PUSAT TUISYEN SINAR BERLIAN FORM 5 – ADD MATHS Application of Logarithm in Real Life Any time you need to convert multiplications to additions, they can be useful. For example, if you get a loan at a bank that has continuous interest (they all do), if you need to calculate how long it will take to pay it back, you need to use logarithms. If you are a scientist studying anything with exponential growth, like biologists studying populations, physicists studying nuclear reactions, chemists studying chain reactions; or a banker calculating how long it will take for investments to reach certain levels at given interest rates, you need to use logarithms. If you are a physiologist looking at how the eye reacts to light or the ear to sound, both are so-called "logarithmic devices", i.e., if you double the light or the sound, the reaction of the eye or ear is to signal not a double strength, but rather an increase by a fixed step. That way you can see light or hear sound in a huge range without having a complex signaling system. Electrical engineers use logarithms to work on signal decay. Computer scientists looking at how fast programs run with respect to the size of the inputs use logarithms often. For example, most good sorting programs take time proportional to n*log(n) to sort a list of n items. There are probably plenty more examples, but these should get you started in thinking about this. [Type text] Page 1

Application of Logarithm in Real Life

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Application of Logarithm in Real Life

Any time you need to convert multiplications to additions, they can be useful. For example, if you get a loan at a bank that has continuous interest (they all do), if you need to calculate how long it will take to pay it back, you need to use logarithms.

If you are a scientist studying anything with exponential growth, like biologists studying populations, physicists studying nuclear reactions, chemists studying chain reactions; or a banker calculating how long it will take for investments to reach certain levels at given interest rates, you need to use logarithms.

If you are a physiologist looking at how the eye reacts to light or the ear to sound, both are so-called "logarithmic devices", i.e., if you double the light or the sound, the reaction of the eye or ear is to signal not a double strength, but rather an increase by a fixed step. That way you can see light or hear sound in a huge range without having a complex signaling system.

Electrical engineers use logarithms to work on signal decay. Computer scientists looking at how fast programs run with respect to the size of the inputs use logarithms often. For example, most good sorting programs take time proportional to n*log(n) to sort a list of n items.

There are probably plenty more examples, but these should get you started in thinking about this.

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Application of Coordinates Geometry in Real Life

Coordinate geometry is applied to many professions and used by many in real life. For example it can be used by computer programmers. Computer programmers use coordinate geometry because most of the programs that they write generate PDF files. And in a PDF file, the printed page is one big coordinate plane. Coordinate geometry is thus used to position elements on the page. PDF files that are produced contains text, images and line drawings, all of which are placed into position by using (x,y) coordinates, distances, slopes, and simple trigonometry.

Coordinate geometry are also used in manipulating images. The selected image is like a big coordinate of plane; each colour information as each individual point. Thus when the colours of the pictures are being manipulated, the points are changed.

Coordinate geometry are also applied in scanners. Scanners make use of coordinate geometry to reproduce the exact image of the selected picture in the computer. It

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manipulates the points of each information in the original documents and reproduces them in soft copy.

Thus coordinate geometry are widely used without our knowing. They are mostly commonly used in reproducing the original and also in IT forms.

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