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Astral projection astral traveling how to have an obe out of body experience

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The human body is made up of seven sheaths or layers. They are: The physical body, emotional body, mental body, intellectual body, volitional body (decision making) subconscious body and the soul. Each sheath occupies the same space, but vibrates at different levels. Astral projection is within the spiritual or soul and is part of one of the seven sheaths and it is the act of consciously separating your spiritual self from your physical self.

Astral projection is different from an out of body experience, although it is a type of out of body experience. It is also similar with lucid dreaming, because you are conscious and in control. With astral projection you are protected by what many people describe as a silver cord. It is a protection mechanism in case there is any doubt of being able to come back. In most other out of body experiences, there is no such protection. Some are able to see this kind of tether while it is invisible to others and yet you are able to move about anywhere you want to by what is referred to as astral travel. Some believe that if you had flying dreams as a child, which is a common dream among children, it was actually astral travel. The ability to have those dreams in adult hood tends to disappear.

While on an astral travel excursion, you probably won’t see much of a difference between there and earth, yet you will be able to fly above the trees and see things in a very different perspective than on earth. People experience the astral plain in various ways, there is no wrong way, just except what it is you see and feel. Remember, the mind is powerful, more powerful than we give it credit for. It is possible to expand your mind and reach the higher self that all of us possess with a little time, effort and a bit of faith.

Astral projection is primarily thought. You will discover there will be no need to speak, unless you wish to. You will receive information from thought or telepathically. You may meet strange people who will give you insight. This sometimes happens in life. Perhaps when we hear something in our minds that we think is just a thought; it could be a communications from the astral plain.

With a little practice, you will be able to astral project. Some have tried it and once they feel they are no longer on this earth, they become fearful,

Page 2: Astral projection astral traveling how to have an obe out of body experience

which will land them back into their bodies as doubts our limiting thoughts. Your higher self will not allow you to astral project until you are comfortable with it. With meditation techniques, learn to relax your body and mind and practice it frequently. When comfortable with the ability to relax, attempt to astral project by having an idea as to where you want to go, have a destination in mind. Most teachers of astral projection will start you out in little steps by having you walk around (in astral terms) to view your backside while your physical body is sitting or lying down. Once you get the hang of it, you may want to fly to a particular state or take a trip around Jupiter, it is up to you.

Conrad Raw is an expert in practical techniques for personal and spiritual development. He is the author of "Forbidden Secrets of Personal and Energetic Development." He travels the world to learn and teach and is the founder of http://www.PowerfulLifeBalance.com , a website devoted to bringing you easy to learn techniques to increase your human evolution. Visit his website for a free newsletter filled with tons of great tips and advice. http://www.PowerfulLifeBalance.com