PARIS e L n ti aSE BOURBON NEWS KENTUCKY A 7 19x8 = ° Walter A Wood MOWERS i Are the Lightest Draft Longest Life Best Braced and f and Easiest Adjusted 4 jf May be Adjusted to Cut Weeds Without the EXTRA EXPENSE of it a Weed Attachment 4 f 3ai t 1 tf tr i tt 4 tf tt Tof W f f if i SI Jf Yerkes I 12 if f c i w f i r r xieyrt S I f k a 4 i + + + + ++ + + + = + No Made By the Trust Prices Are Right All We Ask is a Chance to Show it to You Yerkes Kenney NeeVs Old Stand bfrtofy4frfrifcifrfr3 Paris Kentucky 1 JI 1 r t i 1 j 1 i t f iI f r r if iTr if 4 l LIf u n ra t i4t t3 41 P I r 11 > + + + and Straw fiats at a Cut Price I800 Panamas reduced to 550 650 Panamas reduced to 475 500 Panamas reduced to 375 350 Panamas reduced to 250 250 Straw Hats reduced to 1 50 150 Straw Hats reduced to 100 100 Straw Hats reduced to 75 75 Straw Hats reduced to 55 50 Straw Hats reduced to 38 PRICE CO Clothiers ONE POLICY Strict honesty in every department r H i i Tli Jf lowest to everyone ONE RESULT A satisfied and growing patronage 11i Panama tJ I 1 I 1 r I I t1 i j I tJ r 1c I1 r tf I tI 4 I I- if uoJl iI h 1r I J ll1 IlH v t J 1 i1 fi l NE PRICE tfi J jllj < > r t 4 j t If 11 t iJv i I 7 r l J ym ft4 l js s I s r 1 t l r c l f YI The qty 1 > > > > < < = < > = = 1 T 1i i Successor to W M Hinton Phone 432 J I L I T I t Ii if t 7 t i i l rir a i 1 R r li t fa < ± MASTERS SALE VALUABLE City Property OF BOURBON CIRCUIT COURT J T McMillans Admr etc Plaintiffs Vs NOTICE OF SALE RRaymond McMillan etc Defendants- By virtue of a judgment and order of sale made and entered in the above styled action at the June Term 1908 of the Bourbon Circuit Court the Master Commissioner of the Bourbon Circuit Court will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder at the court house door in the city of Paris Kentucky on Saturday August 29 1908 at the hour 11 oclock a m the property described in the judgment and ments thereon situated in Paris Ky fronting on the West side of the Public Square twentytwo feet and extending back of equal width i Fourth street situated between the lots of the Agricultural Bank on the j and is the same property conveyed to J T McMillan by Thomas Green and wife by deed of record in fee office of the Clerk of the Bourbon County Court in Deed Book 61 page 430 TERMS Said sale will be made on a credit of six twelve and eighteen month for equal parts of the purchase money The purchasers will be requir ed to execute bonds with approved surety baring interest from un til paid and payable to the Master CommissionerRUSSELL MANN Master Commissioner Bourbon Circuit Court McMillan Talbott Attorneys Burns at Maysville The Throckmorton Hotel at Mays ville Ky was burned Wednesday afternoon The proprietress of the hotel had 86 00 concealed under the carpet in one of the room3 which was destroyed Over Years In 1872 there a great deal of diarrhoea dysentery and cholera infan turn It was at this time that Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was first bought into use It proved more successful than any other remedy or treatment and has for thirtyfive year maintained that record From a small beginning its sale and use has extended to every part of the United States and to many foreign countries Nine druggists out of ten medicines that pays them a greatre profit It can always be depended upon even in the most severe and dan gerous cases For sale by V T of AI I L onI I I i undersign- ed I I I I 3tfriHotel opinionis j i i rgl I U- ndersigned Thirty Five was guarantee n A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = = AH kinds of fresh meat PROCTOR CO Mr Sallee of WasonMs the guest of Hord Barnes Dr and Mrs C B Simth spent Monday in Lexington Mrs Bertie Ball of Lewis county is the guest of her niece Mrs Joe W Mock v R M Caldwell left Monday for a few days visit to friends in German Shannon and family re turned Saturday from Lake Chautau qua New Mrs Margaret Howard and daugh ter Miss Ida of Carlisle aie guests of Mrs John Mock Miss Louella Payne of George town is the guest of her aunt Mrs G S Allen 0 MnfLEItSBUJt ITEMS 1 J j I townWallace York t ¬ ¬ ¬ Miss Nannie Bowden of Winches ter is visiting her grandmother Mrs Nancy Allen The union services Sunday evening will be at the Baptist church Sermon by Rev G L Kerr Mrs Sallie Best attended the funeral services of Dr E H Ruther ford at Paris Saturday Mrs R S Sanders left Tuesday for a two weeks visit to her father Mr Irwin Taylor of New York ¬ ¬ Miss Stella Hurst and guest Miss Roundtree returned Monday from a visit to relatives in Bath county J G Allen and brother Mrs Frank Allen of left Mon day for Cincinnati and other points and Mrs H McKinney of Carlisle spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Oscar Rankin Mrs Hattie Brown and daughter Miss Lydia have returned after a three weeks stay at Martinayille much improved Mrs Wallace Shannon and little daughter Frances and Nettie left Monday for a months visit to her mother in Greenville Miss Marvin Whaley who has been with his mother Mrs Mary J Whaley for several weeks left Tuesday to resume his duties at Crown Point Ind Mrs Swift and daughter Lucile of Birmingham Ala and Mrs Harold Collins of Maysville are guests of their sister Mrs John Ingels and family Miss Belle T Judy has returned after a protracted visit to her sister Mrs Carl Vaught of Parkersburg and aunt Mrs Creighton of Indian apolis Ind Dr and Mrs Wm Savage and lit tle son Robert have returned to their home in Cincinnati after a weeks visit to his father Mr T E Savage and family Quite a number here are camping at Parks Hill Mrs P L Dimmitt and dauhgter Miss Lula McNamara Misses Fisher Hardie and Dickson Misses Katherine and Elizabeth Miller Mrs Rebecca Collier and Miss Valette McClintock Misses Lottie Vimont Laura Jefferson Dr H C Burroughs and C E Bryan are among thenumber Dr N I granddaugh- tEr ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PicNic Hams Fine picnic finest you ever saw at 10 cents per pound during the month of August 4 tf MARGOLEN Rewards Offered Governor Willson has offered another reward of 500 and there is now 1000 reward for those guilty of the Russell ville lynching Sultan Stabbed The Sultan of Turkey was stabbed in the breast Monday night by a minor palace official The coat of mail which the Sultan always wear deflected the blow The assassin was arrested State Campaign Committee After being on the job for a week and giving it the most careful thought the subcommittee appointed last Wed nesday to select a Democratic Cam Committee for Kentucky went to Louisville Wednesday got together and announced their selections This is the excellent committee which was decided upon Judge Lewis McQuown of Frank fort Seventh district Judge W Young of Morehead Tenth district Senator R B Brown of Warsaw Sixth district Judge S W Hager of Ashland Ninth district Senator P S Maxwell of Marion First district Josh T Griffith of Owensboro Sec ond district This committee is headed by Con gressman Ben Johnson of Bqrdstown who was elected chairman last week without opposition A meeting of the Democratic State Campaign Committee has been called Chairman Johnson to convene at the Seelbach Hotel Louisville Tuesday at which meeting the secretary of the committee will be selected and perma nent State Democratic Campaign selected At the meeting next the initial steps toward securing information for the election of chairmen of the various county cam paign commttees will be taken The members of the Democratic State Campaign Cqmmittee were chosen by State Chairman Prewitt A Berry of Paducah and Judge J A Donaldson of Carrollton who were named by the State committees and Ben Johnson the campaign chairman and Congressman Oliie M James who was invited to the conference for the purpose of giving hia viaws The meeting was in the nature of an session and continued for some timeBen Johnson the chairman of they campaign committee stated that in making the selections there was not the slightest evidence of dissen whatever He said that the only difficulty which had so far arisen was that of locating the members overthe State TTM F eJZ hamsthe Allie 4 W j geS l C- I head- quarters exec- utive isn J lY- y r C St ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > + fiatiway City VVins INo 2939 c I Jim COME I N- And You Certainly Can Not Help to Take a Pleasant Peep at Our Smart Styles of Oxfords and Pumps I SOLE AGENT Hanan and Nettleton Shoes Geo IVIcWiliams The Shoe Man Both Phones 301 PARIS KY Of the Me Too The general opinion on the Taft speech of acceptance seems that t it was of the me too variety with a happy omission of the personal pro j noun with which Mr Roosevelt so my policies His fulsome praise of the President however stops short of approving new experimental legisla tion but insists that the chief func tion of the next admistration is to clinch what has been done JAr Taft puts off the income tax issue a more convenient season when the govern ment needs more revenue he apolo gizes for Republicanextravagance and what is of most importance to Demo crats he surrenders to the ters on the tariff issue and refuses to make extreme concessions to labor unions The speech is evidently in tended to propitate the buisness inter ests if not Wall street Gompers on the Stump Samuel Gompers President of the American Federation of Labor left for Lima Ohio Tuesday to make a speech presumably of a political nature From there he will go to Columbus to speak again The pro gram is taken to mean that Gompers intends to get into the thick of the contest Presidency- He favors the election of Mr Bryan and it is anticipated that he will not hesitate to so advise his audiences in Ohio which doubtless will consist chiefly of organized labor men When he was asked about his trip to Ohio Jompers said his speeches were to be addresses and not political ad dresses He explained that they would speak fnr themselves after they were delivered It is Gompers plan to conduct an active canvas for Bryan Big Potato Yield McKee Brothers of Woodford county are pleased with the results of their first venture in potatoes on a large set la They have sixty acres and have sola the entire crop of F F Clawson of Columbus Tenn for 70 cents a bushels f o b Versailhs They are making a second planting now and say both crops will consume six months time They will realize about 140 an acre which they say is far more than tobacco Prescription by Pigeon Carrier pigeons are used by physi cians in the north of Scotland as mes sengers between the houses of pa tients and the home of the doctor who takes several of the pigeons with him on his long rounds If one of his pa tients needs medicine immediately he writes out a prescription and sends the bird back to the office for it Willows from Napoleons is interesting to learn that prac tically all the weeping willows in New Zealand are products of theUsupply which John Tinline carried away with him from Napoleons grave nearly 60 years ago Mr Tinline who was one of the early pioneers of New Zealand kept them alive on the voyage by sticking them into potatoes The Born Leader Many a man who was born to be ft leader has been out of a job most of the time because he couldnt find anybody who wanted to be led Variety 1 I I permeated his extensive remarks on JJ stand oat the for the JJ Grav- en tobe I profit- able ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 25000I- n Premiums The Reason number of children of school age does not increase as rapidly as value of tax school age reported this year is more than one hundred less than reported last year Small families or none at all are becoming fashionable and we are approaching the condition in older countries where the increases very slowly Winchester Democrat RELIGIOUS Rev J S Malone will preach as usual at the union meeting of the Pres byterian church at the Second church Sunday morning Union services of the Associated churches will be held at the Second church will preach the sermon I assisted by Rev J W Porter of Lex ington who is a fine pulpit orator His subject for tonight will be Now or Never Sunday afternoon at 3 30 oclock Dr Porter will speak to men only his subject being the Death I Supper At the evening hour Dr Porter will preach from the subject Lots Escape from Sodom Amateur Night at the Grand i Tonight is night at the vaudeville theatre of McMahan night that is never over looked by the average theatre goer and the house is invariably packed to its capacity Manager Jackson will introduce in the amateur program the Prais quartette which has on several occasion appeared in public and each time has scored a decided hit It is composed of Messrs Ray and Wallace Prentice Lancaster and Clay Sutherland Besides the amateur acts here is to be a new illustrated song and new motion pictures the famous Rainbow sisters and Phillips the musical wonder Phillips and the Rainbow sisters made their first ap pearane at the theatre last evening Sleeping Bag for Babies To protect babies from the draughts of winter nights a sleeping bag is on the market It is made precisely like those in use by the ranchmen of the west except that it is of the daintiest softest eiderdown The flap may be drawn about the shoulders thus providing a cozy warm nest in which the coverlid cannot be tossed aside by the restlessness small occupant Making Light of Rules- i I chafe against the regulations murmured the college girl as she surreptitious Welsh rarebit at 2 a Lampoon Wasted Efforts Society women are giving East Side girls lessons in courtship Next thing they will be teaching young ducks how to Y Herald capitagets thiscounty ofaffairs Iti eveningRev atthe I JJ amateur Jacksona I I I glowingterms flannel ofthe I pre- pared mHarvard I swimN I I u ark ¬ BLUE GRASS FAIR INCORPORATED LEXINGTON KY THE BIG Aug 10 15 6 Big Days 6 = In Premiums 25Q00 DeBaugiis Military Band and Megaphone Quartette An Unequalled Programme of Free Acts and Carnival Attractions 10Great Acts Each Day 10 HALF RATES ON ALL RAILROADS FOR CATALOGUE ADDRESS J- IOUETT SHOUSE Secretary Lexington Ky f 4t i Y T t t a- y is- a4 ti

aSE BOURBON NEWS 3aiSI i J Jim City Jf VVinsnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921dc9p/data/0092.pdf · PARIS e L n ti aSE BOURBON NEWS KENTUCKY A 7 19x8 = ° Walter A Wood MOWERS i Are the Lightest

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Page 1: aSE BOURBON NEWS 3aiSI i J Jim City Jf VVinsnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921dc9p/data/0092.pdf · PARIS e L n ti aSE BOURBON NEWS KENTUCKY A 7 19x8 = ° Walter A Wood MOWERS i Are the Lightest




Walter A WoodMOWERS i

Are the Lightest Draft Longest Life Best Braced and

f and Easiest Adjusted 4jf

May be Adjusted to Cut Weeds Without the EXTRA EXPENSE of

it a Weed Attachment 4

f3ai t 1 tf tr i tt 4 tf tt Tof W f f if iSIJf YerkesI






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+ + + ++

+ + +


No Made By the Trust Prices Are RightAll We Ask is a Chance to Show it to You

Yerkes KenneyNeeVs Old Stand

bfrtofy4frfrifcifrfr3Paris Kentucky


JI 1r

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1 it f iI f r r if iTr if 4l LIf

u n





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+ + +

and Straw fiats

at a Cut Price

I800 Panamas reduced to 550650 Panamas reduced to 475500 Panamas reduced to 375350 Panamas reduced to 250250 Straw Hats reduced to 1 50150 Straw Hats reduced to 100100 Straw Hats reduced to 75

75 Straw Hats reduced to 5550 Straw Hats reduced to 38

PRICE CO Clothiers


Strict honesty in every departmentrH i i

Tli Jflowest to everyone

ONE RESULTA satisfied and growing patronage

11i Panama

tJ I





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Successor to W M HintonPhone 432

J IL I T It Ii if t


t i i lrir



Rr litfa<




City Property


BOURBON CIRCUIT COURTJ T McMillans Admr etc Plaintiffs

Vs NOTICE OF SALERRaymond McMillan etc Defendants-

By virtue of a judgment and orderof sale made and entered in the abovestyled action at the June Term 1908of the Bourbon Circuit Court the

Master Commissioner of theBourbon Circuit Court will sell atpublic auction to the highest and bestbidder at the court house door in thecity of Paris Kentucky on

Saturday August 29 1908at the hour 11 oclock a m theproperty described in the judgment and

ments thereon situated in Paris Kyfronting on the West side of the PublicSquare twentytwo feet and extendingback of equal width

i Fourth street situated between thelots of the Agricultural Bank on the

j and is the same property conveyed toJ T McMillan by Thomas Green andwife by deed of record in fee office ofthe Clerk of the Bourbon County Courtin Deed Book 61 page 430

TERMS Said sale will be made ona credit of six twelve and eighteenmonth for equal parts of the purchasemoney The purchasers will be required to execute bonds with approvedsurety baring interest from until paid and payable to the

Master CommissionerRUSSELLMANN

Master Commissioner Bourbon CircuitCourt

McMillan Talbott Attorneys

Burns at MaysvilleThe Throckmorton Hotel at Mays

ville Ky was burned Wednesdayafternoon The proprietress of thehotel had 86 00 concealed under thecarpet in one of the room3 which wasdestroyed

Over YearsIn 1872 there a great deal of

diarrhoea dysentery and cholera infanturn It was at this time that Chamberlains Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy was first bought into use Itproved more successful than any otherremedy or treatment and has forthirtyfive year maintained that recordFrom a small beginning its sale anduse has extended to every part of theUnited States and to many foreigncountries Nine druggists out of ten

medicines that pays them a greatreprofit It can always be dependedupon even in the most severe and dangerous cases For sale by V T









I 3tfriHotel


i i rglI


Thirty Fivewas










AH kinds of fresh meatPROCTOR CO

Mr Sallee of WasonMs the guestof Hord Barnes

Dr and Mrs C B Simth spentMonday in Lexington

Mrs Bertie Ball of Lewis countyis the guest of her niece Mrs Joe W

Mock vR M Caldwell left Monday for a

few days visit to friends in German

Shannon and family returned Saturday from Lake Chautauqua New

Mrs Margaret Howard and daughter Miss Ida of Carlisle aie guests ofMrs John Mock

Miss Louella Payne of Georgetown is the guest of her aunt MrsG S Allen











Miss Nannie Bowden of Winchester is visiting her grandmother MrsNancy Allen

The union services Sunday eveningwill be at the Baptist church Sermonby Rev G L Kerr

Mrs Sallie Best attended thefuneral services of Dr E H Rutherford at Paris Saturday

Mrs R S Sanders left Tuesdayfor a two weeks visit to her fatherMr Irwin Taylor of New York



Miss Stella Hurst and guest MissRoundtree returned Monday from avisit to relatives in Bath county

J G Allen and brother MrsFrank Allen of left Monday for Cincinnati and other points

and Mrs H McKinney ofCarlisle spent Saturday and Sundaywith her parents Mr and Mrs OscarRankin

Mrs Hattie Brown and daughterMiss Lydia have returned after athree weeks stay at Martinayille muchimproved

Mrs Wallace Shannon and littledaughter Frances and Nettie leftMonday for a months visit to hermother in Greenville Miss

Marvin Whaley who has been withhis mother Mrs Mary J Whaley forseveral weeks left Tuesday to resumehis duties at Crown Point Ind

Mrs Swift and daughter Lucileof Birmingham Ala and Mrs HaroldCollins of Maysville are guests oftheir sister Mrs John Ingels andfamily

Miss Belle T Judy has returnedafter a protracted visit to her sisterMrs Carl Vaught of Parkersburgand aunt Mrs Creighton of Indianapolis Ind

Dr and Mrs Wm Savage and little son Robert have returned to theirhome in Cincinnati after a weeksvisit to his father Mr T E Savageand family

Quite a number here are campingat Parks Hill Mrs P L Dimmittand dauhgter Miss Lula McNamaraMisses Fisher Hardie and DicksonMisses Katherine and Elizabeth MillerMrs Rebecca Collier and

Miss Valette McClintock MissesLottie Vimont Laura Jefferson DrH C Burroughs and C E Bryan areamong thenumber

Dr N







PicNic HamsFine picnic finest you ever

saw at 10 cents per pound during themonth of August


Rewards OfferedGovernor Willson has offered another

reward of 500 and there is now 1000reward for those guilty of the Russellville lynching

Sultan StabbedThe Sultan of Turkey was stabbed

in the breast Monday night by a minorpalace official The coat of mail whichthe Sultan always wear deflected theblow The assassin was arrested

State Campaign CommitteeAfter being on the job for a week

and giving it the most careful thoughtthe subcommittee appointed last Wednesday to select a Democratic Cam

Committee for Kentucky wentto Louisville Wednesday got togetherand announced their selections

This is the excellent committee whichwas decided upon

Judge Lewis McQuown of Frankfort Seventh district

Judge W Young of MoreheadTenth district

Senator R B Brown of WarsawSixth district

Judge S W Hager of AshlandNinth district

Senator P S Maxwell of MarionFirst district

Josh T Griffith of Owensboro Second district

This committee is headed by Congressman Ben Johnson of Bqrdstownwho was elected chairman last weekwithout opposition

A meeting of the Democratic StateCampaign Committee has been called

Chairman Johnson to convene at theSeelbach Hotel Louisville Tuesdayat which meeting the secretary of thecommittee will be selected and permanent State Democratic Campaign

selected At the meetingnext the initial steps towardsecuring information for the electionof chairmen of the various county campaign commttees will be taken

The members of the DemocraticState Campaign Cqmmittee werechosen by State Chairman PrewittA Berry of Paducah and Judge J ADonaldson of Carrollton who werenamed by the State committees andBen Johnson the campaign chairmanand Congressman Oliie M James whowas invited to the conference for thepurpose of giving hia viaws Themeeting was in the nature of an

session and continued for some

timeBen Johnson the chairman of theycampaign committee stated that inmaking the selections there was notthe slightest evidence of dissen

whatever He said that the onlydifficulty which had so far arisen wasthat of locating the members overtheState








l C-





J lY-


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> >


fiatiway CityVVins INo 2939





And You Certainly CanNot Help to Take a

Pleasant Peep at Our

Smart Styles of

Oxfords and Pumps


SOLE AGENTHanan and Nettleton Shoes

Geo IVIcWiliamsThe Shoe Man

Both Phones 301 PARIS KY

Of the Me TooThe general opinion on the Taft

speech of acceptance seems that t

it was of the me too variety witha happy omission of the personal pro j

noun with which Mr Roosevelt so

my policies His fulsome praise ofthe President however stops short ofapproving new experimental legislation but insists that the chief function of the next admistration is toclinch what has been done JAr Taftputs off the income tax issue a moreconvenient season when the government needs more revenue he apologizes for Republicanextravagance andwhat is of most importance to Democrats he surrenders to theters on the tariff issue and refuses tomake extreme concessions to laborunions The speech is evidently intended to propitate the buisness interests if not Wall street

Gompers on the StumpSamuel Gompers President of the

American Federation of Labor left forLima Ohio Tuesday to make aspeech presumably of a politicalnature From there he will go toColumbus to speak again The program is taken to mean that Gompersintends to get into the thick of thecontest Presidency-

He favors the election of Mr Bryanand it is anticipated that he will nothesitate to so advise his audiences inOhio which doubtless will consistchiefly of organized labor men Whenhe was asked about his trip to OhioJompers said his speeches were to be

addresses and not political addresses He explained that theywould speak fnr themselves after theywere delivered It is Gompers plan toconduct an active canvas for Bryan

Big Potato YieldMcKee Brothers of Woodford county

are pleased with the results of theirfirst venture in potatoes on a largeset la They have sixty acres and havesola the entire crop of F F Clawsonof Columbus Tenn for 70 cents abushels f o b Versailhs They aremaking a second planting now and sayboth crops will consume six monthstime They will realize about 140 anacre which they say is far more

than tobacco

Prescription by PigeonCarrier pigeons are used by physi

cians in the north of Scotland as messengers between the houses of patients and the home of the doctor whotakes several of the pigeons with himon his long rounds If one of his patients needs medicine immediately hewrites out a prescription and sendsthe bird back to the office for it

Willows from Napoleonsis interesting to learn that prac

tically all the weeping willows in NewZealand are products of theUsupplywhich John Tinline carried away withhim from Napoleons grave nearly 60years ago Mr Tinline who was oneof the early pioneers of New Zealandkept them alive on the voyage bysticking them into potatoes

The Born LeaderMany a man who was born to be

ft leader has been out of a job mostof the time because he couldnt findanybody who wanted to be led

Variety 1



permeated his extensive remarks onJJ

stand oat


for the




















n Premiums

The Reason

number of children of school age doesnot increase as rapidly as value of tax

school age reported this year is morethan one hundred less than reportedlast year Small families or none atall are becoming fashionable and weare approaching the conditionin older countries where theincreases very slowly WinchesterDemocrat


Rev J S Malone will preach asusual at the union meeting of the Presbyterian church at the Second churchSunday morning

Union services of the Associatedchurches will be held at the Second

church will preach the sermonI

assisted by Rev J W Porter of Lexington who is a fine pulpit oratorHis subject for tonight will be Nowor Never Sunday afternoon at 3 30oclock Dr Porter will speak to menonly his subject being the Death

I Supper At the evening hour DrPorter will preach from the subject

Lots Escape from Sodom

Amateur Night at the Grandi Tonight is night at thevaudeville theatre of McMahan

night that is never overlooked by the average theatre goerand the house is invariably packed toits capacity Manager Jackson willintroduce in the amateur program thePrais quartette which has on severaloccasion appeared in public and eachtime has scored a decided hit It iscomposed of Messrs Ray and Wallace

Prentice Lancaster and ClaySutherland Besides the amateur actshere is to be a new illustrated songand new motion pictures the famousRainbow sisters and Phillips themusical wonder Phillips and theRainbow sisters made their first appearane at the theatre last evening

Sleeping Bag for BabiesTo protect babies from the draughts

of winter nights a sleeping bag is onthe market It is made precisely likethose in use by the ranchmen of thewest except that it is of the daintiestsoftest eiderdown The flapmay be drawn about the shouldersthus providing a cozy warm nest inwhich the coverlid cannot be tossedaside by the restlessness smalloccupant

Making Light of Rules-i I chafe against the regulationsmurmured the college girl as she

surreptitious Welsh rarebit at2 a Lampoon

Wasted EffortsSociety women are giving East Side

girls lessons in courtship Next thingthey will be teaching young ducks howto Y Herald





















u ark





Aug 10 15

6 Big Days 6=

In Premiums


DeBaugiis Military Band and Megaphone QuartetteAn Unequalled Programme of Free Acts and Carnival Attractions



IOUETT SHOUSE Secretary Lexington Ky

f 4t i YT tt a-y

