1 ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd 2013 Radical innovation in Statoil – the SpecTECHular story

ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd 2013

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Radical innovation in Statoil – the SpecTECHular story. ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd 2013. Timeline. Proposing many ideas. Been in operation since. Increasing frustration about implementation. SpecTECHular as concept accepted. First SpecTECHular meeting. 2008. 2009. 2010. 2011. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ÅRDPInnovation workshopApril 3rd 2013

Radical innovation in Statoil – the SpecTECHular story

Page 2: ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd  2013


Classification: Internal 2013-09-112

2014201320122011201020092008 2015

New R&D directorKarl Johnny Hersvik

RDI created

SpecTECHular as concept accepted

First SpecTECHular meeting

Enhanced focus on Innovation

Been in operation since

Proposing many



frustration about


World leading ambition

and innovation even into

the name

I analyzed all proposals,

found interesting results and suggested systematic approach to

radical innovation

Page 3: ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd  2013

Incremental vs. radical innovation

Classification: Internal 2013-09-113

and the difference in skill set needed to progress

Experts on paraffin lamps

What if you showed them a light bulb . .

Page 4: ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd  2013

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Work packages progressed by external partners

Facilitator coordinates and progress internal issues

Innovation work

Innovation work

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Work packages progressed by external partners

Facilitator coordinates and progress internal issues

Innovation work

Innovation work


SpecTECHular Operated almost 3 years

Classification: Internal 2013-02-19

• Picking the best innovative minds from all over the organization – group of maximum 6-7 persons

• Borrow them only 3 hours a week (no work beyond)

• One facilitator

• Feed them strategically important challenges through live information exchange with problem owners

• Guest expertise on specific topics by invitation

• Open idea generation balancing supportive and critical mind set

• Open idea prioritization

• Send out ideas for quick verification

• Hand over convincing results

• Internal or external further qualification

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nal n



Technology Arena

Radical ideation process

Prep. Ideation Test/verification

Hand over

Time spent on one concept

Technical Strategy





• Make agenda• Report on progress• Propose new challenge• Invite relevant competence

• Ideation• Prioritize ideas – which will be tested• How to proceed

• Define test• Define sufficient testing

• Project management• Find and assess test supplier• Procurement process• Kick-off and coach supplier

• Report to Advisory Board• Use Technology Arena to find the

challenge owner• Present the matured idea directly

to the challenge owner(s)

Advisory board

2014-01-275Classification: Internal

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Prep. Ideation Test/verification

Hand over


and fun

The creative process

Classification: Internal 2013-09-116

Knowledge distribution

Initiation and Business Need Polyphony Imagination Idea

formulation Consolidation

Expanding KnowledgeFinalizing


Input - creating an open climate Creative processes Output

Divergent Convergent

Ingunn Johanne NessBased on the work of

Faculty of PsychologyDepartment of EducationUniversity of Bergen

What characterizes the Room of


Visualization and prototype thinking

Involvement and engagement

Multi-skill and expertize

Relational skills

Respectfully challenging to explore beyond

Open and curious

10X thinking

Analytically searching for underlying connections


Page 7: ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd  2013

Quick testing and showstopper focus

• Show stopper hierarchy – start on top

• Drawing/visualization

− Brings all on the same page

• Prototype building

− Overview and results fast

− Strong communicators

• Analytic and/or FEA models

− More time consuming and expensive

− Informative

Classification: Internal 2013-09-117

Prep. Ideation Test/verification

Hand over

Page 8: ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd  2013

The SpecTECHular team

2014-02-138Classification: Internal

Jone Torsvik Espen Oen Lie Geir Njøten Marta Vabø Steinar W Tverlid

RDI Offshore Wind RDI Reservoir Model. RDI Innovation TEX Future Operations RDI Innovation

Page 9: ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd  2013

Naturally creative peopleNaturally creative people

What’s important in the group?

Classification: Internal 2013-09-119

Highly important

Not important

People with specific knowledgePeople with specific knowledge

Clear understanding of business needsClear understanding of business needs

Management and stakeholder support Management and stakeholder support

Clear and efficient implementation processClear and efficient implementation process

Freedom to explore and testFreedom to explore and test

Innovative culture in the organizationInnovative culture in the organization

A significant budgetA significant budget

Naturally positive and optimisticNaturally positive and optimistic

Facilities stimulating innovationFacilities stimulating innovation


Organization and frames

Page 10: ÅRDP Innovation workshop April 3 rd  2013

Project list extract

• New field development method

• Efficient P&A method

• Low cost Injection Points with position flexibility

• Step change purchasing system

• How to deal with the “Specification excess” in the oil business

• Step change maintenance system

• Effective connection for casing and drill pipe

• Long life choke valve

• Fatigue free well head

• “Anti Noise” distribution system

• Low cost anchoring of offshore wind turbines in shallow waters

Classification: Internal 2013-09-1110

1000+ ideas

54 ideas over 24 challenges

at work

9 ideas handed over

1 idea reached service company

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Steinar Wasa TverlidSpecialist InnovationTPD RDI INN
