ALS and Other Motor Neuron Diseases: An Introduction Martin Brown, M.D. January 28, 2017

ALS and Other Motor Neuron Diseases: An Introduction

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ALS and Other Motor Neuron Diseases:An Introduction

Martin Brown, M.D.January 28, 2017


I have the following relevant financial relationship(s) in the products or services described, reviewed, evaluated or compared in this presentation.– University of Louisville School of Medicine


I have no relevant nonfinancial relationship(s) to disclose.

Educational Grant



Review the history and clinical course of ALS and other motor neuron diseases

Discuss the diagnostic workup and efforts to find anything instead of ALS

Discuss standard of care and the multidisciplinary ALS clinic

Discuss the need to continue the care outside of our clinic, in the community


Review the history and clinical course of ALS and other motor neuron diseases

Discuss the diagnostic workup and efforts to find anything instead of ALS

Discuss standard of care and the multidisciplinary ALS clinic

Discuss the need to continue the care outside of our clinic, in the community

History and clinical course

A historical perspective (with an embedded review of neuroanatomy)– Primary lateral sclerosis– Spinal muscular atrophy– Sclérose latérale amyotrophique

Clinical course

Paris, 1860s

“Anatomo-Clinical Method”

Document clinical signs during life

Record anatomical findings at death

Correlate clinical findings to autopsy findings

Primary Lateral Sclerosis

Clinical signs during life:– Slowly progressive weakness &

spasticity, “contractures”– No sensory disturbance– No cognitive disturbance– No involuntary movements– No bowel/bladder incontinence– No muscle atrophy

Primary Lateral Sclerosis

Anatomical findings at death:– Sclerosis (scarring) of

the lateral columns “white matter” throughout the length of the spinal cord

– Gray matter (including anterior horn cells) unaffected

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

“Infantile paralysis” Clinical signs during life:

– Progressive weakness without spasticity; flaccid paralysis

– Muscular atrophy present

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Anatomical findings at death:

Degeneration was limited to “anterior horn cells”

Lateral columns & all white matter unaffected

2-part Motor System

Motor system divided into two parts:– Damage to lateral columns of white matter,

(now known as lateral corticospinal tracts) caused spastic weakness without atrophy

– Damage to anterior horn cells causes flaccid weakness with muscle atrophy

Motor pathways

Sclérose latérale amyotrophique

Some patients had progressive weakness with both spasticity and muscle atrophy

Autopsy confirmed both parts of motor system affected

Amyotrophic – muscle wasting from LMN pathology

Lateral Sclerosis – spasticity from UMN pathology

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

In the U.S., best known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Outside U.S., called “motor neurone disease”

Progressive neurodegenerative disease which almost exclusively affects upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons

ALS Disease Course in 1860s

“…from the first symptom to the fatal end . . . does not usually extend more than three years.”

Disease spreads from one extremity to the others, eventually to the brainstem-innervated “bulbar” muscles

Death is typically due to respiratory failure, with or without pneumonia

Motor Neuron Diseases

Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS)– Pure upper motor neuron dysfunction

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)– Upper and lower motor neuron dysfunction

Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA)– Pure lower motor neuron dysfunction

also Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)– Pure lower motor neuron disease, onset usually in

childhood, hereditary


Review the history and clinical course of ALS and other motor neuron diseases

Discuss the diagnostic workup and efforts to find anything instead of ALS

Discuss standard of care and the multidisciplinary ALS clinic

Discuss the need to continue the care outside of our clinic, in the community

“Progressive Weakness”

Progressing? How quickly?– Could be GBS or CIDP

Fluctuating? Diplopia/ptosis?– Could be myasthenia gravis

Sensory disturbance? Pain? – Could be radiculopathy or neuropathy

Any recent illness?– Could be infectious; e.g., West Nile or Zika virus

Bowel/bladder dysfunction?– Myelopathy

Physical Exam

Evaluation should look for:– Upper motor neuron signs Spasticity,hypertonia,hyperreflexia

– Lower motor neuron signs Fasciculations, atrophy

– Symmetry vs. asymmetry– Length-dependent?– Sensory, autonomic, cognitive involvement?– Bulbar/respiratory muscle involvement?

Diagnostic Workup

PLS Mimics: – Myelopathy compressive neoplastic infectious (HIV, HTLV-1)

– Multiple sclerosis/transverse myelitis– Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis– Brainstem glioma– B12 deficiency

Diagnostic Workup

ALS Look-alikes (not many): – B12 deficiency and copper deficiency can

cause UMN and LMN symptoms, but usually with sensory symptoms

– Myeloradiculopathy (compressive, syrinx…) Myelopathy – UMN signs in legs (Babinski, clonus

etc.) Radiculopathy – LMN signs in upper extremity Again, usually with sensory sx’s, probably some

incontinence, too

Diagnostic Workup

PMA Look-alikes:– Multifocal motor neuropathy

Most important mimic of motor neuron disease

– Diabetic and/or inflammatory amyotrophy (e.g., Parsonage-Turner syndrome)

– Infectious (HIV, WNV, other enteroviruses)

– Myopathy, inclusion body myositis– Myasthenic syndromes

Diagnostic Workup

Neurodiagnostic testing– Nerve conduction studies – Electromyography– Neuromuscular ultrasound

Serology based on DDx MRI (brain, C-spine, T-spine +/- L-spine) Genetic testing if FHx present or dementia

Zebras I have never seen(or recognized)

SBMA (Kennedy’s disease) – X-linked recessive, expanded CAG repeat on

the androgen receptor gene– Gynecomastia– Proximal weakness– Early bulbar involvement– Prominent perioral fasciculations– Pure LMN involvement

Zebras I have never seen…

Hexosaminidase A deficiency– Absolute deficiency results in Tay-Sachs

disease– Partial deficiency results in “late-onset Tay-

Sachs disease”– Abnormal metabolism>accumulation of

gangliosides in neurons– LMN disease + cerebellar and/or psychiatric


Zebras are common in some parts of the world

Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1): endemic in Caribbean– Tropical Spastic Paraparesis– Transmission sexual, transfusion or IVDA,

maternal-fetal– Presentation similar to a predominantly motor

transverse myelitis Back pain, leg stiffness, urinary frequency


Review the history and clinical course of ALS and other motor neuron diseases

Discuss the diagnostic workup and efforts to find anything instead of ALS

Discuss standard of care and the multidisciplinary ALS clinic

Discuss the need to continue the care outside of our clinic, in the community

Breaking the news

“My biggest concern is…”– “Survival is usually 3-5 years” from onset

“I’m not 100% sure about this…” “I’d like to be wrong…”

– 2nd opinion never unreasonable

“There is a medication that slows the disease, but not by much…”

Riluzole in ALS

NEJM 330(9):585-91, 1994 Mar 3.

“Riluzole had a significant effect on rates of survival and muscular deterioration”

After diagnosis: more testing

Pulmonary Function Testing– FVC, MIP, and MEP; SNIP if orofacial

weakness– Possibly upright and supine– Nocturnal PSG with ETCO2 for hypopneas

Swallow study– MBSS or FEES

Nutrition assessment?


Practice parameters published in 2009:– PEG should be considered to stabilize weight

and prolong survival Do you fatigue before you get full? Consider PEG early; procedure has risks

– NIV (BiPAP) should be considered in patients with respiratory insufficiency To lengthen survival To improve quality of life Early initiation may increase compliance

More testing

Neuropsychiatric screens– Cognition not always unaffected– Labile “pseudobulbar” affect common– Executive dysfunction not uncommon May impact on treatment decisions/advance


Speech evaluation– Dysarthria often largest barrier to treatment – Augmentative communication

The Multidisciplinary Clinic

“lifted” from the ALS Association St. Louis Regional Chapter

Goals of a Multidisciplinary Clinic

More than a ‘one-stop shop’ Improve patient care Improve communication Avoid omissions Avoid duplications Learn from and teach each other Participate in clinical trials

The Clinic Team

Physician Clinic Coordinator Speech Therapist Respiratory Therapist/Pulmonary Rehab Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Psychologist Social Services/case manager ALS Association

The Clinic Team

Physician– Diagnosis– Guiding treatment– Medical therapies Riluzole Anticholinergics for sialorrhea Medications for spasticity/cramping Dextromethorphan/Quinidine (NueDexta) for

pseudobulbar affect Antidepressants?

The Clinic Team

Clinic Coordinator/ALS Nurse– This is who is really in charge– Prioritizes clinic visit for each patient – Ensures that plans are carried out– Primary patient/family contact

The Clinic Team

Speech Therapist– Dysphagia Swallow evaluation Safe swallowing techniques When is PEG appropriate? Home suction device?

– Dysarthria Optimize speech Optimize communication – AAC evaluation?

The Clinic Team

Respiratory Therapy/Pulmonary Rehab– Evaluate pulmonary function– Assist with NIPPV or similar– Mechanical in-/exsufflation?– Home suction device?– PPV vs. NPV?– Breath-stacking?

The Clinic Team

Occupational/Physical Therapists– Preserving function in the setting of a

progressive neuromuscular decline– Maintaining independence Patient Patient and caregivers

– Appropriate bracing, stretching & exercise Improving/maintaining function Preventing contractures

– Mobility evaluation when ambulation fails

The Clinic Team

Psychology– Terminal illness: grief, anger, depression are

common, but not always obvious– Pseudobulbar affect– Cognitive impairment – executive dysfunction– Family dynamics

Social services– Resources: disability? transportation?

disposition? Advanced directives?

ALS Association

Encouraging, identifying, funding and monitoring worldwide ALS-directed research.

Addressing the needs of ALS patients and the ALS community.

Advocating for public policy in support of ALS-directed research and ALS-related healthcare issues.

Promoting awareness and understanding of ALS and the role and work of The ALS Association.

Developing, securing and managing resources necessary to grow and support the programs of The Association.


Review the history and clinical course of ALS and other motor neuron diseases

Discuss the diagnostic workup and efforts to find anything instead of ALS

Discuss standard of care and the multidisciplinary ALS clinic

Discuss the need to continue the care outside of our clinic, in the community

Extending our clinic

Problem:– Transportation, mobility, caregiver availability

can all make a >3 hour clinic visit too difficult– Long Term Care residents are not eligible

Solution:– Develop a community-wide network of

healthcare providers familiar with motor neuron diseases.


ALS and other motor neuron diseases suck Nothing stops the decline (yet) Some things can slow the decline Other things can improve quality of life

– You can make a difference– It will change your life

Schedule of Events 8:00 Overview of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Martin Brown, MD

8:45 Respiratory Therapy Care in ALSPeggy Cox, RN, RRT

9:15 Speech Therapy Care in ALS Brittney Skidmore, MS, CCC-SLP

9:45 Panel Discussion 10:00 Break 10:30 Physical Therapy Care in ALS

Kathy Paper, PT, MSPT

11:00 Occupational Therapy in ALSScott Burgener, OTR/L

11:30 Psychological Services in the patient with ALSCourtney Smith, PhD

12:00 Panel Discussion 12:30 Evaluation and Adjournment

Let’s kick some ALS!!!