rhp21n(liM7sotiB'ailyilníelluipnccr VOLUME 1. NUMBER 363. Weekly, Established i860, DaOj, Jam. lsy 1914. ANDERSON, S. ^SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. $5 00 PER ANNUM PRICE FIVE CENTS TREMENDOUS BATTLE DEVELOPING IN EAST PRUS3A EAST PRUSSIA I OF GRAVIT That Big Engagements Â1 Are About to Begin in From the Northeaste .ia to the Eastern Seems E (By Ataorúted Prou.) | LONDON, Nov. 13.-While the battle in Weat Flanders continues to hold public attention because of the des¬ perate character of the lighting, the numbers of men engaged and the ter¬ ritory at stake,, military ' men now look cn East Prussia as the center ot gravity of the war. In the latter field a tremendous bat¬ tle ls developing. The Russians are pushing vigorously a great envelop¬ ing movement They, are engaged with Germans along a wide curve of 150 miles from Stalluoonen, In the northeast, through Ooldap and Krug- lankeh, which 1B well within the tan¬ gió of lakes, down tn Soldán In the southwest. Military observers say the Ger¬ mans anparently have checked their retreat in Poland and are coulter at¬ tacking. They say. however, that the Russians are not to be turned from their plan, which is believed to be an attack on Danzig. They argue that the Germans either must allow East Prussia to be overrun, a second time or bring up reinforcements, and that they hardly can weaken their army ainag tbs Polish frontier, for that wonld leave Posen and Silesia open to invasion. The Allies, aatr^ns4lgW#M hoping an effort aili b»' made to ro¬ ve Bast Prussia at a sacrifice lo the German armies in Belgium and In any fighting in their own country the Germans will have tne srfMpkm over the Russians, as thev have s network of strategic . railways to move their troops Quickly and they use mere motors!thar their oppo¬ nents. Military morí are. watching op¬ erations In this region with deepest Interest lu West Flanders the Germhrh* do not seem to have Improved their po¬ sition to a marked extent. In tact riotes Receivii (Bv AsjtorUUxl Press,) WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Notes re-1 cently presented by Greet Britain arid France regarding alleged violations of neutrality by Ecuador and Colom¬ bia are receiving the serious consid¬ eration of state department officials. Secretary Bryan said today he had not yet decided whether the good offices of, the American government ought to be interposed. It ls' understood the notes do pot call directly for any action by the United States, but Imply that the South American countries might be Invited to follow the example of this government In maintain g neutrality. In South American diplomatic circles lt waa thought a movement m'ght bo Initiated either by some South Amer! can'country or the United States to adopt a uniform regulation of the wireless. The articles ot The Hague convention and the Declaration ot London, the latest« rulings in interna¬ tional law, do bo deal spec! flcall;'I EFFORTS TO CÖMPL (By fi ram llljSg'^ftsM jL *L.V, WASHINGTON. Nor. 13.-^Stroag efforts /in the last few days to com¬ plete the $135,000,000 cotton loan fund so tar have been unsuccessful. It waa said tonight that much depend«, ad on "beaten abd. Pbüadalpnia hank¬ ers and that their participation would insure tho raising of |B6,000,Ooo in non-cotton producing States. This wonld bs within ft.000.000 of the amount required from these State«. Officials hope the New England SIGNS N2W RULÉS TBE (Br A»K+?*i*i Priai). WASHINGTON, Hur*'lV~W» against Ute uso of American ?*aai abroad by spies r«e^>ajs¿4|M ciUaeoa, Prestoont Wildon toJtjh; ed new sad rigid rule* governing iraaance of passports. The appil must .enviar jsaroou. before rVa fetter*!. r.r (?????????????nflflR Lready Are In Progress or the East All the Way rn Part of East Prus- i Point of Galicia -vident. an unofficial report from the north of Prance tonight says they have again lost DIxmude, which they tock last Tuesday, that their attempts to break down the British resistance around Ypres have failed and that their at¬ tack In the vicinity of La Basse has met with no greater success. The German official report again says the German attacks are progress¬ ing and records the capture of pris¬ oners. On the other hand, the French official communication declares all German attacks have boèn repulsed and that an advance has been made hythe Allies nearly everywhere. Vienna admits the Austrians have evacuated eastern Galicia, but as an offset to tliis, sayf the Servían resist¬ ance has been broken and the Aus¬ trians have crossed the Danube, driv¬ ing the Servians back Into their own cc*untry. Vienna also, reports that the Aus¬ trians have turned their attention to the Montenegrins and are endeavor¬ ing to force them' back. ' According to a Montenegrin report they have fall- ad^.r Accounts from this-part ot the world are so contradictory that the only thing clear ls that the Austrians have virtually cleared their country of the enemy. England is beginning to learn the eopt of the European war. A white paper Issued: today shows that the government intends to ask parliament fr.» 81.125,000,000 which, with their $500,000.000 voted at the last session, ls expected to be Great Britain's oil! for the financial year ending March 31. .Of this sum, however, a small nart baa been loaned to Belgium and Servia. A portion of tho money also will be required for the additional million men to be enlisted who will bring the .English regular army np to 2,186,000. These figures do not include the ter¬ ritorials, who number nearly 600,000: ag Serious ion of Officials with that question. The United States has taken an advanced ground in pro¬ hibiting transmission by" American station of information vto ships at sea. The Chilean ambassador today gave Mr. Bryan a copy ot a speech by Manuel Salinas, foreign minister, re¬ plying to rumors that Chile was vio¬ lating neutrality. The minister sug¬ gested a possible conference -among the nations ct this hemisphere on the wireless question and other new phases of. neutrality. Tba possibility that the United States might take the initiative in calling such a conference was wide¬ ly discussed here today but state de¬ partment officials were silent Neither Great Britain nor France has indicated the exact scope ot Uieir representations to Ecuador and Co¬ lombia hat there is every reason tr bol leve their inclination not to toler¬ ate violations of neutrality was sig¬ nificantly set forth. ^ ETE $135,600,000 FUND UNSUCCESSFUL . * VW,. jp r i vv ' ' ;:-':*. L*T * * « '*.* -' the portion allotted to them and Be¬ lieve they oan announce the comple¬ tion of the subscription tomorrow or Monday. The seriousness of the sit¬ uation, however, was Shown today when Amory Elliott, of Boston, and j. G. Weis, of Providence, conferred with Governor Hamlla, of the feder¬ al reserve board, and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. Although he would not discuss the conference, Governor HamHts said to¬ night he believed the New England bankers would respond to the calL OVERNINCa JANCE OF PASSPORT [identify himself and mahn a sworn statement of his object In traveling la .a foreign land. [ Tn a statement Issued tonight the stile department ann oap cod It had learned of «avérai casen ia which [ alíaos. obtained, OP trtod to obtain (passports.. mmWSlwmwmfW GREATER INTEREST IN SOUTH'S HISTORY HISTORICAL SESSION HELD] AT CONVENTION OF U. D. C TEXAS LEADS ALL IN MEMBERSHIP! Thirty Thousand Dollars Avail¬ able for erection of a Monu¬ ment. (Tty A-.HO"i;>.i<"> Pres* » SAVANNAH, Qa.. Nov: 13.-Pleas for a greater interest in the history of the South were made here tonight at the historical session of the annual general convention of tho' United Daughters, of the Confederacy. Bars. Daisy McLanrtn Stevens, r.f Brandon, Miss., president-general of the daugh¬ ters, and Miss idred Lewis Ruther¬ ford, of Athens, Ga., were the chief speakers.. j The report of Mrs. O. Hallburton, registrar-general, -of Little Pock,: Ark.*, today showed the membership of the organization to be 35,827. Tex¬ as leads all States In membership with a total of 8.K14. Virginia is second with 6,344. In obtaining now mem¬ bers during the last year, Virginia led with '482, North Carolina waa second with <¡L7. ' Thirty thousand dollars is now available for the construction of a monument by the daughters on the battlefield of Shiloh. It ls planned to begin the erection of the memorial next year. The total cost ls expectjj| cd to approximate «60,000. It waa -annoanced that the prize qi I1Ö0- offered by the organization for the best ecsay on Southern history written by a student of Teachers' col- tlege, Columbia University, was won thl ayes* by Miss Marguerite L. Von de Au, of Athens. Ga. The winner's subject was "Virginia's Contribution to ths Confederacy." The Convention will adjourn after selecting: the 1915 place of meeting. Nashville,. Tann., "and San Francisco aro contenders. Block of Dwelling« for fvîrt. Woodrow Wilson WASHINGTON, Nov. 13,.-Platts to erect here a model block of dwelling houses as a memorial to Mrs. Wood¬ row Wilson have taken definite shape. lt was announced today. Mrs Wilson's last wish was for im¬ provement of the capital's slams. The memorial block was planned ; hy number ot women headed by Mrs. Archibald Hopkins, chairman of the Washington Section of the National Civic Federation. President Wilson has approved the project, which will cost about $250.000 A memorial wash house and a creche .for children of working wo¬ men are Included In the plans. Certi¬ ficates Will be issued to all who par-' tlclpate tn the memorial to the extent ot 9100 or more. 133 Counties Will Reduce Acreage (By 'AjSMtated Fros.) ATUANTA, Ga.. Nov. 13.-Thirty- three Georgia counties will reduce their cotton acreage forty-two per cent in ISIS as compared with this year's crop, according to reports re¬ ceived by J. D. Priée, State commis¬ sioner of agriculture, and made pub' lie here today. Mr. Price sent Inquiries to cham¬ bers of commerce and other organi¬ zations throughout Georgia, which are in a position to give information on the cotton situation. Reports from IS of the counties'said the re¬ duction would be SO per cent or moro. Textile Association Holding Convention Uhr Ajaoc&Ud FIMC) " BIRMINGHAM. Ala . Nor. IS.- Member* of the Southern Textile roeiatioa tn convention here were tertalned by the Chamber of meroe tonight after a day spent business «ad preliminary About 1*5 members are President H XL Boven. of South Car¬ olina ut presiding. The association represents lS^OO,- 000 spindles and 800,000 looms and Its members consume 3,500,000 bsJeis-Bf cotton annually. Be aa Jon will continue tomorrow. President Bowen, Sn: his address to¬ day, stressed the Importance of co* reparation, among milt men. KILLED IKING tiffi AT FAIR FRANK J. TERRELL BURIED BENEATH WRECKAGE OF AEROPLANE * . ENGINE TROUBLE WAS THE CAUSE In Attempting 60 Avoid Striking Spectators Lost Control of Medunc. (By AwoeUtcd Pren.) o o o o o o o o o o «» 0 oo o o o o o w » o CHESTERFIELD* 8. Nor. o o -Frank J Terrell, sn aval tor, o o waa Instantly Mlles at a county o o fair here today when engine troa* o o hie forced him* to stake a qolek o o descent and he attempted to atold o' o striking spectators who had e e surged past the police aid Ulled o e the landing ground. Terrell's o o honte waa at Worcester-, Maas« o o The aviator had ascended to a o . height of 690 feet without mishap o o when his engine began to give o o hint trouble.. He stepped ft and o o startedtte glide the aeroplane to o e earth. WhenntAr the ground he o e saw the crowd éfyerlag the asnal e o lAudlng ground end gave the ma- e o chs^a,«*** im H shitting o o his weight. It trashed to the o 0 ground a few feet from the erowd, o o with Terrell burled beneath the o e wreckage. &p o . oooooooooooeooo.oooo PLANS ATTACK H . ON'TAMPICO Gen. VnU, Commanding Forcea Loyal to Gutierre* Takes Of¬ fensive Against Carrauaa. (Bv AieociaUd Ttm* > WASHINGTON. Nov. JS.-General vr.la, in command of forcea loyal to Provisional President Gutierrez, has taken the offensive against General Carranza, according . to state depart¬ ment, advlcef today. Villa already baa occupied San Lula «Potosi and plana an Immediate attack cn Tam¬ pico. The Washington government already ta preparing to take Ameri¬ can refugees aboard ships lying in tho Tampico river. Villa's forces were received with open arma at San Lola Potosi and. ac¬ cording to the consular advices, now command virtually all the territory north of the line from Ague* Callen¬ tes to San Lula Potosi. Moving south¬ ward, Villa Is expected to meet Car- ranee's men .at.Queretaro. There are unconfirmed reports, however, that General Gonsnles, Carrania's division commander at that point, may join the Villa forces. Carrana« ia at Cordoba, where he has established a temporary capital. Mexico City apparently will be* the objective of the Villa forces moving eastward toward Cordoba and Vera Oms. ELECT OFFICER AND DIRECTORS ._ Director» Vector Mangisluring rnrnprrrj Hold MsiiUng in Greenville. Cit« Amnti.a*\ PIM*.) GREENVILLE, S. C.. Nov, 13.-The directora of the Victor Manufacturing company,, a part of the Parker group of mills, met here today and elected Melville C. Branch, ct Richmond, Va. and .W. E. Beattie, of thia city, di¬ rectors la plane of E C Batley and J. A. Robinson, resigned. Mr. Beat¬ tie waa elected treasurer to succeed Lewie W. Parker, resigned. The Vic¬ tor Manufacturing company Includes the Victor and Greer milla, of Greer, £0.; the Analache mills, of Arllng- n. r*. C.; the Ottaray milla, of Un¬ ion, 8. C., and tho Wallace mills, of Josasvtle. & C. The headquarters ot thea« mills will rem&la IA Greenville and there will be no changea in the selling end of the business waa the announcement made by Mr. Beattie toaag.. ¿ %: .'< I ENORMOUS GROWTH OF UNITED STATES POPULATION MORE THAN QUADRUPLED IN LAST HALF CENTURY OVER 100,000.000 INHABITANTS Evidences of Improved Social Conditions-19,000,000 Chil¬ dren in Public Schcol». (ry AnKKiiM I'ruw.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 13.-Enormous grr.wlh of the United States during the last "half century was uhown in a report today by tho bureau of for¬ eign and domestic commerce. Since 1850 the population has more than quadrupled, being now more than IOC,000,000, the report says. "In- the same period," continued the report, foreign commerce has grown from $318,000,000 to $4,259,000,000, and the per capita value of exports from ¡$16.96 to 123.27. National wealth has Increased from $7,000,000,000 in 1870 to approximately $140,000,000,000; money In circulation from $279,000,000 to $3,419,000,000; and New York bank clearings from approximately $5,000,- 000,000 to over $98,000,000,000, while for the entire country bank clearing* have grown from $52,000,000,000 In 1887, the earliest year for which fle¬ ures are available, to $174,000,000,000 In 1913. "Evidences of Improved social con¬ ditions are also found. For example, 19,000.000 children now are enrolled tn public .school» and about 200,000 .student«- in higher institutions ot learning. Total expenditures' for od' ucatloa now approximate $500.000,000 a year, the result bein« a rapid tn- I crease in general intelligence abd a marked decrease In Illiteracy. Over 22,000 newspapers and periodicals are disseminating information among the people and the report shows a steady growth In the number of libraries. In 1850 depositors In savings banks . were 251,000 In numbers; today the j humber Ia eleven million with denos- I Its, exclusive of those In other savings Institutions aevreeatlng $4,75O.0O0,O0C sr mer* than 100 times as much as at the midie of last century. "Increased activity on, the farms, Io factories, and In the great transpor¬ tation Industries also;has developed. The value of farms ano farm property Increased from four billion dollars in 1850 to forty-one billion In 1910; thc valire of manufactures, from one bil' lion to over twenty1 billion: and thc number of milos of railway Ia opera- tllon from 0.021 In 1850 to 268,033 ID 1912. In the last a uar ter century thc number of passengers carried has in¬ creased from 492.000,000 to 1,004,000.- 000, and the volume qt freight hand¬ led from 632,000.000 to 1.845,000.00( short tons. Nearly twenty bl ll lot pieces of outgoing mall matter ar« handled annually by the postom ce de¬ partment, which disbursed in this im nortant pnblic service last year $262, 000.000, or $2.70 per capita." Establish a New Government in Haiti M íBy AwcttUd Pre».) WASHINGTON, Nov 13¿-Th< United States was notified officially to¬ day of the establishment of a new Eovernrtent In Katti with Davilmai Theodore. , successful revolutionist against President Zemor, as president The nair cabinet officer selected st far ls Jose Justin as minister ol foreign affaires. He was director ci the law. school at the capital. Although the transport Hancoc> with a regiment of marines has left Port-au-Prince for Guantuamo, UM battleship Kansas remslns there and the cruiser Tacoma stays on the norte coast Two Billion Dollar« Spent For Liquori s -~ (By Aanetetod Pm*) ATLANTA, Ga.. Nov. 13.-Two WI ¡lion dollars is spent annually In th« j United States Tor intoxicating liquor« I according to Daniel A. Poling, nation al Superintendent of temperance and Christian citizenship of the United So ciety of Christian Endeavor. Mr. Po Ung was the chief speaker here to night at the annual national conven Mon of tho Woman's Christian Tem perance union. j The afternoon session of the con ' vention was devoted to memorial ex j orrises tn honor of Mrs. Millan *¿ N Stevens, of Portlaqd Oregon, lat* president of the unl-m. Virtues «peak . crt edius'zed 'the departed leader, DÜTE IS SEI After Long Conference I And President Wilson Out to *he Effect Th Troops Would Be Noveml (By Aworiated Prest.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Monday, November 23, was fixed tonight as the date for the American evacuation of Vera Crux. Secretary Bryan Issued this an-| nouncement: "Both General Carranza aud the convention at Aguas Callentes having given the assurances and guarantees wo requested, it is the purpose of the administration to withdraw the troops jot the United States from Vera Cruz .on Monday, the 23rd of November. "All the persons there for whose personal safety this government has made Itself responsible bave left the city. The priests and nuns who had taken refuge there and for whose safety fears wcro entertained, are now on thoir way to this country." This statement waa given ont after a long conference between Mr. Bryan and President Wilson. It apparently was received with surprise in some j official quarters, the general under¬ standing having been that tbs evac-j I ua'tlon might be delayed indefinitely pending reports on the alignment of the various Mexican chiefs lu the lat- esl; civil war. ( Secretary Bryan declined to add to the formal announcement, sering de- tails would be mode public by the 'war department tomorrow. Secretary Garrison hod nothing to say and to Just what authority the port of Vera Crux would be delivered was not made plain. It has been assumed, however, that as the United Statea throughout the Mexican difficulties has dealt with the de facto authorities actually lu control of territory In¬ volved, tho etty wmld be turnea" over Ito an agent of General Carranza, ¡Battle Follows In The 1 (By Associated Pms.) PARIS, Nov. 13.-Rattle follows bat¬ tle tn the great struggle in northeast France and Belgium but notwith¬ standing the heroic efforts of bot'i the Allies and the Germans the solitary situation there apparently haa under- > j gone no noteworthy change during the 5 laBt 24 hours. First one side gains ground slight and then the other r'do takes lt hack. All attempts of the Germans» to advance beyond Dixmude seemingly have been in vaia. The constant artillery fire han ¡transformed the surrounding country into a turnaos in which factories. J churches and houses are burning. All] ÍÍ the Inhabitants have fled. The en¬ gagement around Ypres baa been ln¡ progress three weeks. Scarcely an, inch of ground haa been gained by either army, although the opposing lines have been bent somewhat one] way or another. An eminent general op the retired ¡GOVERNMENT TRYD WHO PLACED s [j (By AsBotUted Press.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 13>-The Unit¬ ed StateS government fa trying to as¬ certain officially who placed, mines In tho North sea. This Is one result of representations by Denmark, Hoi- . land, 8weden and Norway that their ' maritime commerce with the United States had been paralysed by minea The United Staten waa asked to Join with these governments In aa ef- ' fort to have the wafting powers abate this danger to navigation. Whether lt will do so or not la sall (Ry Associated Pr«««;) 1 BL PASO, Texas. Nov. 13.-Prepar¬ ations wsro under way today tor the first ret* battle of the most recent factional, split la Mesko. General Villa, was reported aa morin* his troops to meet those ot General Pablo Gonzales, thavOawaaaa commander, ! AMERICAN If VERA CRUZ ietween Secretary Bryan a Statement it Given at the United States ! Withdrawn on ber 23. probably (Jenora, ICandldo Aguilar. As far aa ls known there has beea no Anal decision as tq when and .to whom the more than a million dollars of Mexican customs moneys now hold by the United States shall be paid. Both Carransa and the Agnes Callen¬ tes convention have given guarantees that customs duties collected will not be reimposed. In view,ot the compli¬ cations which might arise, in the event Carranza were, driven from power by Villa's army, supporting General Gutierres, the convention's ceW provisional president, lt has been suggested that payment of the. money might be withheld, pending a darin- , cation of the situation. Mr. Bryan's statement gave the drat news of the removal of priests and nuns from Vera Crus. With their de¬ parture the only persons other than soldiers, marines and officials left In the Mexican port with a claim Opon the United States for personal pro¬ tection are Mexicans who have been in the employ of the Americans. As¬ surances that these men wilt not be punished waa ohs of the conditions ot evacuation. Five army transports already. ara in port at Vera Crus walting to bring away the troops and; Brigadier Gen¬ eral Funaton, commanding, has re- .nofted that the'evaeaatton -can'- -be completed within 43 noiire after the order is give«. The garrison num¬ bera abo iii 8500, including tho first brigade of infantry and marines. Ordered to Resist Atvtisee, MEXICO CITY. NOV. 13Ï-~Minlatef ot Wsr Pesquelra today asid General Gonzales had been ordered to resist the southward advance nf General Vil¬ la. Large bodies of troops have hean sent to Qneretaro City. Battle Great Struggle list of the army today summarised the situation ss follows: "Vfw have reoccupied a> large part of the French territory which ha* been captured by the <Sermans. We have relieved the rrossure on the Bel¬ gian army, which in reorganising. We have checked the Germans' double turning movement at St Mlhlel and tn the Argonne which we have forced them to retire to Lorraine and In the Tales of brilliant fighting are re¬ lated by returning officers. One said todsy that a brigade ot French blue¬ jackets on the Belgian frontier last night tricked the entrenched Germana who had bung cans and belts on their wire entanglements to prevent a sur¬ prise attack. The sailors, according to mis officer, crept ont and lied strings io the wires and then return¬ ed to their own trenches.. They con¬ tinually pulled these strings, which caused the Germans to keep up for many hours a constant firs. ÏTO ASCERTAIN ONES IN NORTH SEA 11 '"1 " '¿¡^f nader consideration, but meanwhile the Inquiry ts being mad«. Counsellor Lansing, eg th« Stat« de- pertinent, inquired ot the British am¬ bassador aloof those lines today, but the ambassador said ho did not have the Information. Later cam« notice from tho American ambassador at Pe¬ trograd confirming reports that fixse- sta has placed mines front 58.50 north latitude and to the eastsrar* ot th« 21st meridian; also at the ea trance of the Gulf of Riga and around the Aland Islands._ HMS FOR FIRST OF FACTIONAL SPLIT vho probably wUl resist first at Queretar City. General Alvaro Obregon. command* er-in-ehlef of th« Carransa troops, has begun organization among those lead¬ ers who remained loyal to the "first chief.3*

Anderson daily intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1914-11-14. · Certi¬ ficates Will be issued to all whopar-' tlclpate tn the memorial to the extent ot 9100 or more. 133CountiesWill

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Page 1: Anderson daily intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1914-11-14. · Certi¬ ficates Will be issued to all whopar-' tlclpate tn the memorial to the extent ot 9100 or more. 133CountiesWill

rhp21n(liM7sotiB'ailyilníelluipnccrVOLUME 1. NUMBER 363. Weekly, Established i860, DaOj, Jam. lsy1914. ANDERSON, S. ^SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. $5 00 PER ANNUMPRICE FIVE CENTS


OF GRAVITThat Big Engagements Â1

Are About to Begin inFrom the Northeaste

.ia to the EasternSeems E

(By Ataorúted Prou.) |LONDON, Nov. 13.-While the battle

in Weat Flanders continues to holdpublic attention because of the des¬perate character of the lighting, thenumbers of men engaged and the ter¬ritory at stake,, military '

men nowlook cn East Prussia as the center otgravity of the war.

In the latter field a tremendous bat¬tle ls developing. The Russians arepushing vigorously a great envelop¬ing movement They, are engagedwith Germans along a wide curve of150 miles from Stalluoonen, In thenortheast, through Ooldap and Krug-lankeh, which 1B well within the tan¬gió of lakes, down tn Soldán In thesouthwest.

Military observers say the Ger¬mans anparently have checked theirretreat in Poland and are coulter at¬tacking. They say. however, that theRussians are not to be turned fromtheir plan, which is believed to be anattack on Danzig. They argue thatthe Germans either must allow EastPrussia to be overrun, a second timeor bring up reinforcements, and thatthey hardly can weaken their armyainag tbs Polish frontier, for thatwonld leave Posen and Silesia opento invasion. The Allies, aatr^ns4lgW#Mhoping an effort aili b»' made to ro¬

ve Bast Prussia at a sacrifice lothe German armies in Belgium and

In any fighting in their own countrythe Germans will have tne srfMpkmover the Russians, as thev have snetwork of strategic . railways tomove their troops Quickly and theyuse mere motors!thar their oppo¬nents. Military morí are. watching op¬erations In this region with deepestInterest

lu West Flanders the Germhrh* donot seem to have Improved their po¬sition to a marked extent. In tact

riotes Receivii

(Bv AsjtorUUxl Press,)WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Notes re-1

cently presented by Greet Britain aridFrance regarding alleged violationsof neutrality by Ecuador and Colom¬bia are receiving the serious consid¬eration of state department officials.Secretary Bryan said today he had notyet decided whether the good officesof, the American government ought tobe interposed.

It ls' understood the notes do potcall directly for any action by theUnited States, but Imply that theSouth American countries might beInvited to follow the example of thisgovernment In maintaing neutrality.In South American diplomatic circleslt waa thought a movement m'ght boInitiated either by some South Amer!can'country or the United States toadopt a uniform regulation of thewireless. The articles ot The Hagueconvention and the Declaration otLondon, the latest« rulings in interna¬tional law, do bo deal spec! flcall;'I


(By fi ram llljSg'^ftsMjL *L.V,WASHINGTON. Nor. 13.-^Stroagefforts /in the last few days to com¬plete the $135,000,000 cotton loanfund so tar have been unsuccessful.It waa said tonight that much depend«,ad on "beaten abd. Pbüadalpnia hank¬ers and that their participation wouldinsure tho raising of |B6,000,Ooo innon-cotton producing States. Thiswonld bs within ft.000.000 of theamount required from these State«.

Officials hope the New England


(Br A»K+?*i*i Priai).WASHINGTON, Hur*'lV~W»

against Ute uso of American ?*aaiabroad by spies r«e^>ajs¿4|MciUaeoa, Prestoont Wildon toJtjh;ed new sad rigid rule* governingiraaance of passports. The appilmust .enviar 1° jsaroou. before

rVa fetter*!. r.r


Lready Are In Progress orthe East All the Wayrn Part of East Prus-i Point of Galicia-vident.an unofficial report from the north ofPrance tonight says they have againlost DIxmude, which they tock lastTuesday, that their attempts to breakdown the British resistance aroundYpres have failed and that their at¬tack In the vicinity of La Basse hasmet with no greater success.The German official report again

says the German attacks are progress¬ing and records the capture of pris¬oners. On the other hand, the Frenchofficial communication declares allGerman attacks have boèn repulsedand that an advance has been madehythe Allies nearly everywhere.Vienna admits the Austrians have

evacuated eastern Galicia, but as anoffset to tliis, sayf the Servían resist¬ance has been broken and the Aus¬trians have crossed the Danube, driv¬ing the Servians back Into their owncc*untry.Vienna also, reports that the Aus¬

trians have turned their attention tothe Montenegrins and are endeavor¬ing to force them' back. ' According toa Montenegrin report they have fall-ad^.r Accounts from this-part ot theworld are so contradictory that theonly thing clear ls that the Austrianshave virtually cleared their countryof the enemy.England is beginning to learn the

eopt of the European war. A whitepaper Issued: today shows that thegovernment intends to ask parliamentfr.» 81.125,000,000 which, with their$500,000.000 voted at the last session,ls expected to be Great Britain's oil!for the financial year ending March31. .Of this sum, however, a smallnart baa been loaned to Belgium andServia.A portion of tho money also will be

required for the additional millionmen to be enlisted who will bring the.English regular army np to 2,186,000.These figures do not include the ter¬ritorials, who number nearly 600,000:

ag Seriousion of Officialswith that question. The United Stateshas taken an advanced ground in pro¬hibiting transmission by" Americanstation of information vto ships atsea.The Chilean ambassador today gave

Mr. Bryan a copy ot a speech byManuel Salinas, foreign minister, re¬plying to rumors that Chile was vio¬lating neutrality. The minister sug¬gested a possible conference -amongthe nations ct this hemisphere on thewireless question and other newphases of. neutrality.Tba possibility that the United

States might take the initiative incalling such a conference was wide¬ly discussed here today but state de¬partment officials were silentNeither Great Britain nor France

has indicated the exact scope ot Uieirrepresentations to Ecuador and Co¬lombia hat there is every reason trbol leve their inclination not to toler¬ate violations of neutrality was sig¬nificantly set forth. ^

ETE $135,600,000FUND UNSUCCESSFUL. * VW,. jp r i vv ' ' ;:-':*. L*T * * « '*.* -'

the portion allotted to them and Be¬lieve they oan announce the comple¬tion of the subscription tomorrow orMonday. The seriousness of the sit¬uation, however, was Shown todaywhen Amory Elliott, of Boston, andj. G. Weis, of Providence, conferredwith Governor Hamlla, of the feder¬al reserve board, and Secretary of theTreasury McAdoo.Although he would not discuss the

conference, Governor HamHts said to¬night he believed the New Englandbankers would respond to the calL

OVERNINCaJANCE OF PASSPORT[identify himself and mahn a swornstatement of his object In traveling la.a foreign land.[ Tn a statement Issued tonight thestile department annoapcod It hadlearned of «avérai casen ia which

[ alíaos. obtained, OP trtod to obtain(passports..




U. D. C


Thirty Thousand Dollars Avail¬able for erection of a Monu¬


(Tty A-.HO"i;>.i<"> Pres* »SAVANNAH, Qa.. Nov: 13.-Pleas

for a greater interest in the historyof the South were made here tonightat the historical session of the annualgeneral convention of tho' UnitedDaughters, of the Confederacy. Bars.Daisy McLanrtn Stevens, r.f Brandon,Miss., president-general of the daugh¬ters, and Miss >» idred Lewis Ruther¬ford, of Athens, Ga., were the chiefspeakers.. jThe report of Mrs. O. Hallburton,registrar-general, -of Little Pock,:Ark.*, today showed the membershipof the organization to be 35,827. Tex¬as leads all States In membership witha total of 8.K14. Virginia is secondwith 6,344. In obtaining now mem¬bers during the last year, Virginia ledwith '482, North Carolina waa secondwith <¡L7.' Thirty thousand dollars is nowavailable for the construction of amonument by the daughters on thebattlefield of Shiloh. It ls planned tobegin the erection of the memorialnext year. The total cost ls expectjj|cd to approximate «60,000.

It waa -annoanced that the prize qiI1Ö0- offered by the organization forthe best ecsay on Southern historywritten by a student of Teachers' col-tlege, Columbia University, was wonthl ayes* by Miss Marguerite L. Vonde Au, of Athens. Ga. The winner'ssubject was "Virginia's Contributionto ths Confederacy."The Convention will adjourn after

selecting: the 1915 place of meeting.Nashville,. Tann., "and San Franciscoaro contenders.

Block of Dwelling« forfvîrt. Woodrow Wilson

WASHINGTON, Nov. 13,.-Platts toerect here a model block of dwellinghouses as a memorial to Mrs. Wood¬row Wilson have taken definite shape.lt was announced today.Mrs Wilson's last wish was for im¬

provement of the capital's slams. Thememorial block was planned ; hynumber ot women headed by Mrs.Archibald Hopkins, chairman of theWashington Section of the NationalCivic Federation. President Wilsonhas approved the project, which willcost about $250.000A memorial wash house and a

creche .for children of working wo¬men are Included In the plans. Certi¬ficates Will be issued to all who par-'tlclpate tn the memorial to the extentot 9100 or more.

133 Counties WillReduce Acreage

(By 'AjSMtated Fros.)ATUANTA, Ga.. Nov. 13.-Thirty-

three Georgia counties will reducetheir cotton acreage forty-two percent in ISIS as compared with thisyear's crop, according to reports re¬ceived by J. D. Priée, State commis¬sioner of agriculture, and made pub'lie here today.

Mr. Price sent Inquiries to cham¬bers of commerce and other organi¬zations throughout Georgia, whichare in a position to give informationon the cotton situation. Reportsfrom IS of the counties'said the re¬duction would be SO per cent or moro.

Textile AssociationHolding Convention

Uhr Ajaoc&Ud FIMC) "BIRMINGHAM. Ala . Nor. IS.-Member* of the Southern Textileroeiatioa tn convention here weretertalned by the Chamber ofmeroe tonight after a day spentbusiness «ad preliminaryAbout 1*5 members arePresident H XL Boven. of South Car¬olina ut presiding.The association represents lS^OO,-

000 spindles and 800,000 looms and Itsmembers consume 3,500,000 bsJeis-Bfcotton annually.

Beaa Jon will continue tomorrow.President Bowen, Sn: his address to¬

day, stressed the Importance of co*reparation, among milt men.





In Attempting 60 Avoid StrikingSpectators Lost Control of


(By AwoeUtcd Pren.)o o o o o o o o o o «» 0 o o o o o o ow »

o CHESTERFIELD* 8. Nor. oo -Frank J Terrell, sn avaltor, o

o waa Instantly Mlles at a county oo fair here today when engine troa* oo hie forced him* to stake a qolek oo descent and he attempted to atold o'o striking spectators who had ee surged past the police aid Ulled o

e the landing ground. Terrell's o

o honte waa at Worcester-, Maas« oo The aviator had ascended to a o. height of 690 feet without mishap oo when his engine began to give oo hint trouble.. He stepped ft and oo startedtte glide the aeroplane to o

e earth. WhenntAr the ground he oe saw the crowd éfyerlag the asnal eo lAudlng ground end gave the ma- eo chs^a,«*** im H shitting oo his weight. It trashed to the o0 ground a few feet from the erowd, oo with Terrell burled beneath the oe wreckage. &po .oooooooooooeooo.oooo


Gen. VnU, Commanding ForceaLoyal to Gutierre* Takes Of¬fensive Against Carrauaa.

(Bv AieociaUd Ttm* >WASHINGTON. Nov. JS.-General

vr.la, in command of forcea loyal toProvisional President Gutierrez, hastaken the offensive against GeneralCarranza, according . to state depart¬ment, advlcef today. Villa alreadybaa occupied San Lula «Potosi andplana an Immediate attack cn Tam¬pico. The Washington governmentalready ta preparing to take Ameri¬can refugees aboard ships lying intho Tampico river.

Villa's forces were received withopen arma at San Lola Potosi and. ac¬cording to the consular advices, nowcommand virtually all the territorynorth of the line from Ague* Callen¬tes to San Lula Potosi. Moving south¬ward, Villa Is expected to meet Car-ranee's men .at.Queretaro. There areunconfirmed reports, however, thatGeneral Gonsnles, Carrania's divisioncommander at that point, may join theVilla forces.Carrana« ia at Cordoba, where he

has established a temporary capital.Mexico City apparently will be* theobjective of the Villa forces movingeastward toward Cordoba and VeraOms.



Director» té Vector Mangisluringrnrnprrrj Hold MsiiUng in


Cit« Amnti.a*\ PIM*.)GREENVILLE, S. C.. Nov, 13.-The

directora of the Victor Manufacturingcompany,, a part of the Parker groupof mills, met here today and electedMelville C. Branch, ct Richmond, Va.and .W. E. Beattie, of thia city, di¬rectors la plane of E C Batley andJ. A. Robinson, resigned. Mr. Beat¬tie waa elected treasurer to succeedLewie W. Parker, resigned. The Vic¬tor Manufacturing company Includesthe Victor and Greer milla, of Greer,

£0.; the Analache mills, of Arllng-n. r*. C.; the Ottaray milla, of Un¬

ion, 8. C., and tho Wallace mills, ofJosasvtle. & C. The headquarters otthea« mills will rem&la IA Greenvilleand there will be no changea in theselling end of the business waa theannouncement made by Mr. Beattietoaag.. ¿ %: .'< I





Evidences of Improved SocialConditions-19,000,000 Chil¬

dren in Public Schcol».

(ry AnKKiiM I'ruw.)WASHINGTON. Nov. 13.-Enormous

grr.wlh of the United States duringthe last "half century was uhown ina report today by tho bureau of for¬eign and domestic commerce. Since1850 the population has more thanquadrupled, being now more thanIOC,000,000, the report says.

"In- the same period," continued thereport, foreign commerce has grownfrom $318,000,000 to $4,259,000,000, andthe per capita value of exports from¡$16.96 to 123.27. National wealth hasIncreased from $7,000,000,000 in 1870to approximately $140,000,000,000;money In circulation from $279,000,000to $3,419,000,000; and New York bankclearings from approximately $5,000,-000,000 to over $98,000,000,000, whilefor the entire country bank clearing*have grown from $52,000,000,000 In1887, the earliest year for which fle¬ures are available, to $174,000,000,000In 1913."Evidences of Improved social con¬

ditions are also found. For example,19,000.000 children now are enrolledtn public .school» and about 200,000.student«- in higher institutions otlearning. Total expenditures' for od'ucatloa now approximate $500.000,000a year, the result bein« a rapid tn-

I crease in general intelligence abd amarked decrease In Illiteracy. Over22,000 newspapers and periodicals aredisseminating information among thepeople and the report shows a steadygrowth In the number of libraries.In 1850 depositors In savings banks

. were 251,000 In numbers; today thejhumber Ia eleven million with denos-I Its, exclusive of those In other savingsInstitutions aevreeatlng $4,75O.0O0,O0Csr mer* than 100 times as much as atthe midie of last century."Increased activity on, the farms, Io

factories, and In the great transpor¬tation Industries also;has developed.The value of farms ano farm propertyIncreased from four billion dollars in1850 to forty-one billion In 1910; thcvalire of manufactures, from one bil'lion to over twenty1 billion: and thcnumber of milos of railway Ia opera-tllon from 0.021 In 1850 to 268,033 ID1912. In the last a uarter century thcnumber of passengers carried has in¬creased from 492.000,000 to 1,004,000.-000, and the volume qt freight hand¬led from 632,000.000 to 1.845,000.00(short tons. Nearly twenty bl ll lotpieces of outgoing mall matter ar«handled annually by the postomce de¬partment, which disbursed in this imnortant pnblic service last year $262,000.000, or $2.70 per capita."

Establish a NewGovernment in Haiti

M íBy AwcttUd Pre».)WASHINGTON, Nov 13¿-Th<

United States was notified officially to¬day of the establishment of a newEovernrtent In Katti with DavilmaiTheodore. , successful revolutionistagainst President Zemor, as presidentThe nair cabinet officer selected stfar ls Jose Justin as minister olforeign affaires. He was director cithe law. school at the capital.Although the transport Hancoc>

with a regiment of marines has leftPort-au-Prince for Guantuamo, UMbattleship Kansas remslns there andthe cruiser Tacoma stays on the nortecoast

Two Billion Dollar«Spent For Liquoris -~

(By Aanetetod Pm*)ATLANTA, Ga.. Nov. 13.-Two WI

¡lion dollars is spent annually In th«j United States Tor intoxicating liquor«I according to Daniel A. Poling, national Superintendent of temperance andChristian citizenship of the United Society of Christian Endeavor. Mr. PoUng was the chief speaker here tonight at the annual national convenMon of tho Woman's Christian Temperance union.

j The afternoon session of the con' vention was devoted to memorial exj orrises tn honor of Mrs. Millan *¿ NStevens, of Portlaqd Oregon, lat*president of the unl-m. Virtues «peak

. crt edius'zed 'the departed leader,

DÜTE IS SEIAfter Long Conference I

And President WilsonOut to *he Effect ThTroops Would Be

Noveml(By Aworiated Prest.)

WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Monday,November 23, was fixed tonight as thedate for the American evacuation ofVera Crux.

Secretary Bryan Issued this an-|nouncement:"Both General Carranza aud the

convention at Aguas Callentes havinggiven the assurances and guaranteeswo requested, it is the purpose of theadministration to withdraw the troopsjot the United States from Vera Cruz.on Monday, the 23rd of November.

"All the persons there for whosepersonal safety this government hasmade Itself responsible bave left thecity. The priests and nuns who hadtaken refuge there and for whosesafety fears wcro entertained, arenow on thoir way to this country."This statement waa given ont after

a long conference between Mr. Bryanand President Wilson. It apparentlywas received with surprise in some

j official quarters, the general under¬standing having been that tbs evac-jI ua'tlon might be delayed indefinitelypending reports on the alignment ofthe various Mexican chiefs lu the lat-esl; civil war.

( Secretary Bryan declined to add tothe formal announcement, sering de-tails would be mode public by the'war department tomorrow. SecretaryGarrison hod nothing to say and toJust what authority the port of VeraCrux would be delivered was notmade plain. It has been assumed,however, that as the United Stateathroughout the Mexican difficultieshas dealt with the de facto authoritiesactually lu control of territory In¬volved, tho etty wmld be turnea" overIto an agent of General Carranza,

¡Battle FollowsIn The 1

(By Associated Pms.)PARIS, Nov. 13.-Rattle follows bat¬

tle tn the great struggle in northeastFrance and Belgium but notwith¬standing the heroic efforts of bot'i theAllies and the Germans the solitarysituation there apparently haa under-

> j gone no noteworthy change during the5 laBt 24 hours. First one side gainsground slight and then the other r'dotakes lt hack. All attempts of theGermans» to advance beyond Dixmudeseemingly have been in vaia.The constant artillery fire han

¡transformed the surrounding countryinto a turnaos in which factories.

J churches and houses are burning. All]ÍÍ the Inhabitants have fled. The en¬gagement around Ypres baa been ln¡progress three weeks. Scarcely an,inch of ground haa been gained byeither army, although the opposinglines have been bent somewhat one]way or another.An eminent general op the retired


[j (By AsBotUted Press.)WASHINGTON, Nov. 13>-The Unit¬

ed StateS government fa trying to as¬certain officially who placed, minesIn tho North sea. This Is one resultof representations by Denmark, Hoi-

. land, 8weden and Norway that their' maritime commerce with the United

States had been paralysed by mineaThe United Staten waa asked to

Join with these governments In aa ef-' fort to have the wafting powersabate this danger to navigation.Whether lt will do so or not la sall

(Ry Associated Pr«««;)1 BL PASO, Texas. Nov. 13.-Prepar¬ations wsro under way today tor thefirst ret* battle of the most recentfactional, split la Mesko. GeneralVilla, was reported aa morin* histroops to meet those ot General PabloGonzales, thavOawaaaa commander,

! AMERICANIf VERA CRUZietween Secretary Bryana Statement it Givenat the United States

! Withdrawn onber 23.probably (Jenora, ICandldo Aguilar.As far aa ls known there has beea

no Anal decision as tq when and .towhom the more than a million dollarsof Mexican customs moneys now holdby the United States shall be paid.Both Carransa and the Agnes Callen¬tes convention have given guaranteesthat customs duties collected will notbe reimposed. In view,ot the compli¬cations which might arise, in theevent Carranza were, driven frompower by Villa's army, supportingGeneral Gutierres, the convention'sceW provisional president, lt has beensuggested that payment of the. moneymight be withheld, pending a darin- ,cation of the situation.

Mr. Bryan's statement gave the dratnews of the removal of priests andnuns from Vera Crus. With their de¬parture the only persons other thansoldiers, marines and officials left Inthe Mexican port with a claim Oponthe United States for personal pro¬tection are Mexicans who have beenin the employ of the Americans. As¬surances that these men wilt not bepunished waa ohs of the conditions otevacuation.

Five army transports already. arain port at Vera Crus walting to bringaway the troops and; Brigadier Gen¬eral Funaton, commanding, has re-.nofted that the'evaeaatton -can'- -becompleted within 43 noiire after theorder is give«. The garrison num¬bera abo iii 8500, including tho firstbrigade of infantry and marines.

Ordered to Resist Atvtisee,

MEXICO CITY. NOV. 13Ï-~Minlatefot Wsr Pesquelra today asid GeneralGonzales had been ordered to resistthe southward advance nf General Vil¬la. Large bodies of troops have heansent to Qneretaro City.

BattleGreat Strugglelist of the army today summarised thesituation ss follows:"Vfw have reoccupied a> large part

of the French territory which ha*been captured by the <Sermans. Wehave relieved the rrossure on the Bel¬gian army, which in reorganising. Wehave checked the Germans' doubleturning movement at St Mlhlel andtn the Argonne which we have forcedthem to retire to Lorraine and In the

Tales of brilliant fighting are re¬lated by returning officers. One saidtodsy that a brigade ot French blue¬jackets on the Belgian frontier lastnight tricked the entrenched Germanawho had bung cans and belts on theirwire entanglements to prevent a sur¬prise attack. The sailors, accordingto mis officer, crept ont and liedstrings io the wires and then return¬ed to their own trenches.. They con¬tinually pulled these strings, whichcaused the Germans to keep up formany hours a constant firs.

ÏTO ASCERTAINONES IN NORTH SEA11 '"1 " '¿¡^fnader consideration, but meanwhilethe Inquiry ts being mad«.Counsellor Lansing, eg th« Stat« de-

pertinent, inquired ot the British am¬bassador aloof those lines today, butthe ambassador said ho did not havethe Information. Later cam« noticefrom tho American ambassador at Pe¬trograd confirming reports that fixse-sta has placed mines front 58.50 northlatitude and to the eastsrar* ot th«21st meridian; also at the eatranceof the Gulf of Riga and around theAland Islands._HMS FOR FIRSTOF FACTIONALSPLITvho probably wUl resist first atQueretar City.General Alvaro Obregon. command*

er-in-ehlef of th« Carransa troops, hasbegun organization among those lead¬ers who remained loyal to the "firstchief.3*