Recent Advances in Efficient Computation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Jian Cheng * , Peisong Wang, Gang Li, Qinghao Hu, Hanqing Lu National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences [email protected] Abstract Deep neural networks have evolved remarkably over the past few years and they are currently the fundamental tools of many intelligent systems. At the same time, the compu- tational complexity and resource consumption of these net- works also continue to increase. This will pose a signifi- cant challenge to the deployment of such networks, espe- cially in real-time applications or on resource-limited de- vices. Thus, network acceleration has become a hot topic within the deep learning community. As for hardware im- plementation of deep neural networks, a batch of acceler- ators based on FPGA/ASIC have been proposed in recent years. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of recent advances in network acceleration, compression and accelerator design from both algorithm and hardware points of view. Specifically, we provide a thorough analysis of each of the following topics: network pruning, low-rank approximation, network quantization, teacher-student net- works, compact network design and hardware accelerators. Finally, we will introduce and discuss a few possible future directions. 1. Introduction In recent years, deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable performance across a wide range of applications, including but not limited to computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, etc. These breakthroughs are closely related to the increased amount of training data and more powerful computing resources now available. For example, one breakthrough in the nat- ural image recognition field was achieved by AlexNet [44], which was trained using multiple graphics processing units (GPUs) on about 1.2M images. Since then, the performance of DNNs has continued to improve. For many tasks, DNNs are reported to be able to outperform humans. The problem, * The corresponding author. however, is that the computational complexity as well as the storage requirements of these DNNs has also increased drastically as shown in Table 1. Specifically, the widely used VGG-16 model [72] involves more than 500MB of storage and over 15B FLOPs to classify a single 224 × 224 image. Thanks to the recent crop of powerful GPUs and CPU clusters equipped with more abundant memory resources and computational units, these more powerful DNNs can be trained within a relatively reasonable time period. However, when it is time for the inference phase, such a long execu- tion time is impractical for real-time applications. Recent years have witnessed great progress in embedded and mo- bile devices including unmanned drones, smart phones, in- telligent glasses, etc. The demand for deployment of DNN models on these devices has become more intense. How- ever, the resources of these devices, for example, the storage and computational units as well as the battery power remain very limited, and this poses a real challenge in accelerating modern DNNs in low-cost settings. Therefore, a critical problem currently is how to equip specific hardware with efficient deep networks without sig- nificantly lowering the performance. To deal with this issue, many great ideas and methods from the algorithm side have been investigated over the past few years. Some of these works focused on model compression while others focused on acceleration or lowering power consumption. As for the hardware side, a wide variety of FPGA/ASIC-based accel- erators have been proposed for embedded and mobile appli- cations. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of several advanced approaches in network compression, ac- celeration and accelerator design. We will present the cen- tral ideas behind each approach and explore the similarities and differences between the different methods. Finally, we will present some future directions in the field. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec- tion 2, we give some background on network acceleration and compression. From Section 3 to Section 7, we sys- tematically describe a series of hardware-efficient DNN al- arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018

arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

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Page 1: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

Recent Advances in Efficient Computation ofDeep Convolutional Neural Networks

Jian Cheng∗, Peisong Wang, Gang Li, Qinghao Hu, Hanqing LuNational Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

University of Chinese Academy of [email protected]


Deep neural networks have evolved remarkably over thepast few years and they are currently the fundamental toolsof many intelligent systems. At the same time, the compu-tational complexity and resource consumption of these net-works also continue to increase. This will pose a signifi-cant challenge to the deployment of such networks, espe-cially in real-time applications or on resource-limited de-vices. Thus, network acceleration has become a hot topicwithin the deep learning community. As for hardware im-plementation of deep neural networks, a batch of acceler-ators based on FPGA/ASIC have been proposed in recentyears. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive surveyof recent advances in network acceleration, compressionand accelerator design from both algorithm and hardwarepoints of view. Specifically, we provide a thorough analysisof each of the following topics: network pruning, low-rankapproximation, network quantization, teacher-student net-works, compact network design and hardware accelerators.Finally, we will introduce and discuss a few possible futuredirections.

1. IntroductionIn recent years, deep neural networks (DNNs) have

achieved remarkable performance across a wide range ofapplications, including but not limited to computer vision,natural language processing, speech recognition, etc. Thesebreakthroughs are closely related to the increased amountof training data and more powerful computing resourcesnow available. For example, one breakthrough in the nat-ural image recognition field was achieved by AlexNet [44],which was trained using multiple graphics processing units(GPUs) on about 1.2M images. Since then, the performanceof DNNs has continued to improve. For many tasks, DNNsare reported to be able to outperform humans. The problem,

∗The corresponding author.

however, is that the computational complexity as well asthe storage requirements of these DNNs has also increaseddrastically as shown in Table 1. Specifically, the widelyused VGG-16 model [72] involves more than 500MB ofstorage and over 15B FLOPs to classify a single 224× 224image.

Thanks to the recent crop of powerful GPUs and CPUclusters equipped with more abundant memory resourcesand computational units, these more powerful DNNs can betrained within a relatively reasonable time period. However,when it is time for the inference phase, such a long execu-tion time is impractical for real-time applications. Recentyears have witnessed great progress in embedded and mo-bile devices including unmanned drones, smart phones, in-telligent glasses, etc. The demand for deployment of DNNmodels on these devices has become more intense. How-ever, the resources of these devices, for example, the storageand computational units as well as the battery power remainvery limited, and this poses a real challenge in acceleratingmodern DNNs in low-cost settings.

Therefore, a critical problem currently is how to equipspecific hardware with efficient deep networks without sig-nificantly lowering the performance. To deal with this issue,many great ideas and methods from the algorithm side havebeen investigated over the past few years. Some of theseworks focused on model compression while others focusedon acceleration or lowering power consumption. As for thehardware side, a wide variety of FPGA/ASIC-based accel-erators have been proposed for embedded and mobile appli-cations. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey ofseveral advanced approaches in network compression, ac-celeration and accelerator design. We will present the cen-tral ideas behind each approach and explore the similaritiesand differences between the different methods. Finally, wewill present some future directions in the field.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec-tion 2, we give some background on network accelerationand compression. From Section 3 to Section 7, we sys-tematically describe a series of hardware-efficient DNN al-








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Page 2: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

gorithms, including network pruning, low-rank approxima-tion, network quantization, teacher-student networks andcompact network design. In Section 8, we introduce the de-sign and implementation of hardware accelerators based onFPGA/ASIC technologies. In Section 9, we discuss somefuture directions in the field, and Section 10 concludes thepaper.

2. BackgroundRecently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs)

have become quite popular due to their powerful represen-tational capacity. With the huge success of CNNs, the de-mand for deployment of deep networks in real world ap-plications has continued to increase. However, the largestorage consumption and computational complexity remaintwo key problems for deployment of these networks. Forthe CNN training phase, the computational complexity isnot a critical problem thanks to the high performance GPUsor CPU clouds. The large storage consumption also has lesseffect on the training phase because modern computers havevery large disk and memory storage capacities. However,things are quite different for the inference phase in CNNs,especially with regard to embedded and mobile devices.

The enormous computational complexity introduces twoproblems in the deployment of CNNs in real-world appli-cations. One is that the CNN inference phase slows downas the computational complexity grows larger. This makesit difficult to deploy CNNs in real-time applications. Theother problem is that the dense computation inherent toCNNs will consume substantial battery power, which is lim-ited on mobile devices.

The large number of parameters of CNNs consumes con-siderable storage and run-time memory, which are quitelimited on embedded devices. In addition, it becomes moredifficult to download new models online on mobile devices.

To solve these problems, network compression and ac-celeration methods have been proposed. In general, thecomputational complexity of CNNs is dominated by theconvolutional layers, while the number of parameters ismainly related to the fully connected layers as shown inTable 1. Thus, most network acceleration methods focuson decreasing the computational complexity of the con-volutional layers, while the network compression methodsmainly try to compress the fully connected layers.

3. Network PruningPruning methods were proposed before deep learning be-

came popular, and they have been widely studied in recentyears [47, 24, 22, 23]. Based on the assumption that manyparameters in deep networks are unimportant or unneces-sary, pruning methods are used to remove the unimportantparameters. In this way, pruning methods can expand the

sparsity of the parameters significantly. The high sparsityof the parameters after pruning introduces two benefits fordeep neural networks. On the one hand, the sparse param-eters after pruning require less disk storage since the pa-rameters can be stored in the compressed sparse row format(CSR) or compressed sparse column (CSC) format. On theother hand, computations involving those pruned parame-ters are omitted; thus, the computational complexity of deepnetworks can be reduced. According to the granularity ofthe pruning, pruning methods can be categorized into fivegroups: fine-grained pruning, vector-level pruning, kernel-level pruning, group-level pruning and filter-level pruning.Figure. 1 shows the pruning methods with their differentgranularities. In the following subsections, we describe thedifferent pruning methods in detail.

3.1. Fine-grained Pruning

Fine-grained pruning methods or vanilla pruning meth-ods remove parameters in an unstructured way, i.e., anyunimportant parameters in the convolutional kernels canbe pruned, as shown in Figure. 1. Since there are no ex-tra constraints on the pruning patterns, the parameters canbe pruned with a high sparsity. Early works on pruning[47, 24] used the approximate second-order derivativesesof the loss function w.r.t. the parameters to determine thesaliency of the parameters, and then pruned those param-eters with low saliency. Yet, deep networks can ill affordto compute the second order derivativeses due to the hugecomputational complexity. Recently [22] proposed a deepcompression framework to compress deep neural networksin three steps: pruning, quantization, and Huffman encod-ing. By using this method, AlexNet could be compressed by35× without drops in accuracy. After pruning, the prunedparameters in [22] remain unchanged, incorrectly prunedparameters could cause accuracy drops. To solve this prob-lem, [17] proposed a dynamic network surgery framework,which consists of two operations: pruning and splicing. Thepruning operation aims to prune those unimportant param-eters while the splicing operation aims to recover the in-correctly pruned connections. Their method requires fewertraining epochs and achieves a better compression ratio than[22].

3.2. Vector-level and Kernel-level Pruning

Vector-level pruning methods prune vectors in the con-volutional kernels, and kernel-level pruning methods prune2-D convolutional kernels in the filters. Since most pruningmethods focus on fine-grained pruning or filter-level prun-ing, there are few works on vector-level and kernel-levelpruning. [3] first explored the kernel-level pruning, and thenproposed an intra-kernel strided pruning method, whichprunes a sub-vector in a fixed stride. [58] explored differ-ent granularity levels in pruning, and found that vector-level

Page 3: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

Table 1. The computation and parameters for state-of-art convolution neural networks

Method Parameters ComputationSize(M) Conv(%) Fc(%) FLOPS(G) Conv(%) Fc(%)

AlexNet 61 3.8 96.2 0.72 91.9 8.1VGG-S 103 6.3 93.7 2.6 96.3 3.7VGG16 138 10.6 89.4 15.5 99.2 0.8

NIN 7.6 100 0 1.1 100 0GoogLeNet 6.9 85.1 14.9 1.6 99.9 0.1ResNet-18 5.6 100 0 1.8 100 0ResNet-50 12.2 100 0 3.8 100 0

ResNet-101 21.2 100 0 7.6 100 0

Figure 1. Different pruning methods for a convolutional layerwhich has 3 convolutional filters of size 3× 3× 3.

Figure 2. Group-level Pruning.

pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to indicatethe pruned parameters. Nevertheless, vector-level, kernel-level, and filter-level pruning techniques are friendlier inhardware implementations since they are the more struc-tured pruning methods.

3.3. Group-level Pruning

Group-level pruning methods prune the parameters ac-cording to the same sparse pattern on the filters. As shownin Figure 2, each filter has the same sparsity pattern, thus theconvolutional filters can be represented as a thinned densematrix. By using group-level pruning, convolutions can be

implemented by thinned dense matrices multiplication. Asa result, the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS)can be utilized to achieve a higher speed-up. [46] proposedthe group-wise brain damage approach, which prunes theweight matrix in a group-wise fashion. By using group-sparsity regularization, deep networks can be trained easilywith group-sparsified parameters. Since group-level prun-ing can utilize the BLAS library, the practical speed-up isalmost linear at the sparsity level. By using this method,they achieved a 3.2× speed-up for all convolutional layersin AlexNet. Concurrent with [46], [85] proposed using thegroup Lasso to prune groups of parameters. In contrast, [85]explored different levels of structured sparsity in terms offilters, channels, filter shapes, and depth. Their method canbe regarded as a more general group-regularized pruningmethod. For AlexNet’s convolutional layers, their methodachieves about 5.1× and 3.1× speed-ups on a CPU andGPU respectively.

3.4. Filter-level Pruning

Filter-level pruning methods prune the convolutional fil-ters or channels which make the deep networks thinner. Af-ter the filter pruning for one layer, the number of input chan-nels of the next layer is also reduced. Thus, filter-level prun-ing is more efficient for accelerating deep networks. [54]proposed a filter-level pruning method named ThiNet. Theyused the next layer’s feature map to guide the filter prun-ing in the current layer. By minimizing the feature map’sreconstruction errors, they select the channels in a greedyway. Similar to [54], [26] proposed an iterative two-stepalgorithm to prune filters by minimizing the feature maperrors. Specifically, they introduced a selection weight βifor each filter Wi, then added sparse constraints on βi.Then the channel selection problem can be casted into aLASSO regression problem. To minimize the feature maperrors, they iteratively updated β and W . Moreover, theirmethod achieved a 5× speed-up on VGG-16 network withlittle drop in accuracy. Instead of using additional selectionweight β, [53] proposed to leverage the scaling factor of thebatch normalization layer for to evaluate the importance of

Page 4: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

the filters. By pruning the channels with near-zero scalingfactors, they can prune filters without introducing overheadinto the networks.

4. Low-rank Approximation

The convolutional kernel of a convolutional layer W ∈Rw×h×c×n is a 4-D tensor. These four dimensions corre-spond to the kernel width, kernel height and the number ofinput and output channels respectively. Note that by merg-ing some of the dimensions, the 4-D tensor can be trans-formed into a t-D (t = 1, · · · 4) tensor. The motivationbehind low-rank decomposition is to find an approximatetensor W that is close to W but facilitates more efficientcomputation. Many low-rank based methods have been pro-posed by the community; two key differences are in howto rearrange the four dimensions, and on which dimensionthe low-rank constraint is imposed. Here we roughly dividethe low-rank based methods into three categories, accord-ing to how many components the filters are decomposedinto: two-component decomposition, three-component de-composition and four-component decomposition.

4.1. Two-component Decomposition

For two-component decomposition, the weight tensor isdivided into two parts and the convolutional layer is re-placed by two successive layers. [35] decomposed the spa-tial dimensionw∗h intow∗1 and 1∗h filters. They achieveda 4.5× speedup for a CNN trained on a text character recog-nition dataset, with a 1% accuracy drop.

SVD is a popular low-rank matrix decompositionmethod. By merging the dimensions w, h and c, the ker-nel becomes a 2-D matrix of size (w ∗ h ∗ c)× n, on whichthe SVD decomposition method can be conducted. In [11],the authors utilized SVD to reduce the network redundancy.SVD decomposition was also investigated in [97], in whichthe filters were replaced by two filter banks: one consistingof d filters of shape w × h × c and the other composed ofn filters of shape 1 × 1 × d. Here, d represents the rankof the decomposition, i.e., the n filters are linear combina-tions of the first d filters. They also proposed the non-linearresponse reconstruction method based on the low-rank de-composition. On the challenging VGG-16 model for theImageNet classification task, this two-component SVD de-composition method achieved a 3× theoretical speedup at acost of about 1.66% increased top-5 error.

Similarly, another SVD decomposition method can beused by exploring the low-rank property along the inputchannel dimension c. In this way, we reshape the weighttensor into a matrix of size c × (w ∗ h ∗ n). By selectingthe rank to d, the convolution can be decomposed first by a1 × 1 × c × d convolution and then by a w × h × d × nconvolution. These two decomposition are symmetric.

4.2. Three-component Decomposition

Based on the analysis of two-component decomposi-tion methods, one straightforward three-component decom-position method can be obtained by two successive two-component decompositions. Note that in the SVD decom-position, two weight tensors are introduced. The first is aw × h × c × d tensor and the other is a d × n tensor (ma-trix). The first convolution is also very time consuming dueto the large size of the first tensor. We can also conducta two-component decomposition on the first weight ten-sor after the SVD decomposition, which turns into a three-component decomposition method. This strategy was stud-ied by [97], whereby after the SVD decomposition, theyutilized the decomposition method proposed by [35] for thefirst decomposed tensor. Thus, the final three componentswere convolutions with a spatial size of w × 1, 1 × h, and1 × 1, respectively. By utilizing this three-component de-composition, only a 0.3% increased top-5 error was pro-duced in [97] for a 4× theoretical speedup.

If we use the SVD decomposition along the input chan-nel dimension for the first tensor after the two-componentdecomposition, we can get the Tucker decomposition for-mat as proposed by [41]. These three components areconvolutions of a spatial size 1 × 1, w × h and another1 × 1 convolution. Note that instead of using the two-step SVD decomposition, [41] utilized the Tucker decom-position method directly to obtain these three components.Their method achieved a 4.93× theoretical speedup at a costof 0.5% increased top-5 accuracy.

To further reduce complexity, [80] proposed a Block-Term Decomposition (BTD) method based on low-rank andgroup sparse decomposition. Note that in the Tucker de-composition, the second component corresponding to thew × h convolution also requires a large number of com-putations. Because the second tensor is already low rankalong both the input and output channel dimensions, the de-composition methods discussed above cannot be used anylonger. [80] proposed to approximate the original weighttensor by the sum of some smaller subtensors, each ofwhich is in the Tucker decomposition format. By rearrang-ing these subtensors, the BTD can be seen as a Tucker de-composition where the second decomposed tensor is a blockdiagonal tensor. By using this decomposition, they achieveda 7.4% actual speedup for the VGG-16 model, at a costof a 1.3% increased in the top-5 error. Their method alsoachieved high speedup for object detection and image re-trieval tasks as reported in [82].

4.3. Four-component Decomposition

By exploring the low-rank property along the in-put/output channel dimension as well as the spatial dimen-sion, a four-component decomposition can be obtained.This is corresponds to the CP-decomposition acceleration

Page 5: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

method proposed in [45]. In this way, the four componentsare convolutions of size 1 × 1, w × 1, 1 × h and 1 × 1.The CP-decomposition can achieve a very high speedup ra-tio, however, due to the approximate error, only the secondlayer of AlexNet was processed in [45]. They achieved a4.5× speedup for the second layer of AlexNet at a cost ofabout a 1% accuracy drop.

5. Network Quantization

Quantization is an approach for many compression andacceleration applications. It has wide applications in imagecompression, information retrieval, etc. Many quantizationmethods have also been investigated for network acceler-ation and compression. We can categorize these methodsinto two main groups: (1) scalar and vector quantization,which may need a codebook for quantization, and (2) fixed-point quantization.

5.1. Scalar and Vector Quantization

Scalar and vector quantization techniques have a longhistory, and they were originally used for data compression.By using scalar or vector quantization, the original datacan be represented by a codebook and a set of quantizationcodes. The codebook contains a set of quantization centers,and the quantization codes are used to indicate the assign-ment of the quantization centers. In general, the number ofquantization centers is far smaller than the amount of orig-inal data. In addition, quantization codes can be encodedthrough a lossless encoding method, e.g., Huffman coding,or just represented as low-bit fixed points. Thus, scalar orvector quantization can achieve a high compression ratio.[15] explored scalar and vector quantization techniques forcompressing deep networks. For scalar quantization, theyused the well-known K-means algorithm to compress theparameters. In addition, the product quantization algorithm(PQ) [36], a special case of vector quantization, was lever-aged to compress the fully connected layers. By partitioningthe feature space into several disjoint subspaces and thenconducting K-means in each subspace, the PQ algorithmcan compress the fully connected layers with little loss. As[15] only compressed the fully connected layers, in [86] and[8], the authors proposed to utilize the PQ algorithm to si-multaneously accelerate and compress convolutional neuralnetworks. They proposed to quantize the convolutional fil-ters layer by layer by minimizing the feature map’s recon-struction loss. During the inference phase, a look-up tableis built by pre-computing the inner product between featuremap patches and codebooks, then the output feature mapcan be calculated by simply accessing the look-up table. Byusing this method, they can achieve 4∼ 6× speedup and 15∼ 20× compression ratio with little accuracy loss.

5.2. Fixed-point Quantization

Fixed-point quantization is an effective approach forlowering the resource consumption of a network. Based onwhich part is quantized, two main categories can be clas-sified, i.e., weight quantization and activation quantization.There are some other works that try to also quantize gradi-ents, which can result in acceleration at the network train-ing stage. Here, we mainly review weight quantization andactivation quantization methods, which accelerate the test-phase computation. Table 2 summarizes these methods ac-cording to which part is quantized and whether the trainingand testing stages can be accelerated.

5.2.1 Fixed-point Quantization of Weights

Fixed-point weight quantization is a fairly mature topic innetwork acceleration and compression. [19] proposed aVLSI architecture for network acceleration using 8-bit in-put and output, and 16-bit internal representation. In [28],the authors provided a theoretical analysis of error causedby low-bit quantization to determine the bitwidth for a mul-tilayer perceptron. They showed that 8∼16 bit quantizationwas sufficient for training small neural networks. Theseearly works mainly focused on simple multilayer percep-trons. A more recent work [6] showed that it is necessaryto use 32-bit fixed-point for the convergence of a convolu-tional neural network trained on MNIST dataset. By usingstochastic rounding, the work by [18] found that it is suffi-cient to use 16-bit fixed-point numbers to train a convolu-tional neural network on MNIST. In addition, 8-bit fixed-point quantization was also investigated in [12] to speed upthe convergence of deep networks in parallel training. Log-arithmic data representation was also investigated in [59].

Recently, much lower bit quantization or even binaryand ternary quantization methods have been investigated.Expectation Backpropagation (EBP) was introduced in [9],which utilized the variational Bayes method to binarizethe network. The BinaryConnect method proposed in [10]constrained all weights to be either +1 or -1. By train-ing from scratch, the BinaryConnect can even outperformthe floating-point counterpart on the CIFAR-10 [43] imageclassification dataset. Using binary quantization, the net-work can be compressed about 32 times compared to 32-bitfloating-point networks. Most of the floating-point multi-plication can also be eliminated [51]. In [65], the authorsproposed the Binary Weight Network (BWN), which wasamong the earliest works that achieved good results on thelarge ImageNet [68] dataset. Loss-aware binarization wasproposed in ([30]), which can directly minimize the clas-sification loss with respect to the binarized weights. Inthe work of [32], the authors proposed a novel approachcalled BWNH to train Binary Weight Networks via Hash-ing, which outperformed other weight binarization methods

Page 6: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

Table 2. Comparison of fixed-point quantization methods according to which part is quantized and whether the training and testing stagescan be accelerated.

MethodQuantization Acceleration

Weight Activation Gradient Training TestingBinaryConnect [10] Binary Full Full No Yes

BWN [65] Binary Full Full No YesBWNH [32] Binary Full Full No YesTWN [48] Binary Full Full No YesFFN [81] Ternary Full Full No YesINQ [99] Ternary-5bit Full Full No YesBNN [65] Binary Binary Full No Yes

XNOR [65] Binary Binary Full No YesHWGQ [4] Binary 2bit Full No Yes

DoReFa-Net [100] Binary 1-4bit 6bit, 8bit, Full Yes Yes

by a large margin. Ternary quantization was also utilized in[33]. In [48], the authors proposed the Ternary Weight Net-work (TWN), which was similar to BWN, but constrainedall weights to be ternary values among {-1, 0, +1}. TheTWN outperformed BWN by a large margin on deep mod-els like ResNet. Trained Ternary Quantization proposed in[101] learned both ternary values and ternary assignments atthe same time using back-propagation. They achieved com-parable results on the AlexNet model. Different from previ-ous quantization methods, the Incremental Network Quan-tization (INQ) method proposed in [99] gradually turnedall weights into a logarithmic format in a multi-step man-ner. This incremental quantization strategy can lower thequantization error during each stage, and thus can makethe quantization problem much easier. All these low-bitquantization methods discussed above directly quantize thefull-precision weight into a fixed-point format. In [81], theauthors proposed a very different quantization strategy. Instead of direct quantization, they proposed using a fixed-point factorized network (FFN) to quantize all weights intoternary values. This fixed-point decomposition method cansignificantly lower the quantization error. The FFN methodachieved comparable results on commonly used deep mod-els such as AlexNet, VGG-16 and ResNet.

5.2.2 Fixed-point Quantization of Activations

Given only weight quantization, there is also a need for thetime-consuming floating-point operations. If the activationswere also quantized into fixed-point values, the networkcan be efficiently executed by only fixed-point operations.Many activation quantization methods were also proposedby the deep learning community. The bitwise neural net-work was proposed in [40]. Binarized Neural Networks(BNN) were among the first works that quantized bothweights and activations into either -1 or +1. BNN achieveda comparable accuracy with the full-precision baseline onthe CIFAR-10 dataset. To extend the BNN for the Ima-geNet classification task, the authors in [75] improved the

training strategies of the BNN. Much higher accuracy wasreported using these strategies. Based on the BWN, theauthors in [65] further quantize all activations into binaryvalues, making the network into a XNOR-Net. Comparedwith BNN, the XNOR-Net can achieve much higher accu-racy on the ImageNet dataset. To further understand theeffect of bit-width on the training of deep neural networks,the DoReFa-Net was proposed in [100]. It investigated theeffect of different bit-widths for weights and activations aswell as gradients. By making use of batch normalization,the work by [4] presented the Half-wave Gaussian Quanti-zation (HWGQ) method to quantize both weights and ac-tivations. A high performance was achieved on commonlyused CNN models using the HWGQ methond, with 2-bitactivations and binary weights.

6. Teacher-student Network

The teacher-student network is different from the net-work compression or acceleration methods since it trainsa student network using a teacher network and the studentnetwork can be designed with a different network architec-ture. Generally speaking, a teacher network is a large neuralnetwork or the ensemble of neural networks while a studentnetwork is a compact and efficient neural network. By uti-lizing the dark knowledge transferred from the teacher net-work, the student network can achieve higher accuracy thantraining merely through the class labels. [27] proposed theknowledge distillation (KD) method which trains a studentnetwork by the softmax layer’s output of the teacher net-work. Following this line of thinking, [67] proposed the Fit-Nets to train a deeper and thinner student network. Since thedepth of neural networks is more important than the widthof them, a deeper student network would have higher ac-curacy. Besides, they utilized both intermediate layers’ fea-turemaps and soft outputs of the teacher network to train thestudent network. Rather than mimicking the intermediatelayers’ feature maps, [91] proposed to train a student net-work by imitating the attention maps of a teacher network.

Page 7: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

Their experiments showed that the attention maps are moreimportant than the layers’ activations and their method canachieve higher accuracy than FitNets.

7. Compact Network DesignThe objective of network acceleration and compression

is to optimize the execution and storage framework for agiven deep neural network. One property is that the networkarchitecture is not changed. Another parallel line of inquiryfor network acceleration and compression is to design moreefficient but low-cost network architecture itself.

In [50], the authors proposed Network-In-Network ar-chitecture, where a 1×1 convolution was utilized to increasethe network capacity while keeping the overall computa-tional complexity small. To reduce the storage requirementof the CNN models, they also proposed to remove the fullyconnected layer and make use of a global average pooling.These strategies are also used by many state-of-the-art CNNmodels like GoogLeNet [74] and ResNet [25].

Branching (multiple group convolution) is another com-monly used strategy for lowering network complexity,which was explored in the work of GoogLeNet [74]. Bylargely making use of 1 × 1 convolution and the branchingstrategy, the SqueezeNet proposed in [34] achieved about50× compression over AlexNet, with comparable accu-racy. By branching, the work of ResNeXt work of [89]can achieve much higher accuracy than the ResNet [25]at the same computational budget. The depth-wise con-volution proposed in MobileNet [31] takes the branchingstrategy to the extreme, i.e., the number of branches equalsthe number of input/output channels. The resulting Mo-bileNet can be 32× smaller and 27× faster than the VGG-16 model, with comparable image classification accuracyon ImageNet. When using depth-wise convolution and 1×1convolution as in MobileNet, most of the computation andparameters reside in the 1 × 1 convolutions. One strat-egy to further lower the complexity of the 1 × 1 convolu-tion is to use multiple groups. The ShuffleNet proposed in[96] introduced the channel shuffle operation to increase theinformation change within the multiple groups, which canprominently increase the representational power of the net-works. Their method achieved about 13× actual speedupover AlexNet with comparable accuracy.

8. Hardware Accelerator8.1. Background

Deep neural networks provide impressive performancefor various tasks while suffering from degrees of computa-tional complexity. Traditionally, algorithms based on deepneural networks should be executed on general purposeplatforms such as CPUs and GPUs, but this works at theexpense of unexpected power consumption and oversized

Figure 3. General architecture of an accelerator on dedicated hard-ware.

resource utilization for both computing and storage. In re-cent years, there are an increasing number of applicationsthat are based on embedded systems, including autonomousvehicles, unmanned drones, security cameras, etc. Con-sidering the demands for high performance, light weightand low power consumption on these devices, CPU/GPU-based solutions are no longer suitable. In this scenario,FPGA/ASIC-based hardware accelerators are gaining pop-ularity as efficient alternatives.

8.2. General Architecture

The deployment of a DNN on a real-world applicationconsists of two phases: training and inference. Networktraining is known to be expensive in terms of speed andmemory, thus it is usually carried out on GPUs off-line.During the inference phase, the pre-trained network param-eters can be loaded either from the cloud or from dedicatedoff-chip memory. Most recently, hardware accelerators fortraining have received widespread attention [42, 90, 79], butin this section we mainly focus on the inference phase inembedded settings.

Typically, an accelerator is composed of five parts: databuffers, parameter buffers, processing elements, global con-troller and off-chip transfer manager, as shown in Figure. 3.The data buffers are used to caching input images, interme-diate data and output predictions, while the weight buffersare mainly used to cache convolutional filters. Processingelements are a collection of basic computing units that ex-ecute multiply-adds, non-linearity and any other functionssuch as normalization, quantization, etc. The global con-troller is used to orchestrate the computing flow on-chip,while off-chip transfers of data and instructions are con-ducted through a manager. This basic architecture can befound in existing accelerators designed for both specific andgeneral tasks.

Heterogeneous computing is widely adopted in hard-

Page 8: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

ware acceleration. For computing-intensive operations suchas multiply-adds, it is efficient to fit them on hardwarefor high throughout, otherwise, data pre-processing, soft-max and any other graphic operations can be placed on theCPU/GPU for low latency processing.

8.3. Processing Elements

Among all of the accelerators, the biggest differences ex-ist in the processing elements as they are designed for themajority of computing tasks in deep networks, such as mas-sive multiply-add operations, normalization (batch normal-ization or local response normalization), and non-linearities(ReLU, sigmoid and tanh). Typically, the computing engineof an accelerator is composed of many small basic process-ing elements, as shown in Figure. 3, and this architecture ismainly designed for fully investing in data reuse and paral-lelism. However, there are many accelerators that operatewith only one processing element in consideration of lowerdata movement and resource conservation [92, 57].

8.4. Optimizing for High Throughput

Since the majority of the computations in a networkare matrix-matrix/matrix-vector multiplication, it is criti-cal to deal with the massive nested loops to achieve highthroughput. Loop optimization is one of the most frequentlyadopted techniques in accelerator design [92, 56, 73, 2, 88,49], including loop tiling, loop unrolling, loop interchange,etc. Loop tiling is used to divide all of the data into mul-tiple small blocks in order to alleviate the pressure of on-chip storage [56, 2, 64], while loop unrolling attempts toimprove the parallelism of the computing engine for highspeed [56, 64]. Loop interchange determines the sequen-tial computation order of the nested loops because differentcomputation orders can result in significant differences inperformance. The well-known systolic array can be seenas a combination of the loop optimization methods listedabove, which leverage the nature of data locality and weightsharing in the network to achieve high throughput [37, 84].

SIMD-based computation is another way for highthroughput. [60] presented a method for packing two low-bit multiplications into a single DSP block to double thecomputation, and [63] also proposed a SIMD-based archi-tecture for speech recognition.

8.5. Optimizing for Low Energy Consumption

Existing works attempt to reduce the energy consump-tion of a hardware accelerator from both computing andI/O perspectives. [29] systematically illustrated the en-ergy cost in terms of arithmetic operations and memoryaccesses. He demonstrated that operations based on inte-gers are much more cheaper than their float-point counter-parts, and lower bit integers are better. Therefore, most ex-isting accelerators adopt low-bit or even binary data repre-

sentation [98, 77, 61] to preserve energy efficiency. Mostrecently, logarithmic computation that transfers multiplica-tions into bit shift operations has also shown its promise inenergy savings [13, 16, 76].

Sparsity is gaining an increased popularity in accelera-tor design based on the observation that a great number ofarithmetic operations can be discarded to obtain energy effi-ciency. [21], [20] and [62] designed architectures for imageor speech recognition based on network pruning, while [1]and [95] proposed to eliminate ineffectual operations basedon the inherent sparsity in networks.

Off-chip data transfers happen inordinately in hardwareaccelerators due to the fact that both network parametersand intermediate data are too large to fit on chip. [29] sug-gested that power consumption caused by DRAM access isseveral orders of magnitude of the SRAM, and therefore re-ducing off-chip transfers is a critical issue. [70] designed aflexible data buffing scheme to reduce bandwidth require-ments, and [2] and [88] proposed a fusion-based methodto reduce off-chip traffic. Most recently, [49] presenteda block-based convolution that can completely avoid off-chip transfers of intermediate data in VGG-16 with highthroughput.

Many other approaches have been proposed to reducepower consumption. [94] used a pipelined FPGA cluster torealize acceleration, [7] presented an energy-efficient rowstationary scheme to reduce data movements, and [102] at-tempted to reduce power consumption via low-rank approx-imation.

8.6. Design Automation

Recently, design automation frameworks that automati-cally map deep neural networks onto hardware are receivingwider attention. [83], [69], [78] and [84] proposed frame-works that automatically generate synthesizable acceleratorfor a given network. [55] presented an RTL compiler forFPGA implementation of diverse networks. [52] proposedan instruction set for hardware implementation, while [93]proposed a uniformed convolutional matrix multiplicationrepresentation for CNNs.

8.7. Emerging Techniques

In the past few years, there have been many new tech-niques from both the algorithm side and the circuit side thathave been adopted to implement fast and energy-efficientaccelerators. Stochastic computing representing continuousvalues through streams of random bits have been investi-gated for hardware acceleration of deep neural networks[66, 71, 39]. On the hardware side, RRAM-based accel-erators [5, 87] and the usage of 3-D DRAM [38, 14] havereceived greater attention.

Page 9: arXiv:1802.00939v2 [cs.CV] 11 Feb 2018Figure 2. Group-level Pruning. pruning takes up less storage than fine-grained pruning be-cause vector-level pruning requires fewer indices to

9. Future Trends and Discussion

In this section, we discuss some possible future direc-tions in this field.

Non-fine-tuning or Unsupervised Compression. Mostof the existing methods, including network pruning, low-rank compression and quantization, need labeled data to re-train the network for accuracy retention. The problems aretwofold. First, labeled data is sometimes unavailable, as inmedical images. Another problem is that retraining requiresconsiderable human effort as well as professional knowl-edge. These two problems raise the need for unsupervisedcompression or even fine-tuning-free compression methods.

Scalable (Self-adaptive) Compression. Current com-pression methods have many hyperparameters that need tobe determined ahead of time. For example, the sparsityof the network pruning, the rank of the decomposition-based methods or the bitwidth of fixed-point quantizationmethods. The selection of these hyperparameters is tediouswork, which also requires professional experience. Thus,the investigation of methods that do not rely on human-designed hyperparameters is a promising research topic.One direction may be to use annealing methods, or rein-forcement learning.

Network Acceleration for Object Detection. Most ofthe model acceleration methods are optimized for imageclassification, yet very little effort has been devoted to theacceleration of other computer vision tasks such object de-tection. It seems that model acceleration methods for im-age classification can be directly used for detection. How-ever, the deep neural networks for object detection or im-age segmentation are more sensitive to model accelerationmethods, i.e., using the same model acceleration methodsfor object detection would suffer from a greater number ofaccuracy drops than with image classification. One reasonfor this phenomenon may be that object detection requiresmore complex feature representation than image classifica-tion. The design of model acceleration methods for objectdetection represents a challenge.

Hardware-software Co-design. To accelerate deeplearning algorithms on dedicated hardware, a straight-forward method is to pick up a model and design acorresponding architecture. However, the gap between al-gorithm modeling and hardware implementation will makeit difficult to put this into practice. Recent advances in deeplearning algorithms and hardware accelerators demonstratethat it is highly desirable to design hardware-efficientalgorithms according to the low-level features of specific

hardware platforms. This co-design methodology will be atrend in future work.

10. Conclusion

Deep neural networks provide impressive performancewhile suffering from huge computational complexity andhigh energy expenditure. In this paper, we provide a sur-vey of recent advances in efficient processing of deep neu-ral networks from both the algorithm and hardware pointsof view. In addition, we point out a few topics that deservefurther investigation in the future.

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