetual

631 recidivism n. habitual return to crime

632 impassive

633 armada n. fleet of warships

v. dis(=apart)+semin(=seed)

distribute or spread widely ideas, doctrines, etc.; scatter like seeds

a. per(=falsely)+funct(=perform)

done as a duty or routine but without care or interest; doing things without concern or solicitude; superficial; listless; not thorough

a. bene(=good)+fic(=do, make)+i(=s.e.) +ent(=having the quality of)

v. ob(=upon, over)+fusc(=dark) +ate(=make)

darken or obscure the mind; bewilder; confuse; muddle

divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader

a. per(=through, throughout)+pet(=seek, strive)

never-ending; going on for a long time or without stopping; continual; often repeated; everlasting

a. im<in(=not)+pas (=feel, suffer)

showing no sign of feeling; unmoved; without feeling; not affected by pain

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634 mellifluous635 jocund a. merry

636 profusion n.

637 castigation n. punishment; severe criticism

638 fustian a. pompous; bombastic

639 brevity

640 calumniate v. slander

641 guile n. deceit; duplicity642 inured a. accustomed; hardened

643 jeopardy n. exposure to death or danger

644 educe v. draw forth; elicit

645 tumult n. commotion; riot; noise

646 lionize v. treat as a celebrity647 ferret v. drive or hunt out of hiding

648 vagary n. caprice; whim

649 copious a. plentiful650 mien n. demeanor; bearing

651 depict

a. mel (=honey)+i(=s.e.)+flu(=flow)+ous(=having the quality of)

sweet-sounding, smooth-flowing; flowing smoothly; smooth

lavish expenditure; overabundant condition

n. brev(=short)+ity(=that which)

shortness of statements, human life and other nonmaterial things; conciseness

v. de(=intensive)+pict(=paint)

show something with a picture; describe something in words; portray

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652 garner v. gather; store up

653 vilify v. slander

654 wily a. cunning; artful

655 diversity

656 qualify v.657 wheedle v. cajole; coax; deceive by flattery

658 perjury

659 plethora n. excess; overabundance

660 rebuff v. snub; beat back661 strident a. loud and harsh

662 umbrage n.

663 dowdy a. slovenly; untidy664 spurious a. false; counterfeit665 unfeigned a. genuine; real

666 aghast a. filled with fear and surprise; horrified667 gist n. essence

668 turpitude n. turp(=vile) wickedness, depravity

669 fawning a. courting favor by cringing and flattering670 coy a. shy; modest; coquettish

n.v. di(=apart)+vers(=turn)

remarkable difference; variety; variety; dissimilitude

to endow or furnish with requisite ability, character, knowledge, skill, or possessions

n. per(=falsely)+jur(=swear, law)

the act of making a false statement after taking an oath to tell the truth; wilful false statement; false testimony while under oath

resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult

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671 inveigle v. lead astray; wheedle

672 hallowed a. blessed; consecrated673 brusque a. blunt; abrupt

674 heretic n.675 conciliatory a. reconciling; soothing

676 gainsay v. deny677 contusion n. bruise

678 unequivocal

679 garish a. gaudy680 blithe a. gay; joyous

681 insensible a. unconscious; unresponsive

682 decorous a. proper

683 decorum n. decorous

684 malefactor wrongdoer or criminal

685 auspicious

686 pretentious

687 remonstrate v.

person who maintains opinions contrary to the doctrines of the church

a. equ(=same,voc(=call,voice)

clear, having one only possible meaning; plain; obvious

n. male<mal(=bad)+fact(=do, make)

a. au<avi(=bird)+spic(=look)+i(=s.e.)+ous(=having the quality of)

showing signs or promising good fortune, favorable; favoring success

a. pre(=before)+tent(=stretch)

claiming great merit or importance; ostentatious; ambitious

say or plead in protest, objection, complaints, etc.

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688 incognito689 beholden a. obligated; indebted

690 travesty

691 inordinate

692 refractory a.

693 fraught a. filled

694 disinterested

695 perennial

696 gratuitous

697 plenary

698 anachronism

a.e. in(=not)+co<con(=thoroughly)+gn<gno(=know)

concealed under a disguised identity; with an assumed name; with one's name, identity, etc. concealed; with identity concealed; using an assumed name

n.v. tra<trans(=over, across)+vest(=dress)

any treatment that makes a serious work seem ridiculous; imitation or description of something; comical parody; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous

a. in(=not)+ordin(=order)

not properly restrained or controlled; excessive; immoderate; unrestrained; excessive

resisting control, discipline, etc. wilful; not yielding to treatment; hard to melt, fuse or work; stubborn; unmanageable

a. dis(=not)+inter(=between)+est(=to be)

not influenced by personal feelings or interests; fair; indifferent; unprejudiced

n.a. per(=through, throughout)+enn<an (=year)

perennial plant; continuing throughout the whole year; lasting for a very long time; living for more than two years

a. grat(=thank, pleasing)+uit(=s.e.)+ous(=having the quality of)

given, obtained, or done without payment; done, or given without good reason; uncalled; given freely; unwarranted

a. plen(=fill)+ary(=relating to)

unlimited; absolute; attended by all who have a right to attend; complete; full

n. chron(=time,age)

mistake in dating something; something out of date now or in a description of past events; an error involving time in a story

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699 dormant

700 empathy

701 censor n. v.

702 dissonance n. discord

703 placate soothe; pacify; pacify; conciliate

704 cacophony n. discord

705 apotheosis n. theo(=God)

706 lassitude n. lass(=weary)

707 maladroit

708 grouse v. complain; fuss

709 gauche a. clumsy; boorish

710 vitriolic a. corrosive; sarcastic

711 wan a. having a pale or sickly color; pallid

712 evanescent

a. dorm(=sleep)+ant(=having the quality of)

in a state of inactivity but awaiting development or activity; sleeping; lethargic; torpid

n. em<en(=in)+path(=feel, suffer)

projecting oneself into and so fully understanding, and losing one's identity in a work of art or other object of contemplation; sharing another person's feelings

overseer of marals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remar

v. plac(=peace)+ate(=make)

deification; release from earthly life; deification; glorification

tiredness; state of being uninterested in things; languor; weariness

a. mal(=bad)+a(=to)+droit<rect(=straight, right)

not adroit; clumsy; tactless; clumsy; bungling

a. e<ex(=out, intensive)+van(=empty)+esc(=becoming)

tending to fade from sight; soon going from the memory; ephemeral; fleeting; vanishing

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713 verbiage

714 ideology n. ideas of a group people715 figment n. invention; imaginary thing

716 render v.

717 evoke718 astute a. wise; shrewd719 obsolete a. outmoded

720 regal a.

721 accretion n. growth; increase

722 acrid a. sharp; bitterly pungent

723 multifarious a. fa<fac(=make)

724 aggregate a. sum; total725 tenet n. doctrine; dogma

726 allusion n. indirect reference

727 ostracize v. ostrac(=shell)728 opalescent a. iridescent

729 desultory a. aimless; jumping around

730 shard n. fragment, generally of pottery

n. verb(=word)+i(=s.e.)+age(=collective)

unnecessary words for the expression of an idea, etc.; pompous array of words

cause someone or something to be or become; give in return or exchange; present, send in; give a performance of; express in another languge; deliver; provide; represent

v. e<ex(=out, up)+vok/voc(=call)

call forth or summon a spirit, etc.; draw forth or elicit a particular mental image, reaction, etc.

of a king,royal; characteristic of a king,splendid,stately,magnificent,etc.

varied, diversified; varied; greatly diversified

shut out from society; refuse to meet, talk to, etc.; exclude from public favor; ban

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731 ambivalence

732 rendition n.

733 enrapture v. please intensely734 aviary n. enclosure for birds735 beatific a. giving bliss; blissful736 serrated a. having a sawtoothed edge

737 benefactor n. fact(=do,make)

738 parapet n. low wall at edge of roof or balcony

739 obeisance

740 biennial n.a. enni(=year)

741 furtive a. stealthy

742 renaissance n.

743 coalesce v. combine; fuse

744 cabal n.

745 arid a. dry; barren

746 mutinous a. unruly; rebellious747 taut a. tight; ready748 thrall n. slave; bondage

749 carnage killing of many people; destruction of life

n. val(=worth,strength)

the state of having either or both of two contrary or similar values, meanings, etc.; the state of having contradictory or conflicitng emotional attitudes

translation; artistic interpretation of a song, etc.

person who has given financial help to a school, hospital, or charitable institution; gift gver; patron

n. ob(=intensive)+eis<aud(=hear)

deep bow of respect or homage; homage; obedience, submission

plant that lives two years; occuring every two years

the revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transition from medieval to modern time

small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests

n. carn(=flesh)+age(=collective)

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750 abeyance n. bey(=gape)

751 alchemy n. medieval chemistry752 bauble n. trinket; trifle

753 secular a.

754 anathema

755 circumlocution n. locut(=say)

756 indemnify v.

757 chafe v. warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing758 tribute n. tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect

759 eccentric n.a. odd; whimsical; irregular

760 n.761 foray n. raid

762 agrarian a. pertaining to land or its cultivation

763 betroth v.764 urbane a. suave; refined; elegant

765 laudatory a. expressing praise

766 brook v. tolerate; endure

767 dearth n. scarcity

condition of not being in force or in use for a time; suspended action

worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal

n. them(=put,place)

formal declaration of the church, excommunicating somebody or condemning something as evil; solemn curse

roundabout way of speaking; roundabout expression; indirect or roundabout expression

make secure against loss; compensate for loss

divestiture Cach viêt khac : divestment

an order to an offending party to rid itself of property; it has the purpose of depriving the defendant of the gains of wrongful behavior

engage a waman in contract of marriage; become engaged to marry

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768 debonair a. friendly; aiming to please

769 cupidity n. greed

770 relevant a.

771 refute v. disprove

772 lout n. clumsy person

773 gibber v. speak foolishly

774 depredation

775 stymie v. present an obstacle; stump

776 cache n. hiding place

777 peripheral a. pher(=carry)

778 subside v. settle down; descend; grow quiet

779 stoic n.

780 abstinence n. restraint from eating or drinking

781 dregs n. sediment; worthless residue

782 baleful a. deadly; destructive

783 percussion n.

784 dulcet a. sweet sounding

785 stolid a. dull; impassive

786 efficacy n. power to produce desired effect

closely connected with what is happening, being discussed, done, etc.; to the point

n. de(=intensive)+pred(=plunder)

destruction or pillaging of property; plundering

of external boundary or surface; marginal; outer

person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain

striking one object against another sharply

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787 hackneyed a. commonplace; trite

788 ferment n. agitation; commotion

789 galvanize v. stimulate by shock; stir up790 estranged a. separated

791 repugnant a.

792 blighted a. suffering from a disease; destroyed

793 facade n. front of the building

794 preclude

795 fecundity n. fertility; fruitfulness

796 fealty n. loyalty; faithfulness797 oligarchy n. government by a few

798 petulant a. touchy; peevish

799 finesse n. delicate skill

800 verity n. truth; reality801 cower v. shrink quivering, as from fear

802 advocate

803 indiscriminate

804 collusion

805 garbled a.806 striated a. marked with parallel bands

distasteful; causing a feeling of dislike or opposition

v. pre(=before)+clud(=shut)

prevent; make impossible in advance; make impossible; eliminate

n.v. ad(=to)+voc(=call)

a person who advocates; barrister; speak in favor of something; urge; plead for

a. in(=not)+dis(=apart)+crimin(=separate, guilty, crime)

acting without care or taste; choosing at random; confused

n. col<con(=together)+lus/lud(=laugh, play)

secret agreement for an unlawful or evil purpose; conspiring in a fraudulent scheme

mixed up; based on false or unfair selection

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807 bode v. foreshadow; portend

808 gnarled a. twisted

809 chronicle v. report; record (in chronological order)

810 gourmand n.

811 uncouth a.

812 flout v. reject; mock

813 equipoise n. balance; balancing force; equilivrium

814 debilitate make weak; weaken; enfeeble

815 n. forcible restraint, especially unlawfully816 buttress n. support or prop

817 gerrymander v.

818 homogeneous of the same kind

819 incongruity n. lack of harmony; absurdity

820 viable a. capable of maintaining life

821 immutable that cannot be changed; unchangeable

822 insularity n. narrow-mindedness; isolation

823 intransigence n.

824 absolve

epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink

rough, awkward, not cultured; outlandish; clumsy; boorish

v. de(=reverse)+bilit(=strong)+ate(=make)

duress Cach viêt khac : duresse

change voting district lines in order to favor a political party

a. gen(=birth,kind)

a. im<in(=not)+mut(=change)

state of stubborn unwillingness to compromise

v. ab(=from)+solv/solu(=loosen)

declare someone free from guilt or punishment; pardon an offense

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825 portend v. foretell; presage

826 lascivious a. lustful

827 germane a. pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand

828 pertinent a. suitable; to the point

829 licentious a. wanton; lewd; dissolute

830 prattle v. babble

831 usury n. lending money at illegal rates of interest

832 salient

833 guffaw n. boisterous laughter

834 lugubrious a. mournful

835 lurid a. wild; sensational

836 desuetude n. disused condition

837 dexterous a. skillful

838 malicious a. dictated by hatred or spite

839 hoary a. white with age

n.a. sal(=leap, salt)+i(=s.e.)+ent(=having the quality of)

salient angle; forward wedge driven into the enemy's battle front; outstanding, prominent, easily noticed; pointing outwards

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840 garrulity n. talkativeness

841 grisly a. causing horror or terror, ghastly

842 glut v. overstock; fill to excess

843 exude v. discharge; give forth

844 incompatible a. inharmonious845 bucolic a. rustic; pastoral

846 acerbity n. bitterness of speech and temper

847 metamorphosis n. morph(=form)

848 ecclesiastic a. pertaining to the church

849 hamper v. obstruct

850 misanthrope n. anthrop(=man)

851 ennui n. boredom852 lucent a. shining; bright

853 prevaricate

854 pernicious injurious; harmful; fatal; very destructive

855 fissure n. crevice

change of form or character, eg. by natural growth or development

hater of mankind; person who avoids society; one who hates mankind

v. pre(=before)+varic(=straddle)+ate(=make)

make untrue or partly untrue statements, try to evade telling the whole truth; lie

a. per(=through, thoroughly)+nic<noc(=harm, kill)

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856 amorphous

857 seethe v. be disturbed; boil

858 fetish n.

859 expedite

860 incursion n. temporary invasion

861 sanguine a. sangu(=blood)

862 phlegmatic a. calm; not easily disturbed

863 fortitude n. fort(=strong)864 deciduous a. falling of as of leaves

865 whet v. sharpen; stimulate

866 askance a.e.

867 alleviate

868 opaque a. dark; not transparent

869 repertoire n.

870 bombastic a. pompous; using inflated language

871 raze v. destroy completely

872 stupor

873 ensconce v. settle comfortably

874 parley n. conference

a. a<an(=not, without)+morph(=form)

having no definite shape or form; shapeless

object supposed to possess magical powers; an object of special devot

v. ex(=out)+ped(=foot)

help the progress of; speed up business, etc.

hopeful; optimistic; having a red complexion; cheerful; hopeful

calm courage in the face of pain, danger, or difficulty; bravery; courage

with suspicion; with a sideway or indirect look

v. al<ad(=to, add)+lev(=light, lift)

make pain or suffering less or easier to bear; relieve

list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to prese

n. stup(=dumb-struck)

almost unconscious condition caused by shock, drugs, alcohol, etc.; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness

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875 pensive a.

876 fulminate v. thunder; explode

877 blasphemous a. profane; impious

878 despotism n. tyranny

879 celibate a.

880 perquisite n. any gain above stipulated salary

881 crass a. very unrefined; grossly insensible

882 redundant a.

883 coda n.

884 pied a. variegated; multicolored

885 pious a. devout

886 piquant a. pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating

887 platitude n. trite remark; commonplace statement

888 denouement n.

889 tribunal n. place of judgment; court of justice

890 disavow891 fetter v. shackle

892 epitaph n. taph(=tomb)

dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness

unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse

superfluous; superfluous; excessively wordy; repetitious

concluding section of a musical or literary composition

outcome; final development of the plot of a play

v. dis(=not)+a<ad(=to)+vow<voc(=call)

deny belief, approval or knowledge; refuse

an inscription on a gravestone; inscription in memory of a dead person

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893 dissolution n. disintegration; looseness in morals

894 euphony n. phon(=sound) a pleasant sound; sweet sound

895 derogatory

896 pungent a. stinging; caustic

897 pungency n. sharpness; stinging quality

898 faction n. party; clique; dissension

899 rampant a. rearing up on hind legs; unrestrained

900 appropriate a.v.

901 realm n. kingdom; sphere

902 potable a. suitable for drinking

903 recession n. withdrawl; retreat

904 shoddy a.

905 benign a. gn<gen(=birth)

906 succinct

a. de(=down)+rog(=ask)

tending to damage or take away from one's credit, etc.; insulting; expressing a low opinion

a. suitable, v.'acquire; take possession of for one`s own use

of poor quality; made to seem better than it is; sham; not genuine; inferior

kind, gentle; mild; not dangerous; kindly; favorable; not malignant

a. suc<sub(=under, precisely)+cinct(=gird, bind)

terse; expressed briefly and clearly; brief; terse; compact

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907 subsidiary

908 resurgent a. rising again after defeat, etc.

909 encroach

910 laggard a. slow; sluggish

911 jocose a. giving to joking

912 sardonic a. disdainful; sarcastic; cynical

913 besmirch v. soil; defile

914 pommel v.n. beat

915 ballast n.916 shoal n. shallow place

917 contumacious

918 sinuous a.

919 sordid a. filthy; base; vile

920 soliloquy n. talking to oneself

921 marauder n. raider; intruder

922 impede v. hinder; block

n.a. sub(=under)+sid(=sit)

subsidiary company; serving as a help or support but not of first importance; subordinate; secondary

v. en(=in)+croach<croch(=hook, bend)

go beyond what is right or natural or desirable

heavy substance used to add stability or weight

a. con(=intensive)+tum(=swell)

resisting authority; obstinate and disobedient; disobedient; resisting authority

winding; bending in and out; not morally honest

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923 diverge v. verg(=lean)924 stagnant a. motionless; stale; dull

925 pandemonium wild and noisy disorder; wild tumult

926 magnate n. person of prominence or influence

927 visage n. face; appearance

928 capricious a. flickle; incalculable

929 exonerate

930 lethargic a. drowsy; dull

931 subtlety n. nicety; cunning; guile; delicacy

932 resplendent a. very bright; splendid; brilliant; lustrous

933 transmute

934 fickle a.

935 torpid a. dormant; dull; lethargic

936 innocuous causing no harm; harmless937 trek v. travel; migrate

get farther apart from a point or from each other as they progress; turn off; deviate; vary; go in different directions from the same point

n. demon(=demon)

v. ex(=out)+oner(=burden)+ate(=make)

relieve of a burden, obligation, etc.; free from a charge or the imputation of guilt, exculpate; acquit; exculpate

v. trans(=intensive)+mut(=change)

change the shape, nature or substance of; change; convert to something different

often changing; not constant; changeable; faithless

a. in(=not)+noc(=harm)

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938 trite a. hackneyed; commonplace

939 discordant940 reciprocal a. mutual; exchangeable; interacting

941 amalgamate v. combine; unite in one body942 discrete a. separate; unconnected

943 unruly a.

944 vacuous a. empty; inane

945 venal a. capable of being bribed

946 equinox n.

947 vicissitude n. vicis(=change)

948 enervate949 virulent a. extremely poisonous

950 fastidious a. difficult to please; squeamish951 dank a. damp

952 incarcerate v. imprison

953 turbid a. muddy; having the sediment disturbed

954 ascetic a. practicing self-denial; austere

955 deprecate

956 credulity n. belief on slight evidence

a. dis(=apart)+cord(=heart)

not in agreement; not harmonious; harsh; inharmonious; conflicting

not easily controlled; disorderly; disobedient; lawless

period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn

change, especially in somebody's fortunes; change of fortune

a.v. e<ex(=out)+nerv(=nerve)

deprive of strength, force, vigor, etc.; weaken physically, mentally, or morally ;; weakened

v. de(=off, from)+prec(=pray)

feel and express disapproval of; disapprove regretfully

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957 bedizen v. dress with vulgar finery

958 wizened a. withered; shriveled

959 ambiguous

960 molten a.

961 cessation n. stopping

962 docile

963 discourse N, v formal discussion; conversation

964 sedulous a. diligent965 saturate v. soak

966 fervor n. glowing ardor

967 propinquity n. nearness; kinship

968 diverse a. differing in some characteristics; various

969 dichotomy970 stipend n. pay for services

971 anarchy

972 loquacious talkative,fond of talking

a. amb<ambi(=around, both)+ig(=drive)+u(=s.e.)+ous(=having the quality of)

having more than one meaning; of uncertain meaning or intention; doubtful in meaning

in a melted and therefore very hot state; made of metal that has been melted and cast

a. doc(=teach)+ile(=capable of)

easily trained or controlled; obedient; easily managed

n. di(=two)+cho(=into)+tom(=cut)+y(=that which)

division into two parts, groups. or classes, especially when there are sharply distinguished or opposed; branching into two parts

n. an(=not, without)+arch(=govern, government)

absence of government or control; disorder; confusion; absence of governing body; state of disorder

a. loqu(=say)+aci(=s.e.)+ous(=many, full)

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973 fallible liable to error

974 occult

975 fortuitous a. accidental; by chance

976 disparage977 complacent a. self-satisfied978 ominous a. threatening

979 excoriate v. flay; abrade

980 burnish n. v. make shiny by rubbing; polish

981 paucity n. scarcity

982 desecrate

983 scourge n. lash; whip; severe punishment

984 vantage n. position giving an advantage

985 breach n. breaking of contract or duty; fissure; gap

986 lewd a. lustful

987 baroque a. highly ornate

a. fal (=err)+ible(=capable of)

a. oc<ob(=intensive)+cul<cel(=hide)

hidden; secret; mysterious; supernatural; magical; mysterious; secret; supernatural

v. dis(=not)+par(=equal)

say that someone or something is of small value or importance; speak ill of; belittle

v. de(=down)+secr<sacr(=holy)

treat a holy thing without respect; profane; violate the sanctity of

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988 derision n. ridicule

989 lambent a. flickering; softly radiant

990 circumvent v. vent(=come)

991 addle a. rotten; muddled; crazy

992 nugatory a. futile; worthless

993 pristine a.

994 verbose a. wordy

995 synthesis n. thes(=to place)

996 comprehensive a. thorough; inclusive997 sapid a. savory; tasty; relishable

998 codicil n. supplement to the body of a will

999 debacle n. breaking up; downfall

1000 endemic a.

1001 inert a.1002 hapless a. unfortunate

1003 paltry a. insignificant; petty

1004 saga n. scandinavian myth; any legend1005 feasible a. practical1006 vaunted a. boasted; bragged; highly publicized

prevent a plan from being carried out, frustrate; outwit; baffle

characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled

a combination of parts to form a whole; combining parts into a whole

prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area

lacking independent power to move; not active

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1007 foment v. stir up; instigate

1008 geniality n. cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy

1009 delusion n. false belief; hallucination1010 motif n. theme

1011 propitiate

1012 esoteric a. known only to the chosen few

1013 episodic a. loosely connected

1014 pedagogy n. teaching; art of education

1015 equanimity

1016 doting a.

1017 imprecate v. curse; pray that evil will befall

1018 repudiate v.1019 hone v. sharpen

1020 approbation approval; sanction

v. pro(=before)+pit<pet(=seek)+i(=s.e.) +ate(=make)

do something to take away the anger of; appease

n. equ(=equal, same)+anim(=mind, life, breath) +ity(=state)

calmness of mind or temper; calmness of temperament

extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent

disown; say that one will have nothing more to do with; refuse to accept or acknowledge; refuse to pay an obligation or dept; disown; disavow

n. ap<ad(=to)+prob(=try, test, good)

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1021 visionary

1022 maverick n. rebel; nonconformist

1023 rhetorical a.

1024 labyrinth n. maze1025 litigation n. lawsuit

1026 covenant formed agreement that is legally binding

1027 truculence n. aggressiveness; ferocity

1028 qualified a. limited; restricted

1029 purview

1030 tutelage n. guardianship; training

1031 untoward a. unfortunate; annoying

1032 discombobulated1033 carte blanche n. unlimited authority or freedom

1034 ethereal a. light; heavenly; fine

1035 opulence n. opul(=wealth) wealth, abundance1036 vouchsafe v. grant condescendingly; guarantee

1037 rotundity n. roundness; sonorousness of speech

n.a. vis(=look)+ion(=state)+ary(=relating to)

visionary person; existing only in a vision or the imagination; unpractical; fanciful; produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical

pertaining to effective communication; insincere in language

n.v. co<con(=together)+ven(=come)

n. pur<pro(=forth)+view(=look)

range of operation or activity; range of sight or understanding; the body and scope of an act or bill

a. alteration of discompose = confuse

having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion

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1038 specious1039 foible n. weakness; slight fault

1040 ruminate v. chew the cud; ponder

1041 knavery n. rascality

1042 cascade n. small waterfall

1043 impenitent a. not repentant1044 vestige n. trace; remains

1045 lax a. careless

1046 privy a. secret; hidden; not public

1047 temperament person's disposition or nature

1048 penury n. extreme poverty

1049 cogent1050 consort v. associate with

1051 fractious irritable, peevish, bad-tempered; unruly

1052 tacit a. understood; not put into words

a. spec(=look)+i(=s.e.)+ous(=having the quality of)

seeming right or true, but not really so; seemingly reasonable but incorrect

n. temper(=stretch)

a. co(=together)+g<ag(=drive, do)

having a powerful appeal to the mind; convincing

a. fract(=break)+i(=s.e.)+ous(=having the quality of)

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1053 terrestrial a. on the earth

1054 contentious a. quarrelsome

1055 timbre n.

1056 prefatory of a preface, introductory

1057 uncanny a.

1058 incorporeal a. immaterial; without a material body1059 ramification n. branching out; subdivision

1060 trepidation n. fear; trembling agitation

1061 attenuate

1062 impiety n. irreverence; wickedness1063 toxic a. poisonous

1064 bestial a. beastlike; brutal

1065 noxious a. harmful

1066 succor n. aid; assistance; relief

1067 inimical hostile; harmful; unfriendly; hostile

1068 vertigo n. dizziness

quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument

a. pre(=before)+fa(=say)

unnatural, mysterious, weird; strange; mysterious

v. at<ad(=to, intensive)+tenu(=thin)

make thin or slender; weaken; make thin; weaken

a. in(=not)+im<am(=love)

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1069 forestall v. stall(=to put)

1070 impetuous a. violent; hasty; rash

1071 mollify v. soothe

1072 obtrude

1073 turbulence n. state of violent agitation

1074 abdicate

1075 reiterate v. say or do again several times; repeat

1076 sumptuous

1077 recant v.

1078 immolate

1079 altercation quarrel or noisy argument; wordy quarrel1080 criteria n. standards used in judging

1081 disingenuous

upset somebody or his plans by doing something unexpectedly early; buy up; do something first and so prevent another from doing it; prevent by taking action in advance

v. ob(=in the way, intensive)+trud/trus(=thrust)

push oneself, one's opinions, etc. forward when unwanted; force oneself upon others; push into prominence

v. ab(=off)+dic(=say, proclaim)

formally give up an office or a duty; give up the throne; renounce; give up

a. sumpt(=take, use, waste)+u(=s.e.)+ous(=full, many)

costly, luxurious; magnificent, splendid; lavish; rich

withdraw or renounce beliefs, statement, etc. in a formal or public manner; repudiate; withdraw previous statement

v. im<in(=on)+mol(=grain, heap, grind)

kill as an offering; sacrifice one thing to another; offer as a sacrifice

n. alter(=other)+ca(=s.e.)+tion(=that which)

a. dis(=not)+in(=in)+gen(=birth)

insincere; not straightforward; not naive; sophisticated

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1082 culpable

1083 altruistic

1084 assiduous

1085 pragmatic

1086 pedantic a. showing off learning; bookish

1087 mettle n. courage; spirit

1088 dais n. raised platform for guests of honor

1089 ossify v. change or harden into bone

1090 harass v. to annoy by repeated attacks

1091 fester v. generate pus

1092 omniscient

1093 propitious favorable; well-disposed; kindly1094 swathe v. wrap around; bandage

1095 insolvent a. backrupt; lacking money to pay

a. culp(=blame, fault)+able(=capable of)

blameworthy,deserving punishment; deserving blame

a. altru<alter(=other)+ist(=person who)+ic(=nature of)

considering the well-being and happines of others first,unselfish; unselfishly generous; concerned for others

a. as<ad(=to, intensive)+sid(=sit)

working steadily, diligent; eagerly attentive

a. prag<pract(=do, business)+mat(=s.e.)+ic(=nature of)

treating things in a matter-of-fact or pratical way; practical; concerned with practical values

a. sci(=know); omni(=all)+sci(=know)+ent(=having the quality of)

all knowing, having unlimited authority; knowing all; having complete or infinite knowledge; all-knowing

a. pro(=before, forward)+pit<pet(=seek)

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1096 dissemble

1097 flag v. drop; grow feeble

1098 imminent

1099 egregious

1100 zenith n.

1101 quandary n. dilemma

1102 zephyr n. gentle breeze; west wind

1103 assay v. analyze; evaluate

1104 morose a. ill-humored; sullen

1105 rummage v. ransack; thoroughly search

1106 vie v. contend; compete

1107 chaff n. worthless products of an endeavor

1108 flux n. flowing; series of changes

1109 chasten v. discipline; punish in order to correct

1110 aver

1111 reticent a.

1112 quizzical a. bantering; comical; humorously serious

v. dis(=not)+sembl(=same)

hide one's feeling, intentions, etc.; disguise; disguise; pretend

a. im<in(=on)+min(=hang, project)

impending; likely to happen without delay; impending; near at hand

a. e<ex(=out)+greg(=flock, mob)

remarkably bad; outstanding, used for someone or something bad; flagrant; gross; shocking

point directly overhead in the sky; summit

v. a<ad(=to)+ver(=true)

declare as true; assert; affirm; state confidently

not saying all that is known or felt; in the habit of saving little; reserved; uncommunicative, inclined to silence

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1113 discrepancy

1114 torque n. twisiting force; force producing rotation

1115 wrest v. pull away; take by violence

1116 connivance n.

1117 annihilate destroy completely; put an end to

1118 deleterious a. harmful

1119 exorbitant

1120 antipathy

1121 authentic

1122 intermittent

1123 imputation n. charge; repraoch

1124 supposition

1125 emanate come out; issue; issue forth

1126 inept

n. dis(=apart)+crep(=rattle)

difference; absence of agreement; lack of consistency; difference

pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance

v. an<ad(=to, near)+nihil(=nothing)

a. ex(=out)+orb(=track, circle)

going beyond what is reasonable, just, proper, usual,etc.; excessive

n. anti(=against, opposite)+path(=feel)+y(=that which)

strong and decided dislike; aversion; dislike

a. hen(=perpare,achieve)

genuine, not fictitious; reliable, trustworthy

a. inter(=between)+mit(=send)

stopping and starting again at intervals; periodic; on and off

n. sup<sub(=under)+pos(=put)

supposing; guess; hypothesis; hypothesis; surmise

v. e<ex(=out)+man(=flow, stay)

a. in(=not)+ept<apt(=fit)

not suitable to the purpose; wrong in a foolish and awkward way; unsuited; absurd; incompetent

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1127 ubiquitous a. being everywhere; omnipresent1128 diffidence n. shyness

1129 colloquial a.

1130 tractable a. docile

1131 encumber

1132 enhance v. advance; improve

1133 diffusion n.

1134 dilatory a. delaying

1135 facetious a. humorous; jocular

1136 flippancy n. trifling gaiety

1137 insouciant a. indifferent; without concern or care

1138 assuage v. ease; lessen pain

1139 propensity a natural inclination or tendency

1140 fallacious a. misleading

1141 scurrilous a. obscene; indecent

1142 factious a.

1143 daunt v. intimidate1144 torturous a. marked by extreme suffering1145 transitory a. existing for a short time only

pertaining to conversational or common speech

v. en(=in)+cumb(=lean, lie)

get in the way of; be a burden to; choke up

wordiness; spreading in all directions like a gas

n. pro(=forth)+pens(=hang, weigh)

inclined to form factions; causing dissension

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1146 throe n. extreme struggling anguish

1147 sullen a.

1148 pinioned a, n, v

1149 vaunt n.v.

1150 preen v.

1151 debauchery n.

1152 iconoclast n.1153 indolent a. habitually inactive or idle

1154 indignant a.

1155 sterile a. having no reproductive power

1156 palindrome n.

1157 salutatory n.1158 reprehend v. express strong disapproval of

1159 acerbic a.

1160 extricable a. capable of being extricated

1161 fecund a.

1162 insalubrious a. detrimental to health

1163 cohort n.

1164 innovate v.1165 cynical a. exhibiting moral skepticism

showing a brooding ill humor; darkened by clouds

(of birds) especially having the flight feathers; bound fast especially having the arms restrained

extravagant self-praise; extravagant self-praise

clean with one's bill, of birds; pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement

a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

an image-breaker; someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions

having such anger and scorn as is aroused by meanness or wickedness

a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward

the opening oration at the commemcement in American colleges

sour or bitter in taste; harsh or corrosive in tone

capable of producing offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive

a company of companions or supporters; a band of warriors (originally a unit of a Roman Legion)

to introduce or strive to introduce new things

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1166 retroaction n.

1167 glutton n.

1168 sycophant n.1169 conjoin v. to unite1170 anhydrous a. withered

1171 provocative a.

1172 incoherent a.

1173 litigate v.

1174 haughty a.

1175 arrogant a.

1176 philanthropy n.

1177 perceptive a.

1178 artifice n. deception; trickery

1179 calk n.v.

1180 qualm n. a fit of nausea

Operation on something past or preceding

a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess; wolverine of northern Eurasia

a servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influence

serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion orexciting controversy; exciting sexual desire

not logically coordinated, as to parts, elements, or details

to cause to become the subject-matter of a suitat law

having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy

unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc

voluntary promotion of human welfare; active humanitarianism

having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernmenta word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward

a metal cleat on the bottom front of a horseshoe to prevent slipping; provide with calks; seal with caulking; injure with a calk

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1181 solicit v.

1182 spendthrift n.1183 fanatic n.a. a religious zealot

1184 benevolent

1185 nostalgic a.

1186 chronology n.1187 adulate v. flatter in an obsequious manner1188 coltish a. given to merry frolicking

1189 ostentatious

1190 acrimony n.1191 imprecation n. a curse

1192 epiphany n.1193 indefatigability n. tireless determination

1194 intemperance n.

1195 latency n. the state of being dormant

1196 eminence n.

1197 idyllic a.

1198 renascence n. the revival of learning and culture

make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently; make amorous advances towards; offer one's body for sex in return for money

someone who spends money prodigallyRecklessly wasteful

a. bene(=good)+vol(=will)+ent(=having the quality of)

doing or inclined to do good; kindly; charitable; generous; charitable

unhappy at being away and longing for familiar things or persons

the science that treats of computation of time,or of investigation and arrangement of events

done for unnecessary display; liking to attract notice; showy; pretentious

Isn't it rather ostentatious to wear a Phi Beta kappa key on a chain around your neck?; The real hero is modest, never ostentatious.

sharpness or bitterness of speeech or temper

any appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity

immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites

an elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, condition, etc

excellent and delightful in all respects; suggestive of an idyll; charmingly simple and serene

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1199 bilge n.v.1200 hedonistic a. devoted to pleasure1201 vernacular n. the language of one's country1202 expository a. pertaining to a formal presentation

1203 insalubrity n.

1204 pervasive a. thoroughly penetrating or permeating1205 uxoricide n.1206 teem v. to be full to overflowing

1207 satiric a.1208 beatify v. to make supremely happy

1209 calcify v.

1210 loutish a.

1211 enfetter v.

1212 consummation n.

1213 economical a.

1214 economy n.1215 magnanimity n. extremely liberal generosity of spirit

where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom; cause to leak (as of vessels); take in water at the bilge

the quality of being insalubrious and debilitating

resembling poetry, in which vice, incapacity,or corruption is held up to ridicule

become impregnated with calcium salts; turn into lime; become calcified; convert into lime

ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance

restrain with fetters; constrain; make a slave;

the act of bringing to completion or fruition

using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness; of or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth

the system of production and distribution and consumption; the efficient use of resources; frugality in the expenditure of money or resources

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nhanh ẩu đoảng

lối nói trại , uyển ngữ

bất thường, hay thay đổi; kỳ quai, kỳ dị

Phép đảo chữ cai để tạo ra từ khac

thiêu nghiêm trang, khiêm nhã; hỗn lao

tran ra, lan ra, lam ươt đâm

người theo chủ nghĩa sô-vanh

Chửi rủa, mắng nhiêc, sỉ vả; re(=back) +vil(=cheap)

phép tam đoạn lu n , sư suy lu n, sư suy â âdiên

Thanh luỹ, sư phòng thủ; phòng thủ bằng thanh luỹ.

1. Lời nói bóng, truyện ngụ ngôn, phúng dụ. 2. Biểu tượng

người đan ba lắm điêu, người đan ba lăng loan

Thay đổi hinh dang ho c bản chất; biên ăhinh; biên hoa

T ương tư, giống nhau

đại hồng thuỷ, biên cố địa chất, biên động lơn

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chủ nghĩa khoai lạc

tư trị

cỡ (súng, đạn); phẩm chất, năng lưc

để l ra, tiêt lô ô

Người như nô lệ, phụ thuộc

tach rời ra, để riêng

bị ôi (thức ăn)

hệ thống cấp bậc, thứ tư

Sưc mùi, thơm phức; gợi nhơ lại; red<re(=intensive) +ol(=smell)

chảy nho giot; (hoa hoc) được chưng cất; chưng cất

không thể đên bù lại được, không thể sửa lại được

Đang kính trong, đang sợ; re(=intensive) +doub<dob(=uncertain)

loại n ơc, lam khô

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trac tang , truỵ lạc lam đồi bại

sư sai lầm, câu nói hơ

lời than vãn, lời rên rỉ, bai ca bi thảm

giấu giêm, bí mật

hốc hac, phờ phạc

Sư tạm trú

trong suốt, rõ rang, minh bạch

anh chang dơ đầu chịu bang

khuyên khích, tăng cường, thúc đẩy; chăm sóc nuôi dưỡng

(a) thu c Plato, triêt hoc Plato; ly tương ôthuần khiêt, không thiêt thưc, suông

có thể bị tổn thương, lam hại, xúc phạm; dê bị nguy hiểm, bị tấn công; điểm yêu

(a) yên l ng, binh yên, không bị khuấy ăđ ng (cảnh v t); điêm tinh (người)ô â

ng ời sanh điệu, sanh soi

sư lam tr ch đi; sư tr ch đi; (quân sư) ê êchiên thu t vu hồi, chiên thu t nghi binh; â âsư lam lãng trí; sư giải trí, trò tiêu khiển

N: sư l n x n, sư xao tr n; V: lam l n ô ô ô ôx n, lam xao tr nô ô

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bắt đầu moc, nảy mầm

sắc bén, đanh thép, mạnh me

Khí xông lên, mùi thối, xú khí

phỉ bang gièm pha, bôi nho

ủng hộ

cộng tac

khai trí, soi sang (nghĩa bóng)

tôn trong tôn kính

im lim, yên l ng, thụ đ ng, không hoạt ă ôđ ngô

Sư hoãn thi hanh; thời gian nghỉ ngơi, giải lao; re(=back, away) +spi(=look)

1-n. Hơp kim, chất hỗn hợp.2- v. Nâu thanh hợp kim, trộn vao, lam pha tạp, lam giảm gia trị đi

ban cho quyên bo phiêu; trả tư do, giải phóng

sư rút đ ợc thu đ ợc, sản phẩm phụ

lòng trung thanh; sư đúng đắn, độ trung thưc

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tiệt chủng, biên mất

y muốn, sư mong muốn, y chí

nói lập lờ , nói nươc đôi

trong yêu, thưc sư, tồn tại đ c l pô â

không thường xuyên, rời rạc

Nặc danh, giấu tên, ẩn danh

thơ dơ, thơ tồi; adj: dơ, tồi

gương mâu, mâu mưc; để lam gương, để cảnh cao

người phóng đãng, người trụy lạc, người dâm đãng

tính coi nhẹ, tính khinh suất, tính khinh bạc, tính nhẹ dạ

Bằng lòng, ư ng thuận, mặc nhận

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Suy luận, ham y

ăn cơm nha, vac tù va hang tổng

Lam suy yêu, lam sút kém,lam hư hong

sư tẩy nhẹ, sư hồi hộp phấn chấn

đòi cai gi không phải của minh, vu cho ai

người phân xử, quan toa, thẩm phan

đua tranh, cạnh tranh

sư phô bay, triển lãm, sư trinh bay, giải thích, mô tả

sang sủa, minh bạch, rõ rang, trong sang, dê hiểu, sang suốt, minh mân

(n) quyên; đ c quyên; (a) có quyên; có ăđ c quyên, được hương đ c quyênă ă

1. Khuyên giải, an ủi, dỗ danh, lam khuây, lam dịu, lam nguôi. 2. Như ợng bộ vô nguyên tắc

Không thể lam nguôi được, không thể lam mủi lòng

Lam đẹp, trang điểm, tô son điểm phấn; thêm thắt

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buổi chiêu đãi, đam khach, con đê, đê

Thu hút sư chú y.

Đồng y , nhất trí

thờ cúng , thanh hoa

đi tản bộ ,đi một cach nhan nhã

bệnh hoạn

nhin hau hau, nhin hả hê thèm muốn

hội tụ, đồng quy, tụ tập

nghịch ly, ngược đời

tao bạoxanh da trời

Sư ra; quyên ra vao; con đường

Nói huênh hoang, cường điệu; lời nói huênh hoang; Nổi giận, nổi xung.

(sư) uống từng hơi dai; sư nốc cạn m t ôhơi; (m t) hơi (rượu, nươc...)ô

om sòm, to tiêng, ầm ĩ; một mưc khăng khăng

đòn nặng, người, vật to lơn; mơ, đam hỗ độn; cuộn minh nằm sấp, nhúng minh vao, đắm minh trong

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phép ngoại suy

lo sợ, sợ hãi

nh n thức rõ, thấy rõ; sâu sắc, sang suốtâ

kẻ lang băm, bịp bợmRõ rang, sờ sờ, không nghi ngờ được

xanh xao, vang vot

cục mịch, thô lỗ, quê mùa

đao lên , khai quật

chân ly

Kẻ địch, kẻ thù, đối ph ơng, đối thủ

Ajd: đ c ac, thâm hiểm; (y hoc) ac tính; V: ônói xấu, phỉ bang, vu khống

1. Thuộc vê thẩm mỹ, mỹ hoc. 2. Có gu thẩm mỹ, có óc thẩm mỹ

Bãi bo, huỷ bo (hợp đồng); re(=back, away) +scind(=cut)

hay chiêu theo y người khac, sẵn sang tuân theo

liên lạc, quan hệ bất chính (nam nữ), sư nối vần

(a) thăng đứng, ngay; (nghĩa bóng) hoan toan, đích th tâ

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Vừa bắt đầu, còn phôi thai

Ghi nhơ, khắc sâu vao, in sâu

bu c, c t bằng dâyô ô

lời chửi rủa, lời nguyên rủa, lời chửi bơi

Cam chịu, nhân nhục

Bất khuất, không khuất phục được

to ra hoặc có đầu óc sang suốt, đúng đắn

kê hoạch vê một cuộc hanh trinh, ghi chép vê một cuộc hanh trinh

đổ nat, xiêu vẹo, op ẹp (nha); sứt cang gãy gong (đồ đạc); xac xơ (quần ao...) bị phung phí (của cải) lôi thôi, không gon gang (ăn m c)ă

thói quen, t t; sư tinh cờ; lời giêu cợt; lời âthoai thac; nét chữ uốn cong, nét chữ kiểu cach; nét ve kiểu cach; (kiên trúc) đường xoi

lam giảm số l ợng, chất l ợng

vêt đòn, vêt đanh, vêt hằn ép, vêt lằn nổi, cú đanh by dint of... do bơi; v: lam nổi hằn, để lại vêt hằn ép (trên cai gi)

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có tính chất giả thuyêt

Chân thật, ngây thơ

xấu xa, đê tiện, đang khinh, ô nhục

phi thường, kỳ lạ; to lơn, đồ sô

Sư bao ứng, sư bao oan

Có thể v n đ ng; di đ ngâ ô ô

Hao hi p, cao thượngê

lệnh cấm, cấm, khai trừ(tôn giao)

Nằm; nằm nghiêng; re(=back) +cumb(=lie)

đầu hang (có điêu kiện)

(sư) cảnh giac, thận trong, đê phòng

Trao đổi lân nhau, đên đap lại, chuyên động qua lại; Re (=back) + ci (=s.e.) + pro(=forward) + c (=s.e.) + ate (=make)

Thấm ươt; tẩm ươt; ngâm ươt; Lam cho mêm, lam cho ki t quê ê

tấm trang trí, lơp mặt bê bao ngoai; mã ngoai, vo ngoai; sư ngụy trang

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điêu bí ẩn

nịnh bợ, tan tỉnh

Hinh, hinh nổi; hinh ve , hinh nộm

bị tươc, măt

lam giảm gia trị, chê bai gièm pha

Trầm ngâm ,Lầm li

tính mêm, tính dê uốn, tính dê kéo sợi (kim loại), tính dê uốn nắn, tính dê bảo

1. Sư ôm hôn, sư gõ nhẹ sống g ơm lên vai khi phong t ơc. 2. Dâu gộp trong âm nhạc

có lợi , thiêt thưc, thích hợp; mưu kê, thủ đoạn , cach

ng ời hay hoai nghi, hay trỉ chích cay độc

1. Sư phản đối, phản khang, đối lập. 2. Nguyên tắc đối lập

dũng cảm, kiên c ờng

(a) hấp tấp; thiêu suy nghĩ; (vt) lao xuống, ném xuống, lam gấp, thúc giục, (hoa hoc) kêt tủa; (v t ly) lam ngưng tụâ

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ngần ngại do dư, phản đối

Hợp ly hoa; giải thích cho hợp vơi le phải.

sư tao bạo, sư liêu lĩnh

1. Pha trộn. 2. Lam giả mạo

hợp nhau, tương thích

lam dịu nỗi đau hay sư phản ứng

ngăn cản,lam nản trí nhụt trí

Hay cãi lại, chống lại; cứng đầu, ngoan cố.

sư nhận thức, sư hiểu biêt; thẩm quyên

câu đố câu hoi hóc búa

ấm, âm ấm

Người sống ẩn dật, xa lanh xã hội; re(=back) +clus(=shut)

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Ngồi yên một chỗ

chiêt trung

lam đông lại

sôi, đang sôi; sôi nổi, hăm hơ

nằm phục xuống đất, bò đầm

chỗ gian đoạn, chỗ nứt

ra vẻ(dấu sư thật)

Người thầy thông thai, người cố vấn day kinh nghi mê

dê bay hơi; ko kiên định, hay thay đổi; nhẹ dạ; ko ổn định

(n) tính trung thưc, tính liêm khiêt, đang tin c yâ

nha hoc giả Hindu (Ân-đ ); (nghĩa Mỹ) ônha hoc giả uyên thâm; nha phê binh, nha binh lu nâ

1. Cấp cho, chỉ định dùng vao việc gi. 2. Phân phối, phân phat, chia phần

(n) người (v t) đên bao trươc, điêm bao âtrươc; tiên thân

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tan dương , ca tụng

đê tiện, ti tiện, địa vị hèn mon

Ngõ cụt, thê bê tắc, không lối thoat

Mặt day may dạn; tính vô liêm sỉ

Bản xứ

Ô nhục, bỉ ổi

(thuộc) bai trừ thanh tượng

ứng khẩu, bai nói ứng khẩu, không chuẩn bị trươc

(a) sơm ra hoa, sơm kêt quả (cây); (nói vê đứa bé) sơm phat triển

nghi thức ngoại giao; lê tân; bản dư thảo đầu tiên ho c nguyên gốc của m t hi p ă ô êđịnh ngoại giao; nghị định thư

sư vượt qua (giơi hạn), sư vi phạm (phap lu t...)â

suy yêu, tan tạ, mất dần đi quyên lưc hay tầm quan trong

ăn xin; ăn may; hanh khất; kẻ ăn xin; kẻ ăn may; kẻ hanh khất

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tinh khiêt, trong trắng

1. Lầm lạc. 2. Khac thường

khó giải quyêt, khó hiểu

có thể thẩm thấu

Phần nho; V t nho béâ

lam nổi rõ tính cach xấu ,bêu xấu

bạn bè, người quen biêt

N-adj: Khử trùng

Kẻ bo đạo, bội giao, bo đảng

la mắng

cầu xin, cầu khẩn, van xin

xử sư

tham ăn, pham ăn; ngấu nghiên; khao khat, rất hao hức

ơ nươc ngoai đưa vao, ngoại lai; kỳ lạ , kỳ cục

1. Tuyên bố từ bo, tư nguyện bo. 2. Rút lui (y kiên, lời hứa)

Không có tai ăn nói, ú ơ, không nói rõ rang được

đứa bé ngu ngốc; người đần đ n va vụng ôvê

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trò ảo thuật, goi hồn

lời vu khống

nha sư phạm, mô phạm

năn nỉ, van xin, khẩn khoản

không có, trống rỗng

Sư sốt sắng, nhanh nhảu, hoạt bat

bắt đầu

cản trơ, ngăn trơ, pha ngang, lam trơ ngạihhạ cố

lòng trung thanh; sư trung thưc

thiên hương

trang sức lộng lây, công phu

(n) tiên thù lao còm, tiên thu lao rẻ mạ, số lượng nho

xảo tra, ngụy biện; hay xoi mói, hay bắt bẻ

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Không thể sửa được

theo kinh nghiệm, dưa vao kinh nghiệm

méo, xiên, lệch, hong, không như y muốn

công kích, đả kích, phản khang kịch liệt

phóng đãng, dâm đãng

ngu ngốc, đần độnlém lỉnh, liên thoắng, trơn

thông minh ,sắc sảo

ngây thơ, chân thật

lờ mờ, mơ hồ, thiêu minh bạch; không chắc chắn

ko thông thường, ko quen, hiêm thấy; bất thường

Ai cũng biêt vi m t hanh đ ng ho c tính ô ô ăcach xấu nao đó; khét tiêng; có tiêng xấu

sư lấy đi, sư khấu đi; sư lam giảm uy tín, sư lam giảm gia trị; sư chê bai, sư gièm pha, sư nói xấu

ngot ngao; khéo léo, tinh tê ((thường) nói vê đan ông)

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lắng đong, lời khai, chúng thưc

mãnh liệt, kịch liệt, dữ dội; say đắm

Sư lười biêng

ha tiện ,hạn chêkhờ dại, cả tin

nguy nga, trạng lệ, như lâu đai

Khó hiểu, tối nghĩa, bí hiểm.

Kiểu hoc vẹt

adj-adv-ơ xa, tach xa, cach biệt

Hai hươc 1 cach thô tục.

Lẩn tranh, lẩn trốn

sư nói lưu loat; viêt trôi chảysư khiêm tốn, nhúng nhườngSư nịnh hót, bợ đỡ

1. Khó hiểu. 2. Thâm thuy, sâu sắctranh, kiêng cữlam cho dê dang, thuận tiệncó lợi, sinh lợi

(thu c) trí nhơ; giúp trí nhơôrậm lông

Tử tê, tốt bụng, nhã nhặn, dê th ơng

mệt moi, mệt rã rời, kiệt sức, phải lam việc qua sức, chan ứ, chan ngấy

mối t ương, quan tư ơng hỗ

(Cach viêt khac: nom de plume) bi t êhi u, bút danhê

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Hung dữ, bị bệnh dại, điên

Kẻ bợ đỡ; thu c hạ; tay saiôSư mơ mang, mơ mộng

tinh trạng hỗn độn, rắc rối

phê binh, chỉ trích, khiển trach

miêng đỡ, miêng gạt, động tac đỡ, gạtkiêp trầm luân, sư diệt vong

vệt nâu đốm

mặc (ao, quần); phú cho (ai/ đức tính)

giải tội, bao chữa, tuyên bố vô tội

rất thích hợp, khéo léo; may mắn

được miên (thuê), miên dịch

kích thích, thúc giục

Không biêt mệt

khôi hai, buồn cười, như trò hê; kỳ cục, kỳ qu c, anh hê; đóng vai hê; lam trò hêă

1. adj-cứng rắn, sắt đa. 2. n-Cai cứng như đa, kỷ c ương

Đâm qua, xiên qua, lam chêt đứng,lam ngây người, rao bằng coc

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Hay thay đổi, không kiên định, đồng bóng

buổi hop kín

1. Tiêt chê, có điêu độ. 2. Sơ sai, đạm bạc

Hung ac; Bất chính

bai binh luận dai dòng

loè loẹt, phô trương, hao nhoang

Chất đống, tích luỹ, cóp nhặt

khó khăn, gian khổ,hêt sức minh, gắng goi

xé, xé rach, lam tan nat

người ham mê ngh thu t tay chơi tai ê âtử, người không chuyên sâu; (a)tai tử

Bất thư ờng, dị thư ờng, không quy tắc

con cai; dòng dõi, con chau; (nghĩa bóng) kêt quả

(a) phóng đãng, trac tang; hoang toang, ngông cuồng;(n) kẻ phóng đãng, kẻ trac tang

nghệ sỹ bậc thầy, người nghệ sỹ rất thanh thạo; sư cho thấy kỹ năng đặc biệt

gây ấn tượng sai lầm, , không giữ lời hứa,nói ngược lại

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trong trắng, tiêt hạnh

Trầm tính ít nói

nhat gan

trong mờ

nồng nhiệt, nhiệt thanh

mêm mại, dê uốn, yểu điệu, uyển chuyển

sư tư chủ, kiên tri; sư độ lượng

nóng nảy cau kỉnhđẹp giả tạo; đẹp mã; hao nhoang

Bóng lang, rưc rỡ, chói ngời

giải tan, phân tan xua tan, lam tan tac (mây mù...); rải rắc, gieo vãi, gieo rắc, truyên (tin đồn...)(v t ly) tan sắcâ

(n)(số nhiêu polemics) cu c lu n chiên, ô âbút chiên; bai lu n chiên, bút chiên; ( số ânhiêu) sư lu n chiên, sư bút chiên; thu t â âlu n chiên, thu t bút chiênâ â

sôi nổi, hoạt bat, lanh lợi; (thưc vật) sống dai, lâu năm

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Sư thờ ơ, hờ hững, lãnh đạm

thụt két, biển thủsư chan nản, sư thất vong

Sư nhơ lại, hồi tương, kỷ niệm

quấn , xoắn , phúc tạp

khắc khổ, khổ hạnh

hiêu chiên, thích đanh nhau, hay gây gổ

bai tan dương, ca tụng; lời khen,/ca tụng

tư phụ, tư mãn

hinh mâu nguyên mâuSơ bộ, bươc đầu, mơi phôi thai

ấnư suy đồi

uể oải, lừ đừ, yêu đuối, thiêu sinh động, chậm chạp

liên thoắng, lém, ba hoa; lưu loat, trơn tru, trôi chảy thanh thoat

Thuộc sach khải huyên( cuốn cuối cùng của bộ kinh Tân ư ơc-tôn giao), có tính tiên tri

Không đay, thăm thăm, sâu không dò đ ược, vô cùng

đồ dùng ca nhân, trang thiêt bị cho sơ thích ca nhân

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sư chối, sư không nh n; lời chối, sư từ boâ

có tính chất lảng tranh, thoai thac

Rõ rang, hiển nhiên

Không ngừng, không ngơt, liên miên

hay cau, nóng tính

điên cuồng; cuồng tín

thai qua trong lời khen, lòng yêu mênhùng vĩ, phô trươngbừa bãi, lung tung

hao hi p viển vông, như Đông-ki-sốtê

Vốn có, cố hữu, vốn thuộc vê

phản bội, lữa dối, không trung thanh

thể loại

như đất; bằng đất; (nghĩa bóng) trần tục, pham tục

có mau của chi, xam hơi xanh, bầm tím, thâm tím, giận tím gan, cau tiêt

tinh trạng bị mất người thân, vật thân thiêt

toa sang trong bóng tối, dạ quang, rõ rang minh bạch

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chi li, keo kiệt, bủn xỉn

Khan khan, khó nghe (giong nói)

Đang buồn cười, tức cười; dê cười.

Vang dội lại, vang vong;Tôn kính, cung kính; Đức cha.mêm nhũn; ẻo lả; yêu đuối, uỷ mị

bai thuyêt phap, những lời dạy buồn tẻ

Dang đi khệnh khạng, kênh kiệusợ s t, nhút nhatê

Hống hach, độc doan, khẩn cấp

nhúng, lam thấm đâm

Không thể thấm qua được, trơ, không bị xúc động

có tính chất trẻ con; to ra non nơt; tầm thường, v t vãnhă

bị thao rời ra bị thao rời khơp nối ra; bị tr t khơp rời rạc, không mạch lạcâ

bản tóm tắt, hinh ảnh thu nho, ví dụ mâu mưc/ hoan hảo

hoa mỹ; dồi dao; chứa chan (tinh cảm), sum suê

vê sau; sau, tương lai; kín đaom ko nói ra; nằm ngoai điêu quan sat

(sư) lắc lư, lảo đảo; chập chờn, lung lay; do dư, dao động

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Lam cho minh được mên

Bo trốn, trốn tranh phap luật-nđt

nhử, nhử trêu ngươi

Trach móc, quơ trach, mắng nhiêc

tiên hanh (trả thù); lam cho hả, trút giận

Mau hồng sâm; lạc quan, yêu đời.

người cùng khổ

hay chảy nươc mắt, khóc lóc, buồn rầu, sụt sùi, sươt mươt

giống như m t người đan ba; không ômang tính đan ông

bương, ngang ngạnh; phóng đãng, bừa bãi, trai đạo đức

công vi c khó nhoc, công vi c vất vả, ê ênhững cố gắng khó nhoc

ngắn gon; súc tích, dùng ít từ (văn),c c ôlốc, cụt ngủn, ít lời

vô vị, nhạt phèo, chan ngắt tẻ ngắt, không sinh động

1. Sinh ra từ, do từ…ma ra (+from). 2. Đổ dồn vê (+to). 3. Dồn lại, tích luỹ lại

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Kẻ tòng phạm, kẻ đồng loã

Lam sang to, giải thích

chân thưc, đúng sư thưc

phạm vi hiểu biêt, tầm mắt

Tội lỗi, hêt sức bất công, trai đạo ly

Người tội lỗi, vô lại, phóng đãng, truỵ lạc

miêu tả, phac hoạ

Vêt nhơ ,Nỗi ô nhục

(số nhiêu provisos, provisoes) điêu khoản, điêu qui định; điêu ki n (được ênhấn mạnh trong m t hi p định, hợp ô êđồng...)

nhân giống (cây, đ ng v t...); truyên ba ô â(quan điểm, tín ngưỡng..); (v t ly) truyên â(âm thanh, anh sang...); sinh sản (cây)

Xoa, tẩy ho c xoa sạch, xoa mờ (dấu ăvêt...); Pha hủy hoan toan, lam tiêu ma

Cưc ki cẩn thận ,Cưc ki chi tiêt ,Không để sai

mệnh lệnh, sư đồng y; sư thừa nhận, cho phép

cường dương, có khả năng sinh để nhiêu; hùng dũng, rắn roi, ra vẻ đan ông

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tha thứ

ủng hộ

Sư gây buồn ngủ

Sức chịu đưng ,Khả năng ổn định

Mối quan h , mối li n hê ê ê

tim hiểu, thăm dò

ghê tơm, đang ghét

sư binh đăng, tỉ suất, (tin) mã chẵn lẻ

ô nhục, lăng mạdai, không quên (trí nhơ)

uỷ mị, hay khóc lóc, sươt mươt; người ủy mị, người hay thương cảm

không sang tạo, tầm thường, không lãng mạn; buồn tẻ

khoa trương , bị sưng lên, bị phù lên; nổi thanh u

(vi) (+over) tr i hơn, ưu thê, lấn at, n ng ô ăhơn; đông hơn, chiêm đa số hơn; nghiêng vê m t bên (can cân)ô

sư thừa thãi, sư ăn uống qua đ ,sư ngấy . ôV.chơi bời qua đ , lam cho ngấyô

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chứng minh

thuộc tiên tai, nộp phạt

sư phong đoan, sư ươc đoan

om xòm, hay kêu la

choc tức, choc gi nâ

đạo đức giả

Lời am chỉ, nói bóng gió, nói cạnh

cãi bương

Không khôn ngoan, vụng

(n) châm ngôn, lời giao huấn, l nh; (phap êly) trat, l nh tổ chức bầu cử, l nh thu ê êtiên, l nh trả tiên (thuê...); (tôn giao) giơi êlu tâ

thay thê; chiêm chỗ (của ai/cai gi); hất căng

1. Bắt thê, bắt tuyên thệ. 2. Khẩn nai, van nai

sư chênh l ch, sư không bằng nhau, sư êkhông binh đăng; sư khac bi t, sư cach êbi tê

Chua cay, đay nghiên, châm choc (lời nói...)

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người cứu nguy, người gửi tiên tiêt kiệm

ngay thăng, bộc trưc

tan tỉnh

Bo, từ bo

(phap ly) bo, từ bo, khươc từ; thôi

Ghê tơm, ghét cay ghét đắng

ăn da; chua cay, cay độc

Sư lôi kéo vao, sư dính líu, ẩn y, liên can

xoa, xoa bo lam lu mờ; at, tr i hơnô

Quy định ,đặt điêu kiện

(a) (phap ly) tạm, nhất thời, không ổn định; hiểm nghèo

khó nhin thấu được, bí hiểm khó hiểu, không dò được

Đinh tan; ghép bằng đinh tan; tập trung (sư chú y).

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Truy tố, buộc tội

xoa, bo

ăn năn hối hận

đoc kỹ, nghiên cứu kỹ(sach)

sống thanh tập thể

lén lút; gian l n; bí m t; lừa dốiâ â

hạ cố, chiêu cố lấy đi của aitôn trong, tôn kính

Sư không công bằng

(số nhiêu prognoses) (y hoc) dư đoan (vê sư tiên triển của b nh), tiên lượng b nh; ê êsư dư đoan (sư phat triển của cai gi)

Hạ cấp bậc, giang chức; re(=back) +leg(=send)

c ơp đoạt, chiêm đoạt

đanh bại lam hong, lam thất bại (kê hoạch...) lam bối rối, lam lúng túng; lam chưng hửng

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bo rơi, không để y

trach mắng, chỉ trích, trừng phạt nặng nê

(thuộc) phap ly, tòa an

sư cố kêt, lưc cố kêt

xac chêt, tử thi

bay hơi, thoat,l ra, tiêt l raô ô

ngắn gon, súc tích

trò khôi hai, sư chê giêu; chể giêu, nhại chơi

có ho c to rõ sư khôn ngoan đối vơi cac ănhu cầu trong tương lai; lo xa; tiêt ki mê

sư vứt hang xuống biển cho nhẹ tầu, sư vứt bo

Sư kiên quyêt, nghị quyêt, quyêt định, cach giải quyêt; độ phân giải; re(=intensive) +solu<solv(=loosen)

mắn (đẻ), sinh sản nhiêu, sản xuất nhiêu, đẻ nhiêu; sai (quả), lắm quả

Uốn giong, ngân nga, lên giong xuống giong

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kêt thanh khối, kêt hợpNgười không quy phục.

non nơt, trẻ măng, ít kinh nghiệmchiêu bai, lốt vo

Bén, nhon,sâu sắc, thấm thía, chua cay

đâm chồi

ăn cắp, xoay, ăn tr môKhó chịu, phiên phức, bất tiện

tính căn cơ, tính tiêt kiệm

Người hay hoai nghi

vô vị

toan bộ

có nhiệm vụ

thanh binh, êm ả

khiên ai từ bo tín ngưỡng ho c tôn giao ăcủa ho để theo m t tín ngưỡng ho c tôn ô ăgiao khac

Có tính cach bắt bu c (chứ không phải ônhi m y)ê

Dụng cụ, công cụ; sư thi hanh, thưc hiện (giao kèo)

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lời hô hao, lời kêu goi

Phép nguỵ biện ,Lối nói nguỵ biện

bai tan tụng, ca ngợi

thuộc dân tộc , thuộc tộc người

n-v- sư cứu hộ, Trục vơt

Nhêch nhac, luộm thuộm, cẩu thả

Không biêt lo xa

tin vịthạn chê

ấp (trứng), ủ (bệnh), nuôi trong lồng ấp (trẻ sơ sinh)

lời công kích dữ đội, lời tố cao kịch liệt, lời chửi rủa thậm tệ, lời thóa mạ

Bản sao rất giống thật, mô hinh; re(=again) +plic(=fold)

thất thường, không đêu, không đang tin cậy

(n) thap nhon, đỉnh cao nhon (núi, tảng đa..); (nghĩa bóng) cưc điểm; đỉnh cao nhất; (vt) đ t lên thap nhon, để trên cao ăchót vót

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khac hăn nhau, khac loại; tạp nham

dơ day bẩn thỉu ,nghèo khổ

dai, không quên

người cuồng tín, người qua khích

Cầm mau ,lam ngưng, khống chêNgấm ngầm, ẩn tang,ẩn

Không thận trong, khinh suất

dao động, lung lay

công kích, bai bac, đặt nghi vấn

chinh phục, khuất phục, nô lệ hoa

vu khống; nói xấu; phỉ bang


lam chêt người, gây chêt người

ngấm ngầm, âm ỉ, tiêm tang

Ngoăn ngoèo, quanh co, khúc khuỷu, uốn khúc; Ði lang thang, đi vơ vẩn

lam hạ phẩm gia, lam mất thể diện, lam nhục

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quan hệ song song, tương đương

lời nói cường điệu

tiêng đồn

vui vẻ, thân ai, ân cần

sinh ra, gây ra, đem lại

Hay nuông chiêu, khoan dung

tham lamnguyên nhân suy sụp, bả, thuốc độc

nói xấu phỉ bang

giả vờ

có tính chất lửa, do lửa tạo ra

qua tao bạo ho c qua tư tin; hanh đ ng ă ôkhông có quyên hạn cần thiêt

(a) hoang phí (vê vi c tiêu tiên, sử dụng êtai nguyên); (n) người hoang phí

mốt, thời trang; thứ đang được ưa chuộngm thịnh hanh; sư hoan nghênh; hâm mộ,tan thương

rê ra , dây d a

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Thù oan, hiêm thù

sư li giao ,sư phân li ,Tội lam li giao

Không thể tranh khoi

hiểu biêt, có nhận thức

phù du, chóng tan, sơm nơ tối tan

uyên bac, thông thai

đ t (ai) ra ngoai vòng phap lu t; trục ă âxuất, đay ải; cấm, bai trừ (vi c dùng cai gi êcoi (như) nguy hiểm)

linh hoạt, nhiêu tai, thao vat; đa năng; ko kiên định

(n) sư nói huyên thiên; tầm phao; (vi) nói huyên thiên

chim non mơi tập bay; người thiêu kinh nghiệm

(n) lòng m đạo; lòng hiêu thảo; lòng ôtrung thanh vơi tổ quốc; Filial piety lòng hiêu thảo của con đối vơi cha mẹ

lập lờ, nươc đôi, đang ngờ, khả nghi; không rõ rệt, không chắc chắn

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bị động

chất xúc tac

nói nhiêu, ba hoa

xỉ, cứt sắt c n bã, rac rươiă

vắn tắt, gon gang, súc tích

tốt lanh ,Mạnh khoẻ

Khả năng cầu may

Sư nghiêm khắc, nghiêm ngặt, khắc khổ.

nđt-ngđt: lam tốt hơn, cải thiện

theo mức độ

teo, hao mònsên sệt, lầy nhầy, nhơt; dẻo dính


(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ); (đùa cợt) dũng cảm, gan dạ; gan góc

thay cho; thay mặt cho người khac thưc hiện

hấp dãn, quyên rũ, lôi cuốn; vui vẻ, tươi tỉnh, rạng rỡ

người kỳ di u, người phi thường; ( định êngữ) thần kỳ, kỳ di u phi thườngê

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chói loi, sặc sỡ; hoa mỹ, khoa trương

Ghê tơm, ghét cay ghét đắng

chuyên quyên , độc đoan, tuỳ hứng

Khêu ra, gợi ra, suy luận ra

minh oan; xac nhận, chứng minh la đúng

mâu mưc

hao phóng

Mười nghin; Vô sốsay mê, ham thích

Sư nghèo khổ, bần cùng ít nói, lầm li, không cơi mơ (người)

phần kêt, lời kêt, lê kêt

Bãi bo, huỷ bo, thủ tiêu, bai trừ

đi lạc (chủ đê chính) trong bai nói ho c ăbai viêt; ra ngoai đê; lạc đê

gồm nhiêu thứ khac nhau; l t v t; tạp ă ănhạp

1. Sư bo (đạo), sư từ bo, từ chối (quyên lợi, đặc quyên) 2. Sư hi sinh, xả thân (=self abnegation)

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song song, tương đương

Dao dạt, phun trao

Sư lười biêng ,sư chậm chạp

Quyêt tâm, kiên quyêt, phân giải.

trạng thai lờ đờ; trạng thai uể oải

bao sắt, bao dai, găng tay

sờ tận tay đượcmong như tơ nhện, tơ nhện (n)

lính đanh thuê; tay sai

người ủng hộ

Môn thuốc được giơi thi u giả dối la có êhi u quả; thuốc lang bămê

tinh chất; tinh tuy, tinh hoa;(triêt hoc) nguyên tố thứ năm; thí dụ hoan hảo của (m t phẩm chất)ô

phân ra, tach ra, để riêng ra ai/cai gi (nhất la bằng sức mạnh)

sư sủi, sư sủi bong bóng, sư sục sôi, sư sôi nổi

n-sư thừa nhận ,sư cấm vận; V- đồng y vơi

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bản tóm tắt, bản trích yêu

Khúc bi thương

Huỷ bo; lam thanh vô hi uê

la cha của ai, sinh ra, gây ra

đặc tính, khí chất, phong cach riêng

vẻ mặt , sắc mặt, sư tan thanh

tinh trạng cấp bach/khẩn cấp

Bẩm sinh

được cấp hoc bổng, hoc giả

Tính i

có thể ban, có thể tranh lu nâ

mâu, mô hinh, kiểu

sư khinh bỉ có thai đ khinh thường y ôkiên người khac; v:coi khinh; khinh thị; không thèm (lam gi...)

Hoãn thi hanh, tạm thời thoat khoi nguy hiểm, rắc rối; re(=back) +prieve <prehend(=take)

mối quan hệ ho hang, sư giống nhau vê tính chất

bãi lầy, đầm lầy, vũng lầy (như) quag (nghĩa bóng) tinh trạng sa lầy

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hay cau kỉnh ,hay bưc doc

lam chiêu lệ cho qua chuyện

bằng gỗ, giống gỗ, có chất gỗ

tốt, có ích

bệnh hoc

lam hoang mang, lam bối rối

thừa, vô dụng, không cần thiêt

uy tín, sức lôi cuốn quần chúng

chung thân, vĩnh viên, bất tận

Sư tai phạm tội.

Không cảm giac, trầm tinh, điêm tinh

hạm đội

lam bưc minh, lam phật y; choc tức, quấy rầy

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vui vẻ, vui tươi, vui tính

sư trừng phạt, sư chỉ trích nặng nê

sao rỗng, khoa trương

khúc triêt ngắn gon, ngắn ngủi

nói xấu, vu khống

lừa gạt

rút ra (hoa hoc) chiêt ra

l n x n, sư nao đ ng, sư hỗn đ nô ô ô ô

đi săn; tim kiêm, truy kiêm, kham pha

giau có , đầy đủVẻ m t, sắc m t, dung nhană ă

miêu tả phac hoạ

ngot ngao, ngot như m t, dịu dang (giong ânói, lời nói)

sư có nhiêu, sư thừa thãi, sư dồi dao, sư vô khối

nguy cơ, cảnh nguy hiểm, cảnh hiểm nghèo

đưa (ai) đi thăm những cảnh lạ, đi xem những vật lạ, đi thăm những cảnh lạ ơ

thói đong đảnh; tính cach thất thường hay thay đổi; tính đồng bóng

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bo vao kho; nộp, thu vao kho

xảo tra, quỷ quyệt, lắm mưu

tính đa dạng

vòi vĩnh, phỉnh nịnh; nịn bợ, tan tỉnh

lời khai man trươc tòa, lời hứa man

The thé, inh tai

tồi tan; không lịch sư, không đúng mốtsai, không xac thưc, giả mạokhông giả vờ; chân thưc, thanh th tâ

Kinh ngạc, kinh hoang, thất kinhly do, nguyên nhân chính, thưc chất

xu nịnh, bợ đỡ, nịnh hótben len, e lệ

nói xấu, lăng mạ, phỉ bang, gièm pha; vu khống

(lam cho ai) có đủ tư cach/khả năng/tiêu chuẩn/điêu ki n; (ngữ phap) mô tả m t ê ôcach riêng bi t; hạn định; bổ nghĩaê

(n) (y hoc) trạng thai qua thừa (mau...); (nghĩa bóng) trạng thai qua thừa thãi, số lượng lơn hơn cần thiêt

Cư tuyệt, từ chối dứt khoat; đẩy lui (1 cuộc tấn công)

bóng cây, bóng râm;sư xúc phạm, sư phật y; cảm giac bị xem thường

tinh trạng đồi bại, tính chất đồi bại; sư sa đoạ

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dụ dỗ, tan lấy được

linh thiêng, thiêng liênglỗ mãng, cộc cằn

người theo dị giaohoa giải

chối cãi, nói ngược lạianhư lam giập vêt giập

loè loẹt, sặc sỡ; chói mắtthanh thản, vô tư

Bất tỉnh, mê, không biêt không cảm thấy

đúng mưc, đoan trang

đúng mưc, đoan trang

có triển vong thắng lợi

tư phụ, kiêu căng, khoe khoang

rõ rang, ko mập mờ; ko khả nghi; rõ rêtk, dứt khoat

Người lam điêu ac, kẻ bất lương, kẻ gian ta

Phản đối, than phiên; re(=again, against) +monstr(=show)

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Không để lộ tung tích, cải trangchịu ơn

sư bắt chươc, sư nhại; trò hê nhại

Qua mức, qua xa, thất thường

đầy; xêp đầy

lâu năm, bach niên

cho không, vu vơ

Bương, khó bảo; dai dăng, khó chữa (bệnh); khó nung, khó chảy; re(=again) +fract(=break)

(a) (nói vê quyên lưc, quyên hạn..) không có giơi hạn; tuy t đối;(nói vê cac cu c ê ôh i hop..) tất cả moi người có quyên ôtham gia đêu có m t đầy đủ; toan thểă

1. Sư lỗi thời, việc, ng ời lỗi thời. 2. Sư sai niên đại

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Sư thấu cảm

nhân viên kiểm duyệt; kiểm duyệt

(vt) xoa dịu (ai); lam cho (ai) bơt gi nâ

âm thanh chói tai, tạp âm

sư mệt nhoc, sư mệt moi, sư uể oải

Vụng vê, không khôn khéo

cằn nhằn, cau nhau

vụng vê

sunfuric; cay độc, châm choc, chua cay

phù du, chóng phai mờ

nằm im lim, không hoạt đ ng; ngủ đông; ôtiêm tang; ngấm ngầm, âm ỉ (thương nghi p) không sinh lợi (vốn); (phap ly) êkhông ap dụng, không thi hanh

(âm nhạc) sư nghịch tai; tính không hoa tan; sư không hoa hợp, sư bất hoa

1. Sư tôn sùng, sư thần thanh hoa, ly tương hoa. 2. Sư giải thoat khoi trần tục

xanh xao, vang vot, nhợt nhạt; uể oải, mệt moi, ko thần sắc

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sư nói dai, sư lắm lời; lói nói ba hoa

hệ tư tươngđiêu tương tượng; điêu bịa đặt

goi lên, gợi lênsắc sảo, tinh khôn, manh khoéCổ xưa, qua hạn, đã lỗi thời

nhiêu, khac nhau, phong phú

N-v-adj: tập hợp, kêt hợp, gộp lạinguyên ly; giao ly; chủ nghĩa

Sư nói bóng gió, sư am chỉ

tảy chaytrắng đục

rời rạc ngâu nhiên

Mảnh vỡ

Trả lại, dâng nộp; đưa ra, nêu ra; ren<re(=back) +der<dit(=give)

Thuộc vê vua chúa, vương giả; reg(=rule) +al(=nature of)

1. Sư lơn dần lên, phat triển lên, bồi đắp vao. 2. Phần lơn lên, phần phat triển thêm. 3. Sư tăng thêm của tai sản, của cải

1. Hăng, cay xè. 2. Chua cay, gay gắt( lời nói, thai độ)

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Dịch, thể hiện, diên xuất.

chuồng chimban phúc lanh, hạnh phúccó răng cưa

người hảo tâm

lan can, công sư

sư tôn trong, sư kính phục

hai năm

Sư phục hưng, thời kỳ phục hưng.

âm mưu, bè đảng


căng, không chùng ,căng thăngngười nô lê

sư chém giêt, sư tan sat

Sư mâu thuân trong t ư t ương, sư vừa yêu vừa ghét cai gi đó

lam vô cùng thích thú, lam mê thích, mê mẩn

được thưc hiện bí mật, lén lút; ngấm ngầm

kêt hợp lam một nhóm, một chất, một khối

nổi d y chống đối, nổi loạn, lam binh âbiên, lam loạn

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đồ trang sức rẻ tiên, không có gia trị

Trường ki, trăm năm một lần

lời nói quanh co luẩn quẩn

Bồi thường, đên bù, bảo đảm

cha sat, choc tứcv t triêu cống; đồ cống nạpâ

sư cươp pha, sư đột nhập

hứa hôn, đính hônlịch sư, tinh tê; hoa nhã, tao nhã

chịu đưng

thiêu thốn, hiêm

1. Sư đong lại, hoãn lại, đinh chỉ. 2.(phap ly) tinh trạng tạm thời vô chủ không có ng ời thừa nhận. 3. Tinh trạng trống, khuyêt(1 chức vụ)

Thuật giả kim(tim cach biên cac kim loại thanh vang)

1. Sư nguyên rủa, sư ghét cay ghét đắng. 2. (thuộc tôn giao) Rút phép thông công

người l p dị, (kỹ thu t) banh l ch tâm; â â ê(a) l p dị, kỳ cục, l ch tâm, không đồng â êtâm

sư cơi quần ao; sư l t quần ao, sư tươc ôbo, sư tươc đoạt; sư trừ bo, sư gạt bo

Thuộc vê ruộng đất, liên quan đên đất trồng trot

tan dương, ca ngợi, khen, hay tan dương, hay khen

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thaân thiện, dê gần

tham lam, mau tham

Bac lại, bẻ lại

nói lắp bắp

nơi giấu, nơi trữ

thiêt bị ngoại vi, ngoại biên

C n; not a dreg không còn tí giă

tai hoạ, xấu , dơ, hiểm

dịu dang, êm ai, êm dịu (âm thanh)

Dửng dưng, lãnh đạm, thờ ơ

tính có hi u quả; hi u lưcê ê

Thích đang, có liên quan; re(=again) +lev(=lift, light)

người vụng vê, người thô lỗ, người cục mịch

sư c ơp bóc, pha phach

lam cho lúng túng; đặt vao tinh huống khó xử

rút xuống, rút bơt; lún xuống; ngơt, giảm; chim xuống, lắng xuống; ngồi phịch xuống

Người khắc ki, ngư+F1071ời chịu đưng trong nghịch cảnh

1. Sư kiêng khem, tiêt chê(ăn uống, chơi bời...). 2. Sư kiêng rượu, không uống rượu. 3. Sư ăn chay

sư gõ, đập vật nay lên vật khac để phat ra tiêng động(trống, kẻng)

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nham (lời le, luận điệu)

men; sư xôn xao, sư nao động

lam phấn khơi, kích độngxa lạ, ghẻ lạnh, ly gian

lam hại, hong, tan lụi

mặt tiên, bê ngoai

sư đẻ nhiêu; sư mau mỡ

sư trung thanhđầu xo

nóng nảy, hay hờn dỗi

sư khéo léo; manh khoé, mưu mẹo

sư thật; chân ly; tính chất chân thưcủcun lẩy bẩy

Không phân biệt, bừa bãi

sư cấu kêt, thông đồng

vằn, xoc

Đang ghét, không ưa, xung khắc; re(=back, against) +pugn(=fight)

(vt) ngăn ngừa ai/cai gi lam cai gi; lam cho cai gi không thể xảy ra

1. Biện hộ, bao chữa, tan thanh, ủng hộ. 2. Ngư ời biện hộ, ngư ời bao chữa

cắt xén (đoạn văn, bao cao để lam sai lạc y); vô tinh bóp méo

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bao trươc

nhăn nhó, méo mó, xương xẩu

sử biên niên

người pham ăn, thích ăn ngon

coi thường, miệt thị; chê giêu, chê nhạo

chỗ tưa, sư ủng hộ

thuần nhất

Điêu không thích hợp, điêu phi ly

Không thay đổi, không biên đổi được

chưa văn minh, thô lỗ, vụng vê; hoang vu, hoang dã, chưa khai pha

sư thăng bằng, cân bằng; trong lượng cân bằng, đối trong

lam yêu đi, lam giảm số l ợng

sư câu thúc, sư cầm tù; sư cưỡng ép, sư ép bu cô

xắp xêp gian lận (trong cuộc bo phiêu ) để gianh phần thắng

có thể lam được; có thể tồn tại, có thể sống được

tính chất la một hòn đảo, tính hẹp hòi thiển cận

1. Giải, cơi, gỡ ra. 2. Tha tội, xã tội, miên trach cho

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dâm dật, dâm đãng, khiêu dâm

thích hợp, phù hợp

phóng túng, bừa bãi, dâm loạn

sư cho vay nặng lãi

lồi ra ,nhô ra ,nổi bật

tiêng cười hô hố, tiêng cười ha hả

sầu thảm, bi thảm

hoa râm, bạc

(vt) bao hi u; bao điêm, bao trươc; bao êtrươc, cảnh cao

đúng chỗ, thích đang, đi thăng vao vấn đê chính

(n) chuy n tầm phao; chuy n vơ vẩn trẻ ê êcon; (vi) nói bi bô; nói chuy n tầm phao ê(vê người lơn)

không đ ợc sử dụng

khéo, khéo tay, có kỹ xảo; khéo léo; thu n dùng tay phảiâ

Hiểm đ c, có ac tâm; có hiêm thù, cố tinh ôlam hại

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tính nói nhiêu, ba hoa

ghê tơm, kinh khủng, rùng rợn

nhồi nhét, thừa mứa

rỉ, ứa ra

Không hợp vơi, kỵ nhau, xung khắcđồng quê, điên viên

1. Vị chat, vị chua. 2. Tính chất chua chat

Sư thay đổi hinh dang ho c bản chấtă

lam vương víu

sư buồn chan, sư chan nản

độc, nguy hại

vêt nứt; chỗ gãy

giao sĩ (thu c) giao h i; thích hợp vơi ô ôgiao h iô

nói l p lờ; nói quanh co (để lừa dối ho c â ăđể lảng tranh sư th t)â

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Nổi lên ,sủi bot ,kích động

vật thờ; điêu mê tín

xúc tiên, tiên hanh, giải quyêt

Sư xâm nhập, tấn công bất ngờ

Lạc quan, hồng hao

phơt tỉnh, lạnh lùng, thản nhiên

sư chịu đưng, ngoan cường; sư dũng cảmổiụng la

(sư) mai sắc; kích thích, khuấy động

nghiêng, ngờ vưc

tối tăm, không thông suốt, tri độn

khoa trương

San bằng, xoa trụi

Sư ngẩn ngơ, t+F1046rạng thai kinh ngạc

để gon lon, ngồi gon lon, ngồi thu lu

cuộc hòa đam, thương lượng

Vô định hinh, không có hinh dạng nhất định, không kêt tinh (dùng cho hoa chất)

Lam giảm nhẹ, lam bơt, lam dịu, lam khuây

Vốn tiêt mục (tất cả cac bản nhạc, vơ kịch 1 nghệ sĩ có thể trinh diên)

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sâu sắc, trầm ngâm

bang bổ, nguyên rủa

độc thân

bổng lộc, tiên thù lao thêm, thừa hương

thô bỉ , đần độn dốt dặc

(âm nhạc) đoạn cuối

đa mau

kêt quả,kêt thúc 1 vơ kịch

toa an

chối, không nh n, từ boâtrói buộc; kiêm chê; cùm, xích

văn bia, văn mộ chí

xoè lửa, nổ, nổi giận đùng đùng; tuôn ra, phun ra

bạo ng ợc , chuyên quyên

Thừa, rườm ra; red<re(=back, again)+und(=wave)

(a) ngoan đạo, sùng đạo; đạo đức giả; (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) hiêu thảo, lê đô

(a) hơi cay, có vị cay cay dê chịu; (nghĩa bóng) kích thích, kích đ ng nhẹ; khêu gợi ôngầm; có duyên thầm

(n) tính vô vị, tính tầm thường, tính nham chan; lời nói vô vị, tẻ nhạt

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tiêng êm tai, tính thuận tai

sư xúc phạm, phậm luật

bè phai; bè canh

a. phù hợp, v. chiêm đoạt lam của riêng

Vương quốc, địa hạt, lĩnh vưc

(a) dùng để uống được, có thể uống được

Rút lui khoi vị trí trươc đây

hang tai sinh ,hang xấu hang thứ phẩm

lanh, tốt, nhân từ

ngắn gon, cô đong, súc tích

sư rã ra, sư tan rã, phân huỷ; hoa tan; tan ra (băng, tuyêt...); sư giải tan (nghị vi n, êquốc h i); giải thể (m t công ty...); huỷ ô ôbo (m t giao kèo, cu c hôn nhân...) sư ô ôtan biên, sư biên mất sư chêt

hăng; cay (ơt...); sắc sảo; nhói, buốt, nhức (đau...); sâu cay, chua cay, cay đ c (vê ônh n xét)â

vị hăng; vị cay (ơt...); tính sắc sảo, sư nhói, sư buốt, sư nhức nhối (đau...); tính chua cay (của lời nói)

Chồm đứng lên, hung hăng, không kiêm chê được, qua khích

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Trối dậy, hồi sinh.

xâm lấn, xâm phạm

đùa bỡn, vui đùa, hai hươc, khôi hai

mỉa mai, chua chat

bôi nho , nói xấu, gièm pha

dằn, sư chăc chắnNơi n+F1032ông cạn, không sâu

bương bỉnh ngang ngạnh

Ngoằn nghèo, quanh co uốn khúc

bẩn thỉu ,nhơp nhúa, dơ day

Sư độc thoại ,Đoạn độc thoại

Kẻ cươp

Ngăn cản, ngăn trơ

phụ trợ, phụ thuộc, do một công ty khac kiểm soat; công ty con

người chậm chạp, người đi chậm đằng sau

(n) quả tao chuôi kiêm (núm tròn ơ chuôi kiêm); quả tao yên ngưa ; (vt) đấm thùm thụp, đanh túi bụi (như) pummel

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ứ đong (nươc), tri trệ

huyên nao, địa ngục, quỉ dữ

hay thay đổi, đồng bóng

miên cho (ai), giải tội

hôn mê

hay thay đổi; không kiên định

thiêu linh hoạt, uể oải, mê m t; tri trê ê

Không độc hại, vô thương vô phạtdi cư; đi di cư

phân kỳ; re ra; khac nhau (vê y kiên, quan điểm...); bất đồng y kiên (nghĩa bóng) xa rời

yêu nhân; người quyên quy, người ki t êxuất, người hêt sức giau có; trùm (tư bản); vua (tư bản)

(đùa cợt) bộ mặt, nét mặt, mặt của một người

tính phảng phất, tính huyên ảo, sư tinh vi, sư tinh tê; sư khôn khéo, sư khôn ngoan, sư tinh nhanh

Chói loi, rưc rỡ, lộng lây; re(=intensive) +splend(=shine)

chuyển hoa, đổi dạng, biên đổi bản chất; chuyển thanh v t khacâ

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l p đi l p lại, cũ rích, mòn, sao, nhamă ă

Lân nhau, tương hỗ, qua lại

Trộn, pha trộn, hợp nhấtriêng bi t, riêng re, rời rạcê

điểm phân, điẻm thu -xuân phân

lam kiệt sức , lam mòn moiđộc hại, kịch độc; độc ac, hiểm độc

khó tính, khó chiêu; kén ca chon canh

Bo tù, bị giam, o bê

khổ hạnh

không ủng hộ , không tan thanh

dê tin, cả tin

bất hoa, trai ngược nhau, không hoa hợp; chói tai, nghịch tai; không hợp âm

ngỗ ngược, ngang bương; bất kham, ko vâng lời; phóng túng

rỗng, trống rỗng; ngơ ngẩn, ngây ngô; rỗi, vô công rồi nghê

dê mua chuộc, dê hối lộ; vụ lợi; bị ảnh hương bơi ăn hối lộ

sư thăng trầm (số nhiêu); sư thay đổi theo chu kỳ, sư tuần hoan

ẩm ơt

đục,mờ, lân l n, hỗn đ n, l n x n, mất ô ô ô ôtr t tưâ

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tô son điểm phấn loè loẹt

khô xac, nhăn nheo; héo hon

Khó hiểu, mơ hồ, nhập nhằng

nấu chảy (kim loại)

sư ngừng, sư chấm dứt

dê bảo, dê sai khiên, ngoan ngoãn

cần mân, chuyên cần, siêng năng, kiên triNhúng ươt, lam ươt sũng

sư nhiệt tinh, sư hăng hai

Lương ,thu nhập chính thức

nói nhiêu, ba hoa

bai thuyêt trinh; bai diên thuyêt; bai lu n âvăn; v: thuyêt trinh; diên thuyêt

sư gần gũi (vê không gian, thời gian; hang xóm..); quan h huyêt thống, quan h ho ê êhang gần

gồm nhiêu loại khac nhau, linh tinh; thay đổi khac nhau

sư tach thanh hai ho c giữa hai nhóm ăho c v t khac nhau va đối l p nhau, sư ă â âlưỡng phân; tuần trăng nửa vanh

Tinh trạng vô chính phủ, tinh trạng hỗn loạn

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có thể sai lầm

sâu kín, huyên bí, che khuất, bị che lấp

tinh cờ, ngâu nhiên, bất ngờ

tư mãnđiêm xấu

lam tuột/trầy da; bóc,lột (da)

(sư) đanh bóng

khan thiêu

mạo phạm, bang bổ

lợi, lời, lãi; lợi thê, ưu thê; phần thắng

vi phạm, choc thủng

dâm dục, dâm dật

hoa mỹ

lam mất uy tín, lam mất thể di n, lam êmang tai mang tiêng, lam ô danh gièm pha, chê bai; coi rẻ, xem thường, mi t thịê

Ng ời trừng phạt ,Ng ời phê binh nghiêm khắc

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sư tổng hợp

bao quat, toan diệnThơm ngon, F1012hảo hạng

khoản bổ sung vao tờ di chúc

thảm hoạ, ththất bại hoan toan

đặc hữu, địa phương

Tri trệ, chậm chạp, trơ, irủi ro, không may

nho nhen, tầm thường

khả thi, có thể thưc hiện đượcđược ca tụng, được tan dương

bơi móc, chê nhạo, trò c ời

lươt nhẹ, liêm nhẹ, nhuốm nhẹ, sang óng anh, sang dịu

dùng mưu để vượt qua hoặc né tranh cai gi

1. Lân, rối trí, quân trí. 2. Thối, hong, ung, không còn t ơi

Vụn v t, vô gia trị, vô dụng; Vô hi u, ă êkhông có hi u lưcê

ban sơ, tinh khôi, không bị hư hong, còn mơi nguyên; tươi, sạch se như mơi; (thu c ngữ) nguyên thủy, cổ xưaiô

đa ngôn, lắm lời, dùng nhiêu từ ko cần thiêt

truyện kể dân gian của cac nươc bắc âu vê anh hùng chiên công của cac dòng ho

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xúi giục, xúi bẩy (bất hòa, phiên loạn)

sư vui vẻ, ân cần, ôn hoa (thời tiêt)

(Văn hoc) chủ đê quan xuyên

bí truyên

khoa sư phạm, giao dục hoc

yêu mê mẩn, say mê, mê như điêu đổ

Nguyên rủa

mai, đa mai (n)

chấp thuận

ảo t ơng ảo giac, đanh lừa

lam lanh; lam dịu, lam nguôi; lam thu n âlợi, lam thu n ti nâ ê

thuộc đoạn , hồi, tinh tiêt; chia ra từng đoạn , hồi

tính binh thản, trầm tinh; sụ thư thai, thanh thản

Thoai thac, không nhận, từ chối; re(=back, away) +pud(=ashamed)

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Hoa mỹ; khoa trương.

sư kiện tụng, sư tranh chấp

Chính đang phù hợp vơi tập tục

sư giam h ;sư giao dục, sư dạy dỗô

(từ Mỹ, nghĩa Mỹ) lam cho lúng túngsư được toan quyên hanh động

giau có, phi nhiêuchiêu cố, hạ cố, ban cho

Sư tròn trĩnh, béo, mập mạp;

(người) nhin xa trông rộng; hão huyên hư ảo

mê cung, mê hồn trận, trạng thai rắc rối phức tạp

tính ngỗ ngược, tính hung hăng, tính hùng hổ

đủ tư cach; đủ khả năng; đủ điêu ki n; êhạn chê; dè d tă

những điêu khoản (của m t bản điêu ôl ...); phạm vi có hi u lưc (của m t đạo ê ê ôlu t,...); tầm nhin, tầm hiểu biêtâ

bất lịch sư, vô lê, khiêm nhã; ko may, bất hạnh; khó bảo; bất tiện; ko thích hợp

cao tít tầng mây, trên thinh không; nhẹ lâng lâng, siêu trần

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Chỉ có bê ngoia ,chỉ tốt mãnhược điểm, điểm yêu

thac nươc

Không hối cải, chứng nao tật ấyvêt tích, dấu vêt, di tích; một chút, ít;

long lẻo, không chặt che, không nghiêm

khí chất; tính khí; tính

túng thiêu, cùng quân

vững chắc, có tính thuyêt phục

cứng đầu, cứng cổ; cau có

ngầm, không nói ra, ngụ y

nhai lại; (+over, about, of, on) tư lư, trầm tư suy nghĩ, ngâm nghĩ

sư bất lương, tính đểu giả, tính xo la ba que, hanh động bất lương, hanh vi đểu giả

(a) riêng tư; kín; bí m t; (n) (từ cổ, nghĩa âcổ) nha xí, nha tiêu, nha v sinh; (phap êly) đương sư, người hữu quan

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âm sắc

(a) lam lời tưa để giơi thi uê

Vô hinh, vô thể, thuộc thần linhPhân nhanh, chia nhanh

lam yêu, mong đi

Sư không tín ngưỡng, sư bất kính đ cô

súc vật, dã man

Thù địch, độc hại

(thu c) đất; ơ trên m t đất, sống trên ô ăm t đấtă

kỳ lạ, huyên bí; thần bí, ko tư nhiên; phi thường; nguy hiểm, ko đang tin

sư rung đ ng, sư rung chuyển, sư nao ôđ ng, sư bối rốiô

sư cứu giúp; sư vi n trợ; sư cứu trợ; sư êgiúp đỡ

sư chóng mặt, hoa mắt; cảm giac mất thăng bằng

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Mạnh me, dữ dội, hăng, bốc

ép bu c, tống ấn, bắt phải theoô

sư hỗn loạn; sư bất an, sư nao đ ngô

Lam lại, nói lại, lặp lại; re(=again) +it(=go)

xa hoa, xa xỉ, l ng lâyô

giêt (vật) cúng tê, cúng tê

Cuộc cãi lộn, đấu khẩutiêu chuẩn đanh gia

hanh động trươc để ngăn chặn 1 người lam việc gi; chặn trươc

1. Từ bo (quyên lợi, địa vị)ngđt. 2. (ndt) Thoai vị, nhường ngôi

Công khai rút lui ( y kiên,..); re (=back, away) + cant (=sing)

không thanh th t, không th t tha, không â âtrung thưc, quay quắc, gian xảo

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dđang khiển trach co tội

Có lòng vị tha, thuộc chủ nghĩa vị tha

chăm chỉ,siêng năng

thông thai rơm

Dũng khí; khí khai; khí phach

bệ bục

hóa thạch, hóa xương

quấy rầy, quấy rối, lam phiên

mưng mủ, thối rữa; day dứt, cay độc

băng, quần băng; quần tã

(a) thưc tê, thưc dụng; (thu c) chủ nghĩa ôthưc dụng; (sử hoc) căn cứ vao sư th tâ

trên thông thiên văn, dươi tường địa lí(ơ giữa chăng biêt cai khỉ gi)

thu n lợi, thu n ti n, thích hợp cho; tốt, â â êlanh (số điêm, tri u)ê

không trả nợ được, vỡ nợ, không đủ để trả hêt nợ

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yêú đi, giảm sút; trơ nên nhạt nheo

sắp xảy ra

Qua xa, đại

thử, thí nghiệm,ptích

lục loi ,bơi móc

trấu, vo; vật vô gia trị; lời bỡn cợt

sư tuôn chảy; sư thay đổi liên tục

uồn nắn, trừng phạt; kiêm chê

xac nhận

che giấu, giấu giêm, che đ y giả tra, giả âđạo đức

thiên đỉnh; điểm cao nhất, cưc điểm, tột đỉnh

tinh thê khó xử, tinh huống lúng túng, tinh huống khó khăn

gió tây; gió nhẹ, hiu hiu; vải xêfia; ao mong thể thao của vận động viên

(with sb for st/to do st) ganh đua quyêt liệt

Trầm lặng, ít nói,kín đao; re(=intensive) +tic<tac(=silent)

thach đố, hơi giêu cợt, chê nhạo; lố bịch, buồn cười, kỳ qu că

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sư khac nhau, sư không nhất quan

mô men xoắn

đồng loã tiêp tay cho hanh động sai trai

Tiêu diệt, thủ tiêu, triệt tiêu

độc hại, có hại

cao qua đang, cắt cổ

ac cảm

đích thưc, xac thưc, đang tin, chắc chắn

Sư đổ tội, quy tội cho ai

Phat ra, toả ra, bắt nguồn

Lạc lõng, không thích hợp vơi 1 nhiệm vụ

(sư) giật mạnh; cố rút ra, cố gianh lấy; lam sai, xuyên tạc, bóp méo

liên tiêp ngừng rồi lại bắt đầu, không liên tục

sư giả thiêt, sư giả định; điêu được giả định

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lam tăng, nâng cao, đê cao, lam nổi bật

ch m chạp, lê mê, trê nãiâ

hay khôi hai, hai hươc

không lo nghĩ, vô tâm

xoa dịu

thiên hương; xu hương

sai lầm; lầm lạc

Tục tiu ,thô lỗ

gây bè phai

de doạ, doạ dâm có tính chất giay vò; gây đau khổ ngắn ngủi; phù du; bóng chơp

đâu cũng có, có m t ơ khắp nơi, tồn tại ơ ăkhắp nơi

thông tục, thích hợp vơi cach nói chuyện thông thường

dê hương dân, dê điêu khiển, dê kiểm soat

lam lúng túng, trơ ngại, lam vương víu, đè nặng lên , lam bừa bộn

sư truyên tin; sư truyên ba; sư phổ biên; sư khuêch tan anh sang sư rườm ra, sư dai dòng

sư khiêm nhã, suồng sã; sư hỗn lao, xấc xược

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sư đau dữ d i; những cơn đau dữ d iô ô

ủ rũ, rầu rĩ, ảm đạm; buồn thảm

(thói, lời) khoe khoang khoac lac

bai trừ thanh tượng, bac bổ tín ngưỡngbiêng nhac, không đau

Căm phân, phân nộ, công phân

câu đoc xuôi ngược đêu giống nhau

Chỉ trích, khiển trach

chua chat, gay gắt

độc có hại cho sức khoe

đội quân, đam đông

hay nghi ngờ

(n) (kỹ thu t) banh răng chuyên, đầu âcanh; canh chim (vi) cắt lông canh, ch t ăcanh trói ch tă

(vt) rỉa lông (chim); ( + oneself) lam dang, tô điểm; tư khen minh, tư hai lòng (người)

ăn chơi trac tang , h hong

cằn cỗi ,không có khả năng sản xuất,Vô sinh

Chao mừng,chúc mừng ,Diên văn khai mạc

có thể gỡ ra được, có thể thoat ra được, có thể tach ra được

đẻ nhiêu, có khả năng sinh sản; phi nhiêu, mau mỡ

Đưa vao những cai mơi, tiên hanh đổi mơi

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kẻ hau ăn

kẻ nịnh hót/bợ đỡkêt hợpKhan( hoa hoc)

Không mạch lạc, tạp nham

kiện, tranh chấp

kiêu căng, kiêu kỳ

kiêu căng, ngạo mạn, tư cao tư đại

lòng bac ai, nhân từ

mân cảm, dê cảm thụ

manh khoé

Hiệu lưc trơ vê trươc (của 1 đạo luật); tac dụng ngược trơ vê trươc.

khiêu khích, trêu choc; kích thích, khêu gợi (vê tinh dục)

mấu sắc (đóng vao móng ngưa, gót giay); bịt, trét, han

mối lo ngại, nỗi e sợ; nỗi day dứt, nỗi băn khoăn; sư nôn nao, sư buồn nôn (đứng ngồi không yên)

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Nai nỉ ,khẩn khoản+F1049

người ăn tiêu hoang phíngười cuồng tín

nhân từ, rộng lượng

niên đại hoc, bảng niên đạiNịnh hót, bợ đỡnon nơt, ít kinh nghiệm

phô trương, khoe khoang, thích nổ

Sư chua cay, sư gay gắtSư chửi rủa, câu nguyên rủa

sụ hiển linhSư không biêt moi mệt

sư ngấm ngầm, sư âm ỷ, sư tiêm tang

Sư nổi tiêng, địa vị cao

thơ điên viên, khúc đồng quê (thuộc)

Thời kỳ Phục hưng; sư hồi phục, tai sinh

Nhơ nha, nhơ quê hương; luyên tiêc qua khứ; hoai cổ

sư không điêu độ, sư qua độ, sư ăn nói không đúng mưc

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thủng đaythuộc chủ nghĩa khoai lạctiêng bản địa, bản xứ; thổ ngữtính cach mô tả/giải thích

tính độc, tính có hại cho sức khoe

toa lan, thâm nhập, khuêch tantội giêt vợ, kẻ giêt vợtran ng p; đầy, dồi dao, có rất nhiêuâ

Trao phúng (trong thơ văn)tuyên phúc

vôi hóa

vụng vê, thô lỗ cục mịch

xiêng lại, xích lại, nô dịch hoa

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"From the ramparts we watched" as the fighting continued. [+] parapet

[+] shallow, superficial

"Peter Pan" is a whimsical play.

"Pilgrim's Progress" is an allegory of the temptations and victories of man's soul. [+] apologue, parable

[+] virago

"Ulatf" is an anagram for "fault"

[-] earnest

[-] remain unaltered transform; transmute

A blush suffused her cheeks when we teased her about her love affair. [+] overspread, pervade

A cataclysm such as the French Revolution affects all countries.

He was avoided by all who feared that he would revile and abuse them if they displeased him.

[+] calumniate, defame, libel, malign, traduce; cf. vile

"All Romans are Italians, all Italians are Europeans; therefore, all Romans are Europeans" is an example of a syllogism .; There must be a fallacy in this syllogism; I cannot accept the conclusion.

"I was so pressed for time that I couldn't give the lengthy report more than a cursory reading", the busy executive confessed.; A cursory examination of the ruins indicates the possibility of arson; a more extensive study should be undertaken.

"John" is a euphemism for the toilet.; The expression "he passed away" is a euphemism for "he died."

[+] circumlocution, roundabout

[+] vagarious; odd, peculiar

"The Taming of the Shrew" is one of many stories of the methods used in changing a termagant into a demure lady.

A bird's wing is analogous to a plane's wing.; She called our attention to the things that had been done in an analogous situation and recommended that we do the same.

[+] corresponding, parallel, similar;

A breakdown of the body's immune system severely undermines the body's ability to maintain homeostasis.

[+] deluge, inundation, overflow, spate; calamity, catastrophe, misadventure, tragedy

A chauvinist cannot recognize any faults in his country, no matter how flagrant they may be.

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[+] eliminate, remove

[+] independent

A man of such caliber should not be assigned such menial tasks.

[+] disclose;

A rancid odor filled the ship's galley.

[+] order

[+] dehydrate;

A compromise agreement reached in the judge's chambers would obviate the need for a long, costly lawsuit.; I hope this contribution will obviate any need for further collections of funds.

A culture devoted to hedonism is in danger of becoming soft.; hedonism and asceticism are opposing philosophies of human behavior.

A federal system makes provision for local government with considerable autonomous authority.; This island is a colony; however, in most matters, it is autonomous and receives no orders from the mother country.

A kitchen redolent with the smell of baking; Even though it is February, the air is redolent of spring.

[+] aromatic, odoriferous, perfumed

[+] ability, capability, capacity

A moonshiner distills mash into whiskey; an epigrammatist distills thoughts into quips.

A person accused of a crime is not obliged to divulge anything that might tend to incriminate him.; I will not tell you this news because I am sure you will divulge it prematurely.

A practical diplomat must proceed on the assumption that no conflict of ideas or interests between nations, no matter how serious, is actually irreparable .; Your apology cannot atone for the irreparable damage you have done to her reputation.

[+] irrecoverable, irredeemable, irremediable

A President needs people who will tell him frankly when they think he is wrong, rather than just offer servile approval of everything he says.; Uriah Heep was a very servile individual.

[+] menial, obsequious, subservient

A psychoanalyst must maintain a detached point of view and stay uninvolved with her patient's personal lives. (secondary meaning)

[+] aloof, disinterested, indifferent, uninterested, dispassionate, neutral, remote

[+] malodorous, fetid, putrid, noisome

A redoubtable leader; The neighboring countries tried not to offend the Russians because they could be redoubtable foes.

[+] appalling, awful, dreadful, terrible;

A superintendent is at the head of the hierarchy of educators responsible for the schooling of our children and young people.; It was difficult to step out of one's place in this hierarchy.

A tour of this smokehouse will give you an of how the pioneers used to desiccate food in order to preserve it.

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A vicious newspaper con debauch public ideals. [+] corrupt, deprave

[+] faux pas

According to the legend, Romulus and Remus were fostered by a she-wolf.

Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel. [+] sensitive

After avoiding their chaperon, the lovers had a clandestine meeting.

After his long illness, he was pale and haggard. [+] cadavorous, emaciated

After his vacation in this placid section, he felt soothed and rested.

After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable.

After studying for several hours, he needed a diversion from work.

[+] victim

After the New Year's party, the once orderly house was in total disarray.

According to Miss Manners, to call your husband by your lover's name is worse than a mere gaffe; it is a tactical mistake

[+] cultivate, nourich, nurse, nurture

Accused of impropriety in his dealings with female students, the professor maintained he had only a platonic interest in the women involved.

Across the nation and around the world, people lamented the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

[+] covert, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious

After her novel's success she was no longer considered a neophyte .; This mountain slope contains slides that will challenge experts as well as neophytes.

[+] apprentice, novice, tyro

After his sojourn in Florida, he began to long for her colder climate of his native New England home.

[+] composed, halcyon, poised, serene, tranquil

[+] lucent, lucid, translucent

After repeated efforts to appeal to his "better" nature had proved completely fruitless, I decided that he was utterly intractable .; The horse was intractable and refused to enter the starting gate.

[+] fractious, headstrong, obstinate, pertinacious, perverse, recalcitrant, stubborn, unmanageable

After spending the summer behind the soda fountain at the Sweet Shop, I think I can fairly describe myself as a connoisseur of banana splits and milk shakes.; She had developed into a connoisseur of fine china.

[+] amusrment, entertainment

After the Challenger disaster, NASA searched for scapegoats on whom they could cast te blame.

[+] chaos, confsion, disorder, muddle

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[+] generate, induce

After this geyser erupts, it will remain quiescent for twenty-four hours.

Alloys of gold are used more frequently than the pure metal.

[+] franchise

[+] obeisance, recerence;

After the seeds germinate and develop their permanent leaves, the plants may be removed from the cold frames and transplanted to the garden.

After the Senator's trenchant analysis, each of us should have a clear idea of what is involved and where we stand on the issue.; I am afraid of his trenchant wit for it is so often sarcastic.

[+] biting, incisive, penetrating, piercing, poignant, pungent

[+] latent, abeyant, potential

After we had been playing our best rock records for several hours, mother entered the room and begged for some respite .; The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal.

[+] intermission, pause, reprieve

Air pollution has become a serious problem in our major cities; the effluvium and the poisons in the air are hazards to life

All attempts to denigrate the character of our late President have failed; the people still love him and cherish his memory.

[+] asperse, calumniate, defame, libel, malign, slander, traduce, vilify

All the available evidence corroborates my theory that the theft was planned by someone familiar with the layout of the house.; Unless we find a witness to corroborate your evidence, it will not stand up in court.

[+] authenticate, confirm, justify, substantiate, validate, verify;

All those who collaborated with the enemy in the hope of gaining special favors will be punished severely.; Two writer collaborated in preparing this book.

Although Blacks were enfranchised shortly after the Civil War, women did not receive the right to vote until 1920.

Although her early poetry was clearly derivative in nature, the critics thought she had promise and eventually would find her own voice.

[+] by-product, descendant, outgrowth

Although his purpose was to edify and not to entertain his audience, many of his listeners were amused and not enlightened.

[+] enlighten, illuminate, improve

Although I don't agree with all her ideas, I must admire her unshakable fidelity to them.; A dog's fidelity to its owner is one of the reasons why that animal is a favorite household pet.

[+] allegiance, devotion, faithfulness

Although I felt that he was wrong in his sweeping criticism, I accepted it silently in deference to his age and prefessional standing.; In deference to his desires the employers granted him a holiday.

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[+] will

[+] cardinal, substantial;

[+] flippancy;

Although I had no objection to proposal as such, I so resented the perremptory tone in which he spoke to me that I refused to cooperate.; I resent your peremptory attitude.

[+] unfaltering, absolute, uncompromising

Although many of the formalities of etiquette of earlier days are now generally disregarded, the basic principles of courtesy are never defunct .; The lawyers sought to examine the books of the defunct corporation.; The lawyers sought ot examine the books

[+] deceased, extinct, vanished

Although most of us cannnot hope to match her idealism, we may regard her noble life as inspiring and exemplary .; Her exemplary behavior was praised at Commencement.

[+] guiltless, inculpable, innocent, irreprehensible

Although my grandmother's china has intrinsically little value, I shall always cherish it for the memories it evokes.

[+] inherently, innately, naturally

Although she emphasizes that she was the helpless victim of bad luck, one can recognize the effects of her own volition in bringing about her own downfall.; She selected this dress of her own volition

Although she is well into middle age, my Aunt Sally seems unable to disabuse herself of the idea that she is still a teenager.; I will attempt to disabuse you of your impression of my client's guilt; I know he is innocent.

[+] disillude, enlighten, illuminate;

Although she tried to equivocate , we insisted on a simple "yes" or "no" answer.; The audience saw through his attempts to equivocate on the subject under discussion and ridiculed his remarks.

[+] prevaricate; elude, eschew, evade, tergiversate

Although she was aware of his reputation as a libertine, she felt she could reform him and help him break his dissolute way of life.

[+] profligate, voluptuary, wanton;

Although the delegates were aware of the importance of the problem, they could not agree on the substantive issues.

Although the students made jokes about the coming exams, we knew that beneath the levity they were quite worried.; Such levity is improper on this serious occasion.

Although there are sporadic outbursts of shooting, we may report that the major rebellion has been defeated.

Although we cannot mention her name, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the anonymous donor who gave this generous gift to our Building Fund.; He tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of the anonymous letter.

Although we find occasional snatches of genuine poetry in her work, most of her writing is mere doggerel.

Although we really don't agree with mother's musical tastes, we decided to acquiesce to her appeal.; Although she appeared to acquiesce to her employer's suggestions, I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made.

[+] accede, assent, consent

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[+] reason

appease one's anger, potential enemy

[+] purification, purgation

arrogating all the credit to himself [+] commandeer, usurp

[+] referee, umpire

[+] unappeasable

[+] compete, contend, vie

Am I to infer from your statement that there would be no point in further negotiation?; We must be particularly cautious when we infer that a person is guilty on the basis of circumstantial evidence.

An essay on Good Driving Habits calls not for "witty" or "colorful" writing but for clear, orderly exposition of specific facts and ideas.

And the scientific method of fearless thought, exhaustively lucid statement, and exhaustively criticized planning, which has given him these as yet uncontrollable powers, gives him also the hope of controlling these powers.; His explanation was lucid and

[+] brilliant, effulgent, lambent, luminous, radiant, refulgent; pellucid, translucent, transparent, unambiguous;

And there was good old Dan, shouting orders, handing out papers, and generally making an officious nuisance of himself!; Browning informs us that the Duke resented the bough of cherries some officious fool brought to please the Duchess.

[+] intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive

Anyone who thinks that is still a gentleman's prerogative to ask a lady to dance didn't attend our Senior Prom.; The president cannot levy taxes; that is the prerogative of the legislative branch of government.

[+] assuage, conciliate, mollify, pacify, palliate, placate, propitiate

Are you suggesting that the mere fact that he is below averge height wuold impair his ability to serve as class president.; This arrest will impair her reputation in the community.

[+] blemish, injure, mar, spoil, tarnish, vitiate

Aristotle maintained that tragedy created a catharsis by purging the soul of base concepts.

As an arbiter in labor disputes, she has won the confidence of the workers and the employers.

As he watched his house go up in flames, he felt that he was the victim of an implacable fate.; Madame Defarge was the implacable enemy of the Evermonde family.

As long as our political leaders emulate the virtues of the great leaders of this country, we shall flourish.

As the news traveled from person to person, it became embellished with so many fanciful details that we found it impossible to tell what had actually happened.; His handwriting was embellished with flourishes.

[+] beautify, decorate, garnish

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[+] bank

As usual, she gave a reveting performance.

[+] rave

As we quaffed our ale, we listened to the gay songs of the students in the tavern. cf. sip

[+] concentrate, focus

[+] confusion, tumble;

Azure skies are indicative of good weather.

[+] departure, exodus;

As the river rose and theratened to overflow the levee, emergency workers rushed to reinforce the walls with sandbags.

As we heard him rant on the platform, we could not understand his strange popularity with many people.

As we learned to understand each other's needs and aspirations, a sort of unspoken consensus developed that enabled us to work together harmoniously.; The consensus indicates that we are opposed to entering into this pact.

As we move into the third century of our nation's life, we should consecrate ourselves anew to the ideals of human freedom.; We shall consecrate our lives to this noble purpose.

[+] devote; hallow, sanctify

as we sauntered through the park, we stopped frequently to admire the spring flowers.

As we study the pathological aspects of this disease, we must not overlook the psychological elements.

As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth, do you thing o the many victims your have defrauded?

At first, the two candidates were in disagreement on every issue, but as the campaign went on, their opinions seemed to converge .; Marchers converged on Washington for the great Peace March.

At lunchtime,the room rang with the vociferous debates between the Cincinnati and Cleveland fans.; The crowd grew vociferous in its anger and threatened to take the law into its own hands.

[+] blatant, boisterous, obstreperous

At sometime in our lives, all of us discover the truth of the ancient paradox that by giving freely to others, we gain more for ourselves.; Wordsworth's "The child is father to the man" is an example of paradox.

At the height of the battle, the casualties were so numerous that the victims weltered in their blood while waiting for medical attention.; The existing welter of overlapping federal and state programs cries out for immediate reform.

Audiences cheered as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia made their audacious, death-defying leap to freedom and escaped Darth vader`s troops.

[+] courageous, dauntless, intrepid;

Barnum's sing "To the Egress" fooled many people who thought they were going to see an animal and instead found themselves in the street.

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[+] antagonist, oppugnant

be apprehensive of danger, for one's health [+] cf. comprehensive

[+] mountebank, quackBecause her argument was indubitably valid, the judge accepted it.

[+] ashen

Because of her hatred of the family, she maligns all who are friendly to them.

Because of his aesthetic nature, he was emotionally disturbed by ugly things.

[+] churlish, loutish

[+] disinter, unearth

Based on their extrapolation from the results of the primaries on Super Tuesday, the net works predicted that George Bush would be the Republican candidate for the presidency.

Batman struggled to save Gotham City from the machinations of his wicked adversary the Jaker.

Because he was considered the most discerning member of the firm, he was assigned the most difficult cases.

[+] insightful, perceptive, sagacious

Because he was unable to substantiate his claim that he had found a cure for the dread disease, he was called a charlatan by his colleagues.

Because his occupation required that he work at night and sleep during the day, he had an exceptionally pallid complexion.

[+] asperse, calumniate, denigrate, libel, slander, traduce, vilify, decry

Because of his boorish behavior, which people find offensive, he is seldom invited to parties.; Your boorish remarks to the driver of the other car were not warranted by the situation and served merely to enrage him.

Because of the incidents that occurred during hazing week, the school may rescind the rules that allow fraternity initiations.; Because of public resentment, the king had to rescind his order.

Because of the rumor that he had been poisoned, his body was exhumed in order that an autopsy might be performed.

Because she is usually so compliant , we were all surprised when she said firmly that she didn't like our plans and wouldn't accept them.; He was compliant and ready to conform to the pattern set by his friends.

[+] acquiescent, submissive

Because the Pacific theater in World War II involved amphibious warfare, one of the great problems was to maintain effective liaisions among the land, sea, and air forces.; As the liaison, he had to avoid offending the leaders of the two armies.

Before a student can begin to think along the lines of Euclidean geometry, he must accept certain principles or axioms.

Before hanging wallpaper it is advisable to drop a plumb line from the ceiling as a guide.

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Before the Creation, the world was an inchoate mass.

[+] instruct

[+] bridle, pinion

[+] acquiescent, yielding

[+] eccentricity, peculiarity

[+] prudent, sapient

Before leaving for his first visit to France and England, he discussed his itinerary with people who had been there and with his travel agent.

[+] embryonic, undeveloped;

Before we start out to inculcate certain principles in young people, let's be very sure that these principles are truly desirable for them and their society.; In an effort to inculcate religious devotion, the officials ordered that the school day begin wi

Before we went to sleep, we tethered the horses to prevents their wandering off during the night.

Beneath the dilapidated body of the getaway car,there was a powerful finely tuned motor,capable of reaching high speeds.; We felt that the dilapidated building needed several coats of paint.

[+] impaired, injured, marred

Blows with cudgels and missiles may fracture my skeletal structure, but maledictions will leave me unscathed.; The witch uttered maledictions against her captors.

[+] anathema, imprecation, malison

Bob Cratchit was too resigned to his downtrodden existence to protest when Scrooge bullied him.

By 1781, George Washington's green recruits of a few years earlier had beed forged into an indomitable army.; The founders of our country had indomitable willpower.

[+] inconquerable, insuperable, insurmountable, invincible

By a quirk of fate, he found himself working for the man whom he had discharged years before.

By careful planning and judicious investsments,he increased greatly the fortune his parents had left him.; At a key moment in his life, he made a judicious investment that was the foundation of his later wealth.

By concentrating on persoanl gain, he has debased both himself and the high office to which he was elected.; Do not debase yourself by becoming maudlin.

[+] abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate, lower

By dint of much hard work, the volunteers were able to place the raging forest fire under control.

By invading the neutral nation, the doctator contravened his earlier pledge to guarantee its independence.; I will not attempt to contravene your argument for it does not affect the situation.

[+] contradict, gainsay, impugn, negate; encroach, fringe, intrude, offend, transgress, trespass

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Cancer macerated his body. [+] emaciate; cf. lacerate;Captain Bligh vowed to be Christian's nemesis.

[+] locomotion

[+] ban, enjoin, inhibit

cf. incumbent;

[+] submit, succumb, yield

[+] vigil

By reference to hypothetical cases, you may be able to clarify the difference between "murder" and "manslaughter" for the law students.; Why do we have to consider hypothetical cases when we have actual case histories which we may examine?

[+] conjectural, putative, suppositious, supposititious

Can you be so ingenuous that you don't realize she is paying us all those phony compliments to get something out of us?; These remarks indicate that you are ingenuous and unaware of life's harsher realities.

[+] artless, unaffected, unsophisticated

Can you blame me for being bitter when a supposed friend reciprocated my confidence with betrayal and slander?; If they attack us, we shall be compelled to reciprocate and bomb their territory.

[+] recompense, requite, retaliate

Can you imagine anything more ignominious than standing there on the stage, before hundreds of people, utterly unable to remember the next line!; The country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of the day when it would be victorious.

[+] dishonorable, disreputable

Can you imagine what a prodigious amount of research was needed for a book such as Sandburg's biography of Lincoln?; He marveled at her prodigious appetite when he saw all the food she ate.

[+] colossal, gigantic, huge, mammoth, titanic;

Casual acquaintances were deceived by his veneer of sophistication and failed to recognize his fundamental shallowness.

Certain organisms exhibit remarkable motility; motile spores, for example, may travel for miles before coming to rest.

Churchill told his countrymen to be resolute in war,defiant in defeat,and magnanimous in victory.; The philanthropist was most magnanimous.

[+] benevolent, chivalrous, considerate, lofty

Civilized nations must interdict the use of nuclear weapons of we expect our society to live.

Comfortably recumbent in the shade of the elm tree, I watched the eager candidates for the football team in their hard, sweaty workout.; The command "AT EASE" does not permit you to take a recumbent position.

Completely surrounded at Yorktown by American and French forces, Cornwallis had no choice but to capitulate .; The enemy was warned to capitulate or face annihilation.

Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents in driving.; Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

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Copper wire has many industrial uses because of its extreme ductility. [+] softness

[+] award, laurels;

Cynical at all times, he was suspicious of all altruistic actions of others. [+] sardonic

Despite all attempts to decipher the code, it remained an enigma.

[+] brave, courageous

Despite the salesperson's blandishments, the customer did not buy the outfit. [+] adulation, flattery

[+] bereaved

Do not attempt to increase your stature by decrying the efforts of your opponents.

Do not be misled by his saturnine countenance; he is not as gloomy as he looks.

Convinced of his own importance, the actor stutted about the dressing room with a consequential air.

[+] considerable, important, momentous, significant, substantial

Critics who bestow their accolades too easily may gain some quick popularity, but they will soon lose credibility and influence over their readers.; In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest accolade.

Cut off from all supplies, the soldiers had to use various expedients to keep their equipment in working order.; A prgmatic politician, he was guided by what was expedient rather than by what was ethical.

[+] advatageous, beneficial, convenient, profitable, utilitarian

[+] conundrum, mystery, riddle

Despite his lawyers' best efforts to stop him, the angry prisoner continued to make antagonistic remarks to the judge.

[+] animus, enmity, hostility

Despite the dangerous nature of the undertaking, the dauntless soldier volunteered for the assignment.

Despite the threats made against his life, the intrepid prosecutor was able to obtain a conviction of the corrupt officials.; For his intrepid conduct in battle, he was promoted.

[+] audacious, brave, courageous, dauntless, valorous;

Determined to discredit the fallen leader, the opposition speakers presented a picture od him that was no more than a grotesque effigy for the mob to deride.; The mob showed its irritation by hanging the judge in effigy.

Divorce left him bereft of family or home.; The foolish gambler soon found himself bereft of funds.

[+] belittle, depreciate, derogate, detract, devaluate, disparage, lower opprobriate

Do not be precipitate in this matter; investigate further.; The removal of American political support appears to have precipitated the downfall of the Marcos regime.

[+] hasty, impetuous, expedite;

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Do not be so dogmatic about that statement; it can be easily refuted.Do not demur at my request.

Do not try to rationalize your behavior by blaming your companions. [+] justify

Do you have the temerity to argue with me?

[+] solitary

Doctors must palliate that which they cannot cure.

Does the threat of capital punishment serve as a deterrent to potential killers? [+] obstacle, prevention

Donkeys are reputed to be the most recalcitrant of animals.

[+] perception

[+] harangue, tirade;

During the long car ride, she invented conundrums to entertain the children.

During the summer, I like to take a tepid bath, not a hot one.

[+] authoritarian, authoritative, dictative, dictatorial, doctrinaire

[+] audacity, foolhardiness, heedlessness, recklessness, precipitateness

Do you really believe that the academic curriculum will be adulterated if courses like driver education and consumer science are introduced?; It is a crime to adulterate foods without informing the buyer.

[+] degrade, impurify, pollute

Do you think that your unwillingness to study foreign language is compatible with your ambition to get a job in the Foreign Service?; They were compatible neighbors, never quarreling over unimportant matters.

[+] agreeable, congenial, congruous, consistent, consonant, sympathetic

Do you understand how someone can live as a recluse even in the midst of a great city?; The recluse lived in a hut in the forest.

[+] alleviate, mitigate, moderate, soften

[+] unruly, fractious, intractable, untoward;

During imperial times, the Roman Senate was little more than a collection of obsequious yes men, intent on preserving their own lives by gratifying the Emperor's every whim.; Nothing is more disgusting to me than the obsequious demeanor of the people who

[+] fawning, toadying, truckling

During the election campaign, the two candidates were kept in full cognizance of the international situation.

During the lengthy diatribe delivered by his opponent he remained calm and self-controlled.

[+] enigma, mystery, puzzle, riddle

cf. sapid, insipid, vapid, torpid

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[+] instructor, tutor

[+] elective

Ethly chloride is a very volatile liquid.

[+] allot, apportion, mete

[+] creep

[+] harbinger, herald

[+] alleged, pretended

During the war, soldiers assigned to desk jobs were sometimes called sarcastically the "chairbound infantry" or "the sedentary commandos".; Because he had a sedentary occupation, he decided to visit a gymnasium weekly.

During this very trying period, she could not have had a better mentor, for the teacher was sympathetic and understanding.

Eclectic school of art are typical of period when there is little original inspiration or bold experimenting.; His style of interior decoration was eclectic: bits and pieces of furnishings from widely divergent periods, strikingly juxtaposed to create a u

Enen after you remove the pudding from the burner, it will continue to coagulate as it stands.

[+] clot, coalesce, congeal, consolidate

[+] vaporizable; capricious, fickle, inconstant, unstable

Even before they said a word, I could tell from their ebullient mood that our team had won.; His ebullient nature could not be repressed; he was always exuberant.

[+] effervescent, exuberant, vivacious

Even the most relentless and searching investigations by or political opponents could uncover no evidence that challenged our reputation for complete probity .; Everyone took his probity for granted; his defalcations, therefore, shocked us all.

[+] morality, rectitude, righteousness

Even though he discourses on the matter like a pundit, he is actually rather ignorant about this topic.

Even though the Red Cross had allocated a large sum for the relief of the sufferers o the disaster, many people perished.

Even though we have been defeated, we do not have to grovel before our conquerors.

Except for a brief two-year hiatus, during which she enrolled in the peace Corps, Ms. Clements has devoted herself to her medical career.

[+] breach, interim, interruption, interval

Experience has shown that an increse in housing construction is the precursor of a general economic upturn.; Gray and burns were precursors of the Romantic Movement in English literature.

Experience revealed, somewhat to our surprise, that the candidate's ostensible reason for office were also his real reasons.; Although the ostensible purpose of this expedition is to discover new lands, we are really interested finding new markets for our

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[+] humble

[+] premature

[+] cul-de-sac, dilemma

[+] aboriginal, endemic;

[+] notorious, opprobrious

Forgive us our transgressions; we know not what we do.

From now until December 21, the winter solstice, the hours of daylight will wane. [+] abate, subside; cf. wax


George Bernard Shaw's iconoclastic plays often startled more conventional people.

Extolling the people who have done so much to help humanity is fine, but it is no substitute for trying to make contribution of your own.; The astronauts were extolled as the pioneers of the Space Age.

[+] eulogize, laud, panegyrize

Far from being ignoble , his failure after making a valiant effort may serve as an inspiration to young people.; this plan is inspired by ignoble motives and I must, therefore, oppose it.

Far from being impromptu , all those jokes and wisecracks you hear on TV talk shows are usually prepared by professional gag writers and are carefully rehearshed.; Her listeners were amazed that such a thorough presentation could be made in an impromptu s

[+] extemporaneous, improvised, offhand;

Far from being precocious as a small child, the great Albert Einstein was actually somewhat slow in learning to talk.; By her rather adult manner of discussing serious topics, the child demonstrated that she was precocious.

For a long time we lived in the illusion that "everything would come out all right", but inevitably we arrived at the impasse where we had to face realities and make painful decisions.; In this impasse, all turned to prayer as their last hope.

For her to accuse me being selfish after I have sacrificed so much to further her career is sheer effrontery .; She had the effrontery to insult the guest.

[+] brazenness, impertience, impudence, insolence, presumption;

For many years, there was a tendnecy in the part of American and Europeans to ignore the highly developed indigenous cultures of the peoples of Africa.; Tobacco is one of the indigenous plants which the early explorers found in this country.

For some years Benedict Arnold served heroically in the American Revolution, but then he disgraced his name for all time by an infamous act of treason.; Jesse James was an infamous outlaw.

Foreign service officers and their spouse must learn the rules of protocol .; We must run this state dinner according to protocol if we are to avoid offending any of our guests.

[+] contravention, infraction, infringement, trespass

From the moment we left the ship, we were surrounded by mendicants and peddlers.

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Glass is permeable to light. [+] penetrable, pervious

Gnats are annoying mites that sting. [+] particle

Gold is a malleable metal.

[+] alien, extrinsic

[+] denounce, vilify

He abjured his allegiance to the king.He always helped both his kith and kin

He became inarticulate with rage and uttered sounds without meaning. [+] indistinct

He began to berate tyrants.; He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness.

He beseeched forgiveness for his folly.

He called the unfortunate waiter a clumsy oaf. Idiot, fool

He comported himself with great dignity.

George Washington's immaculate reputation as a dedicated patriot has been an inspiration to many generations of Americans.; The West Point cadets were immaculate as they line d up for inspection.

[+] stainless, unblemished, undefiled, unsullied

Given the aberrant nature of the data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment.

[+] anomalous, atypical, untypical;

Given the many areas of conflict still awaiting resolution, the outcome of the peace talks remains problematic.

[+] arguale, debatable, disputable, moot

[+] adaptable, plastic supple

Has antone ever measured how many hours of TV time are needed to satisfy a small boy's voracious appetite for Westerns?; the wolf is a voracious animal, its hunger never satisfied.

[+] covetous, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, ravening

Has it occured to you that the exotic foods that we eat only on special occasions are part of the everyday diet in other parts of the world?; Because of his exotic headdress, he was followed in the streets by small children who laughed at his strange appe

Have we reached the stage where anyone who refuses to go along with the majority opinion is to be stigmatized as a malcontent and a radical?; I do not want to stigmatize this young offender for life by sending her to prison.

[+] recall, recant, retract, withdraw;

He bathed the wound with an antiseptic.; It is advisable to apply an antiseptic to any wound, no matter how alight or insignificant.

He became an apostate when he left the church.; Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as an apostate.

[+] betrayer, defector, recreant, renegade

[+] revile, upbraid, vituperate

to beg; to implore; to plead; to pray; to entreat; to beseech

[+] bear, conduct, demean, deport

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[+] invoke

[+] instructor, tutor

He could not resist the dog's suppliant whimpering, and he gave it some food.

[+] destitute, empty

[+] promptness, agility;

He did not even try to broach the subject of poetry.

[+] carping, faultfinding

He felt that everyone was trying to thwart his plans and prevent his success. [+] balk, circumvent, foilHe felt that he would debase himself if he deigned to answer his critics. [+] vouchsafe

He forgot his misanthropy when he fell in love.

He gave her his troth and vowed he would cherish her always. [+] betrothal

He had a strong penchant for sculpture and owned many statues.

He conjured up an image of a reformed city and had the cotters completely under his spell.

He could endure his financial failure, but he could not bear the calumny that his foes heaped upon him.

[+] belittlement, defamation, depreciation, detraction, disparagement, slander

He could never be a stuffy pedagogue; his classes were always lively and filled with humor.

He could not live on the pittance he received as a pension and had to look for an additional source of revenue.

[+] supplicatory; cf. supplant

He delivered a simple, low-key speech, completely devoid of fancy language or emotional appeals.; He was devoid of any personal desire for gain in his endeavor to secure improvement in the community.

He demonstrated his eagerness to serve by his alacrity in executing the orders of his master.

He devoted himself to the spiritual needs of his followers, and left to his aides such mundane tasks as providing food and shelter.; He was concerned only with mundane matters, especially the daily stock market quotations.

[+] earthly, secular, uncelestial, worldly;

He dismissed all of my carefully formulated criticisms with the casual rejoinder that I was being "unreasonably captious ".; His criticisms were always captious and frivolous, never offering constructive suggestions.

[+] predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency;

He has a very ornate writing style, using many unusual words, figures of speech, and involved constructions.; Furniture of the Baroque period can be recognized by its ornate carvings.

[+] baroque, flamboyant, rococo

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[+] experiential

He hesitated assume the unwonted role of master of ceremonies at the dinner.

[+] abuse

He is a lecherous and wicked old man.

He is far to intelligent to utter such fatuous remarks.He is glib and articulate speaker. [+] voluble;

He is much too sagacious to be fooled by a trick like that.

He is naive, simple, and guileless; he cannot be guilty of fraud.

[+] flagrant, infamous

He is offended by your frequent detractions of his ability as a leader.

He is particularly good in roles that require suavity and sophistication. [+] refinement

He has deceived me so many times that I am forced to the conclusion that he is simply an incorrigible liar.; Because he was an incorrigible criminal, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

He has no confidence in magical formulas that will solve all our social problems overnight; the whole bent of his thinking is practical and empirical.; He distrusted hunches and intuitive flashes; he placed his reliance entirely on empirical data.

He has the dubious distinction of being the lowest man in his class. a dubious light anh sang lờ mờ

[+] equivocal, suspect, skeptical

He held his head awry, giving the impression that he had caught cold in his neck during the night.

inclined, sloping, slanting, askew, oblique, lop-sided

[+] extraordinary, singular, uncommon, unusual

He inveighed against the demagoguery of the previous speaker and urged that the audience reject his philosophy as dangerous.

[+] asinine, idiotic, silly, witless

[+] sage, discerning, insightful, judicious, perceptive

[+] artless, ingenouos, naive, unaffected, unsophisticated

He is notorious for his habit of taking small loans from friends and then conveniently forgetting about them.; Captain Kidd was notorious pirate.

[+] aspersion, belittlement, calumny, defamation, depreciation, disparagement, libel, slander, traducing, vilification

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He looked for exotic foods to stimulate his jaded appetite.He made his deposition in the judge's chamber. [+] testimony;

He objected vehemently to a vote taking place in the absence of a quorum.

[+] sloth, sluggishness

He performed his daily stint cheerfully and willingly.He preyed upon gullible people, who believed his stories of easy wealth. [+] credulous

He proudly showed us through his palatial home.

He read many recondite books in order to obtain the material for his scholarly thesis. [+] esoteric;

cf. mote;by rote

He sang a ribald song that offended many of the more prudish listeners.

[+] sneak

[+] interrelationHe spoke French with fluency and ease. [+] glibness, volubilityHe spoke with a humility and lack of pride that impressed his listeners. [+] courtesy, modestyHe thrived on the adulation of his henchmen. [+] blandishment

He tried to eschew all display of temper.He tried to facilitate matters at home by getting a part-time job.He turned his hobby into a lucrative profession. [+] remunerative

[+] aliasHe used mnemonic tricks to master new words.He was a hirsute individual with a heavy black beard.

He is so skillful in dealing with people that he can seem amiable even when he is refusing to give them what they want.; His amiable disposition pleased all who had dealings with him.

[+] complaisant, courteous, lenient

[+] ad. vehemently; ardent, fervent, fervid, passionate

He outgrew his youthful indolence to become a model of industry and alertness on the job.

[+] impressive, regal, splendid

He recited the passage by rote and gave no indication he understood what he was saying; to learn by rote.

He remained aloof from their quarrel.; apathetic, impassive, indifferent; reserved, reticent, taciturn

[+] blasphemous, dissolute;

He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city in order to avoid meeting any of his former friends.

He sought to determine the correlation that existed between ability in algebra and ability to interpret reading exercises.

He tried to conceal his lack of true scholarship and intellectual depth by making use of unnecessarily abstruse language.; She read abstruse works in philosophy.

[+] esoteric profound, recondite, enigmatic

He used a woman's psudonym for the Gothic romance.; Samuel Clemen's pseudonym was Mark Twain.

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He was a pathological liar, and his friends learned to discount his mendacious stories.

[+] comic, ludicrous

He was adamant in his determination to punish the wrongdoer.

[+] sycophantHe was awakened from his reverie by the teacher's question. cf. revelry

He was censured for his inappropriate behavior.

He was content to wage a defensive battle and tried to parry his opponent's thrusts. [+] deflectHe was damned to eternal perdition. [+] downfall

[+] piebald, pied

He was endued with a lion's courage. [+] bestow, confer

He was exculpated of the crime when the real criminal confessed.

He was fortunately immune from the disease and could take care of the sick. [+] exempt;

[+] elation, exaltation

He was goaded by his friends until he yielded to their wishes.

He was impaled by the spear hurled by his adversary.He was indefatigable in his constant efforts to raise funds for the Red Cross. [+] inexhaustible

[+] deceitful, dishonest, fraudulent, unveracious

He was a popular guest because his droll anecdotes were always entertaining. ( + with, at, on) đùa cợt, lam trò khôi hai

He was a rabid follower of the Dodgers and watched them play whenever he could go to the ball park.

[+] frantic, frenetic, frenzied; a rabid dog a rabid rabbit

[+] inexorable, obdurate, rigid, uncompromising, unyielding

He was always accompanied by several of his minions because he enjoyed their subservience and flattery.

He was called in to untangle the imbroglio but failed to bring harmony to the situation.

[+] condemn, denounce, denunciate, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove;

He was disappointed in the litter because the puppies were brindled; he had hoped for animals of a uniform color.

[+] absolve, acquit, exonerate, vindicate;

He was famous for his felicitous remarks and was called upon to serve as master-of-ceremonies at many a banquet.

[+] applicable, proper, suitable

He was full of euphoria after the birth.; "Jill`s been on cloud nine ever since Jack asked her out, " said Betty, dismissing her friend's euphoria.

[+] exhort, instigate, prick, prompt, propel, spur

[+] perforate, prick, puncture

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He was meticulous in checking his accounts and never made mistakes.

He was not serious in his painting; he was rather a dilettante. [+] amateur, tyro

He was of a mercurial temperament and therefore unpredictable.

He was present at all their conclaves as an unofficial observer.

he was universally feared because of his many nefarious deeds.

[+] expatiate

He won a few tawdry trinkets in Coney Island. [+] meretricious

Heifetz is a violin virtuoso. [+] expert, master

Her arduous efforts had sapped her energy. [+] laborious, toilsome

Her body was lacerated in the automobile crash. [+] rend

[+] fastidious, fussy, heedful, punctilious, scrupulous

[+] capricious, fickle, inconstant, unstable;

He was placed in the anomalous position of seeming to approve procedures which he despised.

[+] aberrant, abnormal, atypical, deviant, untypical;

He was proud of his progeny but regarded George as the most promising of all his children.

[+] descendants, posterity, scions

He was so abstemious that he extended his self-control even to his beloved music, and listened to records no more than an hour each day.; The drunkards mocked him because of his abstemious habits.

[+] abstinent, continent, temperate

He was so profligate with his inheritance that he consumed in a few years the fortune it had taken his parents a lifetime to accumulate.; In this profligate company, she lost all sense of decency.

[+] extravagant, wasteful; dissolute, wanton

[+] flagrant, infamous, vicious

He was willing to descant upon any topic of conversation, even when he knew very little about the subject under discussion.

He will augment his income by tending bar at night.; How can we hope to augment our forces when our allies are deserting us?

[+] aggrandize, boost, expand, extend, magnify

He would later amass a fortune from the small investment.; The miser's aim is to amass and hoard as much gold as possible.

[+] accumulate, cumulate, garner, stockpile

Her behavior belied her story.; His coarse, hard-bitten exterior belied his innate sensitivity.

[+] contradict, contravene, controvert;

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[+] dispel, dissipate

Her conduct during the funeral ceremony was staid and solemn. [+] grave, sedate, solemn

Her essays were, for the main part, polemics for the party's policy. [+] debate, disputation

Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake the dangerous mission. [+] fervent, passionate

Her figure was lithe and willowy. [+] lissom(e), lithesome

Her irascible temper frightened me.Her jewels were inexpensive but not meretricious. [+] garish, gaudy

Her large and lustrous eyes gave a touch of beauty to a otherwise drab face.

Her bright, optimistic manner did much to disperse the atmosphere of gloom that had settled over the meeting.; The police fired tear gas into the crowd to disperse the protesters.

Her chaste and decorous garb was appropriately selected for the solemnity of the occasion.

[+] decent, immaculate, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, unsullied

Her craven behavior in running away from the enemy at this critical period was criticized by her comrades.

[+] cowardly, poltroonish, pusillanimous;

Her diaphanous grown seemed part of the moonlight.; Corot painted poetic and diaphanous landscapes, in which even solid objects seemed to be suffused with light and movement.; They saw the burglar clearly through the diaphanous curtain.

[+] flimsy, gossamer, sheer, transparent

Her forbearance during the depression was inspiring.; We must use forbearance in dealing with him because he is still weak from his illness.

[+] endurance, temperance

[+] choleric, fractious, peevish, petulant, touchy

[+] brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, lambent, lucent, luminous, radiant, refulgent

Her manner of speaking is so vivacious that even commonplace remarks semm to suggest charm and excitement.; She had always been vivacious and sparkling.

[+] cheerful, frolicsome, gay

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[+] defalcateHer refusal to go with us filled us with chagrin. [+] mortification

Her siege of illness left her languid and pallid. [+] lackadaisical

His apocalyptic remarks were dismissed by his audience as wild surmises. [+] sibylline

His argument was so convoluted that few of us could follow it intelligently.

His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance. [+] fathomless

His austere demeanor prevented us from engaging in our usual frivolous activities.

His bellicose disposition alienated his friends.

His classmates called him a show-off because of his bumptious airs. [+] impertinent, obtrusive

[+] customary, orthodoxHis dancing was limited to a few rudimentary steps. [+] basal, embryonic

Her moods seem to go from one extreme to the other-from deepest apathy to unlimited enthusiasm.; A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the apathy of people who never bothered to vote.

[+] impassiveness, indifference

Her peculations were not discovered until the auditors found discrepancies in the financial statements.

Her reminiscences of her experiences are so fascination that she ought to write a book.

[+] retrospection, remembrance

His answer at the press conference was rambling and voluble while giving practically no information.; She was a voluble speaker, always ready to talk.

[+] meandering, sinuous, tortuous, winding;

[+] ascetic, rigorous, severe, stern, strict

[+] belligerent, combative, contentious, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, warlike.

His brother delivered the eulogy at the funeral.; All the eulogies of his friends could not remove the sting of the calumny heaped upon him by his enemies.

[+] Compliment, encomium, panegyric;

His conventional upbringing left him wholly unprepared for his wife's eccentric family.

His definition of decadence is simply anything that differs from the standards and customs that he is accustomed to.; The moral decadence of the people was reflected in the lewd literature of the period.

[+] declination, degeneracy, deterioration, downgrade

His desk was cluttered with paper, pen , ink, dictionary and other paraphernalia of the writing craft.

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His disavowal of his part in the conspiracy was not believed by the jury.

His earthy remarks often embarrassed the women in his audience. [+] crude, gross, uncouth

His evil intentions were manifest and yet we could not stop him.

[+] ashen, pallid, wan

His flushed, angry face indicated a choleric nature. [+] irascible, testy, touchy

His frenetic activities convinced us that he had no organized plan of operation. [+] furious, rabid

His friends gathered to console him upon his sudden bereavement.

His fulsome praise of the dictator annoyed his listeners.His grandiose manner impressed those who met him for the first time. [+] majestic, statelyHis haphazard reading left him unacquainted with the authors of the books. [+] aimless,desultory

His head is in the clouds; he is constantly presenting these quixotic schemes. [+] ant. practical

His inherent love of justice compelled him to come to their aid.

His painting of fisher folk at their daily tasks is an excellent illustration of genre art. [+] category

[+] negation, refusal, repudiation

His elusive dreams of wealth were costly to those of his friends who supported him financially.

[+] elusory; incomprehensible, intangible

[+] distinct, obvious, unambiguous

His face was so livid with rage that we were afraid that he might have an attack of apoplexy.

His feverish and incessant activity cannot hide the fact that he dosen't know what he is doing.; The crickets kept up an incessant chirping which disturbed our attempts to fall asleep.

[+] ceaseless, continuous, everlasting, interminable, perpetual, unceasing

[+] extravagant, exuberant, lavish, profuse

[+] congenital, inborn, innate, intrinsic

His intense greed and lack of confidence in our good faith turned him into a perfidious associate who sold our formulas to the competitors.; Your perfidious gossip is malicious and dangerous.

[+] disloyal, recreant, treacherous

His luminous intelligence has helped to guide the nation during a time of confusion and darkness.; The sun is a luminous body.

[+] brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, lambent, lucent, radiant, refulgent

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His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxuries.

His puerile pranks sometimes offended his more mature friends. [+] immatureHis raucous laughter irritated me and grated on my ears. [+] strident

His remarks were so disjointed that we could not follow his reasoning.His remarks were so risible that the audience howled with laughter. [+] comical, droll

His resonant voice was particularly pleasing.His reverent attitude was appropriate in a house of worship. [+] deferentialHis sedentary life had left him with flaccid muscles.

His speeches were always homilies, advising his listeners to repent and reform. [+] discourse

His speeches were famous for his exuberant language and vivid imagery.

[+] propHis timorous manner betrayed the fear he felt at the moment. [+] cowardly, timid;

[+] vacillation;

His parents tried to encourage an interest in literature, music and art, but he seemed to impervious to such influences.; You cannot change their habits for their minds are impervious to reasoning.

[+] impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, imperviable, unpierceable

[+] miserly, niggardly, penurious

[+] discontinuous, disordered, incoherent, incohesive, unorganized

[+] orotund, rotund, sonorous

His sonnet was the epitome of all love poems.; This final book is the epitome of all his previous books.

[+] abstract, synopsis; recapitulation

[+] lavish, luxuriant, opulent, profuse, prodigal

His strut as he marched about the parade ground revealed him for what he was : a pompous buffoon.; The engineer calculated that the strut supporting the rafter needed to be reinforced.

His tone of voice was so imperious that I wasn't sure if he was asking me for a loan or demanding payment of tribute.; His imperiousness indicated that he had long been accustomed to assuming command.

[+] haughtiness, hauteur, hubris, loftiness, superciliousness

His ulterior motive was not clear even to himself.; You must have an ulterior motive for your behavior, since there is no obvious reason for it.

His vacillation when confronted with a problem annoyed all of us who had to wait until he made his decision.

His visits to the famous Gothic cathedrals imbued him with feelings of awe and reverence.

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[+] lugubrious, mournful

His voice was high-pitched and effeminate. [+] female, feminine

His wanton, drunken ways cost him many friends.

[+] flee

[+] drudgery

I admire his terse style of writing; he comes directly to the point. [+] laconic, succinct

I am afraid he will objurgate us publicly for this offense.

I am afraid he will wreak his wrath on the innocent as well as the guilty. cf. reek

[+] promising

I am bored by your insipid talk.

[+] augmentI am not a pariah to be shunned and ostracized. [+] derelict

His voice has a lachrymose quality which is more appropriate at a funeral than a class reunion.

[+] perverse, wayward; dissolute, lewd, licentious, lustful; bestial, brutal, cruel

How can we have any respect for people who try to ingratiate themselves by offering flattery and favors?; He tried to ingratiate himself into her parents' good graces.

How can you accuse me of absconding with all your brilliant ideas when you have never had an original idea in your life!; The teller absconded with the bonds and was not found.

How can you be so cruel as to tantalize the poor dog by offering him tidbits that you will never let him have?; Tom loved to tantalize his younger brother.

How long do you think a man can endure such travail and degradation without rebelling?

Chide; reprove, rebuke, reproach

I am afraid you will have to alter your roseate views in the light of the distressing news that has just arrived.

[+] flavorless, savorless, tasteless, unpalatable

I am convinced that some substantial advantages will accrue to me if I complete my college education.; You must pay the interest which has accrued on your debt as well as the principal sum.

I am proud to have it said of me that I am stubborn and intransigent when genuine moral issues are involved.; The strike settlement has collapsed because both sides are intransigent.

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[+] condition, provision

[+] conspirator

I am sure disease must propagate in such unsanitary and crowded areas.

I cannot accept government by fiat; I feel that I must be consulted. [+] decree, mandate

I cannot answer your question since this matter is beyond my ken. cf. gamut; purview, scope

I cannot approve of the iniquitous methods you used to gain your present position.

I do not accept the premise that a man is virile only when he is belligerent.

I am ready to accept your proposal with the proviso that you meet your obligations within the next two weeks.

I am sorry to have to tell you that I was an accomplice in the practical joke that caused you so much pain.; Because he had provided the criminal with the lethal weapon, he was arrested as an accomplice in the murder.

[+] generate, multiply, reproduce; circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute;

I am waiting for you to elucidate those strage remarks about the background of my family tree!; He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article.

[+] clarify, illuminate, illustrate

I am willing to forgive you, but I can never obliterate from my mind the memory of your dishonesty.; The tidal wave obliterated several island villages.

[+] delete, erase, efface, expunge

I can recommend him for a position of responsibility for I have found him a very scrupulous young man.

[+] fussy, heedful, meticulous, punctilious

I can recommend him for this position because I have always found him veracious and reliable.

[+] candid, frank, honest, ingenuous, sincere; n. veracity

[+] immoral, reprobate, sinful, vicious

I cannot understand why he has so many admirers if he is the reprobate you say he is.

[+] profligate, libertine; cf. elect

I can't provide all the details at this time, but I will try to delineate the mainfeatures of my plan for reorganizing the student government.; He is a powerful storyteller, but he is weakest when he attempts to delineate characer.

[+] depict, describe, limn, portay

I do not attach any stigma to the fact that you were accused of this crime; the fact that you were acquitted clears you completely.

[+] besmirchment, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonor, taint

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[+] excuse, forgive, pardon

[+] buttress, prop, sustain;

I do not like such maudlin pictures. I call them tearjerkers. [+] romantic

I do not like this author because he is so unimaginative and prosaic.

I do not need a sedative when I listen to one of his soporific speeches. [+] somnolent, somnorific;

I doubt that she has the stamina to run the full distance of the marathon race. [+] vigor, vitality

I fail to see the nexus which binds these two widely separated events. [+] junction, link;

I feel confident that the forces of justice will preponderate eventually in this dispute.

I find his motives impossible to fathom.

I find the task of punishing you most odious.

I find your conduct so opprobrious that I must exclude you from classes.I had to struggle to break his tenacious hold on my arm. [+] adhesive, cohesive

I do not entirely condone his misconduct, but I can understand, to a degree, why he behaved as he did.; We cannot condone your recent criminal cooperation with the gamblers.

I do not intend to bolster your hopes with false reports of outside assistance; the truth is that we must face the enemy alone.

[+] tiresome, unimaginative

I don't know which was more reprehensible -making improper use of the money or lying about it later.; Your vicious conduct in this situation is reprehensible.

[+] blameworthy, blamable, censurable, culpable; v. reprehend

I especially dislike his tumid style; I prefer writing which is less swollen and bombastic.

[+] inflated, turgid; grandiloquent, magniloquent, rhetorical

[+] apprehend, perceive, recognize

[+] abhorrent, abominable, detestable, loath, repulsive

I find your analogy inaccurate because I do not see the parity between the two illustrations.

[+] analogy, equality, equivalence, parallelism

[+] dishonorable, disreputable, ignominious;

I have had my surfeit of excuses and evasions; now I want action!; I am surfeited with the sentimentality of the average motion picture film.

[+] glut, gorge, sate satiate;

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I intend to substantiate my statement by producing witness.

Fulmination, reproof

[+] displace, supersede

I never expected a pecuniary reward for my work in this activity. [+] financial, monetary

[+] conjecture, suppose

I regard your remarks as blatant and ill-mannered.

I resent the innuendos in your statement more than the statement itself.

[+] carp, dissent

I intend to be guided by the simple precepts that have proved their value over long periods of human experience.; "Love they neighbor as thyself" is a worthwhile precept.

[+] decree, ordinance, prescript, regulation, statute

[+] authenticate, confirm, corroborate, validate

I knew that if I ran for public office, I would be exposed to severe criticism, but I never expected such a flood of obloquy .; I resent the obloquy that you are casting upon my reputation.

I know that love is fickle, but I never expected to be supplnted in her affections by a crumb like Danny Orr.; Ferdinand Marcos was supplanted by Corazon Aquino as president of the Philippines.

I must abjure you to consider this matter carefully as it is of utmost importance to all of us.

I never cease to wonder at the disparity between what men aspire to do and what they are equipped to do by natural endowment and training.; The disparity in their ages made no difference at all.

[+] dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinction

I noticed with approval that his mordant remarks were intended to deflate the pompous and unmask the hypocritical.; Actors feared the critic's mordant pen.

[+] caustic, mordacious, scathing, trenchant

I offered that explanation as a mere surmise , but to my surprise, it was generally accepted as an established truth.; I surmise that he will be late for this meeting.

[+] boisterous, clamorous, obstreperous, vociferous

I regret that Nancy was nettled by my unfavorable review of her short story, but I had to express my opinion honestly.; Do not let him nettle you with his sarcastic remarks.

[+] exasperate, irritate, peeve, provoke

I resent his hypocritical posing as a friend for I know he is interested only in his own advancement.

[+] affected, pharisaic, sanctimonious

[+] allusion, implication, insinuation, intimation

I respect your sensible criticisms, but I dislike the way you cavil about unimportant details.

I think it is impolitic to raise this issue at the present time because the public is too angry.

[+] imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious

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I think this stock is a precarious investment and advise against its purchase.

I think your choice of a successor savor of favoritism. [+] relish

I want your candid opinion.

I was absolutely riveted by her story.

I will not be cajoled into granting you your wish.I will not tolerate those who contemn the sincere efforts of this group.

I will relinquish my claims to this property if you promise to retain my employees. [+] cede, waive, resign

[+] cede, relinquish

If I understand the implications of your remark, you do not trust our captain.

[+] doubtable, unstable; dangerous, hazardous;

I tried to make some sense out of the strange orders he had given us, but his plan and purpose remained utterly inscrutable .; I fail to understand the reasons for your outlandish behavior; your motives are inscrutable.

enigmatic, sphinx-like, unfathomable, mysterious

direct, honest, frank, undisguised

[+] beguile, deceive, delude

I will waive my rights in this matter in order to expedite our reaching a proper decision.

I wouldn't say that I abhor housework, but I must admit that I avoid it whenever I can.; She abhorred all forms of bigotry.

[+] abominate, execrate, loathe;

If any of the caustic material gets on your clothing, wash it off immediately with lukewarm water to prevent it from eating away the fabric.; The critic's caustic remarks angered the hapless actors who were the subjects of his sarcasm.

[+] incisive, mordacious, mordant, pungent, sarcastic, scathing, stinging, trenchant;

[+] allusion, connotation, inking, innuendo, insinuation, intimation

If only I could efface the memory of the look of shock and disappointment on my mother's face!; The coin had been handled so many times that its date had been effaced.

[+] delete, erase, expunge, obliterate

If the contract was framed by a good lawyer, it will stipulate exactly when, where, and how payment is to be made.; Before agreeing to reduce American military forces in Europe, the president stipulated that NATO teams be allowed to inspect Soviet bases.

[+] designate, detail, specificate

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[+] forecast, prophecy

If the grand jury indicts the suspect, he will go to trial.

If you behave, I will expunge this notation from your record.

If you do not yield, I am afraid the enemy will despoil the countryside.

[+] social

[+] deign, vouchsafeIllness bereaved the family of their father.In China, the people venerate their ancestors. [+] adore, worship

[+] injustice, patiality

If the doctor's prognosis is correct, the patient will be in a coma for at least twenty-four hours.

[+] arraign, criminate, incriminate, impeach

If we relegate these experienced people to positions of unimportance because of their political persuasions, we shall lose the services of valuably trained personnel.

[+] exile, expatriate, expel, ostracize

[+] delete, efface, erase, obliterate

[+] depredate, pillage, spoliate

If you go to the interview well-prepared and in the right frame of mind, there will be no need for you to feel discomfited by even the most probing questions.; This ruse will discomfit the enemy.

[+] abash, confound, confuse, disconcert, discountenance, embarrass

If you had paid some attention to my warning in the first place, ther would be no need for you to be contrite now.; Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he imposed sentence.

[+] compunctious, penitent, remorseful, repentant

If you want to learn to play backgammon, I suggest that you begin by perusing a summary of the rules.

If, as sociologists tell us, human beings are naturally gregarious , why am I sitting here all by myself on this beautiful spring evening?; She was not gregarious and preferred to be alone most of the time.

If, as they claim, they were not aware of the illegal character of their undertaking, why did they plan it in a surreptitious way.; News of their surreptitious meeting gradually leaked out.

[+] clandestine, covert, furtive, stealthy, sub-rosa

If, as they say, they find those people so vulgar and unpleasant, why do they condescend to associate with them?; The king condescended to grant an audience to the friends of the condemned man.

In demanding equal pay for equal work, women protest the basic inequity of a system that allots grater financial rewards to men.

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[+] chastise

In her best forensic manner, the lawyer addressed the jury. [+] controversial; juridical

In his caricature, he burlesqued the mannerisms of his adversary. [+] parody, travesty

In his usual provident manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.

[+] abdicate, discard

In some states, it is illegal to dissect cadavers. [+] corpse

[+] leak; occur

In every large city, there is a neighborhood that serves as a refuge for derelicts who have failed to come to terms with society.; The corporal who fell asleep while on watch was thrown into the guard house for being derelict in his duty.

[+] delinquent, disregardful, neglectful, negligent, remiss

In Gulliver's Travels and other books, Jonathan Swift castigated the human race for its follies and wickedness.;

[+] canny, chary, economical, frugal

In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain had to jettison much of his cargo.

In order to preserve our cohesion, we must not let minor differences interfere with our major purposes.

[+] adherence, adhesion, cling, coherence, stickage

In our campaign to solve the energy problem, we must depend on the understanding, patriotism, and resolution of the American people.; Nothing could shake his resolution to succed despite all difficuties.

[+] decision, firmness, resolve

In spite of all our efforts to appeal to whatever human sympathics the kidnappers might have, they remainded obdurate .; He was obdurate in his refusal to listen to our complaints.; He was obdurate in his refusal to our complaints.

[+] obstinate, perverse, unyielding;

In spite of all our efforts to keep the meeting secret, news of our conclusions transpired .; In spite of all our efforts to keep the meeting a secret, news of our conclusions transpired.

In spite of his long and prolific career, his reputation today rests entirely on one great play.; She was a prolific writer and wrote as many as three books a year.

[+] fecund, fertile, productive

In spite of my extreme terror, I made every effort to modulate my voice and speak calmly.

In spite of the vast number of details in the United States Constitution, the document is remarkably concise .; The essay was concise and explicit.

[+] compendiary, compendious, laconic, pithy, succinct, terse

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In that religious community, the recusant was shunned as a pariah.

In the guise of a blumber, the detective investigated the murder case. [+] semblance

In the spring, the plants that burgeon are a promise of the beauty that is to come.

[+] filchIn their incommodious quarters, they had to improvise for closet space.

In these difficult days, we must live with frugality or our money will be gone.

[+] changeIn this matter, I am a skeptic; I want proof. [+] unbeliever

[+] platitudinous;

[+] spectrum

[+] compulsory, required

In those halcyon days, people were not worried about sneak attacks and bombings. [+] placid, tranquil;

[+] complete, fulfill

In such a conglomeration of miscellaneous statistics, it was impossible to find a single area of analysis.

[+] accumulation, agglomeration, aggregation, amassment, cumulation

In that youthful movement, the leaders were only a little less callow than their immature followers.

[+] immature, juvenile, unfledged

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln asked a few incisive question that showed up the fatal weaknesses in his opponent's position.; His incisive remarks made us see the fallacy in our plans.

[+] biting, penetrating, trenchant

[+] blossom, bloom, effloresce; augment, expand, multiply;

In the story, "The Purloined Letter," Poe points out that the best hiding place is often the most obvious place.

[+] economy, husbandry, providence, thrift

In these interfaith meetings, there must be no attempt to proselytize; we must respect all points of view.

In this moment of grief, the conventional expressions of sympathy which I had considered so banal were surprisingly comforting.; His frequent use of cliches made his essay seem banal.

In this performance, the leading lady was able to demonstrate the complete gamut of her acting ability.

In this state, attendance at school is mandatory for children between the ages of six and seventeen.; These instructions are mandatory; any violation will be severly punished.

In this time of crisis, it behooves all of us to remain calm and await the instructions of our superiors.

In your training course for dental assistant, you will become familiar with many of the implements that dentists use.; I am unwilling to implement this plan until I have assurances that it has the full approval of your officials.

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Inher lengthy harangue, the principal berated the offenders. [+] diatribe, tirade

[+] casuistry, speciousness

[+] racial

Investors become anxious when the stock market appears erratic. [+] devious, errant, stray

[+] rescue, retrieve

[+] disheveled, unkempt

It is almost impossible to protect oneself from such a base canard.It is difficult for humanity with its finite existence to grasp the infinite. [+] bounded

Inasmuch as our supply of electricity is cut off, we shall have to rely on the hens to incubate these eggs.

Instead of advancing valid arguments, he tried to overwhelm his audience with a flood of sophistries.

Instead of facts and logic, he uaed rhetoricaltricks and slashing invective to attack his opponent.; He had expected criticism but not the invective which greeted his proposal.

[+] billingsgate, contumely, obloquy, scurrility, vituperation

Instead of mouthing empty panegyrics to the Bill of Rights, let's strive to make it a reality in everyday life.; The modest hero blushed as he listened to the panegyrics uttered by the speakers about his valorous act.

[+] compliment, encomium, eulogy

Instead of working so hard to prepare replicas of famous works of art, why don't you try to creat something original?; Amy was a younger replica of her mother

[+] duplicate, facsimile, replication

Intolerance between ethnic groups is deplorable and usually is based on lack of information.

Is it too much to expect that I will be able to salvage a few shreds of self-respect from my humiliating failure?; All attempts to salvage the wrecked ship failed.

Isn't it strange that a young woman who will spend hours making sure that she looks "just right" for a date is often so slovenly at other times?; Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products.

It is a commonplace of human experience that most improvident young people do not become aware of their folly until they are no longer young.; He was constantly being warned to mend his improvident ways and begin to "save for a rainy day."

[+] extravagant, lavish, prodigal, profligate, unthrifty

It is a sobering thought that when one has reached the pinnacle of a mountain, there is nowhere to go but down.; We could see the morning sunlight illuminate the pinnacle while the rest of the mountain lay in shadow.

[+] acme, apex, climax, culmination, summit, zenith

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It is easy to see how crime can breed in such a squalid neighborhood.

It is extremely difficult to overcome the tenacity of a habit such as smoking [+] obstinacy, pertinacity

It is good to have a few zealots in our group for their enthusiasm is contagious. [+] Enthusiast, maniac

[+] check, stemIt is implicit that you will come to our aid if we are attacked. [+] implied, tacit

It is imprudent to exercise vigorously and become overheated when you are unwell.

[+] pendulate, sway, swing

It is ironic that his success came when he least wanted it.

It is unwise to leave lethal weapons where children may find them.

It is difficult to sail up this stream because of the way it meanders through the countryside.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to organize these disparate elements into a coherent whole.

[+] dissimilar, distinct, diverse;

[+] filthy; despicable, ignoble, vile;

It is imperative that we stanch the gushing wound before we attend to the other injuries.

[+] extravagent, lavish, prodigal, profligate, unthrifty

It is interesting to note how public opinion oscillates between the extremes of optimism and pessimism.

It is not for me to impugn his motives, but how could anyone except an overambitious scoundrel have misted his friends in that way?; I cannot impugn your honesty without evidence.

[+] contradict, contravene, gainsay, negate;

It is not our aim to subjugate our foe; we are interested only in establishing peaceful relations.

It is one thing to oppose him vigorously in the election; it is quite another to traduce his character and his record.; His opponents tried to traduce the candidate's reputation by spreading rumors about his past.

[+] asperse, calumniate, defame, denigrate, libel, malign

It is strange to consider that modern chemistry originated in the hermetic teachings of the ancient alchemists.

[+] abstruse, esoteric, occult, profound, recondite

[+] fatal, mortal, pestilential

It is up to us to get rid of any latent prejudices that we may still hold against members of other races and nationalities.; Her latent talent was discovered by accident.

[+] abeyant, potential, quiescent

It is written in the Bible that "whosoever shall humble himself shall be exalted, and he that shall exalt himself shall be abased ."; His refusal to abase himself in the eyes of his followers irritated the king, who wanted to humiliate him.

[+] debase, degrade, demean, humble

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[+] analogy, comparison

[+] modification;

It's bruited about that….. rumour

Jeans became the vogue on many college campuses. [+] mode

King Midas's avarice has been famous for centuries.Lack of public transportation is the bane of urban life. [+] poison, venom

Lady Macbeth feigned illness in the courtyard although she was actually healthy. [+] sham, simulate

Laertes told Ophelia that Hamlet could only dally with her affections.

[+] plutonic

It may be doubted whether there is any exact parallelism between muscular strength and hairiness.; There is a striking parallelism between the twins.

It seems presumptuous for one so relatively new to the field to challenge the conclusions of its leading experts.

[+] overwddning, supercilious;

It was hyperbole to say felt heavy as a moose.; This salesman is guilty of hyperbole in describing his product; it is wise to discount his claims.

It will take us months of strict economizing to make up for that one prodigal shopping spree.; The prodigal son squandered his inheritance.

[+] extravagant, lavish, profuse

Jerry is not the most genial person in the world, but in his own way he is at least trying to be friendly.

John F. Kennedy warned us that governments which make no effort at peaceable reform may engender social unrest that will make violent revolution inevitable.; To receive praise for real accomplishments engenders self-confidence in a child.

[+] arouse, generate, induce, provoke;

Judge Burnham has a reputation for being indulgent but not when confronting a teenager charged with reckless driving.; An indulgent parent may spoil a child by creating an artificial atmosphere of leniency.

[+] charitable, clement, lenient, merciful

[+] avidity, covetousness, cupidity, greed, rapacity

Lacking a positive program of his own, he hoped to gain the support of the voters by defamation of the other candidates.; Such defamation of character may result in a slander suit.

[+] belittlement, calumny, depreciation, detraction, disparagement, slander

[+] dawdle, drag, loiter, procrastinate

Lavam pumice, and other igneous rocks are found in great abundance around Mount Vesuvius near Naples.

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[+] talented

Let us forget our rancor and cooperate in this new endeavor.

Let us not prate about our qualities; rather, let our virtues speak for themselves.

Let us not widen the schism by further bickering.

[+] scholarly;

Macbeth was misled by the equivocal statements of the witches.

Laws against slander and libel have their place, but they must never be used to proscribe criticism of public officials.; Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus proscribed all those who had conspired against Julius Caesar.

[+] exile, expatriate; ban, forbid, interdict, prohibit;

Leonardo da Vinci was a versatile genius who excelled in many different fields of art and science.; He was a versatile athlete; at college he had earned varsity letters in baseball, football, and track.

[+] enmity, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility

[+] chatter, brag, gasconade, vaunt

[+] rupture, disintegration; cf. chasm

Letting the grim facts speak for themselves, the speaker explained quietly the ineluctable tragedy that results from drug abuse.; He felt that his fate was ineluctable and refused to make any attempt to improve his lot.

[+] inescapable, inevasible, unavoidable, unescapable

Like a fledgling about to leave the nest for the first time, our youngest son is preparing to spend his first summer away from home.; While it is necessary to provide these fledgling poets with an opportunity to present their work, it is not essential tha

[+] inexpert, untrained, callow;

Like many people who are completely wrapped up in themselves, he seems not to be cognizant that he is hurting the feelings of his own friends.

Living her life in prayer and good works, Mother Teresa exemplifies the true spirit of piety.

[+] devotion, veneration, worship

Looking at a lovely young girl, I feel a certain sense of sadness because I realize how ephemeral physical beauty is.; The mayfly is an ephemeral creature.

[+] evanescent, momentary, temporary, transient

Lucy finally completed her erudite term paper, in which she quoted from more than a hundred sources, including ones in several foreign languages.; His erudite writing was difficult to read because of the many allusions which were unfamiliar to most reader

[+] obscure, unexplicit, unintelligible, vague

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Many methods have been devised to separate the valuable metal from the dross. [+] slag

[+] wholesome;

Many scientific discoveries are a matter of serendipity.

Many settlers could not stand the rigors of the New England winters.

[+] amend, improve

Many tales of the old West are apocryphal .; Her apocryphal tears misled no one.

[+] classified, sorted

Melted tar is a viscous substance. [+] glutinous, viscid

Mendel's formula explains the appearance of hybrids and pure species in breeding. [+] crossbreed

[+] miracle

Mahatma Gandhi urged his followers to pursue a program of passive resistance as he felt that it was more effective than violence and acts of terrorism.

[+] acquiescent, submissive

Many chemical reactions cannot take place without the presence of a catalyst .; Many chemical reactions cannot take place without the presence of a catalyst.

Many folk tales have sprung up a bout this doughty pioneer who opened up the New World for his followers.

[+] courageous, dauntless, intrepid

Many members avoided the company of the garrulous old gentleman because his constant chatter on trivial matters bored them.

[+] prolix, talkative, verbose

Many of the characters portrayed by Clint Eastwood are laconic types; strong men of few words.

[+] compendious, concise, succinct, terse;

Many people get a vicarious thrill at he movies by imagining they are the characters on the screen.

Many people with hay fever move to more salubrious sections of the country during the months of August and September.

[+] asperity, austerity, sternness

Many social workers have attempted to ameliorate the conditions of people living in the slums.

[+] bogus, counterfeit, forged, phony, spurious, ungenuine;

Margaret loved her graduated set of Russian hollow wooden dolls; she spent hours happily putting the smaller dolls into their larger counterparts.

Marie is not particularly pretty, but her sparkling personality and high spirits make her extremely winsome .; By her winsome manner, she made herself liked by everyone who met her.

[+] gay, sportive; attractive, captivating, charming

Medical experts state that almost every case of muscle and tissue atrophy is the result of changes in cell nutrition, disease, or prolonged disuse.; Polio victims need physiotherapy to prevent the atrophy of affected limbs.

[+] decadence, declination, degeneracy, degeneration, deterioration

Menuhin was a prodigy, performing wonders on his violin when he was barely eight years old.

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[+] baroque, rococo;

Moses scolded the idol worshippers in the tribe because he abominated the custom.

[+] educe, evince, extract

[+] exculpate

[+] archetype, paradigm

[+] bountiful

Myriads of mosquitoes from the swamps invaded our village every twilight.Narcissus became enamored of his own beauty.

New Englanders are reputedly taciturn people [+] reserved, reticent

[+] denial, renouncement

[+] apologue

Modern architecture has discarded the flamboyant trimming on buildings and emphasizes simplicity of line.

[+] abhor, detest, execrate, hate

Mr. Ruggles claimed that the policewoman had been arbitrary in giving him a parking ticket while ignoring other cars on the street.; Any arbitrary action on your part will be resented by the members of the board whom you do not consult.

[+] autocratic, despotic, monocratic

Ms. Mizote is so accomplished a teacher that she can elicit some degree of interest and attention from even the most withdrawn children.; The detectives tried to elicit where he had hidden his loot.

My criticism is not that you digressed from your main theme, but rather that you abandoned it altogether.

My faith in that seemingly "ordinary" young girl was vindicated many years later when she won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction.; I hope to vindicate my client and return him to society as a free man.

My parents set up my older brother as such a paragon that I despaired of ever being able to follow in his footstep.; The class disliked him because the teacher was always pointing to him as a paragon of virtue.

My sad story is that after working for three hours in the hot sun cleaning up the yard, I received the munificent sum of 1 dollar 75 cents.; The munificent gift was presented to the bride by her rich uncle.

My suspicions were aroused when I read sundry items in the newspapers about your behavior.

[+] multifarious, multitudinal, numerous

Neither the economists nor the political scientisis have found a way to wipe out the inequities of wealth and eliminate indigence from our society.

[+] destitution, impecunious, impoverishness, penury;

No act of abnegation was more pronounced than his refusal of any rewards for his discovery.

No epilogue for your play needs no excuse.; The audience was so disappointed in the play that many did not remain to hear the epilogue.

No one, however powerful of intellectually dominant, can abrogate the basic moral laws on which civilization rests.; He intended to abrogate the decree issued by his predecessor.

[+] annihilate, annul, invalidate, nullify, vitiate;

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No quack selling nostrums is going to cheat me. [+] cure-all, elixir, panacea

Nobody can parallel him in ability.

Noel Coward displayed the quintessence of wit. [+] essence, substance

Northern and southern Ireland are politically and religiously sundered.

[+] indolence, sluggishness

Nothing depressed her for long; her natural effervescence soon reasserted itself. [+] ebullience, exuberance

Nothing he did could mitigate her wrath; she was unforgiving.

[+] authorize, certify

[+] detectable, discernibleNylon can be woven into gossamer or thick fabrics.

On certain issues of conscience, she refused to take a partisan stand.

[+] cleave, dichotomize, dismember, sever

Not until later did I realize that their effusive expressions of interest in our welfare were insincere and self-serving.; Her effusive manner of greeting her friends finally began to irritate them.

Note how well the somewhat greenish coat of the sloth enables it to blend in with its arboreal surrounding.(secondary meaning); Such sloth in a young person is deplorable; go to work!

Nothing coold shake his resolve that his children would get the best education that money could buy.

[+] decision, determination, firmness,resolution

[+] allay, alleviate, assuage, mollify, palliate, relieve;

Nothing seemed to arouse him from his torpor; he had wholly surrendered himself to lethargy.

[+] coma, languor, lassitude, stolidity, stupor, torpidity;

Nothing will convince me to sanction the engagement of my daughter to such a worthless young man.

Now that we have been challenged, we must take up the gauntlet and meet our adversary fearlessly.

Nutritionists emphasize that there is a palpable difference between "eating to live" and "living to eat".; I cannot understand how you could overlook such a palpable blunder.

Of course she wants to make money from her books! That doesn't mean that she's mercenary and indifferent to doing good work.; I am certain that your action was prompted by mercenary motives.

[+] biased, jaundiced, prepossessed

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On the death of Edward King, Milton composed the elegy "Lycidas."

Once the contract was nullified, it no longer had any legal force.

One good turn may deserve another; it does not necessarily beget another.

[+] oddity, singularity

[+] approbate

[+] respite

[+] crisis, emergency

or character; state of relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoptionOur faculty includes many world-famous savants.

[+] inactivity, stillness;

[+] marshlandOur tariff policy is a moot subject. [+] disputable, dubious

On the basis of his many years of experience as a school administrator, he had prepared an invaluable compendium of all the mistakes likely to be made by a young teacher.; This text can serve as a compendium of the tremendous amount of new material being

[+] abridgement, digest, epitome, syllabus

[+] dirge,requiem, threnody

[+] abolish, abrogate, annihilate, annul, invalidate, vitiate

[+] breed, generate, progenerate, propagate

One of his personal idiosyncrasies was his habit of rinsing all cutlery given him in a restaurant.

One of the sure signs of a government that is not free and democratic is that the people on power will not countenance any criticism of their acts.; He refused to countenance such rude behavior on their part.

Only a foolish snob would show such disdain for anyone who doesn't belong to a country club.; You make enemies of all you disdain.

[+] contemn, despise, scorn

Only by admitting your fault and trying to make up for the damage you have done can you obtain a reprieve from the pangs of conscience.; During the twenty-four-hour reprieve, the lawyers sought to make the stay of execution permanent.

Only my family's situation of extreme exigency could have led me to humble myself by asking him for help.; In this exigency, we must look for aid from our allies.

Only when we tried to carry out the plan did its innate defects become evident to us.; His innate talent for music was soon recognized by his parents.

[+] congenital, congenital, inherent, intrinsic

Our inertia in this matter may prove disastrous; we must move to aid our allies immediately.

Our soldiers who served in Vietnam will never forget the drudgery of marching through the quagmires of the delta country.

Pavlov`s experiment in which he trains a dog to salivate on hearing a bell is a paradigm of the conditioned-response experiment in behavioral psychology.

[+] archetype, paragon, standard

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People shunned him because of his splenetic temper.

[+] cursory

Petrified wood may be ligneous in appearance, but it is stone-like in composition.

physical exercise is beneficial to health [+] maleficent

Plant pathology studies the disease of plants.

[+] supernumerary

Please try not to vex your mother; she is doing the best she can.

[+] charm, fascination

[+] apathetic;

[+] fretful, petulant, testy, touchy

Perhaps he did not originate that vicious rumor, but he certainly shares the responsibility for having disseminated it.; The invention of the radio has helped propagandists to disseminate their favorite doctrines very easily.

[+] diffuse, disperse, propagate, radiate, spread

Perhaps we were so overjoyed that the great man actually condescended to give us a perfunctory nod as we passed by.; He overlooked many weaknesses when he inspected the factory in his perfunctory manner.

Please do not try to obfuscate your responsibility in this matter by irrelevent criticisms of other people.; Do not obfuscate the issues by dragging in irrelevant arguments.

[+] bewilder, confound, confuse, disconcert, embarrass, fluster, perplex, nonplus, abash

Please try not to include so many superfluous details in your report; just give me the bare facts.

[+] harrass, toment, fret, irritate, provoke

Political commentators have deplored the importance of a candidate's charisma in these days of television campaigning.

Presidents, congressmen, and other officials come and go, but the principles of democracy and freedom on which our government rests are perpetual .; Ponce de Leon hoped to find perpetual youth.

[+] ceaseless, constant, continuous, interminable, unceasing;

Prison reformers in the United States are disturbed by the high rate of recidivism; the number of men serving second and third terms in prison indicates the failure of the prisons to rehabilitate the inmates.

Psychologists tell us that people who seem to be unusually impassive are often the ones most likely to lose emotional control of themselves in times of stress.; The American Indian has been incorrectly depicted as an impassive individual, undemonstrative

Queen Elizabeth's navy was able to defeat the mighty armada that threatened the English coast.

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Santa Claus is always vivacious and jocund. [+] blithe

Seldom have I seen food and drink served in such profusion as at the wedding feast.

[+] chastisement;

She achieved her high position by guile and treachery.She became inured to the Alaskan cold. [+] familiarized

She cannot be placed in double jeopardy. [+] hazard, peril

She could not educe a principle that would encompass all the data. [+] evince, evoke, extract

She could not make herself heard over the tumult of the mob.

She enjoyed being lionized and adored by the public. [+] glorify, honorShe ferreted out their secret. [+] search

She followed every vagary of fashion.

She had copious reasons for rejecting the proposal.She had the gracious mien of a queen. [+] comportment

Said Churchill to the British people after the Munich agreement: We must reject these mellifluous assurances of 'peace in our time' and realize that we have sustained a crushing defeat.; Italian is a mellifluous language.

[+] dulcet, euphonious, harmonious, mellifluent

[+] extravagance; plethora, superfluity, surplus

Sensitive even to mild criticism, Woolf could not bear the castigation which she found in certain reviews.

Several in the audience were deceived by his fustian style; they mistook pomposity for erudition.

Shakespeare expressed the tragic brevity of life by comparing it to a candle that must soon go out.; Brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram; you are charged for every word.

[+] conciseness, succinctness

Shakespeare wrote that love and friendship were subject to envious and calumniating time.

[+] asperse, defame, denigrate, libel, maligne, slander, traduce, vilify

[+] craftiness, cunning, trickery

[+] clamor, hubbub, pandemonium, turbulence, uproar

[+] abundant, ample, bounteous, bountiful, plenteous

She has gained success as a writer who knows how to depict in a lifelike way the hopes, fears, and problems of young people today.; In this book, the author depicts the slave owners as kind and benevolent masters.

[+] delineate, describe, limn, portray

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She hoped to garner the world's literature in one library.

She is a liar and is always trying to vilify my reputation. [+] revile

She is as wily as a fox in avoiding trouble.

She is well qualified for teaching music.She know she can wheedle almost anything she wants from her father.

[+] forswearing;

She offered a plethora of reasons for her shortcomings. [+] superfluity, surplus;

She rebuffed his invitation so smoothly that he did not realize he had been snubbed.She scolded him in a strident voice. [+] raucous

She took umbrage at his remarks and stormed away in a huff.

She tried to change her dowdy image by buying a new fashionable wardrobe. [+] unkemptShe tried to pay the check with a spurious ten-dollar bill. cf. spurShe turned so pale that I am sure her surprise was unfeigned.

She was asked to give the gist of the essay in two sentences. [+] core, crux;

[+] wickedness;

She was coy in her answers to his offer. [+] diffident

[+] accumulate, amass, cumulate, glean, reap, stockpile

[+] astute, crafty, Machiavelian, sly, guileful

She is never bored,because she has great diversity of interests,ranging from folk dancing to mathematics.; The diversity of colleges in this country indicates that many levels of ability are being cared for.

[+] multifariousness, multiformity, multiplicity

She may have given wrong information in court, but this was an honest mistake and certainly does not make her guilty of perjury .; When several witnesses appeared to challenge his story, he was indicted for perjury.

[+] exasperation, irritation, pique, rage, wrath

She was aghast at the sudden attack.; He was aghast at the nerve of the speaker who had insulted his host.

[+] agape, dismayed, overwhelmed

She was charged with moral turpitude .; A visitor may be denied admittance to this country if she has been guilty of moral turpitude.

She was constantly surrounded by a group of fawning admirers who hoped to win some favor.

[+] adulatory, flattering, sycophantic, toadying, trucking

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She was inveigled into joining the club after an initial reluctance.

She was laid to rest in hallowed ground.She was offended by his brusque replay. [+] gruff

She was punished by the Spanish Inquisition because she was a heretic. [+] dissentertShe was still angry despite his conciliatory words. [+] propitiatory

She was too honest to gainsay the truth of the report.She was treated for contusions and abrasions. [+] bruise

She wore a garish rhinestone necklace.Shelley called the skylark a "blithe spirit" because of its happy song.

[+] offender

[+] resist, withstand

[+] allure, bait, decoy, entice, lure, seduce, tempt;

[+] sacred, sanctified, unprofane

[+] contradict, contravence, impugn;

She won his unequivocal support.; My answer to your proposal is an unequivocal and absolute "No."

[+] distinct, evident, manifest, patent

[+] brazen, meretricious, tawdry

Sherry and I are very different; at iomes when I would be covered with embarrassment, she seems insensible to shame.

[+] callous, impassive, insensitive, inured

Shocked by the unruly behavior, the teacher criticized the class for its lack of decorum.

[+] decency, dignity, propriety, seemliness;

Shocked by the unruly behavior, the teacher criticized the class for its lack of decorum.

[+] decency, dignity, propriety, seemliness

Shortly after the crime, the malefactor was apprehended and turned over to the police.; We must try to bring these malefactors to justice.

Since everything had gone so smoothly, we felt that the campaign to elect Ellen captain was off to an auspicious deginning.; With favorable weather conditions, it was an auspicious moment to set sail.

[+] favorable, fortunate, propitious

Since he is well known to be a multy-millionaire, it seems almost pretentious of him, in an inverted sense, to drive around in a small, battered, inexpensive car.; I do not feel that your limited resources will permit you to carry out such a pretentious p

[+] affected, ostentatious, vain

Since he seems to have no moral standards whatsoever, it would probably be futile to remonstrate with him about his outrageous behavior.; I must remonstrate about the lack of police protection in this area.

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Since I do not wish to be beholden to anyone, I cannot accept this favor.

[+] obstinate, perverse

[+] plenished

[+] changeless, gratis;

[+] absolute, thorough

[+] misdate, parachronism

Since her face is well known to movie fans all over the world, there would be no point in her traveling incognito .; The monarch enjoyed traveling through the town incognito and mingling with the populace.

Since she knew in advance whom she would choose for each role, the so-called "try-outs" for the play were no more than a travesty .; The ridiculous decision the jury has arrived at is a travesty of justice.

[+] burlesque, caricature, mimicry;

Since the townspeople felt that the fee asked by the Pied Piper was inordinate they decided to pay him nothing at all.; She had an inordinate fondness for candy.

[+] exorbitant, immoderate, intemperate, unconscionable, unrestrained

Since they had always been reasonably well-behaved, I was taken completely unawares by their refractory behavior.; The refractory horse was eliminated from the race when he refused to obey the jockey.

Since this enterprise is fraught with danger, I will ask for volunteers who are willing to assume the risks.

Since Tom is both smart and disinterested , I think he is the perfect person to decide which of us is right in this long and bitter quarrel.; The only disinterested person in the room was the judge.

[+] dispassionate, impartial, neutral, unbiased

Since we do not want to replace our plantings every year, we favor perennials over annuals.; These plants are hardy perennials and will bloom for many years.

Since you've never seen me play tennis, your assumption that you can beat me is quite gratuitous .; I resent your gratuitous remarks because no one asked for them.

Sitting before the fire, puffing his pipe, after an excellent meal, he was in a state of plenary contentment.; The union leader was given plenary power to negotiate a new contract with the employers.

Slavery is a sheer anachronism in the modern age.; The reference to clocks in Julius Caesar is an anachronism.

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Some contemporary musician deliberately use dissonance to achieve certain effects.

Some people seem to enjoy the cacophony of an orchestra that is turning up.

[+] gauche, unskillful

[+] tolerate;

Such remarks are gauche and out of place; you should apologize for making them. [+] maladroit, unskillful

Such vitriolic criticism is uncalled for. cf. vitriolic acid

Suckling asked, "Why so pale and wan, fond lover?" [+] ashen

So long as the local government lacks the necessary funds, this worthwhile project will have to remain dormant .; Sometimes dormant talents in our friends surprise those of us who never realized how gifted our acquaintances really are.

[+] latent, potential, quiescent

So strong is my empathy with the poems of Robert Frost and I often feel as though I could have written them myself.

Soldiers dislike having their mail read by a censor but understand the need for this precaution.

[+] conflict, discord, disharmony, dissension;

Some historians believe that if the British government had made a sincere effort to placate the colonists, the American Revolution might never have occurred.; The teacher tried to placate the angry mother.

[+] appease, assuage, mollify, propitiate;

[+] discordance, dissonance

Some tyrants believed that they had apotheosis during medieval age.; The apotheosis of a Roman emperor was designed to insure his eternal greatness.

[+] dignification, exaltation, lionization

Sometimes we feel lassitude on a hot summer day.; The hot, tropical weather created a feeling of lassitude and encouraged drowsiness.

[+] ennui, listlessness, tedium, weariness;

Steiner's effort to settle the differences between the two factions were so maladroit that what had begun as a rift became a yawning chasm.; In his usual maladroit way, he managed to upset the cart and spill the food.

Students traditionally grouse about the abysmal quality of "mystery meat" and similar dormitory food.

Sure, it's great to be a big-league ballplayer but bear in mind that the years of stardom are brief and evanescent .; For a brief moment, the entire skyline was bathed in an orange-red hue in the evanescent rays of the sunset.

[+] ephemeral, momentary, temporary, transient, transitory

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[+] credo, creedThat incident never took place; it is a figment of your imagination. [+] fabrication, fiction

That was a very astute observation. I shall heed it. [+] acuteThat word is obsolete; do not use it. [+] outdate, outmode

The accretion of wealth marked the family's rise in power.

The acrid odor of burnt gunpowder filled the room after the pistol had been fired. [+] piquant, poignant

The aggregate wealth of this country is staggering to the imagination.The agnostic did not accept the tenets of their faith. [+] credo, creed

The Ancient Mariner admired the opalescent sheen on the water.

[+] haphazard, random;

That book has an interesting plot, but the author has practically smothered it in endless pages of unnecessary verbiage .; After we had waded through all the verbiage, we discovered that the writer had said very little.

[+] garrulity, loquacity, prolixity, talkativeness, verbosity

That ideology is dangerous to this country because it embraces undemocratic philosophies.

That monologue about the pretty young teacher on her first day in shcool rendered me helpless with laughter.; He rendered aid to the needy and indigent.

[+] furnish, supply; delineate, depict, describe, limn, portray

That old song never fails to evoke memories of our wonderful summer vacations at the lake.; He evoked much criticism by his hostile manner.

[+] educe, elicit, evince, extract

The "big shot" behaving with almost regal dignity turned out to be Johnny Novak, my classmate from the 5th grade.; Prince Albert had a regal manner.

[+] majestic, splendid, stately

[+] augmentation, increment;

The actor has appeared in multifarious roles.; A career woman and mother, she was constantly busy with the multifarious activities of her daily life.

[+] diverse, manifold, multiform

[+] gross, inclusive, overall, whole;

The allusions to mythological characters in Milton's poems bewilder the reader who has not studied Latin.

[+] connotation, implication, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intimation

The ancient Greeks ostracized a dangerous citizen by public vote.; As soon as the newspapers carried the story of his connection with the criminals, his friends began to ostracize him.

[+] banish, exile, expatriate, expel, relegate, oust

The animal's desultory behavior indicated that they had no awareness of their predicament.

The archaeologist assigned several students the task of reassembling earthenware vessels from the shards he had brought back from the expedition.

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The audience cheered enthusiastically as she completed her rendition of the aria. [+] interpretation, version

The aviary at the zoo held nearly 300birds.The beatific smile on the child's face made us very happy.The beech tree is one of many plants that have serrated leaves. [+] saw-edged;

[+] patron

[+] rampart

[+] deference, reverence

The boy gave a furtive look at his classmate's test paper. [+] covert

The brooks coalesce into one large river.

The cabal was defeated when their scheme was discovered. [+] junto, plot

The cactus has adapted to survive in an arid environment.

The captain had to use force to quiet his mutinous crew.The captain maintained that he ran a taut ship. [+] tenseThe captured soldier was held in thrall by the conquering army. [+] enslavement

[+] butchery, slaughter

The atrocity shook him out of his ambivalence .; Torn between loving her parents one minute and hating them the next, she was confused by the ambivalence of her feelings.

The audience was enraptured by the freshness of the voices and the excellent orchestration.

[+] captivate, delight, entrance

The benefactor was generous to the school.; Scrooge later became Tiny Tim's benefactor and gave him gifts.

The best way to attack the soldiers fighting behind the parapets on the roof is by bombardment from the air.

The Bible tells us that visitors to the court of Solomon, the great Hebrew king, willingly did obeisance unto him.; She made an obeisance as the king and queen entered the room.

The biennial pansy flowered in the second year.; The group held biennial meeting instead of annual ones.

The British film industry is currently enjoying something of a renaissance; Renaissance art.

[+] adhere, associate, cling, combine, conjoin, fuse, mingle, stick

[+] droughty; sterile, unfruitful

[+] contumacious, insubordinate, insurgent

The carnage caused on our streets and highways each year by careless driving has become a major national scandal.; The carnage that can be caused by atomic warfare adds to the responsibilities of our statesmen.

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The changing of baser metals into gold was the goal of the students of alchemy.The child was delighted with the bauble she had won in the grab bag. [+] bagatelle, triviality

The church leaders decided not o interfere in secular matters.

The city will indemnify all home owners whose property is spoiled by this project. [+] reimburse, remunerate

The collar chafed his neck.The colonists refused to pay tribute to a foreign despot.

The comet passed close by the earth in its eccentric orbit.

[-] acquisitionThe company staged a midnight foray against the enemy outpost. [+] incursion, invasion

[+] engagethe courtier was urbane and sophisticated. [+] cultivated, polished

The critics' laudatory comments helped to make her a star.

The dearth of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools.

The case is being held in abeyance until further evidence can be found.; The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival.

[+] dormancy, intermission, interruption, latency, pause, quiescence, suspension

[+] earthly, secular, temporal

The church pronounced anathema against the wilful heretic.; He heaped anathema upon his foe.

[+] curse, imprecation, malediction, malison

The circumlocution "the game ended with a score that was not in our favor" should be replaced by "we lost the game".; He was afraid to call a spade a spade and resorted to circumlocutions to avoid direct reference to his subject.

[+] euphimism, roundabout

[+] abrade, excoriate; irritate, scratch

[+] curious, erratic, idiosyncratic, odd, peculiar

The company divested itself of oil interests; the formalities of divesting her of her coat

The country is gradually losing its agrarian occupation and turning more and more to an industrial point of view.

The couple was betrothed and planned to marry during the summer.; The announcement that had become betrothed surprised their friends who had not suspected any romance.

[+] encomiastic, eulogistic, laudative, panegyrical

The dean would brook no interference with his disciplinary actions.(secondary meaning)

to incur; to accept; to stand; to endure; to tolerate

[+] insufficiency, paucity, scarcity

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The delivery boy is an awkward lout. cf. flout

The demented man gibbered incoherently. [+] babble, prate, prattle

[+] exterior, neighboring

The doctor assured us that the fever would eventually subside. [+] abate, slacken, wane

[+] epicurean

The doctor recommended total abstinence from salted foods.

The dregs of society may be observed in this slum area of the city.

The drought was a baleful omen.

The drum is a percussion instrument. [+] collision, crash, impact

The efficacy of this drug depends on the regularity of the dosage.

The debonair youth was liked by all who met him, because of his cheerful and obliging manner.

[+] civil, courteous, polite, urbane

The defeated people could not satisfy the cupidity of the conquerors, who demanded excessive tribute.

[+] avarice, avidity, greed, rapacity, voracity

The defense attorney has told you about the defendant's unhappy childhood, but how is this relevant to the question of innocence or guilt?

The defense called several respectable witnesses who were able to refute the false testimony of the prosecution's only witness.

[+] controvert, disprove, rebut;

The depredations of the terrible disease could be seen only too clearly in her extreme emaciation and feebleness.; After the depredations of the invaders, the people were penniless.

[+] pillage, plunder, spoliation

The detective was stymied by the contradictory evidence in the robbery investigation.

[+] hinder, impede, obstruct;

The detectives followed the suspect until he led them to the cache where he had stored his loot.

The disease impaired her peripheral vision.; We lived, not in central London, but in one of those peripheral suburbs that spring up on theoutskirts of a great city.

The doctor called her patient a stoic because he had borne the pain of the examination without whimpering.

[+] continence, sobriety, temperance

[+] deposit, precipitate, sediment

[+] baneful, malign, pernicious, sinister;

The dulcet sounds of the birds at dawn were soon drowned out by the roar of traffic passing our motel.

The earthquake shattered his usual stolidity; trembling, he crouched on the no longer stable ground.

[+] capability, effectiveness, efficiency, potency

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The English teacher criticized her story because of its hackneyed and unoriginal plot.

The entire country was in a state of ferment.

The estranged wife sought a divorce. [+] alienated

The extent of the blighted areas could be seen only when viewed from the air. wither

The fecundity of his mind is illustrated by the many vivid images in his poems. [+] prolificacy

The feudal lord demanded fealty of his vassals.The feudal oligarchy was supplanted by an autocracy.

The feverish patient was petulant and restless.

The four verities were revealed to Buddha during his long meditation.The frightened child cowered in the corner of the room. [+] cringe, quail, wince;

[+] justify, support;

[+] random

[+] complicity, connivance

The garbled report confused many readers who were not familiar with the facts. [+] distorted, misreportedThe glacier left many striated rocks.

[+] banal, commonplace, stale;

[+] clamor, tumult, turmoil, uproar;

The entire nation was galvanized into strong military activity by the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

[+] activate, energize, motivate, provoke, vitalize

The expression of satisfaction that come over his face when he talks of the failure of other people is highly repugnant to me.

The facade of the church had often been photographed by tourists because it was more interesting than the rear.

The fact that he was found guilty of a felony many years ago doesn't preclude his running for mayor.; This contract does not preclude my being employed by others at the same time that I am working for you.

[+] deter, forestall, obviate, prevent

[+] allegiance, devotion, fidelity

[+] fractious, fretful, irritable, peevish, testy, touchy

The finesse and adroitness of the surgeon impressed the observers in the operating room.

[+] delicacy, nicety, subtlety;

[+] truism, veracity; in verity

The Fund for Animals was a strong advocate of the campaign to save dolphins from death in the nets of the tuna fleet.; The abolitionists advocated freedom for the slaves.

The furnishings in his apartment are supposed to be "original" and "colorful", but I think they are an indiscriminate collection of junk.; She disapproved of her son's indiscriminate television viewing and decided to restrict him to educational programs.

The gambler's prediction of the scores of the games proved so incredibly accurate that we begin to suspect some form of collusion .; The swindlers were found guilty of collusion.

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The gourmand liked the French cuisine. [+] gastronomist, gourmet

The headstrong youth flouted all authority; he refused to be curbed. [+] jeer, scoff, sneer

[+] poise, stasis

The huge cathedral walls were supported by flying buttresses. [+] prop

The incongruity of his wearing sneakers with formal attire amused the observers.

The infant, though prematurely born, is viable and has a good chance to survive. [+] living

The insularity of the islanders manifested itself in their suspicion of anything foreign.

[+] discharge, forgive

The gloomy skies and the sulphurous odors from the mineral spring seemed to bode evil to those who settled in the area.

The gnarled oak tree had been a landmark for years and was mentioned in several deeds.

The gossip columnist was paid to chronicle the latest escapades of the socially prominent celebrities.

The handsome young man was surprisingly uncouth at dinner.; Most biographers portray Lincoln as an uncouth and ungainly young man.

[+] bizarre, eccentric, odd; coarse, crude, unrefined; discourteous, impertinent, impolite

The high wire acrobat used his pole as an equipoise to overcome the swaying caused by the wind.

The historian explained that luxury and self-indulgence debilitated the Roman people and led to the fall of the empire.; Overindulgence debilitates character as well as physical stamina.

[+] attenuate, enfeeble, extenuate, weaken

The hostages were held under duress until the prisoners' demands were met. to do something under duress lam gi do cưỡng ép

[+] coercion, compulsion, constraint

The illogical pattern of the map of this congressional district is proof that the State Legislature gerrymandered this area in order to favor the majority party.

The immigrants added diversity to the homogeneous neighborhood.; Educators try to put pupils of similar abilities into classes because they believe that this homogeneous grouping is advisable.

The institution of our society, far from being immutable , are in the process of change at this very moment.; Scientists are constantly seeking to discover the immutable laws of nature.

[+] constant, immovable, inalterable, inflexible, unmodifiable

The intransigence of both parties in the dispute makes an early settlement almost impossible to obtain.

The jury may have found him not guilty, but the "court of public opinion" will never absolve him of responsibility for the crime.; The father confessor absolved him of his sins.

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The lascivious books were banned by the clergy.

The lawyer wanted to know all the pertinent details.

The licentious monarch helped bring about his country's downfall.

The little girl prattled endlessly about her dolls.

The loan shark was found guilty of usury.

The lugubrious howling of the dogs added to our sadness.

The lurid stories he told shocked his listeners.

The machinery in the idle factory was in a state of desuetude.

The malicious neighbor spread the gossip. [+] malevolent, malignant

[+] gray

The king did not know what these omens might portend and asked his soothsayers to interpret them.

[+] adumbrate, augur, bode, forebode, forecast, foreshadow, foreshow, omen, predict, prognosticate, prophesy

[+] incontinent, lecherous, lewd, libertine, libidinous, licentious

The lawyer objected that the testimony being offered was not germane to the case at hand.

[+] apposite, apropos, relevant;

[+] applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, relevant

[+] incontinent, lascivious, lecherous, libertine, libidinous, lustful

The long Allied struggle to push back the salient that the Nazis had created in Belgium in 1944 is popularly known as "The Battle of the Bulge."; One of the salient features of that newspaper is its excellent editorial page.

[+] conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding, remarkable

The loud guffaw that came from the closed room indicated that the members of the committee had not yet settled down to serious business.

[+] doleful, dolorous, lamentable, plaintive, woeful

[+] eerie, ghastly, grisly, gruesome, macabre

[+] cease, cessation, closure, disusage

The magician was so dexterous that we could not follow him as he performed his tricks.

[+] adept, adroit, deft, expert

The man was hoary and wrinkled when he was 70.; The man was hoary and wrinked when he was 70.

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The maple syrup is obtained from the sap that exudes from the trees in early spring. [+] emanate, emit

The meadow was the scene of bucolic gaiety. [+] rural, pastoral, rustic


The minister donned his ecclesiastic garb and walked to the pulpit. [+] clerical, sacerdotal

[+] hinder, impede

[+] philanthropist

The moon's lucent rays silvered the river.

[+] equivocate

The mountain climbers secured footholds in tiny fissures in the rock. [+] breach, cleft, crack, rift

The man who married a dumb wife asked the doctor to make him deaf because of his wife's garrulity after her cure.

[+] loquacity, prolixity, verbosity;

The mangled bodies of the victims told their own grisly story of what had happened.; She shuddered at the frisly sight.

[+] gruesome, lurid, macabre, terrible

The many manufacturers glutted the market and could not find purchasers for the many articles they had produced.

[+] gorge, jade, sate, satiate, surfeit

The married couple argued incessantly and finally decided to separate because they were incompatible.

[+] conflicting, disconsonant, discordant, discrepant, dissonant, incongruous, incongruent, inconsonant

The meeting of the United Nations Assembly was marked with such acerbity that little hope of reaching any useful settlement of the problem could be held.

[+] acrimony, asperity, mordancy

The metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly is typical of many such changes in animal life.; The metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly is typical of many such changes in animal life.

The minority party agreed not to hamper the efforts of the leaders to secure a lasting peace.

The misanthrope chose to live alone.; We thought the hermit was a misanthrope because he shunned our society.

The monotonous routine of hospital life induced a feeling of ennui which made him moody and irritable.

[+] boredom, doldrums, languor, listlessness, tedium, weariness

The more he tried to protect himself by prevaricating , the more he became entrapped in his own web of deception and dishonesty.; Some people believe that to prevaricate in a good cause is justifiable and regard the statement as a "white lie."

The more we studied the drug problem, the more we became aware of its pernicious influence on the American people today.; He argued that these books had a pernicious effect on young and susceptible minds.

[+] baneful, miasmatic, noxious, pestilential, poisonous, toxic, virulent

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[+] formless

[+] ferment, stir

The native wore a fetish around his neck to ward off evil spirits.

[+] foray, raid;

[+] optimistic

The nurse was a cheerful but phlegmatic person.

The oak is a deciduous tree,

[+] awry, askew, crookedly

The opaque window kept the sunlight out of the room.

The orator's bombastic manner left the audience unimpressed.

The owners intended to raze the hotel and erect an office building on the site.

[+] coma, lethargy, torpor

The peace parley has not produced the anticipated truce.

The musical composition, with no melodic pattern and no well-defined structure of development, seemed amorphous to my ear.; She was frightened by the amorphous mass which had floated in from the sea.

The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen continued their arrogant ways.

The new computerized referral system will greatly expedite the processing of complaints by customers.

The nightly incursions and hit-and-run raids of our neighbors across the border tried the patience of the country to the point where we decided to retaliate in force.

The nurse changed his sanguine bandage.; Let us not be too sanguine about the outcome; something could go wrong.

[+] imperturbable, inexcitable;

The nurses displayed unwavering fortitude during the epidemic.; He was awarded the medal for his fortitude in the battle.

[+] dauntlessness, intrepidity

The odors from the kitchen are whetting my appetite; I will be ravenous by the time the meal is served.

The old woman looked askance at their short shirts.; Looking askance at her questioner, she displayed her scorn.

The only truly effective way to alleviate the poverty of underdeveloped third-world nations is to help increase their capacity to produce wealth.; This should alleviate the pain; if it does not, we shall have to use stronger drugs.

[+] allay, appease, assuage, calm, pacify, soothe;

[+] nontransparent, obscure, vague

The opera company decided to include "Madame Butterfly" in its repertoire for the following season.

[+] grandiloquent, magniloquent;

The pain-killer kept him in a dreamlike stupor .; In his stupor, the addict was unaware of the events taking place around him.

The parents thought that their children were ensconced safely in the private school and decided to leave for Europe.

[+] conversation, discussion, palaver

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The pensive youth gazed at the painting for a long time and then sighed.

The people against whom she fulminated were innocent of any wrongdoing. [+] detonate

The people in the room were shocked by his blasphemous language. [+] irreverent, sacrilegious

The people rebelled against the despotism of the king.

The perennial bachelor vowed to remain celibate.

[+] bonus

The philosophers deplored the crass commercialism.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin got his name from the multicolored clothing he wore. [+] bridle, piebald;

The pious parents gave their children a religious upbringing. [+] religious

The piquant sauce added to our enjoyment of the meal. [+] poignant, pungent

[+] court, lawcourt

The prisoner was fettered to the wall. [+] manacle

[+] cogitative, meditative , musing, pondering, reflecting.

[+] autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny

The perquisites attached to this job make it even more attractive than the salary indicates.

[+] coarse, gross, raw, uncouth, unrefined;

The picture has too much redundant detail; Your composition is redundant; you can easily reduce its length.

[+] superfluous, supernumerary; prolix, verbose;

The piece concluded with a distinctive coda that strikingly brought together various motifs.

The platitudes in his speech were applauded by the vast majority in his audience; only a few people perceived how trite his remarks were.

[+] banality, cliche, prosaism;

The play was childishly written; the denouement was obvious to sophisticated theatergoers as early as the middle of the first act.

The prisoner appeared before the tribunal for sentencing.; The decision of the tribunal was final and the prisoner was sentenced to death.

The prisoner attempted to disavow his confession on the grounds that he had not been informed of his legal rights by the district attorney.

The professor wrote his own epitaph before he died.; In his will, he dictated the epitaph he wanted placed on his tombstone.

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The profligacy and dissolution of life in Caligula's Rome appall some historians. [+] rupture

The pungency of the cigarette smoke made me cough.

the pungency of the cigarette smoke mademe cough.

The realm of possibilities for the new invention was endless.

[+] drinkable

[+] shabby

[+] concise, laconic, pithy

The psalm is enjoyed for its euphony as much as its content.; Noted for its euphony even when it is spoken, the Italian language is particularly pleasing to the ear when sung.

The public will not readily accept an intensive investigation designed to turn up derogatory information about so popular a figure.; I resent your derogatory remarks.

[+] depreciative, depreciatory, detracting, disparaging, pejorative

[+] piquant, poignancy, sour

[+] piquancy, poignancy, sourness;

The quarrels and bickering of the two factions within the club disturbed the majority of the members.

The rampant weeds in the garden killed all the flowers which had been planted in the spring.

[+] pandemic, prevailing, prevalent, widespread

The ranch owners appropriated the lands that had originally been set aside for the lndians` use.

[+] arrogate, commandeer, confiscate, seize;

[+] empire; compass, extent, purview, scope

The recent drought in the Middle Atlantic States has emphasized the need for extensive research in ways of making sea water potable.

The recession of the troops from the combat area was completed in an orderly manner.

[+] retreat, setback; cf. cession

The record player looked impressive, but its construction was so shoddy that within a few months it seemed to be falling apart.; You will never get the public to buy such shoddy material.

The red evening sky was a benign omen.; The old man was well liked because of his benign attitude toward friend and stranger alike.

[+] clement, humane, merciful

The reporter gave the rewrite man a succinct account of what had happened, and the city editor had it expanded into a feature story.; His remarks are always succinct and pointed.

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The resurgent nation surprised everyone by its quick recovery after total defeat. [+] resurrectional

The sailor had been taught not to be laggard in carrying out orders.

The ship was stranded on a shoal and had to be pulled off by tugs. [+] shallow

The snake moved in a sinuous manner.

The social worker was angered by the sordid housing provided for the homeless.

[+] monologue

The sounding of the alarm frightened the marauders.

[+] hamper, obstruct;

The responsibility to the general public on the part of these corporations and their subsidiaries is not lessened by the fact that they pay heavy taxes.; This information may be used as subsidiary evidence but is not sufficient by itself to prove your arg

[+] accessory, ancillary, appurtenant, auxiliary

The rights guranteed us by the Constitution do not permit you to encroach on the rights of others.

[+] dawdling, delaying, dilatory, loitering, procrastinating

The salesman was so jocose that many of his customers suggested that he become a "stand-up" comic.

[+] droll, facetious, humorous, jocular, ludicrous, witty

The sardonic humor of nightclub comedians who satirize or ridicule patrons in the audience strikes some people as amusing and others as rude.

[+] mocking, derisive, scornful, sneering

The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society.

[+] stain, sully, taint, tarnish

The severity with which he was pommeled was indicated by the bruises he displayed on his head and face.

The ship was listing badly to one side; it was necessary to shift the ballast in the hold to get her back on an even keel.

The situation was rapidly becoming intolerable because the new supervisor found the employees to be not merely uncooperative but positively contumacious .; The contumacious mob shouted defiantly at the police.

[+] factious, insubordinate, insurgent, mutinous, rebellious

[+] convoluted, meandering, tortuous

[+] squalid; despicable, servile

The soliloquy is a device by the dramatist to reveal a character's innermost thoughts and emotions.

cf. maraud; depredator, despoiler, freebooter, pillager, plunderer, raider, ravager

The special prosecutor determined that the Attorney General, though inept, had not intentionally set out to impede the progress of the investigation.

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The stagnant water was a breeding ground for disease. [+] v. stagnate

The steel magnate decided to devote more time to city politics. [+] tycoon

[+] countenance

The storm was capricious and changed course constantly.

The stuffy room made her lethargic.

The subtlety of his remarks was unnoticed by most of his audience. [+] finess, nicety; duplicity

[+] splendid

[+] convert, transform

The torpid bear had just come out of his cave after his long hibernation.

[+] innoxiousThe tribe made their trek further north that summer in search of game. [+] peregrinate

The spoken of the wheel diverge from the hub.; The spokes of the wheel diverge from the hub.

[+] deviate, digress, swerve;

The station was pandemonium at rush hour.; When feared the AIDS epidemic would soon reach pandemic proportions.

[+] clamor, hubbub, uproar

The stern visage of the judge indicated that she had decided to impose a severe penalty.

[+] fickle, mercurial, unstable, erratic

The story of his unhappy childhood aroused our sympathy but did not exonerate him from the charge of criminal assault on aged ladies.; I am sure this letter naming the actual culprit will exonerate you.

[+] absolve, acquit, vindicate

[+] comatose, torpid, dormant

The talents which had seemed so resplendent in their youth now struk us as unimpressive and even pathetic.; The toreador wore a resplendent costume.

The task of education, said the speaker, is to transmute the primitive selfishness of the child into socially useful modes of behavior.; He was unable to transmute his dreams into actualities.

The taste of the public is so fickle that a TV performer who is a big hit one season may be out of a job the next.; He discovered she was fickle and went out with many men.

[+] capricious, inconstant, mercurial, unstable

[+] n. torpor (= coma, languor, lassitude, stolidity, stupor, torpidity)

The tough leadership we need in these troubled times will not come from uncertain and innocuous personalities.; Let him drink it; it is innocuous and will have no ill effect.

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[+] banal, stereotyped

The two nations signed a reciprocal trade agreement.

The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into one national body.The universe is composed of discrete bodies. [+] distinct, diverse;

[+] vacant, void

[+] bribable, corruptible;

The vernal equinox is usually marked by heavy rainstorms.

The virus is highly virulent and has made many of us ill for days.

The waitresses disliked serving him dinner because of his very fastidious taste. [+] dainty, finicky, fussyThe walls of the dungeon were dank and slimy. [+] damp, moist

The warden will incarcerate the felon after conviction.

The water was turbid after the children had waded through it.

The wealthy young man could not understand the ascetic life led by the monks.

The witch doctor took advantage of the credulity of the superstitious natives. [+] gullibility

The trite and predictable situations in many television programs alienate many viewers.

The two leaders are trying to form an alliance, but their respective programs are so discordant that it will be hard for them to work together.; She tried to unite the discordant factions.

[+] conflicting, disconsonant, crepant, dissonant, incompatible, incongruent, incongruous, inconisistent, inconsonant

[+] compound, consolidate;

The unruly child was expelled from school.; The only way to curb this unruly mob is to use tear gas.

[+] fractious, indocile, intractable, recalcitrant, untoward

The vacuous remarks of the politician annoyed the audience, who had hoped to hear more than empty platitudes.

The venal policeman accepted the bribe offered him by the speeding motorist whom he had stopped.

The vicissitude of life may suddenly make a millionaire poor.; I am accustomed to life's vicissitudes, having experienced poverty and wealth, sickness and health, and failure and success.

The vigor of his opponent's attack enervated the young politician.; She was slow to recover from her illness; even a short walk to the window left her enervated.

[+] debilitate, devitalize, disable;

[+] confine, constrain, immure

[+] abstemious, abstinent, astringent, austere, stern

The whole history of social reform demonstrates how much easier it is to deprecate evils than to take effective action against them.; I must deprecate your attitude and hope that you will change your mind.

[+] disapprove, discountenance

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The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes.

The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and energetic.

[+] liguefied

The workers threatened a cessation of all activities if their demands were not met. [+] cease, termination;

[+] assiduous, industrious;Their clothes were saturated by the rain. [+] drench, imbue

Their kiss was full of the fervor of first love.

[+] proximity

There are diverse ways of approaching this problem. [+] disparate

[+] divergenceThere is a nominal stipend for this position. [+] emolument

[+] chaos, disorder;

[+] garrulous, verbose;

The word presently may mean "right now"or "at a future time".Therefor, to say "I will do that presently" must be considered an ambiguous statement.; His ambiguous instructions misled us; we did not know which road to take.

[+] equivocal, unexplicit, vague

The workers carefully ladled the molten iron into the bell-shaped mold.; The city of Pompeii was destroyed by volcanic ash rather than by molten lava flowing from Mount Vesuvius.

The young man who seemed so quiet and docile turned out to be very well-informed and to have strong opinions of his own.; As docile as he seems today, that old lion was once a ferocious, snarling beast.

[+] amenable, tractable, pliant

The young Plato was drawn to the Agora to hear the philosophical discourse of Socrates and his followers.

The young woman was so sedulous that she received a commendation for her hard work.

[+] enthusiasm, passion, zeal;

Their relationship could not be explained as being based on mere propinquity; they were more than relatives; they were true friends.

There are very few world problems that can be understood in terms of a simple dichotomyomy of right and wrong.; The dichotomy of our legislative system provides us with many safeguards.

There is a vast difference between democracy, under which everyone has duties as well as privileges, and anarchy under which no one has any fixed obligations.; The assassination of the leaders led to a period of anarchy.

There is an old folk tradition that women are more loquacious than men, but all the men I know do their full share of talking.; She is very loquacious and can speak on the telephone for hours.

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[+] errable, errant

[+] mystic, uncanny;

There is no connection between these two events; their timing is entirely fortuitous. [+] casual, incidental

There was a complacent look on his face as he examined his paintings. [+] self-contentedThese clouds are ominous; they portend a severe storm. [+] (n.) omen

These shoes are so ill-fitting that they will excoriate the feet and create blisters. [+] chafe

They burnished the metal until it reflected the lamplight.

[+] insufficiency, poverty

[+] defile, pollute

They feared the plague and regarded it as a deadly scourge. [+] plague

They found a breach in the enemy's fortifications and penetrated their lines.

They found his lewd stories objectionable.

They found the baroque architecture amusing.

There is an old saying that pencils are made with erasers because everyone is fallible .; I know I am fallible, but I feel confident that I am right this time.

There is evidence which proves that many persons supposed to have occult powers have either been clever frauds or the victims of self-deception.; The occult rites of the organization were revealed only to members.

There must be a serious flaw in the character of a girl who makes it habit to disparage the abilities of her best friends.; Do not disparage anyone's contribution; these little gifts add up to large sums.

[+] abuse, belittle, decry, depreciate, derogate, detract

[+] furbish, glance, glaze, gloss, polish

They closed the restaurant because the paucity of customers made it uneconomical to operate.

They desecrated the memory of Lincoln by involving his name in defense of such a racist policy.; The soldiers desecrated the temple.

They fired upon the enemy from behind trees, walls and any other point of vantage they could find.

[+] contravention, infraction, infringement, transgression, trespass, violation; break, hiatus, interim, interruption, interval, fracture, rift, rupture, schism;

[+] incontinent, lascivious, lecherous, libertine, libidnous, licentious

[+] embellished, flamboyant, rococo, ornamented

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They greeted his proposal with derision and refused to consider it seriously. [+] mockery

They sat quietly before the lambent glow of the fireplace.

This agreement is nugatory for no court will enforce it.

This area has been preserved in all its pristine wildness. [+] primordial; virginal;

This article is too verbose; we must edit it.

This book provides a comprehensive review of verbal and math skills for the SAT. [+] inclusive, overallThis chef has the knack of making most foods more sapid and appealing.

This codicil was drawn up five years after the writing of the original will. [+] appendix, supplement

This debacle in the government can only result in anarchy.

This hapless creature had never known a moment's pleasure. [+] miserable;

This is a paltry sum to pay for such a masterpiece.

This is a saga of the sea and the men who risk their lives on it. [+] eddaThis is an entirely feasible proposal. I suggest we adopt it. [+] practicableThis much vaunted project proved a disappointment when it collapsed. [+] vanity; cf. flaunt

[+] brilliant, effulgent, lucent, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent

They tried to circumvent the official red tape.; In order to circumvent the enemy, we will make two preliminary attacks in other sections before starting our major campaign.

[+] baffle, balk, foil, frustrate, thwart

This addle-headed plan is so preposterous that it does not deserve any consideration.

[+] decayed, putrid; bewildered, distracted, flustered; insane, lunatic, maniac

[+] paltry, ineffectual, useless;

[+] garrulous, loquacious, prolix, talkative

This bill is a synthesis of the work of several senators.; Now that we have succeeded in isolating this drug, our next problem is to plan its synthesis in the laboratory.

[+] breakdown, collapse, crash;

This disease is endemic in this part of the world; more than 80 percent of the population are at one time or another affected by it.

[+] aboriginal, indigenous, native;

This experiment can be repeated with any inert object, for example, a rock or a piece of wood.

[+] puny, trivial, unconsequential

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This report will foment dissension in the club.

This scheme is a snare and a delusion.This simple motif runs throughout the entire score. Topic, theme

to dote on somebody / something); she dotes on her grandchildren

[+] damn, execrate

[+] disclaimTo make shaving easier, he honed his razor with great care. [+] edge, whet

to meet with someone's approbation [+] sanction;

[+] abet, foster, goad, incite, provoke, stir, spur;

This restaurant is famous and popular because of the geniality of the proprietor who tries to make everyone happy.

[+] agreeability, amenity, amiability, cordiality

[+] deceit, deception, fraud, guile; hallucination, illusion

Those religious ceremonies are intended to protect the tribe against disasters by propitiating the gods who control natural phenomena.; The natives offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods.

[+] assuage, conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate;

Those students who had access to his esoteric discussions were impressed by the breadth of his knowledge.

[+] abstruse, hermetic, profound, recondite;

Though he tried to follow the plot of "Gravity's Rainbow," John found the novel too episodic.

Though Maria Montessori gained fame for her innovations in pedagogy, it took years before her teaching techniques were common practice in American schools.

To bear evils with equanimity doesn't mean that you should make no effort to correct them.; In his later years, he could look upon the foolishness of the world with equanimity and humor.

[+] aplomb, composure, imperturbability, phlegm, placidity, poise, sangfroid, serenity, tranquility;

To imprecate Hitler's atrocities is not enough; we must insure against any future practice of genocide.

To limit the free expression of unpopular ideas is to repudiate the basic siprit of the Bill of Rights.; He announced that he would repudiate all debts incurred by his wife.

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[+] dissenter

To win his audience, the speaker used every rhetorical trick in the book.

Tom and betty were lost in the labyrinth of secret caves.Try to settle this amicably; I do not want to start litigation. [+] suit

Tynan's reviews were noted for their caustic attacks and general tone of truculence.

[+] compass, extent, range

Untoward circumstances prevent me from being with you on this festive occasion.

Upset, confuseUse your own discretion in this matter; I give you carte blanche.

Visitors were impressed by her ethereal beauty, her delicate charm.

[+] affluenceVouchsafe me a visit. Mr. Johnson vouchsafed to attend our party.

[+] orotund

To the enthusiasm and dedication of the typical visionary he added the cool, realistic judgment of the practical business executive.; She was given to visionary schemes which never materialized.

[+] delusory; quixotic, unpractical

To the masculine literary establishment, George sand with her insistence on wearing trousers and smoking cigars was clearly a maverick who fought her proper womanly role.

[+] bombastic, euphuistic, grandiloquent, magniloquent, pompous

Twice in the 20th century, the nations of the world have entered into a covenant to cooperate in safegurading international peace and in seeking a better life for all peoples.; We must comply with the terms of the covenant.

[+] agreement, compact, contract, convention, transaction

[+] barbarity, brutality, cruelty, savagery

Unble to give the candidate full support, the mayor gave him only a qualified endorsement.

[+] circumscribed, definite, determined; competent, opposite

Under the American system of personal liberty, there are many aspects of everyday living that do not come under the purview of any governmental authority.; The sociological implications of these inventions are beyond the purview of this book.

Under the tutelage of such masters of the instrument, she made rapid progress as a virtuoso.

[+] aegis, protection, safeguard

[+] hapless, misfortunate; fractious, intractable, recalcitrant, unruly;

[+] vaporous, celestial, empyreal

Vistors from Europe are amazed at the opulence of this country.; Visitors from Europe are amazed and impressed by the opulence of this country.

Washington Irving emphasized the rotundity of the governor by describing his height and circumference.

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[+] casuistic;We can overlook the foibles of our friends; no one is perfect. [+] frailty

We cannot afford to wait while you ruminate upon these plans.

We cannot condone such knavery in public officials. cf. rascal;

[+] cataract

We could see by his brazen attitude that he was impenitent.We discovered vestiges of early Indian life in the cave.

We dislike restaurants where the service is lax and inattentive. [+] loose, remiss

We do not care for privy chamber government. [+] private

We find much penury and suffering in this slum area.

We frequently judge people by the company with whom they consort.

We have a tacit agreement based on only a handshake.

We are mostly likely to fall victim to specious reasoning when we have an emotional desire to believe what we are being told.; Let us not be misled by such specious arguments.

[+] reflect, meditate, cogitate, deliberate, muse, ponder

We could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we made detours around each of them to avoid getting wet.

[+] remorseless, uncontrite, unrepentant

We do not, indeed, know the exact relationship of our physical to our mental being, the extent to which our bodily condition causes our temperament or the exact process by which the brain makes the intangible thing called thought.

[+] destitution, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence

We found her criticism of our conduct unpleasant, but we had to admit that her remarks were cogent and to the point.; She presented cogent arguments to the jury.

[+] convincing, persuasive, solid, valid

We had many talented players, but the fractious behavior of a few individuls impaired our team spirit and led to a losing season.; The fractious horse unseated its rider.

[+] indocile, intractable, recalcitrant

[+] alluded, implicit, intimated; silent, unexpressed, unuttered;

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[+] earthy

We heard loud and contentious noises in the next room.

We identify the instrument producing a musical sound by its timbre. [+] tone

[+] preliminary

[+] occult, supernatural

We must examine all the ramifications of this problem. [+] divergence

We must face the enemy without trepidation if we are to win this battle.

We must regard your blasphemy as an act of impiety. [+] irreverence, profanityWe must seek an antidote for whatever toxic substance he has eaten. [+] virulent; n. toxicity

We must suppress our bestial desires and work for peaceful and civilized ends.

We must trace the source of these noxious gases before they asphyxiate us.

We shall be ever grateful for the succor you country gave us when we were in need.

[+] antagonistic

We test potential plane pilots for susceptibility to spells of vertigo.

We have been able to explore the terrestrial regions much more thoroughly than the aquatic or celestial regions.

[+] bellicous, belligerent, combative, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, warlike; argumentative, controversial, disputatious, polemical

We knew that we were in for a stormy session when her prefatory remarks referred to "some surprising fact that have come to my attention."; The chairman made a few prefatory remarks before he called on the first speaker.

We listened to an uncanny sense of direction.; You have the uncanny knack of reading my innermost thoughts.

We must devote time to the needs of our incorporeal mind as well as our corporeal body.

[+] dismay, dread, horror, terror

We must not allow passion for justice to be attenuated to mere halfhearted good will.; By withdrawing their forces, the generals hoped to attenuate the enemy lines.

[+] debilitate, disable, enfeeble, extenuate, unstrengthen;

[+] brutish; cruel, savage, truculent

[+] baneful, deadly, pernicious, pestilential, deleterious

We shall oppose any changes in the labor code that appear inimical to the health and safety of workers.; She felt that they were inimical and were hoping for her downfall.

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[+] deter, preclude;

We tried to mollify the hysterical child by promising her many gifts.

[+] impose, intrude

We were frightened by the turbulence of the ocean during the storm.

[+] iterate

[+] sacrifice, victimize

What criteria did you use when you selected this essay as the prizewinner?

We trid to forestall the threatened foreclosure.; By setting up a prenuptial agreement, tne prospective bride and groom hoped to forestall any potential arguments about money in tne event of a divorce.

We tried to curb his impetuous behavior because we felt that in his haste he might offend some people.

[+] abrupt, headlong, precipitate;

[+] allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, mitigate, pacify, placate, propitiate, relieve;

We were eager to be favorably impressed, but as he continued to speak, the one fact that obtruded itself on all of us was his utter incapacity for the office.; The other members of the group object to the manner in which you obtrude your opinions into mat

[+] agitation, commotion, tumult, turmoil;

We will not allow you to abdicate your responsibilities as a leading citizen of this community.; Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate.

[+] bate, dwindle, lull, relent, slacken, subside, wane

What a bore to hear the same silly advertising slogans reiterated endlessly on TV programs!; I shall reiterate this message until all have understood it.

What a chang-from a college dormitory to the sumptuous accommodations of a big-city luxury hotel!; I cannot recall when I have had such a sumptuous thanksgiving feast.

[+] luxurious; cf. sumptuary

What a mockery it is for intellectuals, terrorized by a dictatorship, to recant publicly the ideas and ideals on which they have based their lives!; Unless you recant your confession, you will be punished severely.

What a shock it was for her to discover the unworthiness of the cause for which she had immolated her youth, her talents, and her hopes of happiness.; The tribal king offered to immolate his daughter to quiet the angry gods.

What began as a "minor quarrel" grew into an altercation and then into an ugly fight.; Throughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered.

[+] argument, controversy, dispute, fracas

What disappointed me waas not so much your failure to complete the job but your disingenuous efforts to avoid all responsibility for the failure.; Although he was young, his remarks indicated that he was disingenuous.

[+] feigned, insincere, uncandid, unfrank

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[+] industrious, sedulous

[+] practicable, practical

What you say is pedantic and reveals an unfamiliarity with the realities of life. [+] scholastic

[+] dauntlessness

[+] suppurate

[+] auspicious, opportuneWhen I visited him in the hospital, I found him swathed in bandages. [+] enwrap, wrap

[+] solvent

What do you think of the concept that when a crime is committed, society is often as culpable as the criminal?; Corrupt politicians who condone the activities of the gamblers are equally culpable.

[+] blamable, blameworthy, censurable, impeachable, indictable, reprehensible

What good are altruistic principles if no real attempt is made to help people by putting them into practice?; In providing tutorial assistance and college scholarships for hundres of economically disadvantage youths, Engene Lang performed a truly altruist

[+] charitable, humane, humanitarian, magnanimous, philanthropic, unselfish

What he lacks in skill, he makes up in assiduous attention to every last detail and requirement of the job.; He worked assiduously at this task for weeks before he felt satisfied with his results.

What point is there in dwelling on far-ranging theories when we are faced with a pragmatic problem of actual survival?; This test should provide us with a pragmatic analysis of the value of this course.

When challenged by the other horses in the race, the thoroughbred proved its mettle by its determination to hold the lead.

When he approached the dais, he was greeted by cheers from the people who had come to honor him.

When he called his opponent a "bonehead," he implied that his adversary's brain had ossified and that he was not capable of clear thinking.

When he could not pay his bills as quickly as he had promised, he was harassed by his creditors.

[+] badger, harry, heckle,tease

When her finger began to fester, the doctor lanced it and removed the splinter which had caused the pus to form.

When her prediction came true, we referred to her as the omniscient Sarah.; I do not pretend to be omniscient, but I am positive about this fact.

When I entered his office and observed that he seemed to be in a good mood, I felt that this might be a propitious time to ask for a rise.; I think it is advisable that we wait for a more propitious occasion to announce our plans; this is not a goodtime.

When rumors that he was insolvent reached his creditors, they began to press him rer payment of the money due them.

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[+] proximate, upcoming

[+] flagrant

When the sun was at its zenith, the glare was not as strong as at sunrise and sunset.

When these zephyrs blow; it is good to be in an open boat under a full sail.

When they assayed the ore, they found that they had discovered a very rich vein.

When we first meet Hamlet, we find him morose and depressed.

[+] a. vying

When you separate the wheat from the chaff, be sure you throw out the chaff.

[+] current

Whom God loves, God chastens.

[+] tacitum

Will Rogers' quizzical remarks endeared him to his audiences. [+] droll, ludicrous

When she went into her all too familiar act of the uncomplaining martyr, I could not dissemble my annoyance.; Even though you are trying to dissemble your motive in joining this group, we can see through your pretense.

[+] camouflage, dissimulate;

When the opposing hockey team scored its third goal only minutes into the first quarter, the home team's spirits flagged.

[+] decline, deteriorate, languish;

When the outbreak of the war seemed imminent , hte tourists rushed home.; The imminent battle will soon determine our success or failure in this conflict.

When the results of her mistakes became obvious, she gained a well-deserved reputation for being an egregious blunder.; She was an egregious liar and we could never believe her.

[+] acme, apex, apogee, culmination, pinnacle;

When the two colleges to which he had applied accepted him, he was in a quandary as to which one he should attend.

[+] bewilderment, perplexity;

[+] appraise, assess, estimate

[+] dour, gloomy, saturnine, sullen, morbid;

When we rummaged through the trunks in the attic, we found many souvenirs of our childhood days.

When we vie with each other for his approval, we are merely weakening ourselves and strengthening him.

While conditions are in such a state of flux, I do not wish to commit myself too deeply in this affair.

[+] castigate, chastise, punish

Whwn they offered to help him, he proudly averred that he could handle the situation entirely on his own.; I wish to aver that I am certain of success.

[+] affirm, assert, avouch, avow;

Why should he be so talkative about most things but so reticent about his own personal background.;

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With her wrench she applied sufficient torque to the nut to loosen it.

With only ten seconds left to play, our team wrested victory from their grasp. [+] wrench, wry

With the connivance of his friends, he plotted to embarrass the teacher. [+] collusion, complicity

[+] demolish, raze

You cannot contest the authentic will.

[+] fitful, recurrent

You cannot ignore the imputations in his speech that you are the guilty party. [+] reproof

[+] emit, exude, issue

[+] inappropriate

With all the deductions,there is a discrepancy of 40 dollars between my official salary and my weekly paycheck.; The police noticed som discrepancies in his description of the crime and did not believe him.

[+] alterity, dissemblance, dissimilarity, dissimilitued, distinction, divergence

With their bigger, faster, more experienced players, they simply annihilated our team by 56 to 7.; The enemy in its revenge tried to annihilate the entire population.

Workers in nuclear research must avoid the deleterious effects of radioactive substances.

[+] detrimental, harmful, injurious, nocuous

Yes, it's pretty dress, and I know that you're eager to have it for the Junior Prom, but don't you think the price is little exorbitant ?; The people grumbled at his exorbitant prices but paid them because he had a monopoly.

[+] extravagant, immoderate, inordinate, unconscionable

You are in deep trouble if you combine a strong taste for high living with an equally strong antipathy for hard work.; His extreme antipathy to dispute caused him to avoid argumentative discussions with his friends.

[+] abhorrence, abomination, aversion, loathing, repugnance;

You cannot hope to make good at this job by exerting intermittent efforts; you must do your best every day and every hour of the day.; Our picnic was marred by intermittent rains.

You may be right in your belief that Jan won't let us use her car, but remember that this is still only a supposition .; I based my decision to confide in him on the supposition that he would be discreet.

[+] assumption, conjecture, postulation, presumption, speculation, theory;

You may be sure that any directive that emanates from her office will be clear, precise, and wokable.; A strong odor of sulphur emanated from the spring.

You may criticize the roads and the lights, but the fact is that most automobile accidents are caused simply by inept drives.; The constant turmoil in the office proved that she was an inept administrator.

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You must be ubiquitous for I meet you wherever I go. [+] universal;You must overcome your diffidence of you intend to become a salesperson.

You will find the children in this school very tractable and willing to learn. [+] amenable, obedient;

[+] charge, load

Your composition suffers from a diffusion of ideas; try to be more compact.

Your dilatory tactics may compel me to cancel the contract.

Your facetious remarks are not appropriate at this serious moment.

Your flippancy at this serious moment is offensive.

[+] listless

Your messages of cheer should assuage her suffering.

Your reasoning must be fallacious because it leads to a ridiculous answer.

Your scurrilous remarks are especially offensive because they are untrue. [+] abusive, vituperative

Your statement is factious and will upset the harmony that now exists. [+] cooperative

Your threats cannot daunt me.

You use of colloquial expressions in a formal essay such as the one you have presented spoils the effect you hope to achieve.

You will never be able to complete this hike if you encumber yourself with so much "essntial equipment".; Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage when they take short trips.

Your chances for promotion in this department will be enhanced if you take some more courses in evening school.

[+] augment, intensify, magnify

[+] dispersion, dissemination, distribution, propagation

[+] laggard, neglectful, negligent, remiss

[+] droll, jocose, ludicrous, witty;

[+] frivolity, levity, lightness

Your insouciant attitude at such a critical moment indicates that you do not understand the gravity of the situation.

[+] allay, appease, mitigate, mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate, relieve, soothe;

Your propensity for spending more than you can affird will lead to only one result-bankruptcy!; I dislike your propensity to belittle every contribution she makes to our organization.

[+] disposition, inclination, penchant, predisposition, proclivity, tendency

[+] illogical, invalid, invalid, irrational, unreasonable;

[+] appall, dismay, horrify, intimidate

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[-] rumple

unhealthy, unsavory, unwholesome, harmful, unhygienic, seedy

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presumptuous; haughty; stuck-up; self-conceited; self-important;

[+] chicanery, deceit, device, feint, maneuver, ruse, skullduggery, stratagem, trickery

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[+] charitable, altruistic, humane, humanitarian, magnanimous, philanthropic

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foolish, silly, stupid, impractical,