b. Inggris 2003

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Page 1: b. Inggris 2003
Page 2: b. Inggris 2003

Medical doctor’s in the United States receive demanding education,training,and testing before they become licensed to practice medicine. Before beginning their medical education they usually have 4 years of college level education. This is followed by 4 years in medical school. The first part of medical school is focused on classroom and laboratory study in the health sciences(anatomy,biochemistry,microbiology,pathology, pharmacology and physiology). The second part focuses on working with patients under the supervision of licensed doctors.

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After taking medical school,doctors must complete 1 to 3 years of residency training to be eligibleto to take the examination to practice medicine in most States. At this point,a doctor has had as much 11 years of education and training beyond high school.Most doctors go on taking specialty training n a residency program, usually based in a hospital. For primary certification this can require from 3 to 8 years. This specialty training is followed by more examinations in order for the doctor to become certified by a specialty board. If your doctor is board certified, he or she has probably had about 12 to 15 years of education beyond high school.

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After specialty training,some doctors also choose to do a fellowship to gain more training in a subspeciality in their field of expertise. The fellowship can last 2 years or more.Doctors also keep up-to date in their knowledge of medicine by taking continuing medical education courses.

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1. In the USA, can a graduate of Senior High School directly enroll in a medical school?

No they can’t2. What the first requirement the students

should meet before starting their medical education?

They should have 4 years of college-level education

3. What subjects do medical students learn in medical school?

The subjects are anatomy,biochemistry, microbiology, pathology pharmacology, and physiology.

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4. Is it possible for the medical students to practice their knowledge directly after graduating from medical school? Explain!

5. What must the fresh graduates of medical school do before they are able to practice medicine in most states?

They must complete 1 to 3 years of residency training to be eligible to take the examination to practice medicine in Most states

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6. What Program does a doctor take when he wants to become a specialist?

Specialty training in a residency program with more examination

7. Why should the doctors who take specialty training take more examinations?

To become certified by a specialty board8. Is a fellowship a primary program? Explain! No its’nt,because the fellowship just as

specialty training

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9. What is the role of a fellowship for a doctor ‘s career?

To gain more training in a subspecialty in their field of expertise

10.In the USA, approximately how long does a medical student study to be certified as a specialist?

About 12-15 years

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Taking 4 years of education at a college or university (Bachelor Degree)

Having been certified to be eligible to provide patient care in his specialty (Board Certification)

Taking 2 or more years of additional training in a particular field (fellowship)

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1. How do you compare the medical education in USA and that in Indonesia in terms of the requirements, the lenght of the study and the certification to take the specialist?

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2. Nowadays,medical science and technology tend to develop rapidly. What should you do to keep up to date in your knowledge of medical science?

To keep to up date my knowledge I can read the newest information from internet or watching television.

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3. How you ever heard “a commercial doctor”?

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1. I started studying medical science in this university in 1996.Started= began

2. As medical students, we posses less pleasure time to hang out.Posses= have

3. The teaching in learning process in medical faculty is not only concentrated in classroom but also in the hospital as a place to train the medical students to apply their knowledge.Concentrated= centered

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4. Being a physician is still considered as an honorable job besides being a teacher.Physician= doctor

5. Most medical students want to take the specialty training after finishing their doctor’s education.Finishing= complete

6. A doctor commonly asks his/her patient to have a general checkup when the patient gets a serious illness.Commonly= usual,ordinary

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7. The main factor causing someone to get migraine is stress.Main= some,a part

8. In the USA,medical students will possibly be an expert in his/her field of specialty when they have completed his medical education and training for 12 to 15 years.Possibly= maybe, perhaps

9. Medical students can have practice medicine after they obtain more examinations and practice certificationObtain= have

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10. Each doctor has different ability in diagnosing a kind of disease the patient is suffering from.Ability= talent

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1. Focus (verb)

2. Beyond (preposition)

3. Follow (verb)

4. Choose (verb)

5. Keep up to date (verb)

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