\, - .. ' .. "E -. V{)I,OME XLVIII. l. ocal a it'll o1t) et: ftrms. ______. -.! _ )Jinnrd'll t.tnhncnl c urr• coJdt, -1 hc'Pt.camcr -.:;;;l; took the 'Am;o.: 1 •• ut<tHiown the bn:v. 'C'el\tcrd:ty 1 t hc la tllllld to JlrR2:1f •vJthl\ I.'AJ'iOOf tlah. '1'1,. '''" '" th(' b11 ·rro.-cct t o.) hca,·y, btlth h!IU-to re turn 1.0 port. 1'0 C'l l Rk: A lN 0 'E DAY T.•1•c L,\..lUII'I \ '1-; • 0 T .thl••t•. tbc monoy f( it f :Ut- 10 fiiTI.'. m man' ' hnnro\"t'mco . 11 In u n.d It Ill a tliat, n bla_ conthtl'nt. t<rdll)', one child ont uy lltr('t th11t nrel-orn dka he! MO ago or rcneht'd-nn d tho of th cl!c dcllth•nrc ptct\· ontable. r • .-o pouuo-;;;hl;..o later,- been bronJ:htarouod here for algo atnro rray· tlt.u the l'Ot tlng or CO<L trapa lo tba !:!hiJ'Io'' ru n<J nt f 1lnnd otber plaet'!! at l.abrl)dor, bo d eclar«J tmla"· / fnl. - :'>f,,ll Oc a teacbo r or Mn. l h·n Thaw, rltu that 111 a achool ..ih1• I' IIUI'Im earnet Ltlodenl,and U1111 tbe abo h uconttno<!d her under her lnltlcm. In lltoratore, J:u::h• h, 'and • lllllllcal Elf•tory at.tbe lh tel l.orralue, ...-h..,ro t ho llvet. wu In Ute opinion of 11011'10 pt:r<tln,, 11) \'llanooa about the <of the tlrb at 'Bay Hobl' rl l on M•mdAS 1\ •eek la.'H. Judge tJoymour and Snpt'flnl crtt feot Sullivan ln••utlgatcd th e ra.sc, but could find no cluo to !111 arlglu. -Thc 1• tcut bJir lo como lto- f (lr<' th e Oomlnlon Parliament prr.vldet thl\ t no pntcnt medlolno ma;y be 10ld ont r, .. •rrro.-cd hy lito nor of ln· 111nd Ho• cnuco, that none cooahlo be allo\\'od IQ 110 aold, aqa that he tllatrlbnUon ot a&mplcr-.(rom door to dO(Ir 18 prololbllcd. -" AG U,\R.\:\TERo( l UTlli FOn PILES, ,ttcbln.:, Jlllnd, lllccdtngor Prolrudlng UntJ:?lstt rcfollll money It PAZO 01 XT)l r-•:-:1 fall• to curo any cue, no .matter of bQw Joog ttaudlnp:,ln G to 14 dan. J "int application gina euo aud rut. r.oc. Jt hun'tltlcdd a and It will bo fo r warded poea.ld by Parla MedlciJ?i! Co., 81.. Lou , M o. · v ,\t 'Tlt OIUTY.-Undcr lbo pr ovulon- .11 See.Qon :IJ of th o l:llooallon Act, 1 009, ....._.., and of 1h o Rornan f'ath6Ji a :olupenntendent of Edu· cation fJ I• J·:xcollt•ny tho Oo,·ernor In t;;4lun oh hu btt!ll p li.'ADed 1.0 a pprovo tha dl• llloa or tba f:docallooal Olatrl<'l. of DriKu.tlnlo two dlllrlat t, wbloh 1haU be d etln..rt nt!'tOJJQWI 1. The or Brts;n•, wblob aha ll extend from Cove to Lower Gouldl Ro&ll, bolb lnQ}WIIvo. Th11 OIJit.Hct of Ri'l'er, wbiC'h ahall utenll from l"'wer Oonld• Road, to TO>QI, lnolna lve. 1' Jo" JJ<Iard ahaU lllte tal :s'(lrth RIYer. IU1 the Oo,• ernor In Couu· l1u bfcm Plf"-•f<l to ReY. Dr. J. Whl'lan, P. 1' ., M'ellffl. Jas. Seward, Jr., l'lltrlck of Rd.. North Tih rr; Uaw .. on, J>atr lok aJ.Iaaey, ot l'•trld., ll•r R ul>l'rtw: )lart1a flon lh River; ·•"tancla Kelly, Rmoralcl· \•&It, to a noman Calhollll Boanl of F.d!H!atJon ' "' tbe Dutrlo& of NorUa Rh ·or: W. D. (;rle-re, .. to bt a mea• bc!r ol l he J.'lqerlell Bolinl, tal.ha; or tbe late Sir .Rebert 'l'taorbai'D _, .G., we ...... OoQJd. &1141 , .... Bar- or JQHPb, to bti or Ute Road Doud ror OpeJ! Han. Dlatrlot of Dooa'lllat .. ID DJaoe of Mr. Wm. Ooeld, Udlolr, .foba &FetarJ'• omo., l'eb.iBIItllfl· P1Ul80NAL. :\lr. W. A. MDIIII urlYecl In foYil Oil qllt. took a ran to Car boaear nutcla7, lilld.nt8mtd to tbe cUJJI!fto t erdav. Ptt)'DlOV laaoteo welllhla wHit u It...-... bopccl abe wobJd be. Mr. H. w. aoa of Olll' Yeteran tQwu•man, ('apt. Reuy Tho-7, .bu the rholee ot two •hnatJCng Ia 8Jd11eJ- ooe at the l.'tllll Mlnu. another ta eoa- n4'ttlou wltb olu&lnlni mea Ia lhla l•lanrl lrJ f.'::O to Sydney •• laboren Ja too tnln('ll. llo loff for fbat plao• bJlUt '1\telday'tl cr •c:ou utl)' trafo. Mr. John Mcltlto left St. J ob n'• at lD o•elook ol.ght by the S. 8. A nnaJ)(Jll'l fa r Olugow. Mr. MoRae'• v111t la ooo of pleuu ro aod bollillet4 oomblnad. A. Tb omay, proprletraa of the DulJorOr•ec MIIIInery !itore, ll at work after bor recent deten· \Jon at homo owiDJ; to a n• ere cold. '--' t;non nurr on her way to 1bo Calhedrlll on rno rolng 1 roll on lito leo and broke her nrm. J\ doetor wu ctalled and I be lnju rle. atl e nded w. FIRE AT 'BAY ROERTS. Tbe following telegram was r e. ce.ived in town by Judge-'l.Se.ymou r from Cons tabl e R. J. wells · nc· 9u ni o tiog hill\ will! another lots by fire at Bay Rbbcrts yesterday : .. The provitolon atore, a table and &laughter-hou lJI! combioed.owned by Eva Duraell, si tuated at Ba1. erht. were burnt to the gro und la st n ight. .Xhe loss is about $2.500. Tbe place is iosured. The origin of tile fire is.unknown. Buaioeaa Wl\8 conducted lherc by Mr . Waltlr Cro bie. One hor.e waa b urot iii the 'a table." t . .. •r _, AND . . ST JOHN'S, BOSTON CLOAK STORE! CLEARING SALE. . Ltd. TH9 MAB. ROBS. - .: ; ·ALL.. OF OUR W INTER GARMENTS TO BE 0 OUT REGARDLESS OF COST. Children:s C ts, price $3 oo ti$s . oo, sale pr ice $1 .70 to $3 . . . Ladie s' Blouses, regular price $•.so, sale price 95c. Ladies' ,..oo Blouses. sale price 6sc , and mapy othe rs too numerqus to mention. ' DON'T TO LOOK AT OUR 39 OENT wnmow :. - ¥' WATER STREET, HARBOR CRAC,. · ..-Next door to the Nova Scotia Bank. ..... - MOST AGREBABI.B PREPABATION OF COD LIVER OIL. ASK YOUR DRUCCIST FOR IT .. WOODS LeMarchant Street, .• . -'JIARBOR GRACE, Nfid. ./ - With the -New Year, new resolutions. Resolve to give yol.lr order NOW for ) 'Our S pri ng and Summer trade. O ur goods arc warrant ed of solid leather and of wo rk- ma nship u nsur passed f or all of work produced. Be in good ti me with yo . ur orders, and so the stock being jn your ha nds ready for your customers' demands. W. J •. JANEB. Manager. · JOHN G. yards wide, s7c . Ladies' and Gent'q Rubbers. Ladies' aild a,nt's Boots and Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Underwear. Ladies' and Children's Boats. 1.& .... during February month. G. MUNN,---• ... Water St, (Opposite T hompson's Drug Store.) 1 Harbor Grace OUR PRICES ARE ALWAY .S RICHT. ..... ...... - WE OFFER :- 100 choice Canadian Cheese (large), 200 choice . Canadian Ch eese · r oo ba rrels Ham Butt Purk, so tierces Spare Ribs ' (M otril's). so barrels Spare Ribs, 2.5 barrels choice Hocks. 100 cases Ti nned - Fruits, 100 boxes Rilisins. 100 brls. A mer. Gran : Sugar, 100 puos. ch. Barbados Molasses. Al so a splendid stock Apples, G rapes and Onions. ·S ee our stock Lang's Fancy Biscuits. -..:...H AS- "' T. HOMAS SMYTH CO., 1:-IMITED_ BABGAIIS !. BABIIIIS I I As we do not intend to carr)' over our \Vinter Stock of Dry Goods, we offer the lot N 0 \V at prices lower than such g_oods havt:! ever been offered before. The stock just purchased from l\rr. J. \V. Murphy (comprising Staple and Fancy Goods) will be s9ld cheap. as we had them at a Bargain 'and will give customer-S the benefit of their cheapness. We mean what we sa)• about the prices of our Goods. We ask you to call and satisfy yourself of the genui neness of tfie we give in Dry Goods, ' · Busi. i1ess the shop lately occupied by l\1r: J. W. Murph) r an RQge rson s Stone Block, \Vater St., Harbor Grace. . . BEG IN 'NI NG MONDAY. DEC. 17. Shirl \Vaist11 80 ceut 11, at 65 ceat s. lt'lanuelette Shi rt Wa ist& selling nt SO cents. Blnck Sntceri'Sbirt Wafstfl S#-30. aclling at 90 ceohl. L :w:lieb' Coats of COiit. Furs from SO cents to $7.00. J3''ille L iue of Colored aud Black Fell Bats, selli ng at half coet: · • A Vnriely of Cheap Dr tas aud Tr immioga at very low prices. IJadies · Costume Skirts. colored oana black. Blouse Le.og tbs for IS cen ts perJard. , Wool Square11, black an colored. lliiirA Choice, Loto( XMAS TOYS. .IEiJ"'Call aod aee Lbe Stoek . . Harbor Grace Millinery Co. , : -: Water St., Gr ace. R. D. & SorJs IMPORTERS ANDEXPORTERS. · Provis io n s, G ro ceries, Cadiz . Salt, Tar, Fishery &c. Be ach Premises, : Harbor Grace. Busin ess at Grady, Labrador .. LINES Selected tho London M; r ket; The Oldest Established sT. JOHN's. NFLD. £: · ' Mus . ical ' INSlRUMENT · The Latest St yiC!I of Ladies' J ackets, Sl ir ts, .. "-ouses, &c. Full Lines of Men's Clo fftto g, Boot s, &c. NOW E XIST ENT JN· · . - ' ·' -"BEE BRAND TEA."= ,_ . . Shoddy kept. . PIANOS :. AND ORGANS From the Best Manuf ,acturora in the .World . Fresh ·from th .e of Ceylon. In. l-4, 1-2 and 1 lb Pac.ltets, Bnd 5 and 10 lb Boxe&. Lending Musicians are our P 11 trooe. They should know. . ' Wri1e B. eH ESLEY woops, 140 . . . l £: . MUNN & 00., ' Water Harbor Grac/ iWUUU AI. SEARLE, .Agent for Harbor Grace. Jar at the .. Studard " Olce. R. A. ' SQUIRES, LL.B. . Choice Lot of Ladies' f URS. nr AND INSPECT THE STOCK. PRICES AND QUAnJyY ARE SURE 1'0 SUIT. . , - G. E. S TI; VENSON. - W:ntTE'R ST'RE'ET, = · \ - -- PROVI S IONS. of nll best g.radeJ. · Codfish,.,l\orring, etc Fruit of o.U kinde Gr ))C€! ries Pr·· duce c.f.all kinds. . Stntlonery of al \ kmde. Confecltonery, wh,olesale & retail. H .. rdwo.re and Cr ockery ware. Paints of o.U colours. Point.a, Oils, T obnoco and Cignrettes of the best grades. "Lco L bor .. nttd T ... ealherwnre. C:trriage ond ·Cart nnd Co rringes for !tire at o.ll time s. . .. To Cure a COld in One Take Laxative•Bromo Qurnine Tahba. .A P1L • . · OD s.w.... _ ._ .... .. ,_.a ..... _ 1'1111 alpatare. (9. Sunday School Class Books. for Orange Societies. E:F iamples on Also printed to order; NOTARY PUBUC; • OFI'lCJt. .:... 1, KJMB)imLEY ROW .Hope at 'id I mplements. A lsi), a good etook of patent llledioiue,s. -pru l'sinn Oil al wn.ys nt Uftntl. . • Sick Benefit Record. Books and Orders. Marriap CettificatcJ. B&NRY Rnu lr , < Orposite Star of the Sea Hall.) 'l' clepbo.ae 8'1\ lou'• I A ll ;n is mal'!:t!cl at lOUJtJ!I J>rit-e-'1. tl. J. HENN I SBY, Water Street ? - I J •

Ecollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19070301.pdf · J"int application gina euo aud ... ~Branch Business at Grady, Labrador .. OHOICESPEOL~L LINES ... G.ROC~RIES'AND

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.. ' ..

"E -.


l. ocal a it'll o1t)et: ftrms. ______.-.! _ _....,.~~

)J innrd'll t.tnhncnl curr• coJdt, .~c.

- 1 hc'Pt.camcr-.:;;;l; took the 'Am;o.: 1 •• ut<tHiown the bn:v. 'C'el\tcrd:ty1 thc lat· t~r tllllld to JlrR2:1f •vJthl\ I.'AJ'iOOf tlah. '1'1,. '''" '" th(' b11 ·rro.-cct to.) hca,·y, an~ btlth h!IU-to re turn 1.0 port.

1'0 C'll Rk: A \.'0~0 lN 0 'E DAY T.•1•c L,\..lUII'I \ '1-; • 0 QUrni~J; T.thl••t•. Altdru~gl • rd~ tbc monoy f( it f:Ut- 10 fiiTI.'.

m ~~:.:~:~,~~-~.: :l~~~~;;:~:n~::ch]~: man'' hnnro\"t'mco. 11 In t:~njt~l u n.d mtld~ll oP'll.-ln~, It Ill a !k~ tliat, n bla_ conthtl'nt. t<rdll)', one child ont uy lltr('t th11t nrel-orn dka he!MO ago or tl\"~l~ rcneht'd-nnd tho tn~tjorlt.y, of thcl!c dcllth•nrc ptct\·ontable.

-·r • .-o pouuo-;;;hl;..o later,- been bronJ:htarouod here f o r algoatnro rray· tn~: tlt.u the l'Ottlng or CO<L trapa lo tba !:!hiJ'Io'' ru n<J nt t-on~; f1lnnd nn~ otber plaet'!! at l.abrl)dor, bo d eclar«J tmla"·

/ fnl. •

- :'>f,,ll Oc Forrc~t, a teacbor or Mn. l "·h ·n Thaw, "·rltu that 111 a achool ~:frl ..ih1• I'IIUI'Im earnetLtlodenl,and U1111 ~~~~~ tbe tra~t~dy abo huconttno<!d her ,otcdl~to under her lnltlcm. In lltoratore, J:u::h•h, 'and •lllllllcal Elf•tory at.tbe l h tel l.orralue, ...-h..,ro t ho llvet.

-T~t•rc wu In Ute opinion of 11011'10 pt:r<tln,, ~omet htn~: 11) \'llanooa about the r••~ <of the tlrb at 'Bay Hobl'rll on M•mdAS 1\•eek la.'H. Judge tJoymour and Snpt'flnl crttfeot Sullivan ln••utlgatcd the ra.sc, but could find no cluo to !111 arlglu.

-Thc 1•• tcut m~ bJir lo como lto­f (lr<' the Oomlnlon Parliament prr.vldet thl\ t no pntcnt medlolno ma;y be 10ld ontr, .. •rrro.-cd hy lito ~Ifni nor of ln· 111nd Ho• cnuco, that none ~taJnlnjt cooahlo '~Ill be allo\\'od IQ 110 aold, aqa that he tllatrlbnUon ot a&mplcr-.(rom door to dO(Ir 18 prololbllcd.

-" AG U,\ R.\:\TERo(lUTlli FOn PILES, ,ttcbln.:, Jlllnd, lllccdtngor Prolrudlng

Pile~. UntJ:?lstt rcfollll money It PAZO 01 XT)l r-•:-:1 fall• to curo any cue, no .matter of bQw Joog ttaudlnp:,ln G to 14 dan. J"int application gina euo aud rut. r.oc. Jt vourrlrug~elai hun'tltlcdd

~ a tam~• and It will bo forwarded

poet· a.ld by Parla MedlciJ?i! Co., 81.. Lou , Mo. ·

v ,\t'TltOIUTY.-Undcr lbo provulon­• .11 See.Qon :IJ of tho l:llooallon Act, 1009, ....._..,and u~ th~ rlloommond~tllon of 1ho

Rornan f'ath6Jia :olupenntendent of Edu· cation fJ I• J·:xcollt•ny tho Oo,·ernor In t;;4lunoh hu btt!ll p li.'ADed 1.0 a pprovo tha dl• llloa or tba f:docallooal Olatrl<'l. of DriKu.tlnlo two dlllrlatt, wbloh 1haU be d etln..rt nt!'tOJJQWI ~-

1. The t>t~trlet or Brts;n• , wblob a ha ll extend from En~ll'h Cove to Lower Gouldl Ro&ll, bolb lnQ}WIIvo. ~ Th11 OIJit.Hct of ~orlh Ri'l'e r, wbiC'h

ahall utenll from l"'wer Oonld• Road, exchtllh·~. to 1111\lt~r's TO>QI, lnolnalve. 1'Jo" JJ<Iard ahaU llltetal :s'(lrth RIYer.

IU1 Sxcell~ory the Oo,•ernor In Couu· ~U l1u bfcm Plf"-•f<l to appoln~ ReY. Dr. ~ J . Whl'lan, P. 1'., M'ellffl. Jas. Seward, Jr., l'lltrlck ~lorrl_,. of Rd.. North Tih r r ; Je~hn Uaw .. on, J>atr lok aJ.Iaaey, ot l'•trld., ll•r Rul>l'rtw: )lart1a NeTIIf~ flon lh River; ·•"tancla Kelly, Rmoralcl· \•&It, to ~e a noman Calhollll Boanl of F.d!H!atJon '"' tbe Dutrlo& of NorUa Rh·or: W. D. (;rle-re, ~ .. to bt a mea• bc!r ol l he J.'lqerlell Bolinl, tal.ha; or tbe late Sir .Rebert 'l'taorbai'D_, .G., we ...... J~rt OoQJd. &1141 , .... Bar-b~ or JQHPb, to bti ~·-- or Ute Road Doud ror OpeJ! Han. Dlatrlot of Dooa'lllat .. ID DJaoe of Mr. Wm. Ooeld, d~uccl, Udlolr, .foba -~

&FetarJ'• omo., l'eb.iBIItllfl·

P1Ul80NAL. :\lr. W. A. MDIIII urlYecl In foYil Oil

To~ay qllt. took a ran to Carboaear nutcla7, lilld.nt8mtd to tbe cUJJI!fto terdav.

!llr~. Ptt)'DlOV laaoteo welllhla wHit u It...-... bopccl abe wobJd be.

Mr. H. w. Thc-~mtoY, aoa of Olll' Yeteran tQwu•man, ('apt. Reuy Tho-7, .bu the rholee ot two •hnatJCng Ia 8Jd11eJ­ooe at the l.'tllll Mlnu. another ta eoa­n4'ttlou wltb olu&lnlni mea Ia lhla l•lanrl lrJ f.'::O to Sydney •• laboren Ja too tnln('ll. llo loff for fbat plao• bJlUt '1\telday'tl cr •c:ou utl)' trafo.

Mr. John Mcltlto left S t. J obn'• at lD o•elook Wodu~ay ol.ght by the S. 8. AnnaJ)(Jll'l fa r Olugow. Mr. MoRae'• v111t la ooo of pleuuro aod bollillet4 oomblnad. M~ A. Tbomay, proprletraa of the

DulJorOr•ec MIIIInery !itore, ll at work ~1nc:o ~lt.uday, after bor recent deten· \Jon a t homo owiDJ; to a n••ere cold. ~ '--' t;non nurr on her way to 1bo

Calhedrlll on Son~ay rnorolng1 roll on lito leo and broke her nrm. J\ doetor wu ctalled and I be lnjurle. atlended w.


Tbe following telegram was re. ce.ived in town by Judge-'l.Se.ymour from Cons table R. J. w ells · nc· 9 unio tiog hill\ will! another lots by fire at Bay Rbbcrts yesterday :

.. The provitolon atore, a table and &laughter-houlJI! combioed.owned by Eva Duraell, si tuated at Ba1. Ro~Jt erht. were burnt to the ground las t n ight. .Xhe loss is about $2.500. Tbe place is iosured. The origin of tile fire is.unknown. Buaioeaa Wl\8 conducted lherc by Mr. Waltlr Cro bie. One hor.e waa burot iii the 'a table."


Pli~IIOS . • .. •r

_, AND.



.: ;


Children:s C ts, r~~iar price $3 oo ti$s.oo, sale price $1.70 to $3 . . • .

Ladies ' Blouses, regular price $•.so, sale price 95c. Ladies' ,..oo Blouses. sale price 6sc, and mapy others too

numerqus to mention. ' DON'T F~ TO LOOK AT OUR 39 OENT wnmow:.

- ¥'

WATER STREET, HARBOR CRAC,. · ..-Next door to the Nova Scotia Bank. .....




LeMarchant Street, .• . -'JIARBOR GRACE, Nfid.

./ -With the -New Year, new resolutions. Resolve to give

t~s yol.lr order NOW for )'Our Spring and Summer trade. O ur goods arc warranted of solid leather and of work­

ma nship unsurpassed for all ~rades of work produced. Be in good time with yo.ur orders, and so en~ure the stock

being jn your hands ready for your customers' demands.

• W. J •. JANEB. Manager.

~A'( ·JOHN G. ~U~N'S : F(oor .Canvas,~ yards wide, s7c. Ladies' and Gent'q Rubbers. Ladies' aild a,nt's Boots and Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Underwear. Ladies' and Children's Boats.

1.& .... .A,GAINS-~--during February month. ~

---~JOHN G. MUNN,---• ... Water St, (Opposite T hompson's Drug Store.) 1Harbor Grace

OUR PRICES ARE ALWAY.S RICHT. tl~--~~_.,._~ ..... ~~ ...... - --~~

- WE OFFER :-100 choice Canadian Cheese (large), 200 choice . Canadian

Cheese (s~all). · roo barrels Ham Butt Purk, so tierces Spare Ribs '(Motril's). so barrels Spare Ribs, 2.5 barrels choice Hocks.

100 cases Tinned -Fruits, 100 boxes V~encia Rilisins. 100 brls. Amer. Gran: Sugar, 100 puos. ch. Barbados Molasses.

Also a splendid s tock Apples, G rapes and Onions. ·See our stock Lang's Fancy Biscuits. CH-ESLE#v~

-..:...HAS- "' T .HOMAS SMYTH CO., 1:-IMITED_

BABGAIIS !. BABIIIIS I I As we do not intend to carr)' over our \Vinter Stock of

Dry Goods, we offer the lot N 0 \V at prices lower than such g_oods havt:! ever been offered before. The stock just purchased from l\rr. J. \V. Murphy (comprising Staple and Fancy Goods) will be s9ld cheap. as we had them at a Bargain 'and will give customer-S the benefit of their cheapness.

W e mean what we sa)• about the prices of our Goods. W e ask you to call and satisfy yourself of the genuineness of tfie ~h'e we give in Dry Goods, '

· Busi.i1ess Stand~ the shop lately occupied by l\1r: J. W. Murph)r an RQgerson s Stone Block, \Vater St., Harbor Grace. . .

BEGIN'NING MONDAY. DEC. 17. Shirl \Vaist11 80 ceut11, st:llin~ at 65 ceats. lt'lanuelette Shirt Waist& :SL~l. selling nt SO cents. Blnck Sntceri'Sbirt Wafs tfl S#-30. aclling at 90 ceohl. L:w:lieb' Coats re~:,rardlca'l of COiit. Furs from SO cents to $7.00. J3''ille L iue of Colored aud Black Fell Bats, selli ng at half coet: · • A Vnriely of Cheap Drtas G~11 aud T r immioga at very low prices. IJadies· Costume Skirts. colored oana black. • Blouse Le.og tbs for IS cents perJard. , L:~.dies' Wool Square11, black an colored. lliiirA Choice,Loto( XMAS TOYS. .IEiJ"'Call aod aee Lbe Stoek.

. Harbor Grace Millinery Co., :-: Water St., H~bor Grace.


Provisions, Groceries, Cadiz . Sa lt , Tar , ~itch, Fishery Suppli~s, &c.

Beach Premises, : Harbor Grace. ~Branch Business at Grady, Labrador . .

OHOICESPEOL~L LI NES Person~ Selected i~ tho London M; r ket;

The Oldest Established sT. JOHN's . NFLD. £: · '

Mus.ical 'INSlRUMENT HO~SE ~~:J Al:~::p:~~~~~::... t~ · The Latest Sty iC!I of

Ladies' Jackets, Sl ir ts, .. "-ouses, &c. Full Lines of Men's Cloffttog, Boots, &c.


·' -"BEE BRAND TEA."= ,_

. . ~Nothing Shoddy kept.


From the Best Manuf,acturora in the .World .

Fresh ·from th.e Gard~ns of Ceylon . I n .l-4, 1-2 and 1 lb Pac.ltets, Bnd 5 and 10 lb Boxe&.

Lending Musicians a re our P11 t rooe. They should know. . ' Wri1e B.

eH ESLEY woops, 140 w:i.~g:zr~~ET,

. . . l £: . MUNN & 00., ~. TEA

' Water Stree~ Harbor Grac/ iWUUU

AI. SEARLE, .Agent for Harbor Grace. Jar S~e at the .. Studard" Olce. R. A. 'SQUIRES, LL.B. sou:,~~'/,. .

Choice Lot of Ladies' f URS. nr ~ AND INSPECT THE STOCK. PRICES



TEA-~specialty of nll best g.radeJ. · Codfish,.,l\orring, etc Fruit of o.U kinde Gt·e~n Gr))C€!ries n~d Pr··duce c.f.all kinds. . Stntlonery of al \ kmde. Confecltonery, wh,olesale & retail. H .. rdwo.re and Crockery ware. Paints of o.U colours. Point.a, Oils, Tobnoco and Cignrettes of the best grades. "LcoLbor .. nttd T ... ealherwnre. C:trriage ond ·Cart Hnt'ne~s. ~Horses nnd Corringes for !tire at o.ll times. .


To Cure a COld in One D~y ~~ Take Laxative•Bromo Qurnine Tahba. .A P1L ~ • . · OD ~ s.w...._._ ...... ,_.a....._ 1'1111 alpatare. (9. ;..f"~~.._a.sGi

Sunday School Class Books. Hym~ for Orange Societies.

E:Fiamples supgli~ on requ~t.,.a Also printed to order;


.Hope at'id Fi~.<biug I mplements. A lsi), a good etook of ~ patent llledioiue,s. -prul'sinn Oil al wn.ys nt Uftntl. . •

Sick Benefit Record. Books and Orders.

Marriap CettificatcJ. •

B&NRY Rnulr, <Orposite Star of the Sea Hall.)

'l'clepbo.ae ~ 8'1\ lou'•

I A ll ;n ~~~1.· is mal'!:t!cl at lOUJtJ!I J>rit-e-'1. •

tl. J. HENNI SBY, Water Street Weat~ •

? -I

J •


Hia ~· ·~ ~ flabby. He didn't baYe a 1troDJ mUlde iD hit, I entire body. >

The ph,.ician wbo bad atteoded the famiiT for thirtJ yean ~~~~~~ Scott' .s Emal.slon,. \

NOW: ~ • · To feel that boT• VIII" JGU

would tbiDk he wu' ·apprentfc-1 to a blac:ksmith. I


Commlttee ol the whole on the addreu to the SecrelarJ of Stale for \he Coloniea in relation t.o the IIIIo· dna Vlnndi. • •

SirE. P. Morrie (Bon. ltliDLiler of JusUce)-He dee1red to make a few obeerntlooa in relation to the enbject before the Cbatl', vis: the pro~d addreee to tbie Houee. to the Rl~bt Honourable &\ae Seore· tary of Stat8 Cor the Colonies, pray· ln1_ tba\ il the rigbta of tbla ColonJ under the treaty of 1818, betwecm .Hta Majeety'a Government and the Government of the United Stat .. , cannot be obta.lned by cHplomaUo agreement, that Hie Yajeety•e GoY· ernment will then proceed to strict int.erpreLaUon o( tbe<l'rea~J· •

In r6ferring tO the tpeeob of the Premier be noted that one of tbe evening papere of.tbe cltJ bad t'dopted the word• of a great Eng· lieb judge when apeaki~g of an ad· drea on a great bietortc ocoaaion, that it wu •• a great e~eob, worthy · of ._ great occasion. He would aleo lender hie c~p~ratulaUona to Capt Dawe, the new leader or the OppoelUoD in \be H otuee. He Will aleo glad to welcome ~ack in tbe

"Bonae the junior member for Bon­vista Mr. Morison. He w11 (loite eure 'that tlaeae gentlemel1 wo.uld in the {uture U lD the put be Of great nlue and aaiela1lce ln all maUere that came beCcne theal Cor deliberation. He wu in oomplete acoord with the Nlftl that ·lbt Premier expreaed in lhe·aheeooe from the Houl4f or \he late Lwader of \)l, Oppoeltioo, llr. llorloe.1 lfl oomrn1 to the lmmed ate

\be obalr, be (Ilia· '"'-·.£.~--~ lboqbt lbat the

OocDJD11t&ee be well adriaed tbem UaeNalla· llad llae BrlUu

Go1Nnl1D41tD\_1)J \b• JlocJaVlnadl 10 AID•IIIell~

, ..

Legislative Council. ed.th6 U.S tbalttiey were prepar· 6C1 to J'lf'(IC•Iiale t>ucb a I•IOYII'lnnal rran,en t nl. l\o d•·t i ,. •1f the Tu~:•oAv,

The Houee mel at 4 80. Hon. M'r. Knowil'lg laid on the

Uble a meNage from Hie Excel­l"ncy the Governor, lnformh It lhl" Houae o( 'lbe appoinlm""t of the Internal Economy for lbe l''e en\

arriUl(I(UH III Led nt lbat DfiD.-".Dim ~U:i!Ult d, uor any iridi·

uu 111! to I otr tb•:ni!l,otia· would h.- t:nr:. d.

·• 1 c>llllur lluo r If .1 ,. Drhl~h ' Ulf'lll Je .,,, 11141 I U 11 11 nlil 11

m.L thfl wi~r e · u l It 11 linYt~ru

turatl)' · tb• o1 Amerlc!ao ln oar rltorlal wat.era under Uae Trea&y or 1818? TbeJ are onder two he&de : let., the lnbabl&aota or the Uoited States ehall bave foreYer in com-mon with lbe aQhjeota o( Hie Brit-&& ole Uajeaty the Uberty to lake 6th of e•ery kind oo that ~rt of tbe Southern Coal' ol Newfound-laod wbic:b ex&enda from Ca~ R<1y to Rsmea Ialande, and thence North lodell.nitelJ al01ll the coatll· 2od, the Aoferloan &.hermen ehal baye Uberty roreYer to dry and cure Gtb lo apy of the DllMUled baya, barborl an4 creekl on the SoUthern part of t.be -.at or N~'W-:-foundlan~ abGn de1cribed. Aa

portion of our-oou\ ia eeUied Americana do noL cla.lm, nor

have \bey eYer e~iaed, the rl&hl to dr1 or care · fiab on oar terri tory, co1LieqoenUJ we hu6 to deal whb tbelr nsbta onlJ ander Sec 1 of the Tre~Ly, which 1ivea lbe lnbabllanta of the United S&ate1 the rl1ht t.o do~b Corner In com-mon with oar people. .

There la ebadow or doubL ln my m ()balrman, that tbe modus le a eerioaa mo· diftoaUoa and eurl.ailment. or our &errltorlal rlJb\1, in~o~~maoh 11 b1 ,b. Treaty or 1818 the JlbertJ to &ate leb ia a&rlctly limil.ed to the Inhabitants or the United Stake. Wbereu under the modna •ivendi American flabing yeeeeJe have now the pTirile1e of ensagln1 crewe wUb their boata. aeta, gear and all bhiDK appa~ae, in other worde the Gloaceeter fleet can. under the modua ylnndi, malting Newfound­land terrltotlal watere from Ramea watere North their baae for con­ducting the herring ftebery by u­eroillol their "GUberUan ftcOon, or Ullin« oot three milee and eail­lng back aga.ln, and lD addition thereto the aobjeota of Newfound-

.o.a.a». i


nt, ln coH·Iun.- "t•r ,·i•ioual ar ranat-ruthl, whkh urrnl ,. mra.t WM

obvlou•lr ". n•atlt·r ••f grt- tt ims,.•r· taflce tu t li it4 c-.l.,n,· ( '' •uu.l tn "·­ftct the JlfOJ•I .. uJet}. j,. r•.l~ooy, lJ e eovereil&.t)' t•f 1Le c .. lc n? aud i\ 11 aeutralJ"•Iir>'>· lfrucL ah•rr•ug•­mPn\ bad to Le rua•!e 1 ten lf'IJ( Pf)r&riiJ, •tre the Brhlal Uu•er•·

orciMIIOD.i OUl of t11uch aa 1Lf>Y Wf'r" .thule eiluati•·ll, ,fae the

.ll'or.,ltll R.,. .. .,,.,, .. , ju~tlft~td •n Y•~l­• prt•(o~~t~hi(IJi to ·

.... ,u.,~ ••R hie OWD bet, ach·lu•, ~d with·

tlie Ooten.mtD\ or &bl•

wlattr baya tJee·lba' eae~lll4ta

creeke alODJ ooaM .of t.o Sep' 8rd allillWIICI lime tbla leland. 'fbe por\lpa to wblPh for cooallltaUun tbit 10nrn· be nrerred uprolally waa Bay or men\ ~sarcllDJ .,ropoaale to be blande. AhbouRb'ltormed a "bay,,. tentaU•elJIU6mlt\etl ~ lbe Am· It wu ln a "cortalneenee oolyan ln7 erloane, ample Ume to Inform tbie laod lake. At ite entrance I' wu Ro•ernment lba' U wu \bought nrt Dlnow I a eerlee. or i"ltnde DeceuarJ to dillallow the 1908 Act. abut it df from the ocu)), and COD· and to permit tbe Americane to eequentiy outtide of thne ielandt ablp NewCoundland crewe. But ebould be cooeidere.l the boundary ool until after Sir E. Gre1 bad line, • and Amerlcane ebould tbue ho(llleeaiJ oommiUed blmaetr opt baYe tbe rl~t to come lnelde (and aa I beJleye, Mr. Cba.lrman, tlat and lleb. He (HoD. Mr. l{) commilled blmaelf ..unneeetaarily tboa~rbt that the moat effective to lbie concession), did be eend the fore• that could le brought to bear reaponeible ministry or &bla colony on the Imperial Gonrnment wu one word to indicate what be wat lbe qoeation of rlsbt or wrong. He doing. I presume t,hat, after the believed if lbo matter wae brought ibtlmation of Aug. 8th, the go•ern· up and dleouued by lbe proper meat here were daU1 ex pectins to autboriUv the juati~e of our poei bear what the terml' wero that ·Sir lion would be 1een; tba~ the Mo- J!:. Clrey would propoee to oft'er the due Vivmdl would ehorlly cease; America.oe. I pretume tbal tble and that Newfoundland woul,d en · Government upecled (atJ the1 bad joy Uie bene8ta and l)rlvileges to eveTy right to expect) that., before which ebe wae eojuetly enthly He be compromieed the Cate of tb\e bad muob pleaeure JD moving the colony beyond recall, be would adoption of the Add rete. ~ive them a chance to be beard.

Roo. Mr. Baney eald thla corr~'- Nut a word came, bowenr, unUl epondenco may be dhided into two Sept. Srd. when an intimation waa parte. (l) That qetween the New- reeeived from Lord Elgin (m ln\l· foundl~nd govern men land the Co· mat.ion by no meane ae oxpllcit •• · lonial Olllce; (~) between Sir Ed· it might have beeD}tbat Uie Brll,. ward Grey and Mr. Rcot. Tbe ieb Govemmen\ bad, without con· aUilude of lbe Newfoundl•nd gov- soHiog Newfouodland

1 eyolved a

eroment rig bUy or wrongl1 wu certain rropoeiUon, an<l tb.t to the tbia-lbat lbere WM no need for t.erme o that propoeitlon they were any modus vivendi at all. Couee· now committed be1ond reoa.ll, not· 'quently tbeJ refueed to recommend witbet&ndiog what mlahl or might any term• for any ~odue vivendi. not be the views or tbb colony Tbe U. S. 1overn01enl bowner1 tbereaoenL The ouly inference whether in eameet or not, urg~ which I bue b.een able to draw the neceeait>; ofo4ome agreement Irotn the correapoadence to explain helng come to. They claimed lbat this exlraordiQarJ me~hlid of deal· there wae danger of their 6ebermeo log with an lulernaUonal affair of euft'eriog viole~ce from the Bay of such vilal importance to a eelf·g.c>v· blande 6ebermen, and a leo tba~ corning colony, Is tble : Tbal the tbe NewrC\uodJand local autboritie& Britieh Governmonl did not want were refupiog lo allow ' tbe former to bur tbe vlewe of lbht Govern · to fish . Tbls s tory nppeare, how· men!., that they did not wan~ to be ever, to hav~ proved unfounded. botheretl wHb no)' diaouu ion about Wel1fbiog lb~lwo vlewa, it )1'ould it, t.bat they were aick and ti red or apptar that tbe Britleh For~lgn the whole buslne~,and determined Office made up Ita mind lbd eome at all banrds to gel it off their aort of provialonlll aareeme~t wae bandll', well or ill ; and that they absolutely neceeuryr end that. the were prepared to rialt the conee· Newfoundland govsrnment waa quenc ,. wrong. · Well I eboulJl heettate to ,.,======:::=::===:=:= bla.me lhem for coming to eucb a FOREARMED.

d thal are fiabiog Cor United St&tee veuele (although the1 never aaw the. aky onr America) are pro­tected by Great Britain in Yiolatlog &be St&lule Law of &belr own coun· try, la'wa' that have been on lbe Statute Bnoil for over 2t> y'-re and

decision eeelng laow enormous were the national lntereete for which they were responsible, and the de._

••--'m. in R«Jl ~' Cbmmv· elrobilllyor keeping on good terms ~ wlth the' U S. .From this point,

however, il ~oee teem to me t.bat very little uee can be round for their ba.od ng or the affair. Ae-a r~8ult. of tbe American .,_,preaenta· t iona and claims, certain correspon

lion ,AgMt, Qon,~yancer, . .Auctioneer, etc.

" Wbal a peculiar choice for n wedding preaeut P' remarked a lady tr,1ing noL to l"ugb, aa ehe ins~ct­.. a huge flat-Iron wblcb her char­woman bad juet purcbaeed.

Onr~'l' n'l"f'U~. - NftiD/()ilfu11nnrl.

,,.n made by tbial.e«l•latare and Jnauan!' IQDNfi'Ge w.nnoEBIES." a~o~eoted fo b1 the Crown Cor the 111lPA.U IU&4 r,Ql PUJll) preeenatton and de•elupment of our IC.OO,OOO fiaheriC*. These breeches oC our u taw• that are .:aactioaed IUid T r: I r: S . eacoura('ed b1 thia Modu• Vi•endl Apole rees .or sa 8 .or pnng are a pr«nium placed b1 Great Bri· 906 tala op lawleaeneas, aad are dero- OellV8f11 1 . gatory to Brltiab law Ia a Britiah . . . Colon , This coqcuaion to America Chou:est Commeraal and Domesbc of .uJog our couutrr aa a b:aae to nrieti~ ~1 and suitable for New­enable American veuela to prose· r011ndlan4, tn t.Xtta fine three and four cute the 6•hery wae a complete aur·j year old trees, s to 7 feet in height reader of our ca.ae: it W!,a a "&ell· well branched and ~ted. iog of the paaa." b«aaae it ia a phyaical,imPC?uibilityfonhcAmeri- We Want An Agent c:aa benaog- Beet to euc«ufully a ad • profitably carr1 on tbe berriag 6ala- for Harbor ~ and Dislrid to sell er1 at Bay or Jalaoda without the them and oth ruit and Oma.meolal aid of our fiehermeo, their l:us-e Stock Start w a& best selling season. JaerrinJ:' akifb, and their fiabiug out· Writ~· for Tenus and Calaloguc, lfl'ld fits. Tlalt Colony ie now enp,ed aend :asCJ (or our Al.VMINUM POCKET in an effort to dnelop the herr og t-i&caosc:or& and lOC. for our Handy fiahery by deep aea fitbiDg and lm· Sa j he tb' r, ' • • t pro•~ cure and markelial(, aad tbit "• UJt I ang or tnmm.mg rees; Parliament and people will prote it- CUll Iron u well u '!fOOd. aetr able to bring about eucb a eon· STONE ~WEIXlNCTON. dition of affair11 at 'f\t!1 of l~nda FonthiU"Nt(rseries,· apd el&.:wbere tbal wall mak~ tllltt 8oo , )

, 1 {OVU ~~ &.altery far more rc:maoerall"e to our peoplellwl b1 b&'flq Lbeas "asere TORONTO. ONTARIO, CANADA

denco pakeed from tbe land government to lite ·Col office, wherein the colony•e

" Ain't. •n ma'am ?11 said tbe charwomao,'ralber proudly z:h ollaerwise \' h'8 my sister tba~·~ !letting ar­

ried, and l'm repaying hor for tbe ehe rent me on my weddiu• _,, Did she aeod you eometblng

very ug~, then?, c. Dee , no, ma'am. Here waa a

beautiful pruenl. But, you eer, ma'am, a htlle bird whispered t • me tl-at her foture buebaod'e a mao oC violent t~mper, and I thought I'd 1end her aomelblnp: tbat wquld be U!eful in care of family diapute:o. She bat the lllralgbtePt aim with a , flat-irQn ever Ieeed I" . - -

wae preeented with very great force and ability by the Newfoundland 1overant. Only the general eltual on' 18, however, dealt with; and l lony refused to propo.se any torme for a modus vinndi, oo geneNll prlnolplea. H would ap·

\Pear lbat, 18 a ruult, tbe Forei~n office loet paHeoce, and committed a 11erlee of bluodere whlcn we in thle colony a.re. In my opinion, ju!tl8ed in cone\d'erin~, n •• l only 18 constituting aD outrage upon our IN FLuE N z· A coloni,~igb~! but. alro an oulrtge upon lh privi egea which cement Thla disesao USUAlly tuvea a tbecolnn l empire ofGreat Britain. cough or aomo ealanbal t rouble So fc" '!It can 6nd from a peroaal wbreh hanp on' long a!tcr other or tble uorret)'Dndence, It would r:;.~~ma ot tho d.llialo lulvc van-apJ)far lbat practically no com co a ...... ERLAI~S m~anloalion w•• made from tho UA.IftD n British govrrnmt~nt to thla fl!)vern COUGH REMEDY ntenl, betwern Aur. 8th ancl SC'pl will prom1Jtl,r cure thla ' condition. 3rt! On All~ u•t 81b, lbo E1rl or It Ia especially adapted tor li.nsrcr-EI~ein. ""ti~l thi~ guv .. r 11mn•t , fng ~hs aM any t endene.) IO· thaL H. M gi•Yernlllel\t b11d cl\'ohl ' wlird tiillJ trouble Ia prompl.ly

ebedtecl. • tel to ~·k• l t.-mpotu1 atnnae·l .. ••••••••• .. .,


'·· ( I

.· '·

: I ,,

' . ..

liAS ~EVSR DEBN BQOALLBD AS A RE~lBDV • ' FOR . r:'\ Cramps, CoUc., ~iarr,hrea,

,;. .Chills, Colds. AND AS A .tTN'llfBST POll


"r. 'MORSE'S IN 1IAN \ Root Pills.

Or Mot• e's Indirur B,.OOT PILLS

U r. Morse's Indian Root Pille

Dr. MORSE'S ~DIAN Root Pilla·

St. J oqn's Marble -PERSONS REQUIBING-­

MogumentE;J, Headstones, Tablets and such like Work

"UIW'IUQD Ourr~ ... ..u.ooo,ooo e.. Teeth extracted aMolat#ly with· TurAL bYanD J'n1le up. oat paiD bj liM of rital.bed a1t er

w UDI 0 ........ --···- 1,710,000 ~ perfect uaeathetic.

~un'baiJ thablnl.

. BEAUTY 01' ORARA.<:m£1\-· No. 60.

[Rev. 'A. W!u.tu' Lawra, B. D.)

It· fa 'a beautiful thing to be a true poeL; bu& h Ia. ln6oltel7 bet· ter to be a true poem. the bY: ve111 on ·a alar·ll~ebt olgbt are a pllem ln light. The earth Ia a poem in material elempott-, .. poem or qn· limited varleLy and \. ·~ulaite beaut.y. A cathedralla'a -f>Oem·ln 11tooe.· A Nile Ia a poem In oraanio carbon. Far aboYe and .be.1ond all ib~t'll le. thP J-Mm of -.human life. ·• TRK BEAUT\ OF A alAN." P•ul "• •• We art Q .. d .. work· maneh and &bit ·'ie~-~~~;~u7, •'\V" ~m"

- ·!hAlt ... • .....

Ule to make OOm•

Into a lllO"J hell and {faSraD~, So

'\JnUAL 1•()(131• ~or ~~~~~ l'bfl <JUABDIA!i l.eln1 a . ......_

t(to~elltl\ wurance O:>mpauy, oMII .U &hvt~ adftnt.agea~,d~ lofD. m ren , .U., riUdO~tbted 1tabW\7, ,....,, tblt' ~llrD.JS o~.u·l prompt. ae~\JemeatO. •111in)11 Cor h.~St .

to IYel'J mu aad wold•~ tlae Ula& can lranalorm Ule commonplace acta of &beliamblee& llre Into character, beaut.lfal wl&b tb' loYeHaeu of Cbrle&. Tbl1 -~~ Of' a man Ia 001>"8 IUS.

D LEI.:...J R TBBPIEOB on tbe earth. He r • r-11 , beaat.lftet our fr•ll hamanU:f wlJ.b &he glory of &be di.tne.

'Oentlet.. . T6e hear' lalilrened &o •1arden,

l'ho Uodl''l'ligoed bav1n" been·~ f oin~.-.f AgeolJS for Newfou.ndl&Dd &re ~>repat.a tO tuuo "PoUetev agaln.l lOti •Y l'lr.. •

T. o.\ M. \V lNTER, 8\. Job.n,1. ' A. 0. ~ Ul'fN' .e: \.llBoll GIWUI, W. H. BUTT, Bo~Aaeot,


D.-.llWlort. Gtld ~ in which we are to plant the lad• • leu grRN that "lll beaut.lfJ oar

OPJOII&e T. ll'llurdo & Oo'e. ehop life. Tbe ideal gh·fll na 1.1" "&be JfJ.'l'DS'rBBB'l'. a. JbiiN'B. Rote or Sharon." or .. the LU~ of

1 the Valley." "Jehovah taketh - .pleasure In Hi a people. He will

.-Bsol.Wn riaht to DH &be beauUfy ihe m~ wltb aalnlioo.'' Pamo111 Bale lleGiocl of PalD.l- Be baa LakeD ln6nlte paine to Oent.letry lA St.J'olul'e and Batbor beautify all Hie creation, and Be Grace.-. baa epecial interest In tbe be.aty

=======~~========~===~==="=~ of man, made lu Hie Own image. ' 1 \Vboee adorning, leL i~ be &be

2'1 yean apcrfmc:a hll ....W w to .., out a HANDSOME, SYMMETRICAL ... 'W'ElJ...BUILT PRODUCT, -u 'emil

........_, an the coca po~Dta -.. • ldP .... mac.IUocJ aod othm that ... cadtalhdt YHIT!-for iDst&ac.c, - T1I1ISIOR JNDI. cATOR, a cfevb that a&ows die ...._ ala .,._., Ull wa have oChas that .,.a to cue­fttl ...,_ AJI Drop Hudt b&w A Ia m r•k Ult Ull braadhl Swcn Ftaat, Galdla Oak YO!IIkwo& Vllntor...sRDt_, Sllatllla,k

aL.alll&lllrrll, T. OATAI.OOUif CIIVS P1/LL PAIITlOUI.Aitl. I'IIU. \'


hidden man ottbe bear~ In tbe In· corruptible appa1el of a ou: Al'D Qmft ePI&I'f, which Is In the alJbl or God or great price."

A bea1;1UCol Ufe le Lbe flower and (roll or B&AtJTJPUL 'l'KOtiGHTII. One pure tratb wlll chaogfl a barren, eordld lire into a Garden of the Lord. A friend gave a student a beautlfnl ploture, and uked bim to bang h up In bls room. At drat be pat U among eporUog and ques· Uooable prints, and be saw no in· •oo1rallJ. But befoTe elx' mootbe be tiad taken down and burnl all lhe Jo'w ploturee, aud bad pu~ ap thoee of a relined uatore. To hie £fiend be.said, "You eea t 'Could no' leave &bem up whb that. Tbe oooLraal w•• too drudfal. Look· iDJ at your pioture Op4!0ed m1 eyu to their undtn .... ". Tbllll If one. beau•lfal, pure &bouiblia allowed \0 6oaala&\t ~ut w., n •1)1 -.kelt

awiakellecl \0 "'' Cfi& to aome pur­poee. Her been oourlebed the lrutb; and _.., day abe a11ked Q-6d to help ber uae her mco&a· 'rin !'0 8&.\Vflr! the line or nlben. Thna her beautiful thoughts bore lruU In beauUfal aenice,

TB1i: LIFE OF JESUSielbe );>f'r r~&lon of beautiful tb"h.ebts Uted.

\2, _ _. Bis life giY .. 01 ibeeublla:e truthe or our life, tba& we

•r a 11lorioua i&nml'lr· A yobog gi

rellDU'.aiDIW....aJ)r the

::...sclenti6~; Qlen &:lJ l ha.lll.tc hnir from the ta'l of tbc bor"e ia tb~.: atrongllet eingle animal lbread knowu.

·A Valuable Medicine

~- ~ ........... .,., CHAMBERLAIN'S ·PAIN .BAlM

to tho fniarcd part:, rubbln« it roualy at each a_pplieatlon a eure will rcn.lt ln o~ 1~• t1mo than any 'Other

treatment wou1d requke.

When Yoa Have a Cold J011 want to pt rid ot It quitkl.Y, but :rou dlallJ(e taldJ~i d~ble medfelnea. ·You want 'Your vetem

...reatored to ita nonnal condition, bat :rou do not. want to 1oM v_alua­ble time by a long c:oune of treat-ment. , . •

fMnberlaln's !J®gh Remedy ia what :roo want. . It wiD l001en the eougn, reliovo tho lu.nga. elfect • prompt and permanent eure ana It ia pleuant to take. •

M.rlfA.BD'II Lll'IJ~ IIl'l"'l' Co., Lt~lT•o. O•:cTL•au::--,-ll y d•o8 hlc r1 IS ycart

old, wu throllm from a alc!Jtn and In· Jured he~r elbow to badly It remained atltr and -very painful tor · th r oe yun.. Pour bottles of MfN AR0'8 LlNlMENT eompletel,y cored b ar and abo bu 'not been l~o.bled fo r Lwo yUH. ·

· YQar• lrul_y • J. n. Lrv:E:SQO.&.

sr. J Odloph1 P. o., 1 th Aug., 1000.

Among lho worst tdn ot tbe rnemor,r arc 100 mo.ola fp<ld, 100 much phyaleal exerclae, and, ltranjtoly coougli, too moab education.


Rceonl r~por'- from the Ne\v York

)epressed · · ~usc you have betn . •

'"1mable to rid yourself .tt


.· that obstinate cough. y'.JU have been exper~ menting wftb new onJ worthless compounds.

p, ·rk, pft ~ ' ram. - •••. -.,.,.. Purli:, btoaa""'""''' ••••••• ..17.00 lo Botu.r, perolb,. Oanadl~U~.. ••• .0.20 ao Olro, JM'r lb ..... ....... _ ••••••• ..O.I8&o OS$ HAJ&, ptor bbd ....... - ............ tro to-1.20 KoLIMt•, In JIUn ., '"'' p1 ... ..0.82 to ll.88 Supr, l~hl brt,wn, pt-rew& -6.1111 toGS) Snpr, ltftlnul•t•d,t>t•r cw& ... 6.!)0 to7.20 &j;"~'• ICldt, pH CWI'l .......... 910 10 10.00 (\;mme.J, J>er brt ............... 8..21) to 3.40 o~un .... l, , .... brl .............. 6.411 to 6150 a,·,·~d.t or" Ito ~ ... 1 ........ ~ ......... 4.00 ln:att. r···r .... 2' , ~.), 2 . .................. 8.78 0...•1, I•'' brl ................... 12.00 to 1a.ro IC!'fl a• n.-. •·It, pn gallon ...... O.l6 &oO.lO a .. ,.. ~r ton ............................ ..23.08 f'~t-r, p.-r ton ............... H.OO &o 18.00 P~•. JHlr brl., round: ......... .,.-.... .6.ci0 _p .... J)fr i t>rl., roun(l ................. -2.80 p..,, per brl., eplh ..................... 6.80

. Trado R4oYiow.


C. ALFRED AMES,M.o,·. Office Hour&-9 to 11 a.m.

-4 to 6 p.m. Residence-Water Street, Harbor

Grace, (opp. A. Rutherford'!).


-.. Fit, a~yle and and Workutan· abip,guaTBnteed.~ ·

Cuatom work of .all kinds exeou kd atlo"est prlc'ea an«t with dee­patch.

Measure Card! supplled on apo plication. .


0. V. TRAVERS, Agent and Commission.

. Merchant. ·OFFICE:-

Literary INSTITUTE ROOMS, (Muon's Block.)

Water Street, Harbor Grace. e1-r'R'D.

BERTEAU & HO'WLE'Y , l arristers ~ Solicitors,


'Doard ot Ileal how that kidney dlaeue ll grea on the lno.reue.


Brlghlt~' dl11eaie u well u the orher A.yourw man and hia ladyloYe at· dreidfully painful form• of k id/ley dl·

A Cold F•lndl tended a prottact~d meet.inr which aeueqaotllw•ya~pre•·~otfdandueual· wu t-~ .. ~ beld ia tbe~illaor~ c:barc:h. ly cnrc • by tho uae or Dn. U trA:t'IR'II l{,tu­~- ., :<l!Y·Lt\' tm Vu.r.•, wblob b avo a cSiroQI

Ol'l'lo&a-DgoKWQRTH STIUlJ:T1

ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. 0 N-r. Uow•.aY' will bo lo U'flrbor Orac:o •

about lho ::!Ltb of e \•cry mouth, and wll f\)uod aL the Cochrane llobM, Water

Your Weak Spo. ,a. Harinar late they found the cburc:Jl 11nd combined lnOueneo Clll the ll\"er and 11 fiUed : but a g-entleman nroae and kldu&ya.

• gave the lady hie seat, while the Tho flr•~ word In a phy•lc:laJ'I'II p r()o . You caD never tell J• w~ (orm • yonng maQ won uaber~d far awaJ to fcriJIIIOn I~ " " rOC)Ipe," llbbrm•lllh'Cl to

eold will tab.! ~ 100 IDa7 be eure It !' aeat ia anotbl'r part of the .build· R .• whlob lu relle or the .1.\il t'rolo:;lenl wUl _,. Gil' JOW • ....a.t orpn. tor: • eymbol ofJ~r. .• Witheocoeltaawno~•catanllalnaturo Tbe aervicegf'ew warm andim· • WOAT J ~mt:Kr.w~:<:r.t .. .

... _ ...... · d-"- .... preaaive. and aft'ec:tl ..., ..... pnn .-v; "'.... w·t l>o ' 'OU kn whkt 11 I• to r~l wou-otben 'it becolnell braocbiti8 and .there • " • 1 1 tbotle , who want our pray· 1q tee) youo:-, heariY. and ' ' hroroo•-•o ..., 1o • bard couP and eoftl'll cheR ~ra pleaae at :tad up ?" enid tlle ouJ~Y •·ork and to look t (lrwnrd with ,...___ ~ .. ol•-- ~ t.o preacher. lto ro \bcffutore. 1'hlllll thll "'"1 ,·on paina. .._._., ' "' ..,.. • ' At tb' · t tl ' wl I feet If vour ullalh;o yonr w• ail<'d lollamma&loo the hmp, ooaaurD.P- •• JUD~ ure •~ JOung man and d tpleroo •u!r•·on•"·••~m by the ll¥e tloa, poeumoo1a 6r ~ aeWo.- ~ thoug:bt it. wae gettlog..jate, n.nd lae or Ot~o\'u.uu:':t X~;n\'P. 'J.'<IClD> No l in nnv 1 .kidneY' or bowel~. would find' hie aw~etb"~art :tnd go mlrnoulons "'">'· bnr wllcrt )'our ay,;tem

t. • .

The Subscriber, having hD.d several years' c.xperience in Law Offices in St. John's, is prepared to nccept any doc umentary work entrusted to his care­such as Wills, 'fr:utsfers aud Assigl)· mtnts o! Real Estate.

Loan$ on Property s~ured Arbitrations on Land, &c.

J. H. HENOKRSON, \~:uer Strett E., (Mrs. M. L.ut&r's).

BeeaU.O cillda do not. al~ ~ve home ; but . not knowing where hAt tu~n IIUolunll • l)ltlfl tt)> by thrs ltrioui eome people taJro cbancee with t~be aat, lie roae td hie feet and look- 1:r«' '~10'1"1"0 ~·~eat. I «~r .lltbot Qtrau ~tanbatb hom. 6 the rialt 11f t. Dr Cbue'a ~dover the ao.die~ , • · lt l~ talll lh~horo are ahn"" nl le•~r ! - AND- •

t. ;' Llueed J'; tba. 1e • The mini&ter. 11takinr hli4 in· ~an:us,,· th1•a a ad JI~<Otllc out or e01pln) · co~ci:I'TIO'N 8 A Y AOV"ER'l'ISER. Spup 0 urpeo lD· tention. asked : • Young man. arc menrln ChiC: o. . 1 11 printed and puhlll hcd every ll"rlday fcldlld. ~~~ ,:t ~00

JOa aeckinr nlvat ion ?" To which o r 'f' \ "f'S P ·rtr P Citf' "T \XO 't a\'..,olug, at the St'A~o,..au omc"- Vfa· ~----- b d d ,, ... ' r • • :·" I ' torla l:lL, Uarbor Urace,lly .Uooo .~ Oko. 1'1111 ...., aedloiDe hu •'*'lut.e~T t e young man rc-,.pon e : ,, At 1•1 ~CIS. Wo 4o uo~ bold oun~Olv .. ~ponllble _ Ita ~ oaDtral O'fV P~~at l am aeeltl11g Sal Jackaon." Tberu.,l·cll•l'• nre too \\'ell kno1•m ro tor tho oplnlolit oxprc11od by our cor-~ ooids _... bfttDolllt,ie, wbOopo - -·- - rt>qulrll lillY IIH ••dptlon. llow m11n,v I ~~~ndenUI. """''t'""f • ---.-• 1'1 •· ,-_ • No th l C d lh•lU,aQ•l• ""' oarrlcd'o'·"ry '1'111\r ro I be I Sntwcrlptlon Ra~:....$2.00 per •ooom: b:lc ~ uthma and aD.adl.om.ata, tc w •n .... r 10 1 We& ann a ~lien• =:r•n e l)y that Me:~dftll "'!ln~·. I ''Jlil ~r !\aU year; to rorolgp lo.ljeortb-and lor tllll reiiOil .... plaoe ID t.be r hae been tho eo I eat :lnd lltonnieal eon•u•nrHI•u•, whl~h alw..v• Mmmonct-8 1 , .... tho ratoe will !lo ~ lf'M maJodt7 of ....... for year~ Jn a tlon in Alberta. with <L illlc:bt !'OliJCb, lt~~· lho hl.,•-11 ~.oiverlllllog Rafu-60 ecnlll per luob

n... ........__,_ - of .. .___. __ _. over a tbcrult3nd h t-D , hl)rnrd t:lt· l'" ro and t.~nllhv lo~· Jrtkhla;;,. '"" dn«<'~ ft>r Or~IIJUM~rllun: twen~c:e'Olllper loch o.n • .._ ... ., • ..,. - .... • • • 1 of J)r, ll <lr~;, " lnu1;an ltn<H l>ill· t.'ftl'h f'>r ~>Vb eontlnoallt>n. eatal ra...._ tar ~ fS • a bottle lllldealln. tie penebed in, one Dt,. ht • ~Una rd. w~ek, and dl•ca"f' t•t,a.n,v klml •-• IOl!J!H· tht~-e nr m•uo ntnlltbe. he ua rnbtr llt 06 BdJ!!uwonJ :a.&.a • Co., :r;;.;ao. 1 ----- 1 Jl.biCI• .\.U modlelo11. delL! ora acll Dr l ' " ••rllolll uf .W••e rU.em• ull mul be

lflnUtl,. UalJDibi ellN dllt•lllll)lr. Mera•'•IudJ•tl. Koot PUla. •l'Nitlld b7 tbl ldY•JtS.tet



. .



Jlfarhnr ~r~ Standard .um



t2 F ........


Two \ 'Cry Important quest1ons were be: fore the Hou~ ~ince hut .issue. The lint was the 1ubject of Old Age Pen·

The i>remier, it was announced, matter under consideration.

next session w•ll see a measure Dry subject. you say. Not so. as t· u•cmM:mK in effect this desirilble, if at

" 'e could show you had we the time method of providing fqr nt1d talent. What ia lhcre dry to a rainy clay or old age. people iq wha t they .:at . aad drit~. The other was the m&llcr of the wear. play atld work 'tii' Jtb: and tt Fast Railwa}' and Ste3m~~ute be· should be iotc ru tlog to compare tween tbe Old World a e Nc:W tbc thing we Newfouadlandcra This lon"·ta*ed or. sure-to-co e some used aay -10 or SO years ago to wlfat "' we uiiC now. But to lbrow•tbe halo dal mcthod. of bridging the distance or rom:lnc:e around o{\lc subject we seems to be within ~i:z:ation soon. need the genius and expert kuow· We trust' thc Agreement for the aervice ledge of a Glads tone or a lack man. now before the Legislature wiU materi· W~ can only give some of the re- alize. I~ goes without .. ying that it aults in lhe rough of a rapid look is our duty as a Co~to ·do our at· over th~port. 'most to make this I the lleiPnl

• alOOf. The l..egi• re wiU no .clOubt It ia gratifying- as a sign of the give their most CODiiclaaaiaD

prosperoua times we are now eujOJ· to the :sCheme orer, tbem, in 10: to fiud the cuatoma U.Caue. rd d --L! ·c which ia nractically the co~'tn•'a 0 er to 0 ou.r part to III&IU•

1 •

r 'tJ success ttithou t any concelliona. only revenut:. increaaiug .PO pidly . ..__ year a.ffer >:ear. Tbia Jcar. =· t ke.~ We baYC had ume only IIMI'o~ OYCr the hig h position or '09er $2. • • the contract, and it w be unwise including light dues. etc., or z .. 335.· to say •ny more than it ~ 238 o2:..a11 i ocre:u.e~f oeariJ $40.000 to be one deserriog of h ~ion ov~r the year bef t. eacfing June with it mAY be some ' .30th 1905. June th coming-. it which the wisdom of the .Hoose may will doubUcas be JoOmcwbat Ofer offer. what it was laet fiacal year.

- Dr. Ames returned from About one-eighth ia cotlcc:t.ed in Isle Jaat Saturday ha,-IDr Dr.

tbc outport11, thouarb or course the aocban with him. the cue belar most of the revenue Ia paid by the aerioua in the forme(aatla~aUoa u outporla.. The proportion collected to neccuitate treatmcat at boapltal is increasi.n~. as out port mcrchanta. including probably a a operation. shopkeepers are more and more im· At intt'rfala his patient was 8elaed portirir_ directly. Comparing 1905 -with •loleat par0.1:yame.threatealar witli 1906, the moat or the oatpol"ls, a1ncope,and bearing-tbeappearaace we notice, show an increased im· of bcin~ cauaed by c~bro-aplaal­portatioa of goode in 1906. Harbor meaiatctia.. The doctorc:oD.~~Cqaeat· Grace, iot instance. 'paid more than ly "eclded to proceed with · b,j,a. $5,000 more in duties last year ($18.· wi~hout delay to MontreaL and i~ 000 laat year.) cording engaged a "apecial .. tr.ia,

Then aomc porta of entry arc new faces, being only or several years standing, or beiug only cons iderable of late yeara. Amon!;•t fbem arc BtU I sle. la11t year the biggeat out· port payer o£ dutiea. over $_'0,000

which arriVed he.re oa Sunday at 5 o'clock, apd ldt shortly after to meet t~ crd ... coantr,J.' upreulbt left St: Jo~n'aabout tbe same time. Up 'o six~. yeatcrd:ty, no word bad been ed as to bow tbe patient had t on. All that w:aa

"' (we drop the odd 6;rares) aa againet $5;'000 the year before': Bay of Ta­lande. $15.000 ; Bonne Bay. $10.000; Britannia Co"e aearlt $3.000 : Clilr·

• · enville, S..OOO :·Lewisporle. $7.400 : • Jlilley'a Island. $8,700 ; Port-aux.

known wa_J at. tbc Broce bad bad to procecil to Loaiaburg. the way to S'ydocy being blocked .with ice. Much 11,._.,atby ia fetE ~ere with Dr. Carnochan who made maa1 friends and created a good imprea· aion durinr the abort time of hla atay_bere.

ques. $9,000_. •

a a:cprds outport light due&. laic in this jliiiO beada the liat b-~.619. Next come in order

• Buria...,l090 ($1330 the year before) ; Tilt Cove $9l:7 ; Placentia. $902 ($281 the year be(ore) Lewleporte, $900 ($1843 the tear bclore) : Bar· borG raee,$725, ($?52 the year before.)


TJae' ReY. Mr. Hackett. Ia a com· maaleatloa to the Ber.ld, g-i.ea the iollowiag- &prea :·

Tile coaeumptioll of liquors In the Colony i11 1871 wu 212.616 lt'•llona. replftelltiar a nlae of $212.971. In tbe &seal year l~J-.4 the quantity conaumed was 156.427 plloae. re­prucntinr a. •aluc of $78.018. Dur­IDf that period the population b...s iacr<!ased from 161.374 In l874 · to 220,!)84 U per CCOI UI 1901; the pco. pte are beUer off : yet in spite of the fact that thtre are 60,000 more peo­ple in the Coloay the conaumption of liquor Ia ltu by o•er 56,000 gal· boa. rtpreaeatlng lesa money s pent bJ $34.953.

· A ST.~R,...,.A...,N:-=G,.-:oE--PO.,.S="'t~TlOS. ~ T he leader of the Oppoaition in

the Rouae of AUC!mbly. Capt Dawe, haa •ubmitttd~ a alraage propoal· t lon. A petit1oa bad ~n present· ed by the Prcmict from certain fi1l1· e rnaen of tt:• Straita of Btll Jale aaklng- that the use of trawl• and bultows be prohibited from Isle Bola to Wreck Bay. Labrador, the pet itioner• alating' that lhcae a.p. pliancta acl agains t the aucceaaful vroaecut ion or the 6ebery and bring about diaaatroua res alta. The lead­r.r of the Oppoaition in epeakiag to 1bc 1ubject of the petilioo, coa­cle:nning the u~ of trawla, but aa tbe American fiebermea would ua­cloubledlt r~AOrt to thla mode of ti1bing on La bra r. be thought that the b t courae ~ursuefwould be

" ult e Uruted S tates au·

----- It aeema that we were laaccu· rate ia stating in the item ill Jut week'a paper prepared by the b7 for a ·•prerloua .i)&ue. ~h creqce to e.xceasi•e 'llcbool wor t ltll!waa .Dr. Allan that was the yalclan that preacaibed reaL main facta of the cue: were aa atated. The younc- pei'IOil i11 qlfeaUoa bad brona . down owmr to meatal atral11 aDcl' waa for weelre con&ed to the alc:k room. We be­line that Iii the cue of YGIUikairla ia parUClllar. the lateaM aaCl pco­

appllcatloa reqatred b1 the u ... _,, .. (1"of 8. m. CDQ!We of at11d1

lajarlo11a. ·very few bQJa ucept those bred Ia the

-·-"-·- air of Old Terra NOY& Oae haYe too

were Mr. and Mra. Wllllaaa Tapp. ud their daurhter. a brlrllt little ctrJ of ai 1: Or 8eY4;1l yeara of ap. Mr. Tapp Ia dowa here oa a two moatba' iiait to bia fatlaer and mother and other friends pre·

r:ratory to hkinJ ~p work apia. a all probabillf 1a tbe ~t aUr·

ring Canadian West, in Wiaaipe« or beyond Tbe &rm with wtilch Mr. Tapp bu betn connected for years. aad by whom be was so much est.ecmed aa a travel~r and otherwiee, gaye \1P buaincu at tbe ~ad of' laat year. The •iaitora came from their late home in Halifa~:, or which clt! Mr . . Tapp s peak• warm· lr in pra11e, by way or Rt. John'a In the S. S. Anaapotia. Mr. )ohn'J'app went on( to the City by S'ltarday moraiar'• train to meet hi a son. but rcma.iaed there till TuetldaJ detain· cd by buslae&L He ia qu1te r~•· ered from the attack of acuralrla that ~·e him ao much pain about Cbriafutaa time, and which would ha\'e kept' a leu" atre.auoua" mnn in doorL

Fredericton, Feb. 24.- Tbe Boa. Jabe• Banting Sno"ball. Licuten· a.nt-Go•c:raor of New Brunawick, dropped dead th is eYCniag iu Queen Street. wbite on bia way to attend aen ice in the cathedral. Be uak to the t~idewalk, uncoaacioull.. Be never apoke again a.ad was dead in leu than five mioatca. The doc· tora aaid heart d isease caueed deatb. He wntl born in Lunenburg In J837, hili rather belngl ReY. John Snow· ball, a dh•iae of the •Methodiet Church. While the Governor was q uite young the family removed to ~ewfcmndland. where be remained e~ren yeara. - ----tllurJl•~ and IJavc them to frame

Jnw .. rue the governing' o r our 6sb­criu a>~ tlu.:y would at ri"e lo do Or~n• l.odco. I.O.O.'T'.debalett on Moo· •hat would 1Jc ... nod. for them and day e9onlnf nu t wbetber women of 21

II en. 1 JUre ud OYer eboald ba•• • rl&bt 10 Su •: ~<a \VC • ;umalt. eolt' aadu l.be Local OpUoo•o'-


-A· complete • reYoluti'bG of the fiaberiea ill Irelud i• aear at haad . Both the open boata and the aalliar cutters disappear as . raat aa they ate worn out. No new parchaaesof tbcae are ·aow being- made. Ia lbe Cutarc:P fisbinz will 1M: done almost oxchaalyely with motor boats ud alum ln.wlere. yhlcb fiYe many times better reaalts aad do not ~­quire so laqe a crew.

))arlag- lbe last two or th~ aea­IOQI there baa beeQ npeadecl_!lear· 11 :1250.000 for motor boat&. aad tlley b&Ye gifen such good reaults that there are iast&Dcea wllere a boat ia the coarse of ·fiYC 1lioatha earaed double its nlue besides g-h· iq ita muter ud crew aa lacome equal to a well·pt.ld otlcial'a for lbewhola JGI·


An agreement made January lltb. 1907. bdween Go•eroor-ia-Couaclt, or the &rat part. aad Albert Lionel Oche. George Ocbs and mas DalglJab.• carryial(' ou alanw-414-cuaiiLe partnereblp together as hlercbuta at No. 34 Clements Laue. Loaclon, and alio in Parle. under the atyle or &rm of Ocha Brothers ud Barry Craufaird Tbomu, bllrriater-at-law ol21 Doarhty Street. Loadoa, C. W.

PREAMBLE. kept ck'aO {in l •DI C.UIOi'"s.)




kept ck-:tn {in 1-D1 c;ru toons)


N•vAL.._~"~::-~~~,1~~· ~~~~~:;:r~: are aow 50 R. N. R. • ... ~ Cal~ Olle ncnalt the ... tbla ...a-. lraowa dat.e. tile the fimt ad



EAGAN'S APRICOT JAM.lOc a 12o tumbler.




Work at lhia company's factory on Lellarcbant Street Ia DOW ruah· inr. tbe ordera ahead for the spring trade and the makiur 11p of atock to filf the uaual demand keep tbe op­etati•ea and machlnea full time. At present 47 employee• are on the pay roll. and thia number will be in· creased ere lour. The quantity o( work put oat last week wa.a ! greatest aiace tbia or in fact y boot aad shoe ·sactorr ia the to • bu beea started, umely. one tb • saad paira belag completed for tile · 60 boan' time. The qaality aD4 arade of the work will co .. pare fa•orabty .with that of aaylmported atoc:k. ud Ia auch that the local de­mu4 ud tbat of all part• of the Coloay will be for the maaufutare of the Factory. Tbe lbaterlal ued Ia the beat, the fiaiab and atylft com· pariac well witla the fiaest imported --.. a com!tioa In the pro­a.ct~oa. of lcJn of footwear which caaaot b t proYe popular and re~t CO()Cf .. lae. Tbe Factory ihelf fa Well• eqalpPCL.. wtth tbc latot improncl aa.Ulileiy, aad 8ttecl wjtla t~ a~iaacea and that are aece-fJ for the mu tare of &ae ~-of work aad laapft!d mike Ia tbe hea•leratyl~ Tile com~)' de8erfta the fullest .......,.. of aupport: Its nefalaeu to tile COIDDIUity recom~~~e~~cliar it to tbe trad,.

..... ~------'YI= I&Ye rained from' noticing tbe ftiUe aod tia~e~ ,anpracticable Yialoal by the Hubor Grace conelf!OIIdeat Of the Dally News, but auble about the Town Council in his Ill& letter c:alh for c:ommenL To IDCb an Idea as having the Auditor General to address the public on the formation or a council (or this town is aa inault to the intelligeo~ of our people• Mr. Berteau, a most ca~b.le and estimable public official, is to come here in the ordinary course of dutiet to audit the Water Company's books-a duty which 'he bas to do by virtue of his office. His ideas on town councils aad other public or local matters are .sound, but to ask I« a public explanation or these would be like requesting one of our own officials to dictate to our citizens. U we want a towQ council, let the citizens caU a public meeting, and there wjJ be round blains .enough to give both sides of the question. Doubtless the conespon· dent w.ould next advocate tbe public buying out the Water Co. and run jt u part of the town council's buaioess. The ncc:essary capital to attain tbat end would be forthcoming without delay. Tile News' correspondent must cause a ripple or amusc:ment to fl it, act~ tb.e race or city readers. That wnte.r IS nothing if not practic;able H'tS schemes on paper loolt good, but when put to pra.ctical issue, they would be round co be vislona?.- We are in favor of a town council, but it is another matter for the citizens tO' father the extra taxes thst would be neceuary to carry the work ol that ~eme. Direct ~lion is both obnoxious and v~tious.

Londoa, Feb. 23.-Thc nt wapap· era here and on the Continent are ringing with praise for the herois m of Captain S~rling. of Dordrec:ht, to whoae initiative and courage it waa entirely due tbl& tbc laat three survi~rs or the ateamer Berlin. which waa wrecked off the Hook of Holland. were rescued.

Ulaud'a·lJAJmeal earn dlltemper.

A~ P.d:ed in the' UIIAJ.'Al"l::l. ,...,,. ---"·

•bfcla ~.~~fit At!'a ·-· ~

Into Scaled t.d • ...~..-...-


pUlq tbat ehlL!Iftn I

_.Sold Ev~r)"trbere. . .. .. . .. ... ... . . .. .. . ... .. . . of burilea that maat bear all the wei2ht placed apoa them, and that the 1eaclaera Ia atii'rlac to hue their acboola ahli1e, ~ead out iato the

T. A. MacNAB &. Co., Aaeall farletfndlud. T&RNS IN UJD. world chUdrea whoee mlada hue be-

l. The Contractora aball make come weakelled bJ our-work, oYer­such preliminary aan-ey as stady. aad loag- lloarL The pablic may consider necessary Co't' ~-~,_,...., uafortaaately ,ao not take a li•ely

Cabot Building, St. John's,

··~················· pole or them to lA 'his matter. aod so the proxia~ately liae ~oes oa. The preu aboald

Parie. Feb. 2.3.-Thc clerical or· gan• unite in dedariag that C:lrdi· aal Richard. Arcbbit.hop o( Paria, will11ot aubmit·to the new propoaal of tbe GoYcrnmeut ~gnrding church leasea; abd. their Rome deepatchea categoric&lly iaeiet that Pope Prua ia resohed to mainta in intcj!raiiJ the original tut offered by the Frcq,cb epii!CQpate and to refute cnn to diacuu the Govern meut's exccp· tiona relative to the liabili ty of par­ish priests for tbc keeping- up or churcbeaand the cxdusioo ot forci:;n priceta or mem6cr~ of dls&oh•ed ard~ra aa parties to contmcts. Tllc French Premier nys that the Gov­~rnmeat will go DO rurlbCC in lhe mntler of c6ncc sion. T he Rcpub· licnn ~ajority in the Chamber of Deput ies wonld not endorse jt nor would any member of the Cabinet nor M. Briand favor yicldin~ mor~."

railway, aad Ice all ex· ttl power aM uerciae it eo penditare and all paymeata some le~·up of the cramming-aeceultated by such prelimlnar1 system be brought.abouL sal'ftJ. With respect to the B.C.E. enmi·

2. It •ball be lawful for the Con· nations: tbeae ba•e such a· hold tractors. at their own upeaae, to upon the beads of our educational euney, lay out: coastruct. maintnin departments that it is .all bat use­and operate a railway of the gauge Jess to uy anything dieparaginJr· of four Jeeteigbtaadoae-balfiucbee ly of the eebemc. It ia a most from a point to be 8electcd by the unfair grant whea hundreds or Contractora in Notre Dame &y, to small settlements ia the Colony are a point to be also eelectecl by the without the slirbteat educational Contractors on the Western Coast adnatagee. of Newfoundland. Where ia the Golernme.nt in th.ia

3. It shall be layful for the Con· case? Is it led by two or three m~n tructora to coiletruct. eq11ip, charter wb91e aim ia to provide the luxuries or pro•lde three ateam•bfpa to be for SL Joho'a, and the larger towns, used In connection with the said while the small outporta may get l)n railway, baYing- a erO.a toaaar.: of u belt tbey may. If the Govern· not leu tban &Je thousands' tons mc:nt wipe\! out of cxiatence the H. each, and capable of maintain inK a C. E. grant it would be doing a mer­minimum a\'Crage oc:na speed of 17 clrul work, by relieving the over· kaota to hour in moderate weather; burdened children of the "cram· aucb -camera to sail . (t.om some ming" system. It would be a popu· port in Great Britain or lreland,:uut tat> move if Sir Robert Bond put a to call once in every week 'at the pen through the Jtlem of tbia gr3.ot leaat, on the voyage from Grc3.t now, and so coaeign this fad to ob·

tain or lrel3.utl to Newfouadlan~ livioa. •

. - An estimate. appacen,tly a con

scnatife - one. of Mr. ~tak iu~W)u'a loss 1>1 the recent fire at Cochrane Da le. 1s in the ntlghborhood or •ix lhouennd dollars. of which three lhouaa nd dollars waR co\·ered by itl· aurance. 1t wa s first thou~ht here tha t;the dwelling-bon e and all the ext~oei fc buildings nt:1 r by had fa llen a )'rcy to tbc f\amea. By later ac:counta came the aew that the old barn a few feet to the aoutb of the main one and another small fltructure 3djaccut h;ld ~aped. It ~~~~• fortuna te that it was so, a& the hay it contained will likely suffi.:c ror the cnttlc and horoes the ren1nin· der of t h.: j:cason. l'\ot n lh c ani· mal. four I ~ged or two. perit~hed in the fire. All bad n:rrrow e11car.es - aome vcrry narrow. A &mall bu1ld· inJ:" used (orm~dv a n mill and later on a11 a. but ic:rine fac tory be· ing acveral hundred,. of yards to the " 'eat .. ard was a lbQ preaer,•ed. But Cochrane Dale. aa former\J known, ia goni!.

at the port to be selected in I intend to say a few words on Dame Boly, a1 aforesaid. next this matter. For the present. I am.

at SL John's, Newfoundland. and yours truly, INDEX. lastly at some be selected H3.rbor Grace, l!'t b. 2&, 1907. from time to ti Contract· or. in the Domi or in the United Statce of America. and to call also once in every week at \be leaat on the Yoyage from Canada. or the United State-. to Great Britain or Ireland. first 3.t St. Jobn'a, and aut at the aaid port IQ to be ae· lected in Notre Dame Bay. so aa to provide a coat:nuous weekly aer•ice between Great Britain, or Ireland, aad Ncwfouadlaad. aa well aa be· tween Newfoundland and the Do­miniOII of Canada.· Of the United State,; pro•ided that from the let of January to the 1st of May in nery year the aai.d ateamera ah3.ll only be hound to call at St. John's, Newfoundland. or s uch other port Ia Newfouadfand. 118 may be agreed upon from time to time by the said parties. and at such paFt Ia Canada or the United States so to be select· ed, aa a!oreeaid.

4. 1t shall be.lawful for the Con­tractors to CQnatrucL equip. charter or pro•ide a ateamibip with a ton­nage of not leu than two tbouaand tone. and capable of maintaining a minimum avetake ocean speed of twenty knots an hour in moderate weather. for tb~ purpose of coaaect­inr tbe port on rbe Weatern Coaat of Newfoundland. 10 to be selected bt the Contractors. as aforesaid. with some port to be also selected from time to time by the ConJraclora on the Coaet of.Gae~. or tbe Pro\'• iaee of New Bruaaw1ck: abch at~m· ship to call at both of euch porta twice Ia C\'try week from lbe 1st or ~by to the 3l• t Dec-tmber In uery year.

S. ' The afor,.aaid railway and the aforcaaid ateamebip• eball coaati­tute aod be operated U'one connect· ed ayatcm. and the Contractor• shall coa"cy and trans port thereby and thereto all Goferameat maila. rt shall be lawful I'Or the Contractors tQ make a <:Qnnection at some point to be decided by the Contractora, between the snit! railway nod the general raiJwll.y ayatem or the Colony or tQ coaatrucl au exteaaion of the aaid railway to St. John's, or such other poa:t u may be mutually ag reed upon.

6. The Contractors shall coaUau­oualy operate the ~<~id railway a nd ateamehip• to~ther with the con· aecting railway (if coaetruct.ed) re­ferred to in the preeediog aection.

(To be continued.)


We gather from the full nnd ~nterc:st· _ing Outlook account of the Bny Rob­erts fire of Monday week or r3ther of early Tuesday moming l~l n few par• ticulnrs : The fire was first noticed by Mrs. Wood, Mr. Piccou'• mother, go­ing to the hall door to close it bc:Jorc retiring. Owioa to the lateness of the hour and the storm, it was some time before people1L1Tivcd at the scene.

Nothing could be done co sa•-e Pic­cou's shop in which the fire origin:ued, nor Mr. Arch. Wilcox's shop ~tocl:cd by Mr. William Dawe (brother of the Mo:tTRit.\1., Feb. !n-Tho \toro~ hola· Ho E Ihwc) oJ""a by to the """"\ oauwt M!lolroal hu experienced for

n. · In" ' ......, ' many yeart occurred ttill att~noon, the attempt to save Mr. In"·e's stock when {wcmly·tlvo aqhool ohlldl't-n anll resulted in only th~ee or four boxes or tholr heroic ladn principal mol their biscuits and other I rifling things being ~:~~ ~~D tb~h::u\ rtl~?t~o sr:.'~t:::! rescued The flames soon spread to were 160 oblldren to dl!fort'nt ci~&Nea a smllll shop O'IVDM by l\fr. T . Wilco;r, wbt-n lho 1\ro bTOke oot In I he basolnent • ,.,w y--'- 10 the westward. I• too, and aproad to the qpper floor 10 quickly

"· "'~ ., tbat miNt or I hom bl\d to bo rM<"uod by was soon a mllSS ol flames. •Dr. Prit· llr• men. The>~e who II'Hll lbclr lh ca chard's surg~, a liule d istAnce to tbe wefe mCNIIy lo tho r~tarlt'D elane• -·J whlob were located t ho lhlrtl 11nry. wes"t was mved, a small building near- Tbe t.errlble all'~&lr hu cu t a ~loom o'·cr by being pulled dO\Ii'D. Mr. Joai!lh the c~, aftd moro parllcularly In Jtho Calpin'• forge on the oppoiite side of J:aat nd. • \Vater Street caught, but bard work on --9-~f!.-the ~rt of the willing townspeople On TnHday lut, lhe:)llh 'J,'ebroary, a P

resent sa•ed it Jike"ise. 10n to Mr. and Mrs. ttoherc :-4. l'Anona. Al SL John''• on 1:-'oll. :!-<, a aon to Mr.

As we learn from anothc;r source, and Mrl . s~:o~n ley w. Greav~. there was grave danger when this DJEO. caught that quite a number of houses At Spanlard~on Friday e\·ooln~; near would go also. amongst them the 1aa1, after a ab rt l neu, llob.'u:oa, wife house or Mre. Taylor. Mr. Payoe and of Abram Dar ell nd daughter of ~lr.

h f h. h and Phtllp Yolc•y, ~ year-. De~t'aud ot er occupant.s o l IS ouse lel\vt'1, beald~• a hDiband, 7 •mall c~ll· others in the vicinity had a good deal drea aJathtr andmotboran.! • num\iu or their eB'ccts removed fearing the fire of ol~~l\relalh.,.t to mourn lbclrJoa. Would spread to ...... m. • All\ ortoo'a Uarbor~ on 1-'ob. 16. afler a

'"" ehort Jlla~u, ~lab ~oel, aged M year-, According to the Outloolt': the totnl lea,•lng a wlte\lhrec~ ronund onodao11h·

I b b. fi • ..__ · d ter 10 mourn Ule Ioiii o( • kind ho1band oss Y t )j ue IS uc:tween SIX ~ and lu\'lng father. Oeoeaa~l WAI eldu t

aeven thousand dolla,rs. Mr. \\ m. 100 of tho Jato Mr. Mo.ea Noel or Sonlb Dawe places his losses in stock llt abou~· Ide, aDd ton·ln·law of i\tr. t:lamuel l'ar· $rsoo- no insurance;#r. A. Wilcox mllor of tblt to . • valued his .st~re an(l ... me ~hing gear WST, on Sa rdayln&t, between destroyed 10 1t at $8oc?-n'b msurance i Bear's Cove and Cochra ne St reet the value of Mr. A. W. l' iccott's shop :l aum of mon . the froperty or ~ and stoc\'. was prol»bly $4,0QO-:-insur: poor 1qan. Fiader"WII be rewnrded ance . was ell'c:<:ted iby, we undentii.Dd, bJ' lea•ing lhe aame at STANDARD tJr. 0 . Mom\On and the Royal Stores Office. • on building and g~in se(Sarate ==-=-~:-:====-===,....---amounts totalling ~bo $6 ; che Boarders Wanted. smilllcr building 11nd con t.s owned by Mr. T. WtlcOlC w., worth about Three or four bo:lr<l_m can •be ac $ roo-no in•urancc. · comodated at accntralli·~>ituatcd house.

The s t ANDAlD expresses its regret For particul.us 4ppl)' oll the STANI.IARD at the heavy loues incurred. Office.-F'eb. l',tr ..

, .




.Newfou.ndland, Canada and U mted States

and the Orient.

Through Ti<?ke t:~ sol<f IUld Baggage Checked to nil points in North America. Also, Tick·· ots, svld for Europe and the Orient., via tbe world-renowned C. P. R. Steamship System.

· For full P'rticttl ar:~ !lpply to

Goneml Pill' ·enger A,gent.


COMPANY ... _ - -


Cod Traps, Mos>rings, Grapnels, Caplin Seine, Herring Nets.


TwP Boats an~ Fishing· Gear, · ~· Mast Head Irons, Compass, Jib-boom Irons.

suiutble for schooner~ of any size.

Apply to

1'ROb1AS WALSH, Riverhead, Hubor Grace.

NOTICE. Insolvent Estate of ROBERT S.

MUNN, 'trading as Johh Munn & Co:.

NOTICE is hereby given that A

Fin:~ I Dh•idend of. 1 2·7 cents in the dollar will be p:lyable to the Creditors of the :tbove Estate by 1ho unde.r$igned T rustee, at his addrtsS, Manin Building, Watu Stret:t, St. John'" Newfoundland, on and nftt r the 15th do.y of M.uch, ' 907·

O~ted :~t St. j ohn'~ Newfoundland, this 28th d11y of February; A.D. 19o;.

C. S .. P l !>:SENT, Tf}lstee.

