Deposit Products The Bank mobilises deposits through the operation of the following accounts. Al-Wadeah Current Account (AWCA) Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA) Mudaraba Term Deposit Account (MTDR) Mudaraba Special Notice Account (MSNA) Mudaraba Hajj Savings Account (MHSA) Mudaraba Special Savings (Pension) Account (MSSA) Mudaraba Savings Bond (MSB) Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit Account (MMPDA) Mudaraba Muhor Savings Account (MMSA) Mudaraba Waqf Cash Deposit Account (MWCDA) Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond (MNSB) Account Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit Account (MFCD) Students Mudaraba Savings Account (SMSA) Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account (MFSA) (Ready for launching) Current account is operated on Al-Wadeah Principle and all other deposit accounts on Mudaraba principle of Islamic Shari'ah. The bank distributes minimum of 65% of its investment-income earned through deployment of the Mudaraba deposits among the Mudaraba depositors. ent The special feature of the Investment Policy of the Bank is to invest on the basis of profit-loss sharing system in accordance with the tenets and principles of Islamic Shari'ah. Earning of profit is not the only motive and objective of the Bank's Investment Policy rather emphasis is given in attaining social goal and objective in creating employment opportunities. Modes of Investment Bai-Murabaha Bai-Muajjal Hire Purchase Under Shirkatul Melk Mudaraba Musharaka Bai Salam


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Deposit Products

The Bank mobilises deposits through the operation of the following accounts.

← Al-Wadeah Current Account (AWCA)

← Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA)

← Mudaraba Term Deposit Account (MTDR)

← Mudaraba Special Notice Account (MSNA)

← Mudaraba Hajj Savings Account (MHSA)

← Mudaraba Special Savings (Pension) Account (MSSA)

← Mudaraba Savings Bond (MSB)

← Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit Account (MMPDA)

← Mudaraba Muhor Savings Account (MMSA)

← Mudaraba Waqf Cash Deposit Account (MWCDA)

← Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond (MNSB) Account

← Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit Account (MFCD)

← Students Mudaraba Savings Account (SMSA)

← Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account (MFSA) (Ready for launching)

Current account is operated on Al-Wadeah Principle and all other deposit accounts on Mudaraba principle of Islamic Shari'ah. The

bank distributes minimum of 65% of its investment-income earned through deployment of the Mudaraba deposits among the

Mudaraba depositors.


The special feature of the Investment Policy of the Bank is to invest on the basis of profit-loss sharing system in accordance with

the tenets and principles of Islamic Shari'ah. Earning of profit is not the only motive and objective of the Bank's Investment Policy

rather emphasis is given in attaining social goal and objective in creating employment opportunities.

Modes of Investment

← Bai-Murabaha

← Bai-Muajjal

← Hire Purchase Under Shirkatul Melk

← Mudaraba

← Musharaka

← Bai Salam

Under consumer financing, the Bank finances to the individuals for meeting their personal. family and household needs. The Bank

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has taken up various welfare oriented investment Schemes

Investment Scheme

← Household Durable Scheme

← Housing Investment Scheme

← Real State Investment Scheme

← Transport Investment Scheme

← Car Investment Scheme

← Investment Scheme for Doctors

← Small Business Investment Scheme

← Agriculture Implements Investment Scheme

← Rural Development Scheme

← Woman Entrepreneurs Investment Scheme

← Micro Industries Investment Scheme

← Mirpur Silk Weavers Investment Scheme

Remittance Card Service

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has introduced ‘Islami Bank Remittance Card’ to send money from abroad. This card ensures the

Non Residence Bangladeshi of safe and quick hassle free money transfer to their family.


← 24 Hour Service.

← Can be received this card from any IBBL branch without any fee.

← Draw money from any IBBL booth.

← Card Balance Inquiry from any IBBL booth.

← Foreign Remittance is deposited in this card.

← Bank account is not necessary

← Maximum Tk. 50,000.00 from ATM booth and any number of amount from bank counter can be drawn.

← Only foreign remittance sender / receiver can take this service of Remittance Card.

← Utility Bill can be paid by Remittance Card.

← Balance inquery from SMS or iBanking Service.

Transaction Limit

← For Cash Withdrawal from ATM booth maximum amount is Tk. 50,000 in a calendar date.

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← Any number of amount from bank counter.

NRB (Non Resident Bangladeshi) Entrepreneurs Investment Scheme (NEIS)

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) being a welfare oriented financial institution has been offering a broad spectrum financial

facilities to the business houses and individual clients from the very beginning. It has introduced several investment schemes for

different strata and cross sections of people for their socio-economic uplift and improvement of their quality of living standard. Our

country is fortunate that a lion share of our foreign currency generates from the earnings of expatriates contributing to the Country’s

GDP and foreign currency reserve. But it is discouraging that a major portion of the Wage-earners’ remittances are spent in

unproductive sector and remain idle and thereby the nation is being deprived from the desired benefit therefrom. With a view to

encouraging the NRBs to invest their hard earned money in the productive sectors/areas for their own benefit as well as for the

benefit of the nation as a whole, the authority has been pleased to introduce the subject Investment Scheme.


← To extend investment facilities to Bangladeshis (NRBs) working abroad temporarily or permanently and remit foreign

currencies through IBBL, intending to invest in Bangladesh.

← To patronize NRBs to invest in the homeland and thereby contribute to the GDP towards growth and development of the


← To promote SME investments

← To develop rural areas in particular

← To encourage inflow of foreign remittances through banking channel and to curb money laundering.

← To invest in productive sectors

← To create employment opportunities for NRBs on their return & their children.

← To diversify Bank’s investment portfolios.

← To create entrepreneurship development

← To help undertake income generation and labour intensive projects / programmes / schemes with a view to alleviate

poverty and provide employment opportunities to the youths.

← To encourage development of indigenous and traditional industries including cottage and handicrafts etc. undertaking for

socio-economic development of the low income groups.

← To help invest in growing, thirst and priority sectors.

Eligibility of the clients:

← Non Resident Bangladeshi within age limit of 18 to 60 years.

← Bangladeshi citizens resided in abroad for long time, remitted foreign currencies through IBBL channel and now in


← c. Family members of the NRB i.e. Spouse, Sons and/or Daughters who is/are maintaining A/C with IBBL with the

remittance of NRB routed through IBBL.

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Purpose of Investment

← Establishment of manufacturing/service industries/processing & BMRE thereof

← Working Capital to run the projects/or any ready projects

← Trade financing.

Investment Limit

← Investment range shall be from Tk.0.05 million to Tk.100.00 million

Period of Investment

Nature of Investment Period of Investment

Term Investment Maximum 10 years depending on the nature/need of investment client/business

Working Capital and Trade FinancingMaximum 1 (one) year on revolving basis.

Modes of Investment

Bai-Murabaha, Bai-Murabaha (TR), Bai-Muajjal, Bai-Salam, Bai-As-Sarf, Hire-Purchase under Shirkatul Melk (HPSM), Musharaka,

Mudaraba, MDB.


← Capital Machinery: 80:20 (Bank : Client) Project-Building/Structure: 40:60 (Bank: Client)

← Murabaha/MPI: 25% (By the client)

← LC/Bills: 10% (minimum)

← Transport: 60:40 (Bank: Client) and other terms and conditions as per Transport Investment Scheme (TIS).

Rate of Return

← The rate of return shall be 12% or to be determined by the Bank from time to time.

Areas of Investment

Booster Sectors (as declared by the Government):

← Electrical and Electronics

← Software Developing

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← Light Engineering and Metal Engineering

← Agro-processing/Agri-business/Plantation/Agriculture/Tissue Culture

← Leather products

← Knit Wear and Ready made garments

← Plastic and other synthetics

← Health Service and Diagnostic

← Education

← Medicine/Perfume/Chemicals

← Designer and Fashion wear

General Sectors:

← Crop cultivation/Farming

← Epi-culture/Seri-culture

← Poultry/Hatchery

← Beef fattening

← Fisheries/Fishing/Fish Canning

← Agro-Supportive items/Industry

← Textile and textile products

← Glass & Glass products

← Transport & Communication

← Recreation park

← Parts of different vehicles.

← Multimedia/Mass media

← Household products /Crockeries/Office fittings

← CNG filling and conversion plant.

← Silk worm and silk industry

← Tourism/Hotel

← Toy Industry

← Spectacles frame and glass industry

← Beauty parlour.

← Rice/Flour Mill /Maize Processing Unit

← Modernization of shops/business centers

← Permanent possession of shops/business centers

← Meat of goat, duck, ram, cow and buffalo marketing and processing

← Milk processing and marketing

← Tea production and processing

← Bio-energy plant/Solar energy plant/any other energy generating local devices

← Paper/Paper products/Printing

← Manufacturing of hydrogenated oil/oil from rice dusts/banaspathi ghee, edible oil & fats/brick manufacturing/aluminum


← Engine driven water vehicle

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← Ice industry

← Flower cultivation and marketing

← Cattle/animal food Industry

← Rubber production and marketing

← Agricultural instruments industry

Other products, Trading and Service Sectors:

← Chira, Muri Production, processing and marketing

← Food production from fruits, processing and marketing

← Production of Flour, Bread and Biscuit, Semai, Noodles, Chips, Chanachur, Corn-flakes, Potato flakes, French fry, Pop-

corn, Baby food, Stearch etc.

← Production & marketing of Juice, Jam, Jelly, Tomato Ketch up, Sauce, Achar etc.

← Spice (Masalla) production and marketing

← Oil mill, Dal mill etc.

← Dehydrated fruit canning, packaging, production and marketing.

← Jewellery

← Photography

← Printing press

← Frozen food/fish processing, preservation and marketing

← Leather and leather goods production

← Vegetable preservation and marketing

← Handicraft and Cottage

← Retailers and wholesalers, grocery shop, departmental store, hardware, perfume, restaurant, stationery, pharmacy,

readymade garments shop, furniture shop and the other business having good demand.

← Any other products locally produced/manufacturing.

Securities and Collateral

← Collaterals security may not be insisted up to Investment of Tk.0.50 million only.

← In case of investment exceeding Tk.0.50 million, collateral security shall have to be obtained as per Bank’s usual norms

and practices.

In all cases the following documents are to be obtained:

← Personal guarantee of the client.

← Personal guarantee of spouse/father/mother/sister/brother.

← In case of self-employment of technical personal, certificates will have to be deposited with the Bank

← Post-dated cheques for the whole period on investment mentioning amount of investment shall have to be obtained as per

Bank’s usual norms and practices.

← Other documents as per Bank’s/requirement/norms and practices.

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Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond (MNSB) Scheme

It is an undergoing fact that foreign remittances have been contributing a key role in the country's GDP & Foreign Currency reserve,

but it is also true that major portion of the earnings of expatriates are utilized in unproductive sectors, consequent upon which the

nation as a whole is not getting expected benefit therefrom. In case, we allow special privilege/incentive to the expatriates, they may

be encouraged to send their remittances through banking channel and save their hard earned money with us in their deposit

accounts. Their savings may help formation of capital which may be invested in the trade, commerce and industrial sectors and

thereby it may contribute towards the growth and development of the country. With this objective in view, the Management has

approved a new deposit product in the name of 'Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond'.


The aim of the scheme is to provide special benefit to the NRBs to save their hard earned foreign currencies

← To encourage the NRBs to remit their money to the country through banking/ proper channel

← TTo provide better benefit to the NRBs than that of other deposit products.


← Only the Non-Resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) aged 18 years & above who have been serving abroad will be eligible to

purchase this Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond.

← Family members of NRBs will also be allowed to purchase Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond with the fund remitted by their

relatives serving/residing abroad.

← An expatriate may purchase Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond in the name of his minor children also as per usual terms and

conditions applicable to other deposit products.

← the time of purchasing of such Bonds Branch incumbent should satisfy himself as to the genuineness of the Foreign


← No Company/ Society/ Educational institution/Club/Govt., Semi Govt., Organization/autonomous bodies/NGOs etc. is/are

eligible to purchase such Bond.

← Every bond holder will maintain an MSA or a link account with the branch from where the bond will be purchased.


← : The Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond shall be of 6(six) denominations in Bangladeshi Currency i. e. i) Tk. 25,000.00 ii) Tk.

50,000.00 iii) Tk. 1,00,000.00 iv) Tk. 2,00,000.00 v) Tk. 5,00,000.00 and (vi) Tk. 10,00,000.00


Term of the "Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond" are as under:

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← 5 Years Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond.

← 10 Years Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond.

Opening of Account

An expatriate having Bangladeshi citizenship of 18(eighteen) years or above who can enter into contract may open account under

this scheme in his/her name through application in Bank's prescribed Application Form. The applicant shall have to be introduced

by a bonafide account holder/an expatriate account holder of any Branch of IBBL or by the Bangladesh Embassy or any

respectable person known and acceptable to the Bank. Introduction by any Officer/Representative of IBBL in abroad is also


← The NRBs shall have to submit two passport size photographs, Photocopies of the Passport, VISA, Work Permit, etc. at

the time of opening of the account.

← The NRBs may open this account in the name of their father/mother/wife/minor children as per existing norms.

← The Account shall not be allowed to be transferred from one branch to another branch of the Bank.

← Only one account number shall be allotted for more than one Bonds (if any) of the same term purchased at a time.

Separate account number(s) shall be allotted for Bond (s) of separate terms.

Acceptance of Deposit

The account may be opened by depositing actual value of the Bond in cash or through Account Payee Cheque/DD/PO. In such

case proceeds against the cheque/DD/PO must be collected within the reasonable time. If the cheque/DD/ PO is dishonoured then

the instrument shall be returned to the depositor observing due formalities and the Bond shall not be issued thereagainst. b) After

opening of the account the respective branch will send an e-mail to the account holder residing abroad with particulars of the Bond

observing necessary formalities.

Dealing Branch

← All the branches of IBBL will deal with such Bond after procurement of the same from the E&CSD, Head Office, Dhaka.


← An expatriate Bangladeshi may purchase such Bond for minimum Tk. 25,000/-& upto the capacity of the

applicant/investor/purchaser maintaining above mentioned denomination/ criteria.


← The Bond holder(s) may nominate one or more persons as his/her nominee(s) to receive the proceeds of the Bond(s) in

case of his/her death during the currency of the term. In case of more than one nominee, respective share in the nomination shall

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be fixed at the time of opening of the account.

← Minors also may be named as nominee. In such case he may also give written instruction as to who is to receive the

amount in the event of his death before attaining majority of the nominee(s). Otherwise, payment will be made to the legal guardian

of the nominee(s) approved by the court.

← The Bond holder may at any time nominate a new nominee(s) canceling the previous nominee in black and white.

← In the event of death of the nominee during the life time of the depositor and before the withdrawal of the balance of the

account, the nomination shall be treated as automatically cancelled.

← e) The nominee(s) shall be entitled to receive the money of the account according to apportionment only after the death of

the depositor. In such case there shall be no need for Succession Certificate issued by the Court and the matter shall be settled at

the branch level.

The nominee has to submit the under-mentioned papers to receive the balance of the account:

← Application of the nominee / nominees / nominated guardian.

← Death Certificate regarding the deceased Bond holder. If the Bond/account holder dies abroad then the death certificate

must be countersigned by the respective High Commissioner / Ambassador /authorized officer of Bangladesh High

Commission/Embassy and that should duly be attested by the authorized officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh.

← Identification Certificate in favour of the nominee, nominees by two valued clients or two officers of the Bank or from the

Chairman or Counselor of local U.P/Municipality.

← Passport size photograph of the nominee/nominees or nominated guardian duly attested by the Gazetted Officer/local

U.P/Municipality Chairman/ Counselor.

← Indemnity bond jointly executed by the nominee/nominees/ nominated guardian along with 2(two) sureties/ valued clients

acceptable to the branch.

Closure of the account

← The client may, at any time close the account by written application without any Account closing charge and Account

maintenance fee.

Quard against MNSB

← Quard of maximum 90% of the total outstanding amount against MNSB may be allowed as per existing norms applicable

for QTDR.

Maintenance and operation of Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond Scheme: Some guide lines thereof.

For the Accounting and operational purposes the following relevant points are to be followed in the respective Books & Registers of

the Bank:

← Reporting Code in the Clean Cash Book and General Ledger (B-6) as well as in the Statement of Affairs (F-63) to be


← Rb) Reporting Code in the Monthly statement of provisional Income and Expenditure (F-l 99) in the Expenditure side to be

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"1100026" Profit paid on MNSB.

← Reporting Code of MNSB deposit in the 'Weekly Scheduled Telegram' (F-64-Revised) to be "LAG", "LAO" & "LAP" of the

liability side (i. e. this deposit to be reported alongwith MSS, MTDR, MHSA, MMSA, MSNA and MSB) and Profit Payable Amount of

MNSB deposit to be reported in the weekly Scheduled Telegram under SI. No. 'C of the liability side i.e. alongwith the profit payable

amount of MSS, MTDR, MHSA, MMSA, MSNA and MSB.

← Reporting Code in the 'SBS-1' to be "12911" & SBS-2 to be "151

← Rate of Monthly Profit Provision for 5 years term to be "8.40%" and for 10 years term to be "9.00%".

← The Account under the Scheme shall be maintained in the existing Mudaraba Savings Accounts Ledger separately for 5

year term and 10 year term until computer program is provided.

← Account Opening Register (B-l 7) to be used for opening MNSB accounts term wise separately or separate folio may be

allotted in one Register and number of the account will be provided chronologically as per term, i.e. in case of 5 year term Account

number will be as MNSB 5/1, 5/2, 5/3 etc. and in case of 10 year term, as MNSB 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, etc.

Procedure for maintenance of provision of the Scheme will be as under

← 2 (two) separate folio, one for MNSB-5 year and other for MNSB-10 year term shall be allocated in Mudaraba Term

Deposit Register (B-23) which is being used by the Branches as TDR Profit Provision Register. Daily consolidated Credit/Debit (if

any) shall be recorded in respective folio. Grand total of balances of both the terms must agree with the total balance of Mudaraba

NRB Savings Bond Scheme (MNSB) reported in the Clean Cash Book & General Ledger (Code No. "10150000").

← Reporting Code in the Monthly statement of provisional Income and Expenditure (F-l 99) in the Expenditure side to be

"1100026" Profit paid on MNSB.

← In order to make provision of profit, daily products of the balance of each term shall be added separately at the end of each

month and profit at the above provisional rate shall be calculated on the product so arrived at. Then total amount of profit for both

the terms so worked out shall be debited to "Expenditure Account: Profit paid on Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond Scheme (MNSB)"

(Code No. "1100026") in the Income & Expenditure Register (B-7) and be credited to "Profit Payable Account-MNSB" by passing


← Similarly, Term-wise consolidated position of MNSB profit payable shall be maintained in a separate section & folio of the

above Register (B-23) to record the amount of provision made at the end of each month and payment made, if any, therefrom from

time to time. Grand total of balance of profit payable for both the terms shall always be equal to the balance of "MNSB Profit

payable Account" in the subsidiary Register.

← The profit will be credited to the respective MNSB account on the date of anniversary and 10% Advance Income Tax on

profit shall be realized for ultimate transfer to the Financial Administration Division, Head Office, Dhaka as usual.

← The Account under the Scheme shall be maintained in the existing Mudaraba Savings Accounts Ledger separately for 5

year term and 10 year term until computer program is provided.

← Account Opening Register (B-l 7) to be used for opening MNSB accounts term wise separately or separate folio may be

allotted in one Register and number of the account will be provided chronologically as per term, i.e. in case of 5 year term Account

number will be as MNSB 5/1, 5/2, 5/3 etc. and in case of 10 year term, as MNSB 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, etc.

Rural development


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Copyright ©1983- 2012 IBBL. All rights reserved.


The main objectives of the Scheme are:

To extend investment facilities to agricultural, other farming and off-farming activities in the rural areas.

To finance self-employment and income generating activities of the rural people, particularly the rural unemployed youths and the rural poor.

To alleviate rural poverty through integrated rural development approach.

To extend investment facilities for hand tube-wells and rural housing, keeping in view the needs of safe drinking water and housing facilities of the rural dwellers.

To provide education and Medicare facilities to the down-trodden people.

Bangladesh with its 38% people living below poverty line and 18% living in absolute poverty is suffering from acute rural-urban economic disparity coupled with illiteracy, lack of proper health and sanitation facilities. The country's economy is basically an agrarian one with vast majority living in rural areas. The agriculture sector is unable to provide any further scope for employment resulting in influx of rural population towards urban areas. Rural areas are characterized by stagnant agriculture and scanty industries. Underemployment and unemployment is a regular phenomenon particularly in rural areas. The vast human resources have remained unutilized due to lack of education, proper training and concerted efforts to help grow the rural economy. It results in uneven distribution of income which causes serious set back in balanced geographical growth as well as growth of GDP.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited was founded with the major objective of establishing Islamic economy for balanced economic growth by ensuring reduction of rural-urban disparity and equitable distribution of income.

In view of the above, Branches of the Bank have been encouraged to invest their deposits in their respective areas and in particular for the economic uplift of the rural people.

Accordingly, a Scheme in the name and style of 'Rural Development Scheme' has been introduced in 1995 to cater to the investment needs of the agriculture and rural sector to create opportunity for generation of employment and raising income of the rural people with a view to alleviate poverty. It is treated as first Islamic Microfinance Model in the Country & abroad.

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Humanitarian Assistance Program.

Education Program.

Capacity building or Training Program.

Health & Medicare Program.

Environment protection Program.

Initially the Scheme was started as a Pilot Scheme in the rural areas of certain districts under the direct supervision of the nearby Branches of the Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited.

The Scheme is being gradually extended to all the Districts through different Branches of the Bank.

Integrated Development approach

The purpose of the Scheme is not only providing Micro Investment facilities to the stake- holder but also ensure various types of facilities & services to the downtrodden people as a part of Integrated Development Approach as well as Corporate Social Responsibility. The following areas have been covered under the Scheme:

Target Area

Purpose, Period and Ceiling of investment

Sl. Sector of Investment Duration Ceiling of Investment(BDT)

Equivalent USD ($1.00=Tk.69.00)

1 Crop Production 1 year 25,000/- 362

2 Nursery and commercial production of Flowers & Fruits

1 year 50,000/- 725

3 Agriculture Implements 1 to 3 years 50,000/- 725

4 Live stocks 1 to 2 years 50,000/- 725

5 Poultry & Duckery 1 year 35,000/- 507

6 Fisheries 1 to 2 years 50,000/- 725

7 Rural Transport 1 year 20,000/- 290

8 Rural Housing 1 to 5 years 50,000/- 725

9 Off-firm activities 1 year 50,000/- 725

The clients are provided investment maximum of BDT 10,000/-($145) at the first time and the good performers are given enhancement, upon his requirement, by BDT 2,000 to BDT 5,000 in every next term up to the ceiling of a particular sector.

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Performance of RDS

Rate of Return

■        The rate of return is determined by the authority from time to time. ■        At present, the rate of return is 12.5%. Timely repayment is encouraged by offering 2.5% rebate.

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Performance of Rural Development Scheme up to June 2010.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited launched its Rural Development Scheme (RDS) in 1995. In the mean time, 144 Branches of the Bank have been operating the activities of the Scheme in their respective areas. These Branches are working among the poor in 10,754 villages covering 1,199 unions under 296 Thanas of 61 districts of the country. Present number of members is 5,01,941 since beginning the scheme. The members are provided investment facilities an amount of BDT 28,100.10 million ($ 407.25m) up to 30-06-2010 against which the outstanding was BDT 4,320.41 million ($ 62.61m). Rate of recovery of the Scheme is more than 99%.

Besides the regular investment program, we have provided with hand tube-well and sanitary latrine to the successful RDS members on quard from the fund given by Islami Bank Foundation.  A total of 7,946 tube-wells & 4,322 sanitary latrines have so far been distributed at a cost of BDT 15.84 million ($ 0.23m) & BDT 4.76 million ($ 0.07m) respectively up to the said date.

A brief performance of RDS up to June, 2010 is shown in the following table:

   Fig. in million Taka ($)

Sl. Areas of performance No.&Volume/Amnt.Area Coverage

1 No. of Branches handling the Scheme 1772 No. of Villages (no. of total village in the country is about 87,000) 128573 No. of Districts (no. of total district in the country is 64) 61 4 No. of Centers 222065 No. of Groups 1322686 No. of Members (existing) 6087037 % of Women members in the Scheme8 Average no. of members per Centre (expected no. 40) 289 No. of Clients (Who availed investment) 382319

 Financial Statement (RDS & MEIS)

10 Cumulative disbursement (since inception) 42,285.23 (million)11 Present outstanding 7072.02 (million)12 Overdue 29.63 (million)13 Percentage of Recovery 99.58% 14 Balance of Members’ Savings (including Centre Fund) 1924.74 (million)

 Financial Statement (MEIS)

15 Number of clients under MEIS 3901516 Cumulative disbursement (since 2005)17 Present outstanding 2413.57 (million)

 Manpower Position

18 No. of Field Officers 1954 19 No. of Project Officers20 No. of Zone Officers

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SME Information

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has been working since 1983 in the view to establish a welfare oriented Islami Banking system and

also to ensure equity and justice in the field of all economic activities, achieve balanced growth and equitable development through

diversified investment operations particularly in the priority sectors and less developed areas of the country and to encourage socio-

economic uplift and financial services to the low income community, particularly in the rural areas. Since inception of the Bank, it

has been giving priority in financing SMEs.

Formation of SME Division

The Board in its emergent meeting held on 02.11.2005 approved a memo bearing No. 2005/155 with the following resolution:

“Resolved that the investment in Small Enterprise shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the

Annexed “Comprehensive Small Enterprise Investment Policy” and SME Division under Investment Wing shall be established with

necessary restructuring and duly manning with adequate officials as proposed.”

In order to emphasize SME investment, to run its SME functions smoothly and to strengthen the SME activities of the bank, it has

created a separate Division namely “Small and Medium Enterprise Division” in 2009.

Security Requirements

■Generally, collateral security is not required against investment under the Scheme, as the Scheme has been drawn taking into account the social welfare objective of the Bank for upliftment of the socially down-trodden and economically backward and weaker section of the population of the society. However, Group discipline should be strictly followed and complied with so that only the right persons are selected and included as members of the Group.

   ■Each member of the Group gives personal guarantee for other members of

the same Group and the members are jointly and severally liable and responsible for payment of investment.

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Specialized SME Branches

As per guideline and regulation of Bangladesh Bank, the Board of Directors of the Bank has selected a good number of SME prone

areas, where Specialized SME/Agriculture Branches are being opening in order to facilitate the potential entrepreneurs in accessing

to the finance from Sharia’h based banking sector. So far 30 nos. of such Specialized SME Branches have been opened and more

such Branches shall be opened at the SME prone areas by order.


Eligibility of clients

General eligibility criteria for selecting/investing an SME client are listed below:

← Physically capable Bangladeshi national

← Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Private Limited Company

← Valid licenses like Trade License, VAT Registration, TIN etc. NOC from Environment Directorate (as applicable) from

competent authority

← Source and capacity of repayment backed by positive cash flow

← Definite market and prospect of future expansion

← Clean CIB report

← Adequate infrastructure facility and manpower with required skill and experience

← The client must have clear idea about the business and required experience.

← All other criteria laid down in the Instruction Circular, Manuals of relevant investment product.

Restriction on facility

← Any of IBBL’s director, employee or their family member holding 5% or more of the share capital of the Small Enterprise

← The applicant is engaged in any antisocial and/ or anti-state activity

← The applicant has been declared bankrupt/insolvent/insane by any competent  authority of the country


SME Investment

Purpose of Investment

← To meet Capital Investment for establishment of Project.

← To meet working capital requirements (i.e. Procuring of Raw materials & trade goods, overhead expenses etc.).

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← Other items approved by the Bank and as per norms of the Scheme/Mode etc.

Mode of Investment

← Capital Investment: Hire Purchase Shirkatul Melk (HPSM), Musharaka and Mudaraba.

← orking Capital for all concerns i.e. Manufacturing, Trading and Service: Bai-Murabaha, Murabaha (TR), Murabaha Post

Import, Musharaka, Mudaraba, Bai-Muajjal Post Import, Bai-Muajjal, Bai-Salam and Istishna.

← Specific Modes of investment for the Schemes and other items as per existing norms.

Special Schemes under SME

IBBL has been financing SMEs through the following special schemes under SME besides above mentioned modes and purposes

of Investment

← Women Entrepreneurs’ Investment Scheme (WEIS)

← NRB Entrepreneurs’ Investment Scheme (NEIS)

← Micro Industries Investment Scheme (MIIS)

← mall Business Investment Scheme (SBIS)

← Transport Investment Scheme (TIS)

← Micro Entrepreneurs Investment Scheme (MEIS)

In order to strengthen the aforementioned schemes and the schemes to be introduced in future, at least 10-20% growth in terms of

exposure has to be achieved per year.

Sanctioning Authority

Sanction of investment under SME shall be done as per existing delegation of authority approved by Head Office for different

Nature, Modes and Schemes of investment and as per amendment made/to be made from time to time by Head Office.


SME Sectors


Enterprise involved in production process viz. food & agro-based, leather, textile, handicrafts, pharmaceuticals, electrical

accessories, recycling etc.

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Enterprises involved in wholesale and retail trading, export and import etc.


Enterprise providing services to other persons, organizations, viz. telecommunication, transport, information technology, clinics,

hotel, restaurants, workshops etc.

Size of SME Investment

Category Attributes under the


Total Assets (at cost) And/or total number

of employees

Small Enterprise Service Concern Tk. 5 lac to 1 Crore

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost )

10 to 25

Trading Concern Tk. 5 lac to 1 Crore

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost )

10 to 25

Manufacturing Concern Above Tk. 50 lac to 10 crores

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost)




Service Concern Tk. 1 Crore to 15 Crores

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost )

50 to 100

Trading Concern Tk. 1 Crore to 15 Crores

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost )

50 to 100

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Manufacturing Concern Above Tk. 10 Crores to 30 crores

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost)


If any entrepreneur falls under SE category on the basis any one standard, but the same falls under Medium category on the basis

of the other standard, then the enterprise shall be treated as Medium Enterprise.

From the date of circular, cottage and micro enterprises shall be incorporated under the SME Investment

Policy & Programmes of Bangladesh Bank. The definitions for Micro Enterprise and Cottage Industries as

set by Bangladesh Bank are depicted below:

Category Attributes under the


Total Assets (at cost) And/or total number

of employees

 Micro Enterprise Service Concern Less than Tk. 5 lac

(Excluding land and building and

including Replacement Cost )

Less than 10

Trading Concern Less than Tk. 5 lac

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost )

Less than 10

Manufacturing Concern  Tk. 5 lac to 50 lac

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost)

10-24 or less

Cottage Industry   Less than Tk. 5 lac

(Excluding land and building

including Replacement Cost)

Not more than 10

including family


If any entrepreneur falls under Micro category on the basis any one standard, but the same falls under Small category on the basis

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of the other standard, then the enterprise shall be treated as Small Enterprise.

Mood & Period of SME Investment

Mode of Investment Terms

Working capital Maximum up to 100% of the net required working capital or 75% of the sum

total of inventory and receivables whichever is lower. However, at present,

IBBL shall make investment upto 80% of net Working Capital.

Capital Investment Maximum up to 90% of the purchase price.


Nature of Investment Period of Investment

Term Investment Mid term: Maximusm 5 (five) years

Long term: Above 5 (five) years

Working Capital/Trade Financing Maximum 1 (one) year on revolving basis

Other Schemes/Investment Products As per existing Head Office Circulars.


Locker Service

Our safe deposit locker service offered from select branches gives you a completely secured facility for safekeeping of precious

items, confidential documents and other valuables.

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← Personalised service

← Facilities to access outside scheduled time

← Parcel handling

← Safe custody of goods and bonds/shares

← Lockers available in various sizes. i.e. Small, Medium and Large.

Terms & Condition

← For obtaining a Locker at IBBL you must be an account holder with our Bank.

← Lockers can be allotted individually as well as jointly.

← The Locker holder is permitted to add or delete names from the list of persons who can operate the Locker and can have

access to it.

← Loss of Key is to be immediately informed to the concerned Branch.

← For Schedule of Rentals, please contact the branch nearest to you.

← An individual (not minor), firms, limited company, associations, clubs, trusts, societies, etc may hire a locker.

Locker Service Available @

← Head Office Complex Branch

← Farmgate Branch

← New market Branch

← Kawran Bazar Branch

← Sylhet Branch

← Rajshai Branch

← Elephant Road

← Cox's Bazar

← Anderkilla Branch

← Chiringa Branch

← Gulshan Branch

← Dhanmondi Branch

← Uttara Branch

← VIP Road Branch

← Khulna Branch

← Agrabad Branch

← Chawkbazar

← Mouchak

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← CDA Avenue Branch

← Feni Branch


← Yearly Charges: Small- Tk.700/-, Medium- Tk. 1000/-, Large- Tk. 1,500/-

← Security Deposit (Tk.)500.00 (refundable).

← The rent may be conveniently paid from your deposit account with us.

← Direct debits for locker rentals from your account rid you of the hassles in writing out cheques.

For more information please contact to your nearest branch.

Online Banking Service

IBBL has introduced its Online Banking service since 2006. Being the largest in online connectivity among all the branches we are

capable of providing the better customer service to our clints. Registration is required to get this service. For registration please

contact with your branch. It could be mentioned here that Online Banking does not refer to internet Banking. It is basically ANY

branch banking.


← Cash Deposit

← Cash Withdraw

← Fund Transfer

← Account Statement

← Balance Inquiry

← Investment Recovery

Transaction Limit

← There will be no limit for Cash Deposit and Fund Transfer.

← For Cash Withdrawal, transaction limit will be Tk.10,00,000 per day per account.


For Cash Deposit, Cash Withdrawal and Fund Transfer, charges at the following rates and VAT will be

recovered from the Customer's Account:

Within the District:  


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Cash Deposit / Withdrawal / Transfer Amount Charges

Upto Tk. 20,000.00 Tk. 15.00

Above Tk. 20,000.00 Tk. 15.00 + 0.20 for next per thousand of part thereof

Maximum Online Charge Tk. 1,500.00

Inter District:  


Cash Deposit / Withdrawal / Transfer Amount Charges

Upto Tk. 20,000.00 Tk. 20.00

Above Tk. 20,000.00 Tk. 20.00 + 0.30 for next per thousand of part thereof

Maximum Online Charge Tk. 2,500.00

Within the Divisional City Area:  


Cash Deposit / Withdrawal / Transfer Amount Charges

Upto Tk. 1,00,000.00 Free. But not more than 2 (two) times in a day.

* Vat will be applicable as per Govt. rule.

For more information please contact to your nearest branch.

This file was last modified on: 20/02/2012

SMS Banking Service

IBBL SMS Banking IBBL has introduced its SMS banking service since 2008. Registration is required . For registration please

contact to your branch. SMS Facilities are applicable only for our Online Branches.


Mulitple Account Registration

International Push- Pull Facility

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Account Balance (BAL )

Mini Account Statement (STM)

Account Information (ACI)

SMS Format

IBB <space> SERVICE <space> PIN<space> A/C Serial

Send to : 6969 (for local clients) +8801714006969 (for international clients)

SMS writing instructions in details

← For Balance Inquiry: This option provides the current balance of the account. To get this service, follow the instructions:

For single registered a/c:

On Cell phone's message option. Type IBB BAL 1234 send to 6969.

For multiple registered a/c:

Cell phone's message option. Type IBB BAL 1234 1 send to 6969.

Cell phone's message option. Type IBB BAL 1234 2 send to 6969.

← For Mini Account Statement : This option provides the mini statement of the account. To get this service, follow the


For single registered a/c:

On Cell phone's message option. Type IBB STM 1234 send to 6969.

For multiple registered a/c:

Cell phone's message option. Type IBB STM 1234 1 send to 6969.

Cell phone's message option. Type IBB STM 1234 2 send to 6969.

← For Account Information : This option provides the list of registered accounts for sms. To get this service, follow the

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On Cell phone's message option. Type IBB ACI 1234 send to 6969.


← Till now, no charges required except the normal sms service charge.

For more information please contact to your nearest branch or see the Rules and regulation given overleaf of the SMS Banking

Regitration Form.

Internet Banking Service

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has been devoted to serving its customers since inception. We are committed to introduce new

services and to make existing services faster and better than ever.

iBanking is a cornerstone of our strategy, designed to accelerate our commitment to green banking and to enable customers to do

banking at their own convenience.

We have introduced two new services to all iBanking customers that reflect our continuous endeavor to put the strategy into action.

Wherever you are, using iBanking now you can

Transfer funds (iTransfer) between IBBL accounts

Purchase airtime / Recharge account ( iRecharge) from all mobile operators in Bangladesh, except teletalk.



Account Balance

Account Statement

Transaction Summary


iTransfer (Fund Transfer)

iRecharge (Purchase airtime / Recharge account)

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Investment Account Statement

Customer wise Liability

Mode wise Liability

Liability at a glance of Party


Cost Sheet for Negotiation

Cost Sheet for Realization

Cost Sheet for Retirement of a Bill


Credit Clearing Instrument Status

Debit Clearing Instrument Status


FTT Message Search

FDD Payment Search


iTransfer (Fund Transfer)

This service will facilitate you to transfer fund from your IBBL accounts to other IBBL accounts instantly. In this case your source

IBBL accounts should be registered in our iBanking service.


← Maximum amount Tk. 1,00,000.00 within 5 transactions per day.

← Maximum 10 (Ten) account can be subscribed as a destination account.

← Subscribed account can not be deleted within 20 days.

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← After subscribing collect secret PIN CODE from Branch.

← Charge applicable. One(1) taka per One thousand(1000) taka transfer


How to use:

Step 1. You have to subscribe this service first from the new feature list (displayed just below of the banner) or from the menu 'Our


Step 2. Go to menu 'Register Account for Fund Transfer' to add or delete IBBL accounts to which you want to transfer your fund

from your accounts. You need not to add your enlisted accounts in this section to transfer fund between your enlisted accounts.

Maximum of 5 (Five) accounts are allowed to be added. You can not delete any subscribed account from this list within 30 days of


Step 3. Go to menu 'Fund Transfer' to start fund transfer process. Select 'From Account' and 'To Account' from corresponding list

and submit.

Read carefully both 'Source Account' and 'Destination Account' info and enter transfer amount in Taka and keep processing.Next

system will show summary information of the client to confirm / verify the information.If confirm a mail will be sent to your E-mail

address containing 'ONE TIME KEY' and 'Transfer ID'.

Step 4. Provide PIN CODE(Collecte from Branch) and One Time Key and submit to complete fund transfer. If you fail to enter PIN

CODE at first attempt, follow the menu link 'Confirm Requested Fund Transfer' and enter 'Transaction ID' which would be sent to

your E-mail address.

iRecharge (Purchase airtime / Recharge account)

Recharge your cell balance from internet in any time from any where.


← Maximum amount Tk. 1000.00 & Minimum amount Tk. 10.00 for Prepaid package.

← Maximum amount Tk. 5000.00 & Minimum amount Tk. 50.00 for Postpaid package.

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← No Charge applicable for iRecharge.

← Maximum 10 recharge per day.

← Refund of a fail recharge will be settled within 2-4 business date.

How to Use:

Step 1. You have to subscribe this service first from the new feature list (displayed just below of the banner) or from the menu 'Our


Step 2. Click on iRecharge from the main menu of the IBBL portal.Provide all the necessary input and keep processing.

Step 3. System will show summary information of the client to confirm / verify the information.and submit to complete fund transfer.

Registration Process

Step 1. Clients need to click ‘New Registration’ in IBBL portal(http://ibblportal.islamibankbd.com) to initiate new registration.

Step 2. Next page read the instruction carefully before you fill up the registration form of our IBBL Web portal and then click


Step 3. The link will redirect the user to a page where client will provide First name last name and  a valid email address. This email

address will be used as login User id. Click  on submit.

Step 4. An auto generated mail containing a link of next step of registration will send from portal in user email. Click this link.

Step 5. The link will redirect the user to a page where client will provide some basic information that is required for our registration.

Provide how many numbers of a/c you want to see on your a/c statement. If you give 2, then system will generate two rows to take

input from you on next page. Investment and Foreign Exchange Customer need to select number of customer id. you must provide

information all star marks fields and then click ‘Register’.

Step 6. On next page, you will have to provide some additional information along with Password and Challenge key.

This password will be used as login password.  Challenge key is case sensitive. You must provide the exact Challenge key

otherwise system will not store the data.

Step 7. On successful registration, system will show last page of registration which containing all summary information, profile id

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and authorization code. This page should be printed, preserved and submitted to the nearest IBBL branch. If you failed to preserve

this page check your email.

Step 8. IBBL branch will verify and approve your profile. After approval of your profile you will have a 'Activation Mail' to active your


If any of the above mentioned steps is NOT properly done, then we treat the application as incomplete registration. After finishing

these above steps, customer will be able to log-in to the system with his username and password. Lets start registration

procedure...... <click here>

ATM Service

IBBL has introduced its ATM Banking service since 2000. Being the largest in online connectivity among the branches we are

capable of providing the better customer service to our clints.


Cash Withdraw

Fund Transfer

Mini Account Statement

Balance Inquiry

Transaction Limit

← For Cash Withdrawal maximum amount is Tk. 50,000 in a calendar date.


← Tk.300 Yearly fees is applicable.

ATM Booth Location

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← Please click Here to view the ATM booth locations

For more information please contact to your nearest branch.

Remittance Card Service

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has introduced ‘Islami Bank Remittance Card’ to send money from abroad. This card ensures the

Non Residence Bangladeshi of safe and quick hassle free money transfer to their family.


← 24 Hour Service.

← Can be received this card from any IBBL branch without any fee.

← Draw money from any IBBL booth.

← Card Balance Inquiry from any IBBL booth.

← Foreign Remittance is deposited in this card.

← Bank account is not necessary

← Maximum Tk. 50,000.00 from ATM booth and any number of amount from bank counter can be drawn.

← Only foreign remittance sender / receiver can take this service of Remittance Card.

← Utility Bill can be paid by Remittance Card.

← Balance inquery from SMS or iBanking Service.

Transaction Limit

← For Cash Withdrawal from ATM booth maximum amount is Tk. 50,000 in a calendar date.

← Any number of amount from bank counter.


← No charges is applicable.

SWIFT Service

Society for Worldwide Inter-Bank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is a bank owned co-operative serving the financial

community worldwide. The SWIFT Transport Network (STN) is a dedicated global network for secure communication between

SWIFT Customers. 

SWIFT supports the financial data communication and processing needs of financial institutions, through a range of financial

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messaging services and value-added

processing, as well as, access through the

STN and interface and application software. In

short SWIFT is a pioneer in the automation of

the global financial industries.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has

introduced this SWIFT alliance entry system

firstly in October 1999 and introduced SWIFT

alliance access in October 2001. 


← Personalised service

← Facilities to access outside scheduled time

← Parcel handling

← Safe custody of goods and bonds/shares

← Lockers available in various sizes. i.e. Small, Medium and Large.

Branch Name SWIFT Address

Agrabad IBBLBDDH103

Anderkilla IBBLBDDH124

Bangshal IBBLBDDH179


Chawk Mugaltully IBBLBDDH105

Elephant Road IBBLBDDH215

Farmgate IBBLBDDH136

Foreign Exchange IBBLBDDH109

Gulshan IBBLBDDH177

Head Office Complex IBBLBDDH213

Islampur IBBLBDDH110

Jessore IBBLBDDH125

Jubilee Road IBBLBDDH137

Kawranbazar IBBLBDDH222

Khatungonj IBBLBDDH106

Khulna IBBLBDDH107

Kushtia IBBLBDDH133

Local Office IBBLBDDH102

Mirpur IBBLBDDH131

Mouchak IBBLBDDH145

Narayangonj IBBLBDDH108

Nawabpur Road IBBLBDDH118

New Market IBBLBDDH129


Paltan IBBLBDDH206

Rajshahi IBBLBDDH113


Saidpur IBBLBDDH152

Station Road IBBLBDDH167

Sylhet IBBLBDDH104


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