Arindam Report

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  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report












    2007- 2009


    REGISTRATION NO-750610347

    Guided By



    For the partial fulfilment of Post graduation diploma in management

  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Table of

    C O N T E N T S

    Chapter No. Title

    I Introduction

    II Research Methodology

    III Data Processing and Analysis

    IV Findings

    V Conclusions

    VI Recommendations


    Appendices / annexure

    A Questionnaire/s, if any

    B List of contacts. If any


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    The success of this final report is the outcome of Guidance and valuable suggestions

    provided by all the concerned without whom the report could not fide on the right back.

    I am deeply indebted to Mr. DEBRANJAN MUKHERJEE for giving me the opportunity

    to undergo my project in their esteemed branch and their timely suggestion and valued

    guidance. I also want to give my vote of thanks to the employees of ICICI Prudential Life

    Insurance. They constantly encouraged me and showed the right path from day first till

    the completion of my project.

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. DEBRANJAN MUKHERJEE. For

    giving me an opportunity to do this project works. I also express my sense of deep

    gratitude towards employees for introducing the program which enables us to learn more.

    Finally, I will be failing in my duty, if I do not thank my parents, friends and well wishers

    for their enthusiastic support and who have directly or indirectly helped in some way or

    the other in making this final report a success.


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    Chapter I


    Background of the study

    Mainly, we take the project in our hand to understand something new, something

    different and to enhance our knowledge. While working in an organization, we also learn

    about the organization culture, how to handle the work pressure and to search study, not

    only we manage our professional life and the personal life.

    We also do the research to know and to find some unanswered questions. By the help of

    research study, we not only get rid of our queries and problems but also got some new

    and primary information or data which helps the researcher in the further study.

    There should be some purpose, objective and scope of the study because these contents of

    the report remain the research alive otherwise the research would be of no use. Not only

    are these contents necessary in the research but topics such as data analysis, findings and

    conclusions makes the complete research and execute the final result in time.

    It is necessary to study the background of the study so that we can understand how to

    work on the research study and what should be the content so that the researcher can

    achieve its goal and present the findings on time.


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    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank, which

    is one of India's foremost financial services companies, and Prudential plc, which is a

    leading international financial services group headquartered in the United Kingdom.

    ICICI Prudential began the operations in December 2000. ICICI Prudential was amongst

    sthe first private sector insurance companies to begin operations in December 2000 after

    receiving approval from Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA).

    It has been voted as India's Most Trusted Private Life Insurer for three consecutive years.

    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company has various insurance plans that have been

    designed for different individuals, as every individual has different insurance needs.

    It is the first life insurer in India to receive a National Insurer Financial Strength rating of

    AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings. For three years in a row, ICICI Prudential has been voted

    as India's Most Trusted Private Life Insurer, by The Economic Times - AC Nielsen ORG

    Marg survey of 'Most Trusted Brands'. As we grow our distribution, product range and

    customer base, we continue to tirelessly uphold our commitment to deliver world-class

    financial solutions to customers all over India.

    ICICI Prudential Life is also the only private life insurer in India to receive a National

    Insurer Financial Strength rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings. The AAA (Ind) rating

    is the highest rating, and is a clear assurance of ICICI Prudential's ability to meet its

    obligations to customers at the time of maturity or claims. For the past eight years, ICICI

    Prudential Life has retained its leadership position in the life insurance industry with a

    wide range of flexible products that meet the needs of the Indian customer at every step

    in life.


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    Chapter - II

    Research Methodology


    Research design provides the glue that holds the research project together. A design is

    used to structure the research, to show how all of the major parts of the research project -

    the samples or groups, measures, treatments or programs, and methods of assignment,

    work together to try to address the central research questions.

    Research design investigates the process ofdesigning in fields. It is related to Design

    methods in general or for particular disciplines. A primary interpretation of research

    design is that it is concerned with undertaking research into the design process.

    Secondary interpretations would refer to undertaking research within the process of

    design. The overall intention is to better understand and to improve the design process.

    Primary Data:

    The data which is collected by new research is known as primary data. There are four

    types of primary data. They are as follows:

    Personal interview

    Close observation

    Survey conduction

    Group discussion

    Hence the primary data which is collected for the report is based on close observation and

    survey conduction. Survey conduction has been done through the questionnaire.

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    Secondary Data:

    The data which is already exist or known is known as secondary data. We can collect

    secondary data through:






    Radio and many more.

    The secondary data for the report is taken mainly from the internet and books. They

    remained as the best source for the data collection for making the project report.

    Newspaper and magazines were also the helpful source for the knowledge.

    Sample Design:

    Sampling is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of individual

    observations intended to yield some knowledge about a population of concern, especially

    for the purposes of statistical inference.

    The sampling process comprises several stages:

    Defining the population of concern

    Specifying a sampling frame, a set of items or events possible to measure Specifying a sampling method for selecting items or events from the frame

    Determining the sample size

    Implementing the sampling plan

    Sampling and data collecting

    Reviewing the sampling process


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    A population can be defined as including all people or items with the characteristic one

    wish to understand. Because there is very rarely enough time or money to gather

    information from everyone or everything in a population, the goal becomes finding a

    representative sample (or subset) of that population.

    Sometimes that which defines a population is obvious. For example, a manufacturer

    needs to decide whether a batch of material from production is of high enough quality to

    be released to the customer, or should be sentenced for scrap or rework due to poor

    quality. In this case, the batch is the population.

    Sample Size:

    It means the total number of items which we take out for the sampling process. For an

    example, to fill up the questionnaire for a particular survey, we can fill it up by 100

    customers or people.

    Therefore the sample size would be 100. Customers can be randomly selected or we can

    focus on a particular segment (say Hotels, Jewelers, General shops and many more).

    Formulas, tables, and power function charts are well known approaches to determine

    sample size.

    Sampling Method:

    A variety of sampling methods can be employed, individually or in combination. Factors

    commonly influencing the choice between these designs include:


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    Nature and quality of the frame

    Availability of auxiliary information about units on the frame

    Accuracy requirements and the need to measure accuracy

    Whether detailed analysis of the sample is expected

    Cost/operational concerns

    There are various types of sampling methods:

    1. Simple random sampling

    2. Systematic sampling

    3. Stratified sampling1) Post stratification

    2) Oversampling

    4. Probability proportional to size sampling

    5. Cluster sampling

    6. Matched random sampling

    7. Quota sampling

    8. Mechanical sampling

    9. Convenience sampling

    Method of data collection:

    Good data collection involves:

    Following the defined sampling process

    Keeping the data in time order

    Noting comments and other contextual events

    Recording non-responses

    Most sampling books and papers written by non-statisticians focus only in the data

    collection aspect, which is just a small though important part of the sampling process.

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    sInstrument for data collection:

    Data can be collected in various formats. They can be in the written format, pdf file or

    may be a presentation or they can be stored in somewhere like computer hard disk, pen

    drive and floppy or memory card. We can also collect data in the form of primary data

    and secondary data. Through questionnaire method or observation method, we can collect

    the information or data related to the primary method whereas newspaper, radio,

    television, magazines, pamphlets, internet and many more other things helps us to collect

    the information or data which comes under the light of secondary data. These both types

    of data help us to execute the final result and solved many of the problems.

    Drafting of a questionnaire:

    Introduction and screening questions.

    Asking sensitive screening questions.

    A checklist of do's and don'ts in the questionnaire format.

    Pre-coding questions and planning the physical layout.

    Pre-testing a questionnaire with a workshop in revising questionnaires and pre-

    testing to avoid future troubles.

    Testing of questionnaire / Pilot survey:

    A preliminary piece of research conducted before a complete survey to test the

    effectiveness of the research methodology.

    This should be completed before the final survey commences. The intention is to alert thesurveyor to any difficulties that were not anticipated at the survey proposal stage. Pilot

    surveys are undertaken after pre-tests.

    A survey, usually on a small scale, carried out prior to the main survey, primarily to gain

    information to improve the efficiency of the main survey. For example, it may be used to


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    test a questionnaire, to ascertain the time taken by field procedure or to determine the

    most effective size of sampling unit.

    The term exploratory survey is also used, but in the rather more special circumstance

    when little is known about the material or domain under inquiry.

    Pilot survey contains clear, detailed questions on learning, teaching quality, teaching

    strategy, assessment methods, and workload

    As a result, survey provides improved measurement of teaching quality, an important

    factor in the faculty tenure process

    Provides improved subject teaching and assessment strategy and workload measurements

    which, in turn, enables instructors to more easily target subject improvements.

    Field work:

    Field work is a general descriptive term for the collection of raw data. The term is mainly

    used in the natural and social sciences studies, such as in biology, ecology, environmental

    science, geology, geography, geophysics, paleontology, archaeology, anthropology,

    ethnomusicology, linguistics, and sociology, although it is also used in other subjects,

    such as in auditing. It is more technically known to scientific methodologists as field


    The interviewing or observation of people to learn their languages, folklore, and social

    structures constitutes field work. Especially when humans themselves are the subject of

    study, protocols must be devised to reduce the risk of observer bias and the acquisition of

    too theoretical or idealized explanations of the actual workings of a culture.


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    Fieldwork emphasizes the integration of academic and hands-on learning. It gives the

    student an opportunity to apply course work to practical situations. It also allows the

    student to explore career options, gain valuable skills, and launch a career.

    Field work enables students to examine the way the theories and the practical experiences

    of a particular discipline interact. It provides opportunities for observation and

    participation which are not ordinarily available in class work. Depending on their

    academic interests, students undertake internships in a variety of organizations and

    agencies in the local community and other places.

    Data- analysis techniques:

    Data analysis is a process of gathering, modeling, and transforming data with the goal of

    highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making.

    Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under

    a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science domains.

    Data mining is a particular data analysis technique that focuses on modeling and

    knowledge discovery for predictive rather than purely descriptive purposes. Business

    intelligence covers data analysis that relies heavily on aggregation, focusing on business

    information. In statistical applications, some people divide data analysis into descriptive

    statistics, exploratory data analysis, and confirmatory data analysis.

    The initial data analysis uses descriptive statistics to answer the following four questions:

    1. What is the quality of the data?

    2. What is the quality of the measurements?

    3. Did the implementation of the study fulfill the intentions of the research design?

    4. What are the characteristics of the data sample?


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    Thought the present study aims to achieve the above mentioned objectives in full earnest

    and accuracy, it may be hampered due to certain limitations, some of the limitations of

    this study may be summarized as follows,

    This study is limited to one private insurance company only.

    This study is limited to Indore city only.

    And getting accurate responses from the respondents due to their inherent

    problems. They may be refusing to co-operate.

    Respondents may have to be contacted repeatedly or alternate respondent may

    have to be identified.

    For want of time is restricted.


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    Chapter - III

    Data Processing and Analysis

    Life Insurance

    Insurance vs Assurance

    The specific uses of the terms "insurance" and "assurance" are sometimes confused. In

    general, in these jurisdictions "insurance" refers to providing cover for an event that

    might happen (fire, theft, flood, etc.), while "assurance" is the provision of cover for anevent that is certain to happen. "Insurance" is the generally accepted term, however,

    people using this description are liable to be corrected. In the United States both forms of

    coverage are called "insurance", principally due to many companies offering both types

    of policy, and rather than refer to themselves using both insurance and assurance titles,

    they instead use just one.


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    Types of life insurance

    Life insurance may be divided into two basic classes temporary and permanent or

    following subclasses - term, universal, whole life and endowment life insurance.

    Temporary Term Insurance

    Term assurance: provides for life insurance coverage for a specified term of years for a

    specified premium. The policy does not accumulate cash value. Term is generally

    considered "pure" insurance, where the premium buys protection in the event of death

    and nothing else.

    There are three key factors to be considered in term insurance:

    1. Face amount (protection or death benefit),

    2. Premium to be paid (cost to the insured), and

    3. Length of coverage (term).

    Various insurance companies sell term insurance with many different combinations of

    these three parameters. The face amount can remain constant or decline. The term can be

    for one or more years. The premium can remain level or increase. A common type of

    term is called annual renewable term.

    It is a one year policy but the insurance company guarantees it will issue a policy of equal

    or lesser amount without regard to the insurability of the insured and with a premium set

    for the insured's age at that time. Another common type of term insurance is mortgage

    insurance, which is usually a level premium, declining face value policy. The face

    amount is intended to equal the amount of the mortgage on the policy owners residence

    so the mortgage will be paid if the insured dies.

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    A policy holder insures his life for a specified term. If he dies before that specified term

    is up, his estate or named beneficiary receives a payout. If he does not die before the term

    is up, he receives nothing. In the past these policies would almost always exclude suicide.

    However, after a number of court judgments against the industry, payouts do occur on

    death by suicide (presumably except for in the unlikely case that it can be shown that the

    suicide was just to benefit from the policy). Generally, if an insured person commits

    suicide within the first two policy years, the insurer will return the premiums paid.

    However, a death benefit will usually be paid if the suicide occurs after the two year


    Permanent Life Insurance

    Permanent life insurance is life insurance that remains in force (in-line) until the policy

    matures (pays out), unless the owner fails to pay the premium when due (the policy

    expires OR policies lapse). The policy cannot be canceled by the insurer for any reason

    except fraud in the application, and that cancellation must occur within a period of time

    defined by law (usually two years). Permanent insurance builds a cash value that reduces

    the amount at risk to the insurance company and thus the insurance expense over time.

    This means that a policy with a million dollar face value can be relatively expensive to a

    70 year old. The owner can access the money in the cash value by withdrawing money,

    borrowing the cash value, or surrendering the policy and receiving the surrender value.

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    Life Insurance Products

    Riders are modifications to the insurance policy added at the same time the policy is

    issued. These riders change the basic policy to provide some feature desired by the policy

    owner. A common rider is accidental death, which used to be commonly referred to as

    "double indemnity", which pays twice the amount of the policy face value if death resultsfrom accidental causes, as if both a full coverage policy and an accidental death policy

    were in effect on the insured. Another common rider is premium waiver, which waives

    future premiums if the insured becomes disabled.


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    Joint life: insurance is either a term or permanent policy insuring two or more lives with

    the proceeds payable on the first death or second death.

    Survivorship life: is a whole life policy insuring two lives with the proceeds payable on

    the second (later) death.

    Single premium whole life: is a policy with only one premium which is payable at the

    time the policy is issued.

    Modified whole life: is a whole life policy that charges smaller premiums for a specified

    period of time after which the premiums increase for the remainder of the policy.

    Group life insurance: is term insurance covering a group of people, usually employees ofa company or members of a union or association. Individual proof of insurability is not

    normally a consideration in the underwriting. Rather, the underwriter considers the size

    and turnover of the group, and the financial strength of the group. Contract provisions

    will attempt to exclude the possibility of adverse selection. Group life insurance often has

    a provision that a member exiting the group has the right to buy individual insurance


    Senior and preneed products:

    Insurance companies have in recent years developed products to offer to niche markets,

    most notably targeting the senior market to address needs of an aging population. Many

    companies offer policies tailored to the needs of senior applicants. These are often low to

    moderate face value whole life insurance policies, to allow a senior citizen purchasing

    insurance at an older issue age an opportunity to buy affordable insurance. This may also

    be marketed as final expense insurance, and an agent or company may suggest that the

    policy proceeds could be used for end-of-life expenses.

    Preneed (or prepaid) insurance policies: are whole life policies that, although available at

    any age, are usually offered to older applicants as well. This type of insurance is designed

    specifically to cover funeral expenses when the insured person dies. In many cases, the

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    applicant signs a prefunded funeral arrangement with a funeral home at the time the

    policy is applied for. The death proceeds are then guaranteed to be directed first to the

    funeral services provider for payment of services rendered. Most contracts dictate that

    any excess proceeds will go either to the insured's estate or a designated beneficiary.

    Investment policies

    With-profits policies:

    Some policies allow the policyholder to participate in the profits of the insurance

    company these are with-profits policies. Other policies have no rights to participate in the

    profits of the company, these are non-profit policies.

    With-profits policies are used as a form of collective investment to achieve capital

    growth. Other policies offer a guaranteed return not dependent on the company's

    underlying investment performance; these are often referred to as without-profit policies

    which may be construed as a misnomer.

    Investment Bonds

    Pensions: Pensions are a form of life assurance. However, whilst basic life assurance,

    permanent health insurance and non-pensions annuity business includes an amount of

    mortality ormorbidity riskfor the insurer, for pensions there is a longevity risk.

    A pension fund will be built up throughout a person's working life. When the person

    retires, the pension will become in payment, and at some stage the pensioner will buy an

    annuity contract, which will guarantee a certain pay-out each month until death.


    An annuity is a contract with an insurance company whereby the insured pays an initial

    premium or premiums into a tax-deferred account, which pays out a sum at pre-

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    determined intervals. There are two periods: the accumulation (when payments are paid

    into the account) and the annuitization (when the insurance company pays out). IRS rules

    restrict how you take money out of an annuity. Distributions may be taxable and/or


    Plans provided by ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company:

    Life Insurance Plans

    Education Insurance Plans

    Smart Kid New Unit-linked

    Regular Premium

    Smart Kid New Unit-linked

    Single Premium

    Smart Kid Regular Premium

    Wealth Creation Plans

    Wealth Advantage

    Life Stage Assure

    Life Time Gold

    Life Link Super

    Life Stage RP

    Premium Guarantee Plans

    Invest Shield Life New

    Invest Shield Cash Bank

    Protection Plans

    Pure Protect

    Life Guard

    Save 'n' Protect



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    Home Assure

    Retirement Solutions

    Life Stage Pension Life Time Super Pension

    Life Link Super Pension

    Forever Life Plan

    Immediate Annuity

    Health Coverage Plans

    Health Saver

    Medi Assure

    Hospital Care

    Crisis Cover

    Cancer Care

    Diabetes Care Active

    Diabetes Assure

    ICICI Pru Group Solutions Advantage

    Group Super Annuation

    Group Gratuity Plan

    Annuity Solutions

    Group Term Insurance Plan

    Group Term Insurance in lieu of EDLI

    Rural Plans

    ICICI Pru Suraksha

    ICICI Pru Suraksha Kavach


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    Micro Insurance Plans

    ICICI Pru Sarv Jana Plan

    Products Offered by ICICI Prudential Life Insurance

    Endowment Plans

    ICICI Pru Save n Protect

    ICICI Pru Assure Invest

    Money Back Policy Plan

    ICICI Pru Cashbak (Anticipated Endowment Assurance)

    Retirement Plans

    ICICI Pru Forever Life

    ICICI Pru ReassureICICI Pru Forever Life (Deferred Pension)

    ICICI Pru Life Link pension plan

    ICICI Pru Lifetime

    Children's Plan

    ICICI Smart Kid Plan

    Term Plan

    Protection Plan

    ICICI Pru Life Guard Single Premium

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    Life Guard Level Term Assurance with Return of Premium

    ICICI Pru Life Guard Level Term Assurance

    Special Plans

    Invest Shield Life

    Invest Shield Cash

    Invest Shield Gold

    Premier LifeSecure Plus

    Group Plan

    ICICI Pru Group Term Assurance Policy

    ICICI Pru Group Gratuity Plan

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    Target Market

    A target market is the market segment which a particular product is marketed to. It is

    often defined by age, gender and/orsocio-economic grouping. A target market is usually

    found after segmenting and analyzing the whole market. Target market selection depends


    1. Number of competitors in the market

    2. The preference/choice of customers

    3. Value attached to the product which company wants to convey to the market

    Target Marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your

    marketing efforts on one or a few key segments. Target marketing can be the key to a

    small businesss success.

    The beauty of target marketing is that it makes the promotion, pricing and distribution of

    your products and/or services easier and more cost-effective. Target marketing provides a

    focus to all of your marketing activities.

    While market segmentation can be done in many ways, depending on how you want to

    slice up the pie, three of the most common types are:

    Geographic segmentation based on location such as home addresses;

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    Demographic segmentation based on measurable statistics, such as age or


    Psychographic segmentation based on lifestyle preferences, such as being urban

    dwellers or pet lovers.

    Two important factors to consider when selecting a target market segment are the

    attractiveness of the segment and the fit between the segment and the firm's objectives,

    resources, and capabilities.

    The focus of marketing effort is people. The goal is to reach a subset of the population

    who may be interested in your particular product. That group of people is your target


    Attractiveness of a Market Segment

    The following are some examples of aspects that should be considered when evaluating

    the attractiveness of a market segment:

    Size of the segment (number of customers and/or number of units)

    Growth rate of the segment Competition in the segment

    Brand loyalty of existing customers in the segment

    Attainable market share given promotional budget and competitors' expenditures

    Required market share to break even

    Sales potential for the firm in the segment

    Expected profit margins in the segment

    Market research and analysis is instrumental in obtaining this information. For example,

    buyer intentions, sales force estimates, test marketing, and statistical demand analysis are

    useful for determining sales potential. The impact of applicable micro-environmental and

    macro-environmental variables on the market segment should be considered.


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    Note that larger segments are not necessarily the most profitable to target since they

    likely will have more competition. It may be more profitable to serve one or more smaller

    segments that have little competition. On the other hand, if the firm can develop a

    competitive advantage, for example, via patent protection, it may find it profitable to

    pursue a larger market segment.

    Suitability of Market Segments to the Firm

    Market segments also should be evaluated according to how they fit the firm's objectives,

    resources, and capabilities. Some aspects of fit include:

    Whether the firm can offer superior value to the customers in the segment

    The impact of serving the segment on the firm's image

    Access to distribution channels required to serve the segment

    The firm's resources vs. capital investment required to serve the segment

    The better the firm's fit to a market segment, and the more attractive the market segment,

    the greater the profit potential to the firm.

    Target Market Strategies

    There are several different target-market strategies that may be followed. Targeting

    strategies usually can be categorized as one of the following:

    Single-segment strategy - also known as a concentrated strategy. One market

    segment (not the entire market) is served with one marketing mix. A single-

    segment approach often is the strategy of choice for smaller companies with

    limited resources.

    Selective specialization- this is a multiple-segment strategy, also known as a

    differentiated strategy. Different marketing mixes are offered to different

    segments. The product itself may or may not be different - in many cases only the

    promotional message or distribution channels vary.


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    Product specialization- the firm specializes in a particular product and tailors it

    to different market segments.

    Market specialization- the firm specializes in serving a particular market

    segment and offers that segment an array of different products.

    Full market coverage - the firm attempts to serve the entire market. This

    coverage can be achieved by means of either a mass market strategy in which a

    single undifferentiated marketing mix is offered to the entire market, or by a

    differentiated strategy in which a separate marketing mix is offered to each


    The following diagrams show examples of the five market selection patterns given three

    market segments S1, S2, and S3, and three products P1, P2, and P3.









    Full Market


    S1 S2 S3P1P2


    S1 S2 S3P1P2


    S1 S2 S3P1P2


    S1 S2 S3P1P2


    S1 S2 S3P1P2


    A firm that is seeking to enter a market and grow should first target the most attractive

    segment that matches its capabilities. Once it gains a foothold, it can expand by pursuing

    a product specialization strategy, tailoring the product for different segments, or by

    pursuing a market specialization strategy and offering new products to its existing market


    Another strategy whose use is increasing is individual marketing, in which the

    marketing mix is tailored on an individual consumer basis. While in the past impractical,

    individual marketing is becoming more viable thanks to advances in technology.

    Examples of target segments that can be created using the above table:


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    Women business owners between the ages of 25 and 60 earning more than

    $25,000 annually form a demographic segment.

    People who drive compact cars due to their fuel efficiency form a benefit


    Type of Market Segment Shared Group Characteristics

    Demographic Segment Measurable statistics such as age, income, or


    Psychographic Segment Lifestyle preferences such as music lovers or urbandwellers

    Use-based Segment Frequency of usage such as recreational drinking or


    Benefit Segment Desire to obtain the same product benefits such as luxury,

    thriftiness, or comfort from food.

    Geographic Segment Location like home address or business address.


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    Profile of HDFC Life Insurance


    HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited. is one of India's leading private

    insurance companies, which offers a range of individual and group insurance solutions. It

    is a joint venture between Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC

    Limited), India's leading housing finance institution and a Group Company of the

    Standard Life Plc, UK. As on February 28, 2009 HDFC Ltd. holds 72.43% and Standard

    Life (Mauritius Holding) 2006, Ltd. holds 26.00% of equity in the joint venture, while the

    rest is held by others.

    Our Key Strengths


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    Financial Expertise

    As a joint venture of leading financial services groups, HDFC Standard Life has the

    financial expertise required to manage your long-term investments safely and efficiently.

    Range of Solutions

    We have a range of individual and group solutions, which can be easily customised to

    specific needs. Our group solutions have been designed to offer you complete flexibility

    combined with a low charging structure.

    Track Record So Far

    Our gross premium income, for the year ending March 31, 2009 stood at Rs. 5,564.69


    As on March 31, 2009, the company has more than 27 lakh polices in force.

    Our Parentage

    HDFC Limited

    HDFC Limited, Indias premier housing finance institution has assisted more than 3.3

    million families own a home, since its inception in 1977 across 2400 cities and towns

    through its network of over 250 offices. It has international offices in Dubai, London and

    Singapore with service associates in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman to assist

    NRIs and PIOs to own a home back in India. As of December 2008, the total asset size

    has crossed more than Rs. 95,000 crores including the mortgage loan assets of more than

    Rs. 82,800 crores. The corporation has a deposit base of Rs. 17,551 crores, earning the

    trust of more than 9,00,000 depositors. Customer Service and satisfaction has been the

    mainstay of the organization. HDFC has set benchmarks for the Indian housing finance

    industry. Recognition for the service to the sector has come from several national and

    international entities including the World Bank that has lauded HDFC as a model housing

    finance company for the developing countries. HDFC has undertaken a lot of


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    consultancies abroad assisting different countries including Egypt, Maldives, and

    Bangladesh in the setting up of housing finance companies.

    Standard Life Group (Standard Life plc and its subsidiaries)

    The Standard Life Group has been looking after the financial needs of customers for over

    180 years. It currently has a customer base of around 7 million people who rely on the

    company for their insurance, pension, investment, banking and health-care needs. Its

    investment manager currently administers 125 billion in assets. It is a leading pensions

    provider in the UK, and is rated by Standard & Poor's as 'strong' with a rating of A+ and

    as 'good' with a rating of A1 by Moody's. Standard Life was awarded the 'Best Pension

    Provider' in 2004, 2005 and 2006 at the Money Marketing Awards, and it was voted a 5

    star life and pensions provider at the Financial Adviser Service Awards for the last 10

    years running. The '5 Star' accolade has also been awarded to Standard Life Investments

    for the last 10 years, and to Standard Life Bank since its inception in 1998. Standard Life

    Bank was awarded the 'Best Flexible Mortgage Lender' at the Mortgage Magazine

    Awards in 2006.

    ICICI Prudential vs HDFC Standard

    Indias top two private-sector banks ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank has been trading at

    a discount to the latter for several years; despite being the larger bank (ICICI Bank is

    three times as large as HDFC Bank by balance sheet).

    Thats because investors award higher marks to HDFC Bank for consistently delivering a

    strong and, more importantly, high-quality performance. In addition, despite being larger,

    ICICI Bank, in the past, has posted lower net interest margins and higher non-performing


    Of late, the credit crisis has dealt a blow to ICICI Banks operations. While advances

    thanks to a higher proportion of retail and unsecured loans shrank by 3.2 per cent in


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    FY09, gross non-performing assets also climbed to an alarming 4.5 per cent of advances.

    Net profit growth has also been either flat or negative in the past four quarters; on the

    other hand, HDFC Bank has grown by more than 30 per cent in the same period.

    Not surprisingly, ICICI Banks stock price has also been less stable than HDFC Banks,

    trading at a price-to-book value of 1.5 times for FY09. HDFC Banks stock trades at

    around 3 times to its FY09 book value.

    While HDFC will continue to command a premium for the quality of its earnings and

    consistent performance, the valuation gap between the two banks could narrow a wee bit

    just for a short while if some positive triggers materialize for ICICI Bank. Currently the

    value of ICICI Banks insurance business at around Rs 100 per share, equivalent to 19

    per cent to its fair value. The bank currently holds a 74 per cent stake in its insurancejoint venture with Prudential UK. It has said that it might look at a listing or a higher

    foreign partner stake if investment limits are raised.


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    Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd

    Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co Ltd is a unique joint venture among the global giants

    Allianz Group (AG) and Bajaj Auto. Allianz AG's world ranking establishes it among the

    top insurance companies in the world. Bajaj is the biggest two and three wheeler

    manufacturer in the world. Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company boasts of a nationwide

    presence with 876 offices and over 4 million satisfied customers. The various insurance

    products include

    Bajaj Allianz Insurance Online Payment

    Bajaj Allianz Insurance Policies


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    * Unit Gain Insurances

    * Term Care Plans

    * Lifetime Care Insurance Policy

    * Business Insurance Policies

    * Savings and Security Policies For You And Your Family

    * Rural Insurance Plan

    * Healthcare Insurance

    * Financial Insurance

    * Pension Plus

    * Retirement Plans

    * Children's Policies

    * Endowment Plans and many more.

    Group Insurance Schemes

    * Insurance For Employee-Employer Groups

    * Insurance For Non-Employer - Employee Groups

    * Employees Deposit Linked Insurance

    * New Group Superannuation Scheme

    * New Group Gratuity Care Scheme

    Special Insurance Policies for NRI's

    * Investgain Endowment Plan

    * Cashgain Money Back Plan

    * Childgain Kids Special Plan

    * Swarna Vishranthi

    Bajaj Allianz India offers convenient premium payment and receipt options. The

    payments can be direct through cheques, DD's or directly from your accounts or through


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    credit card. The premiums can also be paid online. The insurance policy holders who also

    have an account with Standard Chartered Bank can avail the direct debit mandate facility.

    The Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance website offers human life value estimator, child

    education cost calculator, retirement solutions and required pension estimator and

    premium calculator online. The Bajaj Allianz insurance agents will guide you about the

    general life insurance policies best suited to your needs. The insurance agent also briefs

    you about the insurance quote and the terms on the policy quotes.


    Insurance Companies

    ICICI Prudential Bajaj Allianz

    Product Rating:

    Customer Service:Claims Settlement:Rates/Premium:

    Range of Plans:Staff Attitude:

    Product Recommendation: 36% 30%

    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance

    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is another popular name in the insurance sector

    of India. Counted as India's No. 1 life insurance company, ICICI Prudential Life

    Insurance is a collaborative venture between ICICI Bank and Prudential plc. The

    company wrote about 615,000 policies in the financial year ending on 31st March 2005.

    The registered offices of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance are located in Delhi and


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    Bajaj Allianz

    Bajaj Allianz is a big name in the Insurance industry of India. Born as a result of the

    collaborative venture of Bajaj Auto and Allianz AG, Bajaj Allianz is involved in general

    as well as life insurance. Presently, Bajaj Allianz has offices in more than 550 places.

    More than 6000 employees serve this company.

    Comparison between ICICI Pru & Bajaj Allianz


    Basis ICICI Prudential BAJAJ Allianz



    At least For 2days & max for 90 days

    per policy year , expense cover range up

    to 20 lacs

    At least for 1day, expense

    cover range up to 7 lacs

    3Ds benefit Full sum assured is payable in crisis

    cover plan if death/disability due to an


    Care first plan also provide

    the death & disability


    (if permanent disability


    Maturity benefit Payable in health assure plus plan if no

    claims made during policy term

    Does not provide such


    Surgery benefit Hospital care gives this benefit

    depending on surgery grade

    Max Rs 50,000 per policy


    Critical illness


    It covers 35 critical illnesses It cover 11 critical illnesses

    Policy term Policy term varies from 5-50 years in its

    different plans

    Its each policy term are of 3


    Entry age Min 1 year & max 60 yrs throughout its

    different plans

    Min 18 yrs & max 57 yrs

    throughout its different plan

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    Basis ICICI Prudential Bajaj Allianz


    condition plans

    It has special plan for diabetes &


    Such plans are not available here



    4583 hospitals allover India 2000 hospitals allover India

    Multiple claim One can make multiple claim

    during a policy term but it should

    not exceed the benefit limit

    It also provide multiple claim

    benefit for various surgical , hospital

    cash and post hospitalization




    Only in network hospitals Only in network hospitals

    Tax benefit As per the tax laws under section

    80C & 80D

    As per the tax laws under section

    80C & 80D

    Maximum age

    of ceasing

    80 yrs in hospital care, 75&65 in

    critical illness plan 70 in all special

    condition plan

    65 in all of the plans

    Renewal In most of the plans Policy term are

    quite long to cease the maximum

    age, but wherever needed plan can

    be renewed

    Necessary after 3 yrs to continue the

    policy to the next 3 yrs



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    From the point of view of consumers both the companies have mostly common plans

    with common benefits. But ICICI Pru life has some more advantages over Bajaj Allianz

    life insurance in the following ways:-

    More specialized plans for special diseases

    Larger network of hospital

    Easier Claim.

    High benefit limit in comparison to Bajaj Allianz.

    Policyholder can claim for benefit amount from this policy as well as from the

    other medical Insurance policy.

    Policies are available for the child of 1 yr up to 60 yr old person.

    One of the policies of ICICIPru is a health-cum-life insurance plan i.e. Health

    Assure plus Plan.

    Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)


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    The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) was established about 44 years ago with a view to

    provide an insurance cover against various risks in life. A monolith then, the corporation,

    enjoyed a monopoly status and became synonymous with life insurance.

    Its main asset is its staff strength of 1.24 lakh employees and 2,048 branches and over six

    lakh agency force.

    LIC has hundred divisional offices and has established extensive training facilities at all

    levels. At the apex, is the Management Development Institute, seven Zonal Training

    Centers and 35 Sales Training Centers.

    At the industry level, along with the Government and the GIC, it has helped establish the

    National Insurance Academy. It presently transacts individual life insurance businesses,

    group insurance businesses, social security schemes and pensions, grants housing loans

    through its subsidiary; and markets savings and investment products through its mutual

    fund. It pays off about Rs 6,000 cr. annually to 5.6 million policyholders.

    Objectives of LIC of India

    Spread Life Insurance widely and in particular to the rural areas and to the

    socially and economically backward classes with a view to reaching all insurable

    persons in the country and providing them adequate financial cover against death

    at a reasonable cost.

    Maximize mobilization of people's savings by making insurance-linked savings

    adequately attractive.

    Bear in mind, in the investment of funds, the primary obligation to its

    policyholders, whose money it holds in trust, without losing sight of the interest

    of the community as a whole; the funds to be deployed to the best advantage of

    the investors as well as the community as a whole, keeping in view national

    priorities and obligations of attractive return.

    Conduct business with utmost economy and with the full realization that the

    moneys belong to the policyholders.

    Act as trustees of the insured public in their individual and collective capacities.


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    Meet the various life insurance needs of the community that would arise in the

    changing social and economic environment.

    Involve all people working in the Corporation to the best of their capability in

    furthering the interests of the insured public by providing efficient service with


    Promote amongst all agents and employees of the Corporation a sense of

    participation, pride and job satisfaction through discharge of their duties with

    dedication towards achievement of Corporate Objective.

    Current status

    Over its existence of around 50 years, Life Insurance Corporation of India, which

    commanded a monopoly of soliciting and selling life insurance in India, created huge

    surpluses, and contributed around 7 % of India's GDP in 2006.

    The Corporation, which started its business with around 300 offices, 5.6 million policies

    and a corpus of INR 459 million (US$ 10 million), has grown to 25000 servicing around

    180 million policies and a corpus of over INR 3.4 trillion (US$ 80000 million).

    The organization now comprises 2048 branches, 109 divisional offices and 8 zonal

    offices, and employs over 1,002,149 agents. The corporate Office of LIC is in Mumbai. It

    also operates in 12 other countries, primarily to cater to the needs of Non Resident


    With the change in the India's economic philosophy from the early 1990s, and the

    subsequent relaxation of state control over several sectors of the economy, the

    monopolistic position of the Life Insurance Corporation of India was diluted, and it has

    had to compete with a number of other corporate entities, Indian as well as transnational

    Life Insurance brands. However, it still manages to be the largest player in the Indian

    market, with the lion's share of 55%.

    The recent Economic Times Brand Equity Survey rated LIC as the No. 1 Service Brand

    of the Country.

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    In the financial year 2006-07 Life Insurance Corporation of India's number of policy

    holders are said to have crossed a whopping 200 million (fourth in terms of population of

    the countries of the world).

    Insurance Products and Services:

    1. Insurance Plans include:

    Children Plans (such as Jeevan Anurag, Komal Jeevan, CDA Endowment Vesting At

    21, Marriage Endowment, CDA Endowment Vesting At 18, Educational Annuity Plan,

    Jeevan Kishore, and Jeevan Chhaya)

    Plans for Handicapped Dependents (such as Jeevan Aadhar,Jeevan Vishwas)

    Endowment Assurance Plans [including The Endowment Assurance Policy, The

    Endowment Assurance Policy-Limited Payment, Jeevan Mitra(Double Cover

    Endowment Plan), Jeevan Mitra(Triple Cover Endowment Plan), and others]

    Plans for High worth Individuals (including Jeevan Shree-I, Jeevan Pramukh)

    Money Back Plans (including The Money Back Policy-20 Years, The Money Back

    Policy-25 Years, Jeevan Surabhi-15 Years, Jeevan Surabhi-20 Years, Jeevan Surabhi-25

    Years, Bima Bachat)

    Special Money Back Plan for Women (including Jeevan Bharati)

    Whole Life Plans (including The Whole Life Policy, The Whole Life Policy- Limited

    Payment, The Whole Life Policy- Single Premium, Jeevan Anand, Jeevan Tarang)

    Term Assurance Plans (including Two Year Temporary Assurance Policy, The

    Convertible Term Assurance Policy, Anmol Jeevan-I, Amulya Jeevan)

    Joint Life Plan (including Jeevan Saathi )


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    2. Group Scheme (including Group Term Insurance Schemes, Group Insurance Scheme

    in Lieu Of EDLI, Group Gratuity Scheme, and others)

    3. Social Security Scheme including JanaShree Bima Yojana (JBY)

    Today LIC can boast of great achievements in IT and investment under able

    Chairmanship of T S Vijayan. After years of poor performance despite near monopoly,

    LIC started showing performance under G N Bajpai and again went into slip under

    succeeding chairman till T S Vijayan took over. He faded G N Bajpai into oblivion ably

    supported by HR initiatives taken by another Genius K B Saha despite serious internal

    war by MDs. People criticise LIC about large scale miss selling and holes in investment

    but nobody criticises LIC's superb HR initiatives under sharpest ever HR ED K B Saha

    and IT initiatives directly under T S Vijayan, the tallest of the Chairmen of LIC.



    a. Dedicated Employees.

    b. Well Efficient Management.

    c. Technology.

    d. Diversification of funds.

    e. Strong and popular brand name.

    f. Adaptability to changes.


    a. Lack of good services.


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    b. Lack of awareness about insurance among people.

    c. Less coverage in Rural Areas.


    a. Fast growing economy.

    b. Increasing per capita income in India.

    c. Saving behavior.

    d. High growth of ULIP industry.


    a. Arrival of new entrants in the insurance industry.b. Cut throat competition within the industry


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    Chapter - IV


    Insurance is a contract between two parties whereby one party called insurer undertakes

    in exchange for a fixed amount of money on the happening of a certain event. Insurance

    is a protection against financial loss arising on the happening of an unexpected event. The

    primary purpose of Life Insurance is the protection of the family. Insurance in its various

    forms protects against such misfortunes by having the losses of the unfortunate few paid

    by the contribution of the many that are exposed to the same risk. This is the essence of

    insurance- the sharing of losses and substitution of certainty for uncertainty. Insurance

    companies collect premiums to provide for this protection. A loss is paid out of the

    premiums collected from the insuring public and the insurance companies act as trustees

    of the amount collected. In is a system by which the losses suffered by a few are spread

    over many, exposed to similar risks.

    In its present form, life insurance has its origin in England and made its debut in

    India in the year 1818.Initially, Indians were not considered on par with Europeans as far

    as their insurability was concerned. There were also many other failures. It was in the

    early part of the 20th century that some kind of legislation was made to regulate the

    industry. From then on life insurance made great strides in the country.

    On an analysis and evaluation of the data collected from the respondents the

    following findings were found.

    Before establishment of private concerns the share of LIC was 22% hence there is

    a wide scope for private concerns to enter in to market.


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    Total 100 respondents have been approached out of which 75 are the potential

    respondents who have shown interest for investment and finance plan

    Above 20% of respondents are shown interest for investment and financial plan

    About 33.33% of respondents are not interest to give their personal records.

    About 12.67% of respondents have already been covered by other insurance


    About 10% of respondents have given invalid records.

    About 10% of respondents are newly employed or trainees.

    About 10% of respondents interested for investment plan after knowing ICICI



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    1. Age of the respondents


    Less than 25 11 11%

    25 - 35 40 40%

    35 45 20 20%

    Above 45 29 29%TOTAL 100 100








    than 25

    25 - 35 35 - 45 Above



    Age of the Respondents




    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 11% of the respondents are less than 25 years old.b) 40% of the respondents are between 25 and 35 years of age.c) 20% of the respondents are between 35 and 45 years of age.d) 29% of the respondents are more than 45 years of age.

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    2. Qualification of the respondents.


    Graduate 52 52%Post Graduate 29 29%

    Diploma 8 8%

    Other discipline 11 11%

    TOTAL 100 100%









    Qualification of the Respondents

    Graduate Post Graduate Diploma

    Other discipline TOTAL

    3) Occupation of the respondents



    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 52% of the respondents were graduateb) 29% of the respondents were post graduate

    c) 8% of the respondents were diplomad) 10% of the respondents were other discipline

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    Business man 34 34%

    Professionals 18 18%Job holders 37 37%

    Others 11 11%

    TOTAL 100 100%








    Occupation of the Respondents

    Business man Professionals Job holders

    Others TOTAL

    4) Average annual income of respondents.



    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 34% of the respondents are businessmen.b) 18% of the respondents are professionals.c) 37% of the respondents are job holders.d) 11% of the respondents are background.

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    Up to 1 lakh 33 33%

    1 lakh - 3 lakh 43 43%

    3 lakh - 5 lakh 20 20%

    5 lakh & above 4 4%

    TOTAL 100 100%








    Average annual income of


    Up to 1 lakh

    1 lakh - 3 lakh

    3 lakh - 5 lakh

    5 lakh & above


    5) Family size of respondents


    Below 5 members 50 50%



    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 33% of the respondents have an average annual income up to 1lakh

    b) 43% of the respondents have an average annual income from 1lakh to 3 lakh

    c) 20% of the respondents have an average annual income from 3lakh to 5 lakh

    d) 4% of the respondents have an average annual income above 5lakh

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    5 - 10 members 32 32%

    Above 10 members 28 28%

    TOTAL 100 100%





    below 5 members

    5- 10 member

    above 10 member

    6) According to life insurance is.


    Risk Coverage 10 10%

    Tax Savings 3 3%



    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 50% of the respondents are below 5 members.b) 32% of the respondents are between 5 to 10 members.c) 28% of the respondents are above 10 members.

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    Good return 4 4%

    Security 3 3%

    All the above 80 80%

    TOTAL 100








    Life Insurance is

    Risk Coverage Tax Savings Good return

    Security All the above TOTAL

    7) Awareness of ICICI Prudential life insurance


    Yes 17 17%

    No 83 83%

    TOTAL 100 100%



    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 10% of the respondents say risk coverage.b) 3% of the respondents say tax savings.c) 4% of the respondents say good returns.d) 3% of the respondents say financial security.e) 80% of the respondents say all of the above.

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    Awareness of ICICI Pru

    Yes No TOTAL

    8) Awareness regarding insurance.


    Yes 2 2%No 98 98%

    TOTAL 100 100%



    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 83% of the respondents say that they are aware of ICICIPrudential life insurance co.

    b) 17% of the say that they are unaware of ICICI Prudential lifeinsurance co

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    Yes No TOTAL




    9) % of respondents who are under different plans of ICICI Prudential life insurance co.


    Invest gain plan 41 41%

    Unit gain plan 36 36%

    Child gain plan 8 8%

    Whole life plan 15 15%

    Pension plan No No

    TOTAL 100 100%



    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 98% of the respondents say that they are aware of insurance.b) Only 2% are unaware of insurance.

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    10) % of respondents benefits of choosing the particular products


    Risk coverage 60 60%

    Additional benefit 20 20%

    Maturity date 12 12%

    Sum Assured 8 8%TOTAL 100 100%







    Invest gain plan

    Unit gain plan

    Child gain plan

    Whole life plan

    Pension plan


    From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 41% of the respondents are under invest gain planb) 36% of the respondents are under unit gain planc) 8% of the respondents are child gain pland) 15% of the respondents are whole life plan

    e) No body under pension plan

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    1 2

    Benefits of Particular Products

    Risk coverageAdditional benefit

    Maturity date

    Sum Assured


    11) % of disadvantages in insurance plan


    Liquidity 35 35%

    Lapsation 20 20%

    Unable to decide premium 19 19%

    High risk coverage 14 14%

    Fixed Term 12 12%TOTAL 100 100%



    a) 36% of the respondents say that a benefit of choosing the particularProduct is for Safety of life.

    b) 20% of the respondents say that a benefit of choosing the particularproducts is for additional benefit to family

    c) 12% of the respondents say that a benefit of choosing the particularproducts is for maturity date

    d) 8% of the respondents say that a benefit of choosing the particularproducts is for sum assured

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    Disadvantages in Insurance Plans

    Liquidity Lapsation

    Unable to decide premium High risk coverage

    Fixed Term TOTAL

    12) % of respondents who want to invest in these different avenues.


    Recurring Deposit 40 40%

    Equity Fund 25 25%

    Balanced Fund 10 10%

    Mutual Fund 11 11%

    Debt Fund 5 5%

    Cash Fund 9 9%

    TOTAL 100 100%


    ANALYSIS:From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

    a) 35% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insuranceplan are liquidity.

    b) 20% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insuranceplan are lapsation.

    c) 19% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insuranceplan is unable decide premium.

    d) 14% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insuranceplan are high risk coverage at high premium.

    e) 12% of the respondents say that disadvantages in insuranceplan is fixed term

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    Balanced fund

    Mutual Fund

    Debt Fund

    Cash Fund

    What kind of Insurance Plan you look for, one which

    1. (a) Allows you to choose insurance at same premium

    (b) Increase premium as per insurance

    (c) Increasing premium every year


    Option Respons



    geA 75 63

    B 36 30

    C 9 8

    Total 120


    From the survey it was found amongst 100 respondents

    a) 40% of respondents say that they want to invest in R.Db) 25% of respondents say that they want to invest in equityc) 10% of respondents say that they want to invest in balanced fundd) 11% of respondents say that they want to invest in mutual funde) 5% of respondents say that they want to invest in debt marketf) 9% of respondents say that they want to invest in cash

  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Observation- Out of total 120 respondents 63% prefer option A

    and 30% prefer option B and 8% prefer option C.

    Findings- Maximum respondents prefer those insurense

    policies which allows them to choose insurance at the same


    2. (a) Allows flexibility in premium payment with minimum

    payment term

    (b) Compulsion of paying premium till the term ends


    Option Response Percentage

    A 72 60

    B 48 40


  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Observation- Out of total 120 respondents 60% of people

    prefer option A and 40% of people prefer option B.

    Findings- Maximum respondents prefer those insurense

    policies which Allows flexibility in premium payment with

    minimum payment term.

    3. (a) Allows you to withdraw your investments partially or

    fully at the time of need

    (b) Allows you to withdraw only at maturity


    Option Response Percentage

    A 74 62

    B 46 38


  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Observation- Out of total 120 respondents 62% of people

    prefer option A and 38%of people prefer option B.

    Findings- Maximum respondents prefer those policies Allows

    you to withdraw your investments partially or fully at the time

    of need.

    4. (a) Allows you to enjoy returns higher than FD and NSCs still

    being safe and tax free

    (b) Allows you to enjoy return at par with FD and NSCs


    Option Response Percentage

    A 120 100

    B 0 0


  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Observation- 100% respondents prefer option A.

    Findings- All the respondents prefer those insurance policies

    which allow enjoying returns higher than FD and NSCs still

    being safe and tax free.

    5. (a) Allows you to increase or decrease insurance as per need(b) Should never increase or decrease


    Option Response Percentage

    A 77 64B 43 36


  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Observation-Out of total 120 respondents 64% people prefer

    option A and 36% people prefer option B.

    Findings- Maximum respondents prefer those insurance

    policies which Allows to increase or decrease insurance as per

    their need.

    6. (a) Should allow you to choose investment strategy as per

    the need

    (b) Should be fixed throughout the tenure


    Option Response Percentage

    A 68 57

    B 52 43


  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Observation-Out of total 120 respondents 57% of people prefer

    option A and 43% people prefer option B.

    Findings-Maximum respondents prefer those insurense policies

    which them to choose investment strategy as per the need.

    7. How the bonus should be distributed-

    (a) Periodical

    (b) On maturity


    Option Response PercentageA 92 77B 28 23


  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Observation-Out of total 120 respondents 77% of people prefer

    option A and 23% of people prefer option B.

    Findings- Maximum respondents prefer those insurance

    policies which distribute bonuses periodically.

    8. How would you like premium payment to be made-

    (a) Directly distributed through bank

    (b) By company agent


    Option Response PercentageA 82 68B 38 32


  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Observation-Out of total 120 respondents 68% people prefer

    option A and 32% of people prefer option B.

    Findings-Maximum respondents like their premium payment to

    be directly distributed through bank.


    Total no. of respondents = 18

    age Gender Family Size Income group













    3 to


    4 to
















    Total 10 5 3 16 2 5 7 6 10 7 1Percenta



    6 28 17


    9 11 28 38.9










  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report



    Gender Family Size Income group

    Male Female

    3 to


    4 to


    5 and








    Total 14 1 3 6 6 10 5 0PERCENTA





    67 20 40 40


    67 33.3333 0

    age Family Size Income group

    22-28 29-40



    3 to4

    4 to5

    5 andabove







    TOTAL 10 4 2 3 7 6 10 5 1PERCENTA

    GE 62.5 25 12.5




    5 37.5 62.5 31.25 6.25

    age Gender Income group

    22-28 29-40

    41 and

    above Male









    TOTAL 10 5 3 16 2 10 7 1PERCENTA









    89 11.11 55.5556


    9 5.555

    age Gender Family Size

    22-28 29-40

    41 and

    above Male


    e 3 to 4 4 to 5

    5 and


    Total 10 5 2 15 2 5 6 6PERCENTA



















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    Finding- Male between the age group 22 to 40 with family size more

    than 4 and having income between 1.5 lakh to 3 lakh are more likely to

    be a financial advisor.

    Chapter - VConclusions

    The financial markets have continued to witness unprecedented liberalization, growth and

    reforms over the last decade prompted by regulatory compulsions and a rapid integration


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    between domestic and global markets. And as a result, one has seen substantial growth in

    the number of financial firms (insurance companies, mutual funds, brokerages, banks

    etc.) and in the number and variety of financial products and services offered by them.

    As the need of the people is changing so is changing the investment habits of the people

    and this has brought in a spate of new products and schemes where people can invest.

    The concept of insurance as an investment option has arrived where people first identify

    the varying needs of money then converts the needs into specific amount of money and

    time required to achieve the objective of investments plans.

    The objective of insurance as an investment is to ensure that investments are driven by

    pre determined and well thought out investment plan and that the investments are suitable

    and adequate to meet these plans. But for this the planner must understand the universe of

    investments options. He/she must be well informed on the risk and return attributes of

    these options.

    In addition to the above, companies should also innovate to come up with better products

    that would suit the Indian population and should also try to market and sell their products

    through new channels of distribution that can be effective in selling their products to the

    masses. People should identify their needs and then decide on the type of policy they

    want to invest in. insurance is a good investment option for those people who do not

    know where to invest and who do not want to the risk of capital erosion. But, people who

    are financially savvy can opt for term insurance and invest the rest in other options that

    may give them higher returns.

    Chapter - VI



  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report


    Since ICICI Prudential Life Insurance co. ltd is the largest in terms of FDI invested, in

    terms of work force, in terms of market share, in terms of no. of customers. All these

    positive stands of the company place at the number one position. On second aspect

    whatever amount of money ICICI Prudential save, can be used to increase the no. of

    policies, which will helpful to increase the market share of the company. Since the

    customers think about the companies in the industry, when they invest money in the life

    insurance industry. So its necessary to increase the market share of the company. There

    are some recommendations.

    Open some more branches in semi urban and rural area.

    ICICI Prudential has almost its branches in urban area or metros. So in order to

    increase the no. of customer, ICICI Prudential should increase the approach

    towards potential customers. For that it has to increase the branches in the semi

    urban cities like C, D grade cities. And the rural marketing is the best option for

    ICICI Prudential to increase its base in the market

    Improve customer services.In order to take the advantage of being industry leader in private sector, ICICI

    Prudential has to improve its customer services. According to my experience in

    the company, a good number of customers forget to pay their premium at time so

    it causes a big loss to the company. ICICI Prudential has already collaborated

    with the ICICI bank for its Bancassurance facility and then can include another

    feature in it. ICICI bank can offer a bank account with the life insurance policy in

    which an ATM card will be provided. This card will have all the information

    regarding the policy as like future premium payment dates, payment made, money

    value of the policy at that date, value of the unit linked plan and all other

    information what the customer want. This will help the customer to pay premium

    on time and save their losses. This will be mutually helpful for both sister


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    companies, ICICI bank will get new account and ICICI prudential will be able to

    more efficient services to their customers.

    Bring some unit linked life insurance plans in the market.

    Being a market leader doesnt ensure the leadership in the future. Since after

    increment in FDI from 26% to 49% all player will have the opportunity to capture

    the market share. So in order to maintain its position ICICI Prudential should

    -Introduce some new market linked insurance plan, which will give a competitive

    advantage to the ICICI Prudential against its competitors.

    Trained the financial advisors more efficiently.

    In the changed scenario, more efficient training will be needed, so ICICI

    Prudential should provide good and efficient training to their financial advisors.

    Because they are the one who interact directly with the customers. So good

    training will give them the right way to deal with the potential customers.




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    Pamphlets Referred:




    LIC, India


  • 8/8/2019 Arindam Report




    Name:- Age:-

    Gender:- Marital Status:-

    Occupation:- Income (per annum):-


    Contact No.:-

    What kind of Insurance Plan you look for, one which

    1. (a) Allows you to choose insurance at same premium

    (b) Increase premium as per insurance

    (c) Increasing premium every year

    2. (a) Allows flexibility in premium payment with minimum payment term

    (b) Compulsion of paying premium till the term ends

    3. (a) Allows you to withdraw your investments partially or fully at the time of need

    (b) Allows you to withdraw only at maturity

    4. (a) Allows you to enjoy returns higher than FD and NSCs still being safe and tax free

    (b) Allows you to enjoy return at par with FD and NSCs

    5. (a) Allows you to increase or decrease insurance as per need

    (b) Should never increase or decrease

    6. (a) Should allow you to choose investment strategy as per the need

    (b) Should be fixed throughout the tenure

    7. How the bonus should be distributed-

    (a) Periodical

    (b) On maturity

    8. How would you like premium payment to be made-


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    (a) Directly distributed through bank

    (b) By company agent

    Problems which you are facing:


    Thank You for your co-operation.