1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor I DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICE OF THE DIREmOR 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Tenth Floor San Francisco, CA 94102 To All Interested Parties: Re: Public Works Case Nos. 2004-023 and 2003-046 Richmond-San Rafael Bridgemenicia-Martinez BridgeBart Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge - California Department of Transportation; West Mission Bay Drive Bridge Retrofit Project - City of San Diego By order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. Rea, et al., Case No. RG 06256337: "Portions of Acting Director John M. Rea's January 23,2006, determination re Public Works Case No. 2004-023, Prevailing Wage Rates Richmond-San Rafael BridgeIBenicia-Martinez BridgeISan Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, California Department of Transportation and July 3 1, 2006, Decision on Administrative Appeal re Public Works Case No. 2004-023, Richmond-San Rafael BridgeIBenicia-Martinez BridgeISan Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, have been ordered rescinded and declared invalid. The following revised Determination and/or Decision on Administrative Appeal comply with the Court's order and replace any and all prior versions of the Determination and/or Decision on Administrative Appeal."

All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

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Page 1: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor

I DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICE OF THE DIREmOR 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Tenth Floor San Francisco, CA 94102

To All Interested Parties:

Re: Public Works Case Nos. 2004-023 and 2003-046 Richmond-San Rafael Bridgemenicia-Martinez BridgeBart Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge - California Department of Transportation; West Mission Bay Drive Bridge Retrofit Project - City of San Diego

By order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. Rea, et al., Case No. RG 06256337:

"Portions of Acting Director John M. Rea's January 23,2006, determination re Public Works Case No. 2004-023, Prevailing Wage Rates Richmond-San Rafael BridgeIBenicia-Martinez BridgeISan Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, California Department of Transportation and July 3 1, 2006, Decision on Administrative Appeal re Public Works Case No. 2004-023, Richmond-San Rafael BridgeIBenicia-Martinez BridgeISan Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, have been ordered rescinded and declared invalid. The following revised Determination and/or Decision on Administrative Appeal comply with the Court's order and replace any and all prior versions of the Determination and/or Decision on Administrative Appeal."

Page 2: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

' . . I ' . . . '

6~~g-3: a?: . . . . . .

. ,.. . (1) ha :scope ot public vcxrka crjverige' h i , aiate$i'j_e2 . .

hauling .by towbo.af; cperat~rd rnsai hie 'to' several Gal lEomia ' - . . . # .


Tl ib ~eeha lon cm Appeal (Weaislon" l , a l i i x k ' the

Determivation as' t o a both n.t !hem iisua~. tOnly argrrmdn@ - I

r rat addrs$sed.in the .~e6ermlnai;$on are discrusae'd hed in .

Page 3: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

, ipkbrpordtad herein by ref &eme. &id. 'sugblamented :wth .the ' . .! -. - . , .. . . I . I . . . . * . . .

, ' 'following proce&ur&l hist DL~ pertaining. to t h i s agpeal. . . . . .

' a .

.0ri ,Jamlary 23, !20Psi thh. &king ~ i ~ e a b o x tMDireularapj . . . . . . . I

I . . ..of ~ r ~ ; * - ' a i i N . .near. isslred - the ~etF?imiia~idii, hiss hela -

I . L

that on-hbd dowboet w~3:k cri ' atx Bay: Arbs bridge p&j tac t 6 1

.. I

. a b . - *. bid ' . 'by the &~&@a I3ePa&tm&it ~ o f ~ 2 e m ~ o a a e l i n .

4 . ' ' . I ' . . . . , (n~al&s;f). and on .khe *es6. ~ i e a b n say : ~4ve. ~sidge . - I - .

. . . , ' ~ a t m ~ i t Projec t . bid h i t i h i e it+ . 6e . sari 'diego . {*citpj is ' . . -

I . public $rk - . u m r the f o ~ i i ~ h ~ . . . airmr~t&e;cas : , ' .

I ' . . , are prom taoility dediaaked eo 't:be 'gubllc works B X Q ~ &t ;

I . .



pmsuallt: 'to Calitor#ia ~ g d s QE xegqlab;ionsl, t i t l e 8 . . .

Page 4: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

. ' . . :

. b f ntsreated g a t y ~seiwiatim of ~ngiperfhg ' C!onatm4t~~tltl . ' Employers a ( t t ~ z c ~ f l ) t i l d an administrative aggral ef the

. , I . . . Directort e' Petaxin5nttion bnd eupplsnamtqd thai appekl . on

. . M a p 17, 2 0 . 0 6 . ~ j€b .March 3,2006; and, Masch 17, 2006, , . .

a * .inberested p a a i e q .~n~ineerin~: and i~liity- ~onkractbri 8 . - Waaciaeicjn (*PrrCA+] a'nd CaLriEomia ~ ~ t i m ~ . TruryR 6merk

. . ~sae.ekiti.6n ('CDTOAIf), , .he8p&tiv~ll~, ' filed ' ~addl'tionil

. I

. . . Worehcrtl. California ( ~ ~ e a m i t e s ~ ) f i led e. awtice . ~tating

. . that it ~ o j d 'oppose the ad.mirii.s~ktlve .appasle and EiJea

A~aociat ion 02. nlifbrhih ( * C M W I ~ ) and th Bay ~amt iee .

~f 'AECE'EI appeal bn A p r i l X+, ' 2006, em& Tra.mportatian, ,

Ixsc-. , , dba Royal Trucking, filed in appeal &mil, 17, 2006,,

with a bupplorntmtal riling cur '~ay L7, .a006. caLTsan8 .and - ' . . .. 0 '

t'ne Xntematiunal Qrga&l.zation of Nastexzr, . Mates arid

Pilcts, Pacific Madtime (~&I&RI~ ) algo ~ i l e d &peals . .

0x1 .A~xfl 17, 200,6. The State Building and ConatxucCiorz I

Page 5: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on
Page 6: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

. I . - . . & ope ~ i d e of 'khq digputa ia the' ar$rument ~re$~-@ the

, . Director to &&d Ba'i-zsone'as r e d i n g that prawlliqg wage&

site @&, :wl th&t xe.gay!d ta the iaulez) a activity, on the . . i i t a . Pot- ' the' reasans already set .Eo'ct)x, in detaii in the

' neternination, ehe position hii it the ~al l f&nia &rwa'i~kng . I .Wage. - LaV (YC3!W'L'l 'atl$ Sanabne require h , . payment' of. : . . . . . ,

I;rwiiling bagei $or oriy h~i,z~.itra, piesk a public woske 8 .

project Ls .kejeuted. ,?is the Dlste&inati~n makes clear, " . ..

Swsona sta~ds f 0 r ' the . propo~it i~a' that: ;reva1-;I.ing wagw . .

&e to be pat4 fbr btmiing td a gubltc! wmk~ site baaed o& . . .. . I


imedrl'ate inc!~@o2atloi h t o the k i t e o t thd mplter2aL.s . . . .

- hauled) -md .'not; bam8 on hstst;ua# (by *h~m t k . hauler is , - I . I 1. . .

. enrpl~yedf . ..

On tee .other . aQiii8s 02 the ' dispute are %he' &rgunerh ' . khak ~ l r k t o r hold Iqterpkeb the 8s~paone og&&im '

. . . . n a E ~ ~ ~ ~ y eonelude there fs .no mquirem&t to pay . - . . . - pf e - i l i y wag& for : ~rrrnme8jate tnoorporstio; wrr~k ..g er&md

' by' haulera gn the cite of a public :'work. .The nixeator i a

' urged to adopt, bhe. at andlards alaimed hd be dkslv& t r a m .ths . . . I . . . ourteat ' f edeml ' inkerpxet~tibn bf the. . D'BA., which a m . '

I .

claime@ to limit, the app:ication of the (?a& only . t u . . .

I . . I

Page 7: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

. I . . I , . . " . . . . . .

I . . I .

.. . . . . . . - . . . . . .a-

. . I . , . . . > - . . . : hadkr~ trmiporting' ~ t e r k f gory a de&i&tid k-dahl i ty ' 2; . ' . . . ' .

,site; +t i r ~ tq senng the puplia ?&ke ,:pkject excluaiv=ip, . ' . .

or ngqr'iY exclu.i'~~~y.. lsubj act ' tcr , certain quest i o r i ~ , the. '. .

> , I .

.. aetemxinatidns s e q ~ i r e the paymebt * uf pre+a+l ing wagea t b . . . . . . . a . worGcs hau'J,hg materiale betweei a* rite ' dcdj&te~d ' te the . .

- primaq ~m,Ulllia ~ Q X G ,@Ate and' the $riplma+y, pub&iti kor$e . ' a .


. . principal ia~uee posed; 'rhe fiwt is . > . .

. L . - .

. ' if d, what wadjaccatm me- for jpuqogem. of the- -CPWL. . . : . - . With :regard to ' the eht$tleateni bf rnimmadiate . . . . ' .

hcoqboxatoret1 to: prevaildng m\see, b w e ~ a l Part':ies . . . the$ kep~bae ' doe. not rerpliL the paymint &E)Ya;~iiig ' . . . . . . . I ' . w ~ q t to. tpckeri whb deliver m&terials, $0 a . pubfic work; ' :

1 . ' I .

e*te en8 then kngage 'in ' the?r $mediate, incoeafa t&d~ into. . -

' a J5lb3$c w b r k s ' pxojact . * y ax@e $hat ' haair, in . .

ans sene ref ererick& in the birectog(a holdihg I s mere' dlcta . . # . . - . I . I . 8

' :s~ h IRL.§ $12 t j 1 (t) (M I sc; . t~~: ~~ranapoxtation bt tw~qn -+a snite : df tbr Wzk within the mlsllnb of paragraph ($1 (1). gd t h l ~ ~sut,lon ,act3 - ,

B faci,lity which is 'dediuated, t'o the,.a~kbstrudtdon Of -t&e .building o r . m ~ k and $le:erned a part! 02 the site ob the work witkin the mewing of Q ~ ~ ~ R P ~ (11 (2). 9E .tIda esokion ;, , w

,- -

Page 8: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

because the two haulers, Wr.ight and Beck, did nu- irnmeaiate a a , ' . . ~ incaxp~xar~& themselves ; theref ore, ' t@ qawt ' s - df a a B sion

I . . Thf g' ,pasit ion, hohfever, . i gxlorcei khe fact $ tha t ~aasuia . 3 .. . I ' . aaidt Sk, 'was addressfag. The pLa9ntiffe in the case, 0 , G :

, . I .'.. ,

. . * , . p a y item to L.D. ~olsbrn, Xnc. This pactsen of pay . i t e m . . .

' 18. &rpixad the *~nuoxporqtlon~! bb 3 . 2 l b ~ 0 'dubie yards of . .

. . I

.aampaotiag 0 ' h e material .' Two' other s u h t r a c t o r e , . : . .

I ' wrig* *an& . i ~ e t ~ , . w o r e hi5ec.1 to per~ono Eorty=one . peperckat . .. . . . - . < r l % ) :of the 'a&c&nt;ntrecred work-, waim ingladpa baaling . .

. . Only. Samons looked , t b &re&, .nd &dorwraka8 LC in to . the

' C P ~ IBL. i t ' did the federal case, 8.8. k ~ c h ! ~ ~ Canpmy v. . . , . , . . ' united statcrr1is9ss) 344 F.2d 3i2(%~~~?$r;2q) bemuse .it wag .

C .

, . . ' ' . . neeeesaky * t o {qlain thaz not only were wright ,and Xeck *

* s*j eck to prevaf ling wage , requieemente , aa were ' . . . . I I

I wls?m; s weikers who ledded at $& ~ediaatgd bosroar p i t :and ' . - . I



placed and compncbgd the maferial. oxst0 the' road M d at the'

Page 9: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on
Page 10: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

~ h u s , ' the Df xeotarr s hchdiqg that tre&lres paymene of: '

grevailizig ngagess to towbop iierators. who incorporate a into . . I

the .publi.e works site matarials tgey haul to the iri.kp is .J

s&wxsly suppoxked by the holding in 'Banaone that &ena . .

such work ca be within t.he ,$~ocs?.as of Q Q ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ o x L , rathe*' . .

than whak'' the cnLlt. , quoting khe federeti ca&i;. -@ohry,

xeferrda to, as . "f hq deIl*l&y of standard matextale. to the . .

si te, a &tion ' t h e i s pe~fb&ed, indobinde%rtily of the

&antract a o n s t ~ a t i a s activities'. [ I d . at 842. )

' . nn analyeis whet~ze~ ~ i d i a t e i . ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ t i ~ & haa h e n . p.erforlhe8 by haulers will: ganas&y be: d&errdn&d hi the .

r uorXw$ '' of, prevaLXihg wage ehfd~oemen~, elthe* b i the nrRJ s

. ~ i ~ i ~ i o n b t Xiahor. s t a n b r a s gn~orcemrmt ( ~ D L B E ~ ) . or a

. valid Labar CongZlanue Pt.ogrm (%t$") .s That: deterpoinatlok *

. . . would he cjxided' by ' tho ' applicitloa of the s e ~ k t

precedents to the part;icular fbo& ot a owe.. Bome

@taThet;exs of nimediatk iadorgarat:+snu +have been ket forth

I . . . - r s ~ - b 3 ? , umeda' ckmidor ~ i ~ j e . ~ b , ~,sa ~keiially ~ i s i r conerete .

and Rob~sornf rs :Ready M i x Cmcreke- {~pr i l . 10, '2000) 8 %

. P~~arneda . ~ o r r i d a r ~ t ) a ~ . .OW 8 ~ o ~ ~ - 0 7 ~ l : cai~rans. 1-5,

. . - , . .

paere, were pseM;~ng ,wages. o k o z e e ~ . ~ the ~ * l ~ e n a ~ u t ; ~ & , ~~iSkaa$e, the appXiccJlle LOP, would review any crcrmplainke flleff wSCh it by the tomaat: warkera an the SJxidge projedke to deternine whethex tiheir work fa l l0 wLtA$n the parameters of -the M ~ e n t a s . ~ ~ coverage

. . h?ld%Ja set tbd mount 92 prevailing wages due them by, the .. contE&:acto+s who employed bhhem.'..'

. 9 -' I

' . , ,,

Page 11: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

. , 9 I

' xn . U q ? p d & . . ~orridclr, material hauiece' employed by

' mater5a.l suppLiers krenaporied xeady-mLx . abc&ete to th& '

a~ t i j ect. s i t e . sad dreced .more 'khan' ninety~nine p&ent'' [s?% 1' . . . ' 1 a . . # .

. .' of the concr~ tk intb' P ~ ~ s j less *.than osre-pew=* : (i%j was . . .

. .

I a

plaeea diriq~l; jsy b h ~ Mular, inti form8 tqe .its. T I I ~ . 4 I

, . . . . I

. &reatex 2o&d I . that ..the. ~ a k e r ~ G& . er~t i t2ed. kc ' I . . '

I I .

. . 1 , . . .. . ..

$&kvai>itig rages i6eca~ae their primary 'funut20n w d - & . . . .

. . . .- ' hafiG;d by 0il-9it8 ~lllpldy~.E! a mat they g ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ f 3 S d i*. them

b ;

. . . . 'ihto the pmjeat dtd. .thema t o be 'canaddereh & . .* . I. . . ,

. I integrated aebiiet ,ag and ~ a n a t i & l l ~ k5atetl td the : . .. . ' L

~ossytmetion w&~c ?n t -1 g k j e e t , & ~ e k ~ a - ~osari te - -

' ' . , hi;& of. ' Zl tn Mew, a. eel$-contained gonc&te 'mix . . ' . '.

. . ' haul64 ' ccmat=te ' f 5:mea.~ gq&' uee cameat:' oh%* "the

. I pubXio, w o ~ k ~ highway rrite.. me driiera alao worked on' the '

. . s i te ' w+th a contraatorr:e emp~oyees to place the con&xete . I .

0 . . , . dinlotly onto t i e -dighay: w m e oghk msrkA. ipread .ma

. . . I .. . , . level it .' AD the q i m .~Exer ron 'o& o i it~ik.esikl the truekkra .

; ' . I

i a '~vailable at htt~: //&w,dw.a*r. ea. g a ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ o s d e ~ t 1 . a ~ ~ h 9 ~ b b * .

i . 7~hli3 ie simil& t;q *e work of kha bmekex~1 .in '9ana.obeI who

I s ~ r ~ a d . aggragate the ,Ugbway in that ewe.

Page 12: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

reloaded t h e . t a c k - ~ 5 t h mater ria^ : Unlilce dn ' #f &me& . . .

Corr.fdor, the. ,birectai f aund that' becauke' the rhaterial .

I . . ,

irieb - the project w i t - ' no ieivmc~& .wt of the flow kt - + ccmitsticeim the . ~ i v e r s g~rfcimixag ai '$age&a~ part . ' ) . - . . . . .

of' &e ccmstqctljctlon &d Febersf6~-a c G ~ haul& is, enkibled to

pmevail~pe wagoa f o r f i e ifi t h a k dfstinwt -uapdcity . : . . a -

. - These authoxitiea indicate that , $mediate

, . incorpordtlcm. by the hauler 1b &early pov&rad work fkk the ' . .


r ' time b~l-gite~ OD the ather b n d , the mere de19v~ry to .a' ' .

by, oihex on-?it. warkeq, or the .haulerar" g n o j b a l . . .

. placement on the publio 'kkks s i t s 'of the mater ia ls heulcd . . L . . . . . . - . . .

irs . nott= ~o+ered work. . The an-site f ncdwclxation- wa&k must . , . ,

, ' therefore be dimct, , immediate, or. virtually ' sc, . mxe than . ' . ..

. . - de mlaimis, and. involw censt~t!trion rblaeba sc&viki.! Tn , L. I .

other words, ~ Z i e n the hauler haves the pure hauling role. , . ,

. . . . , . ' I

. and part5.elpatea in ghe an-aLte. mn~trwtiofi artwty 05 . ,

, . . en t i t lea to 'pgevaiking wages; . . I I ;

I . . B~eferen.cas tie DLSI'W *un-imatt goxiay a m be found in a number. af

, o34er deLeternibat+ona, 90 the extent: those' detem$nakione inkerpret , Sansohe ' t o melata thmk materisl delivery 'alone (whether. by a mtarfial 1ywmLier ak aontraatorf LI emplbYee) is' ~uEficiwt to areate prevaj~ing wage ~bMmtime they are, ha longer to be 'c~niidere& valid.

. I . . . . . 1.1 . . .

Page 13: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

.of the DBA itandac& for. an-haulinb,' h i 29 CFRi -5.2 M 1 $2j0 '

. I I

doe; not re@& greiai~ing w&s B& trsnrrporttlti?n bf . . \ * ." . ' . . .

. . . . . iateriki '.tol 6r f;orh a -publid wprks site 'by emtx'act~r .. . . . .

I - eWl.oyea$, ' ODBA does abpeqr ' tb 'en~orcb gqevailizig ' wage.'

haulers .+r&~a.gs in, 6ibe$te, the . ipcorg~rat:ioa. of ~II+ '. ' . . , I . . . , . . Ateriala they hati1.U . . 6

- . , . 8 . .

. . . . 9 . C ,

, . . . * . . . . . $ 9 2 .tstms +. p'rk.~e,vinf pan3 ~ B I he tnmsportatioh

af. ~ake~iala 'dr auppliea ..to, et exom the' B $ ~ . B oe 'the work by einployees o f Uae, ct5nst;ruatiafi ccmtxekor or a #npt;mb$,or). .eubco1~t3=;ae~os ie not' ' *aamtm(?.ti~m, prgsecryt$,cm, a ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ n , w +air f . ( .. . - . t : ' ?'At il;.k. one pwh bas &id that khe O i e e e ~ d r i a t i iibe .C!PP& kg - be -the ihrn '03: &cLmtlax to tb' nBA. $his -po~ittloti' .i$ xejepted b8caaw ie ' - w9Ud .pqtcira a8 b h a $ o x t o Pgnara binding P @ $ A R o ~ ~ & f u d i c l p ~ . . preue&nt:. .' . . .

' . I ' I L

. +.wt.a. by *e wt~a- 8 t h . i ~ ~ a ~ t ~ e n g ~b LOW .(*DOG&) ; . 9 . . . aiviw the Mt Oi 14tbrai rsadinfl, '. aia. tkie m d ~ ~ E l s ' ' , ' have &ne in M$dway, .Berll,:- md Opmkl~, . a l S

Labo~era W ' mecW&c#, 9xmZudbg matexial 1

I .

bliv-ery truck drivexn, me eatPt;Seb t o p'repiling wages for any time spant: IrdireatLy ~ p & n the &to

' of & W O X ~ - r F BOWGVOX, &a $ p~a~tLbg3, matter, . . sincle generally the pitat bulk of the the..sp~ali . I by m r j l t ; e r i a l truck &fwrs Is oef-8ice beyad the .

- .' rawe OZ DavLe-a~etm oov,ueragtt while: the Cima. , . @pePt cm-rip& is rela+$valy. brieE, the beg&ment; crkoos4t.t;o uFJa a rule of reaeon an8 will mt: ~ p p ~ y : the wbCltls pr$vaiXing wage .rrqudrunenta w i t & xeepaat tb the amwE . of time @WE bn-site, '

. . . WLesa It i s mme Maazt "de. ,rninI&lEi 'paX?uaat ka thia policy, k$e .wepart:thenk .does. not: neaete-' ' . 'cweeagn ,Eos-materia3, de3Yvety truck @.river# whb , '

. a2 . . ' I

. . . , 901

Page 14: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

&o<her , . P S ~ U & raised. em. ag$ea~ is whether; in 'drder ' ' . . I .

%oc there to ' Be pub5lo ' ~worlrs oavprage, the egcond; . . . I . . . ,

.'de&ica!ed aite'mukt, be adjapent t o , the site of t i ' gublbllc ' .. . . . . . . . . . . wmks and, 5.E BO, what :ie the detibdtiad QE nadjacentff , , '

;.under the CmPfr; &ither .ofn these gueatiplls was sqdaeely - .

I . addressed in the bet;ernclnation. Feveral. parties suggeert: . . - 9 . . - .

. the public works sf be, there shor?l#, be tza grevallixrg wage ' I I . . . . . - .

bb1&g?khl hecawe b . betwiefi t h e tw. ~ i t . 8

pxojeat. be periies poifit. 41t, that ip S & ~ W ~ L , the cow . I . . FegeatecUy empha~ised the -'faat that the borbw pPite yere ' -

. . . . . . adj.ac6:xrr to the c ~ n s ~ x " y c t i o ~ , proj eat: and ..that ad3 auency ia a'

- ' . - . . . . .

I . . a reqiirementi unaclr the D ~ A . . . . .

' Sassone suppdri;s the . . prcgaaition that. t& dewcat ed . . . . s i t e k d t be adjacent to,. the public - h r ~ ~ k s cowtnrc t ion site ..

. . . 1 . . for kau1ihg of materiala ir?ip the. deaicaiea ~ i t q to be.


- come onto the ~ & t e of. the :woxk for o n l y a few , . mY.qutesr at a time npxely $0 drop off. con?Cmct~cra . . I . hat;erit+Ls ,,, .n (68 Bedexal itegbter ftbFed RW") . .-

80376'(bea~msx: 26,.aoOo)). ,

. \ in 29 CBI( 9.2. (11 (21 D~SGOQ in r a l a r a r *art: ~ ' t t r~oa her*witbr=, tool yarde', batoh plants, borrow p i t s t eaba., !axe pax% of! khef e l te 05 the work, pz0-?5?ed they- am ded!diua,ted 8xci;lu~lfve;ly~ crr nearly 89 ,

. , .pexf~*ancq of the cmtraQt or pxojeet, -and p~fsvPdsd they we adjacent of d f k 1 b t 1 l . y atljaeent to the a l t e eE tibe utork..n. . '


Page 15: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

' I . . . . . I . . . . . . - . I

8 *'

I . . 3

. . a . I . I .

1 .- . . . . . - . . - 1 . . ' . . . . ., - . . . I . . . I . . I

. - '. . * ' . - . . - , deemed part of the constxuc~ion, R strict dGlnition oE thei -

I . , _ . . .

. I , - r e i r q ~ , thgt 'the &bl& chose to present .$ria t h k i & ' ~ r l o k . ' I (

I. ' . . ~ ' . . a .- ., app.~;al#,' and t;h& un%@e aepeets of marine hauling. . . * . .

. . . I . . . . I , i t s rew3aeibns regarding the hauling OE matexla&- to a - . '. . . . . -

I : publie works 'r)ft+.Y DOT, u2timeely .$etermItnqd thak #ekeing, . .

'bbti&tiolis fo r hauling from a dedicated aitL withc& . . - .. . ' . xega& k t kbe. fauta of eabh aasi' would -be arbieqary aid . . . . . . .

. . g&tly . , #rm Long, ' . ribbort)llke . ' highwaYy. to ' Gask ' - . . . I

9 . . . . . . . .

aana~ruot$ori iprojsoha such i s dams, '

. . I * ' ~imilarlj dcscll.in+ to gefin~ ' "ad jak t ' nr ' .a .

I I . I * I I

'. ' .apecLfic dL~tance in . the con tad of tlikas' l. p x ~ j e~te, .' .

, . wh8% sites QT facil-ities are use6 during ~ h & sc&nstruqa&~n I. :. . . . . . , .

1 . 1 I , proopea' ah& theil- & . 'diatanpe E~em: the reepeablve bridbe. .


', 1 C . ,,.,.. _. I 2 .

Whebeu re via ion^ van' nbcesaary afker e ~ i i i e x DO& . r~~'kat imre . Chak cbvernd QEB-rr;Ltc haulbg were wert:urn,ed Srs ~ u i l d d a g and

.~~XIgmu~kdctn !I!!d€!Tr Depti ,' ~PA-CXQ 9. 'Chi fieti States mpt, o f f i&~ Wage I m,ppeal~ ~ d , fm~away BXCPW~O~E~) 9$2 ~ + 2 d 988, 989-92 (D,c.c~~. ~$91) ,

Page 16: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

pex%xt~d by the' kdministkaf i?e ~eview .skard ('liRB~f) wtthf n . - , a . %he a D m ' should &ern sack case, If3 ~ e t ; h & e ~ Cbnti+etare t . . . .

. I

i ?arpke ion ; Roger8 . C0nst;ructi~n ~ ~ s r l y , B s i l l , Ba21, ad' ' .

krosamer, %o., aq.d the Taaner Companies (8e+hk&l 111, . .

pump$agng stations' ghat were p$ of the. Cet~tral ~klzona

.'staclons, were .nvirirtually adj easqk, even tbdugh. dt.iv&re I . . ?la travel ng to 15 - milee i$Long the 'apduct ,;a deliver . . cranexetki .to whem it: was inc~rporakad into the project. ARB

. , .

. . &asrmed t h a t . . . tiere 'WB. no ' l p r i n q i p ~ baais" eo .~excluc~e , , +

k d ' wcxkex~3. bbcause aezierLa1 photc~gaphe ' clearly howa ad that

the bwtch .plants were viftuallp adjacent to the Pcped~~+. . . m sum, Fs detem&ins th4- adjac&ay. ,a£ a dedicated '

I . . . . 1

. . . . . ~ a ( i e and :app~y a' prahticai aornrn~m-a~n~e approach 20 the .

- questlo& of ppokimity baaed on the nature of the partlculaf . .

pr&ject;, Here. again, were prevaf ling wageB enforceable' on , . . the bridge p?mjebte the faat: that tBe bxldge projecf;~ takel


I - , , plabe over ~xpaaki~e bo+ies 'of rai;er would certainly' have . .

I to be aoisraeted in detem+pcag adjacoaak of & cicdicaeed . ' . I I . .

~itt5, . . I . .

I .

Page 17: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

€!ec;tioa 1720 + 3 #ta-keb': . . 6 . . . . .

, : d r the " limited 'puwoies ' of ~ t i ~ ~ e ,. 2 . , . Cc~nhenci,ng , with. a&ceion 1771)) , . .npublLc. worH:~~

STAB? mean$ the BauLing oi? ,rFEu#e from a' publib I . . wax@ bb .mts.sfde dl~posal ~ok8kioxi,' wf th

. - , reapeap c ccra~raetl invol.vin$ my ..e%,a$i 'ageat!y,. . .

. . . hcludihg,. 'the Calif dxxsia ~ k k a Univex~ity. and , ' the Wrik~exaity o f ' c ~ L s E o ~ ~ . ~ , ix. ' m y , bolitical ' '

- ~t&division a2 the 12ate. , I t I . 8 .

Beveral" ~artlesa to. .the a~per3 . argue Chat h e only . .

I . L & L ~ ~ ~ S L any othu. hau~ing WOXC to be 'cmrtersd b t&= . d m . . BB ' . . . . . . .. highSighta4 adove, : the' ,Btatute saw , p b l i c - wor& *aFsoff . . . . .

. , meam haul f n i t*Eromtt a pu'blb* rkglzs *ice: fleve- part$& I . . . 1

. . ~ y u e . . that .&#p%qs the rov3 '&do,'" eadioa'.l72d. 3 I r thd . . , 9 - "only at&t:utbu aw~ica~e to barrllnd. .tatu+eG a l ~ o . * . . I

.~afc&ncs$. hauTlng n c e f G ~ ?frQ& a p#lb wark i$ke. For . . : .' . . . - ' - .

.the re'as9h4 he~kw, -and staic*rg with the' niiitp~a~. Aani~g of I.

~ai'm, :so,.E it .. is aifficuxt .to credit chis posit ioli - a

I 1 .: . . . . .i . I .. ' I


YO hYeaa otherwire intUcakgsl, azL subdcweie ~ e b t f ? ~ te~breioea are tie ,me CwltEe*er Labor: C~ae , a , ,

I '

Page 18: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

' . sxa~ning the dactrina, thi 1egWbakive historp, aqd the '

- #

' . t i k n g j ' d sabtian 1720..3t. ~ r i d b t m e n t relative to ~ans&e. '

' Fir@Q, the bill that beatme section L720.3 was . . ' . . . , - ' enrblled. on' A U ~ U B ~ 31, 1976,. .and. waa eigned by. then,

,Ucverncr Br.c~m w Sephembee 20; 1976. hi^. waet several . .

mcmthe BEter the. seminal aaee on ptibllc works coverage af ' . . . + ' haulf wi #&insane, w a ~ 1 decided on 'Febxwiq i9, 1976,

Ttle ~eg i~ la tur i : is plepurn&' ' Lo 'he. aware of , $udiczi&l.

1 .

pceeurned t b a ~ the ~agislaturb~b £@*is. to ovezkurn the,

. '8aae~zzo ,&da decidadi., but al,m in ~Ybseqwnt amexrbr&nts to . .

seetian . l?20 -3 l a . 1983 andl 2959, - indicat'es that t h e

3egrbiature did n*t . z intead the c&diti&m - abstained in '' . - ' . .

clickion 1726.3 be. the exiluD~v6. cir~umgtancek Mer pjhieh ,

, , ~ ~ i n g apslrtituia. pb1i.a work.

. . I \ Several parties ale& tmntend .that t& lfailura o f . I .. . . . legislative amendments 'in 2 9 9 i tha t would h a ~ e inoludeb -

\ . . . ceqain en-haul activity. .la section. 1720.3 . (m'. .3 021

. .

Page 19: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

j 6

I section 1720.3, po ,add a new subsectiol re&ring ' %be ' . , 0 . . .

papent: o t . prevailing wages for the ' . nh&llng - of : sand, . I .

I gravel, h e rock; , con~xate. . mix, " +s&l . o& . other . . . 0 .

. similar materids tar the us4 or i ~ c o ~ o x ~ b i c m .ia e ;publip . I '. . . . ,

w c ~ ~ .giro j eat; ; .T~B ~ a i ~ e d arnmdnien1: d ~ . wb. a p e ~ ~ i i a a ~ ~ ~ , ' I . ' ,. I -- .. .:. . . -.. ..? . ... ., . . .. .. . . . - . ... . .. ...,. ... . . .. -. -.. .. -.. I. . . .. .... -.. -. . . . . ' . --'.... .. ... .- ....

. aa , here, . ddal wS$h haul&# . who ;taune&at;ely ihca;rporate

' Gaterial they h i d zrrther a l l .hauie+;s -oI matezial to a. '

pubiio u0rhg. s i t 8 BVXI it theemateria-. t~ . i ~ r ~ o x p ~ r ~ i t i d i n t o -. . . .

'. the site .by others. . . '

- . . . . a p;blid wkks'slte to an .aut;id~ dlspoFii lbqatioq w i t h i

. . . . respect ' Ep odn$reiots w i t h the stab6 or p ~ l i t l u a l ' . . . . 1 ' '

1 which gayling woxk Pa pukxi~ work.'. ;,' . 1 . . I I . . . I ) . . . . . . .

Page 20: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

. . -3. he . 'Citye. M. iang Beaah. Doesl W O t - Preclude a

'. Bindixig df PublFc Wa3:k~ Coverage Box Hauling, - 1 . ' . .

some of the h+r t ies aonbend that the ~eacllslon'in bity . ' .

. .- . . '

ihterpret seek&& ' lgYb (a) (B) a? axoluding a11 b a ~ l i n ~ work:

%ey' krgd that the California $upr&e Court fad in. that , . ' . "

. . . - . ~~ that jus$ ae DX.R crould not extend coverage of the CPWL _ _ , _. _. _ .... . .. .- . - . .. .._ _. . .. . . _ ....-. -...-.. . .. .... -... .- ... - .,... .- .-..-- . . ..-- ...--. .-- -.-- - ..... -- -- . . . . qre-rxa~kruction activity, sihe ~ i & o t m e-ot' now cts~ia;

hauling aa aor~etruc6bozz wider section 172 b .I6.

,a . '. . *fmc~loprs~ that were. the 'apbj eat of f2aaaoner they .are . . ' , ,. ..

mtf tied Cp g;~e~aiLing' wagea ; Smaone. txea,keda* the aectims . .. I . , it- cited, ,z771, - ZP'IZ and ~ w r , as defining what Kaf, coyeked :

I I . . . . . .,a= rpublic, WOXW? refeqencdd in.' inhosd .arttione : That wag not

_ I


.an. expankfon aR the C.!PWL.by the 1a#~1&e Cagm, it LEI not: by . I

the ~ i r e c t o r ' i r l t h i s matter, and it. ia sot' a 'mtroaetive .

aimimply hoLde Uldt ' s q e n & L t ~ a p f public p m i for - pre- . . . . I . . '%esatio; 1720 definel .pudli~ 'workiy.~ in releva& garb, aa

,' "Ccloaafruccion, alkexatLos, demolition, inskalZakion, OX ropaix work . done wider contract: mi pard Sox .in whoLe ar fin' part out 05? puhlicr . E'!&Q," .


Page 21: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on


1?2b (a) dois not. snurhhate 'prevaonstmc~ion aatikzlity as a I .


. type af - Ljublia work. . rPhus, Iton9 ngiaek , t&ed on khe . I . . . . . . (' . .

. . xetxoactive: kpp~;icaticm : of a ~ c t i ~ n '1720, a itgtrute not ai . . .

I . . IBBW . . . here. In that a&@;, 'the ~ki@mi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e m ' e ' court d id ' . .

I . . I . . . . not address or' strike clown tha ~ i r e ~ t o r ~ EI' mthority',.. "arid '

I 8

, . duty, t o fdllbw ikirlaiinb gxeaident [+era, 8mia&) .d&dng ' , . ............... ..--.- .. - .. .:. ."._ .. - ........ :.. -. ..,. .-. - .-.,.. .... ..- ... ...- -.-...-- - ...... ".. - ... .- - ..- -- .--.--.- ............. - ..-. -.. - ......... . ..

, .whidh' t y p ~ s of' work axe covered" and t&u4; executf aktr ' I.

. . . '

and -277$', .- , . . 4 . r -nitact.or &criiicn O; appoa;l mat ~ddis~ss& e ~ h ' . Mdna &ad Lahd-Saeed Hauling Under ~ k 0 C P N ~ Xkr

. I .

. . . N O Arz u~1,detg5:0tznrJ: R 0 0i;hexw;ise~ a .

. a Xmpkbpsr., , . . , . . . . . , - . . . . . ... . . . ' . I. , Severdl pa&tldr ' corikan8 Dhat a. de=i&kon by. 'the

.maeim on-hauling; many df .the s$poal& pevrtain to lantt-. '

- I . - -


. , The f&t b a i i e . a I ~ e & d i b that the ~ l r e c t o r dazy?~

- . sstextialn .arguments nit raised or adeeascd ig the. '

. - nature of bh8 I Dlreatorr a mandage, . in1 a ' &&ii!%-~eg~a~a'c i~e i

Page 22: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

. -

a .

I . . . . . . . . prrscahding . conc&rning. public works C!OVexage:, unlike

adrd,n:nlstrative adj udiiation~, t h d ~ ~ a d - ~ e ~ i ~ l a t i ~ e , ' . .

. . . . . . . proce#s" aLlows the * n i rec to r t q conilder the view; -of eny .

. a

.interested parties, not just a w e that ware d to the . .

neherminatiaa. &re, althwsk the 'farots o f this . .

I Deteanination involve marine hauling, relianfi on 8ahf~one . . I I

-(a .land.wbaaed hauling deciaian . also referenced. Yn the I

. . Aa. such,. the . . Lc3~ues raised on , a appeal regaxding la~d-basbd

CmcHng, wkich -are relCvani to the cwera~e of ' the *

'~e~srminatios and, therefore, may . be' apruribteq by , th& a .


party may not. have' .ha&. the opportunity to s d t its rtisws. .

In fact, all . p a x t i e ~ I . h m be&# $hen more than - ample time . t0 ' @u$rrcLt .. ~e~ponaea to alf the argument6 ralsad -by a25 .

. - Xn&t%ted parti& in. the appeal prques~.


. . The aeu~xaci baaib 8rgu.s W a &dd&saing what $s . . . . . . . . . . , .

?kLoli%ti~n of' the '' ~dminie t&~tt iv Pro~edzlrcl &~t: f PA? I .


''TQ PIP' 3'7-02li 30WjbdaC hist & D M ~ ~ebaSlasrtlq? Qvl;f$Z;T Pmjece, south Bay Oaean 0~~33'911 Contyact No.. 3, Cfey of .Ban Diego [iranmxy 23; ?998) ( n ~ o h t t~rna~ ) .

Page 23: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

I ' . . . 1

* ,

. . . ,,. he - Directdkt s cbverage' dakermiiratlqng are cage '

n . . , e

aesigna~ed 'precedentipl, serve he guidan.p fox daaw that .' , .. , 8

. . . . . woxka cawexage 'detemELnakkans fn ' Q X ~ B ~ ko effectuate: the. '

. purpDses ofj the CBWL, P U ~ I ~ C warks aovts'ragee &termiiatfona . . are. . d;sei-lsgiitativil ii&.iki,&$vefi i B ~ a b ' chat .

. * . into+rkt atstutei the bireetor i a easp?wible . for

1 - s.ix~oroing. [Yamztxa ~arp.. . i~f AIW>IC~ v, . statit FCI. of

. I ,

' . ~ g ~ k l i z i ~ ~ d t i d ~ ;{L$B~) 19 EQI .4tk -h..i,a . ;o-li).. me D ~ ~ B C I C ~ E ' S

+.. , , . ' ao?r~zwge ' 8etmimt$,cgy are caae-by-ca@e . xeso3+tfion8, r~$t

. I . .

4 .

, .. xkplat~ona' tdaeeaeac Feat- ,Mmfnet, Xnc. v. ~rad~haw

. . . ' IA!%s) -14 c.1 .kh. 5.57,. b6a-s7af (RT i$ewEW) 1 . . . 1 . . . . as has alregdy been'. a$p;laimd,- the prfnaiplea @st

. . forth- in both I the . . ~bt:e!$cninatikn and .this D.CSSL& .are. . , I .

common t o both marine md Jmd-based ;haul-i,pg, ' ?he

~eternti&atioir an6 P e ~ b i o n intawret. the CERL in the , . ' " . . . . . t

. confiext of epea$ic Esace ar;d are a8dreeeeci to & ~ e c t ~ l o . , I .

p e ~ t i s e . ~e'eignated' ~re&defik$ai-, .the Detei&$&i.on act a a@ . .. . .. 1 . I . I

, .guidance.- t.o the ' rbgulirted public fox *those. clasee with . ' . . . . I. - I

I .

~ i m i l d f act? and , axe 'bfnding on the ~ixe~tos ' thy ' &aboi ,

I .

~o.m~aeloner, and. C d l T r a t r ~ (pa ah Lap. ddar 8 ~ C R aection . . ! : 8 . " . . . I

Page 24: All International Organization of Masters, Mates, and … order of the Alarneda County Superior Court in International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots v. ... Decision on

decigian iss& adekeaeingf its ,o&aems , so that $'c .may.

pkopeny undaicake it. enforcement responaibilitiee .

., calif o&a .decbs ian c6aa&ming .. an-hauling and therafo~e .

m w t guide. the oirecrtqr8s , - ~~, t , te~ i?stat~or ; ' of . ,the CPWL

cdncemizig ~nAhauling either .in' the water er 1~ur8;~' As, 6 . . . .

. apmriata and reasonably aid ~ecessazlly to lend- . . . . - . . -

- . based hauling, wbiah act?buntg. ' far ,the pa&f oigacion of

. . . ~ ~ * e ; r d I gax'tiep .on appeal co?celill~d with la~d-bafired . . . . . -


- ,

' a% CCC Reiqti.011 26434 stakes: '\+[a] LCP shall. ba~e' a, dbhy t o the . * P f P e C t o ~ bq wfaxae rkrp 'requi~ement$ 'of Chapkax 3, af: Paxr 7 of Dhidlbn . 2 of - thc Labor Code and these regslatidna ' i$ aaaordmue wftn tha ,

.- I Rreaedmtfal prevailhg w9gc decisions , iamieh .bx t he Dixeacltor am3 Ln a I - ' - mannet cangiffhent: with Ehe praattce of khe 'Gakor: C b r h ~ ~ s i b n e t ~ ~ ~ I g .

I , "~br thia eaamn, the n&~,c~t;ox aealines to fall& crivt:o~,-~taee , -

a~thorities regardim on-bsul t o a public! wokka gibe, aa uxged by . q . I . - party to fhdk appeal.

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3'02 the above: &aeons, the Detsmination i s , a&$~?ned. . ' .