[UPDATING] ALL ABOUT JAEJOONG FANMEETING IN SHANGHAI 1) This fan boy kept shouting ‘Jung Yunho’ ‘Kim Jaejoong’ ‘Dong Bang Shin Ki’ ;___; 2) “Jaejoong asked there’s a building with a big round ball at the top, it’s called ‘Dong Bang Zhenzhu’ in chinese, when he tried spelling ‘Dong Bang…’ He paused for a while. 3) Heard people chanting Jung Yunho

all about JJ FM

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[UPDATING] ALL ABOUT JAEJOONG FANMEETING INSHANGHAI1) This fan boy kept shouting Jung Yunho Kim Jaejoong Dong Bang Shin Ki ;___;

2) Jaejoong asked theres a building with a big round ball at the top, its called Dong Bang Zhenzhu in chinese, when he tried spelling Dong Bang He paused for a while. 3) Heard people chanting Jung Yunho4) LAST NIGHT YH said:AM I CHARMING? and now JJ said: AM I HANDSOME? YUNJAE!!!5) They chanted Yunho for a while and the Jaejoong laughed out loud but then the Jaejoong chants drowned out shippers.5) People chanted Kim Jaejoong, then Yunho, then YJ and covered back from his name. And he asked :Why you shouted my name? xDDD6)[#JaejoonginShanghai] JaeJoong: If the person I loved the most is standing in front of me, expressing my feelings will be the most difficult thing to do. There was once I watched a movie; the guy bought the girl a ring. It was said that if the girl can wear the guys little fingers ring on her ring finger, they are fated to be. If I met the girl I really like, I would like to do the same to her as well.

Oh Jaejonog said he saw the pinky/ring finger myth on a dramaOMG OMG OMG THE EHING WITH THE GUYS LITTLE FINGER GIRLS RING FINGER FATED IS FROM PARADISE RANCH! :O JAEJOONG, YOU WATCHED PARADISE RANCH? ;____;7) + Jaejoong stared at the MKMF hug banner for a while and then took off his coatJae stared at the YJ banner very very far away (but big) from the stage. For a very long time.

9) AHAHHAHHA THE FIRST PHONE NUMBER JAEJOONG PICKED BELONGS TO A YUNJAE SHIPPER SO NOW THEY HAVE TO ZOOM IN ON HER + HER SIGN10) Jaejoong said there is a meaning behind his Cartier ring but he wont tell.11) First fan Jaejoong called is a YJ shipper, they zoomed in on her and Jaejoong stared at the YJ sign12) Oh the question was youve been wearing a lot of rings lately, is there a particular meaning? JJ said yes but he didnt elaborateOh, Jaejoongs answer was /of course/ they have a meaning13) 3 shippers and 1 Jaejoong fan got called14) Jaejoongs sister is sitting with the shippers15) Fan-made videos with OT5/Cassiopeia/DB5K contents. ^O^16) Oh I found the person who made the vid on Weibo. Shes a shipper.17) The one and only YJ in this world banner

18)JJ: Why is my color green? MC: Do you like it? JJ: I might have said I liked green in the past.