Alcatel OmniPCX 4400

Alcatel OmniPCX 4400 - amicom.cz · AlcatelOmniPCX 4400. 1 ANALOG TERMINAL Alcatel OmniPCX 4400 U S E R G U I D E. 2 Symbols used in this manual For sets with a voice frequency keypad,

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Alcatel OOmmnniiPPCCXX 44440000



AAllccaatteell OOmmnniiPPCCXX 44440000



SSyymmbboollss uusseedd iinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall

For sets with a voice frequency keypad, a short press on the service button (dependingon the type of terminal: etc, ooo, ®, is shown by

Note: The availability of some functions described in this guide can depend on the type of terminalor the configuration of your system. If in doubt, consult your installation manager.



YYoouurr ccaallllssMaking an outgoing call .................................................................................8Making an internal call ...................................................................................8Calling the operator .......................................................................................8Calling a number from the common directory .....................................................8Transferring a call ..........................................................................................9Calling a linked line (your secretary or colleague)...............................................9Putting your caller on hold...............................................................................9Calling a second person during a conversation .................................................10Receiving a second call during a conversation ..................................................10Switching between two calls (broker call) .........................................................11Calling from your personal directory ................................................................11Intercepting a call on another terminal..............................................................11Talking with two other people, internal and/or external, at the same time(conference calls) .........................................................................................12Parking an external caller .............................................................................12Automatic callback from an internal correspondent who was busy .......................13Camping on an internal correspondent who is busy ...........................................13Replying to night bell .....................................................................................14Obtaining information on camped-on calls........................................................14Entering a programmed conference .................................................................15Intrusion into an internal conversation ...............................................................16Hunt groups .................................................................................................16Temporarily leaving your hunt group ...............................................................17


Calling an ISDN correspondent .......................................................................17Calling an internal correspondent on his portable pager.....................................18Leaving a direct voice message ......................................................................18

FFoorr yyoouurr ccoonnvveenniieenncceeProgramming your personal code....................................................................20Programming your personal directory ..............................................................20Calling the last number dialled (Recall) .............................................................20Programming an appointment reminder ..........................................................21Changing your linked terminal.........................................................................21"Do not disturb" ..........................................................................................22Transferring calls when busy...........................................................................22Reporting malicious calls ................................................................................22Charging calls to accounts receivable ..............................................................23Calling an outside "private" number................................................................23Substitution of terminal ...................................................................................24

WWhhiillee yyoouu aarree aawwaayyDiverting calls to another number (immediate diversion) ......................................26Diverting calls to a linked terminal ...................................................................26Diverting calls to voice mail (immediate diversion) ..............................................26Diverting your calls to another number from your desk, for when you are away....27Forwarding your calls, from a different terminal ...............................................27 Diverting your calls to your personal pager ......................................................28Cancelling diversions .....................................................................................28Consulting voice mails....................................................................................29


Consulting "call back" messages ....................................................................29Locking your terminal ...................................................................................30Replying when your pager sounds ..................................................................30Calling back the last internal caller whose call went unanswered.........................30

GGlloossssaarryy ............................................................................................................................................................................................................3311








MMaakkiinngg aann oouuttggooiinngg ccaallll

Lift the handset.For example, press 9, followed by the number you want.

Note: 0 is the default code to obtain an outside line.Consult the codes table to determine the code corresponding to a specific function.

MMaakkiinngg aann iinntteerrnnaall ccaallll

Lift the handset. Dial the required number directly or use your personal code (seeDirectory programming, p.20).

CCaalllliinngg tthhee ooppeerraattoorr

Lift the handset.Dial (for example) 0.

Note: 9 is the default code for the "Operator call" function (see codes table).

CCaalllliinngg aa nnuummbbeerr ffrroomm tthhee ccoommmmoonn ddiirreeccttoorryy

Your terminal can access a common directory of short outside numbers.Dial the short number required directly.





TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg aa ccaallll

You have a call in progress and you wish to transfer your correspondent to anotherterminal.Make a double call and hang up.You can transfer your call immediately or wait for your correspondent�s replybefore transferring.

Note: Transfer between two outside calls is not generally possible (depends on country).

CCaalllliinngg aa lliinnkkeedd lliinnee ((yyoouurr sseeccrreettaarryy oorr ccoolllleeaagguuee))

Each extension number can be linked with another extension number.For a quick call to the colleague, dial the code for the function ""AAssssoocciiaattee ccaallll"" (seecodes table).

Note: Your voice message service can be declared as the linked terminal.

PPuuttttiinngg yyoouurr ccaalllleerr oonn hhoolldd

In conversation with an internal our outside correspondent, you wish to place thecall on hold, and pick it up again later on the same terminal.Enter the ""EEnnqquuiirryy ccaallll"" function code (see codes table) or (on voicefrequency keypad terminal). The call is automatically placed on hold.Your correspondent hears the holding tone.


To recover your correspondent, hang up (your terminal rings, lift the handset) or(voice frequency keypad terminal).

CCaalllliinngg aa sseeccoonndd ppeerrssoonn dduurriinngg aa ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn

When in communication with an internal or outside correspondent, you can call asecond correspondent by entering the ""EEnnqquuiirryy ccaallll"" function code (see codestable), followed by the number of your second correspondent.You are then in contact with the second correspondent.The first is automatically placed on hold. To cancel the second call and recover the first, enter the ""EEnnqquuiirryy ooffff"" function codeor (voice frequency keypad terminal) and enter the ""EEnnqquuiirryy ooffff""function code.In the event of an error, hang up.Your terminal will ring and you will recover the first correspondent.

RReecceeiivviinngg aa sseeccoonndd ccaallll dduurriinngg aa ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn

You are in telephone conversation and a second person is trying to ring you. Youwill hear a beep.To reply, issue a warning (see p.8) and enter the ""CCoonnssuulltt ccaallll oonn hhoolldd"" functioncode (see codes table).Use the same procedure to recover the first correspondent.If you hang up without replying to the second call, your terminal will automaticallybe called back.





SSwwiittcchhiinngg bbeettwweeeenn ttwwoo ccaallllss ((BBrrookkeerr ccaallll))

When you begin a call to a second person, the first is placed on hold. To switchbetween calls, enter the ""BBrrookkeerr ccaallll"" function code (see codes table) or and enter the ""BBrrookkeerr ccaallll"" function code (voice frequency keypad terminal).Your two correspondents are never in contact with each other.

CCaalllliinngg ffrroomm yyoouurr ppeerrssoonnaall ddiirreeccttoorryy

Your terminal has a directory of 12 numbers which are obtainable using thekeypad. To call using your directory, enter the ""CCaallll ffrroomm ppeerrssoonnaall ddiirreeccttoorryy""function code, and press the appropriate key to obtain the programmed number(Directory programming p.20).

IInntteerrcceeppttiinngg aa ccaallll oonn aannootthheerr tteerrmmiinnaall

You hear a phone ringing in another office where no-one can answer. If you areauthorised, you can answer the call on your own phone.

IIff tthhee tteerrmmiinnaall bbeelloonnggss ttoo tthhee ssaammee iinntteerrcceepptt ggrroouupp aass yyoouurr oowwnn::

Enter the ""GGrroouupp ccaallll ppiicckkuupp"" function code (see codes table).


IIff tthhee tteerrmmiinnaall ddooeess nnoott bbeelloonngg ttoo tthhee ssaammee iinntteerrcceepptt ggrroouupp aass yyoouurr oowwnn::

Enter the ""DDiirreecctt ccaallll ppiicckkuupp"" function code (see codes table) followed by thenumber of the terminal which is ringing.

TTaallkkiinngg wwiitthh ttwwoo ootthheerr ppeeooppllee,, iinntteerrnnaall aanndd//oorr eexxtteerrnnaall,, aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee((ccoonnffeerreennccee ccaallllss))

When you begin a call to a second person, the first is placed on hold. To hold a three-way conversation, enter the ""33 ppaarrttyy ccoonnffeerreennccee ccaallll"" function code(see codes table) or and enter the ""33 ppaarrttyy ccoonnffeerreennccee ccaallll"" functioncode (voice frequency keypad terminal).

To cancel the conference, follow the same procedure.

You will recover your first correspondent and the second call is terminated.

Note: If you hang up during a conference, the other two correspondents will be in directcontact (unless they are both external).

PPaarrkkiinngg aann eexxtteerrnnaall ccaalllleerr

You can park an external caller - i.e. put him on hold to take the call on a differentterminal.During the conversation, issue a warning (see p.8) and enter the ""PPaarrkkccaallll//rreettrriieevvee"" function code (see codes table), followed by the number of theterminal receiving the "park".

To cancel the park, enter the ""PPaarrkk ccaallll//rreettrriieevvee"" function code followed by thenumber of the terminal receiving the "park".

Note: If a call is parked for more than a preset period of time, it is automatically returned tothe operator.

AAuuttoommaattiicc ccaallllbbaacckk ffrroomm aann iinntteerrnnaall ccoorrrreessppoonnddeenntt wwhhoo wwaass bbuussyy

You call an internal number and get the busy tone.You then have the option of "camping on" - being called back automatically whenthe line is free.Enter the ""CCaallllbbaacckk rreeqquueesstt"" function code (see codes table).Hang up.To cancel the callback request, dial the correspondent�s number and hang up, orfollow the voice message instructions.

Note: This function is also available on a free internal line (correspondent absent). You will becalled back when the correspondent lifts his handset.

CCaammppiinngg oonn aann iinntteerrnnaall ccoorrrreessppoonnddeenntt wwhhoo iiss bbuussyy

You call an internal number and get the busy tone.To place your call on hold, enter the ""CCaammpp oonn"" function code (see codes table). When your correspondent has finished his conversation, and if he hasn�t replied toyour call, the call is repeated.





RReeppllyyiinngg ttoo nniigghhtt bbeellll

When the operator is away, all internal or external calls to the switchboard areoffered generally to all extensions.To reply, enter the ""NNiigghhtt sseerrvviiccee aannsswweerriinngg"" function code (see codes table).

OObbttaaiinniinngg iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn ccaammppeedd--oonn ccaallllss

You are in conversation, and you hear a beep indicating that an internal or outsidecorrespondent is trying to call you.This second call is placed on hold.If you want to speak to him immediately, issue a warning (see p.8) and enter the""CCoonnssuulltt ccaallll oonn hhoolldd"" function code (see codes table).

Note:You can prevent calls from being placed on hold while you are in conversation byentering the "Control hold" function code (see codes table)To cancel this inhibition, hang up.


EEnntteerriinngg aa pprrooggrraammmmeedd ccoonnffeerreennccee

You can hold a telephone conference, at an agreed time, with up to either 7 or29 internal and/or outside correspondents (depending on the configuration).

A confidential access code will have been defined in advance by the participants.The number of digits in this code will be decided by your Telephone Manager.

Dial the code for the function ""MMeeeett mmee ccoonnffeerreennccee"" (see the table of codes),followed by the confidential access code.If you are the first to join the conference you will hear a hold tone.If you are not the first, you simply enter the conference.You can leave the conference at any time by hanging up.If the conference is full, you will hear the engaged tone.

IInncclluuddee aa ccoorrrreessppoonnddeenntt iinn aa pprrooggrraammmmeedd ccoonnffeerreennccee

You can include an internal or external caller to the conference by using the calldiversion facility.

You are in conversation with a caller.Enter the ""MMeeeett mmee ccoonnffeerreennccee"" function code (see codes table) followed by theconfidential conference access code.Your correspondent is automatically placed on hold, and is then transferred to theconference when you hang up.





IInnttrruussiioonn iinnttoo aann iinntteerrnnaall ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn

Your correspondent�s terminal is busy.If the terminal is not "protected", you can, if you have the authorisation, intrude inthe conversation.

Enter the ""IInnttrruussiioonn"" function code (see codes table). Your intrusion is indicated bya beep.If one of the three correspondents hangs up, the other two remain in contact.

PPrrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt iinnttrruussiioonn

Enter the ""PPrrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt bbeeeeppss"" function code (see codes table), and call yourcorrespondent. The protection is deactivated when you hang up.

HHuunntt ggrroouuppss

Some terminals are grouped in hunt groups.You can call any terminal in a group by dialling the corresponding group number.When a terminal within the group replies, you are in contact with the group.

Note: You can always contact a specific terminal within the group by dialling its individualnumber.


TTeemmppoorraarriillyy lleeaavviinngg yyoouurr hhuunntt ggrroouupp

Enter the ""SSeett ggrroouupp eexxiitt"" function code (see codes table). Your exit from the groupis confirmed by a tone.

Note: You will continue to receive your personal calls. To re-enter the group, enter the ""SSeettggrroouupp eennttrryy"" function code (see codes table).

CCaalllliinngg aann IISSDDNN ccoorrrreessppoonnddeenntt**

You can access ISDN services.Enter the ""IISSDDNN ccaallll"" function code (see codes table) followed by yourcorrespondent�s number.Validate number dialled by pressing #.

* voice frequency keypad terminal

SSeenndd aa ssuubb--aaddddrreessss

Your may have to add a 4-digit suffix to your correspondent�s, to directly accesshis fax, P.C. or telephone, etc.Enter the ""IISSDDNN ccaallll"" function code (see codes table) and the correspondent�snumber.Dial the suffix (sub-address) on the keypad (starting with * and followed by notmore than 4 digits).If the suffix is less than 4 digits, validate by pressing #.





CCaalllliinngg aann iinntteerrnnaall ccoorrrreessppoonnddeenntt oonn hhiiss ppoorrttaabbllee ppaaggeerr**

Your correspondent�s terminal doesn�t answer and you know he has a portablebeeper.

To inform him of your call, enter the ""PPaaggiinngg rreeqquueesstt"" function code (see codestable).You can also inform him of your call, directly, on his beeper, by entering the ""DDiirreeccttppaaggiinngg ccaallll"" function code (see codes table) followed by your correspondent�snumber.Your correspondent can then reply from any terminal in the company.

* option

LLeeaavviinngg aa ddiirreecctt vvooiiccee mmeessssaaggee

Follow the instructions given by the voice message service.









PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg yyoouurr ppeerrssoonnaall ccooddee

The default code for your terminal is 0000.To change your terminal locking code (see p.30), enter the appropriate functioncode (see codes table).First enter your present code, the enter the new code.

PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg yyoouurr ppeerrssoonnaall ddiirreeccttoorryy

Your directory comprises the 12 keys of the numeric keypad.The directory is programmed as follows:Lift the handset and enter the ""PPeerrssoonnaall ddiirreeccttoorryy pprrooggrraammmmiinngg"" function code.Select a key and enter the number (internal or outside) to be recorded.Hang up to validate.

Note: In the case of a decimal terminal, wait until all the digits entered have been sent beforehanging up.

CCaalllliinngg tthhee llaasstt nnuummbbeerr ddiiaalllleedd ((RReeccaallll))

To resend the last number, lift the handset and enter the ""RReeddiiaall llaasstt nnuummbbeerr""function code (see codes table).






PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg aann aappppooiinnttmmeenntt rreemmiinnddeerr

Enter the ""WWaakkee uupp//aappppooiinnttmmeenntt rreemmiinnddeerr"" function code (see codes table).Enter the time of the appointment: 2 digits for hours and 2 digits for minutes.Enter the number of the terminal on which the reminder is to be sent. Your ownterminal is taken by default (no entry).Your terminal will then ring at the programmed time.Lift the handset and replace it to acknowledge the call.

Note: If you do not respond the first time, the system will ring you again. After the secondattempt the call will be abandoned.If your terminal is being transferred to another, the appointment reminder call will not betransferred.To cancel your reminder request, proceed as for activation, but use the ""CCaanncceell wwaakkeeuupp//aappppooiinnttmmeenntt rreemmiinnddeerr"" function code (see codes table).

CChhaannggiinngg yyoouurr lliinnkkeedd tteerrmmiinnaall

To change the linked terminal, enter the ""CChhaannggee aassssoocciiaattee nnuummbbeerr"" function codefollowed by the number of your new linked terminal.

To cancel the linked terminal, enter your own number for that of the linked terminal.


""DDoo nnoott ddiissttuurrbb""

You can make your terminal temporarily inaccessible to all incoming calls (exceptfrom the operator).Enter the ""DDoo nnoott ddiissttuurrbb"" function code (see codes table) followed by yourpersonal code.To cancel, enter the ""DDoo nnoott ddiissttuurrbb"" function code.

TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg ccaallllss wwhheenn bbuussyy

Enter the ""IImmmmeeddiiaattee ffoorrwwaarrdd oonn bbuussyy"" function code (see codes table) followedby the number receiving the transfer.

Note: If the number receiving the transfer is not specified, calls will be transferred to yourlinked terminal.

RReeppoorrttiinngg mmaalliicciioouuss ccaallllss

When answering a malicious call, the call can be reported by entering the""MMaalliicciioouuss ccaallll"" function code (see codes table) or (voice frequencykeypad terminal) and enter the ""MMaalliicciioouuss ccaallll"" function code.If the call is internal, it is reported to the system by a specific message. If the callis an outside call, it is reported to France Télécom, even if the caller hangs upimmediately.






CChhaarrggiinngg ccaallllss ttoo aaccccoouunnttss rreecceeiivvaabbllee

Outside calls can be charged to the corresponding account receivable (customer).To do this, lift the handset and enter the ""BBuussiinneessss aaccccoouunntt ccooddee pprreeffiixx"" functioncode (see codes table) followed by the account number concerned.Dial the prefix to access the public telephone network, followed by the number ofyour correspondent.

Note: This function can be activated while a call is in progress (voice frequency keypadterminal) and enter the ""BBuussiinneessss aaccccoouunntt ccooddee"" function code.

CCaalllliinngg aann oouuttssiiddee ""pprriivvaattee"" nnuummbbeerr

Although private use of the telephone may be restricted, you can make "private"calls by identifying them as such.They will be charged separately.Lift the handset.

Dial the code for the function ""PPrriivvaattee ccaallll"" (see the table of codes), followed byyour personal code and the number you want to call.

Note: Private calls cannot be transferred to a different terminal.


SSuubbssttiittuuttiioonn ooff tteerrmmiinnaall

This service provides all the facilities programmed on your own terminal, on anyterminal in the system.Lift the handset and enter the ""SSuubbssttiittuuttiioonn"" function code (see codes table) followedby your terminal number and your personal code, then hang up.









DDiivveerrttiinngg ccaallllss ttoo aannootthheerr nnuummbbeerr ((iimmmmeeddiiaattee ddiivveerrssiioonn))

The other number may be your home telephone, a portable, a car phone, or adifferent terminal, such as the operator or your linked line.Enter the ""IImmmmeeddiiaattee ffoorrwwaarrdd"" function code (see codes table).Then dial the number of the telephone receiving the diverted calls. An outsidenumber must be preceded by code to obtain an outside line (0).

Note: You can continue to make calls but only the receiving terminal can contact you.If the number receiving the transfer is not specified, calls will be transferred to your linkedterminal.

DDiivveerrttiinngg ccaallllss ttoo aa lliinnkkeedd tteerrmmiinnaall

You can divert calls to your linked terminal as follows:�divert if you fail to reply within a specified time,� immediate diversion when your terminal is busy,�diversion which is timed if you do not reply or immediate if your line is busy.Enter the appropriate function (see codes table).

DDiivveerrttiinngg ccaallllss ttoo vvooiiccee mmaaiill ((iimmmmeeddiiaattee ddiivveerrssiioonn))**

Enter the function code corresponding to the type of transfer required (see codestable), then enter the number of your voice mail service.

* If your system has a voice mail service, you will be assigned a directory number.






DDiivveerrttiinngg yyoouurr ccaallllss ttoo aannootthheerr nnuummbbeerr ffrroomm yyoouurr ddeesskk,, ffoorr wwhheenn yyoouu aarreeaawwaayy

Enter the ""FFoorrwwaarrdd oonn nnoo rreeppllyy"" function code (see codes table).Then follow the instructions given, and enter the number receiving the transfer.The transfer will be made when your terminal does not reply within a specifiedtimed delay.To cancel the transfer, see p.28.

Note: If your system permits, you may be able to divert calls to an outside number.

FFoorrwwaarrddiinngg yyoouurr ccaallllss,, ffrroomm aa ddiiffffeerreenntt tteerrmmiinnaall

If you are temporarily in another room, and would like your calls to be put throughto you: Enter the ""RReemmoottee ffoorrwwaarrdd"" function code (see codes table), from theterminal receiving the transfer.

Then, following the prompts, dial the number receiving the transferred calls,followed by your own terminal number.To cancel the transfer, see p.28.


DDiivveerrttiinngg yyoouurr ccaallllss ttoo yyoouurr ppeerrssoonnaall ppaaggeerr**

This enables people to page you if you are somewhere in the building.Enter the desired transfer function code (see codes table) followed by the numberof your portable beeper.

* option

CCaanncceelllliinngg ddiivveerrssiioonnss

FFrroomm yyoouurr oowwnn tteerrmmiinnaall

Enter the ""FFoorrwwaarrdd ccaanncceellllaattiioonn"" function code (see codes table).

FFrroomm tthhee iinntteerrnnaall tteerrmmiinnaall rreecceeiivviinngg yyoouurr ddiivveerrssiioonnss

Dial the code for the function ""CCaanncceell ffoollllooww mmee"" (see the table of codes), then dialthe number of the diverted terminal.

FFrroomm aannyy tteerrmmiinnaall iinn tthhee ccoommppaannyy

Enter the ""CCaanncceell rreemmoottee ffoorrwwaarrdd"" function code (see codes table), followed by thenumber of the transferred terminal.

Note: When you program a new diversion, it cancels any previous one.






CCoonnssuullttiinngg vvooiiccee mmaaiillss

A voice guide informs you that messages are present.To access your voice mail box, enter the ""VVooiiccee mmaaiill"" function code (see codestable) and follow the spoken instructions.For further information concerning the voice mail service, refer to the specificbooklet.

CCoonnssuullttiinngg ""ccaallll bbaacckk"" mmeessssaaggeess

The presence of one or more callback requests is indicated either by the flashing ofthe "Message" LED, (if your terminal is equipped with one), or , by a voicemessage when the handset is lifted. In the latter case, after a timed delay, you areautomatically routed to the requesting terminal.If there are several callback requests, they are handled in chronological order. Eachrequest can only be handled after the previous request has been actioned.All the callback requests recorded on the terminal can be erased by entering the""CCoonnssuulltt ccaallllbbaacckk rreeqquueessttss"" function code (see codes table).

Note: The callback message is erased when the call is made, even if the correspondent doesnot reply.


LLoocckkiinngg yyoouurr tteerrmmiinnaall

This facility allows you to prevent any calls being made from your terminal, or anychanges being made to its programming.Enter the ""PPaaddlloocckk"" function code (see codes table).

To unlock your terminal, enter the ""PPaaddlloocckk"" function code (see codes table),followed by your personal code.

RReeppllyyiinngg wwhheenn yyoouurr ppaaggeerr ssoouunnddss**

If you are away from your office but still in the building, and your pager beeps,you can pick up the call from any company phone.Enter the ""PPaaggiinngg rreeppllyy"" function code (see codes table), followed by the numberof your terminal, to get into contact with the person calling you.

* option

CCaalllliinngg bbaacckk tthhee llaasstt iinntteerrnnaall ccaalllleerr wwhhoossee ccaallll wweenntt uunnaannsswweerreedd

You can call the last caller back, even without knowing who it was.Lift the handset. Enter the ""LLaasstt ccaalllleerr ccaallll bbaacckk"" function code (see codes table).The call is made, after a timed delay.



BBRROOKKEERR CCAALLLLA function which allows you to hold two conversations at one, switching from one tothe other

CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEEThis facility allows you to switch from talking to two callers alternately, into talking withboth at once.

HHOOLLDDA facility which allows you to keep a caller waiting while you perform a secondoperation, and then pick up the call again on the same extension.

HHUUNNTT GGRROOUUPPA set of terminals which all have the same number in the directory. A call to this numbergoes to one of the free terminals within the group.

IINNTTEERRCCEEPPTT GGRROOUUPPA facility which allows you to pick up a call coming onto a different terminal within thesame group.

IINNTTRRUUSSIIOONNService enabling intrusion into a conversation which is in progress between twocorrespondents (at least one internal).


IISSDDNNIntegrated Services Digital Network.

LLEEDDLight Emitting Diode.

NNIIGGHHTT BBEELLLLWhen the operator is absent, outside calls ring a night bell, which enables these callsto be answered from any terminal.

PPAARRKKIINNGGThis service enables a call to be placed on hold, and recovered later on anycompatible terminal in the installation.

PPEERRSSOONNAALL CCOODDEEIn general, this code acts as a password to control access to programming functionsand for locking your terminal. 0000).

PPEERRSSOONNAALL DDIIRREECCTTOORRYYA directory containing the phone numbers particular to the user of one terminal.

PPRROOGGRRAAMMMMEEDD CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEEAt an agreed time, you can hold a telephone conference with up to 7, or up to 29,internal and outside terminals.


SSHHAARREEDD DDIIRREECCTTOORRYYA directory containing all the abbreviated numbers available to users within thecompany.

SSUUBB--AADDDDRREESSSSTo contact your correspondent's fax, PC or phone, you may need to add a four-digitsuffix (sub-address) to his number.

TTRRAANNSSFFEERR OOFF CCAALLLLA facility which allows you to pass a call to another user within your company.




PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss ooff uussee::

Caution, never bring your telephone set in contact with water. To clean your sethowever, you may use a damp cloth.

Never use solvents (trichlorethylene, acetone, ...) which may damage the plasticsurfaces of your telephone set. Never spray cleaning products on your set.

Conformity : this terminal has been conceived to be connected behind an AlcatelOmniPCX 4400 PABX. It comes in the SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) rank andconforms to the standard EN 60950.

The CE mark indicates that this product conforms to the following Council Directives :� 89/336/CEE (concerning electro-magnetic compatibility)� 73/23/CEE (concerning electrical safety)� 1999/5/CE (R&TTE)

© Alcatel 2000. All rights reserved.

3BA 19814 ENAB Ed.01 - Printed by HBD IMPRIMEURS PARISAlcatel reserves the right to modify without notice the characteristics of its products in order to bring technicalimprovements or to respect new regulations.