Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter SEP 2018 2017/18 pictures

Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter · Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade

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Page 1: Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter · Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade


Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter SEP 2018 






2017/18 pictures 





Page 2: Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter · Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade


Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh: Our newsletter will be a courteous addition to the rest of our methods of communication, and I expect only the best from our staff, students, and parents. Through our newsletter, parents, students, and staff can communicate and connect with one another. Our students will be taking the IOWA standardized test, which is a requirement of the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). This test will provide all of us with a detailed reShport specialized for each student. Our highly qualified staff will guide our students and enrich their educational background in order for them to succeed and to score as best as they are able. There’s always time and room for improvement! We await many events in the future, like our fundraising dinner, which will be held on Saturday, December 1, 2018. I anticipate our hardworking staff, students, and parents to work together as they have in previous years to bring out some creativity and knowledge that will be beneficial to everyone who will attend! Our local science/math fair will be held in January, while our district science/math fair will take place in the month of March. History Day, Arabic Day, Quran competitions, Islamic Studies competitions, and many more exciting events will be held in the future! I am thoroughly pleased that we have begun the 2018-19 school year on such a positive note! Barak Allahu Feekum, and I look forward to working with all of you to make the most out of this school year! -- Dr. Tgarid Ali





Page 3: Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter · Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade


Our School Departments  

● Quran Department ○ Head of Quran Department: Sh. Elhussein Elray ○ Quran Teacher: Sr. Nahid Al agamy ○ Quran Teacher: Sr. Khadijah Mujali ○ Sr. Sarah Sharif 

● Arabic Department ○ Head of Arabic Department: Sh. Emad Abdulkareem ○ Arabic Teacher: Sr. Tahani Hewidi ○ Arabic Teacher: Sr. Sarah Sharif 

● Mathematics Department ○ Math Teacher: Sr. Saliha Cherid (4th grade) ○ Math Teacher: Sr. Maram Dawas (5th-7th grade) ○ Math Teacher: Dr. Tgarid Ali (8th grade) 

● ELA Department ○ ELA Teacher: Sr. Michelle Audia  

● Science Department ○ Science Teacher: Sr. Saliha Cherid 

● Islamic Studies Department ○ Islamic Studies Teacher: Sr. Kehlood Moflehi 

● Social Studies Department ○ Social Studies Teacher: Sr. Kehlood Moflehi 

● Homeroom Teachers (K-3rd) ○ K-1st Teacher: Sr. Katrina Carr ○ 2nd-3rd Teacher: Sr. Aminah Boukhatmi 

Kindergarten & 1 st Grade Newsletter As-salamualaikum! Sr. Katrina Carr has a extensive work history and educational background. She obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and a Master of Science in Business Administration from Central Michigan University. She worked at Ford Motor Company and retired after 27 years. During this time, she tutored math (K-12) at various centers in the metro area. After retiring from the engineering field, she decided to pursure a career in the educational field. She taught at Oak Park Alternative High School; grades 9 - 12 and Michigan Islamic Institute; Grades 4 th – 7 th grade math and homeroom teacher for 5 th grade. Sr. Katrina enjoys teaching youth and helping them learn new skills. Kindergarten News The children are starting off the school year learning the alphabet and writing Uppercase and Lowercase numbers. Along with the alphabet are using picture recognition to refinforce the letters. We are starting the numbers, matching and counting. In Science started with the 5 senses. Finally we are studying Social Studies which is the study of our community.





Page 4: Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter · Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade


In all subjects we use pictures, coloring and art to reinforce the concepts. 1 st Grade News The children are starting off in English class by reviewing sight words for beginning reading. We are using the alphabet, sight words and sentences to improve writing skills. In Math we are using counters, graphs and pictures to review addition and subtraction of numbers 1 thru 10. For science we worked on the 5 senses and types of measurements. Finally we are studying Social Studies and the Community and understanding how it is a part of how we live. Electives on Fridays are combined with Kindergarten and 1 st grade. The first class was spent on making models with dominoes. It was an enjoyable learning experience. The next elective we working on Art Wacky faces. The children let their imaginations run free. Each session was very different but fun learning experiences.

The K – 1 st Grade class is looking forward to a challenging, fun and exciting year!    






Page 5: Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter · Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade


Assalamu alaikum! Dear parents and students: My name is Saliha Cherid, and I am your science teacher for grades 4-8 and math teacher for grade 4. This is my third year teaching at the Al-Furqan Quran Academy . I graduated from the University of Windsor in 2008 with a (Bachelor of Education in Integrated Science). I have been teaching in Islamic and charter schools for a long time. Alhamdulilah; I love teaching in Islamic schools, because we are integrating the Quran with our academic teaching, and our students will have a complete vision about our existence on this Earth! In this first month, we started the year with the comprehensive science test to help me see my students’ background. The first chapter is about the Scientific Method or Inquiry. We are doing quizzes and tests. The students are learning new science vocabulary with each lesson, and we are doing some experiments, so that the students can understand the important steps of the Scientific Inquiry. Also, we are doing some mini -projects with the 8th graders about an invention and how to advertise it. Still, we are making booklets about the scientific tools. In 4th grade math, we are working on addition, rounding 4-digit numbers and money . Thanks for the helping parents! JZAK

Assalamu alaikum! Dear parents and students: I am Sr. Michelle Audia , and I am your English teacher for grades 4-8. I am a highly qualified, certified, and experienced elementary school teacher, who obtained a Bachelor of Arts and graduated with distinction from The University of Michigan-Dearborn with a major in mathematics and a minor in Language Arts. I have been teaching for many years, and I successfully taught the Kindergarten at the American Islamic Academy from 1998-2001. In 1999, I obtained my Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade here at the Al-Furqan Quran Academy!

What’s going on in English class? We begin each session with Duaa! Then, we work on our phonics, pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling, parts of speech, grammar, listening, reading, comprehension, writing, and higher level thinking skills. For example, the 4-6 graders are reading a variety of genres, such as realistic fiction, historical fiction, narrative nonfiction, expository text and poetry, while the 7-8 graders are reading short stories, argumentative or personal essays, news articles, editorials, T.V. news interviews, Greek myths, research studies and memoirs. At the same time, the 4-6 graders are completing sentence starters and writing simple and compound sentences containing adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and sequence words, while the 7-8 graders are writing short responses and summaries containing transitions and citations from the text after analyzing and interpreting the facts and opinions.

By the way, if you know about idioms, noun suffixes or participles, then please come and visit us some time; you are most WELCOME!





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Al salam alaikum! Dear parents and students: My name is Nahid Al agamy , and I am your Quran teacher. I earned my bachelor in law from Egypt. I have been teaching the Quran and Tajweed for the past 20 years in both Egypt and in the U.S.. I have been teaching at the Al-Furqan Quran Academy for the past 3 years. I successfully finished a 2 year degree in Quranic and Tajweed Studies from Kindom of Bahrain, and earned a qualification certificate as a Quran teacher. What's happening in our Quran class? Since the month of September was our revision month, we were very excited to start memorization for October. During this month, the students will start their monthly target in both revision and memorization. Also, the students are practicing for our Telawah competition. This is a yearly competition where all of the students are asked to participate as a way to encourage them to recite the Quran in front of other people! The best performer in this competition will be chosen to recite the Quran during our fundraising dinner in November.

االسالم علیكم ورحمة هللا وبركاتھ

السادة األفاضل اولیاء امور التالمیذ

أنا تـھـاني ھـویدي مدرسة اللغة العربیة ألبنائكم لھذا العام الدراسي الجدید ،

یسعدني أن أحییكم وأرحب بكم وبأبنائكم، داعیة هللا أن یبارك فیھم ویوفقھم ،

.راجیة لھم سنة جدیدة حافلة بالنشاط الجاد والعلم المفید

وتجد رافادتكم بانني خریجة جامعیة متحصلة على لیسانس آداب من جامعة

عمر المختار في لیبیا عام 1999 . وقد عملت مدرسة للغة العربیة لمدة أكثر من

اثني عشرعاما . وھذا ھو العام الدراسي الثاني لي في التدریس بمعھد الفرقان

اننا في معھد الفرقان نعمل ونؤمن باھمیة غرس العقیدة اإلسالمیة الصحیحة في

نفوس التالمیذ وذلك بتعلیمھم اسس التربیة اإلسالمیة الكاملة من أخالق وفضائل

وعبادات وسلوكیات حمیدة , وتعلیمھم القرآن الكریم والتحقق من قدرتھم النطق

السلیم والتطبیق العملي ألحكام التالوة وللقواعد النحویة فضال عن العمل على

اكسابھم القدرة على فھم واستعمال اللغة العربیة قراءة وكتابة في مجاالت الحیاة


السادة أولیاء األمور

إن من أھم عوامل نجاح التلمیذ في دراستھ ھو انتظامھ في الدراسة وانجازه

لواجباتھ اوالً باول وأن یكون ھناك تواصل وتعاون وثیق ومستمر بین المعلمة

وولي األمر، و أن یقوم ولّي األمر بمتابعة التالمیذ ومراجعة دروسھم بشكل

یومي ومساعدتھم في أداء واجباتھم الیومیّة .وبھذا ادعوكم الي مزید من التعاون

والعمل التربوي الصالح

وختام یسعدني أن أرحب بكـم لمقابلتي في أوقات دوامي الیومي-خارج وقت

. الحصة ،كلما استدعت مصلحة التلمیذ ذلك

اتمنى لكم و لأل بنائكم األعزاء عاما درسیا





Page 7: Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter · Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade


My name is Amina Boukhatmi . I am the 2nd and 3rd grade teacher. This is my first year teaching at Al-Furqan Academy. I have taught two years before at Universal Academy. I have obtained my bachelors degree of a double major in Biology and Psychology at the University of Michigan- Dearborn. InshaAllah I am now pursuing my Masters degree in Public Health/Education. In second grade we are learning a lot. In ELA: we learned about compound words, rhyming words, comprehension, genres and short/long vowel sounds. In Social Studies we are learning about the seven continents and 5 oceans. In Science we are learning about inquiry skills and different science tools. In Math we are learning about odd/even, basic multiplication, adding/subtracting 2 digits and much more. In third grade ELA: we are learning about author's point of view, different genres, vocabulary, comprehension, homophones, plural and singular. In Math we are learning basic division and PEMDAS problems. In Science we are learning about the scientific method, observations and cause/effect. In Social studies we are learning about the state of Michigan (state symbols). Check out our 2nd/3rd grade bulletin board outside of classroom 5 to see al of the wonderful things that we are leaning. Mrs. Boukhatmi

Alsalm Alakum

My name is Kehlood Moflehi. I am the Social Studies

and Islamic Studies teacher for fourth to eighth grade

students this year. I am also teaching Islamic Studies to k-3

students. My background education is Behavioral Science,

Arabic Cultural Studies and currently pursuing Religious

Studies. Teaching is my passion and I believe it is our duty to

guide our Muslim children in gaining knowledge. I have been

a teacher for 10 years and 7 of these years I had the great

honor of teaching in the Quran Institute of America’s various

programs. The objectives of the Social Studies Curriculum in

Alfurqan Quran Academy is based on the Michigan

Department of Education Standards. Students will be learning

throughout the year based on their grade level, history,

geography, Civics and Government, Economics, and Public

Discourse, Decision Making, and Citizens Involvement. The

objectives of the Islamic Studies will be based on the Islamic

Studies National Standards, students will be learning about

Aqidah, Fiqh, and Akhlaq. Students will also learn about the

Islamic ways of Ibadah, Sierra and Hadith, and history of

Islamic events. As a teacher I expect from all students to be

prepared for learning and to complete their class work and

hand in their work on time. Students are also expected to

complete homework or projects if assigned and to

communicate with me through email ( [email protected] ).

I am encouraging all parents to help and guide their children

in completing their homework and ask them what they have

learned. It is important to let children know that we are here





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to guide them through their learning experience in their life.

Parents are expected to guide their children at home and

encourage them to achieve their best in school. Parents are

welcome to contact me with their concerns/comments via

email as well, [email protected] or call the office to set

up a Meeting عاما جدیدا حافال بالنجاح والتوفیق

Important informations this month

-To contact any teacher Please call the school phone number (313) 584-4464

- In case of weather-related school closures/delays or any

other similar emergencies, Al-Furqan Quran Academy

will follow the Detroit Public School District in most


- School closure decisions will be made no later than 6:30

AM on the given day. Parents are urged to check their

e-mails and REMIND cell/mobile phone messaging to

find out if the school is open/closed

- If the student is not coming to school please call the

school as soon as you can.

-We are selling 2 slices of Pizza and juice for two dollars

every Friday

-$1 Free dress every Late Start Day

-Thanks for all the parents who attended the curriculum

night, The teachers were pleased to talk and see you there.

Thanks for your support.

Upcoming Events: Oct 17, 2018 Late Start Oct 18, 2018 Field trip to Upland Hills Farm Oct 30 - Nov 02 Telawah Competition Nov 9, 2018 ½ Day Parent Teacher Conference 2:00 - 4:00 Dec 1, 2018 Fundraising Dinner Dec 13-14 Fe- Rehab Al-quran Competition Dec 18 Arabic Day






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Student of the Month. (September 2018)  KG Sara Hassan KG Safa Rezk KG Musa Rezk  1st Grade  Hamza Mertiri 2nd- 3rd Grade Raya Yahya 4th Grade Abdullah Cruz 5th Grade Nada Aljahmi 6th Grade  Noor Abdallah 7th Grade Ahmed Menad 8th Grade  Iman Abdullah   Teacher of the month:  Sr. Amina Boukhatmi 2nd- 3rd grade homeroom teacher   







Page 10: Al-Furqan Quran Academy Newsletter · Professional Education Certificate from the Michigan State Board of Education. Significantly, from 2017-2018, I successfully taught the 2-3 grade


  FQA 2018-2019 Activities 

2nd - 3rd Grade Value of the month (Respect) 


Quran & Arabic Class 


Science Experiments