Analysis and monitoring of R&I policies DG RTD, Unit A4 Science Europe WG on Research Policy and Programme Evaluation 12 November 2015 DG RTD, UNIT A4 Román Arjona

Analysis and monitoring of R&I policies DG RTD, Unit A4 Science Europe WG on Research Policy and Programme Evaluation 12 November 2015 DG RTD, UNIT A4

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Page 1: Analysis and monitoring of R&I policies DG RTD, Unit A4 Science Europe WG on Research Policy and Programme Evaluation 12 November 2015 DG RTD, UNIT A4

Analysis and monitoringof R&I policies

DG RTD, Unit A4Science Europe

WG on Research Policy and Programme Evaluation

12 November 2015

DG RTD, UNIT A4Román Arjona

Page 2: Analysis and monitoring of R&I policies DG RTD, Unit A4 Science Europe WG on Research Policy and Programme Evaluation 12 November 2015 DG RTD, UNIT A4

3 core things

1) Economic analysis• SRI Competitiveness Report • R&D Investment Scoreboard • IU Scoreboard (with GROW) • Fast-growing innovative firms • Tax credits (with OECD) • Economic modelling (with ECFIN)

2) European Semester • Analysis of national reform programmes• Country profiles • Interfacing with economic analysis and policy support

3) Policy support Facility • Peer Reviews and Specific Support • Mutual Learning exercises


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Regional distribution of R&D investments from world top R&D investors Top 2500 companies

invested €538.5bn = 90% total world business R&D investment

Global change 2012-13:R&D investment +4.9% Sales +2.7%

2014 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard

EU +2.6% -1.9%

US +5% +2%

Japan +5.5% +11.2%

Data 2013

R&D investment Sales

Economic analysis: Investment Scoreboard

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Source: DG Research and Innovation - Unit for the Analysis and Monitoring of National Research Policies

Data: Eurostat, DG ECFIN, OECD

Notes: (1) GDP per hour worked in PPS€ at 2005 prices and exchange rates.

(2) IS, NO, CH, TR, IL, JP, KR: 2013.

(3) IS, NO, CH, TR, IL, JP, KR: 2007-2013.

(4) EU: Croatia is not included.

Economic analysis: Competitiveness Report

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

The European Semester

Yearly cycle of economic policy coordination

1) Annu al Growth Survey (November): Sets out EU priorities to boost job creation and growth

2) Country Reports (February): Single analytical economic assessment per MS looking at economic situation and reform agenda

3) Country-Specific Recommendations (May): Tailor-made policy advice to each Member State in priority areas for next 12-18 months


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Annual Growth Survey (AGS) 2015

•  1. Coordinated boost to investment

– Juncker Plan: EUR 315 billion 2015-2017 – Investment-friendly environment (e.g. CMU)

2. Renewed commitment to structural reforms – Grow out of debt and stimulate job creation – Improve framework conditions

3. Pursuing fiscal responsibility– Differentiated fiscal policy – More fiscal space, more demand encouragement


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AGS 2015: priority number 6

• Investing in R&I is critical critical to kick-start growth  

1. Continue to prioritise public R&I investment and ensure its quality/ efficiency

2. Ensure its leverage with regard to business investment

3. Ensure an investment-friendly business environment in support of private R&I investments and fast-growing innovative SMEs


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Key drivers in the reports

Challenge "Efficiency of public R&I spending"

•Use of performance criteria in institutional funding

•Use of international panels to evaluate projects

•Critical mass vs. fragmentation of public research

•Thematic/ challenge-driven prioritisation

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Key drivers in the reports

Challenge "Leveraging business R&I through

public-private cooperation"

•Targeted funding schemes: proof-of-concept, public-private projects, industrial PhDs, vouchers

•Smart specialisation, common research agendas

•Incentives for public research: criteria for funding, performance contracts and career recognition

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Key drivers in the reports

Challenge "Investment-friendly business



•Policy mix (e.g. internationalisation of SMEs)

•Tax incentives


•Human resources availability, skills shortages (mismatches between curricula and labour market)

•Access to finance

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Example: S&E graduates vs. BERD


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Snaphot: assessment of policy responses in Estonia

•Innovation voucher scheme enabling SMEs to collaborate with universities and competence centre

•New Applied Research Programme in support of public-private projects in smart specialisation areas

Swift implementations could lead to promising developments

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Snaphot: assessment of policy responses in Slovakia

• While the new support system to promote KT is a positive step, the delay in the adoption of the Implementation Plan for S3 is a major drawback

• Key bottlenecks to be addressed:

o Low quality and lack of industrial relevance of the science base

o Set-up of university financing system does not incentivise contract research and spin-offs

• Innovation voucher scheme, but limited use by SMEs, lack of evaluation

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Some CSRs on R&I in 2015


Germany Further increase public investment in infrastructure, education and research, including by using the available fiscal space

Netherlands Shift public expenditure towards supporting investment in R&D and work on framework conditions for improving private R&D expenditure

Estonia Focus public support for research and innovation on a limited number of smart specialisation areas

Latvia Better target research financing and incentivise private investment in innovation on the basis on of the S3 Framework

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility

• New initiative to help MS "improve the design, implementation and evaluation of R & I policies"

• Supporting evidence-based R&I policies

• Operates on a voluntary basis and draws on high-level expert advice and assistance

• Replying to strong need to offer customer-oriented services to shape "policy responses"

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Services of the H2020 PSF(1) Peer reviews of national R&I systems:

• Assessments of national R&I systems by experts and peers• Recommendations on R&I policy reforms needed

(2) Specific support to countries: • Pre peer reviews (preparation) & post peer reviews (follow-up)• Support in specific areas of R&I policy

(3) Mutual learning exercises• Focus on issues of interest to several countries• More in-depth, hands-on, based on learning-by-doing

(4) PSF library: https://rio.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ • All Commission R&I products (data & studies) • Compatible with the OECD Innovation Policy Platform


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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

(1) Peer reviews of national R&I systems

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

e.g. BG peer review 'headlines'

• "3. Set up a professional, independent and robust national research agency to design and manage research and innovation funding programmes and support the successful implementation of the RI structural reforms package"

• "8. Incentivise the opening up of Bulgaria's science base to businesses and step up the schemes to support public-private cooperation"

• "9. Create the conditions for specific regional and local innovation ecosystems to develop in Bulgaria using the Sofia Tech Park as a strategic innovation test-bed"

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

(2) Specific support to policy responses

Pre peer reviews (scanning phase)Preparation of full peer reviewBuild evidence-base and identify focus areas

Post peer reviews (follow-up phase)evaluation of implementation of recommendationsadvice on how to strengthen implementation

Specific support to countries (specific bottlenecks)focus on specific R&I policy issuesrecommendations on how to operationally tackle/ implement

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

e.g. Hungarian pre-Peer Review: focus areas

1. R&I governance, funding and policy making2. Availability of human resources for R&I 3. University-Industry cooperation 4. Technology transfer and entrepreneurship5. Framework conditions for innovation in business sector

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

(3) Mutual learning exercices

• Demand-oriented• Hands-on, project-based• "Learning by doing"• New methodology

• Pipeline includes: Innovation procurementTax credits Public-private partnerships Performance based funding of PROsInteroperability of research programmes

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PolicyPolicy Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

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