QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Research is a way to acquire knowledge based on evidence or the fact. By research we can get information about new facts `about the phenomenon that occurs. Research is rasional, empirical and systematic. That is research methods. Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic (Kothari,2004) Rasional is research is done in way that makes sense so that can be acceped human reasoning. Empirical is the means used can be observed using human senses. Tthe last that systematic is steps carried out logically based on the rules of research. In the research consisted of introduction, literature review, research methodology and result. In the methodology we should follow the rules of writing begis, that is introduction, literature review, research methods, and the result. According Degu Getu and zigzaw (2006 ) there are two types of research is the study of quantitative and qualitative research. Qualitative research is a study that focuses on science sosial, for example spycology, 1

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Research is a way to acquire knowledge based on evidence or the fact. By

research we can get information about new facts `about the phenomenon that occurs.

Research is rasional, empirical and systematic. That is research methods.

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also

define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information

on a specific topic (Kothari,2004)

Rasional is research is done in way that makes sense so that can be acceped

human reasoning. Empirical is the means used can be observed using human senses.

Tthe last that systematic is steps carried out logically based on the rules of research.

In the research consisted of introduction, literature review, research methodology and

result. In the methodology we should follow the rules of writing begis, that is

introduction, literature review, research methods, and the result.

According Degu Getu and zigzaw (2006 ) there are two types of research is

the study of quantitative and qualitative research. Qualitative research is a study that

focuses on science sosial, for example spycology, sociology, antrhopology ect. This

research focuses on why and how social phenomena case or it acquired.

This assessment will discus about methodology qualitative research. In the

research methodology have three discussions, among others :

1. Sampling Methods

2. Data Collection

3. Data Analysis


The whole object of the research is called population, and part of the

population which is considered to represent the entire population in the study called

the sample. The populasi is too large for us to collecting the data, in the hope the

samples are representative (Degu getu and zigzaw,2006)


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The samples are very useful in terms economize on costs, save time, effort

and more accurate, it is in because the use of data sources that are not too big and

avoid the bias of data.

Similarly being addressed by kothari(2004) that is a theory states that the

greater the respondent then there will be a great chance that data is detected and more

accurate. It is inversely proportional to the fact the field. In this way it will cause a

data bias, the study is considered invalid. Beside that, it will take a lot more time ,

cost and energy.

In qualitative research in general populations in small quantities compared

to the population in quantitative research. The qualitative research sample was chosen

only for specific cases and not the named respondents, but as a resource or partisipan/

informan. The aim of research and characteristic responden will determine how large

a sample that is in use. There are three metods sampling which is often used in

qualitative research among others purposive sampling, quota sampling, and snowball

sampling (Natashamack, Woodsong Cynthia; et all, 2005)

It is also addressed by Cohen Louis,(2005) that in qualitative research using

non -probability sampling sample that is used in small quantities in comparison with

the probability, and are included in the non-probability sample is purposive sampling,

quota sampling, snowball sampling, convenience sampling (accidental Sampling),

and dimensional sampling.

1. purposive sampling

Purposive sampling is a sampling technique of data sources with

consideration of certain matters. The development of this particular example, the

person is deemed to know about what we expect in a research or maybe he is a ruler

that will allow researchers to explore the object or situation that is studied or in other

words the retrieval of samples taken by the researcher needs.

Purposive sampling, one of the most common sampling strategies, groups

participants according to preselected criteria relevant to a particular research question

Sample sizes, which may or may not be fixed prior to data collection, depend on the

resources and time available, as well as the study’s objectives. Purposive sample sizes


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are often determined on the basis of theoretical saturation (the point in data collection

when new data no longer bring additional insights to the research questions).

Purposive sampling is therefore most successful when data review and analysis are

done in conjunction with data collection. (Natashamack, Woodsong Cynthia; et all,


2. Quota Sampling

Quota sampling is done by setting a number of sample members are

quontum . Sampling is done first is how large quantum of each group.

According to Natashamack, Woodsong Cynthia; et all (2005 ) that the

number of samples in this sampling quaota already when designing the study. In

addition to the number of samples in the characteristics of respondents also research

focuses on individuals that we think can provide complete information about the

purpose of research . After that we can go into members of the population to assign it

to another who becomes the next population.

There are 3 stages in using quota sampling . The first stage is to identify the

characteristics of each population having similarities characteristics (homogeneous).

Step to identify the proportion of the two is in the form of third is to ensure the

proportion based on the characteristics of existing ( lois cohen , 2005)

3. snowball sampling

Sampling technique of data sources that initially few in number has not

been able to provide a complete data , it must find someone else who can be used as a

data source.

Snowball sampling in the sample that is used in small quantities, which is

against someone who has characteristics that are consistent with the objectives of the

study. A person who has been determined as the sample used as informants, and from

sources that can allow it to determine the next resource persons who qualify as an

informant, especially useful when the population is difficult to access. ( Cohen Lois ,



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4. Convenience Sampling (Accidental Samping)

Taking a sample of respondents who happened to come or in the unit

researchers not select respondents . Does not represent a group , not genaralisasi vast

population in other words relefans. Methode not widely used because sampling

easiest method. For example, required a study of 40 samples in research on breast

feeding by mothers in the work area health center X, the researcher can take in space

KIA X who visit health centers until the sample is needed are met. ( cohen lois ,


5. Dimensional sampling

How to simplification quota sampling method sampling. Researchers will

identify factors other factors that exist in the previous sampling at least get one

respondent of each quot . ( cohen lois , 2005)

Validity and Reliability

Validity and reliability are ways to minimize the lack of research. Validity

is to test the validity of research data . in the data qualitative subjectivitas, attitudes

and opinions of respondents can cause bias the data. Therefore in need of test validity

(Lisa M. Given, 2008). The following is a kind of validity

1. criterion-related validity;

2. construct validity;

3. internal validity;

4. external validity;

5. concurrent validity;

6. face validity;

7. jury validity;

8. predictive validity;

9. consequential validity

10. systemic validity;

11. catalytic validity;


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12. ecological validity;

13. cultural validity;

14. descriptive validity;

15. interpretive validity;

16. theoretical validity;

17. evaluative validity.

According to Tamara van Gog and Paas Fred there is some validity that is

often used is contruc, contend and criterion - related validity.

1. Validity Contruct

Validity contruct is to examine the contents of the instrument for purposes

of research and hypotheses are measuring instruments in accordance with the concept

of the right theory.

2. Validity content

Content validity is a way of measuring the content of the instrument is

consistent with the objectives of the study. (Dawson ,2002).3. Criterion - related validity

criterion - related validity is description how big the suitability of the study.

the result is in the form of a numeric value which is a correlation coefisient if the

result -1 then do negative and vice versa . There was also a face validity is the

measurement of the outer appearance of the test


In addition to testing the reliability of test validity less important in the

study. Reliability test to assess the reliability of an instrument penelituian (if the

instrument test produces the same answer of the respondents). There are three ways to

assess the reliability of the method retest, alternative forms and Internal konsisteni.

The first is a method test – retest, this method is done by giving the test

repeated two times terhadapa same respondents, then calculated the correlation

between the two. If the result is close to 1.00, it is considered there is a strong

relationship between the two. The second way is a form of alternative methods which


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provide two forms of tests equivalent to a group of respondents in a separate time.

After the reliability coefficients were calculated, with the result of the higher

reliability coefficient, the more reliable. The third is the internal consistency of

assessing the reliability of the administration of a single test.

Note : we recommend in this qualitative study principal investigator and his team are

locals so that he can better understand the characteristics of the respondents. In the

development of research and determining how the research sample we can consult

with superiors or members of the public


According to K. Yin (2011 ) In a qualitative study are the data collection

techniques are Interviewing ; Observing ; Collecting and examining ; and Feeling .

1. Interviewing

A method of collection of data in the which researchers got information

verbally from responden. Researchers and mutual meet in interview respondents are

divided into :

a. Structure the interview: the interviewer uses an interview guide , the data in

can get carefully and thoroughly , the data can be presented in qualitative and

quantitative data obtained systematically

b. Qualitative interview : do not use a questionnaire containing the complete list.

Researchers should be able to determine the framework of interviews , have

the good questioning skills , and should establish a good relationship premises

respondents. the qualitative researcher does not try to adopt any uniform

behavior or demeanor for every interview . Rather , the qualitative interview

follows a conversational mode , and the interview itself will lead to a social

relationship of Sorts, with the quality of the relationship individualized to

every participant ( K. Yin , 2011).


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In more qualitative interviews reflect the individual experience . At this

interview researchers better understand the state of the informant . In the

interview process does not depend on the list of questions.

c. structur interfiew:Usually this is used for a lengthy interview , thus requiring

the question as guidelines . Results of interviews representatif.with results

using this technique , researchers can be a survey. When researchers make use

of a structured interview and also using qualitative data collection methods

that other means used mixed methods.Answers were obtained from the study

is limited to the question that has been set researchers suggested that the data

that was obtained by structured interviews valid compared with open

interviews .Some steps that can help in the interview process to be

comfortable is as follows :

1) Familiar with the research instruments .

2) Practicing interviews with role play previous

3) Practice using research instruments

2. Observing

Observation is an activity by using the five indra.dalam penelituian this case

the researchers observed . Observation is a research method by observing the objects

penelitian.pengamatan menggukan primary data . In the process researchers act

passively observing the objects of research . Usually can study examined two groups

of cases ( quasi - experimental ). This research should be carried out in one location ,

the space and the same time based on the guidelines of observations. ( K.Yin , 2011)

In addition, the observer can also play a role or to feel ap experienced by

members of the sample who researched or often called Participant Observation . it

aims to report what hey believe and that in lakukan.hal also aims to understand the

state of the physical , social , cultural and economic , inter- personal relations ,

activity and behavior , as researchers participate directly involved in it .

( Natashamack , Woodsong Cynthia ; et al , 2005)


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Time is needed for research denagn this method depends on the setting ,

activity and population . The fundamental difference in the observer and participate is

if the observer is only an observer outside duty to observe and document the results

of observations of things that are learned behavior eg , events , etc. , but if it becomes

participant observation is in addition to observing and documenting observations we

also take part in these activities .


According to Kumar (2006 ) data analysis is the application of inductive

logic dandeduktif . Data is divided into subgroups , then analyzed and synthesized if

the hypothesis is accepted or rejected..

The main advantages of research qualitave that a comprehensive data

analysis , conducted on all studies , ranging from conceptual and data collection and

interpretation. according to Goetz and Le Compte describe the process of analysis and

making the research called the analysis and interpretation .

Data Reduction

Data reduction is a theoretical concept describing the research . In this way

researchers define the type of data that used to be looking for relationships between

variables . Qualitative researchers will be involved in the search data , the researcher's

role can be directly on observation , conducting interviews . Data collected in detail

and then record .

Data reduction is an overview of theoretical concepts of research . In this

way researchers define the type of data that is used to look for relationships between

variables .Qualitative researchers will be involved in the search data , the researcher's

role can be directly on observation , conducting interviews . Data collected in detail

and then recorded . Researchers will develop the raw data obtained in different ways

what if the initial response has not been able to meet the goal. It would be easier if

researchers had participants document for example in the form of logs , journals ,

diaries , notes , letters and others. but it is also an official document of a particular

organization can also be analyzed for example in the form of photographs danVideo


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Coding Data

When designing the study , researchers have made a kategogori

phenomenon called with code . In this process the researchers process data on the

label , and store data and retrieve the code . Coding data can be done in a descriptive

or interpretively . (Tamara,2004)

Data Management

In qualitative research are many ways to organize, retrieve and analyze data.

Data code that has been created can then be analyzed comprehensively. The computer

has software to facilitate analysis of data, but need instructions from a book or

webside which discusses how to use the software. (Tamara,2004)


Cohen Louis (2005). Research Methods In Education. London. Taylor & Francis E-Library Dawson Catrhine (2002). Practical Research Methods. How To Books. United Kingdom

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K. Yin (2011) . Qualitative Research - From Start To Finish..New York London . The Guilford Press

Kothari, C (2004). Research methodology Methods and Tecnique..New Delhi. New Age International

Kumar,yogesh singh(2006), fundamental of research Metodology and Statistics, New Delhi. New age International

Lisa M. Given (2008) . The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. California. SAGE

Mason (2002).Qualitative Researching Second Edition. London. SAGE Publications.

Natashamack, Cynthia Woodsong et all (2005). Qualitative Research Methods:A Data collector’s Field Guide. USA. Family Health International


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