Catholic Life, September, 2013 20 We bring the living waters of grace to others when we share our personal faith experiences. Like a pebble thrown into a pond the ripples of grace continue to spread touching those who are searching for God. n the Feast of the Visitation, 31st May 2013, Reverend Bishop G. Jarrett approved the Lay Association of Christ’s Faithful called Mary of the Angelus Association. ‘Angelus’ is a Latin word that describes the message brought to Mary when she was invited by God to be the mother of Jesus the Saviour. A similar word in Greek, ‘angelos’ describes the messengers of the Word we call angels. This Association is one of the fruits from the work of the New Evangelisation that is now occurring within the Church. Under the guidance of Father Vincent Doyle and Mrs Valerie Murphy from the Lismore Diocese they desired to create a community support network for God’s poor. Their vision and mission was inspired from Jesus’ words quoted from Isaiah’s scroll in the synagogue of Nazareth. The spirit of the Lord is on me and He has anointed me to bring the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives, sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim a year of favour from the Lord. This text is being fulfilled today even as you listen. (Isaiah 61:1-2; Luke 4:18-22) In 1979 Valerie received healing prayer ministry from Father Doyle. He introduced her to a way of praying that prepared the way for the Holy Spirit to minister to the depths of her pain and the trauma of her life experiences. Over the years wherever Father Doyle and Valerie were invited to speak in parishes they encouraged people to meet and pray with one another for healing. The Angelus Inner Healing Ministry began to develop and grow through these prayer groups with participants inviting Jesus’ healing love and presence into the unhealed wounds of their lives. Their baptismal gifts of faith, hope and charity matured as they contemplated God’s Word and learnt how to sit, wait and listen to God in silence. Their faith became alive and life giving to others as the Holy Spirit touched their lives. Those who were heavily burdened or bowed down from being spiritually oppressed began to experience God the Father’s love through the power of his Holy Spirit. Angelus Intercessory Prayer Groups were formed as many participants were filled with joy and gratitude towards God for their healing. They desired to pray for others in the wider community. Under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit participants receive many spiritual gifts and blessings for their prayer mission. With Mary as their role model and through their consecration to her they share her compassionate heart for those who have been deeply wounded and have difficulty believing in the promises of Christ. Mary of the Angelus Association came into existence as people began to attend these weekly prayer support groups. On March 25th, 1996 an Inauguration Day was held at Mamre Retreat House in Mullumbimby where 40 participants consecrated themselves to Our Blessed Mother. They accepted the Catechism of the Catholic Church as their reference for all matters relating to Christian living, doctrine and the spiritual life. With Mary, the Communion of Saints and the ministry of the Angels they intercede and give witness of the unity and communion of the Church in her apostolic mission. Over the years the Angelus Association has spread its wings and members reside and meet regularly in small groups in the Lismore Diocese, along the east coast of Australia and parts of the United States of America. Like angels, the members of the association aspire to be in God’s service, to bring hope to the spiritually poor and to bring God’s healing words of life through prayer and action. A Thanksgiving Votive Mass celebrating Our Lady’s Birthday was held on the 7th September at St. Carthages Cathedral with Bishop Jarrett as the main celebrant and co celebrants Father Vincent Doyle (co-founder) Father Paul Pidcock S.M. and Father Edward Travers M.S.C. Angelus Members were commissioned and now with canonical approval the Association looks forward to a greater blessing and growth to support the work of the Church in the ministry for the poor. Local groups can be contacted through valerie@ angelusprayforus.com or 02 6625 2430. Groups in the Lismore Diocese exist in Lismore (Valerie Murphy) Casino (Denise Flocchini) Ballina (Trish Bazar) Bangalow & Ocean Shores (Jan Mangelson) Tumbulgum (Margaret Twohill) Gold Coast (Vince & Christine Gardner) Maclean (Miriam & Killan Scherger,Yamba (Carryl & Rex Tory) Grafton (Beverley Holmes) Coffs Harbour (Mary Lucock) Kempsey (Christine Hayler) Brisbane (Beryl Schneider) Townsville (Robyn Stout) Moruya (Fr Emil Milat). Approval for Mary of the Angelus Association L-R: Valerie Murphy, Fr Vincent Doyle and Bishop Jarrett Icon Image of Mary of the Angelus Association

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Catholic Life, September, 201320

We bring the living waters of grace to others when we share our personal faith experiences. Like a pebble thrown into a pond the ripples of grace continue to spread touching those who are searching for God.

n the Feast of the Visitation, 31st May 2013, Reverend Bishop G. Jarrett approved the Lay Association of Christ’s Faithful called Mary of the Angelus


‘Angelus’ is a Latin word that describes the message brought to Mary when she was invited by God to be the mother of Jesus the Saviour. A similar word in Greek, ‘angelos’ describes the messengers of the Word we call angels.

This Association is one of the fruits from the work of the New Evangelisation that is now occurring within the Church. Under the guidance of Father Vincent Doyle and Mrs Valerie Murphy from the Lismore Diocese they desired to create a community support network for God’s poor.

Their vision and mission was inspired from Jesus’ words quoted from Isaiah’s scroll in the synagogue of Nazareth.

The spirit of the Lord is on me and He has anointed me to bring the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives, sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim a year of favour from the Lord. This text is being fulfilled today even as you listen. (Isaiah 61:1-2; Luke 4:18-22)

In 1979 Valerie received healing prayer ministry from Father Doyle. He introduced her to a way of praying that prepared the way for the Holy Spirit to minister to the depths of her pain and the trauma of her life experiences. Over the years wherever Father Doyle and Valerie were invited to speak in parishes they encouraged people to meet and pray with one another for healing. The Angelus Inner Healing Ministry began to develop and grow through these prayer groups with participants inviting Jesus’ healing love and presence into the unhealed wounds of their lives.

Their baptismal gifts of faith, hope and charity matured as they contemplated God’s Word and learnt how to sit, wait and listen to God in silence. Their faith became alive and life giving to others as the Holy Spirit touched their lives. Those who were heavily burdened or bowed down from being spiritually oppressed began to experience God the Father’s love through the power of his Holy Spirit.

Angelus Intercessory Prayer Groups were formed as many participants were filled with joy and gratitude towards God for their healing. They desired to pray for others in

the wider community. Under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit participants receive many spiritual gifts and blessings for their prayer mission. With Mary as their role model and through their consecration to her they share her compassionate heart for those who have been deeply wounded and have difficulty believing in the promises of Christ.

Mary of the Angelus Association came into existence as people began to attend these weekly prayer support groups. On March 25th, 1996 an Inauguration Day was held at Mamre Retreat House in Mullumbimby where 40 participants consecrated themselves to Our Blessed Mother. They accepted the Catechism of the Catholic Church as their reference for all matters relating to Christian living, doctrine and the spiritual life. With Mary, the Communion of Saints and the ministry of the Angels they intercede and give witness of the unity and communion of the Church in her apostolic mission.

Over the years the Angelus Association has spread its wings and members reside and meet regularly in small groups in the Lismore Diocese, along the east coast of Australia and parts of the United States of America. Like angels, the members of the association aspire to be in God’s service, to bring hope to the spiritually poor and to bring God’s healing words of life through prayer and action.

A Thanksgiving Votive Mass celebrating Our Lady’s Birthday was held on the 7th September at St. Carthages Cathedral with Bishop Jarrett as the main celebrant and co celebrants Father Vincent Doyle (co-founder) Father Paul Pidcock S.M. and Father Edward Travers M.S.C. Angelus Members were commissioned and now with canonical approval the Association looks forward to a greater blessing and growth to support the work of the Church in the ministry for the poor.

Local groups can be contacted through [email protected] or 02 6625 2430.

Groups in the Lismore Diocese exist in Lismore (Valerie Murphy) Casino (Denise Flocchini) Ballina (Trish Bazar) Bangalow & Ocean Shores (Jan Mangelson) Tumbulgum (Margaret Twohill) Gold Coast (Vince & Christine Gardner) Maclean (Miriam & Killan Scherger,Yamba (Carryl & Rex Tory) Grafton (Beverley Holmes) Coffs Harbour (Mary Lucock) Kempsey (Christine Hayler) Brisbane (Beryl Schneider) Townsville (Robyn Stout) Moruya (Fr Emil Milat).

Approval for Mary of the Angelus Association

L-R: Valerie Murphy, Fr Vincent Doyle and Bishop Jarrett

Icon Image of Mary of the Angelus Association

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Mosaics have sometimes been described as “Pieces of Heaven.” And if you have been privileged to view many hundreds of them, you would come to the same conclusion. In Australia we haven’t over extended ourselves in the use of mosaics in our cathedrals or churches in comparison to overseas countries in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere. Historically, Christian communities, kings and popes, aristocracy and conquerors, often graced their churches with brilliant mosaics. Sparkling gold backgrounds, the use of silver and gold, prized deep blue glass and the sparkle finish to attract and edify.

In the first century BC, Greek craftsmen brought mosaic to Italy as is evidenced in the ruins of Pompeii. As their art developed, they used small stone cubes to add to their range of colour and also adding fragments of coloured

glass. These were called “tesserae” and formed the basic ingredients of subsequent mosaic.

The early Christian church took up the art form and began using mosaics in their churches as a teaching visual, like the paintings and sculptures of following generations. On ceilings and walls, mosaics told the Christian story in narrative panels, on triumphant arches and completely covering ceilings in small chapels.

The religious content of mosaics inspired countless painters and sculptors. The storylines of mosaics continue to inspire religious fervour. Their beauty continues to reflect something much more than the mundane.

Religious mosaic and statue in Lourdes© Wessel Cirkel | Dreamstime.com

Religious Art of the World

Pieces of Heaven


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McAuley Catholic College Grafton

Modern HistoryIn April, 25 students and 6 teachers from McAuley Catholic College Grafton went on a 3 week Modern History study tour in Europe. The tour focussed on 3 specific aspects of the Year 12 course: World War 1, Germany 1918-1939 and Albert Speer, Hitler’s Architect.

After a long flight to Munich we attended Sunday Mass at the Jesuit church of St Michaels which is regarded as the spiritual centre of the Counter-Reformation. We were lucky to have Mass said by the Bishop of Munich and Freising, Cardinal Reinhard Marx. It was very different to hear the mass read and sung in German but it was still a great experience. I was lucky enough to not only receive communion from the Cardinal but as he was processing from the church he stopped to talk to me on behalf of the group. He spoke very fluent English as it was easy to understand the questions he was asking, such as “Whereabouts in Australia are you from?” He also mentioned that he was in Sydney for the World Youth Day in 2008. Germany was not the only time that we went to Mass. Whilst we were in our final leg of the tour we also went to Sacre Coeur in Paris. Once again to hear the service in French was very interesting.

One of the main aspects of the tour was the ‘Diggers Project’. All students and staff researched a soldier from World War 1. If they didn’t have a relative they selected someone from the Clarence Valley. During the tour of the Western Front in France and Belgium we heard their stories and if they died in war we visited their graves or the memorials where the names of the missing


are inscribed. This was a very tough and emotional experience but it was amazing to hear courageous, tragic and even sometimes funny anecdotes from their lives.

The highlight of the tour was attending the official Dawn Service at the Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, on ANZAC Day. It was a very special and moving event to be part of. Four of our students: Ryan Cavanagh, Caitlin Nash, Terri O’Reilly and Jaxson Smyth had official roles in the service and read from the Roll of Honour.

This has been one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced and would highly recommend it to anyone that would get the chance to do the same thing. I would like to thank tour organisers Matthew Lobsey and Mark Bellamy for their great effort over the last 2 years and consistent hard work during the tour.

Brandon Disson

Touring Party on ANZAC Day

Bryar Ford at the grave of Thomas Walker of Maclean

Brandon talking with Cardinal Marx

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literacy dayWe held a successful, activity-filled Literacy Day on Wednesday, 31st July. Parents and students were treated to a reading via live stream from the website. Art works and poems created by students added to the experience. The poetry walk was a highlight with poems displayed on the cement in chalk. Invited guests shared their favourite books. The Mayor of Grafton, Ritchie Williamson, St Mary’s Parish member Mr Bill Dougherty and Father Shelwin joined the children as they rotated around the activities, soaking up the varied literacy opportunities

Centenary race dayWe have been celebrating the schools centenary with a number of functions throughout the year. The latest centenary event was the St Augustine’s Centenary Race Day held at the Coffs Harbour Race Course. A seven race program featuring The St Augustine’s P & F Centenary Handicap was well supported by staff, students, families, ex students and our special guest past P&F Presidents. Highlights of the day included the turn of the Century Fashions on the Field, won by Mikaela Flick, a current Year 1 student who was wearing a dress made by her grandmother for a student to wear to the St Augustine’s 1990 Mini Deb Ball. The children were kept entertained by Big Dog, the mechanical bull, the jumping castle and a variety of kids club activities.


St Mary’s Primary School

St Augustine’s Primary School


Coffs HarbourChildren wearing Odd Socks for the Mini Vinnies fundraiser

Principal Jake Madden and P&F President Stephen Appleton presenting the sash and trophy

to the winner of the St Augustine’s P&F Centenary Handicap

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whilst nurturing the school, Parish and community relationship.

Mrs Shona Heron shared indigenous stories around the ‘Yarning Tree’. The 2014 Kindergarten Transition students and their parents observed first-hand the importance of reading. What a creative school community we are!

The Mini Vinnies group co-ordinated ‘The Great Book Swap’ on Thursday where the children were encouraged to swap a book that they loved but could bear to part with. The money raised was donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation to provide books for school children in remote communities of Australia. They also held an ‘Odd Sock Week’ to raise money for the St Vinnies Winter Appeal – bright socks and big smiles on both students and teachers were seen all week.

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John Paul College Coffs Harbour

Joseph Feltis, Brady Miller, Kalemb Hart, head for the finish line

2013 Athletics CarnivalOur Carnival was held at the C.ex Coffs International Stadium in perfect weather conditions which enabled our athletes to perform to their best resulting in a number of new records on the track. Congratulations to Kelly House – Champion House of the Carnival, closely followed by Casey with Hargraves and McAuley 3rd and 4th respectively. This year’s house point score was the closest in history with Kelly house dominating the relays and outscoring Casey which had led the carnival for most of the day.

All the students in the school are to be congratulated for the manner in which they participated and conducted themselves on the day. Again the Year 12 Class of 2013 amused the crowd with their antics and yet still had time to enter many events. Thank you and congratulations to all the staff and student helpers who ensured events ran smoothly which enabled all our athletes to compete.

Lionel Conroy, Interschool Sport Coordinator


trade training CentreWe opened another chapter in our long and proud history with the blessing and recognition ceremony for the Woodlawn Trade Training Centre at the College on Monday 12th August.

The centre includes an industry standard kitchen and a furniture making facility; both allowing students to achieve Certificate III qualifications in chosen fields of Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) or Furniture Making.

Ms Janelle Saffin, Federal Member for Page, officiated at the Recognition ceremony with the unveiling of the plaque.

The Bishop of Lismore, the Most Reverend Geoffrey Jarrett DD, led the College in the blessing of the Trade Training Centre and the newly refurbished College Canteen which was completed alongside the project.

The Woodlawn Trade Training Centre will extend the subject offerings at the College and assist in providing pathways for students who wish to move into industries in the local area and beyond.

Funding for the Trade Training Centre was provided by the Federal Government under its Trade Training Centres in Schools Program which ensures facilities meet industry, health and safety standards to ensure students are able to achieve the required competencies. There is also a commitment undertaken by the school that the subjects on offer run for the next twenty years.

The Furniture Making course began on the first school day of 2013 and the Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) course will begin on the first school day of 2014.

St John’s College WoodlawnA


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Jumping JoeysOur school has started a program that students engage in once a week. The program is called ‘Jumping Joeys’ and is specific to our students at our school. Stage 3 students lead a peer group in activities based on values, relationships, our identity, vision and history. We are doing this to assist our students develop stronger and healthier relationships with their peers, friends, family and the community. We also want to gain a deeper understanding of what we want to achieve within our community here at St Joseph’s, Coraki.

St Joseph’s Primary School Coraki

Year 5 student from St Carthage’s Primary School, Tyler Bolt one of the Indigenous Australian students in the Diocese of Lismore with

Indigenous Education Worker, Mr Craig Condie

record Numbers of indigenous StudentsCollation of enrolment numbers by the Catholic Schools Office in the Diocese of Lismore has shown that there is a record number of Australian Indigenous students in the Diocesan schools. According to Father Paul Sullivan sm, of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry in the Lismore Diocese, nearly 770 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students go to a Diocesan school, which is the highest number since records have been kept.

“Our Aboriginal Elders see education as the key to the future. Many elders were deprived of the opportunity to go to school when they were children and now see education as the key to the future for their grandchildren,” said Fr Sullivan.

Even more pleasing is the attendance of high school with more and more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students completing Year 11 and 12, with some are going on to higher studies. Fr Sullivan attributes several factors for these increasing numbers. “The Lismore Diocese has high numbers of Indigenous Australian staff members with over 65 Indigenous Education Workers and fully trained teachers employed across the Catholic schools, possibly the highest number across all the Australian Dioceses,” said Fr Sullivan.

Other factors include the up-skilling of Indigenous Australian staff members who are being trained to recognise students who need further assistance. This is also benefitting non-Aboriginal students who need extra support. “Training our Australian Indigenous staff members also builds confidence within themselves which not only assists the students but flows through to the wider communities,” said Fr Sullivan.

One of the major consequences of high attendance in high schools for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students is opening up more career and study opportunities, which is essential to help bridge the gaps. “All groups and organisations and especially the Church are called to find ways to take up the challenge to break open the future for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people where there are new opportunities and new hope. Education and employment are the two keys to change,” said Fr Sullivan.

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry CSo office

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A truly Grand event!We celebrated Grandparent’s Day on Friday, 26th July. The day began with a beautiful Mass which included a moving tribute to grandparents, past and present. It then continued with a whole school concert in front of hundreds of excited grandparents, great grandparents, mums, dads and other relatives and friends. The School Choir, Band and Beat Band also gave wonderful performances for the audience on the day. The day was hailed a wonderful success.

top Catholic Country SchoolAt the beginning of June, The Weekend Australian published an analysis of the 2012 NAPLAN results. According to the paper, Mt St Patrick College, Murwillumbah was ranked in the Top 50 Country Schools in Australia in Years 7 and 9 Numeracy. With a rank of 34, the College was the highest ranked Catholic country school in Numeracy in Australia and ranked above all government schools in country Australia. The only schools above Mt St Patrick College were independent schools. Congratulations to the Year 7 and 9 students of 2012 and their teachers, on this outstanding result. It is extremely pleasing to be the best Catholic Country School in NSW in Years 7 and 9 Numeracy and absolutely magnificent to be the best Catholic Country School in Australia.

Mrs Heath retiresMrs Judy Heath recently informed the school of her intention to resign from her position at Mt St Patrick Primary School. Mrs Heath has been employed at the school for the last 34 years. Her contribution over those years has been enormous and her hard work and dedication has been greatly appreciated. We wish Judy all the very best as she begins a new chapter in her life.


St Patrick’s Primary School Mt St Patrick CollegeMacksville Murwillumbah

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Celebrating Foundation dayEach year the College celebrates the Foundation Day of the College that is held on the Feast of the Assumption – 15th August. This day commemorates the commencement of the College and of Catholic Secondary Education in Lismore in 1886. This year over 1400 students, 150 staff, the Presentation Sisters, Marist Brothers and a number of parents joined together to celebrate the success of this venture in Lismore, to pay tribute to those Presentation Sisters, Marist Brothers and Staff whose combined efforts have influenced what is our College Community today.This year we were fortunate to have Father Roland preside at the Mass. It was a first for the College with Year Six students of St Carthages Primary school in attendance as well as being the first experienced by Brother John Hilet who began his Principalship at the College this year. The College community continued its celebrations after Mass with House BBQs and students participating in novelty events on St Mary’s Site oval to cap such a memorable day.

NAidoC WeekSt Joseph’s Woodburn celebrated NAIDOC WEEK with a School Mass. During the Mass we acknowledged and recognised the contributions that indigenous spirituality, identity and culture bring to our Australian story. Following Mass

we were entertained by Mereki (pictured), an indigenous performer. Mereki works in schools teaching Aboriginal Culture through music, arts, storytelling, rhythm and dance. Her presentation was phenomenal and our students were engaged and focussed throughout the educational workshop.

Being the Face of JesusFollowing our Friday afternoon assembly, the children conclude their week by meeting in their colour house groups to engage in activities around Making Jesus Real. The activities give the children a kick-start to the whole-school virtue focus for the following week. Recently the children worked on becoming better “Givers” as they identified ways of helping and serving others just as Jesus showed us. The children are encouraged to put the focus virtue into action and exemplary children are nominated by teachers for our Face of Jesus Award which is presented at our Friday afternoon assembly. With a whole-school approach to Making Jesus Real, the children have been able to support each other in practising the weekly focus virtues and by meeting in their house groups.


trinity Catholic College

St Joseph’s Primary School

our lady Help of Christians Parish Schoollismore


Sth lismore

Father Roland celebrates Foundation Day at Trinity

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Winter Woolies dayRecently we held a Winter Woolies Day to raise money for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. This was an initiative of the school’s Mini Vinnies group. Students and Staff were encouraged to dress in either pyjamas or winter woolies and donate a gold coin for this worthy cause. Everyone embraced the spirit of the day and raised $556.

The Mini Vinnies group also organised a cupcake sale for the day. The Mini Vincentians (and their parents) baked all the cupcakes for the sale with the proceeds going to another Vinnies cause of Assist-A-Student.

Assist-A-Student provides a student in one of our neighbouring partner countries with an education for a year to help break the poverty cycle. $70 will assist one student for a year with no administration cost deducted. The children thoroughly enjoyed the cupcakes and we raised $280 which will assist 4 students.

Our Mini Vinnies group is very enthusiastic and we currently have 54 members with students from Years 2 to 6.


Holy Family School Skennars HeadSt Mary’s Primary School Casino

Children on Confirmation Pilgrimage

Confirmation PilgrimageAs Year 2 students of St Mary’s Primary School, Casino, prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation they recently engaged in an evangelising experience by participating in a faith pilgrimage. It commenced with a walk around the block, complete with flags and banners from St Mary’s Primary School to our local Parish Church. Students, teachers, parents and Father Peter joined together to celebrate an opening Liturgy. They then travelled on a journey of faith, by bus, to St. Carthage’s to visit our Diocesan Cathedral. Father Peter shared with them the history of our faith and explained the Cathedral’s symbols, icons and systems with all of the followers.

The group then travelled to the Carmelite Monastery in Goonellabah where they met the Carmelite Sisters. This was a highlight of the pilgrimage where the Sisters shared their knowledge, understandings and inspirational faith journeys with the students, teachers and parents. The Sisters were able to answer questions and inspired the students to be filled with the courage to Make Jesus Real in their lives and the lives of others. As Pope Francis reminds us, “Faith is a flame that should be passed on”.

Q: What are the holy days of obligation in Australia?A: Christmas Day and Assumption (15 August) are the holy days of obligation in Australia.There are several days which used be celebrated on the day of the feast but which have now been moved to the nearest Sunday: the Epiphany to the Sunday between 2 and 8 January (7 January 2007), the Body and Blood of Christ to the Sunday after Trinity Sunday (10 June 2007) and the Ascension to the seventh Sunday of Easter (20 May 2007).

Q: It has been many years since I’ve been to Mass and I have a family wedding coming up that I want to go to. Do I need to go to confession before I go to communion or is that now out of date?A: The Sacrament of Penance is still an integral part of the Catholic faith, although there are some Catholics who do not participate as often as they could. The Sacrament of Penance is about God’s love for us and his desire to heal us and set us free. This he does when we turn to him and tell him of our sins.As a Sacrament of healing, Penance is for the good of the person participating and brings many graces.“Christ instituted the sacrament of Penance for all sinful

members of his Church: above all for those who, since Baptism, have fallen into grave sin and have thus lost their baptismal grace and wounded ecclesial communion. It is to them that the sacrament of Penance offers a new possibility to convert and to recover the grace of justification. The Fathers of the Church present this sacrament as “the second plank [of salvation] after the shipwreck which is the loss of grace.” (CCC, 1446)The Catechism of the Catholic Church provides helpful instruction on the place of the Sacrament of Penance in relation to Communion: “Anyone who desires to receive Christ in the Eucharistic Communion must be in a state of grace. Anyone aware of having sinned mortally must not receive Communion without having received absolution in the Sacrament of Penance.”(CCC, 1415)

We have a little pamphlet on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, with prayers etc that you might find

useful in your preparation. Please contact us if you’d like a copy.

Is there something about the Catholic faith you want answered?

Contact: Catholic Enquiry Centre, [email protected] Ph: (02) 9211 4907



n B



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29 All photos and images used in “Catholic Life” are copyright. No permission to reproduce these photos or images is given. Catholic Life, September, 2013

Back Row: J. Briggs, T. Walsh, J. Cochran, O. Darragh, T. Kelly, W. Duffy, J. Alvos, T. Dent, T. Rummery, C. Spillane, F. McNamara, C. Higgins. Second Row: L. Trefle, M. Kelly, A. Riley, J. Walters, S. Walters, A. Howard, J. Davis,

N. Harley, L. Jones, V. O.Connor, M. Breen, M. Myles, D. Fitzgerald, F. McLean, R. Stevens Third Row: J. Connah, J. Navin, Mrs. Phelan, A. Davis, Father McGrath, G. Riley, M. Kelly, M. Stuart, Mrs. Lohan

¥ St Carthage’s Cathedral Choir – Christmas 1929 µ

¥ Holy Name Society Rally at St Carthage’s Cathedral Lismore 1950 ¥Seated in centre of front row from left; Chaplain Father Claude Bradley, Bishop Patrick Farrelly,

and a Priest of the Dominican Order who preached during the Mass.

As ItWas

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Catholic Life, September, 20133025

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Accredited Specialists in Wills and Estates

Telephone: (07) 5536 1188Po Box 52, tWeed headS NSW 2485 FacSimile: (07) 5536 1505

Business Around the Diocese

Dianne G Distributor of specialised clothing for the elderly

or people with limited movement, would welcome the opportunity to meet with

individuals, community groups, or aged care facilities on a ‘no obligation’ basis to

demonstrate assistive sleepwear and clothing for ladies and gentlemen.

Enquiries phone Dianne 0419 414 427

ABN 12 096 929 387

Coffs Harbour02 6651 4905

[email protected]

Grafton 02 6643 4939

[email protected]

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Tursa Employment & Training


Your Regional Employment & Training Services Provider

Are you an employer who needs to employ an apprentice or trainee, a permanent, casual or temporary worker?

Are you a job seeker? Need Work? Need Skills? Choose TURSA as your Job Services Australia provider?

22 CONVENIENT OFFICES IN: • Ballina • Bellingen • Brunswick Heads • byron bay • casino • coffs Harbour • Coolangatta • Grafton • Kingscliff • Kyogle • Lismore • Maclean • Mullumbimby • Murwillumbah • Nambucca Heads • Nerang • Oxenford • robina • Southport • South Tweed Heads • Yamba • Woolgoolga

Since 1995

There are many good reasons for business to use our services

TURSA has professional, experienced staff able to service all industries

TURSA will come to you to tailor a solution to meet your needs

Already listed your job vacancies with another organisation? No problem, you can multi-list with TURSA as well and double your chances of finding the worker you want

If you want to use a labour hire company, or a group training company to provide an apprentice or trainee, TURSA can arrange that

TURSA can advise you on any wage subsidies that may be available for placing one of our clients, or any incentives to which you may be entitled

Go to www.tursa.com.au and register your vacancy online with your nearest TURSA office

You choose your local office – the widest access in this area to a network of 22 modern air-conditioned offices located from Nambucca Heads to Oxenford with full disability access and free photocopying, phone and broadband access

Full services available at all of the 22 offices 5 days a week 17 years established – proven track record of performanceProfessional, trained staff sensitive to the needs of clients

TURSA has delivered successfully many programs and services to assist job seekers since 1995 in this region, we live and work and are based here, this is our home

TURSA also puts very significant financial and practical assistance towards achieving employment opportunities for our clients

Confidentiality assured

Call 1800 670 914 for your nearest office

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