Redação Científica Prof. Gilson Yukio Sato Departamento Acadêmico de Eletrônica Programa de pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica

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Redação Científica

Prof. Gilson Yukio Sato

Departamento Acadêmico de Eletrônica

Programa de pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica

Estilo da Escrita Científica

Prof. Gilson Yukio Sato



Parágrafo • Organização

• As ideias devem estar organizadas

• Continuidade • A relação entre ideias deve estar clara

• Ênfase • Ideias importantes devem ser enfatizadas

(Zeiger 2000)


• Sentença de tópico e sentença de suporte • Da visão geral para os detalhes

• Estrutura

• Tamanho da sentença de tópico

• Quantidade e posição da sentença de tópico

• Sequência do raciocínio completa • “sem pular passos”

(Zeiger 2000)

Da visão geral para os detalhes • Primeiro a visão geral, depois os detalhes

• Visão geral ← sentença com o tópico do parágrafo • O tópico é o assunto do parágrafo

• Sujeito + verbo + complemento

• Fazer um ponto por parágrafo

• Detalhes ← sentenças de suporte • Organizadas para explicar o ponto

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) There are three different theories put foward for the very slow relaxation of catch muscles of molluscs. (B) One theory holds that catch is due

to some unusual property of myosin in these muscles that produces a slow rate of

detachement (ref). (C) In this theory, paramyosin would have no special role beyond that of

providing the long scaffolding on which the myosin is positioned as well as the mechanical

strenght for the large tensions developed.

(Zeiger 2000)

(D) The second theory holds that tension is developed by actin-myosin interaction but is

maintained by paramyosin interactions (ref). (E) Because the thick filaments are of limited

lenght, interaction would have to occur through fusion of thick filaments (ref). (F) A third theory, to which I subscribe, pictures a structural change

in the paramyosin core affecting the rate of breaking of myosin-actin links at the filament

surface (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) There are three different theories put foward for the very slow relaxation of catch muscles of molluscs. (B) One theory holds that catch is due

to some unusual property of myosin in these muscles that produces a slow rate of

detachement (ref). (C) In this theory, paramyosin would have no special role beyond that of

providing the long scaffolding on which the myosin is positioned as well as the mechanical

strenght for the large tensions developed.

(Zeiger 2000)




(D) The second theory holds that tension is developed by actin-myosin interaction but is

maintained by paramyosin interactions (ref). (E) Because the thick filaments are of limited

lenght, interaction would have to occur through fusion of thick filaments (ref). (F) A third theory, to which I subscribe, pictures a structural change

in the paramyosin core affecting the rate of breaking of myosin-actin links at the filament

surface (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)




Exemplo 1

• (A) Sentença de tópico • (B) apresenta teoria 1

• (C) explica teoria 1

• (D) apresenta teoria 2 • (E) explica teoria 2

• (F) apresenta teoria 3

(Zeiger 2000)

Exemplo 1 • Introdução de artigo

• Estrutura de lista (“three different theories)

• Organização: Da teoria menos importante para a mais

• O resto do artigo detalha a teoria 3

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) To assess the distribution, size, and shape of ganglion cell bodies in the tracheal neural

plexus, we examined individual cell bodies in their entirety at 100-400 x with a compound light microscope. (B1) For the assessment of

distribution, first each ganglion cell body that was stained by the acetylcholinesterase reaction

product or that was bordered by acetylcholinesterase-positive ganglion cell

bodies was classified according to its location in tracheal neural plexus; (B2) then the number of

cell bodies in each ganglion was counted.

(Zeiger 2000)

(C) For the assessment of the size and shape of each ganglion cell body, the (α) major and (β)

minor axis of the cell body were mesured with a calibrated reticle in the eye-piece of the

microscope, and, based on these dimensions, the mean caliper diameter, the volume (π αβ2/6), and the aspect ration (α/β) were

calculated. (D) Mean caliper diameter was calculated by the formula for prolate ellipsoid of

rotatio as described by Eliasand Hyde (1983).

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) To assess the distribution, size, and shape of ganglion cell bodies in the tracheal neural

plexus, we examined individual cell bodies in their entirety at 100-400 x with a compound light microscope. (B1) For the assessment of

distribution, first each ganglion cell body that was stained by the acetylcholinesterase reaction

product or that was bordered by acetylcholinesterase-positive ganglion cell

bodies was classified according to its location in tracheal neural plexus; (B2) then the number of

cell bodies in each ganglion was counted.

(Zeiger 2000)




(C) For the assessment of the size and shape of each ganglion cell body, the (α) major and (β)

minor axis of the cell body were mesured with a calibrated reticle in the eye-piece of the

microscope, and, based on these dimensions, the mean caliper diameter, the volume (π αβ2/6), and the aspect ration (α/β) were

calculated. (D) Mean caliper diameter was calculated by the formula for prolate ellipsoid of

rotatio as described by Eliasand Hyde (1983).

(Zeiger 2000)



Exemplo 2

• (A) Sentença de tópico • (B) avaliação da distribuição

• (B1) primeiro passo

• (B2) segundo passo

• (C) avaliação do tamanho e forma

• (D) detalhamento de (C)

(Zeiger 2000)

Exemplo 2 • Seção de métodos de artigo

• Estrutura de lista (três variáveis)

• Organização: Apresenta uma ordem de variáveis e desenvolve o texto na mesma ordem

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) Pulmonary nerve endings were relatively insensitive to phenyl diguanide (tab XX, fig YY). (B) Of 25 pulmonary nerve endings tested, only 10 were stimulated when this drug was injected

into the right atrium, and in only one of these did firing exceed 2.2 impulses/s. (C) If the latter ending is excluded, the average peak frequency

of the endings stimulated was only 1.7 impulses/s.

(Zeiger 2000)

(D) The exception, which fired with an average frequency of 17.4 impulses/s at the peak of the response, was encountered in the only dog in

which right atrial injection of phenyl diguanide evoked reflex bradycardia whitin the pulmonary circulation time (latency 2.2 s). (E) Moreover, in

this dog arterial pressure fell, whereas in all other dogs it rose, but only after sufficient time had elapsed for the drug to reach the systemic


(Zeiger 2000)

(A) Pulmonary nerve endings were relatively insensitive to phenyl diguanide (tab XX, fig YY). (B) Of 25 pulmonary nerve endings tested, only 10 were stimulated when this drug was injected

into the right atrium, and in only one of these did firing exceed 2.2 impulses/s. (C) If the latter ending is excluded, the average peak frequency

of the endings stimulated was only 1.7 impulses/s.

(Zeiger 2000)




(D) The exception, which fired with an average frequency of 17.4 impulses/s at the peak of the response, was encountered in the only dog in

which right atrial injection of phenyl diguanide evoked reflex bradycardia whitin the pulmonary circulation time (latency 2.2 s). (E) Moreover, in

this dog arterial pressure fell, whereas in all other dogs it rose, but only after sufficient time had elapsed for the drug to reach the systemic


(Zeiger 2000)



Exemplo 3

• (A) Sentença de tópico • (B) evidência de apoio

• (C) complemento da evidência de apoio

• (D) exceção

• (E) complemento da exceção

(Zeiger 2000)

Exemplo 3 • Seção de resultados de artigo

• “relatively” – demanda evidência de apoio

• Organização: Apresenta prós e contra • Evidência pró mais forte que evidência contra

• Podem ser apresentados só os prós ou só os contra

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) Like Karoumet al. (ref), we estimated the half-life of ganglionic dopamine to be

considerably less than 1h, which indicates a very rapid rate of turnover. (B) Although measures of

total dopamine turnover cannot distinguish between of turnover associated with SIF cells

and principal neurons, from our results we suspect that this rapid rate of turnover is

accounted for primarily by precursor dopamine in principal neurons.

(Zeiger 2000)

(C) We based this suspicion on our finding that whitin 1 h after injection of the systhesis

inhibitor α-MT, and 40 min after injection of the systhesis inhibitor NSD-1015, the ganglionic dopamine content dropped by about 60%,

leaving some 7 pmol of dopamine that was resistant to further significant depletion for at least 3 h. (D) To interpret these data, we used

Koslow’s finding that approximately 40% of the dopamine in the rat superior cervical ganglion is

stored in SIF cells (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)

(E) Applying this figure to our measure of ganglionic dopamine (18pmol/ganglion) would

mean that about 7 pmol of dopamine is contained in SIF cells. (F) Therefore, we speculate that the 7 pmol of dopamine

remaining 1 h after synthesis was inhibited represents SIF cell dopamine that is slowly

turning over, whereas the 60% that is rapidly depleted represents the precursor dopamine in

principal neurons that is rapidly turning over.

(Zeiger 2000)

(G) This notion is consistent with reports which have shown that SIF cell catecholamines have a very slow turn over in the rat superior cervical

ganglion (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) Like Karoumet al. (ref), we estimated the half-life of ganglionic dopamine to be

considerably less than 1h, which indicates a very rapid rate of turnover. (B) Although measures of

total dopamine turnover cannot distinguish between of turnover associated with SIF cells

and principal neurons, from our results we suspect that this rapid rate of turnover is

accounted for primarily by precursor dopamine in principal neurons.

(Zeiger 2000)



(C) We based this suspicion on our finding that whitin 1 h after injection of the systhesis

inhibitor α-MT, and 40 min after injection of the systhesis inhibitor NSD-1015, the ganglionic dopamine content dropped by about 60%,

leaving some 7 pmol of dopamine that was resistant to further significant depletion for at least 3 h. (D) To interpret these data, we used

Koslow’s finding that approximately 40% of the dopamine in the rat superior cervical ganglion is

stored in SIF cells (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)



(E) Applying this figure to our measure of ganglionic dopamine (18pmol/ganglion) would

mean that about 7 pmol of dopamine is contained in SIF cells. (F) Therefore, we speculate that the 7 pmol of dopamine

remaining 1 h after synthesis was inhibited represents SIF cell dopamine that is slowly

turning over, whereas the 60% that is rapidly depleted represents the precursor dopamine in

principal neurons that is rapidly turning over.

(Zeiger 2000)



(G) This notion is consistent with reports which have shown that SIF cell catecholamines have a very slow turn over in the rat superior cervical

ganglion (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)


Exemplo 4

• (A) Sentença de tópico

• (B) Sentença de tópico • (C) – (E) evidência de apoio para (B)

• (C) achado que apoia (B)

• (D) achado usado para interpretar (C)

• (E) interpretação de (C) usando (D)

• (F) Sentença de tópico refinada

• (G) evidência de apoio para (F)

(Zeiger 2000)

Exemplo 4 • Seção de discussão de artigo

• Organização: Apresenta prós • Evidência pró + achado

(Zeiger 2000)

Padrões de organização do parágrafo • Do menos para o mais importante

• Do mais para o menos importante

• Pela ordem do anunciado no início

• Prós e contras

• Prós

• Contras

• Funil (Ex: Introdução)

• Ordem cronológica

• Problema e solução (papers sobre método)

• Solução e problema (papers sobre método)

(Zeiger 2000)

Sentença de tópico • Tamanho

• Preferir mais curta e simples ← mais clara e poderosa (Ex1 e Ex3)

• Mais longas e complexas (Ex2 e Ex4)

• Pode haver mais de uma sentença de tópico (Ex4) • Pode aparece uma no início e outra no final do parágrafo

(Zeiger 2000)

Sequência do raciocínio completa

• Todos passos da argumentação lógica devem ser apresentados

• O autor pode estar familiarizado com o tópico, mas o leitor não

(A) As expected, serum glucose decreased to about 800 mg/dl by the sixth hour of insulin infusion. (B) It was elected to stabilize serum

glucose at this level to allow for osmotic equilibration. (C) An estimate of net loss of total

body glucose was made as follows: ...

(Zeiger 2000)


(A) As expected, serum glucose decreased to about 800 mg/dl by the sixth hour of insulin

infusion. (B) To allow for osmotic equilibration, we stabilize serum glucose at this level by adding

to the fluid infusion an amout of glucose equivalent to the net loss of blood glucose. (C) An

estimate of net loss of total body glucose was made as follows: ...

(Zeiger 2000)


• Fluxo não problemático de ideias de um sentença para outra e de um parágrafo para outro

• Relação clara entre cada sentença e aquela que a precede

(Zeiger 2000)


• Repetir termos chave

• Usar transições para indicar relação entre ideias

• Manter uma ordem consistente

• Manter um ponto de vista consistente

• Colocar ideias paralelas de forma paralela

• Sinalizar os subtópicos do parágrafo

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir termos chave

• Repetir os termos chave exatamente

• Repetir os termos chave no início da sentença

• Relacionar os termos chave com uma categoria e vice versa

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente

• O leitor começa a perceber a repetição somente na quinta ou sexta repetição

• O objetivo do texto é transmitir a mensagem de forma clara

• O uso repetido ajuda a fixar o tópico

• A repetição facilita a leitura do texto

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: clareza

E: Digitalis increase the contractility of the mammalian heart. This change in inotropic state is a result of changes in calcium flux throught the

muscle cell membrane.

(Zeiger 2000)

R: Digitalis increase the contractility of the mammalian heart. This increase in contractility is a result of changes in calcium flux throught

the muscle cell membrane.

Repetir o termo exatamente: clareza

The extent of digestion of the liver was determined empirically, on the basis of the softness of the liver in response to gentle

scratches applied with sterile tweezers. When these scratches broke the surface of the liver,

digestion was considered complete. The key enzyme in hepatocyte isolation is collagenase, but there is surprisingly little

definitive information about what constitutes a good enzyme preparation for efficacy of cell yield

and viability. (Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: clareza

The extent of digestion of the liver was determined empirically, on the basis of the softness of the liver in response to gentle

scratches applied with sterile tweezers. When these scratches broke the surface of the liver,

digestion was considered complete. The key enzyme used to digest liver is

collagenase, but there is surprisingly little definitive information about what constitutes a

good enzyme preparation for efficacy of cell yield and viability.

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: clareza The extent of digestion of the liver was

determined empirically, on the basis of the softness of the liver in response to gentle

scratches applied with sterile tweezers. When these scratches broke the surface of the liver,

digestion was considered complete. The key enzyme used to digest liver for isolation

of hepatocytes is collagenase, but there is surprisingly little definitive information about

what constitutes a good enzyme preparation for efficacy of hepatocytes yield and viability.

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: precisão

To determine which collagenase concentration is the most appropriate for our purposes, we tested

collagenase B (Boehringer Mannhein, Indianapolis, IN) dissolved at different

concentrations in the perfusion medium. First we prefused mouse liver with medium containing the

same quantity of collagenase B as the medium used to perfuse rat liver (70 mg enzyme per liter

of perfusion medium).

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: precisão

To determine which collagenase concentration is the most appropriate for our purposes, we tested

collagenase B (Boehringer Mannhein, Indianapolis, IN) dissolved at different

concentrations in the perfusion medium. First we prefused mouse liver with medium containing the

same concentration of collagenase B as the medium used to perfuse rat liver (70 mg enzyme

per liter of perfusion medium).

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: precisão

Since RACK1 and βIIPKC are translocated together and bind each other, we next wanted to

determine the timing of association [...]. This merging of images at a site different from the

Golgi apparatus indicates that RACK1 and βIIPKC bind each other before they are translocated

together to the Golgi apparatus.

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: precisão

Since RACK1 and βIIPKC are translocated together and bind each other, we next wanted to

determine the timing of binding [...]. This merging of images at a site different from the Golgi

apparatus indicates that RACK1 and βIIPKC bind each other before they are translocated together

to the Golgi apparatus.

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: evita “ruído” In humans, apo-B100, mainly synthesized in the

liver, and apo-B48, mainly synthesized in the intestine, are products of a single op-B gene (ref). The production of apo-B48 in the human intestine

is the result of an RNA-editing process that changes a glutamine codon (CAA) of the mRNA

for apo-B100 into a translational stop codon (UAA). This apo-B mRNA-editing process does not

occurs in human livers, so apo-B48 is not synthesized in human livers. However, the mRNA-

editing process, and thus apo-B48 formation occurs in mouse and rat livers.

(Zeiger 2000)

Repetir o termo exatamente: evita “ruído” In humans, apo-B100, mainly synthesized in the

liver, and apo-B48, mainly synthesized in the intestine, are products of a single op-B gene (ref). The synthesis of apo-B48 in the human intestine

is the result of an RNA-editing process that changes a glutamine codon (CAA) of the mRNA

for apo-B100 into a translational stop codon (UAA). This apo-B mRNA-editing process does not

occurs in human livers, so apo-B48 is not synthesized in human livers. However, the mRNA-

editing process, and thus apo-B48 synthesis occurs in mouse and rat livers.

(Zeiger 2000)


• Não use um mesmo termo chave com significados diferentes no mesmo texto

• “... reduction of reduced glutathione ...”

Repetir termo no início • Repetir o termo chave no início da sentença melhora


• Repetir os termos chave como sujeito ou “parte” do sujeito

• Princípio: a ideia fica mais clara se o que é já conhecido estiver no sujeito e a nova informação estiver no verbo e no complemento

(Zeiger 2000)

Termo chave como sujeito

E: Digitalis increases the contractility of the mammalian heart. Changes in the calcium flux throught the muscle cell membrane cause this

increased contractility.

(Zeiger 2000)

R: Digitalis increases the contractility of the mammalian heart. This increased contractility

results from changes in the calcium flux throught the muscle cell membrane.

Termo chave como sujeito

Cellular oncogenes are created when normal cellular genes that have latent transforming

potential, that is, proto-oncogenes, are activated and key regulatory pathways that control cell

proliferation are subverted. Several subfamilies of G-protein-coupled receptors, for example, the

serotonin (1c) and muscarinic cholinenergic (m1, m3, m5) receptors, have been shown to result in

conditional, agonist-dependent activation of proto-oncogenes (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)

Termo chave como sujeito

Cellular oncogenes are created when normal cellular genes that have latent transforming

potential, that is, proto-oncogenes, are activated and key regulatory pathways that control cell

proliferation are subverted. Proto-oncogenes can be activated conditionally by various agents,

including several subfamilies of G-protein-coupled receptors, for example, the serotonin

(1c) and muscarinic cholinenergic (m1, m3, m5) receptors (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)

Termo chave como “parte” do sujeito

Signals that confer localization to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) have been

characterized in the cytoplasmic domain of many mammalian type I transmembrane proteins that reside in the ER and in the ER-Golgi intermediate

compartment. One common feature of these signals is the presence of two lysine residues at

positions -3 and -4 from the C-terminal end of the cytoplamin domain (ref)

(Zeiger 2000)

Continuidade bidirecional

The ability to perform high-resolution genotyping for the purposes of genetic mapping depends on the availability of polymorphic markers at very

high density. Single-base variations, reported on average at every 1 kb of the human genome,

provide an attractive reservoir of polymorphisms. Mismatch repair detection is an in vivo method for the detection of DNA sequence variations.

(Zeiger 2000)

Continuidade bidirecional

The ability to perform high-resolution genotyping for the purposes of genetic mapping depends on the availability of polymorphic markers at very

high density. An attractive reservoir of polymorphic markers is single-base variations,

reported on average at every 1 kb of the human genome. An in vivo method for detecting single-

base variations is mismatch repair detection.

(Zeiger 2000)

Termo específico e categoria

• Relacionar os termos chave com uma categoria e vice-versa

• Para relacionar os termos chave: • Posicione a definição do termo logo antes ou logo depois dele

• Relacione o termo com a categoria logo após a aparição do termo, usando-a entre vírgulas e vice versa

• Verifique se a definição usa o termo chave para uma continuidade bidirecional

(Zeiger 2000)

Relacionando termo a uma categoria: “which is”

E: The v-erbB gene is related to the neu oncogene. Both oncogenes have ...

(Zeiger 2000)

R: The v-erbB gene, [which is] an oncogene of the avian erythroblastosis virus, is related to the

neu oncogene. Both oncogenes have ...

R: The v-erbB oncogene is related to the neu oncogene. Both oncogenes have ...

Relacionando uma categoria a um termo: “namely”

The family of TGF-signaling molecules play inductive roles in various developmental

contexts (ref). One member of this family, [namely] Drosophila Decapentaplegic (Dpp)

(ref), serves as a morphogen that patterns both the embryo (ref) and adult (ref).

(Zeiger 2000)

Relacionando uma categoria a um termo: “namely”

To examine whether triglyceride-lowering treatment with etofibrate for 6 weeks affects

fasting and postprandial hemostasis positively and reverses the potential negative effects of a

fatty meal on postprandial hemostasis, we repeated the oral tolerance test after treatment with etofibrate or placebo for 6 weeks. In each

sample we measured the concentrations of fXII, fXIIa, PAP, PAI-1, plasminogem, protein C,

prothrobin activation fragment1+2, and D-dimer.

(Zeiger 2000)

Relacionando uma categoria a um termo: “namely”

To examine whether triglyceride-lowering treatment with etofibrate for 6 weeks affects

fasting and postprandial hemostasis positively and reverses the potential negative effects of a

fatty meal on postprandial hemostasis, we repeated the oral tolerance test after treatment with etofibrate or placebo for 6 weeks. In each

sample we measured the concentrations of eight markers of hemostasis: fXII, fXIIa, PAP, PAI-1,

plasminogem, protein C, prothrobin activation fragment1+2, and D-dimer.

(Zeiger 2000)


• Repetir termos chave

• Usar transições para indicar relação entre ideias

• Manter uma ordem consistente

• Manter um ponto de vista consistente

• Colocar ideias paralelas de forma paralela

• Sinalizar os subtópicos do parágrafo

(Zeiger 2000)

Transição para indicar relações

• Por que a sentença está nesse ponto do texto ?

• As transições servem para indicar como as sentenças estão relacionadas

• Transições podem ser feitas por palavras, frases, cláusulas ou sentenças

(Zeiger 2000)

Palavras de Transição

• Conclusão: “therefore”, “thus”

• Exemplo: “for example”

• Sequência: “first”

• Adição: “in addition”

• Contraste: “in contrast”

• Diferença: “however”

(Zeiger 2000)

Transição na mesma sentença The lymphocytes that infiltrate the alveolar walls in this rejection phase are likely to conveyed by

the blood, because they inflitrate all alveolar walls synchronously all over the lungs. CAUSA

(Zeiger 2000)

Both of these high-density-lipoprotein-associated proteins are initially synthesized as proteins and

therefore undergo both co- and post-translational proteolysis. CONSEQUÊNCIA

Althought individual residues in the repeated-sequence blocks in the core have diverged, the

patterns of amino acids are identical. CONCESSÃO

Transição entre sentenças By widening our focus to the entire trachea, we were able to see that most ganglion cell bodies (72%) are located in the neural plexuses associated with the

trachealis muscle and submucosal glands, and only a small proportion (28%) are located along the

longitudinal nerve trunks. Furthermore, we were able to see that most of the ganglia in the superficial

muscle and gland plexuses contain only 1-4 ganglion cell bodies (average, 2.8 ganglions cell bodies). Thus,

previously reported ganglia along the longitudinal nerve trunk that contain 10-20 ganglion cells bodies

are not typical of most tracheal ganglia.

(Zeiger 2000)

Transição entre sentenças By widening our focus to the entire trachea, we were able to see that most ganglion cell bodies (72%) are located in the neural plexuses associated with the

trachealis muscle and submucosal glands, and only a small proportion (28%) are located along the

longitudinal nerve trunks. Furthermore, we were able to see that most of the ganglia in the superficial

muscle and gland plexuses contain only 1-4 ganglion cell bodies (average, 2.8 ganglions cell bodies). Thus,

previously reported ganglia along the longitudinal nerve trunk that contain 10-20 ganglion cells bodies

are not typical of most tracheal ganglia.

(Zeiger 2000)



Frases de Transição

• Frase com preposição • Preposição + objeto (termo chave)

• Frase com infinitivo • Verbo no infinitivo que indica propósito

(Zeiger 2000)

There are three different theories put foward for the very slow relaxation of catch muscles of

molluscs. One theory holds that catch is due to some unusual property of myosin in these

muscles that produces a slow rate of detachement (ref). In this theory, paramyosin

would have no special role beyond that of providing the long scaffolding on which the

myosin is positioned as well as the mechanical strenght for the large tensions developed.

(Zeiger 2000)

Transição com frase com preposição

Transição com frase com preposição

Our aim was to assess the mechanisms involved in the beneficial effects of hydralazine on ventricular function in patients who have

chronic aortic insufficiency. For this assessment, we did a radio-nuclide study of ventricular

function in 15 patients at rest and during supine exercise.

(Zeiger 2000)

Transição com frase com preposição

(Zeiger 2000)

Tyson et al. abruptly occluded the venae cavae before analyzing the heart beats. As a result of

this occlusion, the volume of the right heart rapidly decreased.

Cláusulas de Transição

• Cláusula de transição • Sujeito (termo chave) + verbo

(Zeiger 2000)

Cláusula de transição Considerable evidence indicates that

heterotrimeric (α, β, γ) G proteins are involving in signaling pathways that stimulate mitogenesis

and thus contribute to neoplastic grow. Many ligands that activate G protein-coupled

receptors, including bombesin, lysophosphatidic acid (LDA), acetylcholine, and serotonin (5TH),

have mitogenic effects. Moreover, pertussis toxin blocks the mitogenic effects of three of

these ligands (bombesin, LDA, and 5TH) and also of thrombin and phosphatidic acid.

(Zeiger 2000)

Cláusula de transição Considerable evidence indicates that

heterotrimeric (α, β, γ) G proteins are involving in signaling pathways that stimulate mitogenesis and

thus contribute to neoplastic grow. Evidence for stimulation of mitogenesis is that many ligands

that activate G protein-coupled receptors, including bombesin, lysophosphatidic acid (LDA),

acetylcholine, and serotonin (5TH), have mitogenic effects. Moreover, pertussis toxin

blocks the mitogenic effects of three of these ligands (bombesin, LDA, and 5TH) and also of

thrombin and phosphatidic acid. (Zeiger 2000)

Cláusula de transição

Ours findings demonstrate that in patients with clinically moderate to severe congestive heart

failure and left ventricular dysfunction, the arteriolar vasodilator hydralazine produces

significant hemodynamic benefits independent of the presence or absence of mitral regurgitation. We found significant increases in cardiac index,

stroke volume index, and significant decreases in systemic vascular resistance in all patients.

(Zeiger 2000)

These beneficial effects were greatest in patients who had documented severe to moderate mitral

regurgitation, intermediate in those who had mild to no apparent mitral regurgitation, and

smallest in patients who had competent mitral valve prostheses and therefore no mitral


(Zeiger 2000)

Cláusula de transição

Ours findings demonstrate that in patients with clinically moderate to severe congestive heart

failure and left ventricular dysfunction, the arteriolar vasodilator hydralazine produces

significant hemodynamic benefits independent of the presence or absence of mitral regurgitation. The benefits we found were significant increases

in cardiac index, stroke volume index, and significant decreases in systemic vascular

resistance in all patients.

(Zeiger 2000)

These benefits were greatest in patients who had documented severe to moderate mitral

regurgitation, intermediate in those who had mild to no apparent mitral regurgitation, and

smallest in patients who had competent mitral valve prostheses and therefore no mitral


(Zeiger 2000)

Frases e Cláusulas de Transição • Pode haver frases e cláusulas de transição sem

repetição do termo chave. O termo chave pode ser substituído pela categoria.

• Frases e cláusulas de transição são mais fortes que palavras de transição

• Palavras, frases e cláusulas de transição são mais fortes no início da sentença

(Zeiger 2000)


• Repetir termos chave

• Usar transições para indicar relação entre ideias

• Manter uma ordem consistente

• Manter um ponto de vista consistente

• Colocar ideias paralelas de forma paralela

• Sinalizar os subtópicos do parágrafo

(Zeiger 2000)

Ordem consistente • Se na sentença de tópico houver uma lista, explore

os itens desta lista na mesma ordem

• As sentenças de apoio devem conter os itens da lista e não devem acrescentar novos itens

• Nas sentenças de apoio devem ser usados os mesmos termos chave usados na lista da sentença de tópico

• Nas sentenças de apoio não devem interromper a sequência da explicação com outras informações

(Zeiger 2000)

To assess the distribution, size, and shape of ganglion cell bodies in the tracheal neural

plexus, we examined individual cell bodies in their entirety at 100-400 x with a compound

light microscope. For the assessment of distribution, first each ganglion cell body that

was stained by the acetylcholinesterase reaction product or that was bordered by

acetylcholinesterase-positive ganglion cell bodies was classified according to its location in tracheal neural plexus; then the number of cell

bodies in each ganglion was counted.

(Zeiger 2000)

For the assessment of the size and shape of each ganglion cell body, the (α) major and (β) minor

axis of the cell body were mesured with a calibrated reticle in the eye-piece of the

microscope, and, based on these dimensions, the mean caliper diameter, the volume (π αβ2/6), and the aspect ration (α/β) were calculated. Mean caliper diameter was

calculated by the formula for prolate ellipsoid of rotatio as described by Eliasand Hyde (1983).

(Zeiger 2000)

Ordem consistente

Samples of inspired, end-tidal, and mixed-expired gases were taken during the 2-h wash-in period. Inspired gas samples were collected proximal to the non-rebreathing valve. End-tidal gas samples were collected throught a catheter, the tip of it which was placed near the tracheal end of the endotracheal tube. The endotracheal tube was

conected to the non-rebreathing valve with fllexible Teflon® tubing whose internal volume

was approximately 100 ml.

(Zeiger 2000)

Teflon® was used to avoid the absortion and release of anesthetic that occur with plastics such

as polyethylene, and the added 100 ml of dead space was used to prevent contamination of end-

tidal samples with inspired gas. Expired gases were conducted via a flexible Teflon® tube to an aluminum mixing chamber. Mixed-expired gas samples were collected distal to the aluminum

mixing chamber. All gas samples were collected in 50 ml glass syringes that were stored upright (to

produce a slight positive pressure) until analysed.

(Zeiger 2000)


• Repetir termos chave

• Usar transições para indicar relação entre ideias

• Manter uma ordem consistente

• Manter um ponto de vista consistente

• Colocar ideias paralelas de forma paralela

• Sinalizar os subtópicos do parágrafo

(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente • Se o parágrafo for sobre o mesmo tópico, suas

sentenças sobre o tópico devem ter como sujeito esse tópico

• O ponto de vista é consistente quando o termo (ou categoria) é o sujeito das sentenças sucessivas que tratam do mesmo tópico

(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: termo

Propranolol had variable effects on the hypoxemia-induced changes in regional blood

flow. In the cerebrum, the increase in blood flow caused by hypoxemia was not significantly

altered by propranolol. However, in other organs, such as the gut and the kidneys, and in the

peripheral circulation, propranolol cause a more severe decrease in blood flow that did hypoxemia


(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: termo

Propranolol had variable effects on the hypoxemia-induced changes in regional blood

flow. In the cerebrum, propranolol did not significantly altered the increase in blood flow

caused by hypoxemia. However, in other organs, such as the gut and the kidneys, and in the

peripheral circulation, propranolol cause a more severe decrease in blood flow that did hypoxemia


(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: categoria

The control injection of naxolone produced no significant changes in arterial blood pressure or

heart rate. The arterial blood pressures and heart rates measured after 24 h of morfine infusion did

not change significantly.

(Zeiger 2000)

The control injection of naxolone produced no significant changes in arterial blood pressure or

heart rate. Twenty-four hours of morfine infusion produced no significant changes in arterial blood

pressure or heart rate.

Ponto de vista consistente: categoria

Neither the control injection of naxolone nor the twenty-four hours of morfine infusion significantly

altered arterial blood pressure or heart rate

(Zeiger 2000)

The control injection of naxolone produced no significant changes in arterial blood pressure or

heart rate. Twenty-four hours of morfine infusion produced no significant changes in arterial blood

pressure or heart rate.

Ponto de vista consistente: categoria

Olsen et al. (ref) concluded that series interaction was more important than direct interaction;

Visner et al. (ref), using nearly identical preparations and protocol, concluded the

opposite. We found that direct interaction was about one-half as important as series interaction in determining left ventricular volume at the end diastole when the pericardium was on, and that the direct interaction effect decreased when the

pericardium was removed.

(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: categoria

Olsen et al. (ref) concluded that direct interaction was less important than series interaction; Visner et al. (ref), using nearly identical preparations and protocol, concluded the opposite. We found that

direct interaction was about one-half as important as series interaction in determining left ventricular volume at the end diastole when the pericardium

was on, and that the direct interaction effect decreased when the pericardium was removed.

(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: usando “I” e “We”

To determine the mechanism for the direct effect of contrast media on heart muscle mechanics, this

study on heart muscles isolated from cats was carried out.

(Zeiger 2000)

To determine the mechanism for the direct effect of contrast media on heart muscle mechanics, we carried out this study on heart muscles isolated

from cats.

Ponto de vista consistente: usando “I” e “We”

A nosocomial infection was defined as one that was cleary not present in the culture of any body fluid when the infant was admitted, although it

was recognized that virtually all infant colonization, and therefore all infections, are


(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: usando “I” e “We”

We defined a nosocomial infection as one that was cleary not present in the culture of any body fluid when the infant was admitted, although we recognized that virtually all infant colonization,

and therefore all infections, are nosocomial.

(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: usando “I” e “We”

Acetylcholinesterase activity has been found in most ganglion cells of the myenteric and

submucosal plexuses of the enteric nervous system, but differences have been found in the

intensity of the acetylcholinesterase reaction, and ganglia have been classified accordingly (ref).

Likewise, differences in the intensity of the acetylcholinesterase reaction were found in the

ferret trachea.

(Zeiger 2000)

However, the intensity of the reaction appeared to depend more on the ganglion cell’s position and on the presence of overlying connective tissue than on acetylcholinesterase content.

Therefore, no atempt was made in this study to classify ganglion cells according to the amount of

acetylcholinesterase activity.

(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: usando “I” e “We”

Acetylcholinesterase activity has been found in most ganglion cells of the myenteric and

submucosal plexuses of the enteric nervous system, but differences have been found in the

intensity of the acetylcholinesterase reaction, and ganglia have been classified accordingly (ref).

Likewise, we found differences in the reactivity in the ferret trachea.

(Zeiger 2000)

However, the intensity of the reaction appeared to depend more on the ganglion cell’s position and on the presence of overlying connective tissue than on acetylcholinesterase content.

Therefore, in this study we made no atempt to classify ganglion cells according to the amount of

acetylcholinesterase activity.

(Zeiger 2000)

Ponto de vista consistente: usando “I” e “We”

It is concluded that this method is a sensitive quantitative measure of lung intersticial fluid and can detect pulmonary edema and congestion in

the dog lung before alveolar flooding occurs.

(Zeiger 2000)

We concluded that this method is a sensitive quantitative measure of lung intersticial fluid and can detect pulmonary edema and congestion in

the dog lung before alveolar flooding occurs.

Usando “I” e “We”

• Para declarações com significativa carga subjetiva

• O uso mais controverso do “we” é na seção de método • O método ou técnica ou variável deveria ser o sujeito

(Zeiger 2000)


• Repetir termos chave

• Usar transições para indicar relação entre ideias

• Manter uma ordem consistente

• Manter um ponto de vista consistente

• Colocar ideias paralelas de forma paralela

• Sinalizar os subtópicos do parágrafo

(Zeiger 2000)

Formas paralelas • Ideias paralelas são ideias do mesmo tipo

• Formas paralelas devem ser gramaticalmente iguais • Se uma sentença é composta por sujeto + verbo +

complemento, a sentença paralela deve ter a mesma forma

• Formas paralelas ressaltam similaridades e diferenças

(Zeiger 2000)

Forma paralela

The log10 function eliminated some waves. The factor that determined whether a wave was

eliminated or amplified was the divisor. When the divisor was greater than the absolute value of the peak of a wave, the wave was eliminated. When

the divisor was less than the absolute value of the peak of a wave, the wave was amplified.

(Zeiger 2000)

Forma paralela

After fetal injection of naxolone, fetal arterial blood pH and PO2 both decrease (from 7.39 ± 0.01

(SD) to 7.35 ± 0.02 and from 23.0 ± 0.5 to 20.8 ± 0.8 mmHg, respectively). There was no change in arterial blood PCO2. After maternal injection of

naxolone, only fetal arterial blood PO2 decreased (from 24.4 ± 0.8 to 22.2 ± 1.0 mmHg). There were no significant changes in fetal arterial blood pH

and PCO2.

(Zeiger 2000)


• Não use uma forma paralela para ideias que não são paralelas

To determine whether cholinergic or adrenergic nerves mediate secretion of fluids from tracheal submucosal glands, we did experiments on glads

excised from ferrets. To induce secretion, we stimulated the tissue both electrically and

pharmacologically. To inhibit secretion, we added XXXX to the bathing solution.

(Zeiger 2000)


To determine whether cholinergic or adrenergic nerves mediate secretion of fluids from tracheal submucosal glands, we did experiments on glads

excised from ferrets. We induce secretion by stimulating the tissue both electrically and

pharmacologically. We inhibit secretion by adding XXXX to the bathing solution.

(Zeiger 2000)



• Repetir termos chave

• Usar transições para indicar relação entre ideias

• Manter uma ordem consistente

• Manter um ponto de vista consistente

• Colocar ideias paralelas de forma paralela

• Sinalizar os subtópicos do parágrafo

(Zeiger 2000)

Sinalizando subtópicos anunciados na sentença de tópico

• O subtópico deve ser sinalizado assim que se inicia

• A sinalização deve ser visual e por palavras • Sentença nova

• A palavra chave do subtópico deve iniciar a sentença

• A palavra chave deve ser preferencialmente

(Zeiger 2000)

Samples of inspired, end-tidal, and mixed-expired gases were taken during the 2-h wash-in period. Inspired gas samples were collected proximal to the non-rebreathing valve. End-tidal gas samples were collected throught a catheter, the tip of it which was placed near the tracheal end of the endotracheal tube. The endotracheal tube was

conected to the non-rebreathing valve with fllexible Teflon® tubing whose internal volume

was approximately 100 ml.

(Zeiger 2000)

Teflon® was used to avoid the absortion and release of anesthetic that occur with plastics such

as polyethylene, and the added 100 ml of dead space was used to prevent contamination of end-

tidal samples with inspired gas. Expired gases were conducted via a flexible Teflon® tube to an aluminum mixing chamber. Mixed-expired gas samples were collected distal to the aluminum

mixing chamber. All gas samples were collected in 50 ml glass syringes that were stored upright (to

produce a slight positive pressure) until analysed.

(Zeiger 2000)

Propranolol had variable effects on the hypoxemia-induced changes in regional blood

flow. In the cerebrum, propranolol did not significantly altered the increase in blood flow

caused by hypoxemia. However, in other organs, such as the gut and the kidneys, and in the

peripheral circulation, propranolol cause a more severe decrease in blood flow that did hypoxemia


(Zeiger 2000)

Sinalizando subtópicos paralelos

• Subtópico paralelos → sinalização paralela

• Sinalização paralela • Se uma palavra chave serve como sujeito no primeiro

subtópico, o mesmo deve ser feito para os demais

• Se uma frase de transição serve como sinalização no primeiro subtópico, o mesmo deve ser feito para os demais

(Zeiger 2000)

Sinalizando subtópicos ausentes da sentença de tópico

• Subtópico ausente da sentença de tópico

• Sinalizar declarando o nome do subtópico no início da sentença

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) Pulmonary nerve endings were relatively insensitive to phenyl diguanide (tab XX, fig YY). (B) Of 25 pulmonary nerve endings tested, only 10 were stimulated when this drug was injected

into the right atrium, and in only one of these did firing exceed 2.2 impulses/s. (C) If the latter ending is excluded, the average peak frequency

of the endings stimulated was only 1.7 impulses/s.

(Zeiger 2000)

(D) The exception, which fired with an average frequency of 17.4 impulses/s at the peak of the response, was encountered in the only dog in

which right atrial injection of phenyl diguanide evoked reflex bradycardia whitin the pulmonary circulation time (latency 2.2 s). (E) Moreover, in

this dog arterial pressure fell, whereas in all other dogs it rose, but only after sufficient time had elapsed for the drug to reach the systemic


(Zeiger 2000)

Sinalizando subtópicos em parágrafos sem sentença de tópico

• Como sinalizar o tópico e o subtópico ?

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) Blood flow to the serum-instilled lung decreased in the control experiments to 20% of

baseline values and did not change over 4 h (Figure #). (B) In contrast, after beta-adrenergic agonists, blood flow decreased less (about 75%

of baseline). (C) Furthermore, the blood flow recovered to baseline levels by 2 h, and at 4 h

was even slightly above baseline. (D) After intravenous nitroprusside, blood flow to the

serum-instilled lung was similar to blood flow after beta-adrenergic agonists.

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) The decrease in pulmonary blood flow that occurred after instillation of serum was inhibited

by both beta-adrenergic agonists and nitroprusside. (B) After serum alone (control),

blood flow to the serum-instilled lung decreased in the control experiments to 20% of baseline values and did not change over 4 h (Figure #).

(Zeiger 2000)

(C) In contrast, after beta-adrenergic agonists, blood flow decreased less (about 75% of

baseline). (D) Furthermore, the blood flow recovered to baseline levels by 2 h, and at 4 h

was even slightly above baseline. (E) After intravenous nitroprusside, blood flow to the

serum-instilled lung was similar to blood flow after beta-adrenergic agonists.

(Zeiger 2000)


• Informar ao leitor o que é mais ou menos importante

• Enfatizar o mais importante e “desenfatizar” o menos importante

(Zeiger 2000)

Ênfase: técnicas • Condensar ou eliminar informação menos importante

• Subordinar informação menos importante

• Colocar informação importante em posição de “força”

• Etiquetar informação importante

• Repetir informação importante

• Explicitar informação importante, não deixá-la implícita

(Zeiger 2000)

Condensar ou eliminar

• Informação pouco importante > informação importante

• “The more noise, the less message”

• Combinar com outras técnicas

(Zeiger 2000)


• Informação pouco importante em uma cláusula subordinada

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) We chose a period equal to three times the time constant because 95% of the change in

anesthetic concentration within a compartment, and likewise 95% of the recovery from a

compartment, should occur during this period. (B) These percentages are rough estimates of the

amount distributed to and subsequently recovered from each compartment. (C) However,

the distinct separation of these compartments means that most anesthetic eliminated from each compartment should occur during the

period we chose.

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) We chose a period equal to three times the time constant because 95% of the change in

anesthetic concentration within a compartment, and likewise 95% of the recovery from a

compartment, should occur during this period. (B) Although these percentages are rough estimates, the distinct separation of these compartments means that most anesthetic eliminated from each compartment should

occur during the period we chose.

(Zeiger 2000)

Posição de “força”

• Posições “fortes” • Primeiro na sentença, parágrafo ou seção (mais


• Último na sentença, parágrafo ou seção (segunda mais proeminente)

• Primeiro substantivo da sentença, parágrafo ou seção (muito proeminente)

(Zeiger 2000)

Posição de “força”

• Posições “fracas” • Meio da sentença, parágrafo ou seção

• Palavras em parênteses

• Substantivo ou adjetivo no meio da sentença, parágrafo ou seção

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) Mean pulmonary artery pressure and cardiac output did not change after instilation of serum alone or serum with epinephrine or terbutaline

(Table #). (B) Left atrial pressure fell slightly below the baseline after all three treatments, but the decrease was statistically significant

only after epinephrine (Table #). (C) Peak airway pressure increased slightly after all three

treatments, but the increase was statistically significant only for epinephrine or terbutaline

(Table #).

(Zeiger 2000)

(D) There was a significant increase in lung lymph flow and significant decrease in the

lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio after all three treatments. (E) Both the rise in

lung lymph flow and the decrease in the lymph-to-plasma protein concentration were greater after terbutaline and epinephrine than after

serum alone (Table #). (F) Arterial oxygen tension decreased after all three treatments,

although it was always greater than 85 mmHg.

(Zeiger 2000)

(A) After serum was instilled either alone or with one of the two beta-adrenergic agonists, lung lymph flow increased and lymph-to-plasma

protein concentration ratio decreased. (B) Both of these changes were greater after terbutaline and epinephrine than after serum alone (Table

#). (C) Arterial oxygen tension decreased, although it was always greater than 85 mmHg.

There were no important changes in hemodynamics or peak airway pressure (Table


(Zeiger 2000)


• Etiquetar como importante • “The most important finding of this study ... “

• “the most unusual aspect of ... “

• Etiquetar como pouco importante • “There were no important ... “

(Zeiger 2000)


• Repetição da mensagem do paper • Título, abstract, discussion ...

• Repetição em uma seção ou parágrafo • No início e no final

(Zeiger 2000)


• Informação deve estar explícita

• O leitor não deve precisar “descobrir” a informação

(Zeiger 2000)

Referências ZUCOLOTTO, Valtencir. Escrita Científica: Produção de Artigos de Alto Impacto. Material de curso. ZucoEscrita, 2017.

<disponível em: http://zucoescrita.com/>.

PEREIRA, Maurício G. Artigos Científicos: como redigir, publicar e avaliar. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2017.

GLASMAN-DEAL, Hilary. Science Research Writing: for non-native speakers of English. London: Imperial College Press, 2009.

DAY, Robert A., GASTEL, Barbara. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Santa Barbara: Greenwood, 2011.

ZEIGER, Mimi. Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. Second Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.