Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2 Biomedical Instrumentation B2. Dealing with noise B18/BME2 Dr Gari Clifford

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Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2


Instrumentation B2. Dealing with noise


Dr Gari Clifford

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Noise & artifact in biomedical signals

Ambient / power line interference: 50 ±0.2 Hz mains noise (or 60 Hz in many data sets) with an amplitude of up to 50% of full scale deflection (FSD), the peak-to-peak ECG amplitude. Also includes ambient light changes (for PPG)

Sensor pop or contact noise: Loss of contact between the sensor and the skin manifesting as sharp changes with saturation at FSD for periods of around 1 s on the ECG (usually due to an electrode being nearly or completely pulled off);

Patient–sensor motion artifacts: Movement of the electrode away from the contact area on the skin, leading to variations in the impedance between the electrode and skin causing potential variations in the ECG and usually manifesting themselves as rapid (but continuous) baseline jumps or complete saturation for up to 0.5 second;

Electromyographic (EMG) noise: Electrical activity due to muscle contractions lasting around 50 ms between dc and 10,000 Hz with an average amplitude of 10% FSD level;

Baseline drift: E.g. respiratory motion with an amplitude of ~15% FSD at frequencies drifting between 0.15-0.3 Hz;

Hardware electronics noise: Artifacts generated by the signal processing hardware, such as signal saturation;

Electrosurgical noise: Noise generated by other medical equipment present in the patient care environment a frequencies between 100 kHz and 1 MHz, lasting for approximately 1 and 10 seconds; - may include defibrillation artifact too.

Quantization noise: Steps introduced into data

Clock drift & missing data: Sampling frequency is not constant – always use a real-time OS

Aliasing: Spurious frequencies because sampling frequency is too low or data were resampled

Signal processing artifacts: (e.g., Gibbs oscillations, IIR filters, ).

Other biological sources & sinks :(e.g., non-conductive tissues, fetal/maternal mixture, observer pulse).

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Quantisation Noise

Imagine a QRS complex

The R-peak is always cut-off

This leads to additional low

and high frequency

contributions to the signal

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Quantisation Noise

Signal to Noise Quantisation Ratio

(Q = # bits)

E.g. A 16-bit ADC has a maximum signal-

to-noise ratio of 6.02 × 16 = 96.3 dB.

Assumes uniform distribution of signal

If not, then reduce: E.g. If a sine wave,

then multiply by 2-½

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Aliasing The corresponding behaviour in the time domain is obvious is

we consider a sinusoid of frequency fm :

Hence we have to sample at least twice every period in order

to disambiguate, and so fs > 2 fm , or equivalently ωs > 2 ωm

fs < 2 fm

fs < 2 fm

fs = fm

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

How fast should we sample the ECG?

fs > 2 fm ... So what is the highest frequency in the ECG?

Think about the idealised ECG

S-wave is ½ square = 0.02s = 50Hz

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Signal Processing Artifacts

Spectral leakage



Multiples of the



E.g. ...

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

DFT recap: Sampling

Sample the time-signal by multiplication

with a train of pulses...

...which corresponds to convolution

in the frequency domain

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Consider some time-domain signal, x(t),

which has frequency transform, X(ω)


Review: The Fourier Transform

eix = cos(x) + isin(x)

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Sampling x(t) means multiplying it by a pulse train

This means convolving X(f) with the FT of the pulse train

Review: time-sampling

pulse train time signal Convolved freq. signal

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Multiply by window W(t), or convolve with a sinc W(f) in freq:



pulse train time signal Convolved freq. signal FT[window]

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2


The DFT:

The DFT-1:

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Where is the heart rate?

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Signal Processing Artifacts

Filter distortion

Finite Impulse Response – pass band ripple, amplitude


Infinite Impulse Filters – phase distortion

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Recap – Analogue Filters

Kirchoff’s laws give:


Which can be discretised:

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Recap – Analogue Filters

Magnitude of gains:

... and phases:

Impulse responses: (Inverse Laplace Transform of H ...

with =RC ... i.e. Response of

circuit to a Dirac delta (t).

Note u(t) is Heaviside function) and a three poles (origin, =1/RC)

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Recap – Analogue Filters

Nonlinear amplification / attenuation

Nonlinear phase distortion

Different frequencies

are delayed by

different amounts

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Recap – Digital Filters

A filter transforms the input signal:

X is transformed into Y by multiplying by a transfer

function H

H is composed of two types of coefficients (a & b)

The a’s multiply the input signal (X) only

The b’s include the output in the calculation

P is the feedforward order and Q the feedback order

Poles of filter are found by setting denominator of H

equal to zero

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Frequency & Phase Response

Convert an impulse

function to frequency and

phase response.

E.g. bk ={0.3, 0.7, 0, -0.3, -0.7}

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Signal Processing Artifacts

Filter distortion

Finite Impulse Response – pass band ripple, amplitude


Infinite Impulse Filters – phase distortion

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Gibbs Oscillations / Ringing

Consequence of


impulse response

of window (sinc

function) with


In electrical

circuits= oscillation

of V or I when

electrical pulse

causes the

parasitic C & L

(from other

materials on IC)

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

AR models for spectral estimation

The notation AR(p) refers to the autoregressive model of

order p. The AR(p) model is written as follows:

Y t = ai Y t-i + t (1 i p)

where the ai’s are the parameters of the model and εt is a white-noise process with zero mean.

An autoregressive model is essentially an infinite

impulse response filter which shapes the white-noise

input. The poles are the resonances of the filter and

correspond to the spectral peaks in the signal.

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

AR-model vs FFT spectra (for EEG)

AR model is


Requires only a

few coefficients

Useful for

estimation on

short time series

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2

Biomedical Instrumentation B18/BME2


DFT slides – Dr David Clifton

PSD slide – Dr James Pardey