“The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the devastation and suffering caused by World War II (1939 - 1945). Despite this, World War I killed 20 million people and wounded at least 17 million more. As a frame of reference, the population of North Carolina today is about 10 million -- imagine the entire state of North Carolina dying in warfare, twice -- that’s how horrible World War I was. What Was the Cause of So Much Death and Suffering??? World War I was caused by a lot of different factors, but the actual event that ‘sparked’ the war all started with the assassination, or murder, of a prince and his wife. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was from the royal family that ruled over what was then called the Austro-Hungarian empire (shown below). Franz Ferdinand >>

“The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

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Page 1: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

“The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the devastation and suffering

caused by World War II (1939 - 1945). Despite this, World War I killed 20 million people and wounded at least 17 million more. As a frame of reference, the population of North Carolina today is about 10 million -- imagine the entire state of North Carolina dying in warfare, twice -- that’s how horrible World War I was.

What Was the Cause of So Much Death and Suffering??? World War I was caused by a lot of different factors, but the actual event that ‘sparked’

the war all started with the assassination, or murder, of a prince and his wife. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was from the royal family that ruled over what was then called the Austro-Hungarian empire (shown below).

Franz Ferdinand >>

Page 2: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

The man who shot Franz and his wife Sophie was angry that the Austro-Hungarian

empire would not allow a group of people within their empire, the Bosnians, to be a part of the country of Serbia. Rather than remaining within the empire, many of the Bosnian people wanted a country of their own people, with shared language, culture, and heritage -- this is the second definition of ‘nationalism’ that we’ve discussed. The Bosnian people within the empire wanted to belong to a nation of their own people, therefore they had a ‘nationalist’ movement.

So how did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand lead to a world war? The Austrio-Hungarian government was obviously furious that Franz Ferdinand was murdered, and they wanted revenge. They rightfully believed that the killer came from the country of Serbia, and thus started threatening Serbia with military force. Here’s where it gets a bit crazy…

Serbia was protected by the extremely large country of Russia. Russia warned that if Austria continued to threaten, or even attack, Serbia, they would defend the Serbians. Germany, another large and powerful European country, told Austria that they would have their back in a war with Russia. Even though Germany had very little interest in the killing of Franz Ferdinand, they formed an alliance with Austro-Hungary. (“I’ve got your back if you’ve got mine”)

It doesn’t stop there however. The country of France had an alliance with Russia, meaning that if Russia went to war France would have their back. This messy system of alliances helped lead to the deadliest war in human history up to that point.

Great Britain declared that it would protect the small European country of Belgium if the Germans attacked them. The Germans didn’t care, and marched through Belgium at the

Page 3: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

beginning of the war in 1914. Great Britain did not go back on it’s word, and declared war on Germany.

In short, because of the

tangled web of alliances in Europe, the assassination of one man and his wife threw the entire world into war. What about the other factors that caused ‘The Great War?’

As we’ve discussed, a great way to remember the cause of all of the death and destruction of World War I is M.A.I.N.




N ationalism

Militarism is an extreme pride and love of

the military and it’s potential power to wage war. Before WWI, the countries of Europe took extreme and even arrogant pride in their military. Just imagine putting 5 of the cockiest and most arrogant men you’ve ever met in one room -- you’re just asking for trouble. This is essentially what was happening before World War I. The countries of Europe all had powerful militaries and they all thought they were the best!

Page 4: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the




Imperialism is when a country spreads out and controls other weaker countries that aren’t able to resist them. As we’ve discussed, during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, European countries practiced Imperialism all of the world including Africa and Asia.

Europeans struggled for control over potential colonies, all wanting to have as much control over the world as they possibly could. With arrogant nations competing for colonies around the globe, it’s easy to see how a war could break out -- and it did.

Finally, Nationalism in this context is an extreme and arrogant pride in one’s nation, or

country. This is essentially the same idea as militarism, except for an extreme and blind pride in one’s country rather than the military. The countries of Europe not only thought their militaries were the best, they felt their nations were the best as well.

The Nazi’s (pictured below) did not control Germany until well after World War I.

However, there is no better historical example of extreme nationalism than Nazi


Page 5: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

How Did It All End? 1918

The ‘Great War’ as World War I became known as, finally ended after four years of brutal fighting, suffering, and death in 1918. The United States joined the war in 1917 after Germany sank a ship named the Lusitania that had americans on board. The United States joined Britain and France and helped the ‘allies’ as they were called, to win the war.

As the United States joined the war in 1917, Russia left. Russia had a communist revolution within its country in 1917. Russia’s revolution would shape world history for the next 80 years as the United States and Communist Russia would soon become major enemies.

On November 11th, at 11 A.M (11/11/@11 A.M) Germany signed an Armistice or cease-fire. This effectively ended World War I. Germany was forced to sign The Treaty of

Versailles in 1918. This treaty officially ended World War I, but it blamed Germany for the war and forced the country to pay reparations ($$$) to the Allies for starting the war. These reparations payments and the humiliation that Germany felt from World War I would help to lead to the rise of German Dictator Adolf Hitler and World War II.


1) How might things like extreme nationalism and militarism lead to conflict and war? (Think it through yourself)

2) How many people were killed during WWI? (1914 - 1918 A.D)

3) How were the Bosnian people apart of a nationalist movement?

4) How did alliances help start World War I?

Page 6: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

5) How are Nationalism and Militarism similar?

6) Russia dropped out of World War I because of an internal Communist revolution in

1917. Which country joined the side of the allies, replacing Russia?

7) What agreement formally ended World War I and which country did it blame for the war?

"La guerra para terminar todas las guerras". - Presidente Woodrow Wilson La Primera Guerra Mundial (1914 - 1918) a menudo se pasa por alto debido a la devastación y el sufrimiento causados por la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939 - 1945). A pesar de esto, la Primera Guerra Mundial mató a 20 millones de personas e hirió al menos a 17 millones más. Como marco de referencia, la población de Carolina del Norte hoy en día es de aproximadamente 10 millones, imagínense que el estado entero de Carolina del Norte muere en guerra dos veces, así de horrible fue la Primera Guerra Mundial. ¿Cuál fue la causa de tanta muerte y sufrimiento? La Primera Guerra Mundial fue causada por muchos factores diferentes, pero el evento real que "desencadenó" la guerra comenzó con el asesinato o asesinato de un príncipe y su esposa. El Archiduque Francisco Fernando era de la familia real que gobernaba lo que entonces se llamaba el imperio Austro-Húngaro (se muestra a continuación).

Page 7: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

Franz Ferdinand >>

El hombre que disparó a Franz y su esposa Sophie estaba enojado porque el imperio Austro-Húngaro no permitiría que un grupo de personas dentro de su imperio, los bosnios, fueran parte del país de Serbia. En lugar de permanecer dentro del imperio, muchos de los bosnios querían un país de su propia gente, con un idioma, cultura y herencia compartidos: esta es la segunda definición de "nacionalismo" que hemos discutido. Los bosnios dentro del imperio querían pertenecer a una nación de su propio pueblo, por lo tanto tenían un movimiento "nacionalista". Entonces, ¿cómo el asesinato de Franz Ferdinand condujo a una guerra mundial? El gobierno austríaco-húngaro estaba evidentemente furioso porque Franz Ferdinand fue asesinado y querían vengarse. Creían con razón que el asesino provenía del país de Serbia y, por lo tanto, comenzaron a amenazar a Serbia con la fuerza militar. Aquí es donde se pone un poco loco ...

Serbia estaba protegida por el país extremadamente grande de Rusia. Rusia advirtió que si Austria continuaba amenazando, o incluso atacando, a Serbia, ellos defenderían a los serbios. Alemania, otro país europeo grande y poderoso, le dijo a Austria que estarían de espaldas en una guerra con Rusia. A pesar de que Alemania tenía muy poco interés en el asesinato de Franz Ferdinand, formaron una alianza con Austro-Hungría. ("Te tengo la espalda si tienes la mía") No se detiene allí sin embargo. El país de Francia tenía una alianza con Rusia, lo que significa que si Rusia entraba en guerra, Francia estaría de espaldas. Este desordenado sistema de alianzas ayudó a conducir a la guerra más mortífera de la historia humana hasta ese momento.

Gran Bretaña declaró que protegería al pequeño país europeo de Bélgica si los alemanes los atacaban. A los alemanes no les importaba, y marcharon a través de Bélgica al comienzo de la guerra en 1914. Gran Bretaña no se retractó de su palabra y declaró la guerra a Alemania.

En resumen, debido a la enredada red de alianzas en Europa, el asesinato de un hombre y su esposa arrojó al mundo entero a la guerra. ¿Qué hay de los otros factores que causaron 'La Gran Guerra'? Como hemos discutido, una excelente manera de recordar la causa de toda la muerte y destrucción de la Primera Guerra Mundial es M.A.I.N. Militarismo Alianzas

Page 8: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

Imperialismo Nacionalismo

El militarismo es un orgullo y amor extremo de los militares y su poder potencial para hacer la guerra. Antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial, los países de Europa se enorgullecían extrema e incluso arrogantemente de sus fuerzas armadas. Solo imagina poner a 5 de los hombres más arrogantes y arrogantes que hayas visto en una habitación, solo estás pidiendo problemas. Esto es esencialmente lo que estaba ocurriendo antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial. ¡Todos los países de Europa tenían ejércitos poderosos y todos pensaban que eran los mejores! "ALEMANIA ES MEJOR QUE PIPSQUEAK". "¡Austrio-Hungary LE APLASTARÁ AL PEQUEÑO GURLY MAN!"

El imperialismo es cuando un país se extiende y controla otros países más débiles que no pueden resistirlos. Como hemos discutido, durante finales de 1800 y principios de 1900, los países europeos practicaron el imperialismo en todo el mundo, incluidos África y Asia. Los europeos lucharon por el control de las colonias potenciales, todos queriendo tener tanto control sobre el mundo como les fuera posible. Con las naciones arrogantes compitiendo por las colonias de todo el mundo, es fácil ver cómo podría estallar una guerra, y así fue.

Finalmente, el nacionalismo en este contexto es un orgullo extremo y arrogante en la propia nación o país. Esta es esencialmente la misma idea que el militarismo, excepto por un orgullo extremo y ciego en el propio país en lugar de en el militar. Los países de Europa no solo pensaban que sus ejércitos eran los mejores, también sentían que sus naciones eran las mejores. Los Nazis (foto abajo) no controlaron Alemania hasta mucho después de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, no hay mejor ejemplo histórico de nacionalismo extremo que la Alemania nazi.

Preguntas ... ¿Cómo pueden las cosas como el nacionalismo extremo y el militarismo llevar al conflicto y la guerra? (Piénsalo por ti mismo) ¿Cuántas personas fueron asesinadas durante la Primera Guerra Mundial? (1914 - 1918 A.D) ¿Cómo se separaba el pueblo bosnio de un movimiento nacionalista?

Page 9: “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson · “The War to End All Wars.” - President Woodrow Wilson World War I (1914 - 1918) is often overlooked because of the

¿Cómo hizo Allinces ayudan a comenzar la Primera Guerra Mundial? ¿Cómo se parecen el nacionalismo y el militarismo?