implementation IDP ANSPs ANSPs IDP Implementation Project

ANSPs IDP Implementation Project - Blue Med ANSPs IDP.pdf · The “ANSPs IDP implementation project”, represents the ... BLUE MED FAB Implementation Programme. - Task 2.3.3 - iCAS

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ANSPs IDP ImplementationProject

The “ANSPs IDP implementation project”, represents the ANSPs coordinated approach to the implementation of the activities included into the IDP (Interim Deployment Programme). The action, funded within the TEN-T framework, aims at producing coordinated implementation activities with the engagement of the major Air Navigation Service Providers in Europe targeting the improvement of the network performance and end users benefits.

In particular, with regard to the overall IDP implementation, the Project aims at fostering the implementation of five out of the seven Activity Areas included in IDP - plus an Activity Area 1 related to the processes of the Project Management - namely:

Within the Identified IDP Activity Areas, 11 ANSPs (ENAV, ENAIRE, DSNA, DFS, MATS, NATS, NAV P, FINAVIA, LGS, DCA, EANS) with the support of INECO, are undertaking a number of Implementation Projects:

ANSPs IDP Implementation Project

ANSPs IDP Implementation Project




AreaActivity Area






RNP Approach

Automated assistanceto controllers for seamlesscoordination transferand dialogue

Air-grounddata link


Airport CDM


Airspace managementimprovementsand data sharing



5 4











This Activity covers the management of the Project as a whole, including actions for an adequate coordination and communication among the players.

All stakeholders are contributors of this Activity and are included in the Management Team.

The Project Management activity will be conducted in full alignment with the TEN-T Programme management requirements, and will aim at supporting, integrating and coordinating all the activities the Consortium will carry out within the proposed IDP Project.

Area 1








Airspace management improvements and data sharing

Sub-Activity 2.1 – Rolling ASM/ATFCM processes

- Task 2.1.1 - ATM Information Delivery and Analysis: The Project aims at the realization of an ATM Information Delivery and Analysis tool (AIDA) which supports ANSPs in monitoring the airspace resource and flight planning operations, thus enhancing the available capacity and reducing the need for airspace restrictions.

Sub-Activity 2.2 – Free Route

- Task 2.2.1 - BREST, LISBOA and MADRID Free Route: the Project aims at the extension of SW FAB Free Route Airspace (FRA) towards the French coast (QPR and NTS area) to accommodate main traffic flows into the West Airspace Operational Block of the SW FAB airspace, creating one of the biggest Free Route Airspaces in the ECAC area.


Area 2

This Activity aims at improving the processes affecting the ASM and the data sharing among the operational players, both civil and military. The “Airspace Management function” facilitates the development of the European Airspace into one continuum which is flexible and reactive to short-term changes in Airspace User needs. This will be based on a seamless management of airspace configurations, and, supported by continuous sharing of information among all partners, will provide for an optimum use of the network. This will mean, first of all, better levels of Safety, increased capacity and the availability of optimum routes.

ANSPs IDP Implementation Project

- Task 2.2.2 - Unfolding Airways in the LISBOA, CASABLANCA, CANARIAS interface: the Project aims at the implementation of the unfolding of ATS airways in the Lisboa-Casablanca-Canarias Interface to accommodate the main traffic flows between Europe and South Atlantic Region/Canarias Islands, creating a flexible airways network and an interface compatible with future Free Route development.

- Task 2.2.3 - Free Route Airspace (FRA) implementation Nicosia FIR: This task aims at implementing the capability of aircraft operators to plan their flight direct from all the entry to exit points in Nicosia FIR

to accommodate the main traffic flows on the South East axis of Europe enabling flights to operate close to user preferred trajectories.

Sub-Activity 2.3 – Development of technological enablers for Free Routing

- Task 2.3.1 - MTCD tool implementation in France: MTCD Tool Implementation in France (ERATO) aims at implementing ERATO (En Route Air Traffic Organizer) in an electronic stripless environment in current French ATM legacy system, CAUTRA.

Airspace management improvements and data sharing


Area 2



- Task 2.3.2 - MTCD tool implementation in Italy: This task is aiming to introduce ERATO service capability – an MTCD tool – in the Italian Air Traffic Control System thus facilitating the implementation of the Free Route concept of operation as planned in the BLUE MED FAB Implementation Programme.

- Task 2.3.3 - iCAS development in Germany: The iCAS system foreseen for 2016+ is the latest ATS system under development by DFS which will replace all existing ATS systems P1/ATCAS and P1/VAFORIT for use in control centers of both lower and upper airspace over Germany.

- Task 2.3.4 - MATS MTCD implementation: This task is aiming to implement MTCD functionalities within the Maltese ATM system. Technical equipment updating, operational procedures development and staff training fall within the scope of this task.

- Task 2.3.5 - MTCD implementation in Cyprus: This task aims at the establishment of a MTCD tool in the Cypriot Air Traffic Control System thus facilitating the implementation of the Free Route concept of operation as planned in the BLUE MED FAB Implementation Programme.

Airspace management improvements and data sharing








Airport CDM

Sub-Activity 3.1 – A-CDM Local Implementation

- Task 3.1.1 - A-CDM local implementation – ENAIRE: The ENAIRE A-CDM project will include an update of the current Pre-Departure Manager available and operational in SACTA ATM System, to allow Aircraft Operators express/indicate their priority of flights/the priority of their flights by inserting a TOBT, and with the consequent provision of a Target Start-up Approval Time (TSAT), taking into account operational constraints and Partners’ preferences. The result of the project will allow the operation at any Spanish aerodrome, through SACTA ATM

- Task 3.1.2 - A-CDM local implementation – DSNA: This task is related to the DSNA contribution to enhance or implement local A- CDM at three French airports:u To enhance ACDM operated at CDGu To contribute to the deployment of CDM at

Orly (with the same airport operator ADP – Aéroport De Paris),

u To contribute to the deployment of CDM at Lyon, in a regional airport context and with a different airport operator ADL (Aéroport De Lyon).


Area 3

This Activity aims to improve the overall efficiency of operations at airports, with a particular focus on the aircraft turn-round and pre-departure sequencing process. A-CDM increases the information sharing between the local ANSP, Airport Operator, Aircraft Operators, Ground Handlers, Network Manager and other Airport Service Providers, whilst improving the cooperation between these partners to enhance the predictability of events and optimising the utilisation of resources.

ANSPs IDP Implementation Project

u Task 3.1.3 - A-CDM local implementation – ENAV: The National Italians Airports object of the implementation are: Roma Fiumicino, Milano Malpensa, Milano Linate, Venezia Tessera.

The following main lines of work are identified:u Implementation of local procedures for

turnaround processu Implementation of Variable Taxi-Times and

Pre-Departure Sequenceu Implementation of local procedures for

Information Sharingu Implementation of local procedures for

A-CDM in adverse conditions

- Task 3.1.4 - A-CDM local implementation – NAV: Upgrade the Lisboa FIR’s Air Traffic Control System, LISATM, as well as its extension covering Lisboa’s Control TWR, to enable A-CDM related information exchange between Lisboa’s Control TWR and the Lisboa Airport’s ACISP.

Sub-Activity 3.2 – A-CDM Network implementation

- Task 3.2.1 – A-CDM Network implementation – ENAIRE: The main objective of this task is to facilitate the implementation of a full set of Departure Planning Information messages (DPIs) sent to Network Operations. The task comprises the integration and operational tests between SACTA/ICARO - CDM Platform and EUROCONTROL Environment. Given that the National Spanish Airports objects of the implementation are “Madrid Barajas” and Barcelona; all the achievements need to be met separately due to the particular conditions and actors in each of the airports.

Airport CDM


Area 3



- Task 3.2.2 – A-CDM Network implementation – DSNA: this task is about DSNA contribution to the connection of three France CDM airports to the network. CDG is already integrated to the network as a CDM airport and already sends DPI to NM. But CDG implementation will be adapted to accept FUM from the NM to improve its departure planning.

- Task 3.2.3 – A-CDM Network implementation – ENAV: the Network implementation of A-CDM functionality will have focus on FUM Implementation and DPI Implementation. In Italian A-CDM architecture the FUM messages are provided via EFD messages from NM. The objective of this Task is:u Receive FUM from NM via EFD;u Process them for each A-CDM airport;u Send Flight Update messages to Airport


- Task 3.2.4 – A-CDM Network implementation – NAV: The main objective of this task is to facilitate the integration of the Lisboa FIR’s Air Traffic Control System (LISATM) with the Lisboa Airport’s CDM Information Sharing Platform (ACISP), by enabling a direct system to system interface with the Lisboa Control TWR’s ground sectors. The exchanging of Target Off-Block Time (TOBT) and Target Start Up Approval Time (TSAT) messages will enable the Lisboa’s ACISP to send Departure Planning Information messages (DPIs) to the Network Operations. In this task are also included Integration and Operational Validation tests. This implementation is only foreseen for the Lisboa Airport, and is being conducted in close coordination with the Lisboa Airport’s provider.

Airport CDM








Air-ground data link

Sub-Activity 4.1 – ENAIRE ATS System Upgrade (FANS 1/A activities)

The aim of this sub-activity is to update the ENAIRE ATM System to provide the CPDLC (FANS 1/A), ADS-C surveillance and Flight plan tracks (pseudotracks). These capabilities will help increasing the safety of the oceanic operation through the acquisition of a more precise aircraft positioning.

Sub-Activity 4.2 – Integrated label implementation

This project is related to the finalization of Link It objectives, starting from the definition of new operational needs on HMI functionalities that has to be implemented in order to achieve operational benefits from Mode S data and CPDLC both until operational activities to train and use new functionalities.


Area 4

This Activity intends to improve the Air/Ground communications, in order to promote at network level:• reductionoftheerrorrateinpilot-controllercommunications,• diminutionofcongestionofexistingvoicechannels,• decreaseoftheworkloadonbothsides,• reductioninflightdelaysand,• increaseofoperationalperformanceintermsofSafetyandSecurity.This activity will improve the capabilities of the beneficiaries to deliver the service in alignment with their planning within the IDP framework.

ANSPs IDP Implementation Project

Sub-Activity 4.3 – NEFAB Air Traffic Services 2015

To comply with EC regulation No 29/2009 laying down requirements of Datalink services for the Single European Sky the present task is expected to be implemented in Estonia, Finland and Latvia by Estonian Air Navigation Services, Finavia Corporation and Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme.

Sub-Activity 4.4 – MATS communication backbone upgrade

- Task 4.4.1 Installation of a new Voice Communication System – A new Voice communication system

was purchased at the beginning of year 2014. Some customisation was required. This has been completed and the system was accepted during the factory Acceptance Testing in May. The system consists of three racks, in the equipment room, which support a number of keyboards at the Controller Working Positions. The Voice communication system is expected to be in Operation during the last quarter of year 2014. Photographs of the system are attached to this document.

- Task 4.4.2 Improved coverage of the FIR for the

Air-ground data link


Area 4



East Sector and Guard Frequencies - This task involves the purchase and installation of high power transmitters, Pre-Amplification units and highly directional Antennae. A large part of the FIR is over the seas and thus it is important to improve the efficiency of both the transmitters and receivers side of the respective G to A setups. This task will soon be completed.

- Task 4.4.3 A second Link between ACC and VHF Ground Station - A new link between the ACC communication Centre and the VHF Ground Station in Dingli is required to improve the Ground to Air service to MATS Operation.

Sub-Activity 4.5 – NAV PT implementation program of Data link services

The objective of this sub-activity of the LISATM V9 project is to make available to the ATCO the CPDLC Data Link functionalities. These new functionalities will be developed and integrated in the LISATM system and will consist of the capability of exchange data link messages using ATN and FANS technologies and the update of LISATM HMI system to allow the input and the display of the data related to those messages.

Air-ground data link








Automated assistance to controllers for seamless coordination transfer and dialogue

Sub-Activity 5.1 – OLDI Migration from X.25 to IP

- Task 5.1.1 - ENAIRE implementation of OLDI migration from x.25 to IP: The main objectives of this task are:u To migrate the current OLDI X.25 links with

foreign collaterals to OLDI/FMTP IPv4 as well as to run the IP national aeronautical network (REDAN) to offer such IPv4 service in Spanish ATC sites (migration completed before 2012).

u To migrate the user systems and the network infrastructure from IPv4 to IPv6.


Area 5

This Activity has two main objectives: • accomplish the OLDImigration from X25 to IP (Reference to IDPWP5.1)whichentailstheinstallationofOLDImodulesintheATSUs,andtheupgradeof Communication Systems from X25 to IP in line with the relevant ECregulations633/2007and283/2011,

• implementationofcomplementaryOLDImessages(ReferencetoIDPWP5.2)which aims at putting in place systems updates as well as procedures to implementcomplementaryOLDImessagesforcoordinationandtransfer,andinformation exchange mechanisms between TMA and En-Route for delaysharing in AMAN operations.

ANSPs IDP Implementation Project

- Task 5.1.2 - NAV PT Implementation of OLDI Migration from X.25 to IP: The main objectives of this task are: u To migrate from the current OLDI X.25 links

to OLDI/FMTP IPv4 the connections with our international correspondents as well as to implement over the national FIR the IP aeronautical network to support this service.

u To implement the migrations of the network infrastructure from IPv4 to IPv6.

- Task 5.1.3 -DFS implementation of OLDI migration from IPv4 to IPv 6 u DFS has performed the OLDI migration

from X.25 to IPv4 for all OLDI connections where the partner ACCs have been able to support FMTP before 20th April 2011, the tasks performed by DFS are mainly related to the migration from IPv4 to IPv6. Except Malmo, Reims and Warsaw all connections are already migrated as requested by EU Reg 633/2007.

Automated assistance to controllers for seamless coordination transfer and dialogue


Area 5



- Task 5.1.4 - DSNA implementation of OLDI migration from x.25 to IP: the main objectives of this task during the period 2012-2015 are:u To complete the implementation of the

DSNA IP Network including safe and secure monitored gateways to perform IP communications outside DSNA

u To migrate OLDI X25 communications to IPv4 and IPv6.

- Task 5.1.5 - ENAV implementation of OLDI migration from x25 to IP: During the period 2012-2015 ENAV has to perform the two types of task: u Initial migration from OLDI on X.25

infrastructure to OLDI/FMTP IPv4 service, as a key objective for the migration of ATC services towards IP standard platforms.

u migration from IPv4 to IPv6, to be completed by the end of 2014.

Automated assistance to controllers for seamless coordination transfer and dialogue


ANSPs IDP Implementation Project

- Task 5.1.6 - NATS implementation of OLDI migration to IPv6: NATS has an IPv4 internal network however has the capability to translate to IPv6 for external connectivity. NATS has also performed the migration to IP with some of its neighbours. Then, for NATS, the only tasks left to complete are the migration to IP v6 of the FDE/OLDI communications from its Swanwick ACC to the neighboured ACCs.

Sub-Activity 5.2 – Complementary OLDI messages

- Task 5.2.1 – ENAIRE implementation of SACTA-iTEC and advanced AMAN deployment. This task comprises two subtasks:u SACTA-ITEC 4.1: SACTA System in use at

Spanish ATSU will be upgraded with, Planning Tools and advanced Conformance Monitoring, and in combination with sequencing manager Tools already available, will enable to perform silent transfer.

u Advanced AMAN deployment in major TMA: Advanced AMAN will be deployed in major TMA, enabling arrival sequencing and en-route coordination extension: AMAN Madrid

Automated assistance to controllers for seamless coordination transfer and dialogue


Area 5



Barajas Airport; AMAN Barcelona Airport; AMAN Palma de Mallorca Airport.

- Task 5.2.2 - NAV PT Implementation of LIS ATM v9.0-COTR: Only one subtask is envisaged to be accomplished within this task: Upgrade the Lisboa FIR’s Air Traffic Control System, LISATM, to be compliant with the Coordination and Transfer Implementing Rule (COTR IR).

- Task 5.2.3 - DSNA AMAN implementation: Two sub-tasks will be performed within this activity: u a new generation of AMAN tool will be

implemented at CDG, Orly and the Paris ACC (CRNA/N) in replacement of the old “MAESTRO France”. The new system architecture will address multi-TMA capability and inter-center communications, in order to improve coordination support between airports and en–route center.

u a similar tool as in Paris area will be implemented in the SE region of France, at Nice and Lyon airports topped by Marseille ACC.

Automated assistance to controllers for seamless coordination transfer and dialogue








RNP Approach

Sub-Activity 6.1 – APV National deployment

- Task 6.1.1 - National deployment in France: This task will aim at the publication of 67 APV procedures that are each considered as one activity. To this purpose, 27 procedures with LPV minima have already been selected by DSNA, 8 with LNAV VNAV minima and 32 more will be selected during project progress. Each selected runway end will be equipped with LPV minima, LNAV VNAV minima procedure will be provided based on local airspace user needs.

- Task 6.1.2 - National deployment in Spain: This task will aim at the publication of 60 APV procedures that are each considered as one activity. To this purpose, 10 procedures with LPV minima have already been selected by ENAIRE, 10 with LNAV/VNAV minima and 40 more will be selected during project progress. Although these selected scenarios are perfectly aligned with airspace user requirements, some of them could change during project progress according to stakeholders’ needs.


Area 6

ThisActivityaimsatthealignmentwithICAOA37-11Resolution,concerningRNAVandRNPATSroutesandapproachproceduresimplementation.The Activitywill accelerate the deployment of APV approaches based onGNSSsensors(APVSBASandAPVBaro)inthoseairportsnotequippedwithPrecisionApproachessystems(ILS,MLS,GBAS),thiswillimprovetheSafetyoftheoperationsby providing a better situational awareness to pilots.

ANSPs IDP Implementation Project

The list of scenarios will be reviewed periodically. Each selected runway end will be equipped with LPV and LNAV/VNAV minima procedures, based on local airspace user needs.

- Task 6.1.3 - National deployment in Cyprus: This task aims towards the development of RNP approaches with vertical guidance (APV) for Larnaca and Paphos airports. These procedures will be delivered after a series of activities are completed, including an analysis of user and ATC operational requirements and the addressing of concerns with the current airspace design. The milestones to be achieved include the updating of the current conventional STARs and SIDs, overlaying these with RNAV procedures, a fleet assessment, flight inspection and validation and ensuring GNSS integrity. The expected benefits relate to improved safety in the naviagation service provided and higher cost efficiency by avoiding updating or maintaining obsolete or redundant systems on the ground.

The scope of the activities the Action encompasses represents the follow up of the results coming from the ANSPs coordination within IDSG project, which has been selected among the beneficiary projects of TEN-T Annual Call 2011. As a result recorded from that initiative, ANSPs coordinated and synchronised contribution to the IDSG work, significantly supported the definition of the IDP content and the provision of consolidated data and information which allowed tracking the actual state of the art of the European ATM initial deployment activities.

RNP Approach


Area 6



R e a l i z e d b y E N AV B r a n d D e v e l o p m e n t

L a s t u p d a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5