Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter Purdue University 80th Anniversary Banquet 1932 – 2012 Our 80 Year History by Tony Ploughe, ΑΓ ‘86

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter Purdue University 80th Anniversary Banquet 1932 – 2012 Our 80

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Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Alpha Phi Omega

Alpha Gamma Chapter

Purdue University

80th Anniversary Banquet1932 – 2012

Our 80 Year Historyby Tony Ploughe, ΑΓ ‘86

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

“Even before APO came to Purdue there had been a number of students interested in Scouting and who were, therefore, devoting part of their spare time to serving as assistant Scoutmasters or merit badge counselors for troops in Harrison Trails Council. Through this association the various students became acquainted with each other. When in the late fall of 1931 this group heard about Alpha Phi Omega, they decided to form a chapter at Purdue. With due investigation and application and the help of a ritual team from the nearby University of Illinois chapter, Alpha Gamma was founded on May 20, 1932.” Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957 

Founding Story of Alpha Gamma

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Alpha Gamma Charter Members

Robert M. Price Byron A. BurchbyPaul A. Wolf William O. OrsingerWilliam H. Foland Franklin T. WhiteLowell F. Baker James F. McDanielRichard R. Lovell Arthur C. GoldenMelvin P. Hemmer Herbert L. Creek *George I. Calvert H. Gerald Venemann *Oscar G. Reiber W. Lynn Parkinson *David M. Eckman Eugene L. Wheeler *Robert E. Jordan Richard G. Dukes *David F. Carter

* Denotes Advisor

 Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957 (According to the recreation of the original charter)


May 20th, 1932

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1933 6 Pledges1936 25 Pledges Pledge Hours Requirements were: 15-30 hours Pledge Boards were used from almost the start

● Shape of the APO Key● The reverse side has signatures

 1933-1939 Annual Scout Day at Purdue

● Boy Scouts from all over Indiana invited● In a Parade, went to a football game, Campus Tour

 1938-1946 Campus Wide Finger Printing Chapter Project

● 2500 students finger printed● J. Edgar Hoover sent letter to Lafayette Chief of Police, presented to the chapter, commending APO at Purdue.

 Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957


Alpha Gamma in the 30’s

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Eric Wadleigh Pictured from Alpha Gamma, Torch & Trefoil, Nov 1937

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1930’s: Pledge Hikes were started● “Pledgemaster usually ends up in the nearest body of water.”● “Some work is planned and there are refreshments for all.”


During WWII: ‘The Pledge Hike turns into an all night affair,(1941-1945) ending in the formal initiation ceremonies.’  1957: “...the hike is turning into a Pledge-Active camping trip…” “Some time during the trip the pledges traditionally present a skit to the actives.” 

2007: 50 Years Later: The Pledge-Active Camping Trip with the planned work is still going strong, known now as Overnighter.

Overnighter: Includes a day of projects at a local camp, group pictures are immediately after lunch, including a picture from each pledge class at Overnighter there. Quite a few alumni show up for this event too. Often the Pledges take on the Actives in football, while some continue getting sigs. There is dinner, pledge review that seems to last all night, followed by a bonfire. (Video: Skits ..\..\..\Desktop\1 Stacie Meyers Skit.wmv ..\..\..\Desktop\Linda Psycho Anstett imitating lisa stultz.wmv ..\..\..\Desktop\8 Dave Wahl story telling at

Cahill S94.wmv) Without a doubt, the most memorable event of the semester.

Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957


How Overnighter was started:

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1942 Best Pledge Award started: 1st Recipient: Ross O. Shideler

“…a decorated and very empty whiskey bottle…”

1947 Student Council asked APO to help run Campus Elections

1947 Frederick Hovde, Purdue University President inducted to Alpha Gamma

1948 First Alpha Gamma office in the Memorial Union

Steve Lovelace gives away the Bird Dog Award he received the Spring 90 semester. (An empty wine bottle.)

Alpha Gamma in the 40’s

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1947: Alpha Gamma started a Blood Type List Program on campus● 25 people from each class on file at Univ. Student Health Center

1949: List included all Alpha Gamma members & other students too  2007: Chapter works closely with Central Indiana Regional Blood Center

each semester, as a week long campus wide blood drive.

Members wear Charlie Corpuscle APO assists with recruiting donations, handing out (Photo: Approx. Spring ’89) juice, cookies and help off the floor (if needed).

Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957  (Photo: Approx. Spring ’89)

How Blood Drives started:

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1949: Cancer Tag Day started

  1950s: Cancer Tag Day continued on & off. By 1957, over $750 contributed to Cancer Societies’80s-’90s: Daffodil Sales for American Cancer Society on campus

Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957 

How Cancer Society Fundraisers started:

John Mitchell & Jack ____ receiving contribution

in downtown Lafayette. (Photo: Late 40s – 50s)Dick Newman accepting Cancer Foundation Contribution during Tag Day. (Photo: Late 40s – 50s)

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1949 Indiana Governor, Henry Schricker Initiated as Honorary Member







Tom R.





Den Uyl





Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

APO Calendars for Campus Students:

1949: ‘Alpha Gamma publishes a Fall Semester CalendarListing dances, convocations, lectures & Organization meetingsSold to students on campus.’

- ‘This met with moderate success and was continued.’

1951: Fall semester; ‘Profit was smaller and work greater.’‘Chapter dropped the project.’

1952: ‘Mortar Board Honorary revives the project’to what is known as a very succesful Mortar Board Calendar.

Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957 

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Alpha Gamma National Board Members

George Cahill is presenting Purdue Professor and Alpha Gamma Advisor Dan Den Uyl with a Pearl Key in recognition of his service to Alpha Phi Omega. (Photo: Late 40s – Early 50s.)

Dan Den Uyl

APO National President 1950 – 1954

1954 National Pledge Class Namesake

1958 National DSK

George Cahill

APO National T&T Editor

1948 - 1950

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1950s Pledge Class Banners were first made.

1951 Senior Paddles were first started

1951 Swimming & Life Saving Training started

at YMCA Pool, Project continued thru 60s

1950 UMOC (Ugly Man on Campus) started by

the Purdue Campus Chest Committee.

Alpha Gamma had an active part.

1956 Alpha Gamma began sponsoring UMOC

Funds contributed to: Polio Fund Heart Assoc., CARE, Comm

Fund of Laf., American Red Cross

1956 raised $3068.60

1957 raised $1892.70

(Mid-Late 50s UMOC Photo)

Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957

Phil Wankat (Senior), Course Director

22Feb 1966 Photo,

Alpha Gamma in the 50’s

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1957 Best Pledge Board was started

1957 25th year anniversary of Alpha Gamma

Over 1100 members joined Alpha Gamma in first 25 years!

Pledge class sizes were between 6 & 60. (The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957)

1957 APO Office, still known to be in the Memorial Center, Rm B-80

Alpha Gamma in the 50’s Continued

Spring 57 John Sharp

Pledge Class Banner

Spring ‘60 Pres. Hovde Pledge Class

L to R: John Woods, (Sr); Pres. Hovde, Byron Niemeier (Sr) & Ron Alley (Soph) Pledge Class President

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1954 Dwight Scarseth, Active in Spring ’54

● Had accomplished several Alpha Gamma

Officer positions

● Junior editor of the Exponent

● Joke Paddle was given to him that spring

for being a Senior nine

1954 “…passed on after a freak accident in a

softball game in Minnesota” (Summer ’54)

1954 Fall, “…Chapter created the

Outstanding Senior Award.

“This was the combined effort to honor G. Dwight Scarseth

for his accomplishment in furthering the ideals and principles

of Alpha Phi Omega and to perpetuate the chapter’s

continuing interest in top senior APO leaders.”

“The second paddle was given for the first time on Dec 12, 1954.”

Source: The Silver Rag, Alpha Gamma 1932 to 1957

Dwight Scarseth Award

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1960s Boy Scout Lifesaving and Swimming training continue.

1961 Dedication of a living Memorial for Advisor & Prof Dan Den Uyl “…a white pine was dedicated with a bronze plaque inscribed as follows:

In Memory of Prof. Dan Den Uyl, Alpha Phi Omega. The plaque can be found at the southwest corner of the Horticulture bldg.”

1964 Foster Families Pot-Luck Dinner (Chapter assists with this project)

1964 APO Office is known to have been in the Memorial Center, Rm 12-A

1968 April 13th, The RAG newsletter “…we have a reputation of being one of the most active chapters

in the nation.” Written by: Ron (Old Man) Miller, Chapter President

Walkout is a tradition continued from the 1930’s Pledge Hike.

Alpha Gamma in the 60’s

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1971 APO Office is known to have been in Stew Center, Rm G-12-A

1974 APO Office moved to Stew Center, Box 602, Rm G-14 per Dale Sawyer, 1976 Chapter President in which the office has resided continuously thru to this date in 2012.


Membership records with the National Office are very limited: In these 25 years, we only have record of 130 new members. Seems like most of the communication between the APO National Office and the chapter is

along the lines:

Nat. Office: ‘Thank you for sending us your Fall roster, but we have found no record of (names) as pledges or actives’.

Alpha Gamma, Roberta Bach, Chapter President April 30th, 1980 response: “Phil Wankat said he filled out an advisor’s application in 1970.”

1976 “I would like to apologize for sending these pledge forms and the check so late. Our chapter had not anticipated a pledge class of ninety-two people.

Therefore, we ran out of pledge forms…” Submitted by: Roberta Bach, Archivist – Alpha Gamma Chapter, April 6, 1976

Alpha Gamma in the 70’s

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1980 Superdance for Muscular Dystrophy Association raises $2555.00

1981 Prof./Advisor Phil Wankat creates APO National Advisors Handbook and contributes $750 to help print 2000 to 2500 copies.

1982 Alpha Gamma Celebrates 50th Anniversary on April 25th, 1982

1983 “In the morning, skits and our first “Scouts Own” are planned.” Letter to Darrell Spoon, APO National Executive Director, March 23, 1983 from Laurie Williams, Communications Coordinator, Alpha Gamma – APO (Video: Scouts Own)

1980s Scouts Own is presented by a graduating senior where most graduating seniors and others take the opportunity to share their experiences, pass along their hard earned wisdom and tell each other how much they appreciate each other. This is by far the strongest bonding event I have ever been a part

of. Better have a crying towel ready and expect your jaw to hurt from laughing. ~tony (Video: Scouts Own ..\..\..\Desktop\Scouts Own spring 95.wmv)

1984 The Alpha Gammateer Newsletter, April 17, 1984 “We tried something different from recent years and hand delivered invitations for rushees to return for tapout. This, along with an increased emphasis on personal contact brought in 144 rushees…” “…and tapped out around 115 for the Roberta

“Bubbles” Pledge Class.” Written by: Julie Johnson (Pres), Nancy Fitzgerald & Jim Smolen


Alpha Gamma in the 80’s

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Alpha Gamma 80’s Advisors:


’85 – Present

Pledge Class Namesake Spring ‘88

V.P. Ron Fruitt

VP Housing & Food Services

Advisor ’88 – late 90’s

Pledge Class Namesake Spring ‘91

Prof. Teaford

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Alpha Gamma 80’s Advisors Cont’d:

Warren Luzadder

Advisor ’57 – late ’90s

National Namesake, Fall 1988

Spring Chapter Namesake, 3 times

Awarded Chapter DSK, 4 times

Shown with Kelly Henn, ’88 Nat Conv Shown with Keith Eaton, ’88 Nat Conv

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1986 Walkout with Stu Smith and Susan Young, Dean Pledge Class Stu climbs out the classroom window to escape us (the pledges)

1988 Stadium Cleanup Becomes fun? What? Thanks Mark Cudworth

Where do you want all this TP? Steve Lovelace on jelly role patrol.

1988 Clothing Concepts contact us about selling clothes on campus. I was VP Service & remember being upset with Ron Olliver, Campus Finance Dept for not letting them pay us $1000 for one week of our work. He ended up getting us $2500 + 10% of their profits. ~ tony

1989 Walkout becomes PUTAA after National Office threatens us with suspension. No more Wabashing pledge trainers, car chases or keeping the PTs captive. PUTAA is Pledges United to Aggrevate

Actives You call this GUS (Gathering, Uniting & Serving) now?

Alpha Gamma in the 80’s Continued:

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Scout Camps:

Camp Cary w/Clay Isley

Camp Sycamore w/

Lloyd Fike

21 Eagle Scouts at F’94 O.N.

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary


Yes, we had quite a few marriages too:

Mike Cox & Lisa Kerhkof Tommy Brennan & Chris Hartman

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

A Few More Alpha Gamma Marriages:

Christopher Heim and Christine Heim

Jim Bundy and Sheryl Dworak Bundy

Susan Knoll Stage and Brian Stage

Sara Marfia Rebennack and Lee Rebennack

Heather Polley-Lejman and Chris Lejman

Sue Streeter Billian and Mark Billian

Steve Kenny and Christine Moser

Doug Birk and Kathy Lovelace-Birk

Teresa Morgan and Chris Ballas

Cindy Strawbridge Turner and Will Turner

Andy Longbrake and Jenni Berning

Angela Pomilio Johnson and Mike Johnson

Shane Halbach and Sara Strack Halbach

Jim Garrigus and Carolyn Woodward Garrigus

Mark Hodapp and Sheryle Lawrence Hodapp

Eileen Dashiell and Matt Dashiell

Inter-Chapter Marriages with Alpha Gamma

Jane McCann and Tom Jackson

Julie Smith and Peter Smith

Eric Smith and Wife from Miami of Ohio

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

1990 Pledge Trainer for Scarseth Pledge Class This is the best job ever in APO, thanks Jen Robinson (Co-PT) - great time.

Picture Board: I made it the summer of ’90, help from friend Rob Schrumpf

Office Phone Number: 494, 2 to do 69 twice

Everybody Knows Your Name: Mike Newberg & Steve Lovelace usually named everyone at Overnighter, pledges &


Banners: Stayed on the wall till everyone graduated or left.

The Barn, Als Place, the Penthouse, the Dog House

- The picture window at Harrys

Alpha Gamma in the 90’s:

Stew G-14 Office:

Around Town:

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Please join me in asking it one of our favorite Overnighter Thought Questions:

You have landed …

Conclude with a thought Question:

Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Gamma Chapter 80th Anniversary

Please join me in asking it:

You have landed on a distant planet, there are children there and they are brats,

You manage to subdue them, and start a chapter of Alpha Phi Omega.

You are to be the first committee chair, which committee would you start and why?

Distant Planet – is where you live now w/college nearby, only children are not brats they are just like us – talented, caring, leaders & fun to be with.

The Alpha Gamma Chapter: Has given us many memories, tears, laughs, hugs and life long friends.

As alumni and soon to be alumni, lets give some of it back for others to enjoy.

This summer Mark Straton our Alpha Phi Omega National President announced we met one of our long term goals of having over 25000 active members.

Currently there are approximately 358 chapters.

We have a goal of 500 chapters by 2025. That distant planet is where you live as alumni or will be moving to after you graduate. If there is not a chapter there, help us start it. If there is one, be an advisor & help them grow. If you don’t have the time, please contribute to the annual Torchbearer fund. Become a Life Member. Lets take up an entire page on the Torch and Trefoil for Torchbearer donations, just for the Alpha Gamma chapter. $75

This is an incredible chapter & I am very proud to be an Alpha Gamma!

Conclude with a thought Question: