1 School of Education Master of Teaching (Birth 5/ Birth -12) Early Childhood Unit 102110 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3-5 Years This unit includes a 35 day placement Attendance and Feedback Book For the Pre-service Teacher This feedback document is the property of: Pre-service Teacher’s Name: _________________________________ Pre-service Teacher’s ID Number: _______________________________ The Mentor Teacher is: _________________________________ The University Advisor’s is: _________________________________ Postal Address: Professional Experience Office Unit Convenor: Denise Fraser School of Education Contact: (02) 47360042 University of Western Sydney E mail: [email protected] Penrith Campus, Building JG05. Locked Bag 1797 Penrith NSW 2751 Telephone: 47 360070 Fax: 47 360407 Field Visit Days Days 1 & 2 week beginning 10/8/15 (6 hours each day) Days 3 & 4 week beginning 17 /8 /15 Day 5 week beginning 27/8 /15 Professional Experience Days Days 1, 2 & 3 28 /8/15, 3 & 4 / 9/15 (7 hours each day plus lunch break) Professional Experience Block 1 Monday Friday 7/9/15 11/9/15 (7 hours each day plus lunch break) Professional Experience Block Tuesday to Friday 6/10/15 9/10/15 (7 hours each day Monday to Friday 12/10/15 16/10/15 plus lunch break) Monday Friday 19/10/15 23/10/15 26/10/15 4/11/15 Expo Day 12 th or 13 th November 2015 Portfolio Presentations

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Page 1: Attendance and Feedback Book For the Pre-service Teacher · Attendance and Feedback Book For the Pre-service Teacher Professional Experience Professional Experience This feedback


School of Education

Master of Teaching (Birth – 5/ Birth -12)

Early Childhood Unit 102110 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3-5 Years

This unit includes a 35 day placement

Attendance and Feedback Book

For the Pre-service Teacher

This feedback document is the property of:

Pre-service Teacher’s Name: _________________________________

Pre-service Teacher’s ID Number: _______________________________

The Mentor Teacher is: _________________________________

The University Advisor’s is: _________________________________

Postal Address: Professional Experience Office Unit Convenor: Denise Fraser School of Education Contact: (02) 47360042 University of Western Sydney E mail: [email protected] Penrith Campus, Building JG05. Locked Bag 1797 Penrith NSW 2751 Telephone: 47 360070 Fax: 47 360407

Field Visit Days Days 1 & 2 week beginning 10/8/15 (6 hours each day) Days 3 & 4 week beginning 17 /8 /15 Day 5 week beginning 27/8 /15 Professional Experience Days Days 1, 2 & 3 28 /8/15, 3 & 4 / 9/15 (7 hours each day plus lunch break) Professional Experience Block 1 Monday –Friday 7/9/15 – 11/9/15 (7 hours each day plus lunch break) Professional Experience Block Tuesday to Friday 6/10/15 – 9/10/15 (7 hours each day Monday to Friday 12/10/15 – 16/10/15 plus lunch break) Monday – Friday 19/10/15 – 23/10/15 26/10/15 – 4/11/15 Expo Day 12th or 13th November 2015 Portfolio Presentations

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Professional Experience 3-5 years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Table of Contents

University Contacts .............................................................................................. 3

Professional Experience in the Master of Teaching (B–5 years/B-12years) ... 4

Attendance Requirements ................................................................................... 4

Professional Experience Checklist ..................................................................... 5

Supervising Teacher Feedback Sheet 1 ............................................................. 8

CPC 1 Progress Assessment ........................................................................... 10

Supervising Teacher Feedback Sheet 2 ........................................................... 15

CPC 2 Progress Assessment ............................................................................ 16

Supervising Teacher Feedback Sheet 3 ........................................................... 26

University Advisor Progress Assessment ....................................................... 30

EXPO Marking Criteria ....................................................................................... 33

Additional Feedback Sheets .............................................................................. 34

Optional Feedback Sheets..................................................................................35 Peer Learning Circle Recording Sheet ............................................................. 36

Professional Experience Timesheet ................................................................. 37

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Professional Experience 3-5 years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


University Contacts

If you have any questions or require assistance regarding insurance, or Mentor Teacher claims, or other administrative matters please contact: The Administrative Officer for Early Childhood Professional Experience Lorraine Fordham Phone: 47 360070 Email: [email protected] If you have questions about the Professional Experience requirements for this placement please contact:

The Co-ordinator of Early Childhood Professional Experience 2 Denise Fraser Phone: 47 360042 or 0404 228 033 Email: [email protected] If you have feedback on early childhood Professional Experience, or cannot contact

your Unit Co-ordinator please contact: The Course Professional Experience Co-ordinator (Early Childhood) Denise Fraser Phone: 47 360042 or 0404 228 033 Email: [email protected]

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Professional Experience 3-5 years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Professional Experience in the Master of Teaching ( Birth – 5years/Birth-12years)

Professional Experience is an integral part of the early childhood teacher education program at UWS. It provides pre-service teachers with authentic opportunities to put theory into practice in a supportive and encouraging environment. Staff from the early childhood program work in partnership with Mentor Teachers and University Advisors during placement. Mentor Teachers play an important role in this partnership by mentoring pre-services teachers and supporting their growth as professionals in the workplace. University Advisors also contribute to this community of practice as they meet regularly with pre-service teachers to help them to link theory to practice. The Pre-service Teacher contributes to the partnership by bringing with them into their setting new knowledge that they can share and in so doing they add to the community of practice existing within the setting. For more information about the Roles and Responsibilities of each member of the partnership please refer to the Professional Experience handbook which is available through the following website: http://www.uws.edu.au/education/soe/practicals/early_childhood/professional_experience_2 .

Directors or Mentor Teachers will be able to access the Final Report for Professional Experience 3-5Years and the Teacher Pay Claim form through the above website.

Attendance requirements: Pre-Service Teachers are required to attend

- all 5 Field Visit Days and - 30 days of Professional Experience.

Field Visits are 6 hour days. During the PE Days (days 1-5) and the block professional experience (PE Days 6-30) Pre-Service Teachers are encouraged to work the same hours as setting staff. It is required that Pre-Service Teachers be at the setting for 7.5 hours each day during the professional experience days, whether they are placed in a Child Care Centre or a Preschool. This includes a half hour lunch break. If a Pre-Service Teacher is absent for any reason she/he must:

notify the setting;

notify the Professional Experience Office;

write absent on the timesheet for any full day absence;

provide documentation as to the reason for the absence;

make up the missed day/s: please note any missed days must be made up with full days or half days, not additional hours;

document the dates on which missed days were made up.

Mentor Teachers are required to sign the attendance record found at the end of this document and complete the attendance and final comment section in the Final Report document.

In order to receive a Satisfactory Grade for Professional Experience 3-5 Years, Pre-service Teachers must have completed all Field Visit and Professional Experience days and have these verified by the Mentor Teacher.

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Professional Experience Checklist The Mentor teacher and Pre-service teacher are encouraged to use the following table as a checklist to ensure that the professional portfolio and Feedback Book are being regularly maintained and that all necessary documentation has been sighted and completed.

Mentor Teacher Pre-service Teacher

Field Visits 1 – 5 (6 hour days)

Sign timesheet daily (at the end of student’s Feedback Book).

Assist with selection of small group of children (focus group).

Assist Pre-Service Teacher to obtain consent from families.

Sight Pre-Service Teacher’s observations and data collected for situational analysis.

On field visit day 4 or 5, complete pages 8 and 9 of Feedback Book and check progress in developing professional portfolio. The Pre-service teacher should have

- collected information for the situational analysis and analysed this - obtained informed consent to work with a minimum of 3 children -gathered sufficient information to be able to develop a profile of each child’s strengths, interests, skills, dispositions, and funds of knowledge

Field Visits 1 – 5 (6 hour days)

Fill in and sign timesheet daily (at the end of your Feedback Book).

Select small group of children, distribute consent forms, collect signed consent forms (PPL)

Collect data for situational analysis(PPL & PE)

Complete observations for individual children in your small group. You must gather information and assess learning across all the key learning areas and consider developmental information, as well as dispositions and interests

Begin to compile child portfolio for each child in the small group.

Share at Peer Learning Circles (PLC). You are entitled to 2 during this time. Use the relevant page of the Feedback Book to photocopy and fill in for each PLC.

Discuss feedback with Mentor Teacher and sign page 9 of the Feedback Book

Bring to CPC 1

Feedback Book - pages 8-9 completed and signed

Your PE timesheet

Your developing professional portfolio

Any CPC 1 tasks as indicated in learning guide

PE Block 1 Days 1 – 10 (7.5 hour days)

Sign timesheet daily (end of Feedback Book).

Sight and initial Pre-Service Teacher’s planned/ spontaneous experiences,

Provide feedback using sheets on pages 12 -14 of the Feedback Book

Ensure that the learning focus is clear and that any follow up identifies the direction for learning not simply a new experience

Sight and initial new observations and check that they have been analysed and interpreted.

Complete pages 15 and 16 of Feedback Book and check progress of professional portfolio.

PE Days 1 – 8 (7.5 hr days including lunch break)

Fill in and sign timesheet daily (at end of the feedback book).

Negotiate regular meeting times with your Mentor Teacher

Write a short daily reflection.

Regularly evaluate your progress toward meeting the professional learning goals

Document and assess children’s play, learning, interests, dispositions and relationships. Your documentation must be meaningful

Maintain your ongoing observations and assessment of learning for each of your focus children.

Begin to implement your project.

Implement, document and evaluate a minimum of 8 experiences during these days. These experiences should include small and larger groups and routines and may also

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Contact University Advisor immediately if you have any concerns

include the experiences/ interactions that you plan to gather information for your project with children.

Meet with the Mentor Teacher to discuss feedback and sign page 16 of Feedback Book.

Contact University Advisor immediately if you have any concerns.

Bring to CPC 2

Feedback Book - pages 15-16 completed and signed

Your PE timesheet

Your professional portfolio

Any CPC 2 tasks as indicated in learning guide

PE Days 11 - 15 (7.5 hour days)

Sign timesheet daily

Sight and initial Pre-service Teacher’s new planned/spontaneous experiences and ensure they link to observations

Support Pre-service teacher in the implementation of project with children

Provide feedback using the Daily feedback sheet pages 19 - 25 of Feedback Book and check progress of portfolio

Provide Additional Feedback (copy page 22 of Feedback Book as required)

Contact University Advisor immediately if you have any concerns

PE Days 9 -13 (7.5 hour days inc lunch break)

Fill in and sign timesheet daily.

Continue to negotiate a time to meet with your Mentor Teacher and continue to seek feedback

Continue to write a daily reflection

Continue to evaluate the professional learning goals.

Add two more professional learning goals

Implement two experiences each day. These may be related to your project or they may be spontaneous experiences or additional planned experiences unrelated to your project.

Continue to take large and small group experiences and manage routines during these days

Plan, implement, document and assess follow up experiences to extend children’s learning in your project.

Consult with your Mentor Teacher to discuss the total learning environment

Document the way that the total learning environment currently works and discuss any changes you would like to make during the last 3 weeks of your placement.

Sign feedback sheets (copies of page 21/22,)

Contact University Advisor immediately if you have any concerns.

PE Block Days 16 – 30 (7.5 hr days inc lunch break)

Sign timesheet.

Sight and initial Pre-Service Teacher’s planning for the total learning environment and provide guidance and support.

Sight and initial any new observations.

Complete Mentor teacher Feedback sheet 3 ready for University Advisor Visit.

Provide Additional Feedback (copy page 34/35 of Feedback Book)

PE Days 14 -30 (7.5 hr days inc lunch break)

Fill in and sign timesheet daily (at the end of Feedback Book).

Continue to negotiate a time to meet with your Mentor Teacher

Take increasing responsibility for the Total Learning Environment

During the 1st week of this block plan for either the

indoor or outdoor learning environment

During the second week of this block you should take responsibility for the other learning environment

During the final week of this block you should take responsibility for planning the indoor and outdoor learning environments.

Evaluate your use of time, space, resources and routines as well as the experiences and their focus

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Contact University Advisor immediately if you have any concerns.

Continue to plan, implement, document and assess follow up experiences to extend children’s learning in your project.

Continue to document individual children’s learning in their portfolios

Sign l feedback sheet.

Contact University Advisor immediately if you have any concerns.

Have ready for your Advisor when they visit

Your Feedback Book with pages 16 - 17 completed and signed

Your PE timesheet

Your professional portfolio Any tasks as indicated on vUWS

Contact University Advisor immediately if you have any concerns.

On the final day of Pre-Service Teacher’s professional experience, ensure that the Report is finalised:

- - Mentor Teacher comment

- - Attendance Report;

- - Signature below Attendance Report

PE Block Days – Final Week (, 7.5 hr days inc lunch break)

Fill in and sign timesheet daily (final page of Feedback Book).

Contact University Advisor immediately if you have any concerns.

On the final day of your professional experience:

- Complete reflective comments and future goals section (3

rd box) on page 3 in Report

(once this is returned to you by your Supervising Teacher).

- Sign page 5 of the Report.

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Mentor Teacher Feedback sheet 1 (Formative Assessment)

Pages 8 and 9 to be completed, initialed and signed where necessary by

Supervising Teacher ready for CPC 1

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well Outcome

and indicators


Outcome1. Engage in reflective practice and establish and evaluate goals for own professional learning that lead to refinements in practice.

a) Identifies his/her own strengths and areas for further professional growth in relation to the graduate teacher standards for early childhood and primary teaching.

b) Documents and evaluates clear, relevant professional development goals .

c) Documents and evaluates clear, relevant strategies to support progress towards meeting each goal.

d) Engages in ongoing reflection and initiates change as a response to feedback from the Mentor Teacher, University Advisor and peers.

e) Identifies and reflects on the philosophy and pedagogical approaches of the setting and mediates the place of their own philosophy and approaches.

Outcome 8 Demonstrate the oral and written literacies expected of a graduate teacher

a) Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy.

b) Uses appropriate language and vocabulary when interacting with others and in documentation.

c) Listens and responds appropriately in conversations with families and educators and responds appropriately to questions and comments.

Evidence of Pre-service Teacher’s understandings and practice of the Early Years Learning Framework Principles:

EYLF Principles Unsatisfac

tory Basic Develop


a) Respectful and reciprocal relationships. b) Partnerships – valuing of family perspectives and

contributions, positive communication.

c) Respect for diversity. d) Ongoing learning and reflective practice.

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Comments on Pre-service Teacher’s communication with staff, children and families:

Comments on Pre-service Teacher’s professionalism and ethical conduct:

Supervising Teacher’s comments and goals for the remainder of the placement: Supervising Teacher Signature:_______________________ Date: ____________ Pre-service Teacher Signature: ________________________Date: ____________

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Community of Practice Circle (CPC 1) Progress Assessment of outcomes

Outcome 1. Engage in reflective practice and establish and evaluate goals for own professional learning that lead to refinements in practice. Outcome 8 Demonstrate the oral and written literacies expected of a graduate teacher

Self assessment:

Comments on evidence presented Comments on future plans (check indicators)

Signature ________________ Date: ___ University Advisor feedback:

Comments on evidence presented Comments of future goals (check indicators)

Outcome 1 Satisfactory Progress towards meeting outcome OR Unsatisfactory Progress

Outcome 8 Satisfactory Progress towards meeting outcome OR Unsatisfactory Progress

Signature of University Advisor ___ Date:

** (If Unsatisfactory Progress for Outcome/s 1 or 2, page 11 must also be completed)**

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Unsatisfactory Progress for Outcome 1 , 2 and /or 3 ___ (date) Outcome number/s: ___________________________

Indicators that need further attention: (list eg. 1a, 1b; 2a, 2b etc) Specific goals for Satisfactory Progress towards achievement of Outcome/s: Date for reassessment: __________________________________________________ Reassessment Comments: Outcome 1 Satisfactory Progress: Yes No Outcome 8 Satisfactory Progress: Yes No

** If Satisfactory Progress is not evident for each outcome after reassessment, the

Pre-service Teacher must be placed as ‘Requiring Additional Support’ (see School of Education Professional Experience Protocol Book) and the UWS Professional Experience Office must be

notified (see contact details page 3) **

Supervising Teacher Signature:________________________ Date: __________

University Advisor signature:_________________________ Date: __________ Pre-service Teacher signature:_________________________ Date: ________

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Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial:__________________Pre-service teacher Initial: ___________

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Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Mentor Teacher Feedback sheet 2 (Formative Assessment)

Pages 12 and 13 to be completed, initialed and signed where necessary by Supervising Teacher ready for CPC 2

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well

Outcome 2 Document children’s play, learning, dispositions and relationships and use this information to inform planning and practice.


a) Uses a range of techniques to observe and document children’s play, learning, interests, dispositions and relationships.

b) Records children’s learning effectively. c) Demonstrates understanding of the role of observation and

assessment in the learning cycle.

d) Links the evaluation of learning effectively to the outcomes set out in the Early Years Learning Framework.

e) Uses evaluation of current skills and funds of knowledge to inform planning.

f) Maintains a child portfolio for each focus child. g) Evidence of ongoing documentation about the learning,

development, interests, strengths and dispositions of each child in the focus group

h) Clearly documents children’s learning in ways that are accessible to families.

i) Shares documentation of children’s learning with staff and families.

Outcome 3 Implement, document and evaluate interest-based experiences and projects that extend on children’s strengths and interests, support children’s learning needs, foster relationships and connect to children’s family and community contexts.

a) Demonstrates understanding of children, their family and community contexts in planning for children’s learning

b) Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to children’s interests and capabilities.

c) Seeks feedback on planning in advance of implementation. d) Builds on children’s interests and funds of knowledge in

planned and spontaneous experiences linking the learning focus to the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework.

e) Provides rich and diverse resources that reflect children’s social worlds.

f) Evaluates the effectiveness of learning experiences: the learning focus, resources and pedagogical strategies.

g) Effectively plans and implements a project with children.

h) Demonstrates ability to follow a sequence of learning in the project to extend children’s learning over a period of time.

Outcome 4 Apply curriculum approaches and pedagogies that are contextually responsive and promote children’s investigation, problem-solving, critical thinking and the development of deep knowledge.

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a) Articulates own philosophy of teaching and analyses how this will affect practice.

b) Compares and contrasts own philosophy with that of the setting and considers points for negotiation and compromise.

c) Uses curriculum approaches relevant to the setting and own philosophy.

d) Engages children effectively and motivates independent and co-operative learning.

e) Use resources and interactions to support and promote investigation, problem solving and critical thinking in a context of safety.

f) Supports children ‘s learning through the use of a range of teaching techniques such as role modelling, scaffolding, and questioning.

g) Encourages children to express their ideas and represent them in a variety of ways.

h) Asks open ended questions and follow up questions to encourage the development of deep thinking.

i) Provides appropriately challenging experiences.

The Pre-service Teacher ‘s:

□ observations are fully written up (not in draft) and analysed

□ experiences are fully written up (not in draft), implemented and evaluated

□ planned experiences are shown to staff prior to implementation

Evidence of Pre-service Teacher’s understandings and use of the Early Years Learning Framework Pedagogies:

S Supervising Teacher’s comments and goals for the remainder of the placement:

Supervising Teacher Signature:________________________Date: __________ Pre-service Teacher Signature:_________________________Date: ________

EYLF Principles Evident Not Evident

a) Holistic approaches

b) Responsiveness to children

c) Planning and implementing learning through play

d) Intentional teaching

e) Valuing social and cultural contexts of children and their families

f) Providing for continuity of learning

g) Assessing and monitoring children’s learning to inform provision and to support children in achieving learning outcomes

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Community of Practice Circle (CPC 2) Progress Assessment of outcomes

Outcome 2: Document children’s play, learning, dispositions and relationships and use this information to inform planning and practice. Outcome 3: Implement, document and evaluate interest-based experiences and

projects that extend on children’s strengths and interests, support children’s learning needs, foster relationships and connect to children’s family and community contexts.

Outcome 4: Apply curriculum approaches and pedagogies that are contextually responsive and promote children’s investigation, problem-solving, critical thinking and the development of deep knowledge.

Self assessment: Comments on evidence presented Comments on future plans (check indicators)

Signature ___________________ Date: _

University Advisor feedback:

Comments on evidence presented Comments of future goals (check indicators)

Outcome 2 Satisfactory progress towards meeting outcome OR Unsatisfactory Progress

Outcome 3 Satisfactory progress towards meeting outcome OR Unsatisfactory Progress

Outcomes 4 Satisfactory progress towards meeting outcome OR Unsatisfactory Progress

Signature of University Advisor ___ _ Date:

** (If Unsatisfactory Progress for Outcome/s 4 or 5, page 15 must also be completed)**

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Unsatisfactory Progress for Outcome 2, 3 or 4 _ _ (date) Outcome number/s: ___________________________

Indicators that need further attention: (list eg. 3a, 3b; 4a, 4b etc) Specific goals for Satisfactory Progress towards achievement of Outcome/s: Date for reassessment: __________________________________________________ Reassessment Comments:

Outcome 2 Satisfactory Progress: Yes No

Outcome 3 Satisfactory Progress: Yes No

Outcome 4 Satisfactory Progress: Yes No Outcome 5 Satisfactory Progress: Yes No

** If Satisfactory Progress is not evident for both outcomes after reassessment, the Pre-service Teacher must be placed as ‘Requiring Additional Support’ or ‘At Risk’ of failing the unit

(see School of Education Professional Experience Protocol Book) and the UWS Professional Experience Office must be notified (see contact details page 3) **

University Advisor / Supervising Teacher Signature:_______________________ Date: __________

Pre-service Teacher signature:_______________________ Date: __________

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A Strategies for Improvement

1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle

Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Mentor Teacher Initial: ___________Pre-service teacher Initial: _______

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Mentor Teacher Feedback sheet 3 (Formative Report)

Pages 16 and 17 to be completed, initialed and signed where necessary by

Supervising Teacher ready for Advisor visit US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well


Outcome 1. Engage in reflective practice and establish and evaluate goals for own professional learning that lead to refinements in practice. ( ACECQA 6.2; BOSTES 6.3);

a) Identifies his/her own strengths and areas for further professional growth in relation to the graduate teacher standards for early childhood and primary teaching.

b) Documents and evaluates clear, relevant professional development goals .

c) Documents and evaluates clear, relevant strategies to support progress towards meeting each goal.

d) Engages in ongoing reflection and initiates change as a response to feedback from the Mentor Teacher, University Advisor and peers.

e) Identifies and reflects on the philosophy and pedagogical approaches of the setting and mediates the place of their own philosophy and approaches.

Outcome 2. Document children’s play, learning, dispositions and relationships and use this information to inform planning and practice. (ACECQA, 2; BOSTES 1.1, 5.1 & 5.4)

a) Uses a range of techniques to observe and document children’s play, learning, interests, dispositions and relationships.

b) Records children’s learning effectively.

c) Demonstrates understanding of the role of observation and assessment in the learning cycle.

d) Links the evaluation of learning effectively to the outcomes set out in the Early Years Learning Framework.

e) Uses evaluation of current skills and funds of knowledge to inform planning.

f) Maintains a child portfolio for each focus child.

g) Evidence of ongoing documentation about the learning, development, interests, strengths and dispositions of each child in the focus group.

h) Clearly documents children’s learning in ways that are accessible to families.

i) Shares documentation of children’s learning with staff and families.

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Outcome 3. Implement, document and evaluate interest-based experiences and projects that extend on children’s strengths and interests, support children’s learning needs, foster relationships and connect to children’s family and community contexts. (ACECQA, 3.1 , 3.3 & 3.5;

BOSTES 2.2, 3.2 & 3.6) a) Demonstrates understanding of children, their family and

community contexts in planning for children’s learning.

b) Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to children’s interests and capabilities.

c) Seeks feedback on planning in advance of implementation.

d) Builds on children’s interests and funds of knowledge in planned and spontaneous experiences linking the learning focus to the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework.

e) Provides rich and diverse resources that reflect children’s social worlds.

f) Evaluates the effectiveness of learning experiences: the learning focus, resources and pedagogical strategies.

g) Effectively plans and implements a project with children.

h) Demonstrates ability to follow a sequence of learning in the project to extend children’s learning over a period of time.

Outcome 4 Apply curriculum approaches and pedagogies that are contextually responsive and promote children’s investigation, problem-solving, critical thinking and the development of deep knowledge.

a) Articulates own philosophy of teaching and analyses how this will affect practice.

b) Compares and contrasts own philosophy with that of the setting and considers points for negotiation and compromise.

c) Uses curriculum approaches relevant to the setting and own philosophy.

d) Engages children effectively and motivates independent and co-operative learning.

e) Use resources and interactions to support and promote investigation, problem solving and critical thinking in a context of safety.

f) Supports children ‘s learning through the use of a range of teaching techniques such as role modelling, scaffolding, and questioning.

g) Encourages children to express their ideas and represent them in a variety of ways.

h) Asks open ended questions and follow up questions to encourage the development of deep thinking.

i) Provides appropriately challenging experiences.

Outcome 5 Draw on their own content knowledge in the areas of science and technology, mathematics, human society, physical education health and wellbeing, creative arts and literacy to engage in interactions with children that extend their learning.

a) Implements planned and spontaneous experiences that integrate creative arts, language and literacy, mathematics, human society, physical education health and wellbeing and science and technology in ways that support children’s learning.

b) Uses intentional teaching to support children’s growing understanding in the areas of science and technology, mathematics, creative arts , literacy, human society, physical education health and wellbeing.

c) Demonstrates understanding of sequences of learning in the areas of

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creative arts, language and literacy, mathematics, human society, physical education health and wellbeing and science and technology.

d) Provides open ended resources to foster investigation and critical thinking.

e) Provides opportunities for the co-construction of knowledge.

Outcome 6 Provide resources that encourage children to use a range of media and technologies to investigate their ideas and values and represent their thinking.

a) Provides a range of print and digital resources that encourage children to investigate ideas.

b) Incorporates family and community resources relevant to children’s interests and experiences.

c) Incorporates technologies effectively into children’s play experiences, learning centres and projects.

d) Provides opportunities for children to use a range of tools and technologies to design, draw, paint and create three dimensional constructions.

e) Supports children’s collaborative use of various media and technologies.

Outcome 7 Demonstrate pedagogical leadership by planning a total learning environment that is inclusive and engaging, promotes positive interactions, extends learning and strengthens relationships. a) Assesses the strengths of the total learning environment.

b) Consults with educators to analyse the total learning environment and determine areas for modification and improvement.

c) Outlines potential modifications and communicates a rationale in planning indoor & outdoor learning environments that demonstrates an understanding of space, time, participants and resources-including technologies, small groups, child initiation, predictability and flexibility and understanding of the role of evaluation.

d) Consults with others and takes a lead role in planning and documenting the learning environment.

e) Evaluates experiences and the learning evident during the day and in consultation with others plans follow up experiences to extend children’s learning.

Outcome 8 Demonstrate the oral and written literacies expected of a graduate teacher

a) Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy.

b) Uses appropriate language and vocabulary when interacting with others and in documentation.

c) Listens and responds appropriately in conversations with families and educators and responds appropriately to questions and comments.

Comments on Pre-service Teacher’s planning for the total learning environment over the final 2 weeks of placement:

Comment on Pre-service Teacher’s grouping strategies and implementation of group experiences (Large and small)

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Comment on Pre-service Teacher’s management of routines :

Comment on Preservice Teacher’s understandings and use of Early Years Learning Framework Practices, Pedagogies and Learning Outcomes:

Comment on Preservice Teacher’s ability to use teaching techniques and resources to foster investigation, problem solving and critical thinking in their learning experiences:

Future Goals for Preservice Teacher:

Preservice Teacher’s Comments and Goals:

Supervising Teacher’s Signature: Date: Preservice Teacher’s Signature: Date:

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University Advisor Visit Progress Assessment of outcomes

Advice & Support Outcomes 1-8

Self assessment:

Comments on evidence presented Comments on future plans (check indicators)

Signature ___________________ Date: ___ University Advisor feedback:

Comments on evidence presented Comments of future goals (check indicators)

Outcomes 1-8 Satisfactory Progress towards meeting outcome OR Unsatisfactory Progress

Signature of University Advisor ___ _ Date:

** (If Unsatisfactory Progress for Outcome/s 6 or 7, page 19 must also be completed)**

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Unsatisfactory Progress for Outcomes (date)

Outcome number/s: ___________________________

Indicators that need further attention: (list eg. 6a, 6b; 7a, 7b etc)

Specific goals for Satisfactory Progress towards achievement of Outcome/s:

Date for reassessment: __________________________________________________ Reassessment Comments: Outcomes Satisfactory Progress: Yes No

** If Satisfactory Progress is not evident for both outcomes after reassessment, the Pre-service Teacher must be placed as ’At Risk’ of failing (see School of Education Professional Experience Protocol Book) and the UWS Professional Experience Office must be notified (see

contact details page 3) **

University Advisor/ Supervising Teacher Signature:_________________________ Date: ________

Pre-service Teacher signature:_________________________ Date: ________

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EXPO Presentation

Student Name :………………… Student Number;…………….

Unit Outcomes

Indicators Unsat Sat



Evidence of professional and reflective practice Both the oral presentation and written documentation demonstrate the literacies expected of a graduate teacher; Evidence of critical reflection on own learning in oral presentation and written documentation.



4 &


Evidence of a responsive curriculum that is accessible to families and staff. Both written documentation and the oral presentation demonstrate:

A strengths based approach to learning;

Inclusion of experiences and resources that represent the cultural and linguistic diversity of families and the community;

Documentation that is accessible to families.


6 &


Evidence of contextually responsive approaches and pedagogies that extend children’s learning in a range of curriculum areas and support investigation, problem solving and critical thinking:

Opportunities for children to investigate and represent their ideas;

A range of pedagogies that are relevant to the children and setting and consistent with own philosophy are used;

Respectful interactions that scaffold learning;

Evidence of sequences of learning;

Clear learning foci (primary and secondary) representing a range of curriculum content areas



Evidence of pedagogical leadership in planning the total learning environment Environment supports relationships, positive interactions and inclusion;

Planning, evaluation and follow-ups based on children’s interests and strengths and demonstrates ability to extend children’s learning;

Experiences are engaging and provoke interest as well challenge;

Planning extends learning and encourages investigation and critical thinking.

Following the Presentation and assessment of documentation: Outcomes 1 – 8 achieved OR Progressing towards meeting outcomes University Advisor’s Name: ___________________Signature: __________________________ Date: _____________

** If any Outcome has not been met at the Expo the following page needs to be completed **

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Outcomes not yet met at EXPO_____________ (date) This places the Pre-service Teacher “At Risk’ of failing the unit and an ‘At Risk’ form must also be completed.

Outcome numbers: Indicators that need further attention: (list e.g. 6c etc) Specific goals for achievement of Outcome/s: Date for reassessment: _______________________________________ Reassessment Comments: Outcome/s met: Yes No University Advisor /signature: ______________________ Date: ______ Unit Co-ordinator Pre-service Teacher signature: _____________________ Date: _____

Page 34: Attendance and Feedback Book For the Pre-service Teacher · Attendance and Feedback Book For the Pre-service Teacher Professional Experience Professional Experience This feedback

Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Additional Mentor Teacher Daily Feedback Date: (to be completed several times during the placement)

Use this feedback sheet to provide feedback to the Pre-service Teacher on their professionalism and teaching. Choose 1 or 2 areas at a time on which to provide feedback

US = Unsatisfactory; B= Beginning to develop; D=Developing well; A= Achieved

Feedback on Teaching and Professionalism US B D A COMMENT 1 Professional Attributes Engages in self -assessment to improve professional skills

Communicates effectively with staff and children

Communicates effectively with families

Seeks feedback and changes practices to reflect feedback

Demonstrates a commitment to high professional & ethical standards

Demonstrates initiative

Is dependable, punctual and appropriately dressed

2 Content Understandings Demonstrates knowledge of theories of learning and development

Applies theories to assessment and interpretation of learning

Demonstrates understanding of sequence of learning in a range of content areas

Demonstrates understanding of EYLF and is able to link learning to EYLF outcomes

3 Teaching - Planning Identifies appropriate learning foci and plans experiences according to

children’s interests and capabilities

Recognises children’s funds of knowledge/prior learning

Selects & clearly articulates appropriate outcomes which consider the sequence of learning

Plans an appropriate structure for the experience

Plans appropriate teaching techniques to engage children and encourage critical thinking, problem solving and investigation

Records preparation in advance of teaching

Integrates KLA’s in plans

Utilises an existing or new format to document planning for the room

4 Teaching - Implementation Engages children effectively & motivates independent learning & co-

operative learning

Presents information in a clear and logical way

Techniques encourage children to express their ideas & represent them in a variety of ways

Effectively uses resources to provoke learning, investigation and problem solving

Integrates technology where appropriate

Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness

5 Teaching- Management Builds positive relationships with children

Follows established procedures

Provides clear direction and positive reinforcement for children

Is aware of what is going on throughout the room

Takes steps to manage behavior effectively and promotes positive behaviours through grouping strategies, use of spaces and interactions

Effectively manages large groups of children

Effectively manages small groups of children

Effectively takes responsibility for routines

Seeks and utilizes advice and support.

6 Teaching - Assessment & Interpretation of Learning Understands the role of observation and assessment in the learning


Uses a range of techniques to observe and document learning

Interprets documentation drawing on theory and the EYLF

Records children’s learning effectively

7 Personal Communication Demonstrates a high level of personal literacy

Uses appropriate language and vocabulary

Listens and responds to children’s questions and comments

Uses appropriate voice control – projection, pitch, tone & inflection

Supervising Teacher signature: ______________________ Pre-service teacher signature: ______________________

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Optional additional feedback sheet for Supervising Teacher (Copy and use as required)

This optional feedback sheet may be used to highlight any positive aspects the Pre-service teacher is excelling in, or aspects that the Supervising Teacher feels are in need of improvement. Focus of the feedback: Comments about the focus: Future Goals for Pre-service Teacher regarding focus: Supervising Teacher Signature: ___ Date: Pre-service Teacher Signature: Date:

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


Professional Experience 3 -5 Years

Peer Learning Circles Pre-service Teachers are entitled to one hour per week (excluding week 1) to engage in a Peer Learning Circle (PLC). The purpose of the PLC is to reflect on previous Community of Practice Circles (CPCs), and professional experience, and to plan for future tasks such as CPC tasks, outcome achievement and goal setting. The Supervising Teacher may also use a portion of this time to provide and discuss feedback with the Pre-service Teacher. Students who are completing professional experience without a fellow peer present will be allocated online PLCs.

Date: Start Time: ____ Finish Time: ___ (1 hour) Names of attendees: __________________________________________________________ Focus of discussion: Identification of focus outcome/s and indicators for this PLC: Summary of group planning for future work and next CPC: Individual Future goals: Supervising Teacher feedback: Pre-service Teachers’ signatures: ___________________________

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book



Pre-service Teacher’s Name…………………...…….…Student Number…….…… Uni

week PE Days

Date Pre-service Teacher’s

Signature Time of

Arrival Time of


Mentor Teacher’s Signature


Field Visit 1 (6hrs)


Field Visit 2 (6hrs)


5 Field Visit 3 (6hrs)


Field Visit 4 (6hrs)


6 Field Visit 5 (6hrs)



PE Day 1 (7.5hrs)


7 PE Day 2 (7.5hrs)


7 PE Day 3 (7.5hrs)

4/ 9 /15


PE Day 4 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 5 (7.5hrs)

8/ 9/15

PE Day 6 (7.5hrs)

9/ 9/15

PE Day 7 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 8 (7.5hrs)



12 PE Day 9 (7.5hrs)

6/ 10/ 15

PE Day 10 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 11 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 12 9/10/15

13 PE Day 14 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 15 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 16 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 17 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 18 (7.5hrs)



PE Day 19 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 20 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 21 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 22 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 23 (7.5hrs)


15 PE Day 24 (7.5hrs)

26/ 10/15

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Professional Experience 3-5Years 102110 Attendance and Feedback Book


PE Day 25 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 26 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 27 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 28 (7.5hrs)


16 PE Day 29 (7.5hrs)


PE Day 30 (7.5hrs)



In University Day

if required

Make Up Day 1

if required

Make Up Day 2

if required

Make Up Day 3

16 Expo Day 12 or 13 Nov /15