Aged & Disability Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017

Aged & Disability Strategic Plan - Central Desert Region · Director of Community Services Ph. 08 8958 9527 Aged & Disability Services Manager Ph. 08 8958 9538 Documents reviewed

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Page 1: Aged & Disability Strategic Plan - Central Desert Region · Director of Community Services Ph. 08 8958 9527 Aged & Disability Services Manager Ph. 08 8958 9538 Documents reviewed

Aged & Disability Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017

Page 2: Aged & Disability Strategic Plan - Central Desert Region · Director of Community Services Ph. 08 8958 9527 Aged & Disability Services Manager Ph. 08 8958 9538 Documents reviewed

Central Desert Regional Council Aged & Disability Program - Strategic Plan 2014-2017 Page 2 of 30

Document Information

Prepared for Central Desert Regional Council Aged & Disability Program

Prepared by CDC Consulting and Able Training & Consultancy as part of the

Australian Department of Social Services Remote and Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care Service Development

Assistance Panel (SDAP) Project 2014.

Audience Central Desert Regional Council Aged & Disability Program and

relevant stakeholders.



For further information please contact:

Central Desert Regional Council Aged & Disability Program

Director of Community Services Ph. 08 8958 9527

Aged & Disability Services Manager Ph. 08 8958 9538

Documents reviewed in developing this Plan:

Central Desert Regional Council Plans, reports and policy strategy’s

Strategic Plan Report 2014 (Appendix 2) Regional Council Plan 2014/2015

Annual Corporate Plan (Interplan) (Appendix 3)

Care Services Delivery Matrix (Appendix 4)

Service Delivery Plan 14/15 (Appendix 5)

2014 Fees and Charges (Appendix 7)

Location Budget (Appendix 8)

Four Year Financial Plan (Appendix 9)

Corporate Plan Progress Report- September 2014

Risk Management Plan 2014/15

Indigenous Workforce Development Strategy 2012-2015

Community Engagement Strategy - February 2011

SDAP Project outputs - reports and resources

Aged & Disability Training and Workforce Needs Assessment and Training Plan

Site visit and progress reports

Service Planning and Strategic Intent (March – May 2014)

Department of Social Services

Quality review reports

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Table of Contents

Document Information ..................................................................................... 2

Executive Summary ......................................................................................... 4

Vision ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Purpose statement ........................................................................................................................ 4

Core Values ................................................................................................................................... 5

Strategic Priorities.......................................................................................................................... 5

Major issues facing the Council in Service Delivery ..................................................................... 7

Key Goal Areas and Objectives .................................................................................................... 8

Background ...................................................................................................... 9

Current Funded Programs ........................................................................................................... 10

Service Locations and Programs ................................................................................................ 11

Organisation Structure ................................................................................................................. 12

Aged & Disability Care Strategic Plan 2014-2017 ........................................ 13

Approach ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Alignment to the Central Desert Council Plan(s) ........................................................................ 13

Abbreviations used in the Plan .................................................................................................... 13

GOAL 1. Management and Accountability ................................................................................. 15

GOAL 2. Effective Service Delivery ........................................................................................... 17

GOAL 3. Staffing and Workforce ................................................................................................ 20

GOAL 4. Compliance, Risk and Systems Management ............................................................. 23

GOAL 5. Communication, Linkages and Engagement ............................................................... 26

Appendix A. SCOR Analysis ......................................................................... 28

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Executive Summary

This Strategic Plan aims to define the

direction of the Central Desert Regional

Council Community Aged & Disability

Service, its vision, goals and the actions

proposed to achieve them.

The purpose of this plan is to guide

Council, service management and staff

over the course of the next three years,

with a focus on building strong

foundations for providing quality

community aged and disability services.

While the Strategic Plan is for three

years (July 2014 – June 2017)

emphasis is on year one (2014 - 2015)

with key targets identified for the

program to meet required service

standards to deliver quality services to


The Central Desert Council Regional Council Plan, strategic and financial plans as well as other

key strategy documents have also been reviewed and referenced where applicable to ensure

links across council priorities and that strategies are complementary.

Required improvements identified in quality reviews conducted by funding bodies have also been

considered in the planning process as Central Desert Regional Council strives to meet and

exceed required aged and disability service standards.


A high quality, culturally appropriate Aged and Disability Service which

promotes individual capacity within a whole of community focus.

Purpose statement

To improve healthy ageing in Central Desert communities.

We will do this by:

Support for clients and carers to access quality services for

their needs

Improve how we do things – moving forward as a client

directed care service

Provide contemporary, relevant support and flexible services

Provide better living/ageing in community.

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Core Values

Strategic Priorities

In order to expand Aged & Disability services offered by CDRC to people in the Central Desert

region, key resources (infrastructure, information systems and additional staff) are required. The

following lists key priorities.

12 -18 months (July 2014 – December 2015)

Improve local service capacity, staff knowledge and skills, to achieve consistent quality service

delivery and ensure that services can meet Industry Standards, by:

Implementing new program policy and procedures and quality improvement strategies;

Providing relevant staff training in quality assessment, care planning, and coordination and

case management;

Engage an appropriately qualified case manager, and/or broker support to provide specific

case management services and professional supervision for Aged & Disability staff; and

Develop and implement a planned maintenance and capital improvement plan for Aged &

Disability to improve facilities and meet priority compliance requirements, i.e. food safety

and Workplace Health &Safety (WH&S).

Prepare for program changes and incoming Aged & Disability reforms e.g.

The school nutrition program and its impact on staff employment and service viability in

Nyirripi, Yuelamu, Willowra and Engawala.

The transition into the Commonwealth Home Support Programme in July 2015.

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Service expansion and consolidation of community based care services, e.g.

The Aged Care centre at Nyrripi requires modifications to accommodate a separate office

area and meet standards regarding client information privacy.

Willowra and Engawala do not have dedicated or purpose built Aged Care buildings and

are presently leasing or co-sharing existing community infrastructure.

Aged & Disability Service expansion also requires:

Engagement at the community level to identify the model that community would prefer;

Documented survey/assessment of client needs;

Review and negotiation of buildings and other infrastructure for aged care purposes; and

Investigation of council wide packages rather than local based packages to better meet

needs in a flexible way that provides access to those who need the most support.

Sustainable and effective management e.g.

Reviewing the current management structure for CDRC Aged & Disability, the roles and

responsibilities of key personnel, and document process and accountability.

Implement recommendations for improvements in Finance and IT systems to enable more

accurate and user friendly data collection, and support for a future client management


2-3 years (July 2015 – June 2017)

A broader regional service model

That strategically aligns services based on geographic proximity to improve professional

supervision, standards monitoring and quality assurance.

Capital improvements

Attain and apply appropriate funds to improve facility standards and quality in service delivery.

An effective client management system

That operates in a remote context and can meet CDRC Aged & Disability current needs as

well as have the capacity to address ongoing reforms in consumer directed care. To do this,

improvements will also be required in CDRC Finance and IT systems.

Improved care coordination and client centered case management

Across services, with identified strategies to support professional supervision.

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Major issues facing the Council in Service Delivery

Building and equipment


To meet quality standards, food safety standards, hygiene and

compliance with workplace health and safety standards.

Community Engagement Education and improving understanding of available services and


Consumer Directed Care


Lack of capacity to meet requirements especially in areas of case

management – building experience, skills and systems to support


Data collection and


IT and Finance systems to support efficient and use of data to

inform client management processes.

Effective networking With other service providers.

IT connectivity And access to mobile network communication.

Minimal funding for

Disability clients

Improving funding and assessment bodies’ knowledge of (a lack

of) available supports and resources in remote communities.

People/communities are at risk of not being able to access

appropriate support.

Regional funding can result in a low number of high care clients

potentially absorbing Disability in Home support (DIHS) funds or

HACC whilst waiting for more appropriate funding such as an

Individual Support Package (ISP).

Regional respite services Capacity to access or provide respite, i.e. Ti Tree Flexible Aged

Care and other providers in Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and


Staff accommodation Especially for non-local staff.

Staffing recruitment and


Culturally aware non-local staff who can engage, train and mentor

local staff to build a more sustainable workforce.

Workforce capacity Improving literacy and numeracy levels in local staff.

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Key Goal Areas and Objectives

1. Management and Accountability

1.1 Effective management and accountable leadership.

1.2 Utilise effective management practices and documented

processes to support quality service delivery.

1.3 Appropriate and timely evidence based reporting to ensure

services meet the Home Care Standards/Community Care

Common Standards and Flexible Aged Care standards.

2. Effective Service Delivery

2.1 Provide person centred, culturally appropriate and responsive services

to Aged & Disabled clients that support them to be independent and

lead fulfilling lives in their community.

2.2 Develop comprehensive and appropriate Aged & Disability services in

remote communities in the Central Desert Region.

2.3 Develop an organisation culture of continuous quality improvement.

3. Staffing and Workforce

3.1 Qualified and competent staff and services that have a strong

local employment focus and a workforce that is culturally

appropriate for the client base.

3.2 Retention of quality staff and effective support and succession

strategies to ensure continued, quality service delivery.

4. Compliance, Risk and Systems Management

4.1 Well managed and maintained physical infrastructure that meet

Environmental Health and Workplace Health & Safety standards and

Home Care Standards/Community Care Common Standards and

Flexible Aged Care standards.

4.2 Improving equality of infrastructure standards across all sites -

supporting staff and clients safely.

4.3 Effective financial management and information systems.

5. Communication, Linkages and Engagement

5.1 Develop, sustain and maintain effective communication across

program management levels.

5.2 Develop stronger links with other organisations that have a

supporting role in aged and disability community care.

5.3 Active community engagement that promotes program

awareness and supports stronger links in communities.

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The Central Desert Regional Council looks after the community aged & disability care services in

EIGHT communities and their related outstations including:

Lajamanu Nyirripi Engawala

Laramba Yuelamu Willowra

Ti Tree including: Pmara Jutunta, Alyuen and Nturiya Wilora

What does the Community Aged and Disability Service do and who do we help?

Helps old people and younger people with a disability

Helps carers and families to look after these people

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Current Funded Programs

The Australian Commonwealth Government and the Northern Territory Government fund

organisations like the Central Desert Regional Council to help older people and younger people

with a disability get the help they need. These are some of the programs that the Council has

funding for.

Commonwealth Home & Community Care Program (HACC)

HACC helps by giving older people basic care support and services that help keep them well.

HACC provides support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over the age of 50 years.

Home Care Packages (Commonwealth)

This program helps support people who need more help, like personal care (showering), laundry

and meals and maybe help with medication reminders, or getting to other services like the Health

Centre for their medicines and check ups.

People on this program can get more help than those on HACC.

Younger people with complex support needs may also receive help through this program if no

other supports are available for them. There are four (4) levels of Home Care Packages:

Home Care Level 1 Helps support people with basic needs

Home Care Level 2 Helps support people with Low to Medium level care needs

Home Care Level 3 Helps support people with Medium to high level care needs

Home Care Level 4 Helps support people with High Care needs

A Dementia supplement can also be accessed for all four levels of client care if identified as an

assessed need.

Flexible Aged Care Program (Flexi program) (Commonwealth)

The Flexible Aged Care Program is a mixture of residential and community based aged care

services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It can be used to run a respite centre or

full residential care, it depends on what the community want or need.

Anmatjere Flexible Aged and Disability Service at Ti Tree is funded as a Flexible Aged Care


Disability in Home Support (DIHS) (NT Government)

This program supports younger people with disabilities (under 50 years old), and their carers.

Clients are managed by an NT Aged & Disability (A&D) Case Manager who assesses them and

helps write their ‘support plan’. This Aged & Disability Case Manager works with the Aged Care

Coordinator to make sure the client is getting the right care.

Individual Support Packages (ISP) (NT Government (Disability Program)

An individual support package is for people who have high or complex care needs caused by

having a disability. The program aims to:

Fill the gaps in disability care with local, flexible and appropriate support that help clients

stay in the community.

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To be eligible a person with a disability must:

Be living in the community (not in a nursing home or supported accommodation); and

They have a need, which cannot be supported by DIHS or HACC.

National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP)

The National Respite for Carers program helps people who are looking after their elderly relatives

or family members with a disability. People who are looking after family who are sick or very frail

can get very tired and then get sick themselves.

Carer Respite helps these family carers to have a rest from caring. They can help to find

somewhere for the old person or younger person with a disability go for a break, or they might

help the carer to go away for a rest.

Service Locations and Programs

Table 1. Current Service locations as at July 2014



Lajamanu 20 14 3 DIHS 37

Laramba 10 8 2 DIHS 20

Nyirripi 8 8 * 2 clients receiving HACC but

meet DIHS criteria


Yuelamu 18 - 8 clients have current ACAT

assessments. A further five

clients have also been referred

for ACAT assessments.


TOTAL 56 30 6 92

Location HACC Low care


High care




Anmatjere (Ti Tree)

Flexible Aged Care


6 18 3 1 28

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Organisation Structure

The Aged and Disability program sits under the umbrella of the CDRC Community Services

program which also encompasses Childcare, a School Nutrition Program and Youth, Sport and

Recreation. The below chart depicts the Aged & Disability structure.


The Central Desert Regional Council Aged & Disability Program commenced basic aged care

support services in the communities of Engawala and Willowra in late 2013.

Clients in these communities are presently supported by a HACC level service.

CDRC Aged & Disability has facilitated assessments of clients at Engawala and Willowra, and

proposals and applications have been made to secure future funding for appropriate services at

these locations to meet current and future aged and disability needs.

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Aged & Disability Care Strategic Plan 2014-2017


This Strategic Plan has been written based on the Goals developed in consultation with the

CDRC Aged & Disability Management team.

The planning process was facilitated by consultants engaged as part of the Department of Social

Services, Service Development Assistance Panel (SDAP) for the provision of assistance in the

categories of Governance and Management, Care Delivery and Quality service delivery.

The final development of this Strategic Plan has also considered outcomes from the Department

of Social Services Quality Review and how Central Desert Regional Council management and

staff can work to achieve service improvements and ensure compliance with relevant Standards

and legislation.

A summary presentation was made to a Council meeting in April 2014 and Council endorsed the

Aged & Disability Strategic Intent 2014-2017 at this time. This plan presents the detail that builds

on the Strategic Intent.

Alignment to the Central Desert Council Plan(s)

Annual CDRC

Corporate Plan

Outcome 1.1

Community services that are accessible, meet the needs of residents and

promote the wellbeing of the community.

Strategy 1.1.5

Establish and facilitate the delivery of Aged and Disability Services in remote

Communities (Actions: -

14/15 CDRC

Service Delivery


Grouping: Aged & Disability Services

“Provide a range of high quality services that support older adults, people

with disabilities and their carers to live in their own environment and


Services will be culturally appropriate and promote individual client capacity

within a whole of community focus.”

2014/15 CDRC


Funds identified for the 2014/15 year total $2,036,008

Abbreviations used in the Plan

Aged & Disability A&D

Aged & Disability Coordinator A&D Coord

Aged & Disability Services Manager A&D Manager

CCCS Community Care Common Standards

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Central Desert Regional Council CDRC

Chief Executive Officer CEO

Client Management System CMS

Community (Aged & Disability) Care worker C/worker

Community Council Manager CCM

Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service DBMAS

Director of Community Services Director

Home Support Programme HSP

Human Resources (CDRC) HR

Information Technology IT

Memorandum of Understanding MoU

National Disability Insurance Scheme NDIS

Responsibility Assignment Matrix RACI

Service Development Assistance Panel SDAP

Training Needs Assessment TNA

Workplace Health and Safety WH&S

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GOAL 1. Management and Accountability

1.1 Effective management and accountable leadership.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

1.1.1 Review the current management

structure for CDRC Aged & Disability

including the roles and responsibilities of

key personnel, so that appropriate changes

to structure and key positions can be made,

and recruitment processes can be


Recommendations from SDAP project acted on

Recruitment of new management staff occurs prior to temporary A&D Manager leaving.

Position descriptions reviewed & revised

A new defined organisation structure is in place

Director & A&D




Management &


Jan 2015 –


15 Jan 2015

Jan- March


1.1.2 Map a ‘Responsibility Assignment

Matrix’ (Responsible, Accountable,

Consulted, Informed) RACI matrix for A&D/

Community Services management that

includes information flow between levels of

management and is clear about who does

what, when and why.

RACI Matrix completed

Process documented via RACI matrix and communicated to all relevant CDRC Management areas and across the A&D team.

Position descriptions align to roles and responsibilities identified in the RACI matrix.

Director & CDRC


(Finance, HR, IT)

March 2015

1.1.3 Prepare for program changes and

incoming Aged & Disability reforms,


The school nutrition program and its

impact on staff employment and

service viability in Nyirripi, Yuelamu,

Willowra and Engawala.

The transition into the Commonwealth

Home Support Programme in July


Implementation plan including a contingency plan developed to accommodate any changes in funding to ensure Aged & Disability services continue, e.g. staffing and facilities.

CDRC Aged & Disability Management attends key briefings on HSP transition.

CDRC Aged & Disability staff attend training on reforms and key process changes to ensure understanding and compliance.

Internal training and support provided across CDRC Aged & Disability services, to accommodate the Home Support Programme commencing in 2015 and reforms linked with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Director & A&D


Director & A&D


Coordinators and

Admin team

Director/ A&D


Jan 2015


March – August

2015 & ongoing

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1.2 Utilising effective management practices and documented processes to support quality service delivery.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

1.2.1 Implement new program policy and

procedures and quality improvement


A&D Policy and Procedures Manual in place at all sites.

Coordinators conducting toolbox talks based on Aged & Disability Training Plan and internal orientation on content.

‘Policy and Procedure updates’ is a standing Agenda item for monthly A&D Coordinator meetings.

Individual client assessment and care plans are completed at all sites, for all clients, evidenced by site visit audits.

Aged & Disability (process) registers maintained at each service site.

A&D Manager


A&D Manager





Feb 2015 &


April 2015 -

internal review

1.2.2 Document processes in program

management and administration to improve

internal systems and records management.

Documented delegations and operations processes completed.

Daily Operational Guide developed for Management.

Director, A&D

Manager and

Admin Officer

Dec 2014 –

March 2015

1.3 Appropriate and timely evidence based reporting to ensure services meet the Home Care Standards/Community Care Common Standards and Flexible Aged Care standards.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

1.3.1 Implement improvements in Finance

and IT systems to enable more accurate

and user friendly data collection and

enhance reporting capacity.

Information is available to complete reports and is easy to access.

Reports to funding bodies are compliant and generated on time.

Reports to Council members and other stakeholders occur in a timely manner and meet an expected standard.

A&D Manager

Finance, IT &

A&D Manager


Feb 2015


1.3.2 Follow documented requirements for

reporting, against service agreements and

reporting schedules as listed in the Aged &

Disability policy & procedures (Section1.7)*.

Reporting schedules adhered to, evidenced by reports.

Service agreements (where applicable) and reporting requirements are centrally mapped and responsibilities for recording, analysing and reporting are documented.

Director, A&D


Finance, IT

March 2015 &


(*Update this policy section as requirements change, e.g. Transition to Home Support Programme in July 2015)

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GOAL 2. Effective Service Delivery

2.1 Provide person centred, culturally appropriate and responsive services to Aged & Disabled clients that support them to be independent and lead fulfilling lives in their community.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

2.1.1 Provide a range of appropriate Aged &

Disability services to all program clients that

meet their assessed needs – using:

Improved Client Assessment & Care

planning tools developed as part of

SDAP project.

Regular review and documentation


Active engagement with clients,

carers and relevant stakeholders.

Client care plans in place for all clients and evidence of Consumer Directed Care where required.

Evidence of up to date, relevant information maintained on individual client files, including regular progress notes and care plans.

Client feedback and evidence of actions arising from this.

Capture of personal information on individual client goals and preferences reflected in client assessments and case management plans.

Documented evidence of delivery or support of individual clients in activities.

Relevant training in specialist areas of community care, i.e. dementia, continence, active ageing, case management etc. is evidenced in A&D Training register(s).





(*with support &


supervision where


Dec 2014 &


2.1.2 Identify and assess clients needs

using improved client assessment

processes; and

Support clients through appropriate

programs i.e. Disability clients under DIHS

or ISP, not HCP and HACC.

No. of Assessment Team referrals and type of referrals to CDRC services.

Referrals being actioned and clients being placed, evidenced in client data and reports

Outgoing referrals from CDRC services for other supports, e.g. Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS), Continence Nurse, and Allied Health etc.

Additional packages and/or program funds secured to meet assessed need.

A&D Manager/




Funding rounds

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2.2 Develop comprehensive and appropriate Aged & Disability services in remote communities in the Central Desert Region.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

2.2.1 Consolidation of services in Willowra

and Engawala, and service expansion in

Yuelamu to meet escalating need*.

(*Using processes as defined under 2.1.2)

Evidence of documented community consultation for service development.

Employment of appropriate staff including externally sourced staff with relevant skills and qualifications as well as locally sourced staff with language and cultural expertise.

A&D services provide a range of relevant supports identified through the assessment process and are within the program scope and budget.

A&D Manager/



A&D Manager

A&D Manager

and Coordinators

Feb – June


Feb – June

2015 and



2.2.2 Capital improvements:

Review a priorities list for capital

improvements to promote

transparency across the region and

forward planning.

Attain appropriate funds and apply

those funds to improve facility and

service delivery quality; and

Apply appropriate procurement &

project management strategies.

Priorities list for capital improvements updated.

Submissions lodged and no. of successful (attained)

Capital works are completed against prioritised list and in identified timeframe(s).

Funds fully expended as per grant(s) and in specified timeframe(s).

Funds acquittal’s completed on time.

Director, Finance,

A&D Manager,

Council Works

(project section)

and Corporate

services -


July 2015 and


2.2.3 Develop a regional model that

strategically aligns services based on

geographic proximity to improve

professional supervision, standards

monitoring and quality assurance; and

Negotiating integrated service delivery

where service funding is absent or


Consultation occurs with stakeholders (communities, staff, external agencies, i.e. health services, other Councils/ Incorporations, funding bodies).

Model defined

Submissions completed for funding

Funding secured

Director & A&D


May 2015 &

ongoing as


May 2015

June 2015

August 2015

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2.3 Develop an organisational culture of continuous quality improvement (CQI).

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

2.3.1 Quality improvement in care

coordination and client centred case

management is applied across the services

with identified strategies to support

professional supervision, i.e.

• Recruit & retain a Manager experienced in client case management who can mentor and support Coordinators.

• Support for staff to attend regional / national training and forums.

• Promote the role of local staff and Care workers in their role as cultural brokers.

Recruitment of a suitably qualified and experienced Aged & Disability Services Manager.

Evidence of client and family carer input in care plans.

Training attendance of (all) staff who have a role in client assessment, planning, monitoring and review, including training in Consumer Directed Care; and Training in case management for Coordinators.

No. of Care worker staff completing certificate level courses in aged and community care.

Director/ Exec

Coordinators &

Care workers

End Jan 2015

March 2015

(internal review)

May – August


Dec 2015


against 2014)

2.3.2 Annual review* of forms and other

documentation to ensure compliance with

changes in programs or legislation.

• An internal service review tool is developed and used to encourage self assessment and support CQI.

Annual internal service review and Community Care Common Standards (CCCS) self assessment completed.

Compliance standards met/ not met and actions identified.

Recognition of best practice, i.e. outcomes in Quality reviews.

Evidence of innovation reported in monthly reports and case study presentations in Coordinator (and Care worker) Workshops.

A&D Manager



March 2015 and



Monthly reports

& workshops

2.3.3 Use improved processes and tools to

educate, inform and record actions

focussing on quality improvement, e.g.

• Staff handbook, Registers, Training Plan, Tool box talks & monthly Coordinator reports; and regular meetings.

Maintenance of registers

Monthly Coordinator reports

Tool box talks – both WH&S and specific Aged & Disability

Monthly Coordinator meetings (that encourage participation, sharing of experience and knowledge).

Regular staff meetings and minutes (documented).

Coordinators &

Care workers

A&D Manager

A&D Manager &


New registers in

place since May

2014 -Ongoing

May 2015


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GOAL 3. Staffing and Workforce

3.1 Qualified and competent staff and services that have a strong local employment focus and a workforce that is culturally appropriate for the client base.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

3.1.1 Improve local service capacity, staff

knowledge and skills, by:

• Recognising and encouraging the skills that local people bring to service delivery and engage local staff more actively in quality improvement;

• Encourage and support local people to apply for aged care positions.

• Seek opportunities for up-skilling of local staff in literacy and numeracy through funded programs and networking with Job Network providers where possible;

• Liaise with Registered Training providers to deliver customised Certificate level courses; and

• Identify career pathways for local staff**

Where local staff can be up skilled / trained to meet the requirements of a position they are supported to do so.

Flexible employment conditions that can accommodate cultural needs of local staff and which can still ensure consistent service delivery and standards are maintained.

Level of pre-employment readiness of applicants (assessed).

Staff participation and attainment levels in certificate courses.

No. of local people employed and no. of local people in senior supervisor and/or Coordinator roles.

** The NT Job Package program (NTJP) should not be seen as the only pathway to

employment of local people but should be utilised to encourage people into the

workforce with a career pathway.

A&D Manager


Director & A&D


CDRC HR team

and RJCP


A&D Manager

2015 and


3.1.2 Where there are no suitable local

candidates for a position, externally sourced

candidates are sought who have relevant

skills and knowledge including staff support

in a cross-cultural environment.

Orientation process in place for new internally and externally recruited staff.

Staff Induction and orientation that meets service specific needs.

Staff retention rate monitored.

Director, A&D

Manager & HR



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Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

3.1.3 Review how contracted training

providers currently address cultural

awareness and remote readiness for

external staff and provide appropriate

training and orientation for new staff.

Two way cultural awareness training for all aged care staff.

All externally sourced staff are provided with cultural and local orientations.

Community profiling is documented and orientation and support improved, evidenced by orientation resources and completion reports.

A&D Manager &

HR team

Council and local


April 2015


April 2015

3.1.4 Clear roles, responsibilities and

delegations are documented and clearly

communicated so that people know what to

do, what’s expected of them, what

resources they should use, when tasks are

due, and where to go to for help.

Position description review across Aged & Disability team completed.

Evidence of good practice that demonstrate recruitment against Position description criteria.

Documented delegations and operations processes.

Director, A&D

Manager & HR


Jan – March



3.2 Retention of quality staff and effective support and succession strategies to ensure continued, quality service delivery.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

3.2.1 All local staff are oriented to their job

role and given training on individual tasks

with the process clearly documented.

Orientation processes evidenced by completion register.

All staff receive a care worker handbook and orientation.




3.2.2 Seek and promote training and

networking opportunities to coordinators

and care workers to develop skill sets and

knowledge to improve the operations of the

services, and positive outcomes for clients.

Monthly Coordinator meetings

Attendance at relevant training.

Access to training sessions with other Council programs e.g. WH&S, and where possible, with other providers, e.g. Remote Allied Health - Industry specific information and training.

A&D Manager &


All staff


April 2015


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Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

3.2.3 Training Needs Assessments (TNAs)

for all staff, which are linked with

professional development and a program

wide training plan.

TNAs completed and annual review of these.

Training Plan reflective of findings from staff TNAs.

Director, A&D

Manager &




3.2.4 Operations Guides (Procedures) will

be maintained for each service and where

possible all services will follow standard

working practices.

Expanded* orientation process in place for new internally and externally recruited staff. (* Includes new SDAP resources)

Daily Operational Guides & task lists in place at each service that staff can independently follow.

Individual community operating procedures (Daily Operational Guide) + Community profile provided to all incoming coordinators to ensure smooth transition and continuity of services.

A&D Manager &



3.2.5 Succession strategies developed to

ensure consistent and sustainable service


• Attracts suitable applicants; and

• Supports people to work „up‟ in other roles and broaden the skill base.

Specific Aged & Disability pre-employment briefing formalised as part of recruitment pack.

No. of occasions where staff act on (paid) ‘higher duties’.

No. of Indigenous* Coordinators doubles by 2016. (* not necessarily from the same community)

Staff retention rate monitored.

Director, A&D

Manager and HR

March 2015




3.3.6 Embed a good culture of performance

management and staff development; and

Encourage and develop interpersonal and

coaching skills of Coordinators in their team

management role.

Evidence of mentoring and coaching from Coordinators with their teams.

No. of occasions where staff act on (paid) ‘higher duties’.

No. of Indigenous* Coordinators doubles by 2016. (* not necessarily from the same community)

Staff retention rate monitored.

Coordinator performance reviews conducted.

A&D Manager &


March 2015

(internal review)

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GOAL 4. Compliance, Risk and Systems Management

4.1 Well managed and maintained physical infrastructure that meet Environmental Health and Workplace Health & Safety standards and Home Care Standards/Community Care Common Standards and Flexible Aged Care standards.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

4.1.1 Food Safety Plan is reviewed and

updated as required; and

Site specific WH&S assessments are

conducted that also address specific Aged

& Disability needs.

Fleet management policy to ensure vehicles for food and client transport are safe and appropriate.

Buildings that comply with Food Safety Codes and Inspections.

Vermin and pest control practices in place and documented.

Aged & Disability accessible workplaces, evidenced by site audit.

Food safety audit conducted biannually.

Coordinator monthly reports provide timely advice on WH&S and other risk issues.

Council –




A&D Manager

A&D Manager


March 2015

March – April

2015 site audit

April and



4.2 Improving equality of infrastructure standards across all sites - supporting staff and clients safely.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

4.2.1 Information gathered as part of 2014

submission proposals is used and

expanded to develop a service wide

infrastructure plan that is prioritised and


Detailed and costed infrastructure plan in place.

Appropriate infrastructure identified and secured for aged care program.

Completion of 2014/15 upgrades to aged care building(s) to meet standards (Priority Infrastructure upgrade plan).

Audit of physical assets conducted at each site on annual basis and plan developed for upgrades to meet standards.

Director and

Council as the


Finance, A&D

Manager, Council

Works and


services areas.

April 2015


Oct 2015


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4.3 Effective financial management and information systems.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

4.3.1 Reduce financial risk by improving

internal systems, including:

• Triggers in place to identify when client payments stop & a clear protocol documented on how rectified and by whom.

• Direct costing is done to inform service budgets and improve cost control.

• Monthly reporting from Finance against the Program budget is provided to Aged & Disability Management for review.

• Service level budgets are developed with A&D Coordinators and responsibility for ordering is devolved to Coordinators to improve ownership and accountability for expenditure and cost control.

• Purchasing guidelines reviewed with approved suppliers as per the Food Safety Plan and according to service level budgets.

Monitor incoming client fees via monthly financial reports.

Client (stopped) payments / updates notified to A&D Manager by Finance in fortnightly period that they occur.

Client payment issues resolved within 2 days of notification.

Costing of all goods and services delivered under the A&D Program is completed.

Monthly financial reports

Service level budgets developed

Purchasing guidelines reviewed, actions implemented and documented in Food Safety Plan.

Finance and A&D


A&D Manager &


A&D Manager

and Finance

A&D Manager,

Finance &


A&D Manager,

Finance &




As Required

April 2015


May 2015

March – June


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Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

4.3.2 information systems upgraded to

support identification, access and storage of

key information and program resources


• Current client assessment and documentation forms and registers.

• Policy & procedures & training tools.

• Staff Meeting minutes.

• Communication tools, i.e. client information pamphlet.

A&D Coordinators and Regional Office staff are all able to access the internal shared drive using the Internet.

A mapped system is developed for the internal shared drive so that information is clearly and easily accessible for A&D Staff.

Protocols are developed for the uploading, downloading and storage of information.

Updates provided to Coordinators and staff – evidenced by a log (register) of all issued / re-issued documents.

Version control used as an indicator of document currency.

Staff are alerted to updated forms/resources via consistent process, e.g. Fortnightly Coordinator meetings, recall meetings etc.

A&D Manager, IT

& Coordinators

July 2015

4.3.3 An effective client management

system that operates in a remote context

and can meet CDRC Aged & Disability

current needs as well as have the capacity

to address ongoing reforms in consumer

directed care.

Client Management System (CMS) submission is reviewed and approved by Dept of Social Services.

Required improvements in CDRC Finance & IT systems in place

Funding obtained for a CMS and any infrastructure and training to support implementation is conducted.

System trialled

System reviewed

Fully operational CMS in place across all Aged & Disability Services

Director, A&D

Manager &

Council IT

Jan 2015

June 2015

February 2015

March - July


August 2015

Nov 2015

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GOAL 5. Communication, Linkages and Engagement

5.1 Develop, sustain and maintain effective communication across program management levels.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

5.1.1 Develop information process for

sharing of essential information between

levels of management.

Regular coordinator meetings / teleconferences documented.

Development of communication strategy for effective internal communication.

Director and A&D


Feb 2015

5.2 Develop stronger links with other organisations that have a supporting role in aged and disability community care.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

5.2.1 Shared Work Protocols with local

Health Clinics in place at every service site

and are reviewed minimum annually; and

Organisation level MoUs are progressed

where required.

Maintenance and annual updating of MoU’s and Protocols with clinics.

Formalisation and maintenance of organisation level MoUs, e.g. with NT Health.


A&D Manager,

Director and CEO


Feb 2015 &


5.2.2 Establish regular meetings between

Coordinators and local Clinic staff.

Regular meetings and recorded in A&D meetings register(s). Coordinators Ongoing

5.2.3 Build capacity to either access or

provide regional respite services, i.e. Ti

Tree Flexible Aged Care and other

providers in Alice Springs, Tennant Creek

and Katherine.

Review of respite needs and development of a regional respite plan completed.

Access to appropriate respite services.

No. of clients using respite from Ti Tree Flexi service.

A&D Manager &


May 2015


Service reports

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5.3 Active community engagement that promotes program awareness and supports stronger links in communities.

Strategies Success measures (how we know we have achieved outcomes) Responsibility Timeframe

5.3.1 Strengthen carers to better support

the aged & disabled and maintain their own

wellbeing by:

• Inviting carers to participate in relevant training such as Dementia, Personal Care, and Nutrition etc.

• Including carers in activities where appropriate.

Progress notes

Feedback survey

No. of family carers attending training sessions.

Attendance and participation of Aged & Disability staff at local agency meetings and Local Community Authority meetings.

No. of community events/cultural events, sports days, art and social activities (record in Progress notes and Coordinator reports).

Coordinators &

Care workers






5.3.2 Promote healthy ageing and provide

services that are culturally appropriate and

respond to individual and community needs,


• Promoting how community people can access the program and what their rights and responsibilities are;

• Developing a communication strategy and appropriate resources to support the strategy- engaging with Local Authority‟s; and

• Service sites promote Aged & Disability positively as „Living and Ageing well‟ and use opportunities to integrate with other community activities and events where relevant.

Client /carer information updated and includes ‘Rights and Responsibilities’.

Further development of an Aged & Disability communication strategy using new resources and building on key objectives in the Strategic Plan.

Appropriate communication resources for information dissemination between Council, community and potential clients e.g. client information pack and stakeholder information packs in place.

Implementation of the communication strategy.

Management &


(Input from

Director as req.)

External support

for resource

development as


Feb 2015

March – May


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Appendix A. SCOR Analysis

Strengths Challenges

Coordinators generally are skilled, with experience and cultural awareness.

Good cohesive and supportive team

Good peer network and rapport among Coordinators.

Resilient and proactive support workers.

Strong cultural capacity and innovation.

Experienced and knowledgeable A&D Manager

Supportive senior management

Functional systems and corporate support processes are in place.

Workforce development is a recognised priority.

Great nutritious food.

Client understanding and awareness of need is high.

Sustainable funding

Good trainers and training at a variety of levels.

Management understands importance of quality improvement.

Infrastructure is at a good standard in most sites and majority of vehicles are

appropriate and in good condition.

Strong partnerships with external stakeholders.

ACAT and Disability assessments are reported promptly.

Disability clients and younger clients - minimal external disability case management


Lack of funding to meet the disability care and case management demand. (Inequity of $

and expectation of reporting)

Dual diagnosis and complex clients e.g. ABI and disability and chronic and complex care.

Being able to meet the client needs safely and adhere to WH&S and duty of care.

Improving awareness within the A&D Remote Health Barkly Team of CDRC services‟

capacity to provide effective support for clients. (Improve understanding of service delivery

context and capability to better meet client outcomes.)

Referral process, embedding good and consistent practice.

Awareness of the diversity of the Allied Health team role(s).

Waiting time for ACAT and Disability assessments in remote locations are 6-8 weeks


Effective communication at program management and service delivery level in order to

deliver effective services in remote locations.

Maintaining effective mentoring and coaching to Coordinators and their teams with current

staffing structure.

Current staffing model and operations, i.e. Coord /Area Coord / Case Manager?

Supervisor/ Cultural Advisor, cultural authority – constructing jobs on cultural strengths

based approach. Recognising the skills that people bring to the job, not just the skills

required for the job.

Staff Induction and orientation not meeting service specific needs.

Inequality in infrastructure standard across all remote sites.

Lack of appropriate client management systems impacts negatively on administration

workload and impeded performance.

Performance management and staff development requires further training and system


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Opportunities Risks

Revising the staffing structure to improve capacity, efficiency, outcomes and

support across the team.

Better promote aged & disability as a career pathway among local workforce using

effective communication tools and positive messaging.

Improving engagement of local workforce – building on current recruitment


Being more open to other training models, new technology and new and

appropriate resources.

New technology / mediums for client and community engagement, e.g. interactive

client information/ program promotion.

Expanding the induction process to improve cultural and context orientation of new

staff. Cross cultural training

New and improved client management system which addresses data capture and

is easy to use and understand.

Not having timely financial information e.g. accounts payable and other expenditure such

as admin costs, communication (indirect costs).

Accessing actual budgets with a monthly cash flow against the budget forecast to improve


Meeting service agreement requirements in a timely manner.

No effective client database collection – inhibiting data mapping and input data and


Conflict of process and information between HR roles and aged & disability specific

industry requirements.

Organisational induction vs. program induction

Meeting actual demand. Ensuring that funding meets our ability to deliver services to meet

the need.

Raising expectations at community level which may not be sustained ($).

Contemporary assessment of client need and capacity to respond in a timely way to meet

changing client need and demand for service support.

Not having a succession plan and managing high turnover including transient

workforce……Indigenous employment strategy…..cultural paradigm and flexible approach

to workforce (more people casually rather than permanent).

The conflict that this poses (people focus vs. funding focus). – Engaging at community

level – aged care mob.

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Aged & Disability Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017