LOCAL NEWS. ^C. C. LANGSTON, Local Editob. Don't, buy on a credtC if you desii-e to prosper. t There is very little 6ickness in the city ft' at present. ^ When you go to buy your garden aeed, select good seed. '. .:.' " '. > Our people are continually on the look¬ out for cyclones. Mr. M. B. Arnstein has been visiting bis brother at Camden, S. C. The drug stores in the city'have re¬ ceived their supply of garden seeds. Two. tramps with a trained bear gave exhibitions on the streets, last Saturday. Court convenes here on the fourth Mon¬ day In-Febroary,Judge Pressly presiding. Mrs. Mays; of Greenville, has arrived in the city and taken charge of the Wa¬ ve rly House. ..' Sorae of. our: ikrmors. say. tberecent se¬ vere weather haa damaged tho oat crop considerably. In-some sections of the County tho re¬ cent heavy-rains have washed the land considerably. .. Mr. JT. S. Fowler will receive a lot of fine Tennessee mulea in a few days. See aSvertisernent.- Misa Lei^a Williams has just returned from Greenwood, where she has been vis- Wng relatives,.. ... ...... , a Mr. E. % BröwbYb^ the ftrfa of Bleck- ley; Brown A Fretwell; went4o?vCharles- toncnMpnday. Coroner Nance, who has been suffenng for some time past with rheumatism, is _^8j|owly improving., ' Street-overseer McGee has had a force of hands engaged at work on the streets during (be past week-. Rev. DeWitt Burkehead. will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning and evening: , Our young friend. Noel. Sharpy has gone to Bingham, N. C, to enter 'the'Mil¬ itary Insti tu-ta Af that place. -.Pertons. Indebted,to the old firm of Cunningham. <t Go. should read the ad¬ vertisement headed "business." '. "^The; famousi belled buzzard is reported to have been seen and heard in the lower section of the County recently..- If their^accounts are not' settled by Sdlesdayih-iFebr'iary. we..will have to part wI.tb.A. few of our subscribers. Mr. X ti. Haynio is agent for organs and pianos. If yon need either, read bis advertisement and then consult him. Attention is directed to the ndvertise- . merit-of Baoot's Liver PilK Messrs. Wilhite A Wilhite keep them for sale. >-...-- .. ... The attention of the Trial Justices of Anderson County is directed to the ad¬ vertisement'of Coroner Nance in this is¬ sue. Have you .made your Return to the City Clerk? The time expires on :ilst Z inst. After that time 20 per cent, penalty will-be added. The bad weather and scarcity or money does not seem to have any effect on mat¬ rimony. The country newspapers' are full of marriage notices. The city was almost deluged with wa¬ ter last Friday evening about 6 o'clock. It was the heaviest rain that has fell here for a good many months. Ex-Judge T. H. Cooke, of Greenville, spent a day in the city last week. From his appearance the Mountain City seems to be treating him well. Mr, J. If. Sutherland, Secretary' of the Taylor A Cox Fire Extinguisher Compa¬ ny, of Belton, has gone to New Orleans in' [ the interest of his Company. As will be seen by reference to another column, Dr. W. H. Ross will locate in: ^ Anderson for the practice of dentistry. He will open his office in March. Married, on Sunday, 11th inst,, by Rev. .B. Says, at the residence-of the bride's |atber, Mr. B. A, Duncan and Miss B. A. Dixon, all of Anderson County. ; .Abdäreoö'Grange, No. 71, will hold an extra meeting in this city on Saturday, 31st inst., at 10 o'clock a. m. Members are requested to attend promptly. The Charleston News and Courier's Alma¬ nac for 18S5 is on our table. It is gotten up in handsome style, illustrated and re¬ plete with interesting information. Up to the 8th inst. the Columbia and Greenville and the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroads bad transported 682 emigrants from this State to the South¬ west. Our merchants are doing a good busi¬ ness..- Some of them say their cash trade bo far this year is much better than for the same time last year. This is encour¬ aging- ' The Sultan of Morocco has just cele¬ brated his thousandth wedding. Think of that, young man, when it seems to you that you can never go through the ordeal of even one. Messrs. Alfred Bailey. J. K. Wilson, S. M. VanWyok and B. F. Bowie, all of this city, have recently gone to Florida. We hope all of them will make a fortune down there. It is said that a certain young lady of tbis city finds considerable pleasure in rabbit hunting. She never takes a gun on a hunt, but prefers a dog, and on a dead-level run she asks the dog no odds. Bev. Edward R. Miles, who was at one time a resident of this city and pastor of Grace Church, died in Charleston recent¬ ly. He was a good man, and has many friends in our midst who regret to hear of his death. The Cbicagoans contend that gargling the throat with whiskey is a sure preven¬ tive of diphtheria. Tbis is an old Ander¬ son remedy, and diphtheria is very rare among her grown up portion of the male population. Mr. L. T. Arnold and wife, who, fifteen years ago, moved from Anderson to their plantation near Lowndesville, have come back to reside in our midst. Mr. Arnold is 85 years old, but still looks vigorous and hearty. All the astronomers of the world now begin their day at midnight instead of noon, and will count the hours of the civil day from one to twenty-four, instead of from one to twelve. Twelve o'clock at midnight is their "twenty-four o'clock." Mr. John E. Breazeale, who. for several years past, has so acceptably filled the offiee of Trial Justice in this city, has de¬ clined a re-appointment for another term. His successor has not yet beer» appointed. There are, we understand, several appli¬ cations for the place. "^"Äf 'the Baptist Chnrch last Sunday nigh*, the pastor, Rev. T. P. Bell, began a seri es of sermons or lectures on the life and character of the old patriarch, Jacob. Themermons will be continued for several ensuing Sunday nights. His sermon lost Sunday night was very interesting. In accordance with a recent Act of the Legislature increasing the number of Trial Justices for Anderson County from sixteen to nineteen, the following have been appointed by Governor Thompson : Lark in Newton, Gar vi n Township; S. NT. Bröw n, Centreville; W. E. Walters, Hall. List of letters remaining in the Post- office for the week ending January 21: Miss Mary Allen, Mrs. Mary Harris, Wm. H. McDaniel, Griffin McMahan, H. Robinson, L. T. Shipley, Harriet Sim¬ mons, A.vG. Smith (2); Crs. Smith, Vir-, ginia S/ "Smith." W. G. Smith, Josie Young. Tho ladies of the Baptist Church had thought of having a hot supper for the benefit of thoir new church building fund on next Wednesday, 28th inst., but in or- der to have more time for preparation, and in hopes of better weather, have de¬ cided to postpone the entertainment till Wednesday, 11th February. Rev. G. M. Rogers has recently united the following couples in the holy bonds of wiedleck: Dr. James O. Owen» and Mrs' Juda R. Owens: Mr. J. E. Smith and.Miss Annie McMurtry;. Mr. J. D. Moore aud Miss J. D. Kay; Mr. E. D. Cason and Miss Cordie Swords; Mr. J. D. Staggs and Miss S. I. Scott. All of this Count/. _. Married, on Thursday morning, 15th inst, at 11 o!clock, at the residence of the bride's father in Charlotte, N. C, by Rev. O. F. Gregory, Mr. John T. Burriss, of Anderson, and Miss Jennie E. Fromm, of Charlotte. The handsome couple arrived in this city last Friday morning. They have ourbest^ wishes for a long and hap¬ py life.'':.' n j'v Harlwell, Ga., Sau : "Miss Annie Gobs has a large and flourishing school in An¬ derson County, S. C. She was given--a certificate as. a. leach er of the first grade, ^ whiqU 4e jjqite a compliment to-: Miss .An-, nie and creditable to the Hartwell High School, of which she was a pupil. Tho examination of, teachers in South Caro¬ lina is said to be very rigid." ¦" Abbevilte Press and'Banner : f'The'con- victcamp for the laborers on the Savan¬ nah -VaUoy Railroad häs been moved to the Moragno place, and work is being done on the West "side of Little River. C#pt. D wight says the work of .grading irtiTbe finished in-May; and itjs said by otliers that the GeorgiaTtohd will begin to lay the iron in August. Oji\y four miles are yet to be. graded." ,-Easley Messenger: "We congratulate Prof. D. C. Lake upon securing as his as¬ sistant Miss Maggie Simpson, daughter Of Col. R. W. Simpson, Pendleton, S. C. Miss Simpson is a graduate of the An¬ derson Female College, and is a lady of some experience in the profession, hav¬ ing taught two years in the above Institu¬ tion. We hope herstay in our midst may be long and pleasant." Pomona Grange, No. 6, will hold an extra meeting in this city .on Saturday, 31st inst., at 12 o'clock m., to elect officers and transact other business. The regular meeting was not held at the usual time on account of. the inclement weather. Mem - bers are urged to attend punctually, as the State Grange meets in Charleston on the 4th of February, and it is desired to meet that body in good credit. Tho Abbeville Press and Banner makes the following sensible remarks to its far¬ mer readers: "Some of you planted near¬ ly all cotton last year, aud now- your horse feed makes you feel sick every time you look as it melts away. Are you going to try the same plan another year? It is hot the best one. You who plant all cotton, stop and think and figure a pttle." These remarks are applicable to some of the farmers of Anderson Coun¬ ty. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has notified the committee on Cleveland's inauguration that reduced rates for vis¬ itors to the inauguration will be made on the basis of one fare for the round trip for organizations of 100 persons or more, and one fare and a halt for single tickets from points North, West and East. The Vir¬ ginia Midland rates are, single tickets from Atlanta, $23.50, and for the military $17. Seneca, $21.85 and $14. Greenville, $20 and $13. Spartanburg, $19 and $12.25. Columbia, $17.85 and $13. They were young aud romantic, and although the minute hand was pointing to 12 o'clock they stood upon the porch gazing at the stars. "That's Jupiter, dear, isn't it?" she murmured. "Yes pet, and that is Sirius," he replied, point¬ ing to another star. "Are you Sirius ?'' she cooed. He kissed her several times- Then pointed upward and said : "That's Mars, dovo." "And that's pa's," she whispered, as a footstep sounded inside, and if the young man hadn't scooted be would have seen more stars than he ever dreamed of. Her pa wears a 12} shoe. School Trustees. The Board of Examiners have appoint¬ ed the following gentlemen School Trus¬ tees for thei^respective School Districts: Fork.W. F. M. Fant. N. 0. Farmer and H. R. Vandiver. Pendleton.W. H D. Gailliard, W. D. Garrison and R. M. Burns. Garvin.J. W. Rothrock. T. F. Wake- field and J. E. Pickle. Brushy Creek.I. W. Pickens, John Stone and J. T. Wigington. Centsrville.J. Belton Watson, Sam'l Gray and W. T. McGill. Hopewell.W. A. Neal, W. R. Cartee and L. W. Gentry. Williamston.H. D. Hammond, J. B. Hogg and J. C. Clardy. Savannah.J. H. Rainey, L. C. Cbam- blee and David Sadler. Varenner A. Hall, J. C. Haynie and John Carw; a. Broadway.W. King, H. E. Brown and Wm. Geer. Belton.J. T. Rico, J. M. Geer and Jo¬ seph Cox. Corner.C. C. Simpson, R. S. Shearer and J. M. Reed. Hall.W. D. Grav, H. M. Tato and W. E. Walters. Martin.J. A. Cowan, Rob't Pennel and W. Wright. Honea Path.J. J. Trussell, Marshall Gaines and Mike McGce. .Anderson.R. R. Todd. T. M. White and B. F. Wilson. Williamston Springs.J. W. Crymos, T. M. Mahon and A. H. Stephens. The Market. Up to Wednesday noon the following are the cash prices for the articles enumerated below : Cotton.good middling. 101@105 Bacon.Sides.7(^ Hams.U(uiU\ Lard.best refined. 0(«il2 Flour.$4(ti<5.50 Fancy Talent. y Bagging....!.10j$ll} Tics.best spliced.1.40 (at 1.50 Wbol«[email protected] Car Loads of Corn, Flour, Molasses, Ba¬ con, Salt, Mackerel, Sugar, Coffee. To¬ bacco and everything you may need just received, at bottom prices, at C. F. Jonas & Co, I Vor New Orleans.. Parties who dosiro to go on Special Car to Exposition on Feb. 3rd, will please notify F. T. Wilhite at once. MULES I MULES! MULES! John E. Peoples has just received a car load of good, smooth young mules. Parties wishing to buy for cash, or on time for good paper, can be supplied by him. Call early. 26-4 For good Flour, cheap.every barrel guaranteed sound or money refunded. go to C. F. Jones & Co. For the best N. O. Molasses, cheap for cash, go to C. F. Jones & Co. For good Tobacco, in boxes or caddies, at-hard time prices, go to C. F. Jonej & Co. We have our store full to its utmost ca¬ pacity of new goods of every description, which we bought in large lots for cash, and our friends and customers shall have every advantage, both in prfcos and qual¬ ity of goods. Thanking you all for your liberal patronage in the past, and wishing you a prosperous New Year. Respectfully, C. F. Jones, R. C. Webb. If you want a first-class Sewing Ma¬ chine. Buggy or Carriage, do not fail to look through the immense stock kept by C. A. Reed, Agent, in his Repository over the City Grocery Store. He will save you money every time. Persons indebted to me for Groceries, Sewing Machines, Buggies, Fertilizers, <tc, are earnestly requested to call promptly and settle up, and thus save me the trouble and expense of sending my collector to see you. I must have the money. Respectfully, C. A. Reed, Agent- Mr. Charles Eden, of Trinidad, Colorado. 3ays: Seeing certificates of the wonderful cures made by Brewer's Lung Restorer, I was induced to try it on ray little son, who was troubled with lung or throat, affection, Iron on need by one physician consumption, t acted wonderfully on him. and by the time lie had taken one bottle of it the !cough disappeared. I am now on a visit to my parents in Georgia, but will return in a few days to my home and will take some of the Lung Restorer with me. 36 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. being highly con¬ centrated, requires a smaller dose, and is more effective, dose for dose, t hair any other blood medicine' It is the cheapest, because the the best. Quality and not quantity should not be considered. Ayer's Pills cure constipation, improve itbe-*appetite, promote digestion, restore healthy action, and regulate every func¬ tion. They are pleasant to take; gentle in their operation, yet thorough, searching, and powerful in subduing dlseaee. The Atlanta Constitution. In along article relating to the B. B. B., of that city, says: , The Blood Balm Company staVlod one year ago with $162 00, but to-day the bus¬ iness cannot be bought for $50,000.00! The demand and the satisfaction given is said, to be without .a parallel, as. its ac¬ tion is pronounced wonderful. We are glad to announce that our drug¬ gists liave already secured'a supply, and wo hope our "readers will supply, them¬ selves at once. It is said to be the only speedy and per¬ manent blood poison reined y offered, giving entire satisfaction in all cases be¬ fore one bottle hns been used. For Blood Diseases. Kidney -Troubles, Scrofula, Ca¬ tarrh, old Ulcers and Skin Diseases, try one bottle of B. B. B. SHINGLES. GO ANOTHER Cotintv heard from and BARTON still ahead in the Lumber Business. All parties who contemplate] building this year will find it tojQQ their interest to pee me before ma iking un.v trades f<»r their Lumber Shingles. Ilrick. Dressing, Dray-I^-^ ling. «fco. / can mm i/ou money .' All orders promptly filled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see me at Blue Ridge Yard. JAS. E. BARTON. '9NIAVUaPUB9N|SS3tia Jan S, 1885 26 3m Saloon Keepers' Association. THE Saloon Keepers' Association of the City of Anderson, S. C, met in the Hall of O'Donnell & Mclntyre's Saloon, on Whitner Street, in the City of Ander¬ son, on January 12, 1885. Mr. S. T. Craig, Chairman ; Mr. Frank O'Donnell, Secre¬ tary and Treasurer. On motion it was agreed that we, the Association, protect ourselves against block¬ ade runners and others, and see that the last Ordinance relating to the sale of spir¬ ituous liquors without license in the City of Anderson be strictly enforced. We have agreed upon the following prices, to wit: Whiskey and Wines, by the drink, not less than. 10c Whiskey and Wines by the half pint, not less than. 25c Whiskey and Wines by the one pint, not less than. 50c Whiskey and Wines by the one quart, not less than. 75c Whiskey and Wines by the halt' gal¬ lon, not less than. 1 25 Whiskey and Wines by the one gal¬ lon, not less than. 2 50 Beer, per glass. 10c Beer, per one pint bottle. 15c Two or more one pint bottles Beer. 12ic Quart bottles of Beer. 25c Ale and Porter, per bottle...... 25c The above is respectfully submitted. S. T. CRAIG, Chairman. FRANK O'DONNELL, Sec. aiid'freas. Jan 15, 1885 27 2 MONEY TO LEND, IN SUMS OF Five Hundred Dollars AND upwards, on improved Farming Lands for five years. Interest is 10 per cent, and no commissions charged. Borrower pays for expenses of making necessary papers.. Loans made for five years, with the privilege of paying in instal¬ ments, or in one payment to suit borrower. For pirticulars, apply to FRANK. (J. WHITNER, Anderson, S. C., or JNO. B. PALMER & SON, Columbia, S. C. Jan 8, 1885 26 4 EXECUTOR'S SALE. -o-. WE will sell to the highest bidder on SALE8DAY IN FEBRUARY next, all the property of M. D. Kennedy, decei'sed, in the late Firm of Kennedy A Mclutvre, consisting of. >f " GROCERIES, SHOES. NOTIONS, Etc. All persons baring siuands against the late Firm are requested to present the same, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said Firm will pay up at once to the surviving part¬ ner. JOHN McGRATH, M. KENNEDY, Ex'rs. Est. M. D. Kennedy, dee'd. Jan 8,1885_26 * 4 Dissolution of Partnership. THE Firm heretofore existing under the firm name of Maxwell & Sloan was dissolved by mutual consent on the 16th day cf August, 1884. All persons indebted to the Firm are hereby notified to call and settle with J. D. Maxwell before the first day of February, as the Accounts will bo placed in the hands of an Officer of the law for collection after that date. J. D. MAXWELL, T. D. SLOAN. Jan 8,1885 26 3 NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un¬ dersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Chester M. Walker, deceased, will apply to the Judge of Probate for Anderson County, on the 10th day of February, 1885, for a Final Settlement and discharge from said office as Administrator of said Estate. WM. BURRISS, Jr., Adru'r. Ja n_15,J885_ _27_5_ NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. The undersigned, Executors of the Estate of Rev. A. Rice, deceased, hereby gives notice that they will, on the 27th day < " January, 1885, apply to the Judge of Probate for Anderson County for a Final Settlement of said Estate, and a discharge from said Executoisbip. A. E. RICE, I T. L. CLINKSCALB8, [ ." M. B. ARNSTEIN. | : -o- : [WHO WANTS BARGAINS?I : -o- : j GOOD Callicoes 5c. i : Splendid Yard Wide Bleachings 8c. j Heavy Jeans for a Quarter. : : 10-4 Sheeting for 25e. : . Pretty Check Nainsook for 10c. : I Fine Torchon Laces at 5c. i . Worsted Dress Goods onlv 12\ and löc. i . Heavy 10-4 White Blankets only ?2 00. i Large Comfortables for 85c. : i Red Flannels at 20c. : Women's Shoes at 75c. i . Mens' Good Brngans at £ 1.10. j : Good Suits of Clothing at $5.00. i .: Splendid Overcoats at $4.00. . : Extra Good Heavy Boots for $2.00. . I In fact, we want to Bell off our present Stock | j to make room for Spring Goods, and if you want to j ¦ get your money's worth, . j GO TO j M. B. ARNSTEIN. BUT THE PITTSBURG BELLOWS, The Best is the Cheapest. SHOP TOOLS of aU Kinds, BLACKSMITH OUTFITS, Complete, and very low down as to price. 10,000 lb. Steel Plows, Plow Stocks, Trace Ciiains, &c. BUY OUR "NIMROD" AXE, ' Tried for years and never found defective. 300 Kegs Nails, lower than ever sold at in Anderson. Sullivan & Bros. "Boss" Hand Saw, Extra quality and warranted. Sold for $1.50. HARDWARE OF EYERY DESCRIPTION. Pocket and Table Cutlery a Specialty. zsr- Farmers, Mechanics, Builders, come to us and get a desirable article for the least money possible. SULLIVAN & BRO., Hook for the the SIGN of the CIRCULAR saw. Jan 22, 1885 27 J. P. Sullivan Co., CASH DEALERS IIS Greneral ]VIeroliaiid_ise. All Grades New Orleans Syrups. BACON, CORN AND FLOUR, Largre Stocks;. THE BEST COFFEE, bsu We invite all to come and see us. J. P. SULLIVAN & CO., Anderson, S. C. Jan 15. 1885_ 27_ T. R. TRIMMER & CO., Successors to G. A. Reed, Agent, GROCERS. At the old Stand of Means, Cannon & Co., ANDERSON, - - - S. C. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS AND DESCRIPTIONS which they will sell to customers at the VERY LOWEST TRICES. They invite an examination of their Stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising ciyility and politeness in exhibiting their Goods, promptness in delivery, and guarantee* ing quality and prices. REMEMBER, that all Goods bouKht of us will be delivered FREE OF CHARGE in any portion of the City. Jan 1, 18S5 25 ly TO CASIH BUYERS, and for the CASH ONLY. T am in position to offer Inducements to Cnsli Buyers of FLOUR, GRAIN, MOLASSES, d SUGAR, COFFEE, And PROVISIONS GENERALLY, Either in Small or Lai-ffo Lots. All grades of Flour, New Orleans Molasses, imported Muscavado Molasses, (finely flavored,) Pure Sugar Syrups. Large Stocks and Prices Exceedingly Low, jESr* Be certain to see me before making your purchases. ßzä~ Call at the Double-barrelled Store, Kos. 2 and 3 Bens on House, which arc now heavily charged wi,l> all kinds of Seasonable and Desirable Goods, and with the powerful explosive of LOW PRICES, I propose, with your assistance, to shoot them off. Respectfully, &c , J. J. BAKER. Dec 18. 1884 22 3m HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Closing Out Sale AT NEW YORK COST!! HAVING determined to close out our business, we will from this time on sell our entire Stock of Goods at NEW YORK COST. OVERCOATS, from $3.00 to $10. SUITS, from $5.50 to $22.00. HATS, from 7f>e to $3.00. SHIRTS, Irom 00c to $1.00. 5 A line lut of DOESKIN JEA KS at 35c per yard. Don't fail to take advantage of this groat offer. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY, And will sell everything AT COST. aar Come and see us. We are located on Whitner Street, just opposite the Auditor's Office. SM DTK & CO. Dec 18, 1884 23 IN thanking our many friends, and the public generally, for the liberal patronage given us last Fall, we wish to say a few words in reference to our policy during the coming Spriug. " We have established what we call "THE ONE PRICE CASH SYSTEM." We buy our Goods in large quantities, and by paying cash for them get the advantage of all discounts, and are therefore enabled to sell at the very lowest possible figures. In order to do this we are obliged to sell STRICTLY FOR CASH. We know that men who are perfectly good for their contracts sometimes get out of money, and while we appreciate their kindness in offering to trade with us, and would be glad to accommodate them in any other way, yet in order to carry out our system, and keep our Stock full in every Department, we will be forced to decline to sell even them on time. None* can fail to see that this plan will work to the mutual advantage both of ourselves and our friends; for, as we take no risks, we can, as a matter of course, afford to sell cheaper than we could otherwise. We would also remind the good people of this City and County that anything a gentleman needs in the way of Wearing Apparel can always be found at our Establishment; and as the Spring approachee, and meu usually like to look their best in that Season, we shall pay special and particular attention to latest styles. Very truly, MEANS & M°CEE, Clothiers and Dealers in Gents' Furnishing Goods. Jan 8,1885 ff WHITE CRYSTAL" SPECTACLES, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JOHN M. HUBBARD'S JEWELRY STORE. Oct 23, 1884 5 6ifl SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. E desire to call the attention of the Trading Public to our. LARGE STOCK OP HEAVY GROCEBIES, Just arrived, a full line of Flour of all grades and prices, a Car of N. 0. and Sugar-house Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, Lard, Salt, and every article of Sup¬ plies that the Farmer needs. These Goods have been all laid.in at the lowest figures, and we propose to give our customers the benefit of all declines. An examination of our Goods and comparison of Prices is all we ask, and we guar¬ antee.to give you a bargain. All GROCERIES guaranteed pure. No mixed New Orleans Molasses. To those who owe us for Goods bought the past year, we would remind them that we expect an early settlement. After the 1st January, 1885, we- propose to push all past due Accounts. Come and arrange these old Accounts and get a clear re¬ ceipt. We are compelled to have our money. Your Account may be small of itself, but in the aggregate it amounts up to us, and we trust; that all of our customers will not overlook this. W. S. LIGON & 00. Dec 18,1884 23 GOOD TIMES ARE COMING! o- Let Every One be Happy. Come in and See Us, and be Sup¬ plied with Articles to Beautify Your Home. -o- WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUK STOCK FOR THE SEASON, and have the handsomest display of Goods in our line in the up-country. Our Stock of. CROCKERY AND CHINA Is unsurpassed. Come in and see our Beautiful Chamber Sets, Tea and Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Vases, ifco. We have a Superb Line of. SILVER WARE, The handsomest ever brought to this market. Be sure to come in and see the handsome articles too numerous to mention. Toys ! Toys! Toys ! Bring in the Little Folks. We've got Wagons and Horses, and many other things to pleaselhem, and the largest stock of Stove«, Tinware, Ac, we ever had, JOHN E, PEOPLES & CO. Nov 27, 1884 20 ido:lsft Take it for Granted that you can Buy Goods at any other place as Cheap as you can at THE LADIES' BAZAR, UNTIL you examine their large and well-selected Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ho¬ siery, Gloves. Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Knitting Silk and Cotton, Zepry Corsets, Cloaks, Dolmans, Circulars, Jackets, Flannels, Blankets, Comforts. Quilts, Shawls, Damask Towels, Sheeting, Ticking, Long Cloths, Children's Hoodn and Sacks. My Stock of. Dress Goods, Millinery, Ladies' and Children's Shoes Is just simply immense in every sense of the word but \ rices, for you can buy the same Goods for LESS MONEY than anywhere else in the City. I am now receiving every day all the Latest Styles in Ladies', Children and Misses HATS, that you ought to loök at before purchasing elsewhere. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping you will continue the same, I remain yours, JOHN M. McCONNELL Oct 2. 1882_12_ Take Notice and Govern Yourselves Accordingly. N. 0. FARMER & BRO. Have Just Received a Large and well assorted Stock of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS» TRUNKS AND VALISES, SADDLES AND BRIDLES, SUGAR AND COFFEE, BACON, LARD. FLOUR, MOLASSES, And in fact EVERYTHING generally kept in a first-class General Store, all of which we propose to sell at the very lowest cash prices. It will pay any one to call and examine our Goods and prices before they buy. Those indebted to us will greatly oblige us by an early settlement of their Ac¬ counts and Notes, either for Merchandise or Fertilizers, as we must have our money. IV. O. FARMER Sc BRO. Oct 2,1884 12 NOXICE To Administrators, Executors, Guardians, And Trustees. ALL Administrators, Executors Guardi¬ ans and Trustees are hereby notified to make their annual returns to this office during the months of January and Februa¬ ry as required by law. THOS. C. LIGON, Judge of Frobs.te. Jan 1, 18W 31i .5 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ANDERSON. in the court of probate. Ex Parle D. L. Stevenson, Executor, In Re. the Estate of James Stevenson, do- ceased..Petition for Final Settlement and Discharge. To John A. Stevenson, J. M. Stevenson, N. W. Stevenson, and others: TAKE notice that the undersigned will apply to the Judge of Probate at An¬ derson C. H., 8. C, on Friday, the 27th day of February, A. D. 1885, at 11 o'clock a.m., for a Final Settlement of the Estate of James Stevenson, deceased, and discharge from the of Executor of said Estate. Dated 7th day January, 1885. D. L. STEVENSON, Executor. Jan 15, 1885_27_6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Andbraon County. By Tho». C. Ligon, Judge of Probate. WHEREAS, Win. C. Simpson has applied to mo to grant him letters of Ad¬ ministration on the Estate and effecis of John M. Simpson, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon¬ ish all kindred and creditors of the said John M. Simeon, deceased, to be and ap- Eear before mein Court of Probate, to e hold at Anderson Court House, on the 24th day of January, 1885, after pub¬ lication hereoi, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not bo granted. Given under my hand this 12th day of Januarv, 1885. T. C. LIGON, J. P. Jan Iß, 1885 27 2 DON'T DO IT! -o- DON'T BUY A PIANO OE ORGAN Before consulting L. E. Norryce. JLJE handles for Anderson County the STEINWAY, DECKER, TVHEELOCK AND OTHER PIANOS, And the renowned ESTEY ORGAN. Installments of $10 per month will buy a Piano, and installments of $5 per month will buy an Organ. If you want an Instrument write him, whether you have the money or not, and he will come and see you. Address L. E. NORRYCE, Anderson, 8. C. August 21, 1884 6_6m NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Win, Smith, deceased, here¬ by gives notice that he will apply to the Judge of Probate for Anderson County, on 10th day of February, 1885, fora Final Set¬ tlement of said Estate and discharge from his office as Administrator. M. G. SMITH, Adm'r. Jan 8, 1385_26_5_ FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Windstorms 1 Tornadoes ! Cyclones I TN addition to Fire Insurance, I am now JL prepared to write Policies insuring your property against Wikdstobmb, Toe- naooks and Cyclones at low rates and in first-class Companies. Call and see me. J. H. Vom HASSELN. March 20,1884 36 ly Wheat Bran, Corn, Flour, FOR sale by. A. B. TOWERS. Feb 14,1884 31 WE would announce to the Public tbat since Christmas is over, and we are not bothered any more with Christmas tricks, we will now turn our attention to keeping up our Stocks of DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS, &e., arid keeping down the prices on same. , We will also have ti little attention for those who have failed to pay up as they promised, and will pay particular attention to the wants, of those who have kindly given us their support in the past, or are willing to trust us wit h their patronage in the future. HILL BROS. Jan 1,1885 IIKIPORTA|n\NOTICE. IWISH through this columns of the In¬ telligencer to call the' attention1 of my friends and the public generally to my Stock of Seasonable Goods. I will name a few leading articles: Ladies' Dress Goods, Ladies' Cloaks, Ladies' Underveata, Water Proof Goods, Coraliue Corsets, . Charlottesville Casaimere, Holstein Miils, Kersey, Jeans, All Wool Men's Undershirts And Drawers. The Finest Blankets in the Ctty. Hosiery, Yankee Notions, Trunks, Headquarters for Shoes and Boots.i A full line of Bay Slate Shoes and Boots. I have been selling Boots and Shoes over forty years, and. they are the best I ever handled. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. (. A large assortment of Wall Paper. Some beautiful patterns. In Window Shades I cannot be excelled.. GROCERIES. Fine Coffee.green and roasted, I 8ugar, N. 0. Molasses, Buckwheat Flour, Cheese, Crackers, Best Flour, Oat M<«l, Wheat Bran, Headquarters for Fine Teas, Maccaroni, And many other articles in Fancy Groce¬ ries, Canned Goods, Hardware, Hats, Bug¬ gy Materials, Crockery, Glassware and Woodenware. I ask an inspection, of my stock and prices. Particular attention called to Shoes, Boots, Blankets, Jeans, Cassimers and Dress Goods. Give me a call at No. 4 Granite Row, Anderson, S. C. A. B. TOWERS. Nov20, 1884 19 THE END HAS COME! RADICAL rule is over at last, and the end of hard times is neäf'if every one will come up and do his duty square* ly by paying those who have helped them. Those indebted to me for Guano or Supplies MUST come forward and.pay up, as I am determined not to carry over any Accounts from this year. So come along and pay up at once. I have on hand a stock of General Merchandise, which I will sell at the lowest living prices for cash. Call and secure bargains. J. PINK. REED, No. 7 Granite Row. Parties indebted to REED & MOOR- HEAD will take notice that after a short time their Notes and Accounts will be placed in the hands of an Attor¬ ney for collection. If you want to arrange with us, call on either J. Pink Reed or R. L. Moor- head at the old stand. R. L. M00RHEAD,] J. PINK REED. Nov 13,1884 18 TO THE PUBLIC. I have sold my stocl: of Groceries and good will to Messrs. T. R. Trimmier & Co., who have opened out in the Store Room formerly occupied by Means, Can¬ non & Co. I thank my friends and cus¬ tomers for the liberal, patronage in the past, and ask them to continue the same to my successors. I am still at my eld stand, where I propose to give my whole attention lo my Machine and Buggy [business. I propose to extend this branch of my bus¬ iness, and will sell Machines, Buggies and Harness cheaper than ever before, Give me a call. Persons indebted to me for Grocerki must square up at once. C. A. REED, Agent Dec 18,1884 »S

Anderson intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1885-01-22.€¦ · LOCAL NEWS. ^C. C. LANGSTON,Local Editob. Don't,buy on a credtCif youdesii-e to prosper. t Thereisverylittle 6icknessin

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Page 1: Anderson intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1885-01-22.€¦ · LOCAL NEWS. ^C. C. LANGSTON,Local Editob. Don't,buy on a credtCif youdesii-e to prosper. t Thereisverylittle 6icknessin


^C. C. LANGSTON, Local Editob.

Don't, buy on a credtC if you desii-e to


t There is very little 6ickness in the cityft' at present. ^

When you go to buy your garden aeed,select good seed.

'. .:.'" '.

> Our people are continually on the look¬out for cyclones.Mr. M. B. Arnstein has been visiting bis

brother at Camden, S. C.

The drug stores in the city'have re¬

ceived their supply of garden seeds.

Two. tramps with a trained bear gaveexhibitions on the streets, lastSaturday.Court convenes here on the fourthMon¬

day In-Febroary,JudgePressly presiding.Mrs. Mays; of Greenville, has arrived

in the city and taken charge of the Wa¬

verly House. ..'

Sorae of. our: ikrmors. say. tberecent se¬

vere weather haa damaged tho oat crop

considerably.In-some sections of the County tho re¬

cent heavy-rains have washed the land

considerably... Mr. JT. S. Fowler will receive a lot offine Tennessee mulea in a few days. SeeaSvertisernent.-Misa Lei^a Williams has just returned

from Greenwood, where she has been vis-

Wng relatives,.. ... ...... ,

a Mr. E.% BröwbYb^ the ftrfaof Bleck-ley; Brown A Fretwell; went4o?vCharles-toncnMpnday.

Coroner Nance, who has been suffenngfor some time past with rheumatism, is

_^8j|owly improving., '

Street-overseer McGee has had a forceof hands engaged at work on the streets

during (be past week-.

Rev. DeWitt Burkehead. will preach inthe Presbyterian Church next Sundaymorning and evening:, Our young friend. Noel. Sharpy has

gone to Bingham, N. C, to enter'the'Mil¬itary Insti tu-taAf that place.-.Pertons. Indebted,to the old firm of

Cunningham. <t Go. should read the ad¬

vertisement headed "business."

'. "^The; famousi belled buzzard is reportedto have been seen and heard in the lower

section of the County recently..-If their^accounts are not' settled by

Sdlesdayih-iFebr'iary. we..will have to

part wI.tb.A. few of our subscribers.Mr. X ti. Haynio is agent for organs

and pianos. If yon need either, read bis

advertisement and then consult him.

Attention is directed to the ndvertise-. merit-of Baoot's Liver PilK Messrs.Wilhite A Wilhite keep them for sale.>-...-- .. ...

The attention of the Trial Justices ofAnderson County is directed to the ad¬

vertisement'of Coroner Nance in this is¬sue.

Have you .made your Return to the

City Clerk? The time expires on :ilst

Z inst. After that time 20 per cent, penaltywill-be added.The bad weather and scarcity or money

does not seem to have any effect on mat¬

rimony. The country newspapers' are

full of marriage notices.

The city was almost deluged with wa¬

ter last Friday evening about 6 o'clock.It was the heaviest rain that has fell herefor a good many months.

Ex-Judge T. H. Cooke, of Greenville,spent a day in the city last week. Fromhis appearance the Mountain City seems

to be treating him well.

Mr, J. If. Sutherland, Secretary' of the

Taylor A Cox Fire Extinguisher Compa¬ny, of Belton, has gone to New Orleans in' [the interest of his Company.As will be seen by reference to another

column, Dr. W. H. Ross will locate in:^ Anderson for the practice of dentistry.He will open his office in March.

Married, on Sunday, 11th inst,, by Rev..B. Says, at the residence-of the bride's

|atber, Mr. B. A, Duncan and Miss B. A.

Dixon, all of Anderson County.

; .Abdäreoö'Grange, No. 71, will hold an

extra meeting in this city on Saturday,31st inst., at 10 o'clock a. m. Membersare requested to attend promptly.The Charleston News and Courier's Alma¬

nac for 18S5 is on our table. It is gottenup in handsome style, illustrated and re¬

plete with interesting information.

Up to the 8th inst. the Columbia andGreenville and the Charlotte, Columbiaand Augusta Railroads bad transported682 emigrants from this State to the South¬west.

Our merchants are doing a good busi¬ness..- Some of them say their cash tradebo far this year is much better than for

the same time last year. This is encour¬

aging-' The Sultan of Morocco has just cele¬brated his thousandth wedding. Thinkof that, young man, when it seems to

you that you can never go through the

ordeal of even one.

Messrs. Alfred Bailey. J. K. Wilson, S.M. VanWyok and B. F. Bowie, all of this

city, have recently gone to Florida. Wehope all of them will make a fortunedown there.

It is said that a certain young lady of

tbis city finds considerable pleasure inrabbit hunting. She never takes a gunon a hunt, but prefers a dog, and on a

dead-level run she asks the dog no odds.

Bev. Edward R. Miles, who was at one

time a resident of this city and pastor ofGrace Church, died in Charleston recent¬

ly. He was a good man, and has manyfriends in our midst who regret to hear ofhis death.The Cbicagoans contend that gargling

the throat with whiskey is a sure preven¬tive of diphtheria. Tbis is an old Ander¬son remedy, and diphtheria is very rare

among her grown up portion of the male

population.Mr. L. T. Arnold and wife, who, fifteen

years ago, moved from Anderson to theirplantation near Lowndesville, have come

back to reside in our midst. Mr. Arnoldis 85 years old, but still looks vigorousand hearty.All the astronomers of the world now

begin their day at midnight instead ofnoon, and will count the hours of thecivil day from one to twenty-four, insteadof from one to twelve. Twelve o'clock at

midnight is their "twenty-four o'clock."

Mr. John E. Breazeale, who. for severalyears past, has so acceptably filled theoffiee of Trial Justice in this city, has de¬clined a re-appointment for another term.His successor has not yet beer» appointed.There are, we understand, several appli¬cations for the place.

"^"Äf'the Baptist Chnrch last Sundaynigh*, the pastor, Rev. T. P. Bell, begana seri es of sermons or lectures on the lifeand character of the old patriarch, Jacob.Themermons will be continued for severalensuing Sunday nights. His sermon lost

Sunday night was very interesting.In accordance with a recent Act of the

Legislature increasing the number ofTrial Justices for Anderson County fromsixteen to nineteen, the following havebeen appointed by Governor Thompson :

Lark in Newton, Gar vi n Township; S. NT.Bröw n, Centreville; W. E. Walters, Hall.

List of letters remaining in the Post-office for the week ending January 21:Miss Mary Allen, Mrs. Mary Harris,Wm. H. McDaniel, Griffin McMahan, H.Robinson, L. T. Shipley, Harriet Sim¬mons, A.vG. Smith (2); Crs. Smith, Vir-,

ginia S/ "Smith." W. G. Smith, JosieYoung.Tho ladies of the Baptist Church had

thought of having a hot supper for thebenefit of thoir new church building fundon next Wednesday, 28th inst., but in or-

der to have more time for preparation,and in hopes of better weather, have de¬cided to postpone the entertainment tillWednesday, 11th February.Rev. G. M. Rogers has recently united

the following couples in the holy bondsof wiedleck: Dr. James O. Owen» andMrs' Juda R. Owens: Mr. J. E. Smithand.Miss Annie McMurtry;. Mr. J. D.Moore aud Miss J. D. Kay; Mr. E. D.Cason and Miss Cordie Swords; Mr. J. D.Staggs and Miss S. I. Scott. All of thisCount/. _.Married, on Thursday morning, 15th

inst, at 11 o!clock, at the residence of thebride's father in Charlotte, N. C, by Rev.O. F. Gregory, Mr. John T. Burriss, of

Anderson, and Miss Jennie E. Fromm, ofCharlotte. The handsome couple arrivedin this city last Friday morning. Theyhave ourbest^ wishes for a long and hap¬py life.'':.' n j'v

Harlwell, Ga., Sau : "Miss Annie Gobshas a large and flourishing school in An¬derson County, S. C. She was given--acertificate as. a.leacher of the first grade, ^

whiqU 4e jjqite a compliment to-: Miss .An-,nie and creditable to the Hartwell HighSchool, of which she was a pupil. Thoexamination of, teachers in South Caro¬lina is said to be very rigid."¦" Abbevilte Press and'Banner : f'The'con-victcamp for the laborers on the Savan¬nah -VaUoy Railroad häs been moved tothe Moragno place, and work is beingdone on the West "side of Little River.C#pt. D wight says the work of.gradingirtiTbe finished in-May; and itjs said byotliers that the GeorgiaTtohd will beginto lay the iron in August. Oji\y fourmiles are yet to be. graded.",-Easley Messenger: "We congratulateProf. D. C. Lake upon securing as his as¬

sistant Miss Maggie Simpson, daughter OfCol. R. W. Simpson, Pendleton, S. C.Miss Simpson is a graduate of the An¬derson Female College, and is a lady ofsome experience in the profession, hav¬

ing taught two years in the above Institu¬tion. We hope herstay in our midst maybe long and pleasant."Pomona Grange, No. 6, will hold an

extra meeting in this city .on Saturday,31st inst., at 12 o'clock m., to elect officersand transact other business. The regularmeeting was not held at the usual time on

account of. the inclement weather. Mem -

bers are urged to attend punctually, as

the State Grange meets in Charleston on

the 4th of February, and it is desired to

meet that body in good credit.

Tho Abbeville Press and Banner makesthe following sensible remarks to its far¬mer readers: "Some of you planted near¬

ly all cotton last year, aud now- yourhorse feed makes you feel sick everytime you look as it melts away. Are yougoing to try the same plan another year?It is hot the best one. You who plantall cotton, stop and think and figure a

pttle." These remarks are applicable tosome of the farmers of Anderson Coun¬ty.The Pennsylvania Railroad Company

has notified the committee on Cleveland'sinauguration that reduced rates for vis¬itors to the inauguration will be made on

the basis of one fare for the round trip for

organizations of 100 persons or more, andone fare and a halt for single tickets frompoints North, West and East. The Vir¬ginia Midland rates are, single ticketsfrom Atlanta, $23.50, and for the military$17. Seneca, $21.85 and $14. Greenville,$20 and $13. Spartanburg, $19 and $12.25.Columbia, $17.85 and $13.

They were young aud romantic, andalthough the minute hand was pointingto 12 o'clock they stood upon the porchgazing at the stars. "That's Jupiter,dear, isn't it?" she murmured. "Yespet, and that is Sirius," he replied, point¬ing to another star. "Are you Sirius ?''she cooed. He kissed her several times-Then pointed upward and said : "That'sMars, dovo." "And that's pa's," shewhispered, as a footstep sounded inside,and if the young man hadn't scooted bewould have seen more stars than he ever

dreamed of. Her pa wears a 12} shoe.

School Trustees.

The Board of Examiners have appoint¬ed the following gentlemen School Trus¬tees for thei^respective School Districts:Fork.W. F. M. Fant. N. 0. Farmer

and H. R. Vandiver.Pendleton.W. H D. Gailliard, W. D.

Garrison and R. M. Burns.Garvin.J. W. Rothrock. T. F. Wake-

field and J. E. Pickle.Brushy Creek.I. W. Pickens, John

Stone and J. T. Wigington.Centsrville.J. Belton Watson, Sam'l

Gray and W. T. McGill.Hopewell.W. A. Neal, W. R. Cartee

and L. W. Gentry.Williamston.H. D. Hammond, J. B.

Hogg and J. C. Clardy.Savannah.J. H. Rainey, L. C. Cbam-

blee and David Sadler.Varenner A. Hall, J. C. Haynie and

John Carw; a.

Broadway.W. King, H. E. Brown andWm. Geer.Belton.J. T. Rico, J. M. Geer and Jo¬

seph Cox.Corner.C. C. Simpson, R. S. Shearer

and J. M. Reed.Hall.W. D. Grav, H. M. Tato and W.

E. Walters.Martin.J. A. Cowan, Rob't Pennel

and W. Wright.Honea Path.J. J. Trussell, Marshall

Gaines and Mike McGce..Anderson.R. R. Todd. T. M. White

and B. F. Wilson.Williamston Springs.J. W. Crymos,

T. M. Mahon and A. H. Stephens.The Market.

Up to Wednesday noon the following are

the cash prices for the articles enumeratedbelow :

Cotton.good middling. [email protected](^

Hams.U(uiU\Lard.best refined. 0(«il2

Flour.$4(ti<5.50Fancy Talent. y

Bagging....!.10j$ll}Tics.bestspliced.1.40 (at 1.50

Wbol«[email protected] Loads of Corn, Flour, Molasses, Ba¬

con, Salt, Mackerel, Sugar, Coffee. To¬bacco and everything you may need justreceived, at bottom prices, at C. F. Jonas& Co, I

Vor New Orleans..Parties who dosiro to go on Special Car

to Exposition on Feb. 3rd, will pleasenotify F. T. Wilhite at once.

MULES I MULES! MULES! JohnE. Peoples has just received a car load ofgood, smooth young mules. Partieswishing to buy for cash, or on time forgood paper, can be supplied by him.Call early. 26-4For good Flour, cheap.every barrel

guaranteed sound or money refunded.go to C. F. Jones & Co.For the best N. O. Molasses, cheap for

cash, go to C. F. Jones & Co.For good Tobacco, in boxes or caddies,

at-hard time prices, go to C. F. Jonej& Co.We have our store full to its utmost ca¬

pacity of new goods of every description,which we bought in large lots for cash,and our friends and customers shall haveevery advantage, both in prfcos and qual¬ity of goods. Thanking you all for yourliberal patronage in the past, and wishingyou a prosperous New Year.

Respectfully, C. F. Jones,R. C. Webb.

If you want a first-class Sewing Ma¬chine. Buggy or Carriage, do not fail tolook through the immense stock kept byC. A. Reed, Agent, in his Repositoryover the City Grocery Store. He willsave you money every time.Persons indebted to me for Groceries,

Sewing Machines, Buggies, Fertilizers,<tc, are earnestly requested to callpromptly and settle up, and thus save me

the trouble and expense of sending mycollector to see you. I must have themoney. Respectfully,

C. A. Reed, Agent-Mr. Charles Eden, of Trinidad, Colorado.

3ays: Seeing certificates of the wonderfulcures made by Brewer's Lung Restorer, Iwas induced to try it on ray little son, whowas troubled with lung or throat, affection,Iron on need by one physician consumption,t acted wonderfully on him. and by thetime lie had taken one bottle of it the!cough disappeared. I am now on a visit tomy parents in Georgia, but will return in afew days to my home and will take some

of the Lung Restorer with me. 36

Ayer's Sarsaparilla. being highly con¬

centrated, requires a smaller dose, and ismore effective, dose for dose, t hair anyother blood medicine' It is the cheapest,because the the best. Quality and not

quantity should not be considered.

Ayer's Pills cure constipation, improveitbe-*appetite, promote digestion, restorehealthy action, and regulate every func¬tion. They are pleasant to take; gentle intheir operation, yet thorough, searching,and powerful in subduing dlseaee.

The Atlanta Constitution.In along article relating to the B. B.

B., of that city, says: ,

The Blood Balm Company staVlod one

year ago with $162 00, but to-day the bus¬iness cannot be bought for $50,000.00!The demand and the satisfaction given

is said, to be without .a parallel, as. its ac¬tion is pronounced wonderful.We are glad to announce that our drug¬

gists liave already secured'a supply, andwo hope our "readers will supply, them¬selves at once.

It is said to be the only speedy and per¬manent blood poison reinedy offered,giving entire satisfaction in all cases be¬fore one bottle hns been used. For BloodDiseases. Kidney-Troubles, Scrofula, Ca¬tarrh, old Ulcers and Skin Diseases, tryone bottle of B. B. B.



ANOTHER Cotintv heard fromand BARTON still ahead in theLumber Business.All parties who contemplate]

building this year will find it tojQQtheir interest to pee me before maiking un.v trades f<»r their Lumber

Shingles. Ilrick. Dressing, Dray-I^-^ling. «fco. / can mm i/ou money .'

All orders promptly filled.Satisfaction guaranteed.Call and see me at Blue Ridge


'9NIAVUaPUB9N|SS3tiaJan S, 1885 263m

Saloon Keepers' Association.

THE Saloon Keepers' Association of theCity of Anderson, S. C, met in the

Hall of O'Donnell & Mclntyre's Saloon,on Whitner Street, in the City of Ander¬son, on January 12, 1885. Mr. S. T. Craig,Chairman ; Mr. Frank O'Donnell, Secre¬tary and Treasurer.On motion it was agreed that we, the

Association, protect ourselves against block¬ade runners and others, and see that thelast Ordinance relating to the sale of spir¬ituous liquors without license in the Cityof Anderson be strictly enforced. We haveagreed upon the following prices, to wit:Whiskey and Wines, by the drink, not lessthan. 10c

Whiskey and Wines by the half pint,not less than. 25c

Whiskey and Wines by the one pint,not less than. 50c

Whiskey and Wines by the one quart,not less than. 75c

Whiskey and Wines by the halt' gal¬lon, not less than. 1 25

Whiskey and Wines by the one gal¬lon, not less than. 2 50

Beer, per glass. 10cBeer, per one pint bottle. 15cTwo or more one pint bottles Beer. 12icQuart bottles of Beer. 25cAle and Porter, per bottle...... 25cThe above is respectfully submitted.

S. T. CRAIG, Chairman.FRANK O'DONNELL, Sec. aiid'freas.Jan 15, 1885 272


Five Hundred DollarsAND upwards, on improved Farming

Lands for five years. Interest is 10per cent, and no commissions charged.Borrower pays for expenses of making

necessary papers.. Loans made for fiveyears, with the privilege of paying in instal¬ments, or in one payment to suit borrower.For pirticulars, apply to

FRANK. (J. WHITNER,Anderson, S. C., or

JNO. B. PALMER & SON,Columbia, S. C.

Jan 8, 1885 264


WE will sell to the highest bidder onSALE8DAY IN FEBRUARY

next, all the property of M. D. Kennedy,decei'sed, in the late Firm of Kennedy AMclutvre, consisting of. >f"


NOTIONS, Etc.All persons baring siuands against the

late Firm are requested to present the same,duly attested, within the time prescribed bylaw, and all persons indebted to said Firmwill pay up at once to the surviving part¬ner. JOHN McGRATH,

M. KENNEDY,Ex'rs. Est. M. D. Kennedy, dee'd.

Jan 8,1885_26*


Dissolution of Partnership.THE Firm heretofore existing under the

firm name of Maxwell & Sloan wasdissolved by mutual consent on the 16thday cf August, 1884. All persons indebtedto the Firm are hereby notified to call andsettle with J. D. Maxwell before the firstday of February, as the Accounts will boplaced in the hands of an Officer of thelaw for collection after that date.


Jan 8,1885 263

NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT.Notice is hereby given that the un¬

dersigned, Administrator of the Estate ofChester M. Walker, deceased, will apply tothe Judge of Probate for Anderson County,on the 10th day of February, 1885, for aFinal Settlement and discharge from saidoffice as Administrator of said Estate.

WM. BURRISS, Jr., Adru'r.Jan_15,J885_ _27_5_

NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT.The undersigned, Executors of

the Estate of Rev. A. Rice, deceased,hereby gives notice that they will, on the27th day <

" January, 1885, apply to theJudge of Probate for Anderson County fora Final Settlement of said Estate, and a

discharge from said Executoisbip.A. E. RICE, IT. L. CLINKSCALB8, [ ."

M. B. ARNSTEIN. |: -o- :


j GOOD Callicoes 5c. i: Splendid Yard Wide Bleachings 8c. j

Heavy Jeans for a Quarter. :: 10-4 Sheeting for 25e. :. Pretty Check Nainsook for 10c. :

I Fine Torchon Laces at 5c. i. Worsted Dress Goods onlv 12\ and löc. i. Heavy 10-4 White Blankets only ?2 00. i

Large Comfortables for 85c. :

i Red Flannels at 20c. :Women's Shoes at 75c. i

. Mens' Good Brngans at £ 1.10. j: Good Suits of Clothing at $5.00. i.: Splendid Overcoats at $4.00. .

: Extra Good Heavy Boots for $2.00. .

I In fact, we want to Bell off our present Stock |j to make room for Spring Goods, and if you want to j¦ get your money's worth, .


BUT THE PITTSBURG BELLOWS,The Best is the Cheapest.

SHOP TOOLS of aU Kinds, BLACKSMITH OUTFITS,Complete, and very low down as to price.

10,000 lb. Steel Plows, Plow Stocks, Trace Ciiains, &c.BUY OUR "NIMROD" AXE,


Tried for years and never found defective.

300 Kegs Nails, lower than ever sold at in Anderson.

Sullivan & Bros. "Boss" Hand Saw,Extra quality and warranted. Sold for $1.50.

HARDWARE OF EYERY DESCRIPTION.Pocket and Table Cutlery a Specialty.

zsr- Farmers, Mechanics, Builders, come to us and get a desirable article for theleast money possible.

SULLIVAN & BRO.,Hook for the the SIGN of the CIRCULAR saw.

Jan 22, 1885 27


Greneral ]VIeroliaiid_ise.All Grades New Orleans Syrups.


THE BEST COFFEE,bsu We invite all to come and see us.

J. P. SULLIVAN & CO., Anderson, S. C.Jan 15. 1885_ 27_

T. R. TRIMMER & CO.,Successors to G. A. Reed, Agent,

GROCERS.At the old Stand of Means, Cannon & Co.,


STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIESOF ALL KINDS AND DESCRIPTIONS which they will sell to customers at the

VERY LOWEST TRICES.They invite an examination of their Stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising

ciyility and politeness in exhibiting their Goods, promptness in delivery, and guarantee*ing quality and prices.

REMEMBER, that all Goods bouKht of us will be delivered FREE OFCHARGE in any portion of the City.

Jan 1, 18S5 25ly

TO CASIH BUYERS, and for the CASH ONLY.T am in position to offer Inducements to Cnsli Buyers of


And PROVISIONS GENERALLY,Either in Small or Lai-ffo Lots.

All grades of Flour, New Orleans Molasses, imported Muscavado Molasses, (finelyflavored,) Pure Sugar Syrups.

Large Stocks and Prices Exceedingly Low,jESr* Be certain to see me before making your purchases.

ßzä~ Call at the Double-barrelled Store, Kos. 2 and 3 Bens on House,which arc now heavily charged wi,l> all kinds of Seasonable and Desirable Goods, andwith the powerful explosive of LOW PRICES, I propose, with your assistance, to shoot

them off. Respectfully, &c ,

J. J. BAKER.Dec 18. 1884 223m


AT NEW YORK COST!!HAVING determined to close out our business, we will from this time on sell our

entire Stock of Goods at NEW YORK COST.OVERCOATS, from $3.00 to $10. SUITS, from $5.50 to $22.00.HATS, from 7f>e to$3.00. SHIRTS, Irom 00c to $1.00.

5 A line lut of DOESKIN JEA KS at 35c per yard.Don't fail to take advantage of this groat offer.

WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY,And will sell everything AT COST.aar Come and see us. We are located on Whitner Street, just opposite the Auditor's

Office. SMDTK & CO.Dec 18, 1884 23

IN thanking our many friends, and the public generally, for the liberal patronage given us last Fall, we wishto say a few words in reference to our policy during the coming Spriug.


We have established what we call "THE ONE PRICE CASH SYSTEM." We buy our Goods in largequantities, and by paying cash for them get the advantage of all discounts, and are therefore enabled to sell at the

very lowest possible figures. In order to do this we are obliged to sell STRICTLY FOR CASH.We know that men who are perfectly good for their contracts sometimes get out of money, and while we

appreciate their kindness in offering to trade with us, and would be glad to accommodate them in any other way, yetin order to carry out our system, and keep our Stock full in every Department, we will be forced to decline to selleven them on time. None* can fail to see that this plan will work to the mutual advantage both of ourselves and our

friends; for, as we take no risks, we can, as a matter of course, afford to sell cheaper than we could otherwise.We would also remind the good people of this City and County that anything a gentleman needs in the way

of Wearing Apparel can always be found at our Establishment; and as the Spring approachee, and meu usuallylike to look their best in that Season, we shall pay special and particular attention to latest styles.

Very truly,

MEANS & M°CEE,Clothiers and Dealers in Gents' Furnishing Goods.

Jan 8,1885



JEWELRY STORE.Oct 23,1884 56ifl

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.E desire to call the attention of the Trading Public to our.

LARGE STOCK OP HEAVY GROCEBIES,Just arrived, a full line of Flour of all grades and prices, a Car of N. 0.

and Sugar-house Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, Lard, Salt, and every article of Sup¬plies that the Farmer needs. These Goods have been all laid.in at the lowest figures,and we propose to give our customers the benefit of all declines.

An examination of our Goods and comparison of Prices is all we ask, and we guar¬antee.to give you a bargain. All GROCERIES guaranteed pure. No mixedNew Orleans Molasses.

To those who owe us for Goods bought the past year, we would remindthem that we expect an early settlement. After the 1st January, 1885, we- propose to

push all past due Accounts. Come and arrange these old Accounts and get a clear re¬

ceipt. We are compelled to have our money. Your Account may be small of itself,but in the aggregate it amounts up to us, and we trust; that all of our customers will notoverlook this.

W. S. LIGON & 00.Dec 18,1884 23


Let Every One be Happy. Come in and See Us, and be Sup¬plied with Articles to Beautify Your Home.


WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUK STOCK FOR THE SEASON, and have thehandsomest display of Goods in our line in the up-country. Our Stock of.

CROCKERY AND CHINAIs unsurpassed. Come in and see our Beautiful Chamber Sets, Tea and Dinner Sets,Toilet Sets, Vases, ifco. We have a Superb Line of.

SILVER WARE,The handsomest ever brought to this market. Be sure to come in and see the handsomearticles too numerous to mention.

Toys ! Toys! Toys !Bring in the Little Folks. We've got Wagons and Horses, and many other things topleaselhem, and the largest stock of Stove«, Tinware, Ac, we ever had,

JOHN E, PEOPLES & CO.Nov 27, 1884 20

ido:lsftTake it for Granted that you can Buy Goods at any other

place as Cheap as you can at

THE LADIES' BAZAR,UNTIL you examine their large and well-selected Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ho¬

siery, Gloves. Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Knitting Silk and Cotton, ZepryCorsets, Cloaks, Dolmans, Circulars, Jackets, Flannels, Blankets, Comforts. Quilts,Shawls, Damask Towels, Sheeting, Ticking, Long Cloths, Children's Hoodn and Sacks.

My Stock of.

Dress Goods, Millinery, Ladies' and Children's ShoesIs just simply immense in every sense of the word but \ rices, for you can buy the sameGoods for LESS MONEY than anywhere else in the City.

I am now receiving every day all the Latest Styles in Ladies', Children and MissesHATS, that you ought to loök at before purchasing elsewhere.

Thanking you for past patronage and hoping you will continue the same,I remain yours,

JOHN M. McCONNELLOct 2. 1882_12_

Take Notice and Govern Yourselves Accordingly.

N. 0. FARMER & BRO.Have Just Received a Large and well assorted Stock of




BACON, LARD. FLOUR, MOLASSES,And in fact EVERYTHING generally kept in a first-class General Store, all of which we

propose to sell at the very lowest cash prices. It will pay any one to call and examineour Goods and prices before they buy.

Those indebted to us will greatly oblige us by an early settlement of their Ac¬counts and Notes, either for Merchandise or Fertilizers, as we must have our money.

IV. O. FARMER Sc BRO.Oct 2,1884 12

NOXICETo Administrators,

Executors, Guardians,And Trustees.

ALL Administrators, Executors Guardi¬ans and Trustees are hereby notified

to make their annual returns to this officeduring the months of January and Februa¬ry as required by law.

THOS. C. LIGON,Judge of Frobs.te.

Jan 1, 18W 31i.5


in the court of probate.

Ex Parle D. L. Stevenson, Executor, InRe. the Estate of James Stevenson, do-ceased..Petition for Final Settlement andDischarge.

To John A. Stevenson, J. M. Stevenson,N. W. Stevenson, and others:

TAKE notice that the undersigned willapply to the Judge of Probate at An¬

derson C. H., 8. C, on Friday, the 27th dayof February, A. D. 1885, at 11 o'clock a.m.,for a Final Settlement of the Estate ofJames Stevenson, deceased, and dischargefrom the of Executor of said Estate.Dated 7th day January, 1885.

D. L. STEVENSON, Executor.Jan 15, 1885_27_6STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,

Andbraon County.By Tho». C. Ligon, Judge of Probate.

WHEREAS, Win. C. Simpson hasapplied to mo to grant him letters of Ad¬ministration on the Estate and effecis ofJohn M. Simpson, deceased.These are therefore to cite and admon¬

ish all kindred and creditors of the saidJohn M. Simeon, deceased, to be and ap-

Eear before mein Court of Probate, toe hold at Anderson Court House, on

the 24th day of January, 1885, after pub¬lication hereoi, to shew cause, if any theyhave, why the said administrationshould not bo granted.Given under my hand this 12th day of

Januarv, 1885.T. C. LIGON, J. P.

Jan Iß, 1885 272



PIANO OE ORGANBefore consulting L. E. Norryce.

JLJE handles for Anderson County the



AND OTHER PIANOS,And the renowned

ESTEY ORGAN.Installments of $10 per month will buy

a Piano, and installments of $5 per monthwill buy an Organ.

If you want an Instrument write him,whether you have the money or not, andhe will come and see you. Address

L. E. NORRYCE,Anderson, 8. C.

August 21, 1884 6_6mNOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT.

The undersigned, Administrator ofthe Estate of Win, Smith, deceased, here¬by gives notice that he will apply to theJudge of Probate for Anderson County, on10th day of February, 1885, fora Final Set¬tlement of said Estate and discharge fromhis office as Administrator.

M. G. SMITH, Adm'r.Jan 8, 1385_26_5_FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

Windstorms 1 Tornadoes ! Cyclones I

TN addition to Fire Insurance, I am nowJL prepared to write Policies insuringyour property against Wikdstobmb, Toe-naooks and Cyclones at low rates and infirst-class Companies. Call and see me.

J. H. Vom HASSELN.March 20,1884 36ly

Wheat Bran, Corn, Flour,FOR sale by.

A. B. TOWERS.Feb 14,1884 31

WE would announce to the Public tbatsince Christmas is over, and we are notbothered any more with Christmas tricks,we will now turn our attention to keepingup our Stocks of DRUGS, MEDICINES,FANCY GOODS, &e., arid keeping downthe prices on same. ,

We will also have ti little attention forthose who have failed to pay up as theypromised, and will pay particular attentionto the wants, of those who have kindlygiven us their support in the past, or are

willing to trust us wit h their patronage inthe future.

HILL BROS.Jan 1,1885

IIKIPORTA|n\NOTICE.IWISH through this columns of the In¬

telligencer to call the' attention1 ofmy friends and the public generally to myStock of Seasonable Goods. I will name afew leading articles:

Ladies' Dress Goods,Ladies' Cloaks,Ladies' Underveata,Water Proof Goods,Coraliue Corsets, .

Charlottesville Casaimere,Holstein Miils, Kersey, Jeans,All Wool Men's UndershirtsAnd Drawers.The Finest Blankets in the Ctty.Hosiery, Yankee Notions, Trunks,Headquarters for Shoes and Boots.i

A full line of Bay Slate Shoes and Boots.I have been selling Boots and Shoes overforty years, and. they are the best I everhandled.WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES.

(. A large assortment of Wall Paper. Somebeautiful patterns. In Window Shades Icannot be excelled..

GROCERIES.Fine Coffee.green and roasted, I8ugar, N. 0. Molasses,Buckwheat Flour, Cheese, Crackers,Best Flour, Oat M<«l, Wheat Bran,Headquarters for Fine Teas,Maccaroni,

And many other articles in Fancy Groce¬ries, Canned Goods, Hardware, Hats, Bug¬gy Materials, Crockery, Glassware andWoodenware.I ask an inspection, of my stock and

prices. Particular attention called toShoes, Boots, Blankets, Jeans, Cassimersand Dress Goods.Give me a call at No. 4 Granite Row,

Anderson, S. C. A. B. TOWERS.Nov20, 1884 19


RADICAL rule is over at last, andthe end of hard times is neäf'if everyone will come up and do his duty square*ly by paying those who have helpedthem.Those indebted to me for Guano or

Supplies MUST come forward and.payup, as I am determined not to carry over

any Accounts from this year. So come

along and pay up at once.

I have on hand a stock of GeneralMerchandise, which I will sell at thelowest living prices for cash. Call andsecure bargains.

J. PINK. REED,No. 7 Granite Row.

Parties indebted to REED & MOOR-HEAD will take notice that after a

short time their Notes and Accountswill be placed in the hands of an Attor¬

ney for collection.If you want to arrange with us, call

on either J. Pink Reed or R. L. Moor-head at the old stand.


Nov 13,1884 18


I have sold my stocl: of Groceries andgood will to Messrs. T. R. Trimmier &Co., who have opened out in the StoreRoom formerly occupied by Means, Can¬non & Co. I thank my friends and cus¬

tomers for the liberal, patronage in thepast, and ask them to continue the sameto my successors.

I am still at my eld stand, where Ipropose to give my whole attention lo

my Machine and Buggy [business. Ipropose to extend this branch of my bus¬iness, and will sell Machines, Buggiesand Harness cheaper than ever before,Give me a call.

Persons indebted to me for Grocerkimust square up at once.

C. A. REED, AgentDec 18,1884 »S