Chest Physiotherapy (CPT) Chest physiotherapy is a group of physical techniques that improve lung function and help you breathe better. expands the lungs, strengthens breathing muscles, and loosens and improves drainage of thick lung secretions. Types of CPT 1. Deep breathing exercise The Belly breath - A complete breath fills the lungs to capacity and helps clear secretions as you exhale. Lie on your back with one hand on your stomach, one hand on your chest. Inhale slowly until your lungs fill completely , both your abdomen and chest should rise. Hold your breath for 3 seconds, Exhale slowly until it feels as if your lungs are empty and then contract your abdomen to push out more air

Amy - Chest Physiotherapy

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Chest Physiotherapy (CPT)

Chest physiotherapy

is a group of physical techniques that improve lung function and help you breathe better.

expands the lungs, strengthens breathing muscles, and loosens and improves drainage of thick lung secretions.

Types of CPT

1. Deep breathing exercise

The Belly breath -A complete breath fills the lungs to capacity and helps clear secretions as you exhale.

Lie on your back with one hand on your stomach, one hand on your chest.

Inhale slowly until your lungs fill completely , both your abdomen and chest should rise.

Hold your breath for 3 seconds, Exhale slowly until it feels as if your lungs are empty

and then contract your abdomen to push out more air -- --you may find yourself coughing. Repeat 3 to 5 times and pause for 3 seconds between breaths.

Alternate Nostril Breathing Place the third finger on left nostril and thumb on right nostril

by using right hand Press your right nostril inhale deeply through your left nostril

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Hold on 3 seconds, press third finger against left nostril, release you right nostril and exhale normally.

Repeat 3-5 times and pause for 3 seconds between the breaths.

Pursed Lip Breathing - releases trapped air in the lungs and keeps the airways open longer

inhale deeply through your nose hold your breath for up to 3 seconds. Purse your lips and exhale slowly. Repeat this exercise up to

five times

Incentive spirometer

2. Postural Drainage and percussion-

- getting in positions that make it easier for mucus to drain

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Hold each position for 5 minutes to help the mucus drain from your


your caregiver or chest physiotherapist claps your back quickly and rhythmically by cupped hands.

When your caregiver claps, you should hear a hollow sound. If you

hear a slapping, the hand is not cupped enough.

Morning is the best time to do postural drainage, because it helps

clear mucus that has built up during the night. It may also be done

just before bed to decrease night-time coughing.