AGEING IN NEPALI PRESS - Ageing Nepalageingnepal.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/April-Issue-_VoSC.pdf · Earthquake Victims Seeking Shelter Kantipur Daily Sindhupalchok, March 28,

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Ph: +977-01-4485827 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ageingnepal.org 1


(March: 1-31, 2016)


World Tuberculosis Day Observed

Ageing Nepal

Ageing Nepal in partnership with National Tuberculosis Center carried out a

number of campaign activities to mark the World Tuberculosis Day, 24th March,

2016 with the main theme of "Leave No Elderly Behind with Tuberculosis.” An

Eight member core team was formed under the leadership of Mr. Krishna M.

Gautam, Chairperson of Ageing Nepal to conduct the following campaign


1. Radio Talk

2. TV Talk

3. Article Published

4. Pamphlets and brochure produced and distributed

5. Participated on the event jointly organized by NTC and SAARC TB and HIV Center

stall decorated with IEC materials

Pinned red arrow

Briefed Secretary, Ministry of Health; and Section Chief of Planning,

Monitoring and Evaluation Unit at NTC about TB and Elderly

Presented stage drama on TB and Elderly

Released video on TB and Elderly

For more detail information:


Glimpses of the campaign:

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A view of Ageing Nepal stall set-up on the event

Mr.Krishna M, Gautam, Chairperson of Ageing Nepal briefing about Elderly and TB on the event

A scene from stage drama on the day

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Senior Citizens Felicitation So many senior citizens were felicitated organizing the following programmes in

March 2016.

Bednidi Award to Octogenarian

Gorkhapatra Daily

Kathmandu, March 12, 2016

Mahesh Sanyaas Aashram, Devghat is going to reward Mr. Shayam Prasad Poudel,

82 of Bhaktapur by Bednidi Award for his contribution in promotion and

preservation of Vedic Sanskrit (A Hindu Scription). The reward carries a purse of

Rs. 50,000.

Support Provided Following events took place for supporting OAHs and the destitute elderly

during March 2016.

S.N. No of



Age Sex Address By Whom Where When Source

1. 41 N/A Both Kathmandu Women


Kathmandu 8 Gorkhapatra


2. 2 80+ F Bhaktapur Organization Bhaktapur 11 Kantipur Daily

3. 65 N/A Both Parbat Individual Parbat 16 Himalayan Times Daily

S.N. Supporter To


Reason What How








1. Rotary Club of

Makwanpur and

Hetauda Ladies Jaycees



Service Health


- 3 Hetauda Kantipur


2. Individual Harkabir Tamang

Service House - 13 Panchthar Himalayan Times Daily

3. International School of Tourism and Hotel


43 Elderly Service Food, Sleeping Bag and Shoes

- 21 Kathmandu Nagarik Daily

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Support to Elderly

Annapurna Post Daily

Chitwan, March 18, 2016

Blind and deaf Nonagenarian elderly couple, Dam Bahadur Chepang and Sauni

Maya Chepang has been receiving financial support from many after their plight

was published in Kantipur and The Kathmandu Post daily newspapers. So far, Rs.

200,000 has been collected under the initiation of Krishna Prasad Sharma, a

Nepali citizen living in London. Mr. Sharma said that the money will be spent to

build a shelter for the couple.


Deprived of Social Security Allowance

Himalayan Times Daily

Saptari, March 17, 2016

With just three months left for the new fiscal year to kick off, as many of 4,186

senior citizens and dalit children from nine VDCs in Saptari are yet to receive

social security allowance for the current fiscal year. Hari Prasad Chaudhary, non-

gazette first class officer at Saptari DDC, said that the allowance could not be

distributed as the Ministry of Local Development had not allocated the fund for

3,025 elderlies and 1,161 children of the VDC.

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Deprived of SSA

Annapurna Post Daily

Rautahat, March 28, 2016

Holi, a national festival has not be so joyful to Senior citizens including people

with disability, dalits and single women of Katahariya VDC of Rautahat district as

they could not receive social security allowance (SSA). These beneficiaries were

deprived of social security allowance due to negligence caused by the concerned

government staffs. There are 130 senior citizens, 244 single women, 14 people

with disability and 19 dalits children living in the VDC.


Septuagenarian Organic Farmer

Kantipur Daily

Jhapa, March 13, 2016

Khadka Bahadur Adhikari, 75 of Jhapa district remains busy in organic farm from

early morning to evening. The very first organic farmer of the area has succeded

to earn both name and frame in the field of organic farming. He now earns more

than Rs.500,000 in a year from his farm. Not only this, many organizations have

awarded him for his contribution in the field of organic farming. Recently, Horizon

Multi Media honored Mr. Adhikari with the prestigious “Prakash Acharya Best

Farmer Prize”.

Holi at OAH

Gorkhapatra Daily

Sarlahi, March 24, 2016

Holi, a national festival, was celebrated in Padma-Bhuwaneshwor Old Age Home

(OAH) of Sarlahi district. The environment of the OAH turned colourful when

senior citizens played holi with each other including political leader,

representative from civil society, journalist and other renowned personalities.

Secretary of OAH, Mr. Basudev Saran Koirala said joyfully that “the holi brings

happiness in our OAH.”

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Older People Rebuilding their Houses

Kantipur Daily

Kavrepalanchok, March 24, 2016

An article authored by Mr Shreeram KC expresses the deep concern

regarding the reconstruction drive of older people in the district. The

older people are keenly involved in reconstruction campaign as the

youths have left the villages for better opportunities elsewhere. The

village has witnessed maximum outflow of youths aftermath of

devastating earthquake. Fulmaya Tamang, 68 said that her son and

grandson had gone abroad to earn money so she is compelled to

rebuild her house on her own. She is only a representative of many

such cases.

Elderly Preparing for SLC

Kantipur Daily

Kathmandu, March 31, 2016

Jwala Bista proves that there is no age bar for learning. She is attending the

School Leaving Certificate (SLC) exam at the age of 61. "I was deprived of

education when I was young because girl education was a taboo then. Now I can

fulfill my desire of higher education” she added with excitement.

Mrs. Bista preparing for SLC exam

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Generous Octogenarian

Nagarik Daily Kathmandu, March 8, 2016

Gita Devi Kharel, 85, has donated Rs 100,000 to “Om Apanga Balbalika Shahar

Kendra” (Disabled Child Care Center). The cash was received by Ratna Kala Oli

Dallakoti, chairperson of the organization. This organization is providing shelter

for 414 physically and mentally challenged children.


Three senior citizens received citizenship certificate during the month

of March 2016.

CDO- Chief District Office

S.N. Name of recipients

Age Sex Where Received via

Source When

1. Dawa Buti Lama

86 F Sindhupalchowk Mobile Team

Annapurna Post Daily


2. Sukmaya Pulami

84 F Arghakhanchi CDO Kantipur Daily 28

3. Maya Sunar 76 F Arghakanchi CDO Kantipur Daily 28

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Following elders died of emergency and hazardous situations.

Earthquake victims at Risk

Kantipur Daily

Sindhuli, March 18, 2016

Man Bahadur Sinjali, 70, worries when heavy rain occurs because the devastating

earthquake of 25th April has left his house standing but with wide cracks. Similarly,

the whole village can turn into rubbles anytime because of the wide open gaps

that are visible across the fields and meadows in the village. Sinjali asks with all

his frustrations, “shouldn’t the government provide safe place for us live on?’.

Earthquake Victims Seeking Shelter

Kantipur Daily

Sindhupalchok, March 28, 2016

An article written by Anish Adhikari entitled "Earthquake victims are

seeking shelter"on Kantipur Daily newspaper depicts the poor situation

of earthquake victims including older people. The writer illustrates the

situation of quake victims. Shyam Bahadur Bamjan, 85, of Baruwa

village of Sindhupalchok district lost his home at landslide followed by

the earthquake. Now he is taking shelter in other's land. The victim’s

life turned harder due to acute shortage of drinking water. Krishnamaya

khatri, 75 of Thangpaldhap village grieved that they have to walk hours

to fetch drinking water. The writer demands immediate response of the


S.N. Name Age Gender Address





(1-31 Mar.)


1. Maya Devi


91 F Chitwan Fire 10 Police Report

2. Dhan Singh Tamang

70 M Ramechhap Fire 13 Police Report

3. Santa Maya


85 F Ramechhap Fire 13 Police Report

4. Harka Bahadur Rai

62 M Morang Fire 15 Police Report

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Delayed Decision Frustrates Quake Victims

Annapurna Post Daily

Sindhupalchok, March 28, 2016

Mr Yubaraj Puri in his article published in Annapurna Post daily depicts

the poor situation of earthquake victims who are tormented by delayed

response of the government. The victims doubt on the government's

promise to rebuild their houses. Gore Tamang, 66, of Bhotang could do

nothing with the relief amount R. 25,000 provided by the government

as the amount was spent in feeding the children. Though the

government has declared plan to help victims but it is yet to be



A Total of 8 elderly faced elder abuse in March 2016.

S.N. Name Age Sex Address



Culprit Form of







1. Thumsara


60 F Dang Superstition Witchdo


Physical ND 10 Gorkhapatra


2. Min Bahadur


76 M Lamjung Unknown Son Physical D 20 Annapurna Post Daily

3. Dhan Bahadur


84 M Lamjung Unknown Relative Physical D 20 Annapurna Post Daily

4. Bardi Ghale 76 F Lamjung Unknown Son Physical ND 20 Annapurna Post Daily

5. Jhamka Nath Dahal

91 M Hetauda Property dispute

Son Physical ND 24 Kantipur Daily

6. Tika Maya Chalise

60 F Nawalparasi

Unknown unknown Physical ND 26 Police Report

7. Mangala Devi Raut

70 F Dang Family Dispute

Son Physical D 27 Annapurna Post Daily

8. Dhan Kumari


82 F Chitwan Unknown Son and daughter

in law

Physical D 28 Kantipur Daily

9. Kali Karki 79 F Kaski Unknown Grand son

Physical D 30 Kantipur Daily

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Unattended Death 6 unattended dead bodies of senior citizens were found in March 2016.

S.N. Name Age Sex Address Place of





1. N/A M 60 Jhapa Jhapa 2 Kantipur


2. Lato Acharya M 60 Banke Banke 8 Police Report

3. Sannani Tamang

F 65 Nawalparasi Nawalparasi 14 Police Report

4. Nanda Bhatta

F 70 Darchula Darchula 18 Police Report

5. Lila Bahadur Bhujel

M 60 Sindhupalchowk Kathmandu 20 Police Report

6. N/A M 65 N/A Lalitpur 20 Police Report

BUDHYAULI JEEWAN: A Radio Programme of Senior Citizens

Every Thursday at Sagarmatha FM Radio 102.4 MHz

Ms. Asmita Shrestha and Mr. BhumidattaPoudelare hosts of the programme

Ms. Asmita Shrestha and Mr. BhumidattaPoudelare hosts of the program

Supported by: Lions Club of Kathmandu Sunakhari

& BKS Elderly Empowerment Fund

Please follow the link for previous episode of the programme


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Neglected Elderly

Nagarik Daily Bhaktapur, March 2, 2016

The article written by Krishna K.C depicts the woes of older age. He presents

various examples to clarify his point. Ram Pyari Prajapati is living alone in a

temporary makeshift shelter after the devastating earthquake destroyed her

house. Likewise, Ram Bahadur Gayecee is living a miserable life due to the

ignorance and mis-behaves of his daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Yamuna

Katuwal, President of Orchid Home Care said “elderly care is emerging as a

problem in each family as the young family member migrates in search of

opportunities elsewhere.” Orchid care Home is an Institution that avails Nursing

Care to elderly people. Dr. Radha Krishna Joshi, President of Social Welfare

Council expressed that elderly are compelled to live miserable life far from

dignity, self respect and rights.” Narayan Kafle, Joint Sectretary of Ministry of

Women, Children and Social Welfare clarified that though elderly care has

become a problem of each family member it is impossible to solve each

household problem so we are providing some financial support to selected few

for the establishment of old age home like Pashupati OAH.

Jyestha Nagarik

A magazine on Ageing

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The following table presents senior citizens found involved in unlawful activities

in March 2016.

S.N. Name Age Sex Address Crime involved Date(1-

31 Mar)


1. Ramlal Shrestha 60 M Hetauda Drug Smuggling 8 Himalayan Times Daily

2. Laxman Karki 66 M Hetauda Drug Smuggling 8 Himalayan Times Daily

3. Dhan Bahadur Moktan

86 M Hetauda Rape 14 Kantipur Daily

4. Kayilo Khatri 64 M Dhading Drug Smugging 16 Police Report

5. Raj Kumar Shahi 65 M Hetauda Drug Smugging 19 Police Report

6. Akal Bahadur Tamang

65 M Makwanpur Drug Smugging 22 Police Report

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Working into Old Age

“At the age of 77 I’m still working everyday in my shop. I want my children to

get a good education, so that they can get good jobs and earn money, and have

an easier life than I have had. Read more at:


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The Gerontological Society of America, American Federation for Ageing Research, The Trans-NIH GeroScience Interest Group, and The New York Academy of Sciences is going to held an event on 13th to 14th Apr 2016 at New York, United States.



Healthy Ageing Research Centre (HARC) Conference on Translational Research in Healthy Ageing, which will be held from 11th to 13th of May, 2016 at the Lodz, Poland. This conference will focus on the diseases which are within major research areas of the HARC: psychiatric, neurologic, cardiovascular and respiratory.



International Social and Applied Gerontology Symposium is going to held on 19th to 21st October 2016 at Antalya, Turkey.



Common Ground Publishing is organizing Aging and Society - Sixth Interdisciplinary Conference: Aging, Life-course, and Social Change - A Common Ground Conference on 6th to 7th October, 2016.


Disease Drivers of Ageing: 2016

Advances in Geroscience


Ageing & Society: Sixth

Interdisciplinary Conference

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AGEING NEPAL House No. 340, Ramchandra Marg, Battisputali, Kathmandu, Nepal

PH.: +977-01-4485827

Email ID: [email protected]

Website: www.ageingnepal.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AgeingNepalProudToBeOld/?fref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgeingNepal