Auschwitz - Trip Around Hell on Earth

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A student's presentation on Holocaust made within the Comenius project 'Culture Beyond Borders'

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On the 15 September 1935 the Nuremberg Laws were signed. They had one aim:

complete discrimination of Jews.

Jews were without any laws, books written by Jews were burned.

The Jews were treated like subhumans - one of the sign was they had to wear the Star of David.

Every Jewish shops, restaurants, and houses had such a sign.

In autumn 1939 Germans opened the ghetto where they put all the Jewish people.

It doesn’t matter – male, female, child…

Many hours of work, little food, no warm clothes, no medical care - the result was that many Jews

got ill - for example they had typhoid. If someone wanted to leave the ghetto, they were

punished with death.

With the start of World War II the germans started to organize concentration camps.

In 1944 there was 1000 of such camps in many countries of Europe.

The biggest of them was Auschwitz.

We had great guide, who told us whole history about that scary place…

Main gate „Arbeit macht frei”

– „work makes you free” slogan, which has been like

ridicule for prisoners.

We saw blocks, where prisoners slept, took shower

and spent their free time

Cans with Zyklon B

Prisoners suitcases

Women’s hair which had cut before they went to gas chambers

prisoners shoes

Their faces, looks so much attenuated and tired…

Block 11 was called by prisoners „block of death”. It was always closed.

In underground were „stehzelle” and next to the block – wall of death.



In jewish synagogue, where our guide told us about that historical place which was destroyed during II world war. We saw

commemorative plaque in front of synagogue.

I can’t understand how HUMAN person could do this harmes to all of those people, who died

in every concentration camps, not only in Auschwitz…

18 mln people


Julita Czajka