NDS LAB - Networking and Distributed Systems http://www.dicgim.unipa.it/networks/ An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in Smart Environments A. De Paola, P. Ferraro, S. Gaglio, G. Lo Re, S.K. Das IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2016 DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2016.2599158 Article Accepted version It is advisable to refer to the publisher’s version if you intend to cite from the work. Publisher: IEEE

An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in … · 2016-09-14 · 1 An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in Smart Environments Alessandra De

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Page 1: An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in … · 2016-09-14 · 1 An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in Smart Environments Alessandra De

NDS LAB - Networking and Distributed Systems


An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in Smart Environments

A. De Paola, P. Ferraro, S. Gaglio, G. Lo Re, S.K. Das

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2016 DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2016.2599158

Article Accepted version

It is advisable to refer to the publisher’s version if you intend to cite from the work. Publisher: IEEE

Page 2: An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in … · 2016-09-14 · 1 An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in Smart Environments Alessandra De


An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-AwareData Fusion in Smart Environments

Alessandra De Paola, Pierluca Ferraro, Salvatore Gaglio, Giuseppe Lo Reand Sajal K. Das

Abstract—The adoption of multi-sensor data fusion techniques is essential to effectively merge and analyze heterogeneous datacollected by multiple sensors, pervasively deployed in a smart environment. Existing literature leverages contextual information in thefusion process, to increase the accuracy of inference and hence decision making in a dynamically changing environment. In this paper,we propose a context-aware, self-optimizing, adaptive system for sensor data fusion, based on a three-tier architecture.Heterogeneous data collected by sensors at the lowest tier are combined by a dynamic Bayesian network at the intermediate tier,which also integrates contextual information to refine the inference process. At the highest tier, a self-optimization process dynamicallyreconfigures the sensory infrastructure, by sampling a subset of sensors in order to minimize energy consumption and maximizeinference accuracy. A Bayesian approach allows to deal with the imprecision of sensory measurements, due to environmental noiseand possible hardware malfunctions. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated with the application scenario of the useractivity recognition in an Ambient Intelligence system managing a smart home environment. Experimental results show that theproposed solution outperforms static approaches for context-aware multi-sensor fusion, achieving substantial energy savings whilstmaintaining a high degree of inference accuracy.

Index Terms—I.2.6 Learning, J.9.f Wireless sensor networks



SMART environments and intelligent systems designedfor real-world applications are often based on the

sensing-reasoning-acting paradigm [1]; generally, they exploita sensory infrastructure to collect measurements, which isthen used to obtain a high-level description of the state ofthe environment, and of the current context, reason aboutit, and select actions to be performed in order to achievethe desired system goals. In many cases the sensory infras-tructure consists of a multitude of heterogeneous pervasivedevices, which may produce a non-negligible uncertaintysuch as noisy data and measurements that impact the in-ference accuracy and energy consumption, and sensors onmobile devices, which are often energy hungry [2]. In suchscenarios it is convenient to adopt a multi-sensor data fusionmethod, capable of dealing with such complex situations.

One of the most effective approaches for this purpose isthe adoption of Bayesian belief networks [3], which exploitthe statistical correlation between sensory measurementsand the peculiarities of the surrounding world; they allowto deal with the heterogeneity of information sources andwith the uncertainty in sensory data and developed models.

However, when performing data fusion, it might notalways be efficient to sample all available sensors. On thecontrary, if the sensory infrastructure is composed of devices

• A. De Paola, P. Ferraro, S. Gaglio and G. Lo Re are with the DICGIMDepartment, University of Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy.E-mail: {alessandra.depaola, pierluca.ferraro, salvatore.gaglio,giuseppe.lore}@unipa.itThe work was done while Pierluca Ferraro was visiting Missouri Univer-sity of Science and Technology.

• Sajal K. Das is with the Department of Computer Science, MissouriUniversity of Science and Technology, 65401 Rolla, MO, USA.E-mail: [email protected]

with limited energy resources, it may be useful to activateonly a subset of sensors, in order to increase the lifetime ofthe whole network. This is the case of smart environmentswhose pervasive sensory infrastructure includes wirelesssensor networks (WSNs) [4]. WSNs are composed of de-vices, namely sensor nodes, characterized by programma-bility, wireless communications capability, and limited com-putational and energy resources, such that it is essential toextend the network lifetime by putting inactive nodes instand-by state as long as possible. If the system exploitsalso sensors on mobile devices, their activation may cause agreat energy consumption, thus it is convenient using themas data sources only when it is necessary. However, sincedifferent contexts may require different sensory capabilities,it is not desirable to determine a priori the subset of sensorsto use. In a real-world scenario, the context conditions maychange over time, implying the need for a system capable ofdynamically selecting the subset of sensory devices.

1.1 Our ContributionsThis work proposes an adaptive system performing multi-sensor data fusion based on a three-tier architecture, whichallows the system to perform reasoning at different abstrac-tion levels. Heterogeneous sensors at the lowest tier gatherraw data about the environment. A dynamic Bayesian net-work at the intermediate tier performs the multi-sensorfusion and infers the context information necessary for thecomprehension of the environment, such as the activitiesperformed by the users in a smart environment. At thehighest tier, a self-optimization subsystem reconfigures thesensory infrastructure, by selecting the subset of sensors tobe used, in order to optimize its own performance. Such self-optimization process is performed through dynamic rules,


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so that the system is able to change its own goals in responseto the context changes.

In order to validate the effectiveness of our approach,we considered the application scenario of an Ambient Intel-ligence (AmI) [1] system managing a smart home. AmI is anartificial intelligence application paradigm that focuses onthe well-being of people and the satisfaction of their needs,through a pervasive infrastructure of sensors and actuatorsthat surround users with a minimal degree of intrusiveness.

The above scenario is particularly appropriate for ourevaluation, since frequent user interactions make the con-text highly dynamic. Furthermore, considering that sensorydevices are usually only partially related to the observedphenomena, non-negligible noises are typically introduced.They may be caused by several different reasons [5], suchas poor sensor quality, lack of sensor calibration, hardwarefailures, noise from external sources, and imprecision incomputing derived values from measurements.

The capability of programming offered by the sensorydevices also enables the management system to actuallychange the state of the sensory infrastructure. In such ascenario, our goal is to optimize the trade-off betweenthe inference accuracy and energy consumption of sensorydevices. The activities performed by users constitute thefeatures to infer. Generally, activity recognition representsone of the key functionalities of an AmI system, since itenables an effective responsiveness toward the user needs.

Experimental study confirmed the capability of our ap-proach to self-configure the sensory infrastructure by ob-taining an optimal trade-off between the above two conflict-ing goals, thus achieving performances better than otherpossible static solutions. Our approach allows to go onestep further toward real autonomous systems, capable ofcontrolling the environment surrounding the users. Themain novelty is its adaptiveness to dynamic environmentsand the capability of extending the lifetime of the sensoryinfrastructure as the context changes, thus reducing humaninterventions. Moreover, our solution has the capability ofself-detecting those critical conditions in which a recon-figuration is needed in order to maintain a good qualityinference.

1.2 Outline

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion 2 briefly discusses the related work on multi-sensordata fusion and context-aware systems. Section 3 outlinesthe proposed architectural framework and provides a highlevel description of its modules. Section 4 describes themodule that performs context-aware data fusion througha dynamic Bayesian network. Section 5 highlights the dy-namic reconfiguration capabilities, explaining the behaviorof the self-optimization modules. Section 6 presents the casestudy used to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approachwith the help of activity recognition in an AmI scenario.Section 7 describes the experimental setting and the metricsused to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach,and analyzes our experimental results. Finally, Section 8draws our conclusions with directions for future work.


Multi-sensor data fusion techniques are widely used to melddata acquired by sensors deployed in the environment, inorder to drive the process of knowledge abstraction fromraw data and generating high-level concepts. Althoughplenty of research work has been done on data fusion, manychallenging problems still remain unsolved, especially thoseinherent to the fusion of multi-source information, suchas scalability, data inaccuracy and heterogeneity, outliers,or conflicting information. Further problems arise fromthe modeling of dynamic phenomena varying over time,or when addressing privacy and security concerns. For acomprehensive survey on the state of the art of multi-sensordata fusion solutions, please refer to [6].

Existing literature addresses the problem of data imper-fection by proposing different approaches, based on varioustheoretical foundations. Probabilistic techniques [3], such asNaive Bayes classifiers, Hidden Markov Models, and Condi-tional Random Fields (CRFs), representing data uncertaintyby using probability distributions, have been describedin [7], which analyzes and compares the performance ofthese approaches in a smart home scenario. Alternativeapproaches deal with other aspects of data inaccuracy, suchas vagueness, for example those based on the fuzzy settheory [8]. The authors in [9] proposed a general-purposefuzzy logic architecture that combines multi-sensor data forautomatic object recognition, control of system resources,and automated situation assessment. In [10], a multi-sensorimage fusion for surveillance systems is proposed, whichexploits fuzzy logic in order to enhance the fused image.

The problem of detecting sensory measurements thatmismatch with the expected pattern of observed data hasbeen thoroughly studied in the literature [11], with the aimof eliminating outliers from the fusion process. An adaptive,distributed Bayesian approach for detecting outliers in datacollected by a wireless sensor network is proposed in [12] toguarantee reliability and fault tolerance, as well as to reduceenergy consumption for unnecessary transmissions.

Heterogeneity of information sources is another signifi-cant challenge for data fusion systems. The raw data to ana-lyze might be generated by a large number of heterogeneoussensors and extensive research effort has been devoted tocoherently and accurately combine the resulting data [13],[14]. In recent years, a lot of attention has been paid toinclude context information in the data fusion process inorder to reduce ambiguities and errors [15]. HiCon [16]is a hierarchical context aggregation framework that dealswith a broad spectrum of contexts, from personal (e.g.,the activities of individuals) to city-wide (e.g., locations ofgroups of people and vehicles) and world-wide (e.g., globalweather and financial data). The authors in [17] defined aformal model capable of representing context and situationsof interest, and developed a technique that exploits multi-attribute utility theory for fusing the modeled informationand thereby attain situation awareness. An extensive frame-work to mediate ambiguous contexts in pervasive environ-ments is presented in [18], [19].

When dealing with phenomena that evolve over time,adaptiveness is a fundamental feature. In such cases, wherethe external environment may constantly change, the system


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needs to dynamically adapt to the situation, and mod-ify its behavior accordingly. Dynamic Bayesian networks(DBNs) [20], in addition to current sensory readings, con-sider the past belief of the system, thus capturing thedynamicity of the phenomena under observation. Severalworks adopt DBNs to perform adaptive data fusion fordifferent applications, such as target tracking and identifi-cation [21], user presence detection [22], [23], user activityrecognition [24], [25], and healthcare [26]. Other works in-tegrate machine-learning algorithms in the data fusion pro-cess, to develop adaptive systems. Interesting examples ofthis trend are reported in [27], which exploits reinforcementlearning, and in [28], which proposes kernel-based learningmethods to improve the effectiveness of data fusion.

In the field of pervasive systems, and particularly in Am-bient Intelligence, the adoption of an adaptive informationfusion scheme, capable of exploiting context information, isfundamental to develop a truly smart environment [29] thatis able to dynamically adapt to the external events. Con-text information, such as time, location, and user presenceor activity, allows for refining the inference process, thussignificantly improving the accuracy of reasoning [30]. Theauthors in [19] propose a resource-optimized framework forsensor networks based on DBNs and information-theoreticreasoning to minimize ambiguity in the context estimationprocess and context quality determination.

When the pervasive sensory infrastructure is enrichedwith mobile devices, as proposed in [31], the set of sensorscapable of perceiving context information becomes larger.Nevertheless, those sensors are often energy hungry, thusmany solutions in literature focus on the reduction oftheir consumption. In [32] a static scheme of exclusion ofmost costly sensors is proposed. SeeMon [33] is an energy-efficient context monitoring framework for mobile devices,which adopts event-based monitoring policies to save en-ergy by reducing unnecessary wireless communications.ACE (Acquisitional Context Engine) [34] is a middlewarefor context-aware applications that dynamically learns as-sociative rules among context attributes, so as to infer thevalue of expensive attributes by sensing cheaper ones. On asimilar note, CARLOG [35] adopts a rule-based approachto minimize bandwidth usage, energy and latency, andsupports multiple concurrent queries of context attributes,further minimizing bandwith usage.

The authors in [2] propose a solution that reduces energyconsumption by selecting the set of sensors that achievesthe minimum value of accuracy of estimation. The authorsof [31] suggest instead to reduce the sensors sampling rateand propose a data fusion approach capable of dealing withsuch inhomogeneity of data sources.

Given the above considerations on the state of theart literature, this paper proposes a context-aware self-optimizing system for multi-sensor data fusion in pervasivecomputing scenarios, such as smart living environments.Differently from other previous works, our system focuseson dynamic management of sensors, and finding the besttrade-off between inference accuracy and energy consump-tion of sensory devices. Furthermore, we exploit contextualinformation in a novel way, both to increase the accuracy ofreasoning and to improve the adaptiveness of the system,thereby reducing the energy consumption.

Feature  Extrac+on


Data  Fusion

Sensor  Control


S1 S2 Sn...

E1 E2 En...

Alarm  Thresholds

Alarm  Type


Self-Optimization Tier

Data Fusion Tier

Sensory Tier

Fig. 1: Block Diagram of the three-tier architecture.


We envision a three-tier architecture allowing the intelligentsystem to infer concepts related to the external world, fromwhich events are observed by means of sensors. Further-more, our architecture proposes a self-diagnostic compo-nent, in order to enable the system to reason about its ownbehavior and performance.

One of the main features of our approach is its capabilityof dealing with the inherent inaccuracy of sensors. Prob-abilistic techniques, such as dynamic Bayesian networks,enable the fusion of information coming from multiplesensors by explicitly modeling the noise and uncertaintyof data so as to improve confidence and reliability of thereasoning process [6].

Another relevant feature of our system is the capabilityof adaptively selecting the best subset of sensors to beused in the data fusion process. Such selection is performedto activate only the sensors that are strictly necessary onthe basis of the current needs of the system, rather thanexploiting all the available data sources.

This approach meets several possible requirements ofintelligent pervasive systems. It decreases the computationalburden of the information fusion process, and consequentlythe system response time [21]. Moreover, it reduces the en-ergy consumption of the sensory infrastructure; this aspectplays a relevant role in pervasive systems, such as AmbientIntelligence, considered here as a case study.

Although our approach minimizes the number of sen-sors used during the inference process, we require a high de-gree of accuracy. For this purpose, the system is designed toautonomously modify the state of the sensory infrastructureby switching sensors to a low-power mode which disablesdata gathering and transmission functionalities in order tominimize their energy consumption, whenever this does notcompromise the inference accuracy.

The proposed architecture depicted in Fig. 1 consists ofthree different tiers characterized by increasing abstractionlevels. The lowest tier (sensory) is in charge of the observa-tion of external phenomena occurring in the environment(world) through the pervasive sensory infrastructure thatmanages only raw data. The intermediate tier (data fusion)copes with the uncertainty of gathered data and tries toinfer the external world conditions, which contribute todefine the current context, by performing a multi-sensor


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data fusion with the integration of further available contextinformation. Finally, the highest tier (self-optimization) aimsat finding an acceptable trade-off between costs (e.g., energyconsumption) and system performance (e.g., accuracy ofreasoning). Fig. 1 illustrates the main modules within eachtier of the proposed architecture. The sensory and data fu-sion tiers present a simple structure exploiting respectivelythe following two functionalities:

• Sensor Control: collects raw data coming from thesensors, sends them to the Data Fusion module andmodifies the state of sensory devices, by activating ordeactivating them according to the policy indicatedby the modules of the self-optimization tier;

• Data Fusion: exploits the available context informa-tion, performs probabilistic inference on the rawdata coming from sensors, and combines them intodescribing the world through higher-level concepts.

The self-optimization tier exhibits the highest complex-ity, since it considers the state of the system and the currentcontext conditions, and selects the actions to be performedin order to optimize the system behavior. The main func-tionalities of this tier are performed by the following threemodules:

• Feature Extraction: selects the relevant context in-formation about the external world and the inter-nal state of the system in order to perform self-optimization. Such features are inferred both fromthe outcome of the Data Fusion module, and fromthe meta-analysis of the system internal behavior.The set of features is specific and depends on theparticular application scenario. For this reason, inorder to adapt our system to a specific scenario, itis necessary to identify the meaningful informationneeded for dynamically reconfiguring the sensoryinfrastructure.

• Global Optimization: exploits context information, inthe form of features selected by the Feature Extractionmodules, to dynamically modify the cost and un-certainty thresholds triggering the self-configurationperformed by the Constrained Optimization module.

• Constrained Optimization: this module is activated bya set of alarms triggered by the Global Optimizationmodule, when cost and uncertainty of the informa-tion fusion process exceed their respective thresh-olds. The cost and uncertainty quantities are two ofthe features selected by the Feature Extraction modulefor the specific scenario considered here.

A more accurate description of the role played by themost relevant modules is given in the following sections.


As the basis of the Data Fusion module we envisioned a dy-namic Bayesian network (DBN), a special case of Bayesiannetworks, which is capable of capturing the dynamicityof the phenomena under observation, taking into accountthe past states in addition to the current observations.Differently from the most commonly used approaches fordata fusion, which adopt Kalman filters [36] and hidden

C1t−1 C2

t−1 · · · Ckt−1 C1

t C2t · · · Ck


· · · Xt−1 Xt · · ·

E1t−1 E2

t−1 · · · Ent−1 E1t E2

t · · · Ent

Fig. 2: The dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) used forperforming the context-aware data fusion.

Markov models (HMMs) [37], we adopt the more generalapproach of the DBNs, in order to represent the influenceof context variables on the state of the environment withoutany restrictions on the conditional probability distributions.DBNs allow us to model the time as slices representingthe state of the world at a given instant, in addition toevidences representing the observable manifestation of thehidden world state. Since DBNs represent a good trade-offbetween expressiveness and tractability [20], they provide auseful tool for performing data fusion.

Fig. 2 sketches the DBN designed for our Data Fusionmodule. Its main goal is to infer the state of the world, inthe form of a given feature of interest, which is representedby the hidden variable Xt. The belief update is performedon the basis of a set of sensory readings and a set of contextinformation. Here Et = (E1

t , . . . , Ent ) is the set of sensory

readings gathered by those sensors that are active in the timeslice t, according to the policy of the Constrained Optimizationmodule.

The set of context information, i.e., Ct = (C1t , . . . , C

kt ),

heavily depends on the application scenario; however, it iscrucial to limit the number of context variables in order tocontrol the size of the conditional probability tables (CPTs)and, consequently, the number of parameters to be learnt inthe training phase.

The characterization of the DBN requires the defini-tion of the sensor model and the state transition model. Theprobability distribution P (Et|Xt) represents how sensoryreadings are affected by the current state of the system,and is named as the sensor model. The state transition model,i.e., P (Xt|Xt−1,Ct), expresses the probability that the statevariable takes a certain value, given its previous value andthe current context.

Since our DBN is a first-order Markov model, we candefine the belief about a specific system state in the timeslice t, i.e., xt, as:

Bel(xt) = P (xt|E1:t,C1:t). (1)

By following a procedure analogous to that adopted byauthors of [38] for deriving the equation of Bayes filters, weobtain a practical formulation of our belief. In particular, byapplying the Bayes rule, it is possible to express Eq. (1) asfollows:Bel(xt) = P (xt|E1:t,C1:t) = P (xt|E1:t−1,Et,C1:t) =

= η · P (Et|xt,E1:t−1,C1:t) · P (xt|E1:t−1,C1:t),(2)

where η is a normalizing constant. By using the Markovassumption, by considering that the sensor nodes in Et donot depend on the context variables in Ct, given the state


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variable Xt, and by assuming that sensor measurements aremutually conditionally independent, given the value of theparent node Xt, the following holds:

P (Et|xt,E1:t−1,C1:t) = P (Et|xt,C1:t) = P (Et|xt) =


P (eit|xt),

(3)where eit is the specific value of the sensory reading gatheredby the sensor i in the time slice t.

Moreover, the last term in Eq. (2) can be expressed asfollows:

P (xt|E1:t−1,C1:t) =∑xt−1

P (xt, xt−1|E1:t−1,C1:t) =

= α ·∑xt−1

P (xt|xt−1,E1:t−1,C1:t) · P (xt−1|E1:t−1,C1:t),

(4)where α is another normalizing constant. Now, Ct can besafely omitted from the last term, since Xt−1 does notdepend on the next context Ct if the next state Xt is notconsidered. Thus, using the Markov assumption, Eq. (4) canbe expressed as:

P (xt|E1:t−1,C1:t) =

= α ·∑xt−1

P (xt|xt−1,Ct) · P (xt−1|E1:t−1,C1:t−1) =

= α ·∑xt−1

P (xt|xt−1,Ct) ·Bel(xt−1).

(5)Finally, by substituting Eq. (3) and Eq. (5) into Eq. (2), the

belief can be defined with the following recursive formula:

Bel(xt) = η ·∏eit

P (eit|xt) ·∑xt−1

P (xt|xt−1,Ct) ·Bel(xt−1),

(6)where α is integrated in the normalization constant η. UsingEq. (6), the inference can be performed by storing only twoslices of the DBN, and thus the time and space requiredfor updating the network belief are independent of the se-quence length. The computational complexity of calculatingEq. (6) is O(n+m), where n is the number of sensor nodesand m is the number of possible values of Xt. Thus, theoverall complexity of computing Bel(xt) for all values ofXt is O(m2 +m · n).

Since we already know the structure of the slices of ourDBN, in the learning phase we have only to fill the CPTs.The method used to learn the CPTs may vary dependingon the training set of historical data, Ξ, at our disposal. Ina fully labeled dataset, we have only to compute samplestatistics for each node. For example, let Pi denote the par-ents of a node Vi. The sample statistic P (Vi = vi|Pi = pi)is given by the number of samples in Ξ having Vi = viand Pi = pi divided by the number of samples havingPi = pi. To learn the CPTs, we have to calculate thesesample statistics for all the nodes in the network. If we don’thave a fully labeled dataset, i.e., the values of one or moreof the variables are missing for some of the training records,different techniques can be used, such as the ExpectationMaximization (EM) algorithm or gradient ascent [3].

Example. We will now describe a running example illus-trating how the DBN of the Data Fusion module operates.

TABLE 1: CPT for state transition: P (Xt|Xt−1,C1t ).


C1t Xt−1 0 1

0 0 0.75 0.250 1 0.11 0.891 0 0.85 0.151 1 0.07 0.932 0 0.95 0.052 1 0.10 0.90

TABLE 2: CPTs for sensor models: P (E1t |Xt), P (E2

t |Xt) andP (E3

t |Xt) .

E1t E2

t E3t

0 1 2 0 1 0 1

Xt0 0.50 0.20 0.30 0.87 0.13 0.68 0.321 0.15 0.05 0.80 0.36 0.64 0.10 0.90

We consider a network with a single state variable X, withtwo possible different values, three evidence nodes E1, E2,E3, taking 3, 2 and 2 values respectively, and a singlecontext node C1, taking three possible values; the networkis defined through the CPTs reported in Tables 1 and 2.

Let P (X0) = 〈0.85, 0.15〉 represent the probability dis-tribution for the state variable at time t = 0, i.e., P (X0 =0) = 0.85 and P (X0 = 1) = 0.15. If the sensory readings attime t = 1 are [E1

1 , E21 , E

31 ] = [1, 0, 1], and the value of the

context node C11 is 0, the corresponding belief for the state

variable can be computed according to Eq. (6):

Bel(X1 = 0) =

= η · (0.2 · 0.87 · 0.32) · (0.75 · 0.85 + 0.11 · 0.15) =

= η · 0.037,

Bel(X1 = 1) =

= η · (0.05 · 0.36 · 0.9) · (0.25 · 0.85 + 0.89 · 0.15) =

= η · 0.006,

where the normalization constant can be computed asη = 1

0.037+0.006 = 23.256. Thus, the belief at time t = 1is Bel(X1) = 〈0.867, 0.133〉. We now suppose that at timet = 2 our sensors produce the readings: [E1

2 , E22 , E

32 ] =

[2, 1, 0], and that the value of the context node C12 is 1.

Applying again Eq. (1), we obtainBel(X2) = 〈0.606, 0.394〉.As mentioned, the context information greatly influenceinference results. Indeed, if the value of the context node C1


had been 0 at time t = 2, the corresponding belief wouldhave been Bel(X2) = 〈0.507, 0.493〉.


The self-optimization modules aim to dynamically optimizethe state of the sensory infrastructure, in order to find thebest trade-off between performance and costs. To this endthey need to exploit the maximum of available informationon the external world and on the internal system conditions.Useful information can be obtained by the analysis of thebehavior of the Data Fusion module, in addition to the otherinformation acquired from the external world.

The Feature Extraction module produces a feature vectorcontaining meta-information about the world state and thesystem state, which, as a whole, defines the current context.


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Such information are then exploited by the Global Optimiza-tion and Constrained Optimization modules to update thealarm thresholds and reconfigure the sensory infrastructurerespectively, as will be described in the following.

5.1 Feature ExtractionThe Feature Extraction module produces for each time slice ta feature vector composed of the following elements:

FVt = [conft,WSB , TE , RUE, SC,SIE ], (7)

where conft is the configuration of the sensory infrastruc-ture, WSB is the belief distribution about the world state asinferred by the Data Fusion module, TE is the elapsed timesince the last estimated transition of the world state, RUEis an estimation of the reasoning uncertainty, SC is the costassociated to the active sensors, and SIE is an estimation ofthe importance of each sensor for the inference.

The sensory configuration, which fully describes thestate of each sensor, is defined as a binary vector, conft =[s1t , s

2t , . . . , s

nt ], where sit ∈ {0, 1}. Each element sit specifies

whether the corresponding sensor Ei is off or on, respec-tively, in the time slice t.

The belief about the state of the world, WSB , is obtaineddirectly from the Data Fusion module at each time slice,as calculated by Eq. (6). The Global Optimization moduleexploits such information along with TE , the elapsed timesince the last transition of the world state as perceived bythe system. If we define the most probable world state as:

x∗t = arg maxxt


), (8)

the Feature Extraction module evaluates the number of timeslices elapsed since the last transition of the world state withthe following equation:

TE(t) =

{TE(t− 1) + 1 if x∗t−1 = x∗t ,0 otherwise.


The uncertainty and cost indices associated with a spe-cific sensory configuration are used by the Global Optimiza-tion module to decide whether to trigger an alarm, thusrequiring a reconfiguration of the sensory infrastructure.To measure the uncertainty of the probabilistic reasoningperformed by the Data Fusion module, we propose to adoptan index based on the definition of Shannon entropy [39]:

RUEdef= −


Bel(xt) log2(Bel(xt)). (10)

Assuming that the cost of acquiring information fromnode Ei in the time slice t is expressed by the functionfcost(E

it), the total cost associated to a specific sensory

configuration can be evaluated as:




fcost(Eit) · sit. (11)

The specific cost function closely depends on the applicationscenarios; we defer the description of the one adopted forour case study to Section 6.

Finally, in order to support the system to select the mostuseful sensors to activate at any time slice, we adopted aheuristic that estimates the importance of each sensor in the

current situation, based on the Kullback-Leibler (KL) diver-gence [40], known as relative entropy or information gain.The KL divergence of an approximate distribution G, withregard to a true distribution F , measures the informationthat is lost when G is used instead of F . It is defined as:

DKL(F‖G) =∑i

F (xt) log

(F (xt)


). (12)

The information gain of an active sensory configura-tion can be computed as the KL divergence of the predic-tion P (Xt|E1:t−1,C1:t) with regard to the belief Bel(Xt).

However, if we consider a sensory infrastructure with nsensors, in order to exactly determine the optimal sensoryconfiguration, the optimization modules should evaluatethe information gain for all the possible 2n sensor states,with an effort that, as n grows, becomes quickly intractable.For this reason, we define a heuristic which roughly approx-imates the information gain of a given sensory configurationwith the simple sum of the information gains of each sensor.The current information gain of a single active sensor canbe simply evaluated by comparing the belief obtained byusing its last reading with the belief obtained by ignoringsuch evidence. We define the belief that would be obtainedby ignoring the evidence eit, for a specific state of the world,as a function of the belief Bel(xt):

Beleit(xt) = β · Bel(xt)P (eit|xt)

, (13)

where β is a normalizing factor. We can then compute theinformation gain of a single active node Ei, in the time slicet, as the KL divergence ofBeleit(Xt) with regard toBel(Xt),as follows:

inf gain(Eit) = inf gain(Eit = eit) =

= DKL(Bel(Xt)‖Beleit(Xt)).(14)

The evaluation of the information gain of an inactive sen-sor shows a higher computational cost, since the absence ofa reading involves the computation of the belief change forall the possible sensory readings. Namely, the informationgain of an inactive sensor should be calculated as follows:

inf gain(Eit) =∑eit

P (Eit = eit) · inf gain(Eit = eit). (15)

However, in order to reduce the computational cost,in our heuristic we adopted a further simplification thatexhibits the advantage of considering not only the instan-taneous information gain, but also the past history. Accord-ingly, we do not exploit Eq. (15) to compute the informationgain of an inactive sensor; rather, at each time slice, weevaluate the current information gain only of the activesensors and update their sample mean and variance. In thisway, we can consider an estimate of the value of informationprovided by the whole sensory configuration conft as,

SIEdef= [inf gainavg(conft), inf gainvar(conft)], (16)


inf gainavg(conft)def=∑i

inf gainavg(Eit) · sit,

inf gainvar(conft)def=∑i

inf gainvar(Eit) · sit.



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0 10.018





(a) changePt(fchange)function, with λ = 5 andν = 4.

0 1min






0 1







(b) θcostt and θunct functions.

Fig. 3: The functions used in the Global Optimization module.

Since the KL divergence does not satisfy the triangleinequality, our approach constitutes only a heuristic, al-though it performs well in practice, as will be shown inthe experimental section. Moreover, storing the samplingmean and variance of the information gain for n sensorsis much more efficient than exploring all the 2n sensoryconfigurations and all possible readings of inactive sensors.

The computational complexity of calculating the featurevector FVt is dominated by the evaluation of Eq. (17). Theinformation gain of a single sensor node can be derived inO(m), wherem is the number of possible values ofXt. Theirmean and variance can be updated online in O(1), thus,the overall complexity of the operations performed by theFeature Extraction module with n sensors is O(m · n).

5.2 Global OptimizationThe goal of the Global Optimization is to dynamically drivethe behavior of the self-configuring component, according tothe context changes. Static criteria regarding reconfigurationfrequency or global objectives of the system are inappropri-ate for dynamic scenarios.

The Global Optimization module dynamically modifiesthe alarm thresholds, concerning inference uncertainty andcost, used for triggering and constraining the reconfigura-tion performed by the Constrained Optimization module, asdepicted in Fig. 1. The basic idea is that, in order to obtain asignificant energy saving, it is appropriate to reduce the setof active sensors when it is expected a reduced variability incontext conditions, i.e., no change in the state of the worldis expected, even if such an action may involve a reductionin the inference accuracy. On the other hand, wheneversignificant context variability is expected, a better policycould be to increase the sensory activity of the system. Tothis end, the Global Optimization module uses the estimatedtemporal lengths of world states, as learned during thetraining phase by the Data Fusion module, the inferred beliefabout the current state of the world, and the time elapsedsince the last state transition observed by the system.

For instance, if the system identifies a state conditionwith a high probability to persist for a long time, it mightswitch off most of the sensors without a relevant accuracyreduction. Conversely, if the system estimates a suddentransition for current state, it should activate all the sensorsnecessary to achieve the desired accuracy, even at the costof higher energy consumption.

To this end, the Global Optimization module tries topredict if the state of the world will change in the next

time slice, by estimating the probability of a state conditiontransition with the following soft-threshold function:

changePt(fchange) = 1− 1

1 + eλfchange(t)−ν, (18)

wherefchange(t) =

elapsedT imetexpectedDuration(Xt)

, (19)

and λ and ν are parameters of the soft-threshold function.This implies the probability of transition of a state conditionincreases as fchange(t) value grows, as shown in Fig. 3a. Thefunction expectedDuration(Xt) in Eq. (19) is computed asthe expected value of the current state duration, as follows:

expectedDuration(Xt) =∑i

wit · avgDuration(xi),

wit = Bel(xit),


where avgDuration(xi) represents the estimation of thetemporal length of a specific state of the world xi, as learnedduring the training phase by the Data Fusion module, andeach weight wit is the belief of a specific state in the timeslice t, such that

∑i w

it = 1.

The transition probability of the state condition com-puted by the Global Optimization module is used to dynami-cally modify the cost and uncertainty thresholds, which canvary between minimum and maximum values set by thesystem administrator. Whenever the uncertainty and cost ofthe inference performed by the Data Fusion module exceedthese thresholds, an alarm is triggered and consequently theConstrained Optimization module performs the reconfigura-tion of the sensory infrastructure. The thresholds for costand uncertainty, i.e., θcostt and θunct , are modified accordingto the following equations:

θcostt = mincost+

+ (maxcost −mincost) · changePt(fchange),θunct = minunc+

+ (maxunc −minunc)(1− changePt(fchange)).(21)

As shown in Fig. 3b, when changePt(fchange) is close to0, the system enters a power-saving mode, thereby reducingthe cost threshold and raising the uncertainty threshold.Conversely, when changePt(fchange) is close to 1, the sys-tem gives priority to the accuracy of the inference, raisingthe cost threshold and reducing the uncertainty threshold.

At each time slice, the Global Optimization module up-dates the thresholds and compares them with the costand uncertainty computed by the Feature Extraction mod-ule, checking whether any alarm is triggered. If both thethresholds are exceeded, priority is given to the reductionof uncertainty, since the main goal of the system is to inferthe state of the world in a precise and reliable way.

The computational complexity of the Global Optimizationmodule is dominated by Eq. (20), which can be computed inO(m), where m is the number of possible values of Xt.

The Global Optimization module is implemented as anInfluence Diagram [3], a generalization of a Bayesian net-work, capable of supporting probabilistic decision-making.Such Influence Diagram is shown in Fig. 4. It merges twotypes of information: (i) information describing the state


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Alarm Utility


Fig. 4: The Global Optimization module Influence Diagram.

of the world, captured by the Data Fusion module, and(ii) meta-information about the behavior of the Data Fusionmodule, extracted by the Feature Extraction module. All suchinformation represents the context from the point of view ofthe Global Optimization module.

The Alarm node and the Reconfigure decision node repre-sent binary variables that indicate, respectively, whether analarm is triggered and whether the system should dynami-cally modify the state of its sensors.

The conditional probability distributions of theState transition node and of the thresholds nodes are basedon Eq. (18) and Eq. (21), respectively. Finally, the utilityfunction of the Influence Diagram is computed as the XNOR(exclusive NOR) of the Alarm variable and the Reconfiguredecision variable, in order to trigger a reconfiguration whenan alarm condition holds.

5.3 Constrained Optimization

In order to achieve the best possible trade-off betweencost and reasoning accuracy, the Constrained Optimizationmodule leverages the dynamic thresholds set by the GlobalOptimization module to dynamically modify the state of thesensory infrastructure. For instance, it can reduce the energyconsumption of the sensory infrastructure at the cost of asacrifice in accuracy, by switching redundant devices to thelow-power mode, thus suspending their data gathering andtransmission functionalities, as explained in Section 3.

To manage the above conflicting goals, we adopt a multi-objective trade-off analysis based on a Pareto-dominancecriterion [23], [41], since the traditional approach of usingmulti-attribute utility theory [17], capable of maximizing asingle expected utility that summarizes all the considered at-tributes, has several drawbacks. Namely, it is often difficultto formulate an utility function which correctly models theoptimization problem. Moreover, such an approach wouldrequire a precise assessment of the relative relevance of thegoals to achieve.

In order to guarantee a steady adaptation of the sensoryinfrastructure, and to limit the computational complexity ofthe optimization, we allow only atomic reconfigurations, i.e.,actions that modify the state of single sensors. Thus, in asystem with n sensors, the Constrained Optimization modulechooses among n possible sensory configurations when analarm is raised. If neither of the thresholds is exceeded by

Change configuration

· · ·s1 status t

s1 status t−1

sn status t

sn status t−1

· · ·s1 cost s1 inf. gain sn cost sn inf. gain

conf. cost conf. inf. gain


Fig. 5: The Constrained Optimization module multi-objectiveinfluence diagram.

the system, no reconfiguration will be performed. The costand information gain of each achievable configuration canbe derived in constant time. Thus, the overall complexity ofcomputing these quantities for all n achievable configura-tions is O(n).

The Constrained Optimization module categorizes the sen-sory configurations achievable in the time slice t as twodisjoint classes: dominated configurations and non-dominatedconfigurations. A sensory configuration conf∗t is non-dominated, or Pareto-optimal, if no other solution has bettervalues for all the objectives considered, so that the followingholds ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , n}:

cost(conf∗t ) ≤ cost(conf it )or

inf gainavg(conf∗t ) ≥ inf gainavg(conf

it ).


In order to determine the action that achieves the besttrade-off between costs and performance, the ConstrainedOptimization module considers only the set of non-dominatedconfigurations, also known as Pareto front. The selectedsensory configuration depends on the alarm raised by theGlobal Optimization module, as follows:

• if only the cost threshold was exceeded, thesensory configuration minimizing the expectedcost(conft+1) is selected among the non-dominatedsolutions;

• otherwise, if only the uncertainty threshold or boththresholds were reached, the sensory configurationmaximizing the expected inf gain(conft+1) is se-lected among the non-dominated solutions.

The Pareto front can be derived in O(n2) time, and thefinal selection of the configuration to choose requires O(n)time, which yields a total complexity of O(n2). The opera-tions performed by the Constrained Optimization module areimplemented as a multi-objective influence diagram [42].This approach extends the traditional influence diagrams,which only allow a single utility node or a single combinedutility node that is sum or product of other utility func-tions [43]. To overcome this limitation, a new kind of utilitynode was defined in [42] as a vector of objectives, togetherwith an algorithm for the solution of such multi-objectiveinfluence diagrams.


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We propose the influence diagram shown in Fig. 5,where the Change configuration decision node indicates thesingle sensor whose state must be changed, depending onits previous state. Finally, the best sensory configurationis chosen among the optimal front, as explained above,and a control message is sent to the appropriate sensor,thus triggering the dynamic reconfiguration of the sensoryinfrastructure.


In order to prove the effectiveness of our approach, wechose an Ambient Intelligence (AmI) environment as anapplication scenario. In particular, we simulated the imple-mentation of our solution in a smart home system enrichedwith a pervasive sensory infrastructure based on WSNs andsensors on mobile devices. Such scenario is suitable forthe experimental evaluation for several reasons: first of all,AmI contexts are characterized by a high dynamism, due totheir continuous and unpredictable interaction with users.Second, the use of WSNs and sensors on mobile devicesas sensory infrastructure poses severe constraints on de-vice energy consumption, justifying the necessity of findingthe best trade-off between inference accuracy and energyconsumption of sensory devices. Finally, since observeddata are not collected by specialized sensors, but rather bysensors whose readings are only partially correlated withthe environmental features of interest [23], it is necessary toperform a multi-sensor data fusion.

Our system is designed for inferring any hidden charac-teristic of the observed world. In the case study proposedhere, we chose to consider the activities performed by theuser as context features to be inferred, since such infor-mation allows AmI systems to be fully responsive to userneeds. Moreover, recognizing user activities such as eating,cooking, sleeping, or working [7], [44], is one of the majorchallenges of AmI systems.

The approaches to address this challenge vary greatlydepending on the kind of activities to classify, the datafusion method adopted, and the sensors used. For example,inertial sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, alsoinstalled on mobile devices, are commonly used to recognizeactivities that involve physical movements, e.g., walking,running, sitting down and standing up [45], [46]. The au-thors of [45] compared the advantages and disadvantagesof single-sensor and multi-sensor wearable systems, andproposed an approach based on a decision tree classifierto find a trade-off between recognition accuracy and com-putational and communication complexity. In recent years,several works, such as [46], have considered the possibilityof exploiting the increasing pervasiveness of smartphones torecognize user activities, by merging the raw data comingfrom the sensors embedded in these devices. The data col-lected by wireless sensors which are pervasively deployedin the environment are often used to recognize a widerrange of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as eating,cooking, sleeping, or working [7], [44].

The implementation of our system in a specific appli-cation scenario implies the characterization of (i) the com-ponents of the feature vector which are related to the state

of the world, (ii) the context information acquired directlyfrom the external world, and (iii) the cost function adoptedby the self-configuration modules.

In the scenario considered here, i.e., user activity recog-nition in a smart home, the feature vector contains the beliefabout the activity currently performed by the user and thetime elapsed since the last activity transition, in addition tofeatures which do not depend on the application scenario.

The context factors we chose to refine the inferenceperformed by the Data Fusion module are the period ofday, i.e., morning, afternoon, evening or night, the month,and the day of the week. These proved to be the bestavailable context information in our experimental setting forimproving the accuracy of the system.

We defined the cost function with the goal of enforcingan energy saving policy that aims to extend the devices’ life-time; thus, we propose a cost function whose value increaseswhen the residual battery charge of the corresponding sen-sor decreases, according to the following equation:

fcost(Eit) = baseCost(Eit) ·

(1 + γ

(1− charge(Eit)


(23)where 0 ≤ charge(Eit) ≤ 1 is the remaining charge of sensorEi in the time slice t, and γ is a parameter that controlsthe relative importance of the charge level. When the valueof γ increases, the system is more inclined to use all thesensors in a uniform manner, instead of preferring only thebest ones, and this greatly extends the sensory infrastructurelifetime with little impact on accuracy, as will be shown inthe next section.


7.1 Simulation Setting

In order to evaluate the performance of our system, wesimulated its behavior in a smart home where several pro-grammable wireless sensor nodes were deployed and wherethe interaction of the user’s mobile device with the homeWi-Fi network reveals the presence of the user at home. Thetraces collected by a set of real sensors have been exploitedin order to simulate the interaction of sensory devices withthe environment, according to principles defined in [47].For the sake of simplicity, we simulated the energy con-sumption of sensory devices by assuming a constant energycost for each data transmission. The ground truth aboutuser activities and the corresponding sensory traces wereobtained from the Aruba dataset of the CASAS Smart HomeProject [7] developed at Washington State University. TheAruba dataset contains annotated data collected in a smartapartment with a single resident, over a period of sevenmonths. In such dataset, events are generated by motionsensors, door sensors, and temperature sensors.

A preprocessing of the original data was required to testour system. In particular, we partitioned the sequence ofsensor events into regular time slices, counting how manytimes each sensor was activated during each slice. It istherefore important to carefully select an appropriate lengthfor time slices; otherwise, many slices will not contain anysensor event; we selected a time slice length of 30 seconds.

Moreover, a heuristic was developed to label each inter-val with the predominant activity performed by the user


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during that time slice. The Aruba dataset annotated elevenactivities of daily living (ADLs), namely Bed to Toilet, Eat-ing, Enter Home, Housekeeping, Leave Home, Meal Preparation,Relax, Resperate, Sleeping, Wash Dishes, and Work. We addeda new activity, named Outside, that takes into considerationthe periods of time when the user is not inside the smarthome, i.e., the intervals between the Leave Home and theEnter Home activities. This information can be used by thesystem to further optimize the energy consumption of thesensory infrastructure, since all the sensors installed in thesmart home can be deactivated when no one is present,with the exception of the door sensors, thus minimizingenergy consumption without sacrificing inference accuracy.In a real scenario, it is very difficult, if not impossible, topredict all the activities that will be performed by usersand, furthermore, a fixed list of activity classes cannottake into consideration the unavoidable transitions betweenactivities. To address both of these problems, we addeda further activity class to the ones annotated within theoriginal dataset, named Other, as suggested in [44]. Thisspecial class groups all the sensor events that do not matchany of the known activity classes. Nearly 20% of the sensorevents in our dataset belong to the Other class, and thereforewe believe it is essential to detect it correctly in a real worldsystem. However, considering the heterogeneity of the activ-ities grouped by this class, it is very challenging to recognizeit with good accuracy, and many approaches in the literaturesimply ignore it, relying solely on a list of predeterminedactivities, as noted in [44]. In the following, the experimentalresults obtained by our system are presented by consideringthe Other class as well as ignoring it.

7.2 Performance Metrics

The experimental results compare the performance of threedifferent systems. The first one, called All-On, does not ex-ploit the optimization modules to adaptively self-configureits behavior at runtime, and uses all the available sen-sors in each time slice, thus minimizing the uncertainty ofreasoning regardless of energy consumption. The secondone, called Subset-On, gives priority to energy savings,leveraging only a small subset of sensors, i.e., 10 of the39 available sensors, and does not exploit the optimizationmodules to improve its performance. The last system, fi-nally, is the context-aware self-optimizing system proposedin this work, and it fully exploits the Global Optimization andConstrained Optimization modules described in the previoussections. The first two systems are considered as baseline forcomparison with the proposed one.

The most common metric to evaluate activity recognitionsystems is the average accuracy, defined as:

Accuracy =TP + TN

TP + TN + FP + FN, (24)

where TP, TN, FP, and FN are, respectively, the true pos-itives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives.However, accuracy alone is not sufficient to evaluate dif-ferent approaches, since data are skewed towards the mostprobable activities. For this reason, we adopted additionalmetrics to provide more detailed analyses of the perfor-mance of the systems. In particular, we determined the

precision (positive predictive value), as fidelity measure, andthe recall (sensitivity), for measuring completeness, whichare defined as follows:

precision =TP

TP + FP,

recall =TP

TP + FN.


Precision and recall, in turn, are used to calculate the F-score, which is a very important metric to evaluate activityrecognition systems, as stated in [44]. F-score is defined asthe harmonic mean of precision and recall, as follows:

F-score = 2 · precision · recallprecision+ recall

. (26)

In order to evaluate the different approaches, we usedthe cross validation method, dividing the dataset into tenparts. For each test, nine parts are used for learning systemparameters and the tenth is used for the test. This process isrepeated changing the test set. We compared the uncertainty,cost, and accuracy of each system, as well as precision, re-call, and F-score of each activity, as detailed in the following.

7.3 Experimental ResultsThe first experiment presented in this section is the com-parison of uncertainty, cost, and accuracy trends of thethree systems during a given week, when also the Otheractivity class is considered. In this first test, we discardedthe temperature readings, since we noticed a low correlationbetween such data and the activities performed by the user.Fig. 6 shows the simple moving averages (SMAs), i.e., theunweighted mean of the values collected in the previoushour. As expected, the All-On system exhibits the lowest un-certainty and the highest energy cost. Conversely, the Subset-On system presents the highest uncertainty and a lowerpower consumption than the All-On system. The Adaptivesystem shows an uncertainty close to that of the All-Onsystem, with a lower power consumption. It is worth notic-ing that the average cost of the Adaptive system increasesvery slowly over time, since the optimization modules aresmart enough to exploit sensors in a uniform manner, soas to maximize the life span of the WSN and minimizepower consumption. With regards to the accuracy, the All-On and Adaptive systems perform similarly, and occasionallythe Adaptive system overcomes the All-On. The Subset-Onsystem, on the other hand, behaves poorly, and its accuracyis behind those of the other two systems.

Table 3 reports the average accuracy of the two baselinesystems compared with the proposed Adaptive system, ineach test of the cross-validation experiment. Table 4 summa-rizes the results of the cross-validation tests, reporting theaverage accuracy (both considering and excluding the Otheractivity class), uncertainty, power consumption, number ofactive sensors, and F-score of the three systems in all tests. Itcan be observed that the proposed Adaptive system achievesan accuracy slightly higher than that of the All-On system.This may seem a bit unexpected, but it can be explainedby considering the particularity of the dataset used, whichmainly contains motion sensors. In such a scenario, usingan optimal subset of sensors can lead to higher accuracy


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Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon0.00








All-On Subset-On Adaptive

Fig. 6: Uncertainty, cost, and accuracy trends of the three systems considered during a given week.

TABLE 3: Average accuracy of the two baseline systemscompared with the proposed Adaptive system, in each testof the cross-validation experiment based on the CASASdataset [7].

All-On Subset-On Adaptive

0.760 0.659 0.7550.802 0.704 0.8180.788 0.670 0.7960.792 0.677 0.8030.810 0.672 0.8150.803 0.657 0.8110.790 0.539 0.7770.782 0.652 0.7880.811 0.687 0.8170.769 0.644 0.773

than keeping all sensors on, since it allows the system toexclude some false positive readings. For instance, when theuser is sleeping, the Adaptive system exploits only sensorsnear the bedroom, while the All-On system will leave allthe sensors on, possibly incurring in a greater number offalse positive readings coming from sensors in other rooms,which may have a non-negligible noise level. The Subset-On system shows a lower accuracy, i.e., almost 14% lessthan the Adaptive system. The average costs of the twoapproaches, on the other hand, are very similar, with onlya 1% difference. The average cost of the All-On system ismore than three times that of the proposed Adaptive system.

Table 4 confirms that the uncertainty of the Adaptivesystem is comparable to that of the All-On system, whilstthe Subset-On system performs worse than the other two,with an average uncertainty that is 64% higher compared tothat of the proposed system. Similar considerations apply tothe F-score of the three systems, which is similar for the All-On and Adaptive system, and more than 30% lower on theSubset-On system. To evaluate the optimization overhead,Table 4 also reports the average execution time, normalizedby the same factor, so as to have 1 computation unit in thecase of the All-On system. We notice that the Adaptive systemgets a 19% speed-up with regard to the All-On system. Thus,

TABLE 4: Cross-validation results reporting the averageaccuracy, uncertainty, power consumption, number of activesensors, and F-score of the two baseline systems comparedto the proposed Adaptive system.

All-On Subset-On Adaptive

Accuracy 0.791 0.656 0.795Accuracy without Other 0.882 0.705 0.878Accuracy with temperature 0.749 0.534 0.786Uncertainty 0.251 0.573 0.349Power Consumption 44.771 13.168 13.494Active Sensors 34.000 10.000 12.124F-score 0.421 0.271 0.408Execution Time 1.00x 0.76x 0.81x

the speed-up due to the fact of using fewer sensors in thedata fusion process overweights the optimization overhead.Considering that the Adaptive and Subset-On systems usea similar number of sensors, on the average (12 and 10,respectively), the small difference in execution time of thetwo systems (0.81x and 0.76x, respectively) gives an idea ofthe optimization overhead.

These results indicate the advantage of using the Adap-tive approach, since it performs better than the baseline sys-tems, finding an optimal trade-off between performance andconsumption. As expected, the accuracy of all systems im-proves significantly if the Other activity class is ignored, in-creasing by almost 10% in the All-On and Adaptive systems,and by about 5% in the Subset-On system. Table 4 also showsthe accuracy of the systems when using temperature data.In the case of the Subset-On system, the five temperaturesensors were added on top of the fixed 10 normally used. Wecan notice that the accuracy of all systems decreases whenusing temperature data, since there is a low correlationbetween this information and the activities performed bythe user. However, the accuracy of the Adaptive systemdecreases by less than 1%, whilst the other two systemsshow a more noticeable reduction, since the Adaptive systemdetects the low importance of the temperature sensors, andoften turns them off.


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e P











































All-On Subset-On Adaptive

Fig. 7: True positives, precision and F-score of each activity.

We also compared the true positives rate, precision,and F-score of each activity in the three considered sys-tems, without considering temperature sensors, as shownin Fig. 7. The performance of the All-On and Adaptivesystems regarding many activities is largely comparable,and the Adaptive approach actually obtains better resultsthan the All-One system in some of them. However, thereare a few activities that are better recognized by the All-Onsystem, due to a very low average duration that does notallow the Global Optimization module to correctly estimatethe probability of an activity transition. As expected, theperformance of the Subset-On system is visibly worse thanthe other two approaches. Nevertheless, it can be observedthat some activities are easily recognized by all the systems,i.e., Sleeping, Outside and Meal Preparation, while other ac-tivities are difficult to handle, regardless of the approachconsidered, i.e., Housekeeping and Wash Dishes. This can beexplained by considering that some activities are performedin well-defined locations and times during the day, andtherefore are better recognized using only motion sensors,while other activities are less structured, and some hetero-geneous sensors should be installed in order to recognizethem in a satisfying manner.

The experimental evaluation includes also a deep anal-ysis of the effect of the Global Optimization module on thebehavior of the Adaptive system. Fig. 8 shows the uncertaintyand the cost trends of the Adaptive system, with the relatedalarm thresholds, during a given day. The uncertainty andcost alarms triggered by the system in the same day arealso highlighted. As explained in Section 5.2, when theGlobal Optimization module expects a reduced variabilityin context conditions, it changes the alarm thresholds inorder to switch off most of the sensors without a relevantreduction of accuracy, switching them on when it believesthat the current activity will change in a short time, so asto ensure adequate accuracy, even at the expense of higherenergy consumption. Sleeping is the most regular activityin our dataset, and it is also the one with the longestaverage duration. This regularity makes the Sleeping activityideal to analyze the way in which the system dynamicallychanges the alarm thresholds. The cost threshold is low atthe beginning of the night, when the user goes to sleep,whilst the uncertainty threshold is high. This means thatthe system believes as unlikely a context transition in a





Uncertainty Threshold




Cost Threshold

00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00Time





Fig. 8: Uncertainty, cost, and accuracy trends of the Adaptivesystem in a single day, showing the adaptive thresholds.

short time, and thus enters a power-saving mode, reducingthe cost threshold and raising the uncertainty threshold.During the night, the probability of an activity transition,as defined in Eq. (18), increases, and therefore the systemgradually reduces the uncertainty threshold and increasesthe cost threshold. In the morning, when the probabilityof an activity transition is close to 1, the system givespriority to the accuracy of the inference, thereby increasingthe cost threshold to its maximum value, and reducing theuncertainty threshold to its minimum.

Finally, we compare the effectiveness of using the vari-able cost function, defined in Eq. (23), against an approachthat leverages a fixed cost function, that does not increasewhen the residual battery of the corresponding sensor de-creases. The goal of choosing a variable cost function is toenforce an energy saving policy that extends the sensory in-frastructure lifetime by using sensors in a uniform manner.Fig. 9 compares the two approaches, showing the numberof time slices in which each sensor has been powered onduring the simulations, and the remaining energy chargeat the end of the simulations. In this experiment, we alsoincluded the temperature sensors, so as to show that thesystem correctly avoid sensors with a very low informationgain, which are not deemed useful. It is evident that witha variable cost function the system uses sensors more uni-formly than the fixed cost approach, greatly extending thesensory infrastructure lifetime. However, it is worth noticingthat, despite the energy policy, sensors which show a verylow information gain, such as the temperature sensors (i.e.,the last five sensors in Fig. 9), are seldom used by thesystem. Finally, comparing the accuracy of the variable costapproach against that of the fixed cost approach, we observea decrease of less than 1%.


In this paper, we proposed and evaluated a context-awareself-optimizing adaptive system for sensory data fusion. Thesystem is based on a three-tier architecture. At the lowesttier, the inference subsystem leverages dynamic Bayesiannetworks for inferring the state of the world, exploitingcontextual information to increase reasoning accuracy. Atthe same time, two self-optimization modules are respon-sible for determining the subset of sensors to use at each


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e T



Fixed Cost

Variable Cost












































































dual C



Fig. 9: Sensor statistics usage with a fixed and variable cost function. The x axis enumerates all the available sensors: doorsensors (Dxxx), motion sensors (Mxxx) and temperature sensors (Txxx).

time slice, finding an optimal trade-off to minimize energyconsumption and maximize sensing accuracy.

As case study for evaluating the proposed system wechose the activity recognition problem in an Ambient Intelli-gence scenario. The experimental evaluation confirmed thatusing all the available sensors is not a good strategy, bothin terms of energy efficiency and computational burden. Ina real world scenario, context evolves constantly, and thesystem has to dynamically adapt to the current situation,by reconfiguring its own sensory infrastructure. The resultsof our experiments support these statements, showing thatthe proposed adaptive system performs better than staticsystems, achieving substantial energy savings compared toa system that statically uses all the available sensors, withonly a small increase in inference uncertainty.

In the current study, both training and test data arecollected from the same environment. As part of futuredevelopment, we are interested in evaluating the general-ization potential of the proposed approach by consideringtraining and test data coming from different smart homesor offices. Furthermore, we plan to test the system in a realscenario with heterogeneous sensors, including data comingfrom wearable devices such as smart watches.


The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for in-sightful comments and constructive suggestions that helpedus improve the quality of the manuscript significantly.The work of S.K. Das is partially supported by the followingNSF grants: IIS-1404673, CNS-1404677, CNS-1545037, andCNS-1545050.


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Alessandra De Paola received her BachelorDegree and Master Degree in Computer Engi-neering from University of Palermo, Italy, in 2004and 2007, respectively, and Ph.D. in ComputerEngineering from University of Palermo, Italy, in2011. She is an assistant professor of computerengineering at the University of Palermo since2012. Her current research interests include Arti-ficial Intelligence applied to Distributed Systems,Wireless Sensor Networks, Ambient Intelligenceand Network Security.

Pierluca Ferraro is a Ph.D. Student in ComputerEngineering at the University of Palermo, Italy.He received his Bachelor Degree and MasterDegree in Computer Engineering from the Uni-versity of Palermo, Italy, in 2010 and 2013, re-spectively. His current research interests includemobile and pervasive computing, Wireless Sen-sor Networks, and Ambient Intelligence. He is astudent member of the IEEE.

Salvatore Gaglio is full professor of computerscience and artificial intelligence at the Univer-sity of Palermo, Italy, from 1986. From 1998 to2002 he was the Director of the Study Centeron Computer Networks of the CNR (NationalResearch Council); from 2002 he is the Directorof the Branch of Palermo of High PerformanceComputing and Computation of CNR. From 2005to 2012 he was member of the Scientific Coun-cil of the ICT Department of CNR. His presentresearch activities are in the area of artificial

intelligence and robotics. He is a member of IEEE, ACM, and AAAI.

Giuseppe Lo Re is associate professor of com-puter engineering at the University of Palermo.He received the Laurea degree in computer sci-ence at the University of Pisa, in 1990 and thePh.D. in computer engineering at the Universityof Palermo, in 1999. His current research inter-ests are in the area of computer networks anddistributed systems, broadly focusing on Wire-less Sensor Networks, Ambient Intelligence, In-ternet of Things. He is senior member of IEEEand of its Communication Society, and of the

Association for Computer Machinery.

Sajal K. Das is the Chair of Computer Sci-ence Department and Daniel St. Clair EndowedChair at the Missouri University of Science andTechnology, Rolla. During 2008-2011, he servedthe US National Science Foundation as a Pro-gram Director in the Division of Computer Net-works and Systems. His current research inter-ests include wireless sensor networks, mobileand pervasive computing, smart environmentsand cyber-physical systems, cloud computing,and security. He published extensively with more

than 600 research articles in high quality journals and refereed confer-ence proceedings. He holds 5 US patents, coauthored 51 book chap-ters, and four books. He is a recipient of numerous awards for research,teaching and mentoring. He is the editor-in-chief of Elsevier’s Pervasivean Mobile Computing journal and serves on the editorial boards of IEEETMC and ACM TOSN journals. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.