American History A Brief Introduction

American History A Brief Introduction. The First Americans 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska

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Page 1: American History A Brief Introduction. The First Americans 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska

American HistoryA Brief Introduction

Page 2: American History A Brief Introduction. The First Americans 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska

The First Americans• 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge

between present day Russia and Alaska. • These people will become known as Native Americans

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Columbus discovers America in 1492.

Page 4: American History A Brief Introduction. The First Americans 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska

1500’s-1700’s• Imperialistic European

countries set up colonies in the Americas

• Colony – an overseas settlement tied to a parent country

• Imperialism – controlling other countries (often to control their resources)

Page 5: American History A Brief Introduction. The First Americans 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska

• Groups of people from England travel to America and live there because they don’t like the king or his laws.

• 13 colonies are formed on the East Coast

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Slavery becomes an important part of the American economy. In 1750, 25% of people in America are slaves.

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Page 8: American History A Brief Introduction. The First Americans 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska

In 1776, Americans declare independence from England. The Revolutionary War begins.

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The Revolutionary War lasts 9 years, and America is free from England.

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US acquires new territory• Middle of the country purchased from France – early 1803• Many Southwestern and Western states annexed from Mexico in

mid 1800’s* Annex = to take control of a territory or place

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US acquires new territory• Northwest corner of US purchased from Britain in mid 1800’s• Alaska purchased from Russia in 1867• Hawaii annexed in 1898

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In 1860, the Civil War begins when 11 states leave the Union .

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Page 14: American History A Brief Introduction. The First Americans 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska

The Civil War ends in 1865, with over 700,000 dead, but with the Union victory, the country remains whole.

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1914—1918 (US = only 1917-1918)World War I: America loses over 118,000 soldiers.

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1939—1945 (US = 1941-1945)World War II: America enters the war after the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

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1945 – US drops two atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII

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1960’s The Civil Rights Movement; African-Americans are protected under the law from discrimination and allowed to vote in the USA.

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1968: Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated.

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September 11th, 2001

• A series of attacks by 19 members of al-Qaeda on NY and Washington, DC

• Starts the “War on Terror” when US invades Afghanistan to depose the Taliban (the government that supported al-Qaeda)

• Terrorism – the use of violence by individuals or groups to reach political goals

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Symbols of America Today…

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Page 23: American History A Brief Introduction. The First Americans 15,000 years ago, hunter gatherers crossed a land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska

Eagle = Strength, Freedom

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Statue of Liberty =Freedom, Hope, and Friendship between Countries

• One of the first things seen by immigrants who mostly entered through NY city

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Washington Monument

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Golden Gate BridgeSan Francisco, California

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Gateway Arch St. Louis, Missouri• Honors

Western expansion of the US

Tallest arch in the world.