10th Eionet Workshop on Air Quality Okt 17-18 2005 1 Vilnius AirBase developments and EoI2005 reporting cycle Patrick van Hooydonk and Wim Mol European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) under contract to the European Environment Agency Bilthoven, The Netherlands

AirBase developments and EoI2005 reporting cycle Patrick van Hooydonk and Wim Mol

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AirBase developments and EoI2005 reporting cycle Patrick van Hooydonk and Wim Mol European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) under contract to the European Environment Agency Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Contents. AirBase developments 2004/2005/2006 (Wim) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: AirBase developments and EoI2005 reporting cycle   Patrick van Hooydonk and Wim Mol

10th Eionet Workshop on Air Quality Okt 17-18 2005 1Vilnius

AirBase developments and EoI2005 reporting cycle

Patrick van Hooydonk and Wim MolEuropean Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)under contract to the European Environment Agency

Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Page 2: AirBase developments and EoI2005 reporting cycle   Patrick van Hooydonk and Wim Mol

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• AirBase developments 2004/2005/2006 (Wim)

• EoI2005 reporting cycle (Patrick)

Page 3: AirBase developments and EoI2005 reporting cycle   Patrick van Hooydonk and Wim Mol

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AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > DEMv8.0AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > DEMv8.0

• Moving/Copying stations from one network to another

• Measurement methods:– Automatic analyzer (fixed list of meas.methods)– Remote sensor (fixed list of meas.methods)– Active sampler

• Export: all meta data info (DEM meta info file)

• Import: modify, delete, add meta information networks, stations and measurement configurations

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AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > DEMv8.1/8.2AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > DEMv8.1/8.2

• Bugs during the workshop 9-10 June Copenhagen

• Bugs in visualisation and report module• Patches available medio August and 1


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AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > Workshop 9-10 June AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > Workshop 9-10 June at EEAat EEA

• DEM training • 37 participants from 31 MS• Valuable experience not only to the

participants but also to ETC/ACC!• The first time that the DEM was tested

by so many people!

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AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > QA/QCAirBase dev. 2004/2005 > QA/QC

• See “QA/QC checks on air quality data in AirBase and on the EoI2004 data” (link: http://air-climate.eionet.eu.int/reports)

• Removal of phantom stations– 1079 stations removed– 1954 left: 1549 will be removed asap; 405

will be populated with data• Overview PM10 correction factors used in

the 2002-data (+ recently overview 2003-data)

• EoI2004 quality checks.

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AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > cycle 2004/2005AirBase dev. 2004/2005 > cycle 2004/2005

Date Process DS Process ETC/ACC1-6-04 Release DEMv7

Modify, check metadata Import, check raw dataSubmit to CIRCA

1-10-04 Upload DEM into AirBaseQuality checks + reportsReplies on feedback reports

15-1-05 Additional feedback Processing (non) replies1-3-05 Calculation statistics and

exceedances1-4-05 Release of AirBase with

EoI data + XML dumps

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AirBase dev. 2005/2006AirBase dev. 2005/2006

• See report “AirBase – potentials and developments” also in http://air-climate.eionet.eu.int/reports

• Items:– Improving the quality – Accessibility– Completeness– Central database for AQ meta information– Coupling with geographical data– Reportnet– Accellerating data transmission cycle

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AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Improving the qualityAirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Improving the quality

• Outliers checks before 2002• Filling time gaps

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AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Coupling with AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Coupling with geographical datageographical data

• Station coordinates -> NUTS codes• NUTS codes: NUTS1, NUTS2, NUTS3,

LAU1 and LAU2• NUTS codes -> Zones and

agglomerations• DEMv9: NUTS4, NUTS5 replaced by

LAU1, LAU2 • DEMv9 will be preloaded with the new

NUTS codes for checking by the data suppliers

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AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Central database for AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Central database for AQ meta informationAQ meta information

• Merging the FWD with the EoI (see Andrej Kobe: Data Exchange Group)

• Extend AirBase with information on zones and agglomerations (see Frank de Leeuw : revised AQ Information System)

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AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > CompletenessAirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Completeness

• Correct information on the measuring method used including the correction factors PM10

• Extension AirBase/DEM with precipation data (4DD)

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AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > AccessibilityAirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Accessibility

• AirView 3.1• XML dumps (+ ascii files with raw data) • Excel macros for postprocessing XML dumps• New: migration of the visualisation and

dissemination functions of AirBase from ETC/ACC to EEA

• In 2008 the new EEA system is operational – At least same functionality as AirView and XML dumps/Excel

macros– Integration with EEA data and map service– Generation of reports (tables in the EoI Technical report)– …..

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AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Accelerating data AirBase dev. 2005/2006 > Accelerating data transmission cycletransmission cycle

• AirBase uploaded, quality checked, statistics, exceedances:– 2004/2005: After 6 months (1 April)– 2005/2006: After 4 months (1 Februari)– 2006/2007: After 3 months (1 January) on condition

that:• MS deliver feedback replies within a month• All MS deliver the DEM

• Earlier availability of statistics is possible:– Release of the DEM in April/May– MS deliver the DEM as soon as the national validated data

are available– Advance the 1 Oktober deadline

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle EoI 2005 reporting cycle

• Status

• Upload procedure

• Time shedule

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle: StatusEoI 2005 reporting cycle: Status

reported 94 %

uploaded 30 %

feedback 24 %

reply 9 %

Status upload-process: 14 oct. 2005

Number of county reports expected: 33

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle: EoI 2005 reporting cycle: upload procedureupload procedure

• Changes country feedbacks

• Availability 2004-data in AirBase

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle: EoI 2005 reporting cycle: upload procedure - country feedbackupload procedure - country feedback

• Reply expected in two ways:– Modified country feedback-sheets– DEM-database

• Changes country feedback:– Sheets adjusted for automatic processing reply of:

• Changes outlier check boundaries• Detected outliers• Updating essential meta data• Confirm deletions/resubmissions

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle: EoI 2005 reporting cycle: upload procedure - country feedbackupload procedure - country feedback

Quality Assurance / Quality Control

Component(s) checked:----------------------------------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------- Checked on value New boundaries Component Avg.Time Unit Smaller than Larger than Smaller than Larger than----------------------------------- -------- ---------- ------------ -----------C6H6 (air) hour ug/m3 -10 50CO (air) hour mg/m3 -10 20Pb (aerosol) day ug/m3 -10 5NO2 (air) hour ug/m3 -10 450NOX (air) hour ug NO2/m3 -10 1500O3 (air) hour ug/m3 -10 400PM10 (aerosol) day ug/m3 -10 525PM2.5 (aerosol) day ug/m3 -10 525SO2 (air) hour ug/m3 -10 450C6H5-CH3 (air) hour ug/m3 -10 200----------------------------------- -------- ---------- ------------ -----------

Fill in new boundary values

Example 1 : outliers(overview)

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle: EoI 2005 reporting cycle: upload procedure - country feedbackupload procedure - country feedback

------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ---------------- ------------ Station Station Station Country Component EU code Station Name Type Area Hour Outlier ------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ---------------- ------------GR CO (air) GR0031A NEA SMIRNI Background urban 09/04/2004 01:00 181.1 I

------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ---------------- ------------Component: NO (air)Unit: ug/m3Startyear: 2004Average time: hourChecked on values smaller than: -10 or larger than: 900Max. number of outliers printed: 100------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ---------------- ------------ Station Station Station Country Component EU code Station Name Type Area Hour Outlier ------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ---------------- ------------GR NO (air) GR0003A ARISTOTELOUS Traffic urban 14/01/2004 08:00 909 VGR NO (air) GR0003A ARISTOTELOUS Traffic urban 14/01/2004 09:00 1100 VGR NO (air) GR0003A ARISTOTELOUS Traffic urban 14/01/2004 10:00 1072 VGR NO (air) GR0003A ARISTOTELOUS Traffic urban 19/02/2004 09:00 951 VGR NO (air) GR0027A LIOSIA Background suburban 14/01/2004 10:00 916 IGR NO (air) GR0032A PATISION Traffic urban 14/01/2004 09:00 958 VGR NO (air) GR0032A PATISION Traffic urban 20/12/2004 08:00 927 VGR NO (air) GR0032A PATISION Traffic urban 20/12/2004 09:00 934 V

Update status value

If status = C: correct result value

Example 2 : outliers(results-detail)

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle: EoI 2005 reporting cycle: upload procedure - country feedbackupload procedure - country feedback

Overview stations with missing station classification.Only stations selected with data stored in AirBase since 1990Extraction date:26/09/2005

country network_code network_name sn_eu_code station_name type_of_area station_type type_of_area(new)station_type(new)NL 1028 Other network NL0132A Kloosterburen unknown Unknown NL 1028 Other network NL0133A Witteveen unknown Unknown NL 114 Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit NL0134A Ringweg - Zaandam west suburban Unknown NL 114 Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit NL0147A Geefweersterweg rural Unknown NL 114 Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit NL0165A Axel suburban Unknown NL 114 Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit NL0167A Louisenburgweg urban Unknown NL 114 Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit NL0168A Papenlaan suburban Unknown NL 114 Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit NL0183A Wilgenstraat urban Unknown

Fill in missing meta information

Example 3 : missing meta(classification)

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle: EoI 2005 reporting cycle: upload procedure - availabilityupload procedure - availability

Available for public (through AirView)

raw data statistics

data processed, country feedback sent

Yes 2) No

reply country feedback received Yes Yes

2) results marked as strange or suspicious (as a result

of the outlier-checks) will be not available.

Preliminary state of AirBase at 1st of december will be available on the 15th of december:

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EoI 2005 reporting cycle: EoI 2005 reporting cycle: Time scheduleTime schedule


1st Dec’05 country feedbacks sent to all member states

1st Jan’06 reply all member states expected

1st Feb’06 Upload EoI 2004 finished, available for public, including statistics.