“Entering into Rest.” By Robert.B.Dalton. © Menorah Publications. Australia & New Zealand. 1996. Re-edited, 2016.

“Entering into Rest.” · 2018. 9. 7. · Clarity comes with the stillness of heart and mind to the listening ear communicating readily with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

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  • “EnteringintoRest.”

    By Robert.B.Dalton.© Menorah Publications.Australia & New Zealand. 1996.

    Re-edited, 2016.

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    * Points of distinction and emphasis, are used by our authorship solely tobring light to our dialogue.

    * Unless otherwise indicated, all Scriptural references appearing arequotations from the King James Bible ...computer software, E Sword version 10.2.1 © 2013 by Rick Meyers.www.e-sword.net

    First Edition (1996, re-edited 2016)

    Copyright © 2016. Australia by Robert.B.Dalton.Apart from the purpose of private study or review forarchive retrieval, no part may be reproduced without theexpressed and written permission of the authors (and/ or)their agents for “Menorah Publications.”



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    Table of Contents.


    “Introduction ...”

    “The Gospel, is a Gospel of Rest.”

    “God’s Rest ...”

    “The Victory of Rest.”

    “Preserved fruit.”


    “The Victory of Rest ...”

    Bibliography of Reference Material.

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    Exodus 33 Verses 13-14 “Now therefore, I praythee, if I have found Grace in Thy sight, ... shew menow thy way, that I may know Thee, that I may findGrace in Thy sight: and consider that this nation [is]Thy people.” (14) “And he said, My Presence shallgo [with thee], ... and I will give thee rest.”

    (distinctions mine.)

    God’s desire, for His corporate people is to

    “enter the land of His Rest...” We wantto get into the land flowing with milk and honey, buteven Israel had to walk!

    The Lord Jesus Christ came to reconcile us toboth Himself and The Father. He enables us torespond with our wills, by the nurturing of The HolyGhost. As disciples, we are not taken out of thisworld as such, but we do have at our disposal,every facility to keep us from it’s evil!

    It is with this in mind, that we can understand

    that “natural man’s” instincts in Christbecome “transfigured,” so that they in factbecome secondary, as we live our lives after themanner imparted to us by The Holy Ghost.


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    He who is filled and taught in “The Schoolof The Spirit,” soon becomes obedient to thelanguage of God’s promptings.

    “The Language of Rest,” is a voice,that is heard far above that of the maddeningcrowd. How often, and how quickly do we respondto our God given conscience? The voice of ourconscience, is only as quiet as we allow.

    Often we are too quick to shun the very meansby which our Saviour so often whispers to us! Let itbe said, that the onus is on us to hear with

    “the ears in hearing the voice of ourheart of hearts.”

    Communication skills in this day oftechnological advancement still have to be acquiredand then applied to the outer-man. So too with ourinner-man, God’s voice, is often hindered simplybecause we do not listen.

    Clarity comes with the stillnessof heart and mind to the listeningear communicating readily with ourLord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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    Strengthened, we wait in The Presence of Him

    who gives “Peace that passes ... allunderstanding and keeps both ourhearts and minds stayed in ChristJesus!”

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    His promptings in us, are there to produce theobedience in which Jesus rested. Obedience to fulfilperfectly The Father’s expectations of Him.

    This obedience made manifest in Christ wasand is the outward and visible sign that

    “religion” is useless in regard to thedeepest needs of the spirit of man.

    God did not give to man this thing called,

    “religion,” He gave “Relationship.” Andthat my friend is what happened in the Garden

    called “Eden” where man “fell.” Now He walksand talks with us, in “the garden of ourheart!”

    Jesus came, and was born into the family ofman and as He grew into manhood his baptism wasHis formal identification with our sinful race,

    He Who knew “No sin.”

    What was being said in effect was, “I too,though I am King, obey The Law of The Kingdom.”

    “He who knew NO SIN!”

    “Introduction ...”

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    Thereby He could rest in confident assuranceand challenge the minutest inspection of Hisenemies.

    John 8 Verse 46(a)

    “Which of you convincethme of sin? ... ”

    His rest, is that disassociated response, it is nota response which is pre-occupied with irrelevant

    detail, but a resting in the decision,

    “TO DO!”

    We must take up His yoke and with meeknessand lowliness of heart. Then we too, will find rest for

    our souls in the “Author and Finisher ofour Faith:”

    Hebrews 4 Verse 6“Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must entertherein, and they to whom it was first preached ...entered not in because of unbelief:”

    In the above passage, we read that Israel,

    “ ... entered not in,because of unbelief.”

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    Israel, she still wanted to work it all out, she stillwanted to do it her way and not Gods. This was

    “unbelief.” The author of Hebrews said thatanyone could fall short of “entering intorest” if they followed on in this way.

    Often, the Book of Hebrews, is referred to as

    “The book of better things.” I personallyprefer “The Gospel of Rest.”

    Complete with the High Priestly role of Jesus,

    who is both “Lord and Christ,” the dialoguegives example and encouragement toward

    “The Household of Faith.”

    Wrapped in the “Honour roll” of Faith’sexamples, the Epistle to the Hebrew churchcontains within it, eleven stern warnings against the

    opposite of “Faith,” which is “apostasy orbacksliding.”

    “The Gospel, is a Gospel of Rest.”

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    To quote G.Campbell Morgan, 1“The endof apostasy is “restlessness,” justas surely as the end of Faith isPerfect Rest.” end quote.

    Scripture tells us that,

    Proverbs 14 Verse 14(a)

    “The backslider in heart shall befilled with his own ways ...”

    What is wrong, is that men hold the truth andinsist on calling the truth a lie and the lie a truth inorder to justify their own manipulations and the

    manoeuvring’s of a “hidden agenda,” allbased on “Selfishness!”

    Romans 1 Verse 25(a)“Who changed the truth of God into a lie ...”

    “Self-justification” or thejustification of “Self” alwaysmanipulates to achieve its owndevious ends!

    1 Morgan, G.Campbell “Handbook for Bible Preachers and Teachers.”Baker Book House (8th edit, 1994.)

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    This spirit of apostasy is always active becauseit knows, that if the devil cannot distract you, healways tries to make you busy to distract you awayfrom God’s task at hand.

    As a cohort of our enemy, the deception of thisspirit of apostasy is made all the more easier by asilly, willing heart!

    Holding “the Truth” in one’s heart andrefusing to be obedient to it, this is the

    “disobedience of unbelief.” That“hardens the heart, stiffens the neckand ends in death ... the wages ofsin!”

    Jeremiah 6 Verses 10 & 19“To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that theymay hear? behold, their ear [is] uncircumcised, andthey cannot hearken: behold, The word of TheLORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delightin it.” (19) “Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil

    upon this people, [even] the fruit of theirthoughts, because they have nothearkened unto My Words, nor tomy law, but rejected it.”

    (distinctions mine.)

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    We all have that Gift called “conscience,”we all choose either to listen to the promptings ofthe heart, or ignore it!

    What is even more ironic is that in this day andage, we have God’s Written Word and yet we stillrefuse to read it and wonder why we are not hearing

    “His Voice” when all the while we only have toopen our eyes and read and listen to “the voiceof our hearts.”

    You pray and ask Jesus to come into your

    heart as Lord and Saviour, then we all turnoff the ears and our hearing!!!

    Let no man deceive another,backsliding is not just folding yourarms to sit back and do nothing.

    Apostasy, is very active indenial, suffering long in her ownjustification and patient in herwaiting for its outcome ... death.

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    But Faith, is always triumphant because she

    provides both “the light” and “the appealin warning” of impending danger.

    Triumphant Faith harmonizes with the Will of

    God, it suffers triumphant for it is in itself “theassurance of things hoped for ...”

    The certainty of accomplishment in the Will of

    God, let us now consider the elevenstern warnings against sliding away.

    From the second chapter of Hebrews throughto the twelfth chapter of the book, The Lord has

    sought to warn by using the word “lest,” as aprecursor to that warning.

    Such a simple but effective means to drawsones attention to the serious issue which nowconfronts the reader.

    Not often used today, the word “lest,” is anold English word meaning “somehow,” or“by any means.””

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    “First Warning ...”Hebrews 2 Verse 1 “Therefore we ought to givethe more earnest heed to the thingswhich we have heard, ... lest at anytime we should let [them] slip.”

    The new American standard Version and theRevised Version of The Bible both say,

    “... lest haply we drift (or pull awayfrom the anchor of hope) away[from them].”

    A drifting vessel, is never at“rest,” it constantly heaves againstthe tide and is always strainingagainst the anchor.

    We have “hope,” as our “sure anchor”and “hope,” is constant in both its trainingand the development of “trust” withinthe life of the individual.

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    To fail this first instruction is to leave one’s selfopen to the possibility of influence to all the other

    hindrances of “Faith, and the balance ofTrust!”

    If I drift from the instruction of “The Son,”there will develop an

    “ ... evil heart of unbelief.”

    “Second Warning ...”Hebrews 3 Verse 12 “Take heed, ...brethren, ... lest there be in any ofyou an evil heart of unbelief, indeparting from the living God.”

    Therefore, you can be assured that progresshas her steps even in degeneration away from thethings of God. And it will not take long, till

    “compromise” in our stance brings“complacency” and “contempt” for ourrelationship with The Lord and we in turn findourselves,

    “ ... departing from the living God.”

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    John 6 Verses 63-69“It is The Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profitethnothing: The Words that I speak unto you, they areSpirit, and they are Life.” (64) “But there are someof you that believe not. For Jesus knew from thebeginning who they were that believed not, and whoshould betray Him.”(65) “And He said, Therefore said I unto you, thatno man can come unto Me, except it were givenunto him of My Father.” (66) “From that time manyof His disciples went back, and walked no more withHim.” (67) “Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will yealso go away?” (68) “Then Simon Peter answeredhim, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast TheWords of Eternal Life.” (69) “And we believe and aresure that Thou art that Christ, The Son of The LivingGod.”

    “Third Warning ...”Hebrews 3 Verse 13 “But exhort oneanother daily, ... while it is calledToday; ... lest any of you behardened through the deceitfulnessof sin.”

    Believing, is the past tense of a settleddecision, a decision made,

    “... while it is called ... Today;”

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    Exodus 20 Verse 8

    “Remember the sabbath day, tokeep it holy.”(distinctions mine.)

    The word for “Sabbath,” comes from theHebrew word, “Shabbat,” rendered as“God’s Own Rest.”

    So, in that sense, to do our Sabbath, is tocelebrate and to worship in the refreshment of HisRest!

    The Rest, is found only in the inheritance ofGod’s dear children and the Greek word,

    “Sabatismos,” indicates that the pattern isrevealed in the character of God’s requirement of usceasing from our own religious labours and resting

    in His Creative accomplishment ... REST!

    Fear, does not produce peaceand rest, it only produces ...


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    Disobedience to the known, “Will of God,”can only bring about “separation fromGod,” “frustration, dissatisfactionand the instability of insecurity ...because of what you have chosen!”

    If you do not feel that sin and the end result offleeting moments of so-called pleasure are hard ...just wait for the outcome of its alluring affects totake place.

    First, you are drawn in, lulled into

    “complacency,” then the “contempt ofdeceit” consumes you in its “man-trap!”

    “Fourth Warning ...”Hebrews 4 Verse 1

    “Let us therefore fear, ... lest, a promise being left[us] of entering into His rest, ... any of you shouldseem to come short of it.”

    We may well ask ourselves, “what rest?”Hebrews Chapter four and verse 1, supplies the

    answer to our question, “His Rest!”

    How then, do we come into that rest? Only, byceasing from our own! The Rest of God, isappropriated by our entering into it’s benefits.

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    Faith, is the catalyst which releases the

    benefits of Rest. You have to be a “hearer ofThe Word, in order to be a doer!”And you cannot do that by separating yourself fromfellow believers.

    God’s Rest, is next addressed in Verse threewhere The Lord relates to the promise in Verse one.

    But He clarifies His statement in the fact of ...

    “My Rest!”

    Hebrews 4 Verse 3“For we which have believed do enter into rest, as

    he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if theyshall enter into ... My Rest: although theworks were finished from the foundation of theworld.” (distinctions mine.)

    Scripture, gives no indication nor reference to

    either the dawn or the close of “God’sRest - Day!”

    This is the third time that we are drawn to the

    fact that “Rest, is a God-ordainedSabbath!”

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    Hebrews 4 Verse 4 “For He spake in a certain placeof the seventh [day] on this wise, ... And God didRest the seventh day from all his works.”

    (distinctions mine.)

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    There is in no way that we can ignore theindication of either the promise or the benefactor of


    - “His Rest.”- “My Rest.”“Meaning - God’s Rest!”

    “The Rest,” is a rest of a finished work, thespecific work of Creation, was finished.

    “The Rest,” was saying, “It is all thatI meant it to be, finished andcomplete ... right throughout thespan of time and into all of theevents in history.”

    God was saying ...“It is finished, I AMperfectly satisfied and there isnothing for Me to do but to see it allunfold.”

    “God’s Rest ...”

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    “It is perfectly perfect and theplayers are completely complete ...it is Very Good!”

    The very first day of man’sexistence, was God’s day of “Rest,”God saw to it that all was good.

    This then, is the rest which we are invited to

    share, “God’s appointed Rest.”

    It does not pay to sin, you in factpay for it ... a hardened heart turnedcompletely away from both God and HisSon!

    Right here at this very moment, is where thepoison of deceit is at its deadliest because theintoxication, has caused many that have become

    drunk by it’s touch to fall short of “the promiseand walk away from our inheritance... the milk and the honey of Rest!”

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    “Fifth Warning ...”Hebrews 4 Verse 11“Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, ... lestany man fall after the same example of unbelief.”

    “Lest,” has been mentioned five times todate by the examples that are given in solemn

    warning, and yet, still some will not takeheed!

    We may not have drifted far as yet, but Iguarantee, that you can begin to feel, (if you try) to

    sense the hardening start to settlein!

    If “Repentance” now becomes the issueof our hearts, we will at once hurry back to,

    “ ... The Living God.”

    We shall no longer undergohardening, but restoration and weshall NOT lose our rest!

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    “Sixth Warning ...”Hebrews 11 Verse 28“Through Faith he kept the passover, ... and thesprinkling of blood, ... lest he that destroyed thefirstborn should touch them.”

    God was saying to the adversary,

    “I know the plan that you havefor the future concerning theslaughter of the firstlings!” “Do it toyour own, but there is NO WAY, thatyou will even touch one of My littleones, the ones that are purchasedby the Blood of My Son!”

    All hail the promise of “First-Love”... the hand of the destroyer has to pass-overthe covering of “The Sinless Blood!”

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    “Seventh Warning ...”Hebrews 12 Verse 3 “For consider Him thatendured such contradiction ... of sinners againstHimself, ... lest ye be wearied and faint in yourminds.”

    When Jesus said,

    Matthew 5 Verse 11“Blessed are ye, when [men] shall revile you, andpersecute [you], and shall say all manner of evilagainst you falsely, for my sake.”

    He knew exactly what they would be both doing

    and saying against Him ... not only then,but also NOW! God, is a God of “theSabbath” and in His “Sabbath,” Hedoes Rest.

    “Rest,” is part of The Father’s Nature andit is expectant in the nature of Hischildren. Without the “Rest,” there can beNO peace. Ironically, a sign of the times inwhich we NOW live, is that men willcry, “Peace, peace ... but there ISNO PEACE!”

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    Without the peace of God, there is only

    “restlessness and continuingunrest!” Without God’s Peace, we are infragmented pieces. Jesus said it best ...

    Matthew 5 Verse 9“Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall becalled the children of God.”

    They, that be attentive children, who obey the

    “Lest we” ... readily!

    “Eighth Warning ...”Hebrews 12 Verse 13

    “And make straight paths for yourfeet, ... lest that which is lame beturned out of the way; ... but let itrather be healed.”

    Any burden, is apt to make onegrow discouraged. Evan though youmay be dispirited, you must strive,that you may run better the raceand course which is set before you!

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    Encouragement goes a longway, as opposed to pushing thoselamed out of the way!

    When we stumbled and fell under the weight ofour constant sin ... Jesus stooped to help us up,

    surely others, are in need of thesame favour. God calls this“Grace!!!” Anything less, is nothingshort of “Did-Grace!!!”

    As “healing and wholeness” are themeaning of the word “salvation,” one thereforenaturally expects to see the fruits of “SavingGrace” at work in the lives of our Brothers andSisters in Christ.

    A straight clear path, is indeed a great blessingto those who are misfortunate enough to havebecome lame ... our greatest aim therefore shouldbe toward healing, rather than injury.

    Faith and patience enable believers to followpeace and holiness, as a man follows his callingconstantly, diligently, and with pleasure.

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    Peace with all men, will be favourable to our

    pursuit of holiness. But peace andholiness go together, there is nopeace without holiness.

    “Ninth Warning ...”Hebrews 12 Verse 15(a)

    “Looking diligently ... lest any manfail of The Grace of God; …”

    If we fail the Grace of God, corruption willprevail and we will bend and break at the point of

    least resistance. We should beware “lest” anyroot of sin in our heart, which seems to be dead,should spring up, to trouble our whole body.

    It is really quite amazing the lengths that we willgo to, to deny even the existence of old traits thatslink in the corners of our hearts.

    God has again seen fit, to give us two wordsof guidance to help us grow and to pull us out of

    this “Restless spin!”

    a) Hebrews 4 Verse 1(a)

    “Let us therefore fear, ... ”b) Hebrews 12 Verse 15(a)

    “Looking diligently ... ”

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    2 Peter 1 Verses 9-10 “But he that lacketh thesethings is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hathforgotten that he was purged from his old sins.”(10) “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligenceto make your calling and election sure: for if ye dothese things, ye shall never fall:”

    “Falling short,” gives the hint of alame person struggling to keep upwith the rest of the race, only to falland be dislocated even further.

    The injury, is so serious, that notonly are they unable to continueany further with the race, they areunable because of their handicap toco-operate with The Lord in thework that makes His Kingdomcome.

    They in fact disqualify themselves from running

    “the race” that is set before them.

    1 Corinthians 9 Verse 24 “Know ye not that theywhich run in a race run all, but one receiveth theprize? So run, that ye may obtain.”

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    Philippians 3 Verses 8 “Yea doubtless, and I countall things but loss for the excellency of Theknowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom Ihave suffered the loss of all things, and do countthem but dung, that I may win Christ,”(9) “And be found in Him, not having mine ownrighteousness, which is of the law, but that which isthrough The Faith of Christ, The Righteousnesswhich is of God by Faith:” (10) “That I may knowHim, and The Power of His Resurrection, and thefellowship of his sufferings, being madeconformable unto his death;” (11) “If by any means Imight attain unto The Resurrection of the dead.”(12) “Not as though I had already attained, eitherwere already perfect: but I follow after, if that I mayapprehend that for which also I am apprehended ofChrist Jesus.” (13) “Brethren, I count not myself tohave apprehended: but this one thing I do,forgetting those things which are behind, andreaching forth unto those things which are before,”

    (14) “I press toward The Mark for ThePrize of The High Calling of God inChrist Jesus.” (15) “Let us therefore, as manyas be perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything yebe otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this

    unto you.” (16) “Nevertheless, wheretowe have already attained, let uswalk by the same rule, let us mindthe same thing.”

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    (17) “Brethren, be followers together of me, and

    mark them which walk so as yehave us for an ensample.”(18) “(For many walk, of whom I havetold you often, and now tell youeven weeping, that they are theenemies of the cross of Christ:”

    This has to be one of the saddest Verses in theentire Bible, it a verse, that is literally tearing theheart out of Paul and all true followers of Christ.

    “Tenth Warning ...”Hebrews 12 Verse 15(b)

    “... lest any root of bitternessspringing up trouble [you], ... andthereby many be defiled;”

    The indication, is a very serious situation forthe individual concerned. In that they have the

    ability to taint all that they touch withthe same “bitter gall” that isdestroying themselves.

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    The word “lest,” in this instance,is a very clear warning that a deeprepentance needs to be sought ...and quickly!

    Falling short of “Grace,” means that we arefalling short of “Life” and “the abundanceof it” that Jesus Himself promised for us!

    The “root and the gall,” that is impartedby bitterness, blocks potential so efficiently, that we

    fall short of “Love.”

    Because God is Holy, He cannot tolerate withinHis Sacred Presence any person whose naturecontinues to bathe in the profane. The profaneperson, falls short of the most obvious essential ...


    If we then fall short of “Life,” “Love andalso Light,” what hope is there? There is nonefor those that love darkness more than they lovelight. Esau proved the light of his heart and gave

    himself over for a mess of pottage ... abowl of meaty stew!

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    “The Eleventh and final Warning …”Hebrews 12 Verse 16

    “ ... Lest there [be] any fornicator, orprofane person, as Esau, who forone morsel of meat sold hisbirthright.”

    You cannot afford to sell your “birthright,”for something less than our Relationship with ourHeavenly Father. These warnings, do not ultimatelyjeopardize our personal salvation, but they do call

    into mind, our fitness to testify of His “SavingGrace” in operation within!

    Let us fear, and let us bediligent, so that none would in turnfall by either our failure, orignorance!!!

    God gave to all the samepotential for “relationship,” and yetmany despise the Blessing!!!??

    Psalm 139 Verse 23 “Search me, O God, and knowmy heart: try me, and know my thoughts:”

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    1. “ ... Lest at any time we shouldlet [them] slip.”[or “... lest haply we drift ... ”]

    2. “ ... Lest there be in any of you anevil heart of unbelief,

    3. “ ... Lest any of you be hardenedthrough the deceitfulness of sin.”

    4. “ ... Lest, a promise being left [us]of entering into his rest, ... any ofyou should seem to come short ofit.”

    5. “ ... Lest any man fall after thesame example of unbelief.”

    6. “ ... Lest he that destroyed thefirstborn should touch them.”

    7. “ ... Lest ye be wearied and faintin your minds.”

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    8. “ ... Lest that which is lame beturned out of the way;”

    9. “ ... lest any man fail of The Graceof God;”

    10. “ ... Lest any root of bitternessspringing up trouble [you],”

    11. “ ... Lest there [be] any fornicator,or profane person,”

    Hebrews 4 Verse 11

    “Let us labour therefore toenter into that rest, ... ”

    What the author is saying here,is that we should knuckle down andget to it. Labour sometimes meansblood, sweat and tears!!!??

    Anything worth the effort costs! Ultimately,Jesus, God’s Christ has paid the price beyondcompare.

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    John 6 Verses 63-69 “It is The Spirit thatquickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: The Wordsthat I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they areLife.” (64) “But there are some of you that believenot. For Jesus knew from the beginning who theywere that believed not, and who should betray Him.”(65) “And He said, Therefore said I unto you, thatno man can come unto Me, except it were given

    unto him of My Father.” (66) “From that timemany of his disciples went back,and walked no more with Him.”(67) “Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye alsogo away?” (68) “Then Simon Peter answered Him,Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast The Wordsof Eternal Life.” (69) “And we believe and are surethat Thou Art that Christ, The Son of The LivingGod.”

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    Proverbs 8 Verse 19“My fruit [is] better than gold, yea, than fine gold;and my revenue than choice silver.”

    The Fruit that is being revealed in our lives, isThe Fruit of The Holy Spirit, The Fruit of The Natureand The Character of Christ:

    His Nature, and His Characterbeing engrafted into “The Garden ofour hearts.” “The Voice of The Lord”is a feature that permeates the function of the

    “end time” Church, Jesus made a very decisivestatement,

    “My sheep hear My voiceand follow Me ... !”

    One major characteristic of “trueconversion” is the fact that the sheep of God’sFlock will always recognise and readily respond to

    the voice of “The Head Shepherd.” Theywill NOT be coerced by the lullabies of a“hireling shepherd.”

    “Preserved fruit.”

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    Wherever the voice of the Head Shepherd is

    heard, “Rhema” ... fresh revelation ofHis Word will be in clear evidence.

    This is like the Nature of “The BereanChurch” as written in The Book of Acts. They willcheck against the “Logos” or written Word.

    But let it be understood that both thewritten Word and “the Anointing,” gotogether to guide into the green pastures offresh blades of revelation for “The Flock” to beboth sustained and grow thereby.

    Where The Voice of The Head Shepherd isheard in clarity, there can be no religious formalismnor cultish manipulation. The Anointed declaration

    of unfolded revelation, always edifies,builds and confirms in directalignment to the written record.

    And both motivates peopletoward Jesus and the expectancy ofHis soon and coming return.

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    Proverbs 11 Verse 30 “The fruit of the righteous [is]a tree of life; and he that winneth souls [is] wise.”

    If we are not pointing folk toward Jesus, then

    our experience in matters of the Spirit have littleor no practicality in relation to dailylife and the meeting of the needs ofothers in the “selfless service of ourMaster.”

    Jesus came, not to be ministered to, but tominister!

    Mark 10 Verse 45 “For even The Son of man camenot to be ministered unto, but to minister, and togive His life a ransom for many.”

    Where His voice is heard, it is distinguishableeven above the throng ... that multitude that daily

    exclaim “Hey, listen to me!”

    Where His voice is heard, there can be no

    danger of us lapsing into “spiritualcomplacency.” Neither can people becomegiddy like “love sick school girls.”

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    God is a God of both “order andbalance.” Not the extremism, which is inrelativity being so “heavenly minded, thatone is no earthly good!”

    Song of Songs 2 Verse 5(b)

    “... for I [am] sick of Love.”

    How many do you know, that willnot read God’s Word and stillexpect to hear His Voice?

    How many do you know that doexactly that and then have theaffront to get their “noses out ofjoint toward those that do!!!??”

    I just want to tell you, that whenthe Great “I AM” touches you, youwill become totally sick, ofANYTHING which would try todistract you away from a completecommitment of “Trust and Faith” inHim.

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    As Moses had to cover His face to a carnal

    people who could not look on the “AnointedReflection” of God’s Glory that remained, sotoo they will react to the manifestPresence of the Oil and its Reservein you!

    Psalm 90 Verse 12 “So teach [us] to number ourdays, that we may apply [our] hearts unto wisdom.”

    If we are Blessed with a specific word fromGod. Our Lord requires that we perceive Hisinstruction to line up with that of The Written Word.

    Rather than that of “spiritualassumption based on fancifulideals” ... “Check it out!”

    Look what is said of those at Berea,

    Acts 17 Verse 11 “These were morenoble than those in Thessalonica, in thatthey received the word with allreadiness of mind, and searchedthe scriptures daily, whether thosethings were so.”

  • 42

    We are to live above our circumstances,

    not under them! As Christians, we can takecomfort in knowing that God often works

    “through” circumstances and in the midst ofthem, He Faithfully reveals His Will to us in HisPurpose.

    Romans 8 Verse 28 “And we know that all thingswork together for good to them that love God, tothem who are the called according to [his] purpose.”

    You know, you really didn’t need to ask

    yourself the question, “How am I joined to“The Body?” You’ve just answered your ownquestion, by thinking about it:

    Most reasoning, is done with your brain and inthis wonderful mechanism occurs the process of

    “thought,” “rational” and “actions” thatare associated with our being. That is unless ofcourse we have some revelation occur that wereceive in our minds from an unseen area we call

    our “heart of hearts.” The Bible says,

    Proverbs 4 Verse 23 “Keep thy heart withall diligence; for out of it [are] theissues of life.”

  • 43

    Now, that should give us something to think

    about! “The Head,” is never shaken by“The Tail.” Ever seen a dog wag it’s head?Ah, ahahahah, no disrespect, it’s just a joke. Feelthe need to laugh, it will do you good!

    It’s a sad fact, that some people can be related

    “by blood,” but there can be little or norelationship with any of their relatives.

    The only place that I know that the blood can

    achieve it’s purpose to flow and give “Life,” is thebody.

    Whether it’s the body of the family or

    “The Body of Christ, The Church,”if we are not in someway connected, then wecannot really become the vibrant and livingperson that we are supposed to be!

    People often argue, “Hey, I live my lifeand I leave well alone!” “I get onwith my own business and leaveothers to their own!” Did you by chancesee, that the middle letters of the word

    “business,” just happen to spellthe word ...“sin.”

  • 44

    I tell you, that if the devil can’t distract you, he’llalways try to make you busy so that you don’t hear!

    Proverbs 14 Verse 12 “There is a way whichseemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof[are] the ways of death.”

    “I get on with my life, and I don’tinterfere with anybody or anything!”“Well!!! Isn‘t that wise, isn‘t thatwisdom???” No, that’s the wisdomof the world, that’s the mentality ofthe three-wise-monkeys:

    “See” no evil, “Hear” no evil,and “speak” no evil:

  • 45

    Do you think that for one minute they can live

    up to it!!!?? “NO …!”

    The Hebrew word for “Wisdom,” is theword “hakam,” which means “to be wiseand skillful.” The direct opposite of“Wisdom,” is that of “Foolishness.”

    “Wisdom,” is an indication of one who iscompetent in the use of both “counsel anddialogue” concerning the ordinancesand the precepts of Almighty God:

    Proverbs 15 Verse 2 “The tongue of the wise usethknowledge aright: but the mouth of fools pourethout foolishness.”

    The Hebrew word for foolishness, is the word

    “Ivveleth,” pronounced as “iv-veh’-leth”and literally means, “silliness,” “folly,foolishly (-ness.”)

    Proverbs 15 Verse 14 “The heart of him that hath

    understanding seeketh knowledge:but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness.”

  • 46

    Proverbs 19 Verse 3 “The foolishness of manperverteth his way: and his heart frettethagainst The LORD.”

    As “Wisdom,” resides in the heartof hearts, its insights are to be considered notas man’s, but the guidance of AlmightyGod.

    “Cleverness and shrewd”manipulation on the other hand, is a direct violation

    of the purity of “The Wisdom which isfrom above:”

    James 3 Verse 13 “Who [is] a wise man andendued with knowledge among you? let him shewout of a good conversation his works with

    meekness of Wisdom.”

    Just how many times, do men consider that

    “Meekness, is weakness?” In referenceto the word, “Wisdom,” it meanswisdom that is not centred in itsown conceit:

  • 47

    James, is calling for a particular kind of

    “Wisdom” from his readers, it’s theWisdom that is “self-giving,” in that it isready, willing and able to teach and instructothers:

    So that all receive the benefitsthat are associated with herinstruction.

    James puts forward therequirement, that a teacher has twovery important qualifications topresent in the make-up of hischaracter.

    i) The works of the wise testify in their way of living.

    In other words when they become the topic

    of conversation. The way in which theylive and raise their families speaksfor itself!

  • 48

    They don’t have to be proving tothemselves or others ...

    “Who’s they are!”

    They are in no way accountableto “nit-picking gossips” who havenothing better to do with their livesthan to probe and search for faultsin others.

    Acts 4 Verse 13(b)

    “ ... they marvelled; and they tookknowledge of them, that they hadbeen with Jesus.”

    Acts3 Verse 19(b) “ … when the times ofrefreshing shall come from ThePresence of The Lord;”

    They have actively chosen to remain under the

    flow of “God’s Anointed Presence:”In other words, they made a choice to remain,“under the spout where the water comes out.”

  • 49

    Proverbs 12 Verse 12(b)“ ... but the root of the righteous yieldeth [fruit].”

    Isaiah 37 Verse 31 (b)“ ... take root downward, and bear fruit upward:

    “The Dove of God’s Love” inscripture shows the Nature of the work which isto be grown into, in the preparation of“The Bride,” Christ’s Church.

    Jesus, who is without sin, iscoming back for “His Bride,” a Bridedressed in the purity of garments,which have no “taint of sin.”

    John 15 Verse 16 “Ye have not chosen Me, but Ihave chosen you, and ordained you, that ye shouldgo and bring forth fruit, and [that] your fruit shouldremain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of The Fatherin My Name, He may give it you.”


  • 50

    The fruit of The Dove’s Nature, is not like thefruit of the world, for the simple reason that the fruitproduced by either the world or the flesh iscorrupted already being birthed in both corruptionand death.

    The fruit produced by both theworld and the flesh can have noabiding or enduring quality. It willalways die and rot:

    Jeremiah 17 Verse 8 “For he shall be as a treeplanted by the waters, and [that] spreadeth out herroots by the river, and shall not see when heatcometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not becareful in the year of drought, neither shall ceasefrom yielding fruit.”

    There is only one enduring nature, and that is

    “the Nature and the Character ofChrist Jesus Himself,” revealed in TheFruit produced by “The Spirit of Holiness... The Holy Ghost!”

    Song of Songs 2 Verses 3-5 “As the apple treeamong the trees of the wood, so [is] my belovedamong the sons. I sat down under his shadow withgreat delight, and his fruit [was] sweet to my taste.”

  • 51

    (4) “He brought me to the banqueting house, andhis banner over me [was] love.” (5) “Stay me withflagons, comfort me with apples: for I [am] sick oflove.”

    Adam both “walked” and “talked” withAlmighty God in Eden’s garden in the cool of the

    day. “The cool of the day,” speaks to us ofa place of “Restful, Relaxed dialogue,”that time of restful and relaxed communion sodesirous of us all.

    “As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so[is] my beloved among the sons.”

    There is none, that would be so predominantas this delightful fruit producer ... the apple. Suchglorious buds and abundance in fruit, is it anywonder that man has captivated the thought thatthe apple was indeed the tree of Eve’s temptation?

    There is one in the garden of The Lord thatstands out still ... one that stands out from amongour peers, and that is the tree of Christ Himself.

    “As the apple tree among the trees of thewood,”

    “The tree of Life” producing fruits whichindicate the “Nature of Eternal Life.”

  • 52

    Is it any wonder that His fruit, is most evidentlysweet to our corrupted taste!

    I remember a painted sign (that is no longerthere) from many years ago written on a factory wallalongside the electric rail line that ran into CentralStation in Sydney, Australia.

    “What you eat today, walks andtalks tomorrow ...”

    It was a sign that was to be most significanceto me that has remained with me from my youth. Dowe show daily in our lives the sweet smell of,

    “fresh fruit?”

    You know, The Fruit of The Holy Spirit, is inproduction continuously. Just like that of the apple... the fruit is produced continuously over anextended period rather than just one dump and thenit’s done!

    When we “Enter into the Rest ofGod,” we are confident in His Presence andcease from our own efforts to wait on Him.

  • 53

    “Rest and Protection,” remain whenwe abide in His shadow, and we take great delightin the confident assurance we have.

    “... among the sons.”

    “The sons of men,” continually strive toboth attain and maintain, stature andmaterial gain.

    These issues become of primary importance,and this is what happens when we begin to foster

    “idolatry of self:” Our covering is ourLord, and our delight is in Him, notthe rush of religious duties toimpress our peers.

    There is a rational reason for “Resting inGod,” and that is, that when God Himselftouches, He draws aside and sets apart the godlyfor Himself. All are prompted to respond, but few infact take the opportunity.

    Psalm 4 Verses 3-4 “But know that The LORD hathset apart him that is godly for Himself: The LORDwill hear when I call unto Him.”

  • 54

    (4) “Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with yourown heart upon your bed, and be still.”

    We have to learn to both “walk andwork” with Jesus and all is done “as untoHim,” who is both Saviour and Lord!

    Many have made the complaint, “haven’t Idone this, and haven’t I done that?”

    But scripture puts this another way,

    Matthew 25 Verses 44-45 “Then shall they alsoanswer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee anhungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick,or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?”(45) “Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily Isay unto you, Inasmuch as ye did [it] not to one ofthe least of these, ye did [it] not to me.”

    When folk know the reality of “Grace,” therecomes a time when they are able to hear His voice

    and “let Go and let God.”

    An essential factor in our relationship with ourLord is demonstrated by our ceasing from our ownefforts and accepting the total and undeservedfavour that He Himself demonstrates in His work forus.

  • 55

    Funny, isn’t it, this usuallyhappens about the time that weslide to our knees and cry ... “Help!”

    2The Hebrew word for apple is“tappuah,” meaning “fragrance,” and theapple tree, is probably among the most valuabletrees of the Middle East.

    Geographically the area of Palestine was toohot for the growth of apples proper. And it is thoughtthat the apricot or quince is intended by the word,


    Noted for its beauty it is frequently referred to inThe Song of Solomon. Not that it matters a greatdeal, because I am sure we are getting the picture.

    The apricot has better claims than any otherfruit-tree to be the apple of Scripture. It grows to aheight of 30 feet, has a roundish mass of glossyleaves, and bears an orange coloured fruit thatgives out a delicious perfume.

    Her fruit, is a great comfort through its season,there is nothing more inviting than a fresh applewhen the day is sultry and hot. But where is thecomfort afforded in winter?

    2 Ref. Dr. Tristram. Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary.

  • 56

    How does the “Grace,” of His Majestysustain in the dark and the cold torments of winter?This I believe is the clue ...

    “Stay me with flagons,comfort me with apples ... ”

    Wineskins, were produced in two basic sizes ...large and small. The smaller, slung over theshoulder for personal or individual use and thelarger, hung on the wall of the house as themainstay of reserve for the household.

    The larger sized wineskin, iswhere the name of “flagon” isderived.

    It was a skin, about the same size as the

    musical instrument “the lyre” which itself, iscradled on the knee but held in both arms.

    This bag for the holding or storage of liquids,was referred to in the Hebrew as the word

    “Nebel,” which is pronounced as “Ney-bel” itmeans, a bag that collapses when empty. Like a

    bellows similar to that of the “bag-pipes.”

  • 57

    But here, the passage refers to “Flagons,”and the meaning takes on a different context.

    The reference, is to “dried fruit,”in good sized cakes of dehydratedor dried fruit. They are produced bydrying the fruit, and then moulding itinto manageable portions.

    The Hebrew word for these presseddehydrated cakes of either raisins or other dried

    fruits, is “Ashiyshah,” pronounced as “Ash-ee-shaw,” meaning, “moulded togetherunder pressure.” Which in fact, isquite a good description of ourbeing fashioned together as TheChurch corporate!

    These “Flagons of cakes,” were storedas a source of sustenance during lean times.

    Coming from the same source as the “Newwine,” there was no fermentation, no alcohol inthe dried “flagon cake.”

  • 58

    The potential of “Life sustainingtreasure” was there, without the “headyhighlight” nor the danger of abuse from takingin, “that which makes the brains goout!”

  • 59

    When we pass from “The dimensionof time,” to the dimension of Himwho ... “is Eternal,” how is it that wecan rest assured to know full wellthe fact of our salvation!

    Well, the fact of the matter remains that we aresaved by His death and not by our lives or thegoodness that we would in well-meaning purport tolive.

    Jesus, He died, that we mightlive ... we are, “Eternally DestinedPeople!”

    Romans 6 Verse 11 “Likewise reckon yealso yourselves to be dead indeedunto sin, but alive unto God throughJesus Christ our Lord.”

    “The Victory of Rest ...”

  • 60

    3To quote Charles.S.Price, “You, are notsaved by your life but because ofHis death!” end quote.

    Jesus rose from the grave, in order to offer to

    you ... “the Victory of Rest, TheTriumph of Resurrection Life ...Christ in you!”

    Colossians 1 Verses 27-29 “To whom God wouldmake known what [is] the riches of the glory of thismystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you,the hope of glory:” (28) “Whom we preach, warningevery man, and teaching every man in all wisdom;that we may present every man perfect in ChristJesus:” (29) “Whereunto I also labour, strivingaccording to his working, which worketh in memightily.”

    An exchange has been offeredand whether we accept it or not, wecannot alter the fact that the offerhas been made ... He laid His lifedown for yours!

    3 Charles.S.Price. “The glory of man and The Glory of The Lord.”“Meat in Due Season.” Vol.#24.N.Z. publication by Pastor Alan Thrift

  • 61

    Released from the strivings of labour, we have

    to learn “the order of rest,” the victoryof rest is the fact that His work, is“Perfectly perfect, and completelycomplete.”

    The service of Love endorses every aspect ofliberty in our walk in the Spirit and we in turn crywith King David,

    1 Samuel 15 Verse 22(b)“ ... in obeying the voice of The LORD? Behold, toobey [is] better than Sacrifice …”

    The perfect “Law of Liberty, is theLaw of Rest,” and when it is at work, wecannot move on God’s behalf, unless He firstmoves in us.

    When we move in Him, we will always find thatHe both goes before us to prepare the way and also

    that He supplies “The Grace” to achieve thatfunction for which we are about to lay our hands.

    Isn’t it better to try and achievein His stead than struggle and striveby our own hand?

  • 62

    I am a husband and father,primarily because God hasordained that this was to be part ofmy function in Him.

    I know full well my calling tominister in Him and I can well testifythat without God’s enabling in mylife, I could not function in either!

    If God doesn’t do it through thisvessel in His way, then I have noright to ever consider the job asdone.

    “Entering into Rest,” knows full well,that if our endeavours are not accomplished in the

    power of His Spirit, then the task is notachieved at all! And what’s more,will never be accomplished to thefull potential of the task at hand!

  • 63

    “Integrity,” “labour,” “sincerity” etc,are not enough to countermand the effects of bothphysical and mental exhaustion which is the solefruit to blossom from endeavours which werenothing but vain attempts ... without the enabling ofThe Spirit of The Living God, all else is fruitless andin vain.

    Consider Paul, Peter, Silas,Stephen and John, just to select afew. Imprisoned, chained, beaten,and locked in stocks in theinnermost cells of the jails ... totallyincarcerated.

    Yet, The Lord in His “Mercy,” did more forthe imprisoned when they finally lay down to sleepthan when they awoke, prayed, praised,worshipped and planned.

    Yes, “man may make his plansbut it’s God who has the last say!”

    A willing vessel, is cleansed,open and receptive in readiness foruse, waiting to be used by Him.

  • 64

    The vessel cannot use theMaster, to achieve its own “aimsand aspirations,” no matter howgodly the intent.

    To be in that place of rest, does not infer sittingon a shelf gathering dust. No, it means that one is in

    readiness, “awaiting to respond.” It rests,it has no stress and no struggle within because it

    has become a vessel of honour, cleansed of “self”and ready for the Master’s use.

    Always, there is progression inour growth in God ... He takes usfrom being “Believers,” to become“Receivers” of His manifoldBlessings and promises. He takesus from being “Receivers” to webecoming “Achievers.”

    From “Servants” to “Friends” and from“Friends” to “Son’s” ... joint heirs andpartakers with Christ.

  • 65

    Many both want and desire to becomeconstant servants and do “things for God,”but constantly, we have to reinforce the fact that it

    achieves far more, if we are both “walking andworking WITH HIM!”

    One constant point that has been made in our

    own “Growth, nurture and admonitionin Him,” is the extreme importance placed on thedevelopment of what we have referred to as “thebottleneck fruit,” the cork that helpsthe “new-wine” to mature.

    It is extremely important and deserves ourattention yet again. Simply because of the fact that

    we cannot by-pass any of our “growth steps”in God and ever hope to consider developing

    “sound or mature” fruit in Him!

    We have personally known those who have

    “jumped the gun” and in their desire toachieve, have stated that, “because of theiryears of both service andexperience in Christ.”

  • 66

    They have progressed rapidlyfrom “little children,” to “young men”and now, they are “father’s in theFaith,” and Oh, their wives mustobviously be “exalted daughters inIsrael ... Man, have they missed theplot!!!??”

    After all, experience in itself, is nothing morethan the accumulation of knowledge ... be it either

    practical or theoretical in nature. “To dwell onthe past, only hinders the present,”it’s okay to have hindsight, but forjust how long do our eyes have toremain to the rear?

    Past experience should never be allowed to

    either hinder or interfere with “present truth!”

    How many that take toploughing, are forging crookedfurrows because their eyes are notforward on where The Lord wouldset them!!!

  • 67

    By meeting the current need, we are meetingthe requirement of that which is apparent. It’samazing, just how many ignore the current issues insome misguided hope that their requirements aresomehow lessened if they dwell only on the gloriesof the past and ignore that which is before their veryeyes!

    “Vain glory,” is just like works ofwood, hay, stubble and straw ... all“fire fodder!”

    Unless this knowledge is basedon the development of the “Natureand Character” of Jesus Christ,both confirmed and acknowledgedby and in the written Word it isnothing short of wasted time.

    - “Patience” (patient development)- “Endurance” (enduring growth and


    - “Longsuffering” (even the growth painsof youth.)

    - “Temperance” (self-control,)or death to “self life.”

  • 68

    Without these four, there is no stopper in thebottle and the wine turns sour like vinegar.

    “Rest,” is exactly what it say’s itis ... “Rest, rest and more rest!”

    The completeness of Rest is totally confidentand not in the terms of a misguided or blatantarrogance. It instead reveals a confident assurance,the blessed assurance of

    “the Rest of pure Trust!”

    Associate to this “Rest of Pure Trust,”is the word “Loyalty” which means in fact thatwe are to discern the needs of those inclose proximity.

    The closeness of our being,means that we are God’s man orwoman on the spot and we can beused, as vessels of God to meet theneeds of those of our neighbours,who are being touched by “TheNeed-Meeter.”

  • 69

    God’s loyalty toward us, wasdemonstrated publically at Calvary.Praise God for the Precious Bloodof The Lamb, the shed Blood of TheLord Jesus Christ is ...

    a) Power over the worksof the destroyer.

    b) Power over sin (totally.)c) Power to bring forgiveness.

    It represents factually ... perfect atonement, tobring mankind back to that place of peace with his

    Creator ... GOD.

    The peace of rest, is that which the

    “comforter,” The Holy Ghost brings,preparedness comes by yielding and then listening!

    The problem with peace and rest in peace, hasalways been in the heart of man. Isn’t it strange howusually the last words proclaimed over the body of aburied loved one, are those of,

    “Rest in peace!”

  • 70

    God has shed abroad His Love in the hearts ofMan, and with the Love, comes the Loving ... comes

    the peace, “Blessed assurance!” Theinternal struggles of conflict and the struggles of the

    “self-life,” are gone. Replaced by internalpeace, the portion of “His Rest” now!

    There are seven major gifts, that The Lord

    Jesus Christ has given to believers, and “Restand Peace” both figure predominantly,

    1) “Rest.”

    Matthew 11 Verse 28 “Come unto me, all [ye] thatlabour and are heavy laden, and I will give yourest.”

    2) “The Keys of the Kingdom.”

    Matthew 16 Verse 19 “And I will give unto thee TheKeys of The Kingdom of Heaven: and whatsoeverthou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven:and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall beloosed in Heaven.”

  • 71

    3) “Power over evil spirits.”

    Luke 10 Verses 19-20 “Behold, I give unto youpower to tread on serpents and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy: and nothing shall byany means hurt you.” (20) “Notwithstanding in thisrejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; butrather rejoice, because your names are written inHeaven.”

    4) “Living water.”

    John 4 Verse 14 “But whosoever drinketh of thewater that I shall give him shall never thirst; but thewater that I shall give him shall be in him a well ofwater springing up into everlasting life.”

    5) “The Bread of Heaven.”

    John 6 Verse 51 “I AM The Living Bread whichcame down from Heaven: if any man eat of thisbread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I willgive is my flesh, which I will give for the life of theworld.”

    6) “Eternal Life.”

    John 10 Verse 28 “And I give unto them EternalLife; and they shall never perish, neither shall any[man] pluck them out of my hand.”

  • 72

    7) “The Legacy of Peace.”

    John 14 Verse 27 “Peace I leave withyou, my peace I give unto you: notas the world giveth, give I untoyou.” “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let itbe afraid.”

    2 John 1 Verse 3 “Grace be with you, mercy, [and]peace, from God the Father, and from The LordJesus Christ, The Son of The Father, in Truth andlove.”

    The Rest that we ascribe to, is not the rest ofan apathetic spirit, nor the complacency of physicalcomfort.

    We are vessels in the hands of a Mastercraftsman, and once we begin to realise this it

    brings to us great joy. “In His presence, isfulness of joy” Joy, in itself, isdeeper than happiness and islinked closely with “generosity”where it pours itself out for others ...“as we give, so too do we receive!”

  • 73

    Preparation for “change,” is not fleeingfrom it! And an object, will remain at rest, unless ithas pressure applied from an outside force. These

    points, are referred to as ... “the physics ofrest.”

    “A force,” is anything which causes“change in an objects state of rest.”

    This change can be registeredas motion and when objects moveone against the other, this forcecreates friction and frictiongenerates heat!

    Change creates instant “restlessness” inthose that are ill-equipped to change. It is a

    concrete principle in the physics of motion that “forevery action there is also an equaland opposite reaction.”

  • 74

    The more you get under the anointing of God,

    the more you change ... it is impossible to beunder The Anointing of God, and notchange!

    Change within the life of a Brother or Sister inChrist can either be of benefit or rejected.

    A Christian, in times of change, can remain in

    “the peace of rest” because we are notgoverned by outward circumstance but “Trustand Faith” in Jesus, knowing full well that “allthings work together for the good.”

    “The Church” which is “His Body,” isthe training ground for the vehicle of change!

    Preparing for peace, meanspreparing for change and preparingfor change is not fleeing from it.

    In the book of Jeremiah, there is the story ofMoab. As you will remember, Moab had to be

    poured “like wine” from one vessel to another“to remove the sediment.” He had to beunsettled from his lees.

  • 75

    Jeremiah 48 Verses 11-12“Moab hath been at ease from his youth, and hehath settled on his lees, and hath not been emptiedfrom vessel to vessel, neither hath he gone intocaptivity: therefore his taste remained in him, andhis scent is not changed.” (12) “Therefore, behold,the days come, saith The LORD, that I will sendunto him wanderers, that shall cause him to wander,and shall empty his vessels, and break theirbottles.”

    Now it must be remembered that with wine andthe pouring from vessel to vessel, that this is a formof refinement and that the vessels that are used,are new or clean vessels.

    The wine improves when the sediment isreduced. Removing the dregs from our lives

    involves a determined effort not tosettle into the “comfort zone.”

    John 14 Verse 1 “Let not your heart be troubled: yebelieve in God, believe also in me.”

    The continuous boastings of arrogant pride

    continue to only ever compliment the “selfishego of man” all birthed in thestatement of “I did it my way!”

  • 76

    Rest in God, is the place of ceasing from works

    which draw attention to “self,” it is the place of weletting go, it is the place of we saying Lord,

    take the “I” out of “me,” and makeme like “THEE!”

    God wants us to move on in Him, anointed with

    fresh oil ... “change indicates progressin growth.”

    The move from mind to action - theory toexperience - moving in to possess the inheritance,

    “we can and will possess the land!”

    We possess in the natural, how we walk in theSpirit, waiting on God, walking with our Lord byprayer and preparation involved in a wholeappointment, a whole portion and not a partialinheritance.

    Strength comes from abiding in the shadow ofthe pillar of cloud, the shadow of His wing,

    thereby building in the Spirit byknowing our God, to do exploits inthe natural - “supernaturally.”

  • 77

    The giants of the land try to block us but we

    need to relate to the fact that “through ourGod we shall do valiantly” ... we are

    “Eternally Destined People.”

    To resolve the final section of this volume, weneed to look with close regard to our precioussisters in the Lord.

    He confirms His work by quiet assurance intheir example of how we as men, ought to be ableto walk in our

    “Rest of obedience in Him.”

    In 1 Peter Chapter 3, God’s Word givesinstruction concerning what and how women aswives must behave and dress ... The Holy Ghostfurther admonishes,

    1 Peter 3 Verses 2-3(a) & Verses 4-5(a)“While they behold your chaste conversation[coupled] with fear.” (3a) “Whose adorning ... let itnot ... be that outward [adorning] ...”

    Verses 4-5(a) “But ... [let it be] ... the hidden man ofthe heart, in that which is not corruptible, [even theornament] of a meek and quiet spirit, ... which is inthe sight of God of great price.”

  • 78

    (5) “For after this manner in the old time the holywomen also, who trusted in God, adornedthemselves, ...”

    We have much to learn as Brothers, but weneed to be open enough to respond to theteachings that surround us.

    We have much to learn from our Sisters in

    Christ Jesus ... we never see ourwomen folk striving after love, thereason for this I believe, is the“assuredness of the Rest of Love”which has been imparted to themas women.

    Their love is deep, “the hidden personof the heart” and they can take full confidencein knowing that it is the “imperishablequality which is most precious in thesight of Almighty God!”


  • 79

    Bibliography of reference material.Finney, Charles. G. “Crystal Christianity.”

    Whitaker House (1985 edit.)

    Easton, Dr. Tristram. “Easton’s Bible Dictionary.”(1897 edit.)

    Henry, Matthew. “Commentary on The Whole Bible.”Hendrickson publications.

    (1991 edit.)

    Lockman Foundation, “Amplified Bible.”(Chapter reference notes.)Zondervan Bible Publishers.

    (1987 edit.)

    Morgan, G.Campbell “Handbook for Bible Preachers andTeachers.”

    Baker Book House(8th edit, 1994.)

    Myer, F.B. “The Way into The Holiest ...Expositions of The Epistle To The Hebrews.”Lakeland series. (1968 edit.)

    Price, Charles.S. “The glory of man and the Glory of the Lord.”extract from “Meat in Due Season.” Vol.#24.

    N.Z. publication by Alan Thrift

    Prince, Derek. “The Foundation Series.”Sovereign World Publishing Ltd.

    (Revised edit. 1986.)

    Strong, James. “Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible.”Hendrickson publications. (1995 edit.)

    Thompson, Frank Charles. “Thompson Chain Reference Bible.”B.B.Kirkbridge Bible Company,Inc.

    (K.J.V. 1964 edit.)

    Vine, W. E. “Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old andNew Testament Words.”

    Thomas Nelson, inc., Publishers. (1985 edit.)

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    Menorah PublicationsCatalogue 2016.

    Series, “Discovering Discipleship … ”

    Hebrews 6 Verses 1-2

    No.1 - “Let us go on …”No.2 - The “how to,” called …

    Repentance:No.3 - The “can do,” Faith from God:No.4 - “Baptism … the waters.”No.5 - “The Laying on of Hands:”No.6 - “Resurrection of the dead.”No.7 - “The Eternal Godhead:”

    “ ... Going on to perfection ... !”

    The first of a three part series of Bible Studies,these lay the foundation teachings of our Faithbased on Hebrews 6 Verses 1-2. Good for youngdisciples, each lesson is prepared so it can be usedas private, group or classroom study material.

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    Series, “Growing Discipleship …”

    “The Be- Attitudes, Love‘s Divine Attitudes”Matthew 5 Verses 3-11

    1.“Blessed” … “are the poor in spirit.”2.“Blessed” … “are they that mourn.”3.“Blessed” … “are the meek.”4.“Blessed” … “are they which do hunger.”5.“Blessed” … “are the merciful.”6.“Blessed” … “are the pure in heart.”7.“Blessed” … “are the peacemakers.”8.“Blessed,” “are they which are persecuted.”

    If you “be in Christ,” then it stands toreason, that whatever curved balls are thrown

    to you in this life, you will “Be-in-Christ’s-Attitude,” and not react in an inappropriatemanner. As hard as that may be!

    “Blessed are …” relates to the presenttense, to the here and now, not only to the future.But from here, to there and beyond!

    This second of a three part series of Biblestudies, are designed to help understand thedevelopment of our Christian Character in our dayto day walk.

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    Series, “Overcomers…Discipleship.”

    That ye might be ... “partakers.”2 Peter 1 Verses 1-11

    1.) “And beside this, giving all diligence ...”

    2.) “... add to your Faith virtue ...”

    3.) “… and to virtue knowledge;”

    4.) “And to knowledge temperance; …”

    5.) “ … and to temperance patience; …”

    6.) “ … and to patience godliness;”

    7.) “And to godliness brotherly kindness; …”

    8.) “ … and to brotherly kindness charity(or LOVE.)”

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    Our third in the Discipleship series, is

    “Discipleship that Overcomes,”

    And is titled,

    That ye might be ... “partakers.”

    These lessons come from the second letter ofPeter and work well alongside the previous series

    entitled, “The Beatitudes” which cover thedevelopment of our Christian Character.

    If a man has come to the place of little or nogrowth, then surely, he has remained as a babe. Ifhe has not given himself over to be dealt with byThe Spirit of Grace, then he is marked by the arm ofthe flesh.

    He is still a Christian, but a carnal Christian, ababe in Christ. But if he completely surrenders hiswill to The Holy Spirit, he will rapidly and willinglychoose to put down the deeds of the flesh andbecome what God’s Word calls a

    “ Spiritual man.”

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    Series, “The Parables of Christ ...”(Matthew 13 Verses 1-53)

    The disciples, they had heardHis first four parables spoken to thelistening crowd ... the multitude.

    Jesus did not use parables inthe earlier part of His ministry, andwhen He began to use them, it wasa matter of surprise to his disciples,who asked Him His reason fordoing so.

    Matthew 13 Verses 10-13 “And the disciples came,

    and said unto Him, Why speakest Thouunto them in parables?”(11) “He answered and said unto them,

    Because it is given unto you toknow the mysteries of The Kingdomof Heaven, but to them it is notgiven.”

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    (12) “For whosoever hath, to himshall be given, and he shall havemore abundance: but whosoeverhath not, from him shall be takenaway even that he hath.”(13) “Therefore speak I to them inparables: because they seeing seenot; and hearing they hear not,neither do they understand.”

    The whole thing turns on the distinction

    between “earnest inquirers” and“careless hearers.” The earnest inquirerhas ears to hear; the other has not.

    That is, instead of apprehending The Truth, heis only perplexed and confused by it, and instead ofgoing away enriched, he is poorer than ever.

    The meaning is so simple and familiar, thateven a child can understand it. Being of the natureto connect with everyday things, things that arefrequently observed.

    Parables, are the meal prepared for us by TheLord of The Harvest, He prepares a meal for eachof His laborers, though they are few, all are well fed.

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    He has seen to it, that a young lad now bringsto the table,

    “Five loaves and two fish!”

    This is something for us all towell consider, they had twelvebaskets full, after the crowd wasfed.

    Jesus took the twelve, andturned the world inside out, to theright side up!

    Many may bring the Scripturesto the mind, but The Lord alone canprepare the mind to receive HisWord: Our Master, our Saviour Jesus differs fromall other teachers ... they may reach theear, but only He can instruct theheart! “Others may teach what is tobe believed, but only Jesus canteach us how to believe!”

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    Series, “The Parables of Christ ...”(Matthew 13 Verses 1-53)

    (1) - “The Parable of The Sower.”

    (2) - “The Parable of The Tares.”

    (3) - “The Parable ofThe Mustard Seed.”

    (4) - “The Parable of The Leaven.”

    (5) - “The Parable ofThe Hidden Treasure.”

    (6) - “The Pearl of Great Price.”

    (7) - “The Parable of The Drag Net.”

    (8) – “The Scribe andThe Householder.”

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    Series, “The Gleanings ...”

    Not such a strange word really, but a wordwhich is not often used to day. What does it mean

    for us “to glean?” In simple terms, it means“to gather together.”

    We gather together that which will draw us

    deeper into “Relationship” with our Lord andSaviour Jesus Christ.

    We, are gathering and gleaning in the fields ofour kinsman Redeemer King Jesus.

    “The Gleanings,” was written out of gratitudefor my own Salvation, and the way that He my Kinghas Blessed me by revealing more about Himself astogether we build the Relationship that religioncannot offer!

    Many, many Brothers and Sisters in Christ aredesperately hungry and we who feed at His table

    have a “duty of care” to share with thosearound us. This is the reason for this series.

    To answer questions and have all things in

    common ... the basis of “communion,common-union” so enjoy, grow deeper intoJesus Christ and be Blessed.

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    Acts 2 Verses 44-46(a) “And all that believed weretogether, and had all things common;”(45) “And sold their possessions and goods, andparted them to all men, as every man had need.”

    (46a) “And they, continuing daily withone accord ...”

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    Series, “The Gleanings ...”

    (1) - What is ... “Sin?”(2) - The “how too,” called,

    “Repentance.”(3) - The “Squeeze” of Temptation.(4) - “The Tongue ...”

    taming the unruly member!(5) - The “can do,” Faith from God:(6) - The Growth of “Grace.”(7) - “Baptism,” the waters.(8) - “The Holy Spirit.”(9) - “The Laying on of Hands.”

    (10) - “Divine Healing.”(11) - “The Resurrection.”(12) - “The Eternal Godhead ...”

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    Series, “Ripened Husks ...”

    (1) – “Salt, Light and perfect Sight.”

    (2) – “Living in Submission.”

    (3) – “The Christian and Finance.”

    (4) – “The Growth of Grace.”

    (5) –“The Law of Love.”

    (6) – “Prayer and Fasting.”

    (7) – “Giants in the Land.”

    (8) – “The Anointing of God.”

    (9) –“Double portion Anointing.”

    (10) –“ Entering in to Rest.”

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    Poem: “The Garden of My Heart …”

    In the garden I the arrived with dawn,the air was crisp,it was still,the birds delighted the morning sun.It was quite,The Lord whispered Oh, my heart

    “look, write, see and hear.”

    I saw the sky,Heaven’s blue skirt.The glow of,Your Handiwork, painted in clouds.Then said He in

    “the garden of my heart,”“In seeing, see, in hearing hear,”I was hearing The Voice of our God!Thank You Jesus!!!

    My hand trembles at His Touch,The Anointing of His Spirit flows …I write, please Lord,please tell me more.His reply to my soul,

    “You have much to hear!”

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    There is a glow in my heart that say’s, this is

    “the grain” that I want in my storehouse:

    Jesus used the description of harvested grainas a wonderful way of showing us why it is

    important for “whole grains” of wheat to have“The Husk” removed.

    If grain that is harvested has “the husk”intact, then it will not be stored well for later use. Asa matter of fact, you are inviting the spread ofmould.

    Grain is normally harvested when ripe, and the

    “ripened husks” are winnowed. This is theprocess whereby the grains themselves, are tossedinto the air and as they do, they rub against eachother to remove the outer sheaf or husk.

    God’s desire, is that we play an active role towork with The Holy Spirit in and through our lives toremove the excess baggage. To remove the old

    covering, so that the “pure whole grain” willremain.

    And there be no “Bushel of self,” therebe no “Bushel of former days!”

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    A bushel measure, was a standard measureand filled a woven basket made to the bushel sizeand was used to store that measure in a dry andsafe manner till it was required to be used:

    Matthew 5 Verse 15 “Neither do men light a candle,and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; andit giveth light unto all that are in the house.”

    You stick a lighted flame under a dry wovenbasket and it will either smother the flame, or setfire to the house!

    “I must decrease,in order that He increase!”

    Grain, was bought to the “threshingfloor,” and there it was threshed. The sheaves,were beaten with a rod or with a winnowing fork inorder to separate the grain from the stork.

    Once the pile of grain was a reasonable height,it was time to see the leathery husks come off. Toachieve the removal of the husk, the grains weretossed into the air to land on a round cane basket.They were then flipped up into the air, until the huskblew off into the breeze.

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    Winnowed grain, de-husked, and dry, nowready for proper storage in the garner or granary tillthe time of use. All the husk, was then burned off.

    Matthew 3 Verse 12 “Whose fan is in His Hand, andHe will thoroughly purge His floor, and gather Hiswheat into the garner; but He will burn up the chaffwith unquenchable fire.”

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    Copy-right ... personal observations.

    To those Brethren, that have laboured long andhard in The Word of our God ... I take time to Bless them publicallyfor their endeavours to pass on that Holy Ghost inspired Wordthroughout His Church ...

    Hebrews 6 Verse 10 “For God [is] not unrighteous to forget yourwork and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward His Name,in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.”

    Therefore, edify The Body of Christ, encourage and exhort;but remember, if you are tempted to call the work of another yourown, you are the one that will in the end be held responsible foryour actions. “The Spirit of Grace,” gave the work to the hand of“the scribe,” who faithfully put pen to paper. Plagiarism, is not onlyillegal, it is immoral; above all, we must ...

    Romans 12 Verse 10“[Be] kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly

    love; in honour preferring one another;”

    So I exhort you in The Name of our Lord and Saviour, to feelquite free to use the material with which The Lord has so blessedus and those before us, bearing in mind that the pre-eminencebelongs to

    The Lord Jesus Christ Himself ...

    Your brother in His service,Robert .B. Dalton.

    Matthew 10 Verse 8(b) “ ... freely ye have received, freely give.”


    e mail [email protected]

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    “The stronger the foundation,the brighter the future!”

    1 Corinthians 3 Verse 11“For other foundation can no man

    lay than that is laid, …which is Jesus Christ.”

    Let us join together to,

    “Church the Un-Churched,Teach the Un-Taught,”and most of all,

    “Reach the Un-Reached ...for Jesus!”

    “Go Ye ... !”“Speak Ye ... !”

    “Do Ye ... !”

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    About the author.

    Born and raised in inner Sydney, N.S.W. Australia, Robertwas a child when the likes of Arthur Stace, Alan Walker and TedNoffs ministered to Sydney in the nineteen fifties.

    The Lord spoke to Robert at the age of seven, outside of theold Cleveland Street Congregational Church. For many years, hecontinued to live for himself. That is, until The Lord again spoke tohim in The Bay of Plenty in New Zealand. He received JesusChrist into his life as Lord and Saviour in February, 1980. BeingWater Baptised in April, Born Again and Filled with The Holy Spiritin May of the same year.

    Bob and Nikki married, in October of 1987 and have anawesome family of five plus four of Bob’s older children withaltogether and to date nineteen Grandchildren.

    Bob has compiled and published materials helpful for growthand development in Christ Jesus. Sadly, but with great joy, Nikkipassed into Glory to be with our Lord. 21st July, 2014.

    Over the years, Bob has ministered as a Pastor/ Teacher andfunctioned as itinerant Preacher with a strong call to Missions.

    His desire, is to see more folk, coming out of themselves,and going deeper into personal relationship with our Lord andSaviour, The Lord Jesus Christ.