Amherst Equity Task Force Chairman Amilcar Shabazz' statement in response to 'racist' controversy

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  • 8/12/2019 Amherst Equity Task Force Chairman Amilcar Shabazz' statement in response to 'racist' controversy


    My Dear Regional School Committee Members,

    I profoundly regret how my words were misunderstood. More importantly, however, I

    would like to apologie to the student and the family that e!perienced what now has

    been veri"ed as an unfortunate, violent, traumatic incident. I apologie "rst of all that this

    happened in a school district that I serve as one of the duly elected o#cials charged with

    $oversight of and responsibility for the school system, %who& sets the direction in which

    the system must go, and establishes criteria to determine if its goals and policies are

    being met.' (hat now has been con"rmed as having happened in one of my schools on

    my watch deeply pains me and I apologie for what you have endured. I want a district

    with ero assaults because our students have learned ways to resolve con)icts peacefully

    and without resort to violence or the threat of violence. I envision a district where the

    humanity and dignity of each individual is so respected that it overwhelms the angry

    impulses, the bilious passions, and the cancerous hatreds that erupt in us all from time to

    time. *ur schools are striving for that vision, but we are short of the mark. I take my

    share of the blame and will do my best to work harder and smarter to keep our districtmoving forward, openly and honestly.

    Secondly, I apologie for the way I raised what I $heard' in the community. It was

    incorrect, inaccurate, and inappropriate. If I could go back in time I would phrase things

    di+erently. o make it very clear, I called no one a $racist.' I did not use innuendo to do so

    by implication. -eople who were there, who heard me and who know me better than

    those who were not there that have sought to reprimand me, know that I did not imply

    such an odious thing. My comment at the une /0th 12uity ask 3orce 4135 meeting were

    to say our district needs help with racism on all sides of the fence, not 6ust with whitestudents. My comment then as now is that such an incident should not have taken place

    and should not occur again in the future. Indeed, at the heart of the work of the 13

    should be the prevention of such con)icts and the poor school climate and lack of safety

    it re)ects. 7onetheless, when such crises occur that involve our students best practices

    show that the in2uiry we should make as a community is "rst when and how the event

    occurred, not why and who. I recognie that my comment invited speculation about

    motives or the why of the incident8 when what I most intended is that we realie we need

    to dig into the how it occurred. (here were the trusted adults9 Did we miss seeing a

    problem as it festered9 Did we fail to have appropriate supervision9 (hat corrective

    measures are taken in such situations9 :re there special needs here we;re not

    addressing9 he hope the 12uity ask 3orce and the :mherst

  • 8/12/2019 Amherst Equity Task Force Chairman Amilcar Shabazz' statement in response to 'racist' controversy


    $(e are not enemies, but friends. (e must not be enemies. hough passion may have

    strained, it must not break our bonds of a+ection. he mystic chords of memoryA%will

    swell& when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.'

    :milcar Shaba

    :mherst Regional School Committee Member, 13 Chair