Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet Policy Overview

Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy

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Page 1: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy

Allianz Insurance plc

Motor Fleet

Policy Overview

Page 2: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy

With Allianz Insurance plc, you can be confident that you areinsured by a company which is relentless in its commitmentto protecting and serving you. You can trust us to insure yourbusiness, as we’ve been providing leading insurance solutionsin the UK for over 100 years. We work in partnership with yourinsurance adviser to ensure you receive the highest levels ofproduct and service excellence. Our technical expertsunderstand how best to protect you against the risks yourbusiness faces.

If you need to make a claim you will be in safe hands. Ourprofessionally trained staff aim to treat you as you wouldexpect, both promptly and fairly. By listening to you andunderstanding your needs we will provide you with the mostappropriate solutions to support your business.

Allianz gives you the flexibility to insure all of your vehiclesunder one policy. Each policy has been designed to provideyou with extensive cover for most vehicle types and uses.Should you need further details or have any questions yourinsurance adviser will be delighted to help.


Thank you for choosing Allianz Insurance plc. We are one of the largest generalinsurers in the UK and part of the Allianz Group, one of the world’s foremostfinancial services providers.

Page 3: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy


Policy Overview

This is a policy overview only and does not contain the full terms and conditionsof the contract. The covers applicable will depend on the level of policy cover youhave chosen, details of which can be found within the quote or policy schedule.Full terms and conditions can be found in the policy documents, a copy of whichis available on request.

What is Motor Fleet?Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your businessvehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over.

The policy is underwritten by Allianz Insurance plc. Pay-On-Use Breakdown services are provided by Allianz GlobalAssistance which is a trading name of Allianz WorldwidePartners.

Territorial LimitsThe Motor Fleet policy applies in respect of accidentsoccurring in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Manand the Channel Islands as well as in the European Union andIceland, Norway and Switzerland.

What is the policy duration?This policy has a 12 month period of insurance (unless showndifferently on your quote or policy schedule) and is annuallyrenewable. Start and end dates of the policy are detailed in thepolicy schedule.

How do I cancel the contract?Provided no claim has been made or incident has arisenwhich is likely to give rise to a claim during the current periodof insurance, if you are an individual or sole trader (includinga partnership in England or Wales) you have a right to cancelwithin a 14 day reflection period and receive a return of anypremiums paid less an administration charge of £50 and anamount representing the cover you have received. Fulldetails can be found in the policy wording.

To cancel the policy, please contact the insurance adviserwho arranged the policy.

Outside of the reflection period you have no cancellationrights.

How do I make a claim?If you need to make a claim, our Motor Claims team can helpyou. An immediate call on 0330 102 1998will ensure thatyour claim is handled quickly and smoothly.

This number is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Please have your policy number to hand and as muchinformation about the claim as possible.

If you have a Legal Protection claim you can notify AllianzLegal Protection by contacting the Lawphone Legal AdviceHelpline on 0344 854 1784.

If you require Pay-On-Use breakdown assistance pleasecontact Allianz Global Assistance on 020 8603 9680.

Your obligationsYou must make a fair presentation of the risk at inception,renewal and variation of the policy.

The premium is to be paid on request. Please speak to yourinsurance adviser about the options available for the paymentof premium.

Please periodically review the policy documentation to makesure that it meets and continues to meet your needs and thatyou understand its terms, conditions, limits and exclusions. Ifyou wish to make a change or if there is anything you do notunderstand please contact your insurance adviser.

Please tell your insurance adviser as soon as reasonablypossible if there are any changes to your circumstances whichcould affect your insurance. If your circumstances change andyou do not tell your insurance adviser, you may find that youare not covered if you need to claim.

You must tell us as soon as you can about any claim or incidentthat may lead to a claim. You or anyone claiming under thispolicy must not admit fault or responsibility, or pay, offer or agreeto pay any money or settle any claim without our permission.

Page 4: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy

Would I receive compensation ifAllianz were unable to meet itsliabilities?Allianz Insurance plc contributes to the Financial ServicesCompensation Scheme (FSCS).

You may be entitled to compensation from the FSCS if we areunable to meet our liabilities. Further information aboutcompensation scheme arrangements is available atwww.fscs.org.uk, by emailing [email protected] or byphoning the FSCS on 0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100.

What is the law applicable to thecontract?Unless agreed otherwise all aspects of the policy includingnegotiation and performance are subject to English law andthe decisions of English courts.

How do I make a complaint?If you have a complaint about anything other than the sale of the policy please contact our Customer SatisfactionManager at:

Customer Satisfaction Manager Allianz Insurance plc 57 Ladymead Guildford Surrey GU1 1DB

Telephone number: 01483 552438 Fax Number: 01483 790538 Email: [email protected]

If we are unable to resolve the problem we will provide youwith information about the Financial Ombudsman Servicewhich offers a free, independent complaint resolution service.

The Financial Ombudsman ServiceExchange Tower London E14 9SR

Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.ukTelephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123 Email: [email protected]

The European Commission has an online dispute resolutionservice for consumers who have a complaint about a productor service bought online. If you choose to submit yourcomplaint this way it will be forwarded to the FinancialOmbudsman Service.

Visit https://ec.europa.eu/odr to access the Online DisputeResolution Service. Please quote our e-mail address:[email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact theFinancial Ombudsman Service directly.

Full details of our complaints procedure will be found in yourpolicy documentation.


Page 5: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy

CoverThe cover which applies to your policy is stated on the quote or policy schedule or on the schedule of vehicles. The sections that apply to each type of cover are as follows:


Section Comprehensive Third Party Fireand Theft

Third PartyOnly

Laid Up Fire and Theft

Laid Up Fire,Theft andAccidentalDamage

A – Third Party Liability 4 4 4 8 8

B – Damage 4 Only in respect ofloss or damagecaused directly byfire, lightning, self-ignition orexplosion or bytheft or attemptedtheft or takingaway withoutlawful authority.

8 Only in respect ofloss or damagecaused directly byfire, lightning, self-ignition orexplosion or bytheft or attemptedtheft or takingaway withoutlawful authority.


C – Trailers 4 4 4 8 8

D – Driving Abroad 4 4 4 8 8

E – Medical Expenses 4 8 8 8 8

F – Personal Belongings 4 8 8 8 8

G – Child Seat Cover 4 4 8 4 4

H – In-Vehicle Safety Technology 4 8 8 8 8

I – Unlicensed Drivers 4 4 4 8 8

J – Replacement Locks 4 4 8 8 8

K – Personal Accident 4 8 8 8 8

L – Unauthorised Movement 4 4 4 8 8

M – Occasional Business Use 4 4 4 8 8

N – Legal Protection 4 4 4 8 8

O – Motor Breakdown: Pay-On-Use Cover

4 4 4 8 8

Subject to the provisions of any clause(s) specified on the quote or policy schedule.

IMPORTANT – You can only have Laid Up Fire and Theft cover and Laid Up Fire, Theft and Accidental Damage cover if your vehicleis declared SORN (officially off the road) with the DVLA and is not being used.

Page 6: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy


Significant Features, Exclusions and Limitations

Significant Features Exclusions and Limitations PolicySection

Third Party Liability for death, injury and accidental damage toproperty

• Unlimited indemnity for death or injury

• Indemnity for accidental damage to other personsproperty:

– £20,000,000 in respect of cars

– £10,000,000 for all other vehicles

– £1,250,000 in respect of all vehicles carryinghazardous goods or the minimum monetarylimit as required by the laws relating tocompulsory insurance of motor vehicles,whichever is the greater amount

• £5,000,000 in respect of prosecution under theCorporate Manslaughter Act.


Indemnity to PrincipalsProvides legal liability for any principal of the policyholder

• Cover applies only if you would have been entitled toindemnity had the claim been made against you

• Conduct and control of all claims must be vested in us.


New for Old CoverA replacement car or commercial vehicle if your vehicle is stolenor damaged and the cost of repair exceeds 50% of the price of anew identical vehicle.

• The vehicle must be under one year old• You must have owned, hired (under HP) or leased the

vehicle since first registered• Excludes goods carrying vehicles in excess of 7.5

tonnes GVW.


Contingent Liability CoverProvides Third Party cover for vehicles not owned by you.

• Only whilst being used by your employee inconnection with your business.


Loss or damage to your vehicle• Free collection and delivery of your vehicle• Nationwide Approved Repairer Network:

– Repair estimates are not required– Free Class A courtesy vehicle*– Lifetime guarantee on all repairs– Free wash and vacuum

• Excludes loss or damage arising from theft orattempted theft whilst the vehicle is unlocked orwhilst ignition key has been left in or on the vehicle.

* Vehicle undergoing repair must be a private car or commercial

vehicle up to 3.5 tonnes.


Accidental Damage, Fire, Theft and Malicious Damage • The following excesses apply in addition to anyother excess shown in the policy clause(s):

– Drivers under 25 years of age £250

– Drivers 24 years or over who £175have not held a full driving licence for 12 months.


Page 7: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy


Significant Features Exclusions and Limitations PolicySection

Electric VehiclesProvides indemnity to the owner of an electric vehicle’s battery ifthe battery is leased or hired.


MisfuellingIf your vehicle is incorrectly fuelled we will pay the costs of:• Draining the incorrect fuel and cleansing the fuel tank• Fixing any subsequent damage caused to the vehicle through

it being driven or moved inadvertently.

• Cost of fuel or loss or damage to the vehicle causedby driving the vehicle by anyone having priorknowledge that the vehicle had been incorrectlyfuelled.


TrailersAttached cover applies to all trailers. Detached cover applies to alltrailers owned by you or for which you are responsible.

• Whilst detached, cover is restricted to Third PartyOnly, Section A

• No wider cover will apply to any trailer than isprovided to the towing vehicle.


Driving AbroadWestern European-wide certificate wording includes all EuropeanUnion countries, dispensing with the need for Green Cards.


Medical ExpensesFor any person injured in the insured vehicle.

• £500 indemnity limit per person subject to amaximum limit of £2,000 for any one cause.


Personal BelongingsUp to £500 for rugs, clothing and personal effects.

• Excludes money, jewellery, securities, furs, goods,samples carried in connection with any business orloss of data

• Excess of £50 applies• Any loss where the vehicle is left unlocked.


Child Seat CoverCover for a replacement child seat.

• The maximum we will pay is £150. G

In-Vehicle Safety TechnologyUp to £250 for electronic devices with their own independentpower source such as dashcams.

• Excess of £50 applies• Any loss where the vehicle is left unlocked.


Windscreen CoverIn partnership with Autoglass we provide• Total nationwide coverage for the repair or replacement of

windscreens, bodyglass and rear windows• A facility to set up an Autoglass account• Windscreen repair without deduction of excess

• Replacement windscreens subject to the excess statedin the policy wording.


Page 8: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy

Significant Features Exclusions and Limitations PolicySection

Unauthorised MovementAt your request provides policy cover for the movement ofvehicles impeding legitimate access or exit.

• Only applies to movement by you or youremployees of vehicles not belonging to you.


Occasional Business UseAt your request provides policy cover for vehicles owned orloaned to an employee.

• Restricted to private cars used for the insured’sbusiness.


Legal ProtectionUp to £100,000 for legal services and advice. Contact our Fleet helpline number on 0344 854 1784.

• A claim for an event which is not covered underyour current motor fleet policy

• Legal advice is only available over the telephone.


Pay-On-Use Motor Breakdown Access to breakdown services at preferential rates on a pay-on-use basis.

• Restrictions apply to some specialist vehicles. O


Unlicensed DriversCover for unlicensed drivers in circumstances where a licence isnot required by law.

• Person concerned must be of an age to hold alicence to drive such vehicles.


Replacement LocksIf your vehicle keys have been lost or stolen.


Personal AccidentCover for the driver.

• £10,000 indemnity limit. K

Page 9: Allianz Insurance plc Motor Fleet · What is Motor Fleet? Motor Fleet provides insurance cover for your business vehicles and is designed for fleets of 15 vehicles and over. The policy

Additional BenefitsWe offer a range of in-house services free of charge and have also secured a rangeof additional benefits via third party providers all at discounted prices.

Additional Benefits Risk Management Features Claims Features

• Access to the Allianz Motor InsuranceDatabase website – providingimmediate access to vehicle data to helpyou establish a robust reporting process.Helpdesk also available.

• FREE windscreen repairswithAutoglass.*

• Discounts on a range of breakdownservices with the AA.

• Motor legal advice line providing 24/7access to specialist legal advisors.

• Detailed claims reports via our Case Analysis Tool to help you pin-pointwhere your fleet is most at risk.

• FREE risk management guidance andsupport via our dedicated riskmanagement website.

• Access to discounts on a range ofproducts and services through ourtrusted partners:

– DriveTech, part of the AA – extensivedriver training and risk managementservices such as driver assessmentsand training, grey fleet managementand licence checking.

– TRACKER Network – discountedproducts from the UK's mostsuccessful stolen vehicle recoverysystem.

– Lightfoot fleet safety solutions –providing real time, in-vehiclefeedback to drivers, reducing accidentrisk, fuel consumption and vehiclemaintenance costs.

– In-vehicle safety solutions such asCCTV and telematics to manage riskand improve driver safety.

• Allianz Partnership Plus facility –providing financial assistance towardsthe costs of implementing riskmanagement initiatives.

• FREE claims reporting cards and ‘sceneof accident’ information to support yourneeds and control claims costs.*

• Flexible claims reporting through ourMotor Claims service – via telephoneopen 24/7, our web reporting facility oremail. Ensures you can report claimsand receive assistance wheneverrequired.

• Recovery, protection and redelivery ofthe insured vehicle following anaccident.*

• Courtesy vehicles are provided throughthe Allianz Approved Repairer Network(Class A vehicle).*

• Like for like replacement vehicles canbe provided at competitive hire ratesshould a Class A vehicle not be suitable,removing the need for you to makeadditional arrangements.

• Nationwide Allianz Approved RepairerNetwork, including a lifetime guaranteeon all repairs.

• Claims Relationship Managersproviding access to a dedicated claimsexpert for larger clients.

• Dedicated UK based claims handlers.

• Excess and VAT funding solution,available to larger clients.*

• Vehicle repair tracking via ourActiveWeb tool when vehicle at one ofour Approved Repairers.

• Access to a cloud platform allowing youto upload video footage or imagery tohelp support a claim.

* Subject to policy cover and/or availability


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www.allianz.co.uk Allianz Insurance plc. Registered in England number 84638.Registered office: 57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1DB, United Kingdom.

Allianz Insurance plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.Financial Services Register number 121849.