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CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSConsolidated Statement of Financial Position 17Consolidated Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances 19Consolidated Statement of Operations and Changes In Fund Balances for the General Funds 20Consolidated Statement of Operations and Changes In Fund Balances for the Restricted Funds 21Coonsolidated Statement of Cash Flows 22



1 Tuition and Related Fees 33 2 Changes to Research and Special Fund 34 3 Changes to Capital Asset Fund 35 4 Changes to Specific Provisions Fund 35 5 Changes to Staff Benefits Fund 36 6 Revenue and Expense, Ancillary Enterprises 36 7 Net Operating Expenditures 37 8 Research & Special Fund Expenditures 40 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures 4110 Net Other Academic Expenditures 5311 Net Library Expenditures 5512 Net Student Services Expenditures 5613 Net Administration Expenditures 5714 Net Physical Plant Expenditures 5815 Net General Expenditures 5916 Grand Total of Net General Expenditures

(Schedules 9 to 15) 60


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“The mission of the University of Manitoba is to create, preserve and communicate knowledge and, thereby,contribute to the cultural, social and economic well-being of the people of Manitoba, Canada and the world”.

In fulfilling its mission, the University of Manitoba seeks to: ! Provide the highest possible quality of undergraduate and graduate university teaching in

the humanities, social sciences, natural and applied sciences, the fine and performing artsand the professions;

! Enhance student success by fostering an environment conducive to intellectual andpersonal growth;

! Conduct original scholarship and basic and applied research, and produce creative worksof highest quality as judged by international standards;

! Serve the community directly by making its expertise available to individuals andinstitutions, and by providing as much access to the university’s intellectual, cultural,artistic and physical resources as its primary teaching and research responsibilities permit;

! Preserve and protect academic freedom and intellectual independence, and provide aforum for critical inquiry and debate; and,

! Promote equity in access and employment and in the conduct of the university’s affairs.


Thomas R Thompson
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To the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, Winnipeg, Manitoba

In Compliance with Section 22(1) of The University of Manitoba Act, the Annual Report on the financial affairs of theUniversity for the year ended March 31, 2003 is herewith submitted to the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council. In this report,we set forth in detail -

(a) the receipts and expenditures for the next preceding fiscal year,(b) the investments as they stood at the end of the year, and (c) other particulars which may be of interest to the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council.

Included with this Report are the Financial Report of the Vice-President (Administration), the Statement of Responsibilityfor Financial Reporting and the Report of the Auditor General of the Province of Manitoba on the audit of the accountsof the University.

Receipts and Expenditures:Summary of General Operating Fund Results(In thousands of dollars)

Year Ended March 31, 2003 2002

Revenues and Other Additions $ 336,508 $ 320,005

Expenditures and Other Deductions 304,670 293,969

Net Revenues 31,838 26,036 Appropriated To Specific Provisions (10,305) (13,939)

Expenditures Funded from Future Revenues (7,762) 2,083

Inter-Fund Transfers (13,023) (13,830)Net Increase (Decrease) To Fund Balances $ 748 $ 350

Additions exceeded deductions by $31,838,000 for the current fiscal year. Net appropriations of $10,305,000 weremade to specific provisions and an amount of $20,785,000 was transferred to other funds. The resulting net surplus of$748,000 has been added to the general operating balance in the General Operating Fund, increasing it to a balanceof $1,703,000 as at March 31, 2003.

Investments:Investment holdings at March 31, 2003 were as follows (at fair value):(In thousands of dollars)

Canadian Bonds $ 50,467Canadian Equities 48,714U.S. Equities 31,518International Equities 31,359Other Short Term Investments 105,978

$ 268,036

Details of the above summaries will be found in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the University which follow.

Thomas R Thompson
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Members of the Board of Governors:

At March 31, 2003 the members of the Board of Governors were as follows:

CHAIRWayne Anderson, B.S.A., M.B.A.

VICE-CHAIRTerry Sargeant, B.A., LL.B.

CHANCELLORWilliam Norrie, C.M., O.M., Q.C., B.A., LL.B., LL.D. (Man.), LL.D. (Wpg.)



Alfred Black, B.Math., M.Math.Vanaja Dhruvarajan, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Gérald Dureault, B.A., B.Ed.Kris Frederickson, B.Sc.

Ellen Gordon, B.A., M.S.W.Esyllt W. Jones, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., M.A.

Lisa Meeches, B.A.Joanna Plater, B.A. (Hons.), M.A.

Terry Sargeant, B.A., LL.B.Shirley Van Schie, B.A. (Adv.), M.A., LL.B.

Doris Young, B.A. (Hons.), M.P.A.

ELECTED BY SENATEHarry W. Duckworth, B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D.

Janet Hoskins, B.E.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.Anthony S. Secco, B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D.


Ian C.P. Smith, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. (H.C.), D.Sc. (H.C.), Fil. Doktor (H.C.)Doug Ward, Q.C., B.A., LL.B.


James Kusie, B. Comm. (Hons.)Nicholas Louizos

UNIVERSITY SECRETARYBeverly M.M. Sawicki, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B.

Respectfully submitted,The Board of Governors,

The University of Manitoba.

Wayne Anderson,Chair.

Thomas R Thompson
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Table 1Selected Statistics

2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999Regular Session EnrolmentTotal Students1,2 24,981 23,618 21,978 21,124 21,098 •Undergraduate students 21,724 20,534 19,000 18,154 18,075 % Annual Change 5.8 8.1 4.7 0.4 0.9 Full-Time 15,879 15,376 14,404 13,844 14,012 Part-Time 5,845 5,158 4,596 4,310 4,063 •Graduate students 2,852 2,693 2,593 2,590 2,645 % Annual Change 5.9 3.9 0.1 -2.1 -5.3 Full-Time 1,996 1,884 1,822 1,857 1,934 Part-Time 856 809 771 733 711 •Post-Graduate Medical Education Students 405 391 385 380 378

Summer Session Enrolment 9,493 9,009 8,221 7,835 7,488

Full-Time Equivalent Students1,3 22,907 21,930 20,493 19,760 19,827

Visa Students 974 826 754 658

Undergraduate Student Credit Hours1

Regular Session 485,888 465,682 437,048 420,726 424,216

Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates Conferred Undergraduate 3,643 3,538 3,348 3,411 3,514 Graduate 556 559 541 604 628

Operating Grant (000's)4 $191,003 $187,425 $172,530 $166,113 $162,225

Tuition Income (000's) $86,334 $80,542 $74,089 $67,314 $61,364

Scholarships & Bursaries (000's) $7,621 $7,946 $6,987 $6,284 $5,573

Academic F.T.E.5 1,201 1,165 1,129 1,138 1,114

1. As at November 1st.

2. Includes B.Sc.(Dentistry), B.Sc.(Medicine) and Joint Master's Program students.

3. Full-Time Equivalent Students = Full-time + (Part-time / 3.5). Includes both summer and regular session.

4. Operating Grant excludes first claims and grant in lieu of tuition; the latter included in Tuition Income.

5. Budget funded academic staff in faculties/schools (less special academics). Includes Strategic Initiatives Process starting in 2001-2002.



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F I N A N C I A L R E P O R T O F T H E V I C E - P R E S I D E N T (A D M I N I S T R A T I O N)

The fiscal year end marks a financial point in time that leads us to reflect on the utilization of resources and theachievement of goals throughout the University operations. For the University of Manitoba the financial data in theaccompanying statements is but one of many relevant measures used to assess achievement. In the following report,we highlight the 2002-2003 financial results and in telling the story behind the numbers, we highlight a few of thesignificant achievements of the University of Manitoba.

Building Capacity for Quality Education: Students First!

The University experienced growth in student enrolment for the fifth consecutive year. During 2002-2003 enrolmentsclimbed to a total of 22,907 full-time equivalent students, the highest enrolment of the past decade and a growth inexcess of 4% over the previous year. The enrolment growth is consistent across the undergraduate and graduate studentsectors and reflects the commitment to accessibility. International student enrolment also continued to climb with agrowth of 26% over the previous year enrolment. The increase in international students results from the strategic goalto increase the University of Manitoba profile in the international community and increase growth in number ofinternational students on campus (Table 1, Selected Statistics).

For the Faculty of Nursing increased enrolmentdemonstrates the success of the investment madethrough the Manitoba Nursing Education Strategy(MNES) to increase the University's capacity innursing programs and to expand the numbers ofnursing graduates. MNES was introduced in 1997-1998 and since that date the undergraduateenrolment in Nursing has gone up over 60% whilethe increase in degrees conferred over this sametime has increased over 100% (Table 2). A similarstory may be told about the Faculty of Medicine forwhich enrolment numbers have increased by 12%over the past five years as a result of strategicinitiatives to expand capacity.

The University's Building on Strengths strategic plan called for an increased emphasis on Aboriginal students. In orderto better understand the profile of Canadian Aboriginal Students at the University, students are invited to self-declaretheir status at the point of registration. Information about Canadian Aboriginal student participation assists the Universityin ensuring programs and services support student success. The University is now able to identify the participation of929 self-declared students (794 in 2001-2002). This represents an overall undergraduate participation rate of at least4.3% for fiscal 2002-2003. As not all eligible students self-declare, the actual participation of Canadian Aboriginalstudents will be higher than reported. Further information regarding Aboriginal student profile may be found at theUniversity of Manitoba website at: http://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/institutional_analyisis.

For fiscal 2002-2003, the University experienced an increase of approximately 7% in total revenues related to tuition fees.This revenue is attributed primarily to increased enrolments. Growth in student enrolment cannot by itself generatesufficient additional revenue to cover the growth of the costs associated with the delivery of quality education and thecreation of knowledge through research. In collaboration with the Council on Post Secondary Education (COPSE) andthe other universities and colleges in the Province, a system-wide method of calculating program costs has beendeveloped to support analysis of tuition fees and program costs, and these in turn allow calculation of the proportionof program costs covered by tuition fees. For the University of Manitoba undergraduate programs, the range of costscovered by the tuition fee varies by program. Based on a cost analysis using fiscal 2001-2002 data, the coverage is 20%or less for six programs, 21% to 30% in five programs and in the remaining nine programs the costs covered by tuitionfees is between 31% to 55% (Table 3).

Table 2

Faculty of Nursing

1997-1998 2002-2003 % Change

Undergraduate Enrolment1

873 1,429 63.7

1997 2002 % Change

Undergraduate Degrees 137 282 105.8


1. Includes distance and special students.


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Table 3(a)Tuition Fees Per Credit Hour as Compared to Program Costs Per Credit Hour










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Balance of Program Costs Per Credit Hour NotAccounted for by Tuition FeesTuition Fees Per Credit Hour

Table 3(b)Tuition Fees as Compared to Total Program Costs

(Fees Assessed on a Program Basis Only)2001-2002













tal H









Balance of Total Program Costs Not Accountedfor by Tuition FeesProgram Based Tuition Fees

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In support of the principle that university education should be within reach of every youngperson who meets the academic entrance requirements, the University of Manitobacontinues to administer the Provincial freeze on tuition fees. Exceptions are made only incases that comply with the Provincial criteria for fee increase approval. These criteriainclude addressing issues relating to accessibility, the Manitoba labour market, graduationrates, program cost and finally, evidence of support from the student constituency. Incomparative analysis of undergraduate tuition fees for Arts Programs of selected Canadianuniversities for the 2002-2003 year, University of Manitoba has the second lowest tuition fee(Table 4), and is expected to be the lowest for 2003-2004.

Table 4

Comparative Undergraduate Tuition Fees1

Arts Programs of Selected Canadian Universities

2002-2003 Academic Year(30 Credit Hours of Arts Courses)

2,661 2,700



3,8704,013 4,032 4,032 4,065 4,080 4,107 4,120

















































1. The fees for the University of Manitoba, the University of Brandon and the University of Winnipeg reflect the 10% rebate from the Manitoba government.


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In addition to the tuition fee freeze, the Province of Manitoba, through COPSE, continued to offer a 10% rebate of tuitionfee for students during fiscal 2002–2003 amounting to $7.2 million. During this same period, the University expenditurein Scholarships, Bursaries, Prizes and Awards totaled $7.6 million.

The University of Manitoba is a leader in reporting on student retention and graduation outcomes. Over the years, theUniversity has participated in the Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange in order to benchmark itsperformance with other institutions. These and other performance results can be found on the website at:http://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/institutional_analyisis. The University of Manitoba along with the other Manitobauniversities is working collaboratively with COPSE to develop system wide indicators on the rates of student graduationand retention. The first round of data will include the results of the May 2003 convocation and will be compiled andreported upon by COPSE.

Investing in the University of Manitoba

For fiscal 2002-2003, COPSE grants to the University of Manitoba increased by $2.6 million for a total of $208.3 million.The funds provided by COPSE are essential to sustain the University operations and account for 42% of Total FundRevenue ($497.4 million, Total Fund Revenue - Table 5).

Increased funding from COPSE includes increases in the amount of the 10% rebate for tuition fees, increase in theoperating grant of 1.7% to support operating cost increases and an increase to grants for special program initiativesapproved through COPSE. Other Province of Manitoba revenues, which for the most part relates to specific researchand education priorities, account for 5.3% of Total Fund Revenue.

Other key contributors to the revenues of the University of Manitoba include our large community of local, national andinternational supporters through donations, contributions and grants (12.4% of Total Fund Revenue). The Governmentof Canada (13% of Total Fund Revenue) represents primarily contributions to specific research projects from the federalgranting councils. In addition, the University generates investment income (2.0% of Total Fund Revenue) from theinvestment of funds and generates revenues from support services offered through its ancillary enterprises (5.3% ofTotal Fund Revenue). The sale of various goods and services (4.1% of Total Fund Revenue) generates revenues forseveral faculties.

Council on PostSecondary Education


Tuition and Related Fees$79,126

Contributions, DonationsNon-Government Grants


Government of Canada$64,738

Other Province of Manitoba$26,459


Investment Income$9,782

Sales ofGoods and Services


Table 5Total Revenue - All Funds

(General Operating $336.5M; Restricted $151.3M; Endowment $9.6M)March 31, 2003

(in thousands of dollars)


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Ancillary Enterprises of the University are operated on break-even basis and for fiscal 2002-2003 they served theUniversity community by offering affordable services in the Bookstore, Parking Services, Residences, the Pharmacyand Post Office. The Ancillary operations are required to fund all operating and capital costs of their operations, as wellas support debt repayment for their capital assets, renewal of technology infrastructure and help subsidize supportservices offered to the campus community such as Security Services.

For fiscal 2002-2003, the University experienced a 10.5% increase in Total Fund Revenue from the various sourcesnoted above ($497.4 million from previous year $450.0 million). This increase is largely attributed to the growth incapital funds from non-government sources, to significant increases in Government of Canada funding and to fundsfrom the Province of Manitoba in addition to the COPSE grants.

During fiscal 2002-2003, the University of Manitoba continued to pursue its goal of raising $200 million through itscapital campaign, "Building on Strengths" by December 2003. As at March 31, 2003, $183 million had been pledgedand there is confidence that the target will be met. In fact, the plan is to continue the campaign beyond the achievementof the $200 million goal in order to ensure that internal campaign goals, necessary to support strategic initiatives, aremet. The success of the campaign, will be measured by the quantum of the funds raised and also by the funds beingdesignated to targeted initiatives of the University. Table 6, Building on Strengths Campaign, depicts performanceto date in meeting specific project goals set for the campaign.

University Operations

General Operating Fund

The University operating budget for 2002-2003 together with a comparative summary statement of operations isincluded at Table 7, General Operations. Revenues are shown by source and expenditures by function to providea general overview of the revenue and expenditure activities of the General Operating Fund. Total operating revenuesincreased by $16.5 million (5.2%) over the previous fiscal year. Most of this increase is attributed to increases inCOPSE funding, increased tuition fee revenue relating to student enrolment growth and funding relating to the FederalGovernment Indirect Cost of Research program.

General operating expenses increased by $15.3 million during fiscal 2002-2003. This result is net of a $3.9 millionsaving in property taxes, attributed to the Province’s commitment to phase out (except residences and commercial usespace) the requirement for the University to pay property taxes on all property. This phase-out will take effect over afive-year period and will continue to have a positive impact on the University operations. For the most part, theincreased operating fund expenditures relate to the cost increases of sustaining operations.

In review of the operating expenditures by function, 73% of the increased expenditure is attributable to instruction andthe remaining 27% of expenditure increase to various aspects of operations including the libraries, student services,physical plant and administration. In review of the expenditures by expenditure type, 85% of the $15.3 millionexpenditure increase is attributed to salaries and related benefits cost increases. The remaining 15% of the $15.3million increase relates to various items including supplies and expenses, cost of goods sold, utilities and libraryacquisition.

Over the course of fiscal 2002-2003there was a net increase in academicand support staff of 115 positions.Table 8 depicts historical comparisonsof academic and support staff,demonstrating the growth experiencedsince 1998. People are the drivingforce in the overall success of theUniversity of Manitoba and the growthtrend in positions evidences theUniversity's commitment to sustainingprogress as much as fiscallysustainable.

Table 8

Historical Comparisons of Academic and Support

Staff Positions

University of Manitoba 1980-2002






















ff Academic



1. Staff positions are FTE operating budget positions (excl. ancillary services).

2. Academic Librarians included in support staff.

3. Strategic Initiatives Process FTE's included starting in 2001/2002.


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Table 6 Building on Strengths: Campaign for the University of Manitoba As at March 31, 2003

TotalAllocation Pledges % of

and Gifts Goal Goal

Institutional Priorities

Engineering and Information Technology Complex $14,939,942 $17,000,000 87.88%

Centre for Music, Art and Design $3,861,882 $10,000,000 38.62%

Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals $3,822,694 $6,000,000 63.71%

Student Support $30,455,812 $30,000,000 101.52%

Research Fund $5,281,037 $10,000,000 52.81%

Libraries $5,793,097 $10,000,000 57.93%

Libraries - Gifts in Kind $1,171,377

I.H. Asper School of Business Endowment $18,675,979 $30,000,000 62.25%

Teaching and Technology Projects $5,241 $5,000,000 0.10%

Aboriginal Centre and Programs $350,971 $2,000,000 17.55%

Chairs and Professorships $11,247,455 $15,000,000 74.98%

College Support $4,398,061 $5,000,000 87.96%

Faculty of Pharmacy Facilities $1,020,454 $5,000,000 20.41%

Faculty/School Support $26,157,825

Unrestricted/Allocation/Terms to be Determined $4,060,552

Gifts in Kind (excluding Libraries) $2,099,006

Province of Manitoba $50,000,000

TotalPledges Minimum % ofand Gifts Goal Goal

Campaign Achievements $183,341,383 $200,000,000 91.67%


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Table 7General OperationsSummary Statement

(In thousands of dollars)

Revenue: Council on Post-Secondary Education grants 198,834$ 198,211$ 194,254$ Other Province of Manitoba 50 2,005 1,203Tuition and related fees 76,133 79,126 73,713Ancillary Enterprises 25,574 26,322 25,591Sales of goods & services 17,374 20,538 19,396Investment & other revenues 7,698 10,306 5,848

325,663 336,508 320,005

Expense by Function:Instruction 183,225$ 206,393$ 195,210$ Physical Plant 30,242 31,098 28,166Ancillary Enterprises 25,574 24,727 25,045Property tax 12,774 9,051 12,990Central Reserves* 24,089Administration 13,140 14,276 12,749Student Services 12,409 13,327 11,931Libraries 17,545 19,210 17,566Other 6,665 7,719 6,793

325,663 325,801 310,450

Net Revenue 10,707 9,555

Net Transfer to Other Funds (9,959) (9,205)

Net Increase to Fund Balance $ 748$ 350$

Expense by Object Code:Academic salaries 104,734$ 104,968$ 98,394$ Other instruction salaries 8,727 12,551 11,280Support staff salaries 73,458 78,059 72,755Staff benefits 26,779 26,470 26,909Payroll tax levy 3,983 4,157 3,868Supplies and expenses 57,363 52,402 47,525Ancillaries cost of goods sold 15,139 15,548 14,987Utilities 16,137 15,580 15,305Library acquisitions 6,569 7,015 6,437Property tax 12,774 9,051 12,990

325,663$ 325,801$ 310,450$

* Represents funds budgeted for distribution to units' budgets during the year for salary and contract increases and other centrally funded purposes.

March 31, 2002Actual

April 1, 2002Budget

March 31, 2003Actual


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Capital Asset Fund

In fiscal 2002-2003, the University invested $75.4 million in capital additions. This represents approximately a 34%increase over the previous year, mostly attributable to investment in building infrastructure. Significant projects includedcompletion of the SmartPark Multi-Tenant Facility, completion of a renewed Medical Rehabilitation Facility, significantprogress in the Arthur V. Mauro Student Residence complex and start up of the new Engineering InformationTechnology Complex. In addition, significant progress was made in the renewal of the University administrative systemsthat support the University in providing services to its community. These infrastructure renewal projects demonstratethe University's commitment to providing a high quality learning and research environment that meets the needs ofstudents, faculty, staff and the community. Table 9 depicts the general allocation of the $75.4 capital expenditure andgeneral source of the funds.

Research Fund

In fiscal 2002-2003 a total of $19.5 million was received for Special Projects in addition to the $79 million relating toSponsored or Assisted Research for a total of $98.5 million, an 18% increase over the previous year (2001-2002 $20.7million and $63 million respectively). Over the past several years, the growth in research activity has been exceptional.The cumulative success rate in attracting funds from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation is 60% for the Universityof Manitoba in the Innovation Fund (national success rate is 48%) and is 92% for the University of Manitoba in the New

Table 9Capital Funding Expenditures 2002 / 2003

(expressed in millions)

General Equipment and Furniture$14.5

Invested in Library Holdingsand Works of Art


Technology Equipment$8.8

Administrative System Renewal$2.8

Vehicles and General Capital Leases$.5

Table 9.1Funding Sources 2002 / 2003

(expressed in millions)

COPSE and Other Province of Manitoba$18.7



Bank Financing$9.1

University Allocations$25.5


Infrastructure Renewal(land, parking lots, buildings, roofs, and

technology infrastructure)


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Vice-President (Administration)University of Manitoba

In support of research infrastructure renewal and readiness, the Federal government announced commitment tocontinue with financial support to the Indirect Cost of Research program. The University of Manitoba received $5.5million in indirect cost support from this Federal program during fiscal 2001-2002. Indirect cost of research is accountedfor within the University Operating Fund.


The University of Manitoba’s success in serving its mission in education, research and community service translatesinto benefits for Manitoba. When considering indirect "spin-off" resulting from the University direct expenditures, theUniversity contributes approximately $1 billion to the Manitoba economy annually. The StatsCan report on the 2001national census said "The census showed clearly that the chances of making it to the top earning levels are mostdirectly associated with educational attainment, and particularly with a university degree". In addition to the economicvalue to an individual, a highly educated community and workforce is the key to competing in a knowledge-based, globaleconomy while research innovation and creativity enhances quality of life.

Increased investment in the University is the right choice for Manitoba and will result in sustaining the capacity of theUniversity to support learning, innovation in research and community service. The University acknowledges withgratitude the Province and COPSE as well as all students, staff, alumni, and community stakeholders for theircontinuing support.

Respectfully submitted,Michael W. McAdam

Opportunities Fund (national success rate is 85%). Success in competition for these funds is essential to theUniversity's ability to fund its research endeavors and demonstrates the quality of research undertaken by Universityof Manitoba researchers. Also demonstrative of research success is the growth trend experienced in the number ofinvention disclosures and the experience with respect to licensing revenue as depicted at Table 10.


Table 10

Number of Invention Disclosures and Associated Patents and Licensing Revenue(Last 5 Years)








1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

















Invention Disclosures

Patents and Licensing Revenue

Invention Disclosures

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The University is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements and hasprepared them in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as set out by theCanadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA). The University believes the consolidatedfinancial statements present fairly the University’s consolidated financial position as at March 31,2003 and the results of its operations for the year then ended.

The University’s Board of Governors is responsible for overseeing the business affairs of theUniversity and also has the responsibility to approve the consolidated financial statements. TheBoard has delegated certain responsibilities to its Audit Committee including the responsibility forreviewing the annual consolidated financial statements and meeting with management and theAuditor General of Manitoba on matters relating to the financial reporting. The Auditor General hasfull access to the Audit Committee with or without the presence of management. The Board hasapproved the consolidated financial statements.

In fulfilling its responsibilities and recognizing the limits inherent in all systems, the University hasdeveloped and maintains a system of internal controls designed to provide reasonable assurancethat University assets are safeguarded from loss and that accounting records are a reliable basisfor the preparation of consolidated financial statements. The integrity of internal controls is reviewedon an ongoing basis by Audit Services and the Auditor General.

The consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2003 have been reported onby the Auditor General of Manitoba, the auditor appointed under the University of Manitoba Act. TheAuditor’s Report outlines the scope of his examination and provides his opinion on the fairness ofpresentation of the consolidated financial statements.

Michael W. McAdam,Vice-President (Administration).

May 30, 2003Winnipeg, Manitoba


Thomas R Thompson
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The University of ManitobaConsolidated Statement of Financial Positionas at March 31(in thousands of dollars)

Assets 2003 2002

Current Assets

Cash 6,862$ 12,203$ Investments (Note 3) 91,645 81,479Accounts Receivable: Council on Post-Secondary Education 2,291 2,964 General 26,690 22,139 Research and Special 25,696 22,750Inventories 3,810 3,421Prepaid Expenses 101 310

157,095 145,266

Long Term Assets

Investments (Note 3) 197,180 185,755Funds on Deposit for Staff Benefits (Note 4) 30,609 31,665Investment in Subsidiary Companies (Note 5) 93 93Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Amortization (Note 7) 353,536 303,536

581,418 521,049

738,513$ 666,315$


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Liabilities 2003 2002

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable 26,584$ 28,052$ Unearned Revenue 4,409 3,962Unfunded Staff Benefits 7,781 7,096Construction Loan (Note 8) 7,636Current Portion of Capital Lease Obligations (Note 9) 257 223Current Portion of Long Term Debt (Note 10) 345 305

47,012 39,638

Long Term Liabilities

Employee Future Benefits (Note 11) 51,036 55,086Capital Lease Obligations (Note 9) 420 645Term Loans (Note 10) 6,756 5,608

58,212 61,339

Province of Manitoba Capital Advances (Note 10) 2,000 4,665Less: Sinking Fund Assets on Deposit with the Province of Manitoba (Note 10) 1,958 4,490

42 175

58,254 61,514

Fund Balances 633,247 565,163

738,513$ 666,315$

Commitments and Contingencies (Note 16)


Wayne Anderson - Chair Terry Sargeant - Vice-Chair

(The accompanying Notes form an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements)


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Consolidated Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balancesfor the years ended March 31(in thousands of dollars)

General Restricted Endowment 2003 2002Funds Funds Fund Total Total

(Note 2e) (Note 2f) (Note 2g) Funds Funds

Revenue:Tuition and Related Fees 79,126$ $ $ 79,126$ 73,713$ Contributions, Donations, Non-Government Grants 540 50,789 9,602 60,931 46,487 Investment Income 2,590 7,192 9,782 12,253 Miscellaneous Income 1,078 81 1,159 1,798 Government Grants: Council on Post-Secondary Education 198,211 10,130 208,341 205,769 Other Province of Manitoba 2,005 24,454 26,459 18,702 Government of Canada 6,098 58,640 64,738 46,243 Sales of Goods and Services 20,538 20,538 19,396 Ancillary Enterprises 26,322 26,322 25,591

336,508 151,286 9,602 497,396 449,952

Expense:Academic 182,982 84,988 267,970 246,238 Libraries 11,897 60 11,957 10,744 Student Services 13,081 560 13,641 12,210 Administration 13,822 1,728 15,550 13,656 Plant Maintenance 28,498 11 28,509 27,050 Other Academic Support 16,808 431 17,239 17,260 General 7,688 3,028 10,716 10,184 Property Taxes 9,051 9,051 12,990 Scholarships, Bursaries, Prizes and Awards 7,621 7,621 7,946 Interest on Bank Loan, Capital Advances and Capital Lease Obligations 797 797 1,085 Amortization of Capital Assets 25,418 25,418 22,471 Ancillary Enterprises 23,869 23,869 23,134 Staff Benefits & Early Retirement Provision (3,026) (3,026) (85)

304,670 124,642 429,312 404,883

Net Revenue 31,838 26,644 9,602 68,084 45,069 Inter-Fund Transfers (13,023) 11,570 1,453

Net Increase to Fund Balances 18,815 38,214 11,055 68,084 45,069 Fund Balances Beginning of the Year (4,168) 495,734 73,597 565,163 520,094

Fund Balances End of the Year 14,647$ 533,948$ 84,652$ 633,247$ 565,163$

Unrestricted Funds (38,614)$ $ $ (38,614)$ (47,124)$ Internally Restricted Funds 53,261 27,788 81,049 69,532 Externally Restricted Funds 161,773 84,652 246,425 234,535 Invested in Capital Assets 344,387 344,387 308,220

14,647$ 533,948$ 84,652$ 633,247$ 565,163$

(The accompanying Notes form an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements)


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Consolidated Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances for the General Fundsfor the years ended March 31(in thousands of dollars)

General Specific Expenses 2003 2002Operating Provisions Funded From Total Total

Fund Fund Future Revenues General General(Note 2e) (Note 2e) (Note 2e) Funds Funds

Revenue:Tuition and Related Fees 79,126$ $ $ 79,126$ 73,713$ Contributions, Donations, Non-Government Grants 540 540 429 Investment Income 2,590 2,590 3,133 Miscellaneous Income 1,078 1,078 1,718 Government Grants: Council on Post-Secondary Education 198,211 198,211 194,254 Other Province of Manitoba 2,005 2,005 1,203 Government of Canada 6,098 6,098 568 Sales of Goods and Services 20,538 20,538 19,396 Ancillary Enterprises 26,322 26,322 25,591

336,508 336,508 320,005

Expense:Academic 182,982 182,982 172,023 Libraries 11,897 11,897 10,723 Student Services 13,081 13,081 11,708 Administration 13,822 13,822 12,544 Plant Maintenance 28,498 28,498 27,028 Other Academic Support 16,808 16,808 16,816 General 7,688 7,688 6,590 Property Taxes 9,051 9,051 12,990 Ancillary Enterprises 23,869 23,869 23,134 Staff Benefits & Early Retirement Provision (3,026) (3,026) 413

304,670 304,670 293,969

Net Revenue 31,838 31,838 26,036 Net Increase in Expenses to be Funded From Future Revenues (7,762) 7,762Inter-Fund Transfers (23,328) 10,305 (13,023) (13,332)

Net Increase to Fund Balances 748 10,305 7,762 18,815 12,704 Fund Balances Beginning of the Year 955 42,956 (48,079) (4,168) (16,872)

Fund Balances End of the Year 1,703$ 53,261$ (40,317)$ 14,647$ (4,168)$

Unrestricted Funds 1,703$ $ (40,317)$ (38,614)$ (47,124)$ Internally Restricted Funds 53,261 53,261 42,956

1,703$ 53,261$ (40,317)$ 14,647$ (4,168)$

(The accompanying Notes form an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements)


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Consolidated Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances for the Restricted Fundsfor the years ended March 31(in thousands of dollars)

Capital Research and Staff 2003 2002Asset Special Benefits Trust Total Total Fund Fund Fund Fund Restricted Restricted

(Note 2f) (Note 2f) (Note 2f) (Note 2f) Funds Funds

Revenue:Contributions, Donations, Non-Government Grants 6,718$ 35,261$ 919$ 7,891$ 50,789$ 39,958$ Investment Income 244 1,057 5,891 7,192 9,119 Miscellaneous Income 26 55 81 80 Government Grants: Council on Post-Secondary Education 10,130 10,130 11,515 Other Province of Manitoba 9,602 14,852 24,454 17,499 Government of Canada 10,173 48,467 58,640 45,675

36,867 98,580 2,002 13,837 151,286 123,846

Expense:Academic 84,988 84,988 74,215 Libraries 60 60 21 Student Services 560 560 502 Administration 1,728 1,728 1,112 Plant Maintenance 11 11 22 Other Academic Support 431 431 444 General 15 2,185 828 3,028 3,572 Scholarships, Bursaries, Prizes and Awards 7,621 7,621 7,946 Interest on Bank Loan, Capital Advances and Capital Lease Obligations 797 797 1,085 Amortization of Capital Assets 25,418 25,418 22,471 Staff Benefits & Early Retirement Provision (498)

26,215 87,793 2,185 8,449 124,642 110,892

Net Revenue (Expense) 10,652 10,787 (183) 5,388 26,644 12,954 Inter-Fund Transfers 25,515 (5,036) (5,271) (3,638) 11,570 12,192

Net Increase (Decrease) to Fund Balances 36,167 5,751 (5,454) 1,750 38,214 25,146 Fund Balances Beginning of the Year 308,220 55,179 17,562 114,773 495,734 470,588

Fund Balances End of the Year 344,387$ 60,930$ 12,108$ 116,523$ 533,948$ 495,734$

Internally Restricted Funds $ $ 5,422$ 22,366$ 27,788$ 26,576$ Externally Restricted Funds 60,930 6,686 94,157 161,773 160,938Invested in Capital Assets 344,387 344,387 308,220

344,387$ 60,930$ 12,108$ 116,523$ 533,948$ 495,734$

(The accompanying Notes form an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements)


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Consolidated Statement of Cash Flowsas at March 31(in thousands of dollars)

2003 2002General Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Fund Funds Funds

Cash from Operating Activities:

Excess of Revenue over Expense 31,838$ 26,644$ 9,602$ 68,084$ 45,069$ Amortization of Capital Assets 25,418 25,418 22,471 Income on Investment in Subsidiary Companies (3)

31,838 52,062 9,602 93,502 67,537 Net Change in Non-Cash Working Capital Items (17,384) 10,044 (7,340) 3,225 Net Change in Employee Future Benefits (8,447) 4,397 (4,050) 2,806

Net Cash Generated through Operating Activities 6,007 66,503 9,602 82,112 73,568

Investing Activities:

Increase in Long-Term Investments (370) (11,055) (11,425) (12,772) (Increase) Decrease in Funds on Deposit for Staff Benefits 1,056 1,056 (423) Purchase of Capital Assets (75,418) (75,418) (56,083)

Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (74,732) (11,055) (85,787) (69,278)

Financing Activities:

Proceeds from Capital Lease Obligations 48 48 559 Proceeds from Term Loan 1,500 1,500 Proceeds from Construction Loan 7,636 7,636 Principal Repayment on Capital Lease Obligations (239) (239) (275) Principal Repayment on Province on Manitoba Capital Advances (2,665) (2,665) (2,438) Principal Repayment on Debentures (158) Principal Repayment on Term Loans (312) (312) (285)

Net Cash Generated (Used) in Financing Activities 5,968 5,968 (2,597)

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash 6,007 (2,261) (1,453) 2,293 1,693 Inter-Fund Adjustments (13,023) 11,570 1,453 Cash Beginning of Year 44,765 53,407 98,172 96,479

Cash End of Year 37,749$ 62,716$ $ 100,465$ 98,172$

Cash is defined as:

Cash 1,820$ 5,042$ $ 6,862$ 12,203$ Investments 35,929 55,716 91,645 81,479 Sinking Fund Assets on Deposit with the Province of Manitoba 1,958 1,958 4,490

37,749$ 62,716$ $ 100,465$ 98,172$

(The accompanying Notes form an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements)


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(in thousands of dollars)

1. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSEThe University of Manitoba was established in 1877. It is governed by a Board of Governors acting under the

authority of The University of Manitoba Act, R.S.M. 1987, c. U60. The University of Manitoba is a registered charity andis exempt from income taxes under Section 149 of the Income Tax Act.

The University of Manitoba, as the largest and most comprehensive institution of higher learning in Manitoba, playsa distinctive role within the Province. In addition to offering an undergraduate liberal education in arts, science andeducation, the University of Manitoba provides programs in a broad range of professional studies, applied sciences andthe fine and performing arts and is responsible for the vast majority of graduate education and research in Manitoba.The University of Manitoba reaches out to a variety of constituencies in order to enhance the health, cultural, social andeconomic life of Manitobans and to provide lifelong learning opportunities for them. Through community service theUniversity makes its expertise available to all Manitobans.


These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accountingprinciples as recommended by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (“CICA”) for not-for-profit organizations.The University has adopted the restricted fund method of accounting for contributions.

b. Basis of ConsolidationThe consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Smart Park Development Corporation, a wholly owned

subsidiary of the University of Manitoba. The company has a March 31 year end and its purpose is to market and promotethe development of a research park at the University of Manitoba.

c. Fund AccountingThe University classifies resources used for various purposes into separate Funds which correspond to its major

activities and objectives. The Consolidated Statement of Financial Position combines the assets and liabilities of allFunds.

The University maintains its Funds under three fund categories, General, Restricted and Endowment Funds. TheGeneral Funds include the Funds for General Operating, Specific Provisions and Expenses Funded from FutureRevenues. The Restricted Funds include the Capital Asset, Research & Special, Staff Benefits and Trust Funds. TheEndowment Fund includes endowment funds of the University.

d. Accounting EstimatesAccounting estimates are included in financial statements to approximate the effect of past revenue or expense

transactions or events, or to approximate the present status of an asset or liability. Examples include accruals for propertytaxes not yet assessed and the estimated useful life of an asset. It is possible that changes in future conditions couldrequire changes in the recognized amounts for accounting estimates.

e. General FundsGeneral Operating Fund:The General Operating Fund includes the academic, administrative, operational and ancillary costs that are funded

by tuition and related fees, government grants, investment and miscellaneous income, sales of goods and services toexternal parties and ancillary income. As such, this Fund reports unrestricted resources and restricted resourcesearmarked for general operating purposes.

All funds received or accrued by the University for general operating purposes and for equipment and renovationexpenses not meeting the University’s capitalization criteria are included in the General Operating Fund. The net costof operating units is determined by including internal cost allocations for certain centrally administered services such asthe telephone system in the units’ expenses and by deducting these expenses as internal cost recoveries from the totalexpenses incurred by the unit administering these services.

The University Book Store, Parking, Student Residences and Pharmacy/Post Office are classified as AncillaryEnterprises and are budgeted on a break-even basis. Any surpluses or deficits are unrestricted and are maintained within

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(in thousands of dollars)


the General Operating Fund. Overhead costs have been allocated to all ancillary operations. The replacement orimprovement of capital assets for these ancillaries is funded by an annual appropriation to the Specific Provisions Fund.Amortization of ancillary capital assets and interest expense is recorded in the Capital Asset Fund.

Academic and administrative units also generate revenues through the sale of goods and services to individuals,companies and organizations external to the University. The revenues earned are unrestricted resources and arereflected in the General Operating Fund.

Specific Provisions Fund:The Specific Provisions Fund records appropriations made from (to) the General Operating, Capital Asset and

Research & Special Funds.

These appropriations are made to provide future funding for the replacement, improvement or emergencymaintenance of capital assets, or other matters, including a fiscal stabilization provision to offset potential spending inexcess of future budgets. Such appropriations are shown as inter-fund transfers on the Consolidated Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund Balances.

Expenses Funded From Future Revenues:Expenses Funded from Future Revenues records the amount of unpaid vacation pay for permanent non-academic

staff which will be funded from future revenues. It also records the actuarially determined expense for employee futurebenefits.

f. Restricted FundsCapital Asset Fund:The Capital Asset Fund consists of restricted contributions resulting from capital asset co-funding arrangements

with external parties, contributed capital assets, sinking fund investment income and government grants, restricted forthe purpose of acquiring capital assets and retiring capital advances. Expenses include interest on debt relating to theacquisition or construction of capital assets, amortization and gains or losses on disposal of capital assets, including writedowns resulting from obsolescence.

Research and Special Fund:The Research and Special Fund consists of contributions specifically restricted for research or other special

activities. Contributions are provided from both federal and provincial granting agencies and other public and privatesources. These funds are spent in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the governing contracts and agreements.

Staff Benefits Fund:The Staff Benefits Fund is divided into Fund Accounts for Pension Reserve, Self-Insured Plans and Benefit Reserve,

the revenues of which are restricted for the purposes noted.

(i) Pension Reserve:This Fund Account is restricted for special payments towards any unfunded liability of The University of Manitoba

Pension Plans (1970) and (1993) and other pension obligations.

(ii) Self-Insured Plans:This Fund Account records the assets and liabilities for two self-insured benefit plans, the Long-Term Disability

Income Plan and the Dental Plan. The Long Term Disability Income Plan is used for long term disability paymentsarising on and after June 1, 1981 for eligible staff. The Plan contains two funds, one for the payment of Basic Benefitsand another for the payment of Cost-of-Living Benefits. The Dental Plan is administered by a contracted third party.Surplus funds are held for the purpose of covering deficits which may occur in this self-insured plan.

(iii) Benefit Reserve:This Fund Account is used for the support of current and future staff benefit programs. Experience refunds related

to the group insurance plans are credited to this Fund Account. Employment Insurance premium savings resulting fromthe extended sick leave coverage provided by the University are also credited to this Fund Account.

Trust Fund:The Trust Fund records gifts and bequests received which may be used in their entirety along with net investment

income earned on these funds, according to donor restrictions. The majority of these funds are used for scholarships,bursaries, awards, loans, and other scholarly activities.

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(in thousands of dollars)


g. Endowment FundThe Endowment Fund records gifts and bequests received with the stipulation that these funds be invested in

perpetuity and the income earned be utilized for designated purposes. In certain cases, the donor requires that a portionof the current investment income also be capitalized. As such, these funds are added to the capital account of theendowment.

h. Revenue RecognitionRestricted contributions relating to general operations are recognized as revenue of the General Operating Fund

in the year in which the related expenses are incurred. All other restricted contributions are recognized as revenue of theappropriate restricted Fund when received.

Unrestricted contributions, including sales of goods and services and ancillary revenues, are recognized as revenueof the General Operating Fund in the year received or receivable, if the amount to be received can be reasonablyestimated and collection is reasonably assured. Investment income earned on temporary surplus funds, with theexception of trust and endowment funds, is recorded as unrestricted income in the General Operating Fund.

Contributions for endowment purposes are recognized as revenue in the Endowment Fund in the year received.Investment income earned on endowments is recorded in the appropriate Fund depending on the restrictions imposedby the original donor.

i. Contributed Materials and ServicesGifts-in-kind for materials other than capital assets are recorded in the consolidated financial statements to the

extent that they are eligible for an official donation receipt, since this results in the capture of the information in theUniversity’s financial records.

Because of the difficulty involved in tracking and recording contributed services, however, the market value of theseservices are not recognized in the consolidated financial statements. Contributed services include activities such asmembership on the University’s Board of Governors and its various committees, lecturing services and volunteer servicesat fund-raising or sporting events all of which are performed by staff, students and the community at no charge to theUniversity. These services, although not recognized in the consolidated financial statements, are critical to the successfulfunctioning of the University.

j. InvestmentsTemporary surplus cash is invested in the short term money market.

Trust and endowment funds are invested in either the University Investment Trust (“UIT”) or the Specific Trusts. TheUIT is pooled for investment purposes. Within the UIT individual capital accounts are unitized, in order to improve theprotection of the real value of capital balances against inflation and to facilitate the equitable distribution of income basedon the number of units. A new market value per unit is determined monthly. Capital contributions and withdrawals arebased on the current market value per unit. Trust and endowment funds held in the UIT are invested in fixed incomesecurities and in the equity markets. These investments are professionally managed and held in the custody of anindependent company. The Specific Trust funds are not pooled, but are invested individually in fixed income securities.

Staff benefits funds are invested in pooled funds in the fixed income securities and equity markets. Theseinvestments are professionally managed and held in the custody of an independent company. Income, including realizedgains and losses, is recognized on the accrual basis, net of administrative costs.

All investment income is recorded on an accrual basis. Realized gains on sales of investments are recognized inthe year of disposal. Losses are recognized in the year of disposal or when there is a loss in value of the investment thatis deemed to be other than temporary.

k. Pledges ReceivableThe University does not record pledges receivable in its consolidated financial statements. Revenue from gifts,

bequests and donations is recognized on a cash basis because of the uncertainty surrounding collection and in someinstances because of the difficulty in determining the valuation of pledges receivable. The University recognizes gifts anddonations to be received through the University of Manitoba Foundation U.S.A. Inc. only when the Board of Directors ofthe Foundation have formalized the transfer with a resolution, collectibility is reasonably assured and the valuation ofthese gifts and donations can be reasonably determined.

l. InventoriesInventories have been valued at the lower of cost and replacement cost.

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(in thousands of dollars)


m. Capital AssetsPurchased capital assets are recorded at cost. Capital assets which are constructed by the University are recorded

as Construction in Progress until the capital asset is put into use. Contributed capital assets are recorded at market valueat the date of contribution. Intangibles such as patents and copyrights are recorded at a nominal amount of one dollarin the year the patent or copyright is obtained.

Amortization is provided on a straight-line basis over the assets’ estimated useful lives as follows:

Buildings and Major Renovations 25-50 yearsComputer Hardware, Software and Electronics 5-10 years Library Books 10 yearsFurniture and Equipment 10 yearsParking Lots 20 yearsVehicles 5 years

Equipment acquired under a capital lease is amortized over the term of the lease. Works of art, treasures, rarebooks and manuscripts are not amortized. Capital assets acquired or constructed and put into use during the fiscal yearare amortized at one-half of the applicable rate.

n. CollectionsThe University holds a number of collections which have been donated to its libraries, faculties and schools over

the years. The library, faculty or school receiving the donation assumes responsibility for safeguarding and preservingthe collection. The University seldom, if ever, disposes of its collections or of individual pieces in its collections andtherefore does not have a formal policy with respect to the use of proceeds of disposal. However, the University abidesby all restrictions placed by donors at the time a donation is received, which may include restrictions imposed relatingto the sale of a collection or items contained therein.

The University’s policy with regard to its collections is to fund maintenance expenses from the General OperatingFund, if monies are not available for such purposes in a Restricted Fund. The cost of maintenance is not tracked andis therefore not determinable.

o. Pension CostsThe cost of pension benefits earned by employees who are members of the University of Manitoba Pension Plan

(1970) and the University of Manitoba Pension Plan (1993) is determined actuarially using the projected unit creditactuarial cost method and management’s best estimate of expected plan investment performance, salary escalation andretirement ages of employees. Pension costs for The University of Manitoba GFT Pension Plan (1986) are based on thecontributions required of the University by that Plan.

p. Financial InstrumentsThe financial instruments at the University consist of cash, short term investments, accounts receivable, long term

investments, accounts payable and long term debt. Unless otherwise noted, it is management’s opinion that theUniversity is not exposed to significant interest, currency, market or credit risks arising from these financial instruments.The fair values of these instruments approximate their carrying values, unless otherwise disclosed.

q. Employee Future BenefitsThe University accrues its obligations for employee future benefit plans relating to health, dental, long term disability

and group life insurance. The cost of non-pension post-retirement and post-employment benefits earned by employeesis actuarially determined using the projected benefit method pro-rated on service and management’s best estimate ofsalary escalation, retirement ages of employees and expected health care costs.

r. Foreign Currency TranslationMonetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the year end exchange rate.

Revenues and expenses are translated at exchange rates on the transaction dates. Gains or losses arising from thesetranslations are included in earnings.

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(in thousands of dollars)


3. INVESTMENTSThe fair values and book values of investments as at March 31 are:

2003 2003 2002

Fair Value Book Value Book ValueGeneral, Research & CapitalBankers Acceptance and Bearer Deposit Notes $ 91,645 $ 91,645 $ 81,479

Trust & EndowmentBankers Acceptance, Guaranteed Investment Certificates and Cash $ 14,261 $ 14,261 $ 12,486

Bonds and Other Fixed Income Securities:

Government of Canada 15,474 15,550 20,165 Province of Manitoba 3,320 3,331 877

Other Provincial 2,612 2,549 6,536 Municipal 2,662 2,575 2,575 Corporate 20,785 19,985 20,093 Other 3,800 3,702 2,848

48,653 47,692 53,094Equities: Canadian Equities 48,714 52,765 50,921 US Equities 31,518 40,772 33,628 International Equities 31,359 41,690 35,626

111,591 135,227 120,175

$ 174,505 $ 197,180 $ 185,755 4. FUNDS ON DEPOSIT FOR STAFF BENEFITS

The fair value and book value of investments held for Staff Benefits as at March 31 are:

2003 2003 2002 Fair Value Book Value Book Value

Money Market Fund and Cash $ 400 $ 400 $ 433Bonds 9,874 9,327 10,993Equities 15,201 18,144 16,993Mortgage Fund 2,821 2,738 3,246

$ 28,296 $ 30,609 $ 31,665Held For: Pension Reserve $ 6,921 $ 7,509 $ 7,700Self Insured Plans 15,424 16,711 16,367Benefit Reserve 5,951 6,389 7,598

$ 28,296 $ 30,609 $ 31,665 5. INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES

University of Manitoba Research Ltd., incorporated under the Manitoba Corporations Act, is a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of the University. University of Manitoba Research and Development Corporation is a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of University of Manitoba Research Ltd. Both subsidiary companies have a March 31 year end and wereinactive during the 2002/03 fiscal year. The consolidated net income (loss) of University of Manitoba Research Ltd. isrecorded in the Research and Special Fund in the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances.

Small Business Law Clinic (MB) Inc. is a wholly-owned not-for-profit corporation without share capital. The purposeof the corporation is to operate a clinic, whereby students from the Faculty of Law may develop skills that are prerequisiteto a successful solicitor-client relationship and in the process, assist community-based entrepreneurs and small businessowners by dispensing legal information at a nominal cost. The company is exempt from income taxes under Section 149of the Income Tax Act.

6. ECONOMIC INTEREST IN RELATED ENTITIESa. The University of Manitoba Foundation U.S.A. Inc.

The University has an economic interest in the University of Manitoba Foundation U.S.A. Inc. (“the Foundation”)which is an Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation incorporated in December 1989. The Foundation’s purpose is exclusivelycharitable, literary, scientific and educational and its activities include the promotion, encouragement, aid andadvancement of higher education, research and training in the Province of Manitoba, in Canada and elsewhere. The

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(in thousands of dollars)


Foundation is exempt from U.S.A. Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Board of Directors of the Foundation is an independent board whose members direct and guide theFoundation’s actions. Members on the Board include, among others, certain senior staff of the University of Manitoba.The University of Manitoba, however, is one of many universities eligible to receive aid from the Foundation. TheUniversity must make application to the Foundation’s Board of Directors to request funds, which may or may not begranted. The University’s economic interest therefore is beneficial, as gifts and donations which are solicited by theFoundation may be transferred to the University of Manitoba from time to time.

b. Biovar Life Support Inc.The University has a 25% interest in Biovar Life Support Inc. (“Biovar”) which is a profit-oriented company. Biovar

has a June 30 year end. The University accounts for its investment in Biovar utilizing the cost method as it does not havesignificant influence in the management and/or direction of the company.


Accumulated Net Book Net Book Cost Amortization Value Value

Land $ 9,873 $ $ 9,873 $ 9,800Buildings and Major Renovations 317,984 94,625 223,359 205,223Construction in Progress 18,342 18,342 3,656Library Books 101,442 70,914 30,528 26,224Rare Books and Manuscripts 3,688 3,688 3,554Works of Art 800 800 784Computer Hardware, Software and Electronics 89,299 67,351 21,948 17,755Furniture and Equipment 107,720 65,704 42,016 33,321Vehicles 5,524 4,247 1,277 1,308Parking Lots 1,338 131 1,207 1,173Assets Under Capital Lease 3,239 2,741 498 738

$ 659,249 $ 305,713 $ 353,536 $ 303,536 8. CONSTRUCTION LOAN

The construction loan represents a Bankers Acceptance with an all-in interest rate of 3.45%, maturing on June 27,2003. Upon completion of the construction of the Arthur V. Mauro Student Residence, the construction loan will beconverted to long term debt using Bankers Acceptances hedged with an interest rate swap.

Prior to year end, the University entered into a 25 year forward interest rate swap agreement whereby the Universityhas fixed an all-in interest rate on a long term loan facility for the Arthur V. Mauro Student Residence. The effective dateof the interest rate swap agreement is September 1, 2003 and the University will begin making monthly blended principaland interest repayments at a fixed rate of 5.92% beginning on October 1, 2003.

The University’s exposure to interest rate risk is managed through the use of this swap agreement. The stampingfee rate is fixed until September 1, 2013, while the swap rate is fixed until September 1, 2028. The long term loan will beamortized for 25 years.

9. CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS Minimum lease payments which includes principal and interest under the capital lease obligations are as follows:

2004 $ 293

2005 188 2006 1782007 85

Total Minimum Lease Payments 744

Less: Interest at 6.3% (67)677

Less: Current Portion (257)$ 420

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(in thousands of dollars)


10. LONG TERM DEBT 2003 2002Term Loans:University Parkade, 6.51%, due July 30, 2004 $ 3,597 $ 3,718University Parkade, Prime less .75%, due August 1, 2019 856 908Helen Glass Centre for Nursing, 6.75%, due November 1, 2004 1,157 1,287

*Smartpark Multi Tenant Facility, 6.05% due October 31, 2112 1,491 7,101 5,913

Less : Current Portion (345) (305)

$ 6,756 $ 5,608

* Represents debt of Smartpark Development Corporation.

2003 2002

Province of Manitoba Capital Advances: Urgent Projects:

5 7/8% due May 20, 2007 $ 482 $ 482 7 1/8% due July 27, 2008 706 706

6 7/8% due December 15, 2009 257 257 6 7/8% due March 31, 2011 555 555

Utility Service Tunnel - 9.3335% due March 31, 2003 2,665 2,000 4,665Less: Sinking Fund Assets on Deposit with the

Province of Manitoba (1,958) (4,490)$ 42 $ 175

The fair value of Sinking Fund Assets at March 31, 2003 is $1,886 (2002, $4,416).

Principal repayments on long term debt payable over the next five years are as follows:

Term Loans Capital Advances Total

2004 $ 345 $ $ 3452005 4,570 4,5702006 83 83 2007 85 482 567 2008 87 706 793 Thereafter 1,931 812 2,743

$ 7,101 $ 2,000 $ 9,101

11. EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS The University of Manitoba provides certain health, dental, and group life benefits for its retired employees and longterm disability benefits for current employees.

The current year benefit income for existing and future retirees of the University is $2,032 (2002, expense of$5,035). This income includes a curtailment gain of $11,743 offset by losses of $3,113. The curtailment gain is a resultof plan changes that now require retirees to pay for a portion of the premiums and changes to eligibility of retirees for basicextended life, health, and dental benefits.

The accrued benefit obligation relating to these defined benefit plans is $51,036 as at March 31, 2003 (2002,$55,086). The plan assets relating to these defined benefit plans is $18,719 as at March 31, 2003 (2002, $18,848). Thetype of assets held are disclosed in note 4.

In the current year, expected claims for extended health and dental benefits were based on the actual rates in effectas of April 1, 2002. Claims cost for extended health benefits were assumed to increase at an annual rate of 8% for thenext 8 years and at a rate of 5% thereafter. Claims cost for dental benefits were assumed to increase at an annual rateof 6% for the next 3 years and at an annual rate of 4% thereafter. Group life benefits are expected to increase at a rateof 2.5% per annum. Further, in measuring the University’s accrued benefit obligation, the actuary assumed a discountrate of 6.5%.

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(in thousands of dollars)


Other information about the University’s defined benefit plan is as follows:

Employer contribution $ 2,768Employees’ contributions $ 906Benefits Paid $ 4,241Expected return on plan assets 6.50%

12. INTER-FUND ADVANCES AND LOANSInter-Fund advances and loans at March 31 are as follows:

2003 2002General Operating Fund: Due from Trust $ 36 $ 954 Due from Capital Asset 15,663 4,168

$ 15,699 $ 5,122Capital Asset Fund:

Due to Operating $ (15,663) $ (4,168)

Trust Fund: Due to Operating $ (36) $ (954)

13. INTER-FUND TRANSFERSInter-fund transfers from the General Operating Fund include $20,949 (2002, $16,039) of transfers to the Capital

Asset Fund to cover the purchase of capital assets and debt servicing costs and $11,144 (2002, $11,269) of transfersto the Specific Provisions Fund to provide future funding for the replacement, improvement or emergency maintenanceof capital assets, fiscal stabilization fund and for the early retirement incentive plan. The University’s policy is to allowcertain academic and administrative units who underspend their budgets in one year to carry over this amount for futureyears expenditures. As a result, inter-fund transfers also include $6,500 (2002, $1,400) to the Specific Provisions Fundto fund this carry over.

Inter-fund transfers from the Trust Fund include $1,208 (2002, $1,095) of transfers to the Research and SpecialFund to cover eligible costs of research and special activities.

Inter-fund transfers from the Research and Special Fund include $4,397 (2002, $4,697) of transfers to the CapitalAsset Fund to cover the purchase of capital assets and $1,584 (2002, $1,699) of transfers to the General Operating Fundto cover overhead costs incurred by general operations on research and non-research contracts.

Inter-fund transfers from the Specific Provisions Fund include $1,110 (2002, $901) of transfers to the CapitalAsset Fund to cover the purchase of capital assets.

14. CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL ASSETSContributions recognized in the Capital Asset Fund include contributed capital equipment and library books of $2,352

(2002, $862).

15. PENSION PLANSThe University of Manitoba administers the University of Manitoba Pension Plan (1970), The University of Manitoba

GFT Pension Plan (1986) and The University of Manitoba Pension Plan (1993). These are trusteed pension plans. TheTrustees are responsible for the custody of the Plans' assets and issuance of annual financial statements, which do notform part of the University's financial statements.

The University of Manitoba Pension Plan (1970) and University of Manitoba Pension Plan (1993) are both moneypurchase plans with a defined benefit minimum. The funding for the plans requires a matching contribution from theUniversity and the employees. The surplus from the Plans and the matching contribution is adequate to fund the Planand the current level of funding satisfies the requirements of the Manitoba Pensions Benefit Act.

The actuarial present value of accrued pension benefits has been determined using the projected unit creditactuarial cost method, and assumptions developed by reference to expected long-term market conditions. An actuarialvaluation effective December 31, 1999 was completed in 2000 by Eckler Partners Ltd., a firm of consulting actuaries. The

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(in thousands of dollars)


results of this valuation have been extrapolated by Eckler Partners Ltd. to December 31, 2002. As at December 31, 2002,the University of Manitoba Pension Plan (1970) and The University of Manitoba Pension Plan (1993) were in an actuarialsurplus of $774 (2001, $737) and $4,448 (2001, $23,282), respectively. The University cannot access this surplus andas a result, no asset has been recorded.

The actuarial present value of benefits as at December 31 and the principal components of changes in actuarialpresent values during the year, were as follows: 2002 2001

1993 1970 1993 1970 Plan Plan Plan Plan

Actuarial present value of accrued pension benefits at beginning of year $ 665,110 $ 14,492 $ 623,175 $ 13,612

Interest accrued on benefits 36,561 384 55,564 1,191Benefits accrued 22,422 1,211 20,313 1,118Benefits paid (36,541) (1,300) (33,277) (1,915)Actuarial gain/loss 411 1 (665) 486

Actuarial present value of accrued pension

benefits at end of year $ 687,963 $ 14,788 $ 665,110 $ 14,492

The significant long-term assumptions used in the valuation of the accrued pension benefits were a rate of returnon assets of 7% per annum, a general rate of salary increase of 2.5% for the first two years and 5% thereafter, and a 6%interest assumption on the basis for converting member accumulations into annuities. However, in preparing theextrapolation the investment return used for 2002 was 2.73%, being the rates of return for those years based on theactuarial asset values.

The actuarial value of net assets available for benefits, has been determined using a five year moving average fairvalue method. Under this method, the fair value is the underlying basis, but capital gains and losses are amortized overa five year period.

The fair and actuarial values of net assets available for benefits as at December 31 were as follows:

2002 2001 1993 1970 1993 1970 Plan Plan Plan Plan

Fair value of net assets available for benefits $ 692,411 $ 15,562 $ 737,431 $ 16,314

Fair value changes not reflected in the actuarial value of net assets (49,039) (1,085)Actuarial value of net assets available for benefits $ 692,411 $ 15,562 $ 688,392 $ 15,229

The University recognized expenses equal to its contributions of $10,806 (2002, $10,112) for the 1970 Plan and forthe 1993 Plan for the year ended March 31, 2003. Employee contributions matched the employer contributions.

The next full actuarial valuation of the Plans will be effective December 31, 2003 and will be completed in 2004.

The University of Manitoba GFT Pension Plan (1986) is a defined contribution pension plan, therefore, there is norequirement for an actuarial valuation of this Plan. The University’s contributions to this Plan were $1,573 in 2003 (2002$1,530).

The University approved amendments to the University of Manitoba Pension Plan (1993) to comply with therequirements of Canada Customs Revenue Agency (CCRA) in January 2001. In 2002 CCRA confirmed that this Planhas obtained registered status.


The University of Manitoba is a member of the Canadian Universities Reciprocal Insurance Exchange (CURIE).CURIE pools the property damage and public liability insurance risks of its members. All members pay annual depositpremiums, which are actuarially determined and are subject to further assessment in the event members' premiumsand reserves are insufficient to cover losses and expenses. No additional assessment was necessary for the current year.

Contractual commitments relating to construction in progress amount to $13,488 (2002, $7,427).

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(in thousands of dollars)


On March 31, 1997, the University of Manitoba entered into an energy performance contract with MCW EnergyReduction Services Ltd. (“MCW”). Under the terms of a Tri-Party agreement, the University has agreed to the assignmentby MCW to Paribas Bank of all right, title and interest in payment of monies by the University under the energyperformance contract. This agreement provides remedies to the University and Paribas in the event that MCW defaultson its obligations under the energy performance contract or receivable sale agreement. The University is contingentlyliable for any termination value owing to Paribas existing at the time of default by MCW. The amount of the potentialliability, if any, cannot be estimated at this time.

The University of Manitoba is named as a defendant in litigations where action has commenced or is anticipated.While the ultimate outcome of these proceedings cannot be predicted at this time, management and its legal counsel areof the opinion that the outcome will not have a material effect on the financial position of the University. No provision hasbeen made in the financial statements in respect of these claims, as of March 31, 2003.

17. COMPARATIVE FIGURESComparative figures for the year ended March 31, 2002 have been restated, where appropriate, to conform with the

presentation adopted for March 31, 2003.

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Schedule 1 Tuition and Related Fees

March 31, March 31,Undergraduate Graduate 2003 Undergraduate Graduate 2002

Degree ProgramsRegular Session:Agricultural and Food Sciences 996,918$ 294,219$ 1,291,137$ 1,237,930$ 275,830$ 1,513,760$ Architecture 1,104,150 541,241 1,645,391 1,091,372 394,923 1,486,295Arts 13,171,599 739,711 13,911,310 12,317,292 715,965 13,033,257Continuing Education Distance Programs 2,851,251 2,851,251 2,705,105 2,705,105Dentistry 2,158,693 189,241 2,347,934 1,802,229 95,209 1,897,438Education 1,876,072 302,681 2,178,753 1,739,287 269,171 2,008,458Engineering 2,501,550 638,400 3,139,950 2,524,470 531,003 3,055,473Human Ecology 1,072,811 70,319 1,143,130 960,280 102,341 1,062,621I. H. Asper School of Business 5,274,523 682,612 5,957,135 4,851,226 624,357 5,475,583Interdisciplinary 39,698 39,698 5,819 26,885 32,704Law 1,155,031 18,741 1,173,772 1,036,642 11,392 1,048,034Medicine 3,543,133 476,969 4,020,102 3,477,221 440,642 3,917,863Natural Resources Institute 169,627 169,627 148,178 148,178Nursing 2,978,351 180,733 3,159,084 2,891,664 151,591 3,043,255Pharmacy 701,393 39,541 740,934 652,293 42,870 695,163Physical Education and Recreation Studies 1,031,658 52,501 1,084,159 1,043,985 43,157 1,087,142School of Art 1,115,625 1,115,625 1,053,826 1,053,826School of Music 464,706 37,541 502,247 434,808 14,772 449,580Science 12,520,030 569,004 13,089,034 11,676,785 455,682 12,132,467Social Work 1,079,133 235,856 1,314,989 1,100,295 230,748 1,331,043University 1 546,411 546,411 479,602 479,602

56,143,038 5,278,635 61,421,673 53,082,131 4,574,716 57,656,847

Summer Session:Agricultural and Food Sciences 4,800 4,800 286 2,954 3,240Architecture 16,974 2,216 19,190 15,059 739 15,798Arts 1,734,863 9,429 1,744,292 1,587,978 16,175 1,604,153Continuing Education Distance Programs 604,127 604,127 470,738 470,738Dentistry 738 738Education 171,836 4,062 175,898 220,690 7,201 227,891Engineering 91,914 7,948 99,862 85,720 6,019 91,739Human Ecology 116,993 1,108 118,101 110,689 1,108 111,797I. H. Asper School of Business 657,394 19,471 676,865 523,858 24,369 548,227Interdisciplinary 3,463 3,463Law 246 246Medicine 122,188 2,783 124,971 106,085 2,216 108,301Nursing 735,045 1,108 736,153 689,021 1,477 690,498Pharmacy 369 369Physical Education and Recreation Studies 57,005 57,005 49,808 49,808School of Art 88,144 88,144 65,306 65,306School of Music 31,493 31,493 47,906 47,906Science 1,476,701 6,952 1,483,653 1,417,629 6,864 1,424,493Social Work 369,368 10,947 380,315 293,191 7,040 300,231

6,274,291 75,394 6,349,685 5,683,964 76,162 5,760,126

Miscellaneous Fees 1,760,641 1,489,485

Non-Degree ProgramsContinuing Education Division 6,686,171 6,540,171Other Faculties 2,908,268 2,266,537

79,126,438$ 73,713,166$


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Schedule 2 Changes to Research and Special Fund (Page 1)

Balance BalanceMarch 31, Inter-Fund March 31,

2002 Revenue Expense Transfers 2003Sponsored or Assisted Research: Government of Canada: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 2,137,039$ 2,388,206$ 2,335,648$ (8,125)$ 2,181,472$ Canadian Institutes of Health Research 7,245,582 17,639,229 15,848,295 (40,000) 8,996,516 Canadian International Development Agency 875,563 6,591,779 4,734,419 3,889,853 6,622,776 Miscellaneous 1,510,487 2,744,729 2,675,588 (201,379) 1,378,249 Networks of Centres of Excellence 134,785 3,200,000 3,317,301 17,484 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 5,939,686 12,186,213 11,664,954 (22,625) 6,438,320

17,843,142 44,750,156 40,576,205 3,617,724 25,634,817

Province of Manitoba: Agriculture 208,045 773,309 735,198 246,156 Health Research Initiative 3,390,538 1,452,375 673,252 4,169,661 Health Research Council 1,731,051 1,762,283 2,358,144 1,135,190 Miscellaneous 1,565,862 2,226,760 2,365,396 (50,248) 1,376,978

6,895,496 6,214,727 6,131,990 (50,248) 6,927,985

Business and Industry 4,353,178 3,158,122 3,549,867 (57,286) 3,904,147Foundations, Associations, etc. 7,450,311 14,668,832 13,500,986 1,353,729 9,971,886Individuals 1,171,381 451,268 888,943 437,050 1,170,756Manitoba Heart Foundation 394,083 771,172 903,158 262,097National Cancer Institute of Canada 370,448 1,122,085 1,150,570 341,963Special Projects 988,533 1,022,528 608,628 2,066 1,404,499United States 3,860,126 6,852,823 4,806,348 (412,537) 5,494,064

18,588,060 28,046,830 25,408,500 1,323,022 22,549,412

Sub-Total 43,326,698 79,011,713 72,116,695 4,890,498 55,112,214

Schedule 2 Changes to Research and Special Fund (Page 2)

Balance BalanceMarch 31, Inter-Fund March 31,

2002 Revenue Expense Transfers 2003Special Funds: Government of Canada: Health Canada (23,686)$ 2,954,699$ 2,780,201$ (218,005)$ (67,193)$ Miscellaneous 5,639,374 762,382 1,577,748 (4,166,366) 657,642

5,615,688 3,717,081 4,357,949 (4,384,371) 590,449 Province of Manitoba: Health 1,702,629 8,450,403 8,684,933 1,468,099 Miscellaneous 30,986 187,227 179,787 38,426 1,733,615 8,637,630 8,864,720 1,506,525

Business and Industry 275,572 162,648 192,030 21,188 267,378Foundations, Associations, etc. 2,002,413 4,593,754 4,643,320 (373,755) 1,579,092Individuals 1,682,633 1,354,885 1,033,349 (819,780) 1,184,389Special Projects 541,683 1,102,583 905,460 (48,611) 690,195

4,502,301 7,213,870 6,774,159 (1,220,958) 3,721,054 Sub-Total 11,851,604 19,568,581 19,996,828 (5,605,329) 5,818,028 Total Research and Special Funds 55,178,302 98,580,294 92,113,523 (714,831) 60,930,242

Less Capitalized Items (4,320,822) (4,320,822)

98,580,294$ 87,792,701$ (5,035,653)$ Balance End of Year 55,178,302$ 60,930,242$


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Schedule 3 Changes to Capital Asset Fund

March 31, March 31,2003 2002

Revenue: Contributions, Donations, etc. 6,717,875$ 3,066,698$ Council on Post-Secondary Education 10,130,219 11,514,928Canada Foundation for Innovation 9,228,913 2,656,604Investment Income 243,983 204,348Other Province of Manitoba 425,000 365,292Province of Manitoba Innovation Fund 9,176,980 2,706,603Western Economic Development Corporation 944,366 1,065,000

36,867,336 21,579,473


Amortization of Capital Assets 25,418,472 22,470,806Interest on Bank Loan, Capital Advances and Capital Lease Obligations 796,503 1,085,635

26,214,975 23,556,441

Inter-Fund Transfers 25,514,803 22,182,656

Net Change in the Year 36,167,164 20,205,688Balance Beginning of the Year 308,220,397 288,014,709

Balance End of the Year 344,387,561$ 308,220,397$

Schedule 4 Changes to Specific Provisions Fund

Balance BalanceMarch 31, March 31,

2002 Additions Deductions 2003

Administrative Systems Renewal 15,977,037$ 1,429,678$ 860,093$ 16,546,622$ Ancillary Furniture and Equipment Replacement 1,986,740 640,091 512,567 2,114,264Building on Strengths Capital Campaign 1,837,840 735,102 1,172,942 1,400,000Computer Equipment Replacement 1,838,721 2,272,784 1,337,215 2,774,290Copier Replacement 509,929 115,850 394,079Fiscal Stabilization 5,578,471 5,000,000 3,299,000 7,279,471Parking Lot Improvements 3,014,329 1,553,274 1,286,127 3,281,476Physical Education Equipment Replacement 125,216 44,943 1,285 168,874Special Funding Arrangements and Unit Carry Overs 9,646,984 6,497,775 100,000 16,044,759Special Projects & Initiatives 1,588,963 1,165,958 121,009 2,633,912Vehicle and Other Equipment Replacement 601,552 994 229,047 373,499Workers' Compensation Self Insurance 250,000 250,000

19,340,599$ 9,035,135$

Balance End of Year 42,955,782$ 53,261,246$


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Schedule 5 Changes to Staff Benefits Fund

Pension Self-Insured Benefit March 31, March 31,Reserve Plans Reserve 2003 2002

Revenue: Investment Income 249,215$ 618,130$ 189,390$ 1,056,735$ 2,215,113$ Contributions 918,826 918,826 868,083Experience Credits 26,780 26,780 55,547

249,215 1,563,736 189,390 2,002,341 3,138,743Expense: Experience Loss 414,678 414,678 130,493Indemnity Payments 13,943 1,443,703 1,457,646 1,483,169Management and Administrative Service Fees 25,165 238,709 48,840 312,714 313,668

39,108 1,682,412 463,518 2,185,038 1,927,330

Net Revenue (Expense) 210,107 (118,676) (274,128) (182,697) 1,211,413

Inter-Fund Transfers (1,018,368) (3,318,303) (934,189) (5,270,860) (1,332,318)Balance Beginning of the Year 4,871,206 5,092,702 7,597,869 17,561,777 17,682,682

Balance End of the Year 4,062,945$ 1,655,723$ 6,389,552$ 12,108,220$ 17,561,777$

Schedule 6 Revenue and Expense, Ancillary Enterprises

Bookstore,Phamacy, March 31, March 31,Post Office Parking Residences 2003 2002

Revenue 19,631,835$ 4,059,404$ 2,630,571$ 26,321,810$ 25,590,570$

Expense: Salaries 2,512,750 368,013 1,048,197 3,928,960 3,726,240Staff Benefits 338,318 59,210 154,962 552,490 496,542Pay Tax Levy 54,143 7,928 24,695 86,766 73,984Cost of Goods Sold 15,547,542 15,547,542 14,987,644Equipment, Alterations, etc. 68,215 20,710 108,826 197,751 218,740Supplies and Expense 925,814 1,663,994 965,967 3,555,775 3,630,808

19,446,782 2,119,855 2,302,647 23,869,284 23,133,958

Net Revenue 185,053 1,939,549 327,924 2,452,526 2,456,612

Inter-Fund Transfers (185,053) (1,936,275) (327,194) (2,448,522) (2,146,351)

Net Income 2003 $ 3,274$ 730$ 4,004$

Net Income 2002 303,092$ 4,892$ 2,277$ 310,261$


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Schedule 7 Net Operating Expenditures (Page 1)Total

Deduct Expenditure Deduct

Inter- Sales of Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental March 31, Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income 2003 Services 2003 2002Academic Faculties Agricultural and Food Sciences 5,524,924$ 338,740$ 2,943,627$ 1,144,844$ 188,103$ 1,047,151$ 245,635$ 11,433,024$ 100,675$ 11,332,349$ 825,940$ 10,506,409$ 10,527,053$ Architecture 2,800,640 172,054 736,749 453,234 80,142 541,378 50,360 4,834,557 22,968 4,811,589 59,001 4,752,588 4,783,196 Arts 19,342,588 928,901 2,938,324 2,710,617 500,527 1,560,954 633,106 28,615,017 34,757 28,580,260 41,007 28,539,253 27,660,543 Continuing Education Division 4,722,539 754,396 2,767,763 930,599 174,733 4,542,666 1,063,634 14,956,330 141,195 14,815,135 132,558 14,682,577 13,117,289 Dentistry 4,856,359 52,617 2,798,618 912,708 165,586 2,867,269 207,327 11,860,484 11,860,484 3,637,469 8,223,015 7,668,568 Education 3,740,263 351,585 927,030 591,709 108,133 800,471 213,972 6,733,163 47,414 6,685,749 17,929 6,667,820 6,588,713 Engineering 6,012,182 613,060 2,165,839 1,034,844 188,955 1,101,546 205,537 11,321,963 106,018 11,215,945 185,234 11,030,711 10,638,652 Environment 100,988 45,422 14,953 3,154 23,050 8,661 196,228 196,228 196,228 School of Art 1,519,214 4,461 209,362 209,019 37,388 196,269 56,240 2,231,953 1,980 2,229,973 20,630 2,209,343 2,145,223 Graduate Studies 133,413 2,569,876 396,194 79,880 12,144 186,347 38,145 3,415,999 3,415,999 27,000 3,388,999 2,953,637 Human Ecology 1,953,515 122,799 426,560 306,150 53,172 283,007 52,576 3,197,779 3,197,779 96,313 3,101,466 2,975,787 Law 2,032,092 102,446 349,158 275,926 53,507 240,681 74,151 3,127,961 9,000 3,118,961 51,408 3,067,553 2,997,631 I. H. Asper School of Business 5,173,185 401,751 1,514,132 797,073 151,374 1,433,525 334,814 9,805,854 89,386 9,716,468 25,398 9,691,070 8,603,499 Medicine 14,077,362 528,451 4,477,933 2,660,024 422,134 3,473,960 1,004,138 26,644,002 913,467 25,730,535 1,223,650 24,506,885 22,339,096 School of Music 1,715,073 111,645 223,526 228,435 44,234 1,012,346 145,456 3,480,715 3,480,715 67,588 3,413,127 2,946,314 Natural Resources Institute 496,286 31,070 87,398 70,862 12,688 70,672 19,763 788,739 352 788,387 2,463 785,924 690,037 Nursing 3,498,221 2,480,213 1,114,253 865,476 150,811 1,127,412 269,832 9,506,218 27,410 9,478,808 5,700 9,473,108 9,117,034 Pharmacy 1,366,733 23,464 307,034 206,120 36,585 222,932 110,511 2,273,379 2,273,379 2,273,379 2,109,059 Physical Education and Recreation Studies 1,497,067 122,285 222,296 218,731 39,349 247,526 100,666 2,447,920 2,447,920 4,400 2,443,520 2,267,975 Science 15,003,594 1,615,902 3,718,010 2,346,474 432,624 2,010,317 1,067,780 26,194,701 359,006 25,835,695 928,014 24,907,681 23,599,870 Social Work 2,776,291 63,581 674,349 451,787 76,425 606,968 232,716 4,882,117 63,213 4,818,904 123,959 4,694,945 4,220,434 University 1 153,197 40,918 381,381 73,686 12,391 165,371 10,202 837,146 18,684 818,462 6,252 812,210 792,412

98,495,726 11,430,215 29,424,958 16,583,151 2,944,159 23,761,818 6,145,222 188,785,249 1,935,525 186,849,724 7,481,913 179,367,811 168,742,022 Less Capitalized Items (3,867,238) (3,867,238) (3,867,238) (3,867,238) (4,146,367)

98,495,726 11,430,215 29,424,958 16,583,151 2,944,159 23,761,818 2,277,984 184,918,011 1,935,525 182,982,486 7,481,913 175,500,573 164,595,655

Other Academic Support Information Services and Technology 7,041,637 960,898 151,649 1,581,384 4,736,923 14,472,491 647,925 13,824,566 375,422 13,449,144 13,796,185 Institutes, Centres and Specialized Academic Units 19,840 156,839 612,789 105,102 16,793 1,159,711 58,459 2,129,533 102,452 2,027,081 1,167,996 859,085 755,498 Research Development 43,353 158,630 59,498 12,016 3,347 1,463,013 668,923 2,408,780 2,408,780 2,357,364 51,416 (512,287) Staff Development Program 2,585 353 195 113 223,003 124 226,373 226,373 226,373 213,971 Colleges 298,617 1,187 496,733 107,694 17,167 126,643 36,247 1,084,288 27,098 1,057,190 1,057,190 1,061,852

361,810 319,241 8,211,010 1,185,905 189,069 4,553,754 5,500,676 20,321,465 777,475 19,543,990 3,900,782 15,643,208 15,315,219 Less Capitalized Items (2,736,407) (2,736,407) (2,736,407) (2,736,407) (2,223,865)

361,810 319,241 8,211,010 1,185,905 189,069 4,553,754 2,764,269 17,585,058 777,475 16,807,583 3,900,782 12,906,801 13,091,354

Libraries Elizabeth Dafoe Library 2,017,765 500 2,977,736 697,346 107,725 4,007,839 462,728 10,271,639 15,881 10,255,758 511,105 9,744,653 8,777,770 Agriculture Library 57,946 49,021 14,895 2,304 119,964 244,130 244,130 244,130 221,123 Architecture and Fine Arts Library 137,296 284,739 64,371 9,085 130,717 626,208 626,208 626,208 606,075 Dental Library 849 849 849 849 2,420 Education Library 47,932 80,726 20,667 2,772 106,094 258,191 258,191 258,191 214,058 Engineering Library 123,913 83,074 29,236 4,459 382,794 623,476 623,476 623,476 609,878 Law Library 203,695 237,220 61,510 9,498 636,017 1,548 1,149,488 762 1,148,726 6,858 1,141,868 1,102,535 Management Library 158,891 2,257 175,815 44,252 7,257 198,513 586,985 586,985 586,985 577,306 Medical Library 650,264 860,400 217,753 32,626 1,536,855 61,457 3,359,355 5,800 3,353,555 122,035 3,231,520 2,725,534 Music Library 69,903 70,287 17,509 3,020 40,580 201,299 201,299 201,299 190,668 Science Library 249,455 300,030 73,660 11,748 883,052 1,517,945 1,517,945 1,517,945 1,551,954 St. John's College Library 31,929 78,980 16,220 2,389 43,416 172,934 172,934 172,934 168,107 St. Paul's College Library 39,388 90,815 17,749 2,804 68,571 219,327 219,327 219,327 209,483

3,788,377 2,757 5,288,843 1,275,168 195,687 8,155,261 525,733 19,231,826 22,443 19,209,383 639,998 18,569,385 16,956,911 Less: Capitalized Items (297,946) (297,946) (297,946) (297,946) (406,215) Books & Periodicals Expensed (7,014,570) (7,014,570) (7,014,570) (7,014,570) (6,436,548)

3,788,377 2,757 5,288,843 1,275,168 195,687 1,140,691 227,787 11,919,310 22,443 11,896,867 639,998 11,256,869 10,114,148

Salaries and Wages Net Expenditure


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Schedule 7 Net Operating Expenditures (Page 2)Total

Deduct Expenditure Deduct

Inter- Sales of Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental March 31, Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income 2003 Services 2003 2002

Salaries and Wages Net Expenditure

Student Services Aboriginal Student Centre $ 486$ 159,292$ 18,643$ 3,440$ 112,397$ 3,558$ 297,816$ 505$ 297,311$ 13,671$ 283,640$ 250,567$ Alumni Association 64,105 8,298 1,381 443,263 517,047 517,047 517,047 462,584 Admissions Office 913,485 125,550 19,675 245,562 21,297 1,325,569 1,325,569 1,325,569 1,262,196 Chaplain's Office 3,249 3,249 3,249 3,249 3,348 Counselling Services 485,920 43,963 130,901 81,718 14,266 54,581 7,385 818,734 818,734 7,432 811,302 890,592 English Language Center 227,379 317,442 111,751 76,544 14,041 329,425 20,055 1,096,637 7,440 1,089,197 197,157 892,040 655,870 Financial Aid and Awards 215,961 26,684 4,649 26,879 274,173 274,173 274,173 240,258 Housing and Student life 83,494 11,529 1,798 18,079 201 115,101 115,101 3,015 112,086 115,151 International Centre for Students 216,552 24,445 4,661 25,202 8,131 278,991 278,991 30,704 248,287 265,154 Parent's Programs 8 13,366 13,374 13,374 13,374 13,024 Playcare Centre 109,867 15,025 2,366 8,458 8,048 143,764 143,764 26,433 117,331 100,956 Recreation and Athletics 371,643 252,844 2,330,861 320,772 63,668 1,568,867 222,187 5,130,842 23,659 5,107,183 3,979,962 1,127,221 808,049 Special Programming 106,811 170,176 697,905 134,977 21,265 286,074 17,885 1,435,093 12,088 1,423,005 43,925 1,379,080 1,209,982 Student Records Office 803,994 116,609 17,333 353,607 16,118 1,307,661 26,273 1,281,388 1,281,388 1,136,184 U.M.S.U. Special Projects 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 10,000 University Health Services 484,358 61,201 11,581 69,764 2,905 629,809 629,809 439,341 190,468 284,826

1,191,753 784,911 6,322,526 1,021,995 180,132 3,567,773 327,770 13,396,860 69,965 13,326,895 4,741,640 8,585,255 7,708,741 Less Capitalized Items (246,198) (246,198) (246,198) (246,198) (222,382)

1,191,753 784,911 6,322,526 1,021,995 180,132 3,567,773 81,572 13,150,662 69,965 13,080,697 4,741,640 8,339,057 7,486,359

Administration President's Office 1,010,204 12,500 2,331,190 399,094 72,237 865,457 192,377 4,883,059 329,155 4,553,904 80,750 4,473,154 3,824,984 Financial Services 2,903,619 422,707 62,989 220,121 90,481 3,699,917 49,164 3,650,753 54,309 3,596,444 3,350,345 Human Resources 2,039,048 281,871 44,008 742,308 147,760 3,254,995 466,745 2,788,250 3,665 2,784,585 2,638,717 Institutional Analysis 399,986 52,023 8,615 26,148 10,627 497,399 497,399 497,399 421,060 Audit Services 204,286 27,919 4,400 14,033 22,147 272,785 272,785 272,785 233,184 Legal Services 134,816 18,529 2,904 345,304 1,773 503,326 503,326 503,326 489,777 Office Machine Services 122,185 428,068 550,253 433,069 117,184 117,184 (183,875) University Secretariat 282,082 39,993 6,077 78,777 18,532 425,461 425,461 425,461 414,535 Staff Benefits Office 506,879 75,147 10,907 158,886 15,148 766,967 766,967 412,536 354,431 322,352 Public Affairs 332,206 48,621 7,156 871,152 9,679 1,268,814 569,416 699,398 10 699,388 676,418

1,010,204 12,500 9,134,112 1,365,904 219,293 3,444,371 936,592 16,122,976 1,847,549 14,275,427 551,270 13,724,157 12,187,497 Less Capitalized Items (453,680) (453,680) (453,680) (453,680) (205,433)

1,010,204 12,500 9,134,112 1,365,904 219,293 3,444,371 482,912 15,669,296 1,847,549 13,821,747 551,270 13,270,477 11,982,064

Physical Plant Insurance 886,430 886,430 886,430 886,430 573,285 Physical Plant 12,069,367 1,821,672 259,761 1,721,387 5,110,626 20,982,813 3,668,227 17,314,586 325,201 16,989,385 14,751,544 Security 1,155,132 169,313 24,890 199,475 24,948 1,573,758 699,984 873,774 873,774 828,423 Utilities: Fuel-Fort Garry 6,985,675 28,750 7,014,425 572,648 6,441,777 1,205,046 5,236,731 5,140,419 Fuel-Medical and Dental 1,777,353 141,795 1,919,148 109,815 1,809,333 11,069 1,798,264 1,937,337 Light, Power and Water 4,737,284 4,737,284 466,814 4,270,470 417,208 3,853,262 3,839,873 Telephone 328,257 44,854 7,084 1,519,280 9,329 1,908,804 2,821,739 (912,935) 39,882 (952,817) (953,289) Vehicle Fleet 27,966 20,644 48,610 75,133 (26,523) 714 (27,237) (22,857) Waste Management 28,855 4,072 621 19,704 903 54,155 54,155 82,186 (28,031) 3,974 Worker's Compensation 339,268 339,268 339,268 68,183 271,085 200,968 Auto Fleet 47,865 47,865 47,865 47,865

13,581,611 2,039,911 292,356 18,213,822 5,384,860 39,512,560 8,414,360 31,098,200 2,149,489 28,948,711 26,299,677 Less Capitalized Items (2,599,903) (2,599,903) (2,599,903) (2,599,903) (1,138,342)

13,581,611 2,039,911 292,356 18,213,822 2,784,957 36,912,657 8,414,360 28,498,297 2,149,489 26,348,808 25,161,335


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Schedule 7 Net Operating Expenditures (Page 3)Total

Deduct Expenditure Deduct

Inter- Sales of Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental March 31, Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income 2003 Services 2003 2002

Salaries and Wages Net Expenditure

General Expenditure 125th Anniversary $ $ 13,063$ 949$ 281$ 36,423$ $ 50,716$ 900$ 49,816$ $ 49,816$ 64,854$ Annual Giving Program 324,356 29,329 6,986 69,246 4,289 434,206 434,206 434,206 346,293 Audit Fees/Memberships 205,229 205,229 205,229 205,229 184,899 Bad Debt 460 460 460 460 19,371 Calendars and Registration 135,496 Campus Beautification 286 286 286 286 151,622 Campus Planning Group 706 706 706 706 54,335 Cancopy License and Fees 144,597 144,597 144,597 144,597 86,037 Change in Vacation Pay Liability 685,300 685,300 685,300 685,300 (179,016) Convocation 72,792 11,429 1,568 115,790 53,986 255,565 255,565 255,565 237,216 Employee Assistance Plan 163,410 163,410 163,410 163,410 164,699 Exchange and Bank Charges (238,444) (238,444) (238,444) (238,444) (173,173) External Relations 120,442 695,279 116,284 17,612 430,583 15,929 1,396,129 1,396,129 1,396,129 1,451,139 Handicapped Transport 1,795 1,795 1,795 1,795 2,021 Miscellaneous 145,380 145,380 145,380 145,380 134,666 Ombudsman 59,940 8,819 1,291 7,897 328 78,275 78,275 78,275 73,541 Outreach Programs 1,710 80 37 23,073 210 25,110 25,110 25,110 22,584 R.G. and E.M. Knight Distinguished Visitors Program 314 314 314 314 10,527 Private Funding 593,808 87,698 12,791 266,029 15,955 976,281 976,281 976,281 985,715 Retiring Allowances 8,053 8,053 8,053 2,398 5,655 6,408 Rentals 12 12 12 2,086 (2,074) (1,692) Executive Searches 20,682 20,682 20,682 20,682 108,173 Supplementary Health and Dental 1,195,284 1,195,284 1,195,284 1,195,284 1,006,020 Supplementary Pensions 936,981 936,981 936,981 468,491 468,490 453,715 Shuttle Bus 160,553 160,553 160,553 160,553 163,672 University Centre Management 380,973 49,285 8,203 285,838 42,364 766,663 766,663 599,943 166,720 265,558 United Way 2,500 3,517 6,017 6,017 6,017 6,186 Visitor Information Centre 24,667 1,733 530 11 26,941 26,941 26,941 26,554 Transfers to Other Universities 273,472 273,472 273,472 273,472

120,442 1,710 2,167,378 2,445,924 49,299 2,800,364 134,856 7,719,973 900 7,719,073 1,072,918 6,646,155 5,807,420 Less Capitalized Items (30,761) (30,761) (30,761) (30,761) (204,288)

120,442 1,710 2,167,378 2,445,924 49,299 2,800,364 104,095 7,689,212 900 7,688,312 1,072,918 6,615,394 5,603,132

Total of Operating Expenses 104,968,312$ 12,551,334$ 74,130,438$ 25,917,958$ 4,069,995$ 64,497,163$ 18,955,709$ 305,090,909$ 13,068,217$ 292,022,692$ 20,538,010$ 271,484,682$ 253,017,487$

Less Total Capitalized Items (7,014,570) (10,232,133) (17,246,703) (17,246,703) (17,246,703) (14,983,440)

Total Operating Net of Capitalized Items 104,968,312$ 12,551,334$ 74,130,438$ 25,917,958$ 4,069,995$ 57,482,593$ 8,723,576$ 287,844,206$ 13,068,217$ 274,775,989$ 20,538,010$ 254,237,979$ 238,034,047$


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Schedule 8 Research & Special Fund Expenditures

Salaries and Wages March 31, March 31,2003 2002

Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross GrossAcademic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Expenditure

Academic Agricultural and Food Sciences 20,950$ 2,479,964$ 910,477$ 237,714$ 43,760$ 1,956,624$ 565,794$ 6,215,283$ 7,121,053$ Architecture 4,000 7,468 719 247 33,142 7,582 53,158 43,488 Arts 69,272 489,419 159,988 59,164 12,710 751,364 244,184 1,786,101 1,567,879 Continuing Education Division 58,905 55,543 200,106 31,496 5,373 213,583 18,994 584,000 505,422 Dentistry 21,023 101,090 193,479 28,734 4,932 385,946 89,678 824,882 730,808 Education 31,249 179,750 88,008 21,530 5,971 390,078 24,883 741,469 557,595 Engineering 418,907 2,740,445 339,116 124,170 24,640 4,190,684 1,206,398 9,044,360 7,185,271 Environment 1,149 1,149 School of Art 1,229 5,017 308 155 35,254 6,221 48,184 38,761 Graduate Studies 1,958,697 1,958,697 1,640,684 Human Ecology 48,035 283,946 193,763 41,232 7,608 463,080 15,739 1,053,403 964,256 Law 4,500 57,861 10,144 4,380 1,371 22,556 100,812 103,826 I. H. Asper School of Business 36,488 95,961 162,316 18,859 3,925 575,781 20,287 913,617 930,519 Medicine 4,513,249 8,591,186 9,518,661 2,483,443 392,550 27,529,379 2,163,042 55,191,510 48,112,788 School of Music 12,753 3,990 16,743 111,143 Natural Resources Institute 3,250 375,925 17,669 9,067 2,201 510,708 35,031 953,851 760,863 Nursing 158,409 109,994 45,952 26,419 6,128 179,975 17,075 543,952 438,873 Pharmacy 111,003 234,562 95,802 30,344 6,062 176,640 24,895 679,308 732,942 Physical Education and Recreation Studies 273,902 232,816 12,111 53,876 9,896 448,620 106,905 1,138,126 764,099 Science 185,142 2,284,944 504,879 148,436 28,710 2,558,195 662,688 6,372,994 5,663,531 Social Work 119,492 84,010 158,662 32,252 6,090 580,583 9,754 990,843 840,602

6,077,776 20,364,810 12,616,150 3,352,143 562,329 41,016,094 5,223,140 89,212,442 78,814,403 Less Capitalized Items (4,224,391) (4,224,391) (4,599,130)

6,077,776 20,364,810 12,616,150 3,352,143 562,329 41,016,094 998,749 84,988,051 74,215,273

Other Academic Support Institutes, Centres and Specialized Academic Units 26,839 119,613 45,672 17,321 2,994 198,425 10,815 421,679 443,473 Research Development 20,000 20,000

26,839 119,613 45,672 17,321 2,994 218,425 10,815 441,679 443,473 Less Capitalized Items (10,815) (10,815)

26,839 119,613 45,672 17,321 2,994 218,425 430,864 443,473

Libraries 23,092 1,827 496 43,666 47,809 116,890 112,511 Less: Capitalized Items (26,802) (26,802) (56,984) Books and Periodicals Expensed (29,725) (29,725) (34,490)

23,092 1,827 496 13,941 21,007 60,363 21,037

Student Services 432,864 5,271 344 115 120,199 19,538 578,331 501,828 Less Capitalized Items (18,510) (18,510)

432,864 5,271 344 115 120,199 1,028 559,821 501,828

Administration 9,112 14,718 162,137 11,451 1,920 1,519,183 16,119 1,734,640 1,119,154 Less Capitalized Items (6,974) (6,974) (6,547)

9,112 14,718 162,137 11,451 1,920 1,519,183 9,145 1,727,666 1,112,607Physical Plant 10,028 4,475 14,503 22,244 Less Capitalized Items (3,605) (3,605)

10,028 870 10,898 22,244

General 14,922 116 15,038

Total of Research and Special Fund Expenses 6,113,727$ 20,932,005$ 12,852,322$ 3,383,086$ 567,854$ 42,942,517$ 5,322,012$ 92,113,523$ 81,013,613$

Less Capitalized Items (29,725) (4,291,097) (4,320,822) (4,697,151)

Total of Research and Special Fund Expenses Net of Capitalized Items 6,113,727$ 20,932,005$ 12,852,322$ 3,383,086$ 567,854$ 42,912,792$ 1,030,915$ 87,792,701$ 76,316,462$


Thomas R Thompson
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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 1)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Agricultural and Food Sciences:General Operating Dean's Office 338,061$ 4,170$ 380,075$ 88,462$ 15,581$ 87,982$ 50,970$ 965,301$ 35,667$ 39,100$ 890,534$ 1,020,310$

Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics 852,304 26,876 163,556 123,559 22,475 51,588 8,762 1,249,120 507 1,248,613 1,151,602 Biosystems Engineering 705,966 58,008 161,091 125,229 19,916 68,791 18,135 1,157,136 15,844 26,760 1,114,532 1,102,557 Animal Science 882,936 37,903 353,259 158,798 26,265 112,131 20,688 1,591,980 30,511 68,463 1,493,006 1,440,305 Dairy 35,257 6,129 759 7,599 3,652 53,396 611 52,785 102,956 Entomology 364,986 11,911 52,583 49,765 9,135 29,200 20,326 537,906 9,158 528,748 560,439 Farm Management 23,985 488,440 78,214 11,537 374,312 33,196 1,009,684 11,383 585,783 412,518 405,889 Food Science 615,882 40,650 183,934 102,480 17,811 62,499 19,155 1,042,411 2,794 1,039,617 1,001,896 Plant Science 1,103,661 54,059 907,484 274,204 43,723 128,516 22,400 2,534,047 5,737 90,777 2,437,533 2,376,901 School of Agriculture 171,271 68,030 75,704 43,876 6,781 41,354 4,452 411,468 411,468 411,483 Soil Science 489,857 12,150 142,244 94,128 14,120 77,721 43,899 874,119 1,533 1,987 870,599 912,390 Transport Institute 998 5,458 6,456 6,456 40,325

Total Operating 5,524,924 338,740 2,943,627 1,144,844 188,103 1,047,151 245,635 11,433,024 100,675 825,940 10,506,409 10,527,053

Research 20,950 2,451,982 897,209 236,410 43,406 1,918,315 563,850 6,132,122 6,132,122 6,954,955Special Funds 27,982 13,268 1,304 354 38,309 1,944 83,161 83,161 166,098

Total Research and Special 20,950 2,479,964 910,477 237,714 43,760 1,956,624 565,794 6,215,283 6,215,283 7,121,053

5,545,874 2,818,704 3,854,104 1,382,558 231,863 3,003,775 811,429 17,648,307 100,675 825,940 16,721,692 17,648,106

Architecture:General Operating Dean's Office 185,356 104,090 33,831 6,247 17,210 346,734 1,362 345,372 365,544 General Faculty 24,999 25,476 630,847 97,565 14,673 345,658 49,018 1,188,236 22,968 41,766 1,123,502 1,333,945 Environmental Design 201,899 129,699 29,328 7,145 50,531 418,602 1,223 417,379 309,647 City Planning 349,882 1,254 680 43,635 7,579 30,414 433,444 433,444 412,077 Interior Design 693,897 1,725 833 81,562 15,022 28,781 821,820 300 821,520 798,264 Landscape Architecture 590,104 10,209 74,714 13,038 30,883 1,342 720,290 14,350 705,940 666,093 Architecture 754,503 3,691 299 92,599 16,438 37,901 905,431 905,431 897,626

Total Operating 2,800,640 172,054 736,749 453,234 80,142 541,378 50,360 4,834,557 22,968 59,001 4,752,588 4,783,196

Research 4,000 7,468 719 247 20,248 7,582 40,264 40,264 26,954Special Funds 12,894 12,894 12,894 16,534

Total Research and Special 4,000 7,468 719 247 33,142 7,582 53,158 53,158 43,488

2,804,640 179,522 736,749 453,953 80,389 574,520 57,942 4,887,715 22,968 59,001 4,805,746 4,826,684

Salaries & Wages Deduct-Cost Recoveries


Thomas R Thompson
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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 2)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Arts:General Operating Dean's Office 511,681$ 3,363$ 974,998$ 193,874$ 32,001$ 79,030$ 39,112$ 1,834,059$ $ $ 1,834,059$ 1,656,489$ General Faculty 228,872 20,674 117,847 40,971 7,879 684,518 344,382 1,445,143 22,007 8,664 1,414,472 1,367,229 Anthropology 1,126,574 52,874 122,986 153,436 28,042 40,955 4,079 1,528,946 1,528,946 1,492,614 Classics 335,493 6,805 47,250 44,857 8,390 32,716 7,788 483,299 1,500 481,799 516,043 Economics 1,884,693 141,453 111,023 241,244 46,262 54,082 16,333 2,495,090 2,495,090 2,458,122 English 1,952,464 100,019 188,399 273,343 48,438 82,867 39,095 2,684,625 2,684,625 2,534,243 French, Spanish and Italian 977,569 74,382 35,465 129,471 23,264 44,032 1,185 1,285,368 1,285,368 1,311,342 Geography 1,039,466 84,903 220,821 155,605 28,934 54,731 49,786 1,634,246 12,750 500 1,620,996 1,588,455 German and Slavic Studies 421,880 21,474 306 50,027 9,556 15,289 239 518,771 518,771 453,942 History 1,899,094 72,104 124,036 229,547 45,236 70,071 23,659 2,463,747 2,463,747 2,442,390 Icelandic Language and Literature 44,967 6,175 13,724 8,622 1,397 29,971 9,252 114,108 114,108 143,631 Institute for Humanties 1,000 32,296 5,725 696 21,066 60,783 60,783 59,995 Linguistics 598,339 6,813 63,574 76,026 14,461 44,835 4,414 808,462 8,338 800,124 780,753 Modern Language Division 104 70,904 10,645 1,529 5,584 8,799 97,565 97,565 81,728 Native Studies 479,496 11,005 49,250 64,441 11,633 15,724 100 631,649 631,649 666,858 Philosophy 1,179,325 45,307 73,391 146,759 27,976 32,170 3,634 1,508,562 1,508,562 1,360,378 Political Studies 1,035,844 38,186 90,591 136,110 25,167 53,137 4,454 1,383,489 14,667 1,368,822 1,271,701 Professional and Applied Ethics 423 55 9 6,813 3,279 10,579 10,579 18,022 Psychology 2,880,778 137,917 355,424 378,447 72,783 91,172 53,043 3,969,564 3,969,564 3,959,266 Psychology-Service Centre 207,054 2,750 61,743 32,735 5,855 15,490 3,383 329,010 7,338 321,672 309,226 Religious Studies 442,215 26,090 32,204 56,249 10,783 15,870 1,820 585,231 585,231 582,367 Sociology 1,807,492 69,107 151,669 246,596 43,858 56,715 15,099 2,390,536 2,390,536 2,319,346 Women's Studies 289,292 6,396 35,832 6,378 14,116 171 352,185 352,185 286,403

Total Operating 19,342,588 928,901 2,938,324 2,710,617 500,527 1,560,954 633,106 28,615,017 34,757 41,007 28,539,253 27,660,543

Research 61,732 433,321 118,706 47,977 10,514 629,341 224,406 1,525,997 1,525,997 1,296,920Special Funds 7,540 56,098 41,282 11,187 2,196 122,023 19,778 260,104 260,104 270,959

Total Research and Special 69,272 489,419 159,988 59,164 12,710 751,364 244,184 1,786,101 1,786,101 1,567,879

19,411,860 1,418,320 3,098,312 2,769,781 513,237 2,312,318 877,290 30,401,118 34,757 41,007 30,325,354 29,228,422

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 3)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Continuing Education Division: General Operating Dean's Office (CED Admin) 1,428,626$ 2,887$ 2,680,948$ 582,463$ 88,666$ 219,811$ 309,896$ 5,313,297$ 141,195$ 29,821$ 5,142,281$ 4,804,133$ Non-Degree Granting Courses 1,462,639 210,289 85,315 178,989 38,248 3,694,082 750,680 6,420,242 6,420,242 5,804,944 Summer School and Evening Degree Granting Courses 1,831,274 541,220 1,500 169,147 47,819 628,773 3,058 3,222,791 102,737 3,120,054 2,508,212 Total Operating 4,722,539 754,396 2,767,763 930,599 174,733 4,542,666 1,063,634 14,956,330 141,195 132,558 14,682,577 13,117,289

Research 36,702 5,270 2,806 789 4,625 127 50,319 50,319 1,971Special Funds 58,905 18,841 194,836 28,690 4,584 208,958 18,867 533,681 533,681 503,451

Total Research and Special 58,905 55,543 200,106 31,496 5,373 213,583 18,994 584,000 584,000 505,422

4,781,444 809,939 2,967,869 962,095 180,106 4,756,249 1,082,628 15,540,330 141,195 132,558 15,266,577 13,622,711

Dentistry:General Operating Dean's Office 189,763 292,434 57,465 10,357 61,003 40,922 651,944 651,944 604,694 General Faculty 7,276 19,711 199,831 26,616 4,462 497,257 75,044 830,197 15,394 814,803 808,362 Anatomy Section 38,926 5,849 839 45,614 45,614 44,283 Continuing Education 1,300 3,090 247 443 100 18,496 23,676 23,676 32,084 General Clinic 5,643 1,020,777 160,081 22,098 1,101,885 42,137 2,352,621 786,980 1,565,641 2,222,814 Centre for Community Oral Health 286,615 26,937 658,542 113,179 21,015 1,010,594 16,415 2,133,297 2,217,666 (84,369) 25,990 Oral Biology 1,048,137 (4,551) 53,959 117,946 23,732 16,958 5,019 1,261,200 1,261,200 1,199,456 Restorative Dentistry 1,512,121 59,759 167,852 33,858 21,590 963 1,796,143 1,796,143 1,611,643 School of Dental Hygiene 280,716 39,734 37,547 6,910 28,873 2,220 396,000 2,660 393,340 391,999 Dental Diagnostic and Surgical Sciences 837,261 670 155,819 112,718 21,405 36,434 14,469 1,178,776 614,769 564,007 727,243 Dentistry Equipment Provision 15,794 15,794 15,794 Preventive Dental Science 687,527 6,760 278,590 113,012 20,810 58,385 10,138 1,175,222 1,175,222

Total Operating 4,856,359 52,617 2,798,618 912,708 165,586 2,867,269 207,327 11,860,484 3,637,469 8,223,015 7,668,568

Research 13,750 100,215 190,815 27,991 4,637 317,474 88,492 743,374 743,374 636,963Special Funds 7,273 875 2,664 743 295 68,472 1,186 81,508 81,508 93,845

Total Research and Special 21,023 101,090 193,479 28,734 4,932 385,946 89,678 824,882 824,882 730,808

4,877,382 153,707 2,992,097 941,442 170,518 3,253,215 297,005 12,685,366 3,637,469 9,047,897 8,399,376

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 4)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Education:General Operating Dean's Office 42,368$ 11,856$ 665,453$ 104,279$ 15,503$ 11,005$ $ 850,464$ $ $ 850,464$ 738,191$ General Faculty 417,153 47,137 122,752 53,702 12,607 641,450 185,337 1,480,138 47,414 17,929 1,414,795 1,432,274 Education - School Experience 284,931 52,078 29,498 7,250 65,315 439,072 439,072 496,395 Curriculum: Teaching and Learning 1,874,586 7,122 38,184 237,697 41,364 33,762 8,778 2,241,493 2,241,493 2,264,065 Educational Administration and Foundations 1,406,156 539 36,860 165,520 31,157 28,789 8,862 1,677,883 1,677,883 1,657,788 Disability Studies 11,703 1,013 252 20,150 10,995 44,113 44,113

Total Operating 3,740,263 351,585 927,030 591,709 108,133 800,471 213,972 6,733,163 47,414 17,929 6,667,820 6,588,713

Research 27,176 70,195 42,232 9,834 2,542 171,293 22,582 345,854 345,854 168,963Special Funds 4,073 109,555 45,776 11,696 3,429 218,785 2,301 395,615 395,615 388,632

Total Research and Special 31,249 179,750 88,008 21,530 5,971 390,078 24,883 741,469 741,469 557,595

3,771,512 531,335 1,015,038 613,239 114,104 1,190,549 238,855 7,474,632 47,414 17,929 7,409,289 7,146,308

Engineering:General Operating Dean's Office 535,847 105,067 418,094 123,454 22,147 354,174 58,562 1,617,345 17,360 17,982 1,582,003 1,500,553 Civil and Geological Engineering 1,400,760 104,634 396,199 219,575 40,850 219,750 38,226 2,419,994 61,660 101,271 2,257,063 2,405,905 Electrical and Computer Engineering 1,943,635 166,542 716,275 345,139 60,885 221,853 61,293 3,515,622 35,796 3,479,826 3,628,613 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 1,975,024 208,971 592,422 319,379 60,175 225,200 45,135 3,426,306 26,998 30,185 3,369,123 3,103,581 Engineering Access 156,916 27,846 42,849 27,297 4,898 80,569 2,321 342,696 342,696

Total Operating 6,012,182 613,060 2,165,839 1,034,844 188,955 1,101,546 205,537 11,321,963 106,018 185,234 11,030,711 10,638,652

Research 354,841 2,719,907 338,217 119,418 23,156 4,102,509 1,206,078 8,864,126 8,864,126 7,035,971Special Funds 64,066 20,538 899 4,752 1,484 88,175 320 180,234 180,234 149,300

Total Research and Special 418,907 2,740,445 339,116 124,170 24,640 4,190,684 1,206,398 9,044,360 9,044,360 7,185,271

6,431,089 3,353,505 2,504,955 1,159,014 213,595 5,292,230 1,411,935 20,366,323 106,018 185,234 20,075,071 17,823,923

EnvironmentGeneral Operating Director's Office 100,988 45,422 14,953 3,154 23,050 8,661 196,228 196,228

Total Operating 100,988 45,422 14,953 3,154 23,050 8,661 196,228 196,228

ResearchSpecial Funds 1,149 1,149 1,149

Total Research and Special 1,149 1,149 1,149

100,988 45,422 14,953 3,154 24,199 8,661 197,377 197,377

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 5)

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries Net Expenditure

Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Inter- Sales ofAcademic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Art: Expenditure Income Services 2,003 2,003General Operating Director's Office 1,519,214$ 4,461$ 209,362$ 209,019$ 37,388$ 196,269$ 56,240$ 2,231,953$ 1,980$ 20,630$ 2,209,343$ 2,145,223$

Total Operating 1,519,214 4,461 209,362 209,019 37,388 196,269 56,240 2,231,953 1,980 20,630 2,209,343 2,145,223

Research 697 4,219 253 94 15,772 4,172 25,207 25,207 8,470Special Funds 532 798 55 61 19,482 2,049 22,977 22,977 30,291 Total Research and Special 1,229 5,017 308 155 35,254 6,221 48,184 48,184 38,761

1,519,214 5,690 214,379 209,327 37,543 231,523 62,461 2,280,137 1,980 20,630 2,257,527 2,183,984

Graduate Studies:General Operating Dean's Office 133,413 2,569,876 396,194 79,880 12,144 186,347 38,145 3,415,999 27,000 3,388,999 2,953,637

Total Operating 133,413 2,569,876 396,194 79,880 12,144 186,347 38,145 3,415,999 27,000 3,388,999 2,953,637

Research 1,958,697 1,958,697 1,958,697 1,640,788Special Funds (104)

Total Research and Special 1,958,697 1,958,697 1,958,697 1,640,684

133,413 4,528,573 396,194 79,880 12,144 186,347 38,145 5,374,696 27,000 5,347,696 4,594,321

Human Ecology:General Operating Dean's Office 118,495 49,487 20,023 3,619 10,923 202,547 202,547 184,332 General Faculty 30,024 113,412 19,098 2,604 121,391 43,418 329,947 880 329,067 325,294 Clothing and Textiles 314,190 12,035 83,596 52,194 8,868 28,536 199 499,618 66,513 433,105 441,992 Family Studies 773,103 27,570 86,702 109,270 19,101 38,463 2,325 1,056,534 25,395 1,031,139 987,093 Human Nutritional Sciences 747,727 53,170 93,363 105,565 18,980 83,694 6,634 1,109,133 3,525 1,105,608 1,037,076

Total Operating 1,953,515 122,799 426,560 306,150 53,172 283,007 52,576 3,197,779 96,313 3,101,466 2,975,787

Research 48,035 283,946 193,763 41,232 7,608 461,857 15,739 1,052,180 1,052,180 962,189Special Funds 1,223 1,223 1,223 2,067

Total Research and Special 48,035 283,946 193,763 41,232 7,608 463,080 15,739 1,053,403 1,053,403 964,256

2,001,550 406,745 620,323 347,382 60,780 746,087 68,315 4,251,182 96,313 4,154,869 3,940,043


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 6)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Law:General Operating Dean's Office 130,630$ 102,446$ 107,994$ 38,755$ 7,349$ 240,590$ 74,151$ 701,915$ 9,000$ 51,408$ 641,507$ 654,367$ General Faculty 1,901,462 241,164 237,171 46,158 91 2,426,046 2,426,046 2,343,264

Total Operating 2,032,092 102,446 349,158 275,926 53,507 240,681 74,151 3,127,961 9,000 51,408 3,067,553 2,997,631

Research 4,500 26,538 10,144 2,271 692 6,458 50,603 50,603 56,575Special Funds 31,323 2,109 679 16,098 50,209 50,209 47,251

Total Research and Special 4,500 57,861 10,144 4,380 1,371 22,556 100,812 100,812 103,826

2,036,592 160,307 359,302 280,306 54,878 263,237 74,151 3,228,773 9,000 51,408 3,168,365 3,101,457

I. H. Asper School of Business:General Operating Dean's Office 39,632 105,336 18,368 3,137 8,460 6,000 180,933 180,933 198,160 General Faculty 70,635 189,747 936,839 134,325 22,822 1,151,496 241,168 2,747,032 3,000 25,398 2,718,634 2,507,071 Accounting and Finance 1,865,315 32,911 77,695 216,866 42,581 52,670 45,918 2,333,956 2,333,956 2,031,474 Warren Centre for Actuarial Study and Research 194,992 2,288 11,812 24,489 4,504 21,447 6,748 266,280 266,280 210,522 Business Administration 2,110,403 93,741 86,030 257,118 50,040 16,130 14,387 2,627,849 2,627,849 2,563,781 Marketing 849,487 36,864 157,041 114,086 22,877 96,483 5,788 1,282,626 1,282,626 1,092,491 Transport Institute 42,721 46,200 139,379 31,821 5,413 86,839 14,805 367,178 86,386 280,792

Total Operating 5,173,185 401,751 1,514,132 797,073 151,374 1,433,525 334,814 9,805,854 89,386 25,398 9,691,070 8,603,499

Research 33,564 63,382 129,406 14,171 3,004 321,710 10,833 576,070 576,070 809,105Special Funds 2,924 32,579 32,910 4,688 921 254,071 9,454 337,547 337,547 121,414

Total Research and Special 36,488 95,961 162,316 18,859 3,925 575,781 20,287 913,617 913,617 930,519

5,209,673 497,712 1,676,448 815,932 155,299 2,009,306 355,101 10,719,471 89,386 25,398 10,604,687 9,534,018

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 7)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Medicine:General Operating Dean's Office 279,265$ $ 528,523$ 98,871$ 17,276$ 64,109$ 37,361$ 1,025,405$ $ $ 1,025,405$ 1,003,215$ General Faculty 620,537 40,894 243,211 105,851 19,890 398,139 180,893 1,609,415 176,664 242,972 1,189,779 916,619 Centre for the Advancement of Medicine 159,663 11,057 3,525 58,804 233,049 233,049 213,602 Anaesthetics 417,040 96,184 82,666 11,079 26,777 14,006 647,752 647,752 680,217 Anatomy 750,800 7,209 136,051 111,358 19,207 92,552 47,268 1,164,445 15,931 15,475 1,133,039 1,023,775 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 823,739 14,488 172,208 121,495 22,351 94,291 60,048 1,308,620 10,139 2,786 1,295,695 1,249,507 Central Animal Care 800 652,857 97,306 14,340 358,080 22,211 1,145,594 639,015 157,308 349,271 243,707 Clinical Health Psychology 80,983 32,730 14,660 2,451 20,093 150,917 150,917 159,397 Community Health Sciences 831,722 97,403 299,358 179,285 33,634 189,608 23,442 1,654,452 40,603 750,793 863,056 787,553 Computer-Operating and Rentals 42,063 6,118 906 1,029 50,116 50,116 36,801 Continuing Medical Education 71,593 72,356 218,621 48,602 8,169 375,722 24,328 819,391 819,391 692,382 Educational Development 119,411 58,274 470,000 81,223 13,442 284,761 51,348 1,078,459 42,035 1,036,424 837,661 Family Practice Unit 271,266 65,174 187,480 76,504 10,265 184,859 39,793 835,341 835,341 674,453 Immunology 328,320 65,926 45,320 8,493 55,758 58,329 562,146 562,146 552,220 Internal Medicine 1,882,245 79,164 166,553 303,019 46,147 46,825 49,841 2,573,794 2,573,794 2,773,592 Microbiology 601,179 37,379 126,554 85,090 15,793 192,360 80,526 1,138,881 12,166 9,887 1,116,828 841,662 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 448,819 2,529 80,907 75,566 11,515 72,946 692,282 692,282 693,626 Ophthalmology 19,461 100 2,040 497 207 1,379 23,684 23,684 12,971 Otolaryngology 91,563 32,439 23,624 2,659 20,697 170,982 170,982 167,373 Paediatrics and Child Health 787,621 44,243 121,440 18,040 99,442 2,117 1,072,903 1,072,903 1,043,187 Pathology 498,757 13,021 44,202 42,417 12,831 49,585 27,523 688,336 688,336 723,518 Pharmacology and Therapeutics 793,634 2,135 109,553 96,362 19,449 74,417 95,526 1,191,076 1,191,076 1,159,269 Physiology 1,452,441 79,125 168,626 32,979 94,473 132,947 1,960,591 18,949 2,213 1,939,429 1,719,595 Psychiatry 380,225 1,000 107,487 126,952 11,491 13,894 470 641,519 641,519 590,346 Radiology 165,681 39,897 25,963 4,429 61,236 297,206 297,206 289,969 School of Medical Rehabilitation 1,472,691 24,870 299,621 226,590 38,950 421,151 53,178 2,537,051 200 2,536,851 2,036,683 Surgery 728,706 11,655 200,100 283,562 22,616 120,973 2,983 1,370,595 (19) 1,370,614 1,216,196

Total Operating 14,077,362 528,451 4,477,933 2,660,024 422,134 3,473,960 1,004,138 26,644,002 913,467 1,223,650 24,506,885 22,339,096

Research 3,869,215 7,619,741 6,960,503 2,071,724 320,176 16,237,230 1,946,840 39,025,429 39,025,429 30,865,229Special Funds 644,034 971,445 2,558,158 411,719 72,374 11,292,149 216,202 16,166,081 16,166,081 17,247,559

Total Research and Special 4,513,249 8,591,186 9,518,661 2,483,443 392,550 27,529,379 2,163,042 55,191,510 55,191,510 48,112,788

18,590,611 9,119,637 13,996,594 5,143,467 814,684 31,003,339 3,167,180 81,835,512 913,467 1,223,650 79,698,395 70,451,884

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 8)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Music:General Operating Director's Office 1,715,073$ 111,645$ 223,526$ 228,435$ 44,234$ 1,012,346$ 145,456$ 3,480,715$ $ 67,588$ 3,413,127$ 2,946,314$

Total Operating 1,715,073 111,645 223,526 228,435 44,234 1,012,346 145,456 3,480,715 67,588 3,413,127 2,946,314

Research 2,552 2,552 2,552Special Funds 10,201 3,990 14,191 14,191 111,143

Total Research and Special 12,753 3,990 16,743 16,743 111,143

1,715,073 111,645 223,526 228,435 44,234 1,025,099 149,446 3,497,458 67,588 3,429,870 3,057,457

Natural Resources Institute:General Operating Director's Office 496,286 31,070 87,398 70,862 12,688 70,672 19,763 788,739 352 2,463 785,924 690,037

Total Operating 496,286 31,070 87,398 70,862 12,688 70,672 19,763 788,739 352 2,463 785,924 690,037

Research 3,250 375,925 17,669 9,067 2,201 499,683 35,031 942,826 942,826 737,546Special Funds 11,025 11,025 11,025 23,317

Total Research and Special 3,250 375,925 17,669 9,067 2,201 510,708 35,031 953,851 953,851 760,863

499,536 406,995 105,067 79,929 14,889 581,380 54,794 1,742,590 352 2,463 1,739,775 1,450,900

Nursing:General Operating Dean's Office 3,205,960 2,470,996 972,450 806,837 141,365 1,101,651 269,723 8,968,982 27,410 5,700 8,935,872 8,583,446 Special Nursing Program 292,261 9,217 141,803 58,639 9,446 25,761 109 537,236 537,236 533,588

Total Operating 3,498,221 2,480,213 1,114,253 865,476 150,811 1,127,412 269,832 9,506,218 27,410 5,700 9,473,108 9,117,034

Research 158,409 103,354 45,952 25,706 5,985 168,987 17,075 525,468 525,468 390,828Special Funds 6,640 713 143 10,988 18,484 18,484 48,045

Total Research and Special 158,409 109,994 45,952 26,419 6,128 179,975 17,075 543,952 543,952 438,873

3,656,630 2,590,207 1,160,205 891,895 156,939 1,307,387 286,907 10,050,170 27,410 5,700 10,017,060 9,555,907

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 9)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2002 2001

Pharmacy:General Operating Dean's Office 1,366,733$ 23,464$ 307,034$ 206,120$ 36,585$ 222,932$ 110,511$ 2,273,379$ $ $ 2,273,379$ 2,109,059$

Total Operating 1,366,733 23,464 307,034 206,120 36,585 222,932 110,511 2,273,379 2,273,379 2,109,059

Research 111,003 234,562 92,021 30,131 5,981 169,764 24,895 668,357 668,357 723,298Special Funds 3,781 213 81 6,876 10,951 10,951 9,644

Total Research and Special 111,003 234,562 95,802 30,344 6,062 176,640 24,895 679,308 679,308 732,942

1,477,736 258,026 402,836 236,464 42,647 399,572 135,406 2,952,687 2,952,687 2,842,001

Physical Education and Recreation Studies:General Operating Dean's Office 1,364,574 60,228 181,956 190,372 34,497 202,193 92,879 2,126,699 2,126,699 2,004,495 Sports Institute 132,493 62,057 40,340 28,359 4,852 45,333 7,787 321,221 4,400 316,821 263,480

Total Operating 1,497,067 122,285 222,296 218,731 39,349 247,526 100,666 2,447,920 4,400 2,443,520 2,267,975

Research 152,358 215,179 12,111 33,166 6,611 287,740 80,091 787,256 787,256 413,649Special Funds 121,544 17,637 20,710 3,285 160,880 26,814 350,870 350,870 350,450

Total Research and Special 273,902 232,816 12,111 53,876 9,896 448,620 106,905 1,138,126 1,138,126 764,099

1,770,969 355,101 234,407 272,607 49,245 696,146 207,571 3,586,046 4,400 3,581,646 3,032,074

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 10)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Science:General Operating Dean's Office 31,178$ $ 611,902$ 92,487$ 13,853$ 48,824$ 36,783$ 835,027$ $ $ 835,027$ 793,857$ General Faculty 631,189 284,356 359,070 135,979 24,303 412,137 356,328 2,203,362 37,170 101,094 2,065,098 2,092,020 Applied Mathematics 38,354 2,570 5,809 879 7,846 1,947 57,405 15,385 10,810 31,210 31,150 Astronomy/Planetarium 8,000 10,118 50,608 7,920 1,432 7,983 516 86,577 330 86,247 82,049 Biological Sciences 78,443 66,585 83,379 26,315 4,915 36,143 20,037 315,817 315,817 298,422 Botany 862,403 27,843 157,415 129,050 22,553 117,436 37,921 1,354,621 3,667 11,403 1,339,551 1,280,225 Chemistry 1,916,127 155,899 479,957 304,783 55,593 344,709 130,405 3,387,473 151,599 37,690 3,198,184 2,857,220 Computer Science 1,886,670 122,684 338,433 276,672 50,204 165,461 55,991 2,896,115 2,896,115 2,716,205 Delta Research Station 3,442 192,125 23,457 4,193 88,518 43,453 355,188 36,078 77,291 241,819 175,623 Geological Sciences 1,124,987 35,792 396,192 182,535 32,810 167,237 145,469 2,085,022 37,165 142,292 1,905,565 1,854,508 Mathematics 2,865,131 144,717 167,655 350,836 67,660 124,653 47,755 3,768,407 24,237 3,744,170 3,510,096 Microbiology 970,941 486,151 206,671 174,635 34,209 134,617 35,678 2,042,902 508,385 1,534,517 1,506,414 Physics 2,013,514 81,201 301,303 265,659 52,246 150,457 37,379 2,901,759 40,265 2,861,494 2,824,636 Statistics 1,020,336 95,997 40,709 134,050 24,863 89,046 29,695 1,434,696 5,110 9,482 1,420,104 1,300,097 Zoology 1,594,675 62,763 330,021 236,287 42,911 115,250 88,423 2,470,330 32,567 5,000 2,432,763 2,277,348

Total Operating 15,003,594 1,615,902 3,718,010 2,346,474 432,624 2,010,317 1,067,780 26,194,701 359,006 928,014 24,907,681 23,599,870

Research 133,703 2,235,113 483,678 135,473 26,419 2,501,961 661,049 6,177,396 6,177,396 5,247,024Special Funds 51,439 49,831 21,201 12,963 2,291 56,234 1,639 195,598 195,598 416,507

Total Research and Special 185,142 2,284,944 504,879 148,436 28,710 2,558,195 662,688 6,372,994 6,372,994 5,663,531

15,188,736 3,900,846 4,222,889 2,494,910 461,334 4,568,512 1,730,468 32,567,695 359,006 928,014 31,280,675 29,263,401

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Net Academic Faculty Expenditures (Page 11)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Social Work:General Operating

Dean's Office 1,961,856$ 31,530$ 438,771$ 307,451$ 53,209$ 429,604$ 51,520$ 3,273,941$ 63,213$ 123,959$ 3,086,769$ 2,709,853$ Winnipeg Education Centre Access

Programs 495,372 28,061 57,493 75,076 12,510 44,963 81,232 794,707 794,707 779,873Northern Social Work Programs 319,063 3,990 178,085 69,260 10,706 132,401 99,964 813,469 813,469 730,708

Total Operating 2,776,291 63,581 674,349 451,787 76,425 606,968 232,716 4,882,117 63,213 123,959 4,694,945 4,220,434

Research 52,817 37,716 4,784 1,237 79,103 4,344 180,001 180,001 154,663Special Funds 119,492 31,193 120,946 27,468 4,853 501,480 5,410 810,842 810,842 685,939

Total Research and Special 119,492 84,010 158,662 32,252 6,090 580,583 9,754 990,843 990,843 840,602

2,895,783 147,591 833,011 484,039 82,515 1,187,551 242,470 5,872,960 63,213 123,959 5,685,788 5,061,036

University 1General Operating Director's Office 153,197 40,918 381,381 73,686 12,391 165,371 10,202 837,146 18,684 6,252 812,210 792,412

Total Operating 153,197 40,918 381,381 73,686 12,391 165,371 10,202 837,146 18,684 6,252 812,210 792,412

ResearchSpecial Funds

Total Research and Special

153,197 40,918 381,381 73,686 12,391 165,371 10,202 837,146 18,684 6,252 812,210 792,412

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule 9 Grand Total of Net Academic Expenditures (Page 12)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Total Academic:General Operating 98,495,726$ 11,430,215$ 29,424,958$ 16,583,151$ 2,944,159$ 23,761,818$ 6,145,222$ 188,785,249$ 1,935,525$ 7,481,913$ 179,367,811$ 168,742,022$

Total Operating 98,495,726 11,430,215 29,424,958 16,583,151 2,944,159 23,761,818 6,145,222 188,785,249 1,935,525 7,481,913 179,367,811 168,742,022

Research 4,996,486 18,989,741 9,579,631 2,813,133 465,299 27,916,622 4,913,186 69,674,098 69,674,098 58,132,061Special Funds 1,081,290 1,375,069 3,036,519 539,010 97,030 13,099,472 309,954 19,538,344 19,538,344 20,682,342

Total Research and Special 6,077,776 20,364,810 12,616,150 3,352,143 562,329 41,016,094 5,223,140 89,212,442 89,212,442 78,814,403

104,573,502$ 31,795,025$ 42,041,108$ 19,935,294$ 3,506,488$ 64,777,912$ 11,368,362$ 277,997,691$ 1,935,525$ 7,481,913$ 268,580,253$ 247,556,425$

Reconciliation to Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund BalancesTotal Operating 98,495,726$ 11,430,215$ 29,424,958$ 16,583,151$ 2,944,159$ 23,761,818$ 6,145,222$ 188,785,249$ (1,935,525)$ (7,481,913)$ 179,367,811$ 168,742,022$

Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (3,867,238) (3,867,238) (3,867,238) (4,146,367)Add: Sales of Goods and Services 7,481,913 7,481,913 7,427,789

98,495,726$ 11,430,215$ 29,424,958$ 16,583,151$ 2,944,159$ 23,761,818$ 2,277,984$ 184,918,011$ (1,935,525)$ $ 182,982,486$ 172,023,444$

Total Research 4,996,486$ 18,989,741$ 9,579,631$ 2,813,133$ 465,299$ 27,916,622$ 4,913,186$ 69,674,098$ $ $ 69,674,098 58,132,061Total Special 1,081,290 1,375,069 3,036,519 539,010 97,030 13,099,472 309,954 19,538,344 19,538,344 20,682,342

Total Research & Special 6,077,776$ 20,364,810$ 12,616,150$ 3,352,143$ 562,329$ 41,016,094$ 5,223,140$ 89,212,442$ $ $ 89,212,442$ 78,814,403$ Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (4,224,391) (4,224,391) (4,224,391) (4,599,130)

6,077,776$ 20,364,810$ 12,616,150$ 3,352,143$ 562,329$ 41,016,094$ 998,749$ 84,988,051$ $ $ 84,988,051$ 74,215,273$

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule10 Net Other Academic Expenditures (Page 1)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Information Systems & Technology:General Operating

Communication Systems $ $ 1,703,366$ 241,256$ 36,690$ 242,079$ 163,886$ 2,387,277$ 268,671$ 60,489$ 2,058,117$ 1,906,669$ Computer Centre 2,833,714 377,768 61,001 247,523 90,802 3,610,808 246,322 76,125 3,288,361 3,014,422Administrative Data Centre 2,209,125 300,270 47,593 2,556,988 103,764 2,453,224 2,389,003Computer Equipment 1,086,825 4,482,235 5,569,060 18,666 238,808 5,311,586 5,326,597System Development & Renewal 295,432 41,604 6,365 4,957 348,358 10,502 337,856 1,159,494

Total Operating 7,041,637 960,898 151,649 1,581,384 4,736,923 14,472,491 647,925 375,422 13,449,144 13,796,185

ResearchSpecial Funds

Total Research and Special

7,041,637 960,898 151,649 1,581,384 4,736,923 14,472,491 647,925 375,422 13,449,144 13,796,185

Institutes, Centres and Specialized Academic Units:General Operating

Academic Review Program 599Central Breeding Facility 22,537Centre For Aging 8,682 14,239 111,800 20,070 2,875 31,185 14,755 203,606 7,809 3,982 191,815 88,103Centre For Higher Education Research & Development 9,139 115,285 224,578 45,407 7,281 850,670 28,956 1,281,316 63,615 911,080 306,621 281,435Centre For Ukrainian Canadian Studies 2,019 28,087 3,487 690 12,159 94 46,536 46,536 46,645RESOLVE 22,456 37,641 5,853 1,295 4,537 71,782 31,028 40,754 60,540Mosaic 4,859 78,994 12,872 1,806 82,077 6,580 187,188 71,124 116,064 85,554Prairie Theater Exchange 7,350 7,350 7,350 6,900St. Boniface College 59,633 59,633 59,633 39,922University of Manitoba Press 131,689 17,413 2,846 111,560 8,074 271,582 181,810 89,772 123,263William and Catherine Booth College 540 540 540

Total Operating 19,840 156,839 612,789 105,102 16,793 1,159,711 58,459 2,129,533 102,452 1,167,996 859,085 755,498

Research 26,839 118,113 45,672 17,208 2,962 197,933 9,215 417,942 417,942 416,563Special Funds 1,500 113 32 492 1,600 3,737 3,737 26,910

Total Research and Special 26,839 119,613 45,672 17,321 2,994 198,425 10,815 421,679 421,679 443,473

46,679 276,452 658,461 122,423 19,787 1,358,136 69,274 2,551,212 102,452 1,167,996 1,280,764 1,198,971

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


Thomas R Thompson
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Schedule10 Net Other Academic Expenditures (Page 2) Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Research Development:General Operating 43,353$ 158,630$ 59,498$ 12,016$ 3,347$ 1,463,013$ 668,923$ 2,408,780$ $ 2,357,364$ 51,416$ (512,287)$ Total Operating 43,353 158,630 59,498 12,016 3,347 1,463,013 668,923 2,408,780 2,357,364 51,416 (512,287)

ResearchSpecial Funds 20,000 20,000 20,000Total Research and Special 20,000 20,000 20,000

43,353 158,630 59,498 12,016 3,347 1,483,013 668,923 2,428,780 2,357,364 71,416 (512,287)Staff Development Program:General Operating 2,585 353 195 113 223,003 124 226,373 226,373 213,971

2,585 353 195 113 223,003 124 226,373 226,373 213,971

Colleges:General Operating Warden's Office-St.John's College 108,910 1,187 192,960 40,248 6,529 41,241 6,320 397,395 397,395 375,627 Rector's Office-St.Paul's College 136,627 217,386 47,848 7,628 64,330 6,363 480,182 480,182 524,052 Provost's Office-University College 53,080 86,387 19,598 3,010 21,072 23,564 206,711 27,098 179,613 162,173Total Operating 298,617 1,187 496,733 107,694 17,167 126,643 36,247 1,084,288 27,098 1,057,190 1,061,852

ResearchSpecial FundsTotal Research and Special

298,617$ 1,187$ 496,733$ 107,694$ 17,167$ 126,643$ 36,247$ 1,084,288$ 27,098$ $ 1,057,190$ 1,061,852$ Total Other Academic:General Operating 361,810 319,241 8,211,010 1,185,905 189,069 4,553,754 5,500,676 20,321,465 777,475 3,900,782 15,643,208 15,315,219

Total Operating 361,810 319,241 8,211,010 1,185,905 189,069 4,553,754 5,500,676 20,321,465 777,475 3,900,782 15,643,208 15,315,219Research 26,839 118,113 45,672 17,208 2,962 197,933 9,215 417,942 417,942 416,563Special Funds 1,500 113 32 20,492 1,600 23,737 23,737 26,910

Total Research and Special 26,839 119,613 45,672 17,321 2,994 218,425 10,815 441,679 441,679 443,473388,649$ 438,854$ 8,256,682$ 1,203,226$ 192,063$ 4,772,179$ 5,511,491$ 20,763,144$ 777,475$ 3,900,782$ 16,084,887$ 15,758,692$

Reconciliation to Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund BalancesTotal Operating 361,810$ 319,241$ 8,211,010$ 1,185,905$ 189,069$ 4,553,754$ 5,500,676$ 20,321,465$ (777,475)$ (3,900,782)$ 15,643,208$ 15,315,219$

Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (2,736,407) (2,736,407) (2,736,407) (2,223,865)Add: Sales of Goods and Services 3,900,782 3,900,782 3,724,420

361,810$ 319,241$ 8,211,010$ 1,185,905$ 189,069$ 4,553,754$ 2,764,269$ 17,585,058$ (777,475)$ $ 16,807,583$ 16,815,774$

Total Research 26,839 118,113 45,672 17,208 2,962 197,933 9,215 417,942 417,942 416,563Total Special 1,500 113 32 20,492 1,600 23,737 23,737 26,910

26,839 119,613 45,672 17,321 2,994 218,425 10,815 441,679 441,679 443,473Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (10,815) (10,815) (10,815)

26,839$ 119,613$ 45,672$ 17,321$ 2,994$ 218,425$ $ 430,864$ $ $ 430,864$ 443,473$

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule11 Net Library Expenditures Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales ofOther Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31,

Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

Libraries: General Operating Elizabeth Dafoe Library 2,017,765$ 500$ 2,977,736$ 697,346$ 107,725$ 4,007,839$ 462,728$ 10,271,639$ 15,881$ 511,105$ 9,744,653$ 8,777,770$ Agriculture Library 57,946 49,021 14,895 2,304 119,964 244,130 244,130 221,123 Architecture and Fine Arts Library 137,296 284,739 64,371 9,085 130,717 626,208 626,208 606,075 Dental Library 849 849 849 2,420 Education Library 47,932 80,726 20,667 2,772 106,094 258,191 258,191 214,058 Engineering Library 123,913 83,074 29,236 4,459 382,794 623,476 623,476 609,878 Law Library 203,695 237,220 61,510 9,498 636,017 1,548 1,149,488 762 6,858 1,141,868 1,102,535 Management Library 158,891 2,257 175,815 44,252 7,257 198,513 586,985 586,985 577,306 Medical Library 650,264 860,400 217,753 32,626 1,536,855 61,457 3,359,355 5,800 122,035 3,231,520 2,725,534 Music Library 69,903 70,287 17,509 3,020 40,580 201,299 201,299 190,668 Science Library 249,455 300,030 73,660 11,748 883,052 1,517,945 1,517,945 1,551,954 St. John's College Library 31,929 78,980 16,220 2,389 43,416 172,934 172,934 168,107 St. Paul's College Library 39,388 90,815 17,749 2,804 68,571 219,327 219,327 209,483 Total Operating 3,788,377 2,757 5,288,843 1,275,168 195,687 8,155,261 525,733 19,231,826 22,443 639,998 18,569,385 16,956,911

Research 23,092 1,827 496 38,356 12,592 76,363 76,363 68,502Special Funds 5,310 35,217 40,527 40,527 44,009 Total Research and Special 23,092 1,827 496 43,666 47,809 116,890 116,890 112,511

3,788,377$ 2,757$ 5,311,935$ 1,276,995$ 196,183$ 8,198,927$ 573,542$ 19,348,716$ 22,443$ 639,998$ 18,686,275$ 17,069,422$

Reconciliation to Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund BalancesTotal Operating 3,788,377$ 2,757$ 5,288,843$ 1,275,168$ 195,687$ 8,155,261$ 525,733$ 19,231,826$ (22,443)$ (639,998)$ 18,569,385$ 16,956,911$

Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (297,946) (297,946) (297,946) (406,215) Books and Periodicals Expensed (7,014,570) (7,014,570) (7,014,570) (6,436,548)

Add: Sales of Goods and Services 639,998 639,998 608,902

3,788,377$ 2,757$ 5,288,843$ 1,275,168$ 195,687$ 1,140,691$ 227,787$ 11,919,310$ (22,443)$ $ 11,896,867$ 10,723,050$

Total Research $ $ 23,092$ 1,827$ 496$ 38,356$ 12,592$ 76,363$ $ $ 76,363$ 68,502$ Total Special 5,310 35,217 40,527 40,527 44,009

23,092 1,827 496 43,666 47,809 116,890 116,890 112,511Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (26,802) (26,802) (26,802) (56,984) Books and Periodicals Expensed (29,725) (29,725) (29,725) (34,490)

$ $ 23,092$ 1,827$ 496$ 13,941$ 21,007$ 60,363$ $ $ 60,363$ 21,037$

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


Thomas R Thompson
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Schedule12 Net Student Services Expenditures Net Expenditure Inter- Sales of Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31, Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

General Operating Aboriginal Student Centre $ 486$ 159,292$ 18,643$ 3,440$ 112,397$ 3,558$ 297,816$ 505$ 13,671$ 283,640$ 250,567$ Alumni Association 64,105 8,298 1,381 443,263 517,047 517,047 462,584 Admissions Office 913,485 125,550 19,675 245,562 21,297 1,325,569 1,325,569 1,262,196 Chaplain's Office 3,249 3,249 3,249 3,348 Counselling Services 485,920 43,963 130,901 81,718 14,266 54,581 7,385 818,734 7,432 811,302 890,592 English Language Centre 227,379 317,442 111,751 76,544 14,041 329,425 20,055 1,096,637 7,440 197,157 892,040 655,870 Financial Aid and Awards 215,961 26,684 4,649 26,879 274,173 274,173 240,258 Housing and Student life 83,494 11,529 1,798 18,079 201 115,101 3,015 112,086 115,151 International Centre for Students 216,552 24,445 4,661 25,202 8,131 278,991 30,704 248,287 265,154 Parent's Programs 8 13,366 13,374 13,374 13,024 Playcare Centre 109,867 15,025 2,366 8,458 8,048 143,764 26,433 117,331 100,956 Recreation and Athletics 371,643 252,844 2,330,861 320,772 63,668 1,568,867 222,187 5,130,842 23,659 3,979,962 1,127,221 808,049 Special Programming 106,811 170,176 697,905 134,977 21,265 286,074 17,885 1,435,093 12,088 43,925 1,379,080 1,209,982 Student Records Office 803,994 116,609 17,333 353,607 16,118 1,307,661 26,273 1,281,388 1,136,184 U.M.S.U. Special Projects 9,000 9,000 9,000 10,000 University Health Services 484,358 61,201 11,581 69,764 2,905 629,809 439,341 190,468 284,826 Total Operating 1,191,753 784,911 6,322,526 1,021,995 180,132 3,567,773 327,770 13,396,860 69,965 4,741,640 8,585,255 7,708,741

Research 432,864 2 313 433,179 433,179 372,724Special Funds 5,271 344 113 119,886 19,538 145,152 145,152 129,104 Total Research and Special 432,864 5,271 344 115 120,199 19,538 578,331 578,331 501,828

1,191,753$ 1,217,775$ 6,327,797$ 1,022,339$ 180,247$ 3,687,972$ 347,308$ 13,975,191$ 69,965$ 4,741,640$ 9,163,586$ 8,210,569$

Reconciliation to Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund BalancesTotal Operating 1,191,753$ 784,911$ 6,322,526$ 1,021,995$ 180,132$ 3,567,773$ 327,770$ 13,396,860$ (69,965)$ (4,741,640)$ 8,585,255$ 7,708,741$

Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (246,198) (246,198) (246,198) (222,382)

Add: Sales of Goods and Services 4,741,640 4,741,640 4,221,865

1,191,753$ 784,911$ 6,322,526$ 1,021,995$ 180,132$ 3,567,773$ 81,572$ 13,150,662$ (69,965)$ $ 13,080,697$ 11,708,224$

Total Research $ 432,864$ $ $ 2$ 313$ $ 433,179$ $ $ 433,179$ 372,724$ Total Special 5,271 344 113 119,886 19,538 145,152 145,152 129,104

432,864 5,271 344 115 120,199 19,538 578,331 578,331 501,828Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (18,510) (18,510) (18,510)

$ 432,864$ 5,271$ 344$ 115$ 120,199$ 1,028$ 559,821$ $ $ 559,821$ 501,828$

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule13 Net Administration Expenditures Net Expenditure Inter- Sales of Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31, Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

General Operating President's Office 1,010,204$ 12,500$ 2,331,190$ 399,094$ 72,237$ 865,457$ 192,377$ 4,883,059$ 329,155$ 80,750$ 4,473,154$ 3,824,984$ Financial Services 2,903,619 422,707 62,989 220,121 90,481 3,699,917 49,164 54,309 3,596,444 3,350,345 Human Resources 2,039,048 281,871 44,008 742,308 147,760 3,254,995 466,745 3,665 2,784,585 2,638,717 Institutional Analysis 399,986 52,023 8,615 26,148 10,627 497,399 497,399 421,060 Audit Services 204,286 27,919 4,400 14,033 22,147 272,785 272,785 233,184 Legal Services 134,816 18,529 2,904 345,304 1,773 503,326 503,326 489,777 Office Machine Services 122,185 428,068 550,253 433,069 117,184 (183,875) University Secretariat 282,082 39,993 6,077 78,777 18,532 425,461 425,461 414,535 Staff Benefits Office 506,879 75,147 10,907 158,886 15,148 766,967 412,536 354,431 322,352 Public Affairs 332,206 48,621 7,156 871,152 9,679 1,268,814 569,416 10 699,388 676,418 Total Operating 1,010,204 12,500 9,134,112 1,365,904 219,293 3,444,371 936,592 16,122,976 1,847,549 551,270 13,724,157 12,187,497

Research 9,112 14,278 157,605 10,794 1,709 1,303,427 14,584 1,511,509 1,511,509 828,405Special Funds 440 4,532 657 211 215,756 1,535 223,131 223,131 290,749 Total Research and Special 9,112 14,718 162,137 11,451 1,920 1,519,183 16,119 1,734,640 1,734,640 1,119,154

1,019,316$ 27,218$ 9,296,249$ 1,377,355$ 221,213$ 4,963,554$ 952,711$ 17,857,616$ 1,847,549$ 551,270$ 15,458,797$ 13,306,651$

Reconciliation to Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund BalancesTotal Operating 1,010,204$ 12,500$ 9,134,112$ 1,365,904$ 219,293$ 3,444,371$ 936,592$ 16,122,976$ (1,847,549)$ (551,270)$ 13,724,157$ 12,187,497$

Less: Capital Equipment & Betterments Expensed (453,680) (453,680) (453,680) (205,433)

Add: Sales of Goods and Services 551,270 551,270 561,801

1,010,204$ 12,500$ 9,134,112$ 1,365,904$ 219,293$ 3,444,371$ 482,912$ 15,669,296$ (1,847,549)$ $ 13,821,747$ 12,543,865$

Total Research 9,112$ 14,278$ 157,605$ 10,794$ 1,709$ 1,303,427$ 14,584$ 1,511,509$ $ $ 1,511,509$ 828,405$ Total Special 440 4,532 657 211 215,756 1,535 223,131 223,131 290,749

9,112 14,718 162,137 11,451 1,920 1,519,183 16,119 1,734,640 1,734,640 1,119,154Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (6,974) (6,974) (6,974) (6,547)

9,112$ 14,718$ 162,137$ 11,451$ 1,920$ 1,519,183$ 9,145$ 1,727,666$ $ $ 1,727,666$ 1,112,607$

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule14 Net Physical Plant Expenditures

Net Expenditure Inter- Sales of Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31, Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

General Operating Insurance $ $ $ $ $ 886,430$ $ 886,430$ $ $ 886,430$ 573,285$ Physical Plant 12,069,367 1,821,672 259,761 1,721,387 5,110,626 20,982,813 3,668,227 325,201 16,989,385 14,751,544 Security 1,155,132 169,313 24,890 199,475 24,948 1,573,758 699,984 873,774 828,423 Utilities: Fuel-Fort Garry 6,985,675 28,750 7,014,425 572,648 1,205,046 5,236,731 5,140,419 Fuel-Medical and Dental 1,777,353 141,795 1,919,148 109,815 11,069 1,798,264 1,937,337 Light, Power and Water 4,737,284 4,737,284 466,814 417,208 3,853,262 3,839,873 Telephone 328,257 44,854 7,084 1,519,280 9,329 1,908,804 2,821,739 39,882 (952,817) (953,289) Vehicle Fleet 27,966 20,644 48,610 75,133 714 (27,237) (22,857) Waste Management 28,855 4,072 621 19,704 903 54,155 82,186 (28,031) 3,974 Worker's Compensation 339,268 339,268 68,183 271,085 200,968 Auto Fleet Replacement 47,865 47,865 47,865 Total Operating 13,581,611 2,039,911 292,356 18,213,822 5,384,860 39,512,560 8,414,360 2,149,489 28,948,711 26,299,677 Research 3,605 3,605 3,605Special Funds 10,028 870 10,898 10,898 22,244 Total Research and Special 10,028 4,475 14,503 14,503 22,244

$ $ 13,581,611$ 2,039,911$ 292,356$ 18,223,850$ 5,389,335$ 39,527,063$ 8,414,360$ 2,149,489$ 28,963,214$ 26,321,921$ Reconciliation to Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund BalancesTotal Operating $ $ 13,581,611$ 2,039,911$ 292,356$ 18,213,822$ 5,384,860$ 39,512,560$ (8,414,360)$ (2,149,489)$ 28,948,711$ 26,299,677$

Less: Capital Equipment & Betterments Expensed (2,599,903) (2,599,903) (2,599,903) (1,138,342)

Add: Sales of Goods & Services 2,149,489 2,149,489 1,866,157

$ $ 13,581,611$ 2,039,911$ 292,356$ 18,213,822$ 2,784,957$ 36,912,657$ (8,414,360)$ $ 28,498,297$ 27,027,492$

Total Research $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,605$ 3,605$ $ $ 3,605$ $Total Special 10,028 870 10,898 10,898 22,244

$ $ $ $ $ 10,028$ 4,475$ 14,503$ $ $ 14,503$ 22,244$

Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed $ $ $ $ $ $ (3,605)$ (3,605)$ $ $ (3,605)$ (6,547)$

$ $ $ $ $ 10,028$ 870$ 10,898$ $ $ 10,898$ 15,697$

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


Thomas R Thompson
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Schedule15 Net General Expenditures Net Expenditure Inter- Sales of Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31, Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002General Operating 125th Anniversary $ $ 13,063$ 949$ 281$ 36,423$ $ 50,716$ 900$ $ 49,816$ 64,854$ Annual Giving Program 324,356 29,329 6,986 69,246 4,289 434,206 434,206 346,293 Audit Fees/Memberships 205,229 205,229 205,229 184,899 Bad Debt 460 460 460 19,371 Calendars & Registation 135,496 Campus Beautification 286 286 286 151,622 Campus Planning Group 706 706 706 54,335 Cancopy Licence and Fees 144,597 144,597 144,597 86,037 Change in Vacation Pay Liability 685,300 685,300 685,300 (179,016) Convocation 72,792 11,429 1,568 115,790 53,986 255,565 255,565 237,216 Employee Assistance Plan 163,410 163,410 163,410 164,699 Exchange & Bank Charges (238,444) (238,444) (238,444) (173,173) External Relations 120,442 695,279 116,284 17,612 430,583 15,929 1,396,129 1,396,129 1,451,139 Handicapped Transport 1,795 1,795 1,795 2,021 Miscellaneous 145,380 145,380 145,380 134,666 Ombudsman 59,940 8,819 1,291 7,897 328 78,275 78,275 73,541 Outreach Programs 1,710 80 37 23,073 210 25,110 25,110 22,584 R.G. & E.M. Knight Distinguished 314 314 314 10,527 Private Funding 593,808 87,698 12,791 266,029 15,955 976,281 976,281 985,715 Retiring Allowances 8,053 8,053 2,398 5,655 6,408 Brodie Centre 12 12 2,086 (2,074) (1,692) Executive Searches 20,682 20,682 20,682 108,173 Supplementary Health & Dental 1,195,284 1,195,284 1,195,284 1,006,020 Supplementary Pensions 936,981 936,981 468,491 468,490 453,715 Shuttle Bus 160,553 160,553 160,553 163,672 University Centre Management 380,973 49,285 8,203 285,838 42,364 766,663 599,943 166,720 265,558 United Way 2,500 3,517 6,017 6,017 6,186 Visitor Information Centre 24,667 1,733 530 11 26,941 26,941 26,554 Transfers To Other Institutes 273,472 273,472 273,472Total Operating 120,442 1,710 2,167,378 2,445,924 49,299 2,800,364 134,856 7,719,973 900 1,072,918 6,646,155 5,807,420

ResearchSpecial Funds 14,922 116 15,038 15,038 Total Research and Special 14,922 116 15,038 15,038 120,442$ 1,710$ 2,167,378$ 2,445,924$ 49,299$ 2,815,286$ 134,972$ 7,735,011$ 900$ 1,072,918$ 6,661,193$ 5,807,420$

Reconciliation to Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund BalancesTotal Operating 120,442$ 1,710$ 2,167,378$ 2,445,924$ 49,299$ 2,800,364$ 134,856$ 7,719,973$ 900$ (1,072,918)$ 6,646,155$ 5,807,420$ Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (30,761) (30,761) (30,761) (204,288)Add: Sales of Goods and Services 1,072,918 1,072,918 986,157

$ 120,442 $ 1,710 $ 2,167,378 $ 2,445,924 $ 49,299 $ 2,800,364 $ 104,095 $ 7,689,212 $ 900 $ $ 7,688,312 $ 6,589,289

Total Research $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $Total Special 14,922 116 15,038 15,038

$ $ $ $ $ $ 14,922 $ 116 $ 15,038 $ $ $ 15,038 $

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


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Schedule16 Grand Total of Net General Expenditures (Total Schedules 9 to 15)

Net Expenditure

Inter- Sales of Other Staff Payroll Supplies Equipment Gross Departmental Goods & March 31, March 31, Academic Instruction Support Benefits Tax Levy and Expenses Alter.,Etc. Expenditure Income Services 2003 2002

General Operating 104,968,312$ 12,551,334$ 74,130,438$ 25,917,958$ 4,069,995$ 64,497,163$ 18,955,709$ 305,090,909$ (13,068,217)$ (20,538,010)$ 271,484,682$ 253,017,487$ Total Operating 104,968,312 12,551,334 74,130,438 25,917,958 4,069,995 64,497,163 18,955,709 305,090,909 (13,068,217) (20,538,010) 271,484,682 253,017,487

Research 5,032,437 19,554,996 9,806,000 2,842,962 470,468 29,456,651 4,953,182 72,116,696 72,116,696 59,818,255Special Funds 1,081,290 1,377,009 3,046,322 540,124 97,386 13,485,866 368,830 19,996,827 19,996,827 21,195,358 Total Research and Special 6,113,727 20,932,005 12,852,322 3,383,086 567,854 42,942,517 5,322,012 92,113,523 92,113,523 81,013,613

111,082,039$ 33,483,339$ 86,982,760$ 29,301,044$ 4,637,849$ 107,439,680$ 24,277,721$ 397,204,432$ (13,068,217)$ (20,538,010)$ 363,598,205$ 334,031,100$

Reconciliation to Statement ofOperations and Changes in Fund BalancesTotal Operating 104,968,312$ 12,551,334$ 74,130,438$ 25,917,958$ 4,069,995$ 64,497,163$ 18,955,709$ 305,090,909$ (13,068,217)$ (20,538,010)$ 271,484,682$ 253,017,487$

Less: Capital Equipment and Betterments Expensed (10,232,133) (10,232,133) (10,232,133) (8,546,892) Books & Periodicals Expensed (7,014,570) (7,014,570) (7,014,570) (6,436,548)

Add: Sales of Goods and Services 20,538,010 20,538,010 19,397,091

104,968,312$ 12,551,334$ 74,130,438$ 25,917,958$ 4,069,995$ 57,482,593$ 8,723,576$ 287,844,206$ (13,068,217)$ $ 274,775,989$ 257,431,138$

Total Research 5,032,437$ 19,554,996$ 9,806,000$ 2,842,962$ 470,468$ 29,456,651$ 4,953,182$ 72,116,696$ $ $ 72,116,696$ 59,818,255$ Total Special 1,081,290 1,377,009 3,046,322 540,124 97,386 13,485,866 368,830 19,996,827 19,996,827 21,195,358

6,113,727 20,932,005 12,852,322 3,383,086 567,854 42,942,517 5,322,012 92,113,523 92,113,523 81,013,613Less: Capital Equipment & Betterments Expensed (4,291,097) (4,291,097) (4,291,097) (4,662,661) Books & Periodicals Expensed (29,725) (29,725) (29,725) (34,490)

6,113,727$ 20,932,005$ 12,852,322$ 3,383,086$ 567,854$ 42,912,792$ 1,030,915$ 87,792,701$ $ $ $ 87,792,701 $ 76,316,462

Salaries and Wages Deduct - Cost Recoveries


Thomas R Thompson
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