BAR ADMISSION CEREMONY 2016 Kenneth C. Rowe Hall Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 Halifax, Nova Scotia Friday, June 10, 2016 10:00 am

Bar admission 2016 - NSBS Home · She is partner to Scott Brownell and now considers East Dalhousie, Nova Scotia to be home. ... KYLE YOuNg EREA uX is the son of Susan Dean and John

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Bar admission Ceremony 2016

Kenneth C. Rowe Hall

Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 Halifax, Nova Scotia

Friday, June 10, 2016

10:00 am

Bar admission Ceremony 2016

CALL TO THE BARFriday, June 10, 2016


The Honourable Justice Denise Boudreau


Julia Cornish QCJohn Bodurtha

Reception to follow in the Chrysler Canada Pavilion

Call to the BarAdmission List for Friday, June 10, 2016

Emma Adlakha

Ibrahim Badawi

Courtney Barbour

Michael Berrigan

John Boyle

deanna Bru

Paul Calderhead

Andrew Christofi

Heidi Collicutt

Rachel Embree

Kyle Ereaux

Kathleen Forward

Rosalie Francis

Colin gale

Luke godin

Philip grassie

Shawnee gregory

Shauna Hall-Coates

douglas Hanna

Jillian Innes

gavin Johnston

Julie Kirkpatrick

Heidi LeBlanc

Keith Lehwald

Michael Levin

Cassandra Lilley

Katharine Lovett

Amanda Lutz

Alexander MacKillop

Kristy MacKinnon

danielle MacSween

duncan MacVicar

Andrew Mcgarva

Blair McIlwain

Mark McLeod

Robert Mroz

Sara Nicholson

Briana O’grady

Patrick O’Neil

Samantha Parris

Jade Pictou

Rohan Rajpal

Allison Reid

Anthony Rosborough

Simon Ross-Siegel

Lindsay Silliker

Angus Smith

Caroline Spindler

Sylvie Thériault

Naomi Veniot

david Wallace

Nicola Watson

david Wedlake

guy Wellard

Katherine Willyard

Heather Wyse

Olga Young


From Jill PerryPresident, Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society

Congratulations new lawyers and welcome to the profession!

Celebration of your achievement with friends and family is a top priority. But new challenges are also on the horizon. In your first few years, the learning curve is very steep. It can take time to find a place in the profession that feels like a good fit.

I humbly offer three pieces of advice that may help to ease the transition from student to lawyer.

1. get involved with the profession.Volunteering your time with the Canadian Bar Association or the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society is a wonderful opportunity to acquire a wide-angle perspective on what it means to be a member of a self-regulating legal profession. This perspective will be a source of inspiration during those times when the daily grind of lawyering threatens to take its toll.

2. Stay open to new ideas.This is important on two levels. First, very few of us look back and see our career path unfolding in a straight line according to plan; opportunity comes in many forms and is not always recognizable at first glance. Second, the legal profession in Nova Scotia – and around the world – is in flux; surviving as individuals – and as a profession – demands that we embrace innovation.

3. use your powers for good.Admission to the legal profession is a great privilege. As with great power, this privilege comes with great responsibility. You don’t have to do pro bono work or commit to a career at Legal Aid to be part of the solution to the access-to-justice crisis. Practising outside of HRM or working on your cultural competence are examples of other paths. This is an exciting time. Your Bar call is, in many ways, a mission that you have chosen to accept. But it’s also a great adventure. Enjoy!

WelComeFrom the Honourable Chief Justice Michael MacDonald Chief Justice of Nova Scotia

Congratulations! You are Canada’s newest lawyers. Individually you will make your mark – collectively you will change the world.

It’s hard to believe that almost 40 years have passed since I found myself in your shoes, a new lawyer just starting to shape my legal career. Much has changed since then but there remains this one constant: whatever area of law you may engage in, your fundamental role will be to help people. Ours is a helping profession, and for that we should all be very proud.

Think about it. Will you be that lawyer fighting for a child’s best interests? Or the only person an accused can turn to for help? Perhaps you will be that Crown attorney securing an appropriate conviction or maybe the one helping injured plaintiffs receive fair compensation. Or will you be the lawyer doing that commercial deal, so important to our economy? Maybe you will opt for public life and in that way contribute to the broader society?

Regardless of the path you choose, you will be providing a highly valuable service to those trying to navigate what is often an unfamiliar and intimidating legal landscape. Please be mindful of that in every task you take on.

Your law degree is a key that can unlock many doors and will prepare you for much more than just the inside of a courtroom. Remember that when it comes time to give back to your community.

As a lawyer, your services will always be in demand and appreciated. I say this, with confidence, because of that universal dynamic we call the “human condition.” Regardless of our walk in life or our background, we will all make mistakes and we will all look for knowledgeable and caring people like you to help. So in case you were worried, I think your future is secure.

On behalf of the entire Judiciary, congratulations on your admission to the Nova Scotia Bar and best wishes in your career.

See you in court!


From the Honourable Joseph P. KennedyChief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia

Welcome to the practice of law. When conducted professionally and diligently, it is a great way to spend a life.

The judges of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia look forward to seeing new faces in our courtrooms.

Whatever the area of your practices, please regularly reflect upon your good luck to be a Canadian lawyer and use the opportunity to do positive things for the people of this province.

We congratulate you on your accomplishment and look forward to watching you work.

order of ProCeedings

Presiding Justice enters, everyone rises and the Court is formally opened.

Presenting Officers introduce and move for the admission of each individual candidate.

When applicants have been presented, all Oaths administered and all Orders granted, the Presiding Justice will deliver a short address.

The Court will be formally closed.

signing the roll

Following the ceremony, each candidate for admission to the Barristers’ Society is required to sign the Roll of Lawyers. Admissions staff will direct you to the appropriate area.


Please note that cameras and video cameras may be used discreetly in the courtroom during the ceremonies.

deClaration on admission

I, ________________________________________________, swear/affirm that as a lawyer, I shall, to the best of my knowledge and ability, conduct all matters and proceedings faithfully, honestly and with integrity. I shall support the Rule of Law and uphold and seek to improve the administration of justice. I shall abide by the ethical standards and rules governing the practice of law in Nova Scotia.

oath of allegianCe: (optional)

I, _______________________________________________, swear /affirm that as a lawyer I shall bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors according to Law.

EMMA-LEE SuZANNE AdLAKHA is the daughter of Laurie Adlakha of Glace Bay. Emma received her Bachelor of Arts from Acadia University and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2015. She articled with Robert Crosby QC of Crosby, Burke and MacRury in Glace Bay and is joining the firm as an associate.

IBRAHIM ABduLLAH BAdAWI is the son of Jamal Badawi and Azza Badawi of Cairo, Egypt, and is married to Yesir Alamin. Ibrahim received his bachelor’s degree from Saint Mary’s University, his master’s degree from Dalhousie University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie in 2015. He articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

COuRTNEY MICHELLE BARBOuR is from Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. She is partner to Scott Brownell and now considers East Dalhousie, Nova Scotia to be home. She is the daughter of Bruce and Sharon Barbour and sister to Shannon. Courtney received her Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) (Honours) from Memorial University and her Juris Doctor from the University of New Brunswick. She articled with Cox & Palmer in Halifax.

MICHAEL EMMETT BERRIgAN is the son of Daniel and Sharon Berrigan of Dartmouth. Michael received his Bachelor of Arts from Bishop’s University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Richard Melanson of Blois, Nickerson and Bryson in Halifax. Michael is moving to Charlottetown to work as an associate at a small firm.

JOHN THOMAS gINN BOYLE is the son of Malcolm Boyle and Diana Ginn of Halifax. John received his Bachelor of Arts from St. Francis Xavier University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Victor Goldberg of Cox & Palmer in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

dEANNA NOELLE BRu is the daughter of Raymonde and Roland Bru of North Battleford, Saskatchewan, spouse to Jason Turner and parent to Ayanna and Simon Turner-Bru of Halifax. Deanna received her Bachelor of Science from Saint Mary’s University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Ian Bilek of Cox & Palmer in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.


PAuL JOSEPH CALdERHEAd is the son of Claire McNeil and Vince Calderhead of Halifax. Paul received his Bachelor of Arts from McGill University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Karen Endres of Nova Scotia Legal Aid in Dartmouth and is joining the organization as an associate.

ANdREW CHRISTOFI is the son of Peter and Georgina Christofi of Halifax. He received his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in political science from Dalhousie University, Master of Arts in political science from the University of Toronto, and Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law. He articled with Noseworthy Di Costanzo Diab in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

HEIdI MARIE COLLICuTT is the daughter of Kirk and Heather Collicutt of Chester, and is engaged to Alban Neves. Heidi received her Bachelor of Science from St. Francis Xavier University in 2012 and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled under the supervision of James Gunvaldsen Klaassen with Justice Canada (Atlantic Regional Office) in Halifax and will be staying with the Department after her call to the Bar.

RACHEL KATHLEEN EMBREE is the daughter of the late Honourable Judge John D. Embree and Jo-Anne Embree of Antigonish. Rachel received her Bachelor of Science from Mount Allison University in 2012 and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with McInnes Cooper in Halifax and will commence practice as an associate at Davis Reierson.

KYLE YOuNg EREAuX is the son of Susan Dean and John Ereaux of Moncton. Kyle received his Bachelor of Arts from Dalhousie University in 2010 and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Frank Metcalf QC of Metcalf & Company in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

KATHLEEN ALEXANdRA FORWARd is the daughter of Allen and Colleen Forward of Halifax. Kathleen received her Bachelor of Commerce from Dalhousie University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.


ROSALIE MARIE FRANCIS, of the Mi’kmaw community of Sipekne’katik, is the daughter of Joseph and Marie Francis and the mother of Willow, Jade and Matthew Robinson. Rosalie received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Dalhousie University, her Master of Arts degree from Saint Mary’s University and her Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. Rosalie articled with Burchells LLP and will be joining the firm as an associate in its Aboriginal law practice group.

COLIN MuRRAY gALE is the son of Maureen Gale and Tony Lamport of Halifax. Colin received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from Saint Mary’s University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Cox & Palmer in Halifax and will be joining Ritch Williams & Richards as an associate.

LuKE CHRISTOPHER gOdIN is the son of Ronald Godin and Nicoline Hubrecht-Godin of Tottenham, Ontario, and partner to Emily Farlow. Luke received his Bachelor of Arts from Dalhousie University and his law degree from Bond University. He articled with James D. MacNeil of BOYNECLARKE LLP and is joining the firm as an associate.

PHILIP WILLIAM gRASSIE is the son of James Grassie and Joyce Sankey of Niagara Falls. Philip received his Bachelor of Arts from Brock University and his law degree from the University of Western Ontario in 2008. He was called to the Bar of Ontario in 2009 and the Bar of Nunavut in 2011. He is joining the House of Assembly as Legislative Counsel.

ROBYN SHAWNEE gREgORY is the proud daughter of Connie and George Gregory of Sydney and loving partner to John McCarthy. Shawnee received her Bachelor of Arts in theatre studies from Acadia University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Karen MacDonald of HRM Legal Services in Halifax and is joining the team as a solicitor.

SHAuNA CLAIRE ELIZABETH HALL-COATES is the daughter of Susan Hall and Gary Coates of Halifax. Shauna received her Bachelor of Arts (Combined Honours) from the University of King’s College, her Master of Arts in English literature and Master of Library and Information Studies from Dalhousie University, and her Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law. She articled with Wickwire Holm in Halifax and has commenced a judicial clerkship with the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal.


dOugLAS BERNARd HANNA is the son of Jacqueline and Moses Hanna. Douglas received his Bachelor of Commerce from Dalhousie University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law. He has been a member of the Law Society of British Columbia since 1999.

JILLIAN NAdINE INNES is the daughter of Jim and Jane Innes of Halifax. She is partner to David Gallant and mother to Riley Innes. Jillian received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Saint Mary’s University in 2011 and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2015. She articled with Morris Bureau in Halifax and intends to pursue a career in estate planning and corporate law.

gAVIN THOMAS JOHNSTON is the son of Simon Johnston of Grimsby, Ontario and Catherine Johnston of Edmonton, Alberta. Gavin received his Bachelor of Arts with Distinction from the University of Alberta and his law degree with a specialization in business law from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Level Chan of Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and will be joining Halifax Regional Municipality as a research lawyer.

JuLIE-ANN MARIE KIRKPATRICK received her Honours BA and master’s degree in Canadian studies from Trent University, and completed her law degree at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University. She has been practising law in Ontario for the past 15 years.

HEIdI NICOLE LEBLANC is the daughter of Michael and Karen LeBlanc of Oakville. Heidi received her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with James D. MacNeil of BOYNECLARKE LLP in Halifax and is moving to Toronto to pursue her legal career.

KEITH dAVIES LEHWALd is the son of Arno Lehwald of Düsseldorf, Germany, and the late Anne Lehwald of Mabou, Cape Breton. Keith received his Bachelor of Arts in political science and French from Dalhousie University, and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law. He articled with Burchells LLP in Halifax and will continue with the firm as an associate.


MICHAEL ARTHuR LEVIN is the son of Roy and Linda Levin of Halifax, and loving partner to Sarah Gutowsky. Michael received his Bachelor of Commerce from the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University, his Master of Business Administration from the Rowe School of Business at Dalhousie University, and his Juris Doctor from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with James MacNeil of BOYNECLARKE LLP in Dartmouth and looks forward to building his practice.

CASSANdRA ELIZABETH LILLEY is the daughter of Stephen and Sandra Lilley of Sydney. Cassandra received her Bachelor of Arts degree with an honours in history from the University of King’s College, and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Cragg Law in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

KATHARINE ALEXANdRA LOVETT is the daughter of Tony and Patti Lovett of Cole Harbour, the sister of Ricki Lovett and spouse to Brendon Gillan. Katharine received her Bachelor of Arts in criminology from Carleton University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Julia Cornish QC of Sealy Cornish Coulthard in Dartmouth, and plans to practise in the area of criminal defence.

AMANdA LYNN TYNE LuTZ is the daughter of Stephen and Irene Cooper of Dartmouth, and is married to James Lutz. Amanda received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Saint Mary’s University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Tracey Kennedy of Kennedy Schofield Lawyers in St. Margaret’s Bay and will be joining the firm as an associate.

ALEXANdER JAMES MACKILLOP is the son of Donna Mackillop and Jim Dorrington. Originally from Truro, Alexander obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in criminology from Saint Mary’s University in 2011 and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. Alexander articled with Raymond Kuszelewski at McCarthy Kuszelewski Law in Halifax, and will be joining the firm.

KRISTY JACQuELINE MACKINNON is the daughter of Karen and Shaun MacKinnon of Sydney Mines. Kristy received her Bachelor of Business Administration from Cape Breton University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law. She articled with Patterson Law in Truro, and she will be associated with Patterson Law.


TARA dANIELLE MACSWEEN is the daughter of Darlene and Daniel Churchill of New Waterford, and is married to Steven MacSween of New Victoria. Danielle received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Cape Breton University and her law degree from the University of Ottawa. She articled with Gary Corsano of Sampson McPhee in Sydney and is joining the firm as an associate.

duNCAN JOHN MACVICAR is the son of Eileen and Ross MacVicar of New Glasgow and the brother of Jessica MacVicar of Dartmouth. Duncan received his Bachelor of Science degree from Dalhousie University in 2007 and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Burchell MacDougall LLP in Truro and intends to practise law in Dartmouth.

ANdREW JAMES MCgARVA is the son of Glynis McGarva of Victoria, British Columbia, and is married to Coralie Ayer. Andrew holds a mechanical engineering degree from the Royal Military College of Canada and received his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Michelle Awad QC of McInnes Cooper in Halifax. Articles complete, Andrew and Coralie are relocating to Ottawa where Andrew will be joining the Law Society of Upper Canada. BLAIR KATHERINE MCILWAIN is the daughter of Bill and Allison McIlwain of Thunder Bay, Ontario. She received her undergraduate degree from Carleton University in Ottawa and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Andrew Kimball of Ferrier Kimball Thomas in Bridgewater and is joining the firm as an associate.

dR. MARK CAMERON MCLEOd is the son of John and Leila McLeod of Melbourne, Australia, and is married to Dr. Caroline Heughan and the father of Alec Heughan McLeod. Mark received his doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne, and his law degree from the University of Melbourne in 2009. He intends to expand his existing legal practice and open a second office of the intellectual property law firm Abaunza McLeod LLP in Halifax.

ROBERT MROZ is the son of Stanley Mroz and Lynda Galea of Montreal. Robert received his Bachelor of Arts from McGill University and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2015. He articled with Michelle Awad QC of McInnes Cooper in Halifax and will be returning to the firm as an associate.


SARA dAWN NICHOLSON is the daughter of Tim and Lori Nicholson of Windsor Junction. Sara received her Honours Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto and her Juris Doctor from the University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law in 2015. She articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

BRIANA COLLEEN O’gRAdY is the daughter of Sheila O’Grady of Bedford and Brian Hebb of Great Village. Briana received her bachelor’s degree from Dalhousie University and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2015. She articled with Owen Bland of Bland & Associates and is joining the firm as an associate.

PATRICK KEVIN O’NEIL is the son of Kevin and Shelly O’Neil of Enfield. Patrick received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Saint Mary’s University in 2011 and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Burchell MacDougall LLP in Truro and is joining the firm’s Elmsdale office as an associate.

SAMANTHA gENIEVA PARRIS is the daughter of Lydia and Joe Parris of Sydney. Samantha received her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Memorial University of Newfoundland and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Debbie Brown and Leslie MacLeod of the Department of Justice in Halifax.

JAdE MARIE PICTOu is the daughter of Murray and Marion Pictou of Sackville, Nova Scotia. Jade received her political science degree from Dalhousie University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law. She articled with Halifax Water, McInnes Cooper, Sipekne’katik and the Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Centre, with Jim Spurr as her principal. Jade Pictou will be joining McCarthy Kuszelewski Law in Halifax.

ROHAN RAJPAL is the son of Jatinder and Kusum Rajpal of Karnal, India. Rohan received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Trent University and his law degree from Dalhousie University in 2015. He articled with Michelle Awad QC of McInnes Cooper in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

ALLISON JEAN REId is the daughter of Pauline and Adrian Reid of Halifax. Allison received her Bachelor of Science from Mount Saint Vincent University, her Bachelor of Education from Acadia University and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. She articled with James MacNeil of BOYNECLARKE LLP in Dartmouth and is joining the firm as an associate.


ANTHONY dOugLAS ROSBOROugH is the son of Lynda Rosborough of Melville Cove in Halifax. Anthony received his Bachelor of Arts, majoring in political science, from the University of King’s College and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Wickwire Holm in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

SIMON NILS ROSS-SIEgEL is the son of Eric Siegel and Denyse Ross-Siegel of Ottawa. Simon received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of King’s College and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Deborah E. Gillis QC of Crowe Dillon Robinson in Halifax.

LINdSAY MICHELLE SILLIKER is the daughter of Alan and Paula Silliker of Charlottetown. Lindsay received her Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) from the University of New Brunswick in 2012 and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. She articled with Barbara Kerr of the Nova Scotia Department of Justice in Halifax.

ANguS THOMAS SMITH is the son of Lyle and Patricia Smith of Maryvale. Angus received his Bachelor of Arts from St. Francis Xavier University and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2015. He articled with Jamie MacGillivray of MacGillivray Law in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate

CAROLINE gRACE SPINdLER is the daughter of Thomas and Sharon Spindler of Lower Sackville. Caroline received her Bachelor of Science in kinesiology from the University of New Brunswick and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2015. She articled with McInnes Cooper in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate. SYLVIE LYNN THÉRIAuLT is the daughter of Roderick and Cécile Thériault of Clare, and is married to Colin Wintermans. Sylvie received her Bachelor of Commerce from Saint Mary’s University in 2012 and her law degree from Université de Moncton in 2015. She articled with Patterson Law in Truro, and will be continuing as an associate in the firm’s corporate/commercial group.

NAOMI HELEN VENIOT is the daughter of Eric and Terri Veniot of Pictou. Naomi received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Acadia University and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2015. She articled with MacIntosh, MacDonnell & MacDonald in New Glasgow and is joining the firm as an associate.


dAVId JOHN LAMBE WALLACE is the son of John and Laurie Wallace of Toronto. David received his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of British Columbia and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2011. He articled with Goodmans LLP in Toronto and will be joining McInnes Cooper LLP as an associate.

NICOLA PAIgE WATSON is the daughter of Kim and Dale Watson of Truro. Nicola received her law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School in 2015. She articled with David Wallbridge of Pink Larkin in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

REgINALd dAVIdSON WEdLAKE is the son of Peter and Susan Wedlake of Halifax. David received his Bachelor of Science from Acadia University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2015. He articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

guY SEBASTIAN WELLARd is the son of Donna Wellard and brother to Jack Wellard. Guy received his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in political science from Saint Mary’s University and his Juris Doctor from the University of New Brunswick in 2015. He articled with Cox & Palmer in Halifax and will be associated with Creighton Shatford Hirbour in Amherst.

KATHERINE ROSE WILLYARd is the daughter of Lynda and Jay Willyard of Cornwall, Ontario. Katherine received her Bachelor of Arts from Carleton University and her law degree from Queen’s University in 2015. She articled with McInnes Cooper in Halifax and is joining the firm as an associate.

HEATHER MARIE WYSE is the daughter of Frank Wyse and Christine Morrissey, and spouse to Gregory Anderson. She received her Bachelor of Arts from Memorial University, Bachelor of Public Relations from Mount Saint Vincent University, and law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. She articled with Michael Scott of Patterson Law in Halifax, and is joining the firm as an associate.

OLgA KALLIOPPI YOuNg is the daughter of Chris and Sophia Koukidis of Port Hope, Ontario, spouse to Jeremy Young and mother to Eli and Athena Young. Olga received her criminology degree from the University of Ottawa and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2010. She articled with Melanie Schweizer of Bell Canada in 2011 and she will be working as counsel for Jazz Airlines, headquartered in Dartmouth.


admittees Called sinCe JUly 2015


ZACHARY NATHANIEL CHISHOLM is the son of Chris and Denise Chisholm of Halifax, and spouse to Remi Lefebvre. Zach received his Bachelor of Arts from Saint Mary’s University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2013. He articled with G. Bernard Conway of Anderson Sinclair in Kentville and with R. Michael MacKenzie of Atlantica Law Group in Windsor, and joined Atlantica Law Group as an associate.

dAVId EdWARd FAOuR is the son of Justice Alphonsus Faour and Maureen Faour of St. John’s, and is married to Sarah Faour. David received his Bachelor of Arts from St. Francis Xavier University and his law degree from Queen’s University. He articled with Derrick Kimball of Kimball Brogan in Wolfville.

TARA LAuRENE gAuLT is the daughter of Bill and Laurie Gault of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Tara received her Bachelor of Arts from Dalhousie University and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2014. She articled with Joshua Judah of the Halifax Regional Municipality.

HEIdI FRANCES EdEN HANNEM is the daughter of Jessie Bungay and stepdaughter of Theodore Bungay of North Sydney, and mother of Nicholas Marinelli. Heidi received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Cape Breton University and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. She articled with Elizabeth Cusack QC of Cusack Law Office Inc. in North Sydney, and is practising law in North Sydney.

QuY SON LINH is the son of Minh Son Linh and Bach Tran of Halifax, and is married to Emily Linh. Quy Son Linh received his Bachelor of Arts degree, double majoring in economics and political science, from Dalhousie University and his law degree from Manchester University in 2012. He articled with Owen Bland of Bland & Associates in 2015 and is now an associate at Casey Rodgers Chisholm Penny Duggan LLP.

KIEL dOugLAS NEIL MERCER is the son of Perry and Beverly Mercer of Halifax. Kiel received his Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Francis Xavier University and his law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2014. He articled with Pink Star Barro in Yarmouth from 2014 to 2015 and is now associated with the firm.

CHRISTINE ETTA MuRRAY is the daughter of Justice Patrick Murray and Bernadette Murray of Sydney. Christine received her Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Dalhousie University in 2010 and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2014. She articled with Joe Wall of The Breton Law Group in Sydney and joined the firm as an associate.

JOSEPH ROdERICK POTTER is the son of Rod and Jo-Ann Potter of Springhill, and is married to Laura Parker. Joe received his Bachelor of Arts in music from St. Francis Xavier University and his law degree from the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. He articled with Douglas B. Shatford QC of Creighton Shatford Hirbour in Amherst.

MAggIE ANNE SHACKLETON is the daughter of Graham and Julianne Shackleton, formerly of Bridgetown, and is the mother of Rhys Shackleton. Maggie received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of New Brunswick and her law degree from the University of New Brunswick in 2014. She articled with W. Bruce Gillis QC of Durland Gillis & Schumacher in Middleton, and continues in private practice with Durland, Gillis & Schackleton Associates.

ÏgOR SERgIIOVYCH YuSHCHENKO is the son of Sergii and Nina Yushchenko of Kiev, Ukraine and the brother of Vyacheslav Yushchenko of Toronto. Ïgor received his Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws degrees from the Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, Master of Laws from the Schulich School of Law, and Certificate of Qualification from the National Committee on Accreditation of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. He articled with Bacchus & Associates Law Firm in Halifax, with Wayne A. Bacchus as his principal, and he has joined the firm as an associate.

admittees Called sinCe JUly 2015

admittees Called sinCe JUly 2015

JANuARY 2016

EMMA LEE ASTEPHEN is the daughter of Denis and Kathy Astephen of North Sydney. Emma received her Bachelor of Management degree from Athabasca University and her law degree from Bond University in 2014. She articled with Stephen Andrea of Steve Andrea Law Office in North Sydney, and is now practising with Sampson McPhee Lawyers in Sydney.

MICHAEL JOHN ERNEST MACISAAC is the son of Patricia Lynn and Michael Francis MacIsaac of Inverness. Michael received his Bachelor of Arts from St. Francis Xavier University and his law degree from the University of Victoria in 2014. He articled with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax and has joined the firm as an associate.

CHRYSTAL LEE PENNEY is the daughter of John and Yvette Penney of Sydney. Chrystal received her bachelor’s degree from St. Francis Xavier University, her paralegal diploma from Maritime Business College and her law degree from Dalhousie University in 2014. She articled with Bob Morrison of Taylor MacLellan Cochrane in Kentville, and has joined the firm as an associate.

MELISSA MARIE SCHROEdER is the daughter of James Schroeder of Sackville, Nova Scotia. Melissa received her Bachelor of Arts from Saint Mary’s University in 2010 and her law degree from the Schulich School of Law in 2013. She articled with Kathryn Dumke of Dumke MacLeod in Bridgewater and hopes to continue her career in a civil litigation practice.

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• OngoingprofessionaldevelopmentandcontinuinglegaleducationofferedbyyourNovaScotiaBranch:-PreferentialPricing(50%discount)onallconferences(Mid-WinterConference,one-dayconferences&90-minutewebinars).-CheckouttheProfessionalDevelopmentwebsiteatwww.cba.org/pd-TraveldiscountsformembersresidingoutsideHRMtoattendconferences.

• Accesstoprofessionaldevelopment/CLEfromacrossCanadaatdiscountedrates.

• Quarterlynewsletter,Nova Voce,tokeepyouuptodateonwhat’shappeninglocallyattheCBA–NSbranch.

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Financial & insurance Products, corPorate Partners

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Join online today at www.cba.org. Select Membership.Or Call TOLL FREE: 1-800-267-8860

Membership advantages include discounts from the cBa’s Preferred suppliers and supporting sponsors!

Financial & insurance Products• Firstdata: A world-wide leader in payment

processing solutions. They offer easy and affordable merchant processing programs to members, and the very best in customer service.

•MBna: The CBA MasterCard with a 9.9% interest rate, backed by MasterCard Zero Liability. Experience benefits such as MasterRental, MasterPurchase, no annual fee and 24-hour year-round customer service.

•stewart-title Guaranty company: A leader in the Canadian title insurance industry and was licensed to operate in all provinces and territories in 1988. Stewart Title’s Canadian Division is headquartered in Toronto and has offices from coast to coast.

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oFFice & Business services• lenovo: Produces innovative PCs and mobile

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Membership advantages include discounts from the cBa’s Preferred suppliers and supporting sponsors!