RLV reusable launch vehicle Spaceplane fully reusable piloted winged vehicle capable of flight to and from space, i.e., a particular type of RLV SS1 SpaceShipOne SS2 SpaceShipTwo Sub-orbital a trajectory with sufficient speed to zoom to space height (usually defined as 100km) Sub-sub-orbital A trajectory with sufficient speed to zoom to a height in the region of 50 to 60km, i.e., roughly twice as high as achievable by jet aeroplanes and one half of space height. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This paper presents, as the basis for discussion, a strategy for greatly reducing the cost of access to space soon and at low risk. That such a paper might be useful is due to the fact that space transportation is in an unusual situation. Private sector start-up companies are pursuing a radically new approach that has the potential to transform space- flight. For historical reasons, government agencies and major contractors are taking little interest and are continuing down the traditional path. However, the start-up companies at present lack the resources to complete the transformation and government backing would bring forward by several years a new age of low-cost access to orbit. The aim of this paper is therefore to encourage discussion of a public-private partnership. Start-up companies are developing reusable aeroplane-like vehicles (spaceplanes). The Scaled Composites, SpaceShipOne (SS1) was the first such vehicle to fly, having reached space height (usually defined as 100km) in 2004. Virgin Galactic plan to use SS2, ABSTRACT This paper presents a strategy for developing the first orbital space- plane soon and at low cost and risk. The paper then shows how this vehicle will introduce an aviation approach to orbital space trans- portation to replace the present missile paradigm, leading to far lower costs and improved safety. To illustrate the potential benefits, the paper presents preliminary sizing and cost estimates of a simple lunar base. Even including the cost of developing the spaceplanes and other vehicles required, the total cost is about ten times less than that of present plans that use large new expendable launch vehicles. Timescales need not be greatly affected. ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Carrier aeroplane an aeroplane used as the lower stage of a launch vehicle BSP Bristol Spaceplanes ELV expendable launch vehicle ETO Earth transfer orbit GEO geostationary orbit GTO geostationary transfer orbit HSF human spaceflight HTP high test peroxide. The name given to the hydrogen peroxide used in British rocket engines up to the 1970s ISS International Space Station LEO low Earth orbit LH2 liquid hydrogen LO lunar orbit LOX liquid oxygen RHLV reusable heavy lift vehicle THE AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL AUGUST 2009 VOLUME 113 NO 1146 499 Paper No. 3403. Manuscript received 4 February 2009, revised version received 29 April 2009 accepted 6 May 2009. An aviation approach to space transportation (A strategy for increasing space exploration within existing budget streams) D. Ashford [email protected] Bristol Spaceplanes Almondsbury Bristol, UK

An aviation approach to space transportation - NASA

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Page 1: An aviation approach to space transportation - NASA

RLV reusable launch vehicleSpaceplane fully reusable piloted winged vehicle capable of

flight to and from space, i.e., a particular type ofRLV

SS1 SpaceShipOneSS2 SpaceShipTwoSub-orbital a trajectory with sufficient speed to zoom to

space height (usually defined as 100km)Sub-sub-orbital A trajectory with sufficient speed to zoom to a

height in the region of 50 to 60km, i.e., roughlytwice as high as achievable by jet aeroplanes andone half of space height.

1.0 INTRODUCTIONThis paper presents, as the basis for discussion, a strategy for greatlyreducing the cost of access to space soon and at low risk. That such apaper might be useful is due to the fact that space transportation is inan unusual situation. Private sector start-up companies are pursuinga radically new approach that has the potential to transform space-flight. For historical reasons, government agencies and majorcontractors are taking little interest and are continuing down thetraditional path. However, the start-up companies at present lack theresources to complete the transformation and government backingwould bring forward by several years a new age of low-cost accessto orbit. The aim of this paper is therefore to encourage discussion ofa public-private partnership.

Start-up companies are developing reusable aeroplane-likevehicles (spaceplanes). The Scaled Composites, SpaceShipOne(SS1) was the first such vehicle to fly, having reached space height(usually defined as 100km) in 2004. Virgin Galactic plan to use SS2,

ABSTRACTThis paper presents a strategy for developing the first orbital space-plane soon and at low cost and risk. The paper then shows how thisvehicle will introduce an aviation approach to orbital space trans-portation to replace the present missile paradigm, leading to farlower costs and improved safety.

To illustrate the potential benefits, the paper presents preliminarysizing and cost estimates of a simple lunar base. Even including thecost of developing the spaceplanes and other vehicles required, thetotal cost is about ten times less than that of present plans that uselarge new expendable launch vehicles. Timescales need not begreatly affected.

ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONSCarrier aeroplane an aeroplane used as the lower stage of a launch

vehicleBSP Bristol SpaceplanesELV expendable launch vehicleETO Earth transfer orbitGEO geostationary orbitGTO geostationary transfer orbitHSF human spaceflightHTP high test peroxide. The name given to the

hydrogen peroxide used in British rocket enginesup to the 1970s

ISS International Space StationLEO low Earth orbitLH2 liquid hydrogenLO lunar orbitLOX liquid oxygenRHLV reusable heavy lift vehicle


Paper No. 3403. Manuscript received 4 February 2009, revised version received 29 April 2009 accepted 6 May 2009.

An aviation approach to space transportation(A strategy for increasing space exploration within existing budget streams)

D. [email protected] SpaceplanesAlmondsburyBristol, UK

Page 2: An aviation approach to space transportation - NASA


2.1 Historical

To date, all orbital spaceflight has used launchers with large andcomplex single-use components based on ballistic missiletechnology. The first satellites were launched using convertedballistic missiles rather than rocket-powered aeroplanes because thelatter would have taken longer and cost more to develop. Due topressures of the Cold War, the first men in space were also sent thereon top of ballistic missiles, and the use of expendable launcherspersisted during the 1960s race to the moon.

Even in the 1950s, it was recognised that aeroplane-like reusablevehicles (spaceplanes) have the potential to reduce launch costs bybringing in an aviation approach. A start was made in the 1960swhen the X-15 experimental spaceplane made several brief flights tospace height but this aeroplane was not followed up by an opera-tional development.

The X-15 was only sub-orbital but was intended to pave the wayfor orbital spaceplanes. Thus, in the 1960s, there were numerousfeasibility studies of spaceplanes that could reach orbit. Theconsensus was that they were the obvious next step in space trans-portation and just about feasible with the technology of the time. Inthe 1970s, the early designs of the Space Shuttle were indeed fullyreusable. Budget pressures then forced NASA to choose between asmaller reusable design, which would have introduced the aviationapproach, or giving up on full reusability. The habit of expendabilitywas by then strong enough for NASA to choose the latter. Thelargely expendable Space Shuttle is as expensive and as risky as thevehicles that it replaced.

This history has created ways of thinking and institutionsrepeatedly reinforcing the throwaway launcher habit. This mind-setappears to be the largest obstacle in the way of spaceplane devel-opment. Even today, as already mentioned, NASA and other spaceagencies are developing new expendable launchers.

2.2 Present spaceplane developments

After a hiatus of several decades, the private sector has taken the leadand, as mentioned earlier, the experimental spaceplane SS1 flew tospace height in 2004, 36 years after the X-15 last achieved this feat.

Several other companies are promoting sub-orbital spaceplanes

which is an enlarged development of SS1, for carrying sciencepayloads and passengers on brief space experience flights, startingaround 2011 at a fare of about $200,000. Xcor appear to be not farbehind with the Lynx. Passengers will experience weightlessness fora few minutes, will see an area larger than the UK at one time, willsee the earth’s curvature, and will see the sky go black even indaytime.

The spaceplanes under development are sub-orbital in that theycan fly fast enough to coast up to space for a few minutes, followinga steep accelerating climb to supersonic speed, but cannot fly fastenough to reach earth orbit. Compared with present sub-orbitalsounding rockets, which are expendable, spaceplanes offer a lowercost per flight, more rapid turnaround, and the opportunity for scien-tists to accompany their experiment. As the technology matures,costs will be reduced even further. It therefore seems but a matter oftime before spaceplanes transform sub-orbital spaceflight bybringing in the aviation approach of reusable piloted vehicles eachmaking several flights per day. A new age of sub-orbital spaceflightis in sight.

Orbital spaceplanes appear to have the potential to do the same fororbital spaceflight, for which the market is larger and moreimportant than sub-orbital. In spite of this promise, there are nofunded plans for orbital spaceplanes, which require about eight timesthe speed and twice the height of sub-orbital ones, and which willcost approximately ten times as much to develop. Such fundingappears to be out of reach of the private sector alone, but this mightchange if sub-orbital passenger flights turn out to be a commercialsuccess. Space agencies are showing little interest in spaceplanedevelopment. NASA is more or less re-inventing the mighty Saturn5 expendable launcher of the 1960s for sending humans back to themoon. Other space agencies are planning to collaborate with thisprogramme and are developing their own new or improvedexpendable launchers.

These government and private sector approaches can co-exist for afew more years because space agencies have only a peripheralinterest in sub-orbital flight (for various scientific purposes) andtheir present plans do not appear to be challenged by the devel-opment of sub-orbital spaceplanes. This situation would change ifthe private sector did indeed develop an orbital spaceplane. Thiswould undercut any expendable vehicle of comparable payload andNASA and ESA would then probably adopt it. The aviationapproach to space transportation would thereby spread from sub-orbital to orbital flight and a new space age would be in sight.

Ideally, there would be a rational discussion between governmentagencies and the private sector on the best way to develop an orbitalspaceplane. This might lead to some kind of public-privatepartnership and the phasing out of expendable launchers.Unfortunately, this discussion does not seem to be happening.Government agencies are all but ignoring the new space age and theprivate sector has not published a coherent strategy for collaboratingwith these agencies to develop an orbital spaceplane.

This paper presents the outlines of such a strategy aimed atserving as the basis for discussion.

To establish the background to this strategy, the second sectionbriefly describes the history of spaceplanes to explore why spaceagencies are all but ignoring them. This section also describescurrent developments and investigates the potential of spaceplanes toreduce the cost of sending people to space. The third sectiondescribes a conceptual design exercise to establish some basicparameters concerning design features, cost, safety, technologyavailability, timescales, and markets. The fourth section outlines thelogic behind the strategy and the next seven sections describe thestrategy itself. To illustrate the potential cost savings, the remainingsections estimate the cost of establishing a simple lunar base usingthe aviation approach, and compare it with the cost of present plans.

The analysis described in this paper is inevitably at a preliminarylevel and involves some conjecture. Even so, robust and usefulconclusions can be drawn.


Armadillo Aerospace TestVehicle

EADS Rocketplane

SpaceShipTwo onWhiteKnightTwo

Xcor Lynx

Figure 1. Pioneering sub-orbital space tourism vehicles.

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with that in Antarctica; space tourism would become affordable bymiddle-income people prepared to save; and we could begin toaccess the unlimited resources of space, possibly starting with solarpower satellites.

Expendable launch vehicles (ELVs), even if mass-produced,cannot approach this cost threshold because the marginal cost perflight is that of a new vehicle. Reusable launch vehicles (RLVs) canindeed achieve the required low costs at high flight rates becausethey can then be operated like airliners. The marginal cost per flightis then fuel, crew, and maintenance, which, for airliners, is typicallyone thousandth of the cost of a new vehicle. (The cost per seat ofELVs at low flight rates shown in Fig. 2 is less than today’s costbecause new vehicles have been assumed, using existing technologybut optimised for carrying people.)

Thus, the new space age depends on the combination ofreusability and high traffic levels. As discussed later, space tourismis the new market most likely to demand these high traffic levels.

Figure 2 is based on a simplified analysis intended to illustratetrends and orders of magnitude. The analysis is, however, suffi-ciently accurate to justify the conclusions. More sophisticatedanalyses with similar conclusions are given in Refs. 6 and 7. Anestimate of the operating cost of a mature spaceplane at high flightrates is given later in Section 11.2 and the result is consistent withthe costs shown in Fig. 2.

and these have a wide variety of design features. The four designsthat appear to have the most backing are one by ArmadilloAerospace(1), the EADS Rocketplane(2), the Virgin Galactic SS2(3),and the Xcor Lynx(4). These vehicles are shown in Fig. 1.

Armadillo Aerospace has not yet announced details of their opera-tional vehicle, so a test vehicle is shown. The SpaceShipTwo space-plane is shown while carried on WhiteKnightTwo, from which it islaunched at some 55,000ft.

Some leading design features of these vehicles are shown in Table 1.As will be noted, these vehicles have a wide variety of design

features. The Armadillo design is the only one to take-off or landvertically. SS2 is the only vehicle to have two stages or a hybridrocket engine. Lynx is the only one with sub-sub-orbital perfor-mance, although a later version is planned capable of full sub-orbitalflight. Rocketplane is the only single-stage vehicle with jet engines.

Other differences, not shown in Table 1, are that Rocketplane isthe only one with a straight high aspect-ratio wing, and that thepassenger in the Lynx stays strapped in his/her seat whereas inRocketplane and SS2 they are free to float around the cabin in zero-g. The accommodation details for the Armadillo design have not yetbeen published.

This diversity of design features is perhaps comparable to thatduring the pioneering days of aeroplane development in the early1900s, when a wide variety of ideas were tried out before the tractorbiplane with the empennage mounted on the rear fuselage emergedas the predominant type. This raises the question of what basicdesign features are likely to predominate in future spaceplanes, andthis is discussed in Section 3.2.

2.3 Cost potential

2.3.1 Spaceplane cost potential

A key question is the extent to which spaceplanes are capable ofreducing the cost of access to orbit. There are few recent publishedestimates, but one such(5) takes the MBB (now EADS) Sänger space-plane design of the 1980s as an example and shows that, after a longproduction run and with mature technology, the cost per seat to orbitwould be about 1,000 times less than the cost today. This is ameasure of the benefits of using vehicles like airliners instead ofthose like ballistic missiles. A more up-to-date estimate is describedlater in Section 11.2.

These low costs assume aviation standards of design and opera-tional maturity, and these in turn depend on a market large enough tosupport a fleet of several dozen spaceplanes each making severalflights per day. To explore the relationship between cost and flightrate, we have carried out an illustrative estimate of how the cost perseat to orbit would reduce with increasing number of flights per yearfor expendable and reusable launchers. Table 2 shows some detailsof the vehicles used for the comparison and Fig. 2 shows theresulting costs.

To achieve a breakthrough into new markets for space, the costper seat to orbit has to come down to a few tens of thousands ofdollars. The cost of science in space would then become comparable


Table 1 Leading features of pioneering sub-orbital space tourism vehicles

Type Armadillo Rocketplane SpaceShipTwo Lynx

Number of stages One One Two OneTake-off and landing Vertical Horizontal Horizontal HorizontalType of rocket engine Liquid Liquid Hybrid LiquidJet engines? No Yes Yes (carrier aeroplane only) NoNumber of passengers Not published Four Six OnePerformance Sub-orbital Sub-orbital Sub-orbital Sub-sub-orbital

Table 2Parametric data of expendable and reusable launch vehicles for

cost comparison


Launch mass, tonnes 400 400Number of stages 2 2Inert mass/stage mass less payload, % 12 18Number of passenger seats 73 44Unit production cost of 100th vehicle, $m 75 500Production learning curve (cumulative average), % 90 90

Figure 2. Cost per seat to orbit versus flights per year for expendableand reusable launch vehicles.

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The cost of unmanned satellites can also be greatly reduced. Theywill not need to be so light because the cost per tonne to orbit will belower. They will not require such a long untended life because it willbe readily affordable to send up mechanics for service and repair. Ahigher level of modularity will be practicable because of moregenerous design margins.

2.3.3 Cost penalties of expendability

In view of the low costs predicted above, it is worth considering theprecise reasons for the present high cost and risk of spaceflight. Thefundamental cause is not hard to identify — it is the exclusive use todate of launchers with large and complex single-use components.

The obvious direct penalty arising from expendability is thatexpensive components have to be replaced for each flight. However,the cost of these could be reduced considerably by mass production,and indirect penalties are perhaps even more important.

The first of these indirect penalties is that the cost per launch,even with mass production, is too high for new commercial applica-tions of space to evolve. For example, the cost per launch of theSpace Shuttle might be reduced from $1bn to some $50m if it werebuilt in sufficient numbers. However, even this cost is about athousand times greater than that of a long-distance flight by anairliner of comparable 50-seat capacity. (The Shuttle actually carriesup to ten astronauts, but could be configured to carry 50 passengers.)The cost per seat to orbit would then be $1m, which is still too highfor large-scale space tourism, for example.

Expendable vehicles are therefore restricted to the present 70 or solaunches per year for carrying payloads funded by governmentagencies and for the few applications that are genuinely commercial,such as satellites for communication. There are nearly 20 types oflauncher on the market, making an average of around four launchesper year each. These low numbers prevent ELVs from evenapproaching aviation standards of operational maturity.

The second indirect penalty arising from expendability appliesespecially to human spaceflight (HSF). Launchers full of high-energychemicals and designed for extreme lightness are inherently moredifficult to make safe than conventional aeroplanes. This applies bothto expendable vehicles and to spaceplanes. In the case of expendablevehicles, this problem is compounded by the inherent high cost perflight, which means that an adequate programme of flight-testingcannot be afforded. Thus, a new type of airliner makes typically onethousand test flights in one or two years before being allowed to carrypassengers, whereas the Shuttle has made just 132 flights in 28 years.

This means that extraordinary, and very expensive, measures arerequired for astronaut safety. Even so, there are (approximately) onehundred flights per fatal accident for HSF, compared with more thanone million for airliners. These extraordinary safety measurespreclude expendable HSF launchers or spacecraft from beingdeveloped in experimental workshops (sometimes called skunkworks). By contrast, prototype aeroplanes can be developed atremarkably low cost in experimental workshops—approximately tentimes less than the cost to full certification—and the same can applyto spaceplanes. (This is one reason for the low development cost ofSS1, discussed later in Section 5.2.)

Reusability means that an adequate flight test programme can beafforded. As discussed later in Section 3.4, even prototype spaceplanesshould be far safer than ELVs and so it should be permissible for themto carry payloads on test flights. In this way, spaceplanes could progressdown the learning curve towards airliner safety at an affordable cost.

Approaching airliner safety will be difficult enough with space-planes — this task is all but impossible with ELVs.

It may seem paradoxical at first sight, but it is precisely becausespaceplanes are inherently so much safer and less expensive to flythan man-rated expendable launchers that they can cost less todevelop. Operational prototypes can be built in experimentalworkshops and their marginal cost per flight is not a barrier toadequate testing.

2.3.2 Space station and satellite costs

An important use of spaceplanes will be to transport crews andsupplies to and from space stations and to send up mechanics toservice and repair unmanned satellites. Space stations are at presentvery expensive, largely because of:

! Low production rate! High political profile! Immature technology! High cost of access, which makes maintenance and repair

expensive and forces exceptional reliability standards! Lack of access on demand, so that operators cannot plan on

being able to rescue the crew in an emergency. This forces anexceptionally high standard of safety.

None of these factors need apply when spaceplanes enter service andspace stations are built in significant numbers. As a first attempt tofind a cost estimating relationship for space stations when the cost ofaccess is low, Fig. 3 compares the cost of various vehicles capable ofaccommodating humans, using installed power per cubic meter ofuseful space as an indicator of complexity. Vehicles used for publictransport — cruise liners, trains, and airliners — fall on a discernibletrend line. Trains have a higher installed power per unit volume thanships and cost more, and likewise airliners compared with trains.Camper vans fall below the trend because most of their componentsare mass-produced, and submarines lie above it because they arebuilt in small numbers to demanding naval specifications.

The International Space Station (ISS) is ‘off the scale’ by terres-trial standards, for the reasons mentioned above. This raises thequestion of what the cost of space stations will become when low-cost access is assured.

Space stations are inherently simpler than airliners. They canhardly get lost and do not have to land at night in bad weather.Imagine that you have just completed the conceptual design of a newairliner and you are told to convert it into a space station with thesame useful volume. (This thought experiment serves to make auseful point although, even with today’s rapid changes in policy, theexample is a bit extreme!) You would remove the wings, engines,landing gear, flaps, tail, and flying controls. You would thenenhance the pressure integrity and life support, and add a solarpower system, a docking port, and an attitude and orbit controlsystem. The cost of these deletions and additions should be compa-rable, with the balance almost certainly in favour of space stations.

It is therefore almost certainly conservative to assume that the costper cubic meter of space stations will fall to values comparable withairliners once low-cost access has been achieved and significantnumbers are produced.


Figure 3. Cost comparisons of vehicles with accommodation forhumans.

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3.2.1 Number of stages

The weight of propellant needed for sub-orbital flight with a single-stage vehicle using only rocket engines is approximately 60% of thetake-off weight. If jet engines are used for the early part of the flight,this can be reduced to below 50%. These propellant mass fractionsare feasible for practical and robust spaceplanes; so two stages arenot required for engineering reasons alone.

Using a carrier aeroplane to air-launch the spaceplane wouldallow a higher payload to be carried. However, by analogy withlong-range air travel, the gains would almost certainly not outweighthe additional cost and complexity of two stages. In the pioneeringdays of trans-Atlantic airline operations, the case was made for theuse of carrier aeroplanes or in-flight refuelling to permit non-stopoperations. Indeed, in the late 1930s, the Short-Mayo compositeaeroplane made several successful experimental long-range flights.However, airlines considered that the additional payload did notjustify the cost and complexity of using two aeroplanes, and therehas never been significant commercial use of two-stage operations.Flight refuelling is, of course, used routinely for military missions,where considerations of cost are less important.

It is therefore reasonably certain that second-generation sub-orbital spaceplanes will have a single stage.

3.2.2 Take-off and landing

Safety will be a major consideration for early spaceplanes becausepassenger carrying is likely to be their first large-scale use. There isunlikely to be enough demand for military or scientific spaceplanesto build up the operational experience needed to approach airlinerstandards of safety.

This favours horizontal rather than vertical take-off and landing.Vertical take-off aeroplanes (such as the Harrier and helicopters)have significantly higher accident rates than horizontal take-offtypes. This is because loss of power near to the ground is morecritical if that power is required to generate lift as well as thrust.Moreover, achieving stability and control is more difficult at speedsbelow the conventional stalling speed. Vertical take-off types alsorequire greater mechanical complexity.

It is therefore reasonably certain that second-generation sub-orbital spaceplanes will take off and land horizontally.

3.2.3 Jet engine size

Spaceplanes can have jet engines in four size categories: No jet engines

Jet engines are not strictly required for sub-orbital flight. The X-15and SS1 had only rocket engines, although both were air-launched.The same applies to SS2. The Armadillo design and the Lynx do nothave jet engines. Jet engines for safety and practicability

Jet engines use in the region of ten to twenty times less propellantthan rockets of the same thrust over the same time and are thereforemore practical for taxiing, ferry flights, aborted landings, anddiversion to other airfields. They can provide back-up thrust in caseof rocket engine failure on take-off. Jet engines in this size categoryare small because they do not provide the primary thrust needed fortake-off. Even so, they do add deadweight to the rocket part of theclimb in thin air where jet engines cannot operate.

None of the four vehicles mentioned in Table 1 has jet engines inthis thrust category, although Ascender, described later in Section 5,does.


3.1 General

The conclusions of the previous sections can be summed up as follows:

! Several pioneering sub-orbital spaceplanes are under devel-opment, with widely differing basic design features.

! Orbital spaceplanes following on from these pioneering designscan reduce greatly the cost of access to orbit. The cost is potentiallylow enough to enable large new commercial markets to develop.

! Low-cost access to orbit will enable the cost of space stationsand satellites to be greatly reduced.

! The first orbital spaceplane is therefore the key to the newspace age.

The spaceplanes under development are all first-generationpioneering designs. Several key questions remain concerning moreadvanced vehicles. Which design features will predominate? Whatwill they cost to operate? How safe will they be? How soon can theybe developed? How big will be their market?

To gain insight into these issues, we have carried out theconceptual design of a second-generation sub-orbital spaceplane. Wehave assumed that the pioneering designs will lead to an establishedand competitive market with several manufacturers and operators.The main criteria for selecting the basic design features for moreadvanced vehicles will then be commercial, as they are with airlinersand business jets today.

3.2 Basic design features

Using simple logic, we have derived a conceptual design as shownin Fig. 4. Because it is approximately one quarter the weight ofConcorde and has a broadly similar configuration, we have called it‘Quarter Concorde’, as shorthand for ‘Bristol Spaceplanes (BSP)Second-Generation Sub-Orbital Spaceplane”. The windows shownin the sketch are notional only. Ideally, large areas of the cabinwould be transparent to give the best view, but the weight wouldprobably be prohibitive. It is more likely that each passenger willhave his/her own ‘viewing port’.

The reasoning behind the selection of the basic design features isdescribed in the following paragraphs.


Figure 4. First concept sketch of second-generation sub-orbital space-plane (Quarter Concorde).

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maintain the same wing loading, and the fuselage to accommodate22 passengers two abreast with room for some of the propellant. Asimple trajectory calculation showed that the resulting fuel fraction(the same as in Concorde) is adequate for sub-orbital flight, and asimple check showed that there is enough volume for the requiredpropellant.

Quarter Concorde uses afterburning turbofan engines to amaximum speed of Mach 1.7. It also uses a long-life LOX/kerosenerocket engine, which is started at Mach 1.7. The vehicle then pullsup into a steep climb, reaching about Mach 3 before the rocketpropellant is consumed. It then follows an unpowered ballistictrajectory to a height above 100km before re-entering the atmos-phere, pulling out of the dive, and flying back to the airfield that ittook off from. It spends about three minutes in space.

3.3 Operating cost

Appendix 1 shows a preliminary estimate of the operating cost ofQuarter Concorde after a long production run and when all thetechnology is mature. The starting point is a breakdown of theoperating cost of a typical regional airliner of comparable take-offweight. These costs are then scaled using simple factors that areintended to be conservative.

With these assumptions, the direct cost per seat in QuarterConcorde is $830, with propellant as the largest item. To this mustbe added indirect costs and profits, which would bring the total up tosomewhat more than $1,000. Allowing for the uncertainties in thisestimate, it is safe to conclude that the cost per seat in a maturesecond-generation sub-orbital spaceplane will be less than twothousand dollars. This is about 100 times less than the fare at presenton offer for a sub-orbital flight and is affordable by large numbers ofpeople.

It must be emphasised that this cost assumes maturity comparablewith an airliner, which will require a long production run withcontinuous product improvement.

3.4 Safety

First generation spaceplanes are being exempted from full certifi-cation on entry into service, at least in the USA, which would beprohibitively expensive for an emerging industry funded by theprivate sector. Operators will be allowed to carry passengers on an‘informed waiver’ basis(9). It is difficult to predict what safety levelscan actually be achieved with designs that are not fully developed.However, flight testing airliners and business jets has a fatal accidentrate of approximately one per ten thousand flights, which is about100 times better than HSF with ELVs and more than 100 timesworse than scheduled airliners. Prototype spaceplanes shouldtherefore be far safer than ELVs.

In the longer term, safety authorities and spaceplane manufac-turers and operators will presumably aim for full type certificationfor carrying fare-paying passengers, as required for airliners. Therewill be little difference between the operations of spaceplanes and of Jet engines to subsonic speed

The EADS Rocketplane uses jet engines for take-off and climb atsubsonic speed before the rocket engines are started. This lowers thepropellant weight fraction because the rocket engines have to operatefor less time to achieve the velocity required for a ballistic climb tospace height. Another advantage is that the rocket nozzle can beoptimised for high altitude flight. Jet engines to supersonic speed

If larger jet engines are fitted, capable of accelerating the spaceplaneto supersonic speed, the propellant weight fraction is reduced furtherbecause the rocket engines operate for even less time. Our internalstudies show that the weight saved more than compensates for theheavier engines.

As shown later in Section 3.3, spaceplane operating costs will bedominated by propellant because they use in a short flight theamount of fuel that an airliner uses in a long one. Using jet enginesto supersonic speed will therefore reduce the direct operating cost.Another advantage of supersonic jet propulsion is that it is more inline with longer-term developments, which will probably use evenfaster air-breathing engines.

It is therefore reasonably certain that second generation sub-orbital spaceplanes will have jet engines to supersonic speed.

3.2.4 Type of rocket propellant

Because of the importance of propellant cost, it is reasonably certainthat liquid oxygen (LOX) will be used as the oxidiser and keroseneor methane as fuel, as these are the least expensive practicalpropellant combinations.

3.2.5 Cabin size

As mentioned earlier, some proposed spaceplanes have a cabin largeenough for passengers to float around in zero-g — in at least one ofthe others, the passenger remains strapped in and the view of theearth is the primary experience. We are inclined to favour the latter,at least for early spaceplanes, because:

! Astronauts say that looking at the Earth is the most enjoyablefeature of spaceflight, even more than weightlessness(8).

! Parabolic zero-g flights in modified airliners have beenavailable commercially for several years but remain a nichemarket.

! More passengers can be carried in a given cabin if they remainstrapped in.

! If passengers are allowed to float around, there is a risk of themnot regaining their seats before a four to six-g re-entry, whichcould result in injury.

! Combining the two experiences of the view and weightlessnessin one short flight may result in ‘sensory overload’ for inexperi-enced passengers.

However, we will probably have to wait for operational experienceto see whether strapped in or free-floating passenger accommodationresults in greater profit for the operators.

3.2.6 Leading data

Table 3 summarises the leading data of Quarter Concorde and ofConcorde itself. The starting point for the design was to divideConcorde weights by four, and subsequent checks showed that thisprovided the basis for a feasible design. The wing was sized to


Table 3Leading data for Quarter Concorde

Concorde Quarter ConcordeSpan, m 26 13Length, m 62 27Operating weight, tonnes 80 20Payload 9 2.2Propellant 96 24Take-off weight 185 46

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The time taken to reach airliner maturity clearly depends on theeffort devoted to this task, which will in turn depend on how rapidlythe new commercial markets build up, especially space tourism.Considering the various technologies involved (aerodynamics, struc-tures, systems, seals, transparencies, propellant tanks, thermalprotection, propulsion, avionics, etc.), it seems likely that the criticalpath will be the development of a rocket engine with a life measuredin thousands of flights compared with the present tens.

The development of the jet engine provides some insight into howlong it might take to develop a long-life rocket engine. Jet enginesprogressed from quasi-experimental operations in 1944 (theMesserschmitt Me262 and Gloster Meteor) to the first airlinerservices in 1952 (the de Havilland Comet). During this period, jetengine development was a high priority in the leading aeronauticalcountries. Given priority, the development timescale of long-liferocket engines should be comparable to that of long-life jet engines,i.e., they should be available within about eight years of earlymodels entering service on prototypes. This provides a preliminaryindication of the minimum time required for spaceplanes to progressfrom prototype to approaching airliner standards of maturity.

3.8 Development cost

Using the simple parametric cost method describe later in Section5.2, the development cost of a prototype of Quarter Concorde worksout at about $500m and of a fully certificated version at about $5bn.Clearly, these are approximate figures, but they should be in theright ballpark. If the informed waiver regime were still in placewhen Quarter Concorde first flew, it should be possible for it to enterservice at the prototype stage. If, on the other hand, earlier designswere approaching maturity, a full programme of certification wouldprobably be required.

3.9 Markets

A key question is whether the markets for Quarter Concorde will belarge enough for a good return on investment. Quarter Concorde canbe used as a reusable sounding rocket for science experiments. (SS1itself could have been pressed into service as a reusable soundingrocket, given some modifications to avoid repeating the unplannedflight events that occurred during its three flights to space.) It canalso be used as a carrier aeroplane for rocket upper stages forlaunching small satellites. The Orbital Sciences Pegasus has demon-strated that subsonic air launch provides flexibility of launch site.Launching at supersonic speed clear of the effective atmosphereleads to significantly greater performance gains, and QuarterConcorde would be a competitive launch platform.

While the sounding rocket and launcher markets would be useful,the required number of launches is almost certainly too small toprovide a good financial return.

The largest market will almost certainly be carrying passengers onspace experience flights. There have been several market surveys toestimate demand, and these give encouraging results. Moreover, sixpeople have each paid some $20m for a visit to the InternationalSpace Station, which of course is an orbital experience, and VirginGalactic have taken more than $40m in deposits for sub-orbitalflights at the present premium fare(10).

However, these surveys and the real market so far are for suchhigh fares that it is difficult to extrapolate the results to the low fares(up to $2,000) made possible by a mature second-generation space-plane. However, we can obtain a conservative preliminary estimateof the market size by assuming that the world’s industrialisedpopulation is one billion people and that just 1% of these would beprepared to pay $2,000 for a brief trip to space. The initial marketthen works out at $20bn. This should be enough for a good return oninvestment, but the margin of error of these preliminary estimates issuch that there is significant uncertainty in this conclusion.

business jets, apart from the use of rocket propellants, some trainingfor the passengers, and additional training for the pilots. However,there are several new airworthiness issues, such as:

! Aborted launches! Thrust vector control of rocket engines! Cabin pressure integrity in the vacuum of space and the related

question of passenger pressure suits! Reaction controls! Re-entry orientation, stability, and control! Thermal protection! The safety of the rocket propulsion system, especially the

containment of high-energy propellants and the avoidance ofexplosions in the combustion chamber.

Clearly, a major development effort will be needed for spaceplanesto approach airliner standards of safety.

3.5 Technology requirements

Quarter Concorde requires less demanding aerodynamic and struc-tural efficiencies than did Concorde itself, largely because it has onlyto accelerate to maximum speed and does not have to maintain it formore than two hours. The wings and the air intakes, for example, cantherefore be simpler. The systems can also be simpler. For example,the droop nose of Concorde will not be needed because the dragpenalty can be tolerated of a fixed nose that provides adequatevisibility for the pilot at low speeds.

There will probably be a requirement for some thermal protection,but SS1 has shown that this need be no more than some insulation onthe wing leading edge and on the nose. (Quarter Concorde issubjected to a far smaller heat pulse than the Shuttle Orbiter, forexample, because it re-enters the atmosphere at about Mach 3 andtakes about two minutes to slow down to subsonic speed, whereasthe Orbiter re-enters at about Mach 25 and takes about twentyminutes to slow down.)

Most of the systems can be derived from airliner practice. Existingtechnology for rocket engines is adequate for prototype spaceplanesbut will need extensive development to provide long life with lowmaintenance cost.

Given the demonstrated practicability of SS1 and of Concordeitself, Quarter Concorde is almost self-evidently a feasible concept.

3.6 Timescale for prototypes

Prototypes of advanced aeroplanes require typically three and a halfyears between go-ahead and first flight. Given that advanced newtechnology is not required, the time to develop a prototype space-plane should be comparable. SS1 took this time between contractsignature in April 2001 and winning the X-Prize in October 2004,and the X-15 required three months less. In the past, war (hot andcold) promoted rapid development, but the SS1 timescale (and thatof many other programmes) shows that an efficient and motivatedcompany can make rapid progress in peacetime.

Allowing three years before go-ahead for feasibility studies andproject definition, and six months after first flight for an incrementalflight-test programme, a prototype of Quarter Concorde could bemaking regular sub-orbital flights in seven years, given thenecessary priority.

3.7 Timescales for maturity

With existing technology, Quarter Concorde prototypes wouldinevitably have a short life and high maintenance cost, and wouldhave a long turnaround time between flights (by airliner standards).


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supply flights to these space stations, reusable heavy lift vehicles(RHLVs) for launching space station modules and large satellites,and space tugs for higher orbits. The sequence in which thesevehicles should be developed can readily be derived. The low-costaccess provided by an orbital spaceplane is needed before low-costspace stations can be developed. As discussed later, spaceplanetechnology would enable an RHLV to be developed at reasonablecost. Space tugs depend on RHLVs for launch and on mechanics andspares sent up by spaceplane for service and repair. The second-generation sub-orbital spaceplane, described in the previous section,is the natural predecessor to the first orbital spaceplane. A smallfirst-generation spaceplane with similar basic design features wouldserve as a useful stepping stone to this second-generation space-plane.

These considerations lead naturally to the following developmentsequence, also shown in Fig. 5.

! Small sub-orbital spaceplane! Second generation sub-orbital spaceplane (described in the

previous section)! Small orbital spaceplane! Low-cost space station! Reusable heavy lift vehicle! Space tug

The second-generation sub-orbital spaceplane was described in theprevious section. When considering the remaining vehicles, we haveassumed that their basic design features should be selected toprovide a competitive business plan. This means keeping devel-opment cost and risk to a minimum. Bristol Spaceplanes (BSP)spaceplane projects have been used to provide data for much of theanalysis that follows. This is not to suggest that they are necessarilythe best designs. They have been used here because they are on theonly published spaceplane development sequence that the author isaware of, because design details are available, and because they haveindeed been designed to provide a competitive business plan. Two ofthese spaceplanes, Ascender and Spacecab, have been the subjects offull feasibility studies. The other vehicles on the sequence have beentaken only as far as the rough order of magnitude sizing stage. Thefollowing sections consider each vehicle in turn.


5.1 Ascender leading data

The BSP Ascender is a small sub-orbital spaceplane designed to useexisting technology and to pave the way for later vehicles on thesequence. In particular, it is designed as a lead-in to the second-generation sub-orbital spaceplane described earlier, and therefore hasmany of the same basic design features. However, in the interests ofminimising development cost and risk, it has two major differences.First, the jet engines are not large enough for supersonic speed. Theyare sized for taxiing, ferry flights, aborted landings, diversion toother airfields, and to provide back-up thrust in case of rocket enginefailure on take-off. Rocket engines provide most of the thrust fortake-off and climb.

Second, the rocket engines use hydrogen peroxide (HTP) as theoxidiser. This is more expensive to purchase than LOX, but historyhas shown that rocket engines using HTP are simpler to develop thanthose using LOX. The Ascender rocket engine uses technologydeveloped in the UK before being abandoned in the early 1970s.

Ascender is specifically designed to generate spaceplane revenuesat minimum development cost and risk, and thereby to be attractive

3.10 Conclusions from concept study of a second generation sub-orbital spaceplane

We are well aware that we have carried out very little design work onQuarter Concorde. We have done little more than prepare a conceptsketch, prepare a top-level weight breakdown, carry out a trajectoryanalysis, and read across some concepts from vehicles that have beenthe subject of a full feasibility study. Nonetheless, we have been ableto derive some important conclusions about the likely characteristicsof second-generation sub-orbital spaceplanes, as follows:

! They will have a single stage.! They will take-off and land horizontally.! Operating cost will be dominated by propellant because a

spaceplane uses in a short flight the amount of fuel that anairliner uses in a long one.

! They will use liquid-fuelled rocket engines with low-costpropellants, probably LOX and kerosene or methane.

! They will use jet engines for take-off and climb to supersonicspeed and rocket engines thereafter.

! If the demand is large enough for a long production run leadingto mature technology, especially a long-life rocket engine, thecost per seat should be at most $2,000, which is two orders ofmagnitude lower than the present fare and affordable by a largenumber of people.

! This level of maturity could be achieved in about 15 years,given priority (seven years for prototypes and eight for productimprovement).

! It appears that the potential market is large enough for a goodreturn on investment. However, this conclusion, unlike theothers, cannot be considered robust at this stage.

It is relevant to consider why it is possible to derive such conclu-sions, which as far as we know are original, using no more than top-level concept engineering. We suggest that this is because the idea ofapplying to launch vehicles the techniques used for aeroplaneconcept design went out of fashion some 30 years ago. We expectthat most aircraft company design teams, tasked with evaluatingsecond-generation sub-orbital spaceplanes, would arrive at similarconclusions. Much the same applies to the analysis presented in therest of this paper. One of our aims is to encourage aircraft companiesto become more involved in low-cost access to space.

4.0 DEVELOPMENT SEQUENCEThe new space age requires the development of a low-cost orbitalinfrastructure consisting of space stations, spaceplanes for regular


Figure 5. Development strategy for low-cost orbital infrastructure.

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This and advances in technology explain the big cost differencebetween the X-15 and SS1.

SS1 was a technology demonstrator. SS2, mentioned earlier, is theoperational development which Virgin Galactic are planning to usefor carrying passengers on brief flights to space.

To provide preliminary estimates of development cost, this paperuses a chart showing the development cost and dry weight of avariety of aerospace projects, as shown in Fig. 8.

There are two trend lines in Fig. 8. The lower one showsprototype, experimental, or demonstrator reusable launch vehiclesbuilt under experimental workshop conditions, including SS1. TheConcorde prototypes are also shown, which were built usingproduction tooling. The forthcoming semi-reusable SpaceX Falcon 9and Kistler K-1 are also shown. Although the development of thelatter project is now on hold, its development cost is well estab-lished. The higher trend line shows the development cost to fullcertification of business jets and airliners. (Only three vehicles areshown. This is largely because manufacturers now seem to be coyabout releasing figures. However, this trend line is adequate forpresent purposes.)

A useful rule of thumb is that the cost to full certification of a newaeroplane is approximately ten times that of a prototype. On thisbasis, the trend line for fully certificated spaceplanes would be aboutten times higher than that for prototypes. This is higher than forairliners, which is to be expected because of greater complexity. Toreduce clutter, this trend line is not shown in Fig. 8.

These trend lines are used here to derive first approximations ofthe cost of developing spaceplanes, and will be used later for otherspace vehicles. The results must of course be used with the cautiondue to such preliminary methods.

to private-sector investment. A general arrangement is shown in Fig.6 and leading data in Table 4.

Ascender carries one pilot and one passenger or experiment. Thepassenger remains strapped in his/her seat during the flight.Ascender has a maximum speed of around Mach 3 on a steep climband can reach a height of 100km.

5.2 Development cost

A start towards low-cost spaceplane development has been made bySpaceShipOne, shown in Fig. 7, which made its historic first flightto space in 2004. It cost just $30m to design, build, and fly briefly tospace height(11). It is instructive to compare SS1 with the X-15, alsoshown in Fig. 7, which was the first aeroplane capable of sub-orbitalflight. These two aeroplanes have broadly comparable performance,although their aims were different. The X-15 was designed for high-speed research and SS1 as a technology demonstrator forcommercial spaceplanes. The X-15 made its first flight in 1959 andits last flight to space height in 1968, 36 years before SS1 becamethe next fully reusable vehicle to achieve this feat.

The X-15 cost about $200m to develop, which is approximately$1.5bn in today’s money — 50 times more than SS1. The X-15 wasvery advanced for its day whereas SS1 used hardly any newtechnology. This is a measure of the advances in aeronauticalengineering since the X-15 was designed.

SS1 was an aeroplane in engineering essentials. It can be thoughtof as a small business jet of suitable shape with the jet enginesreplaced by a rocket motor and fitted with the equipment needed forflight to space and re-entry, i.e., a pressure cabin, reaction controls,and some thermal protection. It did not require a major programmeof technology development. The great ingenuity of SS1 was in itsconcept and project management rather than in its technology.

The X-15 was a well-managed project that was built more or lessto time and cost and which performed as advertised. It was built by alarge company (North American Aviation, Inc) under governmentcontract and supervision whereas SS1 was built under experimentalworkshop conditions by a small company using private funding.


Figure 6. Bristol Spaceplanes (BSP) Ascender layout.

Table 4Ascender leading data

Span, m 7.6Length, m 12.9Jet engines Two in the 500kg thrust classRocket engines Two in the 2,500kg classRocket propellants HTP and keroseneMaximum weight, kg 5,500Empty weight, kg 2,400Max altitude, km 100

Figure 7. X-15 (left) and SpaceShipOne (SS1) — the only fullyreusable spacefaring vehicles to date. There was a 36-year gap

between the last flight of the X-15 and the first flight to space of SS1.

Figure 8. Development cost comparisons. The upper trend line is forairliners and business jets. The lower line is for reusable launch

vehicle demonstrators built in experimental workshops(SpaceShipOne, X-34, DC-X), and for semi-reusable launchers

(Falcon 9, Kistler K-1). An advanced aeroplane prototype (Concorde)is also shown.

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the Space Shuttle was designed, and probably even in the 1960swhen numerous studies were carried out.)

Single-stage-to-orbit vehicles are clearly preferable in the longterm. However, using the best available rocket engines, they requirea propellant mass fraction of about 87%, which is beyond the presentlimits for a practical and robust design. The propellant mass fractioncan be reduced by using advanced air-breathing engines, but theserequire new technology and a long development programme. Wetherefore suggest that two-stage vehicles be developed first in orderto lower launch costs, build up the new markets, and mature thetechnology. A single-stage vehicle can then be developed when themarket is ready to pay for it. (This conclusion does not apply to sub-orbital vehicles because, as discussed earlier in Section 3.2.1, single-stage vehicles are feasible with today’s technology because theyneed a smaller propellant mass fraction). The technology availabilityfor two-stage vehicles is discussed further in Ref. 5).

The Spacecab Carrier Aeroplane stage accelerates to Mach 2using jet engines. Rocket engines then take over for acceleration toMach 4. During the rocket phase, Spacecab pulls up into a climb sothat separation can take place at a height where air and thermal loadsare low enough to be readily manageable. After separation, theCarrier Aeroplane re-enters and flies back to base and the Orbitercarries on to low earth orbit (LEO).

Spacecab was the subject of a feasibility study funded by theEuropean Space Agency in 1993/4(14). The main conclusions werethat new technology was not needed for an operational prototype andthat development cost to initial operations would be equivalent to thecost of just two or three Shuttle flights. This study was broadlyendorsed by an independent review commissioned by the then UKMinister for Space, Ian Taylor, MP(15).

The BSP Ascender sub-orbital spaceplane has a dry mass of 2.4tand, according to the lower trend line, should cost some $60 millionto develop to the prototype stage. This is quite close to BSP’sinternal bottom-up estimate, based on a feasibility study part-fundedby the UK Department for Trade and Industry(12).

5.3 Markets

Small sub-orbital spaceplanes can be used for a variety of purposes,in addition to carrying passengers on space experience flights. Theseinclude:

! Microgravity research! High altitude photography! Meteorological research! Space science! Astronaut training! Testing satellite equipment! Testing systems for more advanced high-speed aeroplanes! Carrying rocket upper stages to launch very small satellites

Thus, a small sub-orbital spaceplane like Ascender would be useful inits own right, as well as paving the way for more advanced spaceplanes.


6.1 Spacecab leading data

The small sub-orbital spaceplane described in the previous sectionwill build up the market for low-cost spaceflight and start to maturespaceplane technology and operations. The subsequent second-generation vehicle, described earlier in Section 3, will continue thisprocess and thereby pave the way for an orbital spaceplane, forwhich the market will be far larger. It can be used for:

! Launching satellites! Transporting crew and supplies to space stations! Sending up mechanics for satellite maintenance and repair and

for assembling space station modules! Government HSF missions! Transporting passengers to and from space hotels. (Visits of several

days duration to orbiting space hotels will be more attractive thanthe brief flights possible with sub-orbital spaceplanes).

In recent years, there have been few published studies of small fullyreusable orbital spaceplanes. One exception is the BSP Spacecabproject. It has design features aimed at achieving fully reusableorbital operations soon and at minimum development cost and risk.It is therefore a candidate to be the first orbital spaceplane. Spacecabcan be used to provide safe and economical transport to and from theInternational Space Station (ISS), which is an urgent requirement.

Spacecab is in effect an updated version of the 1960s EuropeanAerospace Transporter concept(13), designed to minimise devel-opment cost by using now-existing technology. In conceptual terms,the lower stage is like an enlarged Quarter Concorde and the upperstage like an enlarged and advanced Ascender.

A general arrangement is shown in Fig. 9 and leading data inTable 5. Spacecab has a payload in the one tonne class and has twopiloted stages so that existing technology can be used. (The requiredtechnology for two-stage vehicles was available in the 1970s when


Figure 9. The Bristol Spaceplanes Spacecab Small Orbital Spaceplane.

Table 5Spacecab leading data

Carrier Aeroplane Orbiter

Span, m 28 12.2Length, m 54 16.3Jet engines Four in the 20,000kg None

thrust classRocket engines Two in the 100,000kg Six in the

class 7,000kg classMax speed with Mach 2 N/A

jet enginesSeparation speed Mach 4 N/ARocket propellants LOX/kerosene LOX/LH2Take-off weight, kg 181,000 41,000Empty weight, kg 71,200 6,507Payload, kg 41,000 (Orbiter) 750 (to LEO)

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developing useful HSF capsules or stations for a small fraction ofthat sum. (We were unable to obtain cost figures from eithercompany, but it is clear that they are talking in terms of hundredsrather than thousands of millions of dollars.)

For present purposes, we will use a figure of $2bn for the devel-opment cost of a small space station. This is clearly an approximateestimate but is almost certainly conservative.

8.0 REUSABLE HEAVY LIFT VEHICLESome large satellites, space station modules, and other spacecraftwill be too large for carriage in spaceplanes that take-off fromconventional runways, even when broken down into modules thatare assembled in orbit. There will therefore continue to be arequirement for heavy lift vehicles that take off vertically.

One attractive layout is the so-called twin configuration, Fig. 10,in which two similar vehicles are coupled together, one as boosterand the other as orbiter. During the boost phase, all engines are usedand the orbiter engines use propellant transferred from the booster.The booster therefore uses its propellant first. It then separates fromthe orbiter, which starts the subsequent acceleration to orbit with fulltanks. Spaceplane technology would be directly relevant to therecovery systems.

Compared with conventional two-stage vehicles, there are somecost savings due to stage commonality, and reliability gains throughstarting all engines before take-off. On the other hand, the separationvelocity is less than for an optimised two-stage vehicle, whichresults in a lower payload for a given launch weight.

If the tankage were similar in size to that of Ariane 5, the payloadto LEO would be in the range of 10 to 20t. If the tankage of Ares 5were used, the payload would be more than 100t. These configura-tions would provide fully reusable transport for heavy payloads toand from LEO and their launch cost would start to come down thelearning curve for RLVs shown in Fig. 2.

Other configurations are possible. In the 1960s, several of theApollo major contractors considered that reusable derivatives of themassive Saturn 5 were desirable and feasible(16-18). A variety ofrecovery systems were studied, including wings and parachutes. IfSaturn had not been abandoned in the early 1970s, it seems likelythat it would have been developed on these lines.

6.2 Spacecab development cost

The dry mass of the Spacecab lower stage (carrier aeroplane) is 71tonnes and that of the upper stage (orbiter) is 7 tonnes. From the lowertrend line in Fig. 8, the development cost of Spacecab prototypesshould be around $2,000m for the carrier aeroplane and $200m for theorbiter, making a total of about $2.5bn in round numbers. This mayseem like a low figure for a vehicle of comparable size to Concordeand with a maximum speed (carrier aeroplane) twice as fast. However,there are two reasons why development costs can be that low. First,Spacecab should be able to enter service when developed as far onlyas the prototype stage because, even then, it should be far safer thanELVs. As discussed earlier, this is about ten times less expensive thandevelopment to full certification. (Total Concorde development costwas about ten times greater than that of the prototypes.)

Second, as with Quarter Concorde, the Spacecab CarrierAeroplane has to maintain its maximum speed for a very shorttime—just long enough for the Orbiter to separate — whereasConcorde had to do so for more than two hours. This means thathigh aerodynamic efficiency is not needed and that the high fuelconsumption of rocket engines can be tolerated during the CarrierAeroplane boost phase. This removes the need for advanced engineintakes and for a thin wing of complex shape.

6.3 Timescale and operating cost

The development timescale for Spacecab starting from now shouldbe comparable to that for Quarter Concorde — seven years forprototypes and eight to mature the design, given adequate priority.However, if Quarter Concorde were developed first, many of theadvances in technical and operational maturity could be applied toSpacecab, and the timescale might be somewhat shortened.

As soon as a vehicle like Spacecab enters service, the potential forlow-cost access to space will become highly visible. It will be able toundercut ELVs of comparable payload, because of lower marginalcost per flight. It will encourage the development of new markets,especially space tourism, that require the cost and safety of space-planes. This will encourage investment to enlarge and mature thedesigns, which will lead to lower costs, which will lead in turn tolarger markets — and so on down a virtuous cost spiral until thelower cost limit is reached for vehicles using mature developmentsof existing technology. As shown later in Section 11.2, the cost perseat in an enlarged and mature development of Spacecab is in theregion of $10,000.

The first orbital spaceplane will enable the aviation approach to beapplied to space stations, RHLVs, and space tugs, as described in thefollowing three sections.

7.0 SPACE STATIONAs soon as a small orbital spaceplane like Spacecab becomes opera-tional, the design requirements of space stations can be relaxed.Regular supply flights will be routinely affordable, as will flights tocarry repair crew to fix failures that cannot wait until the next supplyflight. Perhaps more importantly, operators will be able to plan torescue crews reliably in case of emergency. The exceptional factorsthat make present space stations so expensive will then no longer apply.

Given these relaxed requirements and that, as discussed earlier inSection 2.3.2, a space station is inherently simpler than an airliner, itis almost certainly conservative to use the upper trend line from Fig.8 for a preliminary estimate of development cost.

The ESA Columbus module of the ISS weighs 10t empty butdepends on ISS for services. If we assume that a free-flying deriv-ative would weigh 20t, the development cost from Fig. 8 is $2bn.This is almost certainly on the high side given that Columbus itself,which is most definitely not a product of the new space age, costabout that amount and that SpaceX and Bigelow Aerospace are


Figure 10. Reusable Heavy Lift Vehicle (RHLV) twin concept.

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10.0 THE NEW SPACE AGEThe orbital spaceplanes, space stations, RHLVs, and space tugsprovide the basic vehicles needed for the low-cost use of near-earthspace. The RHLV would be used to launch large satellites and spacestation modules, and the spaceplane for routine supply and mainte-nance flights. Space tugs would be used for higher orbits. Thepivotal development needed for this low-cost infrastructure is theorbital spaceplane, as the other vehicles depend on it for low-costaccess or for technology.

This idea of a complete orbital infrastructure is by no means new.The rocket pioneer von Braun and others carried out realistic studiesin the early 1950s [20]. NASA came close to achieving it thirty-fiveyears ago with the X-15, Skylab space station and Saturn heavy liftvehicle—but did not close the gap by developing an orbitalsuccessor to the X-15 or a reusable development of Saturn 5, asdiscussed earlier.

When spaceplanes enter service, access to orbit will becomeroutine. Space will lose its ‘exceptionalism’, which, following theheady pioneering days, is nowadays due almost entirely to very highlaunch cost. This is due in turn to the continuing exclusive use ofthrowaway launchers. No other form of commercial transport usesexpendable vehicles.

Space tourism is likely to become the largest commercial user ofthis low-cost orbital infrastructure [e.g., 5] and could provide muchof the funding needed for maturing the technology. Pilot schemes formanufacture in orbit and space solar power generation for use onearth will become affordable, and transportation cost will no longerbe a barrier to subsequent commercial exploitation.

The result will be low-cost access to orbit of benefit to allcommercial and scientific users of space. The term ‘new space age’(or just ‘new space’) is becoming recognised as a suitable name forthis radically improved space scenario.

As mentioned earlier, but worth repeating, this new infrastructurewill be based on aviation standards of engineering and operations,and will reduce costs and encourage the development of newmarkets. These new markets will encourage investment to maturethe designs, which will lead to lower costs, which will lead to largermarkets—and so on down a virtuous cost spiral on the lines of thelearning curve for RLVs shown earlier in Fig. 2.

The analysis behind Fig. 2 is adequate to show broad trends butprovides only an approximate idea of the lower limit. To explore thisfurther, the next section considers a mature second-generation space-plane developed after Spacecab and estimates its operating cost aftera long production run and continuous product improvement.


11.1 Spacebus leading data

Spacebus, Fig. 11, is an enlarged development of Spacecab. It isdesigned such that a prototype could be built a few years afterSpacecab without requiring a significant programme of enablingtechnology. It therefore retains the use of two stages. It weighs abouttwice as much as Concorde, which is probably close to the practicableupper limit for spaceplanes using existing runways. Both stages arepiloted and take-off and land horizontally. The carrier aeroplane accel-erates to Mach 4 using turboramjets of new design but using existingtechnology. Rocket engines are then used to accelerate to Mach 6 andto climb to the edge of space where air and thermal loads are low. Theorbiter then separates and accelerates to orbit.

Spacebus is designed to carry 50 people or equivalent cargo.Leading data are shown in Table 6. The basic design features ofSpacebus were derived using a similar process to that describedearlier in Section 3.2 for Quarter Concorde and are summarised in

Starting now, the development cost of an RHLV would be highbecause of the combination of large size and lack of familiarity withthe technologies and operational techniques needed for re-entry, flyback, landing, and rapid turn-around. However, spaceplanes willintroduce precisely such familiarity and it would then be practicable todevelop an RHLV at modest cost in an experimental workshop. Theengines, most of the systems, and perhaps even tankage and structure,could be readily adapted from those of existing ELV designs.

To provide a preliminary estimate of the development cost of atwin configuration, the lower trend line in Fig. 8 can be used. To beconsistent with the size of space tugs described later, a payload toLEO of 50t has been assumed. The inert mass of each stage is thenabout 100t. Using the lower trend line in Fig. 8 results in a prototypedevelopment cost of three billion dollars. To allow for the fact thatthe two stages are not identical, it should be conservative to assumea total development cost of $4bn.

These costs can be compared with those of the SpaceX series oflaunchers. The small Falcon 1 was developed from scratch forapproximately $100m. The total development cost of Falcon 1, thelarger Falcon 9 (some ten tonnes to LEO), and the seven-seatDragon cargo and astronaut carrier (to be launched by Falcon 9) hasbeen quoted as about $300m(19), although it is not clear if thisincludes full man rating. These costs are well below the trend line inFig. 8, which indicates the possibility of developing an RHLV forless than the $4bn estimated above.

9.0 SPACE TUGSThe orbital spaceplane, low-cost space station, and RHLV describedabove will provide regular, reliable, and economical access to LEO.The aviation approach can then be extended to space tugs for geosta-tionary orbits (GEO), the essential requirements for this approachbeing reusability and reasonable utilisation. These tugs will spendtheir working lives in space. They will be launched by the RHLVand refuelled and serviced in LEO. They can use propulsion systemsdeveloped for spaceplanes, and other systems developed for low-costspace stations.

An initial mass of 50t has been assumed for the purposes of apreliminary cost estimate. We have assumed the use of LOX/LH2,rather than storable propellants, to maximise the payload. To reducethe velocity requirements, aero-braking is used to slow down theTug for insertion into LEO on return to earth.

Technologies that will need to be refined include storing hydrogenfuel in orbit and aero braking. The longer that the hydrogen can bestored, the more flexible can be the operations for transporting thefuel from earth to LEO (using the RHLV). Precise navigation will berequired to ensure accurate aero-braking.

Preliminary sizing estimates for the Tug are shown in Appendix 2.The outbound payload is in the five tonne class, assuming a smallreturn payload. If a higher return payload is required, the outgoingpayload is reduced. These payload masses are gross in that they includeany accommodation or services needed for the useful load itself.

Given that the Tug uses many components from the low-costorbital infrastructure and that no new technology is required, it isalmost certainly conservative to use the upper trend line in Fig. 8 fora preliminary estimate of development cost. With an inert mass ofeight tonnes, the development cost of the Tug works out at $900m.Again, this is no more than a first preliminary estimate but, at thisstage, we are looking for conservative approximations rather thanprecision.

This cost will no doubt seem low to those used to the present wayof developing space projects. We are suggesting that it is achievableby the combination of ready access to LEO, familiarity with all thetechnologies, reusability, reasonable flight rates, and the ability torescue astronauts reliably at any stage of a mission. The engineeringstandards required for space tugs should then be similar to those ofaeroplanes.


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ability. Applying the conclusions from this section to the particularcase of the Shuttle leads to two main reasons for its high cost perflight. First, the total cost per flight of the complete Shuttle is sohigh, because of the use of non-reusable components, that thenumber of flights remains too low for the Orbiter to even approachairliner standards of maturity.

Second, the safety of the Shuttle crew depends on large complexnon-reusable components, which are inherently unsafe by conven-tional aviation standards. Indeed, the two fatal accidents were causedby the non-reusable components failing in a manner that damagedthe Orbiter.

Another reason is that each flight has a different payload thatrequires close integration with the Orbiter.

This technical immaturity, concern for safety, and non-standardpayloads, result in the number of people involved in flight prepa-ration being measured in thousands, compared with the ten or so foran airliner.

Spacebus is fully reusable and therefore not subject to theselimitations.

11.3 Spacebus development cost

The dry mass of the Spacebus lower stage (carrier aeroplane) is 113tand the upper stage (orbiter) is 16t. From the lower trend line in Fig.8, the development cost of Spacebus prototypes would be about$3,000m for the carrier aeroplane and $500m for the orbiter, makinga total of $3,500m.

The cost of development to full certification and design maturitymight be expected to be about ten times greater, at around $35bn.

11.4 Spacebus markets

Achieving the low operating cost estimated above depends onobtaining the funding to mature the design, and this in turn dependson large new markets. As with Quarter Concorde, the largest marketis likely to be carrying passengers, in this case to and from spacehotels. Repeating the approach used for Quarter Concorde, weassume for a conservative preliminary estimate of market size thatthe world’s industrialised population is 1bn people and that 1% ofthese would be prepared to pay $20,000 for a visit to a space hotel.The initial market then works out at $200bn. This should be largeenough to provide the funding for maturing the technology with agood return on investment, but the margin of error of these prelim-inary estimates is such that this conclusion cannot be consideredrobust.

Fig. 12. Clearly, the optimum design depends on the requirementsset. We have assumed that Spacebus should be designed for the bestreturn to investor or taxpayer, rather than for technical elegance ormaximum efficiency. This means giving priority to early revenues,to minimising development cost and risk, and to accessing large newmarkets.

11.2 Spacebus cost per flight

The cost per flight of Spacebus will be reduced as it progressesdown its various learning curves. Eventually, after a long productionrun, its cost per flight should approach the lower limit possible withmature development of more or less existing technology. Given afleet of a few dozen vehicles, each making several flights per day tospace, airliner cost estimating relationships can be used to assess thelikely direct operating cost.

Appendix 3 shows an estimate of Spacebus cost per seat based onscaling the costs of a Boeing 747. The resulting cost, rounded up, iseight thousand dollars. To this must be added indirect costs andprofits, which would bring the total up to about ten thousand dollars,which is consistent with Fig. 2.

Preliminary estimates (e.g., 5) show that the total cost of a fewdays in a space hotel will be about twice the cost of getting there.Thus the cost of visit to space, when all systems are mature, shouldbe in the region of $20,000. This cost is affordable by middle-income people prepared to save, and so orbital space tourism has thepotential to become a big business as soon as mature spaceplanesbecome available, as discussed later in Section 11.4.

A very reasonable question is why these costs are so much lowerthan those of the Shuttle Orbiter, which itself is fully reusable. Thebasic cause is that the complete Space Shuttle vehicle is not reusable— the Orbiter is launched using an expendable propellant tank andrecyclable (not reusable) solid rocket boosters. Section 2.3.3described in general terms the cost penalties arising from expend-


Figure 11. The Bristol Spaceplanes Spacebus Concept.

Table 6Spacebus leading data

Carrier aeroplane OrbiterSpan, m 38 21Length, m 88 34Max speed with jet engines Mach 4 N/ASeparation speed Mach 6 N/ARocket propellants LOX/kerosene LOX/LH2Take-off weight, tonnes 400 90Empty weight, tonnes 113 16Payload, tonnes 90 (upper stage) 5

Figure 12. Spacebus design logic. The basic design features havebeen selected to give a high return to investor or taxpayer.

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Early missions use these operational prototype vehicles, as eventhese should be safer and less expensive to develop than expendabledesigns. These prototypes can then be improved towards airlinerstandards of maturity through a programme of continuous productimprovement, probably largely paid for by commercial applications.

On this basis, a simple lunar base could be operational within 12years from the start of a revised programme of lunar explorationbased on the aviation approach. If this started immediately, the dateof the first lunar base would not be much later than the present targetNASA date of 2020. Achieving a date that soon requires that orbitalspaceplane development be given priority in the near future.

It is likely to be several years before the private sector alone willbe able to find the funding for an orbital spaceplane. The majorunknown at present is the size of the demand for space tourism,which will directly affect the funding available for development andhence the timing. Coming close to the 2020 target therefore requiresgovernments to give priority soon to spaceplane development, andthis is discussed later in Section 15.


The previous sections have presented approximate but conservativeestimates of the development costs of the vehicles needed for anearly lunar base. These are summarised in Table 7. A lunar base hasbeen added with a notional inert mass of twenty tonnes and a devel-opment cost of $2bn. Again, these are no more than first prelim-inary estimates but, at this stage, we are looking for conservativeapproximations rather than precision. Also shown is the present

12.0 TO THE MOONIt is relevant to consider whether the development of the low-costinfrastructure can save money on missions at present being planned.To explore this question, we have carried out a preliminary sizingand cost estimate of a simple lunar base. The architecture that wehave assumed is summarised in Fig. 13.

A Lunar Tug is used for transportation between LEO and lunarorbit (LO). The velocity requirements are quite close to those forgeostationary orbits. More velocity is needed from LEO to a lunartransfer orbit than for a geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) but lessfor insertion into lunar orbit than into a GEO one, and these twodifferences nearly cancel out. The GEO Space Tug can thereforereadily be adapted to serve as a Lunar Tug for transport betweenLEO and LO.

A Lunar Lander is used to transport payloads from LO to andfrom the lunar surface. Early payloads would be the modules for alunar base and the astronauts to assemble them. The Lunar Lander isassembled in LO from modules sent there by the Lunar Tug. It isrefuelled in LO with propellant modules also transported by theLunar Tug. Subsequent payloads are transferred from Tug to Landerin LO.

A simple early lunar base would probably have a mass in theregion of 20 tonnes and would consist of an accommodation modulederived from space stations, together with external stores andequipment. Several missions would be needed to transport the baseand supplies from Earth to the Moon.

Preliminary sizing estimates for the Lunar Lander are shown inAppendix 2. The inert mass is 2.3t. Using the upper trend line in Fig.8 for a preliminary estimate indicates a development cost of $250m.

We are not claiming that these concepts and sizes for the RHLV,Tug, and the Lunar Lander are in any way optimised. There is scopefor ingenuity in maximising commonality between these vehicles bymeans of a modular approach, and for optimising the logistics,which we have not investigated. We have done just sufficient roughorder of magnitude sizing to enable a preliminary but conservativeestimate of development costs.

13.0 TIMESCALESFigure 14 shows a tentative set of timescales for developing opera-tional prototypes of the vehicles needed for a simple lunar base, asdescribed above. The bars represent the times between go-ahead andfirst operational use. The timescales shown are a compromisebetween a high-priority programme, in which the vehicles aredeveloped in parallel, and a lower-risk programme in which they aredeveloped in series. Development times for later vehicles areassumed to shorten as familiarity with the aviation approachbecomes more widespread and as systems developed for earliervehicles become available for later ones. Spacebus is not shownbecause it is not essential for the first lunar base.


Figure 13. Lunar exploration architecture (not to scale).

Figure 14. Development timescales for a lunar base using the aviation approach.

Table 7Development cost of vehicles for a simple lunar base

Vehicle Design DevelopmentStatus Cost ($ million)

Ascender Feasibility study 60Quarter Concorde Concept sketch

ROM Sizing 500Spacecab Feasibility study 2,500Space Station ROM Sizing 2,000RHLV ROM Sizing 4,000Tug ROM Sizing 700Lunar Lander ROM sizing 250Lunar Base ROM sizing 2,000

Total, $ million 12,010

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seat of less than $2,000, given a high enough demand to fund aprogramme of maturing the technology. Thus, small spaceplanesusing SpaceShipOne as an exemplar will enable passengers toexperience spaceflight at an affordable cost, by bringing in theaviation approach of reusability and a high number of flights peryear. They will also transform sub-orbital space science.

This paper has presented a development strategy for progressivelyextending this aviation approach to near-Earth spaceflight. There is arealistic prospect that the cost of science in space could therebyapproach that in Antarctica and that visits to space hotels couldbecome affordable by middle-income people prepared to save. Giventhe funding, this could be approached in about 15 years — seven forprototype vehicles and eight to mature the technology. The pivotaldevelopment is the first orbital spaceplane.

The paper has shown that, while it may seem paradoxical at firstsight, it is precisely because spaceplanes are inherently so muchsafer and less expensive to fly than man-rated expendable launchersthat they can cost less to develop. Operational prototypes can bebuilt in experimental workshops and their marginal cost per flight isnot a barrier to adequate testing. The same should apply to heavy liftvehicles and space tugs, given reusability and a reasonable numberof missions per year.

Space agencies would save money on presently plannedprogrammes alone by giving priority to spaceplane development. Asan example, the paper has presented an approximate but conservativeestimate showing that the cost of an early lunar base using theaviation approach would be about ten times less than that of presentplans that use expendable launchers. Timescales need not be greatlyaffected. Such cost reductions would enable more space explorationmissions to be carried out using existing budget streams.

The best way ahead is for space agencies to engage with industryin the idea of a public-private partnership for developing orbitalspaceplanes and follow-on vehicles.

The cost estimates presented in this paper are inevitably based onsome conjectural assumptions. However, they are conservative and theydo show that the potential of spaceplanes to reduce the cost of spaceexploration is so great that further investigation is needed urgently.

REFERENCES1. http://armadilloaerospace.com2. http://www.astrium.eads.net/en/families/space-plane-tourism-flight-

shuttle3. http://www.virgingalactic.com4. http://www.xcor.com5. ASHFORD, D.M. New commercial opportunities in space, Aeronaut J,

February 2007, 111, (1116), p 61.6. PENN, J.P. and LINDLEY, C.A. Spaceplane design and technology

considerations over a broad range of mission application, TheAerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA.

7. PENN, J.P. and LINDLEY, C.A. Space tourism optimized reusable space-plane designs, , The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA.

8. WHITE, F. The Overview Effect — Space Exploration and HumanEvolution, 1987, Houghton Mifflin.

9. http://commercialspace.pbwiki.com/FAA-AST-Legislative-History.10. Lecture by WHITEHORN, W, President of Virgin Galactic, to CIM

Cheltenham, 6 November 2008.11. Burt Rutan’s quest for space, Av Week, 21 April, 2003.12. Smart project Ascender feasibility study final report, Bristol Spaceplanes

Report TR 15, June 2004. (This report is at present proprietary).13. TOLLE, H. Review of European aerospace transporter studies, May

1967, SAE Space Technology Conference, Palo Alto, CA. (This paperdescribes designs by BAC, Bölkow, Bristol Siddeley, Dassault, ERNO,Hawker Siddeley, and Junkers.)

14. A preliminary feasibility study of the Spacecab low-cost spaceplane andof the Spacecab demonstrator, Bristol Spaceplanes Report TR 6,February 1994. Carried out under European Space Agency Contract No.10411/93/F/TB. Volume 1 reproduced as The potential of spaceplanes,J Practical Applications in Space, Spring 1995 (Journal since renamedSpace Energy and Transportation) .

design status of the various vehicles in the table, ranging from fullfeasibility study to concept sketch and rough order of magnitudesizing.

On this basis, the total cost of developing the vehicles needed foran early lunar base is $12bn in round numbers.

These costs are only for developing operational prototypes. Tothis has to be added the cost of the operations needed to set up anearly lunar base. A preliminary guide to the cost of these operationscan be provided by the Apollo programme. Budget appropriationsfor each year of the Apollo programme(21,22) show that the cost ofoperations is at most 30% of the development cost and probablysignificantly less. It is difficult to be more precise without going intomore detail because it is not obvious from the numbers readilyavailable where development stopped and operations began.

Reusability should lower the cost of operations compared withdevelopment, so it should be conservative to use the above 30%figure, giving a grand total for setting up a lunar base of $16bn. Theaverage annual cost is around $1.3bn, which is readily affordable byNASA and ESA. Indeed, it is considerably less than the presentbudget for human spaceflight.

We are certainly not claiming that the $16bn figure is accurate.But we are claiming that it should be an upper limit, given anefficient programme.

15.0 PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPNASA and other space agencies are planning a new exploration ofthe Moon, and NASA has started developing the large Ares 1 andAres 5 expendable launchers. The latter is broadly comparable to themassive Saturn 5 used in the US lunar programme of the 1960s andearly 1970s. The cost of this programme, which includes a lunarbase, is estimated to be between $105bn dollars (NASA) and $230bn(General Accounting Office)(23,24). History suggests that the latter ismore likely to be accurate.

Thus the total cost of a lunar base using the aviation approach,according to the estimates presented in this paper, is approximatelyone fourteenth of the GAO figure, or, say, one tenth for the sake of amore cautious claim and a round number.

This difference is so great that, even allowing for the conjecturalassumptions used to derive this result, it is safe to conclude that theaviation approach should greatly reduce the cost of a lunar base.

We suggest that the best way to achieve a more accurate costestimate is for space agencies to engage industry in the idea of apublic-private partnership to develop spaceplanes, to bring in theaviation approach, and to explore the moon. Government wouldcarry the political and marketing risks and the private sector theprogramme risks. Government agencies would thereby fund thedevelopment of vehicles with maturity adequate for the next roundof human spaceflight missions. They would save money on presentprogrammes alone because of the lower costs when spaceplanes areused. The private sector would then fund a programme of productimprovement towards airliner maturity, paid for by profits fromcommercial operations, especially tourism.

A public-private partnership on these lines might involve replacingAres 1, which is designed for transporting crew, with a spaceplane likeSpacebus, and evolving the design of Ares 5 into a fully reusablelauncher—either a twin configuration or using concepts from the1960s studies of reusable developments of Saturn 5.

16.0 DISCUSSIONSpaceShipOne has demonstrated the possibility of low-cost sub-orbital human spaceflight in the near future. Allowing for inflation,it cost some 50 times less to develop than the X-15 of the 1960s,which had comparable performance. This paper has shown thatsecond-generation successors to SpaceShipOne will have a cost per


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GEO Tug Lunar landerBasic dataLaunch mass, tonnes 50 in LEO 15 in LO

Specific impulse, sec 450 450Inert/gross mass 0.15 0.15

Delta V requirements, m/sec2,600 LEO to GTO 2,300 LO to surface1,600 GTO to GEO

4,200 2,300

Mass ratio (outbound) 2.59 1.68Propellant mass, tonnes 30.69 6.09Mass after outbound burn 19.31in GEO 8.91 on MoonInert mass 7.50 2.25Disposable mass 11.81in GEO 6.66 on MoonOf which, payload 5.00 5.00Mass before second burn 14.31 in GEO 3.91 on Moon

Delta V requirements, m/sec1,600 GEO to ETO 2,300 surface to LO2,600 ETO to LEO–2,000 aero braking

Margin 2502,450 2,300

Mass ratio (return) 1.74 1.68Propellant 6.09 1.59Mass after return burn 8.21in LEO 2.3 in LOInert mass 7.50 2.3Return payload, tonnes 0.71 0.07


747 Spacebus Spacebus SpacebusCarrier Orbiter Total

AeroplaneTechnical dataWing span, m 65 38 21Length, m 71 88 34Wing area, sq m 525Passenger seats 420 50 50Fuel mass, tonnes

Liquid oxygen 75 56 131Liquid hydrogen 17 13 30Kerosene 170 80Total 137 172 69 241

Empty mass, tonnes 184 112 15 127Take-off mass, tonnes 396 312 88 400

Cost dataComplexity factor 1 2.5 5Fuel unit cost, $/kg

Liquid oxygen 0.11Liquid hydrogen 2.80Kerosene 0.46

First cost, $m 250 380 102Flights per day 1 2 1Annual costs, $m

Amortisation 25.00 38.04 10.19Insurance 3.75 5.71 1.53

15. Letter from TAYLOR, I., Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State forTrade and Technology, to COPE, J. MP, March 1995.

16. MARTIN, J.E., MAYHALL, J.A and HARDY, R. Low-cost boosters, May1967, Launch Systems Branch, Boeing, SAE Space TechnologyConference, Palo Alto, CA, SAE paper 670380.

17. KNAUR, J.S. Reusability – the next major launch system development?14-16 June 1966, Boeing, SAE Publication for Advanced LaunchVehicles and Propulsion Systems Conference, Huntsville, AL.

18. BELL, M.W.J. Space operations and economics, May 1967, Space andInformation Systems Div, North American Aviation, SAE SpaceTechnology Conference, Palo Alto, CA. SAE paper 670392.

19. Skin in the game, Av Week, 9 October 2006, p 66.20. VON BRAUN, W. Prelude to space travel, 1952, Across the Space

Frontier, RYAN, C. (ED), Sidgwick and Jackson, London.21. http://www.asi.org/adb/m/02/07/apollo-cost.html22. http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4029/Apollo_18-

16_Apollo_Program_Budget_Appropriations.htm23. READ, W.I.I. To the Moon and beyond, Aerospace Int, February 2007,

34, (2), p 21.24. Shuttle decision top priority, Flight Int, 11-17 November 2008, p 8.


Regional Quarterairliner Concorde

Leading dataAll up weight, tonnes 55 46Seats 100 22UtilisationHours per flight 1 1*1

Fights per day (average) 5 5Flights per year 1,825 1,825Fuel consumption per flight, tonnesJet fuel (kerosene) 5 7LOX 12Rocket fuel (kerosene) 5Cost dataFirst Cost, $m 50 100*2

Insurance, % first cost per year 1.5 1.5Depreciation, % first cost per year 10 10Kerosene cost per tonne 462 462LOX cost per tonne 110 110Maintenance cost, % first cost per day 0.012 0.012Annual costs, $mDepreciation 5.00 10.00Insurance 0.75 1.50

Cost per flight, $Depreciation 2,740 5,479Insurance 411 822Jet fuel (kerosene) 2,287 4,745Liquid oxygen 1,320Rocket fuel (kerosene) 2,310(Total propellant) (2,287) (8,375)Maintenance 1,200 2,400Crew 2,700 2,700Total direct operating cost 9,338 18,265Cost per seat, $ 93 830

Notes1. Mature sub-orbital spaceplanes will make several flights per day

of about one hour duration. For the sake of comparison, theregion airliner is assumed to have similar utilisation.

2. The spaceplane is assumed to cost twice as much because ofgreater complexity and smaller production run.


Page 17: An aviation approach to space transportation - NASA

Costs per flight, $Fuel 78,200 92,650 41,326 133,976Amortisation 68,493 52,114 27,918 80,033Insurance 10,274 7,817 4,188 12,005Crew 28,000 28,000 28,000 56,000Maintenance 25,000 38,043 10,190 48,234Landing fees, 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000navigationTotal 234,967 243,625 136,622 380,247

Cost per seat, $ 559 7,605

Notes1. The main assumption is that Spacebus has been developed to

airliner standards of maturity, i.e., life, maintainability, and turn-around time. It is then reasonable to use airliner cost estimatingrelationships to assess its likely cost. The above table starts with747 costs, taken from various sources, and uses simple scalingrules to estimate the equivalent costs of Spacebus.

2. In the above table, complexity factor is a measure of relativeproduction cost per unit mass. Thus, the Spacebus Orbiter isassumed to cost five times as much per kg empty mass as the747. This, and several other, assumptions could be significantlyin error without greatly affecting the total, which is dominated bythe cost of fuel.

3. The cost per kg of liquid hydrogen assumes a higher productionrate than at present. Even so, it is roughly ten times moreexpensive than kerosene.

4. First costs have been scaled by empty weight and ‘complexityfactor’.

5. The 747 is assumed to make one 12-hour flight per day, as is theSpacebus Orbiter. The Spacebus Carrier Aeroplane has a flighttime of one to two hours and is assumed to make two flights perday.

6. Annual amortisation is 10% of first cost, and annual insurance is1.5% of first cost.

7. Crew costs are assumed the same for all vehicles. The shorterflight time of Spacebus is assumed to balance higher salaries forspacefaring pilots and cabin staff.

8. Maintenance costs are scaled in proportion to first cost.