ljl "' maun its" 1 . «m HssenwPB^"" '7*''^mmimiw , **^ m *W!W! imm mmmmmm 36 BUFFALO COURIER, SUNDAE. MARCH 16, 1919 IKKSUN.4IA lll/SI.NESS PEK^ONALS, I AWSISU8. V s A WNINGS, tents, flails, waterproof rov ri trs. S** us at once for spring detiv- -1 A rem men would li sruatt-ii nati" MM ired young woman desiring to \\ T K nn doing you a personal favor by ish an artistic agency, making ' ' * giving you an opportunity to get in ndenl, phone Seneca 5558 Sun- , on th<' proposition care of Safety unrier I ery. CeiiTurv liliicott Co. Tel. Tup. 6161. I i Stocks and Bonds, as it has passed blue \ 916 Main St. mchlt31 sky laws of various states. Head and act. once our client, always our satisfied client. Address Proposition 9. care of Buffalo <*o'iJri>-r i >F U i WCR TAN NOT CORRECT ITSELF. il d< 1A* ntrodiM •\V ed gentleman past middle ace is. unincumbered, good health, e to meet an elderly lady. lik. wise, that would appre- btgfeeahle companion; give par- In m.-«.r; all letters strictly at <»tii»,y matrimony; no gen- Al«lr.-s» On J.. Courier. ' . , . , . 1. j f y o u ar ^ troubled with superfluous S wishing to marry, wanting hair, moies. warts, red veins, etc.. they tions. booklet free. Write wiil be a «oimtant detriment to your per- Orand | son.il appearance until you secure..the j necessary H-ofessional service. So ?why suit rot tn v e s t iff J^te our methods for their <J« aa > permanent atid painless removal? Con- ?North su,,ati ^" tov H " ' DOCS FOK SALE. '— r ( acre nr M ALE Boston terrier puppies; eligible | tion. 1 to reenter. 47 17th St. 12U6 FINANCIAL. r PKX Dollars invested in oil make $WWO; $2 acre. 25 down; 25 cwits aire weekly I in Texas-Rainbow's end; Open field may make your lead $1,000 acre ;. this has happened buy low; sell high; that way tunes for lease owners; remit! acre first payment; write; freej M. Milam, Oklahoma. >i r e s p o n d e n c e Club, register. P RIZE French bulls, pedigreed; none better: for sale and service; puppies on hand. S96 EUicott St. I«V>K SAl,K-.\>w A eiirhict-n'.'yt-ai' 'ol< blue serge 1 size; cost 46 i'utnam St. All work guarantei&l. (; I;.VTL \. J. WHJITTLETON. El 0.Is*. T.- :M.\N fifty some means, good Seneca 1056. : 434 EUicott Square Bldg arance; desires acquaintance means: object matrimony. Buffalo Courier. w . I^YES are bread winners, take cure of ! *-* them and they wtll take care of t J ENTLKMAN would like to meet lady.! you; headache and blurred vision means ^ J or t... with business preferred, i *>'* straining j come to ins and I will cor- "aio courier. \ rect the faults with properly fitted ., ' , 7~~ : 7C~ srlassss; when children dislike study, refined widow, stranger In the; nerve energ y j s used to overcome eye juaintance of refined , strain: we can remove tho strain scien- r holding Jf««d po- i titically and improvement will follow. ii p ^ i Newman, Optician and Eye Specialist. Buffalo corner Genesis St. and Michigan Ave. j Bell phone. Open Monday and. Saturday evenings. I . 1 1 t>.\KI.V .-* til v. aisl if niony. itleman < to •>•>: object friendship and Addn-ds Box 40 M"S WIl.I! . I j ' i' i. li R. TINNEY—Something Address Box 31. E Ave. «ter. .V V Mr. Ed Castonguay Hamburg, N. Y feb'».!6.23mar2. Male bird dog, English set tig town li Abbott Rd F OR SALE—Male birc ter; party leaving town_ flrsj; April Box 140 9&16 1 >RIZK French bulls for sale and service; pedigrees; none better; puppies on hand. Ford. 596 EUicott St. 9.16,23.30 "C*OR SALE—Fine poodle dog; 7 months: •T bright, lively; little trained. Apply Its East Eagle St. IIOBSKS AMI CAKBIACl VIJANTED—Good sound horse| '.» 1.100 to 1,300 pounds. See 175 Elk St.,- at foot of Marvin grade. FOB SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. s \\ I'itl'IAL men . om fift« e name T^ACTORY sample sale of living, din- •*• ing and bedroom furniture at] prac- ::.? ••'•>:•" tu ladies and gentle- tieally wholesale prices; by our modern IOW would you like to make method of merchandising you will save i to one hundred dollars a! at buud twenty-live per cent' on your e want of von is to give us I purchases; retail where wholesale meth- tud address of anv person t °* ,s prevail. Furniture Makers' Sales Co., sinirle or two-family liouse j •*"» W a s h i n g t o n , corner Mohawk. for '"" ' any rt%«i e s t a t e ior sate or to.buy; business strictly confidential; some our friends have made as much as One hundred fjfty dollars a week by glvinx us the above information: you. M E ; S TORE fixtures, office furniture, house- hold goods bought and sold. Wein- berg. 5D Washington St. mchlt31 L ARGE quantity of new lumber at re- duced prices. Marine Wrecking Co.. William and Fillmore. Howard 2687. J ^ mchttai _ I^OK SALE Second-hand doors, win- HOUSE WBECKING. G REEN A. LANCTOT Houa Co.. offlcs tU Niagara 8t 1074; building of sir kinds purcl removed at short notice. fsl 1NSC BANCS. L W. HAMBU 507 ERIE BANK BLDOJ OPEN EVENINGS—SENECf B ETTER let Hamblin write dent and health insurance day. Pay a premium of $10 per i if you are sick or hurt you wil J-' Iflows, safes, pips sxid fittings: »* V Dfr w e k f w 1 w to EN wanted to cut their own halt. If ,-ou can osmb your hair you jSwn cut J. Forbush. sifceutor. * A..i HOW lumber, mlllwork. wallboard. rubber roofing remnants and paint. Buffalo House Wrecking A Salvage Co.. Sveamore m. and Erie R, R jlyltf V1TALL PAPER at factory cost to close »» estate. No. 14? East Utica St. T. n ins us tne aoove intormaiion: >ou» t .^, %i»„^„ ii.r„i. «# AT, do ,he same: get busy. Lewis. t h ^ L ^ L S f p n w iv* tieal Estate Broker of B u f f a l o . 5 8 o | M g J g g y SUPP»JMC Q-. W >t.' s < i u a r e it. Season's greatest invention.* Auto- matic air Ciftter. Price $2 00; worth not satisfied/ The > r atertown t N. T . t i^EE the bonks in your finger, the lead PENCIL—The most sensational! . '•> * pertcll. Magic Eys X-Ray. ..ion; locates lost friends; writes Amusing and J tastruetiye to, old and wonderfi. messages; descriptive sample I ^ oun f- *•"??]*' •* e .? t *«. T!}f Mohn ey fee <». Martin. 411 West Ferry. Buffalo. ***£& Cn -' llJ ® Frankltat St.. Watertown. _ ( ^__ N - Y - r t yi»i \i, s JPIK;T fsbstf* /-ntieinan >«»•«.»« "' * ia TL i 11ARGAINS in unrede able young girl or widow JJ nvir«»t« rimonial intentions. Address ovtrcoa l » Buffalo Courier. 16&23 .1^8 Sfe.Mi.CA S unredeemed suits STREET. and ltt22 UtJilNK— I'fCK.SONALM ~ B ALL 385 •Ol T M, yery best quality. Grimms' Michigan Ave. ]6.23.3n D ESKS and Chairs—We can save you money on new and used office furni- ture, we also repair office furniture. Buffalo Office Furniture Exchange. Inc. Warehouse and salesrooms. 86-88 Pearl St I mchlt3l S HOWCASE, soda fountain, manufactur- i-ers of complete store outfits for any business. A Dutch & Co.. 148 Seneca St mchlt31exBuns S HOES for a workingman. size 10; Elm- wood car. 27' Woodette place, upper flat t5tl6 "C^OR SALE—Fine beech, birch and ma- *- pie hardwood blocks, stove length; also longer lengths if desired. $4.75 per load-delivered: put in your next winter's \ *!> - ' < u ? * ii..., 7 ,_ t , WMrt u „ ml ., ,, . ,,. . . •.•-• — | supply now. Geo. W. Jenipgs. Inc.. 1283 ' « 7 H ""tf 1 - 7 w Wert .i;. u i? n ' f|LNNKB talkk debates. orat4fns. reso- Broadway. 328 EUicott Square. Walden •>t.—t.ooms Ji and up. oct3ltr» | A ' lutions prepared. Research work if! Ave. and Lackawanna subway and foot of necessary, charge reasonable. A. Quail. ! Milburn St. Phone Howard 1001. I mchlOtf* TF YOU ARE SICK OR INJTT WILL RECEIVE «25 PER AVEEI WEEKS; ACCIDENTAL DEAT] BENEFICIARY WILL KECEfVal Why take a chance when thi| tion can be had for a mere $10 or 3c per day? LET ME WRITE THAT APPLj TODAY. L IBERTY Bonds purchased for ss*t, cash; paid or partly paid: open —•« f 2$ * 6 Madison, Baltimore, Md. inps 14. B Dennison 4 0 » 1M^Posrl tyRiTE A SOiNG-Love, mother, home, 1 ( _f*i B f?.!!!L ** childhood, [patriotic or any subject. f^O to Siumm's for'vour trunks, travel- f ' compose pntsh- and guarantee publica- ^* ing bays suitcases, brief bags. Mil} lion - s ** n ' 1 «'«fd- s today. Thomas Mer- folds. etc.: we do repairing. 4$ Seneca. L ,n - * 2 * Reaper [Block. Chicago. Sen. ."MCI. HAMBLIN, Open ERIE RANK B| MACHINE WORK WANT] 7X)M!'K ^ ' cornn •on and F jnchltSl Il certainty T HE Harvey-Haines Machine 369 EUicott St.. machine w descriptions; equipped to do light faeturlng and screw machine worl WRITE THE [WORDS FOR A SONG W*> w r i t e music and guarantee pub- lisher's acceptance. Submit poems, pa- triotic, love or Any subject. Chester-Mu- ,. , , sic Co.. 538 SO. Dearborn. Suite 18«rj. /^L R Sunday dlnn<>r» the best In the city ! Chicago. ^-' at. 11; served from noon t o 8 p. m. I »~.~X.1.~~~3rz." "" : Hotel Meilig 1621 Main St 4»17* IH»N T GO DRY. WHISKY 15d QT ; BEER 15c GAL: riTOR CIGAR' >te». Shrimpton's. corner Hu- anklin St. mch4taprS MILLINEKV AND DRESSMA1 I>OOJI.S tvr i-ommerdal m -*•• cold running water with men: not ami [ALL INGREDIENTS HARMLESS: CAN modern con- j BE OBTAINED AT SMAIX C!OST; 10 venu rices. Jl per day: take ForOst or No. > SECRET FORMULAS FOR fl.tM. 1 car from N. Y. Central, depot. Hotel { I*, o . BOXj 480, SHARON, PA: l«t*S ' Ml l II il ilic Tfijl Main St. 4tl7« 'PEN dollars reward for any wstch that <-annot be made to run. See Fisher, I ihlished ovt-r forty years. ne.it 'o Academy. 251 Main! 10t21 I _ U^TCll crystals, five cents; *' springs, fiftv: ci main T OUIS MII'LSR. No. 4T» Osnssos, the Hriiifd fifty Jewelry sjutomoWlo | radiator repair man; and optical rdpa-lrlni' all 'woS'guTran^ J^™^**:?" 0 ,? ""»» ° r « , * r,: •* tl "^ <! teed Freeman Jewelry Co., Iff Oeneses. I *J 0 ". *W*£ ****t 11tl« I ^OR SALE—Natural gas range, water front attachment. 368 Baynes St. Phone North 1732-R. 12tl *_ F OR SALE— 50-egg Buckeye incubator: 100-egg Buckeye compartments: one brooder, good condition. Phone Abbott' 422_-J._ 18'J^ ChoaJte_Ave._ 12 A 18 I TflOR SALE—Awning 20 feet long with I frame shelvings and counters; will I /~i IRLS. now is the time to lear| sell at hah* price: must be sold account j vX making, ladies' tailoring, euttj of moving to country; just the awning • ting and designing; bring youf for a store .or yacht Enquire foot of to the Cnited States Dressmaking Marvin St.. under grade. Thompson. 17» land we will teach you how to.mi *•""' e * «'>•>« 'dresses and suits; evening class days and Fridays; dresses cut art] patterns cut to order. Room 6, Rod Chippewa St. 2,9,1| J jlORD coupe, self-starter, shock absorb- j ^ ^ ^ » ers: first-class condition, $300 cash. ** .• P h o n e N o r t h LWUi J. *__ \ MONET TO LOAN. F rRNITCRE for _Apt.JZ. Elk St. 12tl8 _ I ?OR SALE—Hudson seal coat for $200. . 1594 Dekiware Ave.; North 3020-.VI. sale. 279 Niagara:: l»it!7f j tf» AR4 JAINS in unredeemed diamonds, tches. guns and musical instru- ments. Cantor's Pawn Shop, JiOO Mich hrsn Ave. L D3ERT7 bonds purcnassd fi cash; paid or partly psldj wings. irl St. H. B. Dennison fit T I.BEBTY Bond*—We pay highest cash J ^ price. 47 Market Arcade. 617 Main St. Htl6 TT7E can do your suto repairs and ro. £~~_\ -••• •••, ',——7-7-—7T »* chargs and; fcan storage batteries. , TOBACCO--Oalden s famous Clidden Gsraga Elmwood snd Forest feb30tmar21* Spot Cash Paid For machine stitched. L Acme Vulcanising Howard 5ft, mchltJt Tennessee 4- natural leaf: aged and mellow: two evenings. ?! T HIS PRUDENTIAL Society. South Division St..' loans diamonds watches, Jewelry and " [ rates as low as 1-2 per cent s mc J stone. Goodrich. 3 [lller. etc.; your favorite j mWELYK reels moving pictures; I ma A* at . a b « r K4>'> Price; complete line of I ± comedies; one cartoon comedy , 5.000 mileguarajnteed tires at liberal dls- ! aud two r « e lers cheap. counts. Motor Tire Supply Co., t*T Main care Buffalo <"ourier. St. and $70 Broadway Open evenings. mcMtf* XTULCANIZINO thai lasts; tires double. ! Works. 299 Broadway. Old gold silver and platinum, slso false i teth In any condition or quantity. Mail f rpiRES. tires, t res. save 40 to 60 per or bring as we have no agents. Buffalo; A cent: all higi grade standaiU nukes Cold Refining Co.. $43 EUicott gauir* | of new blemished tires: McGraw. Fire- 4 OOK younger: Improve yeur complex ion: if you have any blemishes write today: red face or nose, wrinkles, liver spots frt-ckles. failing hair, etc.; imme- diate results French Specialties, 237 W. 34th St.. New York^ , ^I'il* r\PTICIANS—Free examinations; stylish " mountings; moderate prices. Best * Co.. CJeneree St. feb2ithur.sun.tuestmar2t M ARRIAGE paper free-fhe best and most reliable published. Eastern Agency 5. Bridgeport. Conn. feblSsunstf* r POBACCO or* snuff hal*'t cured or no; -*• pay: ll.oo if cured; .emedy sent on ' trial Supcrba Co.. W242 BaUimore. j Maryland . febSsunstf* pounds $1: five pounds $2 5|>: s a l f a c t i o n j I^titJilon of t ^ better knd guaranteed. Gaulden Tobacco Co., Mill ! "* fiwn*! Bldg., Dukedom, Tenn. j —. isrir- 1 T30THSCHILD LOAN CO.. $15 T OBACCO—Home-grown Kentucky mat- A*. Loaning money on diamonds. ural leaf; aged and mellow, one pound | Jewelry. New York rates. feb25t| SOc: five pounds $2.40; satisfaction guar an teed. Randolph Tobacco Co. Paducah. Ky. Box B i / > ENERATOR^. starters and all electri- *-* cal equipments repaired and adjusted; batteries, lecharging and repairing. El- sen hans Battery Exchange, 999 Main St., i8!> Washington; St. IQffl 3,5JK) MILES GUARANTEED TIRES 1 JIOR SALE—Glass top marble for fheat: also Ash counter ice box. 408 Niagara St. THE THE MORRtS PLi Electric Bldg. loanl MORRIS .'or the payment of business expansior PLAN useful purpose 4& earners, profeBslor I business mVn. . Your character ar I fng power is the hasis of credit; d| counter | your Llbertv bond. - m| md'fish | VTTM. DE RADE^^^ieHahle" good one Address Movie, pawnbrokers. 5 Niagara St| I 7»LECTRIC vacuum cleaner, cost $32.50:1 Main; loans on large or small * will sacrifice for $10; evenings. 34 | on diamonds, watches. Jewelry," Park St. 1 bonds at special rates; open evenli m^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! mi ri'RNlTl'RE FOB SALE. 30x3 . 30x3 4 S?x3H 31x4 t 32x4 . 33x4 . 34x4 . 36x4 VB I 7.00 3.00 ».75 lfi.0© 11.00 1300 11.00 lt.50 H l'NDKEDS of rugs, most term* and factory samph *ly -4. i.'NKLY maiden. 27. would, marry; " write for picture. Box 150-B. Syra- cuse. N Y. g.l6,23.mar2.9.16 < 2.EN11NE iiamts. addresses, descrlp- I XT-™ "J«« IVL..UI nn- r* T " tions of ladies or gentlemen desiring! N e w i d e a I^PUble Tire C<*., Inc. marriage, 2»c. Select Club. C.„ B o x 1*6.; oei %*«:„ « 4 To,->eki'.. K a n s a s ; 16.23.mart.Mt.83 o;> ? «»»lll Ot. \IARIUAC.E directly with photos snd I !**!i!2!*"J J ** desci i it ion free: pav when mar-I TpORD panel top delivery body |5tf; A-l ied. The Exchange X>ept. 4S. Kansas'* 1 - condition: Also light roadsters: good 2.<>. 16.23.3© ! conditions. $100.| 3340 Seneca St. I5tl0 drop pat- m aid factory samples, all -use*; | thoiiHiiTidH ot yards of linoleums and pro I lino; thousand* of yard* of st;iir and hall j carpets; our pric<>s ;ire very much lower I thull any ether store in. Bul'"aie. The I Bargain Siore. 1IKt Seuecu St. M ONEY loaned on watches, dia jewelry, etc.; lowept rates; lished 30 years Louis Meyers, 21 street. m< M ONEY loaned on watches, dii jewelry. Mose Cohen. Relia< censed Pawnbroker, 619 Main m< B UFFALO SECURITY CO loan company). 7:t7 Ellii (I ieott nmmmp n>ttTA-i MtSICAL INSTBUMENTS. < it\, Mo. illustrated U ET married: handsomely matrimonial magazine mailed free. II, J^naa st^ Paul._Minn. 2.». U.^Jyt' At ARRIAGE Free p6<a\s. be-jutifi;! •* l ladies: description and directory; pay when married^fNew I*lan Co.. Dept. ::. K a n s a s C i t y . MjjU, 2.ff.l6.23.8» T REATMENTS for weak or fallen arches and callouses; arch support- ers made that fit you. S. Lewis. Tel Howard 2»31-M. 2.9,16 AutoRefinishingCo. 213-13 William St. Auto4 Hefiuished Autos Repainted, New Tops Curtain* Repaired, General Overhauling. R ETIRING from the furniture business, legul imprest; banking department;] final clearance: the balance of my i virion: unlet, contideuffel loans stock will be sold this month for what- j nlture. pianos or diauiuSds, Phoi ever price it will bring, positively no r e a - i eca C2. _ ' sonable offer refused; I have left a few ——^——•— wm^mm —— bedroom, dining room and living room suites, also a few odd buffets, tables, I chairs, davenports, beds, springs, mat- tresses, dressers, rugs, linoleum., etc.: full value for your Liberty bonds and War Savings stamps: 50-pound felt mat- tresses valued to $25: sale price $12.50: open Monday, Wednesday. Friday and i Saturday evenings. J. M. Whissel, 640 ' High street. Genesee car to Fox. J [IOR S inch ALE—New phonograph. f«j tone arm; bargain price forty-sevf lars cash. 210 Blaine Ave., low* leaving city. i lET MARRIED- Best Matrimonial pa- per published. Free for stamp. Correspondent, Toledo. Ohio. • mar2.sunstmf v4 I POSITION guaranteed: girls learn hair- dressing. facial and scalp treat- ment, shampooing and manicuring: day and night class; special terms. Mite Jewel, 61 Elmwood Ave., near Allen; phone Tupper Jst-J- 9.11,23.30' C iORN or rye whiskey made anywhere j Buffalo - Courier. I } without still, drugs or alcohol: old ' ~~ ~* L^UKDS stsrt easy in «du weatser with *•• sur sow 19|> carbureters: M miles S c gs**ea; use ySea pest gasoline «r half CELL your furniture to Reed. 101 Seii- K^ eca St. Phone Seneca 1930. 16t22 PAINTING AND DECOBATIM 1 JRIVATE sale of bach, 1.104 Delaware furniture. Ave. II. May- Z^IOMPLETE furnishings beautiful Kim PATENTS. wood Ave. apartment. Including living room, dining room and bedroom suites, library table, floor lamp, table lamp, baby kerosene, lucressrd power7 styles tor s n y i grand piano, rugs and other household motor: very slow on high: attach It your- j goods: will sell separately or complete self; big profits to agents; money back with lease of apartment: everything new tpMIL NEUHART. potent attorn* guarantee: 10 days - trial. Air-Frlctlon | and very choi'-e: no reasonable offer re *-* Brisbane Bldg: United State Carburetor Co.. 4*2 MaMison Dsrfnn. Okie, fused. 104'i Elmwood. lower flat; tele- foreign patents, trademarks and P ROTECT your gutters, conduct flashings with Recktenwalt's red paint: our men will paint thei Tupper 703. novlfrldesuntf phone North 3080-W. rights. mar2t2 T.sun.tues.tl V1 T ANTED to bjiy Ford touring car with " enclosed body; or Sedan: must be in good condition. Address Box F-5. care German secret: complete-instructions $1 Edwin StanfieW L">07 C h e r r y St.. Kansai City. Mo. I WILL gladly tell anyone suffering with rheumatism how I was cured in four days after two years' terrible suffering: it matters not what you have, what you have tried or how-long standing: send name and address today. Address J. Box 147, Little Rock. Ark. C tl'.VNlXGHAM[limousine. l»li. for sale: -' bargain. Address -G. Buffalo Courier. 16U7 K EAL BARGAJIN--1916 e Cadillac, all j around first R ETIRING from the furniture business; final clearance, balance of my stock must be sold this month for whatever price It will bring: positively no reason- able offer refused; I have left a few bed- room, dining room and living room suites: also a few odd buffets, tabl>-*i. chairs. davenports, rockers, beds, springs, mat- i tresses, dressers, chiffoniers, baby car- iirht nL*in*»» riages and go-carts; beds at less than igni < j.inner . w . no j frsa j f price: I have a numbjer of con- J- 5? Con " ! tinuous post beds with five heavy fillers PET STOCK. AND POELTBl 'VIXETY varieties Poultry. -*-~ pigeons, dogs, hares, parrots, squirrels, canaries, cats, cavies; 1 list free; descriptive 60-page boo! Bergey's Poultry Farm, Telford, P J^M B ELGIAN hares; bucks and does; healthy, full grown breeding $2 each. Ohio. Philip Condon, West CI w HY be bald? Positive cure free to' ^y- 0 'U'nH 1 l e », R ^ , i. tlr o 1 '^ - B « ek '* Qara«e. i ln oak. walnut, oxidized and white finish. 102o William street. 2 to a p. m. regular price $19.5"; sale price $9.75: nine- ) piece walnut dining room suite. Queen I -• :—. Anne design, regular price, $350. sale \CARINE game fowls, red, white, price $1»5; consist of 60-lnch buffet. 64- i « - breed feathered symbols of lina cabinet, ;> chairs and arm ! can gameness: folder free. Alfre i-ane backs and slip seats: hame. Cameron. N. C half price: I have only three | „, v ...... .~ft: re I $19: full value ! War Savings Stamps: 50-pounds felt mat- , % tresses valued to $25. saie price $12.50: double drive. I open Monday. Wednesday and Friday \ *OL'R life read by astrology—Test pre>J T ."*'*-!»*»» ,< -»>Bef brougham; new tires j evenings. J. M. Whissel. 640 High street, dictions for one year 2«c, silver or ; fiSJ^U*"*^ »L b«uMful csr $1,200. \ Genesee car to Fox stamps; ask three questions; give. age. f * eor «« *** I '*<»nand. Auburn. 1^. Y« ; t birtbdste. G. Nlemeyer, Box 49, Mays landing. N. J. Invention; locates kwt friends, writes;. wonderful messages: descriptive sample ,; ' fre«. O- Martin. 411 West Ferry. Buf- falo. N. Y. , I6.23.3w •.jL. 4*. 1 t^.,.. JT.IU'OR Sale—Ohio} Electric, do y i- five-passengei brougham; igular price $38, sale price ' T^ GGS '* P* r setting: parcel i for Liberty bonds and j Barred Rocks. White Rocks post! Rocks. Reds. White Leghorns. Leghorns. Buff Orpingtons. Phil don, Mauds. O. IV AJCTE D- V RIGHT r WO hundred dollars buys Buick racer. seen Sunday.; 280 Franklin St. EH>RT> tax if ab. l|»n, good condition; bar- f ga.in. SacramOre, 735 Main St limited, secure any model -pring or immediate deliv- ery, catih or credjt; I agree to save you 7^ v ^^Ann7vrZln^. t ~^mtw4m.^Zi^t wJ a money: it's a proposition: write me per-, /|LT MAimiED--Best ma rim on i* ma- wnj| |. Mr . nnsslisE Riselay Ford Agency. *-* gaxlne published mailed free: ladles Main St T - t - - - - 4 , » • I re selection, good me- , - % ..- v .. . , . m* _ ........ ,_ition: reasonable prices. t«EM>dlme for recipe to make 00 quarts Liberty Bonds asTcssh: terms srijsnged: *^ fulr strength hops and malt beverage open evenings. Sagamore, 735 Main St. of exceptional quality: no substitute, but ; T f — genuine article; simple to make. Mincke, ' CglX-cylinder. 101S Scripps-Booth car Dept. 8.. Aihambra. Cal. 16.t3.20 | S3 like new: reisooaMe price. Saga- \ LL styles lamp shades made to order; j reasonable.^ Abbott 549-R. I^ATHOLICS^Marry Catholics: want « | f """" ' ' good Catholic wife? Want a> good^KH>RD cars. Catholic husband? If so, write' tir "The 9} now for Catholic Home Circle. W»rren,_t>. 1 Jr G ET MAItRIED—Best matrimosi gaxlne published mailed free: send ace. descripMon. American Distrib- __„,," ~"" ~: - -{- utor. Blairsville. Pa. T^SRD cars, lark »v"1 ! ~'~«~—M*. ~— ' chatiical cottdi I THJR S A L E Almosl new mahogany living room -and dining room furni- ture;, can be seen any afternoon or in the evening by appointment. Lower Apt , f ments a s g a 227 Minnesota Ave. Phone Crescent! tion and diari 1771-W. pay $1,000 for suitable five reel j synopsis: write for particulars be- ' [ more, 735 Main •eAsonable »* synopsis: wrn«» iw particumrs w- I i i ' K hm- sell and exrhance automobile* for- submitting wripta The Feature' \V .^„^«L ^ Sain St.. YOt: TO START CH Make them grow along without any backset. DR POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A will hell' get them safely past such little chl< sa! K FTed l ing*^Pan- | means good health, more rapid g , _ ^—_ _ _ larger fowls. Begin using DR. HES B LACK walnut cabinet case sewing m a - I STANT LOUSE KILLER early to chine; will sacrifice for $15 Tupper 1 «•>'^'ks free from lice. Keep Instant 9S-W. f Killer in the dust bath always TgfilT sell at onclTch,,:: , !'ROUP use,l)lt. HESS ROUP Rfef ^1|LST sen at once cheap, new uni- j The Dr. Hess line is for sale by ^Y er *"' * , p mb »« t .>on range, sewing ers in poultry supplies. machine, sanitarv couch, reed babv car- . vr . riage. like new: New Eden electric 'wash- er. Call 123 Exeter Terrace, or phone Orescent 910-.1. * FUEfflTCEE PACKING AND SHIPPING Sagamore, T WO hundred t roadster o r ti tion. Sagamore, T In Photodrama'Co.. l^os Angeles. Ca If. AIARCEIJ , wave Instructions for post • *** graduates; ladles ami eyebrows cul- tivated. SeeJIr. Milan. 5*1 Main St. Ol."PKRKlAroUS hair, moles, wsrts. fa- •^ cial blemishes permanently, painless- ly removed; scientific methods. 409 Bris- bane Bldg. ] <XiR quality, service snd prices go to fENCLOSED prrtkl* Miller's Dyeing Cleaning Works. * J North llOi-M. 321 Broadway: skirts cleaned and pressed, f l 00-.' men's suits pressed. 50 cents; men's suits cleaned and pressed. 4)1.80; > f »ove* ctamned. 16c: auto delivery. Phone , Howard m\. l Iprr »nty-flve dollars buys irtng car; nice condi- Main St.. open^even- i TN having your goods packed for ohlp- * meat tbs best Is the cheapest; phone us for estimate Our own Deliver* & StoraCO Ca. Front Ave. and Georgia. I ; mchltai PIANOS. TJARTY leaving town will sell u| •*- piano and household furniture; gain. Carlton Court, Apartment A- nmMTVKE REPAIRING. U PHOLST1CRING. reflnishinit and re pairing. Reliable Furnitura Worka. 1 WO Sefferson SL Oxford 634 mebiTtl •ward $J1. "*»^*aw a: £iAi";*j..|i.:.:' ! .' PRINTING. W ILLIAM J. KELLER. Prlnter- snd day service 829 Main St. ' 2104. mehlOtag mchlt$l W ^ a a C ?L*12fa«a tt i. \ ruT > »»• •* v » rmmmm aatoes and scarfs for Wa* Main 8t HOOPING AND OITTERS. 1 EAKING rain pipes and guttt •* stroy cellar walls. Let us repair H. RecktenwsIL Tupper 703. U e may a acre leases new worth Texas; He for- cents forma- L'ighing |mpson, under L5tl» eking ruppor and »ntf» 593. acci- :y to- ir and |>eceive Idental $7,500. Bank A BUFFALO food producing company. operating several large plants, is Si y n S a lim lted amount of their secur- ij tan common $100 par) to investors °,V rom ., 3 , to 25 shares in a going concern ft Wl!1 advance to $110 per share April ist and next dividend will be paid April Juuiion ail stock of record April 1st; con- ™™I interest is held by stockholders/; tne idea of which is extension and co- °P«J*tion purposes; company has high credit ratings 1 , paying very good dividends out of earnings, and will stand a thor- f u * h investigation; this is an opportunity mat you should not overlook if you are interested in something safe and legiti- mate, tor particulars write Safety,' care Buffalo Courier. OiN YEARS OLD STORAGE AMD CASTING. T ARGEST equipment in Buffalo for XJ moving, packing, storing furniture and pianos: estimates given. Glenn 4k Co.. 804 Terrace. 12taprll VOU should be as particular in stor- A. big valuable household goods as in banking your money; you should select the best; we hsve ore of the finest ware- houses between Now York and Chicago; Call a n d see for yourself. Telephone Sen- eca 870. Our Own Delivery «V Storage Co.. Front Ave. and Georgia St. mchltSl ' i i ii i i . i .i i>. death your beneficiary will rece|| Come in and see Hainblin, 507 Bldg. • • Premium $10 Per Wear Accident and Health Incurs] Men and women between 'the"si and 70 be insured today before] expected happens; an Insurance pay. your doctor's bill, grocery lord and many other bills when;] laid up with sickness or injury. oC IS ie un- ify will land- lu are STOVES AND RANGES. 0 0. & D. H. DONALDSON repair sll • kinds of stoves and ranges. 50 South Division St. ' mchl6tf* MEDICAL. YOU OR 10 L'OUR f,500. Irotec- year KTION tings. DR. LEPPA—SPECIALIST Offers to the sick snd ailing of both .sexes, at No. 17 W. Eagle SL. free con- sultation and examination, what more can anyone do? Reasonable charges for medicine and easy payments; experi- enced in treating nervous, blood, kidney, bladder, stomach, liver and chronic con- ditions of men and women for, over 36 years. Dr. Leppa, 17 W. Eagle St., over Buffalo Cafeteria, Buffalo, N. Y. Hours 9-8: Sundays 10-1. ^_^ D R. ROWS; 110 North Pearl—Women's diseases treated successfully without operations; consultation free. feb9tf* Little Belgian Boy Becomes Mascot of the Ga Thirteenth. FATHER AND MOTHER BO lant HDEAD Likes Americans and Is Com- ing With His G^xwal to States. ! D R. TRACHTER. 188 Broadway, con- sumption specialist. 9t22 Inc., all aanu- (G. Iress- f it- roods allege your Hi- ltted. lldg., ,30 I WANT TO REACH ALL SUFFERERS TUBERCULOSIS, BRONCHITIS. IN- FLUENZA. ASTHMA. IF YOU ARE A SUFFERER OF ANY OF THESE DIS- EASES CALL OR WRITE 225 CLINTON ST., TOW, M. C. HAMLET. J OHN TfilPP'S blooo purifier, for scrof- ula, rheumatism and other blood dis- eases hss been used satisfactorily for over sixty years. 124 Plymouth Ave.. Buf- falo. N . T . oct7sunstf* L A D I E S — A s k your druggist for Chtchesters pills, the Diamond brand. For 26 years known as best, safest, al- ways reliable. Buy of your druggist. Take no other. Chtchesters Dismond Brand pills are sold bv druggists everywhere. ^ Ineasnn.tnea.thurs.ine24.l9iv M RS. J. H. MATTESON'S remedies arej-pHed t,he refugee with questions still on sale at the old homestead. No. 248 North Division St.; delivery to] any part of the city free; telephone Sen- eca 5696; by ordering direct you get the original remedies and guaranteed by her daughter. Mary B. Wetherell. A youngster of; t e n years j created a sensation in the reading ro^m of the Knights of Columbus club in] Paris re- cently by appearing before tpe assem- bled Yankee soldiers garbed in the uni- form of an American martnej w^ith two wound stripes and three service stripes on his Sleeves, says a corresijiondent of the Associated Press. j More than a year ago some of the marines were stationed in a little French village when a little Belgian boy came to their camp. He was re- ceived with open arms, and 1 when he told them the.story.of how his mother and father had passed away, they adopted him as the mascot of the regi- ment. Jean Moyeaux has been with the marines every moment since that day when the little refugee, hungry and lonesome, reached the camp. Little Belgian Wounded. 1 During two engagements the little Belgian boy was wounded, and one of pis little legs is crippled. He walks with a limp, but he always hopes that he will some time be able to| walk as straight as his friend, the corporal. The corporal adopted the yjoungster, and soon he was loved by every member of the thirteenth regiment. JHe is u clever youngster and in the past year has learned much of the wa|s of the / merican. I The Knights of Columbus becretsry gave the little soldier some cindy and " i t,he refugee with questions. "Me no Francois: me Beige." said the youngster. "Me \ike Americaine. Sposo corporal say, m e g o t o American with la regiment. Me no talk | beacoup wkw m ; f :> I Young Men's Christian As- sociation Making Big Plans for Season. STIMULANT TO AMERICANISM One of Best Incentives Peo- f pie of Alien Birth Can Have. spot i open 1S» jtf on >nds: sn m -St. ehes. 85 CO., >ney |ebts, any rage and |arn- sell insed Inear |unts •erty »nds, Itab- lain |31 inds. Li- |31 ronal lare, iper- Jfur- |Sen- -six ^rsal jdol fflat, land eral pCall RADIO-ACTIVE PAD RESTORES HEALTH—OR MONEY BACK Our Radio-Active Pad by stimulating the Mood circulation imparts energy, restores vitality and overcomes disease. We have many testimonials from patients who have suffered from High Blood Pressure. Rheu- matism. Neuralgia, Insomnia. Diseases of the Nerves. Stomach, Bowels. Heart. Lungs, Bladder, Kidneys, Liver and Female Com- plaints. To prove the remarkable restora- tive and vitalizing effects of this wonderful appliance we will send it on ten days' trial with an absolute money-back guarantee if it fails to give entire satisfaction. No mat- ter what your ailment, try it at our risk. For full information, write today. Radium Appliance Co., 165 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles. CaL t --. TJSE HOmedpsthlc Menthalene for *-" Bronchitis. .. ; Neuralgia, Tonsllltls, Hay Fever, laryngitis. Catarrh, Asthma, Rheumatic Pains, Sprains, Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat. Headache, Toothache, Burns, SunhUrn. Chilblains, Chaps and Skin troubles, etc.; sent postpaid one large jar. send fifty cents todav. Da'ey Ar. Daley, 959 Michigan Ave., Buffalo. N\ T. 16&23 Anglais. Me understand beacoup. . .. . , - , . . . . . From head to foot the yoW Belgian ^h toguage is of trernendou. valut Americanism illustrated In growing victory gardens is "the best antidots for Bolshevik doctrines," according to" the Young Mens Christian association, which is planning a 1919 campaign oflp "Americanism and the speaking ©A English language via the victory gar> den." Details of the campaign wers> completed here today by the NatiowU War Garden commission, co-operating with, the immigration department at the Young Men's Christian association in Chicago. Plans also provide for tb* showing of the victory garden work in moving pictures throughout tha country, says a Washington dispatch. To start off the campaign lO.dO* garden/ and canning books have boon sent tq Chicago in addition to sever*! thousand posters- The Young Men's Christian association had 150 acres of industrial gardens last year and they hope to better that record this year. These gardens are 25x150 feet. Const uctive Cam pa ion. _ "This is one of the most constructivey / campaigns yet undertaken," said Cnaiies Lathrop Pack, president of m e National War Garden commission, to- day. "Do not forget mat tne garden produces something besides food. It produces thrift so important- u» the nation at this time. Then, too, it means contented workers everywhere. The man with a victory garden realizes the value of a home and he Knows the value of making regular trips to ttu» bank. Then, too, the incentive to get out in the open and speak the l£ng- ! i was garbed in the uniform j of tha marines. On his arm he darried a little raincoat, and he proudly displayed the> n u m e r a l s which showed that he was a member of the gallant thirteenth. Sergesnt'a Uniform Next. One of the young men at the Knights of Columbus club asked him why he did not have sergeant's stripes. "Cor- poral, he make me one uniform' now for promenade. When me pnomenade me wear sergeant's suit. Then me boss corporal. My fadder and mudder^ mort now. Corporal he fadder to me.; Will go to American with marines." There were tears in the eyes of many of the soldier boys who were gathered at the Knights of Columbus club. They had been through much, but this little figure with the two wound stifipes and the warned limb gave them Advertisements received too late for proper classifi- cation in these nages will be found on page 67. •a 310 land >py- fs rgs. sts, in 10c. I 3 rge, ?k Iter, lue. ftri- |ra- lid: luff >wn >n- PKS fou lil- es- »-a Kh, IN- eep ise p or )Y. !»•- f* AUSTRAUAN TELLS OPINION OF YANKS Brains, Wealth and Re- sources of Americans Won the Victory. other incident of the h, orrOr i of the German attacks in France and Bel- gium. Little Jean Moyeaux will gjo to the United "States with his corporal and the' marines. The captain l>ves the lane voungster. And every man in the Belgian and who i imerican resriment would fight for the boy, n'ho has learned to love has' learned to know the soldier as he really is. \ i .- i -si-.-^.,—!—• Australians have learned to appro-^ elate the value of the American soldier in the world war. according to the late Lieut. Cecil Healy of the Australian expeditionary force, an international swimming champion, killed last sum- mer in Prance. Lieut. Healy, who was one of the best swimmers In the world over the long and middle-distance courses, competed at the Olympic games in Stockholm. In a letter to a friend here he said; . '> "Until America ranged herself defi- nitely on our side, I entertained strong misgivings as to what the ultimate issue'would i>e, but when the United States declared war the Teutons' chances of obtaining world domination vanished forever, in my estimation. I at once ventured a prophesy among my coterie of friends that it would be Yankee brains, Yankee wealth and re- sources alone that would enable us to stave off defeat. "To any group of soldiers that I hap- pened to come upon in our camp that were discussing the Yankees, I told that I had made one of a bunch of ath- lete's who left Australia to compete against Americans at the Olympic games. We Were convinced, I as- sured them, that the Yanks were all talk as was supposed. But I explained that after we had had aiyopportunity ht j of seeing for ourselves what they could SS do in the way of organization, and had seen evidence of their shrewd and businesslike systems, and observed the fact that they Were equipped with everything that brains could suggest and money buy, and, moreover, had met them as man to man (in most in- stances receiving a sound trouncing at their hands), we began to regard them highly. j "Ultimately we returned to Austra- lia with, the firm impression that the Yank was*about as worthy an adver- sary as would be met with in any hemisphere." Lieut. Healy was killed in the Australians' capture of Mont St. Quentln. just an- The banks of the country know tha home food producer for a good,cus- tomer and a good citizen. The tune to begin making ^that citizenship i* when the citizen is" new. The best an j tidote for Bolshevik doctrine i s th« production of food 'for the kitchef door." Must Send Food Abroad. P. S. Ridsdale, secretary of the Na- tional War Garden commission, has \ just returned from Europe, where he spent three months studying the homo food production plans. He points out that everything possible must be done in the United States to produce food close to the point of consumption In order that other foodstuffs that can he shipped long distances can be sent abroad. There are millions in Eu- rope close to the point of starvation, according lo i*eports from abroad. is S i b e r i a , too, is to learn all about vic- tory gardening. Prof. W. C. O'Kane of the State Agricultural college at Durham, N. H., has prepared a garden circular for distribution this summer in Siberia by the Agricultural Educa- tional expedition under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian association. Pictures from the National War Gar- den commission victory garden book are used in the book, which has been translated into Russian. I rht ir- Life aud ^jfoaraetcr Reading, MARCH, if. This person is capable, executive; and loves art and beauty jn all forms. He is accurate in judgment, very ob- serving and seems to take in all details without effort. People of this birthdate love method and sacrifice everything to do ft. When under the disciptino of self- control and self-knowledge this char- acter has tremendoutfiptrength and can command unseen forcis. These people make good mental he/lers. Their pres- ence is healing andAney seem to exert ». E ower ever other! for good. Nsstune warn that extreme care should W&imit A d Ag<52c5ea Courier Cisssified "Want Ada'' will to. received by any of the AgenclnS named below at l e a word. Class!fl«d adver- tisements for Sunday Courier must be at ofticw of publication before 3 30 ff.fti.Sat- urdsya Archer. Mrs. Grace L„ M Good* 1 !! St Atkins. Mrs Mens. 1273 Jeff erst n St. Armstrong. Joseph. 217 Hudson it. Alexander.' H. L.. 120* Seneca St Albert John M4 Walden Ayo. Albert. C. 1212 Lovejoy 8t. Bamett. W. H.. 21M Fillmore A<w. Balrd. F. F «»« Main Su j Buffalo Subscription Agency. 31 Palace Arcade R#n*smln. Mrs. A.. I*« W. Delavi n Ava. Buchsnsn Thomas 143 N p i vial on St. Brahan Thomas '11.. 8t4 Front Kv: Bsrry. T J.. SW South Park Av* Bernstone. M.. 78 Elmwood Ave. Burgess J T.. lRIi Seneca St. Becker. Georre »7S Qenese* St Behrerda Albert. 107 Best St Bsor O., §7* Flmwood As*. Bskf r. 2«« Ortder » Con«*on. Mrs M. *2«n Michigan Ava Cooke. L M- !«*« Abbots Road. fonrors J.. tM Klk St. . _, Dojie, Joseph. "147 Connecticut 81 nundon. Thnmss. Hi Clinton St nnnlels. A H.. *t7 Nlarara St. Dlx».n. FN.. %7I Oenesee ««t. Fberhard. Mrs. r.. 145X Fillmore Ava TOllott E.. «»1 Elk St. F«tagers'd. M. E !S2 Trtsngto St Forbes. A P.. *•*> Oeneca St Fox. Frank. 1202 Genesee St O. A B. Grocery. Russell and Parltslda Gleber, G. H., 77f Tonswsnds St Gnrney. Mrs. H I WW Clinton St. Glllott 8 F„ 'oi Michigan Ava Gallery. F. J., *9» Clinton St. Hoehn. E. •W,. City Line and Main St Hair bridge N.. II* Broadway. Harrington. D.. William and Fillmore Hoehn Bro«s, »M Main St Krummetl. W. L... 2340 S» r eca 8c Kloten. C W.. 1«2I Mam «t Lorlseh. Charles. 12* Fourteenth St T^pp-Schoemsfcr Co.. s««t Main Stl LaFP-Scheemaker Co.. 2«la Main lit. MoHln. Edward V.. 4tf Normal Ava Miller. J. J. ISO Svcsmore St. McGarrlety. E. 1S4S Genesee St Mav A Lee 442 Sycamore St Vassal. Emil. 2*1 V»nr»nla St. Norwtg. H"r.ry. S*>S Best St. Nsrel. C. E.. 2W Broadway Nell Mav C. 1477 Mam Sr. O'nonnsll. F. J., 101 Grant St. Pair E.. 12*1 Klsgara St. Pfalser Andrew W..,212 Hampahtrs tfe. Person. H. C . Livestock Bxcnaa re L Pecka Inc.. Fhnwood and Utica at. PatHdf*. R. R-. *«7~Cllntoa St. •*" pfoff. Henry. » ^ i * " Ava Putnam. T> .Tf - AS? 5**" St. Palmer. H W„ fffByie 8c Preson. G.. IS7» Broadway. Ryan. M. * Cflnton and Bailer A«* nihrlischer. Wrn^ 4*1 Wllham. k * Rykert. C. W.. f22 Sycamors St Root. George Aj. 21(1 High St " Raymond. A. JW71 Seneca St R«^scher. A„ »t Fackham at Sandet*. Wm.. 4fS Maasaehuasttsj a*. Somers. John. tM Seneca 8 L ^ W A "*> •J Already Show Advance Along AH Lines Since War Ended. w ,* I* will be many years before price* in the Rhineland will fall to a pre-war Stutsman. Allen R-, fit auburn k RaVlt.«U Tscbjneyer, Thon^ean. Vnndowat^ ** **&£!£*** ^fiiiis"sa4 aod vano«w»^.f2^ n 1 ? «ivi*eM1Utari t n*. WilHams. Helean H, 411 Grant jfc "••* Wargola. r.t«»! 4 J Cto »* St. WofrT H.. llWMraadwsy. Wolf Harry. tM Kiamra 8L Young. Sanwol. '«M Fiilmn^ Ar ^ SUBURBAN. P^K^.^l^lgl^ty 4. 5S3t5 T ' . level, according to German economists. a view shared by officers of tho Third Army of Occupation, who have beet; detailed to study the situation. Since the armistice was signed there has been a general increase In prices with but few exceptions to show a down- ward trend, says a Coblenz correspond, ent of the Associated press, * In certain classes of the populatioc there was a hazy notion that a suddott fall in the prices of "'" ^T-t.ar : n.rijyi''- would take place at the end of tho war. It appeared to be based on nothing more than an impression that condir tions in the coming peace time.would be practically identical with those Be- fore the war, and buyers of «.»«-».-^ iron products such as machinery. hard> ware, field and garden implements •»« steel wire have not placed their orders. A consequent* has been a hositancv on the part of manufacturers to t the effort to reach their old marks o? production, incidentally leavln^^-aT: diers thou »«n*l« of discharged «Ol- Rcasons given whv lower nrieasi I M not to be expeeted are the lncrr-1-rIr the cost of raw materials, the « . wages demanded and the eight-! day. •»«* « Advances in the prices of coal, coke* steel. Irpn snd lead were registered am the first of the year making it reaaat- ably certain that still higher nrteea ; will be /charged for finished products , On account of the^scarcity of coai many factories remain* closed without sign of ear|y reopening. ««»«»> R06EH CASBIBrTS MUM NMK CJUrT K FMH London Cby mall).—The British **» *#"!. flee authorities are tr>ing to fRd^ ° f " (aeement's Irish brlgsdeT which such a sensation In lii«. Notii been heard of them since the was signed They were recruited in Llmbnrs? M M. camp by the traitor r u » m # « 2J*!t executed In the Tower ol^Loneff* 552^? » m !ii rU b y u»°«f^ . lr,-h »» r ^"e«1reniaIelS loyal, but fifty-two men Were «32s5r2* to sastat the Hun againat Eag^ B S L *Tilf of them named Bailey came TmT^L-JrQ ± sa&r. ^^^aaRn; nnme months later Carnorsd who ^ad joined the brigadV aY w *A^*?*eted. tried snd o m gf*i»lJ^5-JJ 1 ." •eatsneed wad r M Articlt jDewiii er» <«• E) Ba r BV A Mitt URI:K<!'; +A SI •natlo tnjbllng. rly in thi o of riispectabl* with a, net and peg an t ly. The tw, iy thought sweewesfu l i represented boys! earne large sum o family sn | gam*!*- • h Thi game, roomj ©f « i 1 OS i nk <- V ,;•; m<»tidy TheyTbega, where lh«i a n ii thai »,1 ra; ThrlnUlrnt hi iir» • t.ht kat of a sat and niied br«>th|r t>.««m s< boys jwtth tihe w1 id(. h SP or U r«d a glasi 'The l|arteri.i^r upon the you bra rid,'. The y liouor and in what Mi ordiWfj the bartendsr'n nicimein « n<] th knlf**. JunipeD at&bbfd the kil.irifi I. ';i inn .The gliariblem < eitemeJtf and S« arrest Ithe tWO : t.. r \ ght of a y t o ati come My drunk» a n d wejnT - *.:< them later n i murdeifer'a to youi ge found. the old his fre of the man ycunge T in i.Ui broths iraa r broth*; j a i l an<! g a v e hi which tilling'" S'stern would- I ie had* ~him tjha? and ljjltil : i ak« ' ius ir.g hanged ais:* ,Oti«r thereupon: h^ bloodi-slatnied .fust before thl Ho wen sa 4 been. load of horses I the horS for IS.I monev «* il 1 In deapa ing his 'afheri •nt rented th*« b a n l : andargrf was cap lrc in t the raul a i^f.** groiM and fc i n d '"!'»' ipsd : O'P %** ho!e+ : Itself ] fc r this |*r:m*4 a' hi ng- Another cane a lii&t of a youhg ,In the 'Cuatoma "! whom ho was' # an old Colonel w position ffrpm t-h I ernment.lThe VOJ Ing cards for f« gambling for m of fundaj ba H4> ©nel's (fsBrteriy a i l readn-j t< !»d Treasur>-1 Ti.* i money aid, to m gan deatro;.' wig I*\tt*»rs w h l ii <: > u* Mn, c* •If,, while the rltrk the money thai m the Cnloiffl, Who the df pool T'h. h *pp d*fv* Itly trusted dishonorably Government the oldunah was disc*re) prhwiE ' j It was Jo;-! I t h a t rapidly science about gaii r<»>'t reauflt. in lh*» ^ waa f o r m e d . kp*ln [ Aaaociatloh for Gambling At th self, Saratoga ant! :r*atrrts w 4f« «ver| 'puraued their p%l moleated. The lui wtn*>s and good t sands of sleai'tlre famoua report a. a years before Pa Bid*> placoa' w»r» cause of t(hi« trag* In the train of *> In Kow t ork < regularly eatabli amall games apra ,;• w i » y ••R Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

AUSTRAUAN TELLS OPINION OF YANKSfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · 2013-03-08 · ljl"' maun its"1. «m HssenwPB^"" '7*''^mmimiw,**^m*W!W!imm mmmmmm 36 BUFFALO

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Page 1: AUSTRAUAN TELLS OPINION OF YANKSfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · 2013-03-08 · ljl"' maun its"1. «m HssenwPB^"" '7*''^mmimiw,**^m*W!W!imm mmmmmm 36 BUFFALO

ljl"' maun its"1. «m HssenwPB^"" '7*''^mmimiw,**^m*W!W!imm mmmmmm



A W S I S U 8 .

V s A WNINGS, tents, flails, waterproof rov ri trs . S** us at once for spring detiv- -1

A rem men

would li sruatt-ii n a t i " MM

ired young w o m a n desir ing to \ \ T K n n doing you a personal favor by ish an art is t ic a g e n c y , making ' ' * giving you an opportuni ty to get in ndenl, phone S e n e c a 5558 Sun- , on th<' proposition care of Safety unrier I ery. CeiiTurv liliicott Co. Tel. Tup. 6161. I i Stocks and Bonds, a s it h a s passed blue \ 916 Main St. mchl t31

sky laws of various s ta t e s . Head and act . once our client, a l w a y s our satisfied client. Address Proposi t ion 9. care of Buffalo <*o'iJri>-r

i >F U i WCR T A N N O T C O R R E C T I T S E L F .

il d<

1A* ntrodiM


ed gent leman past middle a c e is. unincumbered, good health, e to meet an elderly lady. lik. wise, that would appre-

btgfeeahle companion; g i v e par-In m . - « . r ; all le t ters strict ly at <»tii»,y matr imony; no g e n -

Al«lr.-s» On J.. Courier. ' . , . , . 1. — j f y o u a r ^ troubled w i t h superf luous

S wi sh ing to marry, w a n t i n g hair, moies. warts , red ve ins , e t c . . they tions. booklet free. Wri te • wiil be a «oimtant d e t r i m e n t t o y o u r per -

Orand | son.il appearance unt i l you s e c u r e . . t h e j necessary H-ofessional serv ice . S o ?why

suit r o t tn vest iff J te our • m e t h o d s for their <J« aa > permanent atid pa in less remova l? Con-?North s u , , a t i ^" tovH " '


— '— • r ( acre nr

MA L E Boston terrier puppies ; el igible | tion. 1 to reenter . 47 17th St. 12U6


r P K X Dollars invested in oil make $WWO; $2 acre. 25

down; 25 c w i t s a i r e weekly I in T e x a s - R a i n b o w ' s end; Open field m a y m a k e your lead $1,000 acre ; . th i s h a s happened buy low; sell h igh; that w a y tunes for lease o w n e r s ; remit ! acre first p a y m e n t ; wr i te ; freej

M. Milam, Oklahoma.

>i respondence Club,


PRIZE French bulls, pedigreed; none better: for sale and serv ice ; puppies

on hand. S96 EUicott St .

I«V>K S A l , K - . \ > w A eiirhict-n'.'yt-ai' 'ol<

blue serge 1 s i z e ; c o s t

46 i 'u tnam St. All work guarantei&l.

( ; I ; . V T L \ . J. WHJITTLETON. El 0 . I s * . T.-

: M . \ N f i f ty s o m e m e a n s , g o o d Seneca 1056. : 434 EUicott Square Bldg a r a n c e ; d e s i r e s a c q u a i n t a n c e

m e a n s : o b j e c t m a t r i m o n y . B u f f a l o Cour ier .


. I ^ Y E S are bread winners , t a k e cure of ! *-* t h e m and they wtll t a k e c a r e of

t J E N T L K M A N would l ike to m e e t lady . ! you; headache and blurred v is ion m e a n s ^ J or t... w i th b u s i n e s s preferred, i *>'* straining j come to i n s a n d I will cor -

"aio courier . \ rect the faults w i t h properly fitted ., ' , 7~~ : 7C~ srlassss; when chi ldren d is l ike s tudy ,

refined widow, s tranger In t h e ; n e r v e e n e r g y j s used t o o v e r c o m e e y e jua in tance of refined , s t ra in : w e can remove t h o s t r a i n s c i e n -

r holding Jf««d po- i tit ically and i m p r o v e m e n t will fol low. i i p ^ i • N e w m a n , Optician and E y e Specia l i s t . Buffalo corner G e n e s i s St. a n d Mich igan A v e .

j Bell phone. Open Monday and. Saturday even ings .

I . 1

1 t>.\KI.V .-* t i l v. a i s l

if niony.

i t leman < to •>•>: object fr iendship and

Addn-ds Box 40

M"S W I l . I !

. I j ' i' i .

li R. T I N N E Y — S o m e t h i n g Address Box 31. E Ave.

«ter. .V V

Mr. E d Castonguay Hamburg, N. Y

feb'».!6.23mar2. Male bird dog, English set

tig town li Abbott Rd

FOR SALE—Male birc ter; party leaving town_ flrsj; April

B o x 140 9&16

1>RIZK French bulls for sa le and serv ice; pedigrees; none bet ter ; puppies on

hand. Ford. 596 EUicott St . 9.16,23.30

"C*OR SALE—Fine poodle dog; 7 months : •T bright, lively; little trained. Apply I t s East Eagle St.


VIJANTED—Good sound horse| '.» 1.100 to 1,300 pounds. See 175 Elk St.,- at foot of Marvin grade.




I ' i t l ' IAL men .

om fift«

e n a m e

T^ACTORY sample sa le of l iv ing, d in -•*• ing and bedroom furniture at] prac-


••'•>:•" tu lad ie s and g e n t l e - t ieally wholesale pr ices ; by our modern IOW w o u l d you l i k e t o m a k e method of merchandis ing you will s a v e i to o n e h u n d r e d d o l l a r s a ! a t buud twenty - l ive per c e n t ' on your e w a n t of von is to g i v e u s I purchases ; retail where wholesa le m e t h -tud a d d r e s s of a n v p e r s o n t ° * , s prevail. Furniture Makers ' S a l e s Co., sinirle or t w o - f a m i l y l iouse j •*"» Wash ington , corner Mohawk.

for '"" ' any rt%«i e s t a t e i o r s a t e or t o . b u y ; b u s i n e s s s t r i c t l y c o n f i d e n t i a l ; s o m e

o u r f r i e n d s h a v e made a s m u c h a s One hundred f j f ty d o l l a r s a w e e k by g l v i n x u s the a b o v e i n f o r m a t i o n : you.

M E ;

ST O R E fixtures, off ice furniture, house ­hold goods bought and sold. W e i n ­

berg. 5 D Washington St. mchl t31

LA R G E quant i ty of new lumber a t re ­duced prices. Marine Wreck ing Co..

William and Fillmore. Howard 2687. J ^ mcht ta i _

I^OK S A L E — Second-hand doors, win-


GREEN A . LANCTOT Houa Co.. offlcs tU Niagara 8t

1074; building of sir kinds purcl removed at short notice. fsl



O P E N E V E N I N G S — S E N E C f

BE T T E R let Hamblin wri te dent and hea l th insurance

day. P a y a premium of $10 per i if you are sick or hurt you wil

J-' Iflows, safes , p ips sxid f i t t ings: » * V Dfr w e k f w 1 w t o

E N w a n t e d t o c u t the ir o w n ha l t . If ,-ou can o s m b your hair y o u jSwn c u t J. Forbush. sifceutor.

* A..i

HOW lumber, mlllwork. wallboard. rubber roofing r e m n a n t s a n d paint . Buffalo House Wrecking A Sa lvage Co.. Sveamore m. and Erie R, R j l y l t f

V1TALL P A P E R a t factory c o s t t o close » » estate . No. 14? E a s t Ut ica St. T.

n i n s u s tne a o o v e i n t o r m a i i o n : >ou» t . ^ , %i»„^„ ii.r„i. «# AT, do , h e s a m e : g e t busy . L e w i s . t h ^ L ^ L S f p n w iv* t ieal E s t a t e B r o k e r of B u f f a l o . 5 8 o | MgJggy SUPP»JMC Q-. W

>t.' s<iuare

it. Season's grea te s t invent ion .* A u t o ­mat i c air Ciftter. Pr ice $2 00; worth

not sa t i s f i ed / T h e >ratertown t N . T . t

i ^ E E t h e bonks in your finger, t h e lead PENCIL—The mos t s e n s a t i o n a l ! . '•> * pertcll. Magic E y s X - R a y .

..ion; l ocates lost fr iends; w r i t e s A m u s i n g a n d J tastruetiye to, old a n d w o n d e r f i . m e s s a g e s ; descr ipt ive sample I o u nf- * • " ? ? ] * ' *° •*e.? t*«. T!}f M o h n e y f e e <». Martin. 411 W e s t Ferry. Buffalo. ***£& Cn-' llJ® Frankltat St . . W a t e r t o w n . _ ( • ^__ N - Y - r t

y i » i \ i ,

s J P I K ; T


/ - n t i e i n a n >«»•«.»« " ' *iaTL i 1 1 A R G A I N S in unrede a b l e y o u n g g i r l o r w i d o w J J n v i r « » t « r i m o n i a l i n t e n t i o n s . A d d r e s s ov trcoa l » B u f f a l o Courier . 16&23 .1^8 Sfe.Mi.CA S

unredeemed suits



l t t22

U t J i l N K — I'fCK.SONALM

~ BA L L

385 •OlTM, yery best quality. Gr imms' Michigan Ave. ]6.23.3n

DE S K S and Chairs—We can s a v e you money on n e w and used off ice furni­

ture , w e a lso repair office furniture. Buffalo Office Furni ture E x c h a n g e . Inc. Warehouse and sa lesrooms. 86-88 Pear l S t

I m c h l t 3 l

SHOWCASE, soda fountain, manufac tur -i-ers of complete s tore out f i t s for any

bus iness . A D u t c h & Co.. 148 Seneca S t mchlt31exBuns

SH O E S for a workingman. s ize 10; E l m -wood car. 27' Woodet te place, upper

f l a t t 5 t l 6

"C^OR S A L E — F i n e beech, birch and m a -*- pie hardwood blocks, s t o v e l ength; a l so longer l engths if desired. $4.75 per load-del ivered: put in your next winter ' s

\*!> - ' < u ? * i i . . . , 7 ,_ t , WMrt u „ m l . , , , . ,,. . . •.•-• — | supply now. Geo. W. Jen ipgs . Inc.. 1283

' « 7 H ""tf1- 7 *° w W e r t . i ; . u i ? n ' f | L N N K B ta lkk debates . orat4fns. re so - Broadway. 328 EUicott Square. Walden •>t.—t.ooms Ji and up. oct3l tr» | A ' lut ions prepared. Research work i f ! Ave. and Lackawanna s u b w a y and foot of

necessary , c h a r g e reasonable . A. Quail. ! Milburn St. P h o n e Howard 1001. I mchlOtf*


Why take a chance when t h i | tion can be had for a mere $10 or 3c per day?


LIBERTY Bonds purchased for s s * t , c a s h ; paid or partly p a i d : open — • « f2$*6 Madison, Bal t imore , Md.

inps 14. B Dennison 4 0 » 1M^Posrl t y R i T E A S O i N G - L o v e , mother, home, 1 (_f*iBf?.!!!L * * childhood, [patriotic or a n y subject .

f^O to S i u m m ' s for'vour trunks , trave l - f ' compose pntsh- and guarantee publ ica-^ * ing b a y s su i t case s , brief bags . Mil} l i o n - s**n'1 «'«fd-s today. T h o m a s Mer-folds. e tc . : w e do repairing. 4$ Seneca . L,n- * 2 * Reaper [Block. Chicago.




7 X ) M ! ' K ^ ' cornn

•on and F

j n c h l t S l

Il certainty

TH E H a r v e y - H a i n e s Machine 369 EUicott St. . machine w

descript ions; equipped to do l ight faeturlng and screw machine w o r l

W R I T E T H E [WORDS F O R A SONG W*> wri te m u s i c and guarantee pub­

l i sher's acceptance . Submit poems , p a ­triotic, love or Any subject . Ches ter -Mu-

, . , , s ic Co.. 538 SO. Dearborn. Su i te 18«rj. / ^ L R Sunday dlnn<>r» the best In t h e c i ty ! Chicago. ^-' a t . 11; served from noon t o 8 p. m. I »~.~X.1.~~~3rz." "" :— Hotel Meilig 1621 Main St 4»17* IH»N T GO DRY.

W H I S K Y 15d Q T ; B E E R 15c G A L :

r iTOR CIGAR' >te». Shrimpton's . corner H u -anklin St. mch4taprS


I>OOJI.S tvr i -ommerdal m -*•• cold running water with

m e n : not ami [ A L L I N G R E D I E N T S H A R M L E S S : CAN modern c o n - j B E O B T A I N E D A T S M A I X C!OST; 10

v e n u rices. Jl per d a y : take ForOst or No. > S E C R E T F O R M U L A S F O R fl.tM. 1 car from N. Y. Central, depot. Hotel { I*, o . BOXj 480, S H A R O N , PA:

l« t *S ' Ml l II

i l i l ic Tfijl Main St. 4tl7«

' P E N dollars reward for a n y w s t c h that • <-annot be m a d e to run. S e e Fisher , I

ihlished ovt-r forty years . ne.it 'o Academy.

251 M a i n ! 10t21 I _

U ^ T C l l crysta ls , five c e n t s ; * ' springs , fiftv: ci

main T O U I S MII'LSR. No. 4T» Osnssos, the Hriiifd fifty Jewelry sjutomoWlo | radiator repair man;

and optical rdpa-lrlni' all ' w o S ' g u T r a n ^ J ^ ™ ^ * * : ? " 0 , ? *° ""»» ° r « , * r , : • * t l " ^ < !

teed F r e e m a n Jewelry Co., I f f Oeneses . I * J0". *W*£ ****t 11tl«

I^OR SALE—Natura l g a s range, w a t e r front a t tachment . 368 B a y n e s St .

Phone North 1732-R. 1 2 t l * _

FOR S A L E — 50-egg B u c k e y e incubator: 100-egg B u c k e y e c o m p a r t m e n t s : one

brooder, good condit ion. Phone A b b o t t ' 422_-J._ 18'J ChoaJte_Ave._ 1 2 A 1 8 I TflOR S A L E — A w n i n g 20 feet long wi th I — frame she lv ings and counters ; will I /~i IRLS. n o w i s the t i m e to l e a r | sell a t hah* price: must be sold account j v X making , ladies' tailoring, euttj of mov ing to country; just the a w n i n g • t ing and des ign ing; bring youf for a store .or yacht Enquire foot of to the Cnited S t a t e s D r e s s m a k i n g Marvin St. . under grade. Thompson . 17» l a n d w e will teach y o u how t o . m i *•""' e * «'>•>« ' d r e s s e s and s u i t s ; e v e n i n g c lass

d a y s and Fr idays ; dre s se s cut art] pat terns cut to order. Room 6, Rod Chippewa St. 2,9,1 |

Jj lORD coupe, self-starter, shock absorb- j ^ — — ^ ^ » • e r s : first-class condition, $300 cash. ** .•

Phone North LWUi J. *__ \ MONET TO LOAN.

Fr R N I T C R E for _Apt.JZ.

Elk St. 1 2 t l 8 _

I? O R SALE—Hudson seal coat for $200. . 1594 Dekiware Ave.; North 3020-.VI.

sale. 279 N i a g a r a : : l»it!7f j

t f »

AR4 JAINS in unredeemed diamonds, tches. guns and musical instru­

ments. Cantor's Pawn Shop, JiOO Mich hrsn Ave.

LD 3 E R T 7 bonds purcnassd f i cash; paid or partly psldj

wings . irl St .

H. B. Dennison fit

T I.BEBTY Bond*—We pay h i g h e s t cash J ^ price. 47 Market Arcade. 617 Main St.

H t l 6

TT7E can do your suto repairs a n d ro . £~~_\ -••• •••, ' ,——7-7-—7T » * chargs and; fcan storage batteries. ,TOBACCO--Oalden s famous Clidden Gsraga Elmwood snd Forest


Spot Cash Paid For machine stitched.


Acme Vulcanising Howard 5ft,


Tennessee 4- natural leaf: aged and mellow: two

evenings. • ? !

THIS PRUDENTIAL Society. South Division St..' loans m«

diamonds watches, Jewelry and " [ rates as low as 1-2 per cent s mc

J stone. Goodrich. 3 [lller. etc.; your favorite j m W E L Y K reels moving pictures; I m a A * a t . a b«rK4>'> Price; complete line of I ± comedies; one cartoon comedy , 5.000 mileguarajnteed tires at liberal dls- ! a u d t w o r« e lers cheap.

counts. Motor Tire Supply Co., t*T Main c a r e Buffalo <"ourier. St. and $70 Broadway Open evenings.


XTULCANIZINO thai lasts; t ires double.

! Works. 299 Broadway. Old gold s i lver and platinum, s l s o false i te th In any condition or quantity. Mail f rpiRES. tires, t res. save 40 to 60 per

or bring as we have no agents . Buf fa lo ; A cent: all higi grade standaiU n u k e s Cold Refining Co.. $43 EUicott g a u i r * | of new blemished tires: McGraw. Fire- 4

OOK younger: Improve yeur complex ion: if you have any blemishes write

today: red face or nose , wrinkles , liver spo t s frt-ckles. fail ing hair, e tc . ; i m m e ­diate resul ts French Specia l t ies , 237 W. 34th St.. N e w York^ , ^I'il* r \ P T I C I A N S — F r e e e x a m i n a t i o n s ; s ty l i sh " m o u n t i n g s ; m o d e r a t e prices . B e s t * Co.. CJeneree St.

feb2 i thur . sun . tues tmar2t

M A R R I A G E paper f r e e - f h e b e s t and most rel iable published. Eas tern

Agency 5. Bridgeport . Conn. feblSsunstf*

r P O B A C C O or* snuff hal*'t cured or n o ; -*• pay: l l . o o i f cured; . e m e d y s e n t on ' trial Supcrba Co.. W242 BaUimore. j Maryland . febSsunstf*

pounds $1: five pounds $2 5|>: s a l f a c t i o n j I ^ t i t J i l o n of t ^ bet ter k n d guaranteed . Gaulden Tobacco Co., Mill ! "* f i w n * ! Bldg. , Dukedom, Tenn . j — . i s r i r - 1

— T 3 0 T H S C H I L D L O A N CO.. $15

TOBACCO—Home-grown Kentucky mat - A*. Loan ing m o n e y on d iamonds . ural leaf; a g e d and mel low, one pound | Jewelry. N e w York rates . feb25t |

SOc: f ive pounds $2.40; sat i s fact ion guar an teed. Randolph Tobacco Co. Paducah. Ky.

B o x B i

/ > ENERATOR^. starters and all electri-*-* cal equipments repaired and adjusted; batteries, lecharging and repairing. El-sen hans Battery Exchange, 999 Main St., i8!> Washington; St. IQffl


1JIOR S A L E — G l a s s top marble for fheat: a l so Ash counter

ice box. 408 Niagara St.

T H E T H E MORRtS P L i Electric Bldg. loanl

MORRIS .'or the payment of business expansior

PLAN useful purpose 4& earners, profeBslor

I business mVn. . Your character ar I fng power is the hasis of credit; d|

counter | your Llbertv bond. - m | md'fish | VTTM. DE R A D E ^ ^ ^ i e H a h l e "

good one

Address Movie,

pawnbrokers. 5 Niagara S t |

I7»LECTRIC vacuum cleaner, cost $32.50:1 Main; loans on large or small * will sacrifice for $10; evenings. 34 | o n diamonds, watches. Jewelry,"

Park St. 1 bonds at special rates; open evenli m^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm • ! mi

r i ' R N l T l ' R E F O B SALE.

30x3 . 30x3 4 S ? x 3 H 31x4

t 32x4 . 33x4 . 34x4 . 36x4 VB •

I 7.00 3.00 ».75

lfi.0© 11.00 1 3 0 0 11.00 l t . 5 0

H l 'NDKEDS of rugs, most term* and factory samph


-4. • i.'NKLY maiden. 27. would, m a r r y ; " write for picture. Box 150-B. Syra-

cuse . N Y. g.l6,23.mar2.9.16

< 2 . E N 1 1 N E i iamts . addresses , descr lp- I X T - ™ " J « « I V L . . U I nn- r* T " t ions of ladies or g e n t l e m e n d e s i r i n g ! N e w i d e a I ^ P U b l e T i r e C<*., I n c .

marriage, 2»c. Select Club. C.„ B o x 1*6.; o e i %*«:„ « 4

To,->eki'.. Kansas; 16 .23 .mart .Mt.83 o ; > ? « » » l l l O t . \IARIUAC.E directly with photos snd I — — !**!i!2!*"J

J** desci i i t ion free: pav when mar-I TpORD panel top delivery body |5tf; A- l ied. The Exchange X>ept. 4S. Kansas'*1- condition: Also light roadsters: good

2.<>. 16.23.3© ! conditions. $100.| 3340 Seneca St. I5tl0

drop pat-m a i d factory samples, all -use*;

| thoiiHiiTidH ot yards of linoleums and pro I l ino ; thousand* of yard* of st;iir and hall j carpets; our pric<>s ;ire very much lower I thull any ether store i n . Bul'"aie. The I Bargain Siore. 1IKt Seuecu St.

MO N E Y loaned on w a t c h e s , dia jewelry , e tc . ; lowept r a t e s ;

l ished 30 y e a r s L o u i s Meyers , 21 street . m<

MO N E Y loaned on w a t c h e s , dii jewelry . Mose Cohen. Relia<

censed Pawnbroker , • 619 Main m<

BU F F A L O SECURITY CO loan company) . 7:t7 Ellii

(I ieott

nmmmp n>ttTA-i M t S I C A L INSTBUMENTS.

< i t \ , Mo.

illustrated U ET married: handsomely matr imonia l magaz ine mailed free.

II, J^naa s t ^ Paul ._Minn. 2.». U.^Jyt'

At A R R I A G E — F r e e p 6 < a \ s . be-jutifi;! •* l l a d i e s : d e s c r i p t i o n and d i r e c t o r y ; pay w h e n m a r r i e d ^ f N e w I*lan Co.. Dept . ::. K a n s a s C i ty . MjjU, 2.ff.l6.23.8»

TR E A T M E N T S for w e a k or fallen a r c h e s a n d c a l l o u s e s ; arch s u p p o r t ­

e r s m a d e t h a t f i t you . S. L e w i s . Te l H o w a r d 2»31-M. 2.9,16

AutoRefinishingCo. 213-13 William St. Auto4 Hefiuished

Autos Repainted, New Tops Curtain* Repaired, General


RETIRING from the furniture bus iness , legul imprest; banking department;] final c learance: the balance of m y i v ir ion: unle t , contideuffel loans

s tock will be sold th i s month for w h a t - j nlture. pianos or diauiuSds, Phoi ever price it will bring, pos i t ive ly no r e a - i eca C2. _ ' sonable offer refused; I h a v e left a f ew — — ^ — — • — w m ^ m m — — bedroom, dining room and l iv ing room s u i t e s , a l so a f ew odd buffets, tables , I chairs , davenports , beds , spr ings , m a t ­t r e s s e s , dressers , rugs , l inoleum., e t c . : full va lue for your Liberty bonds and W a r S a v i n g s s t a m p s : 50-pound felt m a t ­t r e s s e s va lued to $25: sa le price $12.50: open Monday, W e d n e s d a y . Fr iday and i Saturday even ings . J. M. Whis se l , 640

' High s treet . Genesee car t o Fox.

J[IOR S inch

ALE—New phonograph. f«j

tone arm; bargain price forty-sevf lars cash. 210 Blaine Ave., low* leaving city.

i l E T M A R R I E D - Best Matrimonial pa­per published. Free for stamp.

Correspondent, Toledo. Ohio. • mar2.sunstmf v4

IPOSITION guaranteed: girls learn hair-dressing. facial and scalp treat­

ment, shampooing and manicuring: day and night class; special terms. Mite Jewel, 61 Elmwood Ave., near Allen; phone Tupper J s t - J - 9.11,23.30'

CiORN or rye whiskey made anywhere j Buffalo-Courier. I } without still, drugs or alcohol: old' ~~ ~*

L^UKDS stsrt easy in «du weatser with *•• sur sow 19|> carbureters: M miles S c gs**ea; use ySea pest gasoline «r half

C E L L your furniture to Reed. 101 Seii-K eca St. Phone Seneca 1930. 16t22


1JRIVATE sale of bach, 1.104 Delaware

furniture. Ave.

II. May-

Z^IOMPLETE furnishings beautiful Kim


wood Ave. apartment. Including l iving room, dining room and bedroom suites, library table, floor lamp, table lamp, baby

kerosene, lucressrd power7 s ty le s tor s n y i grand piano, rugs and other household motor: very s l o w on h i g h : attach It your- j goods : will sell separately or complete self; b ig profits to a g e n t s ; money back with lease of apartment: everything new t p M I L N E U H A R T . p o t e n t a t t o r n * guarantee: 10 days - trial. Air-Frlctlon | and very choi'-e: no reasonable offer re *-* B r i s b a n e B l d g : U n i t e d S t a t e Carburetor Co.. 4*2 MaMison Dsrfnn. Okie, fused. 104'i Elmwood. lower f la t ; tele- f o r e i g n p a t e n t s , t r a d e m a r k s a n d

PROTECT your gut ters , conduct f lashings w i t h R e c k t e n w a l t ' s

red pa int : our m e n wil l pa int t h e i Tupper 703.

n o v l f r l d e s u n t f phone North 3080-W. rights. m a r 2 t 2 T.sun.tues.t l V 1 T A N T E D to bjiy Ford touring car w i t h " enclosed body; or Sedan: m u s t be in

good condit ion. Address B o x F-5 . care

G e r m a n secre t : comple te - ins t ruc t ions $1 E d w i n StanfieW L">07 Cherry St. . Kansai City. Mo.

I W I L L gladly tell a n y o n e suffer ing wi th r h e u m a t i s m how I w a s cured in four

d a y s af ter t w o years ' terrible suf fer ing: it mat ter s not w h a t you have, w h a t you h a v e tried or h o w - l o n g s t a n d i n g : send n a m e and a d d r e s s today. Address J. Box 147, Li t t le Rock. Ark.

Ct l ' .VNlXGHAM[l imous ine . l » l i . for s a l e : -' bargain. Address -G. Buffalo Courier.


K E A L BARGAJIN--1916 e Cadil lac , all j around first

RETIRING from the furniture b u s i n e s s ; final c learance , balance of m y stock

m u s t be sold th i s month for w h a t e v e r price It will br ing: posi t ively no reason­able offer re fused; I have left a few bed­room, dining room and l iving room s u i t e s : a l so a few odd buffets, tabl>-*i. chairs . davenports , rockers, beds , springs , m a t -

i tresses , dressers , chiffoniers, baby car-iirht nL*in*»» r iages and g o - c a r t s ; beds at less than ign i < j . i n n e r . w . n o j f r s a j f price: I have a numbjer of c o n -

J- 5? C o n " ! t inuous post beds wi th five h e a v y fillers


'VIXETY varieties — Poultry. -*-~ pigeons, dogs, hares, parrots, squirrels, canaries, cats, cavies; 1 list free; descriptive 60-page boo! Bergey's Poultry Farm, Telford, P


BELGIAN hares; bucks and does; healthy, full grown breeding

$2 each . Ohio.

Phil ip Condon, W e s t CI

w H Y be bald? Pos i t i ve c u r e free t o '

^ y - 0 ' U ' n H 1 l e » , R ^ , i . t l r o 1 ' ^ - B « e k ' * Qara«e . i l n oak. walnut , oxidized and whi te f inish. 102o Wi l l iam street . 2 to a p. m. regular price $19.5"; sa le price $9.75: n ine -

) p iece w a l n u t d ining room sui te . Queen I -• :—. A n n e des ign , regular price, $350. sa le \ C A R I N E g a m e fowls, red, white, price $1»5; cons i s t of 60-lnch buffet. 64- i « - breed feathered s y m b o l s of

l ina cabinet , ;> chairs and arm ! can g a m e n e s s : folder free. A l fre i-ane backs and slip s e a t s : hame . Cameron. N. C

half price: I h a v e only three | „, v...... .~ft: re

I $19: full value ! W a r S a v i n g s S t a m p s : 50-pounds felt m a t -

, % t r e s s e s valued to $25. saie price $12.50: double drive. I open Monday. Wednesday and Friday

\*OL'R life read by as t ro logy—Tes t pre>J T ."*'*-!»*»»,<-»>Bef brougham; n e w t ires j even ings . J. M. Whisse l . 640 High s treet ,

d ic t ions for one y e a r 2«c, s i lver or ; fiSJ^U*"*^ »L b « u M f u l c s r $1,200. \ Genesee car to Fox s t a m p s ; a sk three q u e s t i o n s ; g i v e . a g e . f * e o r « « *** I'*<»nand. Auburn. 1^. Y« ; t b i r t b d s t e . G. N l e m e y e r , B o x 49, Mays l a n d i n g . N . J.

Invent ion; l o c a t e s kwt fr iends , w r i t e s ; . wonderful messages: descriptive sample , ; ' fre«. O- Martin. 411 West Ferry. Buf­falo. N. Y. , I6.23.3w

•.jL. 4*. 1 t^.,.. JT.IU'OR Sale—Ohio} Electric , do y i- f i v e - p a s s e n g e i brougham;

igular price $38, sa le pr ice ' T ^ G G S '* P * r s e t t i n g : parcel i for Liberty bonds and j Barred Rocks . W h i t e Rocks

p o s t !

Rocks. Reds . W h i t e Leghorns . Leghorns. Buff Orpingtons. Phi l don, Mauds. O.


rW O hundred dol lars b u y s B u i c k racer . s e e n Sunday.; 280 Frankl in S t .

EH>RT> tax if ab. l |»n , g o o d cond i t ion; b a r -f ga.in. SacramOre, 735 Main S t

l imited, s e c u r e a n y model -pring or i m m e d i a t e del iv­

ery, catih or credjt; I a g r e e t o s a v e you 7^v^^Ann7vrZln^.t~^mtw4m.^Zi^t wJa money: it's a proposit ion: wr i t e m e p e r - , / | L T M A i m i E D - - B e s t ma rim o n i* m a - w n j | | . M r . nnss l i sE Ri se lay Ford A g e n c y . *-* gax lne publ ished mai l ed free: ladles Main St T - t

- - - - 4 , — » • I re se lect ion , good m e -

, - „ % . . - v . . . , . m* _ . . . . . . . . , _ i t i on : reasonable prices . t « E M > d l m e for rec ipe t o m a k e 00 q u a r t s Liberty Bonds a s T c s s h : t e r m s sr i j snged: * ^ fulr s t rength hops and mal t b e v e r a g e open evenings . Sagamore , 735 Main St . of except iona l qua l i ty : n o s u b s t i t u t e , but ; T f — g e n u i n e art ic le ; s imple t o m a k e . Mincke, ' CglX-cyl inder. 101S Scr ipps -Booth car Dept . 8 . . Aihambra . Cal. 16.t3.20 | S 3 like new: r e i s o o a M e price . S a g a -

\L L s t y l e s l amp s h a d e s m a d e t o order; j

reasonable.^ Abbot t 549-R.

I ^ A T H O L I C S ^ M a r r y C a t h o l i c s : w a n t « | f """" ' ' good Cathol ic w i f e ? W a n t a> g o o d ^ K H > R D cars. Cathol ic h u s b a n d ? If so , w r i t e ' tir "The 9} now for Catho l i c H o m e Circle. W»rren,_t>. 1 J r

GE T M A I t R I E D — B e s t m a t r i m o s i gax lne publ ished mai l ed free:

s e n d a c e . descripMon. A m e r i c a n Di s tr ib - _ _ „ , , " ~"" ~: - -{-utor. Blairsvi l le . Pa. T ^ S R D cars , lark

• »v"1 ! ~'~«~—M*. ~— ' chatiical cottdi

ITHJR S A L E — Almosl new m a h o g a n y l iv ing room -and dining room furni­

t u r e ; , can be seen a n y afternoon or in the e v e n i n g by appointment . Lower Apt , f m e n t s a s g a 227 Minnesota Ave . Phone C r e s c e n t ! t ion a n d diari 1771-W.

pay $1,000 for suitable five reel j synopsis: write for particulars be- '

[ more, 735 Main •eAsonable

» * s y n o p s i s : wrn«» i w part icumrs w - I i i ' K hm- sell a n d e x r h a n c e automobi le* for- s u b m i t t i n g w r i p t a T h e F e a t u r e ' \ V . ^ „ ^ « L ^ S a i n S t . .

YOt: TO S T A R T CH M a k e t h e m g r o w

a long wi thout a n y backse t . DR P O U L T R Y P A N - A - C E - A will hell' g e t t h e m safe ly past s u c h l i t t le chl<

sa!KFTed ling*^Pan-| m e a n s good heal th , more rapid g

, _ ^—_ _ _ larger fowls. B e g i n us ing DR. HES

BLACK walnut cabinet case s e w i n g m a - I S T A N T L O U S E K I L L E R early to ch ine ; will sacrifice for $15 Tupper 1 «•>'^'ks free from lice. K e e p Instant

9S-W. f Killer in the dust bath a l w a y s T g f i l T sell a t o n c l T c h , , : : — , !'ROUP u s e , l ) l t . H E S S R O U P R f e f ^ 1 | L S T sen at once cheap, new uni - j T h e Dr. Hess l ine is for sale by

^Ye r*"' * , p m b »« t .>on range, s e w i n g ers in poultry suppl ies . mach ine , san i tarv couch, reed babv c a r - . vr . riage. like new: N e w Eden electric 'wash-er. Call 123 Exeter Terrace, or phone Orescent 910-.1. *


Sagamore ,

TWO hundred t roadster or ti

tion. Sagamore , T In

Photodrama'Co . . l^os A n g e l e s . Ca If. A I A R C E I J , w a v e Instruct ions for post • *** g r a d u a t e s ; lad les ami e y e b r o w s cul­t i va ted . S e e J I r . Milan. 5*1 Main St.

O l . " P K R K l A r o U S hair, mo le s , w s r t s . fa-• ^ cial b l e m i s h e s permanent ly , pa in less -ly removed; scientif ic m e t h o d s . 409 Bris ­b a n e Bldg.

]<XiR qual i ty , s erv ice s n d pr ices g o to f E N C L O S E D p r r t k l * Miller's D y e i n g — Cleaning Works . * J North l lOi -M.

321 B r o a d w a y : s k i r t s c l eaned a n d pressed, f l 00-.' m e n ' s s u i t s pressed . 50 c e n t s ; m e n ' s s u i t s c l e a n e d a n d pressed . 4)1.80; > f »ove* ctamned. 16c: a u t o de l ivery . Phone , H o w a r d m\. l Iprr

»nty-flve dollars buys irtng car; nice condi-Main St.. open^even-


T N having your goods packed for ohlp-* meat tbs best Is the cheapest; phone us for estimate Our own Deliver* & StoraCO Ca. Front Ave. and Georgia.

I ; mchltai


T J A R T Y leav ing t o w n will sell u | •*- piano and household furniture; gain. Carlton Court, Apartment A-


UPHOLST1CRING. reflnishinit and re pairing. Reliable Furnitura Worka.

1 WO Sefferson SL Oxford 634 mebiTtl

•ward $J1. " * » ^ * a w

a: £iAi";*j..|i.:.:'!.'


WILLIAM J. KELLER. Prlnter-snd day service 829 Main St. '

2104. mehlOtag


W ^ a a C ? L * 1 2 f a « a t t i . \ ruT> » » • •* v » rmmmm aatoes and scarfs for

Wa* Main 8 t


1 EAKING rain pipes and guttt •* stroy cellar walls. Let us repair

H. RecktenwsIL Tupper 703. U

e may a acre leases

new worth

Texas; He for-

cent s forma-

L'ighing |mpson,

under L5tl»

eking ruppor

and »ntf»

593. acc i -

:y to-ir and

|>eceive Idental

$7,500. B a n k

A BUFFALO food producing company. operating several large plants , i s

S i y n S a l i m l t e d a m o u n t of their secur-• i j tan common $100 par) to investors ° , V r o m . , 3 , to 25 shares in a go ing concern ft W l ! 1 advance to $110 per share April i s t and next div idend will be paid April Juuiion ail stock of record April 1st; c o n -™ ™ I interest is held b y stockholders/; tne idea of which i s e x t e n s i o n a n d c o -°P«J*tion purposes; c o m p a n y h a s high credit ratings1, pay ing very good d iv idends out of earnings , and wil l s tand a thor-fu*h inves t igat ion; t h i s i s a n opportunity m a t you should not overlook if you are interested in s o m e t h i n g s a f e and leg i t i ­mate , t o r part iculars wr i te Safety,' care Buffalo Courier.



T ARGEST equipment in Buffalo for XJ moving, packing, storing furniture and pianos: estimates given. Glenn 4k Co.. 804 Terrace. 12taprll

V O U should be as particular in stor-A. big valuable household goods as in

banking your money; you should select the best; we hsve ore of the finest ware­houses between Now York and Chicago; Call and see for yourself. Telephone Sen­eca 870. Our Own Delivery «V Storage Co.. Front Ave. and Georgia St. mchltSl • ' i i i i i i . i .i i>.

death your beneficiary wil l r e c e | | Come in and s e e Hainbl in, 507 B l d g . • • •

Premium $10 Per Wear Accident and Health Incurs]

Men and women between 'the"si and 70 be insured today before] expected happens; an Insurance pay. your doctor's bill, grocery lord and many other bil ls when;] laid up wi th s ickness or injury.

oC IS ie un­ify will

land-lu are


0 0 . & D. H. DONALDSON repair sll • kinds of stoves and ranges. 50 South

Division St. ' mchl6tf*







DR. LEPPA—SPECIALIST Offers to the sick snd ailing of both

. s e x e s , at No. 17 W. Eagle SL. free con­sultation and examination, w h a t more can anyone do? Reasonable charges for medicine and easy payments; experi­enced in treating nervous, blood, kidney, bladder, stomach, liver and chronic con­ditions of men and women for, over 36 years. Dr. Leppa, 17 W. Eagle St., over Buffalo Cafeteria, Buffalo, N. Y. Hours 9-8: Sundays 10-1. ^ _ ^

DR. ROWS; 110 North Pearl—Women's diseases treated successfully without

operations; consultation free. feb9tf*

Little Belgian Boy Becomes Mascot of the Ga





Likes Americans and Is Com­ing With His G^xwal

to States. !

DR. T R A C H T E R . 188 Broadway, con­sumption specialist. 9t22

Inc., all


( G .

Iress-f i t -

roods allege your

H i -l t ted. l ldg . , ,30


F L U E N Z A . A S T H M A . I F YOU A R E A S U F F E R E R O F A N Y O F T H E S E D I S ­E A S E S CALL OR W R I T E 225 CLINTON ST. , T O W , M. C. H A M L E T .

JO H N T f i l P P ' S blooo purifier, for scrof­ula, rheumat i sm and other blood dis­

e a s e s h s s b e e n used s a t i s f a c t o r i l y for over s i x t y years . 124 P l y m o u t h Ave. . Buf-falo. N. T . oct7sunstf*

L A D I E S — A s k your druggis t for Chtchesters pills, the Diamond brand.

For 26 y e a r s known a s best , safest , a l ­w a y s reliable. B u y of your druggist . T a k e no other. Chtchesters D i s m o n d Brand pills a r e sold b v drugg i s t s everywhere .

^ Ineasnn . tnea . thurs . ine24 . l9 iv

MR S . J. H. M A T T E S O N ' S remedies arej-pHed t,he r e f u g e e w i t h q u e s t i o n s sti l l on s a l e a t the old homes tead .

No . 248 North Div is ion St . ; del ivery to] a n y part of the c i t y f r e e ; te lephone Sen­eca 5696; b y order ing direct you get the original remedies and guaranteed by her daughter . Mary B. Wethere l l .

A youngster of; ten years j created a sensation in the reading ro^m of the Knights of Columbus club in] Paris re­cently by appearing before tpe a s s e m ­bled Yankee soldiers garbed in the uni ­form of an American martnej w^ith t w o wound stripes and three service stripes on his Sleeves, s a y s a corresijiondent of the Associated Press . j

More than a year a g o some of the marines were s tat ioned in a little French vi l lage when a little Belgian boy came to their camp. H e w a s r e ­ceived with open arms, and1 w h e n he told them the . s tory .o f how his mother and father had passed away, they adopted him a s the m a s c o t of the regi ­ment. Jean Moyeaux has been with the marines every moment s ince tha t day when the little refugee, hungry and lonesome, reached the camp.

Little Belgian Wounded. 1 During two engagements the little Belg ian boy w a s wounded, and one of pis little legs is crippled. H e walks with a limp, but he a lways hopes that he will s o m e t ime be able to| walk a s straight as his friend, the corporal. The corporal adopted the yjoungster, and soon he w a s loved by every member of the thirteenth regiment. JHe is u clever youngster and in the past year has learned much of the w a | s of t h e / merican. I

The Knights of Columbus becretsry gave the little soldier some c i n d y and

" i t,he refugee with questions. "Me no Francois : me Beige." said the youngster. "Me \ike Americaine. Sposo corporal say, m e g o to American with la regiment. Me no talk | beacoup

wkw m ; f

: >


Young Men's Christian As­sociation Making Big

Plans for Season.


One of Best Incentives Peo- f pie of Alien Birth Can


spot i open

1S» j t f

on >nds:

s n

m -St.

ehes. 85

CO., >ney

| eb t s , any

rage and

| a r n -sell

insed Inear | u n t s •erty

»nds, Itab-lain

|31 inds.



ronal lare, iper-Jfur-|Sen-

-six ^rsal jdol fflat,

l a n d eral



Our Radio-Active Pad by st imulat ing the Mood circulation imparts energy, restores vital i ty and overcomes disease. W e • have many test imonials from patients who have suffered from H i g h Blood Pressure. Rheu­matism. Neuralgia, Insomnia. Diseases of the Nerves. Stomach, Bowels . Heart. Lungs , Bladder, Kidneys , Liver and Female Com­plaints. To prove the remarkable restora­tive and vital izing effects of this wonderful appliance we wil l send it on ten days' trial with an absolute money-back guarantee if it fai ls to give entire satisfaction. No mat­ter what your ailment, try it at our risk. For ful l information, write today. Radium Appliance Co., 165 Bradbury Bldg. , Los Angeles. CaL t--. •

T J S E HOmedpsthlc Mentha lene for *-" Bronchi t i s . ..; Neura lg ia , Tonsl l l t l s , H a y Fever , laryngit i s . Catarrh, A s t h m a , Rheumat i c P a i n s , Sprains , Coughs . Colds, Sore Throat . H e a d a c h e , Toothache , Burns , SunhUrn. Chilblains, Chaps and Skin troubles , e tc . ; s e n t postpaid one large jar. s e n d fifty c e n t s todav. Da'ey Ar. Daley, 959 Michigan Ave . , Buffalo. N\ T .


Anglais . Me understand beacoup. . .. . , - , . . . . . From head to foot the y o W Belgian ^ h toguage is of trernendou. valut

Americanism i l lustrated In growing victory gardens is "the best ant idot s for Bolshevik doctrines," according to" the Young M e n s Christ ian assoc iat ion, which is planning a 1919 campa ign oflp "Americanism a n d the speak ing ©A Engl ish language v ia the v ic tory gar> den." Deta i l s of the campa ign wers> completed here today by the Nat iowU W a r Garden commiss ion, co -operat ing with, the immigrat ion department at the Young Men's Christ ian assoc ia t ion in Chicago. P lans also provide for tb* showing of the victory garden w o r k in mov ing pictures throughout tha country, s a y s a Washington dispatch.

T o start off the campa ign lO.dO* garden/ and canning books have boon sent tq Chicago in addit ion to sever* ! thousand posters- The Young Men's Christian associat ion had 150 acres o f industrial gardens last year a n d t h e y hope to better that record th is year. These gardens are 25x150 feet.

Const uctive Cam pa ion. _ "This is one of the most constructivey /

campaigns yet undertaken," sa id Cnai ies Lathrop Pack, president of m e National War Garden commiss ion, t o ­day. "Do not forget m a t tne garden produces someth ing bes ides food. It produces thrift so important- u» the nation at this time. Then, too, it means contented workers everywhere . The m a n with a victory garden real izes the value of a home and he Knows the value of making regular tr ips to ttu» bank. Then, too, the incent ive to g e t out in the open and speak the l£ng-



was garbed in the uniform j of tha marines. On his arm he darried a little raincoat, and he proudly displayed the> numerals which showed that he was a member of the gal lant thirteenth.

Sergesnt'a Uniform Next . One of the young men at the Knights

of Columbus club asked him why he did not have sergeant's stripes. "Cor­poral, he make m e one uniform' now for promenade. When m e pnomenade me wear sergeant's suit . Then me boss corporal. My fadder and mudder^ mort now. Corporal he fadder to me.; Will go to American with marines."

There were tears in the eyes of many of the soldier boys who were gathered at the Knights of Columbus club. They had been through much, but this l ittle figure with the two wound stifipes and the warned l imb gave them

Advertisements received too late for proper classifi­cation in these nages will be found on page 67.

• a

310 l a n d > p y -fs

rgs. sts,

in 10c.

I3— rge,

?k Iter,

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l id: luff >wn >n-


fou l i l -es-»-a

Kh, I N -eep i se por )Y.

!»• -f*


Brains, Wealth and Re­sources of Americans

Won the Victory.

other incident of the h, orrOr i of the German at tacks in France and Bel ­gium.

Little Jean Moyeaux will gjo to the United "States with his corporal and the' marines . The captain l>ves the l a n e voungster. And every man in the

Belgian and who

i imerican

resriment would fight for the boy, n'ho has learned to love has' learned t o know the soldier a s he really i s . \

i .- i - s i - . - ^ . , — ! — •

Austral ians have learned to appro-^ e la te the value of the American soldier in the world war. according to the late Lieut. Cecil Hea ly of the Australian expeditionary force, an international swimming champion, killed last s u m ­mer in Prance. Lieut. Healy, who w a s one of the best swimmers In the wor ld over the long and middle-distance courses, competed at the Olympic games in Stockholm. In a letter to a friend here he said; . '> "Until America ranged herself defi­nitely on our side, I entertained strong misgiv ings a s to what the ult imate i s sue 'would i>e, but when the United S ta tes declared war the Teutons ' chances of obtaining world domination vanished forever, in my estimation. I at once ventured a prophesy among my coterie of friends that it w o u l d be Yankee brains, Yankee weal th and re­sources alone that would enable u s to s tave off defeat.

"To any group of soldiers that I hap­pened to come upon in our camp that were discussing the Yankees, I told that I had made one of a bunch of a t h ­lete's who left Austral ia to compete against Americans at the Olympic games . W e Were convinced, I a s ­sured them, that the Yanks were all talk a s w a s supposed. But I explained that after w e had had aiyopportuni ty

ht j of seeing for ourselves what they could SS do in the w a y of organization, and had

seen evidence of their shrewd and businessl ike sys tems, and observed the fact that they Were equipped wi th everything that brains could suggest and money buy, and, moreover, had met them a s man to man (in most in ­s tances receiving a sound trouncing at their hands) , w e began to regard them highly.

j "Ultimately we returned to Austra­lia with, the firm impression that the Yank was*about a s worthy an adver­sary a s would be met with in any hemisphere." Lieut. Healy w a s killed in the Austral ians' capture of Mont St. Quentln.

just a n -

The banks of the country know tha home food producer for a g o o d , c u s ­tomer and a good cit izen. The tune to begin making ^that c i t izenship i* when the cit izen is" new. The best an j tidote for Bolshevik doctrine i s th« production of food ' f o r the kitchef door."

Must Send Food Abroad. P. S. Ridsdale, secretary o f the N a ­

tional W a r Garden commiss ion , h a s \ just returned from Europe, where he spent three m o n t h s s tudying the homo food production plans. H e points ou t that everything possible m u s t be done in the United S ta tes to produce food close to the point of consumpt ion In order that other foodstuffs that can he shipped long d is tances c a n be s e n t abroad. There are mil l ions in E u ­rope close to the point of s tarvat ion, according lo i*eports from abroad. is Siberia, too, is to learn all about v i c ­tory gardening. Prof. W. C. O'Kane of the Sta te Agricultural col lege at Durham, N. H., has prepared a garden circular for distribution this s u m m e r in Siberia by the Agricultural E d u c a ­tional expedit ion under the ausp ices of the Young Men's Christian assoc iat ion . Pictures from the National W a r Gar­den commiss ion victory garden book are used in the book, which h a s been translated into Russ ian.


rht i r -

Life aud ^jfoaraetcr Reading, MARCH, if.

This person is capable, executive; and loves art and beauty jn all forms.

H e is accurate in judgment, very ob­serving and seems to take in all details without effort. People of this birthdate love method and sacrifice everything to do ft.

When under the disciptino of self-control and se l f -knowledge this char­acter has tremendoutfiptrength and can command unseen forc is . These people make good mental he / l ers . Their pres­ence i s healing a n d A n e y s e e m to exert ». E o w e r ever o t h e r ! for good.

N s s t u n e warn that ex treme care should

W&imit Ad Ag<52c5ea Courier Cisssified "Want Ada'' will to.

received by any of the AgenclnS named below at l e a word. Class!fl«d adver­tisements for Sunday Courier must be at ofticw of publication before 3 30 ff. fti. Sat-urdsya

Archer. Mrs. Grace L„ M Good*1!! St Atkins. Mrs Mens. 1273 Jeff erst n St. Armstrong. Joseph. 217 Hudson it. Alexander.' H. L.. 120* Seneca St Albert John M4 Walden Ayo. Albert. C . 1212 Lovejoy 8t. Bamett. W. H.. 21M Fillmore A<w. Balrd. F. F « » « Main Su j Buffalo Subscription Agency. 31 Palace

Arcade R#n*smln. Mrs. A.. I*« W. Delavi n Ava. Buchsnsn Thomas 143 N pi vial on St. Brahan Thomas '11.. 8t4 Front Kv: Bsrry. T J.. SW South Park Av* Bernstone. M.. 78 Elmwood Ave. Burgess J T.. lRIi Seneca St. Becker. Georre »7S Qenese* S t Behrerda Albert. 107 Best S t Bsor O., §7* Flmwood As*. Bskf r. 2«« Ortder » Con«*on. Mrs M. *2«n Michigan Ava Cooke. L M - !«*« Abbots Road. fonrors J.. tM Klk St. . _, Dojie, Joseph. "147 Connecticut 81 nundon. Thnmss. H i Clinton S t nnnlels. A H.. *t7 Nlarara St. Dlx».n. F N . . %7I Oenesee ««t. Fberhard. Mrs. r.. 145X Fillmore Ava TOllott E.. «»1 Elk St. F«tagers'd. M. E !S2 Trtsngto S t Forbes. A P.. *•*> Oeneca S t Fox. Frank. 1202 Genesee S t O. A B. Grocery. Russell and Parltslda Gleber, G. H., 77f Tonswsnds S t Gnrney. Mrs. H I WW Clinton St. Glllott 8 F„ ' o i Michigan Ava Gallery. F. J., *9» Clinton St. Hoehn. E. •W,. City Line and Main S t Hair bridge N.. II* Broadway. Harrington. D.. William and Fillmore Hoehn Bro«s, »M Main S t Krummetl. W. L... 2340 S» reca 8 c Kloten. C W.. 1«2I Mam « t Lorlseh. Charles. 12* Fourteenth St T^pp-Schoemsfcr Co.. s««t Main Stl LaFP-Scheemaker Co.. 2«la Main lit. MoHln. Edward V.. 4tf Normal Ava Miller. J. J . ISO Svcsmore St. McGarrlety. E . 1S4S Genesee S t Mav A Lee 442 Sycamore St Vassal. Emil. 2*1 V»nr»nla St. Norwtg. H"r.ry. S*>S Best St. Nsrel. C. E.. 2W Broadway Nell Mav C . 1477 Mam Sr. O'nonnsll. F. J., 101 Grant St. Pair E.. 12*1 Klsgara St. Pfalser Andrew W..,212 Hampahtrs tfe. Person. H. C . Livestock Bxcnaa re • L

P e c k a Inc.. Fhnwood and Utica at. PatHdf*. R. R-. *«7~Cllntoa St. •*" pfoff. Henry. » ^ i * " Ava Putnam. T> .Tf - AS? 5 * * " St. Palmer. H W„ f f f B y i e 8 c Preson. G.. IS7» Broadway. Ryan. M. * Cflnton and Bailer A«* nihrlischer. Wrn^ 4*1 Wllham. k * Rykert. C. W.. f22 Sycamors S t Root. George Aj. 21(1 High St " Raymond. A . JW71 Seneca S t R«^scher. A„ »t Fackham at Sandet*. Wm.. 4fS Maasaehuasttsj a * . Somers. John. tM Seneca 8 L ^ W A"*>


Already Show Advance Along AH Lines Since

War Ended. w ,* I* will be m a n y years before price*

in the Rhineland will fall to a pre-war

Stutsman. Allen R-, f i t auburn a » k

RaVlt.«U Tscbjneyer, Thon^ean. V n n d o w a t ^

** **&£!£*** ^fiiiis"sa4 aod

v a n o « w » ^ . f 2 ^ n1 ? «ivi*eM1Utari t n*.

WilHams. Helean H , 411 Grant jfc " • • *

Wargola. r .t«»!4JC t o»* St. WofrT H.. l lWMraadwsy. Wolf Harry. tM Kiamra 8L Young. Sanwol. ' « M F i i lmn^ Ar^

SUBURBAN. P ^ K ^ . ^ l ^ l g l ^ t y 4.


• ' .

level, according to German economists . a view shared by officers of tho Third Army of Occupation, w h o h a v e beet; detailed to s tudy the s i tuat ion. Since the armist ice w a s s igned there h a s been a general increase In prices w i th but few except ions to s h o w a d o w n ­ward trend, s a y s a Coblenz correspond, ent of the Associated press, * In certain c l a s s e s of the populatioc there w a s a hazy notion that a suddott fall in the prices of "'" T-t.ar:n.rijyi''-would take place at the end of tho war . It appeared to be based o n nothing more than an impression that condir tions in the coming peace t i m e . w o u l d be practically identical wi th those Be­fore the war, and buyers of «.»«-».-^ iron products such a s machinery. hard> ware, field and garden implements • » « steel wire have not placed their orders. A consequent* has been a hos i tancv on the part of manufacturers to t the effort to reach their old m a r k s o ? production, incidentally l e a v l n ^ ^ - a T : diers t h o u »«n*l« of discharged «Ol-

Rcasons given whv lower nrieasi I M not to be expeeted are the l n c r r - 1 - r I r the cost of raw materials , the « . w a g e s demanded and the e ight - ! d a y . • » « * «

Advances in the prices of coal, coke* steel. Irpn s n d lead were registered am the first of the year making i t r e a a a t -ably certain that sti l l higher nrteea

; will be /charged for finished p r o d u c t s , On account of the^scarcity of coa i

many factories remain* closed wi thout s ign of ear |y reopening. ««»«»>


London Cby mall).—The British * * » *#"!. flee authorities are tr>ing to f R d ^ ° f " (aeement's Irish brlgsdeT which such a sensation In l i i « . N o t i i been heard of them since the was signed •

They were recruited in Llmbnrs? M M . camp by the traitor r u » m # « 2 J * ! t executed In the Tower o l ^ L o n e f f * 552^? »m! i i r Ubyu»°«f^ . l r , - h » » r ^ " e « 1 r e n i a I e l S loyal, but fifty-two men Were « 3 2 s 5 r 2 * to sastat the Hun againat E a g ^ B S L * T i l f of them named Bailey came TmT^L-JrQ

± sa&r. ^^aaRn; nnme months later Carnorsd

who ^ad joined the brigadV aY w *A^*?*eted . tried snd o m gf*i»lJ^5-JJ1 ." •eatsneed wad

r M



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.fust b e f o r e thl Ho w e n s a 4 been. load of h o r s e s I t h e horS for IS.I m o n e v

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I ernment.lThe VOJ Ing cards for f«.l gambl ing for mi of fundaj ba H4> ©nel's (fsBrteriy a i l readn-j t< !»d Treasur>-1 Ti .* i m o n e y a i d , to m gan deatro;.' wig I*\tt*»rs whl ii <:

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^ w a a formed. kp*ln [ Aaaoc ia t loh for G a m b l i n g At th self, Saratoga ant!

:r*atrrts w 4 f « «ver| 'puraued their p%l moleated. The lui wtn*>s and good t sands of sleai'tlre famoua report a. a years before Pa r» Bid*> placoa' w»r» cause of t(hi« trag* In the train of *>

In Kow t ork < regularly eatabli amall games apra

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