Androgen receptor–mediated inhibition of cutaneous wound healing Gillian S. Ashcroft, Stuart J. Mills J Clin Invest. 2002;110(5):615-624. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI15704. Impaired wound healing states in the elderly lead to substantial morbidity, mortality, and a cost to the USHealth Services of over $9 billion per annum. In addition to intrinsic aging per se causing delayed healing, studies have suggested marked sex-differences in wound repair. We report that castration of male mice results in a striking acceleration of local cutaneous wound healing, and is associated with a reduced inflammatory response and increased hair growth. Using a hairless mouse model, we have demonstrated that testosterone reduction stimulates the healing response not through hair follicle epithelial/mesenchymal cell proliferation, but directly via effects on wound cell populations. We suggest that endogenous testosterone inhibits the cutaneous wound healing response in males and is associated with an enhanced inflammatory response. The mechanisms underlying the observed effects involve a direct upregulation of proinflammatory cytokine expression by macrophages in response to testosterone. Blockade of androgen action systemically, via receptor antagonism, accelerates healing significantly, suggesting a specific target for future therapeutic intervention in impaired wound healing states in elderly males. Article Aging Find the latest version: https://jci.me/15704/pdf

Androgen receptor–mediated inhibition of cutaneous wound

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Page 1: Androgen receptor–mediated inhibition of cutaneous wound

Androgen receptor–mediated inhibition of cutaneous woundhealing

Gillian S. Ashcroft, Stuart J. Mills

J Clin Invest. 2002;110(5):615-624. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI15704.

Impaired wound healing states in the elderly lead to substantial morbidity, mortality, and a cost to the USHealth Servicesof over $9 billion per annum. In addition to intrinsic aging per se causing delayed healing, studies have suggested markedsex-differences in wound repair. We report that castration of male mice results in a striking acceleration of localcutaneous wound healing, and is associated with a reduced inflammatory response and increased hair growth. Using ahairless mouse model, we have demonstrated that testosterone reduction stimulates the healing response not throughhair follicle epithelial/mesenchymal cell proliferation, but directly via effects on wound cell populations. We suggest thatendogenous testosterone inhibits the cutaneous wound healing response in males and is associated with an enhancedinflammatory response. The mechanisms underlying the observed effects involve a direct upregulation of proinflammatorycytokine expression by macrophages in response to testosterone. Blockade of androgen action systemically, via receptorantagonism, accelerates healing significantly, suggesting a specific target for future therapeutic intervention in impairedwound healing states in elderly males.

Article Aging

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Page 2: Androgen receptor–mediated inhibition of cutaneous wound

IntroductionCutaneous wound healing is a complex process encom-passing a number of overlapping events that includeleukocyte recruitment, matrix deposition, epithelial-ization, and ultimately resolution of inflammationwith the formation of a mature scar. Impaired age-related wound healing states — involving both acutewounds that fail to heal and chronic ulcers — are char-acterized by excessive leukocytosis and subsequentlyenhanced proteolytic degradation of matrix con-stituents (1, 2). A rapid increase in the elderly popula-tion has resulted in a parallel increase in problems asso-ciated with age-related delayed wound healing.Treatment of such impaired healing costs the USHealth Services over $9 billion per year. Additionally,chronic wounds lead to an incalculable degree of suf-fering, including reduced mobility, wound odor, exu-date, and pain. Intriguingly, reports have shown thatmales heal acute wounds more slowly than females andhave an altered inflammatory response (3–5). Epi-demiologic studies have not previously reported thatsex has an impact on wound repair; however, recentneural network studies have demonstrated that the

male genotype is a strongly positive risk factor forimpaired healing in the elderly (5). Despite their poten-tial impact on wound healing, the mechanisms under-lying such sex differences have not been elucidated.

One critical mediator of wound healing is the hor-mone estrogen, which accelerates repair in both humanand animal models. Local levels of bioavailable estrogenare altered in the elderly due to a combination ofdecreased circulating gonadal estrogen (particularlyimportant in postmenopausal females) and markedlyreduced levels of the adrenal sex steroid precursor dehy-droepiandrosterone (DHEA), resulting in a paralleldecrease in androgen and estrogen formation fromDHEA aromatization in peripheral tissues (6–8). Estro-gen can reverse age-related impaired healing in femaleswhen applied topically or given systemically and is asso-ciated with reduced local inflammation and enhancedmatrix deposition (4, 9). In elderly males, the responseto estrogen is significantly reduced compared with thatin females, suggesting that other, unknown factors areinvolved beyond the effects of reduced estrogen. Onefactor that has not been investigated to date is thepotential role of androgens in wound repair and localcutaneous inflammation. Elderly males generally main-tain testosterone levels, albeit with a gradual reductionwith increasing age, and androgens have been reportedto be pivotal mediators of local and humoral immuneresponses in other pathophysiological processes.

In this context, several reports indicate that androgensplay a critical role in the immune response and accountfor differences in outcome based on sex, including sus-ceptibility to sepsis, parasitic infection, and atheroscle-rosis related to enhanced monocyte adhesion toendothelium (10–12). Androgens have been related toboth pro- and anti-inflammatory states at both the sys-

The Journal of Clinical Investigation | September 2002 | Volume 110 | Number 5 615

Androgen receptor–mediated inhibition of cutaneous wound healing

Gillian S. Ashcroft and Stuart J. Mills

Cells, Immunology and Development, School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Impaired wound healing states in the elderly lead to substantial morbidity, mortality, and a cost tothe US Health Services of over $9 billion per annum. In addition to intrinsic aging per se causingdelayed healing, studies have suggested marked sex-differences in wound repair. We report that cas-tration of male mice results in a striking acceleration of local cutaneous wound healing, and is asso-ciated with a reduced inflammatory response and increased hair growth. Using a hairless mousemodel, we have demonstrated that testosterone reduction stimulates the healing response notthrough hair follicle epithelial/mesenchymal cell proliferation, but directly via effects on wound cellpopulations. We suggest that endogenous testosterone inhibits the cutaneous wound healingresponse in males and is associated with an enhanced inflammatory response. The mechanismsunderlying the observed effects involve a direct upregulation of proinflammatory cytokine expres-sion by macrophages in response to testosterone. Blockade of androgen action systemically, via recep-tor antagonism, accelerates healing significantly, suggesting a specific target for future therapeuticintervention in impaired wound healing states in elderly males.

J. Clin. Invest. 110:615–624 (2002). doi:10.1172/JCI200215704.

Received for publication April 16, 2002, and accepted in revised form June 25, 2002.

Address correspondence to: Gillian S. Ashcroft, Cells,Immunology and Development, School of Biological Sciences,University of Manchester, 3.239 Stopford Building, OxfordRoad, Manchester M13 9PT, United Kingdom. Phone: 011-44-(0)161-275-5673; Fax: 011-44-(0)161-275-3915; E-mail: [email protected] of interest: No conflict of interest has been declared.Nonstandard abbreviations used: dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA); androgen receptor (AR); dihydrotestosterone (DHT);electromobility shift assay (EMSA).

Page 3: Androgen receptor–mediated inhibition of cutaneous wound

temic level (13) and the cellular level, modulating IL-1,IL-2, and IL-6 in a variety of cell types including fibrob-lasts, macrophages (increasing IL-6), Kupffer cells(decreasing IL-6), splenocytes, and osteoblasts (14–17).Moreover, recent in vivo studies have suggested that cas-tration of rats following burn injury significantlyreduces systemic levels of proinflammatory TNF-α, andthat the in vitro macrophage production of IL-1 andTNF-α is inhibited by androstenetriol (18, 19). Takentogether, these reports suggest that androgens may exertboth anti- and proinflammatory effects that depend onthe cell type, animal model, and dose of treatmentadministered. In this regard, the role of androgens in thecutaneous wound healing response and the effects onlocal inflammation have not been investigated.

In this study we have demonstrated that castration ofmale mice results in accelerated cutaneous wound heal-ing and is associated with a dampened inflammatoryresponse and increased matrix deposition. Using a hair-less mouse model, we demonstrated that the enhancedhair follicle proliferation resulting from castration wasnot responsible for such effects on the healing rate. Theunderlying mechanisms involve a direct effect of testos-terone on murine macrophage TNF-α production viathe androgen receptor (AR) in parallel to the in vivodownregulation of TNF-α following castration or ARantagonism. Intriguingly, AR blockade accelerates heal-ing in a similar fashion to castration, suggesting afuture target for therapeutic intervention to acceleratehealing in elderly males.

MethodsWound healing experiments. Male C57BL/6 or hr/hr malewild-type and null mice (Harlan Laboratories Ltd.,Indianapolis, Indiana, USA), 8–12 weeks old, wereanesthetized with inhaled isofluorane, and the dor-sum was shaved and cleaned with alcohol. Ten-week-old male mice that had undergone castration or shamcastration 1 month previously were also used for thewound healing experiments. Two equidistant 1-cmfull-thickness incisional wounds were made throughthe skin and panniculus carnosus muscle and were leftto heal by secondary intention. Wounds were harvest-ed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 21 after wounding andwere bisected for histology and for RNA analysis/pro-tein extraction, and immediately snap frozen in liquidnitrogen for RNA analysis/protein extraction. A sub-group of intact C57BL/6 male mice were treated withoral flutamide (200 mg/kg/day flutamide in 0.5%methylcellulose) for 5 days prior to wounding, and day3 wounds were excised (20). Serum from cardiac punc-ture of all mice was used to determine circulatingtestosterone levels using an ELISA kit (ICN, Bas-ingstoke, United Kingdom).

Human wound healing study. Eighteen health sta-tus–defined elderly males (mean age 71 years, SD = 8.6)underwent two 4-mm punch biopsies, and the woundswere measured by planimetry on day 7 after wounding,as previously described (4). Mean total testosterone

levels were measured by standard radioimmunoassay;the normal laboratory range of testosterone is 10–30ng/ml. Sex hormone binding globulin levels did notdiffer significantly within the cohort. As part of anongoing study, young (20–39 years) and elderly (60–85years) males and females (five subjects per group) froma health-status panel underwent two 4-mm punchbiopsies from the upper inner arm, and the woundswere excised on day 3, 7, or 14 after wounding (1).

Histology, immunocytochemistry, and image analysis. His-tological sections were prepared from male murineand human wound tissue fixed in 10% buffered for-malin and embedded in paraffin. Five-micrometersections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin orwith picrosirius red (for collagen determination) (21),or were subjected to immunohistochemistry with spe-cific antibodies. Antibodies used were N-20 (22),raised against a synthetic peptide localizing to the N-terminal of the human AR (Santa Cruz Biotech-nology Inc., Santa Cruz, California, USA), diluted to1:10, with mouse prostate gland used as positive con-trol; Mac-3 (rat anti–Mac-3; Pharmingen, San Diego,California, USA); collagen VII (mouse to human;Chemicon International, Temecula, California, USA);and TNF-α (rabbit polyclonal; Genzyme Pharmaceu-ticals, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA), used at adilution of 1:20 in PBS. Primary antibody was detect-ed using either a TRITC- or FITC-labeled secondaryantibody (1:40 dilution for 20 minutes) or using aperoxidase kit (Vector Laboratories Inc., Burlingame,California, USA). Controls using IgG isotype serumwere in all cases negative. Image analysis and quan-tification of cell number per unit area (mm2) andwound area (measured below the clot and above thepanniculus muscle) were performed using the Image-Pro Plus program (MediaCybernetics Inc., SilverSprings, Maryland, USA) as previously described (21).

Androgen effects on monocytes. Peritoneal macrophageswere isolated from male wild-type C57BL/6 mice byintraperitoneal lavage with ice-cold sterile PBS andpooled for subsequent studies. Cells were used at 107

cells/ml with 1 ml per tube in serum-free phenolred–free medium with or without LPS (1 µg/ml; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Missouri, USA), testosterone (10–8 M;Sigma-Aldrich), 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT)(10–8 M; Sigma-Aldrich), flutamide (10–6 M; Sigma-Aldrich), and the estrogen receptor inhibitor ICI182780 (100 nM) for 12 hours. RNA was subsequentlyextracted as described below.

Chemotaxis of monocytes was stimulated in a 12-wellchemotaxis chamber (Transwell Plate; Corning-CostarCorp., Acton, Massachusetts, USA), with each well con-taining 400 µl of control media or TGF-β1 (1 pg/ml),testosterone (10–8 M), or both TGF-β1 and testos-terone. Prior to the assay, cells were treated with orwithout testosterone for 12 hours (10–6 to 10–10 M).Monocytes were resuspended in 100 µl chemotaxisbuffer (1× Hank’s buffer with 0.5% BSA) in the upperchamber at a final concentration of 3 × 105 per 100 µl

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and incubated for 90 minutes at 37°C in a humidifiedatmosphere of 5% CO2. Cells that migrated across themembrane (pore size, 3 µm) were fixed in 40 µl chemo-taxis fixative (100 mM EDTA and 10% formaldehyde inPBS) and counted using a hemocytometer.

RT-PCR, RNase protection, and hydroxyproline assays.Total RNA was isolated from frozen wound tissue andperitoneal macrophages using Trizol. For PCR, totalRNA extracted from wound tissue as above was reversetranscribed and subjected to PCR using primer pairsfor murine AR (23), TNF-α, and HPRT (housekeepinggene). The sequences were: HPRT, 5′-ACTCTGCTTCA-GATCCCTGC and 5′-GGACCAGCAACTTGAAGAGG (266-bp product); TNF-α, 5′-TCCGCTTCTCCGCTGCCA and5′-CACCTTTGTGTCTGGGACCT (872-bp product); andAR, 5′-AGTCATCCCTGCTTCATAAC and 5′-ATCCTG-GTGGAGTTGTGAAC (394-bp product). Five micro-grams of RNA was subjected to RNase protectionassays using the mck3b template per manufacturer’sinstructions (Pharmingen, San Diego, California,USA) (21). As an indication of total collagen content,hydroxyproline levels were determined in wound tis-sue as previously described (4).

Electromobility shift assay and Western blotting. Nuclearproteins were isolated from wound tissue by homoge-nization in lysis buffer (20 mM Tris at pH 7.6, 120 mMNaCl, 1% NP-40, 10% glycerol, 10 mM sodiumpyrophosphate, 100 mM NaF, 2 mM sodium ortho-vanadate, 1 mM AEBSF, and 5 µg/ml leupeptin). Elec-tromobility shift assay (EMSA) for NF-κB was per-formed using a radiolabeled NF-κB consensus

oligonucleotide probe (Promega Corp., Madison, Wis-consin, USA) as previously described (24).

For Western blotting, protein was extracted frommurine wound tissue and normal skin using a deter-gent buffer, and 10 µg protein was used for the blot aspreviously described (1). Rabbit anti–TNF-α (GenzymePharmaceuticals) or rabbit anti-AR antibody (SantaCruz Biotechnology Inc.) was used at 2 µg/ml in anovernight incubation, followed by detection using theAP kit per the manufacturer’s instructions (Bio-RadLaboratories Inc., Herts, United Kingdom). Freshmouse prostate tissue was used as a positive control forAR immunoblotting.

Statistical analysis. Statistical differences were deter-mined using the Student t test or multivariate ANOVAfor parametric analyses and linear regression, and byMann-Whitney U test for nonparametric analysis. Alldata represent mean ± SD. A P value less than 0.05 wasconsidered significant.

ResultsAR expression during normal wound healing. Assessmentof the temporal profile and cellular sources of ARexpression during normal wound healing in wild-typeC57BL/6 mice following full-thickness incisionalwounds excised on days 1–21 after wounding revealeda distinct pattern of expression. Scattered basal epi-dermal cell and hair follicle staining was apparent innormal skin (Figure 1a), corroborating previous stud-ies in rat and primate skin (25). Intact skin from cas-trated male mice showed no differences in AR staining

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Figure 1AR localizes to keratinocytes, inflammatory cells, and fibroblasts during wound healing. (a) Normal skin immunostaining for AR (left panel)at low magnification (×20) illustrates epidermal and hair follicle staining. Right panels show high magnification (×100) of basal epidermalcells (area 1) and hair follicles (area 2). (b) Day 3 wounds: left panel is a low-magnification image of AR-stained tissue. Area 2 is a high-magnification image of macrophages, and area 1 shows basal and suprabasal epithelial staining at the migrating edge. (c) A day-14 wound(left panel, low magnification) with cells morphologically resembling fibroblasts staining positively for AR; (area 1, right panel) is a high-magnification image. Images are representative of ten wounds stained per timepoint from male mice. (d) AR-positive cells were quantifiedfrom day 1 to day 21 after wounding; those colocalizing with Mac-3 were quantified separately. (e) RT-PCR for AR and the housekeepinggene HPRT in wound tissue showed a temporal increase in expression through day 3, with a decrease by day 21. d0, normal, unwoundedskin. Bottom panel shows a Western blot for AR (110 kDa) demonstrating an increase in protein levels from basal (d0) to day 7, then adecline in protein to day 21 after wounding. Blot is representative of three experiments using five mice per timepoint.

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patterns compared with uncastrated animals (data notshown). Increased numbers of basal and suprabasalepidermal cells stained positively in the migratingwound epithelium from day 3 after wounding (Figure1b). By day 2, staining of the wound epithelium resem-bled that of adjacent normal skin, with intermittentbasal keratinocyte staining, possibly reflecting a sub-set of androgen-responsive cells. Inflammatory cellstaining was also evident from day 3 through day 14after wounding (Figure 1b), with a marked decrease ininflammatory cell numbers by day 21 after wounding.In addition, scattered cells morphologically resem-bling fibroblasts stained positively for AR beginningon day 7 after wounding (Figure 1c, day 14) and per-

sisting until day 21. Quantitation of dermal AR-posi-tive cells and cells positive for both AR and Mac-3(Figure 1d) demonstrated an increase in AR-positivecells from day 1 to day 5 after wounding; the majorityof these cells were macrophages (dual stained). Afterday 5, AR-positive cells declined at the wound site, andan increase in AR-positive, Mac-3–negative cells wasobserved, reflecting an influx of AR-positive fibrob-lasts. Wound tissue mRNA and protein levels of theAR were increased strikingly on days 1 and 3 afterwounding and decreased thereafter to day 21, reflect-ing the immunostaining pattern (Figure 1e). The spa-tial localization of AR expression during early woundhealing, associated with epithelialization and in-

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Figure 2Accelerated healing in the absence of male gonadalsteroids. (a) Left and central panels show macro-scopic and histological day 5 wounds illustratingthe smaller (healed) wounds in castrated animalscompared with intact animals. Collagen contentwas markedly increased in the wounds of the cas-trated animals at day 5 (right panels). Magnifica-tion: ×10 (center, hematoxylin and eosin); ×20(right, picrosirius red). (b) Cross-sectional woundareas were significantly reduced on days 3 and 7after wounding in the castrated animals (n = 6–8per group; *P < 0.05). (c) Hydroxyproline levels inwound tissue were significantly increased in thecastrated mice compared with intact mice at days5 and 21 after wounding. Extraction and analysiswere performed on individual wounds from fivemice per group at day 5, and on five samples ofpooled wounds (three wounds per tube) at day 21after wounding. Data represent mean value per 10mg tissue. *P < 0.05.

Figure 3Increased hair follicle proliferation fol-lowing gonadectomy does not con-tribute to the wound healing response.(a) Day 3 macroscopic and histologicalwounds from intact wild-type andintact null (hr/hr) mice showed no dif-ferences in healing. By contrast, cas-trated hr/hr and castrated wild-typemice healed significantly more quickly.Magnification: ×10. (b) Quantificationof wound areas at day 3 illustrated asignificant decrease in area (acceleratedhealing) in the castrated hr/hr null (KO)animals compared with the intact hr/hrlittermates, and wild-type (WT) cas-trated compared with wild-type intact.n = 6 per group; *P < 0.05.

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creased cellular infiltrate, implicated a role for thisreceptor in inflammation and/ or repair.

Castration accelerates wound healing in vivo. Impairedage-related wound healing states, involving both acutewounds that fail to heal and chronic ulcers, are charac-terized by excessive leukocytosis and subsequentlyenhanced proteolytic degradation of matrix con-stituents (2, 3). Elderly males heal more slowly than eld-erly females, with reduced matrix deposition and analtered local inflammatory response; the mechanismsunderlying such sex differences are unknown. In orderto determine the role of male gonadal hormones in thisresponse, we rendered C57BL/6 mice hypogonadal bycastration (with parallel sham-castrated and intact con-trol groups), and 1 month later mice were subjected totwo 1-cm incisional full-thickness dorsal woundingsafter shaving. Wound healing was significantly acceler-ated in the castrated mice compared with the intactanimals, with reduced wound areas assessed bothmacroscopically and microscopically (Figure 2, a andb). Quantification of cross-sectional areas indicated asignificant reduction in area at days 3 and 7 afterwounding in the castrated animals (Figure 2b). Sham-operated mice showed no healing differences comparedwith intact mice (data not shown). Collagen I matrixdeposition as assessed histochemically (Figure 2a,

picrosirius red staining with collagen fibers appearingred) was markedly increased in the wounds of the cas-trated animals. In accordance with this, hydroxyprolinelevels were significantly increased in microdissectedwound tissue from castrated mice compared withintact mice at days 5 and 21 after wounding (Figure 2c).

Role of hair follicle proliferation in wound healing. Recentlyboth testosterone and estradiol have been implicated asinhibitors of hair growth in a murine model (26). Sincehair follicle dermal and epidermal cells may contributeto a rapid rate of repair, we investigated whether theacceleration of healing in the absence of male gonadalsteroids was secondary to the remarkable stimulation ofhair growth observed in the castrated mice. (27). We used12-week-old hairless (hr) mice that carry a mutation atthe hairless locus leading to hair follicle degenerationinto utriculi and dermal cysts shortly after birth (28).The loss of a functional hr gene product (a putative zincfinger transcription factor) results in destruction of thenormal hair follicle architecture and increased apopto-sis of dermal papilla cells. Wounds were excised at day 3or day 7 after wounding in null mice and age-matchedwild-type littermates. Intriguingly, no differences wereobserved in the rate of healing (wound area) between theintact wild-type and intact hr/hr genotypes (Figure 3),bringing into question the putative role of dermal

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Figure 4Castration results in a dampened local inflammatory response and reduced expression of proinflammatory TNF-α. (a) Upper panels arelow-magnification (×20) images of inflammatory cell staining for Mac-3. Mac-3–positive cells (arrow, bottom panels) were increased in day3 wounds of intact mice compared with their castrated littermates (magnification: ×100). (b) Quantification of Mac-3–positive cells perunit area mm2 showed a significant increase in the intact animals at day 5 after wounding compared with castrated mice. (c) Expression ofTNF-α was reduced at days 5 and 21 in the wounds of the castrated mice (C) compared with wounds of intact mice (I). Wound tissue waspooled from five mice, and the gel shown is representative of three experiments. Right panel illustrates a representative RNase protectionassay (of three replicate experiments) showing no differences in tissue expression of IL-6, macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), orTGF-β1 between intact and castrated mice. (d) TNF-α protein levels were increased in wounds of intact compared with castrated mice asillustrated by day 5 immunostaining (left panels, representative of six wounds stained per group). Quantification of immunostaining (graph)showed a significant increase at days 3, 5, and 21 in the wounds of the intact mice compared with the castrated mice. n = 6 per timepoint.Western blot analysis of wound tissue showed increased levels of TNF-α at days 5 and 21 in wounds of intact mice compared with those ofcastrated mice. Blot is representative of three experiments using five mice per group. *P < 0.05.

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sheath cells in the normal physiological wound healingresponse (27). To determine the role of hair follicle activ-ity in wound healing in the absence of testosterone, wecarried out parallel wounding studies in castrated andintact hr null mice. In agreement with our previous stud-ies, castration resulted in accelerated healing, suggestingthat testosterone inhibited healing via a direct mecha-nism involving the epidermal/dermal cell populationsor recruitment of the local inflammatory response. Inaddition, no differences in the rate of healing wereobserved between wild-type castrated and null castratedmice (Figure 3, a and b).

Effects of androgens on inflammatory mediators. Accu-mulating evidence implicates inflammation as acausative factor in delayed healing because it leads toproteolytic destruction of collagen and fibronectin,and suggests that the inflammatory response is inap-propriately excessive in the absence of infection (2, 3).Significantly, the local inflammatory response wasdampened in the wounds of castrated animals at day 3after wounding. Specifically, Mac-3–positive cells werereduced in number in the wounds of the castratedmice (Figure 4, a and b). In a number of pathophysio-logical tissue processes, increased inflammation can beattributed to altered TNF-α levels (29). We investigat-ed this response by performing PCR on RNA extractedfrom wound tissue using primers for TNF-α and thehousekeeping gene HPRT. In wounds from both cas-trated and intact mice, TNF-α was first observed onday 3, was maximal at days 3–5, and decreasingthrough day 21(Figure 4c). Reduced expression of theproinflammatory cytokine TNF-α was observed on

days 5 and 21 after wounding in castrated mice com-pared with intact animals (Figure 4c). This was a TNF-specific effect, as demonstrated by the lack of effect onexpression levels of other cytokines/chemokines fol-lowing castration, including TGF-β1, IL-6, andmacrophage migration inhibitory factor (Figure 4c).The decrease in TNF-α expression was paralleled by areduction in protein levels as determined by quantita-tion of immunostaining (Figure 4d, graph and repre-sentative day 5 immunostaining) and by immunoblot-ting at days 5 and 21 after wounding (Figure 4d). Thesedata implicated TNF-α as an inducible factor in thelocal wound healing response that is regulated direct-ly or indirectly by gonadal steroids.

Sex differences in human wound healing. In order todetermine whether these hormonal effects were rele-vant in human wound healing, we investigated the dif-ferences in healing between sexes in healthy humansubjects. We have previously reported that elderlymales heal more slowly than elderly females, withreduced matrix collagen deposition (4). By analysis ofacute wound tissue from health status–defined sub-jects, we have shown that collagen VII deposition isalso dramatically reduced with increasing age (Figure5, a and b), particularly in elderly males. In concor-dance with our animal studies, wound TNF-α levelswere shown to be increased with age on day 7 afterwounding, with a marked increase in macrophagesstaining positively in the wounds of elderly males (Fig-ure 5c). Whereas sustained systemic and local estrogenlevels in both young females and males may contributeto reduced inflammation via direct effects on cell

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Figure 5Sex differences in human wound healing. (a) Collagen VII immunostaining at day 14 after wounding illustrates complete reformation of thebasement membrane in the young female (YF, left, arrow), whereas staining in the elderly female (EF) is patchy and punctate (green arrow),and is significantly fainter in the elderly male (EM, green arrow). NS, normal skin adjacent to wound. Young males healed similarly to youngfemales, thus only the young female section is shown. (b) Quantification of collagen VII immunostaining where 0 = normal (unwounded)skin intensity. A significant (*P < 0.05) decrease in staining was apparent at day 14 in the elderly males. (c) TNF-α immunostaining at day7 increased markedly with age, and dramatically in the elderly male. YM, young male. Arrows indicate positively staining macrophages. (d)Systemic testosterone levels in elderly health status–defined human males strongly correlates with impaired healing of acute wounds(increased wound area at day 7; P = 0.001; r2 = 0.459).

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adhesion molecule expression (4), the absence of suchprotective anti-inflammatory action in the elderly cor-responds to increased inflammation and TNF-αexpression. Moreover, in elderly males, reduced estro-gen coupled with maintained levels of bioactive testos-terone results in a failure to dampen the TNF-αresponse (Figure 5c). Corroborative evidence for aninhibitory role for testosterone in the healing responsecame from an investigation into the relationshipbetween wound area and systemic testosterone levels.In elderly males, there was a significant delay in repairwith increasing testosterone levels (Figure 5d), strong-ly implicating this hormone as a direct or indirectmodulator of age-related wound repair.

AR blockade accelerates healing in males. Since differencesin wound healing between sexes appeared to be signif-icant in humans, we further investigated the mecha-nisms underlying these responses in an animal model.Male gonads secrete a number of factors that mayinfluence wound repair. In addition to the predomi-nant hormone testosterone and small quantities ofestrogen, other factors produced by the testes havebeen shown to modulate wound repair in animal mod-els, including activin and follistatin (30–32). We rea-soned that since testosterone is produced in the most

significant quantities, coupled with the correlation inhumans between delayed healing and testosterone lev-els, the effects we observed after castration were mod-ulated by gonadal androgens. To determine the mech-anisms underlying the effects of castration, we used ARblockade with oral administration of flutamide priorto and during the wound healing process. Our resultssuggest that flutamide treatment results in acceleratedhealing and dampened inflammation, mimicking theeffects of castration (Figure 6, a and b), and was associ-ated with reduced tissue expression of TNF-α (Figure6c). Recent reports suggest that both gonadal andro-gens and adrenal sex steroid precursors in primatesmay act not only through the AR but also via the estro-gen receptor. Our findings are in keeping with gonadalandrogens acting specifically through the AR to reducelocal tissue inflammation and modulate wound repair.Since TNF-α activates NF-κB, which in turn inducesgene expression of a plethora of proinflammatorycytokines, including TNF-α itself, we investigated theactivity of NF-κB in wound tissue nuclear extracts fromcontrol and flutamide-treated male mice. EMSAshowed NF-κB activity to be strongly increased in day3 wound tissue compared with normal skin; activationwas suppressed by flutamide treatment (Figure 6c).

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Figure 6AR blockade accelerates healing and directly inhibits macrophage TNF-α expression. (a) Flutamide treatment significantly accelerates heal-ing, as illustrated by reduced wound cross-sectional areas at day 3 after wounding (*P < 0.05) and by histological analysis (b) of day 3wounds (arrows demarcate wound edge). (c) Reduced TNF-α expression at day 3 after wounding following flutamide treatment (F, oral flu-tamide; C, vehicle control; NS, normal skin from control animal). HPRT was used as the housekeeping gene. Bottom panel represents EMSAillustrating increased NF-κB binding activity in day 3 wounds (control) compared with normal skin; binding is markedly reduced in the day3 wounds of flutamide-treated animals. (d) TGF-β1 (TGF) acted as a potent chemoattractant for murine peritoneal macrophages (C, con-trol medium; *P < 0.05). Testosterone (Testo) had no effect on chemotaxis when used in conjunction with TGF-β1 or alone as a chemoat-tractant, nor when the cells were pretreated with testosterone. (e) LPS-induced TNF-α mRNA expression by murine macrophages. C, con-trol; +, LPS. Testosterone markedly increased TNF-α expression both basally (T) and when cells were LPS-activated (T+). Flutamide treatmentsignificantly reduced testosterone-induced TNF-α expression levels. Wound tissue was pooled from four mice, and the gel shown is repre-sentative of three experiments.

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Such data suggest a potential role for the AR in medi-ating the positive feedback loop that exists betweenTNF-α and NF-κB activity.

To determine the specific cellular and molecularmechanisms whereby androgens modulate the inflam-matory profile, with downstream effects on matrix dep-osition and healing rates, we investigated the androgen-mediated responses of murine peritoneal macrophages,focusing on in vitro chemotactic effects and cytokineexpression. Whereas TGF-β1 acted as a potent chemoat-tractant for macrophages, testosterone had no effect onmigration, either as a chemoattractant in its own rightor acting synergistically with TGF-β1 (Figure 6d). More-over, treatment of macrophages with testosterone hadno effect on the subsequent migratory response towardmedium alone or toward TGF-β1, suggesting thattestosterone failed to induce morphological/physicalperturbations required for cell transit. Increasing dosesof 5α-DHT similarly showed no effects (data notshown). Intriguingly, testosterone upregulated murinemacrophage TNF-α expression above and beyond LPSinduction (Figure 6e). 17β-estradiol in a dose-responsestudy had no effect on TNF-α levels (data not shown).Flutamide markedly inhibited androgen-inducedupregulation, both in the basal state and following LPS-induced activation (Figure 6e); however, estrogen recep-tor inhibition with ICI 182780 had no effect at any con-centration (data not shown). These data stronglyimplicate the AR as the pathway through which testos-terone directly upregulates TNF-α expression and mod-ulates the inflammatory response in vivo.

DiscussionTestosterone is the principal circulating androgenichormone secreted by the testes of mature male mam-mals. Levels gradually decline with increasing age, butthe hormone remains significantly bioactive through-out the life span. In male primates after puberty, morethan 95% of circulating testosterone is derived fromtesticular secretion, with the remainder arising frommetabolic conversion of precursors that are predomi-nantly secreted by the adrenal cortex, such as DHEA,DHEA sulfate, and androstenedione. These weakandrogens constitute a reservoir of precursors for con-version peripherally to bioactive testosterone. In theskin, adrenal precursors and testosterone itself can bearomatized to estrogen, with subsequent ligand-dependent activation of the estrogen receptor. In agingmales, adrenal production of sex steroid precursorsfalls dramatically, with reduced levels of gonadal estro-gen and altered levels of extragonadal steroid aromati-zation to tissue estrogen. We have previously docu-mented a pivotal role for estrogen in acceleratinghealing in both animal models and elderly humans.However, the reduced response to exogenous estrogenin males compared with females, coupled with theobservation that elderly males heal more slowly thanfemales, suggested alternative inhibitory mechanismsin males beyond the effects of reduced estrogen.

Despite a documented role of testosterone as animmunoregulator with organ-specific effects, a poten-tial endogenous role in cutaneous wound healing hasnever previously been reported.

Skin is one organ classified as an androgen-sensitivetissue. It expresses the two genes encoding 5α-reduc-tase, which converts testosterone to its more activemetabolite, 5α-DHT; both enzymes act through thecell-specific AR. The 90-kb AR is a ligand-activatedtranscriptional factor (the gene for which was cloned in1988) that encodes three major functional domains: amodulatory N-terminal domain, a DNA-bindingdomain, and a C-terminal androgen-binding domain(33, 34). Expression of AR is inducible by testosteroneand 5α-DHT in SaOS-2 and US-OS cell lines, mediat-ing a positive feedback loop (35). We report that AR isexpressed by a variety of cell types not only within nor-mal skin but also in acute wounds, including epithelialcells, hair follicles, fibroblasts, and macrophages. More-over, the spatial and temporal localization of AR in theskin does not change with age in human males (G.S.Ashcroft, unpublished data). Here we demonstrate thatcastration or direct AR blockade accelerates woundhealing through a dampened inflammatory response,increased matrix deposition, and downregulation ofTNF-α. These effects of androgens on the wound heal-ing process and the parameters assessed suggest thatandrogens modulate multiple pathways that involvethe local inflammatory response.

Since castration resulted in a striking degree of hairgrowth after shaving and wounding, we determinedthe role of hair follicle responses to wound repair in ananimal model lacking functional hair follicles. Recentreports suggest that follicular epidermal and mes-enchymal cells in normal uninjured skin may con-tribute to adjacent wound epithelialization and gran-ulation tissue production. However, the dogma thathair follicle activity plays a role in the wound healingresponse is largely unsubstantiated and has never beenformally tested in vivo (27). We demonstrated thatintact hairless mice, in which an absence of the hr geneproduct leads to destruction of the follicular architec-ture and loss of dermal papilla cells, healed in a simi-lar fashion to age-matched wild-type intact mice.These data suggest that in this model, hair follicle con-tribution to dermal fibroblast and epithelial cellrepopulation is not critical to normal repair. More-over, the effects of castration appeared to be distinctfrom increased hair follicle activity in the absence oftestosterone, since castrated hr/hr null mice alsohealed more quickly than intact null animals did, buthealed similarly to castrated wild-type mice. Such datastrongly implicated male gonadal steroids as modula-tors of wound repair via direct actions on the recruit-ment/responses of specific cells types infiltrating thesite of injury. In this regard, androgens have beenreported to stimulate non-hair follicle keratinocyteproliferation and to enhance keratinocyte growth fac-tor expression, suggesting that a reduction in andro-

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gen levels would potentially delay, rather than acceler-ate, epithelialization (36, 37). Our preliminary dataalso suggest that androgens stimulate dermal epithe-lial proliferative responses. Taken together, thesereports suggest that the reduction in androgen levelsmay accelerate healing via effects on mesenchymaland/or inflammatory cells, and not by direct effects onepithelial cells at the migrating epidermal edge.

Recent studies suggest that in the absence of infec-tion, the inflammatory response is excessive, resultingin tissue breakdown in both acute and age-relatedchronic wound healing states (21). A key mechanism bywhich gonadal androgens participate in the pathogen-esis of impaired wound healing appears to involve amarked increase in the inflammatory response andupregulation of proinflammatory cytokines, includingTNF-α. Although TNF-α has been implicated in a vari-ety of reproductive processes and is expressed in a num-ber of hormonally responsive tissues (38, 39), no directassociation between TNF-α and androgens in local tis-sue inflammation has been investigated. We observedan inflammatory response in the wounds of wild-typeintact animals associated with enhanced and specificexpression of tissue TNF-α that was dramatically cur-tailed in the castrated mice, suggesting that TNF-α is acrucial mediator of excessive inflammation in the pres-ence of androgens. Moreover, we have demonstrated adelay in collagen deposition and healing in health sta-tus–defined elderly males compared with age-matchedfemales. This delay correlates with increasing levels ofsystemic testosterone and is associated with increasedtissue expression of TNF-α. In addition, intrinsic agingin both sexes appears to correlate with increased levelsof TNF-α in wounds. In this regard, it is interestingthat several reports suggest that aging is a state ofenhanced systemic inflammation, with increased cir-culating levels and mononuclear cell production ofTNF-α (40–42). In aged males, this global phenome-non of cell activation appears to be exaggerated by theeffects of pervasive testosterone.

Since gonadal testosterone and its precursor,androstenedione, may be aromatized in the skin toestrone/17β-estradiol, with subsequent action via theestrogen receptor, we investigated the specific signal-ing mechanisms whereby castration modulated woundhealing. Blockade of the AR with flutamide accelerat-ed the healing response in a similar fashion to castra-tion, being associated with a dampened inflammatoryresponse and reduced TNF-α expression in vivo. Thesedata suggested that AR mediated the inhibitory effectsof gonadal steroids on tissue repair. Moreover, in vitrostudies using murine macrophages confirmed that thedirect upregulation of TNF-α expression by testos-terone is inhibited by AR blockade and not by estrogenreceptor inhibition. LPS induction of TNF-α produc-tion by macrophages, which probably occurs throughNF-κB activation (43), is enhanced by androgen treat-ment and inhibited by AR blockade in a dose-depend-ent fashion. The upregulation of TNF-α appears to act

as an integral component of androgen’s proinflam-matory effects in vivo, a pathway that may be applica-ble to other pathophysiological processes involvingandrogens, such as sepsis, protection against parasiticload, and the response to endotoxemia (13, 44, 45).Using EMSA, Supakar et al. (46) have observed physi-cal interaction of NF-κB p50 and p65 subunits withthe promoter region of the AR gene in vitro. The extentto which the in vitro interactions of AR and NF-κBreflect physiological interactions that occur within anorganism remains unknown, but the increased NF-κBbinding activity observed in wound tissue, inhibited byAR blockade, confirms a direct or indirect effect of ARon NF-κB activity.

Reduced local and systemic estrogen in elderly malesmay contribute to age-related delayed healing. Howev-er, whereas estrogen replacement reverses the impairedhealing phenotype in elderly females, this is not thecase in males, suggesting alternative mechanismsinhibiting healing in males (4). Our novel data not onlysuggest that these results may relate to the mainte-nance of inhibitory androgen levels in males, but addi-tionally implicate testosterone in the delayed repairresponse in males compared with females. The clinicalconsequences of this observation are only now beingappreciated: being male is a highly significant risk fac-tor for delayed healing in age-related chronic woundrepair (5). The variability in levels of testosterone in theaged may also facilitate identification of those maleswho are at greatest risk of impaired healing. Such sexdifferences in wound healing may relate to the require-ment for an estrogen-mediated rapid repair responsethroughout the female reproductive years, such as aftermenstruation and parturition. By contrast, the criticalrole of testicular macrophage TNF-α in Leydig celltestosterone secretion, coupled with androgen-inducedmacrophage TNF-α expression, suggests that a positivefeedback loop between androgens and TNF-α that isimportant in reproductive functions occurs in the localcutaneous healing response. The subsequent proin-flammatory picture, important for a generalized rapid-fire response to local tissue infection and counteractedto a degree in youth by higher local estrogen levels,results in impaired cutaneous healing in the elderly. Wesuggest that systemic or local androgen blockade, pos-sibly in synergistic combination with local estrogentherapy, may be a novel, cost-effective, and safe thera-peutic strategy to accelerate healing in elderly males.

AcknowledgmentsGillian Ashcroft is a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow inClinical Science. ICI 182780 was kindly donated byMatt Burow, Tulane University, New Orleans,Louisiana, USA.

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